REQUEST FOR PROGRAM REVISION Please use this form to submit requests for the following types of revisions to existing academic programs. 1. Changing the name of a major, minor, certificate, concentration, or track 2. Adding, eliminating, or substantially revising courses required for the major (a cumulative change since the last registration with the NY State Education Department of one-third or more of the degree’s credit requirements requires re-registration) 3. Adding an option or concentration within the program 4. Eliminating a requirement for completion, including an internship, clinical, cooperative education, or other work-based experience 5. Changing the focus, design, location, format, mode of delivery, or calendar of a degree program 6. Altering liberal arts content in a way that changes degree classification (A bachelor of arts degree requires 75% liberal arts content; a bachelor of science degree requires 50%; and a bachelor of professional studies requires 25%) 7. Revising the number of credits required for any certificate 8. Discontinuing a program 9. Revising the admission criteria for a major/minor/certificate/concentration/track 10. Revising the criteria for progression in a major/minor/certificate/concentration/track 11. Revising the GPA requirements for a major/minor/certificate/concentration/track Please note: Program revisions are NOT retroactive to preceding semesters or catalogs. Revisions that will impact students using an earlier catalog for their degree requirements must be noted. The Proposal to Implement a New Major, Minor, Master’s, or Certificate Program should be used for new academic programs. The Routine Course Change Form should be used to request revisions to specific course information (course number, credit, titles, descriptions, prerequisites, deletions, etc.). Please answer the following questions: A. Please indicate the type(s) of revision (numbers 1-11 from the list above): B. Name of degree (B.A./B.S. and discipline): C. Number of credits impacted by this change (Please note that eliminating a 3-credit course and adding a new one in its place counts as a 6-credit change): D. Number of credits required to earn the degree (i.e., 120 for B.A. or 36 for M.S.): E. Department: F. CIP Code (refer to G. HEGIS Code (refer to “Index of Programs” in Marist catalog): H. Please indicate all registered programs covered by this revision. For example, 4-year program and 5-year program, onground and online, main campus and Fishkill, traditional and accelerated: I. Contact Person Date Title Telephone Rev. 3/30/2015 J. Proposals should include the following. Please check each required item or indicate “N/A” Program revision form (Questions A-J) Votes Signatures Program narrative – Questions 1-11 Side-by-side comparison (Table 1) Recommended course sequence (Table 2a or 2b) Revised program description and updated program requirements Course descriptions for all new and revised courses List of new courses and corresponding faculty instructor (Table 3) Faculty information (Table 4) List of new/revised courses and corresponding faculty who teach them (Table 2) Syllabi for all new courses in the program (to be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee) Evidence of coordination with affected departments K. Votes Yes No Abstain N/A N/A N/A Date Department School AAC (if applicable:) Grad Council Full Faculty Board of Trustees Describe rationale for dissenting votes: L. Signatures (electronic signatures are encouraged) : Dean Date Chair, Academic Affairs Committee Date Vice President for Academic Affairs Date Rev. 3/30/2015 Narrative Instructions 1. Describe and explain all proposed changes and the effective date 2. Provide a rationale for the changes, including if any changes are the result of assessment activities 3. Provide a side-by-side comparison of the existing and newly modified program (see Table 1) 4. Complete a recommended course sequence for the revised program (Table 2a for undergraduate programs, Table 2b for graduate programs) 5. Provide a revised program description and updated program requirements as they will be published in the catalog 6. Provide course descriptions for all added courses (both new and existing courses), as they will appear in the catalog. Significantly revised courses should be treated as new 7. Provide a list of all added courses and identify the corresponding faculty members (preferably full-time) who will teach them (Table 3) 8. Complete Table 4 for the faculty listed in Table 3 9. Provide syllabi for all new or revised courses. Each syllabus must include a course description and identify course credit, objectives, topics, student learning outcomes, texts/resources, and the basis for determining grades. Syllabi must be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. 10. If the proposal is to discontinue a program, please describe the plans to accommodate currently enrolled students 11. Include evidence of coordination with all departments that are affected by the change 12. Further Authorization Does the program prepare students for teacher certification or professional licensure? Does the change add a distance education format to a registered program? Is this a dual degree program? If yes to any of these, further information will be required by the VPAA. Rev. 3/30/2015 Table 1: Side by Side Comparison – SAMPLE (modify as appropriate) Current Program Course Titles Course Requirements in Major Field # Cr Proposed Program Course Titles Course Requirements in Major Field Electives Electives Course Requirements in Related Fields Course Requirements in Related Fields Concentrations Concentrations Total Credit Requirement for Major # Cr Total Credit Requirement for Major Rev. 3/30/2015 Table 2a: Undergraduate Program Schedule Indicate academic calendar type: __Semester Label each term in sequence, consistent with the institution’s academic calendar (e.g., Fall 1, Spring 1, Fall 2) Use the table to show how a typical student may progress through the program; copy/expand the table as needed. Term: Course Number & Title __Quarter __Trimester __Other (describe) Cr Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Term: Course Number & Title Cr Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Term: Course Number & Title Cr Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Term: Course Number & Title Cr Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Term: Course Number & Title Term credit total: Term: Course Number & Title Cr: credits Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Cr Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Cr Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Term credit total: Term credit total: Program Totals: Cr Term credit total: Term credit total: Term: Course Number & Title Check course classification(s) LAS Maj New Prerequisite(s) Term credit total: Term credit total: Term: Course Number & Title Cr Credits: LAS: liberal arts & sciences Term credit total: Liberal Arts & Sciences: Maj: major requirement Major: New: new course Elective & Other: Prerequisite(s): list prerequisite(s) for the noted courses Rev. 3/30/2015 Table 2b: Graduate Program Schedule Indicate academic calendar type: __Semester Label each term in sequence, consistent with the institution’s academic calendar (e.g., Fall 1, Spring 1, Fall 2) Use the table to show how a typical student may progress through the program; copy/expand the table as needed. Term: Course Number & Title Credits Term credit total: Term: Credits Course Number & Title Term credit total: Term: Credits Course Number & Title Term credit total: Term: Credits Course Number & Title __Quarter __Other (describe) New Prerequisite(s) Term: Course Number & Title Credits New Prerequisite(s) New Prerequisite(s) Term credit total: Term: Credits Course Number & Title New Prerequisite(s) New Prerequisite(s) Term credit total: Term: Credits Course Number & Title New Prerequisite(s) New Prerequisite(s) Term credit total: Term: Credits Course Number & Title New Prerequisite(s) Term credit total: Program Totals: __Trimester Term credit total: Credits: Identify any comprehensive, culminating element(s) (e.g., thesis or examination), including course number if applicable: New: indicate if new course Prerequisite(s): list prerequisite(s) for the noted courses Rev. 3/30/2015 Table 3: List of Added Courses and Corresponding Faculty Please list course names and numbers for all newly added courses and identify the primary faculty instructor. New Courses to be Added to Degree Requirements/Options (Note: syllabi and course descriptions required) Faculty Instructor Existing Courses to be Added to Degree Requirements/Options (Note: course descriptions required) Faculty Instructor Rev. 3/30/2015 Table 4a: Faculty Provide information on all faculty members (full- and part-time) listed in Table 3. Faculty teaching at the graduate level must have an earned doctorate/terminal degree or demonstrate special competence in the field. Faculty Member Name and Title (include and identify Program Director) Program Courses to be Taught Additional Qualifications: list Highest and Other Applicable related certifications/ licenses; F/T or P/T Earned Degrees & Disciplines occupational experience; scholarly (include College/University) contributions, etc. Rev. 3/30/2015