Environmental Policy in the Presence of Corruption: An Alternative Perspective∗ Athanasios Lapatinas Department of Economics, University of Ioannina Anastasia Litina† Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance University of Luxembourg Eftichios Sophocles Sartzetakis Department of Economics, University of Macedonia June 15, 2014 Abstract This paper establishes an alternative channel through which corruption affects the quality of the environment. In particular, it is argued that widespread corruption can reduce the effectiveness of an environmental policy via the extortion of public funds earmarked for the environment. Moreover, it suggests that policy makers may as well direct more funds to environmental policies not as a means to improve environmental quality but as a means to increase their extracted rents. The observed outcome is that the effectiveness of the policy on environmental quality is inferior to the expected outcome. A critical determinant of the ability to extract environmental funds is the level of abatement technology thereby suggesting that more advanced technology may not result in better environmental outcomes due to the fact that it may allow for a more extensive rent seeking. JEL Classification: Q5, D73 Keywords: Corruption, Environment, Technology ∗ We would like to thank Theodore Palivos for insightful comments. Corresponding author: Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg, 162a, avenue de la Faiencerie, L - 1511 Luxembourg. E-mail: anastasia.litina@uni.lu Tel.+352-661-981692 † 1 1 Introduction Corruption in its various forms is a long-lasting phenomenon prevalent in most contemporary societies. There are abundant examples not only in developing countries and in transition economies, but also in a number of developed economies as well.1 Its detrimental effects have been extensively analyzed and cover a wide range of social and economic aspects. A few economists have contributed to the study of corruption in the past but recently this field attracts growing interest.2 A number of different analytic approaches to corruption have been developed exploring among other issues, the degree of benevolence of the policy maker, the role of institutions in determining the level of corruption and the effect of corruption on growth. Recently the corruption literature has explored the detrimental effect of corruption on the implementation of environmental policies. More analytically, it has been established both theoretically and empirically, that the presence of lobbying groups that can affect governmental policy via bribing or exerting pressure on government officials, has an adverse effect on the stringency of environmental policy and ultimately on the quality of the environment. This research establishes an alternative channel through which corruption can affect the quality of the environment. In particular, we argue that even after the adoption of an environmental policy, widespread corruption can reduce its effectiveness via the extortion of public funds earmarked for the environment. More importantly, policy makers may as well direct more funds to environmental policies not as a means to improve environmental quality but as a means to increase their extracted rents. The observed outcome is that the effectiveness of the policy on environmental quality is inferior to the expected outcome. A critical determinant of the ability to extract environmental funds is the level of abatement technology. More advanced technology may not result in better environmental outcomes due to the fact that it may allow for more extensive rent seeking activities. The suggested theoretical framework captures therefore the interaction of corruption with the level of abatement technologies and provides an explanation as to why more advanced technologies are not always associated with better environmental outcomes. The existing literature on corruption has explored the role of technology and the ability to extract rents. The main argument is that for certain categories of public spending, embezzlement of public funds is easier and/or better concealed relative to other types. Thus, politicians and/or bureaucrats prefer to shift resources to areas in which a higher rate of embezzlement is possible, such as high-technology goods produced in oligopolistic markets. Studies have shown that corruption enhances the portion of military spending, public services and order, fuel and energy, relative to more transparent activities such as education.3 Hessami (2010) suggests that the perceived level of corruption increases the share of spending on environmental protection. 1 Extensive documentation of instances of corruption can be found in the four volumes of "The Politics of Corruption", edited by Robert Williams and associates. 2 For a recent survey of the economics literature on corruption see Aidt (2003). 3 See for example Gupta et al.(2000), Delavallade (2006) and Mauro (1998). 2 Our research addresses the above issues in a framework where taxpayers and politicians interact in the economy, both gaining utility from the environment by providing a good environmental quality to their offsprings. Nevertheless, they also want to maximize their consumption which can be achieved by increasing their income via being engaged in corrupt activities. More analytically, taxpayers have the option to evade part of their income, while politicians have the option to embezzle part of the tax revenue.4 The extend of embezzlement on the part of the politicians depends on the allocation of funds between activities. They can allocate part of the total tax revenue on abatement activities and the remaining part on another type of public good which for illustration purposes we will assume that it is public education. Each activity is associated with different rent seeking opportunities. Which of the two activities involves more rent seeking depends on a number of factors, i.e. on whether each activity is human capital intensive, thereby involving transparent expenses, or technology intensive, thereby involving less transparent expenditure.5 To give an example, if spending on education is associated with teachers’ wages whereas environmental protection involves high technology investment on renewable energy and/or abatement, then environmental protection can be a more rent seeking activity. In the proposed framework it is assumed that the associated rent seeking rates are fixed and exogenous, a simplification that will allow us to analytically demonstrate the channel through which corruption can affect environmental quality. What we observe in our model is strategic interactions between the two groups of agents. Whenever taxpayers observe that politicians direct disproportionately higher level of public funds to the more rent seeking activity, they react by increasing their evasion rate. On the contrary whenever they observe that the politicians are not corrupt, directing more recources to the less rent seeking activity, they respond by increasing their compliance, a reaction based on the notion of reciprocity between taxpayers and politicians, an argument that has been reported in the relevant literature (Alm, Mc Clelandand, and Schulze, 1992; Alm, Jackson and McKee, 1992). Critically, the type of interaction between the two groups as well as the emerging equilibria depend primarily on the level of technology used in each sector and the associated rent seeking rates. Therefore, the quality of the environment associated with the realized equilibrium critically depends on the interaction between abatement technology and rent seeking opportunities. Whereas the model is developed in such a way that the emerging equilibria are selffulfilling, nevertheless initial conditions confer a role on the realized equilibria captured by the parameters of the model. A more elaborate version of the model that introduces less 4 In this framework we will adopt the term corruption both for rent-seeking activities and for tax evasion. While there is a broad consensus as to the fact that rent-seeking is indeed a corrupt activity, there is a debate as to whether tax evasion can be classified as corruption according to the term employed by the World Bank (-the abuse of public office for private gain). Nevertheless, evasion is certainly viewed as an illegal activity that contributes to the enlargement of the shadow economy in a country. Therefore, as this debate is beyond the scope of this research, we will adopt the term corruption for both activities just for brevity. 5 See Tanzi and Davoodi (1997) and (2000) and Hessami (2010). 3 restrictive assumptions is also employed that also allows to capture the stage of development. The augmented version of the model is not fully tractable analytically, yet solving the model numerically suggests that qualitatively similar results can be obtained. Based upon the parameters of the model and the comparative statics, two main inferences can be made with respect to environmental policy. The first policy lesson is that commitment on better environmental outcomes on the part of politicians is critical for the achievement of policy goals. The reason is that in the absence of transparency and proper implementation of each policy, citizens interested in environmental quality will reciprocate by contributing less to the public funds, therefore adding one additional source of deterioration of the environment, namely a decrease in public revenues. Second, in the presence of corruption, better technology and more funds allocated to the environment are not always associated with better environmental outcomes. Therefore, it is critical for governments to ensure the maximum possible transparency and exert control over the funds allocated to abatement policies, in order to reduce the associated rent-seeking opportunities and to ensure the best possible implementation of policies. Our research contributes primarily to the strand of literature that explores the effect of corruption on environmental quality. The dominant argument is this literature focuses on the effect of bureaucracy and lobbying groups on the stringency of environmental policy. Pashigian (1985) explained how locational competition among regions with different growth rates affects the stringency of regulations in these regions. Cropper et al. (1992) and Helland (1998) report the effect of environmental interests, of political and budget considerations on US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) regulations. Lopez and Mitra (2000) examine the effect of corruption and rent seeking on the relationship between pollution and growth and on the shape of the environmental Kuznets curve, while Fredriksson and Millimet (2000) and Fredriksson et al. (2003) examine the effect of corruption and rent seeking on US FDI, on the pollution haven hypothesis and on environmental policy stringency. We explore the same reduced form, namely the effect of corruption on environmental quality. However, we focus on a different, critical in our opinion, channel through which this effect may take place, i.e. via the rent-seeking opportunities associated with abatement, which allows us to examine the effect of the interaction between technology and corruption on environmental quality. Therefore, we emphasize that governments should bear both channels in mind when planning environmental policy since the simultaneous presence of both channels can have detrimental effect on environmental outcomes. Second, we build upon the existing literature that explores interactions between different societal groups, including the government, to make the argument that in the presence of environmentally aware individuals, government activities that reduce the effectiveness of environmental policy may be reciprocated by individuals, thereby leading to reduced public revenues and ultimately to lower environmental quality. Alm, Mc Clelandand, and Schulze (1992) and Alm, Jackson and McKee (1992) report that the introduction of a public good in exchange for the taxes paid, increases compliance rates. Furthermore, a number of studies 4 have shown that corruption seems to be contagious, or as Andvig and Moene (1990) put it "corruption may corrupt". Tanzi and Davoodi (2000) investigated the relationship between levels of corruption (measured by corruption perception indices) and GDP in a sample of 97 countries and found that higher corruption is consistent with lower revenues of all types of taxes, especially from income taxes. Whenever taxpayers feel that politicians are corrupt or that their burden is not fair compared to others they choose to become more corrupt as well. Litina and Palivos (2013) associate the current Greek crisis with the interaction in corrupt activities of different societal groups. Section 2 of the paper provides some anecdotal evidence that motivates our analysis. Section 3 introduces the benchmark model. We resort to a simple framework that allow us to obtain analytical results and discus the intuition regarding the interaction between taxpayers and politicians. More realistic assumptions are introduced in Section 4 which tests the robustness of the model to a number of different assumption. As these assumptions increase the complexity of the model we solve it numerically and show that it can yield qualitatively similar predictions. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2 Anecdotal Evidence One of the major problem associated with tracing corrupt activities is related to the fact that they take place secretly and come to the surface only when revealed and investigated. Even when revealed it is not always feasible to prove the presence of illegal activities. In the case of environmental policy and illegal activities associated with it, very few cases have been publicized. A second reason why this occurs is that environmental awareness is a relatively recent phenomenon. Only in the last few decades strict environmental policies have been adopted, providing incentives for the development and widespread adoption of environmental technologies. It is sufficient to examine the agenda of political parties to realize that environmental concerns have entered the public debate only in the last few decades in the developed countries and only very recently in the developing countries. Consequently, the public pressure for more transparent policies on environmental issues is reduced not because of lack of interested but mostly due to the fact that it is not yet clear how rent-seeking may operate with respect to abatement policies and the ways to mitigate it. Yet, recent examples suggest that public awareness is needed in order to ensure the proper environmental protection. 2.1 Lesotho Highlands Water Project The Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) was initiated in 1986 by an agreement between the governments of Lesotho and South Africa, and it was the most extensive international water transfer in the world. Its aim was to provide extra water to Johannesburg via diverting it from the Orange to the Vaal river. Moreover it was supposed to generate royalties from water 5 sales and to generate hydroelectric power for Lesotho. Finally it involved the development of the rural areas of Lesotho, compensation for those who have been displaced and amendments for those areas affected by the project.6 The implementation of the project required the development of a number of dams and tunnels and the estimated cost of the project was more than $8 billion. As the project expanded across a large area, the benefits associated with it came with the environmental costs of nearby communities. A significant part of the project’s cost was related to the development of a social fund aimed to mitigate the environmental consequences. During the first phase of the project 4 dams were created and 110km of tunnels. Nevertheless, the project is largely unfinished and environmental protection not only has not been implement, but in addition environmental degradation occurred primarily due to a number of corruption scandals related to the project. In 1999 the corruption scandal burst out that involved 12 of the companies and the Chief executive of the Lesotho Highlands Development Agency. In particular they were accused of offering huge bribes to win the contracts, that resulted in a inefficient management of the project’s funds, inflating the financial cost and increasing the environmental burden. After the CEO himself was found guilty, three major European firms were also found guilty and charged, and one Canadian firm has been debarred at the World Bank.7 This situation defamed the project, delaying its second phase which was initiated only very recently (March 2014) amidst concerns about the possibility of corruption in tender processes. 2.2 The SISTRI Project In 2009 the Italian Ministry of Environment launched an information system, SISTRI, aimed to unify the waste management services at the national level and to improve the urban waste management at the Campania region. The implementation of the system would imply a substantial improvement in the environment through a reduction of the cost and deterrence of illegal dumping of waste. The estimated cost of the project was about 400 million euros and it involved sufficiently sophisticated technology to ensure that the ambitious goals set would be achieved. Nevertheless, a large part of the funds were collected by the companies via non-transparent procedures without any advancement of the project. After a large scandal revolving around bribes, embezzlement of the funds and a number of illegal activities, the project was never fully implemented and improvements on environmental quality were much inferior to the expectations and the cost of the project. A number of people have been persecuted among them government officials and a member of the parliament.8 More recently (March 2014), two former managers of Finmeccanica SpA, Italy’s state-controlled defense and 6 http://www.ipocafrica.org/index.php?option=com_content&id=71&Itemid=66 Further details are provided in the World Bank’s note on this particular corruption http://star.worldbank.org/corruption-cases/node/18540 8 http://www.diplomattitle.com/waste-scandal-22-arrests-handcuffs-also-former-undersecretarymelancholy/ 7 6 case: industrial group, have also been arrested over allegations of international corruption connected the SISTRI project. 2.3 Empirical Evidence To further motivate the analysis and in order to quantify the hypothesis advanced in this paper we show correlations on the interaction between environment improving policies, corruption and the quality of the environment. The analysis of this section is only illustrative and is not aspiring to provide an empirical argument. Nevertheless is it quite useful in quantifying the ideas of the paper and in illustrating the channel through which corruption is affecting the environment. Overall the hypothesis advanced in the paper is that the effectiveness of environmental policies on the quality of the environment depends on the extend of corruption and the rent-seeking associated with environmental technologies. We employ a sample of 132 countries, drawing data from the World Bank for the period 1996-2010 for which the data are available. In Column (1), we use a per capita measure of CO2 emissions measured in metric tons as proxy for environmental quality. As a proxy of environmental policy we use a measure of electricity production from renewable resources as a fraction of the total electricity production (both measured in kWh). In the absence of data on the actual cost of implementing this policy, we make the implicit assumption that this measure proxies both the involved costs associated with these technologies and the level of the technology employed. As a proxy for the level of corruption in a country we employ a measure on the control of corruption from Transparency International (CPI index-TI). This measure ranges from 0-10 with the latter referring to the least corrupt country. It should be noted that we have rescaled the standard CPI measure, to make the interpretation of our results more tractable. Therefore, higher values of our index, indicate more corrupt countries. Interestingly, the results support the hypothesis of this paper. First, our results —the negative coefficient of investment in renewables— confirm that higher investment in renewables is associated with lower per capita emissions. Most importantly though, the coefficient on corruption is positive, thereby capturing the adverse effect of corruption on environmental quality. The positive and statistically significant coefficient of the interactive term captures the partial effect of investment in renewables holding the level of corruption constant, i.e. investment in renewables is less efficient in more corrupt economies. The aim of the paper is to capture precisely this interaction between environmental technology and the extend of corruption in an economy. Column (2) uses an alternative measure of electricity production, namely production from natural gas resources as a percentage of total electricity. Natural gas resources, although not as technologically advanced as renewables, are sufficiently technologically advanced as a sector to capture the argument that we make about the level of corruption. The analysis yields similar results. 7 Finally Column (3) repeats the analysis in Column (1) using an alternative measure of corruption, namely a measure on the control of corruption from the World Governance Indicators (WGI). This measure ranges from 0 to 5.5 with the latter referring to the most corrupt country.9 The results are very similar, with the coefficient on corruption being positive, thereby suggesting that indeed corruption confers a negative effect on environmental quality. All three columns introduce time and country fixed effects therefore netting out many sources of unobserved heterogeneity. (1) (2) (3) Per Cap. CO2 Emissions Renewable Resources (RR) -0.123*** (0.0235) Natural Gas Resources (NR) Corruption Perception Index-Rescaled (CPI) 0.112* (0.0610) -0.154*** (0.0356) -0.0454*** (0.00663) -0.0916 (0.0661) Control of Corruption-Rescaled (CC) Interaction 0.0159*** (0.00494) 0.00885*** (0.00111) 0.538*** (0.169) 0.0347** (0.0146) Time Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Country Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Observations 1670 1670 1460 Countries 132 132 134 Years 15 15 11 R-squared 0.0395 0.0604 0.0483 Summary: This table illustrates that the reduction of CO2 emissions via the use of alternative sources of electricity production is less effective in the presence of corruption, while controlling for country and time fixed effects. Notes: (i)Per capita CO2 Emissions measure is the per capita level of CO2 emissions measured in metric tons; (ii) Nuclear Electricity Production is a measure of electricity production from nuclear sources as a fraction of the total electricity production (both measured in kWh); (iii) CPI is a measure of corruption provided by Transparency International (TI). Countries are scaled from 0-10 with 10 being the least corrupt. In this table the measure of corruption has been rescaled with 10 indicating the msot corrupt country; (iv) Control of Corruption is a measure on the control of corruption from the World Governance Indicators (WGI). This measure ranges from -2.5 to 2.5 with the latter referring to the least corrupt country. Similarly, this measure has been rescaled with 2.5 indicating the most corrupt country; (v) robust standard error estimates are reported in parentheses; (vi) *** denotes statistical significance at the 1 percent level, ** at the 5 percent level, and * at the 10 percent level, all for two-sided hypothesis tests. 9 Similarly to Column (1) the measure of corruption has been rescaled. 8 We view these results as simple correlations that nevertheless clarify the argument advanced in the paper. A robust analytical work should employ more refined proxies for environmental technology and employ IV analysis in order to establish a casual effect, since in this framework reverse causality and omitted variables bias can be plausible concerns. Overall the aim of this section is to bring to the surface anecdotal evidence that illustrate the necessity to capture this alternative channel through which corruption can have an adverse effect on the quality of the environment. The model developed in the following section explores this channel more analytically. 3 The Benchmark Model Consider a perfectly competitive overlapping generations economy where economic activity extends over infinite discrete time and a single good is being produced in the private sector. Individuals live for two periods i.e. childhood and adulthood. During the first period of their lives individuals acquire human capital via public schooling whereas in the second period of their lives they either enter the private market or they become politicians via a random selection process. Their preferences are defined over their own consumption, as well as the well being of their offsprings, which is reflected by the level of human capital they acquire and the quality of the environment that they receive from their parents. 3.1 The Structure of the Economy In each period a generation of individuals of measure one is born. Each individual has a single parent and lives through two periods: childhood and adulthood. In the first period of their lives, individuals acquire human capital and for simplicity, it is assumed that they are not economically active: their consumption is incorporated into their parents’ consumption. During the second period of their lives, individuals are economically active and they decide the allocation of their income between current consumption and their offsprings’ well being which is assumed to depend on the level of human capital and the quality of environment.10 Formally, individuals born at − 1, during their adulthood, that is, at period , maximize the following utility function, (1) = (+1 + +1 ) where denotes adults’ level of consumption, +1 their offspring’s human capital and +1 the environmental quality handed over to their offsprings. The presence of the offspring’s human capital level and environmental quality in the parental utility function captures the adult agent’s vested interest in public education and public abatement. For analytical convenience 10 Environmental quality affects individuals’ well being either directly, affecting their health, as we assume in this version of the model, or both directly and indirectly, affecting also production, as it is assumed in the more elaborate version of the model, examined in the next section. 9 it is assumed that adults’ marginal utility derived from improving their offsprings’ human capital and environmental quality are the same.11 Following the literature12 we assume that the learning technology is described by (2) = −1 + −1 where denotes time, the level of human capital acquired by an individual born at −1, −1 the average stock of human capital present in the economy at time − 1 and −1 the public spending on education in the same period. According to this human capital accumulation process, a young agent born in period − 1, can pick up a fraction ∈ [0 1] of the existing (average) level of human capital −1 without any cost, simply by observing what the previous generation does.13 The enhancement of an agent’s human capital is possible only with the allocation of public resources in education, −1 . The parameter 0 measures the efficiency of the public education system. Therefore the overall level of human capital reflects both the effect of societal knowledge and of formal education. The evolution of environmental quality is described by, = 0 −1 − −1 + Π−1 0 (3) where 0 −1 denotes the initial state of environmental quality 0 conditional on the level of production −1 in period − 1. The term −1 captures the environmental damage caused by production, which is assumed to depend only on human capital, and is a technological parameter that can be interpreted as the rate of environmental degradation per unit of output. The term Π−1 captures the beneficial effect of publicly funded abatement on environmental quality, where is a technological parameter.14 3.2 Citizens and politicians Entering into aduldhood, individuals, via a random process, are either employed in the private sector (hereafter called citizens) or they become politicians. Individual preferences are independent of occupation. For analytical convenience it is assumed that there is a continuum of agents within each group that is normalized to unity. The subscripts and are used to denote variables that are related to citizens and politicians respectively. Citizens produce a single good consumed by both groups. In this Section, as noted previously, we assume that production depends only on human capital, while environmental quality does not contribute to production.15 Thus, using the appropriate normalization of 11 The introduction of a parameter measuring the strength of the altruistic motive associated with each activity would further complicate our analysis without providing additional intuition. 12 See for example De Gregorio and Kim (2000) and Ceroni (2001). 13 The term 1 − can be taken to capture the depreciation rate of the stock of knowledge. 14 This particular formulation has been chosen because it allows for analytical results and captures the coevolution of human activity with the quality of the environment (Galor, 2011). In the next Section we introduce a more standard formulation of the evolution of environmental quality, with constant initial environmental quality, 0 , independent of −1 , and a production function that depends on both and and we illustrate, using numerical simulations, that our results hold. 15 The robustness to this assumption will be tested in the more elaborate version of the model. 10 units, individual’s output , and income, is,16 = (4) It follows that the aggregate production function is linear to the aggregate level of human capital. The revenue for the provision of public education and abatement comes from taxing citizens’ income. In particular, citizens are being taxed at the rate which is assumed to be exogenous and time invariant. Citizens have the option to evade a fraction of their taxes and thus they can decide upon the fraction of their income that is declared to the tax authority. For the shake of brevity it is assumed that the citizen’s declaration is never audited; consequently, tax evasion does not involve any risk.17 Although tax payments are assumed a voluntary contribution, citizens’ free riding incentive is mitigated by their altruistic concerns about their offsprings’ education and environmental quality and thus, they always declare a positive fraction of their income, as will be later verified. Politicians do not participate in the production process. Instead their role lies in determining the allocation of public funds between abatement ( of the total tax revenue) and education. The politician receives a fixed income, as a reimbursement for her service, which for analytical convenience and without loss of generality we assume zero. Moreover, she has the option to embezzle part of the total tax revenue as a means of supplementing her income.18 More specifically, she can embezzle a rate (1 − ) of public funds directed to abatement, and a rate (1 − ) to education. It is assumed that both and are exogenously given, strictly positive and less than one. The magnitude of the s depends on the economy’s institutional, political and social characteristics, while their relative magnitude, i.e. whether ≷ , depends on the public activity’s characteristics. For instance one could argue that , since education involves mainly transparent transactions, such as wages and standard equipment, and thus, it is associated with low rates of rent seeking,19 whereas abatement technology can be rather sophisticated and thus less transparent. As suggested by Tanzi and Davoodi (1997), the more technology-intensive is an activity, the less accessible to citizens’ scrutiny it is, i.e. less transparent, and thus the higher the level of rent seeking associated with it. However, rent seeking rates on abatement can vary significantly depending on the choice of abatement technology. For example, reforestation involves much less sophisticated technology and is thus a much more transparent activity. In 16 Since all agents have the same level of human capital we omit the subscript = from the level of human capital 17 Adding the possibility of auditing and the subsequent fines would not qualitatively affect the main results. 18 Assuming a positive reimbursement for the politician (either a constant amount, or a fraction of the tax revenue) reduces the incentive to embezzle public funds, but it does not qualitatively affect the results. As long as there is an incentive to embezzle funds the results of the model remain unaffected. In order to focus on the decision of allocating public funds between the two policies, we choose not to model the decision of whether to embezzle or not. 19 The literature shows that the rate of rent-seeking in education is low but can vary across countries (Reinikka and Svensson, 2005) depending on the overall level of corruption and the expenses involved. 11 order to be able to discuss the choice between any type of environmental policy and any other public policy we allow the relative magnitude of ’s to vary. We assume though that the politician is aware of the values of and before allocating the available public funds between the two activities. We further assume that the politician is never investigated and hence peculation does not involve any risk. Since we have assumed that the politician has zero income, she will always have an incentive to embezzle a fraction of the tax revenue. However, the politician’s concern over her offspring’s well being ensures that she will always have an incentive to allocate the public funds between both activities instead of the more rent-seeking one.20 Since only citizens are being taxed, total tax revenue , collected in period , is the fraction of income that is being declared and therefore taxed, i.e. = . In the absence of embezzlement by the politician, a fraction (1 − ) of the tax revenue would be earmarked to fund education and the remaining abatement. However, the politician peculates a fraction of this revenue. In particular, she peculates a fraction 1 − (1 − ) of the tax revenue earmarked for education (abatement), and thus, the actual amount spent on education (abatement Π ) is, = (1 − ) Π = (5) (6) respectively. Overall, individuals’ decisions at time regarding the level of evasion, embezzlement and the allocation of public funds, have an indirect effect on the aggregate level (quality) of both public goods, i.e. education and abatement, which is enjoyed by the offsprings of both types of individuals. Therefore, via the altruistic incentives of individuals associated with the provision of the public good, the decisions of citizens are indirectly affected by the decision of politicians and vice versa, suggesting the emergence of a strategic interaction in their decision making process, which we analyze in the following sub-Section. 3.3 Optimization Citizen As discussed above, citizen’s preferences are defined over his own and his offspring’s consumption in period , , and his offspring’s well being in the next period + 1 as affected by the level of human capital they acquire +1 , and the quality of the environment handed over by the parents’ generation +1 . His gross income in period is , which is taxed at the exogenous rate . The citizen chooses the fraction of his income to declare to the tax authorities and pays income tax , which implicitly determines consumption at and the level of public goods transferred to his offspring.21 We assume that citizens have full 20 An alternative way to model the incentives of the politician to allocate money to both public policies would be to incorporate a re-election probability and allow for a political economy structure of the model. 21 Consumption at equals citizen’s disposable income (1 − ) + (1 − ) = (1 − ) . 12 information regarding politicians’ option to embezzle part of the total tax revenue. That is, they know the values of and and they observe the politicians’ decision of allocating public funds between the two activities.22 Therefore, each citizen solves the following optimization problem, max (+1 ++1 ) (7) subject to = (1 − ) ≥ 0 1 ≥ ≥ 0 where , , and Π are determined by equations (2), (3), (5) and (6), taking , 0 and as given. Maximization of the above yields the citizen’s choice of as function of the model’s parameters and the politician’s choice of . Thus, we get citizen’s best response function to the politician’s choice of , = ( ) = ( − Ω ) − Ψ 2 ( − Ω ) (8) where Ω = − and Ψ = 0 − + . Second order condition, ensuring concavity, require that − Ω 0, which always holds since ≤ 1. Furthermore, an interior solution (1 0) exists iff (1 − 2 )( − Ω ) Ψ − Ω . On the contrary, a corner solution will emerge if Ψ ≥ ( − Ω ) ( = 0) or Ψ ≤ (1 − 2 )( − Ω ) ( = 1). These conditions suggest that a corner solution may emerge when the rate of human capital transferred freely to the next generation, , is sufficiently high (low), the initial state of the environment, 0 , high (low) and the rate of degradation of environmental quality, , sufficiently low (high). Capturing a large (small) percentage of the existing human capital freely implies that parents have a weak (strong) incentive to invest in education and thus declare none (all) of their income to the tax authorities. Starting off with a high (low) environmental quality implies that parents have a weak (strong) incentive to invest n abatement and thus declare none (all) of their income to the tax authorities. Finally, when environmental damage from production, , is limited (extensive) then parents choose to evade all (none) of their income for abatement. Whenever an interior solution emerges, the tax evasion rate (1 − ) is reduced, the more efficient is the use of tax revenues, (i.e. the higher are the and parameters) and the lower are the rent seeking and tax rates. For sufficiently high rate of taxation ( 12 ) citizens will always choose to evade some fraction of their income, since 1.23 Politician 22 Introducing partial information would unnecessarily complicate the analysis, without changing the main results. 23 From (8), 1 =⇒ (1 − 2 ) ( − Ω ) Ψ, for which a sufficient condition is 12 , given that both Ψ and ( − Ω ) are positive. Since this is a sufficient but not a necessary condition, citizens might choose to evade taxes even at lower tax rates. 13 Since we have assumed that individual preferences are independent of occupation, politician’s preferences are given by (1). Assuming zero income from other sources, the politician derives income only through the embezzlement of public funds. Taking as given the rent-seeking rate associated with education 1 − and abatement 1 − , she determines the allocation of public revenues between the two activities in order to maximize her utility. Her income equals the sum of the funds embezzled from the education and abatement activities, i.e. (1 − ) + (1 − )(1 − ) . The politician solves the following optimization problem with respect to the fraction of revenue that will be allocated in each activity , max (+1 ++1 ) (9) subject to = [ (1 − ) + (1 − )(1 − )] ≥ 0 1 ≥ ≥ 0 where , , and Π are determined by equations (2), (3), (5) and (6), taking , 0 and as given. The first order condition of (9) yields the politician’s best response function to citizen’s choice of , ΨΩ − (1 − )Ω (1 − ) Ψ = ( ) = (10) =− + 2 Ω Ω 2Ω 2 Ω where Ω = − and Ω , Ψ were defined above. Second order conditions require that Ω Ω 0. Furthermore, an interior solution (0 1) emerges iff (1 − ) ΩΩ Ψ [2 (1 − ) − (1 − )] ΩΩ . A corner solution will emerge if Ψ ≥ [2 (1 − ) − (1 − )] ΩΩ ( = 1) or Ψ ≤ (1 − ) ΩΩ ( = 0). The politician will allocate the total revenue to abatement ( = 1) if the rate of rent seeking on abatement is too high relative to that on 2. education, that is, if 1− 1− Not surprisingly, , is increasing in and decreasing in . The effect of on the allocation of public revenue depends on the sign of Ω . If Ω 0 =⇒ , that is, education is the more effective public activity, then the politician allocates less revenue to abatement as the tax rate increases. She does so in order to maximize the effectiveness of pubic spending24 and to maximize her own income by minimizing citizens’ tax evasion.25 The opposite holds when Ω 0 =⇒ which suggests that she allocates more revenue to abatement as the tax rate increases. Overall, the politicians’ decision process has many analogies to that of citizens. In allocating the public funds between the two activities, she balances her own consumption and her offsprings’ well being while taking into account citizens’ reaction to her choice. Strategic Interactions As suggested by the the two groups’ reaction functions, given in equations (8) and (10), each group’s expectations regarding the other group’s choice are an important determinant of 24 Similar to the citizens, the politician behaves in an altruistic fashion and therefore cares about her offspring’s well being. 25 Citizens are willing to pay higher taxes when they observe the politician to direct a higher share of the tax revenue to the most productive activity. 14 their own decision making process. Therefore strategic interaction emerges, operating through the common interest for the level and the quality of the public goods. In particular, taking the derivative of each group’s reaction function, equations (8) and (10), with respect to the other group’s decision variable, yields, −ΨΩ 2 −ΨΩ2 = ≷ 0 = 0 ( − Ω )3 2 ( − Ω )2 ( )2 −Ψ 2 Ψ = ≷ 0 ≷ 0 2 = 2 2 Ω 3 Ω ( ) (11) (12) The sign of both reaction functions’ slope depends critically on the sign of the term Ω . In particular, we can dinstighuish between the following two cases: A) Ω 0 =⇒ =⇒ B) Ω 0 =⇒ =⇒ 0 0 0 0 (13) Case (A) refers to a situation in which public spending on education is less effective relative to abatement, due to relatively higher rates of rent seeking and/or to less efficient technology. In this case, the reaction functions of the two types of individuals are increasing at a decreasing rate. Citizens declare a higher fraction of their income to tax authorities as they observe politicians directing a higher share of public funds to the improvement of environmental quality , which is the more productive activity.26 That is, citizens "reward" politicians’ "honest" attitude by evading less. Furthermore, politicians choose to direct more public funds to abatement, the higher is the fraction of income that citizens declare to tax authorities. Each group reciprocates to the cheating behavior of the other group and thus, defining both groups’ strategic choices as cheat - not cheat, they are mutually reinforcing, i.e. they are strategic complements (higher leads to higher and vise versa). Figure 1a illustrates citizens’ ( ) and politicians’ ( ) reaction functions when Ω 0. Case (B) depicts a situation in which public spending on abatement is less effective relative to education and both reaction functions are negatively sloped. However, citizens’ reaction function decreases in a decreasing rate while that of politicians in an increasing rate. Figure 1b illustrates both groups’ reaction functions when Ω 0. If politicians choose to invest a higher share of public funds on abatement (higher ), which is the less productive activity,27 thereby signalling a more corrupt behavior, citizens "punish" them by evading a higher fraction of their income. Similarly, politicians choose to direct more public funds to the more effective public activity as they observe lower levels of tax evasion. Keeping in mind the definition of strategic choices as cheat - not cheat, the strategic decisions of the two groups are again mutually reinforcing, that is they are strategic complements (higher leads to higher 1 − and vise versa). This is so despite the fact that both reaction functions are decreasing in 26 Second order condition of the politician’s maximization problem requires that when Ω 0, then Ω 0, i.e. . 27 Again, the second order condition of (9) require that when Ω 0, then Ω 0, i.e. . 15 the [ , ] space, which could lead one to think of strategic substitutes. When Ω 0, second order conditions of the politician’s maximization problem require that Ω 0, i.e. and thus the meaning of is exactly the opposite from case (A): an increase in now indicates cheating, while in case (A) indicated not cheating.28 (a) Ω 0 (b) Ω 0 Figure 1. Citizen’s ( ) and politician’s ( ) reaction function 3.4 Environmental policy Based on the above discussion regarding the strategic interaction between the two groups of individuals, we can now examine the effect of environmental policy on individuals’ utility and environmental quality. The effect of an increase in on utility is expected to be ambiguous and depend on the relative effectiveness of the two public policies, since the marginal utility of human capital and environmental quality are assumed equal. Shifting public revenue towards abatement improves utility if abatement is more effective relative to education. However, the effect of an increase in on environmental quality is not obvious. The layman’s presumption, resulting from direct observation of equations (3) and (6), is that an increase in the share of public funds directed towards abatement activities has always a positive effect on environmental quality. However, this is not always true, since the effectiveness of publicly funded abatement depends on the the level of corruption and technological efficiency. The above discussion can be formalized in the main proposition of the paper: Proposition 1 Increasing the share of public revenue on abatement activities, (i) increases (decreases) utility if abatement is more (less) effective relative to education, (ii) does not necessarily improves environmental quality. The effectiveness of public spending 28 In order to keep the graphical illustration aligned with the mathematical modelling, we choose to illustrate reaction functions in the [ , ] space instead of the [cheat, not cheat] space. 16 on environmental quality depends on the technological efficiency and the corruption level of abatement relative to education. Proof. (i) Using (5), (6), (2) and (3) we can express utility, h given in (1), as function of i ( + ) + ( − ) . and . Differentiating with respect to yields, = From (13) and the second order condition of the politician’s maximization problem we get 0 if that: 0 if Ω 0. Ω 0 and ³ ´ (ii) From equations (3) and (6) we get, = 1 + 0 and . For Ω 0, 0. However, for Ω 0, thus, (11), yields the following condition, 0 and thus, 0 if 1 + 0, which, utilizing Ψ − 2 (1 − ) [(1 − ) + 2 ] 1. Ψ + 2 2 (14) The right hand side of the inequality takes the following extreme values: Ψ+2Ψ for = 1 and Ψ−2Ψ for = 1. Therefore, if public spending on abatement is substantial less effective relative to education, shifting public funds towards abatement could actually reduce environmental quality. This result is more likely, the lower is the tax rate. Proposition 1 formally proves that increasing the share of the less effective segment of the public sector in total public expenditure is not only detrimental for social welfare29 but it could even decrease the quality of this segment’s services. This result holds for economies with relatively loose enforcement mechanisms, in which reciprocity of corrupt behavior between citizens and politicians is a key determinant of public revenue raising and distribution. However, even these, more corrupt economies are under international pressure and consider increasing investments in environmental protection, involving high technology, such as solar and wind energy production equipment. Shifting public revenues towards such activities, despite of the great potential they present, it might prove not only ineffective but also detrimental if Ω 0 and condition (14) holds. Although it is more than obvious that a decrease in the rate of corruption is always beneficial, an intervention that decreases the rate of embezzlement in the environmental segment of the public sector is crucial in situations characterised by Ω 0 resulting from and . In economies that are highly susceptible to corruption, successful anti-corruption campaigns could play a crucial role in defining the effectiveness of introducing technologically advanced environmental policies. Given the importance of addressing local, but most importantly global environmental problems, such as global warming, which require highly avanced technological solutions and the participation of all countries, the results of our paper emphasize the importance of the fight against corruption. 29 Since environmental quality is incorporated into utility and there are no production costs, social welfare is represented by utility. 17 3.5 Equilibrium For the above proposition to be meaningful one needs to establish that an equilibrium indeed exists. Adopting the results of the corruption literature that suggest reciprocity in corrupt activities of individuals (Alm, Mc Clelandand, and Schulze, 1992; Alm, Jackson and McKee, 1992), we will focus hereafter to the more plausible case of strategic complementarity in order to establish the necessary conditions for the existence of an equilibrium. Note that the assumption of strategic complementarity implies , that is, abatement is a more effective relative to education activity. Before presenting the formal notion of equilibrium under the assumption of strategic complementarity, it is important to depict the potential equilibria with a best response diagram. Figure 1 illustrates citizens’ ( ) and politicians’ ( ) reaction functions in the case that both possible intersections occur within (0 1).30 Three equilibria may occur denoted by points and Using best reply dynamics we observe that and are stable equilibria whereas is an unstable equilibrium. denotes the high corruption equilibrium } and = 0 implies high tax evasion and that the total tax (since = min{0 21 − 2Ψ revenue is directed to the less effective, and thus, more profitable in terms of rent seeking, activity) whereas denotes the low corruption equilibrium where citizens declare part of their income ( 0) and a positive part of the tax revenue is directed to the more effective activity ( 0). Formal proof The interaction between the two types of individuals can be described as a coordination game in which strategic complementarity exists.31 Games of strategic complementarity are those in which the best response of any player is increasing in the actions of the rival, as is the case for and . Strategic complementarity is a necessary condition for the existence of multiple equilibria in symmetric coordination games.32 The resulting equilibria are not driven by fundamentals. Instead, they are self-fulfilling and critically depend on the expectation of one group concerning the behavior of the other.33 Nevertheless, the game that we analyze here 30 In order to obtain Figure 1 the following steps should be followed. In the presence of strategic complementarity, both types of individuals’ reaction functions are increasing in a decreasing rate, that is, 2 −Ψ 2 0, ( )2 0 and 0, ( )2 0. From (8) we have that | =0 = ( = 0) = 2 , which is Ψ . the citizen reaction function’s vertical intercept. For this to be less than unity requires that 12 − 2 Note that the politician tends to direct all revenues to public education (in this case the more rent-seeking activity), as citizens declare a small part of their income, that is, from (10) we have = −∞. From (10) →0 ΨΩ ΨΩ we also derive that = 0 =⇒ = (1− . For this to be less than unity requires that (1− . )Ω )Ω 31 See, for example, Cooper and John (1988) and Vives (2005). 32 Notice however that also in games with strategic substitutability multiple equilibria may occur as well (Randon, 2009). 33 As already noted in the introduction though, the various parameters of the models, such as the level of technological sophistication of public schooling and abatement or the rates of rent-seeking could be an indicator of different stages of development across countries and therefore even in a such a model with self-fulfilling equilibria the initial conditions can be accounted for. Moreover, a model that will account explicitly for initial condition and will lead to path-dependent equilibria as well, further reinforced by individual expectations 18 is not symmetric. Moreover the choice space is bounded and this necessitates the consideration of corner solutions. In fact, as we show below, this game does not share many of the properties of games with strategic complementarities. Consider first the following definition of equilibrium: ∞ Definition 2 A Nash equilibrium in this economy consists of sequences { }∞ =0 { }=0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ { }∞ =0 { }=0 { }=0 { }=0 { }=0 { }=0 {Π }=0 = , such that, given an initial average stock of human capital −1 0 and an average level of environmental quality −1 0 in every period 1. Private citizens choose to maximize their utility, taking as given. 2. Politicians choose to maximize their utility, taking as given. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 3. The sequences { }∞ =0 { }=0 { }=0 { }=0 {Π }=0 and { }=0 are determined according to (2), (4), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (??). 4. = Each group’s individual optimization problem is well defined since its utility function is strictly concave and the budget constraint linear with respect to the relevant decision variable, or In Proposition 1 below, we prove the existence of a pair ( ) that satisfies Definition 1 in every period. Given the existence of the equilibrium pair ( ) we can easily establish the equilibrium values of the remaining variables, following Definition 1. Proposition 3 An equilibrium pair ( ) exists for every . Proof. We must establish the existence of a pair ( ) that satisfies equations (8) and (10) simultaneously. For an arbitrary time period , let = ( ) denote the solution to the citizen’s problem, as described by equation (8); for each value of the allocation rate there exists a unique value of the tax evasion rate Similarly, let = ( ) denote the solution to each politician’s problem, as described by equation (10). Note that both of these functions are continuous (see equations (8) and (10)). Thus, the composite function ◦ from [0 1] to [0 1] is continuous and, by Brower’s fixed point theorem, has a fixed point. Solving for the equilibrium values of individuals’ choice variables, yields, 2∗ = 3∗ = √ √ Ξ− Ξ−8Ω Ω √ 4 Ξ √ √ Ξ+ Ξ−8Ω Ω √ 4 Ξ ∗2 = ∗3 = √ 4 Ω+Ξ− (Ξ−8ΩΨ)Ξ 4Ω√ Ω 4 Ω+Ξ+ (Ξ−8ΩΨ)Ξ 4Ω Ω where, Ξ = ( − ) − Ω . For the non-zero equilibrium values of to be real (1− ) . That is, for the citizen number in (0 1), we need Ξ ≥ 0, which implies that (1− ) would be feasible but much less tractable. In addition this model illustrates in a neat way the interactions between the two groups of agents. 19 to declare any positive amount of his income to the tax authority, the ratio of technological efficiency of abatement to education should exceed the ratio of the rates of embezzlement. Depending on the parameter values, sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique or multiple equilibria can be established. We call an equilibrium interior (corner) if it lies in the interior (on the boundary) of the unit square. Figure 1 presents an example in which there are three equilibria: the corner one (1∗ ∗1 ) and two interior, from which we identify, using best reply dynamics, (2∗ ∗2 ) as not stable while the (3∗ ∗3 ) as stable. Overall, the presence of multiple equilibria with different levels of corruption, driven by expectations as well as by parameters involving the level of abatement technologies and the associated rent-seeking rates, further reinforces the result that the effectiveness of abatement spending on environmental quality can be mitigated by the presence of corruption. Policy implications Although we have treated as exogenous the tax rate, , and the rates of embezzlement and , these parameters could actually change. For example, there could be a public authority at a higher level of decision making, which we could call regulator, which influences —through institutional changes— , and , while the politician (at a lower level of the decision making process) chooses only . Given the importance of these parameters, it is worth dscussing some comperative static results. Straightforward manipulations of (8) indicate that in order to preclude = 0, i.e. the full corruption corner solution (1∗ ∗1 ) in Figure 1, a policy maker must either mitigate rent seeking on education spending,34 or mitigate rent seeking on abatement activities.35 Such a policy would not only increase the available tax revenue, but more importantly it would give an end to the vicious circle of reciprocal activities. As far as tax policy is concerned, the condition 12 is necessary for a nil-evasion ( = 1) equilibrium to be feasible. Can the policy maker ensure that the no corruption equilibrium is always chosen? Sufficiently low tax rates and high cannot ensure = 1 since other variables, i.e. , , and Ψ, play an important role as well. Therefore, the main } concern of the regulator should be to eliminate the corner solution = min{0 21 − 2Ψ Assuming strategic complementarity, i.e. Ω 0, equation (10) implies that the regulator should try to preclude that = 0, i.e. that the total tax revenue is directed to the less effective activity, that is, education spending (since Ω 0 ⇒ Ω ). Therefore even if eliminating rent-seeking opportunities is not feasible, a first course of action for the regulator would be to undertake the appropriate institutional changes that will decrease the value of relative to .36 34 Setting = 0 yields that a necessary condition for 0 implies Ψ. Setting = 1 yields that a necessary condition for 0 implies Ψ. 36 Note from eq. (10) that for 0 (for = 0) we must assume that Even for = 1 the condition is not necessary but sufficient for 0 35 20 4 A natural resources model: A numerical illustration Analytical results of the benchmark model suggest two things: First that there is a reciprocity in corrupt activities between the two groups of agents and second and more importantly that the effect of abatement on environmental quality may be decreasing in the degree of corruption in a country depending on the level of abatement technology. The reason is that when more sophisticated abatement technology is involved this can allow for higher rent seeking and thus the effect on environmental quality is lower than expected. Moreover this effect is magnified by the fact that citizens also react to higher rent-seeking by evading more and thus the overall amount of money spend of abatement is further reduced. In order to obtain clear analytical results in the previous section some restricting assumption have been employe. To further reinforce these results, a more elaborate version of the model is developed in this section, which however can be numerically approached. The aim of the section is to show, using numerical simulations, that the main properties of the benchmark model hold in this more elaborate setting. The main assumption that differentiates the two models, is that the environment contributes to production. It could be perceived either as environmental quality that is indirectly affecting citizens’ productive capacity, and/or as natural resources directly employe in the production process. While this assumption along with other more plausible assumptions add realism to the model, nevertheless they significantly complicate the analysis. Therefore analytical results will be provided until the derivation reaction function while the remainder of the model will be numerically illustrated. 4.1 The Structure of the Economy The basic structure of the model is identical to the benchmark model, i.e. individuals live for two periods i.e. childhood and adulthood. During the first period of their lives individuals acquire human capital via public schooling whereas in the second period of their lives they either enter the private market or they become politicians via a random selection process. Their preferences are defined over their own consumption as well as the well being of their offsprings, which is reflected by the level of human capital they acquire as well as by the quality of environment their receive from their parents. Accumulation of Human Capital The learning technology in the public education system is quite similar as in the benchmark model and given by, (15) = + −1 where denotes time, the level of human capital acquired by an individual born at − 1, −1 the public spending on education in the same period whereas the parameter 0 measures the efficiency of the public education system. According to this human capital accumulation process, a young agent born in period − 1, can acquire, without effort, 21 a minimum level of human capital ∈ [0 1] of the previous period’s accumulated human capital.37 As in the benchmark model the revenue for financing public schooling comes from taxing the economic activity of agents. Production Production uses both human capital and the environment/natural resources as in38 puts. That is, we assume that citizens’ output is,39 = (16) where is the production technology. Evidently at the aggregate level there are increasing returns to scale. This is a simplifying assumption that allow to make the model slightly more tractable. Environmental Quality The evolution of environmental quality is described by = −1 − −1 −1 + Π−1 (17) where −1 denotes the state of the environment in the previous period and the extent of environmental damage, or the rate of the natural resource depletion, caused by aggregate economic activity −1 −1 40 The term Π−1 captures the beneficial effect of public spending on abatement on environmental quality, where is a technological parameter associated with the abatement process. The revenue for financing abatement come from taxing the economic activity of agents as will be analyzed in a following section. We assume that 1 − −1 0, that is, production cannot deplete the environment / natural resource. This formulation is rather common in the literature and more plausible than our previous specification.41 Tax Revenue Both types of individuals make the same choices by maximizing their utility function as described by equation (1) in the basic model. The citizen chooses the fraction of his income to declare to the tax authority and the politician the fraction of the total tax revenue to allocate to abatement / preservation of natural resources. The total tax revenue collected within a period is = . As in the previous model a fraction (1 − ) of the total tax revenue is earmarked for public education. Since the politician peculates a fraction 1 − of (1 − ) , the actual amount spent on 37 This alternative assumption has also been employed in the literature. The reason why we resort to this is to show that our results are robust to this specification as well. 38 We enrich the production function in order to extend our results to the natural resource strand of the literature and to highlight the robustness of our results to a more elaborate production structure. 39 Since all agents have the same level of human capital and the natural resource is commonly owned, we omit the subscript = from both variables. 40 This is an additional robustness control to the equation of motion for the environment, in which case in the absence of any economic activity the initial environmental quality 0 would be positive. 41 See for example, John and Pecchenino (1994). 22 education is = (1 − ) (18) The remaining fraction of the collected revenue is earmarked for public abatement. The politician peculates a fraction 1 − of this sum, leaving Π to be spent on abatement Π = (19) Individual optimization decisions regarding and affect the sum and the allocation of public spending between education and abatement and consequently the human capital and the state of the environment / natural resources enjoyed by the next generation. 4.2 Individual optimization Citizen Citizens declare a fraction of their income to the tax authority and an amount is paid as income tax. Hence, citizens’ disposable income is (1 − ) 2 + (1 − )2 = (1 − )2 The individual optimization problem solved by each citizen born in period − 1 is, (20) max [+1 ++1 ] subject to = (1 − ) (21) ≥ 0 1 ≥ ≥ 0 where , , and Π are determined by equations equations (15), (17) (18) and (19), taking , and as given. Maximization with respect to the fraction of income declare to the tax authorities yields the citizens’ best response function, = ( ) = ( − Ω ) − Ψ 2 ( − Ω ) (22) where Ψ = + − . Concavity holds since − Ω 0. Citizens’ reaction function in (22) has similar characteristics as the one in the benchmark model (equation (8)).42 An additional element with respect to the benchmark model, that explores the robustness of the model to the assumption of path dependency is that in (22) the strategy of the 42 The slope of the citizen’s reaction function is, = −Ψ Ω 2 2 ( − Ω )2 , with ( )2 = −Ψ Ω2 2 2 ( − Ω )3 0 since − Ω 0. Therefore, as in the benchmark model, the sign of citizen reaction function’s slope depends on the sigh of the term Ω . The intercept of citizen’s reaction function is, | =0 = ( = 0) = (2 − Ψ )2 2 . For this to be less than unity requires that 12 − Ψ 4 . 2 23 citizen, , depends not only the strategy of the politician, , but on the realized values of and . The interesting aspect of this approach is that the values of these terms evolve over time until the economy approaches a steady state (in case it exists) and therefore the optimal strategy differs among generations, nevertheless the role of self-fulfilling expectations is still present in this setup. Importantly though at time the values of and have been already determined by the previous generation and therefore each generation treats them as exogenous. Inspection of equation (22) reveals that an interior solution (0 1) exists iff (2 − 1) ( − Ω ) Ψ ( − Ω ). A corner solution = −Ψ } ( = 1) will emerge if the rate of human capital transferred freely to the min{0 2 next generation, , is sufficiently high (low), the rate of degradation of environmental quality, sufficiently low (high) and the rent reeking rates, (1 − ) and (1 − ) sufficiently high (low). As in the benchmark model, for sufficiently high ( 12 ), the tax evasion rate is never zero, since 1. Whenever an interior solution emerges, the tax evasion rate (1 − ) is negatively affected by the efficiency of the education system () and the abatement technology (), and positively affected by the rates of rent seeking (1 − ) and (1 − ) and the tax rate . Politician The politician’s income is derived solely from peculation of tax revenue and is [ (1 − ) + (1 − )(1 − )] . The politician’s optimization problem is, max [+1 ++1 ] (23) = [ (1 − ) + (1 − )(1 − )] (24) subject to ≥ 0 1 ≥ ≥ 0 where , , and Π are determined by equations equations (15), (17) (18) and (19), taking , and as given. Maximization of the politician’s best response function yields, = ( ) = Ψ ΩΨ − + =− 2 Ω Ω 2Ω Ω 2 Ω (25) where = (1 − ) Ω − Ω.43 For interior solutions (0 1) it is required that Ω Ψ (2Ω Ω+ )Ω. On the other hand, corner solutions of directing revenue to a unique policy ( = 0 and = 1 respectively) emerge depending on the values of . Moreover, is decreasing in and increasing in Similarly to the benchmark case the effect of tax rate on the allocation 43 Similar to the benchmark model, for concavity to hold we must have Ω Ω 0. The slope of the 2 politician’s reaction function is, = −Ψ2 2 2 Ω , with 2 ( ) = Ψ4 3 2 Ω . The sign of reaction functions’ slope depends on the sign of the term Ω . 24 of revenue depends on the sign of − and the same goes for the effects of 0 and . Specifically ≶ 0 ≶ 0 ≷ 0 ≷ 0 0 Overall we observe that despite the fact that our setting is more complex and realistic, the predictions of the model are quite similar with respect to the reaction functions. As was the case with the citizen reaction function, the politician’s reaction function also depends on the realized values of and which are predetermined by the previous generation and therefore each generation of politicians treats them as exogenous. Strategic Interactions Strategic interactions in this setting are similar to the benchmark case. As we show above, the sign of both reaction functions’ slope depends on the sign of the term Ω . Analytically − ≷ 0 =⇒ i) Ω 0 =⇒ =⇒ ii) Ω 0 =⇒ =⇒ 0 0 0 i.e. Strategic Complements 0 i.e. Strategic Substitutes yielding similar predictions to the benchmark model, namely in the case of strategic complement citizens will choose to "punish" politicians in case they perceive their attitude as corrupt, whereas in the case of strategic substitute they will prefer to substitute for the loss in public revenue by behaving more honestly. Following the literature and the strategy of the benchmark model we will focus on the case of strategic complementarity. 4.3 Equilibrium The definition of equilibrium remains the same in both models. However, the existence of equilibrium is more complicated in this model. Each group’s individual optimization problem is well defined since its utility function is strictly concave and the budget constraint linear with respect to the relevant decision variable, or In Proposition 2 below, we prove the existence of a pair ( ) that satisfies Definition 1 in every period, for given values of and . Given the existence of the equilibrium pair ( ) we can easily establish the equilibrium values of and and subsequently of the remaining variables, following Definition 1. Proposition 4 An equilibrium pair ( ) exists for given values of and Proof. We must establish the existence of a pair ( ) that satisfies equations (22) and (25) simultaneously. For an arbitrary time period , let = ( ) denote the solution to each citizen’s problem, as described by equation (22); for each value of the allocation rate there exists a unique value of the evasion rate Similarly, let = 25 ( ) denote the solution to each politician’s problem, as described by equation (25). Note that both of these functions are continuous (see equations (22) and (25)). Thus, the composite function ◦ from [0 1] to [0 1] is continuous and, by Brower’s fixed point theorem, has a fixed point. Solving for the equilibrium values of the model we obtain,44 −Ψ 1∗ = min{0 } ∗1 = 0 2 ∗2 = 2 ( ) 2∗ = 2 ( ) ∗3 = 3 ( ) 3∗ = 3 ( ) (26) Therefore in terms of strategies there always exists an equilibrium for given values of and Since however there is a law of motion describing how these two variables evolve, there will be different equilibrium values in each period for and unless the system approaches a steady state. The dynamics of the model are analyzed in the following subsection. 4.4 Dynamic behavior of the system of difference equations As noted above the stable solutions of the model (if all three are valid) are (1∗ ∗1 ) and (3∗ ∗3 ) using best reply dynamics. Since the set (1∗ ∗1 ) represents a trivial equilibrium of full corruption we will focus on the low-corruption equilibrium (3∗ ∗3 ). Replacing the equilibrium values for (3∗ ∗3 ) from equation (26) into equations. (15), (17) we obtain the following system of two autonomous non-linear first order difference equations +1 = ( ) +1 = ( ) where and 0 denote the initial values for and and are exogenously given. The dynamics of the system are too complex to be analytically studied. Still though we can describe analytically and numerically the kind of solution that is desirable in order for our model to be meaningful. In order to approximate the dynamics of our benchmark model, i.e. a set of equilibrium values for ( ) that remain unchanged in every period, our system of difference equations must reach a steady state. Therefore we first assume that the dynamic system has steady-state equilibrium (̄ ̄). Namely, ∈ (̄ ̄) such that ̄ = (̄ ̄) ̄ = (̄ ̄) 44 We omit analytical expression due to their complexity. 26 A Taylor expansion of the system around the steady state values (̄ ̄), yields: (27) +1 = ( ) = (̄) + (̄ ̄)( − ̄) + (̄ ̄)( − ̄) + 1 + 2 (28) +1 = ( ) = (̄) + (̄ ̄)( − ̄) + (̄ ̄)( − ̄) + 1 + 2 where (̄ ̄) and (̄ ̄) are the partial derivatives of the functions ( ) and ( ) evaluated at (̄ ̄) and 1 and 2 are the error terms which are very small in the neighborhood of (̄ ̄) and have little influence on the behavior of the system. Thus, the non-linear system is been approximated, locally (around the steady-state equilibrium) by the linear system: ¸ ∙ ¸∙ ¸ ¸ ∙ ∙ (̄ ̄) (̄ ̄) − ̄ (̄) +1 + = (̄) (̄ ̄) (̄ ̄) − ̄ +1 where, ¸ (̄ ̄) (̄ ̄) (̄ ̄) = (̄ ̄) (̄ ̄) ∙ (29) is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the steady-state equilibrium. If all eigenvalues of (̄ ̄) have moduli strictly less than 1, (̄ ̄) is asymptotically stable (a sink). If at least one eigenvalue of (̄ ̄) has modulus greater than 1, then (̄ ̄) is unstable (a source). If the eigenvalues of (̄ ̄) are all inside the unit circle, but at least one is on the boundary (has modulus 1), then (̄ ̄) may be stable, asymptotically stable or unstable. Therefore we take the following steps: i) Test whether our system approaches the steady state (̄ ̄) ii) For this steady state to be a feasible solution, the dynamics of the system must satisfy the limitations of the model, namely concavity and the implied values ̄ ≤ 1 ̄ ≤ 1 Second the dynamics of the system must be characterized by stability, i.e. the eigenvalues must be inside the unit circle. If the above restrictions hold, then we are fully able to describe the behavior of the equilibrium values of ( ∗ ∗ ) in every period of the model up to the steady state. Why is it important to have a stable steady state? Because if the system is unstable, then and ∗ ∗ grow without limits and taking into account that 0 0 this implies that as and grow without bound the same will hold for which will eventually become equal to unity. 5 Numerical approximations The model in Section 4 closely follows the benchmark model up to the point were we obtain the reaction functions. However due to occurring system of non-linear difference equations it quickly becomes rather complicated. Therefore we will make some numerical calculations 27 illustrating our results. The same illustrative method is applied to the benchmark model as well to highlight the similarities between the two models. In what follows we will shortly describe the procedure followed to obtain our equilibrium values in the natural resources model. In our model there is a wide range of parameters that can vary, namely , , and As became evident from the above analysis of the model the most significant term that drives most of our results was the equation − which defines the kind of strategic interactions between the two groups of agents. Therefore we assume a wide range of parameters for the variables , and we also let vary in order to derive some comparative statics results with respect to policy implications. Evidently the model is a rough approximation of reality therefore it is hard to clarify what values of the parameters can be considered as "realistic". Still though with respect to tax evasion there is some evidence that in the Western developed countries the rates of tax evasion are estimated around 5%-25% of potential tax revenue (Feige, 1989, Pyle, 1989, Thomas, 1992) while for developing countries higher rates may appear (Tanzi and Shome, 1994). For the year 1988 in the US, the TCMP has estimated that only a 53% has paid its taxes correctly. Of course non compliance does not apply for all these cases, since a 7% has overpaid its taxes while a part of the remaining 40% has underpaid due to errors that result from the complicated procedure involved. According to Fanzoni (1998) the federal income tax gap of the US had been estimated for 1998 at 17%. Concerning the values of and there is much evidence that different allocations of public budget are associated with different rent-seeking rates. Mauro (1998) finds evidence that public expenditure on high-technology goods is associated with higher rent-seeking due to low detectability and the same goes for military expenditure. On the other hand education and health sectors involve more transparent expenditure and are thus associated with lower rent-seeking rates. The literature on rent-seeking estimates the social waste in each sector as imposed by bribery and suggests that increases in perceived corruption by one unit (in the BI Index) reduce spending on certain allocations by 0.1-0.5% (0.4% for health, 0.05 for environmental protection according to Hessami, 2010; 0.6% for education spending according to Mauro, 1998). Even though this is a different measure, attempting to counterpart these rates with and would imply a rate of 0.5%-0.25% depending on how corrupt a country is according to the BI Index. Tax rates vary between 0.25-0.55. As far as the parameters are concerned it is hard to pin down which range of values would be plausible and we will therefore focus on their between ratio as implied by our model, namely 0 0 and for strategic complementarity which is the case we analyze. For the value of there is also no evidence, still though it is easy to assume that it will take rather small values, well below unity (e.g. Ceroni (2001) takes values of as low as = 02). Having pinned down the range of parameter values we also imposed the restrictions mentioned earlier, namely concavity, strategic complementarity and an asymptotically stable 28 steady state. A number of feasible steady states occur implying different kinds of equilibria. Below in Figure 3 we illustrate a numerical example of the natural resources economy: Figure 3: Numerical Reaction Functions-The parameter values are = 3 = 8 = 07 = 085 = 035 = 0025 = −5 = 2 Figure 3: Numerical Reaction Functions-The parameter values are = 3 = 8 = 07 = 085 = 035 = 0025 = −5 0 = 185 = 2 Figure 2 closely resembles Figure 1, illustrating the similarities between the two models. Interestingly the stable equilibrium denoted 1 is given by ( ∗ ∗ ) = (082 025) It is hard to comment on the value of ∗ due to the duality of the model with respect to the allocation of budget, still though we observe that ∗ can take quite realistic values. Plotting the benchmark economy when using the same parameter values in Figure 3 we observe that we obtain quite similar results. The stable equilibrium denoted 1 is given by ( ∗ ∗ ) = (086 029) therefore indicating that the two models are very close even with respect to the occurring equilibria. Overall the findings of this section reinforce the robustness of the analytical results obtained in the first part of the model and highlight the channels through which corruption and rent-seeking on the one hand as well as individual’s expectations on the other hand are determining the effectiveness of abatement on the quality of the environment. 6 Conclusions This paper has theoretically established an alternative channel through which corruption may have a detrimental effect on environmental policy. In particular it has suggested that in the presence of corruption, the adoption of environmental policies may facilitate the extraction of rents, particularly when the involved abatement technologies reduce transparency and thus societal control. Moreover, in a world where individuals gain utility from a better environment, corrupt activities on the part of governments that deteriorate the environmental quality may be reciprocated by citizens, thereby further reducing the available funds for abatement. In the light of recent scandals that suggest that public abatement can be a rather "profitable" domain for rent-seeking activities, and the recent awareness of the need for a better environmental quality, this research highlights that anti-corruption policies should target to the reduction of rent seeking profits, to greater transparency and to the commitment to the proper implementation of environmental policies. 29 References [1] Aidt, T., 2003. Economic Analysis of corruption: A survey. The Economic Journal, 113, 632-652. [2] Alm, J., Jackson, B. R., and McKee, M., 1992. Estimating the taxpayer compliance with experimental data. National Tax Journal, 45, 107-114. [3] Alm, J., Mc Clelandand, G. H., and Schulze, W.D., 1992. 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