Proposal 14020 (STScI Edit Number: 0, Created: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:09:47 PM EST) - Overview 14020 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility Cycle: 22, Proposal Category: CAL/WFC3 (Availability Mode: RESTRICTED) INVESTIGATORS Name Dr. Peter McCullough (PI) (Contact) Ms. Catherine Gosmeyer (CoI) VISITS Visit Targets used in Visit Institution Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute E-Mail Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run 01 (1) M-35 WFC3/IR WFC3/UVIS 1 20-Oct-2014 21:09:30.0 OP Current with Visit? yes 02 (1) M-35 WFC3/IR WFC3/UVIS 1 20-Oct-2014 21:09:35.0 yes 03 (1) M-35 WFC3/IR WFC3/UVIS 1 20-Oct-2014 21:09:40.0 yes 04 (1) M-35 WFC3/IR WFC3/UVIS 1 20-Oct-2014 21:09:44.0 yes 4 Total Orbits Used ABSTRACT The goal of this program is to demonstrate high precision repeatability of photometry using spatial scans. Scans enable two key factors: 1) collecting millions of photons per exposure, and 2) averaging over hundreds of pixels to reduce flat field and other calibration uncertainties. Because the typical limit to HST photometric repeatability from one visit to another is slightly better than ~1%, as evidenced by the scatter of measurements of standard 1 Proposal 14020 (STScI Edit Number: 0, Created: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:09:47 PM EST) - Overview stars, our goal here was to demonstrate ~0.1% photometric repeatability, or failing that, to learn that WFC3 is not capable of providing such repeatability by the methods that we use in this program. Consequently, a secondary goal of this program is to try various methods and see which is the best. The goal of 0.1% photometry requires, by Poisson statistics, at least 1,000,000 photons per visit and preferably per exposure, so that a GO could plan a program in which a single exposure can yield 0.1% photometry. We also wish to test both the UVIS and IR channels in the same orbit. OBSERVING DESCRIPTION The phase 2 strategy is rather complicated, so it is written in MS Word and will be described in a WFC3 ISR (McCullough et al. in preparation for 2015). The outline is as follows. Visits 1 through 4 are identical. Each is spaced about a month apart, so it takes ~3 months to observe all four visits. Each visit is one HST orbit. The orbit combines UVIS then IR. The UVIS contains pairs of full-frame 2x2 binned exposures and triplets of subarray exposures. The IR contains subarray exposures; we shift each scan by 1 arcsec perpendicular to the scan in order to illuminate only "virgin" IR pixels each time and not suffer from the "hook" effect (Deming et al. 2013, Berta et al. 2012) so prominent in time series illuminating the same pixels repeatedly. NOTE TO SCHEDULERS: Our science rationale only requires that the visits be spread out uniformly over the ~4 month window of target visibility. We attempted to accomplish that using BEFORE Feb 1, 2015 for visit 1 and AFTERS for Visits 2, 3, and 4, with values 20-40 days, 50-70 days, and 80-100 days. If you need to violate those a bit to make the four visits schedule before May 1, 2015, then please do. A few background notes follow. The buffer is large enough to hold two full-frame UVIS images. Scale from that as needed for planning. We cannot use subarrays and binning at the same time. That's really limits the number of frames we can obtain in one HST orbit. The following fit in one HST orbit: A) a series of 41 exposures (10-s, UVIS C512C subarray unbinned, staring). The overhead for each is ~1 min. B) a series of 31 exposures (30-s, UVIS C512C subarray unbinned, scanning roundtrip at 0.25"/s). C) a series of 23 exposures (30-s, UVIS C1K1C subarray unbinned, scanning roundtrip at 0.25"/s). 2 Proposal 14020 (STScI Edit Number: 0, Created: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:09:47 PM EST) - Overview D) a series of 10 exposures (30-s, UVIS C2K2C subarray unbinned, scanning roundtrip at 0.25"/s). It contains a buffer dump after exposure 8. Hopefully the following is correct. (From McCullough & MacKenty, WFC3 ISR 2012-08) To trail exactly along columns, use 90 degrees for the scan orient (either UVIS or IR). To trail exactly along rows, use 3.7702 degrees (UVIS) or 0.1738 degrees (IR). You may wish to scan NOT exactly along rows or columns to get diversity of pixel phase. In particular for the IR detector, uniform pixel phase may make observations more repeatable in the presence of detector nonlinearity and slight mispointings between visits. In order to move 1.0 pixel transverse (vertical) to the trail direction, the scan orients for our horizontal scans can be calculated as follows. UVIS: print,3.7702+(1./(30*0.25/0.0396))*180./!pi 4.07272 IR: print,0.1738+(1./(8.775*1.5/0.135))*180./!pi 0.761449 The lengths of each trail is 189.4 UVIS pixels (~95 binned 2x2), and 97.5 IR pixels. For the vertical scans: UVIS: print,270+(1./(30*0.25/0.0396))*180./!pi 270.303 IR: print,270+(1./(8.775*1.5/0.121))*180./!pi 270.527 3 Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14020 - Visit 01 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility Proposal 14020, Visit 01 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 90D TO 90 D; BEFORE 01-FEB-2015:00:00:00 # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (1) M-35 RA: 06 09 2.8091 (92.2617046d) Dec: +24 21 54.23 (24.36506d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Tue Oct 21 01:09:47 GMT 2014 Fluxes V=5.1 An advantage of an open cluster is that it is not too dense like a globular, and an open cluster will contain a lot of (photometrically stable) main sequence stars. 4 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: SIMBAD Proposal 14020 - Visit 01 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility # 1 2 3 4 Label UVIS stare Target (1) M-35 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Subarray Sc (1) M-35 an Vertical Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB Exposures Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 5 Subarray Sc (1) M-35 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, an Horizonta UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB l Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 6 IR Stare (1) M-35 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX 7 8 9 10 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX Spectral Els. F621M F621M F621M F621M F621M F140W F140W F140W F140W F140W Opt. Params. CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A Special Reqs. Groups GS ACQ SCENARI Sequence 1-14 Non-I O BASE1B3 nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 POS TARG -4,null; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 01 5,4.073 Degrees,For Same Obset in Seque ward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 Sequence 1-14 Non-I 5,270.303 Degrees,F nt in Visit 01 orward Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 POS TARG 5,15; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 01 5,270.303 Degrees,F Same Obset in Seque orward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 10 Secs (10 Secs) [==>] CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A POS TARG null,10; SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 5,4.073 Degrees,For ward Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 10; NSAMP=2 SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-1; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-2; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-3; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-4; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd 5 Orbit [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [1] [1] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Proposal 14020 - Visit 01 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 11 12 13 14 Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX F140W F140W F140W F140W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -1,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -2,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -3,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -4,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward 6 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 01 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 01 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Orbit Structure Proposal 14020 - Visit 01 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 7 Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14020 - Visit 02 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility Proposal 14020, Visit 02 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 90D TO 90 D; AFTER 01 BY 20 D TO 40 D # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (1) M-35 RA: 06 09 2.8091 (92.2617046d) Dec: +24 21 54.23 (24.36506d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Tue Oct 21 01:09:48 GMT 2014 Fluxes V=5.1 An advantage of an open cluster is that it is not too dense like a globular, and an open cluster will contain a lot of (photometrically stable) main sequence stars. 8 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: SIMBAD Proposal 14020 - Visit 02 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility # 1 2 3 4 Label UVIS stare Target (1) M-35 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Subarray Sc (1) M-35 an Vertical Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB Exposures Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 5 Subarray Sc (1) M-35 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, an Horizonta UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB l Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 6 IR Stare (1) M-35 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX 7 8 9 10 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX Spectral Els. F621M F621M F621M F621M F621M F140W F140W F140W F140W F140W Opt. Params. CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A Special Reqs. Groups GS ACQ SCENARI Sequence 1-14 Non-I O BASE1B3 nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 POS TARG -4,null; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 02 5,4.073 Degrees,For Same Obset in Seque ward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 Sequence 1-14 Non-I 5,270.303 Degrees,F nt in Visit 02 orward Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 POS TARG 5,15; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 02 5,270.303 Degrees,F Same Obset in Seque orward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 10 Secs (10 Secs) [==>] CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A POS TARG null,10; SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 5,4.073 Degrees,For ward Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 10; NSAMP=2 SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-1; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-2; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-3; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-4; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd 9 Orbit [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [1] [1] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Proposal 14020 - Visit 02 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 11 12 13 14 Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX F140W F140W F140W F140W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -1,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -2,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -3,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -4,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward 10 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 02 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 02 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Orbit Structure Proposal 14020 - Visit 02 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 11 Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14020 - Visit 03 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility Proposal 14020, Visit 03 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 90D TO 90 D; AFTER 01 BY 50 D TO 70 D # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (1) M-35 RA: 06 09 2.8091 (92.2617046d) Dec: +24 21 54.23 (24.36506d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Tue Oct 21 01:09:48 GMT 2014 Fluxes V=5.1 An advantage of an open cluster is that it is not too dense like a globular, and an open cluster will contain a lot of (photometrically stable) main sequence stars. 12 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: SIMBAD Proposal 14020 - Visit 03 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility # 1 2 3 4 Label UVIS stare Target (1) M-35 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Subarray Sc (1) M-35 an Vertical Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB Exposures Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 5 Subarray Sc (1) M-35 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, an Horizonta UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB l Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 6 IR Stare (1) M-35 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX 7 8 9 10 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX Spectral Els. F621M F621M F621M F621M F621M F140W F140W F140W F140W F140W Opt. Params. CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A Special Reqs. Groups GS ACQ SCENARI Sequence 1-14 Non-I O BASE1B3 nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 POS TARG -4,null; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 03 5,4.073 Degrees,For Same Obset in Seque ward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 Sequence 1-14 Non-I 5,270.303 Degrees,F nt in Visit 03 orward Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 POS TARG 5,15; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 03 5,270.303 Degrees,F Same Obset in Seque orward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 10 Secs (10 Secs) [==>] CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A POS TARG null,10; SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 5,4.073 Degrees,For ward Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 10; NSAMP=2 SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-1; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-2; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-3; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-4; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd 13 Orbit [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [1] [1] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Proposal 14020 - Visit 03 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 11 12 13 14 Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX F140W F140W F140W F140W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -1,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -2,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -3,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -4,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward 14 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 03 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 03 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Orbit Structure Proposal 14020 - Visit 03 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 15 Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14020 - Visit 04 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility Proposal 14020, Visit 04 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 90D TO 90 D; AFTER 01 BY 80 D TO 100 D # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (1) M-35 RA: 06 09 2.8091 (92.2617046d) Dec: +24 21 54.23 (24.36506d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Tue Oct 21 01:09:48 GMT 2014 Fluxes V=5.1 An advantage of an open cluster is that it is not too dense like a globular, and an open cluster will contain a lot of (photometrically stable) main sequence stars. 16 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: SIMBAD Proposal 14020 - Visit 04 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility # 1 2 3 4 Label UVIS stare Target (1) M-35 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Subarray Sc (1) M-35 an Vertical Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB Exposures Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 5 Subarray Sc (1) M-35 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, an Horizonta UVIS2-C1K1C-SUB l Comments: Three moderately bright stars in this subarray. 6 IR Stare (1) M-35 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX 7 8 9 10 Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal Scan Horizo (1) M-35 ntal WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX Spectral Els. F621M F621M F621M F621M F621M F140W F140W F140W F140W F140W Opt. Params. CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BIN=2; BLADE=A CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A Special Reqs. Groups GS ACQ SCENARI Sequence 1-14 Non-I O BASE1B3 nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 POS TARG -4,null; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 04 5,4.073 Degrees,For Same Obset in Seque ward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 Sequence 1-14 Non-I 5,270.303 Degrees,F nt in Visit 04 orward Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 POS TARG 5,15; Sequence 1-14 Non-I SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 nt in Visit 04 5,270.303 Degrees,F Same Obset in Seque orward nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 10 Secs (10 Secs) [==>] CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12; BLADE=A POS TARG null,10; SPATIAL SCAN 0.2 5,4.073 Degrees,For ward Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 10; NSAMP=2 SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-1; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-2; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-3; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -8,-4; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.5 NSAMP=2 ,0.76 Degrees,Forwa rd 17 Orbit [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 2 (60 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [1] 30 Secs X 3 (90 Secs) [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [1] [1] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Proposal 14020 - Visit 04 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 11 12 13 14 Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l Scan Vertica (1) M-35 l WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IRSUB512-FIX F140W F140W F140W F140W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -1,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -2,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -3,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -4,10; 10; SPATIAL SCAN 1.3 NSAMP=2 4,270.53 Degrees,Fo rward 18 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 Sequence 1-14 Non-I nt in Visit 04 Same Obset in Seque nce 1-14 Non-Int in Visit 04 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] 8.774726 Secs (8.775 Secs) [==>] [1] Orbit Structure Proposal 14020 - Visit 04 - WFC3 Photometric Repeatibility 19