Thinking about a Major? Major in Thinking Philosophy

Philosophy @ Marist
Thinking about a Major?
Major in Thinking.
Philosophy @ Marist
Alumni Testimonials
“I am an attorney in private
practice. I founded and run my
own law firm. My philosophy
degree has helped me immensely
in my post-graduate studies as
well as in my career.”
Michael Schewe ‘07
“Majoring in Philosophy was
quite possibly one of the best
decisions I've ever made…
Throughout my career I have
seen the benefits of my
education in philosophy.”
Sondria Berman ‘07
Director of Communications & Marketing Chelsea
Jewish Foundation
Philosophy @ Marist
Measuring up a Philosophy Degree
“The economic downturn has done little, if anything, to dampen this enthusiasm
among students, who say that what they learn in [philosophy] class can translate into practical skills and careers.”
“In a New Generation of Students, Many opt for the Life Examined”
The New York Times (April 6, 2008)
Philosophy majors rank FIRST
among all majors on the verbal section of the GRE.
among all majors on the analytical section of the GRE.
among humanities majors and ninth among all majors on
the quantitative (mathematical) section of the GRE.
among all majors on the Law School Admissions Test.
Philosophy @ Marist
GRE Scores by Intended Major 2011-12
(Graphic Courtesy Tyler Fagan and Katrina Sifferd)
Philosophy @ Marist
What can I do with a Philosophy Degree?
Recent Graduates
Kristina Gray ‘12 Law School
Case Western University
Henry Curtis ’12 MS Bioethics
Columbia University
Jason Xenakis ‘10 Medical School
New York Medical College
Karl Mill ‘08 Law School
Columbia University
Dennis Mulqueen ‘12 MA Philosophy
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Shawn Jordan ‘11 MA Philosophy
University of Manitoba
Philosophy @ Marist
Mid-Hudson Valley Philosophy Conference
Shawn Jordan ‘11 presents his paper “Truth-Making and Fiction” at the First Marist Conference in 2011.
Each spring Marist hosts the Mid-Hudson Valley Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.
The conference is highly selective, accepting at most six papers. Students from Marist, Yale,
Swarthmore, Rutgers, Hamilton, and West Point have presented original philosophical
research at the conference. Marist philosophy students provide commentary.
Philosophy @ Marist
Department Speaker Series
Every semester the department brings prominent philosophers to campus to discuss their
most recent research with Marist students and faculty. Above, in March 2012 Ruth Chang
(Rutgers University) explains her current research in ethics.
Philosophy @ Marist
Marist Undergraduate Philosophy Journal
The Department of Philosophy and
Religious Studies is currently developing an online undergraduate
journal of philosophy. The journal
will publish articles from Marist’s
undergraduate conference, as well
as papers submitted from philosophy students across the country.
The journal is edited and designed by students. The journal will
also provide internship credit and
important experience for students
considering diverse career paths.
The first volume of the journal will
be published Fall 2013.
Philosophy @ Marist
Faculty Profiles and Recent Courses
Andrei Buckareff (Ph.D. Rochester)
Metaphysics, Mind, Agency
Joseph Campisi (Ph.D. Duquesne)
Ethics of Food, Continental Philosophy, Existentialism
Cathleen Muller (Ph.D. Ohio State)
Metaphysics, Philosophy of Fiction,
Philosophy of Language
Henry Pratt (Ph.D. Ohio State)
Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Film
and Comics
James Snyder (Ph.D. CUNY)
Renaissance and Modern Philosophy,
Philosophy of Science
Georganna Ulary (Ph.D. Duquesne)
Political and Feminist Philosophy
Prof. Joseph Campisi and students discuss the ethics of food
over a meal at a local farm-to-table restaurant.
Recent Courses
Free Will and Science (Fall 2012)
The Ethics of Food (Fall 2012)
Philosophy and Film (Fall 2012)
Philosophy of Technology (Spring 2013)
Flesh & Desire: Philosophy of Sex and Love
(Fall 2013)