December 10, 2004 To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads From: Bruce Rieks, Budget System Development & Reporting Subject: Update to FY 2004-05 Fringe Benefit Rates In conjunction with the January 2005 ‘go-live’ of the Oracle Human Resource/Payroll System, I have attached an updated listing of the FY ’04-05 fringe benefit rates. The new system allows us to apply fringe benefit rates for the specific eligibility of a given employee. As such, you will notice that the rates are displayed for the following benefit eligibility categories: Full Eligibility, Partial Eligibility, IPERS Only, and Minimum Required. For clarification, the bottom of this listing also includes a breakdown of the specific fringe benefits per eligibility category. For questions pertaining to which rate to use for planning and hiring, please contact Jan Flick in Human Resource Services at or 273-2824. In addition, all rates have been adjusted to fund the increased costs of Workers’ Comp claims for this fiscal year. All employee classifications were increased to equitably distribute this cost across all departments, cost centers, and auxiliaries. Please share this information with others in you department. The rates will also be available at Feel free to direct you questions to: Kelly Flege at or 273-3420 or or 273-7498. Attachment University of Northern Iowa Fringe Allocation Rates for fiscal year 2004-05 (last six months) FULL PARTIAL ELIGIBILITY ELIGIBILITY IPERS ONLY MINIMUM REQUIRED Employee Classification Instnl Officials Academic Admin Acad Admin-Summer Appt Unit Faculty Salary Unit Fac-Summer Appt Unit Faculty-Spec Comp N-Unit Faculty N-Unit Faculty Spec Comp N-Unit Faculty Hourly Graduate Asst 50010 50110 50110 50210 50210 50220 50310 50320 50340 50910 23.90% 26.80% 19.65% 30.80% 19.65% 9.15% NA 9.15% NA None 17.30% 20.20% NA 24.20% NA 15.40% 28.30% 15.40% 28.30% None NA NA NA 15.40% NA 9.15% 15.40% 9.15% 15.40% None 9.15% 9.15% NA 9.15% NA 9.15% 9.15% 9.15% 9.15% None P&S Regular Salaried P&S Regular-Summer Appt P&S Special Comp P&S Hourly P&S Hourly-Summer Appt P&S Annual Appt Salary 51010 51010 51020 51040 51040 51110 34.80% 19.65% 9.15% 34.80% 19.65% 27.50% 28.20% NA 15.40% 28.20% NA 20.90% 15.40% NA 9.15% 15.40% NA NA 9.15% NA 9.15% 9.15% NA 9.15% Gnl Svc Technical Salaried Gnl Svc Clerical Salaried Gnl Svc Security Salaried Gnl Svc Blue Collar Salaried Gnl Svc N-Org Merit Salaried Gnl Svc Special Compensation 52010 52110 52210 52310 52410 52620 37.40% 40.10% 40.70% 43.80% 38.00% 9.15% NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hrly Technical Wages Hrly Clerical Wages Hrly Security Wages Hrly Blue Collar Wages Hrly N-Org Merit Salary Hrly-Special Comp 53010 53110 53210 53310 53410 53620 51.50% 49.20% 49.20% 49.20% 41.00% 9.15% NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Merit Temporary Seasonal Employee Wages Student Wages 53610 53910 54010 NA NA None NA NA None 15.40% NA None 9.15% 9.15% None Fringes per Eligibility Type : TIAA-CREF IPERS Health/Dental Worker's Comp/Unemployment Life Insurance Disability Insurance FICA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X