Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 15:1 (2002), 29-37. ON THE PROBABILISTIC DOMAIN INVARIANCE ISMAT BEG Lahore University of Management Sciences Department of Mathematics 54792-Lahore, Pakistan SORIN GAL University of Oradea Department of Mathematics 3700-Oradea, Romania (Received October, 1999; Revised August, 2001) Probabilistic version of the invariance of domain for contractive field and Schauder invertibility theorem are proved. As an application, the stability of probabilistic open embedding is established. Key words: Probabilistic Banach Space, Domain Invariance, Linear Operator, Invertibility, Open Mapping, Contraction Mapping, Fixed Point. AMS subject classifications: 47S50, 46S40, 47A99. 1. Introduction Menger [7] was the first who introduced the notion of probabilistic metric space which is a generalization of the metric space. The study of this space was expanded rapidly with the pioneering work of Scherwood [9], Schweizer and Sklar [10] and many others. Recently Sehgal and Bharucha-Reid [8], Hadzic [5], Cho [3] and Beg, Rehman and Shahzad [1] have studied fixed point theorems for probabilistic metric spaces. This paper deals with the problem of showing that certain mappings on probabilistic normed spaces are homeomorphisms and gives the sufficient conditions under which addition of open mappings results in open mapping. We also study domain invariance and its applications in probabilistic normed spaces. 2. Preliminaries Let W be the set of all left continuous functions defined on e such that for all 0 − W, 0 ÐBÑ œ ", for all B Ÿ !; 0 Ð∞Ñ œ !; Ð"Ñ Ð#Ñ and 0 is a nonincreasing function. On W, we consider the natural ordering, that is, 0 Ÿ 1 Ð0 ß 1 − WÑ if and only if 0 ÐBÑ Ÿ 1ÐBÑ for all B − e and 0 1 if 0 Ÿ 1 and there exists an B! Printed in the U.S.A. ©2002 by North Atlantic Science Publishing Company 29 30 ISMAT BEG and SORIN GAL such that 0 ÐB! Ñ 1ÐB! Ñ. We denote by M the function in W with the property that MÐBÑ œ ! for B !. Let X be a subset of W containing M . A triangular function . on X with values in X is any associative and commutative composition law having the following properties: for +ß +" ß +# ß , in X , .Ð+ß MÑ œ +; Ð$Ñ .Ð+" ß +Ñ Ÿ .Ð+# ß +Ñ whenever +" Ÿ +# ; Ð%Ñ .Ð+ß ,Ñ Ÿ ." Ð+ß ,Ñ, Ð&Ñ where ." Ð+ß ,ÑÐBÑ œ inf minÖ+Ð>BÑ ,ÒÐ" >ÑBÓß "× Öhere the infimum is taken over all > > − Ò!ß "Ó×. Note that among a number of possible universal choices for ., .Ð+ß ,Ñ œ maxÐ+ß ,Ñ is the strongest possible universal .. A linear space P over e (real field) is called a probabilistic normed space if there exists a mapping ² † à † ² À P Ä X such that the following properties hold: ² 9à † ² œ M if and only if 9 œ !à Ð'Ñ ² +9à B ² œ ² 9à ± + ± " B ² for any B − e and + − e, + Á !à Ð(Ñ ² 9 <à B ² Ÿ .Ð ² 9à B ² ß ² <à B ² ÑÞ Ð)Ñ The mapping 9 Ä ² 9à † ² is called a probabilistic norm or a random norm on P. A sequence Ð98 Ñ of points in a probabilistic normed space P is said convergent to a point 9 if for any ! % Ÿ ", ! $ ∞ there exists a positive integer R%ß$ such that ² 98 9à $ ² % for all 8 R%ß$ . The sequence Ð98 Ñ is said Cauchy sequence if for any ! % Ÿ ", ! B ∞, there exists a positive integer R%ßB such that ² 98: 98 à B ² %, for all 8 R%ßB ß : − . A complete probabilistic normed space is called probabilistic Banach space. Denote Y%ß$ Ð9Ñ œ Ö< − Pà ² 9 <à $ ² %×, where ! % Ÿ " and ! Ÿ $ ∞. Whenever there is no confusion, we write Y Ð9Ñ for Y%ß$ Ð9Ñ. Let 0 be a mapping from a probabilistic normed space P" into a probabilistic normed space P# , then 0 is said to be continuous at 9! − P" if 9 − Y Ð9! Ñ implies 0 Ð9Ñ − Y Ð0 Ð9! ÑÑ. Let 0 be a linear operator from a probabilistic normed space P" into a probabilistic normed space P# , then 0 is called bounded if there exists some 7 ! such that ² 0 Ð9Ñà † ² Ÿ ² 79à † ² for all 9 − P" , and the probabilistic norm of 0 is defined as ² 0 à B ² œ inf ² ² 9à B ² 0 Ð9Ñà B ² . If 0 is a bounded linear ! Á 9 − P" operator from a probabilistic normed space P" into a probabilistic normed space P# , then ² 0 Ð9Ñà B ² Ÿ ² ² 0 à B ² 9à B ² Þ Let P" and P# be two probabilistic normed spaces and J À P" Ä P# be a mapping satisfying ² J Ð9Ñ J Ð<Ñà † ² Ÿ ² αÐ9 <Ñà † ² then the constant α, is called Lipschitzian. The smallest such α is called Lipschitz constant of J and denote it by _ÐJ Ñ. If _ÐJ Ñ " then the map J is called contraction. If _ÐJ Ñ œ " then the map J is said to be nonexpansive. Let LÐBÑ denote the distribution function defined as follows: LÐBÑ œ œ ! " BŸ! B !. On the Probabilistic Domain Invariance 31 A probabilistic metric space (abbreviated as PM-space) is an ordered pair ÐWß IÑ where W is a nonempty set and I is a function defined on W ‚ W into the set J À e Ä Ò!ß "Óà J nondecreasing and Y œœ , left continuous on eß J Ð ∞Ñ œ !ß J Ð ∞Ñ œ " such that if :ß ; are points of W , then I:; Ð!Ñ œ ! (I:; denotes IÐT ß ;ÑÑà Ð*Ñ I:; ÐBÑ œ LÐBÑ for all B − e if and only if : œ ;à Ð"!Ñ I:; œ I;: à Ð""Ñ if I:; ÐBÑ œ " and I;< ÐCÑ œ ", then I:< ÐB CÑ œ "Þ Ð"#Ñ A mapping OÀ Ò!ß "Ó ‚ Ò!ß "Ó Ä Ò!ß "Ó is called T-norm if it satisfies: OÐBß "Ñ œ Bß OÐ!ß !Ñ œ !à Ð"$Ñ OÐBß CÑ OÐ?ß @Ñ for B ?ß C @à Ð"%Ñ OÐBß CÑ œ OÐCß BÑà Ð"&Ñ OÐOÐBß CÑß ?Ñ œ OÐBß OÐCß ?ÑÑà Ð"'Ñ for all Bß Cß ?ß @ in Ò!ß "Ó. A Menger PM-space is a triplet ÐWß Iß OÑ where ÐWß IÑ is a PM-space and the T-norm O is such that the inequality I:; ÐB ;Ñ OÐI:< ÐBÑß I<; ÐCÑÑà Ð"#‡ Ñ holds for all :ß ;ß < in W and all B !, C !Þ A sequence Ð98 Ñ in the PM-space ÐWß Iß OÑ is said Cauchy sequence if lim I98: 98 ÐBÑ œ ", for any B ! and : − . 8Ä∞ A mapping J À ÐWß Iß OÑ Ä ÐWß Iß OÑ is called a contraction if there exists α − Ð!ß "Ñ such that IJ Ð:ÑJ Ð;Ñ ÐαBÑ I:; ÐBÑß for any B ! and :ß ; − W . Lemma 2.1: [4, Theorem 3.4.12]. Let J be a linear operator from a probabilistic normed space P" into a probabilistic normed space P# . If J is bounded then J is continuous. Theorem 2.2: [6, Theorem 11.2.2]. Every contraction mapping on a PM-space has at most one fixed point. Theorem 2.3: [6, Theorem 11.2.4]. Let ÐWß Iß OÑ be a complete Menger PM-space and let J be a contraction mapping on W . Then J has a unique fixed point where OÐBß CÑ œ 738ÐBß CÑ. Remark 2.4: Let ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ be a probabilistic Banach space with .Ð+ß ,Ñ œ maxÖ+ß ,×. If Ð98 Ñ is a Cauchy sequence in ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ and J is a contraction on ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ, then ÐPß Iß OÑ, with OÐBß CÑ œ minÖBß C× and I:; ÐBÑ œ " ² : ;à B ² , becomes a complete Menger PM-space (i.e., Ð98 Ñ becomes a Cauchy sequence in 32 ISMAT BEG and SORIN GAL ÐPß Iß OÑ and the convergence of a sequence in ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ is equivalent to the convergence in ÐPß Iß OÑÑ and J becomes a contraction on ÐPß Iß OÑÑ. For more details, we refer to Serstnev [12], Istratescu [6], Schweizer and Sklar [11] and Chang et al [2]. We will prove the following fixed point theorem in probabilistic Banach spaces for subsequent use in the next sections. Theorem 2.5: Let Xœœ 0 − Wà 0 is nonconvex on Ò!ß ∞Ñ i.e. +0 ÐBÑ Ð" +Ñ0 ÐCÑ Ÿ 0 Ð+B Ð" +ÑCÑß a+ − Ò!ß "Óß aBß C ! and .À X ‚ X Ä X be a triangular function. Also, let ÐP ² † à † ² ß .Ñ be a probabilistic Banach space Ðwhere ² Pß † ² § X Ñ. If J À ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ Ä ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ is a contraction mapping, then J has a unique fixed point. Proof: Let 9! − P be fixed and consider the iterations 98" œ J Ð98 Ñ, 8 − . For any B ! we have ² 98" 98 à B ² œ ² J Ð98 Ñ J Ð98" Ñà B ² Ÿ ² αÐ98 98" Ñà B ² Ÿ á Ÿ ² α8 Ð9" 9! Ñà B ² œ ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² Þ Then ² 98# 98 à B ² Ÿ .Ð ² 98# 98" à B ² ß ² 98" 98 à B ² Ñ B Ÿ .Ð ² 9" 9! à α8" ² ß ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² Ñ Ÿ .Ð ² 9" 9! αB8 ² ß ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² Ñ Ÿ ." Ð ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² ß ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² Ñ œ inf šminš ² 9" 9! à α>B8 ² ² 9" 9! à Ð">ÑB ² ß "›› α8 > − Ò!ß "Ó (because ² 9" 9! à † ² is nonconvex) Ÿ inf ˜min˜ ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² ß "™™ œ ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² Þ > − Ò!ß "Ó By induction, it easily follows that in general, ² 98: 98 à B ² Ÿ ² 9" 9! à αB8 ² ß a8 − ß : − Þ Passing to limit with 8 Ä ∞, we obtain that Ð98 Ñ is a Cauchy sequence. Because ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ is a probabilistic Banach space, therefore there exists 9‡ − P, such that aB !, lim ² 98 9‡ à B ² œ !. Because 8Ä∞ ² 9‡ J Ð9‡ Ñà B ² Ÿ .Ð ² 9‡ 98" à B ² ß ² 98" J Ð9‡ Ñà B ² Ñ œ .Ð ² 9‡ 98" à B ² ß ² J Ð98 Ñ J Ð9‡ Ñà B ² Ñ Ÿ .Ð ² 9‡ 98" à B ² ß ² αÐ98 9‡ Ñà B ² Ñ On the Probabilistic Domain Invariance 33 Ÿ .Ð ² 9‡ 98" à B ² ß ² 98 9‡ à B ² ÑÞ Let B ! be fixed and ! % "# . Then there exists RBß% ! such that for all 8 RBß% , we have ² 9‡ 98" à B ² % and ² 98 9‡ à B ² %. It follows that ² 9‡ J Ð9‡ Ñà B ² Ÿ .Ð%ß %Ñ Ÿ ." Ð%ß %Ñ #%ß and % is arbitrary (sufficiently small), we obtain ² 9‡ J Ð9‡ Ñà B ² œ !, aB !, i.e., 9‡ œ J Ð9‡ Ñ. In order to prove the uniqueness, let us suppose that there exist two fixed points 9 Á < − P, for J . We get ² 9 <à B ² œ ² J Ð9Ñ J Ð<Ñà B ² Ÿ ² 9 <à αB ² Ÿ ² 9 <à B ² ß which implies ² 9 <à B ² œ ² 9 <à αB ² , aB !, and taking into account that ² 9 <à ∞ ² œ !, we obtain ² 9 <à B ² œ !, aB !, i.e., 9 < œ !, which proves the theorem. Remark 2.6: For reasons of simplicity, throughout the rest of the paper, a probabilistic Banach space ÐPß ² † à † ² ß .Ñ with .Ð+ß ,Ñ œ maxÐ+ß ,Ñ or satisfying the hypothesis in the statement of Theorem 2.5, will be called of W-type. 3. Invariance of Domain for Contractive Fields Lemma 3.1: Let P be a probabilistic Banach space of S-type and FÒ9! ß MÐB <ÑÓ œ Ö9à ² 9 9! à B ² MÐB <Ñ×. Let J À F Ä P be a contraction with _ÐJ Ñ œ α ". If ² J Ð9! Ñ 9! à B ² MÐB Ð" αÑ<Ñ, then J has a fixed point. Proof: Choose % < so that ² J Ð9! Ñ 9! à B ² Ÿ MÐB Ð" αÑ%Ñ MÐB Ð" αÑ<ÑÞ The mapping J maps the closed ball H œ Ö9à ² 9 9! à B ² Ÿ MÐB %Ñ× into itself. Indeed, if 9 − H , then ² J Ð9 Ñ 9! à B ² œ ² J Ð 9 Ñ J Ð 9! Ñ J Ð 9 ! Ñ 9 ! à B ² Ÿ .Ð ² J Ð9Ñ J Ð9! Ñà B ² ß ² J Ð9! Ñ 9! à B ² Ñ Ÿ .Ð ² 9 9! à αB ² ß MÐB Ð" αÑ%Ñ Ÿ .ÐMÐ αB %Ñß MÐB Ð" αÑ%Ñ œ .ÐMÐB α%Ñß MÐB Ð" αÑ%Ñ œ MÐB %w Ñ where α% œ %w <, α% α< < and ! % ". Thus if 9 − H then J Ð9Ñ − H . Because P is complete, it is sufficient to prove that H is closed. In this sense, let Ð98 Ñ be a sequence of points in H , convergent to a point 9‡ − P. We obtain 34 ISMAT BEG and SORIN GAL ² 9 ‡ 9 ! à B ² Ÿ .Ð ² 9 ‡ 9 8 à B ² ß ² 9 8 9 ! à B ² Ñ Ÿ ." Ð ² 9 ‡ 98 à B ² ß ² 98 9! à B ² Ñ œ inf ÖminÖ ² 9‡ 98 à >B ² ² 98 9! à Ð" >ÑB ² ß "××Þ > − Ò!ß "Ó We have two cases: a) B − Ð ∞ß %Óà , ÑB − Ð%ß ∞Ñ Case a) obviously MÐB %Ñ œ " and therefore ² 9‡ 9! à B ² Ÿ " œ MÐB %ÑÞ b) For each > − Ò!ß "Ó, fixed, and each ! ( ", there exists R>ß( − , such that for 8 R>ß( we get ² 9‡ 98 à >B ² (. It follows ² 9‡ 9! à B ² Ÿ inf ÖminÖ( MÐÐ" >ÑB %Ñß "×× (ß > − Ò!ß "Ó because for > " we get % B we have MÐÐ" >ÑB %Ñ œ !. Since ( is arbitrary (independent of BÑ, ² 9‡ 9! à B ² œ ! œ MÐB %Ñ for B %. As a conclusion, 9‡ − H . Since H is complete, we get that J has a fixed point by Theorem 2.3 and by Theorem 2.5. Definition 3.2: Let Q be a subset of a probabilistic Banach space P. Given a map J À Q Ä P, the map 0 À Q Ä P defined by 0 Ð9Ñ œ 9 J Ð9Ñ is called the field associative with J . The field 0 determined by a contraction J is called a contractive field. Theorem 3.3: Let P be a probabilistic Banach space of S-type, Y § P open, and J À Y Ä P be a contraction. Let 0 À Y Ä P be the field associative with J . Then, Ð3Ñ the field 0 is an open mapping; in particular, 0 ÐY Ñ is open in P, and Ð33Ñ the mapping 0 À Y Ä 0 ÐY Ñ is a homeomorphism. Proof: (3Ñ To show that 0 is an open mapping, it is enough to show that for any 9 − Y , if FÒ9ß <Ó § Y , then FÒ0 Ð9Ñß Ð" αÑ<Ó § 0 ÐFÒ9ß <ÓÑ. For this purpose, choose any <! − FÒ0 Ð9Ñß Ð" αÑ<Ó and define KÀ FÒ9ß <Ó Ä P by KÐ<Ñ œ <! J Ð<Ñ. Then K is a contraction and ² KÐ9Ñ 9à B ² œ ² <! J Ð9Ñ 9à B ² œ ² <! 0 Ð9Ñà B ² MÐB Ð" αÑ<ÑÞ By Lemma 3.1 there exists 9! − FÒ9ß <Ó with 9! œ <! J Ð9! Ñ, therefore 0 Ð9! Ñ œ <! œ 9! J Ð9! Ñ. Thus FÒ0 Ð9Ñß Ð" αÑ<Ó § 0 ÐFÒ9ß <ÓÑ. So 0 is an open mapping and, in particular, 0 ÐY Ñ is open in P. Ð33Ñ If 9ß < − Y , then ² 0 Ð9Ñ 0 Ð<Ñà B ² œ ² Ð9 <Ñ ÐJ Ð9Ñ J Ð<ÑÑà B ² ² Ð" αÑÐ9 <Ñà B ² Þ On the Probabilistic Domain Invariance 35 So that 0 is injective. Since 0 À Y Ä 0 ÐY Ñ is a continuous open bijection, it is a homeomorphism. Corollary 3.4: Let P be a probabilistic Banach space of S-type and J À P Ä P be a contraction. Then the corresponding field 0 œ M. J is a homeomorphism. Proof: Let <! − P, define KÀ P Ä P by KÐ9Ñ œ <! J Ð9Ñ. Then K is a contraction, so K has a fixed point 9! œ <! J Ð9! Ñ, therefore 0 Ð9! Ñ œ <! . Thus 0 ÐPÑ œ P. 4. Domain Invariance and Invertibility of Linear Operators Proposition 4.1: Let J be a linear operator on a probabilistic Banach space P of W -type. If ² M. J à " ² œ !, then J is invertible. Proof: The map M. J À P Ä P is a contraction. Indeed, ² ÐM. J ÑÐ9 <Ñà B ² Ÿ ² ² ÐM. J Ñà B ² Ð9 <Ñà B ² œ ² αÐ9 <Ñà B ² ß α − Ð!ß "ÑÞ Corollary 3.4 further implies that M. ÐM. J Ñ œ J is a homeomorphism. Thus J is invertible. Lemma 4.2: Let P" and P# be two probabilistic normed spaces and J À P# Ä P" and KÀ P" Ä P# be two bounded linear operators. Then ² J Kà B ² Ÿ ² J ² Kà B ² à B ² Þ Proof: We have ² J Kà B ² œ inf ² ² 9à B ² ÐJ KÑÐ9Ñà B ² ! Á 9 − P" œ inf ² J Ð ² 9à B ² KÐ9ÑÑà B ² Ÿ ² J ² Kà B ² à B ² Þ ! Á 9 − P" Remark 4.3: Let P" and P# be two probabilistic Banach spaces and WÀ P" Ä P# be a linear operator. If there is some 7 ! such that ² WÐ9Ñà B ² ² 79à B ² for 9 − P" , then W is injective; if such an W is also surjective, then it is invertible because < ² W " Ð<Ñà B ² Ÿ ² 7 à B ² for < − P# . Therefore W " is continuous by Lemma 2.1. Theorem 4.4: [Schauder Invertibility Theorem] Let P" and P# be two probabilistic Banach spaces of S-type and Wß X À P" Ä P# be two linear operators, with W invertible. Assume that there is an 7 ! such that, for each ! Ÿ > Ÿ ", the operator I> œ Ð" >ÑW >X satisfies ² I> Ð9Ñà B ² ² 79à B ² for all 9 − P" . Then I> is invertible for all ! Ÿ > Ÿ ", and in particular, X is invertible. Proof: If an operator I= is invertible, then for each > in the open interval 7 N= œ Ö>À ± > = ± ²X WàB² ×, the operator I> is invertible or equivalently, " I= I> À P" Ä P" is invertible for each > − N= . For this purpose, note that I> œ W =ÐX WÑ Ð> =ÑÐX WÑ œ I= Ð> =ÑÐX WÑÞ So that, I=" I> œ M Ð> =ÑI=" ÐX WÑÞ Because 36 ISMAT BEG and SORIN GAL ² I= 9à B ² ² 79à B ² ß so for > − N= , we have ² Ð> =ÑI=" ÐX WÑà B ² œ ² I=" ÐX WÑà B Ð>=Ñ ² B Ÿ ² I=" ² X Wà B ² à Ð>=Ñ ² 7 Ÿ ² I=" ²X WàB² ² X Wà B ² à B ² Ÿ MÐB "ÑÞ Therefore ² M. I=" I> à B ² Ÿ MÐB "ÑÞ Proposition 4.1 further implies that I=" I> is invertible. Thus I> is invertible. Now assume that Y œ Ö> − Ò!ß "ÓÀ I> is invertible×, then Y is an open set. If >  Y , then the operator I= with = − N> is not invertible. So that Ò!ß "Ó Y is also an open set. Because Ò!ß "Ó is connected and Y is nonempty, we get Y œ Ò!ß "Ó and the proof is complete. 5. Stability of Open Embeddings Theorem 5.1: Let P be a probabilistic normed space, Q be a probabilistic Banach space of S-type and J À P Ä Q be an open embedding of P onto an open subset Y § Q . Let KÀ P Ä Q be a map such that K ‰ J " À Y Ä P is a contraction. Then 9 Ä J Ð9Ñ KÐ9Ñ is also an open embedding of P into Q . Proof: Consider 2 œ ÐJ KÑ ‰ J " œ M. KJ " À Y Ä Q . By the domain invariance, this 2 maps Y homeomorphically onto an open 2ÐY Ñ § Q . Since J K œ 2 ‰ J œ ÐJ KÑ ‰ J " ‰ J , it follows that 2 ‰ J is an open embedding of P into Q. Theorem 5.2: Let P be a probabilistic metric space, Q be a probabilistic Banach space of S-type and J À P Ä Q be an open embedding such that J " is Lipschitzian. Let KÀ P Ä Q be a Lipschitzian map such that _ÐKÑ_ÐJ " Ñ ". Then 9 Ä J Ð9Ñ KÐ9Ñ is also an open embedding of P into Q . Proof: Since _ÐK ‰ J " Ñ Ÿ _ÐKÑ_ÐJ " Ñ ", we get that K ‰ J " is a contraction. By Theorem 5.1, J K is also an open embedding of P into Q . 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