Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012, Article ID 743656, 27 pages doi:10.1155/2012/743656 Research Article Bank Liquidity and the Global Financial Crisis Frednard Gideon,1 Mark A. Petersen,2 Janine Mukuddem-Petersen,3 and Bernadine De Waal2 1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Namibia, Private Bag 13301, Windhoek 9000, Namibia 2 Research Division, Faculty of Commerce and Administration, North-West University, Private Bag x2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa 3 Economics Division, Faculty of Commerce and Administration, North-West University, Private Bag x2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa Correspondence should be addressed to Frednard Gideon, tewaadha@yahoo.com Received 2 November 2011; Revised 22 January 2012; Accepted 5 February 2012 Academic Editor: Chuanhou Gao Copyright q 2012 Frednard Gideon et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We investigate the stochastic dynamics of bank liquidity parameters such as liquid assets and nett cash outflow in relation to the global financial crisis. These parameters enable us to determine the liquidity coverage ratio that is one of the metrics used in ratio analysis to measure bank liquidity. In this regard, numerical results show that bank behavior related to liquidity was highly procyclical during the financial crisis. We also consider a theoretical-quantitative approach to bank liquidity provisioning. In this case, we provide an explicit expression for the aggregate liquidity risk when a locally risk-minimizing strategy is utilized. 1. Introduction During the global financial crisis GFC, banks were under severe pressure to maintain adequate liquidity. In general, empirical evidence shows that banks with sufficient liquidity can meet their payment obligations while banks with low liquidity cannot. The GFC highlighted the fact that liquidity risk can proliferate quickly with funding sources dissipating and concerns about asset valuation and capital adequacy realizing. This situation underscores the important relationship between funding risk involving raising funds to bankroll asset holdings and market liquidity involving the efficient conversion of assets into liquid funds at a given price. In response to this, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision BCBS is attempting to develop an international framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring see, e.g., 1. Although pre-Basel III regulation 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics establishes procedures for assessing credit, market, and operational risk, it does not provide effective protocols for managing liquidity and systemic risks. The drafting of Basel III represents an effort to address the latter see, e.g., 2–4. Current liquidity risk management procedures can be classified as micro- or macroprudential. In the case of the former, simple liquidity ratios such as credit-to-deposit ratios nett stable funding ratios, liquidity coverage ratios and the assessment of the gap between short-term liabilities and assets are appropriate to cover the objectives of bank balance sheet analysis. The ratio approach for liquidity risk management is a quantitative international accepted standard for alerting banks about any possible adverse economic downturns. For instance, the credit-to-deposit ratio assesses the relationships between sources and uses of funds held in the bank’s portfolio but has limitations which ultimately do not reflect information on market financing with short-term maturity. By contrast, the liquidity coverage ratio LCR performs better by ensuring the coverage of some of the immediate liabilities. Since the LCR depends only on bank balance sheet data, it does not take into account the residual maturities on various uses and sources of funds. Also, in a global context, a quantitative approach may not take financial market conditions into account. In this case, a more comprehensive characterization of the bank system’s liquidity risk through designed stress testing and constructed contingency plans is considered. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision suggested best practices related to international liquidity standards. In this case, a well-designed policy monitoring instrument to measure and regulate the dynamics of foreign currency is considered to best take financial market conditions into account. Also, central banks CBs have a pivotal role to play in managing liquidity inflows via macroeconomic management of exchange rate and interest rate responses. The modeling of capital markets as well as stock and bond behavior also contribute to the liquidity response for possible stress conditions observed. The above approaches for liquidity analysis take into account the macroprudential liquidity management of banks. In this paper, in Section 2, we discuss balance sheet items related to liquid assets and nett cash outflow in order to build a stochastic LCR model. Before the GFC, banks were prosperous with high LCRs, high cash inflows, low interest rates, and low nett cash outflows. This was followed by the collapse of liquidity, exploding default rates, and the effects thereof during the GFC. Next, in Section 3, we apply a dynamic provisioning strategy to liquidity risk management. In this case, we address the problem of dynamic liquidity provisioning for a mortgage, Λ, which is an underlying illiquid nonmarketable asset, by substituting liquid marketable securities, S. In the light of the above, banks prefer to trade in a Treasury bond market because of liquidity reasons. Since the loan process Λt 0≤t≤T is not completely correlated with the substitute, it creates the market incompleteness. In other words, we will employ non-self-financing strategy to replicate the trading process. Therefore the banks would require that the uncertainty involved over the remaining of the trading period be minimized. In this case, we specifically minimize at each date, the uncertainty over the next infinitesimal period. In the dynamics trading there is always a residual risk emanating from the imperfection of the correlation between the Brownian motions. Due to the no-arbitrage opportunities there are infinitely many equivalent martingale measures so that pricing is directly linked to risk. Therefore, we choose a pricing candidate equivalent martingale measure under which the discounted stock price follows a martingale. This equivalent measure is chosen according to a provisioning strategy which ensures that the value of Λ is the value of the replicating portfolio. We also provide a framework for assessing residual aggregate liquidity risk stemming from the application of the above strategy. Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 1.1. Literature Review The documents formulated in response to the proposed Basel III regulatory framework are among the most topical literature on bank liquidity see, e.g., 1. During the GFC, unprecedented levels of liquidity support were required from CBs in order to sustain the financial system and even with such extensive support a number of banks failed, were forced into mergers, or required resolution. The crisis illustrated how quickly and severely liquidity risks can crystallize and certain sources of funding can evaporate, compounding concerns related to the valuation of assets and capital adequacy see, e.g., 2–4. A key characteristic of the GFC was the inaccurate and ineffective management of liquidity risk. In recognition of the need for banks to improve their liquidity risk management and control their exposures to such risk, the BCBS issued Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision in September 2008 see, e.g., 1. Supervisors are expected to assess both the adequacy of a bank’s liquidity risk management framework and its liquidity risk exposure. In addition, they are required to take prompt action to address the banks risk management deficiencies or excess exposure in order to protect depositors and enhance the overall stability of the financial system. To reinforce these supervisory objectives and efforts, the BCBS has recently focussed on further elevating the resilience of internationally active banks to liquidity stresses across the globe, as well as increasing international harmonization of liquidity risk supervision see, e.g., 1. The BCBS hopes to develop internationally consistent regulatory standards for liquidity risk supervision as a cornerstone of a global framework to strengthen liquidity risk management and supervision see, e.g., 2–4. In 5 it is asserted that bank liquidity behavior can be described by straightforward indicators constructed from firm-specific balance sheet data see, also, 6, 7. Also, their analysis underscores the relevance of using several indicators of liquidity risk at the same time, given the different leads and lags of the measures with systemic risk. Our study is related to theirs in that we make use of balance sheet items to determine bank behavior. Another similarity is that we make use of data from 6 to formulate conclusions in a numerical quantitative framework compare with the analysis in Section 3 below. The contribution 8 studies the role of securitization in bank management. A new index of “bank loan portfolio liquidity” which can be thought of as a weighted average of the potential to securitize loans of a given type, where the weights reflect the composition of a bank loan portfolio. The paper uses this new index to show that by allowing banks to convert illiquid loans into liquid funds, securitization reduces banks holdings of liquid securities and increases their lending ability. Furthermore, securitization provides banks with an additional source of funding and makes bank lending less sensitive to cost of funds shocks. By extension, the securitization weakens the ability of regulators to affect banks lending activity but makes banks more susceptible to liquidity and funding crisis when the securitization market is shutdown. We conduct a similar analysis in Section 4 of this paper where illiquid underlying loans are substituted by liquid marketable securities. In 9, we use actuarial methods to solve a nonlinear stochastic optimal liquidity risk management problem for subprime originators with deposit inflow rates and marketable securities allocation as controls see 10. The main objective is to minimize liquidity risk in the form of funding and credit crunch risk in an incomplete market. In order to accomplish this, we construct a stochastic model that incorporates originator mortgage and deposit reference processes. Finally, numerical examples that illustrate the main modeling and optimization features of the paper are provided. Our work in this paper also has a connection with 9 in that the nexus between funding risk and market liquidity is explored. 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics However, this paper is an improvement on the aforementioned in that bank balance sheet features play a more prominent role see, Sections 2, 3, and 4. 1.2. Main Questions and Article Outline In this subsection, we pose the main questions and provide an outline of the paper. 1.2.1. Main Questions In this paper on bank liquidity, we answer the following questions. Question 1 banking model. Can we model banks’ liquid assets and nett cash outflows as well as LCRs in a stochastic framework? compare with Section 2. Question 2 bank liquidity in a numerical quantitative framework. Can we explain and provide numerical examples of bank liquidity dynamics? refer to Section 3. Question 3 bank liquidity in a theoretical quantitative framework. Can we devise a liquidity provisioning strategy in a theoretical quantitative framework? compare with Section 4. 1.2.2. Paper Outline The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 1 introduces the concept of liquidity risk while providing an appropriate literature review. A stochastic LCR model for bank liquidity is constructed in Section 2. Issues pertaining to bank liquidity in a numerical quantitative framework are discussed in Section 3. Section 4 treats liquidity in a theoretical quantitative manner. Finally, we provide concluding remarks in Section 5. 2. Bank Liquidity Model In the sequel, we use the notational convention “subscript t or s” to represent possibly random processes, while “bracket t or s” is used to denote deterministic processes. The assessment of a bank’s relative composition of the stock of high-quality liquid assets liquid assets and nett cash outflows, is one of the primary ways of analyzing its liquidity position. In this regard, we consider a measure of liquidity offered by the LCR. Before the GFC, banks were prosperous with high LCRs, high cash inflows, low interest rates, and low nett cash outflows. This was followed by the collapse of liquidity, exploding default rates, and the effects thereof. We make the following assumption to set the space and time index that we consider in our LCR model. Assumption 2.1 filtered probability space and time index. Throughout, we assume that we are working with a filtered probability space Ω, F, P with filtration {Ft }t≥0 on a time index set 0, T . We assume that the aforementioned space satisfies the usual conditions. Under P, {Wt ; 0 ≤ t ≤ T, W0 0} is an Ft -Brownian motion. Furthermore, we are able to produce a system of stochastic differential equations that provide information about the stock of high-quality liquid assets liquid assets at time t with Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 x1 : Ω × 0, T → R denoted by xt1 and nett cash outflows at time t with x2 : Ω × 0, T → R denoted by xt2 and their relationship. The dynamics of liquid assets, xt1 , is stochastic in nature because it depends in part on the stochastic rates of return on assets and cash inflow and outflow see 9 for more details and the securitization market. Also, the dynamics of the nett cash outflow, xt2 , is stochastic because its value has a reliance on cash inflows as well as liquidity and market risk that have randomness associated with them. Furthermore, for x : Ω × 0, T → R2 we use the notation xt to denote xt 1 xt , xt2 2.1 and represent the LCR with l : Ω × 0, T → R by lt xt1 xt2 2.2 . It is important for banks that lt in 2.2 has to be sufficiently high to ensure high bank liquidity. 2.1. Liquid Assets In this section, we discuss the stock of high-quality liquid assets constituted by cash, CB reserves, marketable securities, and government/CB bank debt issued. 2.1.1. Description of Liquid Assets The first component of stock of high-quality liquid assets is cash that is made up of banknotes and coins. According to 1, a CB reserve should be able to be drawn down in times of stress. In this regard, local supervisors should discuss and agree with the relevant CB the extent to which CB reserves should count toward the stock of liquid assets. Marketable securities represent claims on or claims guaranteed by sovereigns, CBs, noncentral government public sector entities PSEs, the Bank for International Settlements BIS, the International Monetary Fund IMF, the European Commission EC, or multilateral development banks. This is conditional on all the following criteria being met. These claims are assigned a 0% risk weight under the Basel II standardized approach. Also, deep repo-markets should exist for these securities and that they are not issued by banks or other financial service entities. Another category of stock of high-quality liquid assets refers to government/CB bank debt issued in domestic currencies by the country in which the liquidity risk is being taken by the bank’s home country see, e.g., 1, 4. 2.1.2. Dynamics of Liquid Assets In this section, we consider dht rth dt σth dWth , ht0 h0 , 2.3 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics where the stochastic processes h : Ω × 0, T → R are the return per unit of liquid assets, r h → R is the rate of return per liquid asset unit, the scalar σ h : T → R is the volatility in the rate of returns, and W h : Ω × 0, T → R is standard Brownian motion. Before the GFC, risky asset returns were much higher than those of riskless assets, making the former a more attractive but much riskier investment. It is inefficient for banks to invest all in risky or riskless securities with asset allocation being important. In this regard, it is necessary to make the following assumption to distinguish between risky e.g., marketable securities and government/CB bank debt and riskless assets cash for future computations. Assumption 2.2 liquid assets. Suppose from the outset that liquid assets are held in the financial market with n 1 asset classes. One of these assets is riskless cash while the assets 1, 2, . . . , n are risky. The risky liquid assets evolve continuously in time and are modelled using an ndimensional Brownian motion. In this multidimensional context, the asset returns in the kth liquid asset class per unit of the kth class is denoted by ytk , k ∈ Nn {0, 1, 2, . . . , n} where y : Ω × 0, T → Rn1 . Thus, the return per liquid asset unit is y Ct, yt1 , . . . , ytn , 2.4 where Ct represents the return on cash and yt1 , . . . , ytn represents the risky return. Furthermore, we can model y as y y y dyt rt dt Σt dWt , 2.5 yt0 y0 , y where r y : T → Rn1 denotes the rate of liquid asset returns, Σt ∈ Rn1×n is a matrix of liquid asset returns, and W y : Ω × 0, T → Rn is standard Brownian motion. Notice that there are only n scalar Brownian motions due to one of the liquid assets being riskless. We assume that the investment strategy π : T → Rn1 is outside the simplex S T π ∈ Rn1 : π π 0 , . . . , π n , π 0 · · · π n 1, π 0 ≥ 0, . . . π n ≥ 0 . 2.6 In this case, short selling is possible. The liquid asset return is then h : Ω × R → R , where the dynamics of h can be written as y y y dht πtT dyt πtT rt dt πtT Σt dWt . 2.7 Journal of Applied Mathematics 7 This notation can be simplified as follows. We denote r C t r y t, r C : T −→ R , the rate of return on cash, T y yT C rt r C t, r r , ry : T −→ Rn , t1 n t 0 T T πt πt0 , πtT πt0 , πt1 , . . . , πtk , 0 ··· 0 y y ∈ Rn×n , , Σ Σt t y Σ t π : T −→ Rk , 2.8 T y t Σ yΣ C t t . Then, we have that y jT y jT y πtT rt πt0 r C t πt rt πt r C t1n r C t πtT rt , dW , πtT Σt dWt πtT Σ t t y C y dW y , dht r t πtT rt dt πtT Σ t t y y y y ht0 h0 . 2.2. Nett Cash Outflows In this section, we discuss nett cash outflows arising from cash outflows and inflows. 2.2.1. Description of Nett Cash Outflows Cash outflows are constituted by retail deposits, unsecured wholesale funding secured funding and additional liabilities see, e.g., 1. The latter category includes requirements about liabilities involving derivative collateral calls related to a downgrade of up to 3 notches, market valuation changes on derivatives transactions, valuation changes on posted noncash or non-high-quality sovereign debt collateral securing derivative transactions, asset backed commercial paper ABCP, special investment vehicles SIVs, conduits, special purpose vehicles SPVs, and the currently undrawn portion of committed credit and liquidity facilities. Cash inflows are made up of amounts receivable from retail counterparties, amounts receivable from wholesale counterparties, receivables in respect of repo and reverse repo transactions backed by illiquid assets, and securities lending/borrowing transactions where illiquid assets are borrowed as well as other cash inflows. According to 1, nett cash inflows is defined as cumulative expected cash outflows minus cumulative expected cash inflows arising in the specified stress scenario in the time period under consideration. This is the nett cumulative liquidity mismatch position under the stress scenario measured at the test horizon. Cumulative expected cash outflows are calculated by multiplying outstanding balances of various categories or types of liabilities by assumed percentages that are expected to roll off and by multiplying specified draw-down amounts to various off-balance sheet commitments. Cumulative expected cash inflows are calculated by multiplying amounts receivable by a percentage that reflects expected inflow under the stress scenario. 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2.2.2. Dynamics of Nett Cash Outflows Essentially, mortgagors are free to vary their cash inflow rates. Roughly speaking, this rate should be reduced for high LCRs and increased beyond the normal rate when LCRs are too low. In the sequel, the stochastic process u1 : Ω × 0, T → R is the normal cash inflow rate per nett cash inflow unit whose value at time t is denoted by u1t . In this case, u1t dt turns out to be the cash inflow rate per unit of the nett cash inflow over the time period t, t dt. A notion related to this is the adjustment to the cash inflow rate per unit of the nett cash inflow rate for a higher or lower LCR, u2 : Ω × 0, T → R , that will in closed loop be made dependent on the LCR. We denote the sum of u1 and u2 by the cash inflow rate u3 : Ω × 0, T → R , that is, u3t u1t u2t , ∀ t. 2.9 Before the GFC, the cash inflow rate increased significantly as a consequence of rising liquidity. The following assumption is made in order to model the LCR in a stochastic framework. Assumption 2.3 cash inflow rate. The cash inflow, u3 , is predictable with respect to {Ft }t≥0 . The cash inflow provides us with a means of controlling LCR dynamics. The dynamics of the cash outflow per unit of the nett cash outflow, e : Ω × 0, T → R, is given by det rte dt σte dWte , et0 e0 , 2.10 where et is the cash outflow per unit of the nett cash outflow, r e : T → R is the rate of outflow per unit of the nett cash outflow, the scalar σ e : T → R is the volatility in the outflow per nett cash outflow unit, and W e : Ω × 0, T → R is standard Brownian motion. Next, we take i : Ω × 0, T → R as the nett cash outflow increase before cash outflow per monetary unit of the nett cash outflow, r i : T → R is the rate of increase of nett cash outflows before cash outflow per nett cash outflow unit, the scalar σ i ∈ R is the volatility in the increase of nett cash outflows before outflow, and W i : Ω×0, T → R represents standard Brownian motion. Then, we set dit rti dt σ i dWti , it0 i0 . 2.11 The stochastic process it in 2.11 may typically originate from nett cash flow volatility that may result from changes in market activity, cash supply, and inflation. 2.3. The Liquidity Coverage Ratio This section discusses ratio analysis and liquidity coverage ratio dynamics. 2.3.1. Ratio Analysis Ratio analysis is conducted on the bank’s balance sheet composition. In this case, the LCR measures a bank’s ability to access funding for a 30-day period of acute market stress. In this paper, as in Basel III, we are interested in the LCR that is defined as the sum of interbank Journal of Applied Mathematics 9 assets and securities issued by public entities as a percentage of interbank liabilities. The LCR formula is given by Liquidity Coverage Ratio Stock of High Quality Liquid Assets . Nett Cash Outflows over a 30-day Period 2.12 This ratio measures the bank system’s liquidity position that allows the assessment of a bank’s capacity to ensure the coverage of some of its more immediate liabilities with highly available assets. It also identifies the amount of unencumbered, high-quality liquid assets a bank holds that can be used to offset the nett cash outflows it would encounter under a shortterm stress scenario specified by supervisors, including both specific and systemic shocks. 2.3.2. Liquidity Coverage Ratio Dynamics Using the equations for liquid assets x1 and nett cash outflow x2 , we have that dxt1 xt1 dht xt2 u3t dt − xt2 det y r C txt1 xt1 πtT rt xt2 u1t xt2 u2t − xt2 rte dt y dW y − xt2 σ e dW e , xt1 πtT Σ t t t dxt2 xt2 dit − xt2 det xt2 rti dt σ i dWti − xt2 rte dt σ e dWte xt2 rti − rte dt xt2 σ i dWti − σ e dWte . 2.13 The SDEs 2.13 may be rewritten into matrix-vector form in the following way. Definition 2.4 stochastic system for the LCR model. Define the stochastic systemfor the LCR model as dxt At xt dt Nxt ut dt at dt Sxt , ut dWt , 2.14 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics with the various terms in this stochastic differential equation being 2 u ut t , πt u : Ω × 0, T −→ Rn1 , r C t −rte e , i 0 rt − rt 2 1 yT 2 1 x u r x x Nxt t t t , at t t , 0 0 0 y −x2 σ e 0 xt1 πtT Σ t t , Sxt , ut 0 −xt2 σ e xt2 σ i ⎡ y⎤ Wt Wt ⎣ Wte ⎦, Wti At 2.15 y where Wt , Wte , and Wti are mutually stochastically independent standard Brownian t > 0. Often the time argument of motions. It is assumed that for all t ∈ T , σte > 0, σti > 0 and C e i the functions σ and σ is omitted. We can rewrite 2.14 as follows: 2 yT 1 xt 2 r x Nxt ut : u t t πt 0 t 0 n 1 y,m 0 1 xt rt πtm : xt u3t 0 0 0 m 1 n y,m rt 0 0 : B0 xt ut x π m 0 0 t t m 1 : n Bm xt um t , m 0 2.16 ⎡ 1/2 ⎤ T π π 0⎦ C t t xt dWt1 Sxt , ut dWt ⎣ t 0 0 e 0 −σ 0 0 2 x dWt x dWt3 0 −σ e t 0 σi t 3 jj Mjj ut xt dWt , j 1 where B and M are only used for notational purposes to simplify the equations. From the stochastic system given by 2.14 it is clear that u u2 , π affects only the stochastic differential equation of xt1 but not that of xt2 . In particular, for 2.14 we have that π affects Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 yT t . On the other hand, u2 affects only the variance of xt1 and the drift of xt1 via the term xt1 r t π 1 the drift of xt . Then 2.14 becomes dxt At xt dt n 3 j jj Bj xt ut dt at dt Mj ut xt dWt . j 0 2.17 j 1 The model can be simplified if attention is restricted to the system with the LCR, as stated earlier, denoted in this section by xt xt1 /xt2 . Definition 2.5 stochastic model for a simplified LCR. Define the simplified LCR system by the SDE 2 yT i dxt xt r t − σ σ rt πt dt u1t u2t − rte − σ e 2 dt 1/2 2 t πt σ e 2 1 − xt 2 σ i xt2 xt2 πtT C dW t , C rte rti e 2 2.18 xt0 x0 . Note that in the drift of the SDE 2.18, the term −rte xt rte −rte xt − 1, 2.19 appears because it models the effect of the decline of both liquid assets and nett cash outflows. Similarly the term −σ e 2 xt σ e 2 σ e 2 xt − 1 appears. 3. Bank Liquidity in a Numerical Quantitative Framework In this section, we discuss bank liquidity in a numerical quantitative framework. Recently the finance literature has devoted more attention to modeling and assessing liquidity risk in a numerical quantitative framework see, e.g., 5, 8, 9. 3.1. Bank Liquidity: Numerical Example 1 In this subsection, we use the data supplied in 6 see, also, Appendices A.1 and A.2 to assess the liquidity of banks. The dataset originates from a supervisory liquidity report for Dutch banks. It covers a detailed breakdown of liquid assets and liabilities including cash inand outflows of banks see, also, 5. 3.1.1. Data Description: Numerical Example 1 The aforementioned supervisory liquidity report includes on- and off-balance sheet items for about 85 Dutch banks foreign bank subsidiaries included with a breakdown per item average granularity of about 7 items per bank. The report presents month end data available for the period October 2003 to March 2009. In this case, supervisory requirements dictate that 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics actual bank liquidity must exceed required liquidity, at both a one-week and a one-month horizon. Actual liquidity is defined as the stock of liquid assets weighted for haircuts and recognized cash inflows weighted for their liquidity value during the test period. Required liquidity is defined as the assumed calls on contingent liquidity lines, assumed withdrawals of deposits, drying up of wholesale funding, and liabilities due to derivatives. In this way, the liquidity report comprises a combined stock and cash flow approach, in which respect it is a forward looking concept. The weights, wi , of the assumed haircuts on liquid assets and run-off rates of liabilities are presented in last two columns of Tables 1 and 2 below. In this regard, the pecking order hypothesis is tested empirically in 5 by classifying the assets and liabilities of the banks in our sample according to the month weights in the liquidity report as presented in the last column of Tables 1 and 2. In the report, the wi values are fixed see, e.g., 6 and reflect the bank-specific and market-wide situation. The wi values are based on best practices of values of haircuts on liquid assets and run-off rates of liabilities of the banking industry and credit rating agencies. The various balance sheet and cash flow items in the prudential report 6 are assumed to reflect the instruments which banks use in liquidity risk management by way of responding to shocks. The instruments are expressed in gross amounts. To enhance the economic interpretation we define coherent groups of instruments and the sum of item amounts per group. The first column of Tables 1 and 2 below provides the group classification. Here, the second columns in these tables describe the particular class of assets and liabilities. For the liquidity test for the full month, a distinction is made between nonscheduled items and scheduled items. By contrast to non-scheduled items, scheduled items are included on the basis of their possible or probable due dates. For the liquidity test for the first week, scheduled items are only included if they are explicitly taken into account in dayto-day liquidity management Treasury operations. In Tables 1 and 2 below, scheduled items are indicated by the letter S. 3.1.2. Data Presentation: Numerical Example 1 In this section, we firstly represent data related to assets and then data related to liabilities. 3.1.3. Data Analysis: Numerical Example 1 From Tables 1 and 2, we have seen that the behavior of banks can be described by rather simple indicators constructed from firm-specific balance sheet data. Although they are descriptive in nature, the measures identify trends in banks behavior that convey forward looking information on market-wide developments. A key insight from the analysis is that while banks usually follow a pecking order in their balance sheet adjustments by making larger adjustments to the most liquid balance sheet items compared to less liquid items, during the crisis banks were more inclined to a static response. This suggests that they have less room to follow a pecking order in their liquidity risk management in stressed circumstances. It implies that banks responses in crises may have more material effects on the economy, since a static response rule means that banks are more likely to adjust their less liquid retail lending and deposits than under normal market conditions. A sufficient stock of liquid buffers could prevent that banks are forced to such detrimental static responses, which lends support to the initiatives of the Basel Committee to tighten liquidity regulation for banks see, e.g., 1. Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 Table 1: Assets for liquidity testing. Group Assets S Cash in the form of Banknotes/Coins Week Month 100 100 100 100 100 100 Receivables from CBs including ECB 1 1 Demand deposits 1 2 Amounts receivable S 1 3 Receivables i.r.o reverse repos S 100 100 1 4 Receivables i.t.f.o securities or Tier 2 eligible assets S d∗ d∗ 100 100 100 100 ECB tier 1 and tier 2 eligible assets 95∗∗ 95∗∗ ∗∗ 85∗∗ Collection documents 1 Available on demand 2 Receivable S Readily marketable debt instruments/CB eligible receivables Issued by public authorities 2 1 2 2 ECB tier 2 eligible assets deposited 85 2 3 ECB tier 2 eligible assets not deposited 85 85 2 4 Other readily marketable debt instruments 95 95 70 70 90∗∗ 90∗∗ ∗∗ 80∗∗ Zone A 2 5 Other readily marketable debt instruments Zone B Issued by credit institutions 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 ECB tier 1 eligible assets ECB tier 2 eligible assets deposited Other debt instruments qualifying under the capital adequacy directive CAD 80 90 90 Other Liquid Debt Instruments 70 70 90∗∗ 90∗∗ ∗∗ 80∗∗ Issued by other institutions 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 ECB tier 1 eligible assets ECB tier 2 eligible assets deposited Other debt instruments qualifying under the capital adequacy directive CAD 80 90 90 Other liquid debt instruments 70 70 Amounts receivables Branches and banking subsidiaries not included in the report 3 1 Demand deposits 50 100 3 2 Amounts receivable i.r.o securities transactions S 100 100 3 3 Other amounts receivables S 100 90 3 1 Demand deposits 50 100 3 2 Amounts receivable i.r.o securities transactions S 100 100 3 3 Other amounts receivables S 100 90 Other credit institutions Public authorities 3 1 Demand deposits 50 100 3 2 Amounts receivable i.r.o securities transactions S 100 100 3 3 Other amounts receivables S 100 90 14 Journal of Applied Mathematics Table 1: Continued. Group 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 5 1 2 5 5 1 2 5 1 5 2 6 6 2 1 2 3 4 14 14 1 Assets Other professional money market players Demand deposits Amounts receivable i.r.o securities transactions Other amounts receivables Other counterparties Demand deposits Amounts receivable i.r.o securities transactions Other amounts receivables including premature redemptions Receivables i.r.o REPO and reverse REPO transactions Reverse repo transactions (other than with CBs) Receivables i.r.o Bonds Receivables i.r.o Shares Repo Transactions (Other Than with CBs) Receivables i.r.o bonds Receivables i.r.o shares Securities lending/borrowing transactions Securities stock on account of securities Lending/borrowing transactions Securities receivable on account of securities Lending/borrowing transactions Other securities and gold Other liquid shares Unmarketable shares Unmarketable bonds Gold Official standby facilities Official standby facilities received Receivables i.r.o derivatives S Week Month S S 50 100 100 100 100 90 S S 0 100 50 0 90 40 S S 100 100 100 100 S S 90/d∗ /∗∗ 70 90/d∗ /∗∗ 70 100 100 100 100 70 0 100 90 70 0 100 90 100 100 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ S S ∗ : Less applicable discount. : Either at stated percentage or at percentages applicable for ecb/escb collateral purposes. : Calculated amount for the period concerned. 90/d∗ /∗∗ : 90% OR less applicable discount provided the method is consistently applied. ∗∗ ∗∗∗ The measures for size and the number of extreme balance sheet adjustments gauge the time dimension of macroprudential risk, and indicators of the dependency and concentration of reactions capture the cross-sectoral dimension. The measures are robust to different specifications and distributions of the data. Applied to Dutch banks, the measures show that the number, size, and similarity of responses substantially changed during the crisis, in particular on certain market segments. They also indicate that the nature of banks behavior is asymmetric, being more intense in busts than in booms. Furthermore, during the crisis the deleveraging of large banks started earlier was more intense and more advanced than the deleveraging of smaller banks. Given these findings, the indicators are useful for macroprudential analysis, for instance with regard to monitoring frameworks. Our analysis underscores the relevance Journal of Applied Mathematics 15 Table 2: Liabilities for liquidity testing. Group Liabilities S Week Month Moneys borrowed from CBs 7 1 Overdrafts payable within one week 7 2 Other amounts owed 100 100 S 100 100 8 1 Issued debt securities S 100 100 8 2 Subordinate liabilities S 100 100 S 100 100 S 100 90 Amounts owed i.r.o securities transactions Deposits and other funding—fixed maturity—plus interest payable S 100 100 S 100 90 Fixed-term savings deposits S 20 20 Debt instruments issued by the bank itself Deposits and fixed term loans Branches and banking subsidiaries not included in the report 9 1 9 2 Amounts owed i.r.o securities transactions Deposits and other funding—fixed maturity—plus interest payable Other counterparties 1 10 2 10 Liabilities i.r.o repo and reverse repo transactions Repo transactions (other than with CBs) 11 1 Amounts owed i.r.o bonds S 100 100 11 2 Amounts owed i.r.o shares S 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 Securities lending/borrowing transactions Negative securities stock on account of securities lending/borrowing transactions Securities to be delivered on account of securities lending/borrowing transactions Credit balances and other moneys borrowed with an indefinite effective term Branches and banking subsidiaries not included in the report Current account balances and other demand deposits 11 1 11 2 12 1 12 1 Balances on vostro accounts of banks 50 50 12 2 Other demand deposits 50 100 12 1 50 100 13 1 2.5 10 13 1 5 20 13 2 5 20 S Other credit institutions Other professional money market players Demand deposits Savings accounts Savings accounts without a fixed term Other Demand deposits and other liabilities Other amounts due and to be accounted for including the balance of forward transactions and amounts due i.r.o. social and provident funds 16 Journal of Applied Mathematics Table 2: Continued. Group Liabilities 14 1 14 14 1 1 14 1 14 14 14 14 2 3 4 5 Official standby facilities Official standby facilities granted Liabilities i.r.o. derivatives Known liabilities i.r.o derivatives Unknown liabilities i.r.o derivatives Other contingent liabilities and irrevocable credit facilities Unused irrevocable credit facilities, including underwriting of issues Bills accepted Credit-substitute guarantees Non-credit-substitute guarantees Other off-balance sheet liabilities S S S Week Month 100 100 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 2.5 10 100 2.5 2.5 1.25 100 10 10 5 of using several indicators of liquidity risk at the same time, given the different leads and lags of the measures with systemic risk. The empirical results also provide useful information for financial stability models. A better understanding of banks behavior helps to improve the microfoundations of such models, especially with regard to the behavioral assumptions of heterogeneous institutions. Finally, the empirical findings in our study are relevant to understand the role of banks in monetary transmission and to assess the potential demand for CB finance in stress situations. The measures explain developments of financial intermediation channels wholesale and retail, unsecured, secured, etc. along the crosssectional and time dimensions. They also shed more light on the size and number of banks that rely on CB financing. 3.2. Bank Liquidity: Numerical Example 2 In this section, we provide a simulation of the LCR dynamics given in 2.18. 3.2.1. Simulation: Numerical Example 2 In this subsection, we provide parameters and values for a numerical simulation. The parameters and their corresponding values for the simulation are shown in Table 3. 3.2.2. LCR Dynamics: Numerical Example 2 In Figure 1, we provide the LCR dynamics in the form of a trajectory derived from 2.18. 3.2.3. Properties of the LCR Trajectory: Numerical Example 2 Figure 1 shows the simulated trajectory for the LCR of low liquidity assets. Here different values of banking parameters are collected in Table 3. The number of jumps of the trajectory was limited to 1001, with the initial values for l fixed at 20. Journal of Applied Mathematics 17 A trajectory for MLA Minimum liquid assets (MLA) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 1: Trajectory of the LCR for low liquidity assets. Table 3: Choices of liquidity coverage ratio parameters. Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value C ri ry u2 1 000 0.02 0.05 0.01 rC σe π C 0.06 1.7 0.4 750 re σi u1 W 0.07 1.9 0.03 0.01 As we know, banks manage their liquidity by offsetting liabilities via assets. It is actually the diversification of the bank’s assets and liabilities that expose them to liquidity shocks. Here, we use ratio analysis in the form of the LCR to manage liquidity risk relating various components in the bank’s balance sheets. In Figure 1, we observe that between t 2000 and t 2005, there was a significant decrease in the trajectory which shows that either liquid assets declined or nett cash outflows increased. There was also an increase between t 2005 and t 2007 which suggests that either liquid assets increased or nett cash outflows decreased. There was an even sharper increase subsequent to t 2007 which comes as somewhat of a surprise. In order to mitigate the aforementioned increase in liquidity risk, banks can use several facilities such as repurchase agreements to secure more funding. However, a significant increase was recorded between t 2005 and t 2008, with the trend showing that banks have more liquid assets on their books. If l > 0, it demonstrated that the banks has kept a high volume of liquid assets which might be stemming from quality liquidity risk management. In order for banks to improve liquidity they may use debt securities that allow savings from nonfinancial private sectors, a good network of branches and other competitive strategies. The LCR has some limitations regarding the characterization of the banks liquidity position. Therefore, other ratios could be used for a more complete analysis taking into account the structure of the short-term assets and liabilities of residual maturities. 18 Journal of Applied Mathematics 4. Bank Liquidity in a Theoretical Quantitative Framework In this section, we investigate bank liquidity in a theoretical quantitative framework. In particular, we characterize a liquidity provisioning strategy and discuss residual aggregate risk in order to eventually determine the appropriate value of the price process. In order to model uncertainty, in the sequel, we consider the filter probability space Ω, F, Ft 0≤t≤T , P, T ∈ R described in Assumption 2.1. 4.1. Preliminaries about the Liquidity Provisioning Strategy Firstly, we consider a dynamic liquidity provisioning strategy for a risky underlying illiquid asset process, Λt 0≤t≤T . For purposes of relating the discussion below to the GFC, we choose Λ to be residential mortgage loans hereafter known simply as mortgages. Mortgages were very illiquid nonmarketable before and during the GFC. In this case, for liquidity provisioning purposes, the more liquid marketable securities, S—judging by their credit rating before and during the GFC—are used as a substitute for mortgages. This was true during the period before and during the GFC, with mortgage-backed securities being traded more easily than the underlying mortgages. Furthermore, we assume that the bank mainly holds illiquid mortgages and marketable securities compare with the assets presented in Tables 1 and 2 with cash for investment being injected by outside investors. The liquid marketable securities, S, are not completely correlated with the illiquid mortgages, Λ, creating market incompleteness. Under the probability measure, P, the price of the traded substitute securities and the illiquid underlying mortgages are given by dSt St μs dt σ s dWtS , dΛt Λt μΛ dt σ Λ dWtΛ , 4.1 respectively, where μ and σ are constants. We define the constant market price of risk for securities as λs μs − r . σ 4.2 We note that if the market correlation |ρ| between W S and W Λ is equal to one, then the securities and mortgages are completely correlated and the market is complete. Let Θ be a liquidity provisioning strategy for the bank’s asset portfolio. The dynamics of its wealth process is given by dΠt nSt dSt Πt − nSt St rdt dCt , 4.3 where dCt is an amount of cash infused into the portfolio, nSt is the number of shares of securities held in the portfolio at time t, Πt is the value of the wealth process, and r is the riskless interest rate. The cumulative cost process CΘ associated with the strategy, Θ, is Ct Θ Π̀t Θ − t 0 nSu dS̀u , 0 ≤ t ≤ T. 4.4 Journal of Applied Mathematics 19 The cost process is the total amount of cash that has been injected from date 0 to date t. We determine a provisioning strategy that generate a payoff ΛT − K at the maturity T . The T quantity t exp{−rs − t}dCs is the discounted cash amount that needs to be injected into the T portfolio between dates t and T . Since t exp{−rs − t}dCs is uncertain, the risk-averse agent will focus on minimizing the associated ex-ante aggregate liquidity risk ⎡ 2 ⎤ T exp{−rs − t}dCu ⎦, Rt Θ EP ⎣ 0 ≤ t ≤ T. 4.5 t It is clear that this concept is related to the conditioned expected square value of future costs. The strategy Θ, 0 ≤ t ≤ T is mean self-financing if its corresponding cost process C Ct 0≤t T is a martingale. Furthermore, the strategy Θ is self-financing if and only if Π̀t Θ Π̀0 Θ t 0 nSu dS̀u , 0 ≤ t ≤ T. 4.6 is called an admissible continuation of Θ if Θ coincides with Θ at all times before A strategy Θ t and Πt Θ L, P a.s. Moreover, a provisioning strategy is called liquidity risk minimizing if for any t ∈ 0, T , Θ minimizes the remaining liquidity risk. In other words, for any admissible of Θ at t we have continuous Θ . Rt Θ ≤ Rt Θ 4.7 Criterion given in 4.5 can be formally rewritten as ∀t min Rt , nS ,Π subject to Πt ΛT − K . 4.8 We define the expected squared error of the cost over the next period as 2 EP ΔCt 2 Et ΠtΔt − Πt − nSt StΔt − St − Πt − nSt St exp{rt Δt} − exp{rt} . 4.9 In the next section, we minimize the above quantity at each date, with respect to nS0 , nSΔ , . . . , nStΔt and also discuss the notion of a liquidity provisioning strategy. 4.2. Characterization of the Liquidity Provisioning Strategy During the GFC, liquidity provisioning strategies involved several interesting elements. Firstly, private provisioning of liquidity was provided via the financial system. Secondly, there was a strong connection between financial fragility and cash-in-the-market pricing. Also, contagion and asymmetric information played a major role in the GFC. Finally, much of the debate on liquidity provisioning has been concerned with the provisioning of 20 Journal of Applied Mathematics liquidity to financial institutions and resulting spillovers to the real economy. The next result characterizes the liquidity provisioning strategy that we study. Theorem 4.1 characterization of the provisioning strategy. The locally liquidity risk minimizing strategy is described by the following. 1 The investment in mortgages is ǹSt σ Λ Λt Λ σ Λ Λt Λ Λ S Nd1 , t, ρC ρ exp μ − r − ρσ λ Λ − t t, T t σ S St σ S St 4.10 where λs is the Sharpe ratio and Ct, Λt is the minimal entropy price Ct, Λt exp{−rT − t}EQ ΛT − K exp μΛ − r − ρσ Λ λS T − t Λt Nd1 , t − K exp{−rT − t}Nd2 , t, 4.11 where Q is the minimal martingale measure defined as 1 exp − ΛS2 T − t − λS WTS − WtS , 2 t 4.12 √ Λt 1 σ Λ2 Λ Λ S Λ μ − ρσ λ d2,t d1,t − σ T − t. ln T − t , √ K 2 σΛ T − t dQ dP d1,t 2 The cash investment is 4.13 Ct, Λt − ǹSt St . If the Sharpe ratio, λs , of the traded substitute securities is equal to zero, the minimal martingale measure coincides with the original measure P, and the above strategy is globally liquidity risk minimizing. Proof. Let S̀t ≡ exp{−rt}St be the discounted value of the traded securities at time t. This process follows a martingale under the martingale measure, Q, since we have dS̀t S̀t σ S dWtS,Q , 4.14 where dWtS,Q ≡ dWtS λS dt is the increment to a Q-Brownian motion. Hence, we can write the Kunita-Watanabe decomposition of the discounted option payoff under Q: exp{−rt}ΛT − K H0 T 0 ζt dS̀t VTH , 4.15 Journal of Applied Mathematics 21 where V H is a P-martingale orthogonal to S̀ under Q. Lévy’s Theorem shows that the process A defined by dAt dWtΛ − ρdWtS ! 1 − ρ2 4.16 is a P-Brownian motion and that it is independent of W S . Then, by Girsanov’s theorem, W S,Q , A also follows two-dimensional Q-Brownian motion. Since V H is a martingale under Q and is orthogonal to F, the martingale representation theorem shows that we have VtH ψdAt for some process ψ. In particular, V H is orthogonal under P to the martingale part of S̀, where the martingale part of S̀ under P is defined as Gt t 0 4.17 σ S Ss dWsS . Next, we suppose that Pt exp{−rT − t}EQ ΛT − K . 4.18 Using 4.15 we obtain Pt exp{rt} H0 t ζs dS̀s 0 VH t . 4.19 Consider now the non-self-financing strategy with value Π̀t Pt and the number of securities given by ǹSt ζt . Given 4.1 and 4.19, we obtain that dC̀t exp{rt}dVtH . This shows that, V H , C̀ is a P-martingale orthogonal to G. We recall that a strategy Π, nS is locally risk minimizing if and only if the associated cost process follows a P-martingale orthogonal to G. Hence the strategy Π̀, ǹS is locally risk minimizing. We now prove an explicitly expression for the random variable Pt , which is called the minimum entropy price. The Black-Scholes formula implies that Pt Ct, Λt exp μΛ − r − σ Λ ρλS T − t Λt Nd1 , t − K exp μΛ − ρσ Λ λS T − t Nd2 , t , 4.20 which can be written as a function Ct, Λt of t and Λt . Using 4.19, we obtain that ζt σ Λ Λt Λ ρC t, Λt . σ S St The required expression for ǹFt follows immediately. 4.21 22 Journal of Applied Mathematics Our paper addresses the problem of dynamic bank provisioning for illiquid nonmarketable mortgages, Λ, for which substitute liquid marketable securities, S, is part of the liquidity provisioning strategy. Due to the presence of cross-hedge liquidity risk we operate in an incomplete market setting. In this regard, we employ a non-self-financing strategy to ensure that uncertainty is reduced and trading is conducted in the Treasuries market. Moreover, the strategy is designed to influence a perfect replication at the cost of continuous cash infusion into the replicating bank portfolio. Since the cash infusion is random, the risk-averse agent would require that the total uncertainty involved over the remaining life of the mortgage be minimized. As a consequence, for 0 ≤ t ≤ T , the associated ex-ante aggregated liquidity risk is given by ⎡ 2 ⎤ T exp{−rs − t}dCu ⎦, Rt Θ EP ⎣ 0 ≤ t ≤ T. 4.22 t T Now t exp{−rs − t}dCu is stochastic, so we will focus on minimizing the risk in 4.5. We apply a local risk minimization criterion which entails that instead of minimizing the uncertainty with respect to the cash infusion, Ct , over the process, the strategy attempts to minimize, at each date, the uncertainty over the next infinitesimal period. Also, the incompleteness entails the existence of infinitely many equivalent martingale measures. In order to determine the appropriate price of the asset value one should choose an appropriate equivalent martingale measure. In this case, the process is Q-Brownian motion so that the discounted price process exp{−rt}St follows martingale pricing. The equivalent martingale measure will be determine according to the risk minimization criterion in Theorem 4.1. Let us consider the discounted price to be exp{−rt}ΛT − K . 4.23 Applying the Kunita-Watanabe decomposition for the discounted price under a measure Q, we get Π K H0 T 0 4.24 ζt dS̀u VTH , where V H is a P-martingale orthogonal to S̀ under the measure Q. Let Pt exp{−rT − t}EQ t ΛT − K 4.25 which can be rewritten as Pt exp{rt} H0 t 0 ζu dS̀u LH t . 4.26 Journal of Applied Mathematics 23 4.3. Residual Aggregate Liquidity Risk During the GFC, two types of uncertainty concerning liquidity requirements arose. Firstly, each individual bank was faced with idiosyncratic liquidity risk. At any given time its depositors may have more or less liquidity needs. Uncertainty also arose from the fact that banks face aggregate liquidity risk. In some periods aggregate liquidity demand is high while in others it is low. Thus, aggregate risk exposes all banks to the same shock, by increasing or decreasing the demand for liquidity that they face simultaneously. The ability of banks to hedge themselves against these liquidity risks crucially depend on the functioning, or, more precisely, the completeness of financial markets. The next theorem provides an explicit expression for the aggregate liquidity risk when a locally risk minimizing strategy is utilized in an incomplete market. Theorem 4.2 residual aggregate liquidity risk. The aggregate liquidity risk when a locally risk minimizing strategy at time t is implemented is equal to T 2 Λ2 2 P S2 Λ 1 − ρ Λ ds. σ exp{−2rs − t}E C Λ Rrm s, s t 4.27 t This can be approximated by 2 1 − exp{−2rT − t} Λ2 Rrm . 1 − ρ CΛ 0, Λ0 2 Λ20 t ≈σ 2r 4.28 Proof. Let us now assume Φ Φ and Πt Ct, Λt . Under Q, the wealth process, Π, evolves as dΠt rΠt dt ρσ Λ Λt CΛ t, Λt dWtS,Q dC̀t . 4.29 In addition, exp{−rt}Ct, Λt t follows a Q-martingale, where dCt, Λt rCt, Λt dt CΛ t, Λt σ Λ Λt dWtΛ,Q , 4.30 dWtΛ,Q dWtΛ ρλS dt 4.31 defines a Q-Brownian motion. One can write it as dWtΛ,Q dWtΛ − ρdWtS ρdWtS,Q ! 1 − ρ2 dWt2 ρdWtΛ,Q . 4.32 Comparing 4.29 and 4.30 we obtain that ! exp{−rt}dCt exp{−rt}CΛ t, Λt σ Λ Λt 1 − ρ2 dWt2 , hence 4.27. 4.33 24 Journal of Applied Mathematics In what follows, we let δt be the delta of the mortgage process at time t that is computed from the minimal entropy price so that δt CΛ t, Λt . We must now compute EP δt2 Λ2t for all t in 0, T . If δt2 , Λ2t t>0 were a martingale, the task would be easy since we would have EP δt2 Λ2t δ02 Λ20 . But δt2 Λ2t t≥0 is not a martingale. However, it can be shown that for small σ Λ2 T , the expectation EP δt2 Λ2t is approximated by the constant δ02 Λ20 . The formal proof follows from the fact that EP γt Λ2t ≈ γ0 Λ20 , γt CΛΛ t, Λt , denoting the gamma of the value of the asset. Therefore, we finally have that T 1 − exp{−2rT − t} . exp{−2rs}EP δs2 ΛS2 ds ≈ σ Λ2 1 − ρ2 δ02 Λ20 σ Λ2 1 − ρ2 2r t that 4.34 Applying a non-self-financing strategy and considering Π̀t Pt and ǹSt ζt , we obtain dC̀t exp{rt}dVtH . 4.35 This implies that C̀ is P-martingale orthogonal to G. In this regard, the strategy Π, nS is locally risk minimizing if and only if the associated cost process CΘ follows a P-martingale orthogonal to G. This means the strategy minimizes at each date the uncertainty over the next infinitesimal period. In applying the risk-minimization strategy there remains some “residual” aggregate liquidity risk stemming from the imperfection of the Brownian motion processes W S and W Λ . After the bank has implemented the locally risk minimizing strategy at time t, the aggregate liquidity risk is T Λ2 2 1 − ρ σ exp{−2rs − t}EP Λ2 CΛ S, Λu 2 . Rrm t 4.36 t For δt associated with the value process at time t computed via the minimized entropy price, we now need to compute EP δt2 , Λ2t for all t in 0, T . Since EP δt2 , Λ2t is approximated by the constant δ02 Λ20 , then EP γt Λ2t ≈ γ0 Λ2t , γt CΛ t, Λt which is the gamma of the mortgage value. Therefore, the residual liquidity risk at time t is 2 σ Λ2 1 − ρ T t 2 − exp{−2rT − t} . exp{−2rs}EP δu2 ΛSu du ≈ σ Λ2 1 − ρ δ02 Λ20 2r 4.37 5. Conclusions and Future Directions In this paper, we discuss liquidity risk management for banks. We investigate the stochastic dynamics of bank items such as loans, reserves, securities, deposits, borrowing and bank capital compare with Question 1. In accordance with Basel III, our paper proposes that overall liquidity risk is best analyzed using ratio analysis approaches. Here, liquidity risk is measured via the LCR. In this case, we provide numerical results to highlight some important issues. Our numerical quantitative model shows that a low LCR stems from a low level of liquid assets or high nett cash outflows compare with Question 2. Moreover, we provide a characterization of liquidity risk provisioning by considering an illiquid nonmarketable Journal of Applied Mathematics 25 mortgage as an underlying asset and using liquid marketable securities for provisioning. In this case, we use non-self-financing strategy that considers market incompleteness to provision for liquidity risk. Then, we provide a quantitative framework for assessing residual risk stemming from the above strategy compare with Question 3. Future research should focus on other features of the GFC that are related to liquidity provisioning. The first involves the decrease in prices of AAA-rated tranches of structured financial products below fundamental values. The second is the effect of the GFC on interbank markets for term funding and collateralized money markets. Thirdly, further investigations should address the fear of contagion should a major institution fail. Finally, the effects on the real economy should be considered. In addition, the stochastic dynamic model we have consider in this paper does not take assets and liabilities with residual maturities into account. Such a model should be developed. Appendices A. More about Liquidity Risk In this section, we provide more information about measures by cash flow, liquidity monitoring approaches, liquidity risk ratings and national approaches to liquidity risk. A.1. Measures by Cash Flow Banks use the intensity of the cash flow to predict the level of stress events. In this case, we determine the level of both cash in flows and cash out flows depending on both supply and demand for liquidity in the normal market performance. In this regard, the bank cash flow predicts the level of stress event s. Moreover, the use of proforma is an acceptable standard which determine the uses and sources of funds in the bank. It identifies where the bank funding short fall and liquidity gap lies. A.2. Liquidity Monitoring Approaches The BCBS has set international standards for sound management of liquidity risk. In this regard, the monitoring and evaluation of the banks operational activities is an internal control measure. However, the monitoring approach is divided into three levels, that is, the liquid assets approach, the cash flow approach, and a mixture of both. Liquid asset approach is mostly appropriate used in the Treasury bond market. In this regard, banks are required to maintain some liquid asset in their balance sheet that could be used during the hard period. Assets such as government securities are appropriate to maintain in the balance sheet because they can easily enable the bank to secure funding through securitization. While Cash flow matching approach enable banks to match the cash in flows with the cash out flows from the balance sheet activities. The monitoring approaches for assessing liquidity risk is divided into three classes, that is, liquid asset approach, the cash flow approach and the combination of both. In the liquid asset approach a bank prescribed to a minimum level of cash or high-quality liquid or marketable assets in relation to the deposits and other sources of funds. While maturity 26 Journal of Applied Mathematics Table 4 Quantitative indicators Availability of funds Diversification of funding sources Alternative funding sources Capacity to augment liquidity through asset sales and/or securitization Volume of wholesale liabilities with embedded options Vulnerability of a bank to funding difficulities Support provided by parent company Qualitative indicators Effectiveness of a board’s policy in response to liquidity risk Effectiveness process in identifying, measuring, monitoring, and controlling Interacting of management to changing market conditions Development of contingency funding plans Information system management Comprehensive and effective internal audit coverage mismatch classify the expected inflows and outflows of funds into time bands of their residual maturity. A.3. Liquidity Risk Rating The rating of liquidity risk is categorized into two sets of indicators, that is, the quantitative and qualitative liquidity risk indicators. Table 4 shows the quantitative and qualitative liquidity risk indicators. In light of the above, the rating for quantitative liquidity risk management is classified into three levels, that is, low, moderate level, and high level of liquidity risk. Therefore, a bank with a full set of all the indicated quantitative indicators has a low level of liquidity risk. Moreover, the rating for qualitative liquidity risk is divided into three levels, that is, strong, satisfactory, and weak quality of management of liquidity risk. In the above, we indicated that rating of liquidity risk is divided into two sets of indicators, namely, the quantitative liquidity risk indicators and qualitative liquidity risk indicators. According to Table 4, a bank with a full set of all the indicated qualitative indicators has a low level of liquidity risk, while a bank with a full set of all indicated qualitative indicators has a higher level of liquidity risk management. A.4. National Approaches to Liquidity Risk In this section, we discuss a useful principle which needs to be developed by individual countries to ensure sound management of liquidity risk and appropriate level of liquidity insurance by banks. This principle could be enforced via policies that assess liquidity as an internal measure; stress testing and other scenario analysis which determine the probability of a bank culminating into liquidity crisis; contingency funding to provide reliable sources of Journal of Applied Mathematics 27 funds to cover the short fall; setting limitations such as holding of liquid assets, minimum liquid assets, limits on maturity mismatches, and limits on a particular funding sources; reporting about liquidity risks and sources of liquidity as well as through public disclosure to enable investors to access bank information. 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