Wednesday, March 7, 2012
If you know someone who would like to be on this listserv, please send their email address to
***PLEASE NOTE: Each entry in this Weekly Update features the email address of at least one contact person, department or website. For questions, concerns or technical assistance, please email the appropriate contact(s) directly. Thanks!
Archived Race to the Top Weekly Updates are available here:
Next Generation Assessments: Benefits of Online Assessments
Online Writing Instruction Update
Graphic Organizers Posted for LEA and Charter School Use
CCSSO Common Core State Standards: Implementation Tools and Resources (PDF attached)
RFP for IIS posted
Registration for 2012 Summer Institutes
North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards Module
Professional Development Dates for March (UDPATE)
Dr. Atkinson announces IIS Resource Consortium
Next Generation Assessments: Why Online?
Race to the Top Teacher and Principal Survey through March 30
Next Generation Assessments: Benefits of Online Assessments
There are several benefits to administering assessments online versus a paper and pencil option. By moving to online assessment, we can offer assessments that are increasingly multi-‐part, media-‐ enhanced and performance based, and which better represent the depth intended in the new standards. Another benefit is the availability of Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled accommodation for eligible students. The online assessments also offer several universal design features such as larger font sizes and adjustable background colors. The following is a list of benefits of the new online assessments.
-‐ Universal Design
Designed for increased accessibility
One item per test page
Large font
Foreground/background color schemes
Virtual highlighter and calculator
-‐ Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled Accommodation
-‐ Student Engagement
-‐ Technology Enhanced/Interactive Items
-‐ Flexible scheduling/staffing (decreased test time and changes to testing windows)
-‐ Storage Space
-‐ Test Security
-‐ Reporting
-‐ Environmentally Friendly
-‐ Cost-‐effective
To learn more about the benefits and timeline for transitioning to online assessments, please visit the online assessment website at
MORE INFO: Kayla Siler,
Online Writing Instruction Update
North Carolina is implementing a new system for writing instruction designed to provide students with opportunities to have a variety of experiences with writing across disciplines and throughout the school year. Online Writing Instruction is not an assessment, but instead a formative tool to monitor students’ progress in writing and to adjust instruction accordingly. The new system for Online Writing Instruction replaces the previous Writing Instruction System that was used in 2009-‐10 and 2010-‐11. Unlike the former Writing Instruction System, there is no required number of writing tasks to be completed and it is no longer a requirement for LEAs. It is, however, strongly encouraged for instructional use because writing is integrated into the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies,
Science and Technical Subjects. Visit NC Education at to access writing tasks by discipline, Common Core Appendix C Samples of Student Writing, and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.
The following tasks have been completed:
-‐ Inventoried the number of writing tasks by discipline.
-‐ Created cover page which includes Online Writing Instruction description and updates.
-‐ Created folders by discipline and grade level in NC Education.
-‐ Inserted writing tasks by grade level into folders for the Arts, Social Studies, Science, World Languages,
English Language Arts, and Healthful Living.
-‐ Created a folder with the Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and
Technical Subjects.
-‐ Created folder with samples of student writing from Appendix C of Common Core.
MORE INFO: Anna Frost,
Graphic Organizers Posted for LEA and Charter School Use
NCDPI has released sample graphic organizers for schools to use as part of their instructional toolkit.
Research supports the utilization of graphic organizers as a contributing factor in improving student performance. The examples provided are to model varied organizers and their use in provoking student engagement, organization and understanding, thus equipping the teacher with the knowledge to develop and use such tools effectively with the new standards. The graphic organizers are located at‐tools/#organizers.
MORE INFO: Maria Pitre-‐Martin, or Tracey Greggs,
CCSSO Common Core State Standards: Implementation Tools and Resources (PDF attached)
CCSSO has developed a list of tools and resources pointing states to promising practices and tools to support the implementation of Common Core State Standards for Math and ELA. The resources are identified by the following categories:
Information about the Standards for Parents, Teachers, Principals and Higher Education
Resources for State and District Leaders
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Resources
Common Core State Standards for ELA Resources
Implementation Resources Created by States
Assessment Consortia Information
Common Core Directory -‐-‐ Do you have questions about the Common Core State and North Carolina
Essential Standards or the online resources and don't know to whom you should direct your question? For quick access to DPI staff, visit the directory at http:// for names and contact information.
MORE INFO: Tracey Greggs,
RFP for IIS posted
The Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the development of the Instructional Improvement System (IIP) has now been posted online. Those who are interested in reviewing the RFP, please visit We are now on our way to making this system a reality!
MORE INFO: Eric Moore,
Registration for 2012 Summer Institutes
RttT Coordinators for each LEA and RttT Charters received information earlier this month about the expectations of the leadership team attending the 2012 Summer Institutes. Before the registration window opens, the RttT Coordinator will update the list of members representing the district/school PD
Leadership Team attending the 2012 Summer Institutes. Note: While some participant representation may change, these institutes are for the same leadership team that attended last year. Should many changes be required, team participants need to update new attendees.
This year, registration will be through NC Education. Participants will need their username and password to register. Registration for all LEAs and Charters will launch on Friday, March 8 and will end on Friday, March 30 . RttT Coordinators will receive registration information this week to distribute to members of the PD Leadership Team.
As a reminder, please visit for helpful information to prepare this year’s participants for their professional development experience.
You will find information about the purpose of the two-‐day training session, local lodging options around each location, and more information about the makeup of the team.
MORE INFO: Yvette Stewart,
North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards Module
Have you utilized this resource lately? This is a friendly reminder that you have full access to the North
Carolina Teaching Standards Module available through NC Education. This is a great resource for your beginning teachers or teachers not familiar with the teaching standards. Anyone with an NC Education account can access the module. The module is an in-‐depth look at the North Carolina Professional
Teaching Standards. Within the module, standards One, Two, Three and Five will take approximately one hour to 90 minutes to complete. Standard Four will take two hours to complete because there are eight elements within that standard. It is estimated to take up to seven hours to complete this entire module. However, it is at the discretion of each local district and school to determine how the module is to be completed. Great when used as a PLC or with a small collaborative learning group.
MORE INFO :: Yvette Stewart, or Tracey Greggs,
ASSISTANCE WITH NC EDUCATION :: Beth Ann Williams, or Help Desk,
Professional Development Dates for the Remainder of March (UPDATE)
8 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, PTEC (Room 1, Special Events Center,
Greensboro Coliseum)
8 – Process Support Session for K-‐12 Programs (Day 1), NWRESA
9 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams (Day 2), NWRESA
12 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, SWRESA (UNCC Campus, Cone Building)
26 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, WRESA
14 – Fidelity Support Session for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, NWRESA
14 -‐ K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams (Day 1), CCRESA, Location: Friday Center,
UNC-‐Chapel Hill. Registration:
15 – Process Support Session for K-‐12 Programs* (Day 2), CCRESA (NCSBA Building, Assembly Room)
19 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, SERESA, [WL and ESL: Celtic Court/Mad
Boar Restaurant, HL and Arts: River Landing Clubhouse]
20 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, NERESA (Vernon James Research Center)
21 – Teacher Effectiveness Vetting/New Accountability Model Meetings, NWRESA DATE CHANGED to
May 15
22 – Fidelity Support Session, Sandhills RESA (Richmond Community College, Hamlet)
22 – Common Core ELA and Math PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, PTEC (Room 1, Special Events
Center, Greensboro Coliseum)
26 – K-‐12 Programs* PD for LEA/Charter Leadership Teams, WRESA
*K-‐12 Programs = Arts Education [Dance, Music Theatre Arts], ESL, Healthful Living [Physical
Education, Health Education] and World Languages
Dr. Atkinson announces IIS Resource Consortium
Attached to this Weekly Update is a letter from State Superintendent June Atkinson announcing the creation of the Instructional Improvement System (IIS) Resource Consortium. This is a new way that the
NCDPI can partner with LEAs to leverage resources to improve instruction for all North Carolina students. LEAs and charters are invited to volunteer to share resources in one or more of the following areas: instruction and learning, assessment, professional development and talent management. This initiative will help to ensure that every school in North Carolina has access to high-‐quality resources.
Included in the attached letter is a link to a form to indicate interest in participating.
MORE INFO: Sarah McManus,
Next Generation Assessments: Why Online?
North Carolina has provided online assessments since 2005 when the administration of the computer skills test was completely online. The goal is that by 2014-‐15, all assessments will be administered online; this includes a new generation of assessments for grades 3-‐8 and high school subjects, as well as the SMARTER Balanced Assessments that will be online in 2014-‐15. Moving to an online delivery of assessments aligns with efforts already underway to provide online instructional resources, online formative and benchmark assessments, and online training and professional development for teachers.
One other important reason that North Carolina plans to transition to online assessments is to take advantage of computer adaptive testing. As a governing member in the SMARTER Balanced Assessment
Consortium, North Carolina plans to adopt the common assessments developed by the consortium,
which are being designed in a computer adaptive format. A brief overview of the latest information on
North Carolina’s online assessments can be found at
For more information on the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium, please visit their website at
MORE INFO: Kayla Siler,
Race to the Top Teacher and Principal Survey through March 30
Last month, principals and teachers at selected schools around the state were emailed a link to the annual Race to the Top Teacher and Principal Survey. The survey takes 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and respondents only need their district-‐provided email address to log in. The survey will be open through March 30th .
This survey is extremely important as it will provide information to the larger RttT Evaluation regarding the impacts of RttT on educational outcomes as well as teachers’ and principals’ attitudes and behaviors related to the central reforms of the RttT initiatives – it will not be used to evaluate individual schools or educators.
MORE INFO: Race to the Top Evaluation, Omnibus Survey Team, SERVE Center at UNC-‐Greensboro,