Revised March 2009 Funds in your Marist Money account can be used for purchases in the college bookstore, post office, digital publication center (copies, faxes), campus coffee shops, the Cabaret, Main Dining Hall, computer store, college activities (video rentals, ticket sales,billiards) ,selected campus vending machines, and library copy machines . We have also partnered with selected off campus merchants, which will accept Marist Money as payment. Your funds are placed in an account that only your activated Marist College ID card can access. Each time you insert your card into a reader your account balance is decreased by the amount of that sale. The system then informs you of your account balance. The advantage to Marist Money is you never need to carry cash, as your student ID card also serves as your Marist Money Card. The card is your responsibility. A lost or stolen Marist ID Card must be reported immediately to the Card Office ext.3550 during business hours or the Office of Safety and Security ext.2282. Both offices are located in Donnelly Hall. Once the card is reported lost or stolen, the account is frozen and protected. The card holder should immediately get a new ID card at the Marist Card Office in Donnelly Hall for a replacement fee of $15.00. Where do I go to report a stolen or lost ID card? A Q A Q A You may make a deposit to your account in either cash, check, or credit card. Minimum deposit is $25.00. Please make checks payable to Marist Money. There is a $15.00 charge for any returned checks. How can I deposit additional funds to my Marist Money account? You may request an account balance at any participating Marist Money register or at the Marist Card Office. However, it is your responsibility to keep track of the purchases that you make, allowing you to manage your own account. How will I know when my account balance is running low? The term of agreement shall be for the full academic career of the student, which is defined as the day before classes begin as a freshman and ends the last day of the final exam period of the semester as a senior. What is the term of the contract for my account ? Q A Q A No! This is a money-management account only. No cash can be withdrawn at any time. If you have other questions about Marist Money or would like more information please call the Marist Card Office at (845) 575-3550 or E-mail us at MARIST MONEY CAN BE USED FOR PAYMENT OF PURCHASES AND/OR SERVICES AT THIS LOCATION. When you see this logo No alcohol, tobacco products,or lottery tickets may be purchased using Marist Money. A Can I withdraw cash from my account? Q Marist Money carries over from year to year. If you are graduating or leaving the college, any remaining funds will be applied against any outstanding debt. A refund may be requested in writing of any remaining fund balance greater than $20.00 through the Marist Card Office. A Make checks payable to Marist Money. Write student’s Campus Wide Indentification (CWID) Number on the face of the check to insure proper credit. Student First Name Student Last Name Marist Money is a convenient, money management card account which allows you to enjoy campus wide, and selected off campus purchasing. Marist College Marist Card Office – Donnelly Hall 241 3399 North Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12601-1387 (Please Print) Expected Graduation Year AUTHORIZATION FORM I have read and understand terms and conditions affiliated with the Marist Money program. Please complete and sign the Marist Money Form and return with your deposit to: While I am a registered student at Marist College I authorize the College to establish an account with the enclosed deposit of $ (minimum deposit, $25.00). If there is a balance of funds in my Marist Money account, after I leave the college what happens? CWID Number Q Student Signature FAQ’s about Marist MoneyA Telephone Number Introducing Marist Money No cash withdrawals can be made from your account. Date Academic year 2010-2011 Bookstore CampusDining(alllocations) CollegeActivitiesOffice ComputerStore CopyCenter MusicDepartment PostOffice VendingMachines On Campus Merchants x x x x x x x x Applebee's BeachBodyTanning BeachBodyTipstoToes CampusDeli Coco'sPastaandGrill Cosimo'sTrattoria CVSPharmacyͲPoughkeepsie CVSPharmacy–HydePark DarbyO'Gills Doughboys EͲZWashLaundry Giacomo's GingerChineseRestaurant HydeParkPizzeria K&DDeli Lola'sCafe McDonalds MoleMole NYBagel&Bistro PalaceDiner PleasantRidgeIIIPizzeria Quiznos StopNShop YeungHoII Off Campus Merchants x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x MARIST MONEY ACCOUNT Application and Statement of Conditions (please retain for future reference) 1) Marist Money accounts - You will not be able to use your Marist Money account (college ID card) until you are a registered student with the College. If you are not interested in using the Marist Money service, do not deposit funds to your account. Funds may be deposited to your account at the Marist Card Office. 2) Consumer Liability - If your Marist Money card (Marist ID) is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the Marist Card Office ext. 3550 during regular business hours or Security ext. 2282 after hours. If reported within two (2) business days, you can lose no more than $50.00 if someone uses your card without your permission. If you do not contact the Office of Safety and Security within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft, and we can prove that we could have stopped someone from using your card without your permission if you had told us, you can lose as much as $500.00. 3) Contact in event of lost or stolen card - If you believe your card has been lost or stolen, call: The Marist Card Office ext. 3550 or after business hours Security 575-3000 ext. 2282 Once contacted, the College can and will block your account, preventing unauthorized usage. 4) Business days - For purposes of the disclosure statement, College business days include every day other than Saturday, Sunday, legal holidays as well as other days the College closes as announced each year through the Academic Calendar. 5) Account Access - You may use your card to: a) pay for purchases and services both on and off campus at vendors that have agreed to accept the card. b) access various campus residence facilities. 6) Confidentiality - Marist College will disclose information to third parties about your accounts: a) where it is necessary for completing purchases, b) in order to verify the existence and condition of your account for the merchant, c) in order to comply with government agency or court orders d) if you give us your written permission. 7) Periodic statements - Marist Card Office will provide you with a daily statement on the website: http// maristmoney. The statement is printable. 8) Marist College’s liability - If the College does not credit your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, the College will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions: which are not limited to. a) if through no fault of the College, you do not have enough money in your account to make a purchase. b) if the transaction terminal or card system was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown prior to your purchase. c) if circumstances beyond the control of the College such as fire, flood or power failure prevent the purchase, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken. d) if your account has been blocked to prevent unauthorized usage. 9) In case of error or questions about your Marist Money account charges, call the Marist Card Office at (845) 575-3550, or write us at Marist College, 3399 North Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601-1387 or E-mail us at Contact us as soon as possible and no later than sixty (60) days after you become aware of the problem or error. When contacting us: a) state your name and CWID (student ID #). b) describe the error you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. c) tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. If you tell the College about your concerns orally, the College may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days. The College will tell you the results of their investigation within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If more time is required, the College may take up to forty five (45) days to investigate your complaint or question. If the College decides to do this, it will credit your account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes the College to complete its investigation. If you are asked by the College to put your complaint or question in writing and it is not received by the College within ten (10) business days, the College may not credit your account. If the College determines that there was no error, it will send you a written explanation within three (3) business days after the investigation is finished. You may ask for copies of the documentation that the College used in its investigation. Your ID card is not transferrable and must be presented upon request to establish official college identification. An invalid ID card may be confiscated by a College Official. A lost or abused ID card carries a $15.00 replacement fee. At the end of your academic career, any remaining balance on your account will be applied against any outstanding debt. Any remaining fund balance greater than $20.00 will be refunded. Marist College Card is your personal college identification card is your college library card grants students admission to college activities and events privileges at Marist College grants you check cashing enables access to Marist Money services is your Dining Service card your residence hall access VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: marist money MARIST CARD OFFICE College & ID Card Campus Identification Residence Hall Access Marist Money Card status 1 123-45-000 COLLEGE ID CARD MARIST Library Card and MORE! First Name Last Name Innovative Convenient & Safe