I I I I I . . ~ .' .. . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNITED NUCLEAR - HDMESTAKE.PARTNERS URANIUM WlLLING OPERATIONS GRANTS, NEW MEXICO ..... ..: .. i. . ... . . . ,. . I I 1 I I I I. I 1 I I I 1 I' I I I I I URANIUM ORE MINING AND MILLING . . '.. UNITED NUCLEAR AT - HOMESTAKE PARTNERS ,. GRANTS, NEW MEXICO Homestake Mining Company and United Nuclear Corporation i n a major uranium mining ' ' ' .. ; ': . 8 . . .',, .a aFB partners aqd milling venture in New Mexico formerly called Homestake-Sapin Partners and recently renamed United Nuclear Partners. . . . . . .' ,. , .' . . . , The Partnershiphas beena - Homestake major producer.of uranium cince 1458 wheh a contract was signed in 1957 with the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Since that time i t and another partnership, Homestake (closed November 1961) have delivered approtrlmately - New Mexico Partners' 27,000,000 pounds o f U3O8 to the Conraission plus approximately 628,000 pounds of U308 t o t h e c o m r c i a l market. The Partnership currently opeFates six mines,a t t u t k h g rdWki3ion and a 3,500 ton per day alkaline leach miZ1.. Recently the pavmers a Eevised Partomship agreement that providea for distribution of uranium concentrate produced exfsring SF: co#fracts and &ti. t6 the pwk!%ers iequjiienmt needed t a f u l f i l 3 Cor t h e ,par%trrwrJFCQ share in the available mill capaciey OS fhtir itrdivkduaX a basis f o r tn '&Wcsrso i annouriced, ~GCQUR~.S, T&$a new arrangements will insure it.8a rang-term o p e k i o n o f khnese mining end processing faC&LiC&6 a t a time, when wbstantia;k EuZwo growth is anticipated gor the uraafum tadurrrry. . . . .. .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . UNITED NUCLEAR - HOMESTAKE PARTNERS CURRENT MILLING OPERATIONS During the ten years since operations werebegun a t the &itt%d Wwlear - Homestake Partners uranium m i l l , $he, processing flowsheet has undesgom gradual changes u n t i l the present flowsheet has beenevolved. ORE PREPARATION Ore Receiving. Ore forprocessing which a r e 10 to 52 miles distant €nom the'milS. 22 t o 28 tons. .Control loadsof i s t8CaiVed from varioue m%es $S%hed i s t r i c t of the ore The' @re i s delivered %%x Wuck i s by consecwtive lot which vary from 200 to 1,500 tons, usually consist ore lots, from one mine in one day. The o r e i s then dumped empty truck i s weighed. is taken for a sf the .and oFe received the milit, f t 'is weighed; and tRe ore ka aesigned As each truck arrives at to a lot. xiiuri1&2% in 'a on che ore pad, and 'the specified area A sampie fr@n the dump p i l e of each truck load ~ l are f moistujce determinatton kiRLch is used t o calc&lbte the dry &is o f ore in each l o t . Crushing. . The concrete p0r&~ri o f i s coveredwitha the ore must pastf. s3se ora pad coatainsasub-gradehopper that griaz;l;y; Tho ga%ezlp has164nchsquaneopeningsthrou,gh The oee horpper d b e h a r g e s onto t(r$ aprorr feeder which Bas a variable speed dwive and is controlled by tbe crusher operabr. a. discharges through an anchor chain cwt.a&, a42-inchconveyor belt, The crusher . t which The apron' feeder ovgk a statlonaary gtieely, afid cttv6a feed belk disehargee %heore oiuto a v i e a t i n g grizzly which al%owBthe m h a a &wb&wh Ififactimn oT eke ?$e The orusheher i s a twin rotov Universal Impact BreaktM:. t~ bppae.U $Ire enifdter. . .. The crusher discharge and the Wbrating grizzly ugdeosiar: &%e@~3lobLt& I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and elevated bymeans o f conveyor b e l t s t o two, 6 by 12-foot vibrating screens which a r e coveredwith a 1/2-inch by 4-inch slotted f a l l s o n t o a r e t u r n b e l t for recycle to the crusher, dropsonto a conveyor and is t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e Drying. Ores thatcontain ca t h e Samplin%:. . a t 5% moisture,onto rocating samplers that cut all retaw and thg c m h e r CfMveybt b e l t The dtyer burner bas a capacity o f 10 COQSiStS 0 r fu62 &l. of four s t a g e s o f Geary-iaaingB, ZeCiZp- of the ore stream pave of t h e time.The on the ettcisc crushing plant output sample into a small surge bin. %his for the di.96t FQ Supplied and i t can be f i r e d with e i t h e r n a t u r a l g a s The samplingplant stage sampler operates co-currently fired, vibrating screens. Draft by two, 45W Rotoclone dust collectoxs. million Btu per hour, sampling plant. 8O-foot, The dryerdischargestheore, wtrlch returns thp. ore and the sereen undersize is the vibrating grizzly uudersize The feed to the dryer discharge. The screen oversize more than 8 t o 9% moisturerequixedf2hg. is accomplished i n a 10-foot diameter by dryer. screer!, The sorgo $fa ocllotatw a A and disicharges tbe lima sensing device which controls the speed of the belts feeding the remaining a steady stream o f f a l l f P g ore for ea& rampler. f&sC sampikers tQinawe r@Ucrusher inserted in the sample l i o e b e t v e e a t h e second m d W s d sanp&ers reduces the p a r t i c l e s i z e from I f 2 t o l ' f 4 - t ~ . c k ~ The f h a Z aampze i a ~ 0 D e c t a din a drsrm in a quantftig apulvalent to (one pound of sampde E m ea& faur cow o f Q F ~ - . %e sample t o a 100-pound lot sample. d r i e d aa& s p l i t down The lot ~anqhaiei~Ehea prepared f o r asray using a procedure approved by t h e Atomic Ene%$y Cammiartlmk. ,2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A conveyor b e l t t r a n s p o r t s t h e o r e of t h e o r e p r i o r t o m i l l i n g ; plant to the top the ore into of t h e f i n e o r e b i n s , anyone .. i s very l i t t l e blending i t s i d e n t i t yu n t i lt h eo r er e a c h e st h eo r eb i n s ,t h e r e from t h e sample and a b e l t t r i p p e r i s used to discharge of four ore bins or into a truck hopper f o r return t o t h e o r e pad. Grinding. bymeans The f e e dt ot h eg r i n d i n gc i r c u i t s is withdrawn from the f i n e orebins One feeder i s manuallycontrolled of two belt feeders inder each bin. i s automaticallyconttolled. and theotherfeeder collecting belt for transfer to the ball the ore roasting circuit, The feedersdischargeonto m i l l feed belt or onto The b a l l mill feed belts contain which supply the load signals for the a belt feeding weigh sections Condo-Weigh weightometers. meters in turn vary the speed of the automatic feeders to maiatain feedtotheball mills. a The weightoa constant Two ore bins supply the feed for each grinding cir- cuit. The g r i n d i n g c i r c u i t c o n s i s t s Hardinge c o n i c a l b a l l mills. WEMCO s p i r a l c l a s s i f i e r . of two, 10-foot diameter by 66-inch, The mills operate in closed circuit with A t a f e e d r a t e of 73 tonsperhour, 48 mesh and 35% minus 200 mesh i s produced. a grind of steel b a l l s . 5% plus The b a l l charge i n each m i l l is approximately 22 tons, and the ba15 make-up c o n s i s t s of equal weights 2-1/2-inchforged a 72-inch o f 2 aiad Each bas1 m i l l i s driven by a 400 hp, 4,160- . v o l t , wound r o t o r motor d i r e c t l y g e a r e d t o t h e b a l l a t 20 rpm o r 83% of critical speed, Grinding mill. The b a l l mills operate is conducted a t 65% s o l i d s i n a sodium carbonate and bicarbonate m i l l solution containing 37 grams Na2C03 per l i t e r and 7 grams NaHC03 per liter. Roasting. The c l a s s i f i e r s overflow a t 20% s o l i d s . The l e a c h i n gc h a r a c t e r i s t i c so fc e r t a i no r e s jectingtheseoresto canbe a low-temperature roast. These ores are placed 3 improved by sub- i n one ore of 20 t o 25 tonsper bin and f e d t o t h e r o a s t i n g c i r c u i t a t a r a t e roasting i s accomplished i n an 8-footdiameter i s raised slowly to temperature of the ore minute. The ore is thencooled by 80-foot rotary kiln. Exhaust i s provided by a 36W Rotoclone. the kiln. conveyor which elevates The cooler i s 8 f e e t i n of a Baker type cooler. and o p e r a t e s i n a c o n c r e t e b a s i n p a r t i a l l y f i l l e d w i t h mill solution. Mill solution transfers the ore to the ball insure adequbte is also sprayed over the cooler to The cooled ore discharges Thickenins. a t 225O.F onto a high-temperature belt pump t o a20-inchKrebscyclone. A polyacrylamideflocculent cyclonesandsby-passthethickener. preheattank and the i s mixed with in s e t t l i n g and c l a r i f i c a t i o n . The thickenedslurry i s removed from the thickener with a thickenerunderflow is pumped'with The cycloneoverflow is discharged into the feed launder of a 100-foot diameter thickener, thethickenerfeedtoaid which mill feed circuit. The c l a s s i f i e r overflow from eachgrindingcircuit a six-inch Wilfley slurry at the dis- combustion of the burner gas, ind the The roaster discharges onto a drag diameter by 55 feet long, coaling, l i f t e r s t o provide for efficient A 20-foot brick-lined section charge end of the kiln provides for the hot ore to the feed chute The and s e n t t o t h e g r i n d i n g c i r c u i t . contact of the ore with the hot air. dust collector. The 600° F a t a r a t e of 15 t o 20' F per The r o a s t i n g k i l n i s equipped with angle burners f i r e d i r e c t l y i n t o hour. Dorrcodiaphragm and the cyclone sands are a t 52-54% s o l i d s . pump a t 40% s o l i d s . recombined i n t h e l e a c h c i r c u i t The overflow from thethickeners t o a m i l l solution storage tank for recycle to The flow by gravity t h e grinding and roasting circuits. LEACHING The exWaction of the circuit consisting of a18-hour uranium from t h e o r e is ae&mplished i n a two-stage a 4.5-hour leach a t 65 psig pressure and 200' F followed by leach a t atmosphericpressure and 185O F. 4 Leaching is accomplished i n . I I I I I I ,,:, . an aerated solution containing liter. and 7 grams NaHC03 p e r 37 grams Na2C03 p e r l i t e r The extraction obtained from pressure leaching varies depending on thetype and gradeoftheore. increases the extraction tion ofonly from 85 t o 95% of theleach The atmosphericportion 7 t o 10% f u r o r e s t h a t 85%. The grade o f the ore averages ' produce a pressure leach extrac0.21% U308 and t h e leach residue averages .011% U308. o€ The chemistry of the alkaline leaching system involves the oxidation I any t e t r a v a l e n t uranium to the hexavalent state using the I I I I I I I I I I I I l i n i t y t o form a uranyl tricarbonate complex ion according to the following the air. The hexavalent uranium d i s s o l v e s i n t h e oxygen a v a i l a b l e i n presemce o f carbonatealkare- action * 2U02 iO2 i6Na2C03 + 2H20 ___o_ 2Na4U02(C03)3 The uranium w i l l not dissolve in a l k a l i n i t y formed with the + 4 MaOH a sodium carbomate solution because the hydroxide complex ion causes the ion to c o n t a l i n g sodium bicarbonate, the hydroxide alkalinity In a solution decompose. i s neutralized immediately; and the reaction proceeds as follows: 2U02 i0 2 -!- + 4Na2CO3 -!- 6Na2C03 i4Na2HCO3-2NA4U02(C03)3 2H20 . I is accomplished in two s e p a r a t ec i r c u i t s PressureLeaching..PressurePeaching each containing eight autoclaves, eight autoclaves. but Each c i r c u i t can be operated as '1 The f i r s t unit i n each leachikg circuit underflow and thecyclonesandsare i s a preheat tank A two stage c e n t r i f u g a l pumping system is &sed t o pump the preheated s l u r r y i n t o a s p l i t t e r tank where t h e s l u r r y is divided into two streams for feed to the autoclaves, tanksequippedwith bf 16-foot high, a top-mounted '"Lightrdn" mixer, 5 $ '1. i m which the thickener recombined and heated t o 150° F . The autoclaves are 12-foot diameter .+ a s e r i eos f i s Gormally divided fnto two eircuits of four autoclaves. '.I ' domed, pressure Each task has two, turbine . imFellers moumted on a l%-foot, &inch dfameter s h a f t . type,42-inchdiameter b o t t m of the autoclaves through a 30-incb bubble- Oxidation a i r is fed iato the Fn an atetoclaw cizeuit is maintaimed by an automatic cap diffuser, Pressure on thepipeheaderconnected bleed-offvalve . t o eachautoclave. leachimg is supplied by three set8 oE 2-inch- 6 t e m coils Heat f o r ia the f i c s t autoclave in each c i r c u i t of four:. Theremaiarfarg aatoclaves M e only one stem !@il which is used t o hold operating temperature an autoclave i s removed fgom service, the series of seven autoclaves; Tempezature and are maintained by allefamsztie coatrols, pressure in the autoclave circuit event that i f necessary, 'La the c%zmP%fa azranrged into a attd the tonnage is redwed t o iuain&aha ron8fant retention time. i s by gravity, amd the feed The flow through the autoelwes clave enters at the slurry surface i n t e r n a l riser. t o each aurto- and diaaharges from the battom through an A s i x d n c h d r o p between au%eebavesprovides the head for flow through the six-inch pipimg in t h e a5rcof,t, The diacharge from thelest.azBtocliwe clave i s approximatelyll,000gafla&s. i n each c i r c a f t of four flows The operating voO%ume of each auto- ilato B %eCdowa tank, ' The l e v e l in t%hel e t d o m tank is maintained by a capaeita#s@ type probe and. level conttwd&er. .From the letdown tank, the leached s'kwry d f s e b r g e s t h r o u g i exchanger t h a t coola t h e s l a r r 2 &nu system provides the energy 20@ P eo 280° B coeacmtlrie tube heat B, The pressure a%?the t o push the p a r t i a l l y leached s l u r i y &rough the letdown control valve,. the heat exchanger, and 900 f e e t of pipe t o the atmos- pheric leach circuit. AtmosphericLeachins. The atmosphetfcleaching Pachuca tanks 19 f e e t fn diameter by 38 f e e t deep. leach circuit c i r c u i tc o n s i s t s of The s l u r r y from nine the pressure 16 added to the top of the f i r s t Pachuca tank; from wbich i.t.flows 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I by gravity through the tanks Four,ten-inch pumpsump. a i r l i f t s provide agitation for each i s providedthmughsteamjacketsonthe the circuit air for oxidation Pachuca; and h e a t f o r a i r l i f t pipes. Additionai is suppliedthroughfive,3/4*inchpipessuspendedfronthe topofeachtank. ' and into an elevated The air enters the slurry approximately three feet from tho bottom of the tank, LIQUID-SOLIDS SEPARATION Filtratioh. Theremoval uranium values from t h e l e a c h c i r c u i t of.thesoluble discharge i s accomplishedwtththreestagesofcountercurrentfiltration. filter stage contains five, drumvacuum filters, Back 650 square-foot and two, 570 square-foot, rotary The filters a r e 11-1LZ f e e t i n diameter, and a r e equipped with polypropylene grids. A -huvy dutynylon f i l t e r c l a t h i s used t d cover the f i l t e r s , and 14-gauge s t a i n l e s a eteel wire is wound on t h e f i l t e r s t o retain the fiiter cloth. i I The discharge from the sLIcor&daryl e a c h i n g c i r c u i t i s pumped t o t h e f i l t e r feed tank bymeans of four-inch Wilfley feed to the first stage of a pipe-loop by means of a five-inch Wiafley slurry pump; Each of the and r e t u r n s t o t h e f i l t e r f i r s t stage f i l t e r tubshas a level c o n t r o l l e r which operates a valve on thg feed line. into the filter feed line A dilute solution of flocculent on the discharge side of the pump. and flocculent are mixed by flow through the piping asmallmixing chamber og each filter tub. enters at the center The pipe-loop feeds into the bottom of a head tank which provldes feedpressure.Excessfeedoverflswstheheadtank feedtank. The filters is pumped from the f i l t e r feed tank through each f i l t e r and then discharges I pumps and 800 f e e t o f p4pipeline. of the tub. 7 is pumped The f i l t e r feed and the feed valves The feedtoeach and i n first s t a g e f i l t e r ' i , cake i s washed with a h o t f i l t r a t e s o l u t i o n The f i r s t s t a g e f i l t e r The f i l t r a t e i s s e n t t o c l a r i f i c a t i o n , thethirdstageoffilters. from and the f i r s t s t a g e f i l t e r cake discharges into repulpers for repulping with third stage filtrate. and i n t o t h e The repulpedslurryflows by gravitythrough second s t a g e o f f i l t e r s , F l o c c u l e n t solution to aid in an a g i t a t e d sump is added to the repulper second s t a g e f i l t r a t i o n . The second and t h i r d s t a g e of filters are operated in much t h e same manner as the first stage; 'except that recarbonated barren solution from the precipi- t a t i o n c i r c u i t i s used as a f i l t e r wash and in the repulpers on t h e second stage and t a i l i n g s pond solution or water is used as a washon wash s o l u t i o n f o r e a c h s t a g e ' o f f i l t e r s s t a g e f i l t r a t e is sent to the t r a t e i s usedas wash and repulper solution of filters on t h e f i r s t s t a g e Clarification. . The Is repulpedand slurried f o r t a i l i n g s 0.8% of t h e , The f i l t r a t e produced by t h ef i r s ts t a g eo ff i l t e r s pregnant solution for the precipitation circuit, fied before precipitation fil- of f i l t e r s . The loss of soluble uranium.in the tailings slurry averages uranium i n t h e mill feed. The i s maintained a t 150° F, Thesecond m i l l s o l u t i o n c i r c u i t , and the third stage f i l t e r cake from t h e t h i r d s t a g e disposal. the third stage,. is the but the solution must b e c l a r i - t o remove slimes t h a t . h a v e p e n e t r a t e d t h e f i l t e r c l o t h s . The c l a r i f i c a t i o n i s conducted in a t h i c k e n e r i n which the major portion of the contaminants settle. TailingsDisposal. The f i l t e r cake from t h et h i r ds t a g eo ff i l t e r s with recycle solution from t h e t a i l i n g s a t a i l i n g s s l u r r y t a n k whichoverflows reciprocating sample c u t t e r . i s repulped pond and transferred through launders to i n t o a 1aunder.and over a Geary-Jennings. The t a i l i n g s sampleroperratescontfnuously 8 and d i s - '. charges into a small W-ilfley pump f o r ' t r a n s f e r t o asecofidsampler. The second and is used t o o b t a i n t h e f i n a l t a i l i n g s sampler operates intermittently The t a i l i n g s d i s p o s a l a r e a sample. is a:.llO*acre pond enclosed within an a r t i f i c i a l in 'the pond a r e a t o a height o f 10 f e e t . Dike construction i s now accomplished by pumping t h e t a i l i n g s s l u r r y a t 40% s o l i d s dike originally constructed from the clay throqghthree, truck-mounted,10-inch cyclones. and the slimes and t a i l i n g s s o l u t i o n thedike, flow i n t o t h e pond, pumps i n s e r i e s and a cyclone truck. cyclones services each half of the The pre$eDt pond. Thepumping One s e t o f pumps and capacity is 959 gpm of through 4;OOO f e e t of nine-knch pipeline t a i l i n g s s l u r r y whenpumping on The disposal o f t a i l i n g s i s handled by 'Cwo, dike is approaching 80 f e e t i n h e i g h t . eight-inchHydroseal The cyclone6depositthesands and three cyclones. The slimes in the cyclone overflow settle i n t h e t a i l i n g s pond, and the t a i l i n g ss o l u t i o n i s recoveredthrough two centrallylocateddecant tcwers. The underground i n t o a pump basin and i s returned to the recovered solution flows m i l l by means of a 900 gpm pump and 2,Sm feet of eight-inch pipeline. Tailings recycle solution is used in t h e . f i l t e r b u i l d i n g f o r washon filters and for repulping of the f i n a l ' t a i l s . used to preheat the tailings pondwash A waste heat recovery circuit the tailings slurry to pondwash of ik water.Four,tube-and-shellheatexchanaers i n t h e powerhouse cool the diesel engine jacket water preheat the tailings the third stage from 180° F t o 150' Fand water &om 80° I to 130° F. Raw water i s added to make up for evaporation and tie-up i n t h e t a i l i n g s pond. PRODUCT ReCOVERY Precipitation. The uranium e x i s t s in thepregnantsolutionasthe tricarbonate ion which i s s t a b l e a t a pH lower than11.0. complex, qranyl When the pY i s sqiaed t o above 12.0 with c a u s t i c sod#, the complex ion decomposes t o form sodium carbonate and sodium diuranate. The l a t t e r s a l t , is ayellowprecipitate, commonly called yellowcake. 2NA4U02(C03)3 + 6NaOH -. Na2U207 Precipitation i s conducted i n atwo-stage + 6Na2C03 + 3H20 c i r c u i t i n which the pregnant solution i s mixed'with recycled yellowcake to increase the soluble uranium content and then mixed with caustic soda t o p r e c i p i t a t e t h e uranium as yellowcake. The pregnanr solution for precipitation i s pumped from a storage tank through a concentric tube heat exchanger to heat the solution from 325' F t o 1500 F. The heat i s obtained by cooling the pressure leach discharge t o 180° F. The temperature of the preheated solution is.raised to tube-and-shell heat exchanger before flowing into the first of from ZOO0 F F in a 180' two yellowcake dissolving tanks. The technique of. recycling yellowcake-to a redissolving tank to achieve a solution. more complete precipitation of the was developed uranium in the original pregnant The dissolvingtanksoperatewithayellowcakerecycleequivalentto 500% of the uranium i n t h e incoming pregnant solution, In five hours of contact with the pregnant solution, a portion of the yellowcake dissolves; soluble grade of the solution increases liter toapproximately from approximately 3.5 grams of U308 per 7.5 grams of IT308 per liter. The p r e c i p i t a t i o n e f f i c i e n c y of t h e c i r c u i t v a r i e s w i t h t h e l e v e l o f s o l u b l e the grade of the and the uranium i n the feed. Based on incoming pregnant solution, .the precipitation efficiency vary from 92 to 94% on straight pregnant solution i n c r e a s ei nt h es o l u b l e will t o b e t t e r t h a n 98% with a 100% qranium i n thepregnantsolution.Undissolvedyellow- cake i n c i r c u l a t i o n does not appreciably effect the precipitatgon. The p r e c i p i t a t i o n c i r c u i t c o n s i s t s o f e i g h t a g i t a t e d t a n k s whichhave a r e t e n t i o n time of six hours.' A solution of 50% c a u s t i c soda i s metered i n t o t h e 10 I I I I I I' I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I f i r s t tank to effect fhe precipitation of theyellowcake. be added to the pipeline feeding the tank t o change t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the p r e c i p i t a t e and the efficiency of precipitation, of addition. The c a u s t i c may a l s o which a r e a f f e c t e d by the paint A s u f f i c i e n t q u a n t i t y of caustic is added t o t h e c i r c u i t t o n e q t t a l - i z e t h e sodium bicarbonate in the pregnant solution and to maintain an exceqs og 5.5 grams of NaOH per l i t e r of barren solution. a 4tO-foof The yellowcake s l u r r y from t h e p r e c i p i t a t i o n c i r c u i t f l o w s i n t o diameter by 12-foot deep thickener 8-foot deep feedwell. The thickener i s insulated with a floating. two-inch on the sides. Styrofoam l i d and two inchesofFiberglassinsulation thickener operates a t 170 t o 180' by which i s equipped with a 12-foot diameter Because the F, t h e i n s u l a t i o n i s necessary to prevent evaporation and heat ,loss which create thermal ,currents that hinder settling. The thickener underf,low is pumped a t 39-49% s o l i d s t o t h e section or to the yellowcake dissolving tank for recycle. vanadium removal The tbickenerover- flow is pumped t h r o u g h t h r e e f i l t e r p r e s s e s f o r f i n a l c l a r i f i c a t i o n and then to caustic barren storage. Recarbonation. The causticbarrensolution produced i n t h ep r e c i p i t a t i o nc i r - c u i t c o n t a i n s sodium carbonate and a small quantity of reuse the barren solution, the sodium hydrexide. caust3.c must'be converted to and sodium bicarbonate.Thisconversion sodium carbonate i s accomplished i n two packed towers i n which t h e c a u s t i c barcren solution is contacted with boiler flue gas. CO2 in t h e f l u e gas ne,utralizes the carbonate to bicarbonate. The sodium hydroxide and converts some o f the The recarbonated barren solution with NaHCO3 p e r l i t e r i s s e n t t o t h e f i l t e r b u i l d i n g f o r stage of filters. 11 .. To use as washon two grams of the second. I 1 I I VanadiumRemoval.The I moval of the excess I I I I I I I I I I I I I I primary precipitationofyellowcakeproducesaproduct which, when washed and d r i e d , w i l l assay 75 t o 77% U3O8, 5 t o 6% V2O5, and 2 t o 2.5% CO3. Although the uranium content is satisfactory, both the and carbonatecontentoftheprecipitate vanadium exceed contract specifications. Re- vanadium and carbonate i s required before the yellowcake is acceptable to the Atomic Energy Commission. The removalof t h e vanadium and, quite incidentally, the carbonate the yellowcake i s accomplished by roasting followed by water leaching. yellowcakethickenerunderflow i s .pumped t o a d i s c f i l t e r t o from The dewater t h e s l u r r y , and t h e f i l t e r cake is agitated with a small quantity of sodium'carbonate before being fed to the yellowcake roaster. Yellowcake r o a s t i n g is accomplished i n an 8-foot 6-inch diameter, hearth, Pacific furnace, and reaches 1,600' The feedtothefurnace charges into a 200' i s dried on thetophearth F by the time i t leaves the fourth hearth. sixthhearthsholdtheyellowcakeattemperature. water cooledscrewconveyor F before discharging into which cools the calcine to approximately Water is used t o d i s s o l v e the vanadium and carbonatecontaminants i n theyellowcake. thickener. overflow containing the storage. The f i f t h and The calcinedyellowcake dis- a b a l l m i l l conveyor. cake s l u r r y is collected in a 16-fooa diameter six- .The leachedyellow- by 10-foot deep thickener, and the vanadium is f i l t e r e d and sent to vanadium The vanadium solution containing 8% V2O5 i s presently sold to a nearby vanadium producer, ProductHandling. Vanadium solutioninthesecondaryyellowcakethickener underflow i s removedontwo, drum f i l t e r s . eight-foot diameter by eight-foot long, The f i r s t f i l t e r cake is repulpedwithwater on the second f i l t e r . vacuum, arld theri f i l t e r e d Water is used as a wash on each f i l t e r , but h o s t of the 12 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I washing is accomplished in the dewatering action of the filters. The.filter cake from the second yellowcake filter discharges into the extruder mechanismof a Proctor-Schwartz steam dryer and is forced through the extruder screen as 3/16-inch diameter noodles. The yellowcake dryer is heated with steam, and the yellowcake is dried by circulation of hot air through a slotted stainless steel belt passing con. I tinuously through the dryer, ' The dried yellowcake, containing'less than one percent moisture, is reduced to minus 1/8 inch ina modified roll crusher and then carried to drum loading by of means a screw conveyor. Yellowcake is packaged in 55-gallou, open headatdrums three drum loading stations. The screw conveyor discharges the intofirst drum until the drum and the feed chute are filled, The screw then carries the material to the next drum. A vibrator under the first loading station is used to settle the contents of each drum. After the drums are sampled and weighed, the head is sealed in placeand the drumis cleaned and placed in storage for shipment. Each drum contains a maximum of1,000 pounds and40 drums of yellowcake comprise a lot. The average lot of yellowcake assays 85.5% u308, 0.4%V205, and 0.4% C03; and a normal lot of yellowcake contains 34,000 pounds U308. of LOW SODIUM CIRCUIT In order to meet specifications for sodium contenti n yellowcake if processed into uranium hexafluoride by the Allied Chemical Corporation for commercial sales an additional processing step had to be added to the flowshee After removalof vanadium the yellowcake containing approximately 7.5% sodium is dissolved with sulfuric acid aat pH of 2.2 in a ten-foot diameter by twelvefoot deep tank. The overflow from this tank discharges ainto ten-foot by twelve-foot tank where amonia is added to maintain a pH of 7.4. The uranium 13 I I I reprecipitates as yellowcake containing less 0.5% than sodium.. This product.is I I I I dried by the Procter-Schwartz steam dryer and packaged as described under the filtered by the two eight-foot diameter by 'eight-foot long, vacuum, drum filters, section on ANCILLARY Product Handling. FACILITIES Powerhouse. The electrical generation equipment and a portion of tk? steam . .. generating and air compressing equipment are located in a.centra1 powerhouse.' The elctrical equipment consists of seven, diesel engine driven generators, I which supply all of the electrical energy requirements for the mill. The diesel I gas and diesel fuel. The generators are rated at 1,000 kw. The generation. and I I I I I I I I I I engines are rated 1,400 at horsepower and are operated aon mixture of natural distribution voltageis 4,160 volts. The steam generating equipment consists of three, 7,500-pound per hour, package boilers which generate steam at 125 psig. The boilers provide the steam requirements far the secondary leach circuit and supplemental steam for heating wash solutionsin the filter section..Three &350 scfm, 45 psig compressorsLn the powerhouse supply the air requirements the forsecgndary leach circriit and sypplemental airfor the filter buildip& 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I