Strategic Effects of Future Environmental Policy Commitments:

Strategic Effects of Future Environmental Policy Commitments:
Climate Change, Solar Radiation Management and Correlated Air Pollutants
Jingwen Qu1 and Emilson C. D. Silva2
September 3, 2013
Abstract: We study the effects of environmental policy commitments in a futuristic
world in which solar radiation management (SRM) can be utilized to reduce climate
change damages. Carbon and sulfur dioxide emissions (correlated pollutants) can be
reduced through tradable permits. We show that if both nations simultaneously
commit to carbon permit policies, national SRM levels rise with the carbon quotas.
Alternatively, if they simultaneously commit to SRM policies, the global temperature
falls with each unit increase in the global SRM level. We also demonstrate that a
nation always prefers to be a leader in either SRM or carbon policy.
JEL Classification: C72, D62, D78, H41, Q41, Q53, Q54, Q58
Keywords: Strategic Environmental Policy; Policy Commitments; Correlated
Pollutants; Solar Radiation Management; Climate Change.
School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 221 Bobby Dodd Way, Atlanta, GA 30332-0615
Email: Tel: 404-725-8936.
Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law, Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta,
3-40N Business Building, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2R6. Email: Tel: 780-248-1312.
(Corresponding author).
1 1. Introduction
What does the future reserve in terms of climate policies? If multiple instruments are
available (e.g., carbon pricing and solar radiation management) and governments are
able to commit to a particular type of policy instrument, which instrumemt will they
prefer? Are there clear game theoretic predictions of play?
This paper is an attempt to answer these questions. There is not much reason for
optimism with respect to the prospects of implementation of an effective international
agreement to curb the evils produced by climate change. The Kyoto protocol has not
produced enthusiastic results and a post-Kyoto agreement does not promise to be
much different. The high national costs associated with mitigation of greenhouse gas
emissions appear to be the main culprit. Such high costs were the main motivation for
the US government to reject Kyoto, and may again be the main argument utilized by
powerful nations, such as the USA and China, to reject a post-Kyoto agreement.
Revealed preference informs us that some nations prefer the status quo of no
significant mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions to a commitment to reduce
greenhouse emissions by a significant percentage amount relative to 1990 levels.
However, this fact does not rule out the possibility that governments, which have
rejected Kyoto as well as those that may reject a post-Kyoto agreement, are currently
contemplating adopting cheaper alternatives to mitigation of greenhouse gas
emissions in order to reduce their potential damages caused by climate change. In fact,
there appears to be credence in the scientific community that some nations are
seriously considering producing climate change engineering products that may
effectively control the global temperature (see, e.g., the discussion of the scientific
findings in Moreno-Cruz (2011)).
This paper studies some of the effects associated with uncoordinated policy
commitments for one of these new products - solar radiation management (SRM)
generated by injections of sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere - relative to policy
commitments for mitigation of greenhouse gas (e.g., carbon dioxide) emissions. We
envision environmental policy making in a future global economy in which SRM is a
proven and mature technology, which can be deployed at will and unilaterally by any
nation. Among other things, we analyze whether there will be an incentive for a
nation to be a policy leader in mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions or SRM
provision, where the nations are perfectly informed about the benefits and costs of
providing SRM. Solar radiation management is expected to produce droughts, ozone
depletion and to change the color of our blue skies.
The fact that SRM may soon prove to be a cheaper and effective alternative to
mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions implies that unilateral action in SRM will not
only be credible (see, e.g., Barrett (2008)), but also that nations may then wish to
commit to SRM policies and subject their carbon mitigation policies to SRM policy
commitments. Recent and noteworthy contributions to the literature have considered
some of the potential reactions we may observe with future implementation of
geoengineering technologies (e.g., Goeschl et al. (2013), Millard-Ball (2012),
Moreno-Cruz (2011), Moreno-Cruz and Keith (2012), Moreno-Cruz et al. (2010),
non-cooperative games in which two nations are either symmetric or asymmetric with
respect to drought damages. In the symmetric game, he finds that the prospect of
SRM will create greater incentives for free riding on carbon mitigation. When nations
are asymmetric, he finds that SRM provision can induce inefficiently high levels of
mitigation. Millard-Ball studies the impact of geoengineering deployment on the
formation of a mitigation agreement. He shows that a credible unilateral threat of
utilizing geoengineering may strengthen global abatement and lead to a self-enforcing
climate treaty with full participation. Urpelainen shows that geoengineering may
induce significant reductions in emissions in the present if it produces severe negative
externalities, since the latter may lead to a very harmful geoengineering race in the
future. If the externalities are not overly severe, unrestricted utilization of
geoengineering can be globally beneficial.
Our paper contributes to this literature in at least three significant ways. First and
foremost, we examine the effects associated with strategic environmental policy
commitments, whereby SRM policy may precede carbon policy. This may indeed
occur in the future when SRM technology is mature. SRM policy may be (politically
or even socially) cheaper and easier to implement than carbon policy. Our motivation
here is therefore to consider a likely future event and then make a prediction
concerning the equilibrium policies. As in the papers cited above, we assume that
SRM provision generates global damages - in our setting SRM produces drought
damages and the drought damage function is increasing at an increasing rate.
Second, our model accounts for the fact that emissions of carbon dioxide are
correlated with emissions of sulfur dioxide due to important common sources, such as
energy production. Our model builds on Caplan and Silva (2005).3 As in Caplan and
Silva, sulfur dioxide emissions cause acid rain damage in the emitting nation. We
show that the instruments a nation utilizes to control carbon and sulfur dioxide
emissions are strategic complements. Hence, whenever SRM provision leads to an
increase in carbon emissions, it also leads to an increase in sulfur emissions, with a
resulting increase in acid rain damage. Finally, unlike the cited papers, we examine
environmental policy making within a general equilibrium framework. This will
enable us to see how consumers and industry emitters respond to strategic policy
choices made by the governments.
We consider a global economy consisting of two nations, which are identical in all
respects, except for the acid rain damage functions. This is a modeling strategy. We
wish to highlight the effects that differences in acid rain damages may promote in the
formulation of non-cooperative carbon and SRM environmental policies. This
assumption does not imply that we believe that drought damages caused by SRM, for
example, are symmetric. From Moreno-Cruz (2011), we know that the strategic
effects associated with asymmetric drought damages are significant. However, since
the geoengeneering literature to date has neglected the link there exists between
carbon and sulfur dioxide emissions, we decided to emphasize it by assuming that the
Our framework can also be seen as an extension of the impure public good model advanced by Cornes and
Sandler (1994) to a context in which there are two impure public goods, namely, SRM provision and mitigation of
carbon dioxide emissions.
model is asymmetric only with regard to acid rain damage functions.
Each nation has three policy instruments at its disposal; namely, SRM provision
and carbon and sulfur pollution permits. Our choice of pollution permits as the means
to price emissions is motivated by the Kyoto Protocol, the European Union Emissions
Trading System and the 1990 US Clean Air Act Amendments, which created a
national program in tradable sulfur dioxide emission permits.
Although we consider the making of uncoordinated environmental policies in a
future time when policy makers have SRM at their disposal, our analysis involves a
single period. The various timings of the games examined in this paper are strictly
motivated by individual costs and benefits of policy commitments. We wish to predict
which timing is likely to emerge in equilibrium. The timings are not motivated by the
historical evolution of the utilization of environmental policy instruments. An
alternative and interesting avenue for research is to explicitly consider an
intertemporal model in which the sequence of policy instruments mimics the
historical evolution of environmental policy, with sulfur pollution permits preceding
carbon pollution permits and the latter preceding SRM. In such a case, the sequencing
is exogenous and one considers the impacts associated with the sequential
introduction of environmental policy instruments.
We start our analysis by considering two benchmarks in which environmental
policy making with respect to SRM provision and carbon-permit quotas are chosen
simultaneously: (i) uncoordinated policy making; and (ii) fully coordinated policy
making. Following Caplan and Silva (2005), in all games examined in this paper, we
assume that environmental policy with respect to sulfur quotas are chosen after the
other two types of environmental policy instruments. One can explain this on the basis
that our analysis concerns likely future events when climate change policies receive
priority in environmental policy making. This is a global setting in which there is
global consensus that climate change dangers need to be addressed and in which
nations are endowed with various instruments to control the negative effects caused
by climate change. The main purpose of this paper is to examine strategic effects for
the mostly likely environmental policy scenarios in such a futuristic world.
In the next two games, we examine sequential choices of SRM and carbon quotas,
but the nations make simultaneous choices of SRM provision or carbon pollution
quotas. These games consist of three stages. In game III, the nations make choices
with respect to carbon quotas in the first stage, make choices with respect to SRM
provision in the second stage and make choices with respect to sulfur quotas in the
last stage. In game IV, the first stage consists of simultaneous SRM choices and the
second stage of simultaneous choices of carbon quotas.
The last two games consider the effects of policy leadership in carbon or SRM
policy. These are four stage games. In game V, a nation chooses its carbon quota in
the first stage, the other nation chooses its carbon quota in the second stage, and the
two nations simultaneously choose SRM provision in the third stage and
simultaneously choose sulfur quotas in the last stage. In game VI, a nation chooses its
SRM provision in the first stage, the other nation chooses its SRM provision in the
second stage, and the two nations simultaneously choose carbon quotas in the third
stage and sulfur quotas in the last stage.
We have several important findings. We show that if both nations simultaneously
commit to carbon permit policies, national SRM levels rise with the carbon quotas.
The global temperature rises following each unit increase in the global carbon quota.
If, on the other hand, both nations simultaneously commit to SRM policies, national
carbon quotas rise with national SRM levels. The global temperature falls following
each unit increase in the global SRM level. We also find that a nation always has an
incentive to be a policy leader in either carbon or SRM policy. For specific values of
parameters of utility and technological functions, we can also show that a nation
prefers being a leader in carbon policy to being a leader in SRM policy, but the globe
prefers leadership in SRM policy to leadership in carbon policy. In addition, the globe
prefers simultaneous policy commitments in SRM policy to simultaneous policy
commitments in carbon policy. As for SRM provision, we show that it is
overprovided whenever carbon policy is determined prior to SRM policy and it is
underprovided otherwise. Global carbon emissions are always larger than the globally
efficient amount, but the second lowest level of global carbon emissions is observed
in the setting in which there is leadership in SRM policy. Carbon emissions follow the
same pattern as sulfur emissions. Finally, the nation that has the greatest incentive to
be a policy leader is the one that faces the lowest slope of the marginal acid rain
damage function. This last prediction highlights the role that knowledge of acid rain
damage functions can play in determining policy leadership in either carbon or SRM
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the
general equilibrium framework, section 3 provides the analysis for the various policy
games, section 4 offers key results of comparisons across equilibria and section 5
2. General Equilibrium Framework
Consider a global economy that, for simplicity, consists of two nations, indexed by
j, j = 1,2 . We normalize the population of each nation, letting it be equal to 1. We
assume that both nations suffer from droughts caused by solar radiation management
(SRM), global warming caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and acid rain caused
by emissions of sulfur dioxide. Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions are
by-products of energy production in each nation. Solar radiation management,
through injections of sulfur aerosols, is provided by each national government.
Let H T (C , M ) denote the harm function associated with global warming in
j =1
j =1
each nation, where C = ∑ C j and M = ∑ M j are global levels of carbon dioxide
and SRM, respectively. For concreteness, we let H T (C, M ) = hT (C − M ) , where
hT > 0 . Thus, H T increases in C , decreases in M (i.e., SRM is a public good)
and it is strictly convex. Let H jA θ j , S j
in nation
j , where S j
be the harm function of acid rain deposition
is the level of sulfur dioxide in nation
θ j > 0, j = 1, 2 denotes its sensitivity to acid rain damage. We assume that
H jA (θ j , S j ) = h Aθ j S 2j , where h A > 0 . The drought damage caused by SRM in each
nation is represented by H D ( M ) . We assume that H D ( M ) = h D M 2 , where h D > 0 .
Nation j ' s total level of environmental damages is
H j = H j (C, M , S j ) = H T (C, M ) + H jA (θ j , S j ) + H D ( M ) .
The representative consumer in nation j consumes x j units of composite good
(numeraire), e j units of energy and is harmed by H j units of environmental
damages. Let u j x j , e j , H j
denote consumer j ' s utility function. Assume that
u j is quasi-linear (linear in x j ), strictly concave in e j and increasing in
consumption of both composite and energy goods. More precisely, we assume that
u j ( x j , e j , H j ) = x j + f (e j ) − H j , where f ( e j ) = e j (b − ae j ) and b ≥ 1 ≥ a > 0 . The
representative consumer’s income is denoted w j , where
wj = x j + pC j QC j + pS j QS j + π j − K M ( M j ).
The consumer is initially endowed with x j units of the numeraire good, is the sole
shareholder of profits earned by her nation’s energy industry, π j , is the recipient of
the revenues generated with sale of pollution permits, pC j QC j + pS j QS j ( pC j and
pS j are prices of carbon and sulfur permits and QC and QS are the carbon and
sulfur quotas in nation j ) and pays a tax equal to her nation’s cost of provision of
( )
SRM, K M M j . For future reference, it is important to note that C = QC1 + QC2 ≡ QC
and S j = QS j , j = 1, 2 .
Throughout, we assume that markets are competitive, with consumers and energy
firms taking prices as given. Consumers also take their incomes and the levels of
pollution damages as given. Consumer
maximize u j x j , e j , H j
j chooses non-negative
{x , e }
subject to x j + pe j e j = w j , where pe j is nation
( )
j 's
energy price. This is equivalent to choosing e j ≥ 0 to maximize f e j − pe j e j .
Assuming interior solutions (i.e., b > pe j , j = 1, 2 ), the first-order condition is:
f ′ ( e j ) − pe j = 0 .
Condition (3) informs us that the optimal level of energy to be consumed is the one at
which the marginal utility from energy equates the price of energy. Since the
f ′′ ( e j ) = −2a < 0, the solution to the consumer's
second-order condition is
( ) (
maximization problem is unique. Equation (3) yields e j pe j = b − pe j
j 's energy demand. Her demand for the numeraire good is
) 2a ,
( )
) ( ( )) − H
x j pe j , w j = w j − pe j e j pe j and v j pe , w j , H j = x j pe , w j + f e j pe
her indirect utility function.
In nation j , the energy industry’s profit function is
π j E j , RC , RS
( ) ( )
(E ) − K (R ) − K (R ),
= pe j E j − pC j E j − RC j − pS j E j − RS j − K E ( E j ) − K C RC j − K S RS j
= pe j E j − pC j ΔCj E j , RC j − pS j Δ Sj E j , RS j − K E
where E j , RC j and RS j are levels of energy production, carbon dioxide reduction
and sulfur reduction, respectively. We denote by Δ Cj E j , RC j ≡ E j − RC j and
Δ Sj E j , RS j ≡ E j − RS j the quantities of carbon and sulfur permits demanded by
nation j's energy industry, respectively. To simplify notation, we shall assume that
the size of the energy industry in each nation is equal to 1 and thus refer to it as an
energy “firm”. We also assume that the costs of energy production, carbon dioxide
( )
( )
reduction and sulfur dioxide reduction are K E E j = k E E 2j , K C RC j = k C RC2 j and
( )
K S RS j = k S RS2j . Each firm chooses non-negative
{E , R
, RS j
to maximize π j ,
taking all prices as given. The first-order conditions for interior solutions are
pe j − pC j − pS j −
dK E
= 0,
dE j
dK C
pC j −
= 0,
dRC j
dK S
= 0.
dRS j
pS j −
Condition (4a) informs us that the optimal amount of energy to be produced in a
nation should equate the marginal revenue to the sum of marginal production and
regulatory costs of energy production. Equation (4b) states that the optimal level of
carbon abatement should equate the marginal revenue from carbon abatement (i.e., the
marginal cost saving in expenditure on carbon permits) to the marginal cost of carbon
abatement. Equation (4c) is similar; it equates marginal revenue from sulfur
abatement to the marginal cost of sulfur abatement.
Solving the system of equations (4a) to (4c), we obtain nation j 's energy supply
) (
function, E j pe j , pC j , pS j = pe j − pC j − pS j / 2k E , and the carbon and sulfur
abatement supply functions,
( )
RC j pC j = pC j / 2k C , and
( )
RS j pS j = pS j / 2k S ,
respectively. Thus, we have (for j = 1, 2 )
∂E j
∂pe j
dRC j
dpC j
dRS j
dpS j
∂E j
∂pC j
∂E j
∂pS j
> 0,
2k E
> 0,
2k C
> 0.
2k S
As expected, conditions (5a) inform us that each energy firm’s supply function is
increasing the price of energy and decreasing in the prices of carbon and sulfur
permits. Condition (5b) reveals that each firm supplies more carbon abatement as the
price of the carbon permit in its nation increases. Condition (5c) is similar to
condition (5b), stating that each firm produces more sulfur abatement as the price of
its nation’s sulfur permit increases. Combining the definitions of the quantities of
carbon and sulfur permits demanded with conditions (5a) – (5c) yields
∂pe j
∂pC j
∂Δ Sj
∂pS j
∂Δ Sj
∂pe j
∂pS j
∂Δ Sj
∂pC j
> 0,
2k E
− C < 0,
− S < 0.
Conditions (5d) inform us that the quantities of carbon and sulfur permits demanded
rise with the price of energy. This is natural since the firms will expand energy
production as the price of energy increases. Conditions (5d) also reveal the quantities
of carbon and sulfur permits demanded are complements, since the quantity of carbon
permits demanded by firm j falls as the price of nation j ’s sulfur permit rises and
the quantity of sulfur permits demanded by firm j falls as the price of nation j ’s
carbon permit rises. Conditions (5e) and (5f) state that the demands for carbon and
sulfur permits fall as their respective prices increase.
Firm j ' s indirect profit function is
π j pe , pC , pS
− pC j − pS j
4k E
pC2 j
4k C
pS2 j
4k S
Market-clearing conditions for the national energy market, and carbon and sulfur
permit markets, respectively, are as follows:
( ) (
Δ (p ,p ,p )=Q ,
e j pe j = E j pe j , pC j , pS j ,
Δ Sj pe j , pC j , pS j = QS j .
Condition (6a) informs us that in each nation the demand for energy must be equal to
the supply of energy. Condition (6b) states that in each nation, the demand for carbon
permits must be equal to the supply of carbon permits. Condition (6c) is similar to
condition (6b): the demand for sulfur permits equals the supply of sulfur permits.
Solving the system of equations (6a) - (6c), we obtain the price functions in terms of
pollution quotas:
pe j QC j , QS j =
pC j QC j , QS j =
pS j QC j , QS j
b ( k C + k E + k S ) − 2b k C QC j + k S QS j
a+k +k +k
bk C − 2k C ⎡⎣( a + k E + k S ) QC j − k S QS j ⎤⎦
bk S + 2k S ⎡⎣ k C QC j − ( a + k C + k E ) QS j ⎤⎦
a + k E + kC + k S
a + k E + kC + k S
Then the following comparative static results are immediate:
∂pe j
∂QC j
∂pC j
∂QC j
∂pS j
∂QC j
2bk C
<0 ,
a + k E + kC + k S
2k C ( a + k E + k S )
a + k E + kC + kS
< 0,
2k C k S
> 0,
a + k E + kC + k S
∂pe j
2bk S
< 0,
∂QS j
a + k E + kC + k S
∂pC j
∂QS j
∂pS j
∂QS j
2k C k S
> 0,
a + k E + kC + k S
2k S ( a + k C + k S )
a + k E + kC + kS
< 0,
We summarize our findings about the equilibrium price functions in the following
Proposition 1.
∂pS j
∂QS j
∂pe j
∂QC j
∂pC j
∂QC j
∂pS j
∂QC j
> 0 , ∂pe j
∂QS j
< 0 ,
∂pC j
∂QS j
> 0 and < 0 , j = 1, 2 .
Consider how prices change when QC j
changes. If QC j increases, pC j decreases. This is expected since the demand for carbon permits is decreasing in the
carbon permit price (see condition (5e)) and the supply of permits is perfectly
inelastic. The decreasing in the carbon permit price reduces the firm's marginal
regulatory cost, holding all other prices constant, increasing the firm's marginal
revenue from energy production. Thus, the firm has an incentive to respond by
increasing energy production (see condition (5a)) and associated carbon and sulfur
emissions, with a subsequent shift in the firm's demand curve for sulfur emission
permits to the right (see conditions (5d)). Given an inelastic supply of sulfur permits,
the shift in the demand for sulfur permits results in an increase in the price of the
sulfur permit (i.e., ∂pS j ∂QC j > 0 ). The increase in the price of the sulfur permit,
however, does not offset the decrease in the price of the carbon permit, resulting in an
overall decrease in the marginal regulatory cost. Thus, the firm's energy supply curve
shifts to the right, leading to an expansion in the equilibrium energy level and
decrease in the energy price (i.e., ∂pe j ∂QC j < 0 ). Therefore, the existence of a limit
on the supply of sulfur permits reduces but does not eliminate the net decrease in the
marginal regulatory cost of producing energy when the supply of carbon permits is
We are now ready to write consumer j 's indirect utility as function of pollution
quotas and SRM provision levels:
v j QC j , QC− j , QS j , M j , M − j
( (
( (
( (
= x j + f j e j pe j (⋅) − K E E j pe j (⋅) , pC j (⋅) , pS j (⋅) − K C RC j pC j (⋅)
( (
− K S RS j pS j (⋅) − K M ( M j ) − H jA (θ j , QS j ) − H T ( QC , M ) − H D ( M ) ,
where pe j (⋅) = pe j QC j , QS j , pC j (⋅) = pC j QC j , QS j , pS j (⋅) = pS j QC j , QS j
M = M j + M − j , j = 1, 2 . We let − j = 1 if j = 2 and − j = 2 if j = 1 .
Effects of Environmental Policy Commitments
We now examine the effects of timing in environmental policy making. We consider
six sequential policy games as described below. In all games, we assume that the
national governments select their sulfur quotas at the last stage.
We establish two benchmarks under which policy making on carbon quotas and
SRM levels occur simultaneously in the first stage of two-stage games: (1)
uncoordinated policy making; and (2) coordinated policy making. Sulfur quotas are
chosen simultaneously in the second stage of the game. These benchmarks will enable
us to capture both the effects caused by the timing of policy making and the effects
caused by non-cooperative behavior (i.e., departures from socially efficient behavior).
The next two sequential games involve simultaneous choices of either (3) pollution
quotas; or (4) SRM levels; in the first stage, with simultaneous choices of either SRM
(in game (3)) or pollution quotas (in game (4)) in the second stage. Thus, unlike the
games in which pollution quotas and SRM are chosen simultaneously, games (3) and
(4) involve three stages, since sulfur quotas are simultaneously chosen in the third
stage of the game. The last two sequential games involve four stages. In game (5),
nation 1 chooses its carbon quota in the first stage, nation 2 chooses its carbon quota
in the second stage, SRM levels are chosen simultaneously in the third stage and
sulfur quotas are chosen simultaneously in the fourth stage. In game (6), nation 1
chooses its SRM level in the first stage, nation 2 chooses its SRM level in the second
stage, carbon quotas are chosen simultaneously in the third stage and sulfur quotas are
chosen simultaneously in the fourth stage. The equilibrium concept utilized is
subgame perfection. Table 1 summarizes the timings of the six games.
Table 1. Environmental Policy Games
Timing Descriptions Simultaneous SRM and Carbon Quotas The four choices, both nations' carbon quotas and SRM levels, are made simultaneously. 1) Uncoordinated Carbon quotas and SRM levels are uncoordinated between the two nations, respectively. 2) Coordinated Carbon quotas and SRM levels are coordinated between the two nations, respectively. Sequential SRM and Carbon Quotas No National Leadership 3) First Stage: Carbon Quotas Nations decide carbon quotas simultaneously in the first stage and choose SRM levels simultaneously in the second stage. 4) First Stage: SRM Levels Nations choose SRM levels simultaneously in the first stage and decide carbon quotas simultaneously in the second stage. National Leadership 5) First Stage: Nation 1's Carbon Quota In the first stage, nation 1 decides its carbon quota, followed by nation 2's carbon decision in the second stage. Both nations choose SRM levels simultaneously in the third stage. 6) First Stage: Nation 1's SRM Level In the first stage, nation 1 chooses its SRM level, followed by nation 2's SRM choice in the second stage. Both nations decide carbon quotas simultaneously in the third stage. 17
Consider the last stage of any game, namely, the stage in which the nations
choose sulfur quotas simultaneously after having observed the other policy choices,
, QC− j , M j , M − j . The optimization problem faced by nation j ' s government is
to choose non-negative QS j to maximize the national indirect utility function (9),
taking QS− j as given. Assuming interior solutions, we obtain the following first-order
pS j −
∂H jA
∂QS j
= 0,
j = 1, 2 .
Condition (10) informs us that the amount of sulfur quotas should be set at the level
that equates the national permit price to the national marginal damage caused by acid
rain. Since H jA = h Aθ j QS2j , we have
QS j = pS j / 2h Aθ j , j = 1, 2 .
Substitute equation (11) into (7a)-(7c) yields
QS j =
pe j =
pC j =
pS j =
k S b + 2k C QC j
2 ⎡⎣ k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )⎤⎦
b ⎡⎣ kS ( k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( k E + k C + k S )⎤⎦ − 2ak C ( k S + h Aθ j ) QC j
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
k C b ( kS + h Aθ j ) − 2 ⎡⎣ k S ( a + k E ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k S )⎤⎦
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
(a + k
k S h Aθ j b + 2k C QC j
) + h θ (a + k
+ kC + k S )
. (12c)
(12d) Hence, we can now obtain comparative static results when sulfur quotas are chosen
optimally by the national governments:
See derivations in Appendix A.1.
∂pe j
∂QC j
∂pC j
∂QC j
∂pS j
∂QC j
∂QS j
∂QC j
2ak C ( k S + h Aθ j )
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
2k C k S h Aθ j
< 0,
< 0,
> 0,
kCk S
> 0.
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
Unlike in Proposition 1, the sulfur quotas are now adjusted optimally when the carbon
quotas are increased. Condition (13d) informs us that a nation's sulfur and carbon
quotas are strategic complements. As a nation's carbon quota increases, its sulfur
quota is also increased, implying that the inelastic curve representing the supply of
sulfur permits shifts to the right when the carbon quota is increased. Since, as we have
discussed after Proposition 1, the demand for sulfur permits shifts out when the
carbon quota is increased, the final effect of increasing the carbon quota on the sulfur
permit price is potentially ambiguous. However, as condition (13c) demonstrates, the
net effect on the sulfur permit price is positive. The optimal adjustment in the sulfur
quota reduces but does not eliminate the hike in the sulfur permit price relative to a
situation where sulfur quota is not adjusted at all (i.e., when the sulfur quota policy is
exogenous). The net effects of an increase in the carbon quota on the energy and
carbon permit prices captured by conditions (13a) and (13b), respectively, are the
expected ones. We summarize results (13a) - (13d) in the following proposition.
Proposition 2
∂pe j
∂QC j
< 0,
∂pC j
∂QC j
< 0,
∂pS j
∂QC j
> 0,
∂QS j
∂QC j
> 0 , j = 1, 2 .
We are now ready to examine the conditions that determine the optimal
environmental choices in the previous stages of all games, starting with the game in
which the nations simultaneously and non-cooperatively choose carbon quotas and
SRM levels.
Game I. Simultaneous Choices of Carbon Quotas and SRM Levels
In the first stage, the government of nation j chooses non-negative
maximize (9) subject to QS j = QS j QC j ;θ j , taking
C− j
, M− j
} to
} as given. Assuming
interior solutions, the set of first-order conditions are (for j = 1, 2 ):
∂H T
pC j =
∂H T dK M dH D
dM j dM
Condition (14a) reveals that the carbon quota in nation j should be set at the level
that equates the national carbon permit price to the national marginal damage of
global warming. Condition (14b) is similar in spirit, since the level of SRM that
should be provided at nation j is the one under which the national marginal benefit
from SRM provision - left side of (14b) - is equal to the national marginal cost - right
side of (14b). The national marginal cost is the sum of the marginal cost of provision
and the marginal damage caused by droughts in nation j .
Appendix A.2 shows that the Hessian matrix of second order terms for each
nation's payoff function is negative definite. Thus, the sufficient second-order
conditions are satisfied and the equilibrium for the first stage is unique.
Game II. Simultaneous Choices of Carbon Quotas and SRM Levels (Coordinated)
Suppose now that there is full coordination between the two nations regarding the
choices of carbon quotas and SRM levels in the first stage of the game. Assume that a
utilitarian bi-national environmental agency chooses non-negative
, QC2 , M1 , M 2
to maximize global indirect utility V (⋅) = v1 (⋅) + v2 (⋅) (where v1 (⋅) and v2 (⋅)
j = 1, 2 , respectively) subject to (12a).
correspond to function (9) by setting
Assuming interior solutions, the set of first-order conditions are as follows ( j = 1, 2 ):
⎛ ∂H T ⎞
pC j = 2 ⎜
⎝ ∂QC ⎠
⎛ ∂H T ⎞ dK M
⎛ dH D ⎞
−2 ⎜
+ 2⎜
Condition (15a) tells us that the amount of carbon quotas in nation j is chosen to
equate the national carbon permit price to the social marginal damage of global
warming - that is, the sum of the national marginal damages from global warming.
Condition (15b) is similar in spirit: nation j should provide SRM at a level that
equalizes the global marginal benefit from SRM provision (i.e., the sum of national
marginal benefits from a reduction in the global temperature - left side of (15b)) to the
global marginal cost of SRM provision (i.e., the sum of national marginal production
cost and the sum of national marginal damages from droughts caused by SRM
provision). Since the sufficient second-order conditions are satisfied,5 the solution to
the problem faced by the bi-national environmental agency is unique.
See Appendix A.3 for the details.
Game III. Simultaneous Commitments on Carbon Permit Policies
The two nations make their own decisions on carbon quotas simultaneously before
their simultaneous decisions on SRM levels. Having observed
, QC− j ,
government j chooses non-negative M j to maximize its indirect utility function
(9), subject to (12a), taking M − j as given in the second stage. Assuming interior
solutions, the first-order condition is the same as equation (14b) in game I. The
sufficient second-order conditions are also satisfied since they are a subset of
conditions of the sufficient second-order conditions for the first stage of game I. Since
H T = hT (C − M )2 , H D = h D M 2 and K M = k M M j 2 , equation (14b) yields:
Mj = D
2h + 2hT + k M
∂M j
> 0.
2h D + 2hT + k M
As revealed by equations (17), each government expands its SRM provision as global
carbon emissions (as captured by the sum of national carbon quotas) rise. The
incentive for each government to behave in this fashion is to reduce the negative
impacts caused by an increase in the global temperature. In other words, each nation
views SRM provision and mitigation of carbon emissions (i.e., reduction of carbon
emissions) as strategic substitutes. Equations (17) also inform us that SRM provision
in each nation rises at a rate less than one for each unit increase in the global carbon
quota. In addition, the sum of the national marginal expansions in SRM following
each unit increase in the global carbon quota is smaller than one. Thus, the national
marginal expansions in SRM do not nullify the increase in global temperature
associated with each unit increase in the global carbon quota.
In the first stage, government j maximizes national indirect utility function (9)
by selecting non-negative QC j , subject to (12a) and (16), taking QC− j as given. The
first-order condition is
∂H T ⎛ ∂H T dH D ⎞ ∂M − j
∂QC ⎝ ∂M
dM ⎠ ∂QC
pC j =
Condition (18) inform us that the optimal carbon quota level for each nation is the one
∂H T ⎞ ⎛ ∂H T dH D ⎞
⎜ pC j −
⎟ to the slope of the best response function of the other
C ⎠ ⎝
∂M − j
. Appendix A.4 demonstrates that the sufficient second order
conditions for each government's problem are satisfied. Hence, the Nash equilibrium
for the game played in the first stage is unique.
Game IV. Simultaneous Commitments on SRM Policies
In this game, the two nations decide their own SRM levels simultaneously before they
make their simultaneous decisions regarding carbon permits. Having observed
{M , M } ,
government j selects non-negative QC j to maximize its indirect
utility function (9) subject to (12a), taking QC− j as given, in the second stage. The
first-order condition is the same as equation (14a) in the uncoordinated simultaneous
game. Differentiating each equation (14a) with respect to M yields
⎛ ∂pC− j ⎞
−2hT ⎜
⎜ ∂QC ⎟
∂QC j
−j ⎠
⎛ ∂pC1 ∂pC2
∂pC1 ∂pC2
− 2hT ⎜
⎜ ∂QC ∂QC
∂QC1 ∂QC2
> 0,
where the sign of the partial derivative (19) follows from the facts that both the
denominator and the numerator of the ratio in the right side of (19) are positive - see
Proposition 2. Note that the rate at which each nation's carbon quota rises as the
global SRM level increases by one unit is smaller than one. In addition, the sum of
the marginal expansions in national carbon quotas associated with each unit increase
in the global SRM level is smaller than one. Thus, each unit increase in SRM leads to
a net decrease in the global temperature! Again, as in game III, each nation views
mitigation of carbon emissions and SRM provision as strategic substitutes.
In the first stage, each national government determines its level of SRM provision
to maximize its indirect utility, subject to (14a) and (19), taking the other nation’s
choice as given. Assuming interior solutions, the first-order conditions are ( j = 1, 2 )
∂H T dK M dH D ∂H T ∂QC− j
dM j dM ∂QC ∂M
Equations (20) tell us that the optimal SRM level for each nation is the one at which
⎛ dK M ∂H T dH D ⎞
the slope of the nation's indifference curve, − ⎜
⎟⎟ is equal to the
⎜ dM
∂H T ∂QC− j
slope of the best response function of nation − j ,
. Appendix A.5
∂QC ∂M
demonstrates that the sufficient second order condition holds in each maximization
problem. Thus, the Nash equilibrium for the first stage is unique. 24
We can now compare the effects on the global temperature of simultaneous
commitments on carbon permits with those of simultaneous commitments on SRM
policies. Equations (17) and (20) enable us to reach the conclusions summarized in
Proposition 3 below.
Proposition 3. If both nations simultaneously commit to carbon permit policies,
national SRM levels rise with the carbon quotas. The global temperature rises
following each unit increase in the global carbon quota. If both nations
simultaneously commit to SRM policies, national carbon quotas rise with national
SRM levels. The global temperature falls following each unit increase in the global
SRM level.
Game V. National Leadership in Carbon Permit Policy
In this game, nation 1 is the leader in carbon policy. Nation 2 observes the carbon
quota chosen by nation 1 and chooses its carbon quota in the second stage. In the third
stage, both nations choose SRM levels simultaneously. In the fourth stage, both
nations choose sulfur quotas simultaneously. Thus, this game adds one stage to the
timing of game III. Relative to the policy setting captured by game III, it enables us to
discover the effects associated with a nation's taking a leading position in carbon
Having observed QC1 , nation 2 chooses non-negative QC2 to maximize its
payoff function subject to (12a) and (16). The first- and second-order conditions for
the problem solved by government 2 are the same as in the first stage of game III.
( )
Hence, we can get QC2 QC1
from condition (18):
⎛ ∂pC2
∂QC1 ⎝⎜ ∂QC2
⎛ ∂ 2 v2
⎜⎜ 2
⎝ ∂QC2
⎟⎟ − 1.
⎛ ∂p
As shown in Appendix A.6, 0 < ⎜ C2
⎜ ∂QC
⎛ ∂ 2 v2
⎜⎜ 2
⎝ ∂QC2
⎟⎟ < 1. Thus, equation (21) yields
−1 < ∂QC2 ∂QC1 < 0 . Each unit increase in nation 1's carbon quota leads to a reduction
in nation 2's carbon quota at a rate smaller than one. The net effect of each unit
increase in nation 1's carbon quota is an increase in global carbon emissions and a
subsequent increase in the global temperature.
Consider now the first stage. The first-order condition for an interior solution is:
⎡ ∂H T ⎛ ∂H T dH D ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ∂QC2
pC1 − ⎢
⎟ ⎥ ⎜1 +
dM ⎠ ⎦ ⎜⎝ ∂QC1
⎣ ∂QC ⎝ ∂M
⎟⎟ = 0
Condition (22) informs us that the optimal quota level for nation 1 is determined by
⎡ ∂H T ⎛ ∂H T dH D ⎞ ⎤
the condition that equates PC1 / ⎢
⎟ ⎥ − 1, the slope of nation 1’s
indifference curve , to
, the slope of nation 2’s best response function.
Appendix A.7 demonstrates that the sufficient second-order condition is satisfied.
Hence, the solution to government 1's maximization problem is unique.
Game VI. National Leadership in SRM Policy
In this game, nation 1 is the leader in SRM policy. Nation 2 observes the SRM level
provided by nation 1 and then chooses its SRM level in the second stage. In the third
stage, carbon pollution quotas are chosen simultaneously. Finally, sulfur quotas are
chosen simultaneously in the fourth stage.
In the second stage, nation 2 chooses M 2 ≥ 0 to maximize its indirect utility,
subject to (14a) and QC j ( M ) . The first- and second-order conditions are the same as
in the first stage of game IV. Then we can obtain M 2 ( M1 ) from condition (20).
⎛ ∂Q ⎞ ⎛ ∂QC1 ⎞
2h D + 2hT ⎜1 − C ⎟ ⎜1 −
∂M ⎠
∂M 2
⎝ ∂M ⎠ ⎝
∂M 1
⎛ ∂Q ⎞ ⎛ ∂QC1
2 ( k M + h D ) + 2hT ⎜1 − C ⎟ ⎜1 −
⎝ ∂M ⎠ ⎝
< 0.
Condition (23) reveals that SRM levels are strategic substitutes and that the rate of
substitution is less than one in absolute value.
In the first stage, nation 1 determines M 1 to maximize its indirect utility subject
to the reactions in the subsequent stages. The first-order condition is
⎛ ∂H T dH D ∂H T ∂QC2 ⎞⎛ ∂M 2 ⎞ dK M
⎟⎜1 +
dM ∂QC ∂M ⎠ ⎝ ∂M1 ⎠ dM1
⎝ ∂M
Condition (24) shows that the optimal SRM level for nation 1 is determined by the
tangency condition which states that the slope of nation 1’s indifference curve,
dK M ⎛ ∂H T dH D ∂H T ∂QC2 ⎞
⎟ − 1 , is equal to the slope of nation 2’s best
dM1 ⎝ ∂M
dM ∂QC ∂M ⎠
response function,
∂M 2
. It is straightforward to show that the sufficient
∂M 1
second-order condition is satisfied - see Appendix A.8. Hence, the solution of the
maximization problem in the first stage is unique.
First-mover Advantage and Other Comparisons Across Equilibria
We now demonstrate that a nation always benefits from being a policy leader, either
in carbon policy or in SRM policy. Consider carbon policy first. By being a leader in
carbon policy, nation 1 selects its optimal quantity in game V on firm 2's reaction
curve. Thus, the choice nation 1 makes in game III (in which carbon policies are
chosen simultaneously) is available to this nation when it makes its choice in game V.
Since nation 1 selects a different carbon quantity quota in the equilibrium of game V
and the equilibrium for this game is unique, nation 1 strictly prefers the carbon quota
of game V to the carbon quota of game III. This is a revealed preference argument.
Revealed preference and the fact that the equilibrium for game VI is unique also
implies that nation 1 strictly prefers the choice it makes in game VI to the choice it
makes in game IV. Thus, nation 1 strictly prefers to move first in each type of policy
to moving simultaneously with nation 2.
We now demonstrate that nation 1 prefers to be the leader than to be the follower.
As in section 2.3, it is straightforward to show that
∂QC1 ∂QC2 < 0 ,
∂M1 ∂M 2 < 0 .
Result (25) informs us that carbon quotas are strategic substitutes. Result (26) informs
us that SRM levels are strategic substitutes. Hence, we have the following facts:
H T = hT ( C − M ) ⎫⎪
⎬ ⇒ QC1 and QC2 are technologically perfect substitutes.
C = QC1 + QC2
H D = hD M 2 ⎫
⎬ ⇒ M1 and M 2 are technologically perfect substitutes.
M = M1 + M 2 ⎭
Conditions (21) and (25) ⇒ QC1 and QC2 are strategic substitutes.
Conditions (23) and (26) ⇒ M1 and M 2 are strategic substitutes.
Proposition 4. Given (i) and (iii), a nation always prefers to be the leader rather than
the follower in carbon quota policy. Given (ii) and (iv), a nation always prefers to be
the leader rather than the follower in SRM policy.
Proof. It is a direct application of Varian’s proof for the preference of quantity
leadership in duopoly games. See Varian (1992), p. 297.
Together with the revealed preference results, which state that moving first is
strictly preferable to moving simultaneously in each type of policy, we can affirm:
Proposition 5. A nation always prefers to move first in either type of policy, carbon
quota or SRM.
Proposition 5 is important because it enables us to predict that, under our
modeling assumptions, a nation will always attempt to be the leader in climate change
policies. We are, however, unable to predict whether the leader has a policy
preference. We now assign specific values to parameters of the utility, cost and harm
functions in order to compare payoffs across equilibria and then to expand our
predictions of play. We will also be able to carry out comparative statics to show that
the more sensitive a nation is to acid rain damage the lower will be its optimal carbon
quota, the lower will be its provision of SRM and the lower it be its utility. In addition,
the higher the sensitivity of a nation to acid rain damage, the higher will be the other
nation's carbon quota, SRM level and utility. Hence, knowledge of θ1 and θ 2
enable us to make some international comparisons.
Let a = 1 2, b = 1, k C = k S = k M = k E = h A = hT = h D = 1 2 and x j = 0, j = 1, 2.
Solving consumer j ' s and producer j ' s maximization problems, the general
= (1 − 3Q
RC j = 1 − 3QC j + QS j
pC j
+ QS j
) 4,
RS j = 1 + QC j − 3QS j
pS j = 1 + QC j − 3QS j
) 4,
) 4,
= (3 − Q
e j = E j = 1 + QC j + QS j
pe j
− QS j
) 4,
) 4,
j = 1, 2 . Plugging these
functions into equation (9), we obtain the indirect utility function of nation j :
v j QC j , QC− j , QS j , M j , M − j = ⎡1 + 2 QC j + QS j + 2QC j QS j ⎤ 8
− ⎡ 4M 2j + 4M 2 + 4 ( QC − M ) + 3QC2 j + (3 + 4θ j ) QS2j ⎤ 8.
Solving the governments’ maximization problems in the different games using the
payoff functions (27), we compute the Nash equilibrium outcomes, the corresponding
payoffs and pollution damage levels. See Appendix A.9 for details.
For future reference, recall that the acid rain, drought and global warming
functions are as follows: H jA = θ j QS2j 2 , H D = M 2 2 and H T = (QC − M ) 2 ,
j = 1, 2 . It is also useful to compute the first order condition of nation j 's
maximization problem with respect to QS j , which holds in each game:
∂v j ∂QS j = 0 ⇒ QS j = 1 + QC j
) (3 + 4θ ) ,
j = 1, 2 .
The main results of the comparisons across equilibria are presented below.
Proposition 6. The rankings of payoffs and environmental damages in descending
order (i.e., column 1 displays the highest values and column 6 displays the lowest
values) are as follows:6
H 2A
Proof. It is available from the authors upon request.
In this table, we assume that nation 1 is the Stackelberg leader in games V and VI.
The results summarized in Proposition 6 are remarkable. Consider the ranking for
global welfare, V = v1 + v2 . Not surprisingly, the highest level of global welfare is
obtained at the equilibrium in which carbon and SRM policies are fully coordinated game II. However, the other ranking positions provide us with very interesting
messages: (i) global welfare is higher when SRM policy is determined before carbon
policy; (ii) for each type of policy commitment, global welfare is higher when there is
no leadership; (iii) SRM policy commitments are superior to no policy commitment
and the latter is superior to carbon policy commitments; and (iv) SRM policy
commitment without national leadership is second best.
The first message follows from two comparisons: (a) between the global welfare
levels implied by the equilibria for games IV and III; and (b) between global welfare
levels implied by the equilibria for games VI and V. Games III and IV are three-stage
games characterized by simultaneous choices in each stage. Since the equilibrium for
game IV yields a higher level of global welfare than the equilibrium for game III, the
globe prefers a setting in which national authorities simultaneously choose SRM
policies in the first stage to a setting in which national authorities simultaneously
choose carbon policies in the first stage.
The key intuition for this result follows from Proposition 3. Carbon quota and
SRM levels are positively correlated in both games. When there are simultaneous
commitments on carbon policy both nations anticipate that SRM levels chosen in the
second stage will rise with carbon quota levels. Since SRM policy is effective in
reducing the impacts of expanded carbon emissions on the global temperature, both
nations have incentives to produce “too much” carbon when they recognize the net
effects of expanding carbon emissions and SRM provision. Note in the table of
Proposition 6 that SRM is overprovided in the equilibrium for game III (i.e., the
drought damage is higher in the equilibrium for game III than in the socially optimal
allocation II). But, the costs of expanding carbon emissions are felt in the terms of
high acid rain damages, since carbon and sulfur emissions are strategic complements,
while the costs of counteracting high carbon emissions with high SRM levels are felt
in terms of high drought damages. On the other hand, when there are simultaneous
commitments on SRM policy, the nations anticipate that carbon quota levels chosen
in the second stage will rise with SRM levels. Anticipating this, the nations have
incentives to be cautious in SRM provision, since caution deters, to some extent, the
incentive to be excessive in carbon policy. The table in Proposition 6 demonstrates
that SRM is underprovided in the equilibrium for game IV.
Caution has some additional indirect benefits: caution in SRM policy controls
drought damages while the induced caution in carbon policy controls sulfur emissions.
The table in Proposition 6 enables us to compare equilibria outcomes for games III
and IV. Note that acid rain and drought damages are higher in the equilibrium for
game III. The climate change damage is higher in the equilibrium for game IV, but
the net effects are such that the equilibrium for game III features higher total
Games V and VI are four-stage games characterized by individual choices in the
first two stages and simultaneous choices in the last two stages. Since the equilibrium
for game VI yields a higher level of global welfare than the equilibrium for game V,
the globe should prefer a setting in which there is leadership in SRM policy to a
setting in which there is policy leadership in carbon policy. The intuition here follows
essentially the same logic of the intuition for global welfare to be higher when SRM
policy occurs prior to carbon policy. National leadership in either SRM or carbon
policy implies that the equilibrium outcomes are influenced by first-move-advantage
effects. However, the total damage is higher in the equilibrium for game V.
The second message follows from two comparisons: (a) between the global
welfare levels implied by the equilibria for games III and V; and (b) between the
global welfare levels implied by the equilibria for games IV and VI. Leadership in
carbon policy (resp. SRM policy) produces incentives for nation 1 (i.e., the leader in
games V and VI) to expand its carbon quota (resp. contract its SRM level) in game V
(resp. VI) than in game III (resp. IV) due to the fact that carbon quota levels (resp.
SRM levels) are strategic substitutes.
The third message follows from the second message and two comparisons: (a)
between the global welfare levels implied by the equilibria for games IV and I; and (b)
between the global welfare levels implied by the equilibria for games I and III. The
comparisons reveal that the global welfare level produced by the equilibrium for game
IV is higher than the global welfare level produced by the equilibrium for game I and
the latter is higher than the global welfare level produced by the equilibrium for game
III. The intuition for the equilibrium for game IV to produce higher global welfare
than the equilibrium for game I follows from the cautionary effects of SRM policy.
The intuition for the equilibrium for game III to possess lower global welfare than the
equilibrium for game I follows from the incentives to be excessive in carbon policy.
The last message is straightforward, since the level of global welfare implied by the
equilibrium for game IV is the highest among those produced by the inefficient
Finally, we compute some important effects associated with increasing a nation's
sensitivity to acid rain damage. Our findings are summarized in the proposition
Proposition 7. Let nation 1 be the leader in games V and VI. We obtain:
∂v1V ∂v1III
< 0,
∂θ1 ∂θ1
∂v1VI ∂v1IV
< 0,
∂QCi j
∂θ j
< 0,
∂QCi j
∂θ − j
> 0,
∂v1III ∂v1V
> 0,
∂θ 2 ∂θ 2
∂v1IV ∂v1VI
> 0,
∂θ 2 ∂θ 2
∂M ij
∂θ j
< 0,
∂M ij
∂θ− j
> 0 , i = I , II ,...,VI and j = 1, 2 . (29c)
Proof. It is available from the authors from request.
Note that θ j is the slope of nation j 's marginal acid rain damage function. The
first set of inequalities in (29a) and (29b) demonstrate that policy leaders are more
sensitive to changes in their sensitivity to acid rain damages. The higher the slope of
its marginal acid rain damage function, the more conservative it will be regarding its
choices of either carbon quota or SRM provision. The follower will in turn be more
aggressive in its policy making in each instance. Therefore, as shown in the first set of
inequalities (29a) and (29b), the leadership premiums v1V − v1III and v1VI − v1IV
decrease as θ1 increases. This implies that the nation, which faces the lowest slope
of the marginal acid rain damage function, is the one that earns the highest leadership
premiums. Hence, this is also the nation that has the greatest incentive to be a leader
in either type of policy.
The second set of inequalities in (29a) and (29b) inform us that a worsening in the
other nation's circumstances with respect to acid rain damages produces a lower gain
for the leader relative to a setting in which no leadership in policy is displayed. The
results in (29c) are intuitive. A nation becomes more concerned with global warming
and acid rain damages as it becomes more sensitive to acid rain damages. This
follows immediately from the fact that a nation's sulfur and carbon policies are
complementary. The higher sensitivity to acid rain damage also leads the nation to
reduce its provision of SRM. The effects for the competing nation are opposite - it
becomes less concerned with global warming and acid rain damages. This follows
from the facts that carbon quotas are strategic substitutes and a nation's carbon and
sulfur quotas are strategic complements. In addition, the competing nation has an
incentive to increase its provision of SRM.
5. Conclusion
This paper represents an initial exercise on strategic effects promoted by future policy
commitments on competing instruments designed to reduce the negative effects
associated with global warming. We consider a global economy consisting of two
nations and in which production of energy generates both sulfur and carbon emissions
and the nations can use carbon quotas and SRM provision to reduce the negative
effects associated with global warming. Although solar radiation management is a
global pure public good with respect to climate change, its provision has two types of
monetary costs; namely, technological and drought damage. We show that a nation
always views carbon and sulfur quotas as strategic complements. We also show that a
nation always prefers to be a policy leader, irrespective if the leadership is in carbon
policy or SRM policy. For specific values of parameters of utility and technology, we
can demonstrate that, among the inefficient scenarios, a nation prefers to be a policy
leader in carbon policy, but the globe prefers a setting in which SRM policy is
simultaneously determined by the competing nations before these nations
simultaneously determine carbon policy. If the globe is faced with situations in which
a nation displays policy leadership and it can choose between policy leadership in
carbon and SRM policies, it will choose policy leadership in SRM. From the globe's
perspective, if a fully coordinated agreement is unavailable, it prefers the settings in
which SRM policy is determined before carbon policy.
The low cost alternative produced by SRM provision relative to mitigation of
carbon emissions leads us to believe that nations will engage in the provision of SRM
in the near future. Due to questions of national security and sovereignty, nations may
not be forthcoming in disclosing key information about their activities related to
development of SRM. In future work, we plan to incorporate uncertainty and
asymmetric information in national provision of SRM into the model and study the
predictions of play of privately informed governments. Another interesting avenue for
future work is to utilize the recent developments in aggregative games to examine
extensions of our model to a general setting with a large number of nations.7
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A. Proof and Results
A.1. First-order conditions for the last stage of all games
By conditions (6a) – (6c) and (7a) – (7c), we have:
( (
E ( P (Q
E ( P (Q
) ) = E ( P (Q , Q ) , P (Q , Q ) , P (Q , Q ) )
, Q ) , P ( Q , Q ) , P (Q , Q ) ) − R ( P (Q , Q ) ) = Q
, Q ) , P ( Q , Q ) , P (Q , Q ) ) − R ( P (Q , Q ) ) = Q
e j Pe j QC j , QS j
Differentiating both sides of these equations with respect to QS j yields:
∂e j
∂QS j
∂E j
∂QS j
∂E j
∂QS j
∂E j
∂QS j
∂RC j
∂QS j
∂RS j
∂QS j
(A.1.2) + 1 (A.1.3)
Combining equations (A.1.1) to (A.1.3), (3) and (4a) to (4c), have:
dK E ∂E j dK C ∂RC j dK S ∂RS j ∂H j
= f (e j )
∂QS j
∂QS j dE j ∂QS j dRC j ∂QS j dRS j ∂QS j ∂QS j
∂v j
∂e j
⎞ ∂H jA dK S ∂H jA
dK E ⎞ ∂E j dK C ∂E j dK S ⎛ ∂E j
= ⎜ pe j −
− 1⎟ −
⎟ ∂QS
dE j ⎠⎟ ∂QS j dRC j ∂QS j dRS j ⎜ ∂QS j
dRS j ∂QS j
∂H j
= pS j −
∂QS j
A.2. Second-order conditions for the first stage in game I
The second partial derivatives of nation j 's payoff function are as follows:
∂ 2v j
∂QC j 2
∂ 2v j
∂M j 2
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
∂2 H T
=− S
− 2 hT < 0 ,
∂QC j ∂QC
k (a + k + k ) + h θ j (a + k + k + k )
∂pC j
d 2 K M (M j ) ∂ 2 H T d 2 H D
= −2 ( k M + hT + h D ) < 0 ,
dM j
∂ 2v j
∂QC j ∂M j
∂2 H T
= 2hT > 0 .
∂QC ∂M
∂ 2v j ∂ 2v j
∂QC j 2 ∂M j 2
⎛ ∂ 2v j
⎜ ∂QC ∂M j
⎡ 2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
⎥ ⎡⎣ 2 ( k M + hT + h D )⎤⎦ − ( 2hT )
=⎢ S
⎢⎣ k ( a + k + k ) + h θ j ( a + k + k + k )
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
⎡ 2 ( k M + hT + h D )⎤ + 4hT ( k M + h D ) > 0
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S ) ⎣
Hence, the Hessian matrix of second order terms is negative definite.
A.3. Second-order conditions for the first stage in game II
The second-order partial derivatives are:
∂pC j
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
∂ 2v
∂2 H T
− 4 hT < 0 ,
∂QC j
∂QC j
k (a + k + k ) + h θ j (a + k + k + k )
⎛ ∂2 H T d 2 H D ⎞
∂ 2v
d 2K M
= −2 ( k M + 2hT + 2h D ) < 0 ,
2 ⎟
∂M j
dM j
dM ⎠
⎝ ∂M
∂ 2v
∂2 H T
= −2
= 4hT > 0 .
∂QC j ∂M j
∂QC ∂M
∂ 2v j ∂ 2v j
∂QC j 2 ∂M j 2
⎛ ∂ 2v j
⎜ ∂QC ∂M j
⎡ 2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
⎥ ⎡⎣ 2 ( k M + 2hT + 2h D )⎤⎦ − ( 4hT )
=⎢ S
⎢⎣ k ( a + k + k ) + h θ j ( a + k + k + k )
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
⎡ 2 ( k M + 2hT + 2h D )⎤ + ⎡8hT ( k M + 2h D ) + 12 ( hT ) ⎤ > 0
k (a + k + k ) + h θ j (a + k + k + k )
Hence, the Hessian matrix for the second-order terms is negative definite.
A.4. Second-order conditions for the first stage in game III
∂ 2v j
∂QC j 2
∂pC j
∂QC j
∂ 2 H T ∂M − j
∂QC 2 ∂QC
⎡ ∂M ⎛ ∂ 2 H T d 2 H D
dM 2
⎣ ∂QC ⎝ ∂M
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
(a + k
2 h D + 2 hT + k M
) + h θ (a + k
+k +k
⎞ ∂2H T ⎤
⎠ ∂M ∂QC ⎦
− 2 hT
2 hT
⎢ 2 h D + 2 hT + k M ( 2 h + 2 h ) − 2 h ⎥
2k C k S ( a + k E ) + 2h A k Cθ j ( a + k E + k S )
k S ( a + k E + k C ) + h Aθ j ( a + k E + k C + k S )
2 ( hT ) k M
− 2h −
( 2h
+ 2h + k
the second order condition for each government’s problem is satisfied.
A.5. Second-order conditions for the first stage in game IV
We check the second order condition as follows:
d 2 K M d 2 H D ∂2 H T
∂ 2 H T ∂QC ∂QC− j ⎛ ∂ 2 H T ∂QC
∂2 H T ⎞
∂M j 2
dM j 2
dM 2
∂M 2 ∂M ∂QC ∂M
∂M ⎝ ∂QC 2 ∂M ∂QC ∂M ⎠
∂QC ∂QC− j ⎛ T ∂QC
= −2 ( k M + h D + hT ) + 2hT
− 2 hT ⎟
⎜ 2h
∂M ⎝
⎛ ∂Q ⎞ ⎛ ∂QC− j ⎞
= −2 ( k M + h D ) − 2hT ⎜1 − C ⎟ ⎜1 −
∂M ⎠⎟
⎝ ∂M ⎠ ⎝⎜
∂ 2v j
By (19), we have
⎛ ∂pC1 ∂pC2 ⎞
−2hT ⎜
⎜ ∂QC ∂QC ⎟⎟
2 ⎠
∂pC1 ∂pC2
∂pC1 ∂pC2
− 2 hT ⎜
⎜ ∂QC ∂QC
∂QC1 ∂QC2
∂pC j
∂QC j
∂QC j
< 0,
∂QC j
> 0,
∂QC− j
∂QC ∂QC1 ∂QC2
∂QC− j ∂QC
∂ 2v j
< 1 and 0 <
< 1. Hence,
< 0.
∂M j 2
⎛ ∂p
A.6. Proof of 0 < ⎜ C2
⎜ ∂QC
⎛ ∂ 2 v2
⎜⎜ 2
⎝ ∂QC2
⎟⎟ < 1 in the second stage of game V
By equation (17) and our assumptions on the functional forms of H T and H D , we
∂ 2 v2
∂M 1 ⎛ ∂ 2 H T d 2 H D
∂2 H T ⎡ ∂2 H T
∂QC2 2 ∂QC 2 ⎣ ∂QC ∂M ∂QC ⎝ ∂M 2
dM 2
⎞ ⎤ ∂M
∂ 2 H T ∂M 1
⎠ ⎦ ∂QC ∂M ∂QC ∂QC
D ⎤
= 2hT + ⎢ −2hT + D
)⎥ 2h D + 2hT + k M
2h + 2hT + k M
2h D + 2hT + k M
2hT ⎡⎢ 4 ( h D ) + ( k M ) + 4h D hT + 4h D k M + hT k T ⎤⎥
⎦ >0
M 2
( 2h + 2h + k )
∂pC j
∂QC j
< 0 by Proposition 2 and
⎛ ∂pC2
∂ 2v2
< 0 , then 0 < ⎜
⎜ ∂QC
A.7. Second-order conditions for the first stage in game V
⎛ ∂ 2 v2
⎜⎜ 2
⎝ ∂QC2
⎟⎟ < 1.
∂pC1 ⎛ ∂QC2 ⎞ ⎡ ∂ 2 H T
⎛ ∂2 H T
∂ 2 v1
∂2 H T
∂2 H T d 2 H D
∂QC1 2 ∂QC1 ⎜⎝ ∂QC1 ⎟⎠ ⎣ ∂QC 2 ∂M ∂QC ⎝ ∂QC ∂M ∂M 2
dM 2
∂pC1 ⎛ ∂QC2 ⎞ ⎡ T
∂M ⎤
2h − 2hT + ( −2hT + 2hT + 2h D )
− ⎜1 +
∂QC1 ⎜⎝ ∂QC1 ⎟⎠ ⎣
∂QC ⎦
∂M ⎛ ∂QC2 ⎞
− 2h D
⎜1 +
∂QC ⎜⎝ ∂QC1 ⎟⎠
⎞ ∂M ⎤
⎠ ∂QC ⎦
∂ 2v1
> 0 and −1 <
< 0.
< 0 , we have
∂QC1 2
< 0,
A.8. Second-order condition for the first stage in game VI
Since −1 <
∂QC2 ∂QC
∂M 2
< 0 and 0 <
< 1 , the second order condition is
∂M 1
d 2 K M ⎛ ∂M 2 ⎞ ⎡ ∂ 2 H T d 2 H D ∂QC2 ∂ 2 H T
− ⎜1 +
+ C
∂M 1
dM 1
∂M ∂QC ∂M ∂M
⎝ ∂M 1 ⎠ ⎣ ∂M
∂QC2 ∂ 2 H T ⎞ ⎤
⎛ ∂2H T
2 ⎟⎥
⎝ ∂M ∂QC ∂M ∂QC ⎠ ⎦
∂QC2 ∂QC ⎛
∂QC2 ⎞ ⎤
⎛ ∂M 2 ⎞ ⎡ T
= −2 k M − ⎜ 1 +
⎜ −2 h + 2 h
⎟ ⎢ 2h + 2h − 2h
∂M ⎝
∂M ⎠ ⎦
⎝ ∂M 1 ⎠ ⎣
⎛ ∂M 2 ⎞ ⎡ D
T ⎛
= −2 k M − ⎜ 1 +
⎟ ⎢ 2h + 2 h ⎜ 1 −
⎝ ∂M
⎝ ∂M 1 ⎠ ⎣
⎞ ⎛ ∂QC2 ⎞ ⎤
⎟ ⎥ < 0.
⎟ ⎜1 −
∂M ⎠ ⎦
A.9. Nash equilibrium outcomes, payoffs and pollution levels for the example
10 + 7θ j + 18θ − j + 15θ jθ − j
QCI j =
56 + 81(θ j + θ − j ) + 117θ jθ − j
4 + 5(θ j + θ − j ) + 6θ jθ − j
M Ij =
56 + 81(θ j + θ − j ) + 117θ jθ − j
22 + 33θ − j
56 + 81(θ j + θ − j ) + 117θ jθ − j
18 + 8θ j + 37θ − j + 27θ jθ − j
156 + 224 (θ j + θ − j ) + 321θ jθ − j
M IIj =
QSI j =
8 + 10 (θ j + θ − j ) + 12θ jθ − j
156 + 224 (θ j + θ − j ) + 321θ jθ − j
50 + 36θ j + 89θ − j + 75θ jθ − j
268 + 388 (θ j + θ − j ) + 561θ jθ − j
, QSIIj =
58 + 87θ − j
156 + 224 (θ j + θ − j ) + 321θ jθ − j
, QSIIIj =
53 (θ j + θ − j )
268 + 388 (θ j + θ − j ) + 561θ jθ − j
j =
Q =
268 + 388 (θ j + θ − j ) + 561θ jθ − j
136 + 284θ j + 448θ− j + 976θ jθ− j + 127θ j 2 + 363θ− j 2 + 477θ j 2θ − j + 816θ jθ − j 2 + 423θ j 2θ − j 2
20 + 25 (θ j + θ − j ) + 30θ jθ − j
848 + 2444 (θ j + θ− j ) + 7038θ jθ− j + 1761(θ j 2 + θ− j 2 ) + 5067 (θ j 2θ− j + θ jθ − j 2 ) + 3645θ j 2θ − j 2
848 + 2444 (θ j + θ − j
( 2 + 3θ ) ⎡⎣164 + 236 (θ + θ ) + 339θ θ ⎤⎦
) + 7038θ θ + 1761(θ + θ ) + 5067 (θ θ + θ θ ) + 3645θ
j −j
j −j
j −j
2836 + 5746θ F + 5836θ L + 13071θ Lθ F + 2364θ F 2 + 6689θ Lθ F 2
21128 + 30992θ L + 60808θ F + 89112θ Lθ F + 43772θ F 2 + 64083θ Lθ F 2
9164 + 26554θ F + 19261θ F 2
21128 + 30992θ L + 60808θ F + 89112θ Lθ F + 43772θ F 2 + 64083θ Lθ F 2
7988 + 12276θ L + 11534θ F + 17693θ Lθ F
21128 + 30992θ L + 60808θ F + 89112θ Lθ F + 43772θ F 2 + 64083θ Lθ F 2
5 (92 + 131θ F ) ⎡⎣4 + 5 (θ L + θ F ) + 6θ Lθ F ⎤⎦
5 (92 + 131θ F ) ⎡⎣4 + 5 (θ L + θ F ) + 6θ Lθ F ⎤⎦
21128 + 30992θ L + 60808θ F + 89112θ Lθ F + 43772θ F 2 + 64083θ Lθ F 2
21128 + 30992θ L + 60808θ F + 89112θ Lθ F + 43772θ F 2 + 64083θ Lθ F 2
G1 VI G2 VI G3 VI G4 VI G5 VI G6
, QCF = , QSL = , QSF =
ML =
MF = ;
where QCi j , QSi j , M ij , i = I , II , ..., VI , j = 1, 2 denote the levels of carbon quotas,
sulfur quotas and SRM of nation j in game i , L and F denote the leader and
the follower, and:
848 + 2444 (θ j + θ− j ) + 7038θ jθ− j + 1761(θ j 2 + θ− j 2 ) + 5067 (θ j 2θ − j + θ jθ − j 2 ) + 3645θ j 2θ − j 2
6364 + 5664θ L + 18854θ F + 17104θ Lθ F + 14011θ F 2 + 12961θ Lθ F 2
21128 + 30992θ L + 60808θ F + 89112θ Lθ F + 43772θ F 2 + 64083θ Lθ F 2
M FV =
θ− j 2
40 + 102θ j + 114θ− j + 289θ jθ− j + 65θ j 2 + 80θ − j 2 + 183θ j 2θ − j + 201θ jθ − j 2 + 126θ j 2θ − j 2
M LV =
G = 380480 + 2193536θ L + 2190144θ F + 12621200θ Lθ F + 4742440θ L 2 + 4727576θ F 2
+27275520θ L 2θ F + 27232116θ Lθ F 2 + 58825956θ L 2θ F 2 + 4557108θ L3 + 4535400θ F 3
+26198480θ L 3θ F + 26113988θ Lθ F 3 + 56479077θ L 3θ F 2 + 56386602θ L 2θ F 3 + 54114048θ L3θ F 3
+1642181θ L 4 + 1631615θ F 4 + 9436776θ L 4θ F + 9390525θ Lθ F 4 + 20335320θ L 4θ F 2 + 20267847θ L 2θ F 4
+19475532θ L 4θ F 3 + 19442727θ L3θ F 4 +6994431θ L 4θ F 4 ;
G1 = 59680 + 296208θ L + 368640θ F + 1847624θ Lθ F + 536916θ L 2 + 849844θ F 2
+3394698θ L 2θ F + 4295218θ Lθ F 2 + 7981832θ L 2θ F 2 + 416470θ L 3 + 867126θ F 3
+2685977θ L 3θ F + 4414401θ Lθ F 3 + 6418320θ L 3θ F 2 + 8282796θ L 2θ F 3 + 6750099θ L 3θ F 3
+114227θ L 4 + 330565θ F 4 + 760452θ L 4θ F + 1693509θ Lθ F 4 + 1862532θ L 4θ F 2 + 3203973θ L 2θ F 4
+1997784θ L 4θ F 3 + 2640654θ L 3θ F 4 +794205θ L 4θ F 4 ;
G2 = 59680 + 369568θ L + 295280θ F + 1846904θ Lθ F + 854060θ L 2 + 533420θ F 2
+4304800θ L 2θ F + 3383016θ Lθ F 2 + 7977241θ L 2θ F 2 + 873504θ L 3 + 412192θ F 3
+4435442θ L 3θ F + 2667996θ Lθ F 3 + 8300595θ L 3θ F 2 + 6396060θ L 2θ F 3 + 6746850θ L 3θ F 3
+333778θ L 4 + 112545θ F 4 + 1705779θ L 4θ F + 752643θ Lθ F 4 + 20335320θ L 4θ F 2 + 1850481θ L 2θ F 4
+2646837θ L 4θ F 3 + 1991601θ L 3θ F 4 +794205θ L 4θ F 4 ;
G3 = (2 + 3θ F )(73360 + 317144θ L + 316424θ F + 1367136θ Lθ F + 457034θ L 2 + 454934θ F 2
+1969016θ L 2θ F + 1964425θ Lθ F 2 + 2827602θ L 2θ F 2 + 219551θ L 3 + 218020θ F 3
+945327θ L3θ F + 940866θ Lθ F 3 + 1356741θ L 3θ F 2 + 1353492θ L 2θ F 3 + 649053θ L 3θ F 3 );
G4 = (2 + 3θ L )(73360 + 317144θ L + 316424θ F + 1367136θ Lθ F + 457034θ L 2 + 454934θ F 2
+1969016θ L 2θ F + 1964425θ Lθ F 2 + 2827602θ L 2θ F 2 + 219551θ L 3 + 218020θ F 3
+945327θ L3θ F + 940866θ Lθ F 3 + 1356741θ L 3θ F 2 + 1353492θ L 2θ F 3 + 649053θ L 3θ F 3 );
G5 = [16 + 23(θ L + θ F ) + 33θ Lθ F ]2 (40 + 102θ L + 114θ F + 289θ Lθ F + 65θ L 2 + 80θ F 2
+183θ L 2θ F + 201θ Lθ F 2 + 126θ L 2θ F 2 );
G6 = [4 + 5(θ L + θ F ) + 6θ Lθ F ](5520 + 24456θ L + 23352θ F + 103460θ Lθ F + 36096θ L 2
+32916θ F 2 + 152699θ L 2θ F + 145837θ Lθ F 2 + 215244θ L 2θ F 2 + 17749θ L 3 + 15459θ F 3
+75081θ L3θ F + 68496θ Lθ F 3 + 105831θ L3θ F 2 + 101097θ L 2θ F 3 + 49707θ L3θ F 3 ).
Substituting those results into the payoff and harm functions, respectively, we can
obtain nation j ' s payoffs and pollution levels in the different games.