A Higher Order Closure Turbulence Model of the Planetary Boundary Layer by JOSEPH STEPHEN SCIRE B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (May, 1977) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (October, 1978) Signature of Author...8..y........................... Department of Meteorology, October, 1978 Certified by................................................ Thesis Supervisor Accepted by................................................ Chairman , Department Committee on Graduate Students 2 A Higher Order Closure Turbulence Model of the Planetary Boundary Layer by JOSEPH STEPHEN SCIRE Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on October 10, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT A higher order closure turbulence model, using the full level 3 equations (Mellor and Yamada, 1974; Yamada and Mellor, 1975) is described in detail. A new formulation for the length scale, Z, which appears in each of the modeled terms, is employed. Equilibrium boundary conditions for the second moments are applied at the lower boundary. Day 33-34 of the Wangara experiment is simulated. Surface temperature and mixing ratio are predicted with a ground thermodynamics model. The effect of the inclusion of the Coriolis terms of the second moment equations on the results is evaluated and is found to be small. The similarity functions A, B, C, and D are evaluated. Vertically averaged variables are used in the deficit relations (Arya, 1977, 1978). With this formulation, the similarity functions C and D are found to be equal in the unstable boundary layer. In the stable boundary layer D appears to be smaller than C. Name and Title of Thesis Supervisor: Professor David Randall Assistant Professor of Meteorology ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor David Randall for his valuable guidance and active interest throughout the course of this project. I wish to thank Isabelle Kole for skillfully drafting the figures and Joanne Klotz for expertly typing the difficult material. I would like to extend special thanks to my fiancee, Debby, for her constant encouragement and moral support, and to my family and friends for their encouragement throughout the preparation of this thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 ABSTRACT . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BASIC EQUATIONS . . 15 3. 4. 5. 2.1 Equations for the Mean Variables 15 2.2 Equations for the Second Moments 17 .. . . . . 3.1 Modeling Assumptions . . . 3.2 Level 3 Model Equations . . 3.3 Length Scale Formulation .26 . . . . ..26 .39 . .46 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS . . . . . 52 4.1 Mean Variables . . . . . 52 4.2 Second Moments . . . . . 53 . . 57 SOLUTION OF THE EQUATIONS 5.1 Reduction of the Prognost ic Equations into a Single Form . . . . . . . . . . .57 Finite-Difference Approximation . . . 59 SIMULATION OF DAY 33 OF THE WANGARA EXPERIMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 5.2 6. . MODELING OF THE EQUATIONS 6.1 Initial Conditions 6.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 . . . . . . . . . 63 Page 7. 8. EFFECTS OF THE CORIOLIS TERMS ON TURBULENT FLUXES IN THE PBL . . . . . . . . . . . . EVALUATION OF THE SIMILARITY FUNCTIONS A, B, C, and D ..... . . .. . . . . . . .. 107 Definition of the Scales and Derivation of A, B, C, and D . . . . . . . . . . 107 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 8.1 8.2 9. SUMMARY APPENDIX A . APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No 1 Page Vertical profiles of the length scale, 2, for two values of a, based on the formulation of Yamada and Mellor (1975) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . . 49 Vertical profile on the length scale, Z, based on the new formulation defined by equations (65) .... ........ 50 Initial profile for virtual temperature, T... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Initialprofile for water vapor mixing ratio, R ......... . . . . . . .. . . ... 65 Initial profiles for the eastward velocity component, u, and the northward velocity component, v ... .........-.-.-.-. 66 Variation of the calculated mean velocity component, u, as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Variation of the calculated mean velocity component, v, as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 . Variation of the calculated mean virtual potential temperature, Ov, as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Calculated surface ® as a function of v. . . . . . . . . . time 71 Variation of the calculated mean water vapor mixing ratio, R, as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Calculated surface R as a function of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Variation of the calculated values of twice the turbulence kinetic energy, q2, as a function of time and height . . 75 Terms of the turbulence kinetic energy equation at 1300 hours, Day 33...... 76 Page Figure No. 14 15 Variation of the length scale, 2, as . . . . . . a function of time and height . 77 . 79 Vertical profiles of q2 (twice the turbulence energy) for 1100hours and 1200 hours, Day 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 The calculated boundary layer height, h, . . . . . . . . . . as a function of time . 81 Variation of the calculated virtual potential temperature variance, W5., as a function of time and height . . . . 83 . . 84 Variation of the calculated water vapor mixing ratio variance, ~rT, as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Virtual potential temperature profiles for 1100 hours and 1200 hours, 16 17 18 19 20 21 Day 33 . . . . Terms of the virtual potential temperature variance equation at 1300 hours, Day 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terms of the water vapor mixing ratio . 86 perature covariance, r ' , as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Terms of the r'94 equation at 1300 hours, Day 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Variation of the calculated Reynolds stress component, u'w', as a function of time and height . . . . . . . . . . 90 variance equation at 1300 hours, Day 33 22 . Variation of the calculated water vapor mixing ratio - virtual potential tem- 23 24 25 26 . Variation of the calculated Reynolds stress component, v'w' , as a function ... . ........ of time and height 91 Variation of the heat flux component, . 92 Variation of the moisture flux component, w'r', as a function of time and height . . . 93 w'6}, 27 . . as a function of time and height . . Figure No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Page Calculated surface heat flux, for two values of the surface albedo, as a function of time . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculated surface moisture flux as a function of time . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 . . . 95 Calculated friction velocity, u,, as a function of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 The correlation coefficient for w' - 61 as a function of z/h . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Profiles of the Reynolds u'w', at 1200 hours, Day cases (Coriolis terms on terms off) as a function stress component, 33, for two and Coriolis of z/h ...... 102 Profiles of the Reynolds stress component, v'w', at 1200 hours, Day 33, for two cases (Coriolis terms on and Coriolis terms off) as a function of z/h . . . . . . . . . 103 Profiles of the heat flux component, w'Q4, at 1200 hours, Day 33, for two cases (Coriolis terms on and Coriolis terms off) as a function of z/h . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 flux component, 33, for two and Coriolis of z/h . . . . . . 105 Profiles of the moisture w'r', at 1200 hours, Day .cases (Coriolis terms on terms off) as a function Similarity function A as a function of .................... h/L ........ ... 122 Similarity function B as a function of h/L .. . o. . . ... .. .o..o. . - Similarity function C as a function of h/L..................................... 124 39 Similarity function D as a function of .125 - - . . . . . . o. .... .. h/L .o. . 40a Similarity function A as a function of h/L and h/z for values of Iflh/u* > 0.1 . 123 . 126 10 Figure No. 40b Page Similarity function B asa function of IfIh/u* > 0.1 126 Similarity function C as a function of h/L and h/z for values of If h/u, > 0.1 127 h/L and h/z 41a 41b for values of Similarity function D as a function of h/L and h/z for values of Iflh/u* > 0.1 127 B-1 Staggered grid system use in the model . . C-1 Flowchart of the level 3 model . . . . . . 148 149 11 LIST OF TABLES Page Table No. Unmodeled equations for the mean variables and the second moments . . . II Modeling assumptions . III Level 3 model equations IV Final level 3 model equations V Representation of the prognostic equations in a standard form . . . . . VI Similarity functions - Case A . VII Similarity functions - Case B VIII Similarity functions - Case C . . IX Similarity functions - Case D . X Similarity Functions - Case E . . B-1 z-C values . I . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . 30 . . . 40 . . 44 . . . 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 ....... . . . 117 . . . . . 119 . . . . 120 . . . . 121 . . . . . . . . . 147 1. INTRODUCTION The random nature of turbulence makes the study of turbulent flows difficult. For this reason, it is convenient to use a statistical approach to turbulence problems, based on the concept of ensemble averaging. An ensemble average refers to an average taken over a collection of an infinite number of observations for which the* mean conditions are identical. Due to the randomness and irregularity of turbulence, the details of each realization are different even though the mean conditions are the same. It is impossible to obtain an ensemble average from real atmospheric data because mean conditions are never identical. Certainly it is not possible to obtain an infinite number of instantaneous measurements over which to average. One must adopt an ergodic hypothesis, that is, an assumption regarding the equivalence of different types of averages, to establish the equality of an ensemble average over an infinite number of observations with a time average over an infinitely long averaging period under conditions of stationary flow (Lumley and Panofsky, 1964; Busch, 1973). A finite averaging time will yield an estimate with an accuracy which increases as the order of the moment being averaged decreases (Wyngaard, 1973). For the time scales involved in atmospheric turbulence, it is possible to relate ensemble averages to measurable time averages. 13 The statistical approach, however, results in a situation in which the number of unknowns exceeds the number of equations. It is necessary, therefore, to make simplifying modeling assumptions in order to obtain closure. Mellor and Yamada (1974) describe a hierarchy of turbulence closure models. Based on a systematic simplifica- tion of the appropriate equations, four model levels are produced. The most complex (level 4) model requires the solution of prognostic simultaneous partial differential equations for all of the components of the Reynolds stress tensor, the heat flux vector, and the temperature variance, as well as for the components of the mean flow and the mean potential temperature. If water vapor is to be included in the model, additional equations for moisture variables need to be solved. The most simplified (level 1) model is a set of diagnostic algebraic equations corresponding to a mixing length model. The level 3 model, to be used in this study, represents an intermediate degree of complexity. As shownby Mellor and Yamada, the choice of the level 3 model represents a compromise between the small increase in relative accuracy obtained with a level 4 model and the resulting large increase in computation time. The level 3 model is a subset of a group of models called Mean Turbulent Field (MTF) closure models (Mellor and Herring, 1973). MTF closure models consist 14 of two subsets, Mean Turbulent Energy (MTE) and Mean Reynolds Stress (MRS) closure models. Because the turbulence energy in level 3 is calculated prognostically while the individual components of the Reynolds stress tensor are calculated diagnostically, the level 3 model falls into the category of MTE closure. Yamada and Mellor (1975) use the level 3 model to simulate the Wangard boundary layer data. The present model differs from Yamada's and Mellor's model in several important respects: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) A ground thermodynamics model predicts the surface temperature and mixing ratio. The full level 3 moisture equations are employed. Equilibrium boundary conditions for the prognostic turbulence variables are applied at the lower boundary. A new formulation for the length scale, Z, is used. The Coriolis terms are included. A 5 second time step and a staggered grid system are used. The model is used to simulate Day 33-34 of the Wangara experiment, and the results compared to those of Yamada and Mellor (1975). The effect of the Coriolis terms on turbulent fluxes in the PBL is evaluated by turning these terms on and off in the model and examining the results. Finally, the functions A, B, C, and D of similarity theory are evaluated. 15 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BASIC EQUATIONS 2. Equations for the Mean Variables 2.1 The variables of interest are the velocity components u. (i = 1,2,3), potential temperature 0, pressure P, The basic equations govern- and water vapor mixing ratio R. ing these variables are: Continuity equation auk 0 (1) 3xk Momentum equations au. au 1 u atxk p+ 3 0o au. 0 3 3kt k E xk axk (2) Thermodynamic energy equation at u 0+ = kT Uk 3 Taxk axk ) + (3) Water vapor equation 3R u3R +t uk 9 ''x R x ) (4) 16 where S is the coefficient of thermal expansion, fk = (o,fy,f) is the Coriolis parameter, v is the kinematic viscosity, kt is the thermal diffusivity, p is the density, n is the kinematic diffusivity for water vapor, and a is the longwave flux divergence. The Einstein summation con- vention is employed so that whenever an index is repeated in a term, summation is implied. e jkt is the alternating unit tensor and 6.. is the Kronecker delta. l if j,k,2Z = (1,2,3), (2,3,1), or (3,1,2) 0 if any index is repeated Ejk -1 if j,k,Z = (3,2,1), (2,1,3), or (1,3,2) 0 i f i /j 3 1 if i =j The effects of evaporation and condensation of water are not included. The Boussinesq approximation, in which density is treated as constant except when it is multiplied by g (in which case it is allowed to be temperature dependent),has been used (Busch, 1973; Mellor, 1973). Each variable can be represented as a sum of a mean part and a fluctuating part. u. = u. 1 1 U + = u! 1 e'(4b) (4a) 17 P' (4c) R = R + r' (4d) P = P + The overbar signifies an ensemble average. To obtain equations for the mean variables, average equations (1-4). auk = 0 (6) k 4;t+ [u~k +F~lk k" +O IUU. 1ap x- + I. = gO63 3 E -jk9 k au. +3x DO+at ax 3 +R a- 2.2 axk (7) aXk kT T a xk = [~uko + ue'] [R uk + r'u ] = (8) xk) a (9) Equations for the Second Moments Equations (1-4) contain second order correlations of perturbation quantities of the form uju. In order to evaluate these second moments, first obtain equations for the fluctuating components by subtracting equations (6-9) from equations (1-4). Using equations (4a-4d) yields: au' -= 0 axk - (10) x + [u.u' + u!uk + u!u' - uu] pO ao at + x 3 jkk k a [luke' + ulii + ue' ax k arl at a xk u' r'] (11) k 3xk - u 6'] = kT [ukr' + ukif + ukr' - au' a f u' + v - E + 1 = = kak ( k - (-) k) ax k (12) (13) To obtain an equation for u!u!, multiply equation (11) by I J u! and use the continuity equations au+ ui iat + a u! iak u -u! + ua 1 au! aL (x1) axk axk jk + and (11): u ' k a () i ax. p0 J = + [u~u (6) Sgu.'6 i 3 1u~k -E jkZ fku'u' i Z 3. J (14) 19 A second equation is then obtained by switching the indexes i and j in equation (14). Adding this equation to equation (14), and using continuity and averaging, yields the prognostic second moment Reynolds stress equations: +u. - (u~u'.) at a + axk __ I k a3xk 1 i + --- l + uu + u!u au. a (u!u!u ) = Sg[u!6'6 3 .J 1 + u!6 u!a u! + P~ PO ax Cik + au-J) + ku u ~-(~~~ a xk 3] u!p' a -E jkZfuuua k i __ uu u a xk +k - a3x. 3 a x. px PO p 00o au! uu!au! 2v axk xx up' 1 auj axk axk (15) Equation (7) requires that the second moment u!u! be known in order to find u. I J J Equation (15), an equation for u!u!, contains the third moment uju!u . equation for the (n+l)th moment. An nth moment will contain a term with the In other words, the number of equations is less than the number of unknowns and the problem is not closed. In order to obtain closure, the unknown moments are parameterized in terms of known quantities. This parameterization is, however, an approximation. The approximations are not necessarily more physically valid than parameterizations of second moments in quantities, as in less complex models. terms of mean However, the fact that the approximations are made at a higher order allows one to hope that the results will be less sensitive to the The results of models using this higher parameterization. order closure technique support this notion. In the case i # j, p0 1uur J represents a flux of j momentum by the i turbulent component. The interpretation of the terms of equation (15) is as follows: at 3 represents the local time rate of change of the ensemble averaged turbulent momentum flux i3!Vu j (normalized by density) au. au. u.'u 1 -a ~ + u ug 3xku 1 k represents the mechanical production of Reynolds stress due to an interaction of the mean velocity gradient with the Reynolds stress uk axk- - ufu! 1 represents advection of Reynolds stress by the mean wind a x u ui) k (u 13 is the triple correlation term which represents the turbulent flux of ulu! by the fluctuating component uk (i.e., turbulent diffusion) Sg[u!6'6 .3 i + T'6 J j 3. i3. represents the bouyant production (or destruction) of Reynolds stress Ejkk fu'u' ki Z + f uu Z ikYkj represents the effect of Coriolis forces on the Reynolds stress 1 [ a3 a(up') + a (u p')] represents the effect of the pressure perturbationvelocity perturbation correlation on Reynolds stress destruction au! p ( 3 au' + 3x )ax is the "energy redistribution" or "return to isotrcpy" term representing the way the pressure-velocity gradient correlation distributes energy among the three energy components 22 au.'u! ffi(..L.) 1 axk - au. Du! 3a axk axk 1i 2v aXk represents the viscous diffusion and viscous dissipation of Reynolds stress j, In the case i = equation (15) is an equation for the i component of the turbulence energy. Summing the 2,2. individual components, with q = u.' , gives the turbulence kinetic energy equation. a 2 u (/2) - auu. 1 au!1 uk k Sgu6'63. a - PO a I U! 2u2 2 (xk L U a 2 + a [ ak 2 au!1 (16) The Coriolis terms do not appear in equation (16) because the Coriolis force cannot contribute to the total turbulent kinetic energy. Likewise, the energy redistribu- tion term of the Reynolds stress equation is not present in the total kinetic energy budget because its role is to redistribute energy without contributing to the total. The interpretation of the terms of equation (16) is analogous to that of the Reynolds stress equation. 23 To obtain an equation for the heat flux vector u!', first multiply equation (12) by u! and equation (11) 1 J by e' and average to obtain ')u' -- ' a~(3' + at [uku uiau kJ0' + UIN a au! - - kT au! aut -l axk uk 6 - ' 0 + uu'] , =k( T axk Txk e --xk 3 (17) - -- axk axk and, au! 0' at a__ = a axk __ +I a~l U! +uk U _ [u u 6' + u! ' 30' xk xk + v - -E jk f u'0' k Z a xk __ _ u 3O] Ik k 1 elap o +uk U + ae2 a3 a!au! (0' -- 1) - v -aak xk x e (18) Adding equations (17) and (18), and using continuity, yields the desired heat flux equation: a M ') at J + a' [~u ax k U u II + u u6k' - k u kTu3 Dxk axk ] 24 1+(p'e') P0 ax 3 + sjk jk~kkuii'' r~ = ~ gO 2g'73 + p'p 3. p0 - uaue a k~ IU + v) (k Tax ax.O a,.J au! - 36' x k u a k . _ u axk (19) An equation for the potential temperature variance 0' is obtained by multiplying equation (12) by e', using continuity, and averaging. 3, 2 + -~~ +kT 3 2 q ] = -2u O6 k [uu' at ae a ( axk ) axk T axk ae (20) D The terms of equations (19) and (20) are of the same form Their interpretation is analogous. as those of equation (15). Equation (9) requires the turbulent moisture flux u'r'. An equation for u!r' is obtained by multiplying equation (11) by r' and multiplying equation (13) by u3. Averaging these equations and adding them yields: a t (u'r') + - [ k 3 r + u' r 3 vr' u 3 axk a axk $ + (o 0 (p'r') + ek aXx u r - u u = agr'6' 6 uxr' au! au. __ k + p ar' p 0 aX 3 k k (21) An equation for the potential temperature-mixing ratio covariance O'r' in equation (21). is also necessary because it appears Multiplying equation (12) by r' and equation (13) by 6', averaging, and adding yields: a (6'r') (3'3r' +6a + [uke'r' + uG'r' at axk k = - (n+k) 30' axk 3r' *r- ua' -xk - j6' - DR - xk - ae r k - ax T axk 3 r - An equation for the mixing ratio variance, obtained by multiplying equation (13) by r'. (22) r' , is After using continuity and averaging: a (r 2 + a 3 - [ukr' + u r' i a3r'2 2 = - 2 ukr' + xk r2n ar' axk 3xk 2 axk (23) 3. 3.1 MODELING OF THE EQUATIONS The Modeling Assumptions It is necessary to parameterize the unknown variables of the equations in order to obtain closure. It is also desirable to neglect small terms that do not affect the results so that unnecessary complexity is avoided and computation time is minimized. The system of equations con- sists of equations (7-9), and (19-23).. These (15), equations are summarized in Table I. The terms to be modeled have been doubly underlined. The numbers associated with each line correspond to the numbered modeling assumptions which are collected into Table II. The modeling assumptions in types. are of two Table II The first type concerns terms containing unknown variables, i.e., variables for which there are no equations in Table I expressing the variable in known variables. terms of only other The parameterization of these terms is required by closure considerations. terms are of this type. The triple correlation The other type of assumption con- cerns terms which are known (in terms of other variables) but are small in are difficult the planetary boundary layer (PBL), or (although possible given the set of equations in Table I) to evaluate and are assumed small in the PBL. The Coriolis terms are of the second type. They have been neglected in the models of Mellor and Yamada, 1974, 1975, Table I Unmodeled Equations for the Mean Variables and Equathe Second Moments 4 -LI Equations for the mean flow 4 AA. (7) ---- +A ) 30 i ax 4AsA4,# AoU+LAI 13 a. A~ xAr P~ £t + CI (8) (9) I + - 4 +C0 yk I2 Ax + r AA# - O;k a X-V ~Xic ( Second moment equations (15) ( "IA(-' )+ AA - I44 - + -x 4 E..i.A ~'~ I 1 -I t- Q~ 4,C.dA4 4- -IuX 1 o I , '~ I - zC %.> ?C, (S) (s) - (4,) V A-4AAj Cr.) (C) Of <E I t ~A4~Mj - 4 ( (3) Mkr + AA4k# 41 x Oc ~ I _ 4- Equation No. (continued) Table I (19) ) (A y 4 + - 1 G e') = - * o )X) (A) k.1 [ Z E.C Mi OO (me') - a G A I A +I 4. x Ad'e' j (,0) - - 4 *t 'h"I (20) xAA +0) k Go -t Got - (itl ___ ____ (k, - + 0 11 Ma -.- --- + AA A' + ' (,3) (142 (on <14f (21) 'a (AA y 4 j' r -A + #C AA ? r ~~~~ ' a. -At AA! A4,t' P' ) 4 2 - -- - ( er' ~, - -A Cu, + P, (to 1 _____ r' ( vtk + - (Mc- A4;' ?v-' 06 - .. -. + - ts e' 8E 29 Equation No. Table I (22) 4-A4-I - 10' yirII (continued) i'' AA( Dxtr +X .A, r04 + (Z.3 (22.) (+ KT)ae C' M 61 r - )XAC r. 6'?.~1 C 2 04 ) (23) rb~r2 AMk' TZ ( \ V") Ia e I.. -k 4 '~.' ka 4. -1 (MA r"z MS ~r' Zr (~z~) Underlined terms have been modeled. The numbers correspond to the order in which tne modeling assumptions are listed in Table II. Table II Modeling Assumptions (1) 41 xx ( ~AA~ M3 AA )~I, c~~ [ * _____ ( 0 (2) rA.A 4 Ai If _C (3) )x;QdP (4) P 0 A4Z A-M - ;: iJ Y \ (5) I 1 0 A4 I Z) t 4 C. 2 AA.) 0 3 (6) )C A. )44,0 (7) I- zAl (8) k-4r* (9) ~,c. { plot ) 409 4 r0 A,(; I a YA 0 (3;;4 IAAi xi2 A 4 (continued) Table II (1.0) E~k C (11) P' - .3) . - X .eJ 0k I A4~Q (12)( + O go zL I (13) '"k (2.4) 14 ..- (15) 2 x4c -2G P( k 9 it )-A A2 (16) - ( IA / 4C)(q ;A4It 1' - t A2. ( I (17) 'D ar' (28 (?~) - - 0 + M~ (continued) Table II O (19) (20) ~ r la k.A . AA; r ~y.) (21) 3/ v\ + 0) (22) --- = --- e' I 0 '(N aee (23) (24) ' (\ + K-r ) t - -- - - 3% (25) -- V' +,a r - A1. ar -2k (26) xf -%I (27) z v .A% Yxc )AC Y' r'G' 33 and Donaldson, 1973. Wyngaard et al., 1974, however, discuss the importance of the Coriolis terms in the Reynolds stress In this study an option has been included in the budget. model to turn the Coriolis terms on or off to allow their importance to be evaluated. Both modeling options appear in Table II. One of the basic modeling assumptions contained in the model is the energy redistribution assumption of The total turbulence kinetic energy (per Rotta (1951). unit mass) 1 q 2 1 is ~~ = g(uj The term the sum of three components: +u 2 2 + + u.) p' (3u!/ax + au!/ax.) appears in the equations for the individual components of the turbulence energy, but not in the equation for the total turbulence kinetic energy (equation 16). As has already been noted, the role of tnis term is to redistribute the energy among the three components of energy without contributing to the total. redistribution term is therefore modeled as: au. p' (--. 3x, + ~--) ax. I 6.. But i = -3Z 1 (u!u! 1 j - 32 au. q2 ) + Cq 2(J au. + ax. i where C is a constant and Z1 is a length scale which will The 34 be prescribed. Characteristic of this formulation is that a departure from isotropy of the Reynolds stress tensor will result in a tendency back toward isotropy. "Return to isotropy" terms also appear in equations (19) and (21) as p' p0 36' ax.3 and p' p0 ar' axJ respectively. An analogous formulation is adopted for these terms: PO x - 392 o 3 ax m 2 j A second length scale k2 is introduced. It is necessary to model the triple correlation term representing a diffusion of Reynolds u), 1 k stress, in terms of known second moments. j, and struction in i, k, using second moments, is: -a 3xk au! I au (u uau- -- (U.! axk 1 3 A symmetric con- [-qX {( 1 3 ) + ax j axk ( ) ai This formulation represents a down gradient diffusion of Reynolds stress. The - (u!u r') triple correlation terms (u! 6') and are modeled as down gradient turbulent diffusion of potential temperature-velocity covariance and mixing ratio-velocity covariance, respectively. e' au aue -Xk( - axk 2 (u'u r') a ax [-qX 2 ( - 2 aur' i ax j + a k au! r' ) + axk Analogously, the third moments involving potential temperature variance-velocity correlation, potential temperature-mixing ratio-velocity correlation and mixing ratio variance are also modeled as down gradient turbulent diffusion. 3xk axk -- a - xk 22 a ~ axkk (UO ' ) = -- (u r ') = 2 q 3 -qX a. --- [-qX xaxk alr- 3r' 3 ax k The variables A , A2 and X3 are diffusion length scales which are prescribed. Kolmogoroff (1941) hypothesized the isotropy of small-scale turbulence. In accordance with this widely accepted hypothesis, the viscous dissipation term 2v(3u!/3x) ju!Dk 3.xk (au!/ax) is modeled as proportional to q3 for i=j, and is neglected for the nonisotropic components j. i / au! au' 3 - 2v- The dissipation term kT(3O'/axk)(36'/axk) is similarly taken to be proportional to the potential temperature variance. 2 2ko36 kT ael -2 q- 61 ax A2 Analogously, the dissipation terms for r'e' and r' V are modeled as: (+k ) ''T' axk 211- 3r' ar' 3xk axk ar axk - 2 a- r'6' A2 2 q r" A2 A1 and A2 are dissipation length scales which are prescribed. The remaining modeling assumptions in Table II Zut concern diffusion terms of the form - - [k U! 36 + axk 3 axk Ok In the PBL these terms are relatively small, and we neglect them. 37 a [k u! 3' T3 j axk au' -J] + vo' = 0 ak au! Sa 4 +r [riu! ax k vr' 3ak ar' hout a [rn6'ar' 36' --- ] + k r' T axk a aXk --- 1] =0 axk [2T2 aXk =0 axk =0 Inserting the modeling assumptions (1-27) from Table II into the appropriate equations in Table I will yield the modeled level 4 equations. The complete level 4 model consists of equations (7-9), and (24-29). M -1 ~ V%~' A(41 ~MAA4 + ZaJr -,a;A4 + V AtZ YAIi * 71( + +. + A' A- - ( C~t )x D, 2- 1 kJ: 4 kM II J' 0m 4~x' SC.A 4. ' (24) )A + G ' ;I.kj' Zi AA)Q - Dci D 'C I 3.4 ~I'A ) D -o IA. .44.i -A 0 -- ;e G- _1A J ~*Ic (25) 4 f '4 4 k G ' - x3 -7 x 3 *1 x? xaI& 2t a ~ (26) I ( .4 ' b.) ts~k 4.A y', D*r' - 6 X,( 1) 0 f r ZPA4 V9 q '' - ----- 4 ~ E IA . i - A , r' A.A D ' I r 'I . (27) 4-3 .41C ' 'I CAC - x-- a/1 !K w 1k . , r - z ";I- (v-Q r lo , (28) Ir - 2 -A't 44k r an7 pYKr (29) 39 3.2 The Level 3 Model Equations Mellor and Yamada (1974) make use of the fact that the departure from isotropy of atmospheric turbulence is small, to simplify equations (24-29) even further. non-dimensional departures from isotropy, a.. u~u! E (6j + a. .)q2 13 a.. 3 u!6' I b i q( 11 Defining and b.: =0 ~71/2 )/ The level 3 and level 2 models neglect terms of order a 2 and b 2 . The two levels are distinguished by the fact that the tendency, advection, and diffusion terms are assumed to be of order a or b in level 3 and order a2 or b2 in level 2. The result for the level 3 model of interest here is that equations (24-29), representing 15 prognostic equations for second moments, are reduced to 4 prognostic equations with 11 diagnostic equations. equations are for q , , e'r' and r'2. The prognostic The mean variables require the solution of an additional five prognostic equations. The level 3 model, therefore, consists of a total of 9 prognostic differential equations and 11 diagnostic equations. The level 3 equations are collected into Table III. Equations (26), (28), and (29) are unchanged. 40 Table III Level 3 Model Equations a) t I .44. 3A 1 3 '1 A4 I.A4. -+ i. a- { y'1 f(A4.#Aj it + _I9 <A, - ~X'c .AI' ) r +M --- ' 2. ( 1? 1d3A!0 -~~A (31) -Za = (26) 6 .A -AA -- 'Ar9' 1 ' - 1(32) 1- r 1 (28) *~'~- -wk A -- (r'7) ) + M 4-Ic-00 A4 -t.-uj19" 9's i A46 I .' * (-U.'Ac i ' - C 1bI& k')S cvZt& 4~~r A~1Adj ~ 3 = (r'' ---- Ai Ir -- ~ ?XA )7r~ e1z4 r -- - (~% M~'Q'~' +.Moe I .) Y, (30) U S 4ko4 e I -A =I -/ Xft + 2 (S z .AA~ (Z - z =..- [bN3 a, r .J ~Z .. .. A.6~ (33) (pg'r - .At (29) 41 In the PBL, the horizontal length scale is much greater than the vertical scale height. The final equations, therefore, contain only z derivatives of perturbation quantities. Neglecting advection of mean velocity and mean mixing ratio by the mean wind while retaining temperature advection (because it may be estimated by the thermal wind relationship) will yield equations (34-37) for the In this model, the vertical velocity, mean variables. w, has been set equal to zero at all levels. Also, virtual potential temperature, EvI is used to take into account the presence of water vapor and its effect on density. The term of equation (9) containing the kinematic diffusivity of water vapor is neglected. au- fv at az a av +-f -- at + =- ~ - a(WWI) ax v + =) - ay v - -a p ax ap (34) 1 ap 35 az (w'O') + a (36) (37) (w'r') An estimation of the horizontal virtual potential temperature gradient can be obtained as follows (Hess, 1959). = u Geostrophically, g V =- g 1 aP -- fpo0 y -- - (38) ax 1 fp -- (39) 3x fv therefore, g - a inP = RTax ax Taking a 2 derivative of this expression and using the hydrostatic approximation, a ln ax P T (- R axT (( ) - Therefore, with v -X- G = T vv aT ax ) - v afT ax - fi I az + (1 + 0.61R)v z d fT V g (40) 30 similarly, ay fT g g au (41) -3z (38-41) in equations (34-37) The approximations will yield the final equations (42-45) for the mean variables. All the final equations appear in Table IV. The final equations for the second moments are obtained from the equations of Table III by neglecting advection by the mean wind and retaining only vertical derivatives of perturbation variables in an analogous fashion with the procedure for the mean variable equations. The results are equations (46-61) in Table IV. Equations (46, 50, 51, and 52) represent only three independent equations because q 2 2. The Coriolis terms appear in all the appropriate equations in Table IV. Table IV The Final Level 3 Model Equations Equations for the Mean Variables rZ A -;7 = -% jT, Z4 (42) ) ,1 (43) IV'I AO i - - (44) ;;6 - -- ( AA (45) ') Equations for the Second Moments 2L(f A 3I )l~ w (46) 1 2' + 2p MGI- D IVr~.. ) ',C -A 41 . 21C ( e,,,'1.) (48) w 41 "^- & ..... a~ Op (47) J- ~~~~ t ) :: -222->-.~ r - --....... 1 Z ' . -Z 2 ' - -- 'r' - - - .- ---- - 2 -- .-- 'G (49) eL- - as /AA -o a I AA 3m +za1 av - AA 195 3A AA iAr A oe- +V- *AAY .AA Lc ..-- A'Z -2 VAr A - AA v ) AI (51) -AAf (52) -+fe Z (53) - -24 (54) (55) - - C 3f5 ..- A 64M4 1+1 -- AA IAO z ur'g,'I (50) ii- -- Cf Pa + 2 I - 72 ..-- Z^riA' - 4-L*M4 "Ae, (56) AA 2. p ~ ~ 2 --(57) ,~e ~; 6 --rs T- IzI 3A -- l-,om IV (58) 2 -U - * 'AAr 2 VA pa ' i . 4 ' r' I -A .4 tI Ir1 tv'r 1 (59) (60) (61) The Length Scale Formulation 3.3 The level 3 equations contain three types of length The A's are dissipation length scales. scales. The X's and Z's are diffusion and return-to-isotropy length scales, respectively. Every modeled term (see Table II) contains one of these length scales. Mellor and Yamada (1974) assume all the length scales are proportional and are given by: (zl1 2 ,A1 ,A2 1 '1 1 X2 'X3 ) = (0.78, 0.79, 15.0, 8.0, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23)k (62) They evaluate k using Blackadar's interpolation formula (Blackadar, 1962). z = (63) kz 1 + z 0 Therefore, k +kz 0 as z+ as z 0 + Mellor and Yamada proposed equation (64) formulation for % as a based on the turbulence energy profile. 47 zqdz a t,= d f'qdz , (64) a constant In the analysis of Yamada and Mellor (1975), a was assumed to be 0.10. A sensitivity test, however, showed that the mean variables were fairly insensitive to a 50% reduction in a. The turbulence quantities, unfortunately, are not insensitive to the value of a. Using a typical early afternoon distribution of 2 q , 9(z) is evaluated for values for a of 0.05 and 0.10 (Figure 1). The PBL top (h) is indicated. is within 10% of Z at about z/h at z/h = 0.7 for a = 0.10. The length scale = 0.5 for a = 0.05 and Above this, Z changes very little. A new determination of k (equations 65) is proposed which yields a Z(z) profile similar in shape in the PBL to Deardorff's (1973, 1974) profile of the turbulence energy dissipation length scale. Figure 2 shows Z(z) for the same q2 distribution as Figure 1. h{zqdz £ = a(z) h 0qdz (65a) 48 where, h <. h aiz cX(z) a1 - = h/2 / - z ) (-t 2) = (0.10, < z (65b) < h h < z a2 a h (65c) 0.05) As one moves from h/2 down to the ground, the length scale decreases toward zero. As the ground is approached, the characteristic size of the turbulent eddies is limited by z, the distance to the solid boundary. approaches kz. The length scale For large z, the influence of the ground in limiting the characteristic eddy size diminishes quickly. As z increases beyond h/2, however, there is another factor influencing the turbulence structure, and that is the temperature inversion base at h. eddies are probably found in The larger turbulent the middle of the PBL, where the distance away from any damping influence on their size is maximized. Above h, Deardorff (1974) points out that k increases with height because the perturbation energy is contained in gravity waves exhibting little diffusion or dissipation of energy. The perturbation energy contained 1 - - 2000 0 - 18Q 0.10 .05 16001400- -1200- E h 1000 - 1800 600400200= KZ s 0 10 20 LENGTH Fig. 1. 40 30 SCALE , J (m) Vertical profiles of the length scale, Z, for two values of a, based on the formulation of Yamada and Mellor (1975). 2000 18001600- 14000-1200E h - 1000- I800600400- 200- 0 10 20 LENGTH Fig. 2. 30 SCALE, 40 f (m) Vertical profile of the length scale, Z, based on the new formulation defined by equations (65). 50 in this region is negligible compared to q2 in the PBL, and the length scale formulation above h has little effect on the turbulence structure in the PBL. The length scale formulation represented by equation (64) (Figure 1) does not allow the stably stratified layer above the PBL to have any influence on reducing the characteristic eddy size (and therefore the length scale). Equations (65), however, force Z to approach, in the region z > h/2, a smaller, constant value. For these reasons, we have adopted this formulation for Z. 52 4. 4.1 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Mean Variables It is necessary to provide an upper and a lower boundary condition for each prognostic variable in order to find solutions of the level 3 equations. A staggered grid is used in which the mean variables are defined at the integer grid point levels. Turbulence variables and z derivatives of mean quantities are defined at the half integer grid points. The lowest integer grid point is at the roughness height, z,(0.01 m). The top of the grid (grid point 43.5) is at 2022 m. Appendix B contains a more complete description of the grid system. The definition of the roughness height provides the lower boundary conditions for u and v: u (z ) = 0.0 (66) v (z ) = 0.0 (67) A simplified, single layer ground thermodynacmis model (Ha forcing, Deardorff, 1978) was used to predict the values of Gv and R at z . The ground temperature, Tg, is predicted by the model based on net radiative heating (or cooling), phase changes of the ground water (or frost), and the heat flux at grid point 1/2 (0.07 m). The value of Gv (z ) is assumed to be equal to the virtual potential ground temperature 0v (0). )v(z0 ), therefore, is probably somewhat too high during unstable conditions and slightly underestimated during stable conditions. The mixing ratio at z0 is determined utilizing soil wetness parameters and the turbulent moisture flux at 0.07 m. The upper boundary conditions are applied at the The vertical virtual potential temperature 2022 m level. gradient is assumed to approach a constant (stable) value. The vertical derivatives of u, V, and R are assumed to be zero (Yamada and Mellor, 1975; Deardorff, 1973). Therefore, at 2022 m, v = 0.001 =v 0 4.2 (68) k/m R= 0 (69a,b,c) Second Moments The second moments requiring boundary conditions ar: q 2 ,e'2 , r' 2 , and r'E'. The lower boundary conditions are: v v are obtained by assuming each of the preceding variables is in equilibrium at the lowest half integer grid point (0.07 m). The time derivatives of equations (46-49), therefore, vanish, yielding: 54 q2(0.07 m) = - 2v'w' - a [q {- (70) 3zV + 2Sgw'O' } A2 , (0.07 m) 2 r' (0.07 m) = 2q{3 A Tq - = [qX3 . [ I[qX 3 3 3 (0.07 m) [ql2 (71) (72) vaz ] ar' { = }V - 2w'' ] 7 A r'e' 2u'w' vaz v - w' w'r' } (73) The calculated value of the ratio at z = 0.07 m, was sometimes in - V)l/2, v excess of 1. Whenever this occurred, equation (73) was r' v l/(r2 replaced by: r'' =(r - 61)1/2 v z = 0.07 m. This restriction of r'e'v was applied only at the lowest grid point. Wyngaard et al. (1978) reported observed r'-6O v correlation coefficients, above a warm evaporating surface, very close to unity. Yamada and Mellor (1975) utilize boundary condi- tions for q2 and 0'2 v of the form: (74) 55 (75) u2 q 2(0) 2 (0) (C ,C2 ) = (0.61, 2.4), where 2 u= (76) C2 H = 2 2 1/2 + (-v'w' [(-u'w'(0)) (0)) ] , and H = -w'' (0) The model with equations (70-71) as boundary conditions 2 2 2 2 2 yields ratios q /u, and e' ut/H within a few percent of C and C2 , respectively. The equilibrium boundary condi- tions, therefore, are consistent with observed surface turbulence structure, yet do not require the use of empirical constants. The upper boundary conditions for the second moments consist of the requirements that q , ' v , r , and r'Q'v vanish at the upper boundary (2022 m). q2 0 r' =0 , 2 , 0 rev =0 (76a,b) (76c,d) 56 The 2022 m level is sufficiently high to ensure the PBL is contained within the grid, and the turbulence moments can be expected to quickly approach zero outside of the PBL. 57 SOLUTION OF THE EQUATIONS 5. Reducing the Prognostic Equations into a Single Form 5.1 When the mean velocity components are expressed in complex form, u + iv, equations (42-49) can be reduced to a single form: S at =-__ az (P a 1 3z ) -P 2 (77) 3 where $ is the variable to be incremented in time. Table V summarizes the discussion to follow and contains the P's ,for each $. The Reynolds stress and heat flux equations (50-58) are 9 simultaneous equations. Yamada and Mellor (1974) provide a solution of the equations with the Coriolis terms omitted. The Coriolis terms, however, complicate these equations considerably. Appendix A con- tains the details of a solution of the 9 equations with the Coriolis terms, utilizing a back-substitution method. The solution for u'w' and Vw' is shown to reduce to Yamada's and Mellor's solution in the special case of no Coriolis terms. Also contained in Appendix A is the solution of the 3 moisture flux equations. Due to the complexity of the expressions for u'w', v'w', and w'0', the flux divergence terms of equations (42-44) are identified with P 3 in Table V. The moisture flux Table V Representation of the Prognostic Equations in a Standard Form Equation P2 123 No. 42, 43 vc 0 44 0v 0 P ifvcg if fT 0 g R 46 q2 1 v qX v c =u +iv, __ A_ _ --w cg u g + iv -3 + B -2w'r' A v vz g , v =u c + iv' v + 2fgw'6' __ __ v az + A A2 (w'e') -R az lo -2wrv A 3 az 2v'w' __ __ 9 r93 49 - 2q q2 48 - z 2q qq-2uw' 617 u 0 K w ____3 47 - z g 45 av au - v __ __ _ 59 divergence term of equation (45), however, is written as: (-w'r') = (78) R) (K where Kw and yR are evaluated in Appendix A. The identification of the terms of the second moment equations (46-49) with the P's is straightforward. It was necessary, however, to write the w' r' equation (48) wir' = term of as: - [Ar'O' B] where A and B are evaluated in Appendix A. (79) Equation (79) allows the r'6'v dependence of w'r' to be evaluated implicitly, thereby eliminating some numerical stability problems which were encountered with the r'O'v equation. Finite-Difference Approximation 5.2 A transformed coordinate system is used in the model. Vertical derivatives of any quantity, $,are evaluated by: azi. =a. j j+1/2 - 1$ (80) Equation (80) is the finite-difference form of equation (B-3) (see Appendix B). Equation (77) is approximated with the following finite-difference equation: k+l k 2 {[(Pla) k+ + (P a) (P2 ) k+ - (Yamada and Mellor, + - [P a) + k +kl +l k k k k+1 + [(P1a) + (P1a) ]$ k~ + 1 k k + 2(P 1a) J+ (P1a) 2P +t ] k+ ] k+1 (81) (P3 ) 1975). This finite difference scheme is an implicit scheme 2 with truncation errors of order 6t and (6x) (Richtmyer and Morton, 1967). The P1 for equation (45), at the integer grid points, levels. i.e., Kw, is not defined but only at half integer grid The terms of equation (81) involving [(P a)j+ + (P a) -.]/2 are therefore replaced by (P a)j/ The Gaussian elimination method is used to solve the implicit finite difference equation (from Richtmyer and Morton, 1967). Expressing equation (81) in the follow- ing form: -A k k+l k k+l k k+l + B.k -C $k 1 -3 3 J 1 j+1 = D k where the coefficients A., B., C., and D (82) are all known at time step k. k+1 = E J J k+1 e j+1 (83) e equation (83) $k+1 + F F. =E.E ( I with j = j-1, k+l $. Solutions are assumed to be of the form: becomes: (84) 1 Inserting equation (84) into equation (82)8, A. k+l j B. J - k+1 C.E. J J-1 j+1 + D + C F j- B.J J J-l - C.E. (85) and comparing equation (83) with (85) , gives expressions for E. and F.. J E. = E J A. B. C IE B - CE (86) D. + C.F. j B - C (87) E1 Applying the appropriate bottom boundary conditions will yield E and F1 . Knowing E, and F1 , as well as the coefficients A, B, C, and D, E2 and F 2 can be determined 62 with equations (86-87). Applying this procedure for each level, all the E's and F's can be determined. The upper boundary conditions and equation (83) can be used to determine $ at the top level. Because all the E's and F's are now known, equation (83) can be used to determine all the $'s, down to the bottom. at time step k+l, from the top level 6. 6.1 SIMULATION OF DAY 33 OF THE WANGARA EXPERIMENT Initial Conditions Initial values for the mean variables, u, v, v and R are the observed values at 0900 hours of Day 33 of the Wangara Experiment (Figures 3-5). Clarke et al. (1971) tabulate values for these variables at 50 m intervals below 1000 m and at 100 m intervals between 1000 m and 2000 m. Values at the grid levels are interpolated from the observed values. The Tv profile has been smoothed in the region 400-800 m to remove a slightly unstable lapse rate in that area. Initial values for the turbulence variables are generated by running the model for 1 hour starting with guessed values for the second moments (Yamada and Mellor, 1975). The initial and subsequent values of the geostrophic wind components, u and v , were also calculated in the same way as Yamada and Mellor, using their data. 6.2 Results The time-height variation of the velocity components u and v are presented in Figures 6 and 7. Agreement with the results of Yamada and Mellor and with observations is good. The nearly constant velocity profiles in the mixed layer during the day and the development of a low-level nocturnal jet are features of the velocity profiles noted by Yamada and Mellor which are also apparent in Figures 6 and 7. 64 2000---' 18001600- 140012001000- 800- 600400- 200- - 00 I 2 3 VIRTUAL Fig. 3. 4 5 6 TEMPERATURE, 7 8 fv (*C) Initial profile for virtual temperature, V 9 65 2000 1800 - 1600 - 1400"- 1200 - E 1000 - 00- 400 - 200 - 0 2 1 WATER VAPOR Fig. 4. 4 3 MIXING RATIO, R 5 (g/kg) Initial profile for water vapor mixing ratio, R. 66 2000 1800160014001200E1000800 600- 400 200- -3 -2 VELOCITY Fig. 5. -1 COMPONENTS 0 0 AND 1 V m/ s) Initial profiles for the eastward velocity component, u!, and the northward velocity component, v. U (m/s) 2000 1500 1-1000 - 500- -2 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 10-02 100 10 12 14 16 18 TIME Fig. 6. 20 (HOUR) 22 24 DAY 2 4 6 8 33134 Variation of the calculated mean velocity component, u, as a function of time and height. - 10 12 14 V (m/ s) 16 18 TIME Fig. 7. (HOUR) 20 22 24 DAY 33 34 2 4 6 Variation of the calculated mean velocity component as a function of time and height. 8 69 Figure 8 contains the mean virtual potential temperature variation. The rapid growth of the mixed layer with nearly constant jv can be seen. The surface layer is super-adiabatic during the late -morning and afternoon hours as solar radiation heats the ground. surface inversion develops after sunset. A strong The time varia- tion of the ground 0v, predicted by the ground thermodynamics model is shown in Figure 9. (1974) values is good. Agreement with Deardorff's The fall of the ground temperature after sunset is halted by the freezing of ground water, which releases latent heat. The ice is slow to melt during the morning of Day 34. This is a deficiency of the single layer ground model which keeps the ground temperature at 0*C until the ground ice in the entire layer has melted. Examination of the observed jv variation (Yamada and Mellor, 1975) indicates that the daytime temperatures in Figure 8 are slightly too high. to the assumption that 0 This can be attributed (ground) = 0v (z0 ). temperature and heat flux at z The air are somewnat overestimated during the day, yielding a warmer mixed layer. an additional simulation was run with 0v (z) As a test, reduced by about 8% (by increasing the ground albedo from 0.2 to 0.3). The resulting Gv variation matched the observations very closely (also see Figure 28). Yamada and Mellor reported that the longwave flux divergence term of the 0v equation influenced the predicted nu (*C) 20 1500 1000 500 10 12 16 14 TIME Fig. 8. 18 (HOURS) 20 22 24 DAY 33 34 2 4 6 Variation of the calculated mean virtual potential temperature, jv, as a function of time and height. 8 71 40- Deardorff 30- (*C) 20- 10- 0I 10 I I 12 I I I 14 I 16 I I 18 I S 20 I I 22 I I 24 | | t 2 4 6 DAY TIME Fig. 9. (HOURS) 33,34 Calculated surface 0v as a function of time. i i 8 72 nighttime 0v values measurably. Our neglect of the radia- tion term explains the warmer nighttime 0 values in- dicated in Figure 8. The mean water vapor mixing in Figure 10. ratio, R (z ) is shown in Figure 11. R, is shown Moisture in the surface layer increases in the morning as the ground water evaporates. As the mixed layer develops from 1000-1200 hours, the surface moisture is carried upward (resulting in this time). the bulge of the 3.5 and 4.0 contour lines at The afternoon boundary layer dries out because the moisture flux at the boundary layer top exceeds the surface moisture flux as all the soil moisture evaporates. The time-height variation of twice the turbulence kinetic energy is shown in Figure 12. The development of the strong daytime turbulence is due to bouyant generation (see Figure 13). Stress production and diffusion are negligible except close to the ground. At the end of the day bouyant generation becomes small or negative. The dissipation of turbulence energy, proportional to q3 is now unopposed and quickly eliminates most of the turbulence. A second effect is the variation of the length scale (Figure 14). As the level of turbulence in the boundary layer decreases, the length scale also decreases. Dissipation, being pro- portional to l/Z, increases for a given value of q3 Figure 14 compares closely with the variation of Z calculated by Yamada and Mellor (1975) in the region z < 500 m. SQ/ Kg) 2000[ 1 1 9 -11 1 1500 1.0 1000 -2.0 E- -- 3.0 500 3.5 100- 4.0 10 - 10 12 14 16 TIME Fig. 10. 18 (HOURS) 20 22 24 DAY 33|34 2 4 6 8 Variation of the calculated mean water vapor mixing ratio, R, as a function of time and height. 74 I I I I I I I -I I I I * I I I I ' 10 987o Deardorff 10 12 (1974) (9/kg) 5a 4 3- 14 16 TIME Fig. 11. 18 (-HOURS) 20 22 24 2 4 6 DAY 33 34 Calculated surface R as a function of time. 8 2 10 12 14 TIME Fig. 12. (m 2-2 16 (HOURS) 18 20 22 24 DAY 33134 2 4 6 8 Variation of the calculated values of twice the turbulence kinetic energy, q2 , as a function of time and height. DAY 33 1300 HRS 1.2 I.' 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 04 0.3 o.2 0.1 0.01-2.0 0 -1.0 X 10~ TERMS -50 -40 -30 OF THE -20 TURBULENCE -10 0 X 10-2 m2 Fig. 13. 0,4 2 0.8 1.6 2.0 -3 ENERGY 10 ,-s 1.2 20 EQUATION 30 40 Terms of the turbulence kinetic energy equation at 1300 hours, Day 33. 50 J(m) 2000 1500 1000 12 10 14 16 TIME Fig. 14. 18 20 (HOUR S) 22 2 24 DAY 4 6 8 33134 Variation of the length scale, and height. k, as a function of time Their formulation, however, continues to increase Z with height, approaching a constant limiting value. Equations (65) force Z to decrease in the upper portion of the boundary layer to a smaller, constant value in the stable region above the boundary layer. The boundary layer height, h, tion of Z, is of interest itself. used in the calcula- It is defined here as the layer of the atmosphere containing essentially all the dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy. The model calculates h by integrating the dissipation of q 2 up from the ground until adding the dissipation in the next grid layer to the integration adds less than 1% of total inteAt this point, the inte- grated amount below this level. gration stops, and h is determined. This definition of h yields boundary layer heights at, or within, 1 grid point of the base of the temperature inversion during the day, yet also gives a reasonable estimate for the boundary layer height at night, when identification of h from 0v or R profiles is difficult. Figure 15 shows h and the U profiles for 1100 and 1200 hours. The turbulence kinetic energy profiles for these times is shown in Figure 16. The evolution of the boundary layer height (Figure 17) is interesting. h grows rapidly in the morning hours, then more slowly in the afternoon. About an hour after sunset the boundary layer height crashes to a small, more or less constant value (108 m) through most of the night. -~ E I'dUU- 10000800h 60040020010 1200 1100 11 12 13 15 14 0" Fig. 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 (*C) Virtual potential temperature profiles for 11O hours and 1200 hours, Day 33. The calculated PBL top for each time is indicated by h. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 q 2 (m2 s.) Fig. 16. Vertical profiles of q2 (twice the turbulence energy) for 1100 hours and 1200 hours, Day 33 . The calculated PBL top for each time is indicated by h. h (m) 2000 r 1800 1600014001200 1000w800- 600- 400200- F 10 12 14 16 1-i i1 i1 i i1 f i l l 18 20 TIME Fig. 17. 22 24 2 g 4g 6 8 (HOURS) The calculated boundary layer height, h, as a function of time. The time-height variation or the virtual potential 2 temperature variance, 0' , is shown in Figure 18. The v maximum values of el2 are found at the z grid level during v 0 the day, and approximately 20-50 m above the ground at night. The e' v budget, Figure 19, shows a balance between gradient production and dissipation of 6 v entire boundary layer. The r' throughout the time-height variation, Figure 20, shows two areas of high mixing ratio variance, at the ground and at the boundary layer top. r' , The gradient production of Figure 21, is strongest near the PBL top where the R profile decreases rapidly with height. important only around above h, h and increase r' Diffusion is. tending to decrease r' at h. just The production of r' is negligible throughout the mixed layer, except in a shallow layer near the ground. Figure 22 contains the mixing ratio-virtual potential temperature correlation, r'e', as a function of time and v height. The model yields positive values for r'0'v throughout the boundary layer during the day. In the stable region above the boundary layer, where 6v rapidly increases v and R rapidly decreases with height, negative values of r'6'v occur. Throughout the shallow nighttime boundary layer (about 100 m), r'0' is negative. Figure 23 reveals that the dissipation term and the production term are in balance 12i 12 I i 2000 I y 2 (*K) I I S S I I S I 1500- E 1000- - .0.01 5000.05 10 5, 10 12 t., 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 4 6 8 D AY T IME Fig. 18. (HOUR S)334 Variation of the calculated virtual potential temperature variance, v'2 as a function of time and height. 0.05 00 1300 HRS 33 DAY .Z 0, h -10 TERMS 002 j h 5 I: OF I 0 2 4 X'10' 3 (*K S -2 -4 -6 -8 THE I i I I F I II PRODUCTION 200 -200 (0K)2 (*K Fig. 19. I DIFFUSION -400 8 EQUATION 8' I 6 400 S'I S Terms of the virtual potential temperature variance equation at 1300 hours, Day 33. 10 Kg-12 (1Kg 2000 1500 0-s -10-s -- 1000 I -0-. 10710 5001 100 10 -- 1l0- 10 12 14 16 TIME Fig. 20. I8 20 (HOURS) 22 24 DAY 2 4 6 8 33134 Variation of the calculated water vapor mixing ratio variance, r7, as a function of time and height. DAY 33 1300 HRS 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 -10 -12 -14 {/ TERMS ---- L h -6 -8 OF -4 THE -2 2 0 X 1010 I -18 -12 -9 -6 10 I I 12 15 12 14 18 21 Af -3 0 X 10~8 Fig. 21. 8 S-I PRODUCTION DISSIPATION -15 I I - -21 2 EQUATION r - ---- 6 4 (Kg Kg~) 3 6 9 (Kg Kg -'I s' Terms of the water vapor mixing ratio variance equation at 1300 hours, Day 33. r' e1 (0 K Kg Kgo'.) 201 1500 1000 DAY TIME Fig. 22. (HOURS) 33 34 Variation of the calculated water vapor mixing ratiovirtual potential temperature covariance, r'ev, as a T' Areas of negative function of time and height. hatching. are signified by 88 DAY -10 -6 -8 TERMS -4 OF - -2 THE 1300 HRS 33 0 X 10-r 6 42 (* K S~ Kg Kg- ) 8 10 EQUATION r'v -. 02h .h 0 -2 -1 XIO' Fig. 2 3. 2 0 (*K s~ Kg Kg ) Terms of the r'6'V equation at 1300 hours, Day 3 3. everywhere. h Dissipation and production change signs above where r'O'V is negative. The variation of the diagnostically determined Reynolds stresses (u'w', v'w'), vertical heat flux (w'e') and vertical moisture flux (w'r') as a function of height and time are presented in Figures 24-27. Small negative values of the heat flux (2-8% of the surface heat flux) were calculated just above the afternoon boundary layer top. Yamada and Mellor (1975) reported downward heat fluxes above the PBL top of a maximum of 2% of the surface values. Deardorff's (1974) model calculates an average negative heat flux of 13% of the surface value. The surface (z level) values of w'6', w'r' , and the friction velocity, u,, are shown in Figures 28-30. The results of Deardorff (1974) and Yamada and Mellor (1975) are also shown, when available, on these figures for comparison. with Deardorff's. The surface moisture flux compares well The calculated high values of w'O'v have already been attributed to the assumption v (z ) = v (ground). Values of the individual turbulence energy components in the unstable boundary layer show an anisotropic distribution. equal. The components u' and v' are approximately The vertical energy component, w' , however, is usually more than twice the other two components. This is due to the direct transfer of bouyant energy to the w' M2 s'2 ) UI wi E 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 4 6 8 DAY TIME Fig. 24. (HOURS) 33134 Variation of the calculated Reynolds stress component, u'w', as a function of time and height. v'iw' ( M2 '' ) 2000 w I'500 12 10 14 16 TIME Fig. 25. 18 (HOURS) 20 22 24 DAY 2 4 6 8 33134 Variation of the calculated Reynolds stress component, v'w', as a function of time and height. w' fv I m S~'*K ) 2000 1500 1000 E 500 100 10 TIME Fig. 26. (HOURS) DAY 33134 Variation of the heat flux component, w'T', function of time and height. V as a w r' X 10 (m s' g k ) 200 1500 1000 500 12 10 14 16 22 20 18 TIME (HOURS) 24 2 4 6 8 DAY Fig. 27. 33134 Variation of the moisture flux component, w'rT, as a function of time and height. 10 12 TIME Fig. 28. 14 16 18 (HOU RS) 20 22 24 TAY 33134 2 4 6 8 Calculated surface heat flux for two values of the surface albedo, as a function of time. The values of Deardorff (1974), and Yamada and Mellor (1975) are also shown. 95 t 40 0 E 30 0 20 11. I- (n 0 - 10 12 TIME Fig. 29. 14 16 (HOURS) 18 20 22 24 0 AY 33 2 4 6 34 Calculated surface moisture flux as a function of time. The results of Deardorff (1974) are also shown. 8 l 1 0.50 - i l t $ I 0,45- 0.400.350,300,25 I-A VAMAOAa MELLOR 0.20 - (1975){ 0.) z0.15 S0.10 La. 0.0510 12 TIME Fig. 30. 14 16 (HOURS) 18 20 22 24 2 4 6 DAY 33:34 Calculated friction velocity, u,, as The results of a function of time. Yamada and Mellor (1975) are also shown. 8 97 2,0 -Il -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0,2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 . 0.765 CORRELATION Fig. 31. COEFFICIENT wI &e w' 6,' The correlation coefficient for w'-6' as a function of z/h, for 1300 hoursV and 2000 hours, Day 33. L.O 98 component (Deardorff, 1973). The return-to-isotropy (pressure correlation) term, proportional to 1/2, to eliminate this anisotropy. tries The bouyant energy - w' energy transfer is exemplified in Figure 31. The w'-O' V correlation coefficient is a high constant value (.765) throughout the daytime PBL. The nocturnal (8:00 pm) boundary layer profile of the correlation coefficient clearly does not exhibit this behavior. 99 7. EFFECTS OF THE CORIOLIS TERMS ON TURBULENT FLUXES IN THE PBL Most higher order closure models of the PBL contain assumptions to the effect that the Coriolis terms of the turbulence moment equations are negligible Mellor and Yamada, 1974, 1975). (e.g., Wyngaard et al. (1974), however, discuss the importance of the Coriolis terms in the Reynolds stress equations. In importance of these terms in order to evaluate the influencing the results in the simulated boundary layer, runs were made in which the rotation terms were included (turned on) and set equal to zero (turned off). The inclusion of the Coriolis terms in the u!u! 1 J and u!6' equations presented no problems other than to increase the complexity of the equations. Computational problems, however, were encountered with the level 3 moisture equations with rotation. A-18) An examination of equations (A-16 - for w'r' indicates that the effect of the Coriolis terms will be to increase the moisture flux if flux is in the same direction moisture flux. If the momentum (upward or downward) the momentum is in as the the opposite direction of the moisture flux, the Coriolis terms tend to decrease Consider a situation in which 3R/az = 0. w'r'. (A-21) w' r' = Equation reduces to: Ar'' v (87) 100 A is defined by equation (A-22). Equation (48) is approximately: - w'r' (r'6') -(A = r'6 - v+ q r' Usually the second term in unstable boundary layer. (88) parentheses dominates in the In the stable region above the boundary layer, the first term is usually larger. of the terms of equation (A-22) An analysis reveals: 2 A ~ q (89) gq + 9k2 qfy li The turbulence in the region above the boundary layer is weak, indicating q 3. is a small positive number. Since fy is positive, a.region of au/3z < 0 can make A negative. This occurred in the stable region above h. Equation (88) reduces to: C r'O' 1 v v at (r'O') where C1 -A 3 exponential. (90) > 0. The resulting solution is a growing 101 In order to evaluate the effects of the Coriolis equations it was necessary to terms in the u.u' i v i 3 and u.'' set fy = fz = 0 in the moisture equations above the PBL The moisture equations are decoupled from the other top. No moisture variable is equations. and, or u.6' i v of uu!, 3 i therefore, used in the Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes are unaffected by this change in In addition, equations. the calculation the u!r' the boundary the area of interest is layer, and in this region, no restriction on fy or fz was necessary. Figures 32-35 contain u'w', w'r' v'w', w '',v and profiles for runs with and without this Coriolis terms. There is no difference in the linear w'0'v throughout the boundary layer (Figure 34). profile The w'r' profile also shows little sensitivity to the inclusion of rotation. The Reynolds stresscomponents u'w' and v'w', however, are influenced somewhat (Figures 32-33). The u'w' profile retains the same shape as without rotation, but the v'w' profile is- flattened. None of the prognostic turbulence equations con2 ~~ Their inclusion affects q , 6'v tains Coriolis terms. r' and r'0' only through the diagnostically determined Time-height variation plots u!u!, u.'', and u.r' equations. i i v i 3 for the mean variables and the prognostic turbulence variables are almost identical for runs with and without the Coriolis terms. The effects of the Coriolis terms, therefore, are 102 .0 0.9 0.80.7 0.6h 0.5 - 040.30.20-1 - -.03 -. 02 U W' ( Fig. 32. 0 01 -. 2 .01 .02 .03 S2 ) Profiles of the Reynolds stress component u'w' at 1200 hours, Day 33, for two cases [Coriolis terms on (---) and Coriolis terms off (-)] as a function of z/h. 103 h 0.5 -.0! 0 .01 0.02 .03 .04 ( M2 C-2 Fig. 33. Profiles of the Reynolds stress component v'w' at 1200 hours, Day 33, for two cases [Coriolis terms on (---) and Coriolis as a function of z/h. terms off (-) .05 104 1.0 0.9 5 04 0 w 1 e" Fig. 34. .1 .2 .3 .4 (in s-1 K) Profiles of the heat flux component w'6' at 1200 hours, Day 33, for two cases [Coriolis terms on (---) and Coriolis . as a function of z/h. terms off (-) .5 105 543- I 0 2 '""" wr Fig. 35. (m S 3 - 4 1-1 kg kg 6 5 ) x 10 -5 Profiles of the moisture flux component, w r', at 1200 hours, Day 33, for two cases [Coriolis terms on Coriolis terms off (-)] of z/h. and function a as (---) 7 106 felt mainly in the details of the uIw' and v'w' profiles. These terms can therefore usually be safely neglected. 107 EVALUATION OF THE SIMILARITY FUNCTIONS 8. A, B, C AND D 8.1 Definition of the Scales and Derivation of A, B, C, and D The similarity theory proposed by Monin and Obukhov (1954) for a stationary, horizontally assumes, homogeneous flow, that the surface layer profiles of all mean and turbulent variables, when appropriately nondimensionalized, are universal functions of a small number of dimensionless parameters. The theory is applied in the surface layer where the Reynolds stress, and the heat and moisture fluxes may be considered constant with height. It is assumed that the surface layer structure is determined by the dimensional variables: z, z , g/G The flow is ,u,,w' 0 , w'r' (91) . assumed to be of sufficiently high Reynolds number so that the kinematic viscosity, thermal diffusivity, and water vapor diffusivity need not be included in (91). It is possible to form two dimensionless combinations of these dimensional variables: z/z 0 , z/L (92) 108 3 -U, where, is L = v0 VO length, and K the Monin-Obukhov )w'e' K(g/G v O 0 is the von Karman constant, which is tra- ditionally included in the definition of L. The assumption that (91) contains all the relevant information needed to specify the structure of the surface layer implies that the non-dimensional forms of the mean velocity components, virtual potential temperature, and mixing ratio must be functions of only z/z0 and z/L. The appropriate scaling factor to nondimensionalize the velocity components is the friction velocity u,. Scaling factors for virtual potential temperature and mixing ratio are obtained from (91) and are given by: v0 = (93) K, R; = 0 .(4 Ku * (94) Therefore, in the surface layer, u = * F (z/z0 , z/L) 0 (95) 109 V - F 3 (z/z0 , z/L) O= (97) (98) 0 = F 4 (z/z0 , z/L) In this section, the velocity components u and v are in surface coordinates, i.e., u is defined to be in the direction of the surface wind and v is perpendicular to it. If the non-dimensional vertical gradients of u, v, 0V, and ~A are assumed to be independent of z/z0 (Monin and Obukhov, 1954), it is possible to identify the z/z 0 dependence of the mean variables as logarithmic. Equations (96-98) can be written in the form: U [ln (z/z0 ) - = m(z/L)] (99) = 0 (100) U* . Pr V0 Pr K_ K [ln (z/z o) (z/L)] -h (101) * R K R* Pr [ln (z/z K - 0 $(z/L)] R (102) For the remainder of the PBL, above the surface layer, Monin-Obukhov similarity theory does not apply, and the parameters in (91) do not suffice to determine the structure. The roughness parameter, z0 , is not important Other for z >> z0 , and can be eliminated from the list. effects, such as rotation and baroclinicity, should be included. The height of the PBL, h, representing externally determined influences, such as diurnal heating, subsidence, etc., must also be included. The similarity theory applied to the region of the PBL above the surface layer is called Ekman layer similarity theory. Ekman layer similarity theory has evolved through the years and is based on the work of many people. and Monin (1960, 1961), Csanady (1967), Gill Kazanski (1968), Blackadar and Tennekes (1968), Clarke and Hess (1973), Deardorff (1972a,b), Hess (1973), Arya and Wyngaard (1975), and others have contributed to its development. In an analogous fashion with the surface layer, the non-dimensional forms of the mean variables can be represented as universal functions of non-dimensional combinations. The Ekman layer relations are: u - u uum v - G1 (z/h, h/L, IfIh/u*) (103) G2 (z/h, h/L, iflh/u*) (104) v u* m ill j v - j v _* m= G3 (z/h, h/L, R - RK R* m (105) jfIh/u*) (106) G4 (z/h, h/L, Iflh/u,) m' The variables uM' av , and Rm used in the Vm deficit relations (103-106) are PBL mean values of velocity, and mixing ratio. virtual potential temperature, Xdz, = 1 h X =u, v, e (107) , R 0 The use of the PBL averaged quantities allows the effects of baroclinicity to be included implicitly, and thus simplifies the analysis (Arya, 1978). The relations (99-102) apply in the surface layer, while (103-106) are their counterparts in the rest of Assuming there is a transition region, the boundary layer. or matching layer, in which both sets of relations apply, it is possible to obtain the following relations: -- [ln (z/z S u* K - 0 $ m (z/L)] u m + G (z/h, h/L, 1 u, jfIh/u,) (108) 112 Writing ln(z/z ) as ln(z/h) + ln(h/z ), and absorbing the z/h dependence into the unknown function G1 yields: KU ln(h/z) - -- fIh/u*) G (z/h, h/L, = (109) The function G', however, must be independent of z because the z dependence of G , independent of z. is the left hand side of (94) Eliminating and calling the unknown function A, we obtain: u A(h/L, Iflh/u*) = ln(h/z ) - K (110) - A similar matching argument for the relations (100-102, 104-106) yields the other universal similarity functions B, C, and D. Kv B(h/L, Ifln/u*) = - -- (111) sign f - e. C(h/L, IfIh/u*) = ln(h/z 0 ) D(h/L fI h/u,) = ln(h/z ) + K[ vo + K[ 0R e (112) m (113) 113 Attempts have been made to determine the similarity functions from an empirical data base. Clarke and Hess (1974) evaluated A and B using the geostrophic wind in their definition instead of um and vm, and assumed h = u,/If I. Melgarejo and Deardorff (1974) used the components of the wind u and v at the PBL top, h, in the deficit relations. The PBL top was determined by profiles of Ov and R (unstable conditions) or u and v (stable conditions). Both studies, however, show a large amount of scatter in the data points, especially on the stable side. Arya (1975) reanalyzed the data of previous studies in an attempt to reduce the huge amcunts of scatter. The re- sults, although somewhat better, still retain considerable scatter. The similarity theories discussed assume that a steady-state, horizontally homogeneous situation exists. In the real atmosphere neither condition is satisfied. Diurnal variations and large scale changes in the flow pattern violate the assumption of a steady-state. Changes in the surface characteristics and horizontal advection are usually present to violate the horizontal homogeneity assumption. In addition, it is very difficult to measure Reynolds stresses or heat and moisture fluxes in the field. It is not surprising, therefore, that empirical determinations of the similarity functions contain a considerable. amount of scatter. 114 An alternative approach, the use of a model, has been used to determine the similarity functions (Arya, 1977; Yamada, 1976; Arya and Wyngaard, 1975). The assump- tions of horizontal homogeneity and stationarity can be satisfied using this approach. There is no "measure- ment error" as with an empirical determination. The main limitation is the ability of the model, with its modeling assumptions and approximation-s, to faithfully reproduce nature. 8.2 Results The similarity functions A, B, C, and D are evaluated for five cases and are tabulated with h, u*, T*, R,, L, RiB, h/zo, h/L, and Iflh/u* (see Tables VI-X). The bulk Richardson number, RiB, is defined as: Bgh(e B -E ) -2 -2 u + v m m In each case, a 24-hour simulation is started at 0900 hours local time, described in section 6.1. using the initial conditions The results contained in section 6.2 are from case B. 115 Case Table Surface Albedo Geostrophic Winds A VI 0.10 Wangara B VII 0.20 Wangara C VIII 0.25 Wangara D IX 0.30 Wangara E X 0.20 constant As summarized above, cases A-D use the observed geostrophic winds from the Wangara experiment, as described by Yamada and Mellor (1975). Spatially and temporally constant geostrophic winds are used in case E (u = v -- 4 m/s). The similarity function A is of h/L in Figure 36. are used in plotted as a function Hourly values of A (from Tables VI-X) the construction of Figure 36. The data for the 9th and 10th simulated hours (6:00 - 7:00 p.m. local time) are not used because in this period the boundary layer height is very rapidly changing. Similarity theory cannot be expected to do well under these highly nonstationary conditions. Figures 37-39 are the same as Figure 36 except for the similarity functions B, C, and D. On the unstable side, there is a small amount of scatter in the similarity functions which is probably attributable to the fact that all values of h/z fjh/u, are allowed. A, B, C, and D on h/z and In other words, the dependence of and jflh/u, is not considered in 116 List of the Variables in Tables VI - X t (hours) simulated time starting at 9:00 a.m. local time (i.e., time = 1 corresponds to 10:00 a.m., time = 2 corresponds to 11:00 a.m., etc.) h Cm) Boundary layer height u,(m/s) Friction velocity 0* (*K) Scaling factor for virtual potential temperature (eqn. 93) R, Scaling factor for water vapor mixing ratio (eqn. 94) multiplied by 1000 (gm/gm) L (m) Monin-Obukhov length RiB Bulk Richardson number (eqn. 114) A Similarity function A B Similarity function B C Similarity function C D Similarity function D h/z Ratio of boundary layer height to surface o roughness parameter (z = 0.01 M) h/L Ratio of boundary layer height to MoninObukhov length IfIh/u* Ratio of the magnitude of the Coriolis parameter s-1) to u*/h (f = -8.2 x 10- ou 0 055. a c au O C 0 00 LWWWi~N.-OC-Nk' CCOO CCCO.U? 'D PW-OONW W NCw W= C COeOO OOo N& , 00 UC CC @ J e. a a a ass ~ 'D a a a as Oc 0ni 0 OO O %N-4%. 0 Ca W -k a Ic CCNC W OO COr c O CCJ' N- WaW_ aN C OpNC C o N a O ! 0 -CCC N w x N , v ~ C k** :~ : 7. c . C.5C N - a N OC C -M C- ~ . C w -4 5,L U C a ;u UttC w , C Z, 5 iCU -Z - r Ci 0-1 C'ig f, Nii CiiaeC CCOC 'c C (3-3 XILIn00CFM UWCUE O JOC0O4O N t i CC@O CCCCCOC e,,,-.,.,,..e-, NL 8- NC - l . , O.O015 $ -C-c O CC O O UtC C CCC C U ia &@-*** O--- O ..... C O U-, S..-- C OOOOCOO -. O .C C a .. O O ..0-eC -. ... O OCO O - U -- a 0 N a Ce w eC.- N ~~~ a N CC 4 P > C00 -W0 0N tO Cwew mow C N U .C55 C0 s e 4 - CCri US N N ft &W O C -4 ~ C 000 ese--S--i--e--C--S1 s- OOONOON N -U NI-J-I Nl r& OC .-- MCfu wu* WNW CC IoOIO M s& <Wi & G NN.0U.5CO ONNW J C - W N - C#N in g Wi =A NCC* WN N CCCCCC h C f% a 4. C - ~ 3 4 O MW&CW V SC -; EW asia :D U as .0M W 511.0 C W0C0& CC N-4- fu CCCC e-ft & OOCOC OCN OO COW-00 * *- . d5J - & W C*. C(D 0 ( C UHW @@ Li US M I- ( -- 4 - - - HA s H 010 r 'a a r 6 t craW as 0 U-* i N M (P' C) H NSC~ &C.--.-:- s M t8 a wo)4 W W W- iaasia6 a I'-l NetCC-0CCCCNC.0 eCNN v--c...0D $CCWNMO O CO 0 a. 4 188888ilBll &C tA * W!-aLj CWCOW asaaa -s s a~w W -N4 NN WNS'NNN.O CWOOIC ow a tj - OOC "a a U( -D N L.C iC-W( JCCCCUSJSU-CCW NOCWCOwOwtO O aN OUWQPWW-WWWWN -4 W -4 Wo 0, - 0 .. fl llsaiisii M -4t aass N ~ -4 tO O -- *..- -- & -' - *- N m nW c c P UOULO w -4~ M' C 0 Cw C li L! % 5,W L N N ;U & to w Uth O UWOW Ua o O C' o W C L iNNUrWM M @CUSLOU1U' 0 C W-.J.J. @@&MNMN&&&&U M W@ V& luau W Li J-J-JT OP C # a.& i OOO4.-JNCWO OCOOOOOOCOCOOOCOOC NC QV8! OWZ4NN I--NNWWCCUW (r . C. iCi% W 0 i' -* sC -.. iWCWCNNNNWWiWWNNOCW OOC.CI-CC LiCUSOG-N~.0CNWW0'SO OOOOO WCC'CCCCO COCOOO mW C0 0 ~ CWNONtON O&&C *e iii iii Ms010. NNO CCCOiC CNCCsONUO -I "Is aeaea -I -I -I -I -I -I -I eae-I -I -I -I ssi 4. O . A f~f?.. &C'Q'5. 0 . OMUC C a yt Ui C U1i C VI 0NN. .. D OrCLi0OC ,U V &OCON.NNN.--JO -NN Lt. ~ It 4-f t ZZ W.... -4 INAll -I l-I & a, 0 OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOOO fCN -W T &N oU 2 -WUS- ai a iLiiL , eN ftW CCWONasia 5 C.N# i 5. CW4 -4 &N e-- OOO.NNNNN .. C OO N & 1 0 Up Wc CCCV Wii.s.' @ :O .tC Q0C5,o=NNNNwO C NCNC C B M a, e--4W NN..N C k! CtFIC -Q-41I~ ama0 aa N- aa U OSCSno & & && CCC4% .0CN-JCOO-JO-.T% C5P smss@ssaS 5. ILCNN..,CVCCCC'C@NCC@i5S@i@C@@L5@C5NNNN OW NC S O i C NC-*i - N -*U-'N--i C C-C UN -- C.. -. .i-. C 0NN N C a a C-O WNN@@@OCCC. s W -j WON OOOCC-" COOCOOONNO#QMiN 0-JCC OO NO--OOOCO ae ow Wm ow OCWCN--s O mow WC WA WNWCWiC -400C)OOOCOOOOO . C , C COWC .. O C 000000&&0&&&WWO i ai aO a a wow mNw MNL We-C COo C @i.f1 SW&S&Ue0N a a s o- NNNNNNNNNNNNCC##C e OO CCCCCSUt dae a4W r 2 lla c CU -4i.5.- L c a IU a aa V a ii a a a as isa - -ww****"" ai Cc e"Nw5C - MOC C CCL iL~ -W WNVINN -- - -OWVCWW Ti---ii, M . C-c MOc NO N U'W& ~ . 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CN wC a a _L r.ama eoijlFUE.L rat V I.~~' l l: 'NW W W WON r, . fC, . iifr w ;zZ - e 1 .; - - C'1,I C r3 . -1.OJ£C 'Z1 tue.g em-L.C ag a~-0 m ~ a a:a Cw a C. T :4, 0 Lit 0 Ct - ICO~J .. CCCCVCwl M- uIt~e QC 0 - 0:-r 0 -, - w F I c~ CIIIII t I - e- - - 0 to Gvco c J10 VU - -U C M n( . 1 a, M , 1 4 . F- eIXaE I g * lJD - tv m~, Or WU 0 0 PP 6 IC C)aO . e g L. * - CW0 N'3 W (D M 0,C F . ggc.EagC'Cg IF~~ E ;wOrwaO 4L .'. C W0 U 'U . e Th -SQ.OLP-. tF0-S0LUEm-.J7C wt b aw b E - (P p D10-40 -C _ gg' i 1 3 .1L o q F~ U -0~l~ gm e e N -r U N LnN = GQwC410 .CwcLFCLtOaI Nf% D D7 !uWW M, ww E flJEAEJE11 A, N N N .J£J.-..Uf.F.EU.S N *Ftr -- W C U U f D4 M.,- a 1~N- K-1 N 4kI NCC v J UM'M 3 ir v r'iftN ZI"r P - 0~E v'Ja a~ nr C~ -11 PN -. P0LACuCVClrQ ~gIa3EtiEfe~jE~F~~% o #FUtE e C CCL 0: SX7ft U42 iS MM MNM L Dp 1~twI I~, wI~ j o tt J -L r,. 00C0C %*r f ~ ~~ L.~~~~ I C4 r w(CxwcJW 19- ; O(CF :Dg Cg geU rN £S££NFNFNJNU'r.IEJIJE . 0 N J ' . .D0.. EZo n .FE gv E :G .L s AgDof,4N WW-g ga to C . i C . Z;CoLf : _m M w Cr av Q~ rPW NegrNPg :- rcL %am-J~C. _eNCU~U-tNU~-U CCOrC.OCO'DCvCP0UCCCCC0w00CC0 ;svl ,U(7rCO r W4P -IZ - eCV0L g a, g g w D P P P PCI P I D: IfNEIN 5 51 N SF ul a Or 0, w C t- 'Zwp$ I -wfl - www.w~~tae F ..0J t0C 5Z ;o L-.jj '-; 4PU0S' CPM MV CPP4, IIC IA II P 0t - *eammVa.Wmr,,_ = Cx 5 IT0a gg IFF 7 -X~ ,CK P CO 0n Q CT L.U~-~CU0F 0(..tTVCf0 P4 r.m t v m Ft~w #I IF IL U - lO0, J 0 :rL £rU@4-..U0 v -0 r I WPLNNf ('-4W C0 0a*) PLtCwD44M)W1;f ~jMNWjf)uln(aN II 4 C z z N.~~~~~ a au IVI NN II (dD W0 II V -- 77N'Z~ NZLLL -f\ I ,wh . uL xC t.r1,WN 1 L'11 C = u waefuegme ua m - - - aTqa L Ct ,' - CUCuCL - W4)IJ~U !La-a _4 "'o C pDP)4 N W14 F I**11 -4~~~sy C j tr 47tw t (K a P N 4 r. t£0, alO N ~ ; 77U YH7a,q ~ 7aaa1 a4 zg NUj t wwo N ft ) N . e.IF o,~~ 4'M4'4 ZIl PCrk. 1 -0 L M4P FFW aN Ce v r4 tilll0 )l p ~ COCCCCOQ &I Yf eg .0 .CMC OIWML N l w. O uc-NiI% I'O-U'W77 F C U. LC4CL~r 41,E C V C-f~ W NOT -Z Ml 0NOD- zz ;n.~J LO CFl ffe w=i C o.vVu2 ~ ~ m* I0! aL m III) #ocO VI u..Jr 61 - C rQ L oOvUwww 0 M- N.f _A ~ c a gigg40 g- HnW s--E w 0 o0I e Hp,4CCC' C S0 D9- a g - 122 60 g r ' 5040302010 - 0 -' A -10.- -20 - -30 -40-50-60-70 1- -600 . I -400 I -200 I 0 I 200 h/L Fig. 36. Similarity function A as a function of h/L: open circles (o) - case E; closed circles (-) - cases A-D. 123 1009080- 706050403020100-10-20-600 -400 -200 0 200 h/L Fig. 37. Similarity function B as a function of h/L: open circles (o) - case E; closed circles (-) - cases A-D. 124 60 I I I I I I 50 40 30 -% 20 10 C 0 -10 - - -20 -30 -40 p 3 I I -50 -60 -70 -60 0 -400 -200 200 h/L Fig. 38. Similarity function C as a function open circles (o) - case E; of h/L: - cases A-D. closed circles (-) 125 50 0 -p -. -WV 0- -50- D -100- -150- -200 - -250I -600 I p -400 -200 p 0 200 h/L Fig. 39. Similarity function D as a function of h/L: open circles (o) - case E; closed circles (.) - cases A-D. 126 Similarity Function A h (a) 3 (x10 -600 -200 -400 h/L Similarity Function B h (b) (x0 -600 -200 -400 h/L Fig. 40. (a) Similarity function A as a function of h/L and h/zo for values of |flh/u* > 0.1. (b) Similarity function B as a function of h/L and h/z 0 for values of IfIh/u* > 0.1. 127 Similarity Function C 150 h (a) x1O3 -200 -400 -600 h/L Similarity Function D h "20 (b) (x 10 3 o1 -600 Fig. 41. (a) 1 ' -400 h/L I ' 1 -200 ' 0 Similarity function C as a function of h/L and h/zo for values of IfIh/u, > 0.1. (b) Similarity function D as a function of h/L and h/z0 for values of |f|h/u* > 0.1. 128 Figures 36-39. Figures 40 (a,b) and 41 (a,b) show isolines of A, B, C, and D as functions of h/z restricted range of values of and h/L for a Iflh/u*. An examinations of Tables VI-X indicates that the similarity functions C and D are equal (within a few percent) in the unstable boundary layer. Under stable conditions, however, C and D do not appear to be equal. Brutsaert and Chan (1978), analyzing experimental data, evaluated the similarity functions C and D. With the height of the inversion as the length scale, 6, they found D to be about 0.65 C. Their results, however, are based on the use of 0 (6) and R (6) in the deficit relations instead of the vertically averaged variables As pointed out by Arya (1977, em and R . 1978) the use of 0 (6) and R (6) in the formulation of C and D is less desirable than the use of the vertically averaged variables because the results are more sensitive to baroclinicity and sampling errors. 129 9. SUMMARY A higher order closure turbulence model, using the full level 3 equations (Mellor and Yamada, 1974; Yamada and Mellor, 1975) is described in detail in section 2. A new formulation for the length scale Z, defined by equations (65a - 65c) is used. This length scale, appearing in each of the modeling parameterizations described in section 3, has the same shape in the PBL as Deardorff's (1974, 1975) profile of the turbulence energy dissipation length scale. Equilibrium boundary conditions for the second moments are applied at the lower boundary. The surface mixing ratio and potential temperature are predicted with a single layer ground thermodynamics model (Deardorff, 1978). The results of a simulation of Day 33-34 of the Wangara boundary layer are examined in section 6. The boundary layer grows through the day, reaching a maximum (1320 m) around 1800 hours (6:00 p.m. local time). an hour after sunset, About the PBL top falls rapidly to a more or less constant value of 100-150 m throughout the night. Twenty-four hour simulations are made both with ahd without the Coriolis terms. The results are nearly identical for all the mean and prognostic turbulence variables. The details of the Reynolds stress components 130 u'w' and v'w', however, did show some sensitivity to the inclusion of the Coriolis terms. Finally, the similarity functions A, B, C, and D are evaluated in section 8. Layer-averaged variables are used in the deficit relations. The similarity functions C and D are found to be equal in the unstable boundary layer, although this appears not to be true in the stable boundary layer. 131 APPENDIX A SOLUTION OF THE DIAGNOSTIC REYNOLDS STRESS, HEAT FLUX, AND WATER VAPOR FLUX EQUATIONS The level 3 equations for the Reynolds stress and the heat flux (equations 50-58) represent a closed set of 9 diagnostic equations. Once the prognostic equations for the mean variables (u, v, (q2 ',2) e, R) and the turbulence variables are solved, the individual components of the V Reynolds stress tensor and the heat flux vector are determined. The sclution of the simultaneous equations (50-58), It is however, requires a great deal of algebraic work. convenient to represent equations (50-58) in the matrix form (equations A-1). The matrix is solved by performing elementary row reduction operations until all the non-diagonal elements are zero and the diagonal elements are equal to one. If, at each step in the matrix manipulation, a new variable is defined in terms of combinations of previously defined variables, the answer will be of the form u'u= N where Nk is defined in terms of M's, and the M's are defined in terms of L's, etc. following: This procedure.will lead to the 132 0 1 0 0 A5 1 0 B5 0 A 3 0 0 B3 B 0 0 0 S1 0 2 E1+E5 0 0 0 0 0 0 C4 0 0 0 u'v 0 u'w +C5 0 0 1 D D2+D 0 1 E6 E3 0 1 0 F3 0 1 G 4 3 0 0 o 0 O 0 F1 F F5 o 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 12 0 0 u'2 I- 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v'w 0 3 0 0 2 +G 3 v S 0 H2 v'O' 0 1 w'6' v Equations A-i 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Equations w' 2 VI u'w' I 5 N 6 N7 v (A-2) N vi I vV N8 N 9J 133 where, o 0 ~4 1 A 1 = q /3 0 1 A2 z -21 0 A al u q 3 z * C 5 = -6Z1 q az D 1 = -- y v 3z 1 q F3 3 - 0 f q v 0 F2 - -3z 1 q 1 A4 -62, 0 A5 * D2 3 1 q 0 3, Y D 3 au azE -- = Yg F4 if 0 F q -3Z = 5 G ajz q 0 A 0 6 q D4 = Y 0 2 B5 = q /3 q D5 = fy q fz G2 G3 q 0 0 B2 q 12Z az aii E 1 q -31 az q E2 0 C a= E= 3Z 1 Cq a a G4 H1 -q E3 Sg H2 0 B 6 1 5 -3 0 ~ fz q 0 -3 0 4 0 Y q az 32 fh 0 +2Z 0 321 o 4Z B3 B fu 0 z q g =-3 0 0 3vz f E4 -q fy = q 3z q lz 392 32 q z q a H3 0 0 ci = 0 C2 0 C3 32 0 q /3 -2.2 3u -1 q -22 q z 1 q E5 u au a y -3, E 32, S1 F ~~~ v 0 12 q 0 I v 3v 0 13 -3Z 2 q y 134 N1 = M 2/M1 N = M M43 (M2 /M - N 3 = L8- N N 1 l6 ~ M15 1) M16 K 18 M5 (M2 /M ) - =L -M M 7 (M /M 2 1) N =M L N = M M 11 (M /M 2 1) - Ml3 (M2/M ) N9 = M 16 - M1 5 (M /M 2 1) - L2 L7 M, L M2 L3 - L2L8 2 L8 =MK - K F1 - F2K5 L2 K5L M6 6 M7 E 6 M8 E18 M9 K 3 - F2K6 8 = 1 13 2 3 4 3 12 1 I2 112 1 3 2 3 4 3 L = F5 K5 L = FF4 -F5K5 1 I1 5 FSK6 2 2 31 K 1/K2 K1/K2 3 4 3G2 L8 K3 /K2 Jg I5 3G3 K= F7 - F8 (11 K2 1 K3= F F6 L = L = K 3 F8 ( 2 / 3) - F8 1 4 3 3) K5= G - G 2 ( 2 /1 3 K6 G - G2 (4 /3 EyL7 17L 7 E17 L8 - -G2 ( = K7= K8L7 K I 10 K l8 -F5 K - 9 16 1 3 8 = I1= -H4 B32 4 I H1 = H4B33 L5L8 K5L8 K M5 I7 - L5L M3 =L N K 17L8 = M 9 (M2 /M 1 ) - 6 1 - F2K L = N 6 = M10- K 13 K13= K15 L7 (M2 /M 1 ) M 17 L7 K8 J /3 213 J 2/J3 I H = 2 H3 4HgB34 I5 = 19 H5 - H4B35 I6= -F15 B32 I = 1 2 F 13 5F 5B33 8 = F14 - 15B34 K8L8 I K= M1 = K10 -K K11 LL7 M2 Ml3 M14 =K 3 12 K11 L8 L7 4 13 - K 4K L 15 K14 L8 K= K=y K 11 K= K1 B32 - B3 4 (1 /3 = B33 B35 - - = I Il0 F16 = - B 3 4 (J2 /J 3 I B 3 4 (14 /J 3 Il2 11 - 15B35 A44 B32 A43 - A 44B33 -A44 34 I = Il3 A45 A 44B35 135 H2 E20 H3 1 - H = E2 D D 3(D 9/D1) E5 21F16 = C2/C D2 D3 (D10/D 11 D E 4 =D F15 22 - 1 - E3 =D2 21F14 = -E2 H5 = G E 9E - E21F13 H1 31/C1 D D34 = C4/Cy1 C1 - D3 (D 1 2 /D 1 ) 1 D 1 - D7 (D1 3 /D 16 = C /C 5 7 D6 C8 ( 6 = D - D 7(D E = D - D7 (D 15/D16 D, = C - C6 (C4/C1 7/D16 D = C10 - E8 G3 = F12/F F E9 = E2/E D8 = D E10 E F2 = E 3 /E 1 /D16 = E6 F5 = F6 F E /E5 E8/E5 = E /E O F8 = 1/E 10 F C6 (C 3/C ) - F F 2 = E1 E E 5 E 12(E6 /E 5 22 - B2 4 (D 9 /D B23 - B2 4 (D 1 0 /D 12 (E8 Fl3 = -A42A43 F = A40 F =5A F = -A42A45 - A 42A 5 11) 24 (D12/D 11 Dl8/D20 D 11) 20 - B34 114 - 35 B 18 = B D15 E 16 = E20 = 12 (E7 /E5 D 1 7 /D 1 6 25 - = Cl D13 E15 = 19 324 1 -C B33 D12 13/D16 = D15/D16 E18 = 103 F10 D -B 1 - D16 = D1 7 C6 (C5/C ) 9 D10 D14/D16 17 = E1 /E10 D7 /D 1 = Dl2/D E13 5 D7 (D D O/D E12 = F 1 E = F 10/F G2 = 1/F 1 1 2 17 (C3/C ) 20 -B B21 7(C4/C ) 7(C5 B D =B D = B28 - D20 7(C2/C ) -B l (C/C 26(C3/C ) B29 -B26 (C4/C ) E 2 1 =D21/D20 D E 2= D22 =B31 -B 26(C5/C ) D2/D20 = B 30 136 Cy C,1= 1- 5 BB 4 (B12 (B12/B /B15) C 2 =B 1 C3 = C4 B4 (B1 3 /B 1 5 - B3 - C5 =B5 = B C = B7 C8 13 - 3117 A 4A B4 (B1 4 /B 1 5 B1 B14 = Al A15 B4 (B1 6 /B1 5 A1 B1 B15 = Al A16 - AA44A17 - B 0 (B 2/B15 B 1 0 (B1 3 /B1 5 A8 1 - B16 B =7A B18 B8 A 20 B C10 =B B20 = 22 - B21 =A 24 B22 25 - B10 (B16 /B 1 5 B12 /B15 C12 = 13/B 15 C 1 3 =B C14 B /B15 B16/B15 =A -A A B2 A2 B 3=A3 45A17 - A23(A58/A51 CC9 = BB9 - B1 /B1 B10 (B (B14/B15 C11 45A12 B12 = AA14 Bl B13 2 C B11 = = A21 - 23 (A49/A51 23(A50/A51 -A 23 (A5 2 /A 5 1 A 28 (A48/A51 B23 A2 6 -A 28 (A4 9 /A 5 1 B24 A 2 7 -A 28 (A5 0 /A 51 B25 A29 B26 A 30 -A B27 = A 31 B28 = 32 A 28 -A 52 51 33 (A4 8 /A51 33 (A4 9 /A 51 B3 =A3 B = A - A A5 B29 =1 -A B5 =A6 - A45A5 B30 = B6 = A B6=A B7 -A7 B - A33 (A52/A 5l = A 48/A5 B8 = A B33 = A9 /A51 B = A9 B9 = 10 B10 A11 B A44A12 B35 = (A50 /A 51 34 B 31 = A35 A8 - A 43A12 33 A 5 0/A 51 A 52 51 137 A1 (-a A2 27 1/ (1-a16 2 (18 28 = 19 0 A3 A X2 )/ (1-X16 2 17 33-a 1 8 a2 )/(1-a a 2) 16 = A5 -a a2 / A6 a2 1 6C2 2 A3 1 ) A7 = -16 (20-=l7a22 )/( 16 a2) Ct6 176 A32 C 2 1 /(l-t A33 -a A34 A3 5 = a5 A10 7 19 6 8 A 13 o 0 B1 6E2 18 9 A16 1 9 a9 /(-t17 a 9 A1 8 = 1 1 /(1- 1822 A 19 12 A20 = 13 A 22 A23 17 16 14 17a 4 at O 1 6 aC 24 /(l-a * 37 -a17a24/(- *38 -a 1 8 a )822 1 9ga 2 4 19 a,24 2 4 /(1-aga 24 C2 4 E2 /(1-a 17 9 at9 ) 27 41 = '28 42 29 A43 1 9g 2 4 = a 3 0 0 (C 1 -9 E 2 A21 -a A40 at9 ) 10 0 22 F2-22 E 2)/(1-a = A39 A15 a t 0 A 1 4 = -a1 6 a9 /(-17 A 17 22 ) 18 23 A36 18 6 A 11 A12 18 22 1 9 a 2 2 /(l-a 1 8 0 A / (1-a 1 8 'X2 2 O (A -2E2 A8 2 30 (1-16a2 a 4 /(1C16 a 29 = 15 -a a 18 14 19 14 (1- 17 a9 ) A = a3 A45 1 A46 = 25/ A 47 = 26/(-a A48 36 A = A37 l-a1924 19a24 43(A 47 -A42A46 0 A24 A25 = A 14 2 16 a 7 A50 A38 - A51 A52 = 40A46 41A46 - A 39 - (A47-A42A46 A 4 5 (A 4 7-A 42 A46 138 a = C 2 + A6 (22 = aL 1 3 23 D5 0 a = D (X14 D1 o 24 a24 0 X15 a5 = B5 =GG1 0 0 2 + D4 = a25 a 6 =B3 16 =E a 2 6 =G 4 0 0 7X = B2 a17 o 0 + E5 E 18 27 = 2 + C5 a 19 a 1 0 =3 + G3 1 28 = 6 3 0 29 = E3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a8 = B G4 0 0 0 3 = 0 A a4 Ot4= =A4 5 0 0 o X9 = = F 0 D3 a12 0 a3 2 0 0 0 t2 0 0 0 at = A5 2 0 a 2 0 =F 130 2 31 0 331 2 a% 3 1 =13 The finite difference scheme described in section 5 requires that the turbulent moments u'w', v'w', and w'6'V be known at time step k in order to solve equations (40-47) at time step k + 1. From equations v'w', and w'6' are N 5 , N O N6 and Ng, (A-2) , we see u'w', respectively. Substi- tution of the A through M into the N's results in a very long and complicated expression for each N. The model calculates the N's by evaluating the intermediate variables 0 (A-M) first. Matters are simplified considerably when the Coriolis terms are omitted. The model has an option to allow the Coriolis terms to be included or to be set equal to zero. Mellor and Yamada (1974) evaluated expressions for u'w', v'w', and w'6'v in the case fy =f z =0. It is possible to 139 to show that N 5 , N 6 , and N reduce to their expressions 9 in that special case. With f =f =0, LJ = NS =E E,, (I- Eas Aw.) - Coo (- z A%#*) - Ev& *- F-t' Avo&Avv) (A- 3) - E, S A,A. t 3Jo - 3 +Er. A4, A43) 1A . A,.EL(%QV& 3A, C t (CE.. I a e I,;a r~ v1AA~ (A-4) )E ;);z (A- 5) 1 'e, A 0 3 +411612toa (,St) 1 4/3 101I I d. r S'f,AR, 't15 -2, -0 Z ~ 4 3 Qv 54F T 3?) + '. 2tI 4 *eA g I 22 (A-6) 6v t % ( (A-7) 140 IE2.- 1 iAxv7= 7 Or [3.A C. */ 3a I I a )iuj + ~ iT + ;": (A- 8) ; - & 7a ) zGo,, ] 27 .18 3 It 3 s'ij,'g~ i 4,~~C~ C1@, (;.~)*~ a.,, a- 4 qAtg ISS~ (A-9) + Ftv Aiz A%43 I = 13.Al zz z & 06 ; O r;z (A-10) Substitution of equations (A-4 to A-10) into (A-3) will yield, after considerable manipulation, equation (A-ll). .4A'A4i 1.,aa) 3. U, 7(00) tit (5-12 7+361 (A-11) Mellor and Yamada (1974) represent equation (A-ll) in the form a. -u'w' = Km 3z (A-12) 141 and -v'' (A- 13) = Kom maz From equations (A-2) (E2 2 +E21A42A45 v'w' = N 6 = E 1 1 (-E K 9 8 A ) E 1 0 (l-E2211 A4400 ) - (E 1 9 +E 2 1 A 4 2 A 4 3) (A-14) It can be easily shown that: K 9 /(av/az) = E 1 8 /(3a/az) and K 8 /(aV/az) =E 7/(au/3z) so ccmparing equation (A-14) with (A-3) and (A-il) yields The expressions for N5 and N 6 , therefore, reduce as expected to Mellor's and Yamada's expressions in the simplified case fy = fz = 0. 142 Prognostic equations (45, 48) require that w'r' be known at time step k to calculate R and 7'r' at time V step k+l. Once the Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes (N1 -N9 ) have been calculated, the only unknowns at time Equations (59-61) step k will be u'r', v'r', and w'r'. are three equations for these three unknowns. The solution for w'r' is: ro. -+ -AA 2 ( Expressing w'r' in the form: - = Kw az (A-16) R and comparing equations (A-15) and (A-16) yields the following expressions for Kw and R' (A-17) 9 + 143 ( tz , ol-R' 1.2L ) ( 3,9, y3a r'Qv') (A-18) CI.A " 2 t ( eI + 4z L +- -a a2e Z.. ) + 7.-1,12.I z Once equation (A-16) is solved, u'r' can be evaluated by: IVI A I. ~ I (A-19) Finally, v'r' is the only unknown and is determined by: L 20) Numerical stability considerations for the r'e'v equation require w'r' to be expressed as: w'r' = Ar'O' v - B. A comparison of equation (A-21) with equations (A-16 - A-18) yields expressions for A and B: A-2 1) 144 3-fl p IG IL ( tz . ' %[1? 43 ffi,)'t 3, ( Is 't~j4 L+4 ) t I (A-22) al.Z a + 4 -)?-] IA I * A 'JL -a Z~-L43 t 7 i~~a -~ -Ar D-7 (A- 23) 145 APPENDIX B THE STAGGERED GRID SYSTEM A 44 point one dimensional staggered grid is used in the model. The mean variables are defined at integer grid points and turbulence energies and fluxes are defined at half integer grid points (see Figure B-l). A trans- formed coordinate system is used (Yamada and Mellor, 1975) which provides greater resolution near the ground where gradients are the largest. 3 grid points. The lowest 26 meters contain Above this level, the distance between grid points quickly approaches 50 meters and remains nearly constant with height thereafter. The new vertical coordinate, C, is defined as: (B-l) = a 1 z + a 2 ln(z/a 3 ) (B-2) (a1 ,a2 ,a3 ) = (0.02, 0.25, 0.01) The z-C values are tabulated in Table (B-l). Yamada and Mellor evaluate vertical derivatives in the C coordinate system and that approach is followed here. The derivative of any quantity, $, 4 - a is: (B-3) 146 a a = a1 + 2 (B-4) The lower boundary conditions for the mean variables are applied at C = 0; those for the turbulence variables are applied at C = 1/2. The upper boundary conditions (turbulence moments vanish, mean gradients constant) are evaluated at grid point 43-1/2 (2022 m). 147 Table (B-l) z-G Values zeta z(m) zeta (Equation B-l) z(m) zeta z(m) 0 0.01 15 612.22 30 1352.32 1/2 0.07 15-1/2 636.73 30-1/2 1377.09 1 0.52 16 661.26 31 1401.87 1-1/2 3.14 16-1/2 685.80 31-1/2 1426.65 2 11.70 17 710.36 32 1451.43 2-1/2 26.48 17-1/2 734.94 32-1/2 1476.22 3 44.88 18 759.53 33 1501.01 3-1/2 65.21 18-1/2 784.13 33-1/2 1525.81 4 86.66 19 808.74 34 1550.61 4-1/2 108.81 19-1/2 833.37 34-1/2 1575.41 5 131.45 20 858.00 35 5-1/2 154.44 20-1/2 882.65 35-1/2 1600.21 1625.02 6 177.69 21 907.30 36 1649.83 6-1/2 201.14 21-1/2 36-1/2 7 224.75 22 931.97 956.64 37 1674.64 1699.46 7-1/2 248.49 22-1/2 981.32 37-1/2 1724.28 8 272.35 23 1006.01 38 1749.10 8-1/2 296.29 23-1/2 1030.71 38-1/2 1773.92 9 320.32 24 1055.41 39 1798.75 9-1/2 10 344.41 368.57 24-1/2 25 1080.12 1104.84 39-1/2 40 1823.58 1848.41 10-1/2 392.77 25-1/2 1129.57 40-1/2 1873.24 11 11-1/2 417.02 441.31 26 1154.29 26-1/2 12 465.64 27 1179.03 1203.77 41 41-1/2 42 1898.08 1922.92 1947.76 12-1/2 490.01 27-1/2 1228.52 42-1/2 1972.60 13 514.40 28 1253.27 43 1997.44 13-1/2 538.82 28-1/2 1278.02 43-1/2 2022.29 14 563.26 29 1302.78 14-1/2 587.73 29-1/2 1327.55 148 - = 43.5 z = 2022 m = 43 z = 1997 m - = 42.5 z = 1973 m z = z = 1 {-rVrjv 0.52 mn g u'w' az C = 0.5 z = 0.07 m {q 2 i ' ~W 6v , u.uT-, v'w v 3 , 3z ' ~~. r , u.'', 1 I av 3z az v }zaz g' Vgz r v' u.'r', v au u lia v ~ 3v ~ 7 3 liR ~ u , V g g z = 0.01 m 77 7 7-7 /77 Fig. B-1. Staggered grid system used in the model. 149 APPENDIX C Read Input Parameters Starting Run Yes ) Values Read Initial of Second Moments From Disk Read Last Values of Prognostic Variables from Disk Call CORIOL KES for fy = fz = 0) (Call Calculates Diagnostic Variables and Derivatives Enter Main Loop Produce Plots Run To Be Restarted Write Values of Prognostic Variables to Disk - STOP Fig. C-i. Flowchart of the level 3 model. 150 ENTER MAIN LOOP Call PROG Calculates Prognostic Variables at t + 6t Call BOUNDC Ground Thermodynamics Model Call GEOTV Calculates New Values of u g , v g Call LZERO Calculates Z 0 Call CORIOL (Call KES for fy=fz=0) Calculates Diagnostic Variables and Derivatives EXIT MAIN LOOP' Fig. C-l (continued) 151 REFERENCES Arya, S. P. S., and E. J. Plate, 1969: Modeling of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 26,. 656-665. Arya, S. P. S., 1975: Geostrophic drag and heat transfer relations for the atmospheric boundary layer. Quar. J. Roy. Met. 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