R&DMS Projects for Colleges and Departments 02-03 Highlights Custom-designed survey services

R&DMS Projects for Colleges and Departments
02-03 Highlights.
Custom-designed survey services
Scannable survey support. Designed, modified and deployed new scannable surveys ranging from 1-16 pages: Nursing
Alumni survey (T. Hardie, Nursing), LIFE program (K.Bauer, CTE), five At-Risk Behavior surveys (R. Silverberg, D.
O’Connell, Drug & Alcohol Studies), Teacher Satisfaction survey (J. Cwikla, Education R&D Ctr), Psychology Alumni
Survey (J. Jones, Psych), three National Park Use surveys (R. Eisenberger, Psych), Housing Affordability Survey – English
version and Spanish version (A. Carswell, Urban Affairs), Nursing Alumni Survey (K. Schell, Nursing), Nursing Employer
Survey (K. Avino, Nursing), Activity and Health Survey (Elizabeth Ortega-Smith, Exercise Science), UAPP Course
Evaluation Form (C. Mason, Urban Affairs).
Web-based survey support. Assisted researchers with questionnaire item development and developed web-surveys for
faculty and graduate students including Stress and Dating Survey (L. Hochschild, Psych), LIFE Program Satisfaction Survey
(M. Biery, Honors Prog), Stress and Coping Survey (A. Farrehi, Psych), Red Clay School District Technology Satisfaction
Survey (C. Mellon & P. Stazesky, Education R&D Ctr), BUAD309 Class Survey (K. Aquino , Bus Admin), Spectator Sport
Consumption Survey (M. Robinson, Exercise Science), and Statewide Needs Assessment for Injury Prevention Personnel
(G. Wade, Nursing).
Database development and support
Web-accessible database creation project.
 The national CANE (Clearinghouse for Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly) database <db.rdms.udel.edu:8080/CANE/>
for the Dept of Consumer Studies (K. Stein).
 The Local TV News Media Project (D. Yanich, Urban Affairs) <tvnews.udel.edu> is a searchable collection of more
than 10,000 video clips digitized by UMS and serves as a proof of concept for Yanich’s grant proposal.
 The above project will be the basis for a series of databases on pollen (text and graphics) to be developed jointly with
geologist P. McLaughlin this summer.
 Judicial database project. After a successful deployment last year, this appears to be fairly stable and functions well.
Some troubleshooting and training is ongoing..
 Other major database projects. MS Access database development projects in Nursing, Center for Counseling
Services, Urban Affairs, and the Center for Economic Education.
Data and statistical computing services
US Census data. Custom data extracts and consulting done for graduate students C. Armbruster (CCRS), T. Erinosho
(Nutrition) and faculty/staff V. Klaff (Soc), A. Settles (IPA), V. Svatos & J. Doucette (WRA), T. DeLiberty (Geog). P.
Stazesky (Education R&D Ctr), T. Schooley (CCRS), T. Davis (Poly Sci).
SeqWeb. This is a web-based genetics database funded by a consortium of DBI, A&S College, Chemistry, and
Biology and used by researchers and students in the Colleges of Arts and Science, Engineering, Marine Studies,
Agriculture and Natural Resources. UD license is extended to Del State as a BRIN-grant institution.
Statistical and mathematical consulting. Non-trivial consulting contacts were with B. Aguirre (Soc), R. Andrews
(Finance), K. Bauer (IFS), S. Caplan (Communication), W. Donner (Geography), B. Haslett (Communication), D.
Kaplan (Educ), J. Lucca (Phys Therapy), F. McGeary (CIS), R. Nandakumar (Education), J. Ning (DBI), S. Neal
(Chem), L. Plowfield (Nursing), L. Rejto (Food & Resource Econ), T. Seraphin (Math Sci), S. Shapiro (Bus Admin),
C. Sobaski (Longwood Grad Prog), J. Waterhouse (Nursing), S. Watson (Bus Admin). Also provided research-level
consulting on faculty and graduate student projects that resulted in several published papers, dissertations and grants.
Software distribution. Handled creation, distribution and cost-sharing of software/data CDs for SPSS, SAS,
MicroCase, Stata, AMOS, LISREL and other smaller statistical packages for microcomputers, directly to faculty and
staff, as well as supporting CD duplication and distribution for other applications and operating system software.
ICPSR support. More than 135 studies (approx 250 data sets) were acquired by RDMS and 32 researchers, especially
with the new ICPSR Direct access facility.
General applications support
Research computers migration. Assisted primary user group that included Physics, Chemistry, Chemical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and CMS to migrate work from Joplin and Gershwin to Strauss and Mahler..
Internet2 Video Applications. Supported Lloyd Shorter’s MPEG-2-enabled class, a set of six interviews with
performing artists at NYU.
Web-based application support. Maintenance programming in Perl to support SPAN and draft solution to the
problem of removing SPAN pages from the OSH without breaking departmental links to the old SPAN pages.
UNIX security support. Tracked and evaluated Solaris security patches weekly for the campus UNIX user group.
Coordinated SANS two-day training and online documentation acquisition. Tested and proposed methods for faculty to
transmit sensitive (HIPAA-protected) data files over the commodity Internet.
Linux support. Provided application software consulting for departments running Linux servers.
Penny Hall GIS Classroom. Provided assistance in hardware selection, LINUX server installation, and Oracle, ESRI
and ERDAS software installation.