Ball State University Digital Media Repository Scholarly Resources for Teaching, Learning, and Research

Ball State University
Digital Media Repository
…a project of the University Libraries
Scholarly Resources for Teaching,
Learning, and Research
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
Growth of the Digital Media Repository
• February 10, 2005: 5,000 photographs in 3
collections in the Middletown Digital Archives
• February, 2010: Nearly 200,000 digital objects in
89 collections in the DMR, including
• Architectural Drawings and Slides
• Artwork
• Audio and Video
• Maps and Atlases
• Photographs
• Publications (Newspapers; Scholarly Journals)
• Sheet Music
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
New Public Interface - January 2010
• Working Group charged with improving the user
experience, enhancing navigation, utilizing Web 2.0
technologies, and adding new search options
• New interface increases visibility, search engine
rankings, usability, and use
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
Some Google Analytics and Survey Results
• 95% of DMR users are able to view wider pages
without having to scroll horizontally
• 95% use browsers that support Java and all users had
some version of flash installed
• 85% prefer to browse using an alphabetical arranged list
of collection titles
• Narrative responses indicated a preference for more
information than just titles and images on the Browse
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
Enhancements to DMR Public Interface
Web 2.0 Enhancements include:
• Cooliris media viewer to allow users to browse
collections from home page in an interactive environment
• AddThis social bookmarking tool to allow users to
easily share DMR content on social networking sites like
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Delicious.
• Flickr photostream to encourage user interaction with
digital assets
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
Enhancements to DMR Public Interface
Navigation and Browsing Enhancements include:
• Left side navigation bar on all pages with options to
browse by subject, location, format, and contributors
• Browse pages that arrange content by subject, location,
format, contributor, and individual collections
• Added brief descriptions of collections to the Browse
• “Spotlight on New Collections” with user controlled
revolving images
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
Enhancements to DMR Public Interface
Searching Enhancements include:
• Search boxes added to splash pages
• Predefined advanced searches by subject, location,
format, and contributors
• Faceted searching
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends
New DMR Public Interface
Let’s see the new DMR interface in action
Ball State University Libraries
A destination for research, learning, and friends