METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF FRACTAL ANALYSIS by Michael E. Rocha B. A., University of California at Los Angeles (1980) Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITOTE OF TECHNOLOGY @ 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology .1I A -- % Signature of Author Npartment of Earth, Atmospheric ang Planetary Sciences, May, 1984 z/ I / 1 Certified by: Professor Frederick Sanders Thesis Supervisor .1/ /~"' I' Accepted by: Professor Theodore R. Madden Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students FRON V27 1984 MIT LBR METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF FRACTAL ANALYSIS by Michael E. Rocha Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in May, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Science in Atmospheric Sciences ABSTRACT Fractal analysis was utilized in a manner similar to Lovejoy (1982) to investigate atmospheric scale selectivity. Midlatitude cloud and precipitation areas associated with baroclinic, convective In addition, 500 mb and baroclinic/convective regimes were examined. isohypse and isotherm fields were studied on a seasonal basis. Results from the midlatitude cloud and precipitation data were similar to Lovejoy's findings for analogous tropical structures: fractal analysis indicates no scale selection for atmospheric phenomena with horizontal length scales between m10 and 103 km. The upper level This may be data, however, indicate a change in regime at =10 4 km. interpreted as representing the change from synoptic scale forcing mechanisms to planetary scale dynamics. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Frederick Sanders Professor of Meteorology TABLE OF CON TEN TS . 2 . . 4 . . . 13 ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BACKGROWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATA ANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imagery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . * . . . . * 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 mb Cbarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Satellite Radar Maps. 500 SUMMARY . AD REFERENCES CCNCLUSICNS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 BACKGROUND The research mathematical delineated concept, this that of coined by its creator, is in paper the utilizes relatively new neologism was This 'fractal.' Benoit B. Mandelbrot, a about eight years ago and derived from the Latin adjective fractus, meaning broken (a fairly apt label, as will be seen). The determination of an object's fractal character is a comparison its of topological Besicovitch dimension, D. et cetera. its to or Euclidean, The topological, dimension of commonly (more Besicovitch dimension The Hausdorff Hausdorff a line has a Euclidean dimension of an object is a familiar notion: one, DT, dimension, based upon referred to as the fractal dimension) is not quite as straightforward. In practice there two are methods of calculating D. first The involves a comparison of measurements of an object's perimeter made at The finer the precision of measurement, different resolutions. slope of a plot of perimeter measurement dimension. The resolution second perimeter versus area formula: versus resolution. by the The rougher the more sensitive its perimeter value is outline of the object, the represented The fractal dimension is the perimeter. larger and, procedure values hence, consists the of greater a for a set of shapes. its the to fractal of the utilizes the comparison It the p = AD/2 where P = perimeter A = area D = fractal dimension This is analogous to previous the resolution of measurements described, method fractal perimeter versus area implies a breakdown in be interpreted to proportional is dimension the on a single object being replaced by the In this case area values for a set of geometrically similar objects. the with the slope a plot of of fractal dimension the geometric similarity assumption, which can values. as representing A change the in the transition between two different physical processes. if said to be a 'fractal' A shape is greater than its topological dimension. its fractal dimension is It can readily be seen that for simple shapes such as circles and squares the fractal dimension is equal to fractals. the Euclidean Hence, dimension. these objects are not But, for any more complicated forms the fractal dimension tends to be greater than the Euclidean dimension, thus qualifying them for Mandelbrot's classification as fractals. Generally speaking, more contorted the outline of an object is, the larger the value of its corresponding particle represents this contortion. fractal an extreme case If the The dimension. particle's (in fact, Brownian motion of the limiting case) path were traced out in the a of two it dimensions the fill eventually would its Thus plane. entire trajectory, which has a Euclidean dimension of one (that of a line), nature lie somewhere between the simplicity of most objects found in and circles the and squares of complexity their associated one to This points out a useful aspect of of it makes dimensional chacteristics non-integral value, any of of to being the quantify in shape of terms to constrained a very the the So dimension. Euclidean the fractal analysis: precisely given to opposed values integral general as possible it range from fractal dimensions Hence, implementation motion Brownian trajectories. two. The outlines of two (that of a plane). has a fractal dimension of calculation of D gives one the ability to distinguish between forms that were heretofore lumped into the same topological category. This analytic sensitivity is especially important in the examination of the complex spectrum of shapes that occurs in the natural world. The question what Of analysis. determination applications now of an as to the applicability importance is it to arises object's have dimensionality? a fractal of refined more first Mandelbrot's of the fractal dimension involved the examination of a hodgepodge of naturally occurring as well as man-made forms from soap bubbles to Koch curves. ranging His calculations demonstrated the flexibility of this anlysis to topologically categorize virtually any shape. This categorization is scientifically physical process has its own unique value of D. reasonable since it a given useful if This is intuitively seems likely that the geometric characteristics of resulting from different processes would not be the same. structures Using this idea Mandelbrot showed the role his new concepts played in the of study problems specific some different regions turbulent of terms of theoretically dimension the fractal determine values and as intermittency, quiescent regions. in The physical variations approach would hopefully aid in whichmost could be quantitatively categorized dimension. the between boundaries These boundaries, flows. likely constitute a fractal set, in those notably most the concerning information useful physics, He suggests that fractal analysis may involving turbulent processes. yield in (if next of significance any) that would step are the be to fractal found. This the interpretation of phenomena such turbulent flows which highly contain scattered fractal analysis may be applied to In addition, for turbulent equations the solutions of the Euler or Navier/Stokes flows, in that the singularities of these flow fields may be a fractal set. Other aspects of turbulent flows such as particle trajectories and imbedded vortices may also prove to be fractals, fractal analysis might be useful in also is hypothesizes a fractal analysis their indicating that examination. Mandelbrot that the flow associated with clear air turbulence set. This to meteorological made quite recently be S. leads us to studies. Lovejoy the application of fractal The first attempt at this was (1982). . He examined fairly high resolution satellite and radar data from the Indian Ocean region and calculated the fractal dimensions His results indicate that D of cloud and precipitation areas. for both of these quantities is four-thirds approximately that and this does value not vary significantly over six orders of magnitude in area. These findings fact have some interesting out to be that D turned significance in itself, on speculation five-thirds minus and Secondly, have areas precipitation be does a not that noted predicts law power four-thirds for isobars]. cloud should [it this Lovejoy some have may four-thirds although First, implications. fractal the physical offer any Kolmogoroff 's dimension of these results imply that tropical length horizontal no preferred scale, as indicated the scale independence of D. This is atmospheric dimensions. somewhat disturbing in processes are Specifically, that it associated generally assumed that is with spatial characteristic from research- concerned with the results determination of the atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum point to the existence of different energy regimes for different scales. alii (1970) used wind data in their examination of the energy spectrum and found a k- 3 dependence (k being the wavenumber) wavenumbers ranging from approximately six to twenty. used covariance functions to analyze Southern and dependence found wavenumber variability s-ales and that this the -3 By thirty-five. studies, Gage found a wavelengths <-1000 km. that Julianet kinetic (1979) k- 5 / 3 data extended variation Desbois (1972) Hemispheric wind data continued compiling for systems with out from a to approximately number this analysis for of the troposphere disturbances exhibits wind to smaller The combined result of these studies, energy of having then, is a k-5/3 dependence at small scales and a k- 3 dependence at larger scales with a transition occurring at a horizontal length scale of about 1000 km. A -5/3 wavenumber dependence is indicative of a three-dimensional isotropic regime regime. a -3 while dependence indicates a two-dimensional Gage's data show that the three-dimensional well into the mesoscale, hypothesizes that two-dimensional and enstrophy this flowing that seems extension refects energy cascade, reverse The energy transfer. something downscale, is transfer rather the extends unusual. existence He of a with energy flowing upscale opposite the regime of three-dimensional associated with a k- 5 / and the enstrophy transfer with a k- 3 spectrum. 3 Actually, spectrum this idea of the existence of a two-dimensional inertial subrange was not new; it was originally postulated by Kraichnan (1967). Steinberg (1972) had questioned the validity of explaining the -3 wavenumber dependence in terms of a two-dimensional, isotropic flow. wavenumber range 7 < k < 15 the flow is dominant .energy conversion (eddy He argued that in not two-dimensional since the available to eddy kinetic) also not isotropic at scales this large. three-dimensional and is suggested instead that the agreement between Kraichnan's the actual data may be coincidental the and proposed is He theory and that the -3 dependence may be associated with the imaginary part of the wave phase speed. This hypothesis is based on purely dimensional grounds, that the dominant spectral parameter Desbois (1972) namely has the dimension inverse time. expressed a similar doubt as to the applicability of two-dimensional inertial theory to waves in the 7 < k < 15 range, pointing out that the flow is proximity the Gage, to however, excitation found it assumption to explain not truly inertial wavelength to its close baroclinic instability. to use this two-dimensional reasonable the results of due of spectral that phenomena such as individual thunderstorms, and suggests wind shear, breaking et cetera represent the small-scale source of the energy that waves, is studies flow transferred upscale. two-dimensionally Lilly (1983) examined this proposal by analyzing the wakes of moving bodies in stratified flows. These wakes evolve in much th'e same way as the processes suggested by Gage as being associated with the mesoscale energy profile and thus provide a means of testing the reverse energy cascade the initially laboratory. Lilly found that hypothesis in three-dimensional isotropic turbulence divides into approximately equal parts of gravity waves and quasi-two-dimensional The stratification. gravity turbulence in waves the presence of strong away propagate while the two-dimensional turbulence propagates is responsible portion credence of for the horizontal to Gage's that the -3 the wavenumber kinetic hypothesis. from the to larger scales and dependence seen in energy Charney the mesoscale spectrum, (1971) source thus lending showed theoretically wavenumber dependence for 7 < k < 20 can be explained in three-dimensional terms by considering the conservation of pseudo-potential vorticity, analogous to the conservation of vorticity in two-dimensional systems. At any rate, the gist of all of these studies is preferred length scales for particular the existence of atmospheric phenomena. it appears he examined did not extend the quantities as if although seem to provide a counterexample, Lovejoy's initial results out to large enough scales to exhibit the dimensional transition found in the Later work by Schertzer and Lovejoy (1983) wind variability studies. expands upon the idea atmospheric that have processes no characteristic length scales, specifically that there is no transition from three-dimensional to two-dimensional from small to large scales. flow patterns as one goes they hypothesize the existence Instead, of a single dimensional parameter for all scales, something they refer This quantity is somewhat analogous to as the 'elliptical dimension.' although instead of comparing the to Mandelbrot's fractal dimension, perimeter to the area of an object, comparison of its eddies involves a three-dimensional with major axes in the vertical the horizontal. dimension ranges from two (for flat objects) Schertzer gets its quantifies the transition from small-scale elliptical eddies with major axes in objects). It horizontal and vertical dimensions. name from the fact that it elliptical it to large-scale The elliptical to three (for spherical and Lovejoy show empirically and theoretically that the atmosphere has an elliptical dimension value of 23/9 (-2.56), indicative of the fact that it consists of flow patterns that are somewhere between flat and spherical. As of now it appears as if as to scale selection (if no definitive conclusions can be drawn any) of atmospheric motions or the dynamical reason behind any such scaling. Energy spectrum studies are limited by the paucity of wind data and the inherent errors associated with 12 interpolation or covariance calculations. Fractal analysis offers another method of determining the scale of atmospheric processes. In the present work, an analysis similar to Lovejoy's made of midlatitude cloud and precipitation areas. to extend fractal analysis to larger scales, temperature fields are examined. (1982) is Also, in an effort hemispheric height and DATA ANALYSIS outlines cloud were examined: parameters Four meteorological obtained from enhanced infrared satellite imagery, precipitation areas from radar maps, and satellite analyzed--three 500 mb height contours and 500 mb isotherms. radar from baroclinic/convective, of data of each nine the individual following convective, (2) categories: (3) and episodes baroclinic. The were (1 ) The baroclinic/convective cases involve synoptic-scale cyclones containing what appear to be a significant number of convective cells. The baroclinic episodes consist of synoptic-scale cyclones associated with a minimal amount of convection large-scale disturbances, cells. in mind and the convective cases involve no only relatively large numbers of convective The baroclinic/convective situations were chosen with the idea that these events had a reasonable chance of exhibiting a spatial dependence in the fractal dimension--a phenomenon not observed in the tropics. Individual convective cells tend to be small in comparison with rather expansive cirrus cloud shields associated with mature baroclinic cyclones. Assuming that a given physical process results in a type of cloud mass with a particular fractal dimension value, the small-scale cloud elements should have a fractal dimension representative of convective processes while the larger cloud s hields should be associated with a dimension characterisitic of baroclinic phenomena. To contrast the hybrid baroclinic/convective cases, purely convective was situations were also examined. and purely baroclinic hypothesized that these each yield would episodes a It different value of the fractal dimension. Satellite Imagery Cloud data satellite photos. DB5 infrared from GOES-East enhanced were acquired The enhancement begins with the -32*C isotherm--id <-32 0 C appears as a est, any cloud top with a blackbody temperature flat gray on the satellite picture. A different shade of gray (the scale actually ranges from white In to black) this study only =10 0 C used for every is the -32 0 was C contour increment below -32*C. utilized. This choice was made somewhat arbitrarily, with convenience being a not unimportant factor. There is in examining this particular isotherm, to correlate Oliver, fairly well 1977). corresponding Hence, to the some physical justification however, with precipitation these physical cloud areas process of as it has been found regions may be (Scofield thought precipitation and and of as their associated fractal dimension value may then be directly compared with that obtained from radar map data. cloud regions patterns, an implications. reflect It may also be argued that these mid-tropospheric interpretation that may latent lead heat to and more advection far-ranging With the adoption of this viewpoint, the exact value of temperature used as a contour outline becomes relatively unimportant. In a previous investigation of this sort (Lovejoy, 1982), the -10*C used was in examination the was found that varying It masses. -5*C isotherm of tropical cloud from threshold temperature this to -15*C did not appreciably alter the results. areal The investigation of coverage the satellite the basically included portion of the western North Atlantic: degrees 65 and north latitude object's two quantities of a 25 to 55 The west longitude. eight kilometers. interest fractal dimension are its and States United from approximately 95 degrees to resolution of the enhanced imagery is The eastern this in used pictures in the determination of an Hence, area and its perimeter. of these parameters were made for each of the relevant measurements cloud masses found in the nine cases that were examined. were made by hand, Measurements as digitized satellite imagery was unavailable. A polar planimeter was used to determine areal values and a map measurer was employed to measure perimeters. Actually, even though the crudeness of the measuring devices limited the effective resolution of the data, dimension, this would a fact understood when it not affect which is seems the counter-intuitive. realized that D is log-log plot of perimeter versus area. which would result in determination a change in of the This basically fractal can be the slope of a Thus, a change in resolution, the perimeter values, would not alter the slope of a log perimeter versus log area graph and, would not affect D for a given set of data. Rather, hence, poor resolution associated with crude measurements would show up as an increase in the standard deviation of the data from a straight line fit. The analysis of Case I will serve as a general example the satellite imagery. addition to the -32 In isotherm was included as well. of the cloud outline transcribed Figure 1 shows techniques used. higher cloud It tops may be of the determination dimension, values contour, from the -52 0 C was felt that this representation interest, especially check for the results obtained from the -32*C in 0C the in convective Measurements of this contour can be used as a consistency situations. aid of if any. for the vertical variation or they may of the fractal Table I lists the corresponding perimeter and area each representation of outlines, of of the these cloud data is mass shown outlines. figure in The 2. A graphical line was best-fit. to the set of points and the fractal dimension was determined from the slope of this line; here, the fractal dimension is equal to The standard deviation and correlation coefficient twice the slope. were also computed. The perimeter versus baroclinic/convective episodes episodes (cases IV, V and VI) baroclinic episodes (cases VII, individual basis points and it as each case seemed as if area graphs for the remaining (cases II and III) and the convective are shown in figures 3 through 7; the VIII and IX) were not analyzed on an had a rather sparse number of data any line derived from such a limited number of values would be subject to sampling error. An examination of figures 2 through 7 reveals each episode constitute an extremely linear that the data of set over approximately FIGURE 1 Cloud mass outlines. outer contours: -324C inner contours: -52C YZ k4 TABLE I 0000 GMT 3 April 1982 Satellite Imagery Cloud Mass # Perimeter Area 6570 696000 580 9000 360 3600 90 600 80 500 80 400 80 600 50 300 230 2800 570 8300 910 9700 840 22100 170 2200 10440 1343200 310 5200 60 600 90 1100 100 500 TABLE I (continued) Cloud Mass # Perimeter 440 km Area 10000 160 2000 50 500 170 600 150 2300 120 900 50 200 60 300 LOARITHMIC 3 x 5 C*ES KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. MADE i U.SA. * 46 752 2 9-- 7 - ---- - 3-- 7 6- 49 7 6 4.-. 3 10 105 10+ 4KE8 J0 (k) 10' 3 4 5 6 7891 LGATHMIC 3 x 5 CYAS 46 752P KEUFF"L A. ESSFR CO. MAU~ IN US.A. 2 1 2 3 4 56 789 1 2 3 4 5 6789 1 2 4 5 6 7 191 0l 7 0 6- 4 3 2.. I 3 6 7 89 - 9 7 6 543 2 8. 7 6 4 3 2 10 10' ,AREA (Kinz) LOGRITHMIC 3 x 5 Y% WE KEUFVEL & ESSER C. MA 46 752P IN U.S.A. 8. 76 O 10 i 1-A lot 10 104 ,AREA 105 (kma) 0 HOE LOGARITHMIC 3 x 5 CALES Krua a eSER CO. m u. 4675A u.m 2 01 9 75- 4- - 2 4 7 6 5 4- 103 104 KREA 10' Ckvi) 3 4 5 6 7891 LOGAIT1MIC 3 x 5 cyc s H*EKEUFFEL. & SSER CO. MADE Of U S.& 46 7522 S 7 4--9a9- 2 6 39 - 76 5- 4- to z 050 04 ,REA s 5 (.kn a) 06 9 L OGA ITHMIC 3 x 5 CYCO . WEK UFFML & ESER CO. U.S.A. MAUI14 0 46 7522* 2 3 4 5 6 7891 1 :* 4 3 26 a 76 4 Ul 2 101 I 190 'AREA (ktw four spatial orders of magnitude. The correlation coefficients consistently high and the standard deviations are rather low. hypothesized variation that of the the fractal between discontinuity baroclinic/convective the size, It was exhibit possibly convective small-scale large-scale baroclinic regime. so. with dimension would cases are regime even and a a the This definitely does not appear to be In addition to the high degree of linearity, through VI exhibit very consistent values the data of case I of the fractal dimension, all within a few percent of the four-thirds value obtained previously in the study of tropical cloud masses. The measurements meteorological 10. from the three cases regime were compiled and appear in representing figures each 8 through The fractal dimension value obtained from the three baroclinic occurrences is four-thirds; it in noteworthy is that it deviates closer to three-halves. coefficient of this data set is noticeably from Although the correlation very high, the somewhat limited amount of measurements makes one hesitant about drawing any conclusions as to the significance fractal dimension of this deviation. associated with Actually, the baroclinic the fact episodes that the differs appreciably from that found in the baroclinic/convective cases may not be as important as the result that the convective episodes same fractal dimension as the baroclinic/convective cases. have the I* x 5 CYCLS N -OGARIT HMIC3 CO. & ESSER ,KEUFFEL 46 7522 MADEin U.s A. 4 2 3 4 5 67 891 a- 9 - 9 7 6 (1/ 4 H 3 2 5- 96 - 6 4 3 2 r- :'(n m~ , REA- (- LOGMITHMIC 3 x 5 CY.S No:KFUFFEL a "5SI. CO. MAD9IN US6A. 2 3 4 6.7 89 6 789 6 67' 11 i J." MUM ;7 111111i 1 0 5111| 1061111 l 4 llll lillll 7-. 6 4 2 3 7 4 3- jqji i-ui lo 4Asa 46 7522 (kL) 6 7689 11I11 LORITMIC 3 x 5 C."ES WEKEUFFF L & MF5R CO. u s.A. 46 752f Mumu in 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 2 6 7 89 3 456 1 6 789 7 89 1 1 1 1 - o S '1 9 8 7 6.. - 4 3 2 8.. 76 543- 2 10 105 10 'AREA (m 106 10' 3 4 5 6 7 891 Radar Maps Data hourly for National delineate the of part this Meteorological precipitation areas study were derived from radar maps. These maps Center and contour discrete VIP (vertically integrated precipitation) levels corresponding to particular ranges of intensity. precipitation isopleths were this the VIP investigation which examined, and precipitation In represent precipitation-free analysis of the satellite imagery, it the level between boundary Analogous regions. one to the may be worthwhile to go back and investigate the fractal properties of higher VIP level contours. The analysis used on these maps was the same as that used on the Although the coverage of the radar maps included satellite photos. the entire United States, only the area corresponding to that of the DB5 satellite pictures was utilized in order that these two data sets might be directly compared. Figures 11 through 13 show the perimeter versus area graphs for the compilations of the three individual episodes comprising each of the three different types of regimes studied. low number examination of of statistically measurements each episode meaningful. associated Due to the relatively with individually a The results of those gleaned from these different masses. First, the overall fractal dimension of regions is somewhat higher than that case, was not considered somewhat than given of the the to be compilations satellite an are cloud the radar map VIP cloud masses. Its EWE LOG RITHMIC 3 x 5 CY Es KWFFIEL & ESSER CO. MAOSIN U.S.A. 46 752. 9 in U) 4- 3-- 911 8 7 0-54-3.- I0 a i0 ARA-(km& 10' ) S 1 El -4 3 II 4 5 6 789 1 i I I 1 HOE LORITHMIC 3 x 5 CtES KLUFFEL & LSSER CO. MAI*AW U.6 A. 6 789 1 11 5 N 3 2 9 7 - 6 - 5-4. o"--- . llil. 4-3-T 2~ .z ,3u K) 46 752f 5 6 7 89 6 789 1 891 III I, III 'II I Ii 0 HMIC iELOGARIT BR ~ES 3x5C 46752? KgWFFgL. & I.5SER CO. MADEINS U&A. 2 SA A i 1 I 2 3 4 I I I 1 6 7 89 I| 2 6 6 7 89 I11II Ii] 7 3- 9 8 7 6 - 4 3--- 2 101 los 'ARE, (jq') 106 3 4 5 6 7891 value is also more consistent from one type of episode to another--the radar data do not exhibit a higher value of the fractal dimension in important similarity in in 'kink' exhibit the two data sets is the radar the graphs; any An regime as was the case with the satellite data. the baroclinic spatial the lack of any sort of a echo measurements dependence of fractal the do not appear to dimension over approximately three orders of magnitude. 500 mb Charts The maps used were NMC's 0000 GMT 500 mb analyses. were of interest in large scale, making These charts that they display meteorological quantities on a it possible to extend the fractal analysis to (lines of contours encompassing larger areas. Two constant types of height), isopleths in were analyzed; isohypses six dekameter intervals and isotherms, Since the flow at 500 mb is intervals. geostrophic balance, the wind field. analyzed. 5*C to a good approximation in the shape of the isohypses corresponds well with Hence their fractal properties can, in a crude sense, be related to the advective patterns of the flow field, fractal in properties of the cloud masses that had as can the previously been The fractal characteristics of the isotherm configurations can also be linked with those of radar echoes, the cloud masses, as well as the since all of these quantities are directly related to the spatial distribution of latent heat release. April, July The 500 mb isohypses for four time periods--January, and October 1983 (representing each season of the year) were examined using the previously delineated to be day-to-day advantageous variations of for comparing patterns flow For the January relatively small. per This temporal spacing was month, at weekly intervals, were utilized. felt Five maps analysis procedure. individual at this charts, level as episodes, tend height contours from the lowest on a given map out to 552 dkm were measured. to be ranging Although the 552 dkm contour correlates approximately with the core of the jet stream at this time of year, its choice as an upper-bound more pragmatic considerations than physical ones (the planimeter used to determine areas is By July the circumpolar allowing measurements although for limited as to the size of what it this vortex has significantly of contours with values study as involved can measure). contracted, high as thus 582 dkm, the meaningful aspect of a contour is its areal extent, not its actual height. Figures 14 through 17 show the perimeter versus area graphs for each month's isohypses. isopleths is The calculated fractal that of these quite a bit smaller than the values associated with the cloud mass and precipitation area contours. fact dimension the height contours are perimeter enclosing a given area is This simply reflects the somewhat smoother--id est, This implies that the smaller. the shape of the height lines is more circular and/or less convoluted than the cloud mass and precipitation outlines. In this case it's most ZrAUARY JNIJA-tSSOHY i98 500- i 01, -7,4 3 2 ! ii I i i I O10 9 S I' I ;.I I 1I . I~~~ -i ~ ~ Ii I1;'IiII!I 1I i I ~ I ~. ~ ~ I I . !I a 1I L I- I- t i I Il ijA I 1 i I ' i ~i II I i 1 I II t, A I . I i i .4Iji ; 7 !iI 1 1 1; J 6 FuI i 5 4 *u 3 z rz i1 q i II I uI II tIim II nII11 11 i iI i I,11p I iII tHI1 1I I I I i i I I I I II I I &ill H1111i I I t~ i II II I I I II! 11.7 1 ; I !iLLI In jS6 L6 Q< 8 4 1' L,, ++iH+iiiiHii +IfHI iLII I I I I!I I I -- T--~ 4 3 lif I 2 3 4 -f II III fill 5 6 7 8 910 io FiT 2 56 til 3 4 '-Pawanm~ (km) FIGURE 14 5 6 t8I I 7 8 9 10 t 2 3 4I 3 4 73 5 6 7 : 8 9 .* aLOGftTHMIC 3 x 5 CYCS W+E & ESSERCO. uI u..A. (UFFQ-g MA90 46 75220 2 3 4 5 6 7 891 I. 9 t7 4- 43 (D - r L' 0 , AIEA,G la) LOG *E ITHMIC 3 x 5 CYES KEUFFEL 8 ESSER CO. MaDI Il 46 752P USA. 2 3 4 5 6 7891 .1 -. .98-. .7 cA 0323 - ~a 1 - UA Atf.;- kmn?) e 46 752 LOGARIT& HMIC x 5 &ADK KEUFFEL C1CLES ESSEN3 CO. m~us* 2 2 3 4 1 6 789 7 j %4 8 7 4 3 2 10+ Ilt0 5 14RF-,4,-- (kvit&) 3 4 5 6 7 89 1 in be interpreted as large-scale (synoptic and could dimension fractal between difference the difference Physically, likely a combination of these two factors. representing the planetary) and small-scale (mesoscale and convective) processes. An important difference between the isohypse data and the cloud data area mass/precipitation is of former the in presence the a distinct 'kink' in the perimeter versus area graphs at large scales. deviation in slope This occurs to a perimeter of m3x104 km) the fractal dimension this. Table II (corresponding a significant change in and represents value. km2 7 m2.5-3.0x10 shows the quantification of Slope and fractal dimension values were recalculated separately encompassing for contours km2 . at areas greater than and less than The change in D at large scales is a shift =2.5x10 7 most likely associated with from a spatial regime characterized by relatively circular cut-off features to a larger scale regime characterized by undulating circumpolar flow. This is a noteworthy result in that it evidence of episodic basis. A result that is isohypse fractal dimension seasonal dependence. lower in prevalent. the spatial dependence the spring Actually, does the the fractal dimension somewhat surprising not appear it would Intuitively and of is the first autumn, when October data did to have a seem as if cut-off is that the significant D should be features have a on an are relatively more low fractal dimension value, but the April flow patterns did not. The results from the isotherm analyses are shown in and 19. In January, the perimeter versus area figures 18 plot has TABLE II Alternate Best Fits Date Parameter Perimeter 1/83 Isohypses <2.5x104 <2.5x10 7 1.20 >2.5x104 >2.5x10 7 1.00 Isotherms 4/83 7/83 Isohypses Isohypses Isotherms 10/83 Isohypses <3.0x10 4 Area D <3.0x10 7 1.20 >3.0x10 4 >3.Ox10 7 1.08 <2.5x10 4 <2.5x107 1.16 >2.5x104 >2.5x107 0.88 <2.5x10 4 <2.0O107 1.18 >2.5x10 >2.Ox107 1.13 <3.Ox104 <3.0x10 7 1.34 >3.Ox104 >3.xO107 1.03 <2.5x10 4 <2.5x10 7 1.13 >2.5x104 >2.5x10 7 0.92 E ES x 5 C "O"RITH HKEUFFI AESER3MIC Co. MAIJE iN U.s.A. 46 752f 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8912 3 4 567 2 6 7 89 1 6 7 89 9 6. '4.3- 2- 9 8- 7 6 4 - 3 2 10 AKEAk (kyi LOGARITHMIC 3 x 5 CES CO. MADEUlU.S.A. WEKUFFFA. & 95SI 46 752P 2 *1- i4 - 1.-----4----- 104 l ~~ bQ 10 to ARE- kn)I 3 4 5 6 7 891 characteristics that are quite similar to the corresponding isohypse graph--specifically, P values, with a distinct discontinuity at large scales. hemispheric number of gradient temperature isotherms correspondingly indicate a very linear relationship between log A and log that fewer there is much significantly may not be smaller less. What values data points. discontinuity during the summer. at this. is a large-scale In July,. the and, hence, the Thus, there are there are fractal seem to dimension The July isohypse graph also hints SUMMARY AND CCNCLUSICNS has been made of the work done by S. this study an extension In His investigation involved the application of fractal Lovejoy (1982). examined the precipitation selectivity. of properties fractal areas atmospheric of the determination in analysis and could find tropical no He selection. scale cloud masses any of evidence and scale The present research dealt with midlatitude cloud masses and precipitation areas as well as analyses of 500 mb flow patterns and temperature fields. Three different types of meteorological conditions were chosen in the examination of cloud masses and precipitation areas: baroclinic, convective, and baroclinic/convective, in order to adequately test for 500 mb data were incorporated into the presence of scale selection. the study so that the characteristics of larger scale phenomena could be analyzed. Isohypses examined isotherms were and on a seasonal basis. It cloud was found mass and that a fractal dimension precipitation atmospheric scale selection, area that the midlatitudes (namely, yielded no midlatitude sign of any the same result obtained by Lovejoy in This was surprising in that it his examination of tropical data. hypothesized data analysis of presence of convective different and dynamic baroclinic) was processes in operating at supposedly different scales would be associated with structures whose geometric properties varied accordingly with scale. It' can thus not scale-selective out to be concluded that either the atmosphere is extents with areal structures premise Mandelbrot's of or a106 km2 flaw in to objects rise give that different phenomena a is there and hence different values of with different spatial characteristics, his fractal dimension. terms In of the absolute of value the fractal dimension, cases were cloud masses from the convective and baroclinic/convective m4/3, associated with a D of similar to clouds from the purely baroclinic episodes Lovejoy's the findings. The yielded a data set with a significantly higher fractal dimension value--close to 3/2. Assuming that cloud masses resulting from purely convective processes and cloud masses resulting fractal dimension that the hybrid purely from values baroclinic processes different have the fact (as indicated by these results), baroclinic/convective fractal dimension comparable situations to the convective had an associated cases indicates that convection may be the dominant structural determination mechanism out to scales well beyond the size of This result agrees with Gage's (1979) individual convective elements. finding, based on data compiled from a number of wind variability studies, that the three-dimensional isotropic regime extends well into the mesoscale. The precipitation area data had an associated fractal dimension that was apparently information, resolution but was of higher than actually the radar that derived comparable measurements was from when greater the the fact than satellite picture measurements was taken into account. cloud mass that the that of the Unfortunately, a physical interpretation of the significance of the particular value of the fractal dimension associated with a given 'beyond the scope of this paper.' structure is The results obtained from the analysis of the 500 mb isohypse and from Lovejoy's isotherm data deviate significantly findings in that they definitely illustrate some sort of atmospheric scale selectivity (assuming, least, at interpretation of fractal well-defined change in corresponding deviation to occurs that well-defined. during basic dimension premise data is involved correct). in all the with seasons, It summer. could it appears to be represent possibly This result is analysis may be a viable scale selection. important in tool in Currently, that it indicates the investigation atmospheric energy utilize harmonic analyses of wind variability data. of km, This transition from synoptic scale forcing mechanisms to planetary dynamics. 4 wavelengths. planetary although the A fairly D occurs at a horizontal scale of =3x10 structures in the less the scale that fractal atmospheric spectra studies Fractal analysis offers another means of interpreting this as well as other types of data. 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