Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antimatter Plasmas Cliff Surko* University of California San Diego * Supported by the NSF AMO program; previous support from AT&T Bell Labs, ONR, the NSF/DoE Partnership and DTRA. Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 The Mirror World of Matter and Antimatter positron ↔ electron antiproton ↔ proton Positrons e- + e+ => gamma rays 2γ* (S = 0) or 3γ (S = 1) (2γ decay: εγ = mec2 = 511 keV) Antiprotons p + p => shower of pions (e.g., π+, π-) Antihydrogen (pe+) : EB = 13.6 eV (stable) Positronium atom (e+e-): EB = 6.8 eV τs=0 = 0.12 ns; τs=1 = 140 ns Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Not-so-small Elephant in the Room Quantum Field Theories are symmetric: matter <=> antimatter But gamma-ray observations => antimatter in our universe ~ zip! We live in a matter world and we don’t know why galactic center Antimatter in our world of Matter Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 materials studies medicine PET scans Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Theme of This Talk - The Plasma Connection If you want to keep antimatter around, keep it away from matter Neutral antimatter is hard to confine So the natural solution is a single-component plasma Accumulate antiparticles, tailor the plasmas, then tailor the delivery for specific applications The focus is on nonrelativistic antimatter - omits laser-produced relativistic positron plasmas [e.g., Hui Chen, GI.2-3, Tuesday, PM] Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 p e+ antihydrogen e+- e- (pair) plasmas positronium physics (Ps, Ps2) Antimatter - Exploiting the Plama Connection positron binding to matter Ps-atom BEC Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Sources of e+and p Positrons (energies ~ keV - MeV) Radioisotopes (18F, 58Co, 22Na) (portable, or reactor-based) Electron accelerators (e.g., LINACs) (ε ≥ 2mec2 = 1 MeV) Antiprotons (energies ~ GeV) Particle accelerators (CERN, Fermilab) (fast protons: εp ≥ 6 mpc2 ∼ 5.6 GeV) Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Want Low-Energy Positrons Use “moderators” 100’s of keV → ~ 1 eV solid neon (~ 8 K) copper 22Na e+ source fast e+ slow positron beam (E ~ 1eV) B Neon efficiency ~ 1% 50 mCi 22Na ~ 1 pA slow e+ Metals are moderators too W, Ta, Pt, but efficiency ≤ 0.1 % Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Intense Reactor-Based Positron Beam FRM II reactor, Munich γ Reactor core γ γ platinum moderator Beam 7 mm FWHM, in 60 G 109 e+/s (~ 100 pA) C. Hugenschmidt, U. Munich Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Low-energy Antiprotons The CERN Antiproton Decelerator (AD) From PS: 13 1.5x10 protons/bunch, 26 GeV/c 2 Injection at 3.5 GeV/c 1 Antiproton Production 4 Extraction 7 2 - 4( 2x10 x 107 in in 200 200 ns) ns 3 Deceleration and ASACUSA ASACUSA Sto cha stic Cooling (3.5 - 0.1 GeV/c) Co olin g ATRAP ATRAP 0 10 20 m Electron Cooling ATHENA ATHENA/ ALPHA ALPHA Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trapping Antimatter – The Start of the Plasma Connection Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 History of Antimatter Trapping Positrons in a magnetic mirror, Gibson, Jordan, Lauer, PRL 1960 B Fill with the the radioisotope 19Ne, positrons deposited, then pump out the radioactive gas. Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Positron Confinement in a Magnetic Mirror Trap ε ~ 1 MeV n ≤ 104 cm-3 escaping -positron count rate τ > 10 s time (s) (a) –> (c) increasing neutral gas pressure (λD ≥ 100 m) Gibson, Jordan, Lauer, PRL 1960 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 History of Antimatter Trapping Positrons, magnetic mirror, Gibson, Jordan, Lauer, 1960 Positrons, Penning trap, Schwinberg, Van Dyck, Dehmelt, 1981 Antiprotons, Penning trap, Gabrielse, 1986 Positron plasma, Penning-Malmberg (PM) trap Leventhal et al., 1989 Merged antiprotons & positrons, ATHENA, ATRAP, 2002 Positrons in magnetic dipole, Saitoh, 2013 A Near-Perfect “Antimatter Bottle” the Penning-Malmberg Trap fE B × B V E plasma rotates: f E = cne /B V(z) V single-component plasma z Canonical angular momentum No torques ⇒ Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 is constant. No expansion! (Malmberg & deGrassie ‘75; O’Neil ‘80) Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Buffer-Gas Positron Trap CF4 ♦ Trap using electronic excitation of N2 ♦ Positrons cool to 300K on CF4 in ~ 0.1s 30% trapping efficiency Surko PRL ‘88; Murphy, PR ‘92 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trap Electrodes (~ 1986) Al Passner, Fred Wysocki & Marv Leventhal Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Al Passner and unidentified “kid” with B-G Trap ~ 1987 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Commercial Buffer-gas Positron Traps First Point Scientific, Inc. (R. G. Greaves) 2-stage BG trap Commercial & home-built traps in the U. S.,Australia, China, U. K., Russia & CERN (4) source/moderator two-stage trap Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Shuttle to UHV for Long Term Storage UHV high-field trap plasma cools by cyclotron radiation p < 10-9 torr annihilation negligible τc ≈ 0.2 s (positrons or electrons) Surko HI ‘97 50cm Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 So We’ve Trapped It, What’s Next? - More of the Plasma Connection Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antimatter-plasma Control and Manipulation Good particle cooling achieved with various techniques Plasma compression with rotating electric fields Plasma manipulation using chirped-frequency autoresonance Trap-based beams from tailored plasmas narrow energy spreads, time-compression, or finely focused beams Merged plasmas (antiproton and positron) for antihydrogen Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antiparticle Cooling Critical for Many Applications Collisional cooling (positrons; excite rotations and vibrations in molecules) e.g, CF4, SF6; but annihilation loss Cyclotron radiation (positrons, or antiprotons sympathetically cooled by cold electrons); need large B, not so fast Laser cooling (cool Be+ ions to cool positrons sympathetically); mK temperatures, but centrifugal separation Evaporation (positrons or antiprotons); particle loss Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Evaporative Cooling of Antiprotons 9 K (but > 90 % loss) ALPHA; Andresen et al., PRL 2010 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Increase Density by Radial Compression with Rotating Electric Fields “The Rotating Wall Technique” Vconf . B Vconf segmented electrode Apply a torque using a rotating electric field => radial compression for f RW > f E V = VRW cos[(2πfRW) t + φ] (Huang, et al., Anderegg, et al., Hollmann, et al., Greaves et al., Danielson et al., 1997 - 2007) Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 central density (109 cm-3) Density Control Using Rotating-wall Compression (buffer-gas cooling) fRW = fE n0 ≈ 17% of the Brillouin limit, nB B = 400 G positron plasma Glitches due to trap imperfections nB = B2/2µ0mc2 frequency (MHz) However, at 5 T, nmax ~ 3 x 1010 cm-3 ~ 10-3 nBrillouin - This limit is not understood (R. G. Greaves, in Danielson et al., RMP, submitted.) Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Positron Plasma Parameters Magnetic field Number Density Space charge Temperature Plasma length Plasma radius Debye length Confinement time Trivelpiece-Gould modes* 10-3 – 5 tesla 104 - 109 105 - 1010 cm-3 10-3 – 103 eV 10-3 – 1 eV 1 – 30 cm 0.5 – 10 mm 10-2 – 1 cm 102 – 105 s Diagnostics: modes to measure N, n, T, & aspect ratio 2D CCD images mz mz mz frequency Dubin PF‘93; Tinkle PP ‘94 Surko AIP ’99, Weber PP ‘08 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Delivery as Trap-based Beams Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trap-based Positron Beam High Energy Resolution Trap, cool and release: 300 K buffer gas (kBT = 25 meV) Retarding potential (V) Expect Δεtot < 10 meV with cryogenic (50 K) N2 Gilbert et al., APL (1997) Δεtot ≈ 40 meV M. Natisin, 2014 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Chirped-frequencyAutoresonance For Energy Control (antiprotons) B e+ - eV(z) ωi! ω0" ω f! locked$$ autoresonace$ !me$ p E(t) z E = E0cos(ωit – αt2) Use down-chirped frequency to drive p cloud coherently out of the well Fajans, PP 1999 ALPHA PRL 2011 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Down-Chirp Autoresonance for Antiproton Beam Formation E (eV) Sweep ω I → ω f f(E) chirp-frequency ω/ω0 ALPHA, Andresen, PRL 2011 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trap-based Beams – Temporal Compression “harmonic bunching” using a parabolic potential 0 0 0 -40 -2 Buncher on Buncher off -80 -4 -6 - 120 -120 -20 positrons -10 0 10 time (ns) 20 30 40 time focus 15 ns pulse -> 1 ns pulse Cassidy, RSI 2006 -8 50 PMT output (mV) PMT output (mV) Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trap-based Positronium Beams? …… Not Yet! Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Physics with Antimatter e+ - matter interactions Positron studies of materials Positron binding to molecules stable neutral antimatter e+ e- many body system Antihydrogen Ps2 and Bose-condensed positronium Electron-positron plasmas Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Materials Analysis Using Positron Beams Positrons provide new techniques and new information not available using e- beams. Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Materials Studies (defects) Positron lifetimes in the biopolymer chitosan Positrons diffuse to defects and annihilate. Provide information about the nature of the defects. Inject pulse & measure annihilation vs. time Sample I II III Chaudhary, ML 2010 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Positron Defect Studies in the Polymer Chitosan native polymer: flexible, shape memory hydrated: less flexible, shape memory SEM images cross-linked: brittle, no shape memory Chaudhary et al., ML 2010 Atomic Physics Resonances in Positron Annihilation on Molecules a) Positron approaches molecule with energy ε – ωCH – εb b) Excites molecular vibration ωCH and drops into well of depth εb c) Bound positron has greatly enhanced chance of annihilation (a) e+ V(r) (b) ωCH ε εb annihilation rate Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 C-H stretch mode εb ωCH (c) Have now measured binding energies for ≥ 70 molecules Gilbert PRL, 2002; Gribakin RMP, 2010 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Positron and Electron Binding to Acetonitrile (C2H3N) p + - N C p p - measured: εb = 180 meV predicted: εb = 135 meV + εb = 19 meV εb = 13 meV Efforts to better understand e+ - e- correlations and improve binding energy calculations are in progress. Positrons: Tachickawa, PCCP 2011 Electrons: Simons JCPA 2008 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Stable, Neutral Antimatter Antihydrogen Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Why Study Antihydrogen Some Tests of CPT Would like to test all particle sectors (e/m) ? (H) possible Precision Precision Test gravity too force of matter on antimatter Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antihydrogen Experiments at CERN ATRAP & ALPHA (2005 →)/ATHENA (≤ 2005) Trapping for spectroscopy, gravity, magnetic moment ASACUSA Beam for magnetic moment studies AEgIS Beam for gravity test GBAR Free-fall for gravity test Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antiproton Catching & Cooling* a) Degrading Solenoid - B = 3 Tesla Antiprotons e- t=0s Degrader Cold electron cloud [cooled by Synchtrotron Radiation, τ ~ 0.4s] 99.9% lost b) Reflecting 0.1% E<5kV Potential t = 200 ns c) Trapping Potential t = 500 ns c) Cooling Potential [through Coulomb interaction] Gabrielse, PRL ‘86 t ~ 20 s ~ 10,000 antiprotons per AD pulse" Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antihydrogen Production (one scenario) Nested Penning traps -125 antiprotons -100 -75 p, e+ plasmas trapped, cooled, RW-compresed B -50 0 2 4 6 8 Length (cm) 10 12 ~ 108 positrons Launch ~ 104 antiprotons into mixing region Mixing time 190 sec + + + H formed by three-body collisions: p + e + e = H + e ATHENA/ALPHA (pre-2007) ATRAP similar Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trapping Antihydrogen Ioffe-Prichard Minimum-B OctopoleTrap ΔB ~ 1 T => V ~ 0.6 K Heroic quench time of superconducting windings ~ 9 ms. ALPHA, Nature 2010 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trapping Antihydrogen (one scenario) p; dynamically trap 105 Cool with e-; compress p 3 x 107 Clear e-; evaporatively cool => 104 p @ 100 K Start with 107 positrons; compress; evaporatively cool => 106 e+ @ 40 K Autoresonantly merge => 6 x 103 H in 1 s Fast B shutdown (9 ms) to detect H 110 detected out of 200 trials => 0.5 H /trial (numbers rounded) ALPHA, Nature 2010 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Trapped Antihydrogen* Accumulate H, then quench Ioffe trap to release. Trapping rate per attempt 2.5 99% reach the ground state in < 1 s 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 Confinement time (s) 2,000 120 Quasi-trapped * ALPHA, Nature 2010 Counts 100 80 ATRAP similar, Gabrielse, PRL 2012 60 40 100 mK Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antihydrogen Production and Trapping Summary • ATRAP and ALPHA have trapped ground-state H • gravity test: g mm ≤ 100g * • magnetic moment µ consistent (± 1%) with that of hydrogen* • charge neutral to q/e < 10-8* • optical, microwave, refined g and q/e, and beam experiments are in progress * ALPHA Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Many-Electron Many-Positron System Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Many Body Physics with Antimatter The Electron-Positron Phase Diagram n e+ - e- liquid normal /supercond. density nMott~ 3 x 1022 cm-3 T ~ 7 x 104 K PsBEC BEC Ps Ps BEC Ps gas e+ - e- plasma Ps2 gas temperature (BEC ≡ Bose-Einstein condensate) 8 x 103 K Yabu, NIMB ‘04 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Quantum Positronium (e+e-) Gas Experiment spin polarized e+ B = 2.3 T Pulses of ~ 107 e+ at ~ 1 keV focused to spot on sample; e+ pick up an e- -> Ps Porous Si or Al(1,1,1) target D. Cassidy & A. Mills, U. California, Riverside Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Spectroscopy of Ps2 and Ps First optical spectrum of the Ps2 molecule (e+e-e+e–); a many-electron many-positron system hν Doppler shifts Ps2: 1s – 2p Ps2 Al(1,1,1) Cassidy, PRL 2012 High-Rydberg-state Ps (very long lifetimes for materials and gravity studies) n = 31; τ ≥ 100 µs Cassidy PRL 2012 Jones PRA 2014 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Electron-Positron Plasmas Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Classical Electron-Positron (“Pair”) Plasmas Nonlinear phenomena for T+= T- and n+ = n- • Heavily damped acoustic mode • Faraday rotation absent • Three-wave decay processes absent* • Very strong nonlinear growth and damping processes* * Tsytovich & Wharton, Comm. on Pl. Phys. (1978) - - e+ plasmas Relativistic e • Astrophysical relevance Complementary work on pair-ion plasmas (e.g.,C60±) Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Plans to Confine e+ - e- (pair) Plasma in a Levitated Magnetic Dipole e+ • Advantages • 300 s confinement for e- • Can confine e+ & e- • Status and plans Injection via E x B plates Use Munich reactor e+ beam Need ~ 1011 - 1012 e+ - use a “multicell-trap” (test experiment) Other possible confinement schemes: Stellerator Penning/Paul trap Magnetic mirror H. Saitoh, JPCS 2014 T. Sunn Pedersen, NJP 2012 J. Stanja & E. Stenson, Posters BP8: 108 & 109, Monday Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Larger Collections of Antimatter Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 For Single PM Traps, Space Charge Becomes Prohibitive plasma space charge 100 keV 10 keV 1 keV 100 eV 10 eV 1 eV 100 meV 10 meV 1 meV Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Solution: Shield Parallel Cells with Copper Electrodes - a multicell trap for 1012 positrons B e+ in 1 m 3 banks of 7 cells with 5 x 1010 e+ each 1 kV confinement potentials Move plasma across B using autoresonant diocotron mode* Surko, JRCP ‘03 Danielson, PP ‘06 * Fajans, ‘99 - ‘01 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Multicell Trap Test Structure 3 off-axis cells Beam in diocotron autoresonance • ≥ 50% transfer efficiency • Need to demonstrate confinement of kV space charge off axis Baker, Danielson, et al., PP, sub. ‘14 × B -4.0 0.0 x(cm) +4.0 Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Antimatter in the Laboratory - Plasma Physics is the Driver Much Progress and Many Opportunities Materials and atomic physics Tests of fundamental physics Antimatter plasmas & BEC Ps Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Outstanding Challenges • Rotating Wall compression – Density limit at high B? • Electron-positron plasmas and Ps BEC – Need larger N; and larger n, lower T • More efficient sources? – Direct capture of MeV positrons? • Portable antimatter traps? – Likely await improved magnet technology? Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 Thanks to my collaborators: L Barnes, J. Danielson, D. Dubin, S. Gilbert, R. Greaves, G. Gribakin, C. Hugenschmidt, E. Jerzewski, M. Leventhal, J. Marler, T. O’Neil, A. Passner, T. Pedersen, J. Sullivan, M. Tinkle, T. Weber, and J. Young Thanks too for support from AT&T Bell Labs, ONR, NSF, DOE and DTRA Cliff Surko, Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP, Oct. 30, 2014 For references and links to other work see: e+ Forthcoming (hopefully) review article: Plasma and Trap-Based Techniques for Science with Positrons J. R. Danielson, D. H. E. Dubin, R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko Rev. Mod. Phys., submitted.