PHys ].ooB HU * A. Prolrlem * a Kurl Tho*pson rlarf ,) ^) €*t"* rs 6(*\?=O up "r', .,- -, { *'o 'lp /(-e? L_ \, = b #; b tr= il. Lfr, L f #t ". id, .iad, "?6r r eb o" { i gizt**atfl6. * \t 6, eis' ei*r.! T"= ( ?.0:'* \0," * if lJ') t + (?.d,' +'r6,'r'tfL:\:y r"= ti'P;* \/i' r \ €$r'tt -Li(,O;f * tof)" * t'(6i)^ * fr4'0,' +abiil" rcd,'oilt S,^.b.tit^le \.b *\re 4i46*sltial eguc,ticrn, o^d o[rviJe \,,J ] ; g.r?-,+ +Q=O to |hei. por^rer o$ €-', t;"d,'k* (',fr", * (ri)* -rd; dr'le cr.((or6r.q (o - (d:)-\ * (i6J' - iils gedera\--*va,'irh (u\ \ 6l' (l) - \d',' - I |) - to'rlt - zt(ol)" - ft(d'')* 'xr.6nt6,t - te'd,'dr'* rc' 6,'aL iedj' + \ex6 ", * \{fi{ G*tli^.c terms 6,t=o res.r\t i\ in +\e {tll--it.+--tou4L.( enueii eq,uo*ionr.- =o (o',)t - ),do'6,t = o l^6J d,' , --t I 0 F1o*ti dl i\ tt) \f, tt e eikora"i e6u.*roo &" S. "( 4 So\ve t,1 Lei6nit i"tetro\ xoe lR ls*-os&r j" ..'\vo (e\ r-e nee,L-rlit -Ql: [aP'l l ta-fl - = Solr" e 16.r** io ,r t *) : \6n" _ I oo'd,, = o o'oi + lql d,' -- o .\ IJQLQ,,= f, i q'q'a t! il,' Qta T\.a Y *^ ^l aggoxic""*ion e = L -Y ea' , L T 6u ,'rx LA, f 1",4t )ot+) -! t^1ot- +-*-**"f e I\!.r".*eOco:j11q,{_i66 ''-Tl- *-'" -- -- - * i:_ J cll*\ not { ck)-}O- }ler *,bs -,1_#_ Q _(il -aol lO _Lhea .*hs -l lq\C.\ + fi' t or\ :a ., d! u-t{,'* -f ,,-rlc. *,$. A /, , Ae (- is 3,ver {,J -ij;a*G-14 -it^tot + 16, -"-*"- *- | ?r /X -a{ j +- e;e-_ u. i *, dtlqq+1 c,rc. € C vo\-r"L*--Sr- (l.(d = O=---(-ful$-fe!e) *s"pl'.{ -rr :: 3:,r-rs zn *ffgrtkd-b -&[!ttea- t \qs--- omg&.J:rLkrt-- -go---as* ex4nmila\s '-'Y{-s$er' - '-- bl., 5 -Js -st.uJ,ior possi -gEn -.... lh-err{uce -r - d e, a rliv+jer+ 5gier , in,e- rh.- serier .X en-'finLr\ is i,\ $envir\ \i^e- <eries nQe,!{ ,hr L€ tcrntc,,+ce$ ?.f*,1 lb poJua o. .{1*t Afi)r"xirr^e{ ion S, Y, T,- qo,aera'^\ cor-Jlt\on= nee.l +. f,e rtret i'r otJer 4r *. -6 t*J (')c-"yp"txi^r*ioo'- (( tn-'ln(r\ L^ 6n*,t") t-nilnl (*) << 1 6.s r -]o Ita- -ii.s| 6enstiti on L&icrr+e r t*Loct e acl. {<,rr" i,\ +L.{- srj ie s rnr.r,sf be .,.uql., snncr\\er *ho,r {Le tfcviou{ t.orm. 1\r sccrJ cor.c}rt\on s'la&s {do.t t\r ter* cr4{er \-l'e" \c*ncc.*oC €u* *ruE\ \e- mueh \ nnct|lc. *han 1*For this grublan \ \.e Cor.chtio,rs betonne a^,[ (r) : 3.) Question: Consider an acoustic wave propagating in a 3D medium with index of refraction n = n(x, y, z) a.) For a short wavelength, constant frequency excitation, so that the ray theory is applicable, discuss under what circumstances you will be able to solve the ray equations. We begin with the wave equation: 1 ∂2ψ ∂2ψ + 2 2 =0 2 ∂x c ∂t (1) If we assume an oscillatory solution to Eq (1), and using the relation n = c0 /c, then we can write: ∂ 2 ψ ω2 + 2ψ=0 ∂x2 c ∂ 2 ψ ω2 2 + 2 n (x, y, z)ψ = 0 ∂x2 c0 (2) Now, the problem states that the light we are concerned with has a short wavelength. Thus the wave can be treated as a ray and we can approximate ψ(x) as: " ∞ # i X m ψ(x) = A(x) exp φm (x) m=0 i (3) ψ(x) ≈ A(x) exp φ0 (x) We now plug Eq (3) into the wave equation, Eq (2). I suppress the arguments of the functions for simplicity: (∇φ0 )2 i 2 2i ω2 2 2 − A + ∇ φ A + (∇φ · ∇A) + ∇ A + n A=0 (4) 0 0 2 c20 We now take the limit→∞ . If we also assume that A(x) is slowly varying (so that ∇2 A ≈ 0) the dominate term in Eq (4) becomes: −(∇φ0 )2 A = − (∇φ0 )2 = 1 ω2 2 n A c20 ω2 2 n c20 (5) Which is just the Eikonal equation as expected. Expanding the previous equation out: 2 2 2 ∂ψ0 ∂ψ0 ∂ψ0 ω2 (6) + + = 2 n2 (x, y, z) ∂x ∂y ∂z c0 Thus, we will only be able to solve the ray equations if: φ0 (x) = φx (x) + φy (y) + φz (z) We furthermore need n2 (x, y, z) to respect this structure as well, or n2 (x, y, z) = a(x) + b(y) + c(z) b.) Question: In the case of a.), calculate the Eikonal phase φ(x) Assuming the condition of part a.) are true: 2 2 ∂φy ∂φz ω2 + + = 2 [a(x) + b(y) + c(z)] ∂y ∂z c0 ) ( ) ( ) ( 2 2 2 ω2 ∂φy ω2 ∂φz ω2 ∂φx − 2 a(x) + − 2 b(y) + − 2 c(z) = 0 ∂x c0 ∂y c0 ∂z c0 ∂φx ∂x 2 For the above to be true at all points in space, each of the bracketed terms must be equal to some constant. Let’s define: ( ) 2 ∂φx ω2 − 2 a(x) = f1 ∂x c0 ( ) 2 ∂φy ω2 − 2 b(y) = f2 ∂y c0 ) ( 2 ∂φz ω2 − 2 c(z) = f3 ∂z c0 Where fi is a constant for i = 1, 2, 3. We can thus write: s ∂φx ω2 = ± f1 + 2 a(x) ∂x c0 s ∂φy ω2 = ± f2 + 2 b(y) ∂y c0 s ∂φz ω2 = ± −(f1 + f2 ) + 2 c(z) ∂z c0 2 We can now integrate these equations to arrive at the final form for the Eikonal phase, φ(x): Z φ(x) = ± s dx ω2 f1 + 2 a(x) ± c0 s Z dy 3 ω2 f2 + 2 b(y)dy ± c0 s Z dz −(f1 + f2 ) + ω2 c(z) c20