Electronic Resources Work Group Meeting Summary May 25, 2005, 10:30-12:00

Electronic Resources Work Group
Meeting Summary
May 25, 2005, 10:30-12:00
Present: W. Shelburne, M. Norman, D. Chirolas, N. Chew, L. Hinchliffe,
J. Johnson, T. Chrzastowski, J. Weible, L. Wiley, J. Kibbee, K. Schmidt,
N. Koetter (guest)
Google Scholar: Lisa Hinchliffe pointed out that Google Scholar has
added a message to our gateway that says: “Find academic research
papers with Google Scholar.” This occurs because we use Google as our
web search engine, and has happened without permission.
e-books – next steps: ERWG invited Nuala Koetter to join us to talk
about next steps in handling digital content in a more routine and
scalable way. Nuala noted that she was meeting soon with Tom Teper
and others regarding plans for the TIF images we receive with our brittle
book scanning program, as well as other digitization projects. That
group will be looking at storage and access issues for digital content that
would not necessarily be part of our Institutional Repository. Some
participants are also ERWG members, and we asked that Wendy also
join in this discussion. We talked about the role of ContentDM, and
Nuala provided an overview and refresher, using the content on the DSD
Images site. ERWG agreed that there is a need in the Library for a
general overview of what Content DM can do, as well as for a general
understanding of TDNet, the ORR, WebFeat and Federated Searching.
These products will soon be transforming how our staff and users
interact with our collections. The ContentDM discussion was valuable
and ERWG asked Nuala to return on July 22 to talk about the behindthe-scenes work of getting an image up and accessible.
OCLC Pilot: Lynn Wiley had received an inquiry from OCLC for us to
work on a pilot that helped test a TDNet-EBSCO partnership to facilitate
access to e-resource holdings. ERWG had a number of questions about
the value of this project, including the expected outcome, use of our staff
time, how our cleaned-up records might be used, and licensing issues.
Lynn will contact OCLC and set a conference call or a meeting time at
e-resources checklist: ERWG agreed that the e-resource checklist is
complete and can go live on the Collections web page. Karen will send
out a note about this on the e-resources forum.
Patron authorization matrix: John Weible and Beth Sandore have
identified some questions related to CITES in the matrix and are waiting
for responses. We acknowledged that the survey staff in all surveys will
now formally be part of the University.
Licensed electronic products information database: The Elsevier
information has been loaded in tables and John, Wendy, and others are
working out technical and content issues. John is working with the DLF
standards to identify the most useful licensing information to include.
Next meeting: June 14, 2:30-4:00.