Anticipated International Environmental Agreements

Anticipated International Environmental Agreements
Ömer T. Aç¬kgöz
Department of Economics,
Yeshiva University
Hassan Benchekroun
Department of Economics and CIREQ
McGill University
June 2014
Consider a two period transboundary stock pollution game and assume that countries anticipate
that an international environmental agreement, IEA, will enter into force in the future (i.e., in period
2). What will be the impact of the future IEA on current emissions (i.e., in period 1)? We show that
the answer to this question is ambiguous. We examine four types of anticipated IEAs.
In the …rst type of anticipated IEA, countries anticipate that the level of emissions in period 2 will
be set at an agreed upon target. We show that in the case of a marginal decrease in emissions, i.e.,
when the target is set at or close to the emission level under the business as usual, bau, scenario in
period 2, the equilibrium level of emissions in period 1 falls below its bau level. However we also show
that emissions in period 1 are a decreasing function of the target that will prevail in period 2: i.e., a
tighter target in period 2 results in larger emissions in period 1. The impact of a cap on emissions in
period 2 on period 1 emissions may be ambiguous and may depend on the emissions targeted level.
This type of anticipated IEA assumes that countries are able to commit to a target level of emissions
regardless of the level of pollution in period 2 that will be observed.
In the other three IEAs, countries cannot commit to a emission level. Rather, they anticipate an
emission policy that assigns an emission level that will depend on the stock of pollution that will prevail.
In the second (third) type of IEA the anticipated emission policy represents a percentage (constant)
cut of future emission policy with respect to the business as usual (bau) emission policy. We show that
an IEA of type 2 results in an increase (a decrease) of current emissions when the elasticity of marginal
utility is larger (smaller) than one. In the case of the linear-quadratic framework, where utility and the
damage from the stock of pollution are quadratic and the accumulation of pollution is linear, we show
that anticipating an IEA in the future results in a decrease of current emissions if the damage from
pollution is su¢ ciently large. Otherwise the impact of an IEA in the future is ambiguous and depends
on the level of the stock of pollution. A future IEA of type 3 unambiguously results in an increase of
current emissions.
In the fourth type of IEA the anticipated emission policy is the ex-post …rst-best emission policy,
i.e., the policy which maximizes the joint welfare of all countries (in period 2). We give a necessary
condition for a future IEA to result in a decrease of current emissions with respect to their business as
usual level. We show, in the linear-quadratic case and the case where the utility is logarithmic, that
this necessary condition is never satis…ed.
Keywords: International environmental agreements; Environmental treaties; Climate agreement;
Treaty Rati…cation; Future Agreements; Transboundary Pollution; Dynamic Games.
JEL: Q53; Q54; Q58; Q59.
Transboundary pollution problems give rise to prisoners’dilemma type of situations that are particularly
di¢ cult to resolve because there is no supra national authority that can impose an allocation of pollution
rights or enforce agreed upon contracts. Any agreement between the involved parties needs to be selfenforcing. The di¢ culty of reaching an agreement can in principle be overcome by an ad-hoc system of
transfers and incentives to prevent free riding (see e.g., Carraro and Sinisalco (1993) or Germain, Toint,
Tulkens and de Zeeuw (2003) and Petrosyan and Zaccour (2003) in the case of a stock pollutant).
Calvo and Rubio (2013) o¤ers a recent survey, in the case of stock pollutants, of IEA models and
solutions to the free riding problem. In practice, the number of international treaties to protect the
environment or resources has been steadily increasing since the second half of the twentieth century.
The International Environmental Agreements (IEA) Database Project1 lists over 1200 multilateral
environmental agreements from 1800 to 2013; more than half of which were signed after 19902 . However,
the process of de…ning precise commitments for each of the member states of the agreement, the
rati…cation and the passing of domestic legislation to enforce the agreement’s commitments is often
very tedious and lengthy3 . IEAs can take years to enter into force. Barrett (2003), gives a list of
Multilateral environmental agreements and provides the date of adoption and the date of rati…cation4 .
An interesting feature of many agreements in that list is that there is a substantial period of time that
separates the date of adoption and the date of entry into force. For example in the case of climate
change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was signed by 154
countries in the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and entered into force in 19945 . However,
Version 2013.2, July 2013. The list includes conventions, treaties, protocols, amendments, modi…cations: in general,
the de…nition of an agreement used to build up the database is any agreement between two or more states in which states
consent to be bound. [Articles 2(1)(a) and 11 through 17] (Aust 2000: 14).
Following Daily (1997), agreements are de…ned to be environmental in the Project "if they seek, as a primary purpose,
to manage or prevent human impacts on natural resources; plant and animal species (including in agriculture, since
agriculture modi…es both); the atmosphere; oceans; rivers; lakes; terrestrial habitats; and other elements of the natural
world that provide ecosystem services. "
2 The IEA Database Project also lists1500 bilateral environmental agreements, and 250 "other" environmental agreements. The "Other" category includes environmental agreements between governments and international organizations
or non-state actors,
3 Barrett (1998) breaks down the process of treaty making into …ve stages: pre-negotiation, negotiation, rati…cation,
implementation and renegotiation. Congleton (2001) identi…es four phases of IEAs. The …rst stage is the recognition
of the bene…ts from cooperation and gives rise to "Symbolic Treaties", in the second stage parties sign a "Procedural
Treaty" de…ning procedures to evaluate alternative policy targets, in the third stage parties agree on speci…c targets and
sign a "Substantive" treaty and in the fourth "Domestic" stage each party passes legislation to conform with its treaty
4 Appendix of Chapter 6.
5 Even bilateral environmental treaties can take a long time, possibly decades, to be …nalized (see Congleton (2001) for
binding limits on greenhouse gases emissions, in the case of developed countries6 , were only de…ned
in 1997 under the Kyoto Protocol; a protocol that entered into force in 20057 . In the case of stock
pollutants, where countries take into account the accumulation process of pollution, the decisions of
the level of emissions in two di¤erent periods are interrelated. The anticipation of cooperation at a
future date a¤ects the decision of the level of emissions in the phase that precedes the beginning of
cooperation. This paper examines the impact of the delay period between the moment an agreement is
reached and the time at which it enters into e¤ect.
In this paper we consider a transboundary stock pollution game and study the impact of anticipating
cooperation in the future on each country’s emissions before cooperation starts. We do not formalize
the process by which a cooperative solution is reached; rather, we assume that at some future date
countries will adopt an emission policy that is more environmentally friendly than the business as usual
policy. We conduct our analysis in the context of a transboundary pollution game where a number of
countries produce homogeneous products and where pollution is emitted as a by-product. Emissions
of pollution accumulate and constitute a transboundary stock of pollution which creates a damage
that a¤ects all countries. It is well known that a Markov Perfect Nash Equilibrium (MPNE) of the
game when countries behave in a non-cooperative way results in larger emissions of pollution than the
cooperative solution where each country adopts the pollution strategy to maximize the joint welfare
of all countries (see e.g., the surveys of dynamic pollutions games in Jorgensen, Martin-Herran and
Zaccour (2010) or Long (2011)).
More precisely, we consider a two period transboundary pollution game. We …rst determine the
equilibrium under the business as usual (BAU) scenario, i.e. non-cooperation over the two periods, and
the …rst-best cooperative equilibrium, i.e. countries cooperate over the two periods and choose a pro…le
of emissions strategies in each period that maximize the sum of all countries welfare. We then consider
the case where countries cooperate in period two only: countries adopt an IEA in period two. In period
1, countries anticipate that an IEA will be agreed upon in period 2 and adjust their emission policies
accordingly. The contribution of the paper is to study how this anticipation of a future IEA impacts
the equilibrium emissions in the pre IEA phase (i.e., period one). We examine four possible types of
IEAs in period two.
In the …rst type of anticipated IEA, countries anticipate that the level of emissions in period 2 will
be set at an agreed upon target. This type of anticipated IEA assumes that countries can commit to a
6 Canada
7 Other
withdrew in 2011 and the US did not ratify the treaty.
examples of delayed entry into force of environmental treaties include The Convention for the Protection of the
Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic which was opened for signature in1992.and entered into force in 1998;
The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, CLRTAP, open for signature in 1979 and entered into
force in 1983, Marpol 73/78 ("Marpol" is short for marine pollution and 73/78 short for the years 1973 and 1978) the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships was signed in 1973. The current convention entered
into force in 1983.
Even the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), a treaty on the international law on treaties between
states was adopted in 1969 and entered into force in 1980.
target level of emissions regardless what the level of pollution period will be. In the other three IEAs,
countries cannot commit to a pollution level; they anticipate an emission policy that assigns an emission
level that will depend on the stock of pollution that will prevail. In the second (third) type of IEA the
anticipated emission policy represents a constant (percentage) cut of future emission policy with respect
to the business as usual (BAU) emission policy. In the fourth type of IEA the anticipated emission
policy is the ex-post …rst-best emission policy, i.e., the policy which maximizes the joint welfare of all
countries (in period 2).
In the …rst type of anticipated IEA, where countries can commit to a target level of emissions, we
show that a cap in period 2, set at exactly the emission level under the business as usual level results
in a decrease of current emissions with respect to the bau emission level. However, emissions in period
1 are shown to be a decreasing function of the target that will prevail in period 2: i.e., a tighter target
in period 2 results in larger emissions in period 1. Therefore the overall impact of a cap on emissions
is ambiguous.
For an anticipated IEA of type 2, we show that it results in an increase (a decrease) of current
emissions when the elasticity of marginal utility is larger (smaller) than one. In the case of the linearquadratic framework, where utility and the damage from the stock of pollution are quadratic and the
accumulation of pollution is linear, we show that anticipating an IEA in the future results in a decrease
of current emissions if the damage from pollution is su¢ ciently large. Otherwise the impact of an IEA
in the future is ambiguous and depends on the level of the stock of pollution. A future IEA of type 3
unambiguously results in an increase of current emissions.
For the fourth type of IEA, where countries adopt the ex-post …rst best emission policy, we give
a necessary condition for a future IEA to result in a decrease of current emissions with respect their
business as usual level. We show, in the linear-quadratic case and the case where utility is logarithmic,
that this necessary condition is never satis…ed. An IEA of type 4 represents a benchmark, ’ideal’scenario
in period two since countries are assumed to choose the …rst-best emission rule in period two. It is widely
recognized that the actual policies rati…ed, by domestic legislatures, diverge from policies prescribed
under an ’ideal’scenario or policies that are economically e¢ cient. The reality of policy making is that
the …nal legislation that will be implemented is the outcome of an interaction of several interest groups
(see e.g., Oates and Portney (2003) or Wangler, Altamirano-Cabrera and Weikard (2011)). Hence the
relevance of the analysis of IEAs of type 1, 2 and 3. Indeed, an IEA of type 2 or 3 can be explained
by the fact that the larger the decrease of emissions with respect to the BAU scenario the larger the
resistance of interests group in the economy.
The fact that the impact of an IEA in period 2 on current emissions can be ambiguous is interesting.
This result extends to the case where in period 2, there is uncertainty about whether the policy under
the IEA will be adopted or countries will carry on with the business as usual policy. Our results show
that the mere possibility of a future IEA can have a positive spillover on current emissions and result
in countries reducing their current emission. This is not a priori intuitive. One may expect that future
cooperation results in a decrease of the shadow cost of the stock of pollution. Since, future cooperation
implies that the future cost of pollution from current emissions falls, countries are expected to increase
their current emissions. This is what happens under an IEA of type 3 and 4. However this intuition
does not carry over in the case of a type 1 and type 2 IEA. Under an IEA of type 1 a future marginal
decrease of emissions with respect to the BAU emission strategy can result in a smaller level of emissions
in period 1. This happens if the elasticity of marginal utility at the BAU in period 2 is larger than one.
This condition is thus trivially satis…ed if the utility function has a constant elasticity of marginal utility
and if that constant is smaller than one. This condition can also be satis…ed in the linear quadratic
framework, if the damage from the stock of pollution is su¢ ciently large or if the stock is small enough.
To understand the contrast between the e¤ects of the IEAs of type 1, 2 and 3, it is important to note
that all three a¤ect both the level emissions compared to the BAU scenario but only an IEA of type
1 and 2 a¤ect the slope of the emission policy. In the presence of a stock pollution, the slope of the
emission policy generates a feedback e¤ect in the pollution game. In the case where the equilibrium
emission policy is a downward sloping function of the stock of pollution, there is an additional incentive
to each country to raise its emissions since an increase in its emissions will raise the stock of pollutant
and ultimately be met by a reduction of emissions of the other countries. While an IEA of type 3 leaves
the slope of the emission policy unchanged, an IEA of type 1 and 2 reduces the slope of the emission
policy and therefore diminishes (in the case of an IEA of type 2) or eliminate (in the case of an IEA
of type 1) the feedback e¤ect. This is why even a marginal reduction of emissions with respect to the
BAU policy, as in an IEA of type 1 and 2, can result in a decrease of emissions in period 1.
While we assume throughout the paper, for simplicity, that the ’environmentally friendly’ policy
will be adopted in period 2 with certainty (i.e., the IEA will be successful in period 2), our analysis
extends to the case where there is uncertainty about whether the ’environmentally friendly’policy will
actually be adopted. Our qualitative results extend to the case where the probability of adoption of the
cooperative solution is positive and less than one. For example in the US, a treaty is negotiated by the
US administration and rati…ed by the US senate where a sixty percent majority is required. In the UK,
the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 gave a statutory footing to the Ponsonby Rule,
a convention that treaties be laid before Parliament before rati…cation8 . The need of the approval of
a legislative body often casts a signi…cant amount of uncertainty on the actual rati…cation of a treaty
signed by the executive branch of government9 . Our analysis shows that even a treaty that may end
up being rejected at the rati…cation stage will have an impact on the current policy (i.e., policy during
the phase between adoption and the date of the rati…cation decision) as long as there is a positive
probability of rati…cation in the future. Depending on the nature of the externality and on the form of
the anticipated future ’friendly’policy, the expectation of the rati…cation alone can alleviate or worsen
8 In
Australia, the Federal Government does not need parliamentary approval to enter a binding treaty. However,
legislation by Federal parliament is needed for the implementation of treaties.
9 For example: the Kyoto Protocol was signed but not rati…ed by the US; the initial 1973 Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution From Ships (Marpol 73) did not come into force for lack of rati…cations.
the tragedy of the commons.
The possibility that an environmental friendly policy may end-up having negative environmental
consequences, as is the case under all four types of IEAs considered, is by now well established: see
e.g., Hoel (1991 and 1992) or Eichner and Pethig (2011) in the case where environmentally friendly
policies are unilaterally adopted by a sub-group countries or Benchekroun and Ray Chaudhuri (2014)
in the case where countries adopt a cleaner technology10 . A related literature that highlights the role of
fossil fuels in the climate change problem examines the role of environmentally friendly policies on the
intertemporal extraction of fossil fuels. Within such framework the unintended negative impact on the
environment of an environmentally friendly policy such as subsidy to cleaner energies was coined ’the
green paradox’(see e.g., Sinn (2012), Ploeg and Withagen (2012), Grafton, Kompas and Long (2012)
or for surveys, Werf and Di Maria (2012), Ploeg and Withagen (2013) or Long (2014)). However none
of these papers examines the impact of an anticipated agreement on current emissions.
Our paper is closely related to Beccherle and Tirole (2011) that examines the impact of the announcement of a future environmental agreement11 . Beccherle and Tirole (2011) which consider a two
period game between two countries. The damage from pollution is caused in period two and depends
on countries environmental policies in period 2 only. However in period 1 each country can adopt an
environmental policy that will impact its own utility in period 2. The paper examines the impact of
delaying an agreement to period 2 on the bargaining outcome between the two countries with a focus
on period two’s environmental policies. A crucial assumption of the model is that a more lax environmental policy in period 1 results in a more lax environmental policy in period two. While their
generic game is quite general it cannot be used to analyze the case where the environmental policy of
a country is that country’s emissions12 . In their model the policy chosen in period 1 has an impact on
the bargaining outcome in period 2 through the impact on both the cooperative outcome (…rst-best)
and the non-cooperative outcome (the threat point) in period 2. In our paper, we consider the problem
of a choice of emissions over two periods in transboundary pollution game. The damage is caused by
a stock of pollution that accumulates with the sum of all countries’emissions. Therefore the damage
from pollution is caused by emissions of all countries and emissions in period one have an impact on the
damage in period two. As is the case in standard transboundary stock pollution games, the equilibrium
emission policy, whether in the non-cooperative or the cooperative scenarios, are non-decreasing in the
1 0 or
Benchekroun (2003) in the context of international …sheries.
Tsur and Zemel (2012) also examine the impact of the announcement of a future environmental agreement.
1 1 Smulders,
They show that announcing that a carbon tax will be implemented starting at a future date, results in an increase of
carbon emissions in the period that precedes the implementation of the tax compared to the business as usual scenario.
The result is driven by an increase in savings and the accumulation of capital which in turn translates into more production
and emissions. In our model it is the countries’strategic behavior that drives the result of a potential negative impact of
a future agreement on current emissions.
1 2 Emissions can be used as the environmental policy only if there are adjustment costs of changing emissions between
two periods and the adjustment costs are substantial enough for the crucial assumption that more emissions in period
one will result in more emissions in period two continues to hold.
stock of pollution. Therefore an increase of emissions in a given period increases the stock of pollution
in subsequent periods and therefore results in a decrease of emissions in the future13 . In contrast with
Beccherle and Tirole (2011), we do not explicitly model the bargaining taking place in period two. We
assume that in period 2 an agreement will implement an emission policy that is more environmentally
friendly than the business as usual emission policy. Thus in choosing emissions in period 1, countries do
not try to in‡uence the threat point in period 2. However, in our game, the outcome of the agreement
in period two still depends on decisions made in period 1 since those decisions impact the stock of
pollution in period 2 and therefore impact the outcome of the agreement in the case of IEAs of type 2,
3 and 4. The lessons learned from our analysis apply to dynamic stock public good game in general.
We present the model and the benchmark BAU and …rst-best equilibrium in section 2. In section
3-6 we examine the impact of an anticipated future agreement of respectively types 1-4 on current
emissions. Section 7 o¤ers concluding remarks.
There are two periods and n countries. Let Pt denote the initial stock of pollution at time t = 1; 2. Let
Et;i denote country i’s emissions at time t.
The sequence of events in each period is as follows:
- given an initial stock Pt countries choose their emissions (Et;1 ; ::; Et;N ),
- the sum of the current emissions and the inherited stock cause a damage D (Pt +
k=1 Et;k )
- natural decay of pollution (current emissions plus the initial stock of pollution) occurs. We have
P2 = (P1 +
k=1 E1;k ) (1
2 [0; 1] represents the natural rate of decay of the stock of pollution.
Utility of country i from the emission14 in each period is denoted by u (E). We assume that u0 > 0
and u00 < 0 and D0 > 0 and D00 > 0.
In a non-cooperative setup each country i takes the strategies of emissions of the other countries
as given and chooses an emission strategy. We seek a Markov perfect Nash equilibrium of this game.
In a cooperative setup countries choose a vector of emissions in each period that maximize the joint
discounted sum of welfare. We start by solving the equilibrium emissions strategies in period 2.
Period 2:
Given a stock of pollution P2 , under the non-cooperative scenario, country i takes E2; i , the vector of
emissions of all the countries except country i, as given and chooses its emissions E2;i as solution to the
1 3 The
crucial assumption of positively related environmental policies across periods does not hold in a transboundary
pollution game.
1 4 Utility is obtained from consumption. For simplicity we assume that there is a one-to-one relationship between one
unit of consumption and one unit of pollution emission.
following problem:
M axE2;i (u (E2;i )
k=1 E2;k ))
D (P2 + E2;i +
The …rst order condition gives
u0 (E2;i )
D0 (P2 + E2;i +
k=1 E2;k )
= 0:
Since countries are symmetric, we determine a symmetric equilibrium, E2;N C , a function of the
initial stock P2 as a solution to
u0 (E2;N C )
D0 (P2 + nE2;N C ) = 0
Suppose u0 (0) < 1 then for P2 such that u0 (0)
D0 (P2 ) < 0 we have E2;N C = 0 and for u0 (0)
hD0 (P2 ) there exists a unique positive E2;N C solution to 1. If limE
u0 (E) = 1 and limE
u0 (E) =
0 then for each P2 > 0 there exists a unique positive E2;N C solution to 1. We further make the relationship between emissions and the stock of pollution more explicit and denote the equilibrium emission
policy by E2;N C (P2 ).
Moreover, total di¤erentiation of 1 with respect to P2 gives
u00 (E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
1 + nE2;N
C (P2 ) D (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 )) = 0
which implies
D00 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))
u00 (E2;N C (P2 )) nD00 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))
If countries were to choose a vector of emission strategies that maximize their joint welfare, they
C (P2 ) =
would choose the emission strategy E2;Coop (P2 ) solution to
u0 (E2;Coop (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;Coop (P2 )) = 0
Period 1:
We now consider the problem of Country i in period 1 under the non-cooperative scenario. Given an
initial stock of pollution period 1, country i takes E1; i ; the vector of emissions in period 1 of all the
countries except country i, as given. It also takes the Nash equilibrium policy in period 2, E2;N C (P2 ),
as given strategies of the other countries as given and solves the following problem
M axE1;i (u (E1;i )
D (P1 +
k E1;k )
(u (E2;N C (P2 ))
D (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))))
P2 = (P1 +
k E1;k ) (1
2 [0; 1] is the discount factor. The …rst order condition gives
u0 (E1;i )
D0 (P1 +
k E1;k )
u0 (E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
1 + nE2;N
C (P2 )
D0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))
Using the facts that E2;N C satis…es (1) and that
u0 (E1;i )
D0 (P1 +
, we have
k E1;k )
1) E2;N
C u (E2;N C (P2 ))
) 1 + (n
Therefore, for a symmetric equilibrium, the emission policy in period 1, that is emission as a function
of the stock of pollution in period 1, is E1;N C (P1 ) solution to
u0 (E1;N C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C (P1 ))
1) E2;N
C u (E2;N C (P2 ))
) 1 + (n
We assume that such a solution exists and is unique for each P1 . We refer to the emission policies
E1;N C (P ) and E2;N C (P ) the business as usual (bau) policies in period 1 and 2 respectively. Condition
5 represents the usual balance of the marginal bene…t from current emissions with the present and
future marginal damages from pollution. We would like to draw the attention of the reader to the term
1) E2;N
C . The presence of this term captures the impact of a given country’s current emissions on
the future emissions of other countries. In period 1, while any given country takes the strategies of the
other countries as given, if the strategies as stock dependent, this does not mean that the given country
takes the emission levels of the other countries as given. Indeed, by a¤ecting the stock of pollution a
country can manipulate the emission of other countries: in the dynamic games literature, this channel of
interaction is referred to as the feedback e¤ect. When the term (n
1) E2;N
C is negative, the feedback
e¤ect reduces the future marginal from pollution and therefore boosts the incentive of a each country
to increase its current emissions compared to a situation where this channel is absent (e.g., if countries
choose emission paths instead of emission policies).
We now examine the impact of anticipating an IEA that would implement an emission strategy in
period 2 denoted E2;C (P ) that is more environmentally friendly than the bau policy in period 2.
We separately consider four types of IEAs: (i) E2;C (P ) = E, (ii) E2;C (P ) = (1
E2;C (P ) = E2;N C (P )
") E2;N C (P ) ; (iii)
and (iv) E2;C (P ) = E2;Coop (P ).
An IEA of type (i) prescribes a speci…c target of the level of emissions in period 2. Under this type
of IEA, countries are assumed to be able to commit to a level of emissions in period 2, even if the
stock of pollution in period 2 turns out to be di¤erent from the one anticipated. Such a commitment
is similar to the commitment assumed in open-loop games and results in equilibria that may not be
subgame perfect. IEAs of type (i) and (ii) correspond to a cut, percentage in case of (i) and uniform in
case of (ii), with respect to a business as emission policy. Note that they represent a cut with respect an
emission policy and not a level of emissions. Using emission policies for period 2 yields a more robust
IEA than an IEA of type 1, since the agreement is stock dependent. If the stock of pollution in period 2
di¤ers from what was originally anticipated the principle of the agreement is still valid. This robustness
is similar to that of a subgame perfect equilibrium in a non-cooperative framework. The IEAs of type
(ii) and (iii) are inspired from a negotiation process where the benchmark is the BAU scenario, and
where parties try to …nd improvements over the BAU policies. The size of the departure, captured by
either " or , re‡ects the limitations of policy makers to impose changes with respect to a BAU scenario
because of political pressure and lobbying from di¤erent groups in the economy15 . The IEA of type (iv)
is given as a benchmark. It represents the ’ideal’agreement that can be reached in period 2. Under an
IEA of type (iv) policy makers are assumed free of any domestic political constraints, and can choose
freely the welfare maximizing policy of the country they represent. We denote the policy under such an
IEA by E2;Coop (P2 ). While it is a useful benchmark, in particular in the assessment of the potential
gains from an IEA or the loss of an absence of an IEA, it has proven to be too di¢ cult to reach in
practice. Most of the IEAs take the form of a reduction with respect to a business as usual scenario.
An emission target: E2;C (P ) = E
We examine the case where
E2;C (P ) = E where 0 < E < E2;N C (P2;N C )
and where P2;N C is the stock of pollution at the beginning of period 2 in the non-cooperative scenario.
Thus E2;N C (P2;N C ) represents the equilibrium emissions in period 2 in the absence of an IEA in
period 2. Since E < E2;N C (P2;N C ), setting emissions in period 2 at E, represents indeed a more
environmentally friendly policy than the BAU policy.
The problem of country i is
M ax u (E1;i )
D (P1 +
k E1;k )
u E
D P2 + n E
P2 = (P1 +
k E1;k ) (1
u0 (E1;i )
D0 (P1 +
The …rst order condition
1 5 The
k E1;k )
) D 0 P2 + n E
in‡uence of interest groups, whether environmental groups or groups representing industrial interests, on envi-
ronmental policy is well established (See e.g., Oates and Portney (2003) or Wangler et al. (2011) for a survey).
The resulting emission strategy in period 1 denoted E1;C (P ) is then solution to
u0 (E1;C )
D0 (P1 + nE1;C )
) D0 (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
) + nE
Lemma 1: Suppose that an IEA in period is anticipated to implement a predetermined level of
emissions where E < E2;N C (P2;N C ), a decrease in the threshold E unambiguously results in an increase
in current emissions.
Proof: See Appendix A.
However we should note that setting E = E2;N C (P2;N C ) does not yield E1;C = E1;N C . Indeed when
E = E2;N C (P2;N C ) ; we have E1;C < E1;N C . This is proven in the lemma below. This is due to the
feedback e¤ect16 that is present in the non-cooperative case (i.e., E2;N
C (P2 ) < 0).
Lemma 2: Suppose that an IEA in period 2 is anticipated to implement a predetermined level of
emissions E = E2;N C (P2;N C ). This unambiguously results in a decrease in current emissions.
Proof: See Appendix B.
From Lemmas 1 and 2 we can conclude that the overall impact of setting emissions in period 2 to a
level E < E2;N C (P2;N C ) on current emissions is ambiguous. It clearly results in a decrease of current
emissions if E is set smaller but close to E2;N C (P2;N C ) whereas setting E at level close to zero may
result in an increase of current emissions17 . This is summed up in the following proposition
Proposition 1: Suppose that an IEA in period 2 is anticipated to implement a predetermined level
of emissions E
E2;N C (P2;N C ). The impact of such an IEA on the equilibrium emissions in period 1
is ambiguous.
A percentage cut: E2;C (P ) = (1
") E2;N C (P )
Suppose now that in period 1 countries anticipate the emissions in period 2 will be
E2;C (P ) = (1
") E2;N C (P ) where " 2 [0; 1] :
The policy E2;C (P ) is indeed a more environmentally friendly policy than the BAU policy since we
E2;C (P )
1 6 The
E2;N C (P ) for all P .
feedback e¤ect of production constraints has been highlighted in Dockner and Haug (1990, 1991) in the context
of dynamic import quotas.
1 7 See
appendix C for a proof in the case where the damage from pollution is such that D0 (0) = 0.
In period 1, the problem of country i is now:
M axE1;i (u (E1;i )
D (P1 +
k E1;k )
(u ((1
") E2;N C (P2 ))
D (P2 + n (1
") E2;N C (P2 ))))
P2 = (P1 +
k E1;k ) (1
2 [0; 1] is the discount factor. The …rst order condition gives
u0 (E1;i )
D0 (P1 +
k E1;k )
= R (")
R (")
) u0 ((1
") E2;N
C (P2 )
") E2;N C (P2 )) (1
1 + n (1
") E2;N
C (P2 )
D0 (P2 + n (1
For a symmetric equilibrium, the resulting emission strategy in period 1 denoted E1;C (P ) is then
solution to
u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 )) = R (")
Lemma 3:
We have
E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 )
R (0) < R (") .
Proof: This follows from the facts that (i)
u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 )) = R (")
u0 (E1;N C (P1 ))
and (ii) u0 (X)
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C (P1 )) = R (0)
D0 (P1 + nX) is a strictly decreasing function of X
To establish the sign of R (0) R ("), we examine the impact of a change in " on R (:). For tractability
reasons, we examine the impact of a marginal proportional reduction of emissions with respect to the
business as usual scenario, i.e., marginal change in " in the neighborhood of " = 0.
Proposition 2:
A marginal proportional reduction of future emissions results in a decrease (an increase) of current
emissions i¤
E2;N C (P2 )u00 (E2;N C (P2 ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
E1;N C (P1 ) > E 1;C (P1 ) iif
Proof: See Appendix D.
< 1:
") E2;N C (P2 ))
From Proposition 1 it is immediate that in the case where utility has a constant elasticity of marginal
utility, i.e.,
u (E) =
we have R0 (0) > 0 or E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 ) i¤
< 1.
Along with the constant elasticity of marginality, another widely used framework is the linear
quadratic (LQ) model where utility is a quadratic function of emissions and the damage function is
a quadratic function of the stock of pollution. We show below that the sign of R0 (0) is ambiguous even
in the LQ case:
u (E) = E A
D (P ) =
1 2
P :
Without loss of generality we set A = 1 and B = 1.
It can be shown that
E2;N C (P ) =
and that emissions in period 1 are given by
for 1
E1;C (P ) = M ax 0;
+ P
)2 )n + (3n + (1
1 + (3 + (1
+(1 + (1
)2 "2 )n3
)2 (1 + "2 + 2" (n
> 0
1 + (2n
) + 1+
n (n
1) ( 1 + ") (" + n))
) "2
1) ("
1) (1 + n"))
2 2
n +
1 + "2 + 2" (n
1) + 2n
When " = 0 we have E1;C (P ) = E1;N C (P ). Moreover, substitution of u00 and u0 gives
The sign of
(E2;N C (P2 ))
1 E2;N C (P2 )
1 is di¢ cult to determine, since the expression of P2 is cumbersome. We can however
state that in the limit case where
tends to zero one would expect E2;N C (P2 ) to be close to 1 and
tends to in…nity, implying that a marginal proportional reduction of future emissions results
in an increase of current emissions. In another limit case where
could expect E2;N C (P2 ) to tend to zero and therefore
becomes arbitrarily large, one
would tend to zero, implying that a marginal
proportional reduction of future emissions results in a decrease of current emissions. We provide more
dE1;C (P )
precise statements for analysis of the sign of
below. We examine separately the case P = 0
and the case P > 0.
The case P = 0
It can be shown that
dE1;C (0)
) (n
1) (1 + n )
dE1;C (0)
Therefore the sign of
The term
) +2
is given by
) + n (2
3) :
is a cubic function of . Its graph in a ( ; ) space has an inverted N shape and there
increasing function of
reaches a local minimum and maximum respectively. The function is an
over (
and decreasing elsewhere.
Lemma 4: There exists a unique
> 0 such that
< 0 for
> 0 for 0 <
< .
Proof: See Appendix E.
Proposition 3: There exists a unique
> 0 such that for
more environmental friendly emission policy E2;C (P ) = (1
< (>) the adoption of a marginally
") E2;N C (P ) by all the players results in
an increase (decrease) in equilibrium emissions in period 1 in the neighborhood of P = 0:
dE1;C (0)
Proof: This follows from the fact that the sign of
is given by the sign of
and from
the Lemma.
The case P > 0:
Recall that
+ P
E1;C (P ) =
Let F (") =
. After substitution and derivation with respect to " we obtain
F (") =
1 + (3 + (1
) + 1+
2 2
) "2
)2 )n + (3n + (1
n +
)2 (1 + "2 + 2" (n
1 + "2 + 2" (n
+ (1 + (1
1) + 2n
)2 "2 )n3
for which it can be shown that
F 0 (0) =
2 (n
+ n3
+ 3n + n
1) (n + 1)
2 2
An increase in " results in a decrease of the slope, a steeper emission strategy. From the proposition
above we can conclude
Proposition 4: There exists a unique
> 0 such that for
the adoption of a marginally
more environmental friendly emission policy E2;C (P ) = (1
") E2;N C (P ) by all the players results in
an decrease in equilibrium emissions in period 1 , for all P
the impact of the adoption of a marginally more environmental friendly emission policy
E2;C (P ) = (1
") E2;N C (P ) by all the players on the equilibrium emissions in period 1 depends on P :
There exists P > 0 such that E1;C (P ) > E1;N C (P ) i¤ P < P .
A constant cut in emissions: E2;C (P ) = E2;N C (P )
We now examine the case where countries anticipate in period 1 that emissions in period 2 will be given
E2;C (P ) = E2;N C (P )
2 [0; E2;N C (P2;N C )]
The problem of country i is
M axE1;i (u (E1;i )
D (P1 +
k=1 E1;k )
(u (E2;N C (P2 )
D (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 )
n )))
2 [0; 1] is the discount factor.
P2 = (P1 +
k=1 E1;k ) (1
The …rst order condition gives
u0 (E1;i )
D0 (P1 +
k E1;k )
= Q( )
Q( )
) u0 (E2;N C (P )
) E2;N
C (P )
1 + nE2;N
C (P ) D (P + nE2;N C (P )
n )
The resulting emission strategy in period 1 denoted E1;C (P ) is then solution to
u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 )) = Q ( )
In order to compare E1;C (P ) to E1;N C (P ) we need to compare Q ( ) and Q (0).
u00 (E1;N C (P1 ))
sign of Q ( )
Indeed since
D00 (P1 + nE1;N C (P1 )) < 0 we have E1;C (P ) < E1;N C (P ) i¤ Q ( ) > Q (0). The
Q (0) is di¢ cult to determine with a general utility function. To make progress, as in
the case of a proportional emission reduction, we evaluate the sign of Q ( )
Q (0) in the case of a
marginal decrease of emissions with respect to the business as usual policy.
Proposition 5:
The adoption of a marginally more environmental friendly emission policy E2;C (P ) = E2;N C (P )
by all the players results in an increase of current emissions.
Proof: See Appendix F.
In the LQ model, it can be shown that the result of proposition 5 extends to the case of non-marginal
constant cut of emissions.
The …rst-best IEA: E2;C (P ) = E2;Coop (P )
We examine the case where countries anticipate in period 1 that there will be full cooperation in period
2: the chosen vector of emission strategies will be the one that maximizes the joint welfare of all the
countries in period 2. We call this agreement, the ex-post …rst-best IEA and we denote the correspond
emission strategy E2;Coop (P2 ). In period 1, each country chooses its emission strategy the maximizes
its own welfare only.
The resulting emission strategy in period 1 denoted E1;C (P ) is then solution to
u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
+ (1
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 ))
) u0 (E2;Coop (P2 )) E2;Coop
(P2 )
1 + nE2;Coop
(P2 )
D0 (P2 + nE2;Coop (P2 ))
Under full cooperation in period 2 we have
u0 (E2;Coop (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;Coop (P2 )) = 0
and therefore
u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 ))
) D0 (P2 + nE2;Coop (P2 )) = 0
We give, in the following proposition, a necessary condition for an IEA in period 2 that implements the
…rst-best emissions strategies, to result in a decrease of current emissions.
Proposition 6:
If an IEA in period 2 that implements the …rst-best emissions strategies results in a decrease of
current emissions then we must have
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;Coop ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2;N C ))
n 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C (P2;N C ) > 0:
Proof: See Appendix G.
We argue that the necessary condition for E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 ) given in the above proposition is
never satis…ed in the linear-quadratic (LQ) framework and the case where utility is logarithmic (Log).
Indeed, if E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 ) then we have P2;N C > P2;Coop and therefore
E2;Coop (P2;N C ) < E2;Coop (P2;Coop )
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;N C )) > u0 (E2;Coop (P2;Coop ))
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;Coop ))
n 1 + (n
u0 (E2;N C (P2;N C ))
1) E2;N
C (P2;N C ) <
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;N C ))
n 1 + (n
u0 (E2;N C (P2;N C ))
1) E2;N
C (P2;N C )
However we show below in the LQ and Log cases that
u0 (E2;Coop (P ))
u0 (E2;N C (P ))
in particular
1) E2;N
C (P ) < 0 for all P
n 1 + (n
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;N C ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2;N C ))
1) E2;N
C (P2;N C ) < 0
n 1 + (n
Therefore from 14 a necessary condition for E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 ) is never satis…ed which implies that
E1;N C (P1 )
E1;C (P1 ).
Indeed in the LQ case, u (x) = x A
u0 (E2;Coop (P2 ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
and D (P ) =
P 2 , after substitution it can be shown
n (n 1)
(1 + 2 n3 + n (1 + n))
1) E2;N
C =
n 1 + (n
For the logarithmic case, u (x) = ln (x) and D (P ) =
E2;N C (P ) =
P 2 , it can be shown that
4n+ P 2
E2;Coop (P ) =
4+ P 2
Condition 14 becomes
G (P; n)
4n +
P + 4 + P2
(n + 1) + p
4n+ P 2
In the limit case where P tends to zero it is straightforward to see that we have
G (0; n)
< 0 for n > 1:
We show in Appendix H that, for P > 0 the condition (7) is never satis…ed. We can therefore conclude
that for both the LQ and Log speci…cations an IEA in period 2 that implements the …rst-best emissions
strategies results in an increase of current emissions.
Discussion and concluding remarks:
The contribution of this paper is twofold (i) we have shown how strategic behavior can make a delay of
an agreement result in the exacerbation of the tragedy of the commons in the pre-agreement phase and
(ii) we have identi…ed a form of a future agreement that can result in an attenuation of the tragedy of
the commons in the pre-agreement phase. The form of the emission policy that an agreement will yield
plays a crucial role. In terms of policy recommendation, in the case of IEAs with marginal departures
from the bau level, an IEA that sets a target emission level or, when the elasticity of marginal utility
is smaller than unity, a percent cut in emission policy perform better than an IEA the implements a
constant cut with respect to the bau emission policy, since they result in a decrease in current emissions.
The decrease or removal of the sensitivity of the emissions to the stock of pollution plays a key role
in reducing or eliminating one channel through which players may in‡uence each other’s actions. This
diminishes the bene…ts of a player from her emissions in period one. Indeed under an emission policy in
period 2 that is downward sloping, each player has an extra bene…t from emissions in period 1, since an
increase in own emissions results in an increase in the future stock of pollution and in turn in a decrease
of the other players’emissions. This feedback is stronger the steeper is the emission policy. An IEA of
type 1 and 2 in fact a¤ects not only the level of emissions, but it also reduces the slope of the emission
policy. In contrast, the case of an IEA that implements period 2’s cooperative emission policy (type 4
IEA), implies anticipating, in the LQ and the Log frameworks, a steeper emission policy. In this case
the feedback is exacerbated and each country responds by increasing its own current emissions.
In our framework the damage incurred in period 2 is the result of the stock of pollution, after
emissions in period 2 take place, P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ). One possible target that can be set by negotiators
is to achieve a percentage cut in the stock of pollution of the form (1
objective is equivalent to choosing an emission policy E2;C (P ) = (1
") (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 )). Such an
") E2;N C (P )
n P:
The equivalent
change in emission policy would imply a steeper environmental policy, a stronger feedback e¤ect and
ultimately larger emissions in period 1 than under a percent cut in the BAU emission policy. Similarly
a target that aims to achieve a constant cut in the stock of pollution of the form (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))
is equivalent to adopting an emission policy E2;C (P ) = E2;N C (P )
and would therefore have the
same e¤ect as a constant cut with respect to the BAU emission policy, i.e., an increase in emissions
in period 1 with respect to the BAU scenario. It is straightforward to establish this result as well as
Propositions 2 and 5 within an in…nite time horizon model where cooperation takes place from period
2 onwards18 .
We have treated the case where an agreement is delayed but is implemented with certainty at a
future date. Our qualitative results extend to the case where there is uncertainty about the success or
actual implementation of an agreement at a future date. Players then maximize the expected discounted
sum of their payo¤s. The case analyzed in this paper corresponds to the limit case where the probability
of success or implementation of an agreement in the future tends to one. Allowing for a probability of
a successful agreement smaller than one would not change qualitatively our conclusions.
We believe that the lessons learned from this analysis extend to dynamic stock public good games in
general (see e.g., Fershtman and Nitzan (1991)). Anticipating a future agreement that will increase the
provision of a public good with a respect a business as usual policy may result in an increase or a decrease
of current contributions of the public good. Suppose for instance that the business as usual contribution
strategy is an upward sloping function of the stock of public good. If for example the anticipated
contribution in the future corresponds to a contribution of policy to the public good that is everywhere
1 8 The
steps are similar to the steps followed in the 2 period model. They are omitted but are available upon request.
larger but ‡atter than the business as usual policy, than it is possible that current contributions under
the anticipation of an agreement may fall below their business as usual level. An agreement over a level
of contribution at a given state is important, but, when the actual implementation of the agreement
takes time, so is agreeing on how sensitive the changes to the contribution should be to a change in the
state variable. A careful examination of the slopes of the contribution policy under cooperation and
under BAU is required. The optimistic message of this paper is that it is possible to have agreements
over contribution policies for the future than can alleviate the tragedy of the commons in the present.
Appendix A
Lemma 1: Suppose that an IEA in period is anticipated to implement a predetermined level of
emissions where E < E2;N C (P2;N C ), a decrease in the threshold E unambiguously results in an increase
in current emissions.
Proof: Total di¤erentiation with respect to E gives
u00 (E1;C )
D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) n
) D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
) + nE
n (1
u00 (E1;C ) D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) n
) D (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
) + nE n
) D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
) + nE n (1
that is
) D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
u00 (E1;C )
D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) n
) + nE n
) D00 (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
) + nE n (1
Therefore a decrease in E unambiguously results in an increase of E1;C
Appendix B
Lemma 2: Suppose that an IEA in period 2 is anticipated to implement a predetermined level of
emissions E = E2;N C (P2;N C ). This unambiguously results in a decrease in current emissions.
Proof: When E = E2;N C (P2;N C ) ; we have
u0 (E1;C )
D0 (P1 + nE1;C )
) D0 ((P1 + nE1;C ) (1
) + nE2;N C (P2;N C )) = 0
(u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))) E2;N
C (P2 ) > 0
whereas in the non-cooperative scenario
u0 (E1;N C )
+ (1
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C ) =
) (u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))) E2;N
C (P2 )
) D0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))
h (E) = u0 (E)
D0 (P1 + nE)
) D0 (P1 + nE) (1
) + nE
we have h0 < 0 and
h (E1;C ) = 0
and at E = E2;N C (P2;N C ) we have
h (E1;N C ) =
) (u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))) E2;N
C (P2 ) < 0
and therefore
E1;C < E1;N C
Appendix C
The non-cooperative equilibrium emission E1;N C is solution to
u0 (E1;N C )
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C ) =
) (u0 (E2;N C (P2N C ))
where P2N C = (P1 + nE1;N C ) (1
) D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C ))
nD0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C ))) E2;N
C (P2N C )
). We know that in period 2 we have
u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
D0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 )) = 0
u0 (E1;N C )
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C ) =
) D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
Under an IEA that sets a target emissions level, the equilibrium emission level in period 1, E1;C , is
solution to
u0 (E1;C )
where P2C = (P1 + nE1;C ) (1
D0 (P1 + nE1;C ) =
+ (1
dE1;N C
+ nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
D00 (P1 + nE1;N C )) n
) D0 (P2N C
= 0 we have E1;C = E1;N C and P2C = P2N C . Moreover total
di¤erentiation of 10 with respect
) D0 P2;C + nE
First we note that that for
(u00 (E1;N C )
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
d D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
which, when
= 0, simpli…es into
(u00 (E1;N C )
D00 (P1 + nE1;N C )) n
dE1;N C
= (1
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
dP2N C dE1;N C
dE1;N C d
) D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C (P2N C ) :
Similarly, total di¤erentiation of 11 with respect
(u00 (E1;C )
D00 (P1 + nE1;C )) n
which, when
= (1
) D0 P2C + nE +
dD0 P2C + E dE1;C
dE1;N C
= 0, yields
(u00 (E1;C )
D00 (P1 + nE1;C )) n
= (1
) D0 P2C + nE
(u00 (E1;N C )
D00 (P1 + nE1;N C )) n
dE1;N C
) D P2C + nE
D (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
(u (E1;N C )
D (P1 + nE1;N C )) n
for E = 0; since u00
dE1;N C
) D0 P2C + nE
= (1
D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C ))
D00 < 0, we have
D0 (P2C )
dE1;N C
D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
We know that
1 + nE2;N
C (P2 ) > 0
and therefore, for E2;N
C (P2 ) < 0, we have
1 + (n
Moreover in the limit case where
1) E2;N
C (P2 ) > 0:
! 1 we have full depreciation of the stock ofpollution and therefore
P2 ! 0. We have
D0 (P2C )
D0 (0)
D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
D0 (nE2;N C (0)) 1 + (n
Since E2;N C (0) > 0 and 1 + (n
D0 (P2C )
1) E2;N
C (0)
1) E2;N
C (0) > 0, when D (0) = 0 we have
D0 (P2N C + nE2;N C (P2N C )) 1 + (n
and thus
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
dE1;N C
1) E2;N
C (P2N C )
> 0:
Recall that E1;C = E1;N C when
there exists
= 0. We can therefore conclude that, when D0 (0) = 0, for E = 0,
> 0; 2 (0; 1) such that
E1;N C > 0 for 0 <
and 1 >
Appendix D
Proposition 2:
A marginal proportional reduction of future emissions results in a decrease (an increase) of current
E2;N C (P2 )u00 (E2;N C (P2 ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
emissions i¤
E1;N C (P1 ) > E 1;C (P1 ) iif
< 1:
We have
R0 (")
u0 ((1
") E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
C (P2 ) D (P2 + n (1
1 + n (1
") E2;N
C (P2 )
E2;N C (P2 ) u00 ((1
") E2;N C (P2 )) (1
") E2;N
C (P2 )
") E2;N C (P2 ))
( nE2;N C (P2 )) D00 (P2 + n (1
") E2;N C (P2 ))
The impact of a marginal change in " in the neighborhood of " = 0 is given by
R0 (0)
(u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))) E2;N
C (P2 )
+E2;N C (P2 ) u00 (E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
n 1 + nE2;N
C (P2 ) E2;N C (P2 ) D (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))
Using 2 gives
R0 (0)
(u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))) E2;N
C (P2 )
+E2;N C (P2 ) u00 (E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
nu00 (E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
R0 (0)
(u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
+E2;N C (P2 ) (1
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 ))) E2;N
C (P2 )
n) u00 (E2;N C (P2 )) E2;N
C (P2 )
that is
R0 (0)
= u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
) E2;N
C (P2 )
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 )) + E2;N C (P2 ) (1
} |
n) u00 (E2;N C (P2 ))
Note that u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
nD0 (P2 + nE2;N C (P2 )) < 0 from E2;N C (P2 ) larger than …rst-best
emissions which solve u0 (E)
nD0 (P2 + nE) = 0.
The sign of R0 (0) is therefore undetermined.
The condition (12) may be rewritten as
R0 (0)
1) E2;N
C (P2 ) u (E2;N C (P2 )) (1
E2;N C (P2 ) u00 (E2;N C (P2 ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2 ))
The sign of R0 (0) depends on the elasticity of marginal utility. It is positive i¤
Appendix E
Lemma 4: There exists a unique
> 0 such that
Proof: We …rst establish existence of
1 > 0, lim
1 and that
such that
) +2
d 2
= 0;
< .
= 0. This follows from the fact that
( = 0) =
can have at most three roots. From
( = 0) =
has three positive roots then
is strictly decreasing strictly convex in the neighborhood
The term (n
1) 2
no larger than (n
6n3 + 2n
) +2
1 n<0
d 2
= 2n
d 2
> 0 for 0 <
cannot have two positive roots only. Suppose
one of the following two statements must hold
is continuous.
We now establish uniqueness of . The function
1 > 0 we can infer that
< 0 for
+ 2n
) + n (2
) + n (2
) + n (2
3) > 0
= 2n
1 d
n d
+ (n
1) 2
3n + 1 =
3n + 1
3n + 1 is a strictly increasing function of
1) 2
1 < 0. Therefore if
is strictly concave in the neighborhood of
roots of
for n > 1 therefore, since
0 we must have
d 2
2 [0; 1] is
< 0,
= 0. This rules out the existence of three positive
. This completes the proof.
Appendix F
Proposition 5:
The adoption of a marginally more environmental friendly emission policy E2;C (P ) = E2;N C (P )
by all the players results in an increase of current emissions.
We have
Q0 ( )
u00 (E2;N C (P )
) E2;N
C (P ) + n 1 + nE2;N C (P ) D (P + nE2;N C (P )
n )
and thus
Q0 (0)
u00 (E2;N C (P )) E2;N
C (P ) + n 1 + nE2;N C (P ) D (P + nE2;N C (P ))
From 2
u00 (E2;N C ) E2;N
Q0 (0)
= (n
1 + nE2;N
C D (P2 + nE2;N C ) = 0
1) u00 (E2;N C (P )) E2;N
C (P ) > 0
Q0 (0) < 0
and therefore in the neighborhood of
= 0 we have
Q ( ) < Q (0) for
and thus
E1;C (P1 ) > E1;N C (P1 ) for all P1
Appendix G
Proposition 6:
If an IEA in period 2 that implements the …rst-best emissions strategies results in a decrease of
current emissions then we must have
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;Coop ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2;N C ))
n 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C (P2;N C ) > 0:
Proof: Using 4 we have
u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 ))
u0 (E2;Coop (P2 ))
Recall that for the non-cooperative equilibrium we have
u0 (E1;N C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C (P1 ))
If E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 ) then, since u00
u0 (E1;N C (P1 ))
) 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C u (E2;N C (P2 )) = 0
D00 < 0,
D0 (P1 + nE1;N C (P1 )) < u0 (E1;C (P1 ))
D0 (P1 + nE1;C (P1 ))
that is
) 1 + (n
1) E2;N
C u (E2;N C (P2 )) <
u0 (E2;Coop (P2 ))
u0 (E2;Coop (P2;Coop ))
u0 (E2;N C (P2;N C ))
1) E2;N
C (P2;N C ) > 0:
n 1 + (n
P2;N C = P1 + nE1;N C (P1 )
P2;Coop = P1 + nE1;C (P1 )
The above condition 15 is a necessary condition for E1;N C (P1 ) > E1;C (P1 )
Appendix H
We show in this appendix that, for P
generality we set
0, 14 is never satis…ed, i.e., G (P; n) < 0. Without loss of
= 1. We have
P + 4n + P 2
P + 4 + P2
G (P; n) =
we rewrite
P + 4n + P 2
P + 4 + P2
P + 4n + P 2
P + 4 + P2
(n 1)P
4n+P 2
4 + P 2 + 4n + P 2
P + 4 + P2
4 + P2
4n 4
4 + P 2 + 4n + P 2
We can therefore write that
because we have P 2
4 + P2
4 + P2
4 + P 2 + 4n + P 2
P 4 + P 2 + 4 + P 2 4n + P 2 > 4 + 2 4n + P 2
P 4 + P 2 < 0 and 4 + P 2 > 2.
We thus have
P + 4n + P 2
4n 4
P + 4 + P2
4 + 2 4n + P 2
which implies that
G (P; n) < 1 +
4n 4
4 + 2 4n + P 2
(n 1)P
4n+P 2
G (P; n) < 1
4n 4
4 + 2 4n + P 2
(n 1) P
2 4n + P 2
2 4n + P 2
4 + 2 4n + P 2
We can rewrite this inequality as
G (P; n) < (n
G (P; n) <
(n 1)
2 P + 4n (P 2 + 4n
P 2 + 4 + 4n
P 2 + 4n
4P + 4P n
4P 2 + P 3 :
P 2 + 4 + 4n
where A
P 2 + 4n
4P + 4P n
4P 2 + P 3 :
We now show that the expression A is positive. Indeed, we have
P 2 + 4 + 4n
moreover the product AA gives
AA =
8P 5
4P 4 n
64P 3 n + 32P 3
P 2 + 4n
32P 2 n2 + 32P 2 n
4P + 4P n
4P 2 + P 3
128P n2 + 128P n
64n3 + 128n2
AA =
8P 5
4P 4 n
32P 3 (2n
32P 2 n (n
128P n (n
64n (n
1) < 0
Since AA < 0 and A > A this implies that A > 0 and therefore from 20 we have that G (P; n) < 0
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