WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Regular Meeting of the FACULTY SENATE Tuesday, 30 October 2007 4:00 p.m. Capitol Rooms - University Union ACTION MINUTES SENATORS PRESENT: C. Blackinton, V. Boynton, L. Brice, J. Clough, D. Connelly, K. Daytner, J. Deitz, K. Hall, R. Hironimus-Wendt, M. Maskarinec, L. Meloy, N. Miczo, D. Mummert, R. Ness, R. Orwig, G. Pettit, S. Rock, M. Siddiqi, B. Sonnek Ex-officio: B. Baily, Associate Provost; T. Kaul, Parliamentarian SENATORS ABSENT: L. Baker-Sperry, K. Clontz, V. Jelatis GUESTS: Pat Anderson, Matt Bonnan, David Casagrande, Felix Chu, Phyllida Kornoski, Andrew Lian, Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, Jennifer McNabb, Abdul-Rasheed Na’Allah, Nancy Parsons, Lance Ternasky, Jess White, John Wozniak I. Consideration of Minutes – 16 October 2007 APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED II. A. Approvals from the Associate Provost 1. Requests for New Courses a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. Request for New Minor a. B. AAS 479, Practicum in Survey Research Methods, 3 s.h. JOUR 400, Topics in Journalism, 3 s.h. JOUR 414, Journalism and Ethics, 3 s.h. MKTG 479, Marketing Practicum in Survey Research Methods, 3 s.h. POLS 479, Practicum in Survey Research Methods, 3 s.h. PSY 479, Practicum in Survey Research Methods, 3 s.h. SOC 479, Practicum in Survey Research Methods, 3 s.h. Survey Research Methods Associate Provost’s Report Associate Provost Baily reminded senators that Thursday is the first full day of candidate interviews for the position of Provost and Academic Vice President. She asked senators to set aside time that day to meet with the candidate and to encourage faculty colleagues to do so as well. Faculty who cannot attend during their specific session are invited to attend the open sessions with candidates. Associate Provost Baily addressed concerns about access for emergency vehicles during the closing of Murray Street. She stated that it took 12 minutes for an ambulance to reach Seal Hall yesterday during an emergency in that building. The Associate Provost is working with hospital emergency services staff to inform them of buildings affected by the closure and discuss alternate routes. Vice presidents have received a list of employees who have not yet completed state-mandated ethics training. Associate Provost Baily stated employees do not seem to be completing the training as quickly as in past years. The deadline for completion is November 14. C. Student Government Association Report (Phyllida Kornoski, SGA representative to Faculty Senate) The SGA meeting of November 6 will be held on the 18th floor of Thompson Hall in an effort to encourage student attendance. SGA will discuss the proposal to unify WIU team names and University Union food court options. She encouraged senators to attend. Ms. Kornoski will meet with Library Dean Phyllis Self tomorrow to discuss the SGA Education Committee’s proposals for centralization of campus tutoring services. D. III. Other Announcements 1. Schedules and resumes for the first five provost candidates are posted on the provost search website, www.wiu.edu/provostsearch. Chairperson Rock stated that senators can now call their colleagues at other institutions and feel free to provide feedback on the candidates to search committee members. Senators Baker-Sperry, Hall, and Rock are among those serving on the Provost Search Committee. 2. The Senate Executive Committee discussed the response from the Council on Intercollegiate Athletics (CIA) to ExCo’s request to consider the proposed unification of WIU team names. CIA did not provide a collective response but asked their members to feel free to provide individual feedback on the designated website. Chairperson Rock stated that if Faculty Senate wishes for CIA to provide a researched opinion regarding the proposal, there will need to be a more formal request to that council. Reports of Committees and Councils A. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Nancy Parsons, Chair) 1. Requests for New Courses a. EIS 440, Sociolinguistics, 3 s.h. Change: Change “student” to “students” under Student Needs to be Served section, first sentence. EIS 440 APPROVED WITH CHANGE b. SPAN 340, Spanish for Law Enforcement, 3 s.h. SPAN 340 APPROVED 2. Request for New Minor a. Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy NEW MINOR APPROVED 3. Request for New Major a. Anthropology 2 Department of Sociology and Anthropology Chair John Wozniak told senators that Western had an Anthropology major in the 1970’s and 1980’s which was eliminated due to declining enrollments. He stated that WIU is now seeing the opposite trend, with a renewed interest in Anthropology as well as opportunities for connections with other departments. According to the course request, “Anthropology faculty conducted a poll of 234 students in anthropology classes during Spring 2006 and found that 40% of respondents ‘would be interested in a major in anthropology.’ Of these respondents, only 1/5 were sociology majors, which suggests that interest in an anthropology major spans a diverse pool of students.” Dr. Wozniak stated that development of the Anthropology major is the result of a strong initiative by the College of Arts and Sciences. NEW MAJOR APPROVED 4. Request for Change in Minor a. International Agriculture CHANGE IN MINOR APPROVED B. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines Committee (Jennifer McNabb, Chair) 1. Requests for WID Inclusion a. ANTH 305, Applied Anthropological Methods, 3 s.h. Change: Correct spelling of “mandatory” on p.2 of the syllabus ANTH 305 APPROVED WITH CHANGE b. ANTH 419, Anthropological Theory, 3 s.h. ANTH 419 APPROVED C. Committee on Committees (CoC) (Kevin Hall, Chair) AD HOC COMMITTEES: Committee to Study Levels of Funding for Travel and Research Kishor Kapale, Physics Jongho Lee, Political Science Anna Valeva, IMDS Dave Hunter, Engineering Technology Pam Godt, Curriculum & Instruction Tammi Bories, Kinesiology Heidi Clemmens, Theatre & Dance Julieta Mihai, Music Sean Cordes, Library Mohammad Siddiqi, English/Journalism Rose McConnell, Chemistry Jack Elfrink, Accountancy Cindy Dooley, Curriculum & Instruction 3 COAS COAS COBT COBT COEHS COEHS COFAC COFAC LIBRARY FAC SEN CHAIRS COUNCIL – COAS CHAIRS COUNCIL – COBT CHAIRS COUNCIL – COEHS CHAIRS COUNCIL – COFAC Jeannie Woods, Theatre & Dance THE NOMINEES WERE DECLARED ELECTED Senator Meloy inquired when the committee must present its findings since its charge states that “The committee is asked to submit its findings and recommendation within three moths from the time it is appointed by the Senate.” Since the committee was established at the October 16 meeting, senators questioned at which point the three months would begin. The decision was made to consider the three months period to begin from the appointment of committee members at today’s meeting. Chairperson Rock told the committee that should that time period prove insufficient, they can request an extension from Senate. IV. Old Business - None V. New Business A. The Role of the Council on International Education in the Curriculum Approval Process Chairperson Rock stated that the Executive Committee discussed what types of courses will be submitted to the Council on International Education (CIE) now that its policies and procedures are in place, noting that two of the requests coming before Faculty Senate today – SPAN 340 and the International Agriculture minor – could both be considered international curricula. He stated that former Provost Rallo was a strong advocate of internationalizing the curriculum, but that when he left the University that initiative may have slowed down. Chairperson Rock asked if the two requests should have automatically gone before CIE before coming to Senate or if only curricula that departments wish to be designated as “international” should go through the CIE approval process. He pointed out that the first two duties of CIE according to the Senate Constitution are to “recommend initial approval of all undergraduate international courses and curricula” and to “recommend approval of all significant changes in the international component requirements for individual undergraduate courses and curricula.” Senator Brice responded that his impression was that the process was to be voluntary and initiated by departments. Chairperson Rock stated he tends to agree with Senator Brice, but that without the push at the administrative level he is unsure what requests will come before CIE, except for the proposed International Studies major. Associate Provost Baily stated that the major is still in the developmental stages, but she anticipates it will move forward sometime next semester. Senator Boynton asked what it means for curricula to be designated as “international,” questioning that curricula can include the word in their title, such as the International Agriculture minor, but still not be designated as “international.” Senator Ness responded he envisions the designation as working much like that for WID courses – if a department wishes a course to be designated as a WID course, then it must go before the WID Committee. Felix Chu, CIE cochair, concurred, stating that for two years CIE has considered the process to be voluntary and that it would operate much like the WID process. Parliamentarian Kaul remarked that earlier versions of the CIE Policies and Procedures included requirements that curricula considered to be 40 percent or more international would automatically go before the council, but that was omitted from the final document due to strong opposition from Senate. Senator Maskarinec, who chairs the Senate’s ad hoc Foreign Language/Global Issues Committee, stated that one of the recommendations they will bring forward will be for a standing committee to approve global issues courses. He suggested Faculty Senate may wish to assign that task to CIE. Motion: To adjourn (Brice/Ness) 4 The Faculty Senate adjourned at 4:26 p.m. Darlos Mummert, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary 5