Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012, Article ID 942042, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2012/942042 Research Article Some Oscillation Results for Linear Hamiltonian Systems Nan Wang and Fanwei Meng School of Mathematical Sciences, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China Correspondence should be addressed to Fanwei Meng, fengqinghua1978@126.com Received 8 September 2011; Accepted 7 December 2011 Academic Editor: Mehmet Sezer Copyright q 2012 N. Wang and F. Meng. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The purpose of this paper is to develop a generalized matrix Riccati technique for the selfadjoint matrix Hamiltonian system U AtUBtV , V CtU−A∗ tV . By using the standard integral averaging technique and positive functionals, new oscillation and interval oscillation criteria are established for the system. These criteria extend and improve some results that have been required before. An interesting example is included to illustrate the importance of our results. 1. Introduction In this paper, we consider oscillatory properties for the linear Hamiltonian system U AtU BtV, V CtU − A∗ tV, t ≥ t0 , 1.1 where At, Bt, and Ct are real n × n matrix-valued functions, B, C are Hermitian, and B is positive definite. By M∗ , we mean the conjugate transpose of the matrix M, for any n × n Hermitian matrix M. For any two solutions U1 t, V1 t and U2 t, V2 t of system 1.1, the Wronski matrix U1∗ tV2 t − V1∗ tU2 t is a constant matrix. In particular, for any solution Ut, V t of system 1.1, U∗ tVt − V ∗ tUt is a constant matrix. A solution Ut, V t of system 1.1 is said to be nontrivial if detUt / 0 is fulfilled for at least one t ≥ t0 . A nontrivial solution Ut, V t of system 1.1 is said to be conjoined prepared if U∗ tV t − V ∗ tUt ≡ 0, t ≥ t0 . A conjoined solution Ut, V t of system 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1.1 is said to be a conjoined basis of system 1.1 if the rank of the 2n × n matrix Ut, V tT is n. In 2000, Kumari and Umamaheswaram 1, Yang and Cheng 2, and Wang 3 used the substitution W1 x ax V xU−1 x fxEn , ax exp −2 x fsds , 1.2 x0 to study the oscillation of system 1.1. One of the main results in 1 is as follows. Theorem A. Let D {x, s | x0 ≤ s ≤ x} and D0 {x, s | x0 ≤ s < x}. Let the functions H ∈ CD, R and h ∈ CD0 , R satisfy the following three conditions: i Hx, x 0, for x ≥ x0 , Hx, s > 0 on D0 ; ii H has a continuous and nonpositive partial derivative on D0 with respect to the second variable; iii −∂/∂sHx, s hx, s Hx, s, for all x, s ∈ D0 . If there exists a function f ∈ C1 x0 , ∞ such that 1 lim sup λ1 Hx, x0 x→∞ x {Hx, sT s Fx, s}ds ∞, 1.3 x0 where T x ax−C − fA A∗ f 2 B − f En x, ax exp{−2 identity matrix, and x x0 fsds}, En is the n × n Fx, s Hx, s afA A∗ − aA∗ B−1 A s 1 − as hx, s Hx, s fsHx, s A∗ B−1 B−1 A s 2 2 1 hx, s fs Hx, s B−1/2 s − fs Hx, sBs , − as 2 1.4 then, system 1.1 is oscillatory. In 2003, Meng and Mingarelli 4, Wang 3, and Zheng and Zhu 5 studied the oscillation of system 1.1 by using the substitution W2 x ax V xU−1 x fxB −1 x , ax exp −2 x fsds . x0 One of the main results in 4 is as follows. 1.5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Theorem B. Let the functions H ∈ CD, R and h ∈ CD0 , R satisfy (i)–(iii) in Theorem A and, for all sufficiently large s ∈ R, lim infx → ∞ Hx, s ≥ 1. Assume that there exist a function f ∈ C1 x0 , ∞ and a monotone subhomogeneous functional q of degree c on S such that 1 lim sup cq x → ∞ Hx, x0 x x0 1 2 −1 Hx, sR1 s ash x, sB1 s ds ∞, 4 1.6 where R1 x φ∗ xRxφx, B1 x φ−1 xBxφ∗ x−1 , φx is a fundamental matrix of the linear equation v Axv, and Rx ax −C − f A∗ B−1 B−1 A f 2 B−1 − fB−1 x. 1.7 Then, system 1.1 is oscillatory. In 2004, Sun and Meng 6 also studied the oscillation of system 1.1. One of the main results in 6 is as follows. Theorem C. Let H, h be as in Theorem A, and suppose that Ht, s 0 < inf lim inf ≤ ∞. s≥t0 t → ∞ Ht, t0 1.8 If there exist a function f ∈ C1 t0 , ∞ and a positive linear functional g on R such that 1 lim inf t → ∞ Ht, t0 t g −Ht, s C1 A t0 1 lim sup t → ∞ Ht, t0 t t0 ∗ B1−1 A B1−1 A s ds > −∞, h t, sg B1−1 s ds < ∞, 1.9 2 and suppose also that there exists a function m ∈ Ct0 , ∞ such that lim sup t→∞ 1 Ht, T t 1 g Ht, s C1 A∗ B1−1 A B1−1 A s − h2 t, sB1−1 s ds, 4 T 1.10 ≥ mT , for all T ≥ t0 and ∞ t0 m2 t −1 dt ∞, g B1 t 1.11 where m t max{mt, 0} and B1 t, C1 t are the same as in Theorem A, then, the system 1.1 is oscillatory. 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics Recently, Li et al. 7 also studied the oscillation of system 1.1 by using the standard integral averaging technique and the substitution W3 t −at Y tX −1 t ftB−1 t , t ≥ t0 , 1.12 where at is as in 1.5. One of the main results in 7 is as follows. Theorem D. Let H, h be as in Theorem A, and suppose that there exist a function f ∈ C1 t0 , ∞ and a positive linear functional g on R, for some β ≥ 1, such that 1 lim sup Ht, t0 t→∞ t β 2 ∗ −1 −1 −1 g −Ht, s C1 A B1 A B1 A s − h t, sB1 s ds ∞, 4 t0 1.13 where −1 B1 t a tBt, at exp −2 t fsds , −1 ∗ −1 −1 2 −1 C1 t at Ct ft B A A B t ftB t − f tB t . 1.14 Then, system 1.1 is oscillatory. The purpose of this paper is further to improve Theorems A, B, C, and D as well as other related results regarding the oscillation of the system 1.1, by refining the standard integral averaging technique and Riccati transformation. Now we use the general weighted functions from the class H. Let D {t, s | t0 < s ≤ t < ∞} and D0 {t, s | t0 < s < t < ∞}. We say that a continuous function Ht, s : D → R belongs to the class H if i Ht, t 0 for t ≥ t0 , Ht, s > 0 on D0 , ii H has a continuous and nonpositive partial derivative on D0 with respect to the second variable, iii −∂/∂sHt, sks ht, s Ht, sks, for all t, s ∈ D0 , where kt ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, 0, ∞. We now follow 8 in defining the space S as the real linear spare of all real symmetric n × n matrices. Let g be a linear functional on R, g is said to be positive if gA > 0 whenever A ∈ S and A > 0. 2. Main Results In this paper, we need the following lemma. Lemma 2.1 see 6. If g is a positive linear functional on R, then, for all A, B ∈ R, one has gA∗ B2 ≤ gA∗ AgB∗ B. 2.1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Theorem 2.2. Let Ht, s ∈ H. If there exist a function b ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, R , a matrix function ψ ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, S, and a positive linear functional g on R, for some α ≥ 1, such that 1 lim sup Ht, t0 t → ∞ t α g −Ht, sksT1 s − B1−1 sT2 t, s2 ds ∞, 4 t0 2.2 where B1 t 1/btBt, Dt At − btB1 tψt, F1 s bsC A∗ ψ ψA − ψBψ ψ s, T1 s F1 B1−1 D D∗ B1−1 D − b /bB1−1 Ds, and T2 t, s ht, s − Ht, sksb s/bs, then, system 1.1 is oscillatory. Proof. Assume to the contrary that system 1.1 is nonoscillatory. Then, there exists a nontrivial prepared solution of Ut, V t such that Ut is nonsingular for all sufficiently large t. Without loss of generality, we assume that detUt / 0 for all t ≥ t0 . This allows us to make a Riccati transformation Wt −bt V tU−1 t ψt , 2.3 for all t ≥ t0 . Then, Wt is well defined, Hermitian, and solves the Riccati equation W t − ∗ b t 1 Wt W ∗ t A − Bψ t A − Bψ tWt − W ∗ tBtWt F1 t 0, bt bt 2.4 on t0 , ∞. Let B1 t 1/btBt, Dt At − btB1 tψt. So, from 2.4, we have W t − b t Wt W ∗ tDt D∗ tWt − W ∗ tB1 tWt F1 t 0. bt 2.5 Now by the substitution P t Wt − B1−1 tDt in 2.5, we obtain P t − b t P t − P ∗ tB1 tP t T1 t 0. bt 2.6 By rearranging the terms, we get T1 t −P t b t P t P ∗ tB1 tP t. bt 2.7 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics Multiplying 2.7, with t replaced by s, by Ht, sks and integrating from t0 and t, we obtain − t t0 Ht, sksT1 sds t b s P s − P ∗ sB1 sP s ds Ht, sks P s − bs t0 t b s ds P s ht, s Ht, sks − Ht, sks −Ht, t0 kt0 P t0 bs t0 t − Ht, sksP ∗ sB1 sP sds. 2.8 t0 Taking the linear functional g on both sides of the above equation, we have, for some α ≥ 1, t g{−Ht, sksT1 s}ds t0 −Ht, t0 kt0 gP t0 − t t b s ds gP s ht, s Ht, sks − Ht, sks bs t0 Ht, sksgP ∗ sB1 sP sds t0 t b s ds gP s ht, s Ht, sks − Ht, sks bs t0 t −1 2 − Ht, sks g B1−1 s gP s ds ≤ −Ht, t0 kt0 gP t0 t0 −Ht, t0 kt0 gP t0 ⎤2 ⎡ t −1 αg B s b s ⎥ 1 ⎢ Ht, sks gP s − − ht, s − Ht, sks ⎦ ds ⎣ 2 bs t0 αgB1−1 s b s 2 α t −1 g B1 s ht, s − Ht, sks ds 4 t0 bs −1 2 α−1 t Ht, sks g B1−1 s − gP s ds α t0 α t −1 g B1 s T2 t, s2 ds. ≤ −Ht, t0 kt0 gP t0 4 t0 2.9 So, t α g −Ht, sksT1 s − B1−1 sT2 t, s2 ds ≤ −Ht, t0 kt0 gP t0 . 4 t0 2.10 Journal of Applied Mathematics 7 Taking the upper limit in both sides of 2.10 as t → ∞, we obtain 1 lim sup Ht, t0 t→∞ t α g −Ht, sksT1 s − B1−1 sT2 t, s2 ds ≤ −kt0 gP t0 , 4 t0 2.11 which contradicts 2.2. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.2. Theorem 2.3. Let the functions H, h and b, g be as in Theorem 2.2, and suppose that Ht, s 0 < inf lim inf s≥t0 t → ∞ Ht, t0 ≤ ∞. 2.12 If there exists a function φ ∈ Ct0 , ∞, such that, for all t ≥ T ≥ t0 , and for some α ≥ 1, lim sup t→∞ 1 Ht, T t α g −Ht, sksT1 s − B1−1 sT2 t, s2 ds ≥ φT , 4 T ∞ φ2 t −1 2 dt ∞, t0 g B1 t k t 2.13 2.14 where φ t max{φt, 0}, B1 t, F1 t, Dt, T1 t, and T2 t, s are the same as in Theorem 2.2, then, system 1.1 is oscillatory. Proof. Assume to the contrary that system 1.1 is nonoscillatory. Similar to the proof of Theorem 2.2, we can obtain, for all t ≥ T ≥ t0 , and for some α ≥ 1, t α g −Ht, sksT1 s − B1−1 sT2 t, s2 ds 4 T t −1 2 1 α−1 ≤ −kT gP T − Ht, sks g B1−1 s gP s ds. α Ht, T T 1 Ht, T 2.15 Taking the upper limit of the above inequation as t → ∞, t α g −Ht, sksT1 s − B1−1 sT2 t, s2 ds 4 T t −1 2 1 α−1 lim inf Ht, sks g B1−1 s ≤ −kT gP T − gP s ds. α t → ∞ Ht, T T 2.16 1 lim sup Ht, T t→∞ By 2.13, we obtain −kT gP T ≥ φT 1 α−1 lim inf α t → ∞ Ht, T t T −1 2 Ht, sks g B1−1 s gP s ds, 2.17 8 Journal of Applied Mathematics −kT gP T ≥ φT . 2.18 t −1 2 1 lim inf Ht, sks g B1−1 s gP s ds t → ∞ Ht, t0 t 0 α ≤− φt0 kt0 gP t0 < ∞. α−1 2.19 Besides, we have Now, we claim that ∞ −1 2 g B1−1 s gP s ds < ∞. 2.20 t0 Suppose to the contrary that ∞ −1 2 g B1−1 s gP s ds ∞. 2.21 t0 By 2.12, there exists a positive constant ε satisfying Ht, s inf lim inf > ε > 0. s≥t0 t → ∞ Ht, t0 2.22 And according to the above ε, there exists t1 ≥ t0 such that t −1 2 1 g B1−1 s gP s ds > 2 , ε t0 t ≥ t1 . 2.23 Thus, t −1 2 Ht, sks g B1−1 s gP s ds t0 # s $ t −1 2 1 −1 g B1 ξ Ht, sksd gP ξ dξ Ht, t0 t0 t0 t 2 ∂Ht, sks s −1 −1 1 g B1 ξ − gP ξ dξ ds Ht, t0 t0 ∂s t0 t 1 ∂Ht, sks 1 ds − > 2 ∂s ε Ht, t0 t1 kt1 Ht, t1 2 . ε Ht, t0 1 Ht, t0 2.24 Journal of Applied Mathematics 9 From 2.22, there exists a t2 ≥ t1 such that, for all t ≥ t2 , Ht, t1 > ε. Ht, t0 2.25 So, 1 Ht, t0 t −1 2 kt1 . Ht, sks g B1−1 s gP s ds > ε t0 2.26 Since ε is arbitrary, we get 1 lim inf t → ∞ Ht, t0 t t0 −1 2 gP s ds ∞, Ht, sks g B1−1 s 2.27 which contradicts 2.19. So, 2.20 holds; then, by 2.18 and 2.20, we can obtain ∞ t0 φ2 t dt ≤ −1 g B1 t k2 t ∞ t0 gP t2 dt < ∞, g B1−1 t 2.28 which contradicts 2.14. This completes our proof of Theorem 2.3. Example 2.4. Consider the linear Hamiltonian system 1.1, where Bt tI2 , Ct −1/t 0 1/t 3 are 2 × 2-matrices and B, C are Hermitian. cos t 3/4t I2 , At −1/t 0 Let Ht, s t − s2 , ht, s 2, bt t, ψt −1/2t2 I2 , and gA a11 , where A aij is a 2 × 2-matrix. Then, limt → ∞ Ht, s/Ht, t0 t − s2 /t − t0 2 1/2t 1/t 1/4t2 −cos t −2/t2 , F , 1, B1 t I2 , Dt t − cos tI , T t 1 2 2 2 −1/t 1/2t 2/t 1/4t −cos t √ t . 2 2 −1 2 lim t → ∞ 1/t T g{−t − s T s − α/4B1 s2 − t − s1/s }ds > 1/ T φT , and ∞ sup ∞ −1 2 2 φ t/gB 1 tk tdt t0 1/tdt ∞. According to Theorem 2.3, we get that this t0 linear system is oscillatory. t Remark 2.5. In Theorem 2.2, let bt exp{−2 fsds}, ψt ftB−1 t, kt 1. Theorem 2.2 reduces to Theorem D. In Theorem 2.3, we obtain the same result in which we remove the two assumptions 1.9 in Theorem C. Therefore, Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 are generalizations and improvements of 7, Theorem 2.1 and 6, Theorem 3. Remark 2.6. The above theorems give rather wide possibilities of deriving different explicit oscillation criteria for system 1.1 with appropriate choices of the functions Ht, s, ks, and fs. For example, some useful oscillation criteria if we choose Ht, s x we can obtain m m m x − s , lnx/s , s dz/θz , or ρx − s, and so forth. 3. Interval Oscillation Criteria Now we establish interval oscillation criteria of system 1.1, that is, criteria given by the behavior of system 1.1 only on a sequence of subinterval of t0 , ∞. We assume that a 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics function H Ht, s satisfying i. Further, we assume that kt 1 and Ht, s has partial derivatives ∂H/∂t and ∂H/∂s on D such that ∂ Ht, s h1 t, s Ht, s, ∂t ∂ Ht, s −h2 t, s Ht, s, ∂s 3.1 3.2 where h1 , h2 ∈ Lloc D, R. We first prove two lemmas. Lemma 3.1. Suppose that Ut, V t is a nontrivial prepared solution of system 1.1 such that detUt / 0 on a1 , a2 ⊂ t0 , ∞. Then, for any bt ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, R , matrix function ψ ∈ 1 C t0 , ∞, S, H satisfies (i), 3.1 and 3.2, and a positive linear functional g on R, one has, for some α ≥ 1, 1 Ha2 , a1 a2 b t 2 α −1 dt g −Ht, a1 T1 s − B1 t h1 t, a1 Ht, a1 4 bt a1 3.3 ≤ gP a2 , where Wt is defined by 2.3 on a1 , a2 , B1 t, Dt, F1 s, and T1 s are the same as in Theorem 2.2. Proof. Since Ut, V t is a nontrivial prepared solution of system 1.1 such that Ut is nonsingular on a1 , a2 , then, Wt by 2.3 is well defined and solves the Riccati equation 2.7 on a1 , a2 . On multiplying 2.7 by Ht, s and integrating with respect to t from s to a2 for s ∈ a1 , a2 , we can find − a2 s Ht, sT1 tdt a2 a2 a2 b t P tdt − Ht, sP tdt − Ht, s Ht, sP ∗ tB1 tP tdt bt s s s a2 b t dt Ha2 , sP a2 − P t h1 t, s Ht, s Ht, s bt s a2 − Ht, sP ∗ tB1 tP tdt. s 3.4 Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 Taking the linear functional g on both sides of the above equation, we have, for some α ≥ 1, a2 g{−Ht, sT1 t}dt s a2 b t dt gP t h1 t, s Ht, s Ht, s bt Ha2 , sgP a2 − s a2 − Ht, sgP ∗ tB1 tP tdt s a2 b t dt ≤ Ha2 , sgP a2 − gP t h1 t, s Ht, s Ht, s bt s a2 −1 2 − Ht, s g B1−1 t gP t dt s Ha2 , sgP a2 ⎤2 ⎡ a2 −1 αg B t Ht, s b t ⎥ 1 ⎢ gP t − h1 t, s Ht, s ⎦ dt ⎣ 2 bt −1 s αgB1 t b t 2 α a2 −1 g B1 t h1 t, s Ht, s dt 4 s bt a2 −1 2 α−1 − Ht, s g B1−1 t gP t dt α s b t 2 α a2 −1 ≤ Ha2 , sgP a2 g B1 t h1 t, s Ht, s dt. 4 s bt 3.5 That is, 1 Ha2 , s a2 b t 2 α −1 dt g −Ht, sT1 t − B1 t h1 t, s Ht, s 4 bt s 3.6 ≤ gP a2 . Let s → a1 , 1 Ha2 , a1 a2 b t 2 α −1 dt g −Ht, a1 T1 t − B1 t h1 t, a1 Ht, a1 4 bt a1 3.7 ≤ gP a2 . Lemma 3.2. Suppose that Ut, V t is a nontrivial prepared solution of system 1.1 such that detUt / 0 on a2 , a3 ⊂ t0 , ∞. Then, for any bt ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, R , matrix function 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics ψ ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, S, H satisfies (i), 3.1 and 3.2, and a positive linear functional g on R, one has, for some α ≥ 1, 1 Ha3 , a2 a3 b s 2 α −1 ds g −Ha3 , sT1 s − B1 s h1 a3 , s Ha3 , s 4 bs a2 3.8 ≤ −gP a2 , where Wt is defined by 2.3 on a2 , a3 , B1 t, Dt, F1 s, and T1 s are the same as in Theorem 2.2. Proof. Since Ut, V t is a nontrivial prepared solution of system 1.1 such that Ut is nonsingular on a2 , a3 , then, Wt by 2.3 is well defined and solves the Riccati equation 2.7 on a2 , a3 . On multiplying 2.7 by Ht, s, integrating with respect to s from a2 to t for t ∈ a2 , a3 , and following the proof of Lemma 3.1, we can find 1 Ht, a2 b s 2 α −1 ds g −Ht, sT1 s − B1 s h1 t, s Ht, s 4 bs a2 t 3.9 ≤ −gP a2 < ∞. Let t → a3 , 1 Ha3 , a2 a3 b s 2 α −1 ds g −Ha3 , sT1 s − B1 s h1 a3 , s Ha3 , s 4 bs a2 3.10 ≤ −gP a2 . Theorem 3.3. Suppose that there exist some a2 ∈ a1 , a3 ⊂ t0 , ∞, bt ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, R , matrix function ψ ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, S, H satisfies (i), 3.1 and 3.2, and a positive linear functional g on R such that, for some α ≥ 1, a2 b t 2 α −1 −Ht, a1 T1 t − B1 t h1 t, a1 Ht, a1 dt 4 bt a1 a3 b s 2 1 α −1 −Ha3 , sT1 s − B1 s h1 a3 , s Ha3 , s ds > 0, Ha3 , a2 a2 4 bs 1 g Ha2 , a1 3.11 where B1 t, Dt, F1 s, and T1 s are defined as in Theorem 2.2. Then, for any nontrivial prepared solution Ut, V t of system 1.1, detUt has at least one zero in a1 , a3 . Theorem 3.4. If, for each T ≥ t0 , there exist bt ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, R , matrix function ψ ∈ C1 t0 , ∞, S, H satisfies (i), 3.1, 3.2, a positive linear functional g on R and a1 , a2 , a3 ∈ R, such that T ≤ a1 < a2 < a3 and condition 3.1 holds, where B1 t, Dt, F1 s, and T1 t are defined as in Theorem 2.2, then, system 1.1 is oscillatory. In conclusion, we note that the results given here can extend, improve and complement Theorems A–D, and deal with some cases not covered by known criteria by choosing the Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 functions H, b, φ, and g. From our results, we can derive a number of easily verifiable oscillation criteria. Acknowledgments This paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11171178, the National Ministry of Education under Grant 20103705110003, and the Natural Sciences Foundation of Shandong Province under Grant ZR2009AM011. References 1 I. S. Kumari and S. 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