Journal of Applied Mathematics (1997), 191-196. and Stochastic Analysis, 10:2 NEW GENERALIZATIONS OF THE POISSON KERNEL University HIROSHI HARUKI of Waterloo, Department of Pure Mathematics Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS of La Verne, Department of Mathematics P.O. Box 51105, Kifissia, Athens 14510, Greece University (Received December, 1995; Revised April, 1996) The purpose of this paper is to give new generalizations of the Poisson Kernel in two dimensions and discuss integral formulas for them. This paper concludes with an open problem. Key words: Poisson Kernel, Integral Formula, Functional Equation, Residue Theorem. AMS subject classifications: 31A05, 31A10, 39B10. 1. Introduction The Poisson Kernel in two dimensions is defined by 1 r2 1 2r cos0 + r 2 Then, as is well-known, the integral formula 1 P(O, r)de__f (1 reiO)(1 r2 re ie)" (1) 2r 1 2 / P(O,r)dO- (2) 1 0 holds. Here r is a real parameter satisfying rl < 1. In [3] which is a motive of our present paper, a proof of functional equation F(r ) (2) is given by using the F(), where 2 F(r) defl=--/ P(O;r)dO 0 in Irl < 1. In this paper we shall treat generalizations of Printed in the U.S.A. ()1997 by North (1) and (2): Atlantic Science Publishing Company 191 HIROSHI HAIUKI and THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS 192 First, if we set Q(O;a,b)de_f 1 -ab be -io)’ where a,b are complex parameters satisfying a < 1 and bl < 1. By taking a-r and b-r in (3) we find that (3) is a generalization of Section 2 we shall prove the integral formula for Q(O; a, b) (1 aeiO)(1 (3) (1). In 27t" Q(0; a, b)de 2-- (4) 1, 0 where a,b are complex parameters satisfying a < 1 and bl < 1. By taking a r and b r in (4) we find that (4)is a generalization of (2). The method of proof of (4) in this paper is similar to the pooe given for (2) in [3], i.e., the method is by applying a functional equation. Second, if we set R(0; a, b, c, d) L(a, b, c, d) (1 aeie)(1 be -i0)(1 where a,b,c,d are complex parameters satisfying Idl < 1 and cei)(1 a < 1, (5) de bl < 1, < 1 and c ab)(1 ad)(1 bc)(1 cd) L(a,b,c, d) d=ef(1 1 -abcd By taking c 0 and d 0 in (5) we find that (5)is a generalization of (3). In Section 3 we shall prove the integral formula for R(O; a, b, c, d) (6) 2r 1 27r / R(0; a b, c, d)dO (7) 1, 0 where a,b,c,d are complex parameters satisfying a < 1, b] < 1, c < 1 and dl < 1. The method of proof of (7) is the calculus of residues (cf. [1, pp. 147-151]). Remark 1: The purpose of this paper is to prove (4) and (7). 2. Proof of the Integral Formula (4) Theorem 1: 2rr 1/ 2:r Q(O; a ,b)dO 1, 0 where a, b are complex parameters satisfying Proof: If we set J 0 1 and bl <1. 2r 2- G(a,b)de=f2 a] < Q(O;a,b)dO 2J 0 1-ab (1-aei)(l-be -O) then G(a,b) is a continuous function of a,b when clear that G(0, 0) 1. a < 1 and .dO (by (3)), bl < 1. Also, it is (9) New Generalizations of the Poisson Kernel By (8) let 193 us write 27r " 2 / (1-aei)(1-beiO) dO+2J G(a,b) 1-ab r 0 1-ab (1- aei)(1 be i) dO In for all complex a,b satisfying < 1 and bl < 1. the substitution 0- + r in the second integral and using the formulas e in’- e- *" 1, one obtains 0 ab 1 2--- (1 aeiO)(1 0 io) + (1 + aeiO)(1 + be io) be for all complex values of a,b satisfying From the identity < 1 and b] < a (1 + aeiO)(1 + be io) + (1 aei)(1 we (1 0 dO 1. io) 2(1 + ab), be get 2 G(a,b) 0 2(1 a2b 2) dO. (1 -a2e2i)(1 -b2e 2io) 1/2 in the above integral yields Making the substitution 0 2- 2- G(a,b) 2 1 0 a2b 2 a2ei)(1-b2e -i) de (1 for all complex numbers a,b satisfying In view of (8), (10) we obtain a 2 0 < 1 and b < for all complex numbers a,b satisfying a < 1 and By repeated applications of (11) we have for all complex values of a, b satisfying rt b2n)(n a for all a,b satisfying a (11) b] < 1. 1, 2, 3,...) < 1 and bl < Letting n+ + oo in the above inequality, using follow from the hypothesis that G(a, b) at (0, 1) yields d0(10) 1. G(a 2, b 2) G(a, b) G(a, b) + G(a 2 (1- a 2 eiO)(1-b2e iO) a] < 1 and b] < a(a,b) G(0, 0) < 1 and ]b < 1. By (9), (12)we obtain G(a,b)-i 1. lira a 2n lira b 2n 0 which 1 and applying the continuity of (12) HIROSHI HARUKI and THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS 194 for all complex numbers a, b satisfying Ibl < 1. Hence, and (4). by (8) we get Q.E.D. Remark: Another proof of Theorem 1 is given as Corollary 1 to Theorem 2. (7) 3. Proof of the Integral Formula Theorem 2: 2rl / R(O; a, b, c, d)dO 1, 0 where a,b,c,d are complex parameters satisfying bl < 1, [a < 1, and Proof: We have 27r if (1 if" 2rr dO be -i)(1 aeiO)(1 0 cei)(1 de -io) (13) 27I" 1 2i 0 e iO (1 aeiO)(e iO b)(1 ceiO)(e iO d) ieiOdo. e iO then we obtain If we set z Furthermore, ieidO- dz. (14) z f(z) de__f --(1-az)(z-b)(1-cz)(z-d)" (15) we set Hence, by (13), (14) and (15) we obtain 27r 2r o (1 aeiO)(1 be i)(1 cei)(1 de io) 27ri I1 -1 where the right-hand side means the complex integral of the function f(z) along the unit circle zl = 1 on the z-plane in the positive direction. By (15) we note that f(z)is an analytic function in z < 1 except at z b and z d each of which is a simple pole of f. We consider two cases. Case 1: Let b - d. Suppose that R 1 and R 2 denote the residues of f(z) at z-b and z-d, respectively. By the Residue Theorem (cf. [1, pp. 147-151]) we get Next, by a standard method 1 f 2ri / f(z)dz-R I+R 2. (cf. [2, p. 242]), (17) we shall calculate R 1 and R 2. By (15) we have /1 --lim ((z- b)f(z))- lim, z--+b z-+b[l z az)(1 cz)(z d) b (1 ab)(1 bc)(b d) (18) New Generalizations of the Poisson Kernel 195 and By (17), (18)and (19)we [ 1 2ri j I1 d z az)(z b)(1 cz)-(1 ad)(d b)(1 cd) "(19) R2--1im((z-d)f(z))-lzmd(lz--.d can write f(z)dz d b (1 ab)(1 bc)(b d) + (1 ad)(d b)(1 cd) =1 abcd 1 (20) (1 ab)(1 ad)(1 bc)(1 cd) 1 L(a, b, c, d) (by (6)). By (16), (20)we obtain 2r 2r (1 aeiO)(1 0 cei)(1 be -io)(1 L(a,b,c,d) de and therefore 2r 2r L(a,b,c,d) (1 aei)(1 0 )(1 cei)(1 be for all complex values of a,b,c,d satisfying a de io) < 1, bl < 1, dO- 1 c (21) < 1 and dl < 1. By (5), (21)we get (7). Case 2: Letb-d. In this case, by (15) we have z f(z) (1 az)(1 -cz)(z-b) 2" f(z) is an analytic function in z _< 1 except By (22) we see that double pole of the function. In this case, let R denote the residue of f(z) at z By the Residue Theorem we get 1/ Izl 27ri - () at z b. f(z)dz- R. I(z)dz (23) =1 In the following, we shall calculate R. By Cauchy’s Integral Formula for the derivative (cf. [2, pp. 178-179]) 1] b which is a 1J we obtain z b)2dz (1 az)(1 cz) / (z )) (1-az)(1-cz) z=b 1 ab2c (1 -ab)2(1 -bc) 2 (24) HIROSHI HARUKI and THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS 196 By (16), (24) we obtain 1 L(a, b, c, b) (by (6)). (note that b- d) 27v 1 2 J dO (1 aei)(1 0 i)(1 cei)(1 be L(a,b,c,b) be and thus 27v 2- 1 ] L (a, b, c, b io)(1 cei)(1 for all complex values ofa, b, csatisfying al <1, b (1 aeie)(1 0 be be i) dO 1 <land cl <1. for all complex numbersa, b, csatisfying al <1, bl <1 and From Case 1 and Case 2 we get the desired result (7). el <1. By (5), (25) we get R(O; a, b, c, b) 1 Q.E.D. Corollary 1: (to Theorem 2) If we set c 0 and d 0 in Theorem 2, we obtain Theorem 1. Therefore, Theorem 2 gives another proof of Theorem 1. Corollary2: (to Theorem 2) If we l_j_ 2 where / 1 + ab 1 -ab’ Q(0; a, b)2dO 0 Q(0; a, b) 1- ab (1 aeie)(1 where a,b are complex parameters satisfying b in Theorem2 we obtain a and d set c be ie) ]a < (se e (3)) 1 and b[ < l-ab -be -0 )n+l 1. 4. Open Problem Let 2r 2r I n defl / Q(O;a, b) + l dO o n 2-%/ ( (1 -aeiO)(1 o where a,b are complex parameters satisfying By Theorems 1 and 2 we obtain I o- 1 and Open Problem: Compute I n for n a 11 dO < 1 and bl < (n O, 1,...), (26) 1. 1 +ab 1-ab" 2, 3, 4, References [1] [2] [a] Ahlfors, LV., Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill (2nd Edition) 1966. Hille, E., Analytic Function Theory, Volume I, Ginn and Company 1959. Taylor, A.E., A note on the Poisson kernel, Amer. Math. Monthly, y 57 (1950), 478-479.