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2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 ?LK%KREDE3/R E3EYK%
KP1'7& 02, &6' SUZO*)4&' E"#C-Q D## %'--*2)- ",' UH O*)4&'- D## -'--*2)- ",' *) &6' F6*&*)@', !4*#=*)@ VO*##', B2##'@' 20 !4-*)'--W [8HHZG8HH
Registration ‐ F! SU\ I8HHZSH8GH
F'#12>' L'>",C- ] A'.)2&' D==,'-- Z F! STT !
E',,. A*)@Q Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
B6",#'- ?".)', Office of Institutional Diversity Director and Symposium Co‐Founder Y*)6 Y*&&#'02,=Q Department of Psychological Science and Symposium Co‐Founder A'.)2&' D==,'--8 Y":,')1' N; X',-&'*)Q ?6;5;Q Cross‐cultural, cross‐national, multicultural, indigenous, cultural....: What's a researcher to do? (Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services) E"#C- VB2)14,,')& %'--*2)-W 1.
Homoerotic Desire and Transgression in Literary Cuba ‐ R2,>") O",*)ZB"#=',2) (Modern Languages) ‐ F! \HH Gay Aging ‐ 5"+*= N"<', (Fisher Institute) ZF! STS Diversity in the Pedagogy of Writing across the Curriculum ‐ M')2 O"&4C" (English) ‐ F! SUG Housing a Multicultural Population ‐ O*16"'# !4,".*=* (Urban Planning) ‐ F! S\^ Western Style in Early Chinese Art Songs ‐ O'* _62)@ (Music) ‐ F! S\[ Correctional Education as Democratic Citizenship Education ‐ F> 54-&*) B")&,'## (Anthropology) ‐ F! S\I The Pittsburgh Crawfords' Greenlee Field: African American Architecture for Negro League Baseball ‐ X',* %&,'1C', (English) ‐ F! STH Virtues of Vagabonds: An Empirical Examination of the Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans ‐ `4) a4 (Sociology) & `'))*0', B; Y'' (Sociology) ‐ F! STG SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 1 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 SS8HHZSS8UH
F2,C-627 bS8 c4)=*)@ 02, =*+',-*&.Z,'#"&'= ,'-'",16 V&2 <' ,'7'"&'=W ‐ `4-&*) O*##', ] D4@4-&" F,". (Sponsored Programs Office) ‐ F!
\HH ! Currently available internal and external funding opportunities for diversity‐related research. ! Tips on preparing and submitting diversity‐related research proposals for federal, state, and private sector research grants. ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
3)+*&'= %7'"C',-8 1. B6",#')' D#'P")=', (Counseling Psychology): The Impact of an Immersion Experience on Counselor Self‐Efficacy: The Department of Counseling Psychology Study Abroad Experience. ‐ F! STS
2. Y",,. O",C#' (Disabled Student Development) & L2@', F'--'# (Educational Studies): Retention and Persistence to Graduation of Students with Disabilities. ‐ F! SUG ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
c"1*#*&"&'= 5*-14--*2)-8 1. Promoting Cognitive and Affective Transformation in Teachers ‐ K+" O; _.@>4)&Zc*##:"#C & ?"&,*1*" B#",C (Elementary Education)! F! S\^ 2. "#$ not an indoctrinator. /es2onding to Resistance to Diversity in the Classroom ‐ 5"+*= F; B2)1'71*2) (Philosophy and Religious Studies) ‐ F! S\[ ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd SUZO*)4&' E"#C-8 SS8HHZSS8GH 9. Education Lost in the Averages ‐ X,'@ O",16")& (Educational Psychology) ‐ F! S\I 10. 3all State#s 6orrectional 7ducation 9rogra$; the in=isible di=ersity L*1",=2 L; c',)e)='f =' J'@" (Anthropology) ‐ F! STH 11. The Effects of Diversified Mentoring Relationships ‐O",1. O'.', (Communication Studies) ‐ F! STG SS8\HZSS8UH 12. Interior Design Curriculum Across Cultures ‐ E6'#>" Y"f2Zc#2,'- (Family and Consumer Sciences) ‐ F! S\I 13. A Poetry Reading: Bisexuality and Ekphrasis ‐ 52)"#= ?#"&& (English) ‐ F! STH 14. Making Memoirs and Making Sense: Marginalized Women Write and Speak ‐ 5",2#.) gY.)g `2)'- (Education Studies: Adult, Higher, and Community Education)‐ F! STG SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 2 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 SS8UHZS8HH
Y4)16 !,'"C – D,&- ")= `24,)"#*-> !4*#=*)@ D&,*4>
?,'-')&',-8 ?#'"-' O''& *) &6' D&,*4> X"##',.
F2,C-627 bG8 ?4<#*-6*)@ =*+',-*&.Z,'#"&'= ,'-'",16 V&2 <' ,'7'"&'=W Z!,')=" M"&'- N"<*16 ] Y*-" `",,'## (University Libraries) ‐ F! \HH
Tips for identifying reputable journals across disciplines that publish diversity‐related research and writing. Lists of impact scores and rejection rates (or other indicators of quality) for journals in different disciplines that publish diversity related research and writing. ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
3)+*&'= %7'"C',-8
3. A')") O'&f@', (Tribal affiliations: Cherokee, Otoe, Pequot; Department of English): Indigenizing the Academy: Moving from the Eurocentric to the Collaborative. ‐ F! STS 4. E6','-" L*16",=-2) (Educational Studies): The Election of Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America: Implications for Multicultural Awareness in a Changing World. ‐ F! SUG ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
c"1*#*&"&'= 5*-14--*2)-8
3. The Promise of the Qualitative Paradigm for Diversity Research ! N'"&6', D=">- (Psychological Science) ‐ F! S\^ 4. Recruiting Versus Welcoming ‐ `4#*" O",*)" L4*f /--2 (Communication Studies, Anthropology) ‐ F! S\[ ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
SUZO*)4&' E"#C-8
S8HHZS8GH 15. The Right and Left Collide: Cultural Tension in the Homeschool Movement ! L"16'# B2#'>") (History) ‐ F! S\I 16. American Hinduism: The Creation of an Asian Indian Identity in Diasporic Communities Through Hindu Temples in the United States ! O*)=. F",= (Anthropology) ‐ F! STH 17. Racial Attitudes of College student from Urban and Rural Backgrounds ‐ B6,*-&276', B6*#=- (Psychology) ‐ F! STG S8\HZS8UH 18. Modern Vietnam through the lens of an American ‐ A,*-&*) X*<#', (Telecommunications) ‐ F! STH 19. The New Emerging Multicultural Society in Korea and the Role of Education ‐ %4))*' Y'' F"&-2) ] X*#<',& ?",C (Educational Studies) ‐ F!
STG SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 3 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 G8HHZG8UH
F2,C-627 bS8 c4)=*)@ 02, =*+',-*&.Z,'#"&'= ,'-'",16 VL'7'"&'=W Z`4-&*) O*##', ] D4@4-&" F,". (Sponsored Programs Office) ‐ F! \HH
Currently available internal and external funding opportunities for diversity‐related research. Tips on preparing and submitting diversity‐related research proposals for federal, state, and private sector research grants. ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
3)+*&'= %7'"C',-8
5. 54-&*) A; %6'7#', (Counseling Psychology) & X',"#= R2+"1C (Counseling Psychology): Student Initiatives in Diversity Research: From Where Do Student‐Run Research Groups Come? ‐ F! STS 6. X',"#= F"*&' (Anthropology): A Stranger in a Strange Land: Doing Research in a Place you thought you Knew. ‐ F! SUG _____________________________________________________________________
c"1*#*&"&'= 5*-14--*2)-8
5. Multicultural Teaching: Barriers and Recommendations from an Interdisciplinary Faculty ‐ X*)" %")16'f X*<"4 (Psychology) ] %*#+*" !*@"&&*
(Psychology) ‐ F! S\^ 6. YOU BELONG AT THIS TABLE TOO! Developmental Activities that Promote Apathetic Individuals to Pull their Chairs up to the Table ‐ B,"*@ `;
!'))'&& (Interdisiplinary Studies) ‐ F! S\[ ____________________________________________________________________
SUZO*)4&' E"#C-8
G8HHZG8GH 20. Bi‐Gendered Monasticism ‐ R"&"#*' Y"&&',* (History) ‐ F! STH G8\HZG8UH 21. Will I engage in or prevent racial discri$ination@; A no=el eB2eri$ent of social influence and Dhite students# racial beha=iors ‐ B6"+'##"
?*&&>") (Sociology) ‐ F! S\I 22. Study to evaluate the efficacy of accent modification training in International health professionals ‐ ?22)"> A64,")" (Pediatrics) ‐ F! STH 23. Why is it beneficial for the students to take a multicultural class online? ‐ c,")12*-' !"16'#=', (Curriculum and Instruction) ‐ F! STG SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 4 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 \8HHZ\8UH
F2,C-627 bG ?4<#*-6*)@ =*+',-*&.Z,'#"&'= ,'-'",16 VL'7'"&'=W Z!,')=" M"&'- N"<*16 ] Y*-" `",,'## (University Libraries) ‐ F! \HH
Tips for identifying reputable journals across disciplines that publish diversity‐related research and writing. Lists of impact scores and rejection rates (or other indicators of quality) for journals in different disciplines that publish diversity related research and writing. ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
3)+*&'= %7'"C',8
7. X*#<',& ?",C (Educational Studies): More than Cultural Celebrations: Examining Multicultural Education and Equal Education Opportunity. ‐ F! SUG ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
c"1*#*&"&'= 5*-14--*2)-8
7. Challenges and Opportunities of Conducting Research with Members of Marginalized Populations! N'"&6', D=">-Q D-6#'. D,)2&&Q ]
R"&6") %>*&6 (Psychological Science) ‐ F! S\^ 8. Preparing White, Middle Class Preservice Teachers for Diverse Classrooms: Navigating Similarity and Difference through a Lens of Whiteness ! %4-") L; D=">- ] B"&6. N",@,2+' (College of Education, Language, Culture, and Literacy in Education) ‐ F! S\[ 9. A Port in the Storm: An Investigation of Identity in a Student Race‐Based Organization for African American Student Leaders ‐E6'><* B",, (Educational Studies) ‐ F! S\I dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
SUZO*)4&' E"#C-8
\8HHZ\8GH 24. Priming young African American Males for success: A collaboration between a university and a faith‐based institution ‐ %6",2) K; O22,' (Social Work) ‐ F! STH 25. Racetalk on a Religious College Campus: Colorblind Rhetoric in Everyday Discourse ‐A'+*) O*##', (Communication) ‐ F! STG \8\HZ\8UH 26. Multiculturalism Reconsidered: How Religion Impacts the Development and Classroom Practice of Teachers ZA*><',#. L; F6*&' (Education) ‐ F! STH SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 5 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 T8HHZT8UH
F! \SS
Using a social justice framework for investigating infant mortality ‐ K#'")2, `26)-2) (Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology) Guide for Singing Original Chinese Repertoire ‐ O'* _62)@ ] A"&*' A'##2@@ (Music) Gender Stereotypes and the Weapon Focus Effect ‐ A',,* Y; ?*1C'# (Psychological Science) Decoding Asian Mode of Design Creativity: An Assessment of Furniture Forms ‐ E6'#>" Y"f2Zc#2,'- (Family and Consumer Sciences, Interior Design) Positively gay: Incorporating positive aspects in working with gay and lesbian clients. ‐ 5'<2,"6 `; O*##', ] 54-&*) A; %6'7#', (Counseling Psychology) Native American Concerns In Psychology ‐ D>")=" N":C ] N'"&6', D=">- (Psychology) Affirmative Action ‐ !,*&&"). O"ff2#" (Journalism, Education) Sexual Minority Issues Within The Homeless Population ‐ 5')+', N"## (Psychology) Vietnam 2009 ‐ A,*-&*) X*<#', (Telecommunications) & J*'&)"> GHHI 7",&*1*7")&- The Identity of Non‐Native Teachers in ESL Contexts: Negotiating White English ‐ N.'ZA.4)@ A*> (Literacy, Culture, and Language Education) Resilience among older gay men with addiction following gay specific treatment ‐ R2'## Y; L2:")Q 5"+*= `')C*)-Q ] B6',.# ?",C- (Social Work) Mentally Ill Inmates and the Death Penalty ‐ !,")=. B227', (Psychology) PTSD: An Ignored Casualty of War ‐ `2)"&6") %4&&', (Social Work) SUZO*)4&' E"#C-8
EFot Gour Hrand$a#s France; /e‐thinking the 6ulture 6ourse in a Hlobal SocietyK ‐ D>. D##') %'C6", (Modern Languages) ! F! STS The Drumbeat goes on: Case Study on Urban Indian Education‐ R2'>*' F"#=64<'# (Anthropology) ! F! SUG Workplace Safety: Understanding the Disparity Between Men and Women ‐ %"+"))"6 B,")' D##'. VHuman Performance) ! F! S\^ Savage Art: Distorting Filipino Identities from United States to Philippine Caricatures ‐ B6,*-&276', O"@)2 (Criminal Justice) ! F! S\[ Negotiations and Expressions of Lesbian and Queer Identities Z Y"4," ?#*- (Anthropology) ! F! S\I Leconstructing Mhiteness in the Suburbs; A Mhite Neacher#s 6on=ersation Dith an African A$erican Fa$ily ‐ A'##. L2.-&', (Literacy, Culture, and Language Education) ! F! STH SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 6 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 T8\HZT8UH 33. The International Student Experience ‐ `4#*" O",*)" L4*f /--2 VCommunication Studies, Anthropology) ! F! STG 34. The Likelihood of Sexism Confrontation as a Function of Perpetrator Power and Perceived Intent ‐ `26) B; !#")16", ] Y'-#*' D-6<4,)Z
R",=2 (Psychology) ! F! STS 35. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender and Chemical Dependency: Exploring Successful Treatment Z R2'## Y; L2:") ] D))" c"4# (Social Work) ! F! SUG 36. Community Dynamics in the Construction of Race: African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky Pre and Post Emancipation ‐ O*16'##' !"16'#2,
L2<*)-2) (English) ] O*16"'# D##') L2<*)-2) (Social Work) ! F! S\^ 37. Teaching Diversity Through Design Education ‐ 5"+*= %&"*,- ] %&4=')&- 20 DLE TTTI ")= ThG (Art) ! F! S\[ 38. Old Miami, New Miami: Reconsidering the Miami University Student Community ‐ D4=,'. O; Y'6, (English Literature) ! F! S\I T8UH ZU8HH
D))24)1'>')& 20 D:",= F*))',- Z F! STT
F' &6")C &6' 02##2:*)@ 7'27#' V")= &6'*, 200*1'-W 02, &6'*, "--*-&")1' ")= 02, -6",*)@ &6'*, ,'-24,1'-8
!"## %&"&' ()*+',-*&. %&"00
B2)0',')1' B2>>*&&''
B2)0',')1' D--*-&")&Brenda Ayers ‐ Sponsored Programs Office Rodney Brooks ! The Atrium & Bookmark Café Kathryn Casada ! University Catering Michelle Bosh ‐ Department of Psychological Science Lynne Cooper ‐ Provost & VP Academic Affairs Linda Herndon ! Central Stores Stephen Jendraszak ‐ University Marketing and Communications Lorri Markum ! Career Center Al Rent ‐ Office of the Vice President Angela Pickett ‐ Facilities Planning and Management Tania Said ‐ Museum of Art Linda Swartz Ritchie ‐‐ Sponsored Programs Office Lori Siefker ! Instructional Classroom Support Rita Stewart ! Conferences and Special Events Sharon Bowman Susan Johnson Mary Kite Kenan Metzger Gilbert Park Theresa Richardson Kelly Barnes Ashley Boester Lindsay Higdon Calvin Isaacs Noah Jacobs Kory Jordan Jenny Klucarich
Kerri Pickel Kristin Ritchey Josh Staller Meg Terranova B/RcKLKRBK B/Zc/(R5KL% ] /LXDR3_KL%: Y*)6 Y*&&#'02,= ")= B6",#'- ?".)'
SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM PAGE 7 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 ?,'-')&',- ")= 3)-&*&4&*2)"# D00*#*"&*2)!"## %&"&' ()*+',-*&.
Heather Charlene Ashley Michael Wm Dustin Christopher Pat Rachel David Ricardo R. Lawrence Kristin David Denver Amanda Adams Alexander Arnott Burayidi Cantrell Childs Clark Coleman Concepcion Fernandez de Vega Gerstein Gibler Haber Hall Hawk Eleanor Darolyn Katie Thelma Jennifer Greg Norman Larry Yeno Brittany Kenan Marcy Deborah Ward Gerald Johnson Jones Kellogg Lazo‐Flores Lee Marchant Marin‐Calderon Markle Matuka Mazzola Metzger Meyer Miller Mindy Novack Julia Gilbert Kerri Marjurie Theresa Matzine Dustin Nathan Geralyn Gerald Mindy Sunnie Roger Kimberly Mei Eva Osso Park Pickel Ribeiro Richardson Sanchez‐Gutierrez Shepler Smith Strecker Waite Ward Watson Wessel White Zhong Zygmunt‐Fillwalk !4&#', ()*+',-*&.
Susan Rebecca Adams Games Cathy Hargrove Carrie Twyman B')&,"# O*16*@") ()*+',-*&.
David Stairs N4)&*)@&2) ()*+',-*&.
Kevin Miller 3)=*")" ()*+',-*&. Savannah Hye‐Kyung Crane Alley Kim Christopher Kelly Magno Royster Noemie Waldhubel 3)=*")" ()*+',-*&. Z ?4,=4' ()*+',-*&. 3)=*")"72#*Leslie Silvia Ashburn‐Nardo Bigatti SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM John Darrell Blanchar Brown Gina Jennifer Gibau Thorington Springer PAGE 8 2009 DRS: Exploring Diversity Research and Writing Across Disciplines November 14, 2009 3)=*")" ()*+',-*&. %1622# 20 O'=*1*)'
Poonam Khurana O*">* ()*+',-*&.
Craig Bennett Audrey Lehr R': B2##'@' 20 c#2,*="
Chavella Pittman ?4,=4' ()*+',-*&.
James Natalie Gilligan Latteri Donald Platt Laura Plis E'P"- B6,*-&*") ()*+',-*&.
David Jenkins ()*+',-*&. 20 B*)1*))"&*
Francoise Bachelder Thembi Carr Jonathan Sutter ()*+',-*&. 20 B*)1*))"&*Q B#',>2)& B2##'@'
Brandy Cooper ()*+',-*&. 20 B2))'1&*14&
()*+',-*&. 20 3)=*")"72#*Amy
Allen Sekhar
()*+',-*&. 20 Y24*-+*##' SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM Noell