North Carolina Testing Program Report of Student Performance in Writing Grades 4, 7, and 10 on North Carolina Writing Assessment North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio 2003-04 Published November 2004 Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2825 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION HOWARD N. LEE Chairman Raleigh JANE P. NORWOOD Vice Chair Charlotte KATHY A. TAFT Greenville MICHELLE HOWARD-VITAL Wilmington EDGAR D. MURPHY Durham EVELYN B. MONROE West End MARIA T. PALMER Chapel Hill ROBERT “TOM” SPEED Boone WAYNE MCDEVITT Asheville JOHN TATE III Charlotte BEVERLY PERDUE Lieutenant Governor New Bern RICHARD MOORE State Treasurer Kittrell NC DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Patricia N. Willoughby, State Superintendent 301 N. Wilmington Street :: Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2825 :: In compliance with federal laws, N C Public Schools administers all state-operated educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic orgin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to: Dr. Elsie C. Leak, Associate Superintendent Office of Curriculum and School Reform Services 6307 Mail Services Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6307 Telephone (919) 807-3761; fax (919) 807-3767 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Report of Student Performance in Writing Grades 4, 7, and 10 on North Carolina Writing Assessment North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic - Writing North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio - Writing 2003-04 Published November 2004 Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2825 © 2004 All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written permission from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Division of Accountability Services, North Carolina Testing Program, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2825. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Acknowledgments This report is the collaborative work of many individuals. The North Carolina Testing Program is conducted by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), Division of Accountability Services. Mildred Bazemore, Chief of the North Carolina Test Development Section, and Charles Lanier, Educational Research and Evaluation Consultant in the North Carolina Test Development Section, directed the design of the report. Technical support services for the program are implemented in collaboration with the Center for Urban Affairs and Community Services at North Carolina State University under the Technical Outreach for Public Schools (TOPS) program. Staff at TOPS conducted the required analyses and report production. At TOPS we thank Betty Marsh, Marcy Roan, Stephen Ward, Anthony Wells, and Karin Wolfe for assistance in creating tables and figures, verifying data accuracy, and coordinating report editing and production. At DPI, we thank Mildred Bazemore, Jim Kroening, and Charles Lanier for assistance in preparing all phases of this publication. We also thank the personnel in the state’s Regional Accountability Centers and Local Education Agencies for their conscientious efforts in administering the tests and verifying the data. This publication and the information contained within must not be used for personal or financial gain. North Carolina LEA school officials and teachers, parents, and students may download and duplicate this publication for instructional and educational purposes only. Others may not duplicate this publication without prior written permission from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 Report of Student Performance in Writing Grades 4, 7, and 10 Table of Contents Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment, State-Level Summary Statistics, Grade 4....... 5 Copies of Grade 4 Sample Student Responses ...................................................................... 21 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment, Grade 4, Regional by LEA Performance ..... 35 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment, State-Level Summary Statistics, Grade 7..... 51 Copies of Grade 7 Sample Student Responses ...................................................................... 67 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment, Grade 7, Regional by LEA Performance ..... 81 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment, State-Level Summary Statistics, Grade 10... 97 Copies of Grade 10 Sample Student Responses .................................................................. 113 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment, Grade 10, Regional by LEA Performance . 127 2003-04 North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (AAAI) – Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10 .............................................................................................................. 143 2003-04 North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio (AAP) – Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10 .............................................................................................................. 147 Appendices........................................................................................................................... 151 Appendix A: Grade Levels and Types of Writing by Year ............................................ 153 Appendix B: 1992-93 to 2003-04 Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 4...................................................................................... 157 Appendix C: 1995-96 to 2003-04 Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 7...................................................................................... 161 Appendix D: 1991-92 to 2003-04 Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 10.................................................................................... 165 Appendix E: List of North Carolina Charter Schools, 2003-04..................................... 169 i Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Testing Section, NCDPI English/language arts, and North Carolina State University-Technical Outreach for Public Schools (NCSU-TOPS) staff met in September of 2001 and began the process that would result in new writing assessments and scoring procedures for grades 4, 7, and 10. Writing committees for each grade level were established that included regular education teachers, ESL teachers, exceptional children teachers, curriculum supervisors, principals, and university faculty. The North Carolina Writing Assessment Scoring Model was developed by NCDPI Testing Section and NCSU-TOPS staff, refined by the writing assessment advisory committees, and approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) on January 9, 2003. A pilot administration of the North Carolina Writing Assessment at grades 4, 7, and 10 was administered in March 2003 to all eligible students. The students in grades 4 and 7 received 75 minutes to respond to the pilot prompt; students in grade 10 received 100 minutes. The writing assessments, the scoring model, and achievement level ranges were revised to reflect (1) changes in the English/language arts curriculum emphasis and focus, and (2) the need to enhance the data analysis processes associated with the writing assessments. Changes to the North Carolina Writing Assessment at grades 4, 7, and 10 were initiated effective with the 2002-03 school year to reflect the revisions to the English/language arts curriculum adopted by the SBE (1999), the recommendations of the Writing Assessment Task Force (2001), and the recommendations of the SBE Ad Hoc Writing Committee (2002). Table 1. Type of Writing Assessed by Grade Level Grade Level 4 7 10 Type of Writing Extended narrative response (personal or imaginative) Extended argumentative response (problem/solution or evaluative) Extended information response (definition, cause/effect, or problem/solution) Appendix A displays a complete list of the types of writing by grade level and year. Scoring Procedure Student responses were scored using the North Carolina Writing Assessment Scoring Model which consists of the following: • a content component with a 1-4 score scale, and • a conventions component with a 0-2 score scale. All student responses are scored by two independent readers. 1 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 The total writing score for each student is computed by combining the content and conventions scores in the following manner: Total Writing Assessment Score = sum of the (content component scores from the two independent readers multiplied by 2) + the sum of the (conventions component scores from the two independent readers multiplied by 1). The Total Writing Score may be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 20 for a given student. Achievement Level Ranges After carefully examining all data associated with the “Body of Work” and “Contrasting Groups” standard-setting methods, the March 2003 pilot administration data, and the North Carolina Writing Assessment Scoring Model, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Accountability Services and Instructional Services – English/language arts staff recommended the following Achievement Level Ranges for approval by the SBE. This recommendation was approved by the SBE in October 2003. Table 2. SBE Adopted Achievement Level Ranges for the Writing Assessments at Grades 4, 7, and 10 Grades 4, 7, and 10 Level I Level II Level III Level IV 4-7 8-11 12-16 17-20 Students received the following information from the writing assessments: (a) point totals for content, (b) point totals for conventions, (c) total writing scores, (d) Achievement Level, and (e) their imaged responses were returned. A review procedure was incorporated into the scoring process for those students whose Total Writing Score fell within one point of the cut line at Achievement Level III (Total Writing Score = 11). This procedure precluded an LEA appeal mechanism, as conducted under the previous focused holistic scoring system. Alternate Assessments for North Carolina Writing Assessment at Grades 4, 7, and 10 To comply with the IDEA Amendments of 1997, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Section and the NCDPI Exceptional Children Division worked collaboratively with other stakeholders to develop and implement the North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio (NCAAP) and initiated the design and development of the North Carolina Computerized Adaptive Testing System (NCCATS) accommodation. However, it became evident in the fall of 2000 that the needs of certain students with disabilities were not being met by these efforts. In an effort to meet these needs, the North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (NCAAAI) was developed and piloted in the spring of 2001. One purpose this alternate assessment serves is as an alternate assessment for the standard administration of the North Carolina Writing Assessment at Grades 4, 7, and 10. 2 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 With the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, it became apparent that an appropriate assessment for qualifying LEP students was also needed. The NCAAAI, taken on-grade level, became a solution. Beginning with the 2002-03 school year, LEP students that met length of enrollment and language proficiency requirements as set forth in SBE policy HSP-C-005 were eligible to participate in the NCAAAI. As part of the writing assessment at grades 4, 7, and 10, the NCAAAI for writing was piloted during the 2002-03 school year. The Writing Assessment Component of the NCAAAI North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (NCAAAI). The North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (NCAAAI) is an alternate assessment designed for students with disabilities who have an IEP and has been adapted for students with limited English proficiency (LEP) who meet eligibility criteria. Participating students are unable to participate in state test administrations under standard conditions or with accommodations. Student performance on the tested objectives is addressed by the teachers at the beginning of the year (baseline), midyear, and at the end of the year. Participating students follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Teachers use this academic checklist to document student performance on objectives in the specific content areas. All students participating in the NCAAAI in writing must be assessed on-grade level (at the assigned grade level) in grades 4, 7, and 10. Students can receive an Achievement Level of I, II, III, or IV. The assessor (the teacher) also indicates on the academic checklist if the student achieved growth on the content being assessed. The NCAAAI was piloted in the 2000-01 school year and administered operationally in the 2001-02 school year. The state writing assessment (including the writing assessment component of the NCAAAI) was piloted in the 2002-03 school year. The 2003-04 NCAAAI administration was a fully operational assessment. This report includes the NCAAAI results for writing for the 2003-04 school year. NCAAP Component of Writing Assessment North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio (NCAAP). Within the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for English/language arts, there are five competency areas, each of which is paired with a statement of its critical “essence.” These essence statements provide the broadest possible view of the competency to promote inclusion of the students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The fourth and fifth competency areas are used in the North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio (NCAAP) to demonstrate performance in writing for fourth, seventh, and tenth grade students participating in this yearlong, performance-based assessment. Writing is assessed as a component of the English/language arts requirement for the NCAAP. Since the state writing assessment was a pilot for the 2002-03 school year, the results from the writing component of the NCAAP are also reported as results from a pilot administration. The 2003-04 NCAAP administration was a fully operational assessment. 3 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment State-Level Summary Statistics Grade 4 5 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 4 Results of the Writing Assessment at Grade 4 Students in the fourth grade were asked to write a personal narrative response to the following prompt: Think about a time you tried something new. Write a story about what happened. Contracted readers scored 102,121 public school responses for grade 4 after the 2003-04 writing assessment. The scores show that 38.7 percent of the fourth graders wrote well enough to score at or above Level III. This represents an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the 38.6 percent who achieved this level in 2002-03 pilot test administration. About 1.7 percent of the fourth graders in the 2003-04 writing assessment received the highest scores (Level IV) and 9.6 percent received the lowest scores (Level I). In 2003-04, less than one percent (0.3) of the papers had problems which made them non-scorable. Non-scorable papers receive Achievement Level I ratings and are included in the state results as Level I scores. The average weighted content score for fourth graders taking the assessment in 2003-04 was 8.7 on a scale of four to sixteen. The average conventions score was 2.1 on a scale of zero to four. The average Total Writing Score was 10.8 of a possible 20. The Total Score Range is 4-20. Observations The 2003-04 writing assessment at grade 4 required students to respond to a personal narrative prompt about “trying something new.” When comparing content scores across the three grades, Grade 4 had the fewest scores of 1s and 2s and the highest number of score of 3s and 4s (the content scale is 1-4). However, when the conventions scores were included in the analysis, the comparison across the three grades differs substantially. In conventions, students in grade 4 had the highest number of scores of 0s and the fewest number of scores of 2 (the convention scale is 0-2). An observation from the writing assessment is that students in grade 4 appear to have relatively strong content scores and relatively weak convention scores. At grade 4, where students performed much better in content, they did not achieve the gains experienced at grades 7 and 10 due to the students’ lack of success with conventions. The following observations were also noted: • • Content prompt was accessible to all students only .26 percent of students received a non-scorable response Student responses that were less successful tended to include the following characteristics: • • inability to elaborate on the particular topic relying on general and/or list-like support. 7 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Observations (continued) Conventions When present, errors tended to include: • • • • • Performance of Subgroups at Grade 4 sentence formation spelling dialogue annotations inconsistency in verb tense pervasive errors that impeded understanding of the ideas conveyed. Gender Approximately 45.4 percent of the female students scored at or above Level III compared to 32.3 percent for male students. Ethnicity About 50.8 percent of Asian students scored at or above Level III compared to 47.8 percent of the White students, 40.3 percent of Multi-Racial students, 27.3 percent of American Indian students, 24.8 percent of Hispanic students, and 23.9 percent of Black students. There were 102,121 fourth grade public school student responses scored by two independent readers. The inter-rater reliability rates (agreement rates) of the readers are shown below in Table 3. The 70.0 percent criterion rate for perfect agreement based upon industry standards was exceeded and the resolutions required were few. Table 3. Fourth Grade Reader Agreement Statistics Total Public School Papers Content 102,121 Conventions 102,121 Perfect Agreement Percent 72.9 70.0 8 Adjacent Agreement Percent 26.6 29.4 Resolution Required Percent 0.5 0.6 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Performance of Subgroups at Grade 4 (continued) The following pages, and Appendix B, present data for the Grade 4 writing assessment administered since a new scoring model was piloted in March 2003. Figure 1 indicates that little change occurred in the percentage of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III between the pilot year and the current year (0.1% increase between 2002-03 and 2003-04). Table 6, a table of Achievement Levels by subgroup, demonstrates that females outperformed males. Also, White and Asian students performed at a higher level than the American Indian, Black, and Hispanic subgroups. Table 8, the frequency summary, shows that a very small percentage of fourth graders reached Achievement Level IV (less than 2.0%), while about 37.0 percent of the students received a III, over half (51.0%) received a II, and 10.0 percent received the lowest Achievement Level. 9 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 1. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2002-03 to 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III Grade 4 100 90 80 10 Percent of Students 70 60 50 40 30 38.7 38.6 20 10 0 2002-03 1 Notes: 1The writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 2003-04 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 2. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1992-93 to 2003-04, Distribution of Writing Levels, Grade 4 100 90 80 64.0 35.7 36.9 21.2 2.8 5.6 7.3 7.0 3.4 4.1 5.5 4.7 4.8 3.0 2.8 1.7 11.3 9.6 10 4.3 5.5 4.0 3.5 2.0 1.8 2.3 2.1 20 28.7 28.9 40 30 43.8 45.6 44.5 45.2 47.7 49.7 52.9 51.0 50.2 51.7 44.8 42.8 40.6 50 42.1 43.0 47.4 56.2 49.0 60 19.8 16.4 11 Percent of Students 70 0 Level I Level II Level III Level IV Writing Levels 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 1 2002-03 Notes: 1The bold vertical line between years indicates that the writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 2003-04 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 3. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Percent of Students At or Above Level III, Grade 4, By Gender and Ethnicity 58.9% Asian Female 55.5% White Female 46.3% Multi-Racial Female *N=1,550 43.8% Asian Male 40.6% White Male 34.5% Multi-Racial Male Hispanic Female *N=3,454 29.7% Black Female 29.5% State Percent 32.9 % American Indian Female *N=14,821 21.9% American Indian Male *N=859 Percent of Students 19.9% Hispanic Male *N=3,408 18.4% Black Male *N=15,156 38.7% State *N=102,121 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Notes: *N counts equal the number of students tested. When summed, gender/ethnicity N counts may not match the state N counts because a gender/ethnicity category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 12 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 4. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04 Statewide Number of Students Tested, Taking Alternate Assessments, and Number Not Tested, Grade 4 Not Tested Category Membership1 13 Total Female Male American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Limited English Proficient (LEP) All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injury Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 106,013 51,612 54,401 1,627 2,136 31,562 7,862 2,699 60,127 55,976 53,199 2,535 952 5,513 18,258 934 187 2,116 6,877 2,132 63 2,361 90 29 445 59 122 5 229 2,609 Percent of Membership 100.0 48.7 51.3 1.5 2.0 29.8 7.4 2.5 56.7 52.8 50.2 2.4 0.9 5.2 17.2 0.9 0.2 2.0 6.5 2.0 0.1 2.2 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 2.5 Number Tested2 102,121 49,960 51,998 1,679 1,995 30,024 6,884 3,140 58,228 54,741 51,127 3,421 559 4,152 14,637 814 145 1,219 6,295 1,853 46 1,935 69 17 211 0 12 14 11 1,996 Percent Tested3 96.3 96.8 95.6 103.2 93.4 95.1 87.6 116.3 96.8 97.8 96.1 135.0 58.7 75.3 80.2 87.2 77.5 57.6 91.5 86.9 73.0 82.0 76.7 58.6 47.4 0.0 9.8 280.0 4.8 76.5 Number Percent Alternate Alternate Assessments Assessments 2,635 2.5 980 1.9 1,654 3.0 79 4.9 98 4.6 850 2.7 776 9.9 38 1.4 793 1.3 1,598 2.9 1,563 2.9 31 1.2 95 10.0 817 14.8 1,882 10.3 62 6.6 32 17.1 759 35.9 248 3.6 20 0.9 3 4.8 128 5.4 20 22.2 11 37.9 203 45.6 54 91.5 102 83.6 1 20.0 206 90.0 5 0.2 Number Absent 1,257 672 749 * 43 688 202 * 1,106 * 509 * 298 544 1,739 58 10 138 334 259 14 298 1 1 31 5 8 * 12 608 Notes: 1"Membership" is the total number of students on the 2003-04 Masterbuild data file. 2 "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing assessment. 3 "Percent Tested" may exceed 100.0 percent due to coding differences between the Masterbuild file and student test documents for the North Carolina Writing Assessment. *These data represent coding on the 2003-04 test documents. Data for the alternate assessments came from the AAAI and AAP test documents. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Percent Absent 1.2 1.3 1.4 * 2.0 2.2 2.6 * 1.8 * 1.0 * 31.3 9.9 9.5 6.2 5.3 6.5 4.9 12.1 22.2 12.6 1.1 3.4 7.0 8.5 6.6 * 5.2 23.3 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 5. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1992-93 to 2003-04, Distribution of Achievement Levels Across Years, Grade 4 Achievement Levels Grade 4 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Number Tested 84,686 84,982 87,339 88,441 90,638 94,386 96,649 Level I Level II Level III Level IV 16,727 47,597 17,929 2,433 19.8 56.2 22.1 2.8 13,956 41,610 24,432 4,781 16.4 49.0 28.7 5.6 3,773 36,793 39,865 6,367 4.3 42.1 45.6 7.3 4,894 37,996 39,318 6,233 5.5 43.0 44.5 7.0 3,627 42,945 40,994 3,072 4.0 47.4 45.2 3.4 3,307 42,243 44,979 3,857 3.5 44.8 47.7 4.1 1,933 41,388 48,020 5,308 2.0 42.8 49.7 5.5 1999-00 99,038 1,783 1.8 40,175 40.6 52,390 52.9 4,690 4.7 2000-01 100,930 2,309 29,200 64,555 4,860 2.3 28.9 64.0 4.8 2,155 51,827 44,530 3,039 2.1 51.0 43.8 3.0 2001-02 101,554 2002-03* 99,382 11,210 11.3 49,846 50.2 35,507 35.7 2,819 2.8 2003-04 102,121 9,841 9.6 52,765 51.7 37,732 36.9 1,783 1.7 Notes: *The writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 14 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 6. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Characteristics and Performance by Achievement Level, Grade 4 Category All Students Female Male Not Coded American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded Not Exceptional Academically/Intellectually Gifted AIG Reading 15 AIG Mathematics All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Learning Disabled-Reading Learning Disabled-Mathematics Learning Disabled-Written Expression Learning Disabled-Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind Number Tested1 102,121 49,960 51,998 163 1,679 1,995 30,024 6,884 3,140 58,228 171 72,832 13,946 10,917 11,651 14,637 814 145 1,219 6,295 5,463 2,476 4,336 241 1,853 46 1,935 69 17 211 0 12 14 Percent2 100.0 48.9 50.9 0.2 1.6 2.0 29.4 6.7 3.1 57.0 0.2 71.3 13.7 10.7 11.4 14.3 0.8 0.1 1.2 6.2 5.3 2.4 4.2 0.2 1.8 0.0 1.9 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Number At or Above Level III 39,515 22,674 16,798 43 458 1,013 7,164 1,709 1,265 27,858 48 26,161 11,047 8,872 9,196 2,097 69 24 * 754 632 270 534 23 453 18 245 13 1 36 * 1 8 Percent At or Above Level III 38.7 45.4 32.3 26.4 27.3 50.8 23.9 24.8 40.3 47.8 28.1 35.9 79.2 81.3 78.9 14.3 8.5 16.6 <=5 12.0 11.6 10.9 12.3 9.5 24.4 39.1 12.7 18.8 5.9 17.1 * 8.3 57.1 Number At Level I 9,841 3,257 6,553 31 209 143 4,366 1,081 242 3,771 29 5,712 103 82 94 3,930 311 45 * 1,603 1,487 721 1,143 55 255 8 532 10 4 89 * 9 0 Percent At Level I 9.6 6.5 12.6 19.0 12.4 7.2 14.5 15.7 7.7 6.5 17.0 7.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 26.8 38.2 31.0 * 25.5 27.2 29.1 26.4 22.8 13.8 17.4 27.5 14.5 23.5 42.2 * 75.0 0.0 Number At Level II 52,765 24,029 28,647 89 1,012 839 18,494 4,094 1,633 26,599 94 40,959 2,796 1,963 2,361 8,610 434 76 * 3,938 3,344 1,485 2,659 163 1,145 20 1,158 46 12 86 * 2 6 Percent At Level II 51.7 48.1 55.1 54.6 60.3 42.1 61.6 59.5 52.0 45.7 55.0 56.2 20.0 18.0 20.3 58.8 53.3 52.4 * 62.6 61.2 60.0 61.3 67.6 61.8 43.5 59.8 66.7 70.6 40.8 * 16.7 42.9 Number At Level III 37,732 21,473 16,217 42 452 939 7,020 1,678 1,224 26,373 46 25,448 10,004 7,964 8,337 2,075 66 24 * 750 626 267 532 23 446 16 245 12 1 36 * 1 8 Percent At Level III 36.9 43.0 31.2 25.8 26.9 47.1 23.4 24.4 39.0 45.3 26.9 34.9 71.7 73.0 71.6 14.2 8.1 16.6 * 11.9 11.5 10.8 12.3 9.5 24.1 34.8 12.7 17.4 5.9 17.1 * 8.3 57.1 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Number At Level IV 1,783 1,201 581 1 6 74 144 31 41 1,485 2 713 1,043 908 859 22 3 0 * 4 6 3 2 0 7 2 0 1 0 0 * 0 0 Percent At Level IV 1.7 2.4 1.1 0.6 0.4 3.7 0.5 0.5 1.3 2.6 1.2 1.0 7.5 8.3 7.4 0.2 0.4 0.0 * 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 4.3 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 6. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Characteristics and Performance by Achievement Level, Grade 4 (continued) Category Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Not Coded Limited English Proficient LEP less than 2 years LEP greater than 2 years Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Number Tested1 Percent2 Number At or Above Percent At or Above Level III 11 1,996 706 4,152 996 3,156 46,827 51,127 3,421 559 0.0 2.0 0.7 4.1 1.0 3.1 45.9 50.1 3.3 0.5 * 451 210 615 144 471 22,366 16,010 894 120 Level III * 22.6 29.7 14.8 14.5 14.9 47.8 31.3 26.1 21.5 7 66 65 72 0 3,161 32 17 2,948 25 7,618 4 3 3,584 12,281 11,450 351 21 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 7.5 0.0 0.0 3.5 12.0 11.2 0.3 0.0 * 19 13 24 * 396 2 4 307 6 696 * * 401 1,536 1,319 40 2 * 28.8 20.0 33.3 * 12.5 6.3 23.5 10.4 24.0 9.1 * * 11.2 12.5 11.5 11.4 9.5 Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Level I Level I * 15.0 13.6 22.5 29.9 20.1 6.9 11.8 14.2 19.5 Level II * 446 205 603 142 461 21,092 15,527 871 120 Level III * 22.3 29.0 14.5 14.3 14.6 45.0 30.4 25.5 21.5 Level IV * 1,245 400 2,604 554 2,050 21,228 29,097 2,040 330 Level II * 62.4 56.7 62.7 55.6 65.0 45.3 56.9 59.6 59.0 Level III * 300 96 933 298 635 3,233 6,020 487 109 Level IV * 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 2.7 0.9 0.7 0.0 * 21 21 23 * 867 17 4 920 5 2,495 * * 1,108 3,382 3,354 90 4 * 31.8 32.3 31.9 * 27.4 53.1 23.5 31.2 20.0 32.8 * * 30.9 27.5 29.3 25.6 19.0 * 26 31 25 * 1,898 13 9 1,721 14 4,427 * * 2,075 7,363 6,777 221 15 * 39.4 47.7 34.7 * 60.0 40.6 52.9 58.4 56.0 58.1 * * 57.9 60.0 59.2 63.0 71.4 * 16 13 22 * 396 2 4 304 6 693 * * 398 1,520 1,310 39 2 * 24.2 20.0 30.6 * 12.5 6.3 23.5 10.3 24.0 9.1 * * 11.1 12.4 11.4 11.1 9.5 * 5 5 12 2 10 1,274 483 23 0 Accommodations Braille Edition Large Print Edition Assistive Technology Devices Keyboarding Devices 16 Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Magnification Devices Student Marks Answers in Test Book Accommodation Notification Form Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus (and Braille Paper) Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item Per Page Edition Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. * 3 0 2 * 0 0 0 3 0 3 * * 3 16 9 1 0 * 4.5 0.0 2.8 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 * * 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 7. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04 Average Score, Grade 4 Category 17 All Students Female Male Not Coded American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded Not Exceptional Academically/Intellectually Gifted AIG Reading AIG Mathematics All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Learning Disabled-Reading Learning Disabled-Mathematics Learning Disabled-Written Expression Learning Disabled-Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind 1 Number 1 Tested 102,121 49,960 51,998 163 1,679 1,995 30,024 6,884 3,140 58,228 171 72,832 13,946 10,917 11,651 14,637 814 145 1,219 6,295 5,463 2,476 4,336 241 1,853 46 1,935 69 17 211 0 12 14 Average Total 2 Percent 100.0 48.9 50.9 0.2 1.6 2.0 29.4 6.7 3.1 57.0 0.2 71.3 13.7 10.7 11.4 14.3 0.8 0.1 1.2 6.2 5.3 2.4 4.2 0.2 1.8 0.0 1.9 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average Weighted Writing Score Content Score 10.8 8.7 11.3 9.0 10.3 8.4 9.7 7.9 10.0 8.2 11.6 9.1 9.7 8.0 9.6 8.0 10.9 8.7 11.4 9.1 10.0 8.2 10.7 8.6 13.6 10.3 13.7 10.4 13.5 10.3 8.5 7.5 7.8 6.8 8.5 7.3 6.2 5.9 8.4 7.6 8.3 7.5 8.3 7.4 8.4 7.6 8.6 7.6 9.8 8.1 10.5 8.6 8.4 7.4 9.2 8.2 8.4 7.4 7.8 6.8 * * 5.5 5.3 11.6 9.3 Notes: "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Average Conventions Score 2.1 2.3 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.5 1.7 1.6 2.2 2.3 1.8 2.1 3.2 3.3 3.2 1.0 0.9 1.3 0.3 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.7 1.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 * 0.2 2.3 Number Percent Non-scorable Non-scorable 266 0.3 81 0.1 183 0.2 2 0.0 4 0.0 5 0.0 64 0.1 81 0.1 6 0.0 106 0.1 0 0.0 148 0.1 9 0.0 7 0.0 7 0.0 107 0.1 12 0.0 4 0.0 21 0.0 28 0.0 22 0.0 12 0.0 26 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.0 0 0.0 17 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 0.0 * * 0 0.0 0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 7. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04 Average Score, Grade 4 (continued) Category 18 Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Not Coded Limited English Proficient LEP less than 2 years LEP greater than 2 years Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Accommodations Braille Edition Large Print Edition Assistive Technology Devices Keyboarding Devices Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Magnification Devices Student Marks Answers in Test Book Accommodation Notification Form Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus (and Braille Paper) Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item Per Page Edition Number 1 Tested Average Total 2 Percent 11 1,996 706 4,152 996 3,156 46,827 51,127 3,421 559 0.0 2.0 0.7 4.1 1.0 3.1 45.9 50.1 3.3 0.5 7 66 65 72 0 3,161 32 17 2,948 25 7,618 4 3 3,584 12,281 11,450 351 21 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 7.5 0.0 0.0 3.5 12.0 11.2 0.3 0.0 Average Weighted Writing Score Content Score 3.6 3.6 9.6 8.1 10.1 8.3 8.8 7.6 8.2 7.0 9.0 7.7 11.4 9.1 10.3 8.4 9.9 8.1 9.2 7.7 14.4 9.0 8.6 9.1 * 7.9 6.5 9.1 8.2 9.1 8.0 * * 8.2 8.4 8.3 8.4 8.9 1 Notes: "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 11.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 * 7.9 5.6 7.8 7.2 7.6 7.2 * * 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.3 8.0 Average Conventions Score 0.0 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.3 2.3 1.9 1.8 1.5 3.0 1.6 1.2 1.7 * 0.0 0.8 1.4 0.9 1.5 0.8 * * 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.9 Number Percent Non-scorable Non-scorable 2 0.0 9 0.0 2 0.0 76 0.1 61 0.1 15 0.0 108 0.1 141 0.1 12 0.0 11 0.0 0 5 1 4 * 26 3 1 22 1 66 * * 30 106 103 14 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 * * 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 8. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 4 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS NUMBER OF STUDENTS WITH SCORES 102,121 HIGH SCORE 20 101,855 NUMBER OF NONSCORABLE PAPERS 266 MEAN 10.8 STANDARD DEVIATION 3.0 VARIANCE 9.0 LOW SCORE 4 PERCENTILES 90 75 50 (MEDIAN) 25 10 SCALE SCORE 15.12 12.45 10.21 9.19 7.54 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION ACH LEV IV III II I WRITING SCORE FREQUENCY CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY PERCENT CUMULATIVE PERCENT 20 19 18 17 341 30 1300 112 102121 101780 101750 100450 0.33 0.03 1.27 0.11 100.00 99.67 99.64 98.36 16 15 14 13 12 6966 3835 9064 3201 14666 100338 93372 89537 80473 77272 6.82 3.76 8.88 3.13 14.36 98.25 91.43 87.68 78.80 75.67 11 10 9 8 2130 32064 9170 9401 62606 60476 28412 19242 2.09 31.40 8.98 9.21 61.31 59.22 27.82 18.84 7 6 5 4 NS 1191 3854 992 3538 266 9841 8650 4796 3804 266 1.17 3.77 0.97 3.46 0.26 9.64 8.47 4.70 3.72 0.26 Notes: Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 19 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment Grade 4 Copies of Grade 4 Sample Student Responses The North Carolina Writing Assessment Scoring Model is comprised of a content component with a 1-4 score scale and a conventions component with a 0-2 score scale. To report a total writing scale score for each student, the score is computed by combining the content and conventions scores using the following model: Total Writing Assessment Score = sum of the (content component scores from two independent readers multiplied by 2) + the sum of the (conventions component scores from two independent readers multiplied by 1). The following pages provide copies of sample student responses from grade 4. The total content score, total conventions score, total writing score, achievement level, and annotated explanations of the scores are provided for each response. 21 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 " .0. ..., . > , . ~. 23 ...:: ',' i..~ .. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 4 Sample Student Response #1 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 4 2 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 6 I Content Annotation: The subject of this response is unclear. While riding moter scooter is stated as the new experience, the response fails to focus on that topic. The elaboration and events included are unrelated to the motor scooter; rather, the response focuses on what the writer did instead of ride the motor scooter (I told him to get his bike. Instead he walked…We ended up riding bikes…we jumped on my trampoline. And played my nintendo…). The unclear focus, random organization, sparse details, and imprecise vocabulary results in an incomplete response. Score 1. Conventions Annotation: This response demonstrates minimal control of conventions. Most of the simple sentences are formed correctly, with only one fragment (And played my Nintendo sixtyfour.). There is only one usage error in verb tense (had said…I’ve been…), and a few mechanical errors such as misspellings (moter, sence, beeting), and capitalization (nintendo, wave race). Score 1. 24 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 ~tt a;f1Dof+- +a er ~ 6\rd '. ~ ..,~. "'-::', .. 25 ;/0 .~. ., J G5-B u.o 5 .:Sa h1 vel. 26 ;.. {':~1',::\;,: 'r"~.' -I' ", Õ. "-. . -.. ".'" . t,-. . ~~. . I . ,. """ .' ._. .' . . .. 26 "":', ..;./'" Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 4 Sample Student Response #2 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 8 2 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 10 II Content Annotation: This response is vague. While all events are related to the trip to Colorado, there are some lapses in the logical progression of ideas (We finally got to there house and unpacked and got ready for bed. It was morning and I was so excited. I woke up my grandma and said “when are we going to leave!”). Details are general, undeveloped, and list-like, weakening the support (we…started our lesson called learning how to scubadive. The lesson was over and we began to put our gear on.). There is little use of precise vocabulary (we gave them a hug and stuff…it was so much fun…we had a goodie and it was good). Score 2. Conventions Annotation: This response demonstrates a minimal control of conventions. Many of the sentences are formed correctly, but there are also some run-on sentences (We got there I screamed this pool is tiny…I realy want to do that again it was fun). Verb and pronouns are used correctly, but there are some homophone errors (know, there, your). There are a few mechanical errors: missing commas in dialogue (…and said “when are we going to leave!”), misused apostrophes (guy’s, grandparent’s), and a misspelled word (realy). Score 1. 27 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 G8 . ' ,- ;+. " " , '. _.;. ~. 28 .. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 G8-B r . ~. ;"'. . . .. .,',.'''' ',' . : '. " ",,', ,',d. . '-.' . '-. '.. " ,..", CONTENT-The topic of diving off the diving board is clear and focused. There is a logical progression of ideas of the insecurity about diving, the decision to try, and the first dive. The support and elaboration are related to the topic and include specific details (My knees were knocking and I had goosebumps on my arms. I slowly counted to three 111. .2. .3.j. Word choice and sentence fluency are reasonable (Since I didn't want them to think J was a frady cat, J decided to give it a try. It didn't look too high.). Score 3. 3/2 "',.",,: ,,:, "', . . CONVENTIONS-There is a control of sentence formation, standard usage, and mechanics appropriate to the writing task. Score 2. ..., . . ..\ .. .-/.. ~ .: . . . . . 29 ...--: \', . .:1:0" Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 4 Sample Student Response #3 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 12 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 16 III Content Annotation: The topic of diving off the diving board is clear and focused. There is a logical progression of ideas of the security about diving, the decision to try, and the first dive. The support and elaboration are related to the topic and include specific details (My knees were knocking and I had goosebumps on my arms. I slowly counted to three “1…2…3…”). Word choice and sentence fluency are reasonable (Since I didn’t want them to think that I was a frady cat, I decided to give it a try. It didn’t look too high.). Score 3. Conventions Annotations: There is a control of sentence formation, standard usage, and mechanics appropriate to the writing task. Score 2. 30 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Gll Write the final copy of your story here. - .. '" +J~ o..ç t)'r--f'..J j 'rV ~(;\-t ~tJ ().. . .', +e.rr-or. .a" t ..~:. ~.. _. 31 ~ Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 GII-B .. ..::....., . 32 ~ ,<": ...:- .r~. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 4 Sample Student Response #4 Total Content Score: 16 Total Conventions Score: 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 20 IV Content Annotation: The focus of riding a roller coaster is clear, through the skillful way of introducing the topic (so I prepared to do something new), and maintains focus on the roller coaster ride throughout. Organizational structure establishes relationships between events of entering the park, accepting the dare, and going on the roller coaster. The logical progression of these events results in a response that is unified and complete. Elaboration all supports the topic and includes specific developed details. (“Three please! My mother said to the lady at the ticket booth. The lady handed her a map and three entry tickets…”Chicken!” he shouted flapping his arm like a bird…Just then we went through a sharp turn and went through a giant spider web. I wiped it from my face and looked back to see a machine rebuilding the web.) There is a skillful use of precise word choice (jam-packed ride, gathered all my courage, shouted in terror, came to a hault) and sentence fluency. Score 4. Conventions Annotations: This response demonstrates reasonable control of conventions. Sentence formations are correct. There is one verb agreement error (was…noises). The dialogue is punctuated correctly and there are only a few mechanical errors (spiders mouth). Score 2. 33 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment Grade 4 Regional by LEA Performance Tables 9 through 16 provide the number of students tested and the percent of students at or above Achievement Level III for each of the LEAs by region (former six Technical Assistance Centers configurations). Performance by ethnicity, gender, Title I, and Migrant students is also provided for each LEA. 35 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 9. North Carolina Testing Program, Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, by LEA Grade 4 State 2001 State 2000 State 1999 State 1995 State 1996,1998 State 1997 State 2002 State 2003,2004 State 1994 State Percent† >=95 ... 91 ... 86 ... 69 68 67 ... 65 64 63 62 ... 58 57 ... 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 2004 LEA Performance Quest Academy** Magellan** Lincoln Charter**, Metrolina** Camden Summit Charter**, Woods Charter** Greensboro Academy**, Millennium**, Mountain Community**, Phoenix Academy** Franklin Academy**, Success Institute** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City, Clover Garden** Watauga Queen's Grant** F Delany New School** Mooresville City, Union Academy** Haywood Lincoln Avery, Union Piedmont Community** Arapahoe Charter**, Brevard Academy**, Cherokee, Currituck, Mount Airy City, Orange Charter** Catawba, Henderson, Polk Alexander, Cabarrus, Wake Arts Based Elementary** Asheville City, Buncombe, Cleveland, East Wake Academy**, Johnston Dare, Elkin City Carteret, New Hanover, Pender, Roanoke Rapids City, Transylvania, Vance Charter** Alamance-Burlington, Craven, Davie, Forsyth Academies**, Orange, Randolph, Stokes, Surry, Tyrrell Iredell-Statesville, Moore Gaston, Kings Mountain City, Swain Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Davidson, Guilford, Hickory City, Jackson, Mitchell, New Dimensions**, Onslow Bethel Hill**, Gates, Person, Rocky Mount Prep Sch**, Winston-Salem/Forsyth Alleghany, Asheboro City, Rowan Academy** American Renaissance**, Ashe, Chatham, Duplin, Pamlico, Perquimans Caldwell, Cape Fear Center**, Clinton City, River Mill Academy**, Wayne Evergreen Community**, Hyde, Newton-Conover City, Stanly, Wilkes Brunswick, Clay, Lee, Warren Ann Atwater**, Burke, Durham, Kannapolis City, Mountain Discovery**, Sterling Montessori**, Yancey Caswell, Columbus, Jones, Nash-Rocky Mount, Pitt, Rowan-Salisbury Beaufort, Community Charter**, Halifax, Haliwa-Saponi Tribal**, Lenoir, Montgomery, Rockingham, Scotland, Shelby City Yadkin Chatham Charter**, Harnett, Macon, Madison, Rutherford Cumberland, Graham, Maureen Joy**, Research Triangle**, Whiteville City, Wilson Granville, McDowell, Sampson, Vance Bertie, Bladen, Edenton/Chowan, Sugar Creek**, Tiller School** ArtSpace Charter**, Charter Day School**, Robeson, Washington Montessori** Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, Greene, Northampton, Omuteko Gwamaziima** A Child's Garden** Franklin Anson, Edgecombe 30 29 28 27 26 25 1993 State 24 23 22 ... 20 Crossnore Academy** 19 Hoke, Quality Education**, SPARC Academy** 18 Children's Village Academy**, Martin, Richmond, Weldon City 17 Healthy Start** ... 15 Lexington City, STARS**, The Learning Center**, Thomasville City, Washington 14 Hertford, S.B. Howard** 13 PreEminent** ... 11 Bridges** ... 7 Hope Elementary** 6 C.G. Woodson**, East Winston Primary**, Torchlight Academy** <=5 Guilford Charter** <=5 Carter Community**, Casa Esperanza, Englemann School**, Grandfather Academy** Notes: †Percents are rounded to the nearest whole percent. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. Beginning in 2003, data are reported using the revised standard and are generated using the new scoring model. Data for 2003 are from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 37 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 10. North Carolina Testing Program, Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Total Writing Score, by LEA Grade 4 State 2003, 2004 State Mean Score† 16.3 ... 15.3 ... 14.5 14.3 ... 13.3 13.1 12.9 12.7 ... 12.3 12.1 12.0 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.7 10.5 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.9 2004 LEA Performance Quest Academy** Metrolina** Magellan** Lincoln Charter** Summit Charter** Woods Charter** Mountain Community** Camden, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City, Millennium**, Watauga Clover Garden**, Franklin Academy** Phoenix Academy** Haywood, Piedmont Community** Avery, Currituck, F Delany New School**, Greensboro Academy**, Success Institute** Ann Atwater**, Brevard Academy**, Cherokee, Lincoln, Mooresville City, Union Academy**, Union Arapahoe Charter**, Buncombe, Catawba, Dare, Elkin City, Henderson, Mount Airy City, Polk, Queen's Grant**, Wake Alexander, Asheville City, Carteret, Forsyth Academies**, Iredell-Statesville, Johnston, New Dimensions**, Orange, Pender, Roanoke Rapids City, Surry Cabarrus, Cleveland, Kings Mountain City, New Hanover, Orange Charter**, Transylvania Alamance-Burlington, Cape Fear Center**, Craven, Gaston, Hyde, Moore, Onslow, Person, Stokes, Vance Charter** Arts Based Elementary**, Bethel Hill**, Caldwell, Chatham, Davie, Guilford, Jackson, Randolph, River Mill Academy**, Winston-Salem/Forsyth Alleghany, American Renaissance**, Ashe, Burke, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Chatham Charter**, Davidson, Duplin, East Wake Academy**, Newton-Conover City, Shelby City, Stanly, Wayne Asheboro City, Caswell, Durham, Gates, Graham, Hickory City, Kannapolis City, Mitchell, Mountain Discovery** Nash-Rocky Mount, Pamlico, Scotland, Swain, Tyrrell Bertie, Brunswick, Clay, Cumberland, Granville, Harnett, Jones, Lee, Macon, Montgomery, Perquimans, Pitt, Research Triangle**, Rockingham, Sampson, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey Beaufort, Clinton City, Columbus, Edenton/Chowan, Halifax, Lenoir, Omuteko Gwamaziima**, Rocky Mount Prep Sch**, Rowan-Salisbury, Warren, Washington Montessori** Haliwa-Saponi Tribal**, Madison, Sterling Montessori**, Sugar Creek**, Vance ArtSpace Charter**, Bladen, Charter Day School**, Community Charter**, Crossnore Academy**, Evergreen Community**, Franklin, Greene, Quality Education**, Robeson, STARS**, Tiller School**, Whiteville City C.G. Woodson**, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, McDowell, Northampton, Rutherford, SPARC Academy**, Thomasville City, Anson, Edgecombe, Maureen Joy**, Richmond Bridges**, Hertford, Lexington City A Child's Garden**, Children's Village Academy**, Healthy Start**, Hoke, Martin, Torchlight Academy** 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.1 ... 8.7 S.B. Howard**, Weldon City 8.5 Guilford Charter**, PreEminent**, Rowan Academy**, The Learning Center**, Washington 8.3 Englemann School** 8.1 Carter Community** ... 7.7 East Winston Primary** ... 6.3 Hope Elementary** * Casa Esperanza, Grandfather Academy** Notes: †Scale scores are rounded to the nearest two-tenths of a point. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. Beginning in 2003, data are reported using the revised standard and are generated using the new scoring model. Data for 2003 are from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 38 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 11a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA and Ethnicity, Western Region Total 39 State Western Region Buncombe ArtSpace Charter** Asheville City F Delany New School** Evergreen Community** Cherokee The Learning Center** Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Mountain Community** Jackson Summit Charter** Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Swain Mountain Discovery** Transylvania Brevard Academy** Yancey Number Tested 102,121 7,210 1,891 19 260 14 26 272 13 86 93 604 896 17 247 18 312 173 486 154 205 777 136 9 267 22 213 Percent At or Above Level III 38.7 42.0 46.2 26.3 45.8 57.1 34.6 49.6 15.4 33.7 29.0 54.0 49.1 64.7 40.1 66.7 30.4 29.5 27.8 40.3 48.8 29.9 41.2 33.3 44.2 50.0 33.3 American Indian Number Tested 1,679 116 11 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 10 3 3 0 35 0 2 0 3 1 0 2 36 0 2 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 27.3 25.9 36.4 * * * * * * * 20.0 * * * 17.1 * * * * * * * 25.0 * * * * Asian Number Tested 1,995 48 9 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 0 3 1 9 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 50.8 60.4 55.6 * * * * * * * * * 60.0 * * * * * 66.7 * * * * * * * * Black Number Tested 30,024 465 110 0 103 4 2 2 0 0 0 9 42 1 3 0 5 0 16 2 17 132 1 0 12 1 3 Percent At or Above Level III 23.9 25.4 32.7 * 28.2 * * * * * * 33.3 19.0 * * * * * 6.3 * 29.4 19.7 * * 33.3 * * Hispanic Number Tested 6,884 301 80 1 11 1 2 5 0 1 0 14 82 0 6 0 12 1 31 5 14 16 1 0 4 1 13 Percent At or Above Level III 24.8 29.6 33.8 * 45.5 * * 40.0 * * * 42.9 31.7 * 50.0 * 16.7 * 9.7 20.0 35.7 18.8 * * * * 23.1 Multi-Racial Number Tested 3,140 224 74 0 16 0 2 3 1 4 0 13 36 2 5 0 6 2 8 1 7 27 1 1 10 2 3 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Percent At or Above Level III 40.3 40.2 50.0 * 25.0 * * * * * * 46.2 41.7 * * * 16.7 * 12.5 * 57.1 25.9 * * 40.0 * * White Number Tested 58,228 6,048 1,604 18 124 8 20 255 12 80 83 562 722 14 198 18 284 166 419 144 166 597 97 8 237 18 194 Percent At or Above Level III 47.8 44.1 47.6 27.8 61.3 62.5 45.0 49.0 16.7 35.0 30.1 54.6 53.3 64.3 45.5 66.7 31.7 28.3 29.6 41.0 51.2 32.8 47.4 25.0 44.7 50.0 33.5 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 11b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Western Region Total Number Tested 40 State Western Region Buncombe ArtSpace Charter** Asheville City F Delany New School** Evergreen Community** Cherokee The Learning Center** Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Mountain Community** Jackson Summit Charter** Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Swain Mountain Discovery** Transylvania Brevard Academy** Yancey 102,121 7,210 1,891 19 260 14 26 272 13 86 93 604 896 17 247 18 312 173 486 154 205 777 136 9 267 22 213 Male Percent At or Above Level III 38.7 42.0 46.2 26.3 45.8 57.1 34.6 49.6 15.4 33.7 29.0 54.0 49.1 64.7 40.1 66.7 30.4 29.5 27.8 40.3 48.8 29.9 41.2 33.3 44.2 50.0 33.3 Number Tested 51,998 3,691 971 9 127 8 16 136 6 42 50 317 466 10 124 8 155 87 254 88 108 380 72 5 134 12 106 Female Percent At or Above Level III 32.3 35.3 38.0 22.2 48.0 50.0 50.0 44.9 * 26.2 18.0 43.2 44.0 60.0 33.1 50.0 23.9 24.1 20.1 37.5 41.7 23.2 36.1 20.0 38.1 33.3 27.4 Number Tested 49,960 3,511 915 10 133 6 10 136 7 44 43 287 429 7 122 10 157 86 232 65 97 397 64 4 133 10 107 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 45.4 49.2 55.2 30.0 43.6 66.7 10.0 54.4 28.6 40.9 41.9 65.9 54.8 71.4 47.5 80.0 36.9 34.9 36.2 44.6 56.7 36.3 46.9 * 50.4 70.0 39.3 Number Tested 46,827 1,641 782 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 114 204 0 12 18 25 8 229 0 172 0 0 8 0 0 58 Percent At or Above Level III 47.8 50.8 53.8 * * 87.5 * * * * * 56.1 65.2 * 33.3 66.7 52.0 * 31.0 * 51.7 * * 37.5 * * 29.3 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 51,127 5,328 1,026 2 260 0 0 268 13 86 92 466 691 0 229 0 287 164 257 154 0 775 136 0 267 22 133 Percent At or Above Level III 31.3 39.8 40.6 * 45.8 * * 49.6 15.4 33.7 29.3 55.6 44.4 * 41.5 * 28.6 31.1 24.9 40.3 * 29.9 41.2 * 44.2 50.0 39.8 Targeted Assistance Number Tested 3,421 216 81 0 0 6 26 2 0 0 0 23 0 17 6 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 1 0 0 21 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Percent At or Above Level III 26.1 33.8 44.4 * * 16.7 34.6 * * * * 13.0 * 64.7 * * * * * * 33.3 * * * * * <=5.0 Migrant Number Tested 559 32 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Percent At or Above Level III 21.5 6.3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 12a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA and Ethnicity, Northwest Region 41 State Northwest Region Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Grandfather Academy** Crossnore Academy** Burke New Dimensions** Caldwell Catawba Englemann School** Hickory City Newton-Conover City Davidson Lexington City Thomasville City Davie Winston-Salem/Forsyth Quality Education** C.G. Woodson** East Winston Primary** Forsyth Academies** Arts Based Elementary** Iredell-Statesville American Renaissance** Success Institute** Mooresville City Stokes Surry Elkin City Bridges** Mount Airy City Millennium** Watauga Wilkes Yadkin Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 38.7 102,121 15,896 40.0 439 47.8 104 37.5 214 37.4 189 51.9 2 * 5 20.0 1,143 33.2 5 40.0 984 36.4 1,198 48.9 9 * 363 39.7 223 34.5 1,421 40.0 266 14.7 183 14.8 487 43.1 3,536 39.0 21 19.0 18 5.6 18 5.6 76 43.4 17 47.1 1,514 41.8 46 37.0 11 63.6 310 54.5 616 42.9 641 43.4 98 44.9 18 11.1 50.0 98 26 65.4 344 61.6 776 35.3 477 31.0 American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 27.3 1,679 50.0 44 1 * * 0 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * 2 0 * 1 * 5 60.0 1 * * 0 0 * 9 66.7 0 * 2 * * 3 7 57.1 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 3 * 0 * 0 * * 1 2 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 3 * Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 50.8 1,995 36.8 416 16 43.8 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 120 29.2 0 * 9 44.4 99 39.4 0 * 33 21.2 11 36.4 11 45.5 14 28.6 1 * * 4 46 52.2 0 * 0 * 0 * * 1 0 * 32 46.9 1 * 0 * * 4 0 * 3 * 0 * 0 * * 2 0 * 2 * 5 40.0 1 * Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 23.9 30,024 23.3 2,501 18 38.9 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 68 13.2 1 * 68 19.1 85 32.9 5 * 111 27.0 50 20.0 28 32.1 124 11.3 92 14.1 29 34.5 1,247 23.2 20 20.0 13 7.7 17 5.9 43 34.9 3 * 268 23.5 9 11.1 11 63.6 66 39.4 32 28.1 15 33.3 5 20.0 0 * * 8 2 * 7 28.6 40 22.5 11 36.4 Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 6,884 24.8 1,112 23.0 28 42.9 12 16.7 4 * 5 60.0 0 * 2 * 45 24.4 2 * 39 25.6 79 32.9 0 * 41 26.8 26 23.1 24 29.2 45 11.1 27 7.4 27 25.9 369 19.8 1 * 5 * 0 * * 4 2 * 102 29.4 0 * 0 * 5 40.0 13 30.8 85 30.6 13 15.4 0 * * 4 0 * 5 * 35 5.7 63 9.5 Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 40.3 3,140 35.3 388 11 45.5 3 * 4 * 2 * 0 * 0 * 32 37.5 0 * 20 25.0 37 43.2 1 * 12 25.0 3 * 20 25.0 10 10.0 11 * 13 38.5 113 35.4 0 * 0 * 1 * 6 50.0 1 * 31 48.4 4 * 0 * * 2 10 50.0 12 33.3 2 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 6 66.7 12 33.3 7 28.6 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 47.8 58,228 45.6 11,418 365 48.8 88 39.8 204 37.7 180 51.7 1 * 2 * 875 35.7 2 * 846 38.4 892 53.0 2 * 166 56.0 133 42.9 1,328 40.3 72 20.8 50 22.0 411 45.0 1,749 54.1 0 * 0 * 0 * 22 50.0 11 63.6 1,076 47.3 32 46.9 0 * 232 59.1 559 43.8 523 46.3 78 51.3 16 6.3 83 57.8 23 69.6 324 63.3 681 37.7 392 34.2 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 12b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Northwest Region Total Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested Male Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested Female Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested Targeted Assistance Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested Migrant Percent At or Above Number Level III Tested 42 38.7 51,998 26.1 559 45.4 46,827 State 102,121 47.8 51,127 32.3 49,960 31.3 3,421 40.0 8,079 18.8 34 46.4 8,463 Northwest Region 15,896 49.1 6,557 33.9 7,796 31.0 823 Alexander 439 47.8 219 38.8 220 56.8 343 52.8 41 51.2 54 14.8 0 Alleghany 104 37.5 52 26.9 52 48.1 0 * 104 37.5 0 * 2 Ashe 214 37.4 110 32.7 104 42.3 0 * 213 37.6 0 * 2 Avery 189 51.9 94 39.4 95 64.2 39 46.2 150 53.3 0 * 0 Grandfather Academy** 2 * 0 * 2 * 0 * 2 * 0 * 0 Crossnore Academy** 5 20.0 2 * 3 * 0 * 5 20.0 0 * 0 Burke 1,143 33.2 599 27.2 544 39.9 1 * 1,142 33.2 0 * 0 New Dimensions** 5 40.0 2 * 3 * 0 * 5 40.0 0 * 0 Caldwell 984 36.4 504 31.0 477 41.9 258 50.4 689 31.5 37 29.7 0 Catawba 1,198 48.9 612 44.3 585 53.8 1,134 50.6 30 13.3 31 25.8 0 Englemann School** 9 * 7 * 2 * 9 * 0 * 0 * 0 Hickory City 363 39.7 174 34.5 189 44.4 73 71.2 290 31.7 0 * 0 Newton-Conover City 223 34.5 106 22.6 117 45.3 104 33.7 115 34.8 0 * 0 Davidson 1,421 40.0 736 33.8 685 46.6 1,235 44.3 0 * 181 11.6 1 Lexington City 266 14.7 124 11.3 138 17.4 0 * 265 14.7 0 * 0 Thomasville City 183 14.8 85 10.6 98 18.4 0 * 183 14.8 0 * 0 Davie 487 43.1 241 36.5 246 49.6 415 48.4 0 * 71 12.7 0 Winston-Salem/Forsyth 3,536 39.0 1,773 34.1 1,754 44.0 2,241 50.0 1,197 21.2 91 <=5.0 4 Quality Education** 21 19.0 11 27.3 10 10.0 0 * 21 19.0 0 * 0 C.G. Woodson** 18 5.6 7 * 11 9.1 0 * 0 * 18 5.6 0 East Winston Primary** 18 5.6 8 * 10 10.0 18 5.6 0 * 0 * 0 Forsyth Academies** 76 43.4 33 36.4 43 48.8 0 * 0 * 76 43.4 0 Arts Based Elementary** 17 47.1 5 40.0 12 50.0 17 47.1 0 * 0 * 0 Iredell-Statesville 1,514 41.8 782 34.5 730 49.7 662 51.4 845 34.4 7 28.6 0 American Renaissance** 46 37.0 22 27.3 24 45.8 46 37.0 0 * 0 * 0 Success Institute** 11 63.6 6 66.7 5 60.0 0 * 0 * 11 63.6 0 Mooresville City 310 54.5 155 50.3 155 58.7 310 54.5 0 * 0 * 0 Stokes 616 42.9 313 31.6 303 54.5 296 46.6 265 39.6 55 38.2 0 Surry 641 43.4 333 36.9 308 50.3 82 79.3 539 37.7 0 * 10 Elkin City 98 44.9 49 36.7 49 53.1 81 54.3 0 * 16 * 0 Bridges** 18 11.1 13 7.7 5 20.0 18 11.1 0 * 0 * 0 Mount Airy City 98 50.0 51 43.1 47 57.4 0 * 98 50.0 0 * 0 Millennium** 26 65.4 17 58.8 9 77.8 26 65.4 0 * 0 * 0 Watauga 344 61.6 176 56.3 168 67.3 288 66.7 29 58.6 27 11.1 0 Wilkes 776 35.3 413 29.1 362 42.5 385 44.7 329 27.7 58 19.0 9 Yadkin 477 31.0 245 24.5 231 38.1 382 33.8 0 * 90 17.8 6 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 21.5 14.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20.0 * * * * * * 16.7 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 13a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA and Ethnicity, Southwest Region Total 43 State Southwest Region Anson Cabarrus Kannapolis City Cleveland Kings Mountain City Shelby City Gaston Piedmont Community** Hoke Lincoln Lincoln Charter** Charlotte/Mecklenburg Community Charter** Sugar Creek** Metrolina** Queen's Grant** Montgomery Moore STARS** Richmond Rowan-Salisbury Rowan Academy** Scotland Stanly Union Union Academy** Number Tested 102,121 23,234 381 1,652 340 782 388 201 2,234 65 521 912 44 8,701 13 64 21 76 320 898 13 677 1,558 8 527 711 2,063 64 Percent At or Above Level III 38.7 40.1 21.8 47.6 32.6 45.5 40.7 30.8 41.1 50.8 19.4 52.9 86.4 39.9 30.8 26.6 85.7 57.9 30.6 42.1 15.4 18.0 32.3 37.5 31.3 34.9 52.4 54.7 American Indian Number Tested 1,679 299 4 6 1 6 2 0 3 0 84 4 0 50 0 0 0 1 1 7 0 33 11 0 80 3 3 0 Percent At or Above Level III 27.3 20.4 * 66.7 * 33.3 * * * * 15.5 * * 24.0 * * * * * * * <=5.0 18.2 * 26.3 * * * Asian Number Tested 1,995 525 8 19 4 0 3 0 39 2 5 4 0 355 0 0 2 0 7 5 0 8 16 0 2 30 16 0 Percent At or Above Level III 50.8 47.2 25.0 84.2 * * * * 69.2 * 40.0 * * 46.2 * * * * 42.9 40.0 * 12.5 37.5 * * 16.7 75.0 * Black Number Tested 30,024 7,047 239 243 94 176 88 129 447 8 230 60 0 3,679 10 63 1 4 96 178 8 256 337 7 244 114 319 17 Percent At or Above Level III 23.9 23.4 13.8 29.2 24.5 27.8 34.1 18.6 25.3 37.5 15.7 43.3 * 24.6 30.0 25.4 * * 12.5 24.7 12.5 11.7 18.1 28.6 23.4 22.8 24.5 29.4 Hispanic Number Tested 6,884 1,593 4 121 55 21 4 4 90 1 31 78 2 770 0 0 2 0 62 63 0 22 83 0 5 25 149 1 Percent At or Above Level III 24.8 24.6 * 22.3 14.5 28.6 * * 27.8 * 6.5 48.7 * 23.0 * * * * 32.3 19.0 * 13.6 22.9 * 60.0 20.0 29.5 * Multi-Racial Number Tested 3,140 652 7 60 7 11 10 6 38 1 22 30 0 284 1 1 2 2 9 31 1 12 47 0 9 20 40 1 Percent At or Above Level III 40.3 41.7 28.6 53.3 57.1 63.6 40.0 50.0 44.7 * 27.3 43.3 * 43.7 * * * * 33.3 25.8 * 16.7 34.0 * 11.1 30.0 45.0 * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Number Tested 58,228 13,081 116 1,200 179 568 280 62 1,615 53 149 736 42 3,543 2 0 14 69 145 610 4 346 1,061 1 187 519 1,536 44 Percent At or Above Level III 47.8 51.1 39.7 52.8 40.8 51.4 43.9 56.5 45.4 54.7 28.2 54.6 88.1 58.8 * * 78.6 62.3 41.4 51.0 * 24.6 37.6 * 43.9 39.5 60.4 65.9 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 13b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Southwest Region Total Number Tested 44 State Southwest Region Anson Cabarrus Kannapolis City Cleveland Kings Mountain City Shelby City Gaston Piedmont Community** Hoke Lincoln Lincoln Charter** Charlotte/Mecklenburg Community Charter** Sugar Creek** Metrolina** Queen's Grant** Montgomery Moore STARS** Richmond Rowan-Salisbury Rowan Academy** Scotland Stanly Union Union Academy** 102,121 23,234 381 1,652 340 782 388 201 2,234 65 521 912 44 8,701 13 64 21 76 320 898 13 677 1,558 8 527 711 2,063 64 Male Percent At or Above Level III 38.7 40.1 21.8 47.6 32.6 45.5 40.7 30.8 41.1 50.8 19.4 52.9 86.4 39.9 30.8 26.6 85.7 57.9 30.6 42.1 15.4 18.0 32.3 37.5 31.3 34.9 52.4 54.7 Number Tested 51,998 11,746 188 871 170 385 190 107 1,184 34 266 447 22 4,354 9 34 12 38 161 467 6 331 790 7 275 348 1,019 31 Female Percent At or Above Level III 32.3 33.7 15.4 42.3 24.7 35.8 36.3 29.0 35.3 38.2 14.3 45.9 86.4 33.8 22.2 17.6 75.0 52.6 24.8 31.9 * 13.3 25.1 28.6 26.2 27.3 45.5 41.9 Number Tested 49,960 11,449 193 780 170 396 198 94 1,048 31 253 464 22 4,324 4 30 9 38 159 431 7 346 765 1 250 363 1,041 32 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 45.4 46.7 28.0 53.6 40.6 55.1 44.9 33.0 47.6 64.5 24.5 59.5 86.4 46.0 * 36.7 * 63.2 36.5 53.1 28.6 22.5 40.0 * 37.2 42.1 59.1 68.8 Number Tested 46,827 15,408 81 1,336 0 450 239 201 1,503 58 0 346 44 7,155 12 0 21 76 1 378 9 397 959 8 148 420 1,502 64 Percent At or Above Level III 47.8 46.5 38.3 51.2 * 52.9 41.8 30.8 47.9 53.4 * 52.6 86.4 44.2 33.3 * 85.7 57.9 * 51.6 22.2 21.7 38.0 37.5 50.7 38.8 61.5 54.7 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 51,127 7,372 300 244 340 308 57 0 709 0 519 471 0 1,534 0 63 0 0 319 481 0 278 521 0 379 288 561 0 Percent At or Above Level III 31.3 27.3 17.3 35.2 32.6 37.7 50.9 * 27.5 * 19.3 50.5 * 19.5 * 27.0 * * 30.7 34.7 * 12.9 25.9 * 23.7 29.2 28.2 * Targeted Assistance Number Tested 3,421 398 0 70 0 24 91 0 16 7 0 91 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 34 4 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 26.1 31.9 * 20.0 * 8.3 31.9 * * 28.6 * 65.9 * * * * * * * 47.1 * * 6.7 * * * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Migrant Number Tested 559 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 21.5 10.9 * * * * * * * * 10.0 * * * * * * * * * * * <=5.0 * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 14a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA and Ethnicity, Northeast Region 45 Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III State 102,121 38.7 6,223 30.4 Northeast Region Beaufort 522 30.5 Washington Montessori** 19 26.3 Bertie 237 26.6 Camden 103 68.0 Edenton/Chowan 188 27.1 Currituck 302 49.7 Dare 323 44.6 Edgecombe 552 21.6 Gates 143 39.2 Halifax 394 30.5 Roanoke Rapids City 162 43.8 Weldon City 73 17.8 Hertford 254 14.2 Hyde 43 34.9 Martin 337 18.4 Northampton 277 24.5 Elizabeth City/Pasquotank 400 25.0 Perquimans 118 37.3 Pitt 1,562 32.0 Tyrrell 51 43.1 Washington 163 15.3 American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,679 27.3 45 37.8 2 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 0 * 26 53.8 0 * 1 * 3 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 1 * 6 16.7 0 * 0 * Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,995 50.8 34 52.9 0 * 2 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 1 * 4 * 2 * 2 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 0 * 3 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 15 60.0 0 * 1 * Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 30,024 23.9 3,197 20.1 215 18.6 1 * 211 24.2 15 53.3 88 15.9 24 45.8 12 33.3 307 16.6 66 36.4 334 29.3 40 7.5 68 17.6 205 10.2 17 23.5 185 11.9 218 22.0 187 20.3 36 41.7 833 20.0 16 25.0 119 6.7 Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 6,884 24.8 192 23.4 30 20.0 1 * 3 * 0 * 2 * 2 * 13 23.1 34 14.7 0 * 3 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 3 * 12 41.7 2 * 5 * 0 * 76 26.3 3 * 2 * Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 3,140 40.3 138 29.7 13 23.1 5 20.0 1 * 0 * 5 60.0 9 44.4 4 * 13 7.7 0 * 3 * 4 * 1 * 7 42.9 0 * 6 * 3 * 11 27.3 2 * 44 36.4 3 * 4 * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 58,228 47.8 2,600 43.1 262 42.0 10 30.0 22 50.0 88 70.5 92 35.9 266 50.4 276 45.7 194 31.4 75 42.7 25 20.0 117 55.6 3 * 36 30.6 23 43.5 130 26.2 52 36.5 196 30.1 79 35.4 588 48.8 29 58.6 37 37.8 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 14b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Northeast Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 46 State Northeast Region Beaufort Washington Montessori** Bertie Camden Edenton/Chowan Currituck Dare Edgecombe Gates Halifax Roanoke Rapids City Weldon City Hertford Hyde Martin Northampton Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington 102,121 6,223 522 19 237 103 188 302 323 552 143 394 162 73 254 43 337 277 400 118 1,562 51 163 38.7 30.4 30.5 26.3 26.6 68.0 27.1 49.7 44.6 21.6 39.2 30.5 43.8 17.8 14.2 34.9 18.4 24.5 25.0 37.3 32.0 43.1 15.3 Male Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 51,998 3,123 263 6 114 57 109 149 165 268 71 184 84 38 127 16 165 158 205 61 771 28 84 32.3 25.0 25.5 16.7 18.4 56.1 24.8 43.0 33.3 18.7 25.4 25.0 39.3 15.8 10.2 25.0 15.2 22.8 21.0 24.6 26.5 35.7 14.3 Female Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 49,960 3,087 258 13 123 46 79 153 150 283 72 209 78 35 127 26 172 119 195 57 790 23 79 45.4 35.8 35.7 30.8 34.1 82.6 30.4 56.2 56.7 24.4 52.8 35.4 48.7 20.0 18.1 42.3 21.5 26.9 29.2 50.9 37.3 52.2 16.5 Not Served by Title I Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 46,827 2,497 257 19 37 100 0 302 288 137 0 1 162 0 0 7 0 2 2 0 1,183 0 0 47.8 38.9 27.2 26.3 37.8 69.0 * 49.7 49.3 13.9 * * 43.8 * * 28.6 * * * * 36.1 * * Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 51,127 3,351 265 0 196 0 188 0 0 291 143 392 0 73 253 35 337 275 398 118 173 51 163 31.3 25.0 33.6 * 24.5 * 27.1 * * 15.5 39.2 30.6 * 17.8 14.2 37.1 18.4 24.4 24.9 37.3 28.3 43.1 15.3 Targeted Assistance Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 3,421 241 0 0 0 3 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 0 0 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 26.1 11.2 * * * * * * 5.9 * * * * * * * * * * * 11.8 * * Migrant Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 559 141 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 128 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 21.5 41.1 * * * * * * * 43.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 15a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA and Ethnicity, Southeast Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 47 State Southeast Region Bladen Brunswick Charter Day School** Carteret Tiller School** Columbus Whiteville City Craven Cumberland Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir Children's Village Academy** New Hanover Cape Fear Center** Onslow Pamlico Arapahoe Charter** Pender Robeson Sampson Clinton City Wayne 102,121 17,458 429 866 42 568 15 482 185 1,104 3,925 638 253 107 758 11 1,647 39 1,623 106 38 538 1,812 613 182 1,477 38.7 34.5 27.3 34.2 26.2 43.8 26.7 31.5 29.2 42.9 29.2 37.3 24.9 31.8 31.3 18.2 44.4 35.9 39.8 36.8 50.0 44.4 26.4 28.2 36.3 36.1 American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,679 991 5 11 0 3 0 29 0 6 110 1 0 0 2 0 5 0 15 0 0 0 785 3 10 6 27.3 27.4 20.0 27.3 * * * 27.6 * 66.7 20.9 * * * * * 40.0 * 46.7 * * * 26.8 * 70.0 66.7 Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,995 153 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 9 67 2 0 0 7 0 20 0 16 0 2 4 5 0 4 11 50.8 52.3 * * * * * * * 22.2 53.7 * * * 14.3 * 80.0 * 43.8 * * * 60.0 * * 45.5 Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 30,024 6,061 222 180 6 54 0 184 76 384 1,804 200 115 48 378 9 472 3 343 38 1 143 540 176 75 610 23.9 24.0 20.3 28.9 16.7 27.8 * 23.4 19.7 23.7 21.1 32.5 21.7 27.1 25.4 11.1 25.0 * 33.5 21.1 * 28.7 20.7 22.2 22.7 26.9 Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 6,884 1,132 19 46 1 10 0 19 1 50 251 149 54 5 42 0 45 0 88 3 2 29 95 108 23 92 24.8 25.5 31.6 23.9 * 10.0 * 10.5 * 48.0 29.1 23.5 13.0 20.0 7.1 * 28.9 * 38.6 * * 34.5 20.0 18.5 17.4 25.0 Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 3,140 678 4 33 4 12 0 9 2 47 206 14 4 1 16 2 47 3 142 2 0 9 50 10 6 55 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 40.3 42.2 * 39.4 * 58.3 * 22.2 * 59.6 34.0 42.9 * * 50.0 * 48.9 * 47.2 * * 55.6 44.0 30.0 16.7 40.0 White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 58,228 8,413 178 594 31 482 15 240 106 606 1,481 270 80 53 311 0 1,053 33 1,016 63 33 353 334 316 64 701 47.8 43.1 35.4 36.5 25.8 46.3 26.7 40.4 34.9 53.5 37.9 48.1 35.0 37.7 41.2 * 52.9 39.4 40.9 47.6 51.5 51.0 33.5 35.1 53.1 44.9 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 15b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Southeast Region Total Number Tested 48 State Southeast Region Bladen Brunswick Charter Day School** Carteret Tiller School** Columbus Whiteville City Craven Cumberland Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir Children's Village Academy** New Hanover Cape Fear Center** Onslow Pamlico Arapahoe Charter** Pender Robeson Sampson Clinton City Wayne 102,121 17,458 429 866 42 568 15 482 185 1,104 3,925 638 253 107 758 11 1,647 39 1,623 106 38 538 1,812 613 182 1,477 Male Percent At or Above Level III 38.7 34.5 27.3 34.2 26.2 43.8 26.7 31.5 29.2 42.9 29.2 37.3 24.9 31.8 31.3 18.2 44.4 35.9 39.8 36.8 50.0 44.4 26.4 28.2 36.3 36.1 Number Tested 51,998 8,921 219 440 21 296 10 220 81 559 2,052 327 148 57 395 7 859 20 817 48 19 287 905 315 91 728 Female Percent At or Above Level III 32.3 27.6 21.5 24.3 19.0 36.8 20.0 27.3 24.7 33.3 23.3 30.6 24.3 28.1 25.1 14.3 38.1 35.0 29.9 31.3 42.1 38.3 21.0 21.0 26.4 28.4 Number Tested 49,960 8,508 210 421 21 271 5 256 104 544 1,867 310 105 50 362 4 785 19 805 58 19 251 905 296 91 749 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 45.4 41.7 33.3 44.4 33.3 51.7 40.0 35.5 32.7 52.9 35.6 44.5 25.7 36.0 37.8 * 51.5 36.8 49.9 41.4 57.9 51.4 31.9 35.8 46.2 43.5 Number Tested 46,827 1,894 0 2 0 1 14 1 0 2 538 1 0 1 1 0 490 39 447 0 38 75 98 2 0 144 Percent At or Above Level III 47.8 47.1 * * * * 28.6 * * * 38.5 * * * * * 56.5 35.9 46.8 * 50.0 56.0 50.0 * * 49.3 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 51,127 15,422 428 862 0 567 0 480 184 1,101 3,381 637 253 105 757 11 1,154 0 1,120 106 0 463 1,694 611 182 1,326 Percent At or Above Level III 31.3 33.0 27.3 34.3 * 43.9 * 31.7 29.3 43.0 27.7 37.4 24.9 32.4 31.2 18.2 39.2 * 37.9 36.8 * 42.5 25.1 28.3 36.3 34.6 Targeted Assistance Number Tested 3,421 76 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Percent At or Above Level III 26.1 25.0 * * 36.4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20.4 * * * * * * * Migrant Number Tested 559 157 25 3 20 0 0 26 0 2 3 21 1 0 15 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 9 17 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 21.5 15.9 20.0 * 15.0 * * 15.4 * * * 19.0 * * * * * * * * * 28.6 11.1 11.8 * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 16a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA and Ethnicity, Central Region Total Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 49 State Central Region Alamance-Burlington River Mill Academy** Clover Garden** Caswell Chatham Chatham Charter** Woods Charter** Durham Maureen Joy** Healthy Start** Carter Community** Research Triangle** Omuteko Gwamaziima** Ann Atwater** Franklin A Child's Garden** Granville Guilford Greensboro Academy** Guilford Charter** Phoenix Academy** Harnett Johnston Lee Nash-Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Prep Sch** Orange Orange Charter** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Person Bethel Hill** Randolph Asheboro City Rockingham Vance Vance Charter** Wake Magellan** Sterling Montessori** Franklin Academy** East Wake Academy** SPARC Academy** Torchlight Academy** PreEminent** Quest Academy** Hope Elementary** Casa Esperanza Warren Haliwa-Saponi Tribal** Wilson S.B. Howard** 102,121 32,101 1,607 22 27 257 557 30 12 2,424 31 35 17 79 8 6 657 17 674 4,983 81 20 26 1,211 1,965 663 1,345 77 517 18 744 387 46 1,371 331 1,101 612 36 8,432 65 40 86 56 16 16 76 14 14 2 238 16 970 66 38.7 40.2 42.9 36.4 63.0 31.9 37.0 30.0 66.7 33.3 29.0 17.1 * 29.1 25.0 33.3 23.3 23.5 28.0 39.8 65.4 <=5.0 65.4 29.6 46.0 34.4 32.0 39.0 42.6 50.0 62.9 38.5 39.1 42.5 38.1 30.8 27.9 44.4 47.7 90.8 32.5 64.0 46.4 18.8 6.3 13.2 * 7.1 * 33.6 31.3 29.4 13.6 American Indian Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 1,679 184 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 31 2 0 0 11 13 3 6 1 2 0 1 2 1 4 1 0 1 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 15 3 0 27.3 30.4 * * * * * * * 37.5 * * * * * * * * 16.7 29.0 * * * 45.5 30.8 * 50.0 * * * * * * * * * * * 32.6 * * * * * * * * * * 50.0 26.7 * * Asian Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 1,995 819 21 0 0 0 3 0 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 6 209 2 0 3 2 9 6 24 0 1 0 79 1 0 8 4 3 3 0 375 2 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 50.8 59.2 42.9 * * * * * * 52.5 * * * * * * * * 50.0 39.7 * * * * 66.7 66.7 54.2 * * * 86.1 * * 37.5 * * * * 67.7 * 66.7 * * * * * * * * * * 37.5 * Black Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 30,024 10,754 371 1 3 97 84 3 0 1,421 29 35 16 52 8 2 253 4 242 2,149 2 18 2 379 388 179 713 48 116 1 108 149 6 65 55 268 386 1 2,272 3 5 7 12 15 15 68 0 14 0 152 1 485 51 23.9 25.2 30.2 * * 22.7 23.8 * * 26.4 31.0 17.1 * 21.2 25.0 * 15.4 * 16.5 26.4 * 5.6 * 17.7 30.9 25.1 24.0 37.5 21.6 * 34.3 28.2 16.7 36.9 18.2 16.8 23.1 * 28.7 * 20.0 71.4 25.0 20.0 6.7 10.3 * 7.1 * 28.3 * 16.5 11.8 Hispanic Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 6,884 2,554 219 0 0 13 100 2 0 235 0 0 0 1 0 1 48 0 43 279 0 0 0 96 209 120 57 0 25 0 52 12 0 104 90 55 42 0 650 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 5 0 74 15 24.8 25.0 24.2 * * 76.9 29.0 * * 17.9 * * * * * * 10.4 * 9.3 24.4 * * * 24.0 28.2 23.3 28.1 * 16.0 * 26.9 8.3 * 27.9 26.7 21.8 23.8 * 28.3 * * * * * * * * * * * * 21.6 20.0 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Multi-Racial Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 3,140 1,060 27 0 0 10 28 3 0 89 0 0 0 4 0 0 21 0 25 179 3 0 1 47 49 20 22 3 14 1 31 10 0 33 13 39 9 0 337 0 2 1 0 1 1 5 2 0 0 8 0 22 0 40.3 41.4 51.9 * * 40.0 28.6 * * 44.9 * * * * * * 28.6 * 32.0 41.3 * * * 29.8 42.9 25.0 27.3 * 57.1 * 64.5 50.0 * 30.3 38.5 25.6 * * 47.2 * * * * * * 60.0 * * * 25.0 * 36.4 * White Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 58,228 16,668 964 21 24 137 342 22 12 612 1 0 1 20 0 3 325 13 352 2,129 68 2 20 674 1,295 334 522 25 359 16 472 213 39 1,155 167 736 171 35 4,735 58 27 77 42 0 0 0 12 0 1 61 0 374 0 47.8 51.3 51.9 38.1 66.7 33.6 43.3 31.8 66.7 52.3 * * * 45.0 * * 31.1 15.4 37.8 55.3 70.6 * 65.0 36.9 53.4 43.4 42.5 48.0 50.7 50.0 69.7 46.9 43.6 44.6 49.7 36.5 42.1 42.9 58.2 91.4 29.6 64.9 52.4 * * * * * * 47.5 * 47.3 * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 16b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 4, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Central Region Total Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III State 50 Central Region Alamance-Burlington River Mill Academy** Clover Garden** Caswell Chatham Chatham Charter** Woods Charter** Durham Maureen Joy** Healthy Start** Carter Community** Research Triangle** Omuteko Gwamaziima** Ann Atwater** Franklin A Child's Garden** Granville Guilford Greensboro Academy** Guilford Charter** Phoenix Academy** Harnett Johnston Lee Nash-Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Prep Sch** Orange Orange Charter** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Person Bethel Hill** Randolph Asheboro City Rockingham Vance Vance Charter** Wake Magellan** Sterling Montessori** Franklin Academy** East Wake Academy** SPARC Academy** Torchlight Academy** PreEminent** Quest Academy** Hope Elementary** Casa Esperanza Warren Haliwa-Saponi Tribal** Wilson S.B. Howard** 102,121 32,101 1,607 22 27 257 557 30 12 2,424 31 35 17 79 8 6 657 17 674 4,983 81 20 26 1,211 1,965 663 1,345 77 517 18 744 387 46 1,371 331 1,101 612 36 8,432 65 40 86 56 16 16 76 14 14 2 238 16 970 66 38.7 40.2 42.9 36.4 63.0 31.9 37.0 30.0 66.7 33.3 29.0 17.1 * 29.1 25.0 33.3 23.3 23.5 28.0 39.8 65.4 <=5.0 65.4 29.6 46.0 34.4 32.0 39.0 42.6 50.0 62.9 38.5 39.1 42.5 38.1 30.8 27.9 44.4 47.7 90.8 32.5 64.0 46.4 18.8 6.3 13.2 * 7.1 * 33.6 31.3 29.4 13.6 Male Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 51,998 16,439 809 8 11 121 268 15 6 1,241 17 18 13 39 5 4 355 8 361 2,600 37 14 18 606 951 363 691 41 251 10 389 199 17 690 177 561 326 19 4,342 38 20 41 28 9 7 42 5 5 1 110 11 487 34 32.3 33.8 36.5 25.0 63.6 23.1 33.2 26.7 66.7 27.3 29.4 22.2 * 28.2 40.0 * 21.7 * 23.3 33.5 56.8 * 61.1 24.6 39.0 30.0 25.3 31.7 33.5 40.0 55.3 34.2 23.5 34.3 35.0 23.7 21.2 36.8 40.6 89.5 15.0 68.3 28.6 22.2 14.3 11.9 * * * 26.4 27.3 24.0 <=5.0 Female Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 49,960 15,609 796 14 16 136 289 15 6 1,170 14 17 4 40 3 2 301 9 313 2,375 43 6 8 604 1,013 299 653 36 266 8 353 188 29 677 152 536 286 17 4,081 27 20 45 28 7 9 34 9 9 1 128 5 480 32 45.4 47.0 49.5 42.9 62.5 39.7 40.5 33.3 66.7 39.7 28.6 11.8 * 30.0 * * 24.9 44.4 33.5 46.7 74.4 16.7 75.0 34.8 52.4 39.8 39.2 47.2 51.1 62.5 71.7 43.1 48.3 50.8 42.1 38.1 35.7 52.9 55.3 92.6 50.0 60.0 64.3 14.3 * 14.7 * 11.1 * 39.8 40.0 34.8 28.1 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 46,827 16,924 833 22 24 27 411 28 12 1,166 2 1 4 78 0 6 1 17 132 2,274 81 20 0 88 955 105 79 38 432 18 720 107 46 1,067 1 397 82 36 7,237 65 40 86 48 16 0 0 14 0 2 0 0 106 0 47.8 49.4 52.5 36.4 66.7 70.4 40.1 32.1 66.7 40.7 * * * 29.5 * 33.3 * 23.5 33.3 53.0 65.4 <=5.0 * 43.2 48.2 47.6 30.4 44.7 48.4 50.0 64.4 47.7 39.1 47.9 * 38.8 31.7 44.4 49.9 90.8 32.5 64.0 54.2 18.8 * * * * * * * 49.1 * Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 51,127 13,097 773 0 0 213 141 0 0 1,094 29 34 0 0 8 0 648 0 538 2,550 0 0 26 1,117 1,003 556 1,263 0 0 0 0 195 0 0 329 672 529 0 208 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 237 0 852 66 31.3 29.9 32.6 * * 27.2 29.1 * * 24.7 31.0 17.6 * * 25.0 * 23.5 * 26.8 28.7 * * 65.4 28.6 43.9 32.0 32.1 * * * * 28.2 * * 38.0 27.1 27.4 * 33.7 * * * * * 6.3 * * * * 33.8 * 26.6 13.6 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Targeted Assistance Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 3,421 1,667 0 0 3 16 0 0 0 154 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 39 84 0 22 84 0 291 0 6 0 0 685 0 0 0 8 0 0 76 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 26.1 29.6 * * * 31.3 * * * 39.6 * * * * * * * * * 27.9 * * * * * * * 33.3 11.9 * 18.2 50.0 * 23.7 * * * * 33.3 * * * * * * 13.2 * 7.1 * * 33.3 * * Migrant Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 559 149 19 0 0 0 34 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 1 0 0 0 20 12 12 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.5 16.8 5.3 * * * 23.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15.0 33.3 * 42.9 * * * * * * 25.0 * 12.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment State-Level Summary Statistics Grade 7 51 Report of Student Performance in Writing Grades 4, 7, 10, 2003-04 Grade 7 Results of the Writing Assessment at Grade 7 Students in the seventh grade were asked to write an "argumentative" problemsolution response to the following prompt: Tardies to class are disrupting instruction, leaving unfinished classwork to be completed at home. Although rules and consequences were set at the beginning of the year, students are still arriving late. Write an essay for your teacher in which you suggest a solution to the problem of tardies to class. Contracted readers scored 105,231 public school responses for grade 7 after the 2003-04 writing assessment. The scores show that 45.5 percent of the seventh graders wrote well enough to score at or above Level III. This represents an increase of 4.6 percentage points from the 40.9 percent who achieved this level in 2002-03 pilot test administration Less than one percent of the seventh graders in the 2003-04 writing assessment received the highest scores in Level IV and 6.5 percent received the lowest scores in Level I. In 2002-03, less than one percent (0.3) of the papers had problems which made them non-scorable. Nonscorable papers receive Achievement Level I rankings and are included in the state results as Level I scores. The average weighted content score for seventh graders taking the assessment in 2003-04 was 8.2 on a scale of four to sixteen. The average conventions score was 2.8 on a scale of zero to four. The average Total Writing Score was 11.0 of a possible 20. Observations The 2003-04 writing assessment at grade 7 required students to respond to an argumentative problem/solution prompt about the issue of “tardiness to class.” When analyzing the content scores for Grade 7, 89.0 percent of the student responses were scored 1s or 2s and 11.0 percent of the student responses were scored a 3 (the content scale is 1-4). When convention scores were included in the analysis for Grade 7, 6.0 percent of the students received a score of 0 and 47.0 percent received a score of 2 (the convention scale is 0-2). An observation from the writing assessment at grade 7 is that the increases in student scores seen at grade 7 were due in large part to more student success in the application of conventions. The following observations were also noted: Content • • prompt was accessible to all students only .27 percent of students received a non-scorable response 53 Report of Student Performance in Writing Grades 4, 7, 10, 2003-04 Observations (continued) Student responses that were less successful tended to include the following characteristics: • • • • attempted to address the prompt too broadly relying on general and/or list-like support underdevelopment of details lack of relationships between or among ideas. Conventions When present, errors tended to include: • • Performance of Subgroups at Grade 7 sentence formation, e.g. run-ons and comma splices failure to use a word according to standard meaning. Gender Approximately 55.6 percent of the female students scored at or above Level compared to 36.0 percent for male students. Ethnicity About 57.2 percent of Asian students scored at or above Level III compared to 54.8 percent of the White students, 47.3 percent of Multi-Racial students, 30.9 percent of Hispanic students, 30.2 percent of Black students, and 28.4 percent of American Indian students. There were 105,231 seventh grade public school student responses scored by two independent readers. The inter-rater reliability rates (agreement rates) of the readers are shown below in Table 17. The 70.0 percent criterion rate for perfect agreement based upon industry standards was exceeded and the resolutions required were few. Table 17. Seventh Grade Reader Agreement Statistics Perfect Adjacent Total Public Agreement Agreement School Papers Percent Percent Content 105,231 80.9 19.0 Conventions 105,231 71.0 28.8 54 Resolution Required Percent 0.1 0.2 Report of Student Performance in Writing Grades 4, 7, 10, 2003-04 Performance of Subgroups at Grade 7 (continued) The following pages, and Appendix C, present data for the Grade 7 writing assessment administered since a new scoring model was piloted in March 2003. Figure 4 shows that the percent of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III increased between the pilot year and the current year (4.7% increase between 2002-03 and 2003-04). Table 20, a table of Achievement Levels by subgroup, demonstrates that females outperformed males in Grade 7 as in Grade 4. Also, White and Asian students performed at a higher level than the American Indian, Black, and Hispanic subgroups as in Grade 4. Table 22, the frequency summary, shows that very few seventh graders reached Achievement Level IV (26 of 105,231 students), while about 45.5 percent of the students received a III, almost half (48.0%) received a II, and 6.5 percent received the lowest Achievement Level. 55 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 4. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2002-03 to 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III 100 90 Percent of Students 80 70 60 50 40.9 45.6 40 56 30 20 10 0 2002-03 2003-04 Notes: 1The writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 5. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1995-96 to 2003-04, Distribution of Writing Levels, Grade 7 100 90 66.0 60.1 40.9 45.5 51.8 50.1 49.8 35.2 24.3 27.4 30 26.4 40 31.7 35.6 41.4 50 47.9 46.5 60 Level I Level II Level III 0.0 0.0 7.2 0 2.9 5.8 10.7 5.1 8.5 9.4 6.5 2.4 1.9 1.6 5.8 2.3 10 4.9 12.5 20 3.8 57 Percent of Students 61.8 70 66.1 80 Level IV Writing Levels 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 1 2002-03 2003-04 Notes: 1The bold vertical line between years indicates that the writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 6. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1995-96 to 2003-04, Percent of Students At or Above Level III, Grade 7, by Gender and Ethnicity 66.2% White Female 65.5% Asian Female 59.4% Multi-Racial Female 49.7% Asian Male 44.1% White Male Hispanic Female 39.4% Black Female 38.4% 36.6% American Indian Female *N=823 34.8% Multi-Racial Male *N=1,491 State Percent *N=15,488 23.1% Hispanic Male *N=2,905 22.2% Black Male *N=15,835 20.6% American Indian Male *N=851 45.5% State 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent of Students Notes: *N counts equal the number of students tested. When summed, gender/ethnicity N counts may not match the state N counts because a gender/ethnicity category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 58 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 18. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Statewide Number of Students Tested, Taking Alternate Assessments, and Number Not Tested, Grade 7 Not Tested Category Membership1 59 Total Female Male American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Limited English Proficient (LEP) All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injury Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 109,645 53,171 56,474 1,578 2,006 33,591 6,519 2,063 63,888 21,794 20,476 1,087 481 3,506 17,603 1,322 167 2,499 7,569 256 45 2,536 63 46 368 70 127 14 278 2,243 Percent of Membership 100.0 48.5 51.5 1.4 1.8 30.6 5.9 1.9 58.3 19.9 18.7 1.0 0.4 3.2 16.1 1.2 0.2 2.3 6.9 0.2 0.0 2.3 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 2.0 Number Tested2 105,231 51,311 53,790 1,677 1,874 31,366 5,649 3,041 61,515 20,943 19,129 1,676 288 2,383 14,620 1,145 143 1,645 7,053 214 44 2,203 44 30 161 0 10 5 19 1,904 Percent Tested3 96.0 96.5 95.2 106.3 93.4 93.4 86.7 147.4 96.3 96.1 93.4 154.2 59.9 68.0 83.1 86.6 85.6 65.8 93.2 83.6 97.8 86.9 69.8 65.2 43.8 0.0 7.9 35.7 6.8 84.9 Number Percent Alternate Alternate Assessments Assessments 2,228 2.0 845 1.6 1,383 2.4 59 3.7 75 3.7 745 2.2 644 9.9 27 1.3 669 1.0 652 3.0 585 2.9 20 1.8 87 18.1 623 17.8 1,569 8.9 39 3.0 21 12.6 635 25.4 175 2.3 4 1.6 0 0.0 86 3.4 9 14.3 8 17.4 161 43.8 69 98.6 110 86.6 5 35.7 239 86.0 22 1.0 Number Absent Percent Absent 2,186 1,015 1,301 * 57 1,480 226 * 1,704 199 762 * 106 500 1,414 138 3 219 341 38 1 247 10 8 46 1 7 4 20 317 Notes: 1"Membership" is the total number of students on the 2003-04 Masterbuild data file 2 "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing assessment. 3 "Percent Tested" may exceed 100.0 percent due to coding differences between the Masterbuild file and student test documents for the North Carolin Writing Assessment. *These data represent coding on the 2003-04 test documents. Data for the alternate assessments came from the AAAI and AAP test documents. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 2.0 1.9 2.3 * 2.8 4.4 3.5 * 2.7 0.9 3.7 * 22.0 14.3 8.0 10.4 1.8 8.8 4.5 14.8 2.2 9.7 15.9 17.4 12.5 1.4 5.5 28.6 7.2 14.1 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 19. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1995-96 to 2003-04, Distribution of Achievement Levels Across Years, Grade 7 Achievement Levels Grade 7 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Number Tested 87,072 88,422 91,332 90,921 Level 1 Level II Level III Level IV 4,253 31,004 43,652 8,163 4.9 35.6 50.1 9.4 3,325 6,574 44,040 4,483 3.8 41.4 49.8 5.1 5,272 28,950 47,330 9,780 5.8 31.7 51.8 10.7 2,084 24,888 56,188 7,761 2.3 27.4 61.8 8.5 1999-00 93,567 1,543 1.6 24,710 26.4 61,869 66.1 5,445 5.8 2000-01 98,178 2,383 23,884 64,810 7,101 2.4 24.3 66.0 7.2 1,949 35,697 60,898 2,899 1.9 35.2 60.1 2.9 2001-02 101,425 *2002-03 103,074 12,935 12.5 47,964 46.5 42,151 40.9 24 <0.1 2003-04 105,231 6,866 6.5 50,434 47.9 47,905 45.5 26 <0.1 Notes: *The writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 60 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 20. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Characteristics and Performance by Achievement Level, Grade 7 Category All Students Female Male Not Coded American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded Not Exceptional Academically/Intellectually Gifted AIG Reading 61 AIG Mathematics All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Learning Disabled-Reading Learning Disabled-Mathematics Learning Disabled-Written Expression Learning Disabled-Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind 1 Number Tested1 105,231 51,311 53,790 130 1,677 1,874 31,366 5,649 3,041 61,515 109 74,472 15,431 12,486 12,169 14,620 1,145 143 1,645 7,053 5,409 2,652 5,611 174 214 44 2,203 44 30 161 0 10 5 Percent2 100.0 48.8 51.1 0.1 1.6 1.8 29.8 5.4 2.9 58.5 0.1 70.8 14.7 11.9 11.6 13.9 1.1 0.1 1.6 6.7 5.1 2.5 5.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Number At or Above Level III 47,931 28,540 19,352 39 476 1,072 9,465 1,747 1,439 33,714 18 32,484 13,335 10,966 10,496 1,825 95 28 * 735 467 250 537 25 43 10 348 9 3 40 * 1 3 Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 55.6 36.0 30.0 28.4 57.2 30.2 30.9 47.3 54.8 16.5 43.6 86.4 87.8 86.3 12.5 8.3 19.6 <=5.0 10.4 8.6 9.4 9.6 14.4 20.1 22.7 15.8 20.5 10.0 24.8 * 10.0 60.0 Number At Level I 6,866 1,953 4,888 25 221 108 3,217 722 163 2,411 24 3,263 30 26 32 3,504 376 33 * 1,407 1,269 719 1,228 46 33 11 430 5 9 60 * 7 0 Percent At Level I 6.5 3.8 9.1 19.2 13.2 5.8 10.3 12.8 5.4 3.9 22.0 4.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 24.0 32.8 23.1 * 19.9 23.5 27.1 21.9 26.4 15.4 25.0 19.5 11.4 30.0 37.3 * 70.0 0.0 Number At Level II 50,434 20,818 29,550 66 980 694 18,684 3,180 1,439 25,390 67 38,725 2,066 1,494 1,641 9,291 674 82 * 4,911 3,673 1,683 3,846 103 138 23 1,425 30 18 61 * 2 2 Percent At Level II 47.9 40.6 54.9 50.8 58.4 37.0 59.6 56.3 47.3 41.3 61.5 52.0 13.4 12.0 13.5 63.5 58.9 57.3 * 69.6 67.9 63.5 68.5 59.2 64.5 52.3 64.7 68.2 60.0 37.9 * 20.0 40.0 Number At Level III 47,905 28,526 19,340 39 476 1,071 9,465 1,747 1,438 33,690 18 32,481 13,313 10,944 10,478 1,824 95 28 * 734 467 249 536 25 43 10 348 9 3 40 * 1 3 Percent At Level III 45.5 55.6 36.0 30.0 28.4 57.2 30.2 30.9 47.3 54.8 16.5 43.6 86.3 87.7 86.1 12.5 8.3 19.6 * 10.4 8.6 9.4 9.6 14.4 20.1 22.7 15.8 20.5 10.0 24.8 * 10.0 60.0 Notes: "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. * Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Number At Level IV 26 14 12 0 0 1 0 0 1 24 0 3 22 22 18 1 0 0 * 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 Percent At Level IV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 20. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Characteristics and Performance by Achievement Level, Grade 7 (continued) Category Number Tested1 Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Not Coded Limited English Proficient LEP less than 2 years LEP greater than 2 years Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Percent2 Number At or Above Percent At or Above Level III Level III * 25.6 40.5 13.8 13.2 14.1 48.6 33.3 34.5 17.7 19 1,904 708 2,383 790 1,593 83,590 19,129 1,676 288 0.0 1.8 0.7 2.3 0.8 1.5 79.4 18.2 1.6 0.3 * 488 287 328 104 224 40,639 6,367 578 51 3 52 66 275 0 1,091 32 16 2,121 67 6,887 3 17 2,209 12,449 10,368 674 15 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 6.5 0.0 0.0 2.1 11.8 9.9 0.6 0.0 * 14 22 113 * * 3 5 198 4 361 * 5 168 1,417 938 63 1 Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Level I Level I * 8.3 9.7 26.8 34.7 22.9 5.5 10.4 10.0 19.1 Level II * 488 287 328 104 224 40,620 6,363 577 51 Level III * 25.6 40.5 13.8 13.2 14.1 48.6 33.3 34.4 17.7 Level IV * 1,258 352 1,416 412 1,004 38,314 10,782 931 182 Level II * 66.1 49.7 59.4 52.2 63.0 45.8 56.4 55.5 63.2 Level III * 158 69 639 274 365 4,637 1,980 167 55 * 0 0 0 0 0 19 4 1 0 Level IV * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 * 15 16 44 * * 12 4 608 25 2,300 * 4 713 3,154 2,938 229 3 * 28.8 24.2 16.0 * * 37.5 25.0 28.7 37.3 33.4 * 23.5 32.3 25.3 28.3 34.0 20.0 * 23 28 118 * * 17 7 1,315 38 4,226 * 8 1,328 7,878 6,492 382 11 * 44.2 42.4 42.9 * * 53.1 43.8 62.0 56.7 61.4 * 47.1 60.1 63.3 62.6 56.7 73.3 * 14 22 113 * * 3 5 198 4 361 * 5 168 1,417 938 63 1 * 26.9 33.3 41.1 * * 9.4 31.3 9.3 6.0 5.2 * 29.4 7.6 11.4 9.0 9.3 6.7 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Accommodations Braille Edition 62 Large Print Edition Assistive Technology Devices Keyboarding Devices Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Magnification Devices Student Marks Answers in Test Book Accommodation Notification Form Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus (and Braille Paper) Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item Per Page Edition * 26.9 33.3 41.1 * <=5.0 9.4 31.3 9.3 6.0 5.2 * 29.4 7.6 11.4 9.0 9.3 6.7 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. * Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 21. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Score, Grade 7 Category 63 All Students Female Male Not Coded American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded Not Exceptional Academically/Intellectually Gifted AIG Reading AIG Mathematics All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Learning Disabled-Reading Learning Disabled-Mathematics Learning Disabled-Written Expression Learning Disabled-Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind Number Tested1 105,231 51,311 53,790 130 1,677 1,874 31,366 5,649 3,041 61,515 109 74,472 15,431 12,486 12,169 14,620 1,145 143 1,645 7,053 5,409 2,652 5,611 174 214 44 2,203 44 30 161 0 10 5 Average Total Percent2 100.0 48.8 51.1 0.1 1.6 1.8 29.8 5.4 2.9 58.5 0.1 70.8 14.7 11.9 11.6 13.9 1.1 0.1 1.6 6.7 5.1 2.5 5.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average Weighted Writing Score Content Score 11.0 8.2 11.5 8.4 10.5 7.9 9.7 7.5 10.0 7.6 11.5 8.5 10.2 7.8 10.1 7.7 11.0 8.2 11.4 8.4 9.3 7.3 11.0 8.1 13.0 9.3 13.1 9.3 13.0 9.2 8.9 7.2 8.3 6.7 9.1 7.2 6.6 5.7 9.0 7.4 8.8 7.2 8.6 7.0 8.9 7.3 8.9 7.1 9.4 7.3 9.3 7.5 9.2 7.3 9.2 7.6 8.6 6.8 8.4 6.7 * * 6.0 5.4 11.4 8.0 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Average Conventions Score 2.8 3.1 2.5 2.3 2.3 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.9 3.0 1.9 2.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 1.7 1.6 1.9 0.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 2.1 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.8 1.7 * 0.6 3.4 Number Percent Non-scorable Non-scorable 286 0.3 68 0.1 214 0.2 4 0.0 17 0.0 7 0.0 85 0.1 82 0.1 5 0.0 89 0.1 1 0.0 136 0.1 7 0.0 7 0.0 7 0.0 133 0.1 26 0.0 2 0.0 48 0.0 32 0.0 39 0.0 27 0.0 36 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 0 0.0 9 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0 * * 0 0.0 0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 21. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Score, Grade 7 (continued) Category 64 Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Not Coded Limited English Proficient LEP less than 2 years LEP greater than 2 years Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Accommodations Braille Edition Large Print Edition Assistive Technology Devices Keyboarding Devices Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Magnification Devices Student Marks Answers in Test Book Accommodation Notification Form Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus (and Braille Paper) Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item Per Page Edition Number Tested1 Average Total Percent2 19 1,904 708 2,383 790 1,593 83,590 19,129 1,676 288 0.0 1.8 0.7 2.3 0.8 1.5 79.4 18.2 1.6 0.3 3 52 66 275 0 1,091 32 16 2,121 67 6,887 3 17 2,209 12,449 10,368 674 15 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 6.5 0.0 0.0 2.1 11.8 9.9 0.6 0.0 Average Weighted Writing Score Content Score 3.8 3.7 10.2 7.9 10.6 7.9 8.7 7.0 8.2 6.5 9.0 7.2 11.1 8.3 10.3 7.8 10.4 7.9 9.3 7.3 * 8.9 9.0 10.2 * 7.2 8.0 9.4 8.5 7.8 8.1 * 8.8 8.2 8.8 8.5 8.2 8.3 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. * 7.3 7.2 8.0 * 7.2 6.4 7.6 7.0 6.4 6.8 * 7.1 6.8 7.1 7.0 6.6 6.8 Average Conventions Score 0.2 2.3 2.6 1.7 1.6 1.8 2.9 2.5 2.5 1.9 * 1.6 1.8 2.3 * 0.0 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 * 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 Number Percent Non-scorable Non-scorable 4 0.0 5 0.0 10 0.0 75 0.1 50 0.0 25 0.0 202 0.2 75 0.1 5 0.0 9 0.0 * 2 5 10 * 16 1 0 24 3 97 * 1 25 146 127 28 0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 * 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 22. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 7 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS NUMBER OF STUDENTS WITH SCORES NUMBER OF NONSCORABLE PAPERS MEAN 105,231 HIGH SCORE 20 104,945 LOW SCORE 4 286 11.0 STANDARD DEVIATION 2.3 VARIANCE 5.4 PERCENTILES 90 75 50 (MEDIAN) 25 10 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION ACH LEV IV III II I WRITING SCORE FREQUENCY CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY PERCENT CUMULATIVE PERCENT 20 18 1 25 105231 105230 0.00 0.02 100.00 100.00 16 15 14 13 12 4481 409 10821 2603 29591 105205 100724 100315 89494 86891 4.26 0.39 10.28 2.47 28.12 99.98 95.72 95.33 85.05 82.57 11 10 9 8 7377 35965 2798 4294 57300 49923 13958 11160 7.01 34.18 2.66 4.08 54.45 47.44 13.26 10.61 7 6 5 4 NS 1529 1718 847 2486 286 6866 5337 3619 2772 286 1.45 1.63 0.80 2.36 0.27 6.52 5.07 3.44 2.63 0.27 Notes: Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 65 SCALE SCORE 13.98 12.23 10.86 9.84 8.35 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment Grade 7 Copies of Grade 7 Sample Student Responses The North Carolina Writing Assessment Scoring Model is comprised of a content component with a 1-4 score scale and a conventions component with a 0-2 score scale. To report a total writing scale score for each student, the score is computed by combining the content and conventions scores using the following model: Total Writing Assessment Score = sum of the (content component scores from two independent readers multiplied by 2) + the sum of the (conventions component scores from two independent readers multiplied by 1). The following pages provide copies of sample student responses from grade 7. The total content score, total conventions score, total writing score, achievement level, and annotated explanations of the scores are provided for each response. 67 Write the final copy of your essay here. .' VL Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 I - 69 - Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 7 Sample Student Response #1 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 4 0 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 4 I Content Annotation: Although the response mentions tardiness, the topic/subject is not clear. The organizational structure does not establish relationships among the ideas presented because ideas are offered in a random fashion. The response moves from excuses for tardiness (…because my locker get jammed or I had to go to the bathroom) to sympathy for teachers (But from the other point of view I can also see where teachers are coming from) to the inevitability of tardiness (…no matter how you look at there are always going to be that one or two late student…), and to a final suggestion (…they should extend they time we have to go from class to class). It is unclear what relationship is intended between the solution (… they should extend they time we have to go from class to class) and the apparent support/elaboration in the paper (…because my locker get jammed or I had to go to the bathroom…if I were in the middle class teaching and someone just Stormed in my classroom…I Would be angry to…whether they have a note or they were just playing in the hallway.). While the response does exhibit some vocabulary use that is precise and purposeful (Stormed in, extended they time.) and exhibits some sentence fluency with subordination and coordination, the response remains, holistically, at a 1 score point level. Conventions Annotation: In a fairly short response there are a density and variety of conventions errors. The second sentence is a fragment. Also, the conventions errors include examples of incorrect verb use (my locker get jammed), problems with agreement in number (some student have and that one or two late student), missing commas, incorrect capitalizations, and several misspellings (Beeause, whethe, tardey, and they for the). The response, therefore, exhibits a lack of control of conventions, a 0 score point level. 70 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 ." T-'.'\'7'1T'8 r.~~ ,1__,-,. .1.-'" I ,..... r-"al .L-- I . c..c.1") e. - f"I 0}iv'.1. cc"""''''r G5 .!::..:::::.~..,:- ., "''':-,-'r uvvLi '-'--"""V' r.~'-e --_A. ... h <;'0 p,e. 'I' ~hp't~' ~-\--udC:Îl~ Wp O-.'ooù+ , ~ I ':-:>0 far Th e.- \ù.-\ì.ò r) ~ .' t0l1.\ ~\I'ì~ .' I \ .... r\Tà Co-0... fY"\ (.\.o..S5 e '. - . .,' .e' . \\ ~~es~~~ s~~~ ~::~::.~~~.hejs~p~::y5~ i fa I tü l.J--'D\~. 1\-,0::\- \'j se..c.D"d fY\y So\ u.'qOrì - . . . 1\ 0\-0 I I . ~e-c.-\Q.S5 ~G.-~\ So\u-\-((:)(\ \ Q-\-e; C\.rv.1 A ItS \~ : tÇ--t'nt- Sftld-e.hT l~\~5 rup-1-~ ve -th-cY' snoud 'Su-ülo / / 71 . ! O\.nr.\ Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 :,. , U ~. .; ~. li)-B ~e~s +0 M~ ~ SfQn~eo~a I 1~~rY1plp:t\1e0clen~ I Soa..~ SLU' p6pé\-1-ow~l 0,Y\d I I 'ev +0 ~ CVì' ~itOM 'I ~ = ~~ VL dc.~;~orY1. I+O~~~f ~e s+uc1~Y\:t I -ihrl: -ever (\.eM -\- CA d CA- ck.ik's o.ft-e\ s-ta + . SIh.j e. - -ec ~c:.'ncd ..._for :t-D I ,t"_) o..nd Y1 - c\eQ ~ .'';'';',-.....~ "'-"."_. ',.,.-.,;"n-;-.... -"":'>'':''''-~''''-Þw"~I:'1'<.".....I'...-.........-;:...,--.j': """,~,.."'. ,,,""',.--:.~~.,".:.:' -. ..:-. ~'.,..~......'':';''-' - ""~ .'~o.:r\;.Jo'''-'''''~.'-. ..:.,'.~ ~:zoc...U<"t.. .: + h ;:-~ .'. .,: :"",~~,,'~,~,,;,,;"">'id-. :"(~..;..,..::':"'-;-.,,.. .:-'..:o~...r.:....:"'.t.; -"~'.;',.-'\-.-"_-,..,.,:,;..;.-.-": "." -:-.:,-., -.' -.: . " -:-i ......".~.:,:....-.---'-~~.::: "'. ,.. - ."';"" 2/1 ø~ ~~~"'=''>i ,ff.. :~..- ;# ~ e::.. 4 ~ :1h ~.", ..:-::=;.\ t;"'~'-1 1:Si--"~J' F"~"'9ç;~ ?r-/~: ~5 , '.~',.., I (:~~#~;" 9 \ --;j, '\-;1" -r.;~",i/~., '{~~~~i .~, -<~~ --/ "~S('~.JA.",~..:.....;.H" '-~ ...-.;:-. '.'" -~.', - - I -1 Content: a generally clear topic/subject (three solutions), and maintains its focus. The organization, however, remains formulaic, and the support and elaboration are general and list-like (The second solution is, if the student walks into class late, and disruptive they should get lunch detention. For example, the student has to get hislher lunch and eat with the teacher in the classroom. The student also doesn't get to go and play outside. When he/she is in side they have to work. That is my second solution.). While there is some precise and purposeful vocabulary, the response exhibits minimal use of sentence fluency. Each body paragraph begins with the same pattern (The first solution is, if the student walks into class late, and disruptive...) and includes a second sentence that begins with the same transition (For example...) and ends with a simple formulaic sentence (That is my first solution.... That is my second solution.... That is my last solution.). The response has Conventions: The response contains a variety of conventions errors. There is a double negative (nobody gets no). There are also punctuation errors, particularly in the case of wrongly placed commas (The first solution is, if the student walks into class late, and disruptive...), and several misspellings (half a page, shoud, in side, papertowel, scub, comming, ontime). The response, however, contains no sentence formation errors. 72 's ~ I j ~ ~ Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-03 Grade 7 Sample Student Response #2 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 8 2 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 10 II Content Annotation: The response has a generally clear topic/subject (three solutions), and maintains its focus. The organization, however, remains formulaic, and the support and elaboration are general and list-like (The second solution is, if the student walks into class late, and disruptive they should get lunch detention. For example, the student has to get his/her lunch and eat with the teacher in the classroom. The student also doesn’t get to go and play outside. When he/she is in side they have to work. That is my second solution.). While there is some precise and purposeful vocabulary, the response exhibits minimal use of sentence fluency. Each body paragraph begins with the same pattern (The first solution is, if the student walks into class late, and disruptive…) and includes a second sentence that begins with the same transition (For example…) and ends with a simple formulaic sentence (That is my first solution…That is my second solution…That is my last solution.). Score point level of 2. Conventions Annotation: The response contains a variety of conventions errors. There is a double negative (nobody gets no). There are also punctuation errors, particularly in the case of wrongly placed commas (The first solution is, if the student walks into class late and disruptive…), and several misspellings (half a page, shoud, in side, paper towel, scub, comming, ontime). The response, however, contains no sentence formation errors. Score point level of 1. 73 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 GIO Write the final copy of your essay herE \ \.\ II mccV~> . '-t-h e K; ts en-T- \" ',". 'd.e - Seo..+ ~d +,he. , G-- ~' 'oe \ e\~'e- d\ ffé.,e.rc..e.. w \ W , .. ~~ ~\ V)(À.\J ~ ~, '1ov~r~ sur< ~e.. 'êS. tq\ ( \n hb '-~~ ,.,. o..rE:- h \h l~+-E.r 74 -+0 00 0\..\ \ , bV,\ \' r (riÇf~('1=:;_' +heJr_b~' Yn\nù+~S (+v-\-th~S ~'<,..~, (5 ;.,"..". +e.n w :~~~, ~,:-':~é4., , be.î 'ole../ø-\i 'rYI-e.. r) '", ~ b~ ~ ,+ d\:)\jb1- wh\.. Y1.ot e.~Ðù C\h ". l D(\':' +hm ~ -,-;"Ä<i'iL \ -E:O-'C" +o...'Le. \\ 'o~::~ii~Me.\ò.SS - B of \N', \ \ Îh\S ~ r e.o.d..... +ru-d; r\~Vif0~+ o-nd. -~l\t~~Y);ê:w:.~\\c.yÙ\dre.h W'ne.-n n d ~D \Ñ~+h\ h .." Stu60r1+S \ ,w.\ \ s~c.ohd +ho.-+ ~~*'t~;,~~, , 'f ~1f1 S ~ 1'1- o..n I ~' -t'\m~, OYî i Is , -',\\ e.+ w ì\\ +hL 6~{(?' ~\::::) c.. f4-SS +c n K\Q <.) ID"" $ .. - Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 G 1O-B ~nr', i:(r.' . Wìd V'J ~y.e.. \ \Yì '''} "";;":..,,,... -"';""':-" -.";",'r""'-,i';r". , . . ..:' . :'\'" ".", .". . ."..~., ., '",..:'rr.::.:;.~y,... ---\"111. "." '1:.~.." .i"'I" 75 r', - ~- -~.j "''"':'.,~ Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 7 Sample Student Response #3 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 12 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 16 III Content Annotation: The response has a clear topic/subject (Tardies have become a big problem in our school), and exhibits no major lapses in focus. There is a reasonable organizational structure, though a minor lapse in logical progression occurs in the third paragraph with minor repetition (If more time was given, the number of students in detention would decrease. Kids would be able to arrive to class on time, so they would not receive punishment. Less children in detention results in more in the classroom getting attention they deserve.). The support and elaboration in the response are related to and support the topic/subject and include specific details (By doing this, the phone lines will be busy for a while and detention will be full…Kids would be in class getting a suitable education instead of frolicking in the halls). The response demonstrates vocabulary that is precise (witness, frolicking). Reasonable sentence fluency is generally demonstrated throughout the response (If not all children are seated in their seats when the bell rings, then why not delay the bell? Have it ring five to ten minutes later so kids are sure to have enough time to get to class. By following through with this, you will no longer witness disrupted classes). Score point level of 3. Conventions Annotation: The response exhibits reasonable control of conventions. There are only a couple of usage errors (her’s for her, and you for your), a few spelling errors (interuptions, equaly), and a few errors in comma use. Score point level of 2. 76 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 ; Wrjt~,the final copy of your essay here. 'orr,":' ,.:, :;i 12 , ' . ..,,'~ . '. :~ . . 0 v-- wou..\ d o....~d \J~ Do{" 0...' .s+w:le.nt Ç-ollows w Po-.r -w+ f. ~c:..hcol ' Oc(\ G.. \ 77 s u. .1:.' h~ ì c..o.. (''I''' . ," Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 G12-B ., . -.,' ,," lo-ks\c\c. ~ \rJ -e.. <^5 Q.r.' C> J- -t-~iy 78 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-03 Grade 7 Sample Student Response #4 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 16 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 20 IV Content Annotation: The topic/subject is clear and focus is maintained throughout the response. Organizational structure establishes relationships between/across ideas. There is a logical progression of ideas that consists of specific, developed details (Something small and affordable could be given to the student when they made their way into class at the correct time. Play money or small, plastic coins would be an appropriate item. The fake currency could then be traded in for small prizes. Candy, stickers, or school supplies would serve the purpose. The classroom that I attend carries out a similar program…). The response exhibits skillful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful (A motivational incentive program may inspire the student to be in class at the designated time), and it demonstrates skillful sentence fluency through the effective use of a variety of sentence types (The classroom that I attend carries out a similar program. When a student follows the established rules or when they do a benevolent deed for their teacher, the child recieves a small piece of paper.). Score point level of 4. Conventions Annotation: The response demonstrates reasonable control of conventions. A usage problem (when they made their way), a misspelling (recieves), and a few extra commas and a missing comma are about all that is incorrectly done. Score point level of 2. 79 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment Grade 7 Regional by LEA Performance Tables 23 through 30 provide the number of students tested and the percent of students at or above Achievement Level III for each of the LEAs by region (former six Technical Assistance Centers configurations). Performance by ethnicity, gender, Title I, and Migrant students is also provided for each LEA. 81 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 23. North Carolina Testing Program, Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, by LEA, Grade 7 State Percent† >=95 ... 2004 LEA Performance Quest Academy** 94 ... 90 ... Magellan** 86 ... 80 ... Exploris**, Success Institute** Gaston College Prep** Metrolina** 75 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City 2001 State 2000 State 73 72 Elkin City, Lake Norman** 1999 State 70 69 68 67 1998,2002 State 1996 State 1997 State 2004 State 2003 State Notes: Mountain Community** Dare, Mooresville City Mount Airy City, Sterling Montessori**, Watauga 65 ... 63 62 61 Thomas Jefferson**, Union Academy** 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 ... 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 ... Ashe Alpha Academy**, Camden Forsyth Academies** East Wake Academy**, Henderson, Iredell-Statesville Catawba Chatham, Union Buncombe, Stokes, Summit Charter** Guilford Charter**, Guilford, Haywood, Orange, Piedmont Community**, Transylvani Caldwell, Clay, Cleveland, Moore, Surry Cabarrus, Carteret, Currituck, Graham, Johnston, Mountain Discovery**, River Mill Academy**, Stanly, Woods Charter* Lincoln Charter**, Macon, Onslow, Roanoke Rapids City, Winston-Salem/Forsyth Alleghany, Burke, Cherokee, Kings Mountain City, Orange Charter**, Pamlico, Yancey New Hanover, Person, Rockingham Brevard Academy**, Granville, Yadkin Edenton/Chowan, Gaston Evergreen Community**, Lee, Research Triangle**, Wayne, Wilson Alamance-Burlington, Caswell, Cumberland, Harnett, Mitchell, Newton-Conover City, Pender, Randolph, Scotland Avery, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Greensboro Academy**, Pitt Brunswick, Cape Fear Center**, Clover Garden**, Davidson, Durham, F Delany New School** Alexander, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, Hickory City, Kannapolis City 20 ... 18 ... 14 13 ... 11 ... 8 ... C.G. Woodson**, Carter Community**, Jones, Quality Education** <=5 <=5 <=5 Sugar Creek** SPARC Academy** Academy of Moore County**, Grandfather Academy**, Kennedy Charter**, Lakeside School**, Omuteko Gwamaziima** Wake Franklin Academy**, Polk Jackson, Montgomery, Nash-Rocky Mount, Perquimans, Rowan-Salisbury, Wilkes Asheboro City, Davie, Franklin Asheville City, Clinton City, Craven, Duplin, McDowell, Shelby City, Swain, Vance Charter**, Warren Arapahoe Charter**, Beaufort, Downtown Middle** Madison Anson, ArtSpace Charter**, Bethany Community**, Bladen, Gates, Lenoi Lexington City, Sampson Haliwa-Saponi Tribal**, Richmond, Rocky Mount Prep Sch**, Rutherford Kestrel Heights** Edgecombe, Hyde, Lincoln, Northampton, Vance Hertford Chatham Charter**, Martin Bertie, Hoke, S.B. Howard** Halifax Columbus, Robeson, Thomasville City American Ren. Middle**, Greene, Imani Institute** Whiteville City Weldon City Ann Atwater**, Crossnore Academy** Bridges**, Tyrrell Washington CIS Academy**, Provisions Academy** † Percents are rounded to the nearest whole percent. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. Beginning in 2003, data are reported using the revised standard and are generated using the new scoring model. Data for 2003 are from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 83 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 24. North Carolina Testing Program, Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Total Writing Score, by LEA, Grade 7 State 2004 State 2003 State Mean Score† 2004 LEA Performance 14.3 Quest Academy** ... 13.7 Magellan** ... 13.3 Gaston College Prep** 13.1 Exploris** 12.9 Elkin City ... 12.5 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City, Lake Norman**, Mountain Community** 12.3 Watauga 12.1 Mount Airy City 12.0 Dare, Mooresville City, River Mill Academy**, Success Institute** 11.9 Ashe, Metrolina**, Thomas Jefferson**, Wake 11.7 Catawba, Franklin Academy**, Guilford Charter**, Haywood, Sterling Montessori**, Stokes, Union Academy** 11.5 Buncombe, Camden, Chatham, Cleveland, Graham, Henderson, Iredell-Statesville, Moore, Surry, Union 11.3 Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Cherokee, Currituck, East Wake Academy**, F Delany New School**, Forsyth Academies**, Granville, Guilford, Johnston, Lincoln Charter**, Mountain Discovery**, Onslow, Orange, Polk, Stanly, Transylvania, Winston-Salem/Forsyth, Woods Charter**, Yancey 11.1 Alleghany, Caswell, Macon, Piedmont Community**, Research Triangle**, Rockingham, Wilson 11.0 Brunswick, Carteret, Clay, Gaston, Kings Mountain City, Mitchell, New Hanover, Newton-Conover City, Pender, Roanoke Rapids City, Summit Charter**, Yadkin 10.9 Alamance-Burlington, ArtSpace Charter**, Asheville City, Avery, Clinton City, Cumberland, Davidson, Edenton/Chowan, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, Evergreen Community**, Greensboro Academy**, Harnett, Lee, Pamlico, Person, Randolph, Scotland, Swain, Wayne 10.7 Alexander, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Davie, Durham, Franklin, Kannapolis City, Montgomery, Nash-Rocky Mount, Pitt, Wilkes 10.5 Alpha Academy**, Anson, Asheboro City, Beaufort, Bladen, Brevard Academy**, Cape Fear Center**, Clover Garden**, Craven, Duplin, Gates, Hickory City, Jackson, Lexington City, Madison, McDowell, Orange Charter**, Perquimans, Richmond, Rowan-Salisbury, Sampson, Thomasville City 10.3 American Ren. Middle**, Arapahoe Charter**, Downtown Middle**, Edgecombe, Hertford, Hyde, Kestrel Heights**, Omuteko Gwamaziima**, Shelby City, Vance Charter**, Warren 10.1 C.G. Woodson**, Chatham Charter**, Greene, Jones, Rutherford, Vance 10.0 Bertie, Crossnore Academy**, Lenoir 9.9 Bethany Community**, Northampton, Weldon City 9.7 Bridges**, Carter Community**, Halifax, Haliwa-Saponi Tribal**, Hoke, Imani Institute**, Martin, Robeson, Rocky Mount Prep Sch** 9.5 Ann Atwater**, Columbus, Lincoln, Quality Education**, Whiteville City ... 8.9 Grandfather Academy**, Tyrrell 8.7 Provisions Academy**, S.B. Howard** 8.5 Sugar Creek**, Washington ... 8.1 Academy of Moore County** ... 7.7 SPARC Academy** ... 6.9 CIS Academy** 6.7 Kennedy Charter** <=5.0 Lakeside School** † Notes: Scale scores are rounded up to the nearest two-tenths of a point. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. Beginning in 2003, data are reported using the revised standard and are generated usig the new scoring model Data for 2003 are from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 84 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 25a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA and Ethnicity Western Region Total 85 State Western Region Buncombe ArtSpace Charter** Asheville City F Delany New School** Evergreen Community** Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Mountain Community** Jackson Summit Charter** Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Thomas Jefferson** Swain Mountain Discovery** Transylvania Brevard Academy** Yancey Number Tested 105,231 7,540 1,965 15 247 17 36 285 105 80 600 929 16 283 15 300 215 521 175 190 781 79 141 10 307 13 215 Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 47.3 53.3 33.3 36.0 41.2 44.4 48.1 51.4 50.0 51.5 56.3 68.8 37.8 53.3 49.0 34.4 35.5 42.9 61.1 31.2 64.6 35.5 50.0 52.4 46.2 47.9 American Indian Number Tested 1,677 113 13 0 1 0 1 4 0 9 5 6 0 37 0 2 0 2 1 0 6 0 24 1 1 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 28.4 33.6 38.5 * * * * * * 66.7 80.0 33.3 * 29.7 * * * * * * 33.3 * 29.2 * * * * Asian Number Tested 1,874 48 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 1 4 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 57.2 54.2 73.3 * * * * * * * * 71.4 * * * * * 25.0 * * * * * * * * * Black Number Tested 31,366 489 121 0 124 4 1 4 0 0 2 44 1 3 0 5 1 20 0 12 127 1 2 0 15 1 1 Percent At or Above Level III 30.2 26.0 29.8 * 18.5 * * * * * * 40.9 * * * 60.0 * 40.0 * 41.7 16.5 * * * 46.7 * * Hispanic Number Tested 5,649 262 63 0 14 0 0 8 0 0 10 83 1 4 0 6 2 18 7 9 24 1 1 0 3 2 6 Percent At or Above Level III 30.9 33.6 38.1 * 21.4 * * 25.0 * * 20.0 38.6 * * * 50.0 * 33.3 57.1 33.3 8.3 * * * * * 16.7 Multi-Racial Number Tested 3,041 179 56 0 13 0 2 4 0 2 10 29 0 8 0 4 5 4 2 5 19 0 3 1 8 2 2 Percent At or Above Level III 47.3 44.1 53.6 * 38.5 * * * * * 30.0 37.9 * 50.0 * * 60.0 * * 80.0 21.1 * * * 37.5 * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Number Tested 61,515 6,444 1,697 15 95 12 32 264 105 69 569 760 14 230 14 279 207 464 165 164 603 76 111 8 277 8 206 Percent At or Above Level III 54.8 49.8 55.5 33.3 61.1 41.7 50.0 50.8 51.4 46.4 52.0 59.9 71.4 39.1 57.1 49.8 33.8 36.0 42.4 63.4 35.5 64.5 36.0 50.0 53.1 37.5 48.5 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 25b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students, Western Region Total Number Tested 86 State Western Region Buncombe ArtSpace Charter** Asheville City F Delany New School** Evergreen Community** Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Mountain Community** Jackson Summit Charter** Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Thomas Jefferson** Swain Mountain Discovery** Transylvania Brevard Academy** Yancey 105,231 7,540 1,965 15 247 17 36 285 105 80 600 929 16 283 15 300 215 521 175 190 781 79 141 10 307 13 215 Male Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 47.3 53.3 33.3 36.0 41.2 44.4 48.1 51.4 50.0 51.5 56.3 68.8 37.8 53.3 49.0 34.4 35.5 42.9 61.1 31.2 64.6 35.5 50.0 52.4 46.2 47.9 Number Tested 53,790 3,877 1,019 7 129 7 19 134 42 37 316 483 4 157 9 139 107 290 83 101 395 41 69 4 162 10 113 Female Percent At or Above Level III 36.0 36.6 43.7 14.3 22.5 42.9 15.8 28.4 40.5 45.9 36.4 47.4 * 28.7 33.3 41.7 20.6 28.3 36.1 47.5 20.8 51.2 20.3 * 43.2 50.0 34.5 Number Tested 51,311 3,647 945 8 118 10 17 151 63 43 284 446 12 124 6 160 108 230 92 89 385 38 62 6 145 3 102 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 55.6 58.9 63.7 50.0 50.8 40.0 76.5 65.6 58.7 53.5 68.3 65.9 75.0 50.0 83.3 55.6 48.1 44.8 48.9 76.4 42.1 78.9 51.6 66.7 62.8 * 62.7 Number Tested 83,590 6,263 1,961 15 247 12 3 192 105 80 541 923 0 24 15 23 213 521 0 190 778 0 0 6 307 0 107 Percent At or Above Level III 48.6 48.3 53.3 33.3 36.0 50.0 * 47.4 51.4 50.0 56.0 56.6 * 16.7 53.3 60.9 33.8 35.5 * 61.1 31.4 * * 66.7 52.4 * 59.8 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 19,129 1,042 0 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 258 0 277 0 0 174 0 0 0 141 0 0 11 88 Percent At or Above Level III 33.3 42.8 * * * * * 49.5 * * * * * 39.5 * 48.0 * * 43.1 * * * 35.5 * * 45.5 39.8 Targeted Assistance Number Tested 1,676 207 0 0 0 5 33 0 0 0 52 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 0 4 0 0 18 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Percent At or Above Level III 34.5 43.5 * * * 20.0 48.5 * * * 11.5 * 68.8 * * * * * * * * 64.6 * * * * 22.2 Migrant Number Tested 288 21 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 Percent At or Above Level III 17.7 14.3 * * * * * * * * * 16.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 16.7 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 26a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA and Ethnicity Northwest Region Total 87 State Northwest Region Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Grandfather Academy** Crossnore Academy** Burke Caldwell Catawba Hickory City Newton-Conover City Davidson Lexington City Thomasville City Davie Winston-Salem/Forsyth Quality Education** Downtown Middle** C.G. Woodson** Forsyth Academies** Iredell-Statesville American Ren. Middle** Success Institute** Mooresville City Stokes Surry Elkin City Bridges** Mount Airy City Watauga Wilkes Yadkin Number Tested 105,231 16,353 419 102 250 177 5 7 1,206 996 1,337 313 186 1,632 241 196 482 3,623 20 77 15 65 1,445 66 7 355 565 657 102 8 177 373 774 475 Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 48.6 39.9 48.0 59.2 42.4 * 14.3 47.8 51.3 55.0 40.3 43.0 40.8 32.4 24.0 36.5 49.2 20.0 35.1 20.0 56.9 56.0 22.7 85.7 67.3 52.6 50.5 72.5 12.5 66.7 66.5 38.4 46.1 American Indian Number Tested 1,677 63 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 6 0 1 5 1 2 3 15 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 3 4 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 Percent At or Above Level III 28.4 38.1 * * * * * * * * 50.0 * * 40.0 * * * 33.3 * * * * 42.9 * * * * * * * * * * * Asian Number Tested 1,874 422 18 0 1 1 0 0 103 8 106 30 15 12 19 1 1 46 0 1 0 1 34 0 0 6 0 8 0 0 6 2 2 1 Percent At or Above Level III 57.2 43.6 27.8 * * * * * 33.0 87.5 43.4 33.3 26.7 41.7 31.6 * * 65.2 * * * * 50.0 * * 66.7 * 25.0 * * 83.3 * * * Black Number Tested 31,366 2,579 20 2 5 2 0 0 96 62 84 84 37 39 103 106 43 1,331 17 41 14 30 250 8 7 63 32 21 4 1 17 5 34 21 Percent At or Above Level III 30.2 31.6 25.0 * 60.0 * * * 27.1 43.5 47.6 16.7 27.0 20.5 26.2 23.6 14.0 31.6 23.5 19.5 21.4 50.0 34.0 * 85.7 39.7 40.6 38.1 * * 58.8 60.0 35.3 28.6 Hispanic Number Tested 5,649 881 15 5 3 4 0 0 34 19 74 26 14 43 40 23 30 280 3 2 1 4 73 0 0 1 10 69 8 0 11 3 36 50 Percent At or Above Level III 30.9 30.3 40.0 20.0 * * * * 47.1 42.1 35.1 26.9 42.9 32.6 15.0 <=5.0 6.7 25.7 * * * * 46.6 * * * 70.0 36.2 50.0 * 36.4 * 22.2 26.0 Multi-Racial Number Tested 3,041 393 5 1 2 2 0 0 36 26 27 14 6 22 8 8 4 125 0 2 0 5 40 2 0 3 14 5 4 0 6 5 13 8 Percent At or Above Level III 47.3 46.6 20.0 * * * * * 38.9 46.2 59.3 50.0 16.7 50.0 37.5 37.5 * 48.8 * * * 40.0 60.0 * * * 50.0 60.0 * * 50.0 80.0 15.4 25.0 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Number Tested 61,515 12,012 360 93 239 167 5 7 933 879 1,040 158 113 1,511 69 56 401 1,825 0 30 0 25 1,041 56 0 279 505 551 86 7 137 357 688 394 Percent At or Above Level III 54.8 53.9 41.7 50.5 59.0 42.5 * 14.3 52.1 51.9 58.1 55.7 52.2 41.4 52.2 30.4 41.1 65.4 * 53.3 * 64.0 62.1 26.8 * 73.5 53.3 53.2 74.4 14.3 70.1 66.7 39.8 50.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 26b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students, Northwest Region Total Number Tested 88 State Northwest Region Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Grandfather Academy** Crossnore Academy** Burke Caldwell Catawba Hickory City Newton-Conover City Davidson Lexington City Thomasville City Davie Winston-Salem/Forsyth Quality Education** Downtown Middle** C.G. Woodson** Forsyth Academies** Iredell-Statesville American Ren. Middle** Success Institute** Mooresville City Stokes Surry Elkin City Bridges** Mount Airy City Watauga Wilkes Yadkin 105,231 16,353 419 102 250 177 5 7 1,206 996 1,337 313 186 1,632 241 196 482 3,623 20 77 15 65 1,445 66 7 355 565 657 102 8 177 373 774 475 Male Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 48.6 39.9 48.0 59.2 42.4 * 14.3 47.8 51.3 55.0 40.3 43.0 40.8 32.4 24.0 36.5 49.2 20.0 35.1 20.0 56.9 56.0 22.7 85.7 67.3 52.6 50.5 72.5 12.5 66.7 66.5 38.4 46.1 Number Tested 53,790 8,369 219 49 137 87 3 5 579 510 697 135 88 861 117 122 241 1,864 12 41 11 31 750 34 5 188 265 340 47 6 92 192 402 239 Female Percent At or Above Level III 36.0 39.1 30.6 30.6 48.2 28.7 * 20.0 36.8 40.6 45.9 37.0 33.0 30.4 23.1 18.0 29.0 40.0 33.3 31.7 9.1 58.1 46.5 14.7 80.0 60.6 41.9 40.3 61.7 16.7 62.0 58.9 28.4 33.5 Number Tested 51,311 7,971 200 53 113 90 2 2 627 486 640 178 98 768 123 74 241 1,752 8 36 4 34 694 32 2 167 300 317 55 2 85 181 372 235 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 55.6 58.6 50.0 64.2 72.6 55.6 * * 58.1 62.6 64.8 42.7 52.0 52.5 41.5 33.8 44.0 59.1 * 38.9 * 55.9 66.1 31.3 * 74.9 62.0 61.5 81.8 * 71.8 74.6 49.2 59.1 Number Tested 83,590 14,127 372 0 250 0 0 0 1,205 480 1,329 0 186 1,630 0 196 469 3,075 0 68 0 0 1,436 66 0 354 544 642 102 7 176 324 748 468 Percent At or Above Level III 48.6 50.2 43.0 * 59.2 * * * 47.9 50.0 55.1 * 43.0 40.8 * 24.0 37.3 53.1 * 36.8 * * 56.0 22.7 * 67.5 53.5 51.2 72.5 14.3 66.5 69.4 38.9 46.8 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 19,129 1,529 0 102 0 175 5 7 0 516 0 144 0 0 241 0 0 248 20 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 20 1 Percent At or Above Level III 33.3 40.3 * 48.0 * 42.9 * 14.3 * 52.5 * 38.2 * * 32.4 * * 22.2 20.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * 46.9 25.0 * Targeted Assistance Number Tested Percent At or Above Level III 1,676 622 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 0 12 296 0 8 15 65 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 34.5 35.5 14.9 * * * * * * * * 42.3 * * * * * 32.1 * 25.0 20.0 56.9 * * 85.7 * * * * * * * * * Migrant Number Tested 288 23 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 4 2 Percent At or Above Level III 17.7 13.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 14.3 * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 27a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA and Ethnicity Southwest Region Total 89 State Southwest Region Anson Cabarrus Kannapolis City Cleveland Kings Mountain City Shelby City Gaston Piedmont Community** Hoke Lincoln Lincoln Charter** Charlotte/Mecklenburg Kennedy Charter** Lake Norman** Sugar Creek** Metrolina** Montgomery Moore Academy of Moore County** Richmond Rowan-Salisbury Scotland Stanly Union Union Academy** Number Tested 105,231 23,922 369 1,689 331 783 400 264 2,591 33 483 916 39 8,845 9 154 40 15 349 848 10 661 1,650 552 796 2,033 62 Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 43.4 33.1 50.3 39.9 51.0 48.3 36.4 45.3 51.5 26.1 28.7 48.7 42.0 * 72.7 <=5.0 80.0 37.8 51.3 * 31.2 37.5 43.1 49.9 53.9 64.5 American Indian Number Tested 1,677 251 4 7 0 0 2 0 14 0 52 1 0 36 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 29 8 78 1 8 0 Percent At or Above Level III 28.4 30.7 * 14.3 * * * * 57.1 * 13.5 * * 13.9 * * * * * 30.0 * 37.9 37.5 43.6 * 25.0 * Asian Number Tested 1,874 529 3 13 4 5 7 1 28 0 3 5 0 345 0 2 1 2 19 6 0 8 19 4 33 21 0 Percent At or Above Level III 57.2 49.9 * 84.6 * * 71.4 * 50.0 * * 20.0 * 48.4 * * * * 57.9 66.7 * 25.0 36.8 * 36.4 66.7 * Black Number Tested 31,366 7,420 237 270 107 184 87 145 501 5 228 53 0 3,969 6 3 36 2 92 173 4 259 362 253 127 312 5 Percent At or Above Level III 30.2 27.7 24.1 37.4 27.1 39.7 36.8 20.7 31.3 40.0 22.8 18.9 * 27.4 * * 5.6 * 29.3 33.5 * 22.4 19.9 32.0 26.8 28.2 * Hispanic Number Tested 5,649 1,454 5 92 42 14 5 6 82 0 27 53 0 756 0 3 0 0 58 44 0 20 87 5 20 133 2 Percent At or Above Level III 30.9 27.3 * 31.5 35.7 35.7 40.0 33.3 29.3 * 25.9 24.5 * 23.9 * * * * 15.5 36.4 * 40.0 25.3 60.0 35.0 38.3 * Multi-Racial Number Tested 3,041 626 5 42 14 11 15 9 52 1 32 20 2 269 0 3 1 1 5 26 0 15 38 13 19 32 1 Percent At or Above Level III 47.3 41.4 60.0 52.4 50.0 54.5 80.0 * 34.6 * 25.0 30.0 * 38.7 * * * * 20.0 38.5 * 46.7 42.1 69.2 42.1 53.1 * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Number Tested 61,515 13,615 114 1,263 164 569 284 103 1,913 26 141 783 37 3,456 3 143 1 10 175 589 6 325 1,135 199 596 1,526 54 Percent At or Above Level III 54.8 53.9 51.8 54.2 48.2 54.5 49.3 62.1 49.9 53.8 35.5 29.8 51.4 62.7 * 72.7 * 80.0 48.0 58.4 * 36.9 43.9 54.3 56.4 60.6 70.4 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 27b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students, Southwest Region Total Number Tested 90 State 105,231 Southwest Region 23,922 Anson 369 Cabarrus 1,689 Kannapolis City 331 Cleveland 783 Kings Mountain City 400 Shelby City 264 Gaston 2,591 Piedmont Community** 33 Hoke 483 Lincoln 916 Lincoln Charter** 39 Charlotte/Mecklenburg 8,845 Kennedy Charter** 9 Lake Norman** 154 Sugar Creek** 40 Metrolina** 15 Montgomery 349 Moore 848 Academy of Moore County** 10 Richmond 661 Rowan-Salisbury 1,650 Scotland 552 Stanly 796 Union 2,033 Union Academy** 62 Male Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 43.4 33.1 50.3 39.9 51.0 48.3 36.4 45.3 51.5 26.1 28.7 48.7 42.0 * 72.7 <=5.0 80.0 37.8 51.3 * 31.2 37.5 43.1 49.9 53.9 64.5 Number Tested 53,790 12,222 197 865 181 379 200 132 1,304 14 236 466 21 4,486 8 69 21 10 181 433 5 363 837 296 435 1,055 28 Female Percent At or Above Level III 36.0 34.3 22.3 41.2 28.7 39.3 39.0 31.8 33.4 42.9 17.8 21.2 42.9 33.1 * 68.1 9.5 70.0 32.0 43.9 * 24.2 27.1 32.1 42.3 45.7 53.6 Number Tested 51,311 11,673 169 824 150 404 200 132 1,287 19 239 450 18 4,351 1 85 19 5 167 414 5 295 813 255 360 977 34 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 55.6 53.1 46.2 59.8 53.3 61.9 57.5 40.9 57.4 57.9 34.7 36.4 55.6 51.1 * 76.5 * * 43.7 59.2 * 40.0 48.1 56.1 59.2 62.8 73.5 Number Tested 83,590 22,116 369 1,685 329 782 400 264 2,577 30 482 662 39 7,549 0 154 0 14 324 792 0 661 1,630 542 738 2,031 62 Percent At or Above Level III 48.6 45.3 33.1 50.3 39.5 51.0 48.3 36.4 45.4 56.7 26.1 32.2 48.7 45.8 * 72.7 * 85.7 40.1 52.4 * 31.2 37.5 43.5 49.6 53.9 64.5 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 19,129 1,589 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 214 0 1,252 9 0 40 0 0 16 0 0 1 0 57 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 33.3 20.7 * * * * * * * * * 22.4 * 19.0 * * <=5.0 * * 62.5 * * * * 54.4 * * Targeted Assistance Number Tested 1,676 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 34.5 15.4 * * * * * * * * * <=5.0 * * * * * * * 28.6 * * * * * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Migrant Number Tested 288 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 12 0 0 1 0 Percent At or Above Level III 17.7 21.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 25.0 * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 28a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA and Ethnicity Northeast Region 91 State Northeast Region Beaufort Bertie Camden Edenton/Chowan Currituck Dare Edgecombe Gates Halifax Roanoke Rapids City Weldon City Hertford Hyde Martin Northampton Gaston College Prep** Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 105,231 45.5 6,835 37.6 594 35.4 262 26.3 123 57.7 210 44.8 304 50.3 392 67.9 613 29.4 159 32.7 439 24.6 220 49.1 111 18.0 284 27.5 52 28.8 349 27.2 216 28.7 58 89.7 459 40.3 120 37.5 1,649 41.5 45 13.3 176 10.8 American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,677 28.4 51 31.4 3 * 2 * 0 * 1 * 2 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 25 40.0 2 * 0 * 4 * 0 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 3 * 3 * 0 * 1 * Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,874 57.2 36 61.1 2 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 5 60.0 1 * 20 65.0 0 * 0 * Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 31,366 30.2 3,459 24.7 235 22.6 222 23.9 20 45.0 94 25.5 23 39.1 12 50.0 376 24.5 70 24.3 383 22.7 49 28.6 106 17.9 233 24.0 20 10.0 181 17.1 166 23.5 49 89.8 225 28.0 30 33.3 806 27.2 21 9.5 138 <=5.0 Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 5,649 30.9 144 32.6 25 8.0 1 * 0 * 3 * 3 * 12 66.7 23 30.4 0 * 0 * 3 * 0 * 1 * 3 * 6 * 3 * 0 * 7 28.6 1 * 52 40.4 0 * 1 * Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 3,041 47.3 97 48.5 13 46.2 3 * 0 * 2 * 5 80.0 6 66.7 1 * 2 * 6 33.3 0 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 5 20.0 0 * 4 * 8 37.5 1 * 35 48.6 0 * 3 * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 61,515 54.8 3,042 52.1 316 47.2 32 40.6 103 60.2 110 61.8 270 51.1 361 68.4 209 38.8 84 40.5 25 36.0 164 54.3 4 * 44 47.7 26 42.3 155 39.4 46 47.8 5 * 214 53.3 84 40.5 733 56.3 24 16.7 33 33.3 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 28b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students, Northeast Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 92 State Northeast Region Beaufort Bertie Camden Edenton/Chowan Currituck Dare Edgecombe Gates Halifax Roanoke Rapids City Weldon City Hertford Hyde Martin Northampton Gaston College Prep** Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington 105,231 6,835 594 262 123 210 304 392 613 159 439 220 111 284 52 349 216 58 459 120 1,649 45 176 45.5 37.6 35.4 26.3 57.7 44.8 50.3 67.9 29.4 32.7 24.6 49.1 18.0 27.5 28.8 27.2 28.7 89.7 40.3 37.5 41.5 13.3 10.8 Male Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 53,790 3,527 307 151 65 98 148 210 315 77 224 122 52 137 24 187 118 27 222 71 857 21 94 36.0 29.4 27.0 19.2 47.7 32.7 40.5 57.6 19.4 22.1 16.1 36.1 9.6 19.7 16.7 20.3 17.8 92.6 29.7 33.8 35.4 <=5.0 8.5 Female Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 51,311 3,303 287 111 58 112 156 181 298 82 215 98 59 147 28 162 98 31 237 49 788 24 82 55.6 46.5 44.3 36.0 69.0 55.4 59.6 80.1 39.9 42.7 33.5 65.3 25.4 34.7 39.3 35.2 41.8 87.1 50.2 42.9 48.2 20.8 13.4 Not Served by Title I Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 83,590 4,234 394 6 107 1 304 391 510 159 2 0 0 0 7 113 1 0 459 120 1,582 45 33 48.6 42.1 39.3 33.3 60.7 * 50.3 67.8 28.6 32.7 * * * * 42.9 33.6 * * 40.3 37.5 41.8 13.3 9.1 Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 19,129 2,565 200 252 0 209 0 0 102 0 435 216 111 284 45 236 214 58 0 0 60 0 143 33.3 30.4 27.5 25.8 * 45.0 * * 33.3 * 24.4 49.5 18.0 27.5 26.7 24.2 28.5 89.7 * * 38.3 * 11.2 Targeted Assistance Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,676 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 34.5 37.5 * * 37.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Migrant Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 288 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 17.7 33.3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 29a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA and Ethnicity Southeast Region Total 93 State Southeast Region Bladen Brunswick Carteret Columbus Whiteville City Craven Cumberland Alpha Academy** Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir New Hanover Cape Fear Center** Onslow Pamlico Arapahoe Charter** Pender Robeson CIS Academy** Sampson Clinton City Wayne Number Tested 105,231 18,068 505 834 692 567 186 1,095 3,977 12 702 273 113 845 1,704 37 1,618 135 43 630 1,757 38 610 229 1,466 Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 39.0 32.5 41.1 50.3 23.6 22.0 35.6 42.8 58.3 35.8 23.4 20.4 32.8 46.7 40.5 48.9 48.1 34.9 42.7 24.4 7.9 31.6 35.8 43.9 American Indian Number Tested 1,677 1,003 4 12 7 25 4 6 97 0 1 0 2 2 5 1 19 2 1 0 760 33 13 6 3 Percent At or Above Level III 28.4 25.6 * 16.7 28.6 16.0 * 50.0 34.0 * * * * * 20.0 * 36.8 * * * 25.3 9.1 30.8 33.3 * Asian Number Tested 1,874 138 0 2 4 0 2 13 46 0 1 1 0 4 16 1 26 1 0 1 6 0 0 1 13 Percent At or Above Level III 57.2 63.8 * * * * * 61.5 80.4 * * * * * 50.0 * 53.8 * * * 83.3 * * * 30.8 Black Number Tested 31,366 6,428 272 181 50 243 84 371 1,831 10 239 141 64 433 440 3 396 40 1 174 508 2 198 107 640 Percent At or Above Level III 30.2 29.3 23.5 29.8 38.0 14.0 15.5 24.0 35.9 60.0 24.7 18.4 15.6 26.3 26.6 * 41.2 37.5 * 39.1 16.3 * 23.7 29.9 33.0 Hispanic Number Tested 5,649 898 12 27 4 13 2 23 231 0 138 21 3 30 32 0 75 4 2 23 73 1 85 14 85 Percent At or Above Level III 30.9 32.6 16.7 33.3 * 7.7 * 30.4 43.7 * 28.3 9.5 * 20.0 37.5 * 50.7 * * 17.4 13.7 * 29.4 21.4 36.5 Multi-Racial Number Tested 3,041 736 10 26 33 9 5 49 255 1 15 6 4 12 53 5 113 2 1 13 51 2 23 6 42 Percent At or Above Level III 47.3 45.5 30.0 53.8 36.4 33.3 * 53.1 51.0 * 26.7 * * 25.0 41.5 40.0 55.8 * * 61.5 15.7 * 39.1 50.0 54.8 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. White Number Tested 61,515 8,840 207 586 593 277 89 631 1,508 1 308 104 40 363 1,154 27 985 86 38 419 357 0 290 95 682 Percent At or Above Level III 54.8 47.4 45.4 44.9 52.3 33.2 30.3 40.6 49.0 * 48.4 33.7 32.5 41.3 55.0 44.4 51.5 54.7 39.5 44.9 36.7 * 37.2 43.2 54.8 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 29b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students, Southeast Region Total Number Tested 94 State Southeast Region Bladen Brunswick Carteret Columbus Whiteville City Craven Cumberland Alpha Academy** Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir New Hanover Cape Fear Center** Onslow Pamlico Arapahoe Charter** Pender Robeson CIS Academy** Sampson Clinton City Wayne 105,231 18,068 505 834 692 567 186 1,095 3,977 12 702 273 113 845 1,704 37 1,618 135 43 630 1,757 38 610 229 1,466 Male Percent At or Above Level III 45.5 39.0 32.5 41.1 50.3 23.6 22.0 35.6 42.8 58.3 35.8 23.4 20.4 32.8 46.7 40.5 48.9 48.1 34.9 42.7 24.4 7.9 31.6 35.8 43.9 Number Tested 53,790 9,214 268 440 367 319 96 531 2,083 5 343 137 70 431 855 19 803 68 19 340 867 16 303 112 722 Female Percent At or Above Level III 36.0 29.0 23.9 30.2 37.6 15.0 15.6 23.5 32.0 40.0 28.3 17.5 14.3 24.1 36.4 26.3 34.7 44.1 36.8 33.5 17.4 * 21.5 27.7 34.5 Number Tested 51,311 8,825 236 394 325 248 90 562 1,888 7 355 136 43 414 848 18 805 67 24 290 886 22 307 117 743 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 55.6 49.5 42.4 53.3 64.6 34.7 28.9 47.0 54.6 71.4 43.4 29.4 30.2 41.8 57.1 55.6 63.0 52.2 33.3 53.4 31.4 13.6 41.7 43.6 53.2 Number Tested 83,590 8,177 233 827 620 1 0 168 983 0 381 248 0 174 1,702 37 1,610 134 43 198 2 0 2 0 814 Percent At or Above Level III 48.6 46.8 43.3 41.0 50.6 * * 57.1 58.1 * 31.8 19.8 * 40.8 46.7 40.5 49.1 48.5 34.9 43.9 * * * * 48.6 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested Percent At or Above Level III 19,129 9,641 171 0 71 565 185 920 2,993 12 315 25 113 615 0 0 0 0 0 432 1,750 0 597 229 648 33.3 33.0 24.0 * 47.9 23.7 22.2 31.6 37.7 58.3 41.0 60.0 20.4 33.2 * * * * * 42.1 24.4 * 32.3 35.8 38.0 Targeted Assistance Number Tested 1,676 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 34.5 5.4 * * * * * * * * * * * <=5.0 * * * * * * * 7.9 * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Migrant Number Tested 288 81 1 0 0 13 2 11 2 0 11 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 7 0 12 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 17.7 18.5 * * * * * 36.4 * * 18.2 * * * * * * * * 27.3 14.3 * 16.7 * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 30a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA and Ethnicity Central Region Total Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III State Central Region 95 Alamance-Burlington Lakeside School** River Mill Academy** Clover Garden** Caswell Chatham Chatham Charter** Woods Charter** Durham Carter Community** Kestrel Heights** Research Triangle** Omuteko Gwamaziima** Ann Atwater** Franklin Granville Guilford Imani Institute** Greensboro Academy** Guilford Charter** Harnett Johnston Lee Provisions Academy** Nash-Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Prep Sch** Orange Orange Charter** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Person Randolph Asheboro City Rockingham Bethany Community** Vance Vance Charter** Wake Exploris** Magellan** Sterling Montessori** Franklin Academy** East Wake Academy** SPARC Academy** Quest Academy** Warren Haliwa-Saponi Tribal** Wilson S.B. Howard** 105,231 32,517 1,710 2 24 44 263 551 11 16 2,167 15 50 63 6 21 612 739 4,981 44 78 23 1,421 1,951 684 13 1,415 62 549 21 866 485 1,445 322 1,132 30 627 22 8,535 59 66 21 44 50 23 13 251 16 943 31 45.5 50.5 42.5 * 50.0 40.9 43.3 53.5 27.3 50.0 41.2 20.0 30.0 44.4 * 14.3 36.9 46.4 51.9 22.7 42.3 52.2 43.1 49.6 43.9 7.7 37.6 30.6 52.1 47.6 74.6 46.8 43.3 37.0 46.8 33.3 29.2 36.4 62.0 86.4 93.9 66.7 61.4 56.0 <=5.0 * 36.3 31.3 43.8 25.8 American Indian Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 1,677 196 7 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 4 3 32 3 0 0 13 8 5 0 6 2 3 0 3 3 9 2 3 0 2 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 15 0 0 28.4 32.7 14.3 * * * * * * * 14.3 * * * * * * * 37.5 * * * 23.1 37.5 20.0 * 16.7 * * * * * 33.3 * * * * * 54.8 * * * * * * * 27.3 26.7 * * Asian Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 1,874 701 16 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 185 0 1 0 7 3 2 0 10 1 3 0 56 1 12 6 4 0 3 0 324 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 57.2 69.6 56.3 * * * * * * * 63.0 * * * * * 20.0 * 50.3 * * * 71.4 * * * 30.0 * * * 76.8 * 33.3 50.0 * * * * 84.0 * * * * * * * * * * * Black Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 31,366 10,992 454 0 5 0 114 126 2 1 1,262 15 35 38 6 12 234 303 2,115 38 5 17 442 418 165 9 727 37 122 0 131 169 75 46 284 2 406 2 2,418 9 4 2 2 10 20 0 176 1 506 27 30.2 34.0 27.5 * 40.0 * 36.0 37.3 * * 31.5 20.0 22.9 42.1 * 8.3 23.5 32.0 36.9 23.7 * 52.9 34.2 35.9 33.9 11.1 25.3 27.0 36.1 * 48.9 40.8 36.0 10.9 34.2 * 22.9 * 39.4 66.7 * * * 40.0 <=5.0 * 35.2 * 30.2 25.9 Hispanic Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 5,649 2,010 149 0 0 0 3 69 1 0 150 0 1 2 0 0 44 28 208 0 1 1 106 199 106 1 62 1 21 0 51 15 93 72 39 0 26 0 491 0 4 1 0 2 0 0 8 0 52 3 30.9 32.6 22.1 * * * * 30.4 * * 25.3 * * * * * 27.3 21.4 37.0 * * * 31.1 33.2 36.8 * 32.3 * 33.3 * 43.1 26.7 30.1 26.4 35.9 * 23.1 * 36.0 * * * * * * * 12.5 * 42.3 * Multi-Racial Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 3,041 1,010 47 0 2 0 9 17 0 0 78 0 4 4 0 0 18 17 188 1 2 1 66 51 16 0 13 4 17 0 45 8 29 12 27 0 6 0 291 5 0 1 0 1 2 0 7 0 20 1 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 47.3 53.1 42.6 * * * 55.6 58.8 * * 56.4 * * * * * 44.4 52.9 51.1 * * * 40.9 43.1 50.0 * 23.1 * 41.2 * 71.1 62.5 44.8 33.3 48.1 * 33.3 * 62.5 * * * * * * * 14.3 * 50.0 * White Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 61,515 17,565 1,037 2 17 44 133 335 8 15 614 0 10 18 0 9 307 385 2,248 2 69 4 787 1,271 389 3 588 17 382 21 579 288 1,226 183 774 28 183 20 4,954 44 56 15 42 36 0 13 49 0 360 0 54.8 62.2 51.9 * 47.1 40.9 48.9 64.5 37.5 53.3 62.2 * 70.0 44.4 * 22.2 48.2 59.7 67.9 * 43.5 * 50.1 57.0 49.9 * 53.9 41.2 58.6 47.6 83.4 51.0 44.9 48.1 51.9 35.7 43.2 40.0 74.3 88.6 94.6 73.3 64.3 58.3 * * 49.0 * 62.5 * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 30b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 7, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students, Central Region Total Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III State Central Region 96 Alamance-Burlington Lakeside School** River Mill Academy** Clover Garden** Caswell Chatham Chatham Charter** Woods Charter** Durham Carter Community** Kestrel Heights** Research Triangle** Omuteko Gwamaziima** Ann Atwater** Franklin Granville Guilford Imani Institute** Greensboro Academy** Guilford Charter** Harnett Johnston Lee Provisions Academy** Nash-Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Prep Sch** Orange Orange Charter** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Person Randolph Asheboro City Rockingham Bethany Community** Vance Vance Charter** Wake Exploris** Magellan** Sterling Montessori** Franklin Academy** East Wake Academy** SPARC Academy** Quest Academy** Warren Haliwa-Saponi Tribal** Wilson S.B. Howard** 105,231 32,517 1,710 2 24 44 263 551 11 16 2,167 15 50 63 6 21 612 739 4,981 44 78 23 1,421 1,951 684 13 1,415 62 549 21 866 485 1,445 322 1,132 30 627 22 8,535 59 66 21 44 50 23 13 251 16 943 31 45.5 50.5 42.5 * 50.0 40.9 43.3 53.5 27.3 50.0 41.2 20.0 30.0 44.4 * 14.3 36.9 46.4 51.9 22.7 42.3 52.2 43.1 49.6 43.9 7.7 37.6 30.6 52.1 47.6 74.6 46.8 43.3 37.0 46.8 33.3 29.2 36.4 62.0 86.4 93.9 66.7 61.4 56.0 <=5.0 * 36.3 31.3 43.8 25.8 Male Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 53,790 16,583 864 1 5 26 140 280 5 8 1,116 6 27 30 3 13 320 383 2,486 24 37 11 718 983 379 10 719 33 292 8 434 241 773 164 612 13 304 12 4,337 27 30 15 28 20 13 6 125 7 483 12 36.0 40.8 31.6 * 40.0 38.5 33.6 40.4 20.0 37.5 32.9 16.7 22.2 23.3 * 15.4 25.9 33.4 42.8 8.3 32.4 36.4 32.7 39.8 32.5 * 27.8 21.2 41.8 25.0 67.3 34.9 32.0 32.9 35.8 7.7 23.7 33.3 53.1 77.8 93.3 66.7 64.3 50.0 7.7 * 24.0 28.6 33.1 16.7 Female Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 51,311 15,894 845 1 19 18 123 271 6 8 1,048 9 22 33 3 8 291 354 2,494 20 41 12 703 966 305 3 691 29 257 13 432 242 672 157 520 17 322 10 4,178 32 36 6 16 30 10 7 126 9 460 19 55.6 60.6 53.6 * 52.6 44.4 54.5 67.2 33.3 62.5 50.2 22.2 40.9 63.6 * 12.5 49.1 60.2 61.1 40.0 51.2 66.7 53.8 59.4 58.0 * 47.6 41.4 63.8 61.5 81.9 59.1 56.3 41.4 59.8 52.9 34.5 40.0 71.3 93.8 94.4 66.7 56.3 60.0 * * 48.4 33.3 55.0 31.6 Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At or Percent At or Number Number Above Level Above Level Tested Tested III III 83,590 28,673 1,702 0 24 44 213 398 11 16 2,160 3 50 63 0 21 609 738 4,021 0 53 23 11 1,931 342 0 1,385 62 548 4 866 485 1,431 322 1,097 30 610 22 8,041 58 65 21 44 50 23 13 251 0 812 0 48.6 52.0 42.7 * 50.0 40.9 49.3 58.5 27.3 50.0 41.1 * 30.0 44.4 * 14.3 36.9 46.5 57.1 * 41.5 52.2 18.2 49.8 50.9 * 37.8 30.6 52.2 * 74.6 46.8 43.5 37.0 46.9 33.3 29.8 36.4 62.3 86.2 93.8 66.7 61.4 56.0 <=5.0 * 36.3 * 46.1 * 19,129 2,763 0 2 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 867 44 0 0 1,190 0 337 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 29 33.3 36.8 * * * * * 42.2 * * * * * * * * * * 29.6 22.7 * * 43.3 * 37.4 7.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30.5 27.6 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Targeted Assistance Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 1,676 661 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 34.5 36.9 * * * * 18.0 * * * * 16.7 * * * * * * 31.8 * * * 43.8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 39.7 * * * * * * * * 31.3 * * Migrant Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 288 131 7 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 23 18 9 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 13 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 17.7 16.8 * * * * * 14.3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 21.7 22.2 * * 22.2 * * * * * 18.2 * 30.8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment State-Level Summary Statistics Grade 10 97 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 10 Results of the Writing Assessment at Grade 10 Students in the tenth grade were asked to write an "informational" definition response to the following prompt: Read the following quotes about integrity, which is the firm adherence to a code of special moral or artistic values. ____________________________________________________________________ Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements So live that you wouldn’t be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. Will Rogers Having integrity…means being completely true to what is inside you…to what you know is right…what you feel you must do, regardless of the immediate cost of sacrifice…to be honorable and to behave decently. Samuel Golden, 1960 Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. Samuel Johnson, Rasselas, 1759 ____________________________________________________________________ Write a speech for your high school graduating class on the meaning of integrity. You may use the ideas presented above, your own experiences, observations, and/or readings. Contracted readers scored 88,633 public school responses for grade 10 after the 2003-04 writing assessment. The scores show that 52.5 percent of the tenth graders wrote well enough to score at or above Level III. About .6 percent of the tenth graders in the 2003-04 writing assessment received the highest scores in Level IV and 9.4 percent received the lowest scores in Level I. In 2003-04, 1.3 percent of the papers had problems which made them non-scorable. Non-scorable papers receive Achievement Level I ratings and are included in the state results as Level I scores. The average weighted content score for tenth graders taking the writing assessment in 2003-04 was 8.2 on a scale of four to sixteen. The average conventions score was 2.8 on a scale of zero to four. The average Total Writing Score was 11.1 of a possible 20. Observations The 2003-04 writing assessment at grade 10 was an informational definition prompt about the “meaning of integrity” with the response required in the form of a speech. When analyzing the content scores for Grade 10, 80.0 percent of the student Observations responses were scored 1s or 2s while 19.0 percent scored a 3 (the content scale is 199 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 (continued) 4). Regarding conventions for Grade 10, 6.0 percent of the students received a score of 0 while 49.0 percent of the students received a score of 2 (the convention scale is 0-2). An observation from the writing assessment at grade 10 is that the increases seen at grade 10 were due in large part to more student success in the application of conventions. The following observations were noted: Content prompt was accessible to all students only 1.3 percent of students received a non-scorable response • • Student responses that were less successful tended to include the following characteristics: • • • • • prone to platitudes more time thanking family and friends than discussing meaning of integrity over-reliance on the prompt material not enough sufficient support and elaboration on the given stimulus circular logic - the quote would be stated, the student would then paraphrase the quote, and then move on to the next quote, showing no real development of ideas Conventions When present, errors tended to include: • • faulty mechanics punctuation and spelling. Performance Gender of Subgroups Approximately 59.6 percent of the female students scored at or above Level III compared to 45.1 percent for male students. at Grade 10 Ethnicity About 60.0 percent of White students scored at or above Level III compared to 59.4 percent of the Asian students, 51.7 percent of Multi-Racial students, 38.9 percent of Black students, 36.4 percent of American Indian students, and 31.9 percent of Hispanic students. There were 88,633 tenth grade public school student responses scored by two independent readers. The inter-rater reliability rates (agreement rates) of the readers are shown in Table 31. The 70.0 percent criterion rate for perfect agreement based upon industry standards was exceeded and the resolutions required were few. Performance of Subgroups Table 31. 100 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 at Grade 10 (continued) Tenth Grade Reader Agreement Statistics Perfect Adjacent Total Public Agreement Agreement School Papers Percent Percent Content 88,633 71.3 28.2 Conventions 88,633 70.6 29.0 Resolution Required Percent 0.5 0.4 The following pages, and Appendix D, present data for the Grade 10 writing assessment administered since a new scoring model was piloted in March 2003. Figure 7 indicates that an impressive increase in the percent of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III occurred between the pilot year and the current year (12.6% increase from 2002-03 to 2003-04). Table 34, a table of Achievement Levels by subgroup, demonstrates that females outperformed males as in Grade 4 and Grade 7. Also, White and Asian students performed at a higher level than the American Indian, Black, and Hispanic subgroups as in Grade 4 and Grade 7. Table 36, the frequency summary, shows that a very small number of tenth graders reached Achievement Level IV (less than 1.0%), while almost 52.0 percent of the students received a III, approximately 38.0 percent received a II, and 9.4 percent received the lowest Achievement Level. 101 Report of Students Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 7. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1991-92 to 2003-04, Distribution of Writing Levels, Grade 10 100 90 102 Percent of Students 80 70 60 50 52.5 39.9 40 30 20 10 0 2002-03 1 Notes: 1The writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountablility Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 2003-04 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 8. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1991-92 to 2003-04, Distribution of Writing Levels, Grade 10 100 90 80 38.9 1.0 0.6 6.4 15.6 12.2 10.0 16.7 14.7 10.3 17.7 20.4 24.3 18.8 4.6 6.3 7.9 10 9.4 14.7 9.9 9.0 7.5 20 21.7 20.5 17.3 30 37.5 35.9 40.1 43.3 43.6 32.2 32.9 41.3 38.1 37.8 34.5 39.6 31.0 33.0 39.4 33.3 32.9 38.6 103 34.2 40 33.2 50 43.5 51.9 60 35.5 Percent of Students 70 0 Level I Level II Level III Level IV Writing Levels 1991-92 1 2001-02 1992-932 2002-03 1993-94 2003-04 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1 1999-00 2000-01 Notes: 1No writing assessment was administered in grade 10 during the 2001-02 school year. 2 The bold vertical lines between years indicate that the writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. Prior to 2001-02, the writing assessment administered at grade 10 was an English II end-of-course test administered at the end of English II courses which are typically offered at grade 10. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountablility Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 9. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Percent of Students At or Above Level III, Grade 10, by Gender and Ethnicity 68.2% White Female 67.2% Asian Female 58.9% Multi-Racial Female *N=1,103 Asian Male *N 1 025 52.6% White Male 51.7% 44.7% Black Female 44.0% Multi-Racial Male *N=1,026 42.2% American Indian Female *N=609 37.0% Hispanic Female State Percent *N=1,902 32.3% Black Male *N=11,243 30.7% American Indian Male *N=610 27.2% Hispanic Male *N=1,947 52.5% State 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent of Students Notes: *N counts equal the number of students tested. When summed, gender/ethnicity N counts may not match the state N counts because a gender/ethnicity category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 104 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 32. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Statewide Number of Students Tested, Taking Alternate Assessments, and Number Not Tested, Grade 10 Not Tested Category Membership1 105 Total Female Male American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Limited English Proficient (LEP) All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injury Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 99,483 49,630 49,853 1,307 2,064 29,169 4,549 1,369 61,025 1,027 685 199 149 2,157 12,282 800 133 2,052 5,608 82 52 1,466 61 35 170 50 84 15 269 1,405 Percent of Membership Number Tested2 Percent Tested3 Number Percent Alternate Alternate Assessments Assessments 774 0.8 322 0.6 451 0.9 10 0.8 31 1.5 314 1.1 138 3.0 4 0.3 275 0.5 41 4.0 23 3.4 6 3.0 12 8.1 157 7.3 610 5.0 9 1.1 7 5.3 164 8.0 21 0.4 2 2.4 0 0.0 14 1.0 4 6.6 2 5.7 72 42.4 49 98.0 66 78.6 0 0.0 200 74.3 2 0.1 Number Absent Percent Absent 100.0 88,633 89.1 10,076 10.1 49.9 44,908 90.5 4,400 8.9 50.1 43,458 87.2 5,944 11.9 1.3 1,221 93.4 76 5.8 2.1 1,922 93.1 111 5.4 29.3 23,869 81.8 4,986 17.1 4.6 3,860 84.9 551 12.1 1.4 2,136 156.0 * * 61.3 55,326 90.7 5,424 8.9 1.0 1,172 114.1 * * 0.7 742 108.3 * * 0.2 163 81.9 30 15.1 0.1 273 183.2 * * 2.2 1,749 81.1 251 11.6 12.3 7,758 63.2 3,914 31.9 0.8 495 61.9 296 37.0 0.1 91 68.4 35 26.3 2.1 466 22.7 1,422 69.3 5.6 4,515 80.5 1,072 19.1 0.1 70 85.4 10 12.2 0.1 39 75.0 13 25.0 1.5 1,116 76.1 336 22.9 0.1 29 47.5 28 45.9 0.0 23 65.7 10 28.6 0.2 44 25.9 54 31.8 0.1 2 4.0 * * 0.1 5 6.0 13 15.5 0.0 26 173.3 * * 0.3 17 6.3 52 19.3 1.4 820 58.4 583 41.5 0.0 1 Notes: "Membership" is the total number of students on the 2003-04 Masterbuild data file. 2 "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing assessment. 3 "Percent Tested" may exceed 100.0 percent due to coding differences between the Masterbuild file and student test documents for the North Carolina Writing Assessment. *These data represent coding on the 2003-04 test documents. Data for the alternate assessments came from the AAAI and AAP test documents. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 33. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1991-92 to 2003-04, Distribution of Achievement Levels Across Years, Grade 10 Achievement Levels Grade 10 Number Tested Level 1 Level II Level III Level IV 1991-92 69,582 30,296 43.5 23,799 34.2 12,308 17.7 3,179 4.6 1992-93 72,101 25,592 35.5 27,220 37.8 14,730 20.4 4,559 6.3 1993-94 72,789 24,197 33.2 25,103 34.5 17,703 24.3 5,786 7.9 1994-95 78,384 17,000 21.7 31,064 39.6 25,258 32.2 5,020 6.4 1995-96 79,951 16,399 20.5 24,800 31.0 26,269 32.9 12,483 15.6 1996-97 79,662 13,777 17.3 26,258 33.0 29,881 37.5 9,746 12.2 1997-98 81,261 11,922 14.7 31,995 39.4 29,204 35.9 8,140 10.0 1998-99 81,563 8,066 9.9 27,156 33.3 32,680 40.1 13,661 16.7 1999-00 82,418 7,441 9.0 27,150 32.9 35,712 43.3 12,115 14.7 2000-01 86,034 6,448 7.5 33,192 38.6 37,512 43.6 8,882 10.3 2001-02 1 * * * * * 2002-03 2 84,093 15,815 18.8 34,701 41.3 32,705 38.9 872 1.0 2003-04 88,633 8,311 9.4 33,793 38.1 46,010 51.9 519 0.6 Notes: 1No writing assessment was administered in grade 10 during the 2001-02 school year. 2 The writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 106 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 34. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Characteristics and Performance by Achievement Level, Grade 10 Category All Students Female Male Not Coded American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded Not Exceptional Academically/Intellectually Gifted AIG Reading 107 AIG Mathematics All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Learning Disabled-Reading Learning Disabled-Mathematics Learning Disabled-Written Expression Learning Disabled-Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind 1 Number Tested1 88,633 44,908 43,458 267 1,221 1,922 23,869 3,860 2,136 55,326 299 69,441 10,882 8,040 7,753 7,758 495 91 466 4,515 3,038 1,577 3,560 108 70 39 1,116 29 23 44 2 5 26 Percent2 100.0 50.7 49.0 0.3 1.4 2.2 26.9 4.4 2.4 62.4 0.3 78.3 12.3 9.1 8.7 8.8 0.6 0.1 0.5 5.1 3.4 1.8 4.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Number At or Above Percent At or Above Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Level III 46,529 26,786 19,605 138 445 1,142 9,274 1,233 1,104 33,185 146 35,543 9,324 7,024 6,671 1,418 61 29 * 699 447 229 546 9 13 11 259 6 5 17 * 1 12 Level III 52.5 59.6 45.1 51.7 36.4 59.4 38.9 31.9 51.7 60.0 48.8 51.2 85.7 87.4 86.0 18.3 12.3 31.9 <=5.0 15.5 14.7 14.5 15.3 8.3 18.6 28.2 23.2 20.7 21.7 38.6 * 20.0 46.2 Level I 8,311 2,745 5,539 27 210 191 2,890 955 184 3,848 33 5,830 98 63 73 2,304 190 25 * 1,380 1,008 520 1,103 34 18 8 271 7 10 8 * 4 1 Level I 9.4 6.1 12.7 10.1 17.2 9.9 12.1 24.7 8.6 7.0 11.0 8.4 0.9 0.8 0.9 29.7 38.4 27.5 * 30.6 33.2 33.0 31.0 31.5 25.7 20.5 24.3 24.1 43.5 18.2 * 80.0 3.8 Level II 33,793 15,377 18,314 102 566 589 11,705 1,672 848 18,293 120 28,068 1,460 953 1,009 4,036 244 37 * 2,436 1,583 828 1,911 65 39 20 586 16 8 19 * 0 13 Level II 38.1 34.2 42.1 38.2 46.4 30.6 49.0 43.3 39.7 33.1 40.1 40.4 13.4 11.9 13.0 52.0 49.3 40.7 * 54.0 52.1 52.5 53.7 60.2 55.7 51.3 52.5 55.2 34.8 43.2 * 0.0 50.0 Level III 46,010 26,486 19,386 138 443 1,113 9,220 1,222 1,097 32,771 144 35,288 9,073 6,811 6,477 1,407 61 28 * 698 444 227 545 9 13 10 255 6 5 16 * 1 12 Level III 51.9 59.0 44.6 51.7 36.3 57.9 38.6 31.7 51.4 59.2 48.2 50.8 83.4 84.7 83.5 18.1 12.3 30.8 * 15.5 14.6 14.4 15.3 8.3 18.6 25.6 22.8 20.7 21.7 36.4 * 20.0 46.2 Level IV 519 300 219 0 2 29 54 11 7 414 2 255 251 213 194 11 0 1 * 1 3 2 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 * 0 0 Level IV 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.0 0.2 1.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.4 2.3 2.6 2.5 0.1 0.0 1.1 * 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 2.3 * 0.0 0.0 Notes: "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 34. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Characteristics and Performance by Achievement Level, Grade 10 (continued) Category Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Not Coded Limited English Proficient LEP less than 2 years LEP greater than 2 years Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Number Tested1 Percent2 Number At or Above Percent At or Above Level III Level III * 34.9 44.2 12.6 12.0 13.0 52.7 28.7 20.2 46.5 17 820 552 1,749 733 1,016 86,888 742 163 273 0.0 0.9 0.6 2.0 0.8 1.1 98.0 0.8 0.2 0.3 * 286 244 220 88 132 45,810 213 33 127 9 26 28 121 0 134 37 7 502 2 2,389 6 13 309 5,431 4,415 568 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 6.1 5.0 0.6 0.0 2 5 8 48 * * 9 3 64 * 181 * 4 37 827 606 47 2 Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Number At Percent At Level I Level I * 15.2 14.3 46.5 50.9 43.3 9.2 17.8 29.4 24.5 Level II Level III * 34.5 43.8 12.6 12.0 13.0 52.1 28.6 20.2 46.2 Level IV * 409 229 716 272 444 33,053 397 82 79 Level II * 49.9 41.5 40.9 37.1 43.7 38.0 53.5 50.3 28.9 Level III * 125 79 813 373 440 8,025 132 48 67 Level IV * 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.4 2 5 10 23 * * 16 1 194 * 1,086 * 4 134 1,885 1,592 311 2 22.2 19.2 35.7 19.0 * * 43.2 14.3 38.6 * 45.5 * 30.8 43.4 34.7 36.1 54.8 25.0 5 16 10 50 * * 12 3 244 * 1,122 * 5 138 2,719 2,217 210 4 55.6 61.5 35.7 41.3 * * 32.4 42.9 48.6 * 47.0 * 38.5 44.7 50.1 50.2 37.0 50.0 * 283 242 220 88 132 45,296 212 33 126 * 3 2 0 0 0 514 1 0 1 Accommodations Braille Edition 108 Large Print Edition Assistive Technology Devices Keyboarding Devices Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Magnification Devices Student Marks Answers in Test Book Accommodation Notification Form Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus (and Braille Paper) Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item Per Page Edition 22.2 19.2 28.6 39.7 * <=5.0 24.3 42.9 12.7 * 7.6 * 30.8 12.0 15.2 13.7 8.3 25.0 2 3 8 46 * * 9 3 62 * 180 * 4 36 822 599 47 2 22.2 11.5 28.6 38.0 * * 24.3 42.9 12.4 * 7.5 * 30.8 11.7 15.1 13.6 8.3 25.0 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 0 2 0 2 * * 0 0 2 * 1 * 0 1 5 7 0 0 0.0 7.7 0.0 1.7 * * 0.0 0.0 0.4 * 0.0 * 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 35. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Score, Grade 10 Category 109 All Students Female Male Not Coded American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded Not Exceptional Academically/Intellectually Gifted AIG Reading AIG Mathematics All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Learning Disabled-Reading Learning Disabled-Mathematics Learning Disabled-Written Expression Learning Disabled-Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf/Blind Number 1 Tested 88,633 44,908 43,458 267 1,221 1,922 23,869 3,860 2,136 55,326 299 69,441 10,882 8,040 7,753 7,758 495 91 466 4,515 3,038 1,577 3,560 108 70 39 1,116 29 23 44 2 5 26 Average Total 2 Percent 100.0 50.7 49.0 0.3 1.4 2.2 26.9 4.4 2.4 62.4 0.3 78.3 12.3 9.1 8.7 8.8 0.6 0.1 0.5 5.1 3.4 1.8 4.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average Weighted Writing Score Content Score 11.1 8.2 11.5 8.5 10.6 8.0 11.0 8.2 10.0 7.6 11.4 8.5 10.4 7.9 9.3 7.2 11.1 8.2 11.5 8.5 10.9 8.1 11.1 8.2 13.1 9.5 13.3 9.6 13.2 9.5 8.6 6.9 7.7 6.1 9.0 7.1 6.8 5.7 8.5 6.8 8.4 6.7 8.3 6.7 8.5 6.8 8.2 6.6 9.0 7.0 9.7 7.7 9.1 7.1 9.0 7.5 7.8 6.1 10.2 7.9 * * 5.8 4.4 11.0 8.4 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Average Conventions Score 2.8 3.1 2.6 2.8 2.4 2.9 2.5 2.1 2.9 3.1 2.8 2.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.1 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.7 2.3 * 1.4 2.6 Number Percent Non-scorable Non-scorable 1,153 1.3 354 0.4 793 0.9 6 0.0 22 0.0 50 0.1 387 0.4 217 0.2 29 0.0 445 0.5 3 0.0 788 0.9 10 0.0 5 0.0 5 0.0 343 0.4 45 0.1 5 0.0 42 0.0 170 0.2 118 0.1 69 0.1 139 0.2 6 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 44 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 3 0.0 * * 1 0.0 0 0.0 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 35. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Score, Grade 10 (continued) Category 110 Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Not Coded Limited English Proficient LEP less than 2 years LEP greater than 2 years Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Accommodations Braille Edition Large Print Edition Assistive Technology Devices Keyboarding Devices Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Magnification Devices Student Marks Answers in Test Book Accommodation Notification Form Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus (and Braille Paper) Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item Per Page Edition Number 1 Tested Average Total Percent2 Average Weighted Writing Score Content Score 2.9 2.6 10.0 7.7 10.3 7.8 7.2 5.9 6.7 5.5 7.5 6.1 11.1 8.3 9.7 7.4 8.7 6.6 10.4 8.2 Average Conventions Score 0.4 2.4 2.5 1.3 1.2 1.4 2.9 2.2 2.1 2.3 Number Percent Non-scorable Non-scorable 8 0.0 20 0.0 12 0.0 218 0.2 118 0.1 100 0.1 1,105 1.2 15 0.0 8 0.0 12 0.0 17 820 552 1,749 733 1,016 86,888 742 163 273 0.0 0.9 0.6 2.0 0.8 1.1 98.0 0.8 0.2 0.3 9 26 28 121 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 9.2 9.7 8.5 9.9 7.8 7.8 7.3 7.8 1.4 2.0 1.3 2.1 0 1 2 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 134 37 7 502 2 2,389 6 13 309 5,431 4,415 568 8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 6.1 5.0 0.6 0.0 6.9 8.0 11.1 7.9 * 7.3 7.7 9.2 7.6 8.2 8.0 6.6 9.5 6.9 6.4 8.3 6.4 * 6.0 6.3 7.2 6.1 6.6 6.5 5.5 7.5 0.0 1.5 2.9 1.5 * 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.1 2.0 7 3 0 25 * 169 0 0 22 323 283 80 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 Notes: 1"Number Tested" is the number of students who took the writing test. 2 "Percent" is calculated based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. The total for "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 36. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 10 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS NUMBER OF STUDENTS WITH SCORES NUMBER OF NONSCORABLE PAPERS 88,633 HIGH SCORE 20 87,480 LOW SCORE 4 1,153 MEAN 11.2 STANDARD DEVIATION 2.7 VARIANCE 7.2 PERCENTILES 90 75 50 (MEDIAN) 25 10 SCALE SCORE 14.47 12.60 11.59 9.72 7.60 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION ACH LEV WRITING SCORE FREQUENCY CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY PERCENT CUMULATIVE PERCENT IV 20 18 17 78 419 22 88633 88555 88136 0.09 0.47 0.02 III 16 15 14 13 12 6161 1839 10575 3399 24036 88114 81953 80114 69539 66140 6.95 2.07 11.93 3.83 27.12 99.41 92.46 90.39 78.46 74.62 11 10 9 8 3017 21659 3607 5510 42104 39087 17428 13821 3.40 24.44 4.07 6.22 47.50 44.10 19.66 15.59 7 6 5 4 NS 1735 2911 1121 1391 1153 8311 6576 3665 2544 1153 1.96 3.28 1.26 1.57 1.30 9.38 7.42 4.14 2.87 1.30 II I Notes: Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 111 100.00 99.91 99.44 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment Grade 10 Copies of Grade 10 Sample Student Responses The North Carolina Writing Assessment Scoring Model is comprised of a content component with a 1-4 score scale and a conventions component with a 0-2 score scale. To report a total writing scale score for each student, the score is computed by combining the content and conventions scores using the following model: Total Writing Assessment Score = sum of the (content component scores from two independent readers multiplied by 2) + the sum of the (conventions component scores from two independent readers multiplied by 1). The following pages provide copies of sample student responses from grade 10. The total content score, total conventions score, total writing score, achievement level, and annotated explanations of the scores are provided for each response. 113 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 ... \. . -. 115 . liJ Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 . U,j-l:S ''', ,..j h If" rT."" ~. ......, hr,\-! +'-\--h'" ~/.:.~/:~. ':".".".'. ';':p.' "'> " (\t." e...> '.~e:..'../ ':d " r 0 .~., è\r\ I '2/6 -k). .,rc.,- ,-::..;(\ \, Cr\ . W"r\E?f\ k(' ~ò.A . .' .. , c, ," . ,"~. .. .. :. " -. 116 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 10 Sample Students Response #1 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 4 2 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 6 I Content Annotation: The topic is vague. The definition is unclear (Integrity is something everyone in this world could use a little bit of.). There was an attempt at organization (Not only integrity means to be true and honest but it also means say what you mean and speak with power and Love.), but within paragraphs ideas are not connected, are presented in a random fashion, and are even confusing at times (The world outside needs more love and power and without integrity there is no way of doing that. Samuel Johnson also said that knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful). The response does attempt to support with quotes but this is also confusing because there are not specific details. (Last but not least Avoid using words to speak against yourself or gossip about others. Gossip is something that has been going on for years and will continue to go on.). Precise vocabulary and sentence fluency are not demonstrated. Score of 1. Conventions Annotation: The response demonstrates minimal control and receives a score of “1.” There are some sentence formation errors, mostly in the introduction and near the conclusion (Reguardless of the cost or sacrifice be honerable and behave decently…So when someone tells you to cheer up have a little integrity try it, it might work...Not only integrity means to be…). Usage errors included wrong homophone (hard on you to…). Mechanics errors included missing commas (Not only integrity means to be true and honest but also it means…), random capitalization of the letter “a,” and spelling errors (Reguardless, honerable, aviod). 117 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 , ".,. G6 w>, C\ hJ \JoilX8, Þa Uç) 0arrl\ 1M n(\Ó;"0~C\~11-o~"rY~~ yÞ/:. .w~~'in. f\~lOn ,+ 'l~7 1\ ~ c:r/1\c\ Q).\or,{\r\ ,':'." / baì\ÝÌ(\\''1\': 'fW-CL YV~) 15('~'~ "n\, <<Wi ~{r\":~~ (\Ùr \lli\lQS' 'hNfn rYH~fQl rtn t . , f) "'m\t~f:;t~QV0;'ì(ì' ~~nr\l1,t":,,:, .," . " "'" :.:çnr1 ~';flJ,/lJ '.~i~,~:~g~ . ' . . .':';:': ,t' ., ' " / (l(~hStIQ. tJV . , "n)~r<Ahnll / ~o /' mll~,c;tJir , ciA ~ l{S~~~lÁ In-totJ(i~ . 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"r>! l ~1 /' J ~ . ~ ,-: - ;".~JJ): /:~ß~ JíW/'~JHQ;,:[1}jllOrtf11 ;J~?~,"."'7õ' ',t/))0(l)ljdfJ/~', ',7X,:,' Vir íJ?/ , rr'b ?):~r1 íJ7, i { " ,l1tr ,,1, O}I rJj ' bv In IJ~'))lY"~\fj~t11r:~,1 ,i'v1?;i.~; h '}rrJ3 >.ou J1Jf1~Q. Æ 'hf)~ 7a J]';':;1(v~ ~~ ü.idcL 11 /n' ìP~.' ;dTNI~ I~ :, :KD:::.'nDJJ:~oj~DÐr1nt}ii,'i'r-.J ODOr'"ftJ '" rIll Dt~'Sctmi 10 ,'i ;;, ~.,~l I1vinn. i11rtJ.rrh{,:, .,rnçf1ls 11j. nnQ);.I(lS~\ rfl-~j~ V~::4Ø11ïOj'l) Bn\n.Qf\~,'yY: '-:)':j r(HdNl;ffi" ( J tit~ ", ,,',,:' ~:=~t1 ~rojYr~~~f?BmÐ~ ~ ~-'~~~;m+(}.~'tln~Vk%qn~frlm: ~:'r :'~~vnl-&~:? v~ ~<~ ,Æ.~íJ.I(}: ~/'I};() \ f:,~I;oO_,:::Ü ()~ jùi\f3+dff~ fJ Ai'.tnf\l) '\q:t?1ç~ t,,(L~:rt~fQ.e..<,:}t~~/+O': hß~G:~;_Ð; 'I~~:]1IT ;\pm~'Bh~~fJ(J/:í(}lfyt?(~it1~rp;~ : J1P~hkY)0rnh0tnñî~ 1'~;ri'rt'\fO),:,nA\-i~- ~ t ,.,~;::/.t~iln Y~:'i~dJH> ~. c- . ,,: rLh1"'LÏhf{'::it1Q}I_::hl~'<.~~ð)~ ' ":0 :;f;:)-' ,-~ " " ' ".,~, c.: " ,"' ::'~i\" p' ':.,. . " . "';'~:" , -": ,,' - :'<-, ' ' , " p ~ s.:!.~' ~~~~\~~ ~f;: ,\} " "Y' t~.,~,: : -~z}l .' - , V"'Z-'.~/~/ """~'i-' ,~., . .. 2/2 , {t1~'n, CONTENT-The fl~~ n}\iÀDO l21'1'-':' response exhibits major lapses in focus in the 4th paragraphs. There is an attempt at organization, but and no relationship is established among ideas. The introduction mentions standing strong to the moral and artistic values, yet this is the only idea in three body paragraphs that is stated in the introduction. The other two ideas; using integrity, and past leaders who exemplified integrity are not in the introduction. This causes a major lapse in the connection and progression of ideas throughout the paper. Support and elaboration in the 3rd paragraph are general and undeveloped; details are list-like in presentation ( Many of us are familiar with the great Hindu religious leader, Mahtma Gandi, whose teachings showed great integrity in that you should voice your opinion no matter the circumstances or cost. A/so Jesus Christ showed integrity as well, he suffered a crucifixion and sacrificed his life in order to stand strong to his beliefs. Martin Luther King, Jr showed his integrity in his "/ Have a Dream" speech by stating his opinions and beliefs even if their was a price to be paid). Vocabulary is imprecise and sentences are minimally complete. 2nd CONVENTIONS- This paper demonstrates reasonable control of conventions and receives a score of "2". Sentences are missing words (we a/so open it up to the beginning of a new.... we are saying things oiJtèon[.t;Jsion). Usage errors include incorrect homophones (even if there was a price.) Mechanics are sound. 119 I Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 10 Sample Student Response #2 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 8 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 12 III Content Annotation: The response exhibits major lapses in focus in the 2nd and 4th paragraphs. There is an attempt at organization, but no relationship is established among ideas. The introduction mentions standing strong to the moral and artistic values, yet this is the only idea in the three body paragraphs that is stated in the introduction. The other two ideas; using integrity, and past leaders who exemplified integrity are not in the introduction. This causes a major lapse in the connection and progression of ideas throughout the response. Support and elaboration in the 3rd paragraph are general and undeveloped; details are listlike in presentation (Many of us are familiar with the great Hindu religious leader, Mahtma Gandi, whose teachings showed great integrity in that you should voice your opinion no matter the circumstances or cost. Also Jesus Christ showed integrity as well, he suffered a crucifixion and sacrificed his life in order to stand strong to his beliefs. Martin Luther King, Jr. showed his integrity in his “I Have A Dream” speech by stating his opinion and beliefs even if their was a price to be paid.). Vocabulary is imprecise and sentences are minimally complete. Score point of 2. Conventions Annotation: This response demonstrates reasonable control of conventions and receives a score of “2.” Sentences are missing words (we also open it up to the beginning of a new…we are saying things out confusion). Usage errors include incorrect homophones (even if their was a price). Mechanics are sound. 120 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 : , I ,Write: the ,:fi.J:ial'copy of your speech here.' . . "\I\~ I . I AY\t'A:Vtfv (' h1\\ vi9\.t1-\ s 0 c-\l\ lÅ\'rin \1\0 (\ ~reo+ '1V1+e.3Y it"! fV t \ tf ~ ~ : J. is \) V\ but- ~\t1e t\VYV1I'j I?f\ if Vf <I ~ks, I J . i - as . )0" IA 1"', or+i(':Vl" oV"{j '\1- sDOY~fr\ \ 'co '. 121 ' . 'jVI \ 11V10,!r Stl( -\VI() ug\rr\- ~\\()wtd Vlfr \V11fqriry i\1Th VifV . W\;,' ecr\- V\ -\-\;)\ . r \Á)O.~ gV1t.~\)SC\ -\-~e Y/()\/Cü-\\-! I I Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 . " . ,.:. ~:" I,. , . . ," .. ., :... . ~ ~.. U I O-B . . '. .. -" 3/2 CONTENT-The topic is generally clear and maintains focus rather well. The organizational structure establishes relationships among ideas, but there are some minor lapses (Unfortunately, Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot in his hotel both the examples I room...). There is a progre.ssion of ideas, and i with completely King and of and Parks are developed evenly bicycles, and ( These details rode people carpooled, specific even walked to school, work or the grocery store.). However, this level of development is not present throughout the response. The paper is not unified because the introduction and conclusion are not connected to the body of the paper. There is some precise vocabulary (chaos, entitled, legacy). Sentence fluency is skillful (The boycott of the public buses eventually got so big that the bus companies let people sit on a first come first seNe basis, regardless of color, because their profits were decreasing). CONVENTIONS- The paper demonstrates reasonable control of conventions and receives a score of "2.' While there is a sentence formation error (...firm adherence to a code of special moral or artistic), most ~en~ences are formed correctly. Usage is clean throughout the réspollse: Mechanics errors include missing commas (So the boycott) and a misspelled word (sucessfu0. 122 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 10 Sample Student Response #3 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 12 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 16 III Content Annotation: The topic is generally clear and maintains focus rather well. The organizational structure establishes relationships among ideas, but there are some minor lapses (Unfortunately, Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot in his hotel room…). There is a progression of ideas, and both the examples of King and Parks are developed evenly and completely with specific details (These people carpooled, rode bicycles, and even walked to school, work or the grocery store.). However, this level of development is not present throughout the response. The response is not unified because the introduction and conclusion are not connected to the body of the response. There is some precise vocabulary (chaos, entitled, legacy). Sentence fluency is skillful (The boycott of the public buses eventually got so big that the bus companies let people sit on a first come first serve basis, regardless of color, because their profits were decreasing.). Score point of 3. Conventions Annotation: The response demonstrates reasonable control of conventions and receives a score of “2.” While there is a sentence formation error (…firm adherence to a code of special moral or artistic.), most sentences are formed correctly. Usage is clean throughout the response. Mechanics errors include missing commas (So the boycott) and a misspelled word (sucessful). 123 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 J( k N i Gl2 H~-lU" >6 Jre>A.. LV{. . ," o..-{~ ti'oJ.... 124 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 '-J lL-D .- III I ~. D\.-I! trtJ:. .e- we. 4/2 .~~:srA1i::-~ .' ø:...-.= ~,. 'A"I,,,/,,'f~"/J";-~-, r! ....,fr.. e""r~1fi1 \~~ t5\ .,~ ., ;',:};"I: "s .~... .,~< '.~\I'" -,; ~ . \f.'.~ ï"',: /81 \~~~~...:~! ~'~~:'..~'... 'lo,^-- CONTENT- This paper shows audience awareness, and the examples can be tied to a wide range of audience members (teens, parents and teachers). The topic stays clear, and the focus is maintained throughout the response. The organizational structure establishes relationships among ideas and the paragraphs form an effective beginning, middle, and end. While support and elaboration are related to and supportive of the subject, vocabulary and sentence fluency are even more skillful, and this control is maintained throughout (Serving fiercely as personifications in a va tors of integrity, they refuse to disavow their morals. ... The only way to reaffirm your devotion to your morals, whether they are political,' financial, artistic, or others, is to put them into practice and to prove good works by them, for you must always temper worldly knowledge with integrity). CONVENTIONS- The paper demonstrates reasonable control and receives a score of "2." Sentence formation is adequately demonstrated (My eldèrs havé âlways told me that integrity is the most important trait used in being a good person in today's world, but I did not believe them until recently). Usage and mechanics are all reasonably controlled, with a few minor errors 125 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Grade 10 Sample Student Response #4 Total Content Score: Total Conventions Score: 16 4 Total Writing Score: Achievement Level: 20 IV Content Annotation: This response shows audience awareness, and the examples can be tied to a wide range of audience members (teens, parents, and teachers). The topic stays clear, and the focus is maintained throughout the response. The organizational structure establishes relationships among ideas and the paragraphs form an effective beginning, middle, and end. While support and elaboration are related to and supportive of the subject, vocabulary and sentence fluency are even more skillful, and this control is maintained throughout (Serving fiercely as personifications in avators of integrity, they refused to disavow their morals…The only way to reaffirm your devotion to your morals, whether they are political, financial, artistic, or others, is to put them into practice and to prove good works by them, for you must always temper worldly knowledge with integrity.) Score point of 4. Conventions Annotation: The response demonstrates reasonable control and receives a score of “2.” Sentence formation is adequately demonstrated (My elders have always told me that integrity is the most important trait used in being a good person in today’s world, but I did not believe them until recently). Usage and mechanics are reasonably controlled, with a few minor errors such as a misspelled word (wistle-blowers). 126 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Writing Assessment Grade 10 Regional by LEA Performance Tables 37 through 44 provide the number of students tested and the percent of students at or above Achievement Level III for each of the LEAs by region (former six Technical Assistance Centers configurations). Performance by ethnicity, gender, Title I and Migrant students is also provided for each LEA. 127 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 37. North Carolina Testing Program, Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, by LEA, Grade 10 State 2000 State 1999 State 2001 State 2004 State 1997 State 1996 State 1998 State 2003 State 1995 State 1994 State 1993 State Percent† 78 77 ... 74 ... 71 70 ... Raleigh Charter HS** Franklin Academy** Clay 68 67 66 ... Asheville City Thomas Jefferson**, Transylvania, Watauga Mount Airy City, Wake 64 63 62 ... Henderson, Woods Charter** Ashe Alleghany, Avery, Person, Surry, Winston-Salem/Forsyth 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 ... Cherokee Burke, Caldwell, Chatham, Moore, Onslow Buncombe, Lincoln Charter** Asheboro City, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Roanoke Rapids City Durham, Lee, Orange, Polk, Wilson Carteret, Davie, Elkin City, Guilford, Pender, Rockingham Alamance-Burlington, Cumberland, Dare, Davidson, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Catawba, Duplin, Gaston, Iredell-Statesville, Mitchell Alexander, Scotland Currituck, Granville, Johnston, Macon, Stanly Community Partners High**, Mooresville City, Newton-Conover City, Pitt, Stokes, Union, Wayne Cabarrus, Edenton/Chowan, Franklin, Kings Mountain City, Northampton Cleveland, Craven, Harnett, Haywood, New Hanover, Rocky Mount Prep Sch** Beaufort, Brunswick, Jones, Sampson Clover Garden**, Gates, Graham, Hickory City Randolph Caswell, East Wake Academy**, Jackson, Kestrel Heights**, Richmond Columbus, Nash-Rocky Mount Edgecombe, Kannapolis City, Thomasville City, Yadkin Bertie, Madison, Martin, River Mill Academy**, Rowan-Salisbury, Shelby City, Whiteville City, Wilke Anson, Camden Clinton City Hyde, Lincoln Hertford, Lexington City, Montgomery McDowell Bladen, Hoke, Swain Halifax, Washington, Yancey Greene, Weldon City Lenoir Rutherford, Vance Robeson 27 ... 25 ... 23 22 ... 20 ... 16 15 14 13 ... 11 10 ... 7 <=5 Notes: 2004 LEA Performance Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Gray Stone Day** New Century School**, Pamlico C.G. Woodson**, Perquimans Warren J.H. Baker Jr High** Laurinburg Homework** Laurinburg Charter** Lakeside School** Tyrrell Crossroads Charter**, Provisions Academy** Kennedy Charter** Cape Lookout Marine** Crossnore Academy**, Grandfather Academy** † Percents are rounded to the nearest whole percent. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. Beginning in 2003, data are reported using the revised standard and are generated using the new scoring model. Data for 2003 are from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 129 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 38. North Carolina Testing Program, Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Average Total Writing Score, by LEA, Grade 10 State Mean Score† 12.9 12.7 12.5 ... 12.0 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.3 2004 State 11.1 11.0 10.9 2003 State 10.7 10.5 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.9 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.5 ... 8.1 ... 7.5 ... 6.7 * 2004 LEA Performance Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Clay Gray Stone Day**, Raleigh Charter HS** Ashe, Avery, Elkin City, Mount Airy City Asheville City, Henderson, Moore, Person, Surry, Wake, Watauga, Winston-Salem/Forsyth Alleghany, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Franklin Academy**, Transylvania, Woods Charter** Buncombe, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Chatham, Lincoln Charter**, Northampton, Onslow, Pender, Thomas Jefferson** Wilson Alamance-Burlington, Cumberland, Dare, Davidson, Durham, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, Gaston, Granville Kings Mountain City, Lee, Macon, Mitchell, Orange, Polk, Roanoke Rapids City, Rockingham Cabarrus, Carteret, Davie, Duplin, Edenton/Chowan, Guilford, Mooresville City, Newton-Conover City, Stokes Alexander, Asheboro City, Catawba, Cleveland, Haywood, Johnston, Scotland Brunswick, Community Partners High**, Craven, Currituck, Edgecombe, Franklin, Iredell-Statesville, Jones Kestrel Heights**, New Hanover, Pitt, Richmond, Rocky Mount Prep Sch**, Sampson, Stanly, Union, Wayne Beaufort, Caswell, Columbus, Graham, Harnett, Kannapolis City, Thomasville City Bertie, Camden, Gates, Jackson, Lexington City, Madison, McDowell, Montgomery, Nash-Rocky Mount, Randolph River Mill Academy**, Shelby City, Whiteville City Anson, Clinton City, East Wake Academy**, Hertford, Hickory City, Rowan-Salisbury, Wilkes, Yadkin Clover Garden**, Hyde, Lincoln, Martin C.G. Woodson**, Hoke, J.H. Baker Jr High**, Weldon City, Yancey Bladen, Greene, Swain, Vance, Washington Halifax, Lenoir, Robeson Rutherford Lakeside School**, Perquimans, Warren Provisions Academy** Crossroads Charter** Kennedy Charter**, Laurinburg Homework**, Pamlico New Century School** Laurinburg Charter** Tyrrell Crossnore Academy** Cape Lookout Marine** Grandfather Academy** Notes: †Scale scores are rounded up to the nearest two-tenths of a point. *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. Beginning in 2003, data are reported using the revised standard and are generated using the new scoring model. Data for 2003 are from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 130 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 39a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA and Ethnicity Western Region Total Number Tested State Western Region Buncombe American Indian Percent At or Above Level III Number Tested Asian Percent At or Above Level III Number Tested Black Percent At or Above Level III Number Tested Hispanic Percent At or Above Level III Number Tested Multi-Racial Percent At or Above Level III Number Tested White Percent At or Above Level III Number Tested Percent At or Above Level III 88,633 6,526 52.5 52.1 1,221 79 36.4 31.6 1,922 50 59.4 66.0 23,869 354 38.9 36.2 3,860 180 31.9 36.7 2,136 89 51.7 48.3 55,326 5,755 60.0 53.8 59.7 131 1,721 58.2 13 53.8 20 80.0 103 44.7 48 37.5 33 51.5 1,495 Asheville City 259 68.0 1 * 3 * 71 45.1 8 62.5 11 81.8 165 77.0 Cherokee 271 59.8 7 14.3 1 * 3 * 2 * 1 * 255 62.0 Clay 97 70.1 0 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 94 69.1 Graham 80 46.3 7 42.9 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 72 45.8 Haywood 526 48.3 7 42.9 1 * 4 * 7 57.1 4 * 501 48.9 Henderson 854 63.5 3 * 5 80.0 33 42.4 67 40.3 7 71.4 737 66.6 Jackson 222 43.7 15 26.7 1 * 2 * 3 * 2 * 198 45.5 Macon 259 51.4 0 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 * 249 51.4 Madison 162 41.4 0 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 159 41.5 McDowell 461 35.6 1 * 10 30.0 13 23.1 7 28.6 5 * 425 36.7 Mitchell 197 53.3 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 192 53.6 Polk 148 56.1 0 * 0 * 7 14.3 7 28.6 5 40.0 129 60.5 Rutherford 666 31.1 0 * 2 * 102 18.6 17 5.9 10 40.0 535 33.8 21 66.7 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 19 68.4 Swain 119 35.3 21 23.8 0 * 2 * 3 * 2 * 91 38.5 Transylvania Yancey 280 183 66.8 33.9 2 1 * * 1 0 * * 8 1 62.5 * 4 1 * * 4 1 * * 261 178 67.8 33.7 Thomas Jefferson** Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheet **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 39b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Western Region Total Number Tested 132 State Western Region Buncombe Asheville City Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Thomas Jefferson** Swain Transylvania Yancey 88,633 6,526 1,721 259 271 97 80 526 854 222 259 162 461 197 148 666 21 119 280 183 Male Percent At or Above Level III 52.5 52.1 58.2 68.0 59.8 70.1 46.3 48.3 63.5 43.7 51.4 41.4 35.6 53.3 56.1 31.1 66.7 35.3 66.8 33.9 Number Tested 43,458 3,215 845 135 136 40 44 245 446 99 126 94 242 85 72 312 5 63 143 83 Female Percent At or Above Level III 45.1 43.2 50.9 60.0 47.1 70.0 36.4 37.1 56.3 30.3 42.9 31.9 29.8 32.9 48.6 20.2 20.0 33.3 57.3 15.7 Number Tested 44,908 3,294 870 124 132 57 36 281 405 123 132 67 218 112 76 354 16 56 137 98 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 59.6 60.8 65.3 76.6 73.5 70.2 58.3 58.0 71.9 54.5 59.1 53.7 42.2 68.8 63.2 40.7 81.3 37.5 76.6 48.0 Number Tested 86,888 6,484 1,719 259 268 97 80 523 853 222 252 162 461 197 148 666 0 119 276 182 Percent At or Above Level III 52.7 52.1 58.2 68.0 59.3 70.1 46.3 48.6 63.5 43.7 50.8 41.4 35.6 53.3 56.1 31.1 * 35.3 66.3 34.1 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 742 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 28.7 71.4 * * * * * * * * 71.4 * * * * * * * * * Targeted Assistance Number Tested 163 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III Migrant Number Tested 20.2 66.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 66.7 * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheet **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 273 6 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 46.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 40a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA and Ethnicity Northwest Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 133 State Northwest Region Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Grandfather Academy** Crossnore Academy** Burke Caldwell Catawba Hickory City Newton-Conover City Davidson Lexington City Thomasville City Davie Winston-Salem/Forsyth C.G. Woodson** Iredell-Statesville Mooresville City Stokes Surry Elkin City Mount Airy City Watauga Wilkes Yadkin 88,633 13,876 333 96 217 156 4 14 1,029 891 1,184 324 198 1,297 156 135 403 3,031 13 1,295 314 536 596 83 138 340 657 436 52.5 55.5 51.7 61.5 63.1 62.2 * * 59.0 59.0 53.0 45.7 50.0 54.3 37.2 41.5 54.8 62.2 23.1 52.7 50.3 49.4 62.2 55.4 65.9 67.4 40.9 42.2 American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,221 48 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 1 1 5 0 2 1 12 0 9 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 36.4 47.9 * * * * * * * * * * * 60.0 * * * 58.3 * 55.6 * * * * * * * * Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,922 356 17 0 1 0 0 0 98 8 87 20 13 8 8 2 1 31 0 37 10 3 4 1 2 5 0 0 59.4 53.7 23.5 * * * * * 54.1 62.5 58.6 25.0 30.8 75.0 37.5 * * 74.2 * 59.5 50.0 * * * * 60.0 * * Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 23,869 2,008 25 0 2 1 0 1 74 63 83 79 28 27 75 72 50 1,015 13 232 46 28 15 6 14 6 34 19 38.9 42.0 20.0 * * * * * 56.8 49.2 37.3 19.0 32.1 37.0 38.7 34.7 42.0 48.7 23.1 34.1 28.3 21.4 46.7 * 50.0 33.3 23.5 21.1 Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 3,860 631 14 5 6 3 1 0 26 19 52 20 23 26 27 17 22 177 0 69 4 4 48 3 7 1 23 34 31.9 29.3 21.4 40.0 * * * * 38.5 57.9 23.1 20.0 21.7 26.9 14.8 23.5 40.9 29.4 * 34.8 * * 39.6 * 42.9 * 21.7 14.7 Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 2,136 208 1 0 0 1 0 0 15 14 12 7 4 10 8 8 3 71 0 12 4 11 7 1 0 4 11 4 51.7 47.1 * * * * * * 46.7 42.9 58.3 28.6 * 30.0 75.0 62.5 * 59.2 * 33.3 * 36.4 42.9 * * * 18.2 * White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 55,326 10,606 273 90 206 150 3 13 814 786 940 197 128 1,219 38 34 326 1,721 0 933 250 487 521 72 115 323 588 379 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 60.0 59.9 58.2 63.3 64.6 63.3 * * 60.7 60.2 55.7 61.9 60.2 55.4 42.1 61.8 58.3 73.5 * 58.6 54.8 51.7 65.5 61.1 68.7 68.1 43.2 46.2 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 40b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Northwest Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 134 State Northwest Region Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Grandfather Academy** Crossnore Academy** Burke Caldwell Catawba Hickory City Newton-Conover City Davidson Lexington City Thomasville City Davie Winston-Salem/Forsyth C.G. Woodson** Iredell-Statesville Mooresville City Stokes Surry Elkin City Mount Airy City Watauga Wilkes Yadkin 88,633 13,876 333 96 217 156 4 14 1,029 891 1,184 324 198 1,297 156 135 403 3,031 13 1,295 314 536 596 83 138 340 657 436 52.5 55.5 51.7 61.5 63.1 62.2 * * 59.0 59.0 53.0 45.7 50.0 54.3 37.2 41.5 54.8 62.2 23.1 52.7 50.3 49.4 62.2 55.4 65.9 67.4 40.9 42.2 Male Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 43,458 6,952 156 41 110 89 2 4 522 452 588 161 93 633 71 73 212 1,529 5 660 156 276 285 45 77 160 312 240 45.1 48.0 41.7 39.0 58.2 55.1 * * 55.7 52.4 43.9 41.6 40.9 45.3 28.2 41.1 51.4 56.4 * 41.7 40.4 43.8 52.6 44.4 59.7 56.9 30.4 32.9 Female Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 44,908 6,907 175 55 107 67 2 10 507 437 594 163 105 663 85 62 190 1,497 8 632 158 260 311 38 61 180 344 196 59.6 63.0 60.6 78.2 68.2 71.6 * * 62.3 65.7 62.1 49.7 58.1 62.7 44.7 41.9 58.9 68.0 37.5 64.4 60.1 55.4 71.1 68.4 73.8 76.7 50.6 53.6 Not Served by Title I Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 86,888 13,774 333 95 214 155 0 0 1,025 891 1,177 304 197 1,293 156 135 403 3,028 0 1,292 314 533 590 83 138 340 646 432 52.7 55.7 51.7 62.1 64.0 62.6 * * 59.1 59.0 53.2 47.7 50.3 54.4 37.2 41.5 54.8 62.2 * 52.8 50.3 49.7 62.2 55.4 65.9 67.4 41.3 42.6 Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 742 40 0 0 0 0 4 14 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28.7 10.0 * * * * * * * * * 15.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Targeted Assistance Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 163 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.2 23.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 23.1 * * * * * * * * * Migrant Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 273 13 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 1 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 46.5 23.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 60.0 * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 41a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA and Ethnicity Southwest Region Total 135 State Southwest Region Anson Cabarrus Kannapolis City Cleveland Kings Mountain City Shelby City Gaston Hoke Lincoln Lincoln Charter** Charlotte/Mecklenburg Kennedy Charter** Crossroads Charter** Montgomery Moore Richmond Rowan-Salisbury Scotland Laurinburg Charter** Laurinburg Homework** Stanly Gray Stone Day** Union Number Tested 88,633 19,629 315 1,500 234 615 310 178 2,137 304 816 19 7,188 10 54 279 819 481 1,367 410 13 19 698 43 1,820 Percent At or Above Level III 52.5 51.1 40.0 49.3 42.3 48.1 49.4 41.0 52.9 34.5 38.4 57.9 57.1 10.0 11.1 36.9 59.3 44.3 40.7 52.0 15.4 15.8 50.6 76.7 50.1 American Indian Number Tested 1,221 165 3 4 0 0 1 0 9 34 2 0 22 0 1 0 10 16 2 46 0 3 5 0 7 Percent At or Above Level III 36.4 45.5 * * * * * * 55.6 41.2 * * 72.7 * * * 60.0 25.0 * 43.5 * * 40.0 * 42.9 Asian Number Tested 1,922 528 9 21 3 3 10 4 36 2 5 0 348 0 1 9 1 4 15 3 0 0 33 0 21 Percent At or Above Level III 59.4 53.0 33.3 57.1 * * 40.0 * 55.6 * 20.0 * 57.2 * * 33.3 * * 40.0 * * * 18.2 * 57.1 Black Number Tested 23,869 5,534 180 201 75 124 69 83 405 158 70 1 2,895 9 49 81 169 175 256 161 13 10 100 0 250 Percent At or Above Level III 38.9 37.0 32.2 35.3 29.3 38.7 40.6 26.5 34.1 25.3 22.9 * 41.2 * 10.2 28.4 43.8 37.1 25.8 44.1 15.4 20.0 33.0 * 28.4 Hispanic Number Tested 3,860 888 3 68 17 3 6 3 60 16 57 1 432 0 0 26 28 6 48 3 0 0 14 1 96 Percent At or Above Level III 31.9 29.8 * 25.0 35.3 * 33.3 * 33.3 25.0 22.8 * 34.5 * * 34.6 39.3 50.0 10.4 * * * 35.7 * 17.7 Multi-Racial Number Tested 2,136 398 4 31 9 11 8 0 33 16 12 0 178 0 2 0 17 9 21 7 0 0 9 0 31 Percent At or Above Level III 51.7 51.0 * 51.6 33.3 45.5 37.5 * 42.4 50.0 25.0 * 61.2 * * * 82.4 22.2 28.6 28.6 * * 11.1 * 48.4 White Number Tested 55,326 12,048 116 1,173 130 473 215 88 1,586 78 666 17 3,267 1 1 163 593 269 1,024 189 0 6 537 42 1,414 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheet **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Percent At or Above Level III 60.0 59.1 52.6 53.0 50.8 50.5 54.0 54.5 58.6 47.4 41.6 52.9 73.8 * * 41.7 64.1 50.2 46.0 61.9 * 16.7 57.0 78.6 56.1 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 41b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Southwest Region Total Number Tested 136 State Southwest Region Anson Cabarrus Kannapolis City Cleveland Kings Mountain City Shelby City Gaston Hoke Lincoln Lincoln Charter** Charlotte/Mecklenburg Kennedy Charter** Crossroads Charter** Montgomery Moore Richmond Rowan-Salisbury Scotland Laurinburg Charter** Laurinburg Homework** Stanly Gray Stone Day** Union 88,633 19,629 315 1,500 234 615 310 178 2,137 304 816 19 7,188 10 54 279 819 481 1,367 410 13 19 698 43 1,820 Male Percent At or Above Level III 52.5 51.1 40.0 49.3 42.3 48.1 49.4 41.0 52.9 34.5 38.4 57.9 57.1 10.0 11.1 36.9 59.3 44.3 40.7 52.0 15.4 15.8 50.6 76.7 50.1 Number Tested 43,458 9,647 160 719 105 296 154 81 1,058 141 417 10 3,504 4 28 138 421 228 690 196 10 13 343 19 912 Female Percent At or Above Level III 45.1 43.8 36.9 40.5 35.2 40.9 37.0 35.8 46.4 28.4 30.9 40.0 49.8 * 10.7 29.0 50.6 35.1 34.2 45.4 20.0 23.1 41.4 68.4 43.9 Number Tested 44,908 9,930 154 780 128 317 156 97 1,071 163 399 9 3,657 6 26 141 395 250 673 214 3 6 354 24 907 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 59.6 58.2 43.5 57.6 48.4 54.9 61.5 45.4 59.4 39.9 46.1 77.8 64.1 * 11.5 44.7 69.1 52.4 47.1 57.9 * * 59.3 83.3 56.3 Number Tested 86,888 19,483 314 1,497 233 615 310 178 2,128 303 816 19 7,172 0 0 276 815 480 1,358 410 0 0 697 43 1,819 Percent At or Above Level III 52.7 51.4 40.1 49.4 42.5 48.1 49.4 41.0 53.0 34.7 38.4 57.9 57.1 * * 37.3 59.6 44.4 40.9 52.0 * * 50.6 76.7 50.1 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 742 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 53 0 0 0 0 0 13 19 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 28.7 12.2 * * * * * * * * * * * 10.0 9.4 * * * * * 15.4 15.8 * * * Targeted Assistance Number Tested 163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III Migrant Number Tested 20.2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 273 13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 46.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 42a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA and Ethnicity Northeast Region 137 State Northeast Region Beaufort Bertie Camden Edenton/Chowan Currituck Dare Edgecombe Gates Halifax Roanoke Rapids City Weldon City Hertford Hyde Martin Northampton Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 88,633 52.5 5,827 45.4 498 47.0 198 40.9 118 39.8 165 48.5 286 51.0 368 53.8 498 41.8 136 45.6 348 33.6 184 56.5 81 33.3 260 37.3 40 37.5 293 41.3 212 48.6 411 53.5 158 23.4 1,394 50.1 38 13.2 141 34.0 American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,221 36.4 48 43.8 1 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 2 * 0 * 2 * 25 40.0 2 * 0 * 4 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 5 20.0 0 * 0 * Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 1,922 59.4 40 52.5 1 * 1 * 2 * 0 * 3 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 4 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 3 * 1 * 21 52.4 0 * 0 * Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 23,869 38.9 2,710 34.9 193 35.2 160 36.9 25 24.0 72 33.3 24 45.8 15 40.0 280 32.1 51 33.3 311 33.1 38 42.1 76 31.6 205 32.7 13 46.2 154 29.9 172 44.2 174 43.1 73 16.4 551 37.2 13 15.4 110 30.0 Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 3,860 31.9 113 28.3 17 17.6 2 * 0 * 1 * 9 33.3 10 40.0 15 20.0 0 * 0 * 2 * 0 * 2 * 1 * 6 50.0 1 * 4 * 1 * 39 33.3 2 * 1 * Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 2,136 51.7 100 38.0 7 42.9 4 * 1 * 4 * 4 * 6 33.3 9 44.4 1 * 3 * 1 * 4 * 4 * 2 * 5 20.0 4 * 9 22.2 5 * 24 45.8 2 * 1 * White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 55,326 60.0 2,810 56.5 279 56.6 29 72.4 89 44.9 88 61.4 245 51.4 333 55.0 194 57.2 81 54.3 8 25.0 137 60.6 1 * 44 59.1 24 37.5 125 55.2 35 62.9 219 63.5 77 32.5 752 60.8 21 14.3 29 51.7 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 42b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Northeast Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 138 State Northeast Region Beaufort Bertie Camden Edenton/Chowan Currituck Dare Edgecombe Gates Halifax Roanoke Rapids City Weldon City Hertford Hyde Martin Northampton Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington 88,633 5,827 498 198 118 165 286 368 498 136 348 184 81 260 40 293 212 411 158 1,394 38 141 52.5 45.4 47.0 40.9 39.8 48.5 51.0 53.8 41.8 45.6 33.6 56.5 33.3 37.3 37.5 41.3 48.6 53.5 23.4 50.1 13.2 34.0 Male Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 43,458 2,815 227 81 54 77 143 198 208 68 162 86 36 118 19 141 102 209 73 726 27 60 45.1 37.7 39.2 27.2 37.0 41.6 45.5 43.9 27.9 36.8 25.9 48.8 27.8 25.4 26.3 38.3 45.1 40.7 16.4 43.8 14.8 23.3 Female Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 44,908 3,000 268 117 64 88 142 170 289 67 184 98 44 141 20 152 110 202 85 667 11 81 59.6 52.7 53.0 50.4 42.2 54.5 57.0 65.3 51.6 53.7 40.8 63.3 36.4 47.5 45.0 44.1 51.8 66.8 29.4 57.0 9.1 42.0 Not Served by Title I Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 86,888 5,807 498 198 118 165 286 367 497 136 347 184 81 255 40 293 210 411 158 1,385 38 140 52.7 45.5 47.0 40.9 39.8 48.5 51.0 53.7 41.9 45.6 33.7 56.5 33.3 37.3 37.5 41.3 49.0 53.5 23.4 50.0 13.2 34.3 Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 742 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28.7 33.3 * * * * * * * * * * * 40.0 * * * * * * * * Targeted Assistance Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Migrant Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 20.2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 273 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 46.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 43a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA and Ethnicity Southeast Region Total 139 State Southeast Region Bladen Brunswick Carteret Cape Lookout Marine** Columbus Whiteville City Craven Cumberland Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir New Hanover Onslow Pamlico Pender Robeson Sampson Clinton City Wayne Number Tested 88,633 15,604 370 637 623 44 460 179 928 3,771 545 157 71 642 1,603 1,514 158 470 1,438 510 195 1,289 Percent At or Above Level III 52.5 47.7 35.1 46.5 54.6 6.8 42.6 41.3 48.3 53.7 53.0 33.1 46.5 31.5 48.4 58.5 24.7 54.5 30.4 46.9 39.0 49.9 American Indian Number Tested 1,221 759 4 7 3 1 22 0 2 83 1 0 0 0 8 17 0 2 591 11 5 2 Percent At or Above Level III 36.4 31.6 * 57.1 * * 31.8 * * 49.4 * * * * 37.5 64.7 * * 27.6 54.5 40.0 * Asian Number Tested 1,922 206 1 4 6 0 2 1 10 105 0 0 0 4 17 32 2 0 4 1 0 17 Percent At or Above Level III 59.4 57.8 * * 83.3 * * * 50.0 60.0 * * * * 64.7 71.9 * * * * * 35.3 Black Number Tested 23,869 5,148 177 156 48 14 177 69 274 1,622 180 74 48 319 349 331 54 114 418 133 97 494 Percent At or Above Level III 38.9 38.5 25.4 33.3 39.6 * 37.9 29.0 35.4 46.3 41.1 20.3 50.0 24.1 29.8 51.4 14.8 47.4 24.9 42.1 33.0 43.5 Hispanic Number Tested 3,860 681 11 13 11 1 10 3 24 242 66 10 2 19 29 69 1 15 47 36 11 61 Percent At or Above Level III 31.9 36.9 18.2 46.2 36.4 * 40.0 * 33.3 46.3 30.3 10.0 * 15.8 27.6 59.4 * 33.3 <=5.0 22.2 9.1 42.6 Multi-Racial Number Tested 2,136 566 7 15 11 1 8 2 37 223 4 3 0 12 36 115 3 2 35 10 3 39 Percent At or Above Level III 51.7 50.2 * 26.7 36.4 * 50.0 * 43.2 57.8 * * * 33.3 27.8 54.8 * * 34.3 50.0 * 64.1 White Number Tested 55,326 8,199 170 442 542 27 239 104 578 1,489 293 70 21 287 1,159 948 98 337 340 303 79 673 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheet **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Percent At or Above Level III 60.0 55.3 48.2 51.8 56.3 11.1 46.9 49.0 55.5 62.2 65.5 48.6 42.9 40.8 55.1 60.7 31.6 58.2 45.9 49.5 51.9 54.8 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 43b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Southeast Region Total Number Tested 140 State Southeast Region Bladen Brunswick Carteret Cape Lookout Marine** Columbus Whiteville City Craven Cumberland Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir New Hanover Onslow Pamlico Pender Robeson Sampson Clinton City Wayne 88,633 15,604 370 637 623 44 460 179 928 3,771 545 157 71 642 1,603 1,514 158 470 1,438 510 195 1,289 Male Percent At or Above Level III 52.5 47.7 35.1 46.5 54.6 6.8 42.6 41.3 48.3 53.7 53.0 33.1 46.5 31.5 48.4 58.5 24.7 54.5 30.4 46.9 39.0 49.9 Number Tested 43,458 7,569 170 293 320 30 229 89 447 1,880 240 79 25 327 754 725 75 225 700 255 80 626 Female Percent At or Above Level III 45.1 40.3 24.1 39.6 44.7 <=5.0 34.9 32.6 40.0 47.1 45.8 30.4 36.0 22.6 44.3 51.3 18.7 46.2 25.3 32.2 31.3 40.4 Number Tested 44,908 7,975 198 339 299 14 226 90 480 1,880 302 78 46 314 848 787 83 245 733 237 115 661 Not Served by Title I Percent At or Above Level III 59.6 54.5 44.4 52.5 64.5 14.3 50.0 50.0 56.0 60.3 58.3 35.9 52.2 40.8 52.1 65.1 30.1 62.0 35.2 60.3 44.3 59.0 Number Tested 86,888 15,025 366 594 616 0 451 177 928 3,730 545 157 71 635 1,599 1,511 158 327 1,414 267 195 1,284 Percent At or Above Level III 52.7 47.6 35.0 46.0 54.7 * 43.0 41.8 48.3 54.0 53.0 33.1 46.5 31.5 48.5 58.4 24.7 45.3 30.2 47.6 39.0 49.8 Schoolwide Title I Program Number Tested 742 288 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 37 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 242 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 28.7 41.7 * * * * * * * 21.6 * * * * * * * * * 45.9 * * Targeted Assistance Number Tested 163 44 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 20.2 6.8 * * * 6.8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program Migrant Number Tested 273 156 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 142 0 7 0 0 Percent At or Above Level III 46.5 70.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 75.4 * 28.6 * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 44a. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA and Ethnicity Central Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III American Indian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III Asian Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III Black Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III Hispanic Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III Multi-Racial Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III White Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 88,633 52.5 1,221 36.4 1,922 59.4 23,869 38.9 3,860 31.9 2,136 51.7 27,176 56.4 122 50.0 743 67.0 8,115 41.0 1,367 31.7 775 56.5 Alamance-Burlington 1,530 54.1 9 55.6 26 61.5 367 36.0 120 20.8 34 50.0 Lakeside School** 7 14.3 0 * 0 * 4 * 0 * 0 * River Mill Academy** 22 40.9 2 * 0 * 3 * 0 * 1 * Clover Garden** 13 46.2 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Caswell 222 43.7 0 * 1 * 100 40.0 2 * 4 * Chatham 554 58.7 3 * 2 * 124 47.6 50 26.0 13 46.2 Woods Charter** 22 63.6 0 * 0 * 1 * 1 * 1 * Durham 1,872 55.8 4 * 51 70.6 926 46.0 109 19.3 87 58.6 Kestrel Heights** 9 44.4 0 * 0 * 6 33.3 1 * 1 * Franklin 510 49.2 1 * 2 * 187 36.4 18 22.2 5 80.0 Granville 523 50.9 2 * 6 33.3 188 43.1 19 36.8 12 25.0 Guilford 4,551 54.5 18 27.8 187 53.5 1,653 39.8 164 30.5 155 52.9 Harnett 1,061 47.5 9 33.3 5 * 272 36.4 53 35.8 43 53.5 Johnston 1,472 50.7 10 80.0 8 75.0 281 38.1 109 27.5 34 38.2 Lee 614 55.9 1 * 6 66.7 148 42.6 92 29.3 10 60.0 Provisions Academy** 9 11.1 0 * 0 * 4 * 1 * 2 * Nash-Rocky Mount 1,179 42.8 3 * 11 54.5 621 31.2 33 18.2 22 40.9 Rocky Mount Prep Sch** 21 47.6 0 * 1 * 12 33.3 0 * 1 * Orange 443 56.4 3 * 2 * 82 42.7 12 75.0 9 33.3 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City 835 77.8 3 * 87 79.3 93 50.5 43 51.2 45 73.3 New Century School** 24 25.0 1 * 0 * 8 37.5 0 * 0 * Person 410 61.5 3 * 2 * 141 53.9 6 16.7 7 71.4 Randolph 1,142 45.4 5 80.0 11 36.4 52 26.9 68 26.5 13 46.2 Asheboro City 286 56.6 2 * 11 54.5 28 32.1 42 21.4 7 42.9 Rockingham 996 54.5 6 33.3 2 * 205 41.0 30 36.7 17 35.3 Vance 449 31.2 2 * 4 * 285 24.2 12 8.3 7 57.1 Wake 7,182 66.2 22 63.6 315 74.0 1,711 48.3 336 42.9 214 65.9 J.H. Baker Jr High** 10 20.0 0 * 0 * 6 16.7 0 * 0 * Franklin Academy** 31 71.0 0 * 0 * 3 * 1 * 1 * East Wake Academy** 18 44.4 0 * 0 * 5 80.0 0 * 0 * Raleigh Charter HS** 105 74.3 0 * 0 * 5 20.0 3 * 2 * Community Partners High** 24 50.0 0 * 0 * 0 * 2 * 2 * Warren 262 22.1 11 27.3 0 * 199 20.6 0 * 9 22.2 Wilson 768 55.5 2 * 3 * 395 44.6 40 30.0 17 64.7 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0 percent, are not displayed The ethnic categories may not sum to total number tested because ethnic category may not have been coded on some student answer sheet **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program State Central Region 141 55,326 15,912 972 3 16 13 112 358 19 678 1 294 296 2,372 678 1,024 353 2 488 7 335 561 15 249 992 195 733 138 4,501 4 26 13 95 20 41 308 60.0 65.9 64.8 * 37.5 46.2 46.4 67.6 68.4 73.6 * 58.5 58.4 66.8 52.4 56.7 68.3 * 58.8 71.4 59.7 84.7 20.0 65.9 47.7 67.7 59.8 44.9 74.5 * 69.2 30.8 76.8 50.0 29.3 72.7 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 44b. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 2003-04, Grade 10, by LEA, Gender, Title I, and Migrant Students Central Region Total Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 142 State Central Region Alamance-Burlington Lakeside School** River Mill Academy** Clover Garden** Caswell Chatham Woods Charter** Durham Kestrel Heights** Franklin Granville Guilford Harnett Johnston Lee Provisions Academy** Nash-Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Prep Sch** Orange Chapel Hill-Carrboro City New Century School** Person Randolph Asheboro City Rockingham Vance Wake J.H. Baker Jr High** Franklin Academy** East Wake Academy** Raleigh Charter HS** Community Partners High** Warren Wilson 88,633 27,176 1,530 7 22 13 222 554 22 1,872 9 510 523 4,551 1,061 1,472 614 9 1,179 21 443 835 24 410 1,142 286 996 449 7,182 10 31 18 105 24 262 768 52.5 56.4 54.1 14.3 40.9 46.2 43.7 58.7 63.6 55.8 44.4 49.2 50.9 54.5 47.5 50.7 55.9 11.1 42.8 47.6 56.4 77.8 25.0 61.5 45.4 56.6 54.5 31.2 66.2 20.0 71.0 44.4 74.3 50.0 22.1 55.5 Male Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 43,458 13,264 780 4 7 6 103 295 14 879 4 244 249 2,207 529 711 283 4 565 10 241 428 11 207 584 137 473 199 3,493 7 11 7 53 16 138 365 45.1 49.3 45.4 * 42.9 50.0 36.9 49.8 64.3 50.1 * 39.8 42.6 47.1 36.7 42.2 44.9 * 37.9 50.0 50.6 71.3 18.2 52.2 40.1 48.2 49.3 25.6 60.0 28.6 63.6 42.9 69.8 37.5 18.1 45.5 Female Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 44,908 13,803 748 3 15 7 117 256 8 979 5 265 274 2,340 529 761 326 5 609 11 201 407 13 203 555 148 521 250 3,632 3 20 11 51 8 123 399 59.6 63.2 63.1 * 40.0 42.9 50.4 69.1 62.5 61.0 40.0 57.7 58.4 61.5 58.6 58.6 65.3 20.0 47.5 45.5 63.7 84.8 30.8 70.9 51.4 64.9 59.1 35.6 72.3 * 75.0 45.5 80.4 75.0 26.8 64.7 Not Served by Title I Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 86,888 26,315 1,525 0 22 13 222 530 21 1,791 9 479 521 4,463 1,050 1,459 604 0 1,172 21 442 835 24 404 1,136 286 980 446 6,917 0 31 18 102 24 1 767 52.7 56.8 54.2 * 40.9 46.2 43.7 60.9 66.7 55.7 44.4 48.9 51.1 55.2 47.9 50.8 56.8 * 43.1 47.6 56.6 77.8 25.0 61.6 45.5 56.6 54.8 31.4 65.9 * 71.0 44.4 76.5 50.0 * 55.5 Schoolwide Title I Program Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 742 303 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 261 0 28.7 23.1 * 14.3 * * * * * 50.0 * * * * * * * 11.1 * * * * * * * * * * * 20.0 * * * * 22.2 * Targeted Assistance Percent At or Number Above Level Tested III 163 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.2 15.3 * * * * * * * * * * * 15.3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Migrant Percent At Number or Above Tested Level III 273 83 5 0 0 0 0 23 0 1 0 1 1 2 9 8 10 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notes: *Performance data are not reported when number tested is fewer than five. Performance data that are less than or equal to 5.0 percent, or greater than or equal to 95.0, percent are not displayed. The gender, Title I, and Migrant categories may not sum to total number tested because these categories may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete name can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 46.5 16.9 20.0 * * * * 8.7 * * * * * * 11.1 12.5 * * * * * * * * * * 30.8 * * * * * * * * * Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (AAAI)-Writing Grades 4, 7, and 10 143 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 45. North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (AAAI), 2003-04, Statewide Student Performance in Writing Category All Students Number of Students1 Percent of All Students2 Percent at Level I Percent at Level II Percent at Level III 4,254 100.0 52.8 34.5 10.6 Percent at Level IV 1.1 Percent At Percent Percent Not or Above Achieving Achieving Growth Growth Level III 11.7 83.3 16.4 Gender Female 1,628 38.3 53.3 33.7 10.9 1.2 12.1 85.0 15.0 Male 2,623 61.7 52.5 35.0 10.4 1.0 11.4 82.4 17.3 23.1 Ethnicity American Indian 134 3.1 40.3 31.3 27.6 0.0 27.6 76.1 Asian 186 4.4 50.0 37.6 9.1 1.6 10.8 90.9 9.1 Black 1,314 30.9 48.4 35.5 13.1 1.9 15.0 84.2 15.4 Hispanic 1,508 35.4 57.7 33.2 7.8 0.6 8.4 84.4 15.6 38 0.9 50.0 31.6 15.8 2.6 18.4 92.1 7.9 1,073 25.2 53.4 35.0 9.4 0.7 10.2 80.1 19.6 Not Exceptional3 1,573 37.0 56.2 33.4 8.6 0.8 9.4 85.4 14.6 All Students with Disabilities 2,677 62.9 50.8 35.2 11.7 1.3 13.0 82.2 17.5 Multi-Racial White Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired 109 2.6 37.6 36.7 22.9 1.8 24.8 85.3 13.8 69 1.6 53.6 40.6 4.3 0.0 4.3 87.0 13.0 Educable Mentally Disabled 1,451 34.1 51.3 35.9 10.7 0.8 11.4 83.6 16.1 Specific Learning Disabled3 444 10.4 34.9 44.6 17.8 2.7 20.5 87.6 12.2 Learning Disabled-Reading 486 11.4 38.5 43.4 16.3 1.6 17.9 85.8 14.0 Learning Disabled-Mathematics 312 7.3 38.1 45.2 14.7 1.3 16.0 88.5 11.2 Learning Disabled-Written Expression 451 10.6 36.1 43.9 17.7 1.8 19.5 86.7 13.1 Learning Disabled-Other 28 0.7 * * * * * * * Speech-Language Impaired 24 0.6 * * * * * * * 7 0.2 * * * * * * * 185 4.3 55.7 29.2 13.0 1.1 14.1 84.3 15.7 Orthopedically Impaired 25 0.6 * * * * * * * Traumatic Brain Injured 11 0.3 * * * * * * * 152 3.6 54.6 34.9 8.6 0.7 9.2 76.3 23.0 Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf-Blind 2 0.0 * * * * * * * 48 1.1 72.9 20.8 4.2 0.0 4.2 72.9 27.1 2 0.0 * * * * * * * 136 3.2 83.8 13.2 0.0 2.9 2.9 50.7 49.3 Section 504 12 0.3 * * * * * * * Not Coded 3 0.1 * * * * * * * Limited English Proficient 1,563 36.7 56.9 33.1 8.3 0.7 9.0 84.9 15.1 Not Served by Title I 2,291 53.9 55.9 34.3 8.0 0.7 8.8 83.8 16.1 Schoolwide Title I Program 1,838 43.2 48.9 34.5 14.1 1.5 15.6 82.2 17.5 Trainable Mentally Disabled Targeted Assistance 57 1.3 59.6 40.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.5 10.5 188 4.4 49.5 32.4 14.4 0.5 14.9 88.3 11.7 4 2,171 51.0 52.6 34.7 11.1 0.8 12.0 84.0 15.9 7 1,721 40.5 53.4 34.0 10.2 1.3 11.4 83.7 16.0 10 359 8.4 51.5 35.7 9.2 1.7 10.9 78.3 21.7 Migrant Grade Notes: 1Number of students with complete information for assigned grade, assessed grade, level, and growth indicator. 2 "Percent of All Students" within a category may not add up to 100.0 percent due to rounding or blanks 3 Inconsistencies in numbers reported are due to errors in coding on student answer sheets. *Data are not reported for categories with fewer than thirty students. When summed, subgroup N counts may not match the "All Students" N count because of incomplete coding on some student answer sheets. The total of "All Students with Disabilities" includes Section 504 but not those in the "Not Coded" category. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 145 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 10. North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (AAAI), 2003-04, Student Participation in Writing, by Gender and Ethnicity Black Male 20.4% *N=869 Hispanic Male 19.4% *N=826 White Male 16.5% *N=702 Hispanic Female 16.0% *N=682 Black Female *N=445 10.5% White Female *N=369 8.7% Asian Male *N=107 2.5% American Indian Male 2.1% *N=91 Asian Female 1.9% *N=79 1.0% American Indian Female *N=43 Multi-Racial Male *N=28 0.7% Multi-Racial Female 0.2% *N=10 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent Participation Notes: When summed, gender/ethnicity N counts may not match the state N counts because a gender/ethnicity category may not have been coded on some student answer sheets. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 146 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 2003-04 North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio (AAP)-Writing Grades 4, 7, and 10 147 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Table 46. North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio (AAP), 2003-04 Statewide Student Performance at Each Achievement Level, Percent Achieving Growth, and Percent Not Achieving Growth Percent at Category All Students Gender Females Males Not Coded Ethnicity American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Not Coded All Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severely/Profoundly Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf-Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled Not Coded Limited English Proficient (LEP) Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Notes Percent of Number 1 of Students All Students Level I Percent at Writing Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent at at At or Above Achieving Not Achieving Level II Level III Level IV Level III Growth Growth 1,422 100.0 20.1 16.2 22.5 39.2 61.7 97.5 1.8 538 882 2 37.8 62.0 0.1 22.1 18.9 * 17.7 15.3 * 19.9 24.1 * 38.3 39.8 * 58.2 63.9 * 97.4 97.5 * 1.9 1.7 * 16 19 614 51 31 678 13 1,421 2 6 127 4 2 1 39 8 10 292 175 238 3 514 1 29 1,077 338 0 6 1.1 1.3 43.2 3.6 2.2 47.7 0.9 99.9 0.1 0.4 8.9 0.3 0.1 0.1 2.7 0.6 0.7 20.5 12.3 16.7 0.2 36.1 0.1 2.0 75.7 23.8 0.0 0.4 * * 21.5 19.6 6.5 19.9 * 20.1 * * 16.5 * * * 20.5 * * 19.2 27.4 22.3 * 17.9 * * 20.1 20.7 * * * * 16.0 13.7 22.6 16.2 * 16.2 * * 14.2 * * * 23.1 * * 13.7 14.3 16.8 * 17.7 * * 16.7 14.2 * * * * 22.0 31.4 22.6 23.0 * 22.5 * * 23.6 * * * 17.9 * * 26.0 20.6 22.3 * 21.2 * * 22.3 23.4 * * * * 37.9 35.3 48.4 39.5 * 39.3 * * 44.1 * * * 38.5 * * 39.0 34.9 37.0 * 42.0 * * 38.9 40.8 * * * * 59.9 66.7 71.0 62.5 * 61.8 * * 67.7 * * * 56.4 * * 65.1 55.4 59.2 * 63.2 * * 61.2 64.2 * * * * 97.4 100.0 100.0 97.3 * 97.5 * * 97.6 * * * 100.0 * * 96.9 97.1 97.1 * 98.6 * * 97.5 97.9 * * * * 1.8 0.0 0.0 1.9 * 1.8 * * 0.8 * * * 0.0 * * 2.1 2.9 2.5 * 1.2 * * 1.8 1.8 * * 1 "Percent of All Students" within a category may not add up to 100.0 percent due to rounding or blanks. *No scores are reported for groups with fewer than thirty students. Data are not collected for Section 504 or Specific Learning Disabled students by subject. When summed, subgroup N counts may not match the "All Students" N count because of incomplete coding on some student answer sheets. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 149 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendices 151 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendix A Grade Levels and Types of Writing by Year 153 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendix A North Carolina, believing that an emphasis on writing instruction was needed and that the measurement of writing would enhance instruction, began a statewide writing assessment program in 1983-84. Since that time, students' writing skills have improved as evident by test results, comments from university personnel, and business leaders. Changes in the program have occurred over time as illustrated below. Grade Levels and Types of Writing by Year Year 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Grade 4 Grade 6 Descriptive Expository Expository Descriptive Expository Descriptive Expository Descriptive Expository Descriptive Expository Grade 7 Grade 8 Persuasive Expository Persuasive Expository Persuasive Expository Persuasive Expository Persuasive Expository Grade 9 Persuasive Expository Grade 10 Expository Expository Expository Expository Expository Expository Expository Expository 1997-98 Narrative Expository Expository 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Expository Expository Expository Expository Argumentative Expository Expository Expository 2003-04 Narrative Argumentative Informational Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative 155 Informational Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendix B Annual Writing Assessment, 1992-93 to 2003-04 Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 4 157 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 11. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1992-93 to 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 4 100 90 68.8 70 60 52.9 51.5 48.6 51.7 55.2 57.6 46.8 50 38.6 30 38.7 34.4 40 24.0 159 Old Scoring Model 20 New Scoring Model 10 0 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 Notes: 1The bold vertical line between years indicates that the writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 2002-03 1 2003-04 Appendix B Percent of Students 80 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendix C Annual Writing Assessment, 1995-96 to 2003-04 Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 7 161 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 12. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1995-96 to 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 7 100 90 70 70.3 59.4 60 71.9 73.2 62.9 62.5 54.9 50 45.5 40 40.9 30 20 Old Scoring Model New Scoring Model 10 0 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 1 Notes: 1The bold vertical line between years indicates that the writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program. 2003-04 Appendix C 163 Percent of Students 80 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendix D Annual Writing Assessment, 1991-92 to 2003-04 Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 10 165 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Figure 13. North Carolina Testing Program Annual Writing Assessment, 1991-92 to 2003-04, Percent of Students Scoring At or Above Level III, Grade 10 100 90 70 56.8 60 48.5 50 46.0 53.9 52.5 38.6 40 30 49.7 58.0 32.3 22.3 39.9 26.8 Old Scoring Model 20 New Scoring Model 10 0 1 2 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Notes: 1No writing assessment was administered in grade 10 during the 2001-02 school year. 2 The bold vertical lines between years indicate that the writing standard, scale, and scoring model changed effective with the 2002-03 school year. Prior to 2001-02, the writing assessment administered at grade 10 was an English II end-of-course test administered at the end of English II courses which are typically offered at grade 10. The data from 2002-03 are reported from the pilot test administration. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountablility Services/North Carolina Testing Program. Appendix D 167 Percent of Students 80 Report of Student Performance in Writing, Grades 4, 7, and 10, 2003-04 Appendix E List of North Carolina Charter Schools, 2003-04 169 North Carolina Tests of Computer Skills, 2003-04 List of North Carolina Charter Schools, 2003-04 A Child's Garden School (K-5) Alpha Academy (6-9) American Renaissance Charter School (K-5) American Renaissance Middle School (6-8) Ann Atwater Community School (4-9) Arapahoe Charter School (K-8) Arts Based Elementary (K-4) ArtSpace Charter School (formerly named Cheshire) (K-7) Bethany Community Middle School (6-8) Bethel Hill Charter School (K-6) Brevard Academy (K-8) Bridges Charter School (K-8) Cape Fear Center for Inquiry (K-8) Cape Lookout Marine Science High School (9-12) Carter Community Charter School (K-9) Casa Esperanza Montessori (K-4) Charter Day School (K-5) Chatham Charter School (K-8) CIS Academy (6-8) Clover Garden (K-10) Community Partners Charter High School (9-12) Crossnore Academy (1-12) Crossroads Charter High (9-12) Dillard Academy (K-3) East Wake Academy (K-12) East Winston Primary School (K-6) Engelmann School of the Arts and Sciences (K-5) Evergreen Community Charter School (K-8) Exploris Middle School (6-8) Forsyth Academies (K-8) Francine Delany New School for Children (K-8) Gaston College Preparatory (GCP) (5-7) Grandfather Academy (K-12) Gray Stone Day School (9-11) Greensboro Academy (K-8) Guilford Charter School (formerly Guilford-SABIS) (K-8) Haliwa-Saponi Tribal (K-8) Healthy Start Academy Charter Elementary School (K-6) Highland Charter Public School (K-2) Hope Elementary School (K-5) Imani Institute Charter School (6-8) John H. Baker Jr. High School (9-12) Kennedy Charter School (6-12) Kestrel Heights School (6-10) Lake Norman Charter School (5-8) Lakeside School (6-12) Laurinburg Charter School (9-12) Lincoln Charter School (K-11) Magellan Charter School (4-8) Maureen Joy Charter School (K-6) Metrolina Regional Scholars' Academy (K-8) Millennium Charter Academy (K-5) Mountain Discovery Charter (K-6) New Century School (9-12) Omuteko Gwamaziima (K-8) Orange Charter School (K-8) Phoenix Academy (K-6) Piedmont Community School (K-8) PreEminent Charter School (K-8) Provisions Academy (6-12) Quality Education Academy (3-8) Queen's Grant Community Schools (K-5) Quest Academy (K-8) Raleigh Charter High School (9-12) Research Triangle Charter Academy (K-8) River Mill Academy (formerly River Mill Charter) (K-12) Rocky Mt. Prep. Sch. (formerly Rocky Mount Charter) (K-10) Rowan Academy (K-5) Sallie B. Howard School (K-8) Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School (STARS) (K-5) SPARC Academy (K-8) Sterling Montessori Academy (K-8) Success Institute (K-8) Sugar Creek Charter School (K-8) Summit Charter School (K-8) The Academy of Moore County (formerly MAST) (6-8) The Carter G. Woodson School of Challenge (K-12) The Central Park School for Children (K-2) The Children's Village Academy (K-6) The Community Charter School (K-5) The Downtown Middle School (5-8) The East Winston Primary School (K-6) The Franklin Academy (K-10) The Laurinburg Homework Center Charter School (8-12) The Learning Center (K-5) The Mountain Community School (K-8) The New Dimensions School (K-5) The Woods Charter School (K-12) Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy (6-12) Tiller School (K-6) Torchlight Acad. (formerly N.E. Raleigh Charter Acad.) (K-5) Union Academy (K-7) Vance Charter School (K-8) Washington Montessori-A Public Charter School (K-6) 171