Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 4, Numr 3, Fall 1991, 259-262 ON A COUNTEREXAMPLE OF GAROFALO LIN FOR A UNIQUE CONTINUATION OF SCHRDINGER EQUATION* WILL Y. LEE Departrnent of Mathematical Sciences Rutgers University-Camden, Camden, N. J. 08102 ABSTRACT Garofalo and Lin have given a counterexample for which unique continuation fails for the Schr0dinger equation u + c iX-i + U 0, > 0. Their counterexample consists of a Bessel function of the third with the restriction that v cannot be an integer. In this note we have removed the restriction. kind Kv(Ixl) Key Words: SchrOdinger Equation, Unique Continuation, Bessel Function of the Third Kind, Inverse Square Potential AMS Subject Classification" 35A07, 35L05. Consider the following Schr6dinger equation: (1) -Au + Vu = 0. Garofalo and Lin [ 1] have shown that V = c/l xl 2, the inverse square potential, is optimal for unique continuation of (1). Indeed they have given a counterexample for which unique continuation fails once the square inverse potential is replaced by c/I xl 2+e for any > 0 [1: pp. 265-266]. Their counterexample is given by u(x) = lxl -(n-2)/2 2,/- K(n-2)/ -e Ixl-e/21 Received: October 1990, Revised: January 1991 Printed in the U.S.A. (C) 1991 The Society of Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation 259 WILL Y. LEE 260 with the restriction that (n-2)/e cannot be an integer for any e > 0 In this note we show that this restriction is unnecessary. We use the same notations as in [1]. Theorem: For the following Schrrdinger equation, -zSu + (2) c u = 0 in B 1, Ixl2+e where B 1 is a unit ball in Rn, we have a radial solution given by ( 2ff u(x) = Ixl’(n’2)/2K(n-2)/ -3 Ixl (3) where K(n_2)/e -/21 is a Bessel function of the third kindfor any real number (n-2)/e and e>0. Proof. AxU Since n-1 = Urr + r Ur +-1 A0u, cr-e r2 u"(r) + (n-l) r u’(r) (4) a radial solution of (2) must satisfy r’-, u(r) = 0, 0 < r < 1. It is known that Iv(z) and I_v (z), Bessel functions of imaginary argument, satisfy the differential equation [ 3" p. 77] d2 u z2----+ dz2 (5) du (z2 + v2) u = 0. Notice from (4) and (5) that Iv (z) and I_v (z) (when v is an integer, see equation (9) for the definition) cannot be a solution of (4) because of the coefficient n-1 of u’ (r) in (4). Thus we look for a solution of a form zeq._+v ([3zY), where c, 3, and 7 are constants to be determined. An easy computation reveals that za I+v ([3zY)) satisfies" (6) z2 d2 z t z 2 (z I_+v(ZY)) + (1- 2) d (’y2ZzZY + (zaI_+v(ZY)) 2V2- Ot2) (ZtI+v(zY)) = O. On a Counterexample 261 of Garofalo-Lin Comparison of (6) with (4) shows that c = -(n- 2)/2, [5 =- 2,f’/e, 7 =-e/2, and v = (n-2)/e. (7) Define the third kind of Bessel function Kv(z) according to Watson [ 3: p. 78] by ,.v(Z!. -Iv (z),., (8) Kv(z) = 2 (9) Kv(z), Kn(z) = lim V----)n sin v rc v # integer v = integer. Then Kv(z) is defined for all real values of v. Conjunction of equations (4)-(9) yields the solution (3) to Schrtdinger equation (2). This completes the proof. Remark. Since Kv(r)~ r-1/2 e-r for all v as [ 3: p.202], Kv(r) vanishes of infinite order as r oo. Consequently unique continuation of Schrtdinger equation (2) fails for any e > 0, which implies that V = c/I xi 2, the inverse square potential, is optimal for unique continuation of solutions of Schrtdinger equation (1). r---) oo References Garofalo, N. and Lin, F.H., Mo..not0n0city of..Variational.....!ntegral [21 AI2 W.ei.ghts and Unique Continuation, Indiana Univ. Math. Jour., Vol. 35, No. 2 (1986), 245-268. Garofalo, N. and Lin, F.H., Uniqu Continuation for Elliptic Qperators: A Geometricr.Variationa! Approach, Comm. Pure & Appl. Math., Vol. XL (1987) 347-366. [3] Watson, G.N., A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, Cambridge Univ. Press (1966).