Differential Games in a Stochastic Fishery Jon M. Conrad † Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 Email: jmc16@cornell.edu Abstract Let X = X(t) denote the biomass of a fish stock at instant t. Suppose that the stock is subject to harvesting by i = 1, 2, . . . , n countries, each having adopted a feedback policy taking the form Yi = Yi (t) = φi (X). The Pfish stock is an Itô variable, evolving according to dX = [rX(1 − X/K) − i φi (X)]dt + σXdz. This stochastic process assumes that the expected change in the fish stock is logistic net growth √ less harvest, but with a standard deviation rate of σX, where dz = (t) dt is the increment of a Wiener Process with (t) ∼ N (0, 1). An n-country differential game is solved for the subgame perfect harvest policies. The Kolmogorov forward equation can be solved for the stationary density for X(t). There are analytic expressions for the expected value of this distribution and for expected harvest. The parameters r, K, and σ are fitted to the Norwegian spring-spawning herring (NSSH), a straddling stock that migrates from Norway’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to summer feeding grounds in Iceland’s EEZ. During migration, the adult population passes through the EEZs of the Faroe Islands, countries in the European Union (EU), and through international waters. An Index of Impaired Welfare (IIW) is defined. It measures the expected present value from a stochastic fishery when it is exploited as an n-country differential game relative to the expected present value that would be obtained by a sole owner. The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation through award 0832782. † Differential Games in a Stochastic Fishery 1 Introduction and Overview Differential games have three important features. First, there is at least one state variable whose evolution is influenced by the actions of two or more agents (players). Second, the common state variables affect the economic welfare of all agents. Third, each agent is aware of the other agents and optimizes assuming that all other agents will optimize as well. Differential games have played an important role in the sub-fields of industrial organization and resource economics. They have been used to study the dynamic behavior of oligopolists when faced with a common but partially-adjusting price; as in Fershtman and Kamien (1987, 1990). They have been used to analyze the race to innovate via investment in research and development; as in Reinganum (1981, 1982). In resource economics, differential games have been used to analyze oligopolists’ rates of extraction from a nonrenewable resource; as in Dasgupta and Heal (1979), Lewis and Schmalensee (1980), Loury (1986) and Karp (1992). The case where agents harvest a common-property, renewable resource has been analyzed by Levhari and Mirman (1980) and Clemhout and Wan (1985). Kamien and Schwartz (1991, Section 23) provide a nice introduction to differential games. Their third example deals with two fishermen harvesting the same, deterministicallyevolving, stock and is based on Plourde and Yeung (1989). 1 Reinganum and Stokey (1985) note that deterministic differential games might be solved for either open loop (optimal time-path) strategies or closed loop (feedback) strategies. Feedback strategies give the ith player’s optimal action as a function of the evolving state variables and do not require the potentially unrealistic time-commitment implied by open-loop strategies. In stochastic differential games, where the evolution of the common state variables are subject to stochastic shocks, only optimal feedback strategies make sense, and they must be derived (if possible) using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). In a now classic paper, Pindyck (1984) considers a continuous-time stochastic fishery, where the fish stock is an Itô variable. The fish stock evolves according to the stochastic differential equation dX = [F (X) − Y (X)]dt + σXdz, where F (X) is a net growth function, Y (X) is an unknown optimal feedback harvest policy, √ σX is the standard deviation rate, and dz = (t) dt is the increment of a Wiener process, with (t) ∼ N (0, 1). Pindyck provides three interesting examples where he identifies the optimal feedback harvest policy for a sole owner. In all three examples the optimal policies are constant proportion policies, where the optimal harvest at instant t takes the form Y ∗ = φX, where φ > 0 is a constant depending on the discount rate, parameters in the objective functional, and parameters in the stochastic differential equation for the evolving fish stock. For a given stock size, an increase in the standard deviation parameter, σ, reduces optimal harvest in the first example, leaves optimal harvest unchanged in the second example, and increases optimal harvest in the third example. 2 In this paper we consider a differential game in a stochastic fishery. The model is relevant for highly migratory stocks that pass through the extended economic zones (EEZs) of two or more countries or through international waters where no single country has management authority. Previous applications of differential games to renewable resources have assumed deterministic stock dynamics, with time typically partitioned into discrete intervals. There appears to be no analysis of a continuous-time, differential game, where the state variable is a stochastically evolving renewable resource. The model in this paper employs a functional form for country-specific utility that allows analytic solutions for value functions and optimal feedback harvest policies. These analytic solutions permit transparent comparative statics. As in example one from Pindyck (1984), we observe that an increase in volatility, σ, will cause each county to reduce its harvest for a given stock size. The model is calibrated to the Norwegian spring-spawning herring (NSSH), a highly migratory stock which spawns off the coast of western Norway before migrating to summer feeding grounds in Iceland’s Extended Economic Zone (EEZ). There are currently four countries (Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Russia) and members of the European Union that harvest the NSSH. When migrating to Iceland, the herring stock passes though an area of international waters referred to as the “Ocean Loop,” where the herring may be subject to harvest by distant-water fleets. This fishery has undergone intense study, including Touzeau et al. (1998), Patterson (1998), Bjørndal et al. (1998), Kitti et al. (1999), Bjørndal and Gordon (2000), Toresen 3 and Østvedt (2000), Arnason et al. (2000) and Bjørndal et al. (2004). The preferred biological model is an age-structured model with up to 17 age classes. Such a detailed biological model will typically preclude optimization and analysts often rely on simulation to determine the consequences of different harvest policies and distributions of allowable catch. The simple biomass model in this paper sacrifices biological reality for mathematical tractability and analytical transparency. However, when our simple biomass model is applied to the NSSH, we obtain numerical results that are not inconsistent with the differential game being played prior to the collapse of the fishery in 1969. In the next section we pose and solve the sole owner (n = 1) problem for the optimal management of our stochastic fishery. In Section 3 we solve the n-country differential game. In Section 4 we fit the stochastic biomass model to data for the NSSH fishery from 1950 - 2011 and compute the solutions for the sole owner and the differential game between five countries with a common discount rate. An index of impaired welfare is constructed to measure the reduction in welfare from the five-country, differential game. Section 5 concludes. 2 The Sole Owner of a Stochastic Fishery This section stands on the shoulders Pindyck (1984). We assume that the fish stock is an Itô variable where the expected change in biomass over the time increment dt is determined by logistic growth less harvest, rX(1 − X/K) − Y , where X = X(t) is the biomass of the fish stock at instant t, r > 0 is the intrinsic growth 4 rate, K > 0 is the environmental carrying capacity, and Y = Y (t) is the biomass harvested at instant t. The expected change in the fish stock may be greater or less than the actual change in the fish stock owing to the term σXdz, where σX is √ a standard deviation rate and dz = (t) dt, with (t) ∼ N (0, 1), is the increment of a Wiener process. The stochastic proceess describing the evolution of harvested biomass becomes dX = [rX(1 − X/K) − Y ]dt + σXdz. The sole owner derives utility only from harvest according to the function U (Y ) = α − β/Y , where α and β are positive parameters. This utility function is strictly concave and bounded from above with U (Y ) > 0 when Y > β/α, U (Y ) = 0 when Y = β/α, U (Y ) < 0 when 0 < Y < β/α, U (Y ) → −∞ as Y → 0 and U (Y ) → α as Y → ∞. The sole owner seeks to Z Maximize E Y ∞ (α − β/Y )e−δt dt 0 Subject to dX = [rX(1 − X/K) − Y ]dt + σXdz, X(0) > 0. where E{•} is the expected value of discounted utility and δ > 0 is the sole owner’s rate of discount. This optimization problem may be solved using dynamic programming. The Hamiltion-Jacobi-Bellman (H-J-B) Equation, post Itô’s Lemma, requires 5 δV (X) = max{α − β/Y + V 0 (X)[rX(1 − X/K) − Y ] + (σ 2 /2)X 2 V 00 (X)} Y (1) where V 0 (X) and V 00 (X) are the first and second derivatives of the unknown value function, V (X), which gives the maximized expected present value of utility when a fish stock of size X = X(t) is optimally harvested for the rest of time. The solution to Equation (1) entails taking a partial derivative of the right-hand-side (RHS) with respect to Y , setting it to zero, solving for optimal harvest, Y ∗ , as a function of V 0 (X), and substituting Y ∗ back into the RHS of Equation (1) to obtain the “optimized” H-J-B Equation. This equation is a second-order differential equation in the unknown value function, V (X). Performing these steps leads to p ∗ Y = β/V 0 (X) and p δV (X) = α − 2 βV 0 (X) + V 0 (X)rX(1 − X/K) + (σ 2 /2)X 2 V 00 (X) (2) It can be shown that the value function V (X) = A − B/X satisfies Equation (2) provided that A = (αK − rB)/(δK) and B = 4β/[(δ + r − σ 2 )2 ]. The expression for p B implies that Y ∗ = β/V 0 (X) = (δ + r − σ 2 )X/2. This is the optimal feedback harvest policy. One might expect that 1 > (δ + r − σ 2 )/2 > 0 and that it will be optimal to harvest a fixed proportion (fraction) of the stock as it stochastically 6 evolves through time. Note that for any given X > 0 an increase in δ or r will increase the fixed proportion, while an increase in σ 2 will reduce the fixed proportion. Pindyck (1984) and Dixit and Pindyck (1994) show how the Kolmogorov forward equation can be solved to determine the stationary distribution for X(t), when the fish stock is harvested according to a stationary optimal feedback policy, Y ∗ = φ(X). In the current model, if r > δ, the nondegenerate stationary distribution when our sole owner faithfully follows Y ∗ = (δ + r − σ 2 )X/2 is a gamma distribution taking the form 2 2 2 [2r/(σ 2 K)](r−δ)/σ X (r−δ−σ )/σ e−2rX/(σ ψ1 (X) = Γ((r − δ)/σ 2 ) 2 K) (3) This stationary distribution has an expected value E{X} = K(r − δ)/(2r) and the induced distribution for harvest has an expected value given by E{Y } = K(r + δ − σ 2 )(r − δ)/(4r). These results establish an analytic benchmark which will prove useful when analyzing the n-country differential game. 3 The n-Country Differential Game In the n-country differential game, each participating country has access to the fish stock, either in their extended economic zone (EEZ), or in international waters. We will assume that each country presumes that other countries harvesting 7 the fish stock have adopted an unknown optimal constant-proportion policy. Then, with Yi∗ = φi X for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, the stochastic differential equation describing the P evolution of the fish stock takes the form dX = [rX(1−X/K)− i φi X]dt+σXdz. The H-J-B Equation for the ith country, post Itô’s Lemma, takes the form 0 δi Vi (X) = max{αi −βi /Yi +Vi (X)[rX(1−X/K)−Yi − n X Yi 00 φj X]+(σ 2 /2)X 2 Vi (X)} j6=i (4) Each country follows the same steps as the sole owner did in the previous section to obtain their optimized H-J-B Equation. Taking a partial derivative of the RHS p 0 of Equation (4) with respect to Yi and setting it to zero implies Yi∗ = βi /Vi (X). Substituting this expression back into the RHS of Equation (4) we obtain the optimized H-J-B equation n q X 0 00 0 δi Vi (X) = αi −2 βi Vi (X)+Vi (X)[rX(1−X/K)− φj X]+(σ 2 /2)X 2 Vi (X) (5) j6=i The same form of the value function that worked for the sole owner works for the ith country; that is, Vi (X) = Ai −Bi /X, provided that Ai = (αi K −rBi )/(δi K) and p Pn 0 0 2 2 2 ∗ Bi = 4βi /[(δi +r− j6=i φj −σ ) ]. With Vi (X) = Bi /X and with Yi = βi /Vi (X) some careful algebra will reveal 8 Yi∗ = (δi + r − n X φj − σ 2 )X/2 (6) j6=i Equation (6) is actually a system of n simultaneous equations in the unknown φi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. If one solves Equations (6) when n = 2 one will obtain φ1 = (2δ1 − δ2 + r − σ 2 )/3 and φ2 = (2δ2 − δ1 + r − σ 2 )/3. If one solves Equations (6) when n = 3 one will obtain φ1 = (3δ1 − δ2 − δ3 + r − σ 2 )/4, φ2 = (3δ2 − δ1 − δ3 + r − σ 2 )/4, and φ3 = (3δ3 − δ1 − δ2 + r − σ 2 )/4. From these results we infer for n ≥ 1 that φi = (nδi − n X δj + r − σ 2 )/(n + 1) (7) j6=i To determine its own optimal proportional feedback policy, Country i must know its discount rate, the discount rates of all other countries harvesting the fish stock, the P intrinsic growth rate, r, and the volatility rate, σ. Define Φn = ni=1 φi . Then the stochastic differential equation defining the evolution of the fish stock may be written as dX = r0 X(1 − X/K 0 )dt + σXdz, where r0 = (r − Φn ) and K 0 = (r − Φn )K/r. The stationary distribution for the fish stock when harvested by n countries is again a gamma distribution but with parameters depending on r0 , K 0 , and σ and taking the form 9 0 2 0 2 0 [2r0 /(σ 2 K 0 )](2r /σ −1) X (2r /σ −2) e−2r X/(σ ψn (X) = Γ(2r0 /σ 2 − 1) 2 K 0) (8) For the gamma distribution in Equation (8) to be nondegenerative σ 2 < 2r0 = 2(r − Φn ). The special case, when all n countries have the same discount rate (δi = δ > 0), results in Φn = n X i=1 n(δ + r − σ 2 ) φi = (n + 1) (9) For the multi-country case, when δi = δ, the expected value of the stationary distribution for X = X(t) is given by K[r − σ 2 /2 − n(δ − σ 2 /2)] E(X) = K (1 − σ /(2r )) = (n + 1)r 0 2 0 (10) and the expected value for harvest is 2 E(Y ) = K[(1 − σ /(2r))Φn − Φ2n /r] [n(δ + r − σ 2 )K][2(r − nδ) + σ 2 (n − 1)] = [2r(n + 1)2 ] (11) We now examine the implications of the model when fitted to data for the Norwegian spring-spawning herring, 1950-2011. 10 4 The Norwegian Spring-Spawning Herring The Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) has traditionally been a highly migratory species, with adults spawning off the south-central coast of western Norway from early February through March. After spawning, the migratory pattern in the 1950s and early1960s saw adult year classes migrate west by northwest into the Norwegian Sea. During this period, prior to the extension of territorial waters that took place in the late 1970s, the herring stock passed into a large area of international waters (high seas) where it was exploited under conditions approximating open access. During this period the technology used in finding and harvesting herring increased significantly. Herring are a schooling species. As the total stock declined, remaining adults would re-school and thus facilitate their location and continued exploitation. Schooling species do not exhibit a significant “marginal stock effect” (see Clark et al. 2010), and harvest costs do not significantly increase with a decline in total stock abundance. Excessive harvest under open access conditions resulted a stock collapse in 1969 and the imposition of a moratorium on fishing in 1970. An interesting behavioral consequence of stock collapse was the ceasation of migration. From 1970 until the early 1990s both adults and juveniles remained in Norwegian waters year round. It was not until the early-1990s when the stock had been bolstered by several strong year classes that adults resumed migration after spawning. However, by the mid-1990s bilateral treaties on extended economic 11 zones (EEZs) had significantly altered the ocean-scape through which the NSSH now travelled. Now after spawning, adult herring would pass through the EEZs of the Faroe Islands, members of the European Community (EU), and though a considerably smaller patch of international waters, called the “Ocean Loop,” before reaching Iceland’s EEZ. Russia has had a stake in the NSSH fishery since the mid1960s when a northern stock developed that spawned south of the Lofoten Islands in Norway, but which migrated into the Barents Sea and the Russian EEZ. So, by the late 1990s, there were four countries (Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Russia) and the European Union, for a total of five players, who could claim a stake in the fishery and threaten strategic overfishing if not allowed a “fair” share of total allowable catch. In 1996, Norway, Russia, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands reached an agreement to share a total allowable catch of 1,267,000 metric tons of herring (Bjørndal et al. 2004). The EU did not participate in that agreement and the additional harvest by EU-member countries in that year was estimated at 180,419 metric tons (International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Advice 2011, Book 9, p.60). In 1999, the EU, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, and Russia agreed to a management plan with the following elements. (1) Every effort was to be made to maintain spawning stock biomass (SSB) at a level greater than 2,500,000 metric tons. (2) For 2001 and years subsequent, the Parties agree to restrict their fishing on the basis of a total allowable catch (a TAC) consistent with a fishing mortality rate of less than 0.125 for the appropriate year classes as defined by ICES. (3) 12 Should the estimate of SSB fall below 5,000,000 metric tons the fishing mortality rate and the TAC will be adjusted downward to ensure a safe and rapid recovery to a level above 5,000,000 metric tons. (4) The Parties shall, as appropriate, review and revise the above management measures on the basis of new advice provided by ICES. In Table 1 we report the ICES estimates of spawning stock biomass, SSBt , for the years 1950-2011, and total harvest, Yt , for the years 1950-2010. We use these data to determine the best-fit values of r, K, and σ that will approximate the stochastic evolution of spawning stock biomass as reported in Table 1. When dt = 1, the stochastic, first-order, difference equation corresponding to dX = [rX(1 − X/K) − Y ]dt + σXdz may be written as Xt+1 − Xt = rXt (1 − Xt /K) − Yt + σXt t+1 (12) where t+1 ∼ N (0, 1). We generate 61 standard normal variates, corresponding to the years 1951-2011. Setting X1950 = 13, 984, 000 metric tons, which is the estimated spawning stock biomass from Table 1, we simulate Xt+1 = Xt + rXt (1 − Xt /K) − Yt + σXt t+1 forward to the year 2011. This simulation requires an initial guess for r, K, and σ. We used estimates of r = 0.47 and K = 9, 418, 600 metric tons from Arnason et al. (2000, Table 1) along with a guess that σ = 0.4. We then changed the initial guess for r, K, and σ seeking to minimize the sum of absolute deviations (SAD) of SSBt from our simulated Xt for t = 1951, 1952, . . . , 2011. This 13 fitting exercise corresponds to the nonlinear optimization problem Minimize SAD = r, K, σ 2011 X |SSBt − Xt | 1951 Subject to Xt+1 = Xt + rXt (1 − Xt /K) − Yt + σXt t+1 t = 1950, 1951, . . . , 2010, X1950 = 13, 984, 000 metric tons, t+1 given, and SSBt and Yt f rom T able 1. This minimization problem yielded the best-fit values r = 0.45, K = 9, 930, 000, and σ = 0.257. The resulting plot of SSBt and Xt for t = 1950, 1951, . . . , 2011 is shown in Figure 1. With the best-fit values for r, K, and σ we can plot the stationary gamma distribution for X and calculate the expected value for stock and harvest for the sole owner (n = 1) and for five countries, all with the same discount rate (δi = δ = 0.05, i = 1, 2, . . . , 5). When r = 0.45, K = 9, 930, 000, σ 2 = 0.066049 and δ = 0.05 the stationary proportional harvest policy, expected spawning stock biomass, and expected harvest for n = 1 and n = 5 are reported in Table 2. The gamma distributions for n = 1 and for n = 5 are both nondegenerate and are plotted in Figure 2. To establish a measure of reduced welfare that may result under an n-country differential game we define the Index of Impaired Welfare (IIW) as 14 P n X=b X=a Vi (X)ψn (X) IIW = PX=b X=a V (X)ψ1 (X) (13) where Vi (X) is the value function of the ith representative country, δi = δ, i = 1, 2, . . . , n, ψn (X) is the stationary gamma distribution for X(t) under the ncountry differential game, V (X) is the value function of the sole owner, and ψ1 (X) is the stationary gamma distribution for X(t) when biomass is optimally harvested by a sole owner. Unfortunately, to compute the IIW you need parameter values for α and β from the utility function. They are needed to get numerical values for the coefficients of the value functions, Vi (X) and V (X). You also need values for a and b that define the appropriate support for X when computing the expected value of the n-country differential game (in the numerator of the IIW) and the expected value of the sole owner (in the denominator of the IIW). Based on the gamma distributions plotted in Figure 2, we set a = 100, 000 mt and b = 16, 000, 000 mt. If marginal utility is equal to price (as we might expect in a competitive market for herring), then U 0 (Y ) = β/Y 2 = p. In the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Yearbook (2011), which provides fishery statistics up to the year 2009, the average annual price for Atlantic herring was p = $523/mt in an export market where Y = 287, 629 mt. This implies that β = pY 2 = 4.33E + 13. There is no compelling way to calibrate the value for α. We would like U (Y ) > 0 over the relevant range for recent harvests. If α = 1.15E + 9 then 15 U (Y ) > 0 for Y > β/α = 37, 652 mt. The aggregate harvest of NSSH has exceeded Y = 37, 652 mt for every year since 1983. See Table 1. These parameter values result in IIW = 0.38, implying that the expected present value under a five-country differential game is 38% of the expected present value of a sole owner. See Table 2. 5 Conclusions and Caveats This paper developed a model of a differential game for a continuous-time stochastic fishery being exploited by n ≥ 2 countries. The structure of the model allowed analytical expressions for each country’s value function, their optimal (subgame perfect) harvest policies, the stationary distribution of the harvested fish stock, and the expected value for stock and harvest. The feedback policy of the sole owner (n = 1) along with the resulting stationary distribution for biomass, expected stock size, and harvest, provided a benchmark to evaluate the extent of overfishing when n ≥ 2. An index, the IIW, was developed to measure the reduction in expected present value under an n-country differential game relative to the expected present value that might be obtained by a sole owner. The model was calibrated for the best-fit parameters, r, K, and σ, for the Norwegian spring-spawning herring based on harvest and spawning stock estimates for the years 1950 through 2011. For a common discount rate, δi = δ = 0.05, a sole owner would adopt an optimal proportional policy where Y ∗ = 0.217X, resulting in a non-degenerate stationary distribution with expected value E(X) = 4, 413, 333 metric tons and expected harvest of E(Y ) = 957, 585 metric tons. If five countries 16 were harvesting the stock as part of a differential game, the stationary distribution, while non-degenerate, would have an expected value of E(X) = 1, 221, 383 metric tons and an expected harvest of E(Y ) = 441, 684 metric tons. The comP bined feedback harvest policies resulted in Φ5 = 5i=1 φi = 0.362 as the proportion of biomass harvested at each instant. While our example is highly stylized, the stationary distributions for spawning stock biomass and the numerical values for E(X) and E(Y ) when n = 5 are not inconsistent with estimated biomass just prior to stock collapse in 1969. In this period, prior to the extension of EEZs, it was likely that individuals harvesting the NSSH were forced, by open access, to behave as if they were discounting the future at an infinite rate (δi → ∞) as discussed in Clark (2010, p.28). It is also interesting to note that the 1999 agreement between Norway, Iceland, Russia, the Faroe Islands, and the European Union seeks to maintain spawning stock biomass above 5,000,000 metric tons. Our estimate of K, similar to estimates in previous studies, is almost 10,000,000 metric tons. In a deterministic model, this would imply that the spawning stock which would support maximum sustainable yield would be K/2 = 5, 000, 000 metric tons. With δi = δ > 0, the optimal stock for the sole owner in a deterministic world is X ∗ = K(r − δ)/(2r) < K/2. It would appear that managers are trying to maintain spawning stock biomass in the vicinity of K/2. They know that growth is stochastic (the spawning stock in reality is an Itô variable) and they are reducing the constant proportion harvest policy below Φ1 = 0.217 to reflect growth and/or other sources of uncertainty. Thus, our 17 model, when n = 5 provides insight into the forces at work prior to stock collapse in 1969 and, when n = 1, into the structure of the 1999 agreement that attempts to manage the NSSH in a more rational, welfare-enhancing, way. While broadly consistent with the history of the NSSH fishery, our model is overly simple in terms of the biology, game-theoretic structure, and environmental forces that influence growth and abundance. The preferred biological model for the NSSH would be an age-structured model, with possibly 17 cohorts. It is not likely that a stochastic model with 17 cohorts would permit the analytical results and transparency obtained in the current model. The four countries and the EU that are currently harvesting the NSSH are not equal participants in the NSSH differential game. Norway may possess the strongest bargaining position, since strategic overfishing might cause the stock to cease migration, as it did from 1970 until the early 1990s. Our model also assumed that the fish population was an Itô variable, evolving according to a random walk with expected drift given by logistic growth less harvest. 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Implementation of the Norwegian Spring-Spawning Herring Stock Dynamics and Risk Analysis, Helsinki University of Technology , Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A75, September. 23 Table 1: Spawning Stock Biomass, SSBt , 1950 - 2011, and Total Harest Yt , 1950 - 2010. Y ear 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 SSBt 13,984,000 12,440,000 11,482,000 10,613,000 9,445,000 10,223,000 11,740,000 10,129,000 9,280,000 7,350,000 5,817,000 4,230,000 3,465,000 2,635,000 2,795,000 3,067,000 2,595,000 1,145,000 219,000 78,000 31,000 8,000 2,000 74,000 85,000 91,000 146,000 384,000 355,000 386,00 469,000 Yt 723,500 994,200 919,2000 833,700 1,306,400 1,217,000 1,460,600 1,148,300 785,000 883,100 821,100 497,900 551,200 670,800 1,117,900 1,325,600 1,723,600 1,131,600 273,100 24,100 20,900 6,900 13,200 7,000 7,600 13,700 10,400 22,700 19,800 12,900 18,600 Y ear 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 SSBt 503,000 501,000 571,000 594,000 492,000 414,000 1,031,000 2,076,000 3,428,000 4,135,000 4,072,000 4,173,000 4,089,000 4,212,000 4,135,000 4,600,000 5,840,000 6,562,000 6,727,000 5,752,000 4,705,000 4,153.000 5,143,000 6,501,000 6,622,000 7,074,000 8,077,000 8,798,000 9,927,000 9,176,000 7,900,000 Yt 13,700 16,700 23,100 53,500 169,900 225,300 127,300 135,301 103,830 86,411 84,683 104,448 232,457 479,228 905,501 1,220,283 1,426,507 1,223,131 1,235,433 1,207,201 766,136 807,795 789,510 794,066 1,003,243 968,958 1,266,993 1,545,656 1,687,373 1,457,014 - - - - Sources : ICES (1999, 2011) Table 2: Φn , E(X), and E(Y ), for n = 1, and n = 5 and the IIW , a = 100, 000, b = 16, 000, 000 Φn E(X) E(Y ) PX=b n X=a Vi (X)ψn (X) IIW = n=1 0.2169755 4,413,333 957,585 219,164 PX=b n X=a Vi (X)ψn (X) PX=b V X=a (X)ψ1 (X) 24 = n=5 0.361625833 1,221,383 441,684 83,066 83,066 219,164 = 0.38 Figure 1: A Plot of SSBt and Simulated Xt when r = 0.45, K = 9, 930, 000, and σ = 0.257 16,000,000 14,000,000 SSBt 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 Xt 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 (2,000,000) 25 1990 2000 2010 2020 The Stationary Gamma Distributions for X when Harvested by the Sole Owner, n = 1, and by n = 5 Countries with a Common Discount Rate. Figure 2: 0.0000007 n=5 0.0000006 0.0000005 0.0000004 0.0000003 n=1 0.0000002 0.0000001 0 0 2 4 6 -­‐1E-­‐07 8 10 12 Millions 26 X