Disordered p-n junction in graphene M. M. Fogler,1 L. I. Glazman,2, 3 D. S. Novikov,2, 3 and B. I. Shklovskii3 arXiv:0710.2150v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 11 Oct 2007 1 Department of Physics, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093 2 Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511 3 W. I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 (Dated: October 11, 2007) We evaluate the resistance of a gate-tunable graphene p-n junction, in which the gradient of the carrier density is controlled by the gate voltage. Depending on this gradient and on the density of charged impurities, the junction resistance is dominated by either diffusive or ballistic contribution. We find the conditions for observing ballistic transport. PACS numbers: 81.05.Uw, 73.63.-b, 73.40.Lq Graphene is a new material whose unique electronic structure endows it with many unusual properties [1]. A monolayer graphene is a gapless two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor with a massless electron-hole symmetric spectrum near the corners of the Brillouin zone, ǫ(k) = ±~v|k|, where v ≈ 108 cm/s. The concentration of these “Dirac” quasiparticles can be accurately controlled by the electric field effect [2, 3]. An exciting experimental development is the ability to apply such fields locally, by means of submicron gates. Using this technique, graphene p-n junctions (GPNJ) have been recently demonstrated [4, 5, 6]. Even within idealized models that neglect disorder and electron interactions, GPNJ were predicted to display a number of intriguing phenomena. They include Klein tunneling [7, 8, 9], Veselago lensing [10], microwaveinduced [11] and Andreev [12] reflection, and strong ballistic magnetoresistance [8, 13]. Nontrivial corrections to these predictions and the potential for new physics are expected when interactions and disorder are included in the model. For example, long-range Coulomb interactions are responsible for nonlinear screening in GPNJ, which can modify its resistance substantially [14]. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the junction resistance is affected by disorder. We show that in existing GPNJ this effect is indeed strong and suggest what can be done to reduce it in future. We consider a generic model of an electrostatic GPNJ, in which a grounded graphene sheet in the x-y plane is controlled by two coplanar metallic gates with voltages V1 and V2 . The gates are separated by distance b from graphene and a distance 2d from each other. Under a symmetric gate bias, V2 = −V1 = V (Fig. 1), the graphene carrier density n(x) varies linearly in the middle of the junction, n(x) ≃ n′ x , |x| ≪ D ≡ max{b, d} , (1) and tends to its limiting values ±n0 at |x| ≫ D. Here n′ is the density gradient at x = 0 [15]. Below we assume that the dominant source of disorder are impurites of average surface density ni and unit charge ±e located in a close proximity to the graphene (a) z b Φ = −V Φ = +V Φ=0 (b) −d n n0 −d (c) x d −n0 x d −d n n0 d x −n0 FIG. 1: (a) Device geometry. Graphene (thin line) lies in the z = 0 plane. The gates (thick lines) are in the z = b plane. (b) Electron density profile for d = 0.58 b and the symmetric gate bias V2 = −V1 = V . (c) Same for d = 6.00 b. sheet [16]. These impurites occupy random positions and have zero average charge. Disorder of this type can be characterized by the dimensionless parameter 3/2 β = n′ /ni . (2) Large (small) β corresponds to low (high) disorder strength. Another dimensionless parameter, α = e2 /κ~v, measures the strength of Coulomb interactions. Here κ is the effective dielectric constant. For graphene placed on a SiO2 substrate, κ ≈ 2.4 and α ≈ 0.9. Following experimental procedure [4], we isolate the transport properties specific to GPNJ by computing the difference of the total resistance Rtot of the device in the p-n [Fig. 1(a)] and the n-n states: R ≡ Rtot |V2 =−V1 =V − Rtot |V2 =V1 =V . (3) This allows to largely eliminate the contribution of the bulk regions |x| > D. Our results are as follows. For small β (high disorder or low density gradient), the transport is purely diffusive, and the resistance of the GPNJ is given by β≪1: R≃ h 2 c2 n i ln β 2/3 γ , e 2 n′ W (4) 2 where W is the length of the device in the y-direction, the coefficient c2 is discussed below, and γ is defined by γ ≡ (n′ )1/3 D ≫ 1 . (5) The condition γ ≫ 1, which is satisfied in experiment [4, 5, 6], ensures that the density n(x) varies across the GPNJ slowly enough, D = max{d, b} ≫ kF−1 (n0 ), to justify its evaluation by pmeans of classical electrostatics [14]. Here kF (n) = π|n| is the local Fermi wave vector. Equation (4) is written for β 2/3 γ ≫ 1, i.e., for n0 ≫ ni , where the GPNJ is still well-defined despite random fluctuations of the electron density n(x, y) due to disorder. In the opposite regime, β ≫ 1, the GPNJ resistance β≫1 : R = Rbal + Rdif (6a) is the sum of the ballistic and the diffusive contributions, c1 h , c1 ≈ 1.0 ; e2 α1/6 (n′ )1/3 W γ h 2 c2 n i ln 4/3 , γ ≫ β 4/3 . ≃ 2 ′ e nW β Rbal = (6b) Rdif (6c) Equations (4) and (6c) are valid with logarithmic accuracy and match at β ∼ 1. The ballistic contribution dominates, R ≃ Rbal ≫ Rdif , provided β≫ 2α1/6 c2 ln c1 γ β 4/3 3/2 . (7) Realistically, the “large” logarithmic factor here is ∼ 2. Thus the right-hand side of Eq. (7) is about 0.3–0.5. In comparison, we estimate for recent experiments [4, 6] β ∼ 0.5. This puts them in the crossover regime where Rbal ∼ Rdif . (The reported data suggests Rbal W ∼ Rdif W ∼ 1 Ω · cm). To move deeper into the ballistic regime one should either increase n′ or decrease ni . Below we first consider electrostatics of the gatetunable junction, and then evaluate its resistance. Electrostatics.— Electron density in graphene is related to the electrostatic potential Φ(x, z) by the Gauss law, n(x) = (κ/4π)∂z Φ(x, +0). To find Φ and n we can treat graphene as an ideal conductor. (For the discussion of this approximation, see Refs. [14] and [17].) The calculation can be done using the conformal mapping π a+w (8) = (x + iz) , 2w + ln a−w b which transforms the upper half-plane z > 0 with the branch cuts along the gates [cf. Fig. 1(a)] to the upper half-plane of a complex variable w = w(x, z). Here a is found from p √ √ a(a + 1) + ln( a + a + 1 ) = πd/(2b) . (9) The graphene sheet, the left gate, and the right gate are mapped onto the intervals −a < w < a, w < −a, and w > a, respectively, of the real axis. Therefore, the sought potential is given by Φ(x, z) = (1/π) Im [V1 ln(a + w) − V2 ln(a − w)] . (10) Using these equations and simple algebra, we find n(x) = κ (V2 + V1 )a + (V2 − V1 )w(x) , 8πb a(a + 1) − w2 (x) (11) where w(x) stands for the real quantity w(x, z = 0) defined by Eq. (8). For the symmetric gate bias we obtain n0 (V )w(x) , a(a + 1) − w2 (x) n(x) = V2 = −V1 = V , (12) in which case the density gradient at x = 0 is given by n′ = π n0 (V ) , 2b (1 + a)2 n0 (V ) = κV . 4πb (13) Examples of n(x) computed according to Eqs. (8) and (12) are plotted in Fig. 1(b) and (c). Ballistic resistance.— The resistance Rbal of a clean GPNJ is related [8] to the electric field at the p-n interface. To compute this field one has to go beyond electrostatics of ideal conductors and take into account nonlinear screening at the p-n interface. Equation (6b) for Rbal was derived from this analysis in Ref. [14]. A simple explanation of this result can be given in the case α ∼ 1, where Rbal can be qualitatively understood as the ballistic resistance of a system with W kF n(xtun ) transmitting channels: Rbal ∼ (h/e2 )(kF W )−1 ∼ (h/e2 )(xtun /W ). Here the effective “width” of the p-n interface xtun = α−1/6 (n′ )−1/3 (14) is found from the condition that it is of the order of the quantum uncertainty in the quasiparticle coordinate, xtun ∼ kF−1 n(xtun ) . (In Ref. [14] xtun was denoted by xTF .) The quasiparticles that manage to get inside the strip |x| < xtun cross the p-n boundary without tunneling suppression [8]. Below we consider the resistance (3) of a symmetrically biased GPNJ, V2 = −V1 = V . The transport is either diffusive or ballistic depending on the gradient (2). Diffusive transport, β ≪ 1.— Introduction of charged impurities results in the finite carrier mean free path l(n) = 1/ni Λ , Λ = 2πc2 (α)/kF (n) , (15) where Λ is the transport cross-section for Coulomb impurities [18, 19, 20, 21]. For α ≪ 1 (graphene on large-κ substrate), c2 = πα2 /2, while for α ≈ 1 (SiO2 substrate), c2 ∼ 0.1 [22]. Impurities act as independent scatterers if |n| ≫ ni . The corresponding resistivity is [18, 19, 20, 21] ρ(n) = h ni h = 2 c2 (α) , 2e2 kF l e |n| |n| ≫ ni . (16) 3 (a) x 0 x tun x flc x flc D x bal x (b) 0 x tun D FIG. 2: A sketch of the characteristic lengthscales in a GPNJ for (a) β ≪ 1 and (b) β ≫ 1. Only the x > 0 side of the junction is shown. The diffusive region is hatched. Parameters xtun and xflc are indicated by the dashed lines in the regimes (a) and (b), respectively, because they do not have a direct physical meaning in these cases. It is legitimate to treat ρ n(x) as the local x-dependent resistivity if the density gradient is sufficiently small, such that l(n)|∂x n| ≪ n. For β ≪ 1 this condition is satisfied at all |x| ≫ ni /n′ where Eq. (16) is itself valid, |n| ≫ ni . On the other hand, in the strip |x| . xflc = ni /n′ [Fig. 2(a)], the disorder-induced fluctuations of the local density overwhelm the average n(x) ≃ n′ x dependence. As a result, Eq. (16) no longer holds. Since the transport remains diffusive in this strip (certainly, it cannot be ballistic because of strong disorder) [23], we can assume that the corresponding local resistivity is of the order of its bulk value ρ ∼ h/e2 at the charge neutrality point [3]. This allows us to estimate the resistance of this region as ∼ (h/e2 )(xflc /W ). According to our definition (3), the GPNJ resistance is the difference of the total resistances in the p-n and n-n configurations. It is convenient to write it as R = Rdif (0), where Z∞ 2 dx̃ ρ(x̃)|V1 =−V2 − ρ(x̃)|V1 =+V2 . (17) Rdif (x) = W x Using Eqs. (8), (12), (16), and the expression n(x) = n0 (V )a , a(a + 1) − w2 (x) V1 = V2 = V , (18) for the charge profile in the n-n state that follows from Eq. (11), the integral in Eq. (17) can be transformed to n0 h 2c2 ni , x & xflc . (19) ln Rdif (x) ≃ 2 ′ e nW (a + 1)n′ x This resistance is logarithmically larger than (h/e2 )(xflc /W ). In other words, the resistance of the |x| < xflc strip is much smaller than that of the rest of the junction. Therefore, R ≃ Rdif (xflc ), which leads to Eq. (4). Ballistic transport, β ≫ 1.— Here the carrier density n(x) varies with x more rapidly. As a result, the diffusive approximation breaks down inside the strip |x| . xbal whose width is given by the condition l[n(xbal )] ∼ xbal , xbal ∼ 1 n′ . 4πc22 n2i (20) The carrier density at x = xbal is still high, n(xbal ) ≫ ni , so that at |x| > xbal Eq. (16) applies. Thus, the diffusive contribution to the resistance is Rdif ≃ Rdif (xbal ), leading to Eq. (6c). [The extra factor β −2 under the logarithm in Eq. (6c) vs. (4) comes from xbal ∼ β 2 xflc . Note, however, that xflc has no direct physical meaning if β ≫ 1.] In contrast, within the strip |x| < xbal the transport is ballistic: the local mean-free path l[n(x)] nominally exceeds |x|, so that quasiparticles reach the p-n interface largely without experiencing impurity scattering. We now note that the tunneling strip (20) is located deep inside this ballistic region, xtun ∼ 4πc22 xbal ≪ xbal , α1/6 β 4/3 (21) see Fig. 2(b). Therefore, the transmission problem is reduced to the clean case [14], yielding Eq. (6b) for the ballistic resistance Rbal . Due to the large logarithmic factor in Rdif [Eq. (6c)], the ballistic contribution in Eq. (6a) starts to dominate the diffusive one only when β exceeds a logarithmically large threshold, Eq. (7). In other words, the ballistic transport is observable only for a GPNJ with a sufficiently large concentration gradient. Let us illustrate geometrical requirements imposed by the criterion (7) assuming α ∼ 1. Consider first the case of widely separated gates, d = 1 µm and b = 50 nm. For the impurity concentration ni ∼ 1012 cm−2 (presumed to be a typical number), we get β ≈ 0.005 even for a relatively high maximum density n0 ∼ 10ni ∼ 1013 cm−2 . Thus, in this kind of a GPNJ one cannot observe ballistic transport. On the other hand, in a shorter device, b ≈ d ≈ 40 nm, such as that of Ref. [4], the minimum density needed to reach the ballistic regime, β ∼ 0.5, is close to the experimental value n0 = 2 × 1012 cm−2 [4] at which evidence of the ballistic resistance was indeed seen. To conclude, the presence of charged disorder results in the two distinct transport regimes in the junction. The GPNJ resistance in the ballistic regime is given by Eqs. (6), and in the diffusive regime by Eq. (4). In the current experiments [4, 5, 6], the ballistic regime was reached only marginally. For ballistic devices one should aim at larger electron density gradients n′ and smaller impurity concentration to satisfy the condition (7). The requirement on n′ becomes less stringent for substrates of high dielectric constant κ, which reduces the weight c2 ∝ α2 ∝ κ−2 of Coulomb scattering. Finally, the present approach can be extended to other geometries that involve local gate control of graphene nanostructures (asymmetric junctions, multiple gates, etc.). This work is supported by the Grants NSF DMR0706654 (M. F.) and NSF DMR-0749220 (L. G., D. N.). M. F. thanks the W. I. Fine TPI for hospitality. 4 [1] A. K. Geim and K. S. Novoselov, Nature Mater. 6, 183 (2007); A. H. Castro Neto, F. Guinea, N. M. R. Peres, K. S. Novoselov, and A. K. Geim, arXiv:0709.1163 (2007). [2] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, and A. A. 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