March 20, 2013 NEW THIS WEEK • Educator Effectiveness Myths Debunked • Phase l and II Online Professional Development Modules • Summer Institutes 2013 Update: LEA SI Team Webinars and Registration Window • NC Educator Evaluation Webinar • Teachers to Present at CCSA NC FALCON Session IN CASE YOU MISSED IT • Spring 2013 READY Regional Outreach Virtual Meetings • Next Generation Assessment Released Forms – EOGs NEW THIS WEEK Educator Effectiveness Myths Debunked NC’s Educator Evaluation System sets higher standards and also provides educators with a refined, more accurate definition of a job well done. It also offers better information to help teachers and principals focus together on how to elevate teaching and on how to improve teaching practice. The NC Department of Public Instruction recognizes that as with any employee evaluation system, there are concerns and myths to address. Click here to read some common myths addressed by the NCDPI. MORE INFO: Jennifer Preston, Educator Effectiveness, Phase l and II Online Professional Development Modules There is now a single source for information about online professional development modules created by the NCDPI. Visit for an overview of options for teachers and administrators, descriptions and links to modules, and instructions on registration. You'll also find an implementation guide with detailed suggestions for using these modules in LEAs, with or without a professional learning community, online or face‐ to‐face. MORE INFO: Lynne Johnson, Educator Effectiveness, NC Educator Evaluation Webinar A central component of the Home Base suite of technology tools for teachers and administrators will be quick, easy access to tools for evaluation and professional development. The NCDPI will host a webinar on Friday, April 12, from 1‐3 p.m., on the 2013‐ 14 NC Educator Evaluation process and implications related to transitioning to the Educator Evaluation component of Home Base. During the session, staff will provide an overview of what to expect, address deployment of the new Evaluation System and related readiness steps (training, etc.) and discuss expected implications for LEAs related to the change. This webinar is geared to LEA Human Resources Directors and other LEA staff involved in the educator evaluation process. To register, please visit MORE INFO: Cynthia Crowdus, Learning Systems, Summer Institutes 2013 Update: LEA SI Team Webinars and Registration Window LEA SI Team Webinars To RttT Coordinators and SI Team Contacts – The Summer Institutes Planning Team will host a series of webinars to prepare you for your Summer Institutes experience. These webinars will give you pertinent information about what participants will need to know before attending Summer Institutes (including how to register each team member to attend) as well as what to expect during this year’s Institutes. There will be Q&A time during the webinar to ask any questions you may have. Please ensure that each representative attending Summer Institutes on your leadership team receives this information and attends one of the sessions below. Mark your calendars and plan to attend ONE of the following webinars: (no pre‐registration required) • Tuesday, April 9, 3:30‐4:30pm • Thursday, April 11, 3:30‐4:30pm • Tuesday, April 16, 3:30‐4:30pm *Webinars will be recorded and archived on the SI2013 Wikispaces page following the April 16 webinar. Links to this page will be provided in the webinar. Summer Institutes Registration You recently received a message to submit information about your SI team members to NCDPI. This information will be used to invite each team member to register for Summer Institutes 2013. If you have not sent in this information, please do so no later than Friday, March 22. Registration begins on Friday, April 12 (after the first team webinars) and ends Tuesday, April 30. The registration links will be posted to Please ensure your team is registered before the deadline. All members of your team must attend the same Summer Institutes location and commit to attending the full two days. MORE INFO: Yvette Stewart, Educator Effectiveness,, or Teachers to Present at CCSA NC FALCON Session Classroom teachers who are implementing the formative assessment process will showcase their work during the 2013 NC FALCON Showcase session at the Collaborative Conference on Student Achievement (CCSA) in Greensboro next week. The NC FALCON session will be held on Tuesday, March 26 from 2:30 to 4 pm in Guilford D at the Koury Center. Highlights of the session include: ‐ Displays showcasing implementation ideas, artifacts collected during implementation and teacher developed formative assessment plans used in classrooms ‐ Display showcasing the use of formative assessment by the NCDPI RTT‐ELC K‐3 Assessment Team ‐ Discussion of how High Point University is preparing pre‐service teachers using NC FALCON ‐ Model of using formative assessment in high school science ‐ NC FALCON update on the Student Ownership of Learning Module Join the following educators during the session to learn more about formative assessment and the use of NC FALCON: Carolyn Wengerd – Caldwell County Schools– Caldwell Career Center Middle College Carolyn Reed ‐ Charlotte–Mecklenburg Schools– Cornelius Elementary School Amanda Inman‐Horne – Cumberland County Schools – Gray's Creek Elementary School Shaneka Flanagan – Sampson County Schools – Hargrove Elementary School Marcelle Powell – Sampson County Schools – Hobbton Middle School Donna Thomas – Sampson County Schools – Union High School Stephanie Grady – Sampson County Schools – Lakewood High School Catrese Parks – Thomasville City Schools – Thomasville High School Jill Huffman – Watauga County Schools ‐ Valle Crucis Elementary School Dr. Shirley Disseler – High Point University Jami Inman – NCDPI – Science Consultant Erika Beattie – NCDPI ‐ RTT–ELC K‐3 Assessment Team Jami Graham ‐ NCDPI ‐ RTT–ELC K‐3 Assessment Team Darlene Germano ‐ NCDPI ‐ RTT–ELC K‐3 Assessment Team Prepare to come to this session to learn how educators use the formative assessment principles in NC FALCON with students. Teacher developed resources and strategies will be shared. MORE INFO: Carmella Fair, Learning Systems, IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Spring 2013 READY Regional Outreach Virtual Meetings As we move toward the end of the school year and the start of the 2013‐14 year, there will be new assessments, a new accountability model, a new evaluation system and new technology tools to support teachers and students. It's important during this time of remodeling and change that we keep strong communication flowing. The READY meetings held in the spring and fall of 2012, ongoing webinars and other methods have improved the flow of information. In April and May, State Superintendent June Atkinson and NCDPI leadership will host a third round of READY meetings, but this time, we are using virtual meeting tools to continue the conversation and information sharing. There will be three different times offered for participation in each of the following topics: “Accountability/Assessmsents – Setting New Expectations” (April 8, 23 or May 6) and Home Base/PowerSchool (April 18, 22 or 29). Due to limited log‐in allowance for these virtual meetings, we will ask schools and central offices to have one log‐in and gather their teams to participate as a group. This will facilitate meaningful discussion afterward. Registration information for the Spring 2013 READY Regional Outreach Virtual Meetings will soon be sent to principals and superintendents. MORE INFO: Michael Yarbrough, Communication and Information Services, Next Generation Assessment Released Forms – EOGs The paper‐and‐pencil version released forms are now available for End‐of‐Grade assessments. You can find the released forms for ELA/Reading grades 3‐8, Mathematics Grades 3‐8, and Science grades 5 and 8 on the website at An online released form will be available soon for grades 5 and 8 science (ELA/Reading and Mathematics are not available in online versions for 2012‐13). If you have questions please contact your local Testing Coordinator or your Regional Accountability Coordinator (RAC). RACE TO THE TOP WEEKLY UPDATE INFO If you know someone who would like to be on this list, please send their email address(es) to ***PLEASE NOTE: Each entry in this Weekly Update features the email address of at least one contact person, department or website. For questions, concerns or technical assistance, please email the appropriate contact(s) directly. Thanks! ***LINKS: PC users might need to press the CTRL button when clicking on a hyperlink in this document. Archived Race to the Top Weekly Updates are available online at: