March 13, 2013
Spring 2013 READY Regional Outreach Virtual Meetings
Next Generation Assessment Released Forms – EOGs
Summer Institutes Update: RttT Coordinators or PD Contacts for LEA Leadership
Teachers Collaborate Statewide Via #NCed Chat
Constructed Response Items from Fall 2012 Common Exams Now Available
3‐Part Webinar Series on Common Core State Standards
Spring 2013 READY Regional Outreach Virtual Meetings
As we move toward the end of the school year and the start of the 2013‐14 year, there will be new assessments, a new accountability model, a new evaluation system and new technology tools to support teachers and students. It's important during this time of remodeling and change that we keep strong communication flowing. The READY meetings held in the spring and fall of 2012, ongoing webinars and other methods have improved the flow of information. In April and May, State Superintendent June Atkinson and NCDPI leadership will host a third round of READY meetings, but this time, we are using virtual
meeting tools to continue the conversation and information sharing.
There will be three different times offered for participation in each of the following topics:
“Accountability/Assessmsents – Setting New Expectations” (April 8, 23 or May 6) and Home
Base/PowerSchool (April 18, 22 or 29). Due to limited log‐in allowance for these virtual meetings, we will ask schools and central offices to have one log‐in and gather their teams
to participate as a group. This will facilitate meaningful discussion afterward.
Registration information for the Spring 2013 READY Regional Outreach Virtual Meetings will soon be sent to principals and superintendents.
MORE INFO: Michael Yarbrough, Communication and Information Services,
Next Generation Assessment Released Forms – EOGs
The paper‐and‐pencil version released forms are now available for End‐of‐Grade assessments. You can find the released forms for ELA/Reading grades 3‐8, Mathematics
Grades 3‐8, and Science grades 5 and 8 on the website at . An online released form will be available soon for grades 5 and 8 science (ELA/Reading and Mathematics are not available in online versions for 2012‐13). If you have questions please contact your local
Testing Coordinator or your Regional Accountability Coordinator (RAC).
Summer Institutes Update: RttT Coordinators or PD Contacts for LEA Leadership Teams
Building District and School‐level Leadership Capacity to Change Teacher Practice and
Student Outcomes .
Planning for Summer Institutes 2013 is well under way. The NCDPI Summer Institutes 2013 webpage features the most current information about Summer Institutes logistics (i.e., dates, locations, registration, team information, and more).
Please be aware of an upcoming webinar series that will share what to expect as a participant attending this hands‐on, highly engaging, two‐day professional development experience. Based upon your team’s feedback last year, we have additional topic choices and will include Home Base integration. Webinar registration information will soon be made available. Once received, please share it with your full team.
∙ By April 1: Registration opens for Summer Institutes 2013
∙ By April 26: Summer Institutes Wikispaces available to Summer Institute teams
∙ Before April 30: Registration Window closes for Summer Institutes 2013
More details are forthcoming. Please tentatively mark your calendars with the important dates listed above.
MORE INFO: Yvette Stewart, Educator Effectiveness,
Teachers Collaborate Statewide Via #NCed Chat
#NCed Chat is a new bi‐weekly Twitter chat for North Carolina educators. #NCed Chat will provide an opportunity for North Carolina educators to grow and develop their personal learning network (PLN) by connecting with other NC educators throughout the state.
The chat will create a forum for North Carolina educators to come together once every other week in a public Twitter conversation around topics that pertain to their work. This is a great opportunity to connect with other educators with similar interests. Both school‐ and district‐level practitioners will moderate the chats.
The first chat is Tuesday, March 26, from 8 to 9 pm. The topic is “The 4 Cs of 21st Century
Learning.” Andrew Thomasson, High School English teacher from Gaston County, will lead the discussion, co‐moderating with Region 7 PD Lead Heather Mullins of the Educator
Effectiveness Division.
Visit to learn more about how to participate.
MORE INFO: Dr. Lynne Johnson, Educator Effectiveness,
Constructed Response Items from Fall 2012 Common Exams Now Available
The Department of Public Instruction has released the constructed response items and scoring rubrics that were used on the Fall 2012 Common Exams. Districts can use these items as practice for students, and can also use them to provide teachers with more experience in using rubrics to assess the student work. The released items are available at‐model/measures/released‐items/ .
MORE INFO: Jennifer Preston, Educator Effectiveness,
3‐Part Webinar Series on Common Core State Standards
The link below provides information regarding a three‐part webinar series on the Common
Core State Standards hosted by the Center for Teaching Quality. Tuesday, March 19, is the first in a series of three teacher‐led webinars. “Literacy Across the Content Areas” will focus on the efforts of teachers to work collaboratively to advance the bold ideas and expert practices of teachers.
You may access webinar information at
MORE INFO: Dr. Maria Pitre‐Martin, K‐12 Curriculum and Instruction,
If you know someone who would like to be on this list, please send their email address(es) to
***PLEASE NOTE: Each entry in this Weekly Update features the email address of at least one contact person, department or website. For questions, concerns or technical assistance, please email the appropriate contact(s) directly. Thanks!
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