Research Article Chaos for Discrete Dynamical System Lidong Wang, Heng Liu,

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Volume 2013, Article ID 212036, 4 pages
Research Article
Chaos for Discrete Dynamical System
Lidong Wang,1,2 Heng Liu,1,2 and Yuelin Gao1
Information and Computational Science department, Beifang University of Nationality, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China
School of Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, Liaoning 116600, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Lidong Wang;
Received 8 January 2013; Revised 1 March 2013; Accepted 2 March 2013
Academic Editor: Ezio Venturino
Copyright © 2013 Lidong Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We prove that a dynamical system is chaotic in the sense of Martelli and Wiggins, when it is a transitive distributively chaotic in a
sequence. Then, we give a sufficient condition for the dynamical system to be chaotic in the strong sense of Li-Yorke. We also prove
that a dynamical system is distributively chaotic in a sequence, when it is chaotic in the strong sense of Li-Yorke.
1. Introduction
Since Li and Yorke first gave the definition of chaos by using
strict mathematical language in 1975 [1], the research on
chaos has greatly influenced modern science, not just natural
sciences but also several social sciences, such as economics,
sociology, and philosophy. The theory of chaos convinced
scientists that a simple definite system can produce complicated features and a complex system instead possibly follows
a simple law. However, scientists in different fields, finding
different chaotic connotations, gave different definitions of
chaos such as Li-Yorke chaos, distributional chaos, and
Devaney chaos. In order to establish a satisfactory definitional and terminological framework for complex dynamical
systems that are based on strict mathematical definitions,
these concepts with less ambiguous are necessary, and their
interdependence has to be clarified. There is no doubt that
the mathematical definition of Li-Yorke chaos has a large
influence than any other one, whereas distributional chaos
possesses some statistical connotations besides the uncertainty of long-term behaviors. So, comparing distributional
chaos with Li-Yorke chaos is a meaningful and significant
In order to reveal the inner relations between Li-Yorke
chaos and distributional chaos, the author brought up the
definition of distributional chaos in a sequence in [2]. In this
paper, we mainly prove the relations between some different
chaoses in discrete dynamical systems.
The main theorems are stated as follows.
Theorem 1. If a dynamical system (饾憢, 饾憮) exhibits transitive
distributional chaos in a sequence, then,
(1) it is chaotic in the sense of Martelli;
(2) it is chaotic in the sense of Wiggins.
Theorem 2. Let 饾憥, 饾憦 ∈ 饾憢 with 饾憥 =谈 饾憦 and 饾憹饾憳 → ∞ be a sequence of positive integers. If for any sequence 饾惗 = 饾惗1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 饾惗饾憳 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
where 饾惗饾惥 = 饾惖(饾憥, 1/饾憳) or 饾惖(饾憦, 1/饾憳)(饾惖(饾憥, 1/饾憳) = {饾懃 | 饾憫(饾憥, 饾懃) <
(1/饾憳)}) there exists 饾懃(饾惗) ∈ 饾憢, such that for each 饾憳 ≥
1, 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃(饾惗)) ∈ 饾惗饾憳 then system (饾憢, 饾憮) is chaotic in the strong
sense of Li-Yorke.
Theorem 3. If a dynamical system (饾憢, 饾憮) exhibits chaotic in
the strong sense of Li-Yorke, then it is distributively chaotic in
a sequence.
2. Problem Statement and Preliminaries
Throughout this paper 饾憢 will denote a compact metric space
with metric 饾憫.
2.1. Several Definitions and Lemmas. 饾惙 ⊂ 饾憢 is said to be a
chaotic set of 饾憮 if for any pair (饾懃, 饾懄) ∈ 饾惙 × 饾惙, 饾懃 =谈 饾懄, we have
lim inf 饾憫 (饾憮饾憶 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憶 (饾懄)) = 0,
lim sup 饾憫 (饾憮饾憶 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憶 (饾懄)) > 0.
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Definition 4. 饾憮 is said to be chaotic in the sense of Li and
Yorke (for short: Li-Yorke chaotic), if it has a chaotic set 饾惙
which is uncountable.
Let {饾憹饾憱 } be an increasing sequence of positive integers,
饾懃, 饾懄 ∈ 饾憢, 饾憽 > 0. Let
1 饾憶
饾惞饾懃饾懄 (饾憽, {饾憹饾憱 }) = lim inf ∑ 饾湌[0,饾憽) (饾憫 (饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懄))) ,
饾憶 饾憳=1
1 饾憶
(饾憽, {饾憹饾憱 }) = lim sup ∑ 饾湌[0,饾憽) (饾憫 (饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懄))) ,
饾憶 饾憳=1
where 饾湌饾惔 (饾懄) is 1 if 饾懄 ∈ 饾惔 and 0 otherwise. Obviously, 饾惞饾懃饾懄
and 饾惞饾懃饾懄
are both nondecreasing functions. If for 饾憽 ≤ 0 we
define 饾惞饾懃饾懄 (饾憽) = 饾惞饾懃饾懄
(饾憽) = 0, then 饾惞饾懃饾懄 and 饾惞饾懃饾懄
are probability
distributional functions.
Definition 5. Let 饾惙 ⊂ 饾憢, If ∀饾懃, 饾懄 ∈ 饾惙, 饾懃 =谈 饾懄, we have
(1) ∃饾浛 > 0,
饾惞饾懃饾懄 = (饾浛, {饾憹饾憱 }) = 0,
(2) ∀饾憽 > 0,
(饾憽, {饾憹饾憱 }) = 1,
then 饾惙 is said to be a distributively chaotic set in a sequence.
The two points are said to be distributively chaotic point
pair in a sequence. 饾憮 is said to be distributively chaotic in a
sequence, if 饾憮 has a distributively chaotic set in a sequence
which is uncountable.
Definition 6. Let 饾憜 ⊂ 饾憢. If there exist two strictly increasing
sequences of positive integers {饾憹饾憱 } and {饾憺饾憱 } such that for any
饾懃, 饾懄 ∈ 饾憜, 饾懃 =谈 饾懄,
lim 饾憫 (饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懄)) = 0,
lim 饾憫 (饾憮饾憺饾憱 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憺饾憱 (饾懄)) > 0,
then 饾憜 is said to be a strong scrambled set. 饾憮 is said to be
chaotic in the strong sense of Li-Yorke, if 饾憮 has an uncountable strong scrambled set.
Definition 7. Let {饾憹饾憱 } be an increasing sequence of positive
integers, then,
PR (饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 })
= {(饾懃, 饾懄) ∈ 饾憢 × 饾憢 | ∀饾渶 > 0,
∃饾憱 ∈ 饾憗 such that 饾憫 (饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懄)) < 饾渶}
is called proximal relation with respect to {饾憹饾憱 }.
is called asymptotic relation with respect to {饾憹饾憱 }.
DR (饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 }) = 饾憢 × 饾憢 − PR (饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 })
is called distal relation with respect to {饾憹饾憱 }.
DCR (饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 })
= {(饾懃, 饾懄) ∈ 饾憢 × 饾憢 | (饾懃, 饾懄)
is a distributively chaotic point pair of 饾憮 in 饾憹饾憱 }
is called distributively chaotic respect to {饾憹饾憱 }.
Definition 8 (see [3]). 饾憮 is (topologically) transitive if for any
two nonempty open sets 饾憟, 饾憠 ⊂ 饾憢 there exists 饾憶 > 0 such
that 饾憮饾憶 (饾憟) ∩ 饾憠 =谈 0. 饾憮 is (topologically) weakly mixing if for
any three nonempty open sets 饾憟, 饾憠, 饾憡 ⊂ 饾憢 there exists 饾憶 > 0
such that 饾憮饾憶 (饾憡) ∩ 饾憠 =谈 0 and 饾憮饾憶 (饾憡) ∩ 饾憟 =谈 0.
Definition 9 (see [4–6]). Let 饾憮 be a continuous map from a
compact metric space (饾憢, 饾憫) into itself. The orbit of a point
饾懃 ∈ 饾憢 is said to be unstable if there exists 饾憻 > 0 such that for
every 饾湒 > 0 there are 饾懄 ∈ 饾憢 and 饾憶 ≥ 1 satisfying inequalities
饾憫(饾懃, 饾懄) < 饾湒 and 饾憫(饾憮饾憶 (饾懃), 饾憮饾憶 (饾懄)) > 饾憻. The map 饾憮 is said to be
chaotic in the sense of Martelli if there exists 饾懃0 ∈ 饾憢 such that
饾懃0 has dense orbit which is unstable.
Definition 10 (see [7]). Let 饾憮 be a continuous map from a
compact metric space (饾憢, 饾憫) into itself. We say 饾憮 has sensitive
dependence on initial conditions if there exists 饾憻 > 0 such that
for any 饾懃 ∈ 饾憢 and 饾湒 > 0, there is some 饾懄 ∈ 饾憢 and a nonnegative integer 饾憶 satisfying 饾憫(饾懃, 饾懄) < 饾湒 and 饾憫(饾憮饾憶 (饾懃), 饾憮饾憶 (饾懄)) >
饾憻. 饾憮 is said to be chaotic in the sense of Wiggins, if 饾憮
is transitive and has sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
Definition 11. Let (饾憢, 饾憫) be a compact metric space, 饾憮 :
饾憢 → 饾憢 be a continuous map, and 饾惙 be an uncountable distributively scrambled set in a sequence.
We say that 饾憮 exhibits dense distributional chaos in a sequence if the set 饾惙 may be chosen to be dense. If 饾惙 is not only
dense but additionally consists of points with dense orbits,
then we say that 饾憮 exhibits transitive distributional chaos in
a sequence.
Lemma 12. Let Σ be an infinite sequence set of {0, 1}. Then,
there exists an uncountable subset 饾惛 ⊂ Σ such that for any
different points 饾憼 = 饾憼1 饾憼2 , . . . , 饾憽 = 饾憽1 饾憽2 , . . . , 饾憼饾憵 =谈 饾憽饾憵 for infinitely
many 饾憵 and 饾憼饾憶 = 饾憽饾憶 for infinitely many 饾憶.
Proof. For a proof, see [8].
AR (饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 })
= {(饾懃, 饾懄) ∈ 饾憢 × 饾憢 | lim 饾憫 (饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懄)) = 0}
Lemma 13. If {饾憹饾憱 } and {饾憺饾憱 } are both infinite increasing subsequences of {饾憵饾憱 } which is a sequence of positive integers, then
there exists an infinite increasing subsequence {饾憽饾憱 } ⊂ {饾憵饾憱 } such
AR (饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 }) ∩ DR (饾憮, {饾憺饾憱 }) ⊂ DCR (饾憮, {饾憽饾憱 }) .
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Proof. For a proof, see [9].
Lemma 14. 饾憮 is weakly mixing if and only if for any 饾憵 ≥ 2, 饾憮饾憵
is transitive.
Proof of Theorem 3. Because 饾憮 is chaotic in the strong sense of
Li-Yorke, there exists an infinite increasing sequence {饾憹饾憱 } ⊂ N
and uncountable set 饾憜 ⊂ 饾憢, such that for any 饾懃, 饾懄 ∈ 饾憜 with
饾懃 =谈 饾懄, we have
lim 饾憫 (饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懄)) = 0,
Proof. For a proof, see [10].
3. Proof of Main Theorem
Proof of Theorem 1. (1) There is no isolated points in 饾憢 as
otherwise the set of points with dense orbit is at most countable. But in the case of compact set without isolated points,
the existence of dense orbit implies transitivity.
Let 饾惙 be a dense scrambled set in the sequence {饾憹饾憳 }
consisting of transitive points, and let 饾憻 > 0 be such that
饾惞饾懃饾懄 (饾憻, {饾憹饾憳 }) = 0 for all distinct 饾懃, 饾懄 ∈ 饾惙. Let us fix any
饾懃0 ∈ 饾惙. Because orbit of 饾懃0 is dense, for any 饾湒 > 0, there exists
饾懄 ∈ 饾惙 and 饾憳 ≥ 1 satisfying the inequalities 饾憫(饾懃0 , 饾懄) < 饾湒 and
饾惞饾懃0 饾懄 (饾憻, {饾憹饾憳 }) = 0. This implies that 饾憫(饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃0 ), 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懄)) > 饾憻 for
some 饾憳 ≥ 1. This shows that the orbit of 饾懃0 is unstable. So,
(饾憢, 饾憮) is chaotic in the sense of Martelli.
(2) Fix any 饾湒 > 0. In 饾湒-neighborhood of any point 饾懃, we
can find points 饾懄, 饾懅 ∈ 饾惙 such that 饾憫(饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懄), 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懅)) > 饾憻.
Then, 饾憫(饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃), 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懄)) > 饾憻/2 or 饾憫(饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃), 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懅)) > 饾憻/2.
Proof of Theorem 2. Let 饾惛 be an uncountable subset of Σ, as in
Lemma 12. For each 饾憼 = 饾憼0 饾憼1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 饾憼饾憶 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∈ 饾惛, by the hypotheses,
we can choose a point 饾懃(饾憼) ∈ 饾憢 such that for any 饾憳, if 饾憶! <
饾憳 ≤ (饾憶 + 1)! then,
饾懃饾憹饾憼 饾憳
{饾惖 (饾憥, 饾憳 ) if 饾憼饾憶 = 0,
饾惖 (饾憦, ) if 饾憼饾憶 = 1.
Put 饾惙 = {饾懃饾憼 | 饾憼 ∈ 饾惛}. Clearly, if 饾憼 =谈 饾憽 then 饾懃饾憼 =谈 饾懃饾憽 . It follows
that 饾惛 being uncountable implies so is 饾惙.
Let 饾懃饾憼 , 饾懃饾憽 ∈ 饾惙 be any different points, where 饾憼 = 饾憼0 饾憼1
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 饾憼饾憱 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , 饾憽 = 饾憽0 饾憽1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 饾憽饾憱 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∈ 饾惛. By the property of 饾惛, we
know that there exist sequences of positive integers 饾憵饾憱 →
∞, 饾憶饾憱 → ∞ such that 饾憼饾憵饾憱 =谈 饾憽饾憵饾憱 , 饾憼饾憶饾憱 = 饾憽饾憶饾憱 for all 饾憱, and for 饾憵饾憱
large enough 1/饾憵 < 饾憫(饾憥, 饾憦)/4 = 饾浛, we have 饾憫(饾懃饾憵
, 饾懃饾憵
) > 饾浛.
lim 饾憫 (饾懃饾憵
, 饾懃饾憵
) ≥ 饾浛,
lim sup 饾憫 (饾懃饾憵
, 饾懃饾憵
) ≥ 饾浛.
this shows
Meanwhile, for 饾憶饾憱 large enough, 饾懃饾憶饾憼 饾憱
of diameter less than 1/饾憶饾憱 . Thus,
and 饾懃饾憶饾憽 饾憱 lie in the same ball
饾憫(饾懃饾憶饾憼 饾憱 , 饾懃饾憶饾憽 饾憱 ) < 1/饾憶, so
lim 饾憫 (饾懃饾憶饾憼 饾憱 , 饾懃饾憶饾憽 饾憱 ) = 0.
lim inf 饾憫 (饾懃饾憶饾憼 饾憱 , 饾懃饾憶饾憽 饾憱 ) = 0.
This shows
Above all, (饾憢, 饾憮) is chaotic in the strong sense of Li-Yorke.
so that (饾懃, 饾懄) ∈ AR(饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 }).
Again, by the definition of chaos in the strong sense of
Li-Yorke, there exists {饾憺饾憱 } ⊂ N, such that
lim 饾憫 (饾憮饾憺饾憱 (饾懃) , 饾憮饾憺饾憱 (饾懄)) > 0,
so that (饾懃, 饾懄) ∈ DR(饾憮, {饾憺饾憱 }).
Hence, 饾憜 × 饾憜 − Δ ⊂ AR(饾憮, {饾憹饾憱 }) ∩ DR(饾憮, {饾憺饾憱 }), where
Δ = {(饾懃, 饾懃); 饾懃 ∈ 饾憢}. Then by Lemma 13, there exists a subsequence {饾憽饾憱 } ⊂ N such that 饾憜 × 饾憜 ⊂ DCR(饾憮, {饾憽饾憱 }). This shows
that 饾憜 is a distributively chaotic set in the sequence {饾憽饾憱 } of 饾憮.
Corollary 15. If system (饾憢, 饾憮) satisfies conditions of
Theorem 2. then it is distributively chaotic in the sequence.
Proof. By Theorems 2 and 3, we can easily prove it.
Corollary 16. Let (饾憢, 饾憫) be a locally compact metric space
containing at least two points. If system (饾憢, 饾憮) is weakly mixing,
then it must be chaotic in the strong sense of Li-Yorke.
Proof. Let 饾憮 be weakly mixing, 饾憥, 饾憦 ∈ 饾憢 with 饾憥 =谈 饾憦. Take
arbitrarily a nonempty open set 饾憠0 ⊂ 饾憢 such that 饾憠0 is compact. Since 饾憮 is weakly mixing, there exists 饾憹1 > 0 such that
饾憮饾憹1 (饾憠0 ) ∩ 饾惖(饾憥, 1/饾憳) =谈 0 and 饾憮饾憹1 (饾憠0 ) ∩ 饾惖(饾憦, 1/饾憳) =谈 0. Thus, we
find points 饾懃1 , 饾懃2 such that 饾憮饾憹1 (饾懃1 ) ∈ 饾惖(饾憥, 1/饾憳), 饾憮饾憹1 (饾懃2 ) ∈
饾惖(饾憦, 1/饾憳). Assume that there exist positive integers 饾憹1 < 饾憹2 <
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ < 饾憹饾憳 such that for each finite sequence 饾惔 1 饾惔 2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 饾惔 饾憳 , where
饾惔 饾憱 ∈ {饾惖(饾憥, 1/饾憱), 饾惖(饾憦, 1/饾憱)}, there is a point 饾懃 ∈ 饾憠0 satisfying
饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) ∈ 饾惔 饾憱 for 饾憱 = 1, 2, . . . , 饾憳, the set of all such points will
denoted by 饾憜饾憳 . By continuity of 饾憮, each 饾懃 ∈ 饾憜饾憳 has an open
nonempty neighborhood 饾憡饾懃 ⊂ 饾憠0 such that 饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾憡饾懃 ) ⊂ 饾惔 饾憱 , if
饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) ∈ 饾惔 饾憱 , it follows from Lemma 14 that there exists 饾憹饾憳+1 >
饾憹饾憳 such that for each 饾懃 ∈ 饾憜饾憳 , 饾憮饾憹饾憳+1 (饾憡饾懃 )∩饾惖(饾憥, 1/(饾憳+1)) =谈 0 and
饾憮饾憹饾憳+1 (饾憡饾懃 ) ∩ 饾惖(饾憦, 1/(饾憳 + 1)) =谈 0. Thus by induction, we know
that there exists a sequence 饾憹饾憳 → ∞ of positive integers such
that for any finite sequence 饾惔 1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 饾惔 饾憳 , there is a point 饾懃 ∈ 饾憠0
satisfying 饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃) ∈ 饾惔 饾憱 , 1 ≤ 饾憱 ≤ 饾憳.
Let 饾惗 = 饾惗1 饾惗2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ be an infinite sequence, where
饾惗饾憳 ∈ {饾惖 (饾憥, ), 饾惖 (饾憦, )} .
For each 饾憳, we can take a point 饾懃饾憳 ∈ 饾惗饾憳 such that
饾憮饾憹饾憱 (饾懃饾憳 ) ∈ 饾惗饾憱 ,
1 ≤ 饾憱 ≤ 饾憳.
Since 饾憠0 is compact, the infinite sequence {饾懃饾憱 } has a limit
point in 饾憠0 , say 饾懃饾惗, it is not difficult to show 饾憮饾憹饾憳 (饾懃饾惗) ⊂ 饾惗饾憳 .
Thus by Theorem 2, 饾憮 is a strong chaos in the sense of LiYorke.
This work is supported by the NSFC no. 11271061, the
NSFC no. 11001038, the NSFC no. 61153001, and the Independent Research Foundation of the Central Universities no. DC
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