Implausible willingness to pay estimates in choice experiments: preference space versus willingness to pay space Romain Crastes a * , Olivier Beaumais b, c , Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu d, Dimitri Laroutis a, Pablo Martínez-Camblor e, f a Agri’terr LECOR, ESITPA 3 rue du Tronquet, 76134 Mont Saint Aignan, France b EconomiX, UMR CNRS 7235,Paris West University Nanterre La Défense Bâtiment G, 200 Avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre cedex, France c LISA, UMR CNRS 6240, University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli Avenue Jean Nicoli, BP 52, 20250 Corte, France d LEMNA, EA-4272, University of Nantes Chemin de la Censive du Tertre, 44322 Nantes, France e OIB-FICYT, Biosanitary Research Bureau Calle Matemático Pedrayes, 25, Entresuelo, 33005 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain f Oviedo University Calle San Francisco, 1, 33003 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain * Corresponding author at : Unité Agri’terr, ESITPA, 3 rue du Tronquet, 76134 Mont Saint Aignan, France. Tel.: +33 6330 47867 ; fax : +33 2350 52740 ; email : 1 Implausible willingness to pay estimates in choice experiments: preference space versus willingness to pay space Abstract In this paper, we provide a methodology for assessing and comparing the plausibility of willingnessto-pay estimates from Discrete Choice Experiments when Random Parameter Models are used. We conduct a two-round survey. Round one consists in a standard Discrete Choice Experiment survey at the end of which different models are estimated. During round two, new respondents are surveyed. In addition to the Discrete Choice Experiment survey, these new respondents have to state which of the WTP values derived from the models previously estimated is the closest to their true preferences. This process is repeated ten times with new random values generated by a computer program as random coefficient enter the models. Results are then analyzed using a new non-parametric test based on the common area of kernel density estimates in order to provide a criterion for eliciting the model which is the closest to respondents’ true preferences. We illustrate our methodology by comparing two recent advances in the field of choice modeling: the cost-income ratio in preference space model and the willingness-to-pay space model. Results indicate that 72 % of the respondents prefer values from the willingness-to-pay space model. Moreover, the willingness-to-pay distribution derived from this model is 1.72 times closer to respondent’s true preferences in comparison to the preference space model. 1. Introduction Recent efforts in the field of choice modeling have focused on the development of econometric tools that accurately represent heterogeneity in taste across choice makers (Train, 2009, Fiebig et al., 2010). More precisely, random coefficient models have almost become common place in the field of monetary valuation based on choice experiments. This category of models includes the mixed logit and the generalized multinomial logit, which both provide easy ways to derive WTP distributions rather than point estimates. However, WTP distributions may greatly vary depending on model specifications. Competing approaches often lead to competing WTP distributions. In the literature, 2 some WTP distributions are said to be more plausible or more realistic than others, despite the plausibility (or the realism) of these distributions is much more stated than demonstrated. As an illustration, the WTP space approach is said to produce more plausible WTP distributions than the preference space approach, despite the latest generally provides better fit, which questions which criterion should be used for assessing plausibility. Haab and McConnell (1998, 2002) suggest three criteria for a valid measure of WTP from dichotomous choice contingent valuation studies: (1) willingness to pay has a non-negative lower bound and an upper bound not greater than income, (2) estimation and calculation are accomplished with no arbitrary truncation, (3) there is consistency between randomness for estimation and randomness for calculation. It is unsure whether the two first criteria would still be relevant regarding the recent developments in modeling preference heterogeneity. A WTP distribution may simply be considered plausible or realistic if it reflects the true underlying preferences of the targeted population. Of course, a standard one-round choice experiments survey allows to estimate competing models leading to competing WTP distributions. But so far, the choice of one distribution over another is generally based on expert knowledge. Even when appropriate econometrics tools are used, a oneround choice experiment survey does not allow to assess whether the predicted WTP distributions actually reflect the true WTP distribution of the population, i.e. whether a WTP distribution is more plausible (or realistic) than another. The main contribution of our paper is hence to propose a protocol which allows to assess whether a model specification provides more plausible WTP distributions in comparison to others for a given choice experiment survey. Our protocol is designed as follows: a. At first, a specific two-round survey design is used. The first round consists in gathering enough data for model estimations using a classic choice experiment survey. The second round consists in interrogating new respondents using the same survey. However at the end, random WTP values taken from a preference space and a WTP space model both estimated using the first round data are proposed to the respondents. Respondents have to state which value is the closest to their true preference and repeat this operation several times with new values taken from the same models. 3 b. Secondly, we propose to compare competing WTP distributions using specific nonparametric statistical tests (or measures), including recent k-sample tests, which, to our knowledge, have never been applied in the field of choice modeling and monetary valuation. Results allow to state which model specification is the closest to the true underlying preferences of the targeted population. Although in this paper we do apply our protocol to the comparison of WTP distributions stemming from preference space and WTP space models, the scope of our protocol is much wider and could be applied to compare a wide range of WTP distributions and select the most plausible among them. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes existing approaches for eliciting WTP distributions and the problem associated with the absence of choice criteria between them. Section 3 presents the survey methodology and the data. Section 4 presents results. Section 5 discusses the possibility to implement the methodology we suggest in future researches and concludes. 2. Eliciting WTP distributions in Discrete Choice Experiments 2.1. The preference space approach The preference space approach refers to the standard model parameterization in DCE. Following Train and Weeks (2005), the utility a decision-maker n derives from choosing the alternative j from the choice-set t is a function of the cost p and a set of non-cost attributes x: (1) α and β are randomly distributed and vary over decision makers following a given distribution in order to represent that different people have different tastes, cognitive abilities, etc., and ε is a random term which is distributed extreme value with a variance that can vary over decision-makers equal to with as the scale parameter for the nth decision-maker. The error term can have the same variance for all decision-makers without affecting the behavior by dividing (1) by the scale parameter: (2) 4 corresponds to to and . ε is here IID extreme value with a constant variance equal to . Equation (2) corresponds to the model in preference space. The WTP for a given attribute is obtained through the ratio . As may also be randomly distributed, the WTP distribution for a given attribute greatly depends on the distribution used for the cost coefficient λ. Holding the cost coefficient fixed may be considered as behaviorally implausible as it suggests that there is no heterogeneity in cost sensitivity. Moreover, common distributions such as the normal, truncated normal, uniform and triangular distributions may prevent the underlying WTP distribution to have finite moments according to Daly et al., (2012). As a result, the cost coefficient is often specified to be log-normally distributed as it constrains it to be negative and allows to obtain distributions of WTP with finite moments. However, such specification causes WTP values to ‘explode’, i.e. to reach extremely high values because the distribution of makes this coefficient likely to be very close to zero. This problem may be circumvented by using a cost-income ratio variable. 2.2. The cost-income ratio approach in preference space Indeed, in a recent paper, Giergiczny et al., (2012) proposed to introduce a cost-income ratio, an interaction variable constructed by dividing the cost variable by respondent’s income in order to prevent WTP values from ‘exploding’ when the cost coefficient is log-normally distributed. Following this specification, the WTP for a . given attribute is obtained through the ratio Since a log-normally distributed cost coefficient is constrained to be negative, the interacting variable has to be negative as well in order to move the denominator of away from zero. By construction, the cost-income ratio ensures it because, for normal goods, economic theory assumes that respondents with higher income have higher WTP. As a result, is moved away from zero for every respondent, although this effect is lower for respondents with higher income. This approach has not been applied elsewhere to our knowledge. A growing alternative to the preference space approach is the WTP space approach, which consists in specifying 5 WTP distributions prior to the model estimation stage rather than deriving them from utility coefficient distributions. 2.3. The Willingness To Pay space approach The WTP space approach, suggested by Train and Weeks (2005), is based on the idea that convenient distributions for utility coefficients do not imply convenient distributions for WTP and the opposite as well. Equation (2) is reformulated so that WTP distributions are directly specified and not derived from utility coefficient distributions: (3) where , It is worth noting that (2) and (3) are behaviorally equivalent. More precisely, any distribution of and in equation (2) involves a distribution of and in (4) and the opposite is true as well (Scarpa et al., 2008). The coefficients estimated in WTP space can be estimated using Bayesian techniques or through maximum simulated likelihood and can be interpreted directly as marginal WTP estimates (Train and Weeks, 2005). It has been shown to produce inferior mean WTP in comparison to the standard approach in preference space. It is also said to produce more plausible WTP values although it has never been empirically proven to our knowledge. More generally, the literature does not firmly indicate that any of the presented approaches is superior to the others. The specification which provides the most realistic WTP distribution for a given set of choice experiment survey data is likely to be case specific as shown in the next section. 2.4. Plausibility of WTP distributions: preference space versus WTP space In their seminal paper on the WTP space approach, Train and Weeks (2005) declared that the WTP distributions they derived from models in preference space translate “untenable” implications because of their “unreasonably” large variance in comparison to the WTP distributions derived from models in WTP space. However, the preference space method was found to fit the data better than the WTP space approach. The authors conclude that alternative distributional specifications are required to 6 either provide more reasonable WTP distributions in preference space or better fit the data in WTP space. Sonnier et al. (2007) also found out that the model they estimated in WTP space (referred to in their paper as the “surplus model”) results in more “reasonable” estimates of the distribution of WTP. However, the in-sample fit statistics between the model in preference space and the model in WTP space were found to be “ambiguous”. They conclude that the core of the inferential problems concerning conjoint experiments revolves around “whether to implement prior knowledge about WTP […] especially when the data are better fit with arbitrary large WTP values”. On the contrary to the previous studies, Mabit et al. (2006) clearly highlighted the appeal of the WTP space method in comparison of the preference space method. Indeed, the results of their study suggest a better model fit for the data estimated in WTP space as well as more plausible WTP distributions (i.e. lower WTP values). A similar result has been obtained by Scarpa et al. (2008), who compared the approach in preference space and the approach in WTP space to data on site choice in The Alps. For example, they report that their model in preference space implies that 5% of the population surveyed is willing to pay at least €1.41 for a 1% increase in easy trails while it is €0.60 for the model in WTP space, a result qualified as “more plausible”. Also, the WTP space parameterization was found to fit the data better. Finally, the results obtained by Hole and Kolstad (2012) differ a lot between model parameterizations. The authors hence suggest to carefully test the sensitivity of random coefficient models when the purpose of the study is to determine reliable WTP distributions estimates. As shown through the given examples, the WTP space approach is often said to produce more plausible WTP estimates. However, considering the example given for Scarpa et al. (2008) above, a WTP of €1.41 does not obviously appear to be implausible in comparison to a WTP of €0.60. Model fit measures are also shown to not be a robust decision criterion. Hence, implementing prior knowledge about WTP and careful sensitivity testing is required as suggested by Sonnier et al. (2007) and Hole and Kolstad (2012). As a result, we propose in the next section a DCE procedure for eliciting the specification which results in the most plausible WTP distribution. We illustrate this approach by comparing the cost-income ratio approach and the WTP space approach. However, the methodology we suggest is meant to be extended to a wider range of models. 7 3. Survey Our methodology relies on a new two-round survey design, which is here illustrated by a DCE on erosive runoff events mitigation measures. 3.1. Round one 3.1.1. Data The first round of the DCE on erosive runoff events mitigation measures took place in fall 2011 in the Vallée du Commerce (Upper-Normandy, France) which is a watershed severely exposed to erosive runoff events (floods, mudslides, landslides). The DCE survey has been fully described in Crastes et al. (2013). Three attributes were considered, with each attribute taking two levels, « yes » or « no ». The first management policy attribute, referred to as agriculture, consisted in implementing responsible water management measures in farming production. The second management policy attribute, infrastructure, consisted in implementing protective infrastructures, which comprises both hydraulic works (absorbing parking, permeable roads) and heavy structures (dams and dikes). Finally, the third management policy attribute, communication, corresponded to a set of measures aimed at increasing the general public awareness about erosive runoff events and the measures individuals may take by themselves in order to mitigate these risks. Excluding the status quo, the cost attribute could take three levels: €12.50, €25 and €37.50. The values taken by the cost attributes have been decided together with the district authorities using the results from a pre-test survey. The DCE has been designed as follow: 24 alternatives were generated following an orthogonal optimal in the difference factorial design (Rose and Bliemer, 2008). Beyond the status quo, each respondent had to face a second alternative specifically chosen to be the opposite of the first alternative (the cost level was also set to be different). The 24 choice sets have been divided in 4 blocks of 6 choice sets each. These four blocs have been equally distributed within the respondents. 341 respondents provided complete answers during round one. Respondents were chosen following the quotas method in order to ensure that the survey sample fits with census data. Information on gender, age, income and localization were also gathered. Table 1 provides descriptive statistics. 8 [Table 1 about here] 3.1.2. Models Two random coefficient models were estimated using the data gathered during the first round of the experiment. The first model is specified in Preference Space (PS) following the approach proposed by Giergiczny et al. (2012) and is referred to as the PS model while the second model is specified in Willingness to pay Space (WS) and is referred to as the WS model. The coefficients agriculture, infrastructure and communication were set as random and normally distributed for both models while the cost coefficient was set to be log-normally distributed for the PS model. In addition, a cost-income ratio variable enters the PS model. Table 2 provides estimation results for both models. [Table 2 about here] It is worth noting that non-monetary attribute coefficients for both models are all positive and significant at the 1% level. Moreover, the cost coefficient and the cost-income ratio of the PS model are both negative and significant. Each of the random coefficients entering the models has a significant standard deviation. The ASC is negative for the PS model, while it is positive for the WS model, suggesting that whether or not a status-quo bias may be reported depends on model specifications. As it has been seen in previous studies (Train and Weeks, 2005 ; Sonnier et al., 2007), the log-likelihood for the PS model is slightly lower than for the WS model, while marginal WTP estimates are higher for the PS model. The model results were used for eliciting which model provides the most realistic WTP estimates during the second round of the survey. 3.2. Round two Round two took place in fall 2012 in the same area as round one under identical conditions. New respondents were confronted with an updated questionnaire organized as follows: 9 (i) At first, the survey simply consisted in the same questionnaire used during round one with a minor change: respondents were asked to indicate, among the six alternatives they chose, the one they prefer the most1. (ii) Secondly, a computer program was used to draw 10 positive WTP values2 for the respondents’ favourite alternative based on the parameter estimates of the PS model and 10 WTP values for this alternative based on the parameters estimates of the WS model. (iii) The WTP generated were sorted so that the respondents were presented with two WTP values with one value drawn from the PS model and one value drawn from the WS model. Respondents were then asked to choose the closest value to her/his true WTP. This operation was then repeated 9 times with the remaining WTP estimates previously calculated. (iv) Finally, respondents had to state, among the 10 WTP values they chose, the one that corresponds to the minimum they are sure to pay and the one that corresponds to the maximum amount they are sure to refuse to pay. This interval reflects the true underlying preferences of the population who is willing to pay. 102 respondents fitting census data were surveyed during round two, which results in a total of 1015 3 choices. Table 3 provides descriptive statistics for the second round of the survey sample and Table 4 describes respondents’ favourite alternatives. [Table 3 about here] [Table 4 about here] 4. Results At first, we compare the distributions of the 1015 values drawn from the PS model and the 1015 values drawn from the WS model using kernel density estimates. Kernel density estimation is a standard non-parametric technique for estimating the probability density function of a random sample 1 Respondents who selected the status quo as their favorite alternative were not considered because their WTP could not be estimated using the standard approaches described in Section 2. 2 Negative WTP values were deleted and news draws were generated until a positive result was reached. 3 Five choices were removed from the database because of missing values. 10 and for analysing its shape. The PS model produced a higher mean WTP and its distribution exhibits a longer tail in comparison to the WS model as shown by Figure 1 and Table 5: [Figure 1 about here] [Table 5 about here] Table 6 provides descriptive statistics on the WTP values presented to the respondents for both the PS and the WS model (model values), choices for the complete sample (chosen values) as well as for the interval sample (interval values), which only comprises the WTP values which fell within the ranges chosen by respondents, hence reflecting their true preferences. [Table 6 about here] The main result from Table 6 is that about 71% of the choices were made in favour of the WS model (718 choices made) while there are only 298 choices (29 %) in favour of the PS model. However, only 347 values out of the 1015 WTP choices made fit in the interval selected by respondents (34.18%). Out of these 347 selected values, 245 (71.64%) were drawn from the WS model. The proportion of WTP values chosen drawn from the each of the two models is hence shown to be consistent between the chosen values sample and the interval values sample. We now carry a series of tests to confirm and explain this result. 4.1 Distribution tests 4.1.1 Common non-parametric tests Given the design of our round two questionnaire, the interval values sample distribution reflects the true WTP distribution of the population. By measuring the distance between the interval values sample distribution and WTP distributions from the PS and WS models, we provide a criterion for assessing the plausibility of a given model in comparison to others. The distance between WTP distributions is hence investigated using non-parametric tests. At first, we conduct a Kolmogorov-Smirnov twosample test and an Epps-Singleton test. Both tests are common non-parametric tests whose test statistic allows evaluating the distance between two data distributions. Although the Epps-Singleton 11 test has been shown to have greater power than the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, we also conducted the latest as it is still widely used (Epps and Singleton, 1986). [Table 7 about here] The results of both tests are reported in Table 7. The distribution of the interval values sample is closest to the WS values sample than the PS values sample, which could be expected considering that around 71% of the chosen values were drawn from the WS model. Moreover, results show that the Dstat and the w2-stat are lower for the PS model in comparison to the WS model, which means that for both tests, the WS values sample is closer to the true preferences of the population. In order to provide a better study of the difference between the shape and the spread of these distributions, we use a more appropriate new k-sample test based on the common area of kernel density estimator which has never been used in environmental valuation to our knowledge. 4.1.2 Common area of kernel density estimators test The common area of kernel density estimators test allow to test the equality of k-random variables with densities f1,..., fk. It consists in measuring the area under the kernel estimators which is common to all of them. This area is designed as the common area (AC) criterion, introduced and studied by Martínez-Camblor et al., (2008). It is defined by Equation (4): AC min f 1 (t ),..., f k (t ) dt (4) [Figure 2 about here] Figure 2 illustrate the common area criterion. Three densities f, g and h are tested. The grey area is common to all these three densities and gives the AC criterion. The AC criterion ranges between 0 (absolute discordance) and 1 (absolute concordance). The direct AC estimator is the results of replacing the usually unknown density functions by appropriate estimators, namely kernel density estimators. Its behaviour has been analysed from several simulation studies whose results are available in Martínez-Camblor et al., (2008) and Martínez-Camblor and De Uña-Álvarez (2009). The bootstrap method is usually used in order to approximate p-values. The results from the studies previously 12 mentioned suggest that the AC criterion is more powerful than previous k-sample tests, more specifically Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Crámer-von Mises and Anderson-Darling tests (Martínez-Camblor et al., (2008)). The AC criterion test has been shown to be useful for studying whether the involved densities present differences in shape or in spread, especially for homogeneous sample sizes. In this paper, we compare each of the kernel density of the presented WTP value samples to the kernel density of the interval values sample, so k = 2. Martínez-Camblor et al., (2008) demonstrate that in the two samples case, the AC criterion corresponds to: AC 1 1 f1 (t ) f 2 (t ) dt 2 (5) Figure 3 and 4 report the kernel density estimates of the model values samples in comparison to the interval values sample. Table 8 reports the results of the test ran over these kernel densities. [Figure 3 about here] [Figure 4 about here] [Table 8 about here] It is shown by Table 8 that about 38% of the area under the kernel density estimator of the interval values sample is common with the PS values sample while it is about 67 % for the kernel density estimator of the WS values sample. Test results give a precise measure of the plausibility of the WTP values provided by the PS model in comparison to the WS model. According to the AC criterion, the WS values distribution is about 1.72 (0.631/0.369) times closer to the interval values sample distribution in comparison to the PS values distribution. As previously stated, the distance between WTP distributions is a criterion which may be used for assessing the plausibility of the WTP distributions derived from a given model in comparison to another. In our case, the WS model provides more plausible WTP estimations than the PS model. The WTP distributions derived from the WS model should hence be used for policy making rather than the WTP distributions derived from the PS model. It is worth noting that these results may be 13 case-specific and that future applications of the two-round survey design may find different results. Additional tests are now carried out in order to account for potential bias. 4.2 Difference between presented values We now investigate the distribution of the difference between PS values and WS values. More precisely, we calculate, for each WTP choice presented to the respondents, the difference between the PS value and the WS value in order to identify whether the values proposed to the respondents mainly involved extreme or obvious choices, which would result in a distribution with high density values on skews, or rather balanced choices and a distribution with high density values around zero. Results are reported in Figure 5. [Figure 5 about here] Figure 5 shows that the distribution of the difference between presented values shows high densities around zero and a long tail on the right side. This result indicates that most of the values that have been presented to the respondents did not imply rather obvious choices but also that the values presented drawn from the PS model were generally superior to the values drawn from the WS model, which is consistent with Figure 1. 4.3 Logistic regression Finally, we test whether or not respondents’ characteristics affected their choices between PS values and WS values in order to obtain a better insight on round 2 results. More precisely, we use a simple logit model where the dependant variable takes the value 1 if the respondent has selected less than 7 values from the WS model4 out of 10. Independent variables include age, gender, localization, income and the number of attributes entering respondents’ favourite choices. Results are reported in Table 9. [Table 9 about here] Table 9 reveals that the income coefficient is significant (at the 5% level) and is negative. This indicates that respondents with higher income are less likely to select values from the PS model. This 4 This value has been selected because, on average, the WS value has been chosen 7.12 times per respondent. 14 outcome may be explained by the fact that respondents with higher income are more likely to be presented with implausible WTP values drawn from the PS model as the value of the cost-income ratio decreases when the income increases (see Equation 1). As a result, respondents with higher incomes may be more confronted to extreme or obvious choice situations than the rest of the respondents. Table 9 does not report any other factor influencing model value choices. 5. Discussion and conclusion The growing use of random parameter models raised questions on the behavioural realism of certain random parameter associations (Daly et al., 2012). As a result, there is a growing need for comparing the realism of WTP estimates drawn from a given set of model specifications. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a methodology for comparing the plausibility of WTP estimates from different models. We introduced a two-round survey procedure which consists in confronting respondents with WTP draws several times from different random parameter models. We used this methodology for comparing two recent advances in DCE, the WTP space approach and the costincome ratio approach. Our results clearly show that the WTP space approach provides more plausible results despite both models tend to provide overestimated WTP values. Future applications of the tworound survey procedure for valuing different goods may report different results. Moreover, although we took the specific example of comparing the willingness to pay space approach with the cost-income ratio approach, the methodology we suggest can be extended to every situation where it is necessary to test which model specification delivers the most accurate WTP estimates. As choice experiments data are expensive and long to obtain, the methodology we propose may be questionable as it requires to set up a second survey round. However, further work on WTP estimates comparison and validation depending on model specifications may consider including the approach we suggest directly at the pre-test stage. More precisely, pre-tests could be extended in order to gather enough observations to estimate reliable models that would be used at the survey stage in order to identify which specification provides the most plausible WTP estimates. Another extension of our work could be to compare more model specifications or to modify the survey procedure in order to 15 compare the plausibility of marginal WTP estimates rather than WTP estimates. 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P-value Mean of random parameters Cost -2.624 0.229 0.000 Agri 2.181 0.203 0.000 21.505 2.896 0.000 Infra 2.298 0.186 0.000 23.179 2.491 0.000 Com 1.373 0.179 0.000 14.126 2.638 0.000 -5.415 2.374 0.023 Non-random parameters Asc 1.919 0.278 0.000 cost/income -0.028 0.014 0.046 Agriculture 1.551 0.301 0.000 33.159 3.261 0.000 Infrastructure 1.231 0.202 0.000 29.672 2.755 0.000 communication 1.26 0.348 0.000 23.231 2.929 0.000 Cost 2.489 0.293 0.000 Standard deviations log-likelihood -1118.885 19 -1295.992 Table 3 Descriptive statistics - second round. Variable Description Mean Std. Dev. Min Max age Age in years 49.352 15.004 21 85 female = 1 if female, 0 else 0.529 0.501 0 1 income Income, in thousands of euros per month 2.528 1.01 0.65 3.999 20 Table 4 Favorite choice repartition. Choice Freq. agriculture Percent 6 5.88 agriculture + infrastructure 28 27.45 agriculture + infrastructure + communication 33 32.35 5 4.9 16 15.69 2 1.96 12 11.76 102 100 infrastructure infrastructure + communication communication communication + agriculture Total 21 Table 5 Model distributions. Percentiles 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% PS 0.079 0.652 1.796 8.092 45.977 150.717 319.604 414.859 675.668 WS 1.213 4.389 8.639 19.245 37.85 61.901 90.526 112.187 156.246 22 Table 6 Survey results. PS model Choices Model values WS model Mean WTP Std. Dev. min. max. 5 108.511 150.743 0.007 1132.389 Choices Mean WTP Std. Dev. min. max. 44.831 33.647 0.134 211.281 Chosen values 297 24.782 29.389 0.039 207.37 718 36.338 27.523 0.134 200.333 Interval values 97 18.778 12.296 0.098 52.617 245 26.194 12.669 2.409 5 Only the values inferior to 0 were rejected. All positive WTP were kept in order to consider the complete positive WTP distribution, even when the amounts were too small to have a meaning in monetary terms, for example € 0.007. 23 68.937 Table 7 Distribution test results. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Epps-Singleton test D-stat P-value W2-stat P-value PS model 0.4416 0.000 536.011 0.000 WS model 0.3696 0.000 378.006 0.000 24 Table 8 Common area test between the interval values sample and the model values samples. Model AC P-value PS model 0.369 0.000 WS model 0.631 0.000 Bandwidht values grid = (0.5, 1, 3, 6, 9) 25 Table 9 Logit model. Determinants of model specification choice. Model choice Coef. Robust Std. Err. P>z Age 0.014 0.016 0.360 Female 0.437 0.449 0.330 Urban -0.137 0.516 0.790 income -0.487 0.228 0.033 number of attributes 0.109 0.343 0.750 constant -0.767 1.260 0.542 Log likelihood = -59.798189 26 Figure 1. Kernel density estimates of model values (WS model and PS model) 27 Figure 2. The AC criterion test 28 Figure 3. Kernel density estimates of the interval values sample versus the PS values sample 29 Figure 4. Kernel density estimates of the interval values sample versus the WS values sample 30 Figure 5. Difference between WTP values from the PS model and WTP values from the WS model 31