Open File Report OF-AR-19 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources A division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 40 Ar/39Ar Geochronology Results from the Bay of Los Angeles, Baja, Mexico Prepared By: Richard P. Esser and William C. McIntosh New Mexico Bureau of Geology, Socorro, NM 87801 Prepared For: Dr. Gary Axen Dept. of Earth and Space Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Initially prepared as: NM Geochronology Research Laboratory Internal Report NMGRL-IR 293 & 309 March 27, 2003 SOCORRO 2003 NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Peter A. Scholle, Director and State Geologist a division of NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY Daniel H. López, President BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico Michael J. Davis, Superintendent of Public Instruction Appointed Ann Murphy Daily, President, 1999–2004, Santa Fe Randall E. Horn, Secretary/Treasurer, 1997–2003, Albuquerque Sidney M. Gutierrez, 2001–2007, Albuquerque Anthony L. Montoya, Jr., 2001–2003, Socorro Robert E. Taylor, 1997–2003, Silver City NEW MEXICO GEOCHRONOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY STAFF WILLIAM MCINTOSH, Geochronologist MATT HEIZLER, Geochronologist LISA PETERS, Argon Laboratory Technician RICHARD ESSER, Argon Laboratory Technician BUREAU STAFF BRUCE D. ALLEN, Field Geologist RUBEN ARCHULETA, Metallurgical Lab. Technician II SANDRA H. AZEVEDO, Cartographer II ALBERT BACA, Lead Maintenance Carpenter JAMES M. BARKER, Associate Director for Operations, Senior Industrial Minerals Geologist PAUL W. BAUER, Associate Director for Government Liaison, Senior Geologist, Manager of Geologic Mapping Program LYNN A. BRANDVOLD, Senior Chemist BRIAN S. BRISTER, Petroleum Geologist RON BROADHEAD, Associate Director for Industry Liaison, Principal Senior Petroleum Geologist RITA CASE, Administrative Secretary II (Alb. Office) STEVEN M. CATHER, Senior Field Geologist RICHARD CHAMBERLIN, Senior Field Geologist SEAN D. CONNELL, Albuquerque Office Manager, Field Geologist RUBEN A. CRESPIN, Manager, Fleet/General Services JEANNE DEARDORFF, Assistant Editor NELIA W. DUNBAR, Analytical Geochemist RICHARD ESSER, Senior Lab. Associate ROBERT W. EVELETH, Senior Mining Engineer KARL FRISCH, GIS Technician PATRICIA L. FRISCH, Assistant Curator of Mineral Museum LEO O. GABALDON, Cartographer II NANCY S. GILSON, Editor KATHRYN E. GLESENER, Senior Cartographer/Manager, Cartography Section DEBBIE GOERING, Business Office Coordinator TERRY GONZALES, Information Specialist IBRAHIM GUNDILER, Senior Extractive Metallurgist LYNN HEIZLER, Senior Lab. Associate MATT HEIZLER, Assistant Director for Laboratories, Geochronologist LYNNE HEMENWAY, Geologic Information Center Coordinator GRETCHEN K. HOFFMAN, Senior Coal Geologist GLEN JONES, Assistant Director for Computer/Internet Services THOMAS J. KAUS, Cartographer I PHILIP KYLE, Professor, Geochemistry SUSIE KYLE, Administrative Secretary I LEWIS A. LAND, Hydrogeologist ANNABELLE LOPEZ, Petroleum Information Coordinator THERESA LOPEZ, Administrative Secretary I DAVID W. LOVE, Principal Senior Environmental Geologist JANE A. CALVERT LOVE, Managing Editor VIRGIL W. LUETH, Assistant Director for Public Outreach, Mineralogist/Economic Geologist, Curator of Mineral Museum MARK MANSELL, GIS Specialist DAVID MCCRAW, Senior Geologic Lab. Associate WILLIAM MCINTOSH, Senior Volcanologist CHRISTOPHER G. MCKEE, X-ray Facility Manager VIRGINIA T. MCLEMORE, Minerals Outreach Liaison, Senior Economic Geologist PATRICIA JACKSON PAUL, Geologic Lab. Associate LISA PETERS, Senior Lab. Associate L. GREER PRICE, Senior Geologist/Chief Editor ADAM S. READ, Senior Geological Lab. Associate BEN REBACH, Cartographer II WILLIAM D. RAATZ, Petroleum Geologist MARSHALL A. REITER, Principal Senior Geophysicist JOHN SIGDA, Geohydrologist GREGORY SANCHEZ, Mechanic-Carpenter Helper TERRY THOMAS, ICP–MS Manager FRANK TITUS, Senior Outreach Hydrologist LORETTA TOBIN, Executive Secretary AMY TRIVITT-KRACKE, Petroleum Computer Specialist JUDY M. VAIZA, Assistant Director for Finance MANUEL J. VASQUEZ, Mechanic II SUSAN J. WELCH, Manager, Geologic Extension Service MAUREEN WILKS, Geologic Librarian, Manager of Publication Sales EMERITUS GEORGE S. AUSTIN, Emeritus Senior Industrial Minerals Geologist CHARLES E. CHAPIN, Emeritus Director/State Geologist JOHN W. HAWLEY, Emeritus Senior Environmental Geologist JACQUES R. RENAULT, Emeritus Senior Geologist SAMUEL THOMPSON III, Emeritus Senior Petroleum Geologist ROBERT H. WEBER, Emeritus Senior Geologist Plus research associates, graduate students, and undergraduate assistants. Introduction Sixteen samples from Baja, Mexico were submitted for 4 0Ar/3 9Ar dating by Drs. Gary Axen and Mary Kairouz of the University of California, Los Angeles. Four additional samples from students of Dr. Axen were also submitted. Table 1 shows the entire sample list from this project, the unit the sample is from and the material that was dated in this study. The 4 0Ar/3 9Ar dates will be used to constrain the earliest and subsequent normal faulting events in the Bay of Los Angeles, Baja. Table 1. Sample List Sample 21-34-1 21-37-3A 21-37-3B ddf 21-37-3C 21-37-3D ddf 21-30-1 21-33-1 21-26-3 21-30-2 21-57-1A 21-48-2 21-26-4B 21-45-2 21-41-2 21-43-1 21-9-1 22-47-1 36-108 22-72-1 1-49-4D Unit Material Dated Tsvb opB opB opB opB oB oB oB hBA hBA lig lig woB woB oB woB oB ~Tsvb oB ?? ?? ?? ?? Hornblende Groundmass Concentrate None None Groundmass Concentrate Groundmass Concentrate None None None Hornblende Biotite None Groundmass Concentrate None None Hornblende None Groundmass Concentrate None Groundmass Concentrate 40 Ar/39Ar Analytical Methods and Results Samples were prepared for the 4 0Ar/3 9Ar dating by using standard minerals separation techniques. Hand specimens were crushed and sieved to approximately 48-60 mesh (~275 mm). Biotite and hornblende phenocrysts were hand-picked from crushed samples. For the groundmass concentrate samples, highly magnetic and non-potassium bearing phenocryst phases (e.g. olivine) were removed by the Franz magnetic separator and by hand-picking. Several additional samples were also sent that were not analyzed (see Table 1). These unanalyzed samples were regarded as inferior alternates to the dated samples, and therefore were not irradiated. -1- The biotite separate was analyzed using the CO2 laser. Abbreviated analytical methods for the biotite are given in Table 2; the analytical results are in Table 3. The hornblendes and groundmass concentrates were analyzed using the resistance furnace. Abbreviated analytical methods for the furnace samples are given in Table 2 while the analytical results are given in Table 4. Details of the overall operation of the New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory are provided in the Appendix. The 21-48-2 biotite sample was analyzed using the single-crystal step-heating (two heating steps) method. The first (low power) of the two heating step was used to reduce atmospheric 4 0Ar adhering onto the surface of the mica. The remaining heating step (high power) then fused the grain for maximum signal size. Figure 1 shows the age distribution of the laser step-heated single-crystal biotites. The ages range from –14 Ma to 31.2 Ma with a gaussian population at 14.37±0.12 Ma (B steps only). The radiogenic yields range from essentially zero to 89.8%. The K/Ca values are highly variable, ranging from 0.42 to 80.1. In virtually every instance, the fusion steps (step B) yield higher K/Ca values, higher radiogenic yields and more precise apparent ages. The three hornblende samples each yielded flat to slightly discordant age spectra. The age spectrum for sample 21-9-1 (Figure 2) is flat over 90% of the 3 9ArK released, yielding a plateau from steps F to K with an age of 24.54±0.31 Ma (93.4% of the cumulative 3 9ArK released; MSWD=2.37). The radiogenic yields are initially low (steps A through E) but then increase to greater than 60% for the remainder of the age spectrum. The K/Ca ratios for the age spectrum range from 0.047 to 0.17, but are consistent at about 0.05 for the bulk of the 3 9ArK released. Hornblende sample 21-34-1 yields a similarly shaped age spectrum (Figure 3). The K/Ca ratios do not vary significantly from those values observed for the 21-9-1 hornblende samples, but the radiogenic yields are approximately 10-15% higher for 21-34-1. The 21-34-1 age spectrum yields a weighted mean age from steps F to K of 24.19±0.14 Ma (88.4% of the cumulative 3 9ArK released; MSWD=6.92). Hornblende 21-57-1A (Figure 4) yields an age spectrum similar to both 21-9-1 and 21-34-1. The 21-57-1A hornblende has the lowest radiogenic yields, only reaching 53%, but it also has the highest K/Ca values (0.01 to 0.26). The weighted mean of steps F through K yields an age of 19.99±0.52 Ma (92.1% of the cumulative 3 9ArK released; MSWD=4.83). The groundmass concentrate from sample 36-108 yielded a flat age spectrum (Figure 5) for greater than 95% of the 3 9ArK released. The radiogenic yields range from zero at the lowest temperature steps to 40.7% for the 1200°C step. The K/Ca ratios are highly variable, ranging from 0.044 to 8.7, with the highest values at the lowest temperature -2- steps. The weighted mean of the flattest steps on the age spectrum yield an apparent age of 19.43±0.47 Ma (98.4% of the 3 9ArK released; MSWD=1.71). The groundmass concentrate from sample 1-49-4D yielded a flat age spectrum (Figure 6) for greater than 90% of the 3 9ArK released. The only discordance in the age spectrum is the anomalously old age for the fusion step. The radiogenic yields range from zero at the lowest temperature steps to 69.9%. Unlike the 36-108 sample, the K/Ca ratios for 1-49-4D are consistent, ranging only from 0.017 to 0.52. The weighted mean age of steps D through H is 20.85±0.22 Ma (90.8% of the 3 9ArK released; MSWD=2.14). Groundmass concentrate 21-30-1 was analyzed twice. Both analyses of the 21-30-1 sample yield nearly identical age spectra (Figures7 and 8). The first analysis (Figure 7) has radiogenic yields that range from 0.7 to 52.9% and K/Ca ratios that range from 0.029 to 0.83. The weighted mean age of steps B to H is 11.88±0.19 Ma (93.9% of the cumulative 39 ArK released; MSWD=0.96). The second analysis (Figure 8) has radiogenic yields that range from 3.4 to 49.9% and K/Ca ratios that range from 0.030 to 0.68. The weighted mean age of steps B to H is 11.59±0.20 Ma (93.8% of the cumulative 3 9ArK released; MSWD=1.09). The weighted mean ages for the two analyses of groundmass concentrate 21-30-1 overlap at 2s uncertainty. The 21-37-3A groundmass concentrate yields a flat age spectrum (Figure 9) for greater than 90% of the 3 9ArK released. The radiogenic yields for 21-37-3A only reach 26%. The K/Ca values range from 0.13 to 0.73. The initial heating step is younger than the subsequent heating steps, while the final two heating steps are slightly older. The weighted mean age of steps B through H is 12.86±0.34 Ma (93.2% of the cumulative 3 9ArK released; MSWD=0.45). The 21-37-3D age spectrum (Figure 10) is flat for ~90% of the 3 9ArK released, but the final two heating steps also show an increase in apparent age. The radiogenic yields for 21-37-3D range from 4.1 to 69.8%, but are highest for the intermediate temperature steps. The K/Ca ratios range from 0.11 at the highest temperature steps to 2.1 for the intermediate temperature steps. 87.1% of the age spectrum (steps B through G) yields a weighted mean age of 13.30±0.14 Ma (MSWD=3.62). The final groundmass concentrate (21-45-2; Figure 11) yields the most discordant age spectrum. Approximately 60% of the age spectrum is very flat with ages between 17.0 and 18.72 Ma. However, the final two heating steps yield ages of 24.8 and 20.7 Ma. The Radiogenic yields are among the lowest for this sample suite, ranging from 3.5% to 20.8%. K/Ca ratios range from 0.086 to 0.79. The weighted mean of the flattest portion of the age -3- spectrum (steps B through G) yields an age of 18.10±0.60 Ma (59.8% of the cumulative 39 ArK released; MSWD=0.73). For all of the samples analyzed using the age spectrum method, the inverse isochron plots (shown below each samples age spectrum plot and also in the analytical data table) do not show indications of significant excess 4 0Ar. In each, the inverse isochron age agrees with the respective age spectrum weighted mean age. Also, the 4 0Ar/3 6Ar ratio derived from the isochron agrees statistically with the present-day atmospheric values (295.5). Discussion The 21-48-2 biotite yields a gaussian population (14.37±0.12 Ma) that is interpreted to be the age of the ignimbrite deposit. The initial heating steps on each biotite crystal predominantly degassed atmospheric argon from the surface of the mica. This is supported by the low radiogenic yields, the lack of significant 3 9ArK and the large uncertainties on the ages. Conversely, the fusion steps yield significantly more radiogenic 40 Ar, moles 3 9ArK, and more precise ages. Despite this sample being “lithic rich”, there does not appear to be xenocrysts within the analyzed 21-48-2 biotite population. For each of the three hornblende samples (21-9-1, 21-34-1 and 21-57-1A), the spectrum weighed mean age is interpreted to be the most accurate age for the tuff or lava emplacement. Although all three of the hornblende age spectra exhibit minor age anomalies in the first ~10% of 3 9ArK released, the higher temperature steps (>1000°C) are relatively isochronous. The lowest temperature argon released from each sample is a combination of radiogenic 4 0Ar and abundant atmospheric 4 0Ar probably released from minor alteration products (clay), rather than the hornblende lattice. Small quantities of alteration products, such as those present on these hornblende samples are common and are usually completely degassed at the lowest temperature steps and therefore do not significantly affect the rest of the age spectrum. Although anomalously old ages are commonly observed in the highest temperature heating steps of many hornblende age spectra, and are attributed to excess argon-containing mineral inclusions (e.g. zircon), there does not appear to be significant excess argon present in the three hornblendes analyzed in this study. With the exception of sample 21-45-2, all of the other groundmass concentrate samples yield straightforward age spectra where weighted mean ages of the flattest portions are inferred to record the lava eruption age. In all cases, the initial heating steps are predominantly low radiogenic argon degassed from the surface of the groundmass concentrate and/or minor alteration products (e.g. clay) and are thus excluded from the weighted mean age. Although the later, higher temperature heating steps for many of the -4- age spectra are lower in radiogenic 4 0Ar than would be expected from mid-Miocene or older basalts, argon loss from alteration does not appear to be a significant factor in the weighted mean ages. The anomalously old apparent ages yielded by the highest temperature steps of the 21-45-2 groundmass concentrate most likely result from small amounts of excess argon (4 0ArE). Any 4 0ArE present within a sample is indistinguishable from radiogenic argon (4 0Ar*), thereby making the apparent 4 0Ar/3 9Ar ratio higher and apparent age older. Although an inverse isochron is in many cases capable of correcting for 4 0ArE, the inverse isochron results for 21-45-2 are not indicative of significant quantities of excess argon as its age is not statistically distinguishable from the age spectrum results. Therefore, the age spectrum weighted mean age for 21-45-2 is also considered the most accurate assessment of the age of this sample. In the case of the two 21-30-1 aliquots, because both weighted mean results were analytically indistinguishable, a weighted mean of the two ages is assumed to yield the most accurate age for this sample. 11.74±0.29 Ma is the preferred age for 21-30-1. Table 5 shows a summary of the 4 0Ar/3 9Ar apparent ages yielded by this study; Figure 6 shows a graphical summary. The cover letter provided with the samples by Dr. Gary Axen indicates that several of the samples are constrained by stratigraphic relationships. One stated relationship indicates that sample 21-45-2 (unit woB) is from the top of unit oB (sample 21-30-1), which would make 21-45-2 younger than 21-30-1. The 40 Ar/3 9Ar results contradict this field relationship: the weighted mean age for 21-45-2 is 18.10±0.60 Ma and for 21-30-1 is 11.74±0.29 Ma. Although groundmass concentrate 2145-2 is the only sample from this suite that contains any noteworthy excess 4 0Ar and also has the largest analytical error, we do not feel that it contains enough excess 4 0Ar to increase the apparent age by nearly 7 million years. We are unable to explain the apparent discrepancy between the 21-45-2 weighted mean age and the 21-30-1 weighted mean age. Another stratigraphic relationship stated in the cover letter is that sample 21-37-3D is the “highest flow”. It is unclear if this means that 21-37-3D is the highest and thus youngest flow in the sample suite or just within the opB unit. Because the weighted mean 4 0Ar/3 9Ar age for 21-37-3D is analytically indistinguishable from the other opB sample, 21-37-3A, we cannot confirm or deny that 21-37-3D is the highest flow within opB. However, sample 2137-3D is older than 21-30-1 by approximately 1.5 million years. As was the case for the 21-45-2 sample, we cannot attribute this age discrepancy to excess argon or analytical problems. Additional stratigraphic relationships are not apparent in the cover letter provided. -5- Table 5. Summary of 4 0Ar/3 9Ar apparent ages. Sample Age±2s Error (Ma) 21-48-2 biotite 21-9-1 hornblende 21-34-1 hornblende ddf 21-57-1A hornblende 36-018 groundmass concentrate 1-49-4d groundmass concentrate 21-30-1 #1 groundmass concentrate 21-30-1 #2 groundmass concentrate Weighted Mean 21-37-3A groundmass concentrate 21-37-3D groundmass concentrate 21-45-2 groundmass concentrate -6- 14.37±0.12 24.54±0.31 24.14±0.35 19.99±0.52 19.43±0.47 20.85±0.22 11.88±0.19 11.59±0.20 11.74±0.29 12.86±0.34 13.30±0.14 18.10±0.60 References Cited Deino, A., and Potts, R., 1990. Single-Crystal 4 0Ar/3 9Ar dating of the Olorgesailie Formation, Southern Kenya Rift, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 8453-8470. Mahon, K.I., 1996. The New “York” regression: Application of an improved statistical method to geochemistry, International Geology Review, 38, 293-303. Samson, S.D., and, Alexander, E.C., Jr., 1987. Calibration of the interlaboratory 4 0Ar/3 9Ar dating standard, Mmhb-1, Chem. Geol., 66, 27-34. Steiger, R.H., and Jäger, E., 1977. Subcommission on geochronology: Convention on the use of decay constants in geo- and cosmochronology. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 36, 359-362. Taylor, J.R., 1982. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements,. Univ. Sci. Books, Mill Valley, Calif., 270 p. York, D., 1969. Least squares fitting of a straight line with correlated errors, Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 5, 320-324. -7- Table 2. 40Ar/39Ar analytical methods used for the biotite, groundmass concentrate and feldspar samples heated in the resistance furnace and the CO2 laser. Sample preparation and irradiation: Geological samples provided by Drs. Gary Axen and Mary Kairouz. Sanidine, hornblende and groundmass concentrates were prepared using standard mineral separation techniques (crushing, sieving, franzing, density liquids and hand-picking). Samples were packaged and irradiated in machined Al discs for 7 hours in D-3 position, Nuclear Science Center, College Station, TX. Neutron flux monitor Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine (FC-1). Assigned age = 27.84 Ma (Deino and Potts, 1990) relative to Mmhb-1 at 520.4 Ma (Samson and Alexander, 1987). Instrumentation: Mass Analyzer Products 215-50 mass spectrometer on line with automated all-metal extraction system. Sanidine crystals were fused by a 50 watt Synrad CO2 laser. Furnace samples step-heated in Mo double-vacuum resistance furnace. Heating duration 7 to 10 minutes. Reactive gases removed by reaction with 3 SAES GP-50 getters, 2 operated at ~450°C and 1 at 20°C, together with a W filiment operated at ~2000°C. Analytical parameters: Electron multiplier sensitivity for the furnace samples averaged 2.36x10-16 moles/pA. Total system blank and background for the furnace averaged 1230, 7.1, 0.7, 7.8, 4.0 x 10-18 moles at masses 40, 39, 38, 37, and 36, respectively for temperatures <1300°C. Electron multiplier sensitivity for the laser samples averaged 1.3x10-16 moles/pA. Total system blank and background for the furnace averaged 726, 2.2, 0.9, 3.7, 3.3 x 10-18 moles at masses 40, 39, 38, 37, and 36, respectively for temperatures <1300°C. J-factors determined to a precision of ± 0.1% by CO2 laser-fusion of 4 single crystals from each of 4 radial positions around the irradiation tray. Correction factors for interfering nuclear reactions were determined using K-glass and CaF2 and are as follows: (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0002±0.0003; (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00028±0.000005; and (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007±0.00002. Age calculations: Weighted mean age calculated by weighting each age analysis by the inverse of the variance. Weighted mean error calculated using the method of (Taylor, 1982). Total gas ages and errors calculated by weighting individual steps by the fraction of 39Ar released. Isochron ages, 40Ar/36Ari and MSWD values calculated from regression results obtained by the methods of York (1969). Decay constants and isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jäger (1977). All final errors reported at ±2s, unless otherwise noted. Table 3. 40Ar/39Ar analytical data. ID 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (x 10 ) # # # # # # # # # # 39 ArK -15 (x 10 K/Ca mol) 21-48-2 bi, E6:154, single crystal biotite, J=0.0007048±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, 07A 235.9 1.223 836.2 0.038 0.42 05A 407.7 0.0242 1368.5 0.524 21.1 03A 65.84 0.0795 204.9 0.052 6.4 10A 1864.5 -0.0056 6282.0 0.301 03B 46.52 0.0122 121.2 1.101 41.7 05B 15.01 0.0326 12.68 2.821 15.6 02B 24.23 0.0102 43.81 1.595 50.2 01B 22.58 0.0269 38.20 3.161 18.9 07B 12.58 0.0324 4.365 1.550 15.7 08B 18.27 0.0657 22.99 0.643 7.8 04B 14.70 0.0064 10.88 0.751 80.1 10B 20.95 0.0191 31.94 1.745 26.7 06B 20.79 0.0158 31.34 1.834 32.3 01A 1339.2 0.0329 4493.1 0.621 15.5 09B 19.25 0.0120 25.71 1.105 42.6 02A 775.5 0.0086 2578.4 0.234 59.1 04A 80.89 -0.1899 209.2 0.011 08A 572.1 -0.8237 1868.2 0.110 09A 1801.8 0.0145 6018.1 0.138 35.1 06A 2061.0 0.0189 6891.0 0.265 27.0 Mean age ± 2s n=10 MSWD=0.83 33.2 ±43.0 40 Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) -14.2 4.2 6.7 10.3 13.56 14.27 14.29 14.30 14.31 14.54 14.55 14.58 14.60 14.6 14.75 17.2 24.0 25.3 29.6 31.2 14.37 6.0 4.8 3.4 18.4 0.64 0.13 0.27 0.21 0.10 0.37 0.26 0.25 0.20 12.7 0.27 7.6 10.8 6.6 18.4 19.4 0.12 Ar* ±1s Lab#=53323 -4.7 0.8 8.1 0.4 23.0 75.1 46.6 50.0 89.8 62.8 78.1 54.9 55.5 0.9 60.5 1.8 23.5 3.5 1.3 1.2 Notes: Isotopic ratios corrected for blank, radioactive decay, and mass discrimination, not corrected for interferring reactions. Ages calculated ralative to FC-1 Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine interlaboratory standard at 27.84 Ma. Errors quoted for individual analyses include analytical error only, without interferring reaction or J uncertainties. Mean age is weighted mean age of Taylor (1982). Mean age error is weighted error of the mean (Taylor, 1982), multiplied by the root of the MSWD where MSWD>1, and also incorporates uncertainty in J factors and irradiation correction uncertainties. Decay constants and isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jaeger (1977). # symbol preceding sample ID denotes analyses excluded from mean age calculations. Discrimination = 1.00717 ± 0.00172 Correction factors: (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007 ± 2e-05 (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00028 ± 5e-06 (38Ar/39Ar)K = 0.01077 (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0002 ± 0.0003 Table 4. 40Ar/39Ar analytical data for samples analyzed in the resistance furnace. ID Temp. 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (°C) (x 10 ) ArK -15 (x 10 n=11 21-34-1, 27.16 mg hornblende, # A 700 386.0 # B 750 173.8 # C 850 189.7 # D 950 197.9 #† E 990 36.57 F 1020 24.41 G 1040 23.47 H 1070 21.25 I 1110 21.64 J 1150 20.98 K 1250 21.40 # L 1675 288.5 Integrated age ± 2s Plateau ± 2s Isochron±2s 40 Ar* (%) mol) 21-9-1, 25.01 mg hornblende, J=0.0007039±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, # A 700 1354.0 7.064 4462.1 0.387 # B 750 209.1 4.766 635.2 0.145 # C 850 288.4 5.962 892.5 0.150 # D 950 236.4 8.436 752.7 0.134 #† E 990 62.89 9.668 162.4 0.221 F 1020 28.73 10.17 37.42 0.76 G 1040 32.51 10.68 47.37 1.10 H 1070 26.03 10.53 25.55 9.8 I 1110 24.24 10.81 21.49 0.90 J 1150 25.21 10.51 22.58 1.28 K 1250 25.16 10.95 21.83 1.76 # L 1675 175.4 29.39 540.5 0.072 Integrated age ± 2s n=12 16.7 Plateau ± 2s steps F-K n=6 MSWD=2.37 15.6 Isochron±2s K/Ca 39 Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) 45 27.6 31.9 18.6 20.0 23.53 24.64 24.59 23.87 24.66 24.93 23.3 25.01 13 3.4 4.5 3.8 1.8 0.46 0.36 0.14 0.33 0.27 0.25 5.8 0.91 24.54 0.31 24.47 0.12 13.5 22.1 27.0 23.2 21.70 24.36 23.62 24.16 24.72 23.82 24.78 42 23.61 4.0 2.6 3.2 2.9 0.56 0.24 0.14 0.10 0.43 0.26 0.16 10 0.60 39 Lab#=53322-01 0.072 2.7 2.3 0.11 10.4 3.2 0.086 8.7 4.1 0.060 6.2 4.9 0.053 25.0 6.2 0.050 64.4 10.7 0.048 59.7 17.4 0.048 74.3 75.9 0.047 77.5 81.3 0.049 77.0 89.0 0.047 78.0 99.6 0.017 10.3 100.0 K2O=0.36 % 0.048 Ar/36Ar=298±3 93.4 40 MSWD=1.9 ±1s J=0.0007033±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53321-01 steps F-K 7.413 2.204 3.734 5.174 8.047 9.209 8.988 8.928 9.559 10.11 9.652 66.65 n=12 1272.2 529.8 570.6 609.3 68.11 20.18 18.93 9.937 9.987 10.34 9.005 886.4 n=6 MSWD=6.92 n=11 MSWD=4.6 0.95 0.314 0.249 0.358 0.71 1.82 4.81 9.5 0.637 1.11 2.00 0.035 22.5 19.9 0.069 2.8 4.2 0.23 10.1 5.6 0.14 11.3 6.7 0.099 9.2 8.3 0.063 46.8 11.4 0.055 78.7 19.5 0.057 79.3 40.9 0.057 89.7 83.2 0.053 90.0 86.0 0.050 89.4 91.0 0.053 91.3 99.8 0.008 11.1 100.0 K2O=0.45 % 0.056 Ar/36Ar=292±3 40 88.4 24.14 0.35 24.19 0.14 ID Temp. 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar (x 10 ) 21-57-1A, 28.86 mg hornblende, # A 700 570.1 # B 750 125.2 # C 850 200.3 # D 950 146.0 #† E 990 75.63 F 1020 32.93 G 1040 36.26 H 1070 55.62 I 1110 29.68 J 1150 33.28 K 1250 32.39 # L 1675 89.26 Integrated age ± 2s Isochron±2s Ar/39Ar -3 (°C) Plateau ± 2s 36 steps F-K K/Ca 39 ArK -15 (x 10 40 Ar* (%) mol) Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) 20.0 21.5 20.8 17.0 16.4 20.88 20.73 21.59 19.80 19.48 19.71 22.4 20.14 5.8 1.9 2.6 2.1 1.4 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.18 0.31 0.25 3.3 0.74 19.99 0.52 19.81 0.40 -2159 -13.6 -4 15.8 16.8 18.0 18.65 19.67 19.50 15.0 1889 9.5 37 3.1 1.7 1.1 0.54 0.23 0.35 3.9 39 ±1s J=0.0007033±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53320-01 2.724 1.971 2.094 2.545 3.528 4.765 5.463 5.304 4.963 5.244 7.271 38.91 n=12 1876.5 366.7 622.5 449.2 213.1 56.93 68.84 132.0 48.92 62.05 59.05 254.6 n=6 MSWD=4.83 n=11 MSWD=2.8 0.87 0.503 0.78 0.71 0.465 1.24 1.50 8.5 20.6 2.93 5.73 0.134 43.9 40.4 0.19 2.8 2.0 0.26 13.6 3.1 0.24 8.2 4.9 0.20 9.2 6.5 0.14 17.1 7.6 0.11 50.1 10.4 0.093 45.1 13.8 0.096 30.7 33.1 0.10 52.7 80.0 0.097 46.2 86.6 0.070 48.0 99.7 0.013 19.3 100.0 K2O=0.83 % 0.10 Ar/36Ar=298±3 92.1 40 36-108, 30.80 mg groundmass concentrate J=0.0016348±0.10%, D=1.00552±0.00107, NM-156, Lab#=53491-01 # A 575 ####### -17.9211 100783.7 0.339 -1.5 0.3 # B 650 536.5 -3.0328 1830.1 1.64 -0.9 1.6 # C 700 492.4 ####### 1635.7 0.036 -0.3 1.6 D 750 174.2 0.0585 571.4 3.77 8.7 3.1 4.7 E 825 113.1 0.8521 363.7 9.5 0.60 5.1 12.3 F 925 73.21 1.220 227.4 17.7 0.42 8.4 26.7 G 1025 31.19 1.045 84.34 16.7 0.49 20.4 40.1 H 1200 16.47 1.404 33.45 39.5 0.36 40.7 72.1 I 1600 21.02 11.53 52.04 34.6 0.044 31.4 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 123.7 K2O=0.94 % Plateau ± 2s steps D-I n=6 MSWD=1.71 121.7 0.57 98.4 40 Ar/36Ar=292±2 Isochron±2s n=9 MSWD=0.5 1-49-4d, 29.71 mg groundmass concentrate, J=0.001634±0.10%, D=1.00552±0.00107, NM-156, Lab#=53490-01 # A 575 7220.1 1.730 24730.3 0.378 0.29 -1.2 0.3 # B 650 183.0 2.002 603.6 1.93 0.25 2.6 1.6 #† C 700 38.90 1.734 114.7 0.405 0.29 13.3 1.8 D 750 28.94 1.644 74.43 8.1 0.31 24.5 7.4 E 825 18.69 1.478 40.26 19.3 0.35 37.0 20.5 F 925 17.19 1.486 34.11 27.3 0.34 42.1 39.0 G 1025 14.42 1.208 24.89 19.9 0.42 49.7 52.5 H 1200 10.16 0.9889 10.63 59.3 0.52 69.9 92.6 #† I 1600 14.24 29.82 29.16 10.9 0.017 56.8 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 147.5 K2O=1.17 % Plateau ± 2s steps D-H n=5 MSWD=2.14 133.9 0.43 90.8 40 36 Ar/ Ar=293±2 Isochron±2s n=7 MSWD=2.2 19.43 0.47 20.05 0.24 -279 14.1 15.2 20.78 20.30 21.23 21.03 20.813 24.19 20.29 130 3.4 2.9 0.47 0.26 0.21 0.21 0.093 0.30 0.83 20.85 0.22 21.00 0.14 ID Temp. (°C) 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (x 10 ) 39 ArK -15 (x 10 mol) K/Ca 40 Ar* (%) Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) 3.5 12.15 11.21 12.65 11.99 11.94 11.86 11.81 12.1 11.51 3.6 0.47 0.44 0.46 0.50 0.24 0.14 0.19 1.2 0.74 39 21-30-1, 22.51 mg groundmass concentrate, J=0.0007053±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53332-01 # A 600 394.8 2.038 1327.2 1.94 0.25 0.7 4.8 B 700 51.92 1.597 143.8 4.79 0.32 18.4 16.6 C 750 36.90 1.059 95.29 2.98 0.48 23.9 24.0 D 800 44.88 1.143 118.4 2.99 0.45 22.2 31.3 E 875 41.40 1.195 108.5 3.11 0.43 22.8 39.0 F 975 20.98 0.6133 39.33 4.35 0.83 44.8 49.7 G 1075 17.67 0.8143 28.40 7.4 0.63 52.9 68.1 H 1250 23.10 10.97 49.96 12.4 0.047 40.0 98.7 # I 1680 75.00 17.68 227.0 0.539 0.029 12.5 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 40.5 K2O=0.98 % Plateau ± 2s steps B-H n=7 MSWD=0.96 38.0 0.38 93.9 40 Ar/36Ar=294±3 Isochron±2s n=9 MSWD=1.4 21-30-1 #2, 23.28 mg groundmass concentrate, J=0.0007081±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53336-01 # A 600 415.3 2.040 1358.5 1.98 0.25 3.4 4.8 B 700 53.80 1.727 154.0 4.58 0.30 15.7 15.9 C 750 36.07 1.097 91.87 2.94 0.46 25.0 23.0 D 800 42.81 1.174 112.7 3.05 0.43 22.4 30.4 E 875 44.24 1.405 118.1 3.40 0.36 21.4 38.7 F 975 21.94 0.7537 43.94 5.00 0.68 41.1 50.8 G 1075 18.12 0.9105 30.98 6.8 0.56 49.9 67.2 H 1250 23.47 11.17 51.69 12.9 0.046 38.9 98.5 # I 1680 69.46 16.94 207.3 0.602 0.030 13.8 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 41.3 K2O=0.96 % Plateau ± 2s steps B-H n=7 MSWD=1.09 38.7 0.34 93.8 40 36 Ar/ Ar=298±3 Isochron±2s n=9 MSWD=1.0 21-37-3A, 23.50 mg groundmass concentrate, J=0.0007071±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53335-01 # A 600 200.5 0.7258 656.7 2.87 0.70 3.3 4.3 B 700 55.98 0.9737 156.2 8.1 0.52 17.7 16.6 C 750 44.44 0.7612 116.1 5.39 0.67 22.9 24.7 D 800 48.04 0.6946 128.0 6.7 0.73 21.4 34.9 E 875 51.95 0.8282 141.0 8.5 0.62 19.9 47.7 F 975 37.65 1.448 94.31 9.0 0.35 26.3 61.3 G 1075 51.22 2.469 140.4 4.08 0.21 19.4 67.5 H 1250 82.26 2.738 243.2 19.8 0.19 12.9 97.5 # I 1680 83.05 3.934 243.8 1.63 0.13 13.6 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 66.1 K2O=1.53 % Plateau ± 2s steps B-H n=7 MSWD=0.45 61.6 0.42 93.2 40 Ar/36Ar=294±4 Isochron±2s n=9 MSWD=1.4 ±1s 11.88 0.19 11.98 0.20 17.8 10.74 11.48 12.22 12.05 11.48 11.52 11.70 12.4 11.89 4.0 0.54 0.44 0.41 0.51 0.21 0.16 0.19 1.1 0.77 11.59 0.20 11.42 0.16 8.3 12.59 12.96 13.06 13.17 12.60 12.65 13.51 14.4 12.9 2.0 0.55 0.40 0.49 0.45 0.31 0.48 0.69 1.0 1.0 12.86 0.34 13.1 0.8 ID Temp. (°C) 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (x 10 ) 39 ArK -15 (x 10 mol) K/Ca 40 Ar* (%) Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) 9.8 13.51 13.441 13.387 13.230 12.94 13.23 14.41 15.91 13.31 1.8 0.18 0.093 0.088 0.075 0.13 0.24 0.30 0.61 0.30 13.30 0.14 13.26 0.08 13.5 18.72 18.39 17.24 18.40 17.77 17.0 24.8 20.7 20.3 3.1 0.59 0.66 0.74 0.80 0.72 1.3 1.9 1.8 2.4 18.10 0.60 17.6 1.6 39 21-37-3D, 21.68 mg groundmass concentrate, J=0.0007043±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53333-01 # A 600 191.0 0.3856 620.1 2.19 1.3 4.1 1.5 B 700 23.09 0.4555 42.14 13.2 1.1 46.2 10.4 C 750 15.65 0.3264 17.14 12.9 1.6 67.8 19.1 D 800 14.65 0.2464 13.87 17.8 2.1 72.2 31.1 E 875 14.96 0.2525 15.33 27.4 2.0 69.8 49.6 F 975 21.26 0.2583 37.43 44.4 2.0 48.1 79.5 G 1075 29.66 0.4571 65.16 13.5 1.1 35.2 88.5 # H 1250 40.50 3.724 99.67 15.5 0.14 28.0 99.0 # I 1680 55.71 4.859 147.5 1.56 0.11 22.5 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 148.4 K2O=3.73 % Plateau ± 2s steps B-G n=6 MSWD=2.62 129.2 1.8 87.1 40 36 Ar/ Ar=298±3 Isochron±2s n=9 MSWD=6.1 21-45-2, 22.03 mg groundmass concentrate, J=0.0007052±0.10%, D=1.00717±0.00172, NM-154, Lab#=53334-01 # A 600 306.4 0.6423 1000.8 1.84 0.79 3.5 2.5 B 700 71.20 0.7929 191.1 8.4 0.64 20.8 13.9 C 750 72.49 0.8541 196.4 5.26 0.60 20.0 21.1 D 800 81.35 0.9287 229.5 5.63 0.55 16.7 28.7 E 875 91.51 1.154 260.9 6.19 0.44 15.9 37.1 F 975 86.61 1.114 245.9 10.6 0.46 16.2 51.6 G 1075 155.7 1.340 481.9 7.9 0.38 8.6 62.2 # H 1250 235.3 2.470 730.7 26.0 0.21 8.3 97.5 # I 1680 187.2 5.966 580.0 1.82 0.086 8.7 100.0 Integrated age ± 2s n=9 73.6 K2O=1.82 % Plateau ± 2s steps B-G n=6 MSWD=0.73 44.0 0.51 59.8 40 36 Ar/ Ar=298±3 Isochron±2s n=9 MSWD=2.6 Notes: Isotopic ratios corrected for blank, radioactive decay, and mass discrimination, not corrected for interferring reactions. Ages calculated ralative to FC-1 Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine interlaboratory standard at 27.84 Ma. Errors quoted for individual analyses include analytical error only, without interferring reaction or J uncertainties. Integrated age calculated by recombining isotopic measurements of all steps. Integrated age error calculated by recombining errors of isotopic measurements of all steps. Plateau age is inverse-variance-weighted mean of selected steps. Plateau age error is inverse-variance-weighted mean error (Taylor, 1982) times root MSWD where MSWD>1. Plateau and integrated ages incorporate uncertainties in interferring reaction corrections and J factors. Decay constants and isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jaeger (1977). # symbol preceding sample ID denotes analyses excluded from plateau age calculations. † symbol preceding sample ID denotes analyses excluded from plateau age calculations. Discrimination = 1.00552 ± 0.00107 Correction factors: (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007 ± 2e-05 (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00028 ± 5e-06 (38Ar/39Ar)K = 0.01077 (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0002 ± 0.0003 ±1s 3.0 100 50 0 100 10 1 Relative Probability Initial heating steps 14.37 ± 0.12 Ma (MSWD = 0.83) Fusion steps 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Apparent Age (Ma) Figure 1. 40Ar/39Ar age probability distribution diagram (ideogram) the 21-48-2 biotite sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the fusion steps (14.37 ± 0.12 Ma). All errors are two-sigma.. K/Ca % Radiogenic 1.0 Moles 39ArK L#53323: 21-48-2, single-crystal biotite 80 40 0 1 0.1 45 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53322: 21-9-1, 25.01 mg hornblende 0.01 40 Apparent Age (Ma) 35 30 24.54 ± 0.31 Ma* (MSWD = 2.37) 25 H 1120 G 1090 F 20 K 1300 J I 1200 1160 15 10 D 5 Integrated Age = 25.01 ± 0.91 Ma 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0.045 0.05 100 Cumulative 39ArK Released 0.004 0.0035 A D L 0.003 C B 36Ar/40Ar E 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 G F 0.001 H Isochron age = 24.47 ± 0.12 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 298 ± 3 MSWD = 1.9, n = 11 0.0005 J I K 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.055 39Ar/40Ar Figure 2. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-9-1 hornblende sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps F through K (24.54 ± 0.31 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 1 0.1 40 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53321: 21-34-1, 27.16 mg hornblende 0.01 35 Apparent Age (Ma) 30 24.14 ± 0.35 Ma* (MSWD = 6.92) 25 20 E F 1070 H 1120 G 1090 I K J 1300 1200 D 15 10 5 A Integrated Age = 23.61 ± 0.60 Ma 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cumulative 60 39Ar K 70 80 90 100 Released 0.004 0.0035 A DB 0.003 L C 36Ar/40Ar 0.0025 0.002 E 0.0015 0.001 G Isochron age = 24.19 ± 0.14 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 292 ± 3 MSWD = 4.6, n = 11 0.0005 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 F H I K 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 J 0.05 0.055 39Ar/40Ar 40Ar/39Ar Figure 3. age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-34-1 hornblende sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps F through K (24.14 ± 0.35 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 1 0.1 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53320:, 21-57-1A, 28.86 mg hornblende 0.01 40 35 Apparent Age (Ma) 30 25 19.99 ± 0.52 Ma* (MSWD = 4.83.) 20 F G 1090 15 H 1120 I 1160 J 1200 K 1300 L 10 5 Integrated Age = 20.14 ± 0.74 Ma 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cumulative 0.0034 39Ar K 60 70 80 90 100 Released A 0.0032 C 0.003 D B E 0.0028 L 0.0026 0.0024 H 36Ar/40Ar 0.0022 0.002 J 0.0018 G 0.0016 K F I 0.0014 0.0012 0.001 0.0008 Isochron age = 19.81 ± 0.40 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 298 ± 3 MSWD = 2.8, n = 11 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 39Ar/40Ar Figure 4. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-57-1A hornblende sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps F through K (19.99 ± 0.52 Ma). All errors are at twosigma. 80 40 0 1 0.1 40 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53491: 36-108, 30.80 mg groundmass concentrate 0.01 19.43 ± 0.47 Ma (MSWD = 1.71) 35 Apparent Age (Ma) 30 25 20 15 E 875 10 D H 1250 G 1075 F 975 I 1650 5 0 -5 Integrated Age = 15.0 ± 3.9 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cumulative 39Ar K 60 70 80 90 100 Released 0.004 0.0035 A B D C E F 0.003 G 36Ar/40Ar 0.0025 I H 0.002 0.0015 0.001 Isochron age = 20.05 ± 0.24 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 292 ± 2 MSWD = 0.5, n = 9 0.0005 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 39Ar/40Ar Figure 5. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 36-108 groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps D through I (19.43 ± 0.47 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 1 0.1 40 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53490: 1-49-4d, 29.71 mg groundmass concentrate 0.01 35 Apparent Age (Ma) 30 25 20.85 ± 0.22 Ma* (MSWD = 2.14) 20 F 975 D 800 15 E 875 G 1075 I 1650 H 1250 10 5 0 -5 Integrated Age = 20.29 ± 0.83 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Cumulative 39ArK Released 0.004 0.0035 A B C 0.003 D 36Ar/40Ar 0.0025 E 0.002 F G 0.0015 I H 0.001 Isochron age = 21.00 ± 0.14 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 293 ± 2 MSWD = 2.2, n = 7 0.0005 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 39Ar/40Ar Figure 6. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 1-49-4d groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps D through H (20.85 ± 0.22 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 1 0.1 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53332-01, 21-30-1, 22.51 mg groundmass concentrate 0.01 25 Apparent Age (Ma) 20 11.88 ± 0.19 Ma* (MSWD = 0.96) 15 B 750 10 D 850 C 800 G 1125 F 1025 E 925 H 1300 5 0 A -5 Integrated Age = 11.51 ± 0.74 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Cumulative 39Ar K 70 Released 80 90 100 0.004 0.0035 A I 0.003 E B D 36Ar/40Ar 0.0025 C H 0.002 F G 0.0015 0.001 Isochron age = 11.98 ± 0.20 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 294 ± 3 MSWD = 1.4, n = 9 0.0005 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 39Ar/40Ar Figure 7. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-30-1 groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps B through H (11.88 ± 0.19 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 10 1 0.1 40 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53336-01, 21-30-1 #2, 23.28 mg groundmass concentrate 0.01 35 Apparent Age (Ma) 30 25 20 11.59 ± 0.20 Ma* (MSWD = 1.09) 15 10 A C 800 B 750 5 D 850 F 1025 E 925 H 1300 G 1125 I 0 -5 Integrated Age = 11.89 ± 0.77 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cumulative 39Ar K 60 70 80 90 100 Released 0.004 0.0035 A I 0.003 E 0.0025 36Ar/40Ar B D C H 0.002 F G 0.0015 0.001 Isochron age = 11.42 ± 0.16 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 298 ± 3 MSWD = 1.0, n = 9 0.0005 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 39Ar/40Ar Figure 8. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the second 21-30-1 groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps B through H (11.59 ± 0.20 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 10 1 0.1 25 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53335: 21-37-3A, 23.50 mg groundmass concentrate 0.01 20 Apparent Age (Ma) 12.86 ± 0.34 Ma* (MSWD = 0.45) 15 C 800 B 750 10 D 850 E 925 F 1025 I H 1300 G 1125 5 A 0 -5 Integrated Age = 12.9 ± 1.0 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Cumulative 39ArK Released 0.004 0.0035 A H 0.003 I 36Ar/40Ar 0.0025 BG C E D F 0.002 0.0015 0.001 Isochron age = 13.1 ± 0.8 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 294 ± 4 MSWD = 1.4, n = 9 0.0005 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 39Ar/40Ar Figure 9. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-37-3A groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps B through H (12.86 ± 0.34 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma.. 80 40 0 10 1 0.1 K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53333: 21-37-3D, 21.68 mg groundmass concentrate 0.01 25 Apparent Age (Ma) 20 13.30 ± 0.14 Ma* (MSWD = 2.62) 15 C 800 B 750 10 D 850 E 925 G 1125 F 1025 H 1300 5 0 -5 Integrated Age = 13.31 ± 0.30 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.08 0.09 0.1 Cumulative 39ArK Released 0.004 0.0035 A 0.003 I 0.0025 36Ar/40Ar H G 0.002 B F 0.0015 C 0.001 Isochron age = 13.26 ± 0.08 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 298 ± 3 MSWD = 6.1, n = 9 0.0005 0 E D 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 39Ar/40Ar Figure 10. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-37-3D groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps B through G (13.30±0.14 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma. 80 40 0 10 1 0.1 40 0.01 35 Apparent Age (Ma) 30 18.10 ± 0.6 Ma* (MSWD = 0.73) 25 20 B 750 15 C 800 10 D 850 E 925 H 1300 F 1025 G 1125 5 0 -5 Integrated Age = 20.3 ± 2.4 Ma -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Cumulative 39Ar K Released 70 80 90 100 0.004 0.0035 A I H G 0.003 EF D C B 36Ar/40Ar 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 0.001 Isochron age = 17.6 ± 1.6 Ma 40Ar/36Ar Intercept = 298 ± 3 MSWD = 2.6, n = 9 0.0005 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 39Ar/40Ar Figure 11. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and inverse isochron for the 21-45-2 groundmass concentrate sample. The preferred age of this sample is the weighted mean of the spectrum steps B through G (18.10 ± 0.60 Ma). All errors are at two-sigma . K/Ca % Radiogenic L# 53334: 21-45-2, 22.03 mg groundmass concentrate Biotite Hornblende Groundmass concentrate 21-48-2 14.37 ± 0.12 Ma 21-9-1 24.54 ± 0.31 Ma 21-34-1 24.14 ± 0.35 Ma 21-57-1A 19.99 ± 0.52 Ma 36-108 19.43 ± 0.47 Ma 1-49-4d 20.85 ± 0.22 Ma 21-30-1 #1 11.88 ± 0.19 Ma 21-30-1 #2 11.59 ± 0.20 Ma 21-37-3A 12.82 ± 0.35 Ma 21-37-3D 13.30 ± 0.14 Ma 21-45-2 18.10 ± 0.60 Ma 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Weighted Mean Age ± 2 sigma (Ma) Figure 12. Summary plot of the 40Ar/39Ar ages yielded by this study. All of the errors are two-sigma.