Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2013, Article ID 757542, 7 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/757542 Research Article Bounds for Incidence Energy of Some Graphs Weizhong Wang1,2 and Dong Yang2 1 2 Department of Mathematics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China Department of Mathematics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China Correspondence should be addressed to Weizhong Wang; jdslxywwz@163.com Received 23 April 2013; Accepted 2 July 2013 Academic Editor: Magdy A. Ezzat Copyright © 2013 W. Wang and D. Yang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Let πΊ be a simple graph. The incidence energy (πΌπΈ for short) of πΊ is defined as the sum of the singular values of the incidence matrix. In this paper, a new upper bound for πΌπΈ of graphs in terms of the maximum degree is given. Meanwhile, bounds for πΌπΈ of the line graph of a semiregular graph and the paraline graph of a regular graph are obtained. 1. Introduction Let πΊ be a finite, simple, and undirected graph with π vertices. The matrix πΏ(πΊ) = π·(πΊ)−π΄(πΊ) (resp., πΏ+ (πΊ) = π·(πΊ)+π΄(πΊ)) is called the Laplacian matrix (resp., signless Laplacian matrix [1–4]) of πΊ, where π΄(πΊ) is the adjacency matrix and π·(πΊ) is the diagonal matrix of the vertex degrees. (For details on Laplacian matrix, see [5, 6].) Since π΄(πΊ), πΏ(πΊ) and πΏ+ (πΊ) are all real symmetric matrices, their eigenvalues are real numbers. So, we can assume that π 1 (πΊ) ≥ π 2 (πΊ) ≥ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≥ π π (πΊ) (resp., π1 (πΊ) ≥ π2 (πΊ) ≥ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≥ ππ (πΊ), π1+ (πΊ) ≥ π2+ (πΊ) ≥ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≥ ππ+ (πΊ)) are the adjacency (resp., Laplacian, signless Laplacian) eigenvalues of πΊ. It follows from the GersΜgorin disc theorem that πΏ(πΊ) and πΏ+ (πΊ) are semidefinite. Therefore, all Laplacian (resp., signless Laplacian) eigenvalues of πΊ are nonnegative. If the graph πΊ is connected, then ππ (πΊ) > 0 for π = 1, 2, . . . , π − 1 and ππ (πΊ) = 0 [6]. If πΊ is a connected nonbipartite graph, then ππ+ (πΊ) > 0 for π = 1, 2, . . . , π [1]. One of the most remarkable chemical applications of graph theory is based on the close correspondence between the graph eigenvalues and the molecular orbital energy levels of π-electrons in conjugated hydrocarbons. For the HuΜchkel molecular orbital approximation, the total π-electron energy in conjugated hydrocarbons is given by the sum of absolute values of the eigenvalues corresponding to the molecular graph πΊ in which the maximum degree is not more than four in general. The energy of πΊ was defined by Gutman in [7] as π σ΅¨ σ΅¨ πΈ (πΊ) = ∑ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨π π (πΊ)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ . (1) π=1 Research on graph energy is nowadays very active, as seen from the recent papers [8–15], monograph [16], and the references quoted therein. The singular values of a real matrix (not necessarily square) π are the square roots of the eigenvalues of the matrix πππ‘ , where ππ‘ denotes the transpose of π. Recently, Nikiforov [17] extended the concept of graph energy to any matrix π by defining the energy πΈ(π) to be the sum of singular values of π. Obviously, πΈ(πΊ) = πΈ(π΄(πΊ)). Let πΌ(πΊ) be the (vertex-edge) incidence matrix of the graph πΊ. For a graph πΊ with vertex set {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vπ } and edge set {π1 , π2 , . . . , ππ }, the (π, π)-entry of πΌ(πΊ) is 0 if Vπ is not incident with ππ and 1 if Vπ is incident with ππ . Jooyandeh et al. [18] introduced the incidence energy IE of πΊ, which is defined as the sum of the singular values of the incidence matrix of πΊ. Gutman et al. [19] showed that π IE = IE (πΊ) = ∑√ππ+ (πΊ). π=1 Some basic properties of IE may be found in [18–20]. (2) 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics A line graph is a classical unary operation of graphs with finite number and infinite number of vertices. Its basic properties can be found in any text book on graph theory (see, e.g., [21–23]). Recently, several papers on line graph have been published [20, 24–27]. For example, Gao et al. [24] established a formula and lower bounds for the Kirchhoff index of the line graph of a regular graph. Bounds for Laplacian-energylike invariant (LEL for short) of the line graph of a regular graph πΊ are obtained in [26]. For details on LEL, see the comprehensive survey [28]. From (2), one can immediately get the incidence energy of a graph by computing the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of the graph. However, even for special graphs, it is still complicated to find the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of them. Hence, it makes sense to establish lower and upper bounds to estimate the invariant for some classes of graphs. Zhou [29] obtained the upper bounds for the incidence energy using the first Zagreb index. Gutman et al. [20] gave several lower and upper bounds for IE. In particular, an upper bound for IE of the line graph of a regular graph was established in [20]. In this paper, we continue to study the bounds for IE of graphs. In Section 2, we give a new upper bound for IE of graphs in terms of the maximum degree. Bounds for IE of the line graph of a semiregular graph and the paraline graph of a regular graph are obtained in Section 3. 2. A New Upper Bound for πΌπΈ In this section, we will give a new upper bound for IE of a nonempty graph. The following fundamental properties of the IE were established in [18]. Lemma 1 (see [18]). Let πΊ be a graph with π vertices and π edges. Then Proof. Note that ∑ππ=2 ππ+ = 2π − π1+ . By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality IE (πΊ) ≤ √π1+ + √(π − 1) (2π − π1+ ). (4) The equality holds if and only if π2+ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ+ . We consider the function π (π₯) = √π₯ + √(π − 1) (2π − π₯), π₯ > 0. (5) Then πσΈ (π₯) = −π + 1 1 . + 2√π₯ 2√(π − 1) (2π − π₯) (6) It is easily seen that the function π(π₯) is decreasing for π₯ > 2π/π. By Lemma 2, 2π 1 (7) ≤Δ<1+Δ<1+Δ+ ≤ π1+ . π Δ−1 Inequality (3) follows now from the monotonicity of π(π₯) and (4). Equality in (3) holds if and only if πΊ is a cycle. It is wellknown [4] that the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of πΆπ are 2π (8) π (π = 0, 1, . . . , π − 1) . π If πΊ ≅ πΆ3 , then we may verify directly that the equality in (3) holds. Conversely, if the equality in (3) holds, then 2 + 2 cos 1 (9) , π2+ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ+ . Δ−1 It follows from Lemma 2 that πΊ is a cycle. Note that πΊ has at most two distinct signless Laplacian eigenvalues. By virtue of (8), we now conclude that πΊ is a triangle. π1+ = 1 + Δ + (i) IE(πΊ) ≥ 0, and equality holds if and only if π = 0; Recall from [20] that an upper bound for IE was given as follows. (ii) if πΊ1 , . . . , πΊπ are all components of πΊ, then IE(πΊ) = π ∑π IE(πΊπ ). Lemma 4 (see [20]). Let πΊ be a connected graph with π ≥ 3 vertices and π edges. Then From Lemma 1(ii), when we study the incidence energy of a graph πΊ, we may assume that πΊ is connected. The following lemma will be used later. Lemma 2 (see [3]). Let πΊ be a connected graph without vertices of degree 1 and the maximum degree Δ. Then, π1+ ≥ 1 + Δ + (1/(Δ − 1)); the equality holds if and only if πΊ is a cycle. Denote by πΆπ the cycle with π vertices. Theorem 3. Let πΊ be a connected graph without vertices of degree 1 and the maximum degree Δ. Then 1 IE (πΊ) ≤ √ 1 + Δ + Δ−1 + √ (π − 1) (2π − 1 − Δ − the equality holds if and only if πΊ ≅ πΆ3 . IE (πΊ) < √1 + Δ + √(π − 1) (2π − 1 − Δ). (10) Remark 5. It should be pointed out that, for a connected graph without vertices of degree 1, the bound in (3) is better than the bound in (10). Indeed, it is easily seen that the bound in (3) is π(1+Δ+(1/(Δ−1))), but the bound in (10) is π(1+Δ). Note that 1 2π (11) ≤Δ<1+Δ<1+Δ+ ≤ π1+ . π Δ−1 It follows from the monotonicity of π(π‘) that π (1 + Δ + 1 ) < π (1 + Δ) . Δ−1 (12) That is, 1 ); Δ−1 (3) √1 + Δ + 1 1 + √ (π − 1) (2π − 1 − Δ − ) Δ−1 Δ−1 < √1 + Δ + √(π − 1) (2π − 1 − Δ). (13) Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 3. Bounds for πΌπΈ of Line Graphs of Semiregular Graphs where π1+ ≥ π2+ ≥ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≥ ππ+ are the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of πΊ. In this section, we will investigate the IE of the line graph of an (π, π )-semiregular graph and the paraline graph of an πregular graph. We first consider the case for line graph. The line graph L(πΊ) of a graph πΊ is the graph whose vertex set is in oneto-one correspondence with the set of edges of πΊ where two vertices of L(πΊ) are adjacent if and only if the corresponding edges in πΊ have a vertex in common. For instance, the line graph of a star ππ on π vertices is a complete graph πΎπ−1 on π − 1 vertices. The following result is well known [30]. Theorem 8. Let πΊ be an (π, π )-semiregular graph with π vertices. Then Lemma 6 (see [30]). Let π΄ be a matrix. Then, the matrices π΄π΄π and π΄π π΄ have the same nonzero eigenvalues. Proof. Let π be the number of edges of πΊ. Then, π = πππ /(π+ π ). Note that π1+ (πΊ) = π + π . It follows from (2) and (18) that A bipartite graph πΊ with a bipartition π(πΊ) = π ∪ π is called an (π, π )-semiregular graph if all vertices in π have degree π and all vertices in π have degree π . Denote by ππΊ+ (π₯) the signless Laplacian polynomial det(π₯πΌ − πΏ+ (πΊ)) of πΊ. For an (π, π )-semiregular graph πΊ, we can establish the following + (π₯). relationship between ππΊ+ (π₯) and πL(πΊ) Lemma 7. Let πΊ be an (π, π )-semiregular graph with π vertices. Then π−π + ππΊ (π + (π) = (π − (π + π − 4)) πL(πΊ) − (π + π − 4)) , (14) where L(πΊ) is the line graph of πΊ and π is the number of edges of πΊ. Proof. Let πΌ(πΊ) be the (vertex-edge) incidence matrix of a graph πΊ. Then π + πΌ (πΊ) πΌ(πΊ) = πΏ (πΊ) , IE (L (πΊ)) ≤ ( πππ − π + 1) √π + π − 4 + √2 (π + π ) − 4 π+π + √ (π − 2) [(π − 3) (π + π ) − 4 (π − 2) + 2πππ ], π+π (19) the equality holds if and only if πΊ ≅ πΎ1,π−1 , or π is even and πΊ ≅ πΎ(π/2),(π/2) with π ≥ 4. π IE (L (πΊ)) = (π − π) √π + π − 4 + ∑√π + π − 4 + ππ+ π=1 = (π − π) √π + π − 4 + √2 (π + π ) − 4 (20) π + ∑√π + π − 4 + ππ+ . π=2 Note also that = 0, ∑ππ=1 ππ+ = 2π. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have ππ+ π ∑√π + π − 4 + ππ+ π=2 π−1 = √π + π − 4 + ∑ √π + π − 4 + ππ+ π=2 π πΌ(πΊ) πΌ (πΊ) = 2πΌπ + π΄ (L (πΊ)) , (15) where πΌπ stands for the unit matrix of order π. Note that if πΊ is an (π, π )-semiregular graph, then the line graph of πΊ is (π + π − 2)-regular graph. Thus πΏ+ (L (πΊ)) = (π + π − 2) πΌπ + π΄ (L (πΊ)) . (16) π=2 = √π + π − 4 + √(π − 2) [(π − 2) (π + π ) − 4 (π − 2) + (2π − π1+ )] = √π + π − 4 Combine (15) with (16), we have πΏ+ (L (πΊ)) − (π + π − 4) πΌπ = πΌ(πΊ)π πΌ (πΊ) . π−1 ≤ √π + π − 4 + √ (π − 2) ∑ (π + π − 4 + ππ+ ) (17) It follows from Lemma 6, (15), and (17) that πΏ+ (πΊ) and πΏ+ (L(πΊ)) − (π + π − 4)πΌπ have the same nonzero eigenvalues. Note that the difference between the dimensions of πΏ+ (L(πΊ)) and πΏ+ (πΊ) is π − π. The proof is finished by the fact that the leading coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is equal to one. By Lemma 7, the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of L(πΊ) are + π − 4 π + π − 4 + π1+ π + π − 4 + π2+ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ π + π − 4 + ππ+ (π π ), −π 1 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 (18) + √ (π − 2) [(π − 3) (π + π ) − 4 (π − 2) + 2πππ ]. π+π (21) Inequality (19) follows now from (20) and (21). Clearly, equality in (19) holds if and only if π2+ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = + + . Then, the number ππ−1 . Suppose that π2+ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ−1 of distinct signless Laplacian eigenvalues of πΊ is at most 3. From the result, “the number of distinct signless Laplacian eigenvalues of a connected graphs with diameter π is at least π + 1 [1],” we know that the diameter of πΊ is at most 2. Note that πΊ is bipartite graph. If the diameter of πΊ is 1, then πΊ must be πΎ2 . If the diameter of πΊ is 2, then πΊ is a complete bipartite graph πΎπ,π with exactly 3 distinct signless Laplacian 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics eigenvalues. It is well known that the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of πΎπ,π are π + π, ππ−1 , ππ−1 , and 0. Thus, πΊ ≅ πΎ1,π−1 , or π is even and πΊ ≅ πΎ(π/2),(π/2) with π ≥ 4. Conversely, if πΊ ≅ πΎ1,π−1 , then L(πΊ) ≅ πΎπ−1 . Note that the signless Laplacian spectrum of complete graph πΎπ‘ [4] is Remark 9. The subdivision graph of an π-regular graph is (π, 2)-semiregular. Hence, the paraline graph of an π-regular graph is the line graph of an (π, 2)-semiregular graph. π‘ − 2 2π‘ − 2 ( ). π‘−1 1 Lemma 10. The spectra of πΏ(πΊ) and πΏ+ (πΊ) coincide if and only if the graph πΊ is bipartite. (22) It follows from (2) and (22) that IE (L (πΊ)) = IE (πΎπ−1 ) = √2π − 4 + (π − 2) √π − 3. (23) That is, the left-hand side of (19) is equal to √2π − 4 + (n-2)√π − 3. In this case, π = π−1 and π = 1. It is easy to check that the right-hand side of (19) is also equal to √2π − 4 + (π − 2)√π − 3. If πΊ ≅ πΎ(π/2),(π/2) , then L(πΊ) ≅ πΏ 2 (π/2), where π ≥ 4 is even. Note also that the signless Laplacian spectrum of lattice graph πΏ 2 (π) [31] is 2π − 4 4π − 4 3π − 4 ). ( 2 1 2π − 2 (π − 1) (24) Similarly, it follows from (2) and (24) that the left-hand side of (19) is equal to (π/2 − 1)2 √π − 4 + √2π − 4 + (π − 2)√3π/2 − 4. Note that πΎ(π/2),(π/2) is an (π/2, π/2)semiregular graph. Substituting π = π = π/2 into (19), we get the right-hand side of (19) is still equal to (π/2 − 1)2 √π − 4 + √2π − 4 + (π − 2)√3π/2 − 4. Hence, we complete the proof of Theorem 8. Now, we consider the case for paraline graph. Let πΊ be a simple graph. A paraline graph, denoted by πΆ(πΊ), is defined as a line graph of the subdivision graph π (πΊ) (the subdivision graph π (πΊ) of a graph πΊ is the graph obtained from πΊ by inserting a vertex to every edge of πΊ) of πΊ (e.g., see Figure 1). The concept of the paraline graph (or clique-inserted graph [32]) of a graph was first introduced in [25], where the author obtained the spectrum of the paraline graph of a regular graph πΊ with infinite number of vertices in terms of the spectrum of πΊ. The following result is well known [5, 6]. πΊ. Let ππΊ(π₯) be the Laplacian polynomial det(π₯πΌ − πΏ(πΊ)) of Corollary 11. Let πΊ be an π-regular graph with π vertices. Then + ππΆ(πΊ) (π) = (−1)ππ ((π − π) (π − π + 2)) ππ/2−π (25) × ππΊ ((2π − π) (π − π + 2)) . Proof. Note that π (πΊ) is a (2, π)-semiregular graph with π + ππ/2 vertices and ππ edges. By Lemma 7, we obtain + (π) = (π − π + 2) ππΆ(πΊ) π−π + ππ (πΊ) (π − π + 2) . (26) ππΊ (π (π + 2 − π)) . (27) It is shown in [33] that ππ (πΊ) (π) = (−1)π (2 − π) π−π It follows from (27) and Lemma 10 that π−π + ππ (πΊ) (π) = (−1)π (2 − π) ππΊ (π (π + 2 − π)) . Combining (26) with (28), we have + ππΆ(πΊ) (π) = (−1)ππ ((π − π) (π − π + 2)) ππ/2−π × ππΊ ((2π − π) (π − π + 2)) . ππσΈ + (πΆ (πΊ)) = 2 3π − 2 − √(π + 2)2 − 4ππ 2 (30) Theorem 12. Let πΊ be a connected π-regular graph with π vertices. Then where 3π − 2 + √(π + 2)2 − 4ππ (29) It follows from Corollary 11 that the signless Laplacian spectrum of πΆ(πΊ) is π π − 2 π1+ (πΆ (πΊ)) π1σΈ + (πΆ (πΊ)) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ππ+ (πΆ (πΊ)) ππσΈ + (πΆ (πΊ)) ( π (π − 2) π (π − 2) ), 1 1 ⋅⋅⋅ 1 1 2 2 ππ+ (πΆ (πΊ)) = (28) , IE (πΆ (πΊ)) ≤ ( , and ππ , π = 1, 2, . . . , π are the Laplacian eigenvalues of πΊ. (31) ππ √ + 2 − 1) √π + √2 (π − 1) √π − 1 2 ππ + ( − π + 1) √π − 2; 2 the equality holds if and only if πΊ ≅ πΎ2 . (32) Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 1 1 2 e1 (1 , e1 ) 2 (2 , e1 ) (1 , e4 ) e4 e5 e2 (4 , e5 ) (4 , e4 ) 3 4 4 (a) (2 , e2 ) (2 , e5 ) e3 3 (3 , e2 ) (4 , e3 ) (b) (3 , e3 ) (c) Figure 1: (a) The graph πΊ. (b) The graph π (πΊ). (c) The graph πΆ(πΊ). Proof. If π = 1, then πΊ ≅ πΎ2 . Note that πΆ(πΎ2 ) ≅ πΎ2 . It is easily seen that IE (πΆ (πΎ2 )) = √2. (33) In this case, π = 1 and π = 2. Hence ( ππ √ + 2 − 1) √π + √2 (π − 1) √π − 1 2 +( ππ − π + 1) √π − 2 = √2. 2 Note that −π ≤ π π (πΊ) < π, π = 2, 3, . . . , π, by the PerronFrobenius theorem. Consider the function π (π‘) = √ 3π − 2 + √π2 + 4π‘ + 4 2 +√ 3π − 2 − √π2 + 4π‘ + 4 2 (36) , −π ≤ π‘ < π. The derivative function of π(π‘) is (34) Suppose now that π ≥ 2. For convenience, let π = ππ/2 be the edges of πΊ. Note that πΊ is an π-regular graph. It follows from the definition of paraline graph that πΆ(πΊ) is still an πregular graph. Note also that ππ (πΊ) = π − π π−π+1 (πΊ), π = 1, 2, . . . , π and π 1 (πΊ) = π. Then by (2) and (30), we have 3π − 2 − √π2 + 4π‘ + 4 πσΈ (π‘) = (√ 2 −√ 3π − 2 + √π2 + 4π‘ + 4 ) 2 −1 × (2√(2π2 − (3π + π‘)) (π2 + 4π‘ + 4)) , −π ≤ π‘ < π. (37) IE (πΆ (πΊ)) It is clear that π(π‘) is decreasing for −π ≤ π‘ < π. Therefore = (π − π) √π + (π − π) √π − 2 IE (πΆ (πΊ)) ≤ (π − π + √2) √π 2 √ 3π − 2 + √π + 4 (π π + 1) 2 π=1 π π +∑ π +∑ √ 3π − 2 − π=1 √π2 ππ = ( + √2 − 1) √π + √2 (π − 1) √π − 1 2 2 2 √ 3π − 2 + √π + 4 (π π + 1) 2 + ∑( π=2 π=2 + 4 (π π + 1) = (π − π + √2) √π + (π − π + 1) √π − 2 π + (π − π + 1) √π − 2 + ∑π (−π) 2 √ 3π − 2 − √π + 4 (π π + 1) + ). 2 (35) +( (38) ππ − π + 1) √π − 2. 2 That is, πΌπΈ(πΆ(πΊ)) = (π − π + √2)√π + (π − π + 1)√π − 2 + ∑ππ=2 π(−π) if and only if πΊ is regular graph and π 1 (πΊ) = π, π 2 (πΊ) = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = π π (πΊ) = −π. It follows that πΊ is a regular graph with two distinct adjacency eigenvalues π and −π with multiplicities 1 and π − 1, respectively. Then by Proposition 1.3.3 [31], πΊ must be a complete graph. Note that the sum of the adjacency eigenvalues of πΊ is equal to zero; that is, π + (π − 1)(−π) = 0. It follows that πΊ is a complete graph with two vertices; that is, πΊ ≅ πΎ2 . This is impossible since π ≥ 2. Summing up, we complete the proof. 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics Theorem 13. Let πΊ be an π-regular graph with π vertices, π ≥ 2. Then IE (πΆ (πΊ)) > π (π + 2√2 − 2) 2 √π + ππ √ π − 2. 2 (39) Proof. From the proof of Theorem 12, we know that the function π(π‘) is decreasing for −π ≤ π‘ < π. Therefore IE (πΆ (πΊ)) > (π − π + √2) √π π + (π − π + 1) √π − 2 + ∑π (π) π=2 = π (π + 2√2 − 2) 2 √π + (40) ππ √ π − 2. 2 Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for many valuable comments and suggestions, which led to great improvements of the original paper. This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 11201201) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (no. lzujbky2012-16). References [1] D. CvetkovicΜ, P. Rowlinson, and S. K. SimicΜ, “Signless Laplacians of finite graphs,” Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 423, no. 1, pp. 155–171, 2007. [2] D. CvetkovicΜ and S. K. 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