I=IIi~ a""s~l~ l"El_~_~ C - -Ofi E:Cr - i. 4T TH TC ON TUE NUERICAL PREDICTION OF HURRICANE TRAJECIDRI WITH VERTICALLY AVERA(GMD WINDS by George Willard King, Captain, UBAF B.S. Tufts University L, (1955) SWMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMNTS I0R THE DsIEE Or MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUBETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHOLOGY January 1966 Signature of Author Certified by Accepted by ...................... Department of Meteorology, 20 March, ...... ............ Thesis Supervisor ......... /.. .... ........ 1966 ..... .. Chairman, 9'epartment Committee on Graduate Students 'i / Table of Contents Page Abstract i. ii. List of Figures Introduction 1 The Choice of a Hurricane Steering Level 2 Some Limitation of the Baotroropic Prediction Model 4 Preparatior and Analysis of Data 15 Forecast Results 24 Acknowledgments 45 Appendix 46 References 50 List of Figuree Page 12 1. Numerical Grid 2. Shuman's 9 Point Operator 19 3. Response of 9 Point Operator 19 4. 500 mb Observed Wind Field 10 September 1961 000Z 20 5. 500 ab Nondivergent Wind Field, 10 September 1961 OOO0Z 21 6. 500 ab forecast Wind Field, 11 September 1961 000OZ 22 7. 500 mb Observed Wind Field, 000Z 23 8. Forecast and Observed Trajectories, Hurricane Carla 25 9. Forecast and Observed Trajectories, urricane Flora 26 10. Forecast vs. Observed Position at 24 Hours - 500 nb 27 11. Forecast vs. 12. Forecast vs. Observed Position at 24 Hours - 10 Levels 29 13. 500 mb Stream Function Field, 06 September 1961 30 i4. 10 Level Strea Function Field, 06 September 1961 31 15. 500 nb Stream Function Field, 03 October 1963 32 16. 10 Level Stream Function Field, 03 October 1963 33 11 September 1961 Observed Position at 24 Hours - 4 Levels ii. 28 ON THE NUERICAL PREDICTION OF HURRICANE TRAJECTORIES WITH VERTICALLY AVERAGED WINDS George Willard King, Captain, USAF Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on 14 March 1966 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT Three wind fields are examined with the object of improving hurricane trajectory prediction with the barotropic prediction model. As low latitude wind systems are subject to large variations in vertical structure, it is difficult to represent an equivalent-barotropic atmosphere over a large area with the winds at one pressure level. As mature hurricanes are steered by winds at all levels in the troposphere, it seems reasonable to establish a large scale hurricane steering current as the vertical average of the winds at a number of levels. The wind fields resulting from an average of 4 levels after Birchfield and an average of 10 levels after Sanders are used with the barotropic model to predict hurricane displacements. The results are compared with similar forecasts made from the 500-mb winds. In this experiment the quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity prediction equation is integrated on a numerical grid of 165 km mesh length. The vorticity and stream function are computed directly from the observed winds. The hurricane circulation is included in the wind field and hurricane-steering flow interactions are implicit in the model. Twelve hurricane cases are predicted, six from hurricane Carla 1961 and six from hurricane Flora 1963. On the assumption of independence of six cases, the 10 level wind field is shown to be a significantly better hurricane steering field than either the 500-mb or average of 4 level wind fields. Thesis Supervisor: Frederick Sanders Title: Associate Professor of Meteorology Introduction During the past ten years the numerical-dynamical prediction of extratropical cyclone scale motions has become competitive with forecasts prepared by subjective methods. The most successful has been the quasi-geostrophic barotropic prediction model, with short range improve- ments added by baroclinic and "primitive equation " models. Several attempts have been made to use these techniques to predict the movement of hurricanes and typhoons. However, none have yielded results that approach the skill of experienced hurricaue forecasters. Three major problems are implicit in the numerical-dynamical prediction of hurricane motions. The first equations that describe the atmosphere. is lodged in the dynamical These equations are highly non- linear and must be simplified before we can solve them. simplifying assumptions include: Some of the the assumption of quasi-geostrophic motion and the equivalent barotropic and finite level baroclinic atmospheres, The second problem concerns the numerical techniques used to solve the simplified equations. For reasons of economy one must use a rather coarse finite difference grid to depict and predict the cyclone scale atmospheric motions. And the third problem concerns the lack of observations in regions where hurricanes and typhoons occur. There are simply not enough observations to accurately define, within the first two limitations, either the hurricane or the large scale features of the atmosphere. Within the framework of the barotropic prediction model, the 500-mb wind field in current operational use does not accurately represent the large scale steering-flow for low latitude disturbances. While the 500-mb wind field is a good approximation to an equivalent-barotropic atmosphere at middle and high latitudes, at low latitudes no pressure level approximates an equivalent-barotropic atmosphere over large areas. (1961) and Sanders (1961) Birchfield have suggested that a vertically averaged wind field is a better steering-flow for hurricanes than 500 mb or any other standard pressure level. In this paper we will compare vertically aver- aged wind fields proposed by Birchfield and Sanders with the 500-mb wind field used with the barotrople prediction model to predict hurricane displacements. The Choice of a Hurricane Steering Level The vertical structure of low latitude winds is not coherently organized like the vertical structure at higher latitudes. Speeds are often light and directions may change abruptly through a shallow layer in the troposphere. At any one time there may be a considerable range in the equivalent-barotropic levels computed from a number of low latitude upper wind observations. sphere, As a mature hurricane extends to the top of the tropo- its path is influenced by all tropospheric winds. In view of the erratic character of the vertical wind structure, it seems reasonable to cast aside the equivalent-barotropic model and develop a hurricane steering field as a density weighted ;ertical average of several tropospheric levels. In Birchfield's research he chose to derive a vertically averaged flow from four levels: 1000 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb, and 200 rb. chosen as the bottom and 200 mb as the top boundary with boundaries. 1000 mb was w = 0 at the In choosing his weighting factors: 3 (where a. are the weighting factors) he represented at each level by a cubic polynomial and developed a set of four linear equations for the four weighting factors. His weighting factors were: s 14 V:4'+'V In Sanders' /35V44'I7 () research he chose to represent the vertically averaged flow by the 10 standard pressure levels between 1000 mb and 100 ab. 1000 mb was chosen as the bottom and 100 mb as the top boundary with c at these boundaries. = In choosing his weighting factors Sanders approximated the average wind field by the trapeziodal rule: His weighting factors were: V: /,l/O} i./3iI /,d /6~5 (2 (2) t. 3V 0 -. 3. 3. Sanders' wind field has two advantages over Birchfield's winds. Because of the erratic vertical profile of the winds, the greater vertical resolution of Sanders' winds yields a better estimate of the average wind. Second, there is considerable evidence that the circula- tion of mature hurricanes extends to 100 nrb. The layer between 100 mb and 200 mb represents more than 10 per cent of the hurricane steering field. Therefore, one would expect the 10 level averaged wind field to be a better estimate of the hurricane steering field. Some Liminations of the Barotropic Prediction Model A comparison of the physical and dynamical characteristics of hurricanes and the barotropic prediction model is of interest for two reasons: (a) does the hurricane violate the physical assumptions of the model and cause prediction errors and (b) can one use or modify the model to obtain useful information about the hrricane. One of the basic assumptions of the barotropic model is the motions are quasi-geostrophic; that is, gradient and Coriolis forces are in that that the horizontal pressure approximate balance. and others have expressed this kind of motion in Phillips (1963) terms of characteristic parameters of the motion and a non-dimensional Rosasby Number: C-(where C is and 2n_. SIje the characteristic velocity, is (3) L is the characteristic length, the Coriolis parameter at latitude& 6 ). For quasi- geostrophic motion R0 z I and is about 0.15 for cyclone scale atmo- spheric motions at middle latitudes. Consider the Roesby Number for a moderately intense hurricane (based on detailed hurricane wind profiles reported by Hawkins (1962)). Let us assume a hurricane whose maximum winds are 40 m sec "1 at 500 ab, a distance of 60 km from the hurricane eye to the region of maximum wind, and -& at 25 0 N. The Rosaby Number for this circulation in 19 or two orders of magnitude larger than typical values for cyclone scale motions at middle latitudes. Non-adiabatic heating through the first law of thermodynamics may also violate the quesi-geostrophic assumption. Phillips has estimated -1 a critical precipitation rate of 2 cm day"1 for this heating. Precipita- tion rates in excess of this rate are frequently observed in the forward or rear right quadrants of hurricanes. The characteristic length of the motion is also important in the finite difference schemes used to solve the barotropic prediction equation. Serious truncation error will result to components of motion whose wavelengths are less than twice the distance between adjacent grid points. In operational use of the barotropic prediction equation, the grid distance is 300 km (about 400 km at hurricane latitudes). hurricane the component of motion of In our model the maximum winds has a wavelength of about 120 km. To mitigate the non-geostrophic character of hurricane motions, a number of investigators have partitioned the motion of the atmosphere between a large scale steering-flow and the small scale hurricane circulation. Using the quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation: V (where is the horizontal wind vector, component of relative vorticity, the flow is vorticity), (where V , then is /lA the vertical is the earth's -VxY ; the hurricane wind vector and " is and is 7.:- Vx7 the steering-flow Equation 4 becomes: wind vector). In 2 __P and / partitioned between the hurricane and steering- ), : Xy flow as: -V7 early experiments with steering-flow models, the hurricane cir- culation was not allowed to influence the evolution of the steering-flow. was defined as an axially symmetric vortex The hurricane circulation field: T ()- f A e)d -o) and was subtracted from the observed flow field. (6) Equation 5 was then partitioned as /Pt-, and 7 VV(8) ) (7) where equation 7 is suitable for numerical integration. In these experi- ments Kasahara (1959) found a right bias of the predicted vs. observed hurricane displacement. In a later paper Kasahara and Platzman (1963) examined the other interactions suggested by equation 5. They were particularly concerned with the advection of steering-flow vorticity by the hurricane circulation, the last term in equation 5. In a simplified treatment they again assumed the hurricane circulation to be represented by a simple axially symmetric mathematical function. They allowed the axially symmetric function to advect steering-flow vorticity and influence the evolution of the steeringflow. These simple vortices were found to experience a small acceleration in the direction of increasing absolute vorticity of the steering-flow. The acceleration may be to the left of the steering flow or northward depending on the relative magnitudes of the gradients of the relative and earth's vorticities. Their findings have been offered to explain the right bias of previous steering-flow experiments. In the barotropic model in operational use at NMC (Vanderman (1962) see also Morakawa (1960, tions 5 through 8. 1962)), the 500 mb flow is partitioned as in equa- To account for the vortex acceleration, an axially symmetric vortex velocity field is added to the steering flow velocity field to advect the vorticity of the steering-flow. In this model equation 7 becomes: (where C is the vortex velocity field). 7. The field of r is empirically determined from the eye radius, maximum wind speed and outside mean radius of the real hurricane. Each of the above assumptions of axial symmetry leads to a possible source of error. axially symmetric. In the real atmosphere the hurricane circulation is not An unreal steering-flow may result (Jones (1963)) when a circular flow pattern is removed from the observed wind field. In the second assumption, the advecting field on the right side of equation 9 does not physically correspond to the advecting field of the observed winds. One may a gue that the real flow is subject to serious truncation error and that the pattern of error. F can be chosen to minimize truncation There is no specific evidence to show which advection pattern yields the smaller error. In another approach to the hurricane prediction problem, Birchfield (1960, 1961) used a 150 km grid to depict the hurricane circulation and its steering environment. This approach reduced but did not eliminate the serious truncation error of the hurricane circulation with a 300-400 km grid network. As the real hurricane circulation evolves in a non- geostrophic manner, the assumption that the goneral character of the circulation does not change during the forecast period is implicit in all versions of the barotropic prediction model. In addition, hurricane and steering-flow interactions are implicit in Birchfieids approach and do not have to bc provided in some artificial manner as iii the steeiing-flow models. For our project we have chosen the fine grid suggested by Birchfield. The objective of our experiment did not include the effects of hurricane and steering-flow interactions. them. We would prefer not to be concerned with As Birchtield's results were comparable with the best steering-flow models, the fine grid seemed to be the best choice for our work. The Numerical-Dynamical Model At middle and high latitudes the wind field is usually established indirectly from pressure-height analyses using simplified equations of At tropical latitudes synoptic scale wind fields cannot be ac- notion. curately established with conventional middle latitude techniques. Uncertainties in local pressure-height observations are of the same order of magnitude a the height gradients required to define the wind field. While actual wind observations serve only as an aid in middle latitude analyses, low latitude wind fields are most accurately established directly from the observed winds. The Relmholts theorem: (where P k is the unit vertical vector, tion, and /f is the horizontal velocity potential) allows decomposition is the horizontal stream func- of the horizontal wind vector into its nondivergent and irrotational components. The stream function field is diction. Thus, It required in numerical weather pre- seems reasonable to compute observed wind field. directly from the --- -------- ~ 11111 b--- -- 41 -~sla~rerrr~ --r - '^*"~ '~1~8~8WI I A number of investigators have proposed numerical techniques for computing the stress function field directly from the observed Taking the vertical component of the curl of equation 10: winds. /171 yields the vertical component of the relative vorticity of the wind field. Equation 11 is a Poisson equation which may be solved by numer(a) ical techniques if (b) P r is computed from the observed winds and specified on the boundary of the or its normal derivative is region of concern. If we take the component of (10) parallel to the boundary: (12) (where n and are in the normal and tangent directions, a along the outward normal, tion along the boundary), a known and / a and / a positive positive in the counterclockwise direcj is specified in terms of Vs an unknown quantity. A two dimensional vector field that is both nondivergent and ir- rotational may be represented by either the stream function or velocity potential. In the numerical solution of equation 11, the choice of boundary conditions determines the way that the nondivergent irrotational field is partitioned between the stream function and velocity potential. The vertically averaged wind field is highly nondivergent and should be accurately approximated by the stream function. 10. Therefore, we have chosen boundary conditions: _(13) that minimise the kinetic enorgy of the velocity potential and associate the nondivergent irrotational component of the wind field with the stream A proof of this procedure is included in the appendix. function. In our numerical scheme V is prescribed at each of 1715 points on a 49x35 point finite difference grid (see figure 1). vorticity at each interior point is approximated by: ' sV (where 1 and J The relative are the row and column indices, U itudinal and meridional wind components and A is '2 and (14) v are the long- the grid distance). Equation 11 is solved by Liebmann relaxation of the form: (where / is the iteration index and o 11. is the overrelaxation coefficient) . .. k " 'S . o . . . . . . 0 .. , . . . . gas.. . . . . . * .. .. 0 -. .• . . . . . . .. ° o . . . . . o o S\ . .. .. " 0 Fi .I., "#€ 4" G i ADO. SFig . . 5 ,,? ... , -. Go, . .Numericl Grid . .... ... I~-L~LPI-~L-L_ - - - I -~-~le sllPaPrWlO~?~a3**s* ~E~ --- -~, "~~*~~Z1IC~r ~ with inward differencing on the boundary of the form: to a tolerance of ,0 2, A(,, YttV1 II 0,0 2 sec-1 for all interior points. As there are many discussions of the barotropic prediction model in recent literature (see Thompson (1961)) we will only briefly review the dynamical and numerical prediction equations used in this report. The quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity prediction equation 4, with the aid of equations 10 and 11 may be rewritten as: V'tY K (where J ) is vYtY) the Jacobian operator). equation and may be solved for region the right side of equation 16 is ?V t or its Equation 16 is if Y/ normal derivative is 13. (16) (a) also a Polsson on the interior of the specified and (b) on the boundary specified. The fields of ~ - i~ic~C~g3 13~ J~ WII~ and \7 , I - --_-~ Isr~"--i-~sul -nenr r~n~ssaar~-- have already been determined from the observed wind field through equations 14 and 15; we will assume that -0oa on the boundary. In the numerical solution of equation 16, V mRust be specified on the boundary to compute the right side of the equation. V was calculated at all interior points but not the boundary of the original grid through equation 14. Therefore, the prediction grid must include only the 1551 interior points of the original grid with new boundaries adjacent and interior to the old boundaries. Equation 16 is solved by Liebmann relaxation in the form: to a tolerance of The new S6 ,- .- 1 m see 1 at AS every point. field is then computed by centered time differencing as: S14. (18) T -I - (where new v1t ~~~. -- I- t is the time index and At I e r* u.~y~iF~mr~Clb~LI '--a~slsar~se~iL~-4L131~ar~ I the time increment and the is field by: A q +. In the solution of equation increment that is its Iq important to choose a time less than the time required for a parcel in the field to move between adjacent grid points; If the forecast interval is that is: 4-l C A/U 1 larger than this critical value, the numerical With a wind speed of 40 a sec-l and grid we can use a forecast interval of one hour. The one solution will become unstable. distance of 165 k, 4 hour interval was used in this experiment. Preparation and Analysis of Data Hurricanes CarlSa 1961, and Flora, 1963, were chosen for the study because of the relatively large number of rswindsonde observations over a broad area surrounding the tracks of these storms. As three of the four Mexican stations reported only at 0000Z, most cases were based on this time. To give greater statistical independence to the sample, The study includes six cases from were separated by at least 24 hours. Carli, 6-11 September 1961, individual cases and six cases from Flora, 3-8 October 1963. Vertically averaged winds and pressure-heights were computed from individual rawinsonde observations acording to equations 1 and 2. observations beginning above 1000 mb, the first 15. For standard level (1000 ft above the ground) of the rawin observation was substituted for the 1000-ab wind. For observations terminating below 100 ab (or below 200 mb) the 10 level (or 4 level) averaging was not attempted. For each case, a 500 mb height contour analysis was first prepared using available aircraft reconnaissance as well as rawinsonde observations. Height contour charts for the 4 and 10 level average flow fields were then prepared with attention over space data areas to continuity among the three flow fields and with charts for the previous day. Charts for 1000 mb, 700 mb, 500 ab, and 200 mb provided by the National Hurricane Center were also useful in establishing the 4 and 10 level patterns over the central Atlantic Ocean. Analysis of the wind fields included isogons and isotacha observed winds. from the Again, the 600 mb charts were prepared first using recon- naissance reports with the rawinsonde observations. Goostrophic winds computed from the height contours were used as an aid in the wind field analysis particularly over Canada and the north Atlantic Ocean. The 4 and 10 level wind fields were also prepared with attention to continuity. Wind VectOr values were then read at each of the 1715 grid points and transferred to punched data cards. The geographical area of concern and the finite difference grid are shown in figure 1. The map is a Lambert conformal conic projection, 1:13,000,000 scale, with standard parallels at 300 and 60 finite difference interval of computer output format. North. The i" = 165 km, was chosen to fit standard Stream function and vorticity fields were 16. printed at initial, 12, 24, and 36 hour intervals in all cases. The direc- tion and speed of the nondivergent wind field was also recovered in selected cases. The numerical program outlined in the previous section was coded for use with the IBM 7094 electronic digital computer. During the checkout of the program, we varied the overrelaxation coefficients to achieve optimum overrelaxation for this scheme. tion 17, \ = .30. For equation IS, A = .46 and for equa- The average number of iterations required to establish the T field was about 85 and to establish the I /Ibt field wa about 8. Average running time for a 36 hour forecast including data and program input and printed results was less than 2 minutes! During program checkout, some amplification of high frequency components of the flow was observed. Shaman (1957) and others have observed this problem and have designed smoothing operators to filter components. high frequency In this experiment we have used the 9 point smoothing operator (see figure 2) suggested by Shuman to filter the two grid distance component. If as: Z is a two dimensional field, we may express the smoothed field ; 7 +s -(I z t + to- Z7 ) (20) (where the subscripts refer to the grid points in figure 2 and smoothing constant). the operator will filter With a value of k k is a equal to or greater than 0.5, the two grid distance wave. However, the operator is not highly selective and reduces the amplitude of all components of 17. finite length. component, of k After the smoother has filtered the two grid distance a second pass may be made over the field with a second value chosen to restore the longer wave components. smoother-unasoother used the values of had response characteristics shown in kI 1 0.5 Our combination and k 2 a -0.6 figure 3. The smoother-unsmoother was applied to the initial field and fields at 12 and 24 hours. and stream function One might argue that the smoother would remove much of the character of the hurricane circulation. 4 through 7 show the input wind field, the initial Figures and 24 hour forecast nondivergent wind fields and the observed wind field at 24 hours at 500 ab in the vicinity of hurricane Carla, 10 September 1961, There is 00002. good correspondence between the input and nondivergent wind fields with maximum input speed of 32 m seC" 1 and nondivergent speed of 26 a sec- 1 , Correspondence between the 24 hour forecast winds and observed winds is -1- also quite good with forecast maximum speed of 30 m " ec-1 and observed speed of 42 a sec . Notice, however, that the small scale detail of the maximum wind is lost. In our scheme, the center of the hurricane was located and tracked as a minimum value of the stream function field. Because of the inherent limitations of finite difference techniques, the minimum value of strean function was generally displaced a usmal distance from the observed hur- ricane position (see figures 4 and 5). There was also a small analysis uncertainty in the location of both initial and forecast positions. Forecast trajectories were computed from the position of minimum stream tunction in the initial field to the minimum in the forecast field. 18. o 7 Fig. 2. 9 Point Operator e 5 6 o o 8 0 O 4 o e C I 2 3 20 Fig. 3 Response of 9 Point Operoaor 1 E 0z 2 0,O 0.2 0.4 0.6 Response 0.8 1.0 li~ii~-rPli~iPTePL~ sil II 1 180 180 1111 - 1 1 - - - 1 - - - Observed trajectories were adjusted to emanate from the position of minimum stream function in the initial field. Forecast Results Forecast trajectories are compared with one another and with the observed trajectories in one notices: figures 8 and 9. From these trajectories (a) a left deflection of the forecast vs. observed dis- placement in most cases, observed displacement, (b) predicted displacement greater than and (c) vertically averaged winds yielding better forecasts than 500 ab winds. Sumaries of forecast vs. observed position at 24 hours are shown in figures 10 through 12. Directions on the polar diagrams are oriented with respect to the 24 hour observed displacement vector. observed positions are at the center of the diagrams. The 24 hour These diagrams also show the tendency for forecast positions to lie to the left of observed positions. The initial stream function fields of two cases with serious left bias, 06 September 1961 and 03 October 1963, are shown in through 16. figures 13 Stream function fields are presented for 500-mb and 10 level averaged winds. Values of stream function are scaled to yield a speed -1 2 -1 of 10 a sec with a gradient of 10 a2 sec across 165 km (one grid interval). Analyses are at intervals of 30 a 2 sec -1 All four analyses show an easterly current in motion in the vicinity of the hurricanes. 24. . the large scale Notice in particular the -C- II~ -- 0 0 500mb / , , / 12 12 , o \ 10 levels , /r 12 0 I oo 0o 0 0I0 4 levels O o "-k \ 09 O g OO o O09 \ \ Observed0 12 R Observed OOE Forecost Forecast o 121 Hurricone Corlo September 1961 Fig. O' O0 ;O8 \ \ 0 \ \ O 7 7 8. O0 0 00 S06 Observed Direction of Movement i800 500mb - 24 Hours x - Carlo @ - Flora Fig. 10. I Observed Direction of Movement 1800 0 0 7 ©08 4 Levels x - 24 Hours Carlo ©-- Flora Fig, II 28 Observed Direction of Movement 1800 10 Levels x - Carlo o - Flora Fig. 12. 24 Hours 20 / / / / / / 10 ( I C::3 20 4,,,..~ Fig. 13. Stream Function Field - 06 Sept 1961 - 00f 500mb -90 20 I 10 I +58 / / / I I II I I I20 2O Fig. 14. Streom Function Field - 06 Sept 1961 -00- 10 Levels Fig. 15 Stream Function Field - 03 Oct 1963 -OO -500mb / g.. Sreom Function Field03 Oc Fig. 16. Stream Function Field - 03 Oct 1963-00 0 Levels40 1963 - OOZ - 10 Levels r east-northeast flow from the central Atlantic coast to the Gulf states on 6 September. Both 500-b analyses show a stronger and somewhat more northerly gradient than the 10 level analyses. hurricanes were moving from the southeast. At analysis time both These analyses suggest that the 500-mb winds are not as accurate as the 10 level winds in representing the hurricane steering-flow. As previously noted, our model provides for quasi-geostrophic interactions between the hurricane circulation and the large scale flow. Except for the 500-mb case of 3 October, some northward deflection was provided in the forecast tracks. enough. bowever, this deflection was not large The discrepancy in direction is attributed to a nongeostrophic interaction between the hurricane and large scale flow that was not provided in our model. Measures of forecast accuracy are shown in tables 1 through 9. These include: Spred , the predicted displacement; Sobs I the observed displacement; E , the magnitude of the vector error of the predicted displacement; Rv , the ratio of the magnitude of the vector error to the observed displacement; and Ra , the ratio of the predicted to ob- served displacement. As indicated earlier, there is some uncertainty in the location of the center of the hurricane circulation in both the observed and forecast stream function fields. This uncertainty is most apparent in the 12 hour forecasts where it is a large fraction of the small displacements. In the 24 and 36 hour forecasts it becomes a smaller frac- tion of the displacement error. than R, In most cases, for 12 hours. 34. Rv for 24 hours is less TABLj 1. Results of 12 Hour Forecasts - 500 mb (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time Carla 06 Sep 61 0000Z 8pred ob s Ev R R 120 110 41 .374 1.091 " 07 Sep 61 00002 70 70 83 1.190 1.000 " 08 Sep 61 000OZ 75 75 19 .252 1.000 09 Sep 61 0000Z 120 95 66 .699 1.263 10 Sep 61 00002 135 95 73 .772 1.421 11 Sep 61 00002 115 75 59 .787 1.533 57 .679 1,218 " Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 63 000OZ 150 100 109 1.088 1.500 160 110 95 .864 1.455 " 04 Oct 63 00002 " 05 Oct 63 0000E 60 65 14 1.262 1.091 " 06 Oct 63 0000Z 40 60 24 .396 .667 07 Oct 63 12002 25 40 63 1.579 .625 08 Oct 63 1200Z 35 100 130 1.300 .350 Flora Average 73 .915 .948 Average of All Cases 65 .796 1.083 " 35. TABLE 2. Results of 12 hour Forecasts - 4 Levels (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time Carla 06 Sep pred obs E R 0000Z 100 110 37 .335 R .909 " 07 Sep 0000Z 80 70 74 1.054 1.143 " 08 Sep 0000Z 105 75 32 .433 1.400 " 09 Sepr 0000Z 95 100 49 .516 1.053 " 10 Sep 0000Z 135 95 79 .831 1.421 " 11 Sep, 0000Z 90 75 29 .381 1.200 50 .592 1.188 Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 63 00002Z 95 100 28 .284 .950 " 04 Oct 63 0000z 85 110 64 .582 .773 9 05 Oct 63 0000z 55 55 0 .000 1.000 " 06 Oct 63 0000z 40 60 30 .496 .667 55 40 94 2.350 1.375 15 100 97 .967 .150 Flora Average 52 .780 .819 Average of All Cases 51 .613 07 Oct 63 1200 08 Oct 63 1200Z 86. 1.069 TABLE 3. Results of 12 Hour Forecasts - 10 Levels (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time pred Sobs Carla 06 Sep 61 0000Z 110 110' 07 Sep 61 0000Z 120 08 Sep 61 0000Z " .226 1.000 70 1.361 1.714 85 75 .214 1.133 09 Sep 61 0000Z 105 100 .363 1.050 10 Sep 61 0000Z 100 95 .360 1.053 11 Sep 61 0000Z 100 75 .449 1.333 .495 1.214 Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 63 0000Z 80 100 .319 .800 04 Oct 63 0000Z 115 110 .488 1.045 05 Oct 63 0000Z 80 55 .501 1.455 06 Oct 63 0000Z 65 60 .406 1.083 07 Oct 63 1200Z 30 40 1.750 .750 08 Oct 63 1200Z 35 100 .915 .350 >v2rage .730 .914 Average of All Cases .613 1.065 " Flora 37. TABLE 4. Results of 24 Hour Forecasts 5-00 mb (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time obs pred BV Carls 06 Sep 0000oz 280 185 136 .735 1.405 07 sop 00008 155 165 126 .813 1.000 S 08 Sep 00002 160 26 .164 .938 " 09 Sep 00002 240 185 107 .576 1.297 10 Sep 00002 260 165 119 .722 1.576 ooo0000oz 220 150 105 .702 1.467 103 .619 1.280 " " " 11 Sep Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 63 0000oz 230 205 175 .853 1.122 04 Oct 63 0000o 260 200 161 .757 1.300 " 05 Oct 63 0000 95 95 87 .700 1.000 " 06 Oct 63 0000o 90 90 0 .000 1.000 " 07 Oct 63 12002oz 25 115 140 1,215 .217 " 08 Oct 63 1200 15 300 314 1.047 .050 Flora Average 141 .762 .782 Average of All Cases 122 .690 1.031 38. TABLE 5. Results of 24 Hour Forecasts - 4 Levels (Displaceaments in Nautical Miles) prod 88obs v 0000Z 215 185 69 .374 1.162 07 oep 00002 190 155 125 .808 1.226 08 Sep 00002 255 160 97 .608 1,594 " 09 Sep 00002 220 185 88 .474 1.189 " 10 Sep 00002 270 165 148 .895 1.638 " 11 Sep 00002 OOX) 195 64 .430 1.300 99 .598 1.351 205 103 .500 .878 200 118 .591 .750 Initial Time Carla 06 Sep " Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 63 0000Z 180 04 Oct 63 00002Z 05 Oct 83 0000Z 115 95 30 .319 1.211 06 Oct 63 00002 105 90 20 .335 1.167 07 Oct 63 0000Z TO70 115 173 1.540 .609 08 Oct 63 1200Z 85 300 244 .812 .283 Flora Average 115 .658 .816 Average of All Cases 107 .628 1.084 39. TABLE 6. Results of 24 Hour Fbreoasts - 10 Levels (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time Carla 06 Sep 61 00005 aprod obs Ev Rv 270 185 125 .673 1.459 " 07 Sep 61 00002 240 155 150 .970 1.548 " 08 Sep 81 OOOOZ 185 160 39 .244 1.156 " 09 Sep 61 0000 230 185 70 .379 1.243 " 10 Sep 61 00002 230 165 80 .482 1.394 " 11 Sep 81 00002 180 150 38 .252 1.200 84 .500 1.334 Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 63 00002 170 205 69 .339 .829 04 Oct 63 00002 235 200 78 .382 1.146 " 05 Oct 63 0000 130 95 39 .412 1.368 " 06 Oct 63 0000Z 105 90 15 .167 1.167 " 07 Oct 63 12002 35 115 131 1.136 .304 " 08 Oct 63 12002 130 300 202 .673 .433 Flora Average 89 .518 .875 AvMrage of All Cases 87 .509 1.105 40. TABLE 7. Results of 368 Hour Forecasts - 500 mab (Displacements in Nautical 8 iloes) RV Ra Initial Tine pred Carla 08 Sep 61 00002 400 255 216 .847 1.569 obs V t 07 Sep 61 00002Z 280 230 133 .576 1.217 " 08 Sep 81 00002 250 255 12 .047 .980 " 09 Sep 81 0000Z 375 280 156 .557 1.339 " 10 Sep 61 0000Z 385 245 146 .594 1.571 * 11 340 205 141 .689 1.659 134 .552 1.389 Sep 81 0000Z Carla Average Flora 03 Oct 83 0000Z 270 315 235 .745 .857 " 04 Oct 63 0000Z 350 240 151 .628 1.458 " 05 Oct 63 0000Z 150 130 145 .968 .867 A 06 Oct 63 0000Z 120 70 54 .769 1.714 " 07 Oct 63 1200Z 85 210 195 .928 .405 t 08 Oct 63 1200Z 85 520 437 .841 .163 Flora Average 203 .813 .911 Average of All Cases 188 .682 1.150 41 TABLE 8. Results of 36 Hour Forecasts - 4 Levels (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time Carla 06 Sep 61 O000Z 8 pred 8 obs £ v R v R R 375 255 170 .667 1.471 " 07 Sep 61 0000Z 300 230 134 .581 1.304 " 08 SBep 61 0000Z 400 255 145 .569 1.569 09 8ep 61 000Z 360 280 123 .440 1 286 " 10 Sep 61 000 380 245 168 .687 1.551 " 11 Sep 61 00002 330 205 131 .638 1.610 145 .597 1.465 Carla Average Flora 03 Sep 61 0000Z 200 315 154 .488 .635 " 04 Sep 61 0000Z 200 240 62 .259 .833 " 05 Sep 61 0000Z 135 150 61 .407 .900 " 06 Sep 61 000Z 155 70 88 1.264 2.214 " 07 Sep 61 1200Z 80 210 232 1.105 .405 " 08 Sep 61 1200Z 210 520 348 .668 .404 Flora Average 158 .699 .899 Average of All Cases 151 .648 1.182 42. TABLE 9. Results of 36 Hour Forecasts - 10 Levels (Displacements in Nautical Miles) Initial Time pred obs v R v R Carla 06 Sep 000o0 410 255 224 .879 1.608 " 07 Sep 0000z 310 230 180 .784 1.609 08 Sep 00005 315 255 60 .235 1.235 09 Sep 0000z 340 280 86 .308 1.214 10 Sep 00002 335 245 94 .384 1. J67 11 Sep 00002 290 205 88 .427 1.415 122 .503 1.405 " Carla Average Flora 03 Oct i 0000o 220 315 124 .394 .698 " 04 Oct 4 00002 300 240 67 . 280 1.250 " 05 Oct I 00002 150 150 56 .373 1.000 " 06 Oct 4 0000Z 120 70 53 .753 1.714 07 Oct 4 1200Z 145 210 192 .916 .690 08 Oct 4 1200Z 255 520 296 .570 .490 Flora Average 131 .548 .974 Average of All Cases 127 .525 1.191 43. As shown by Rs , the forecast storm displacements franCarla were greater than the observed displacements. Further, there was a tendency to accelerate the storm with increasing forecast time. Jones (1963) reported similar results with his steering flow predic- tion models for hurricane Carla. Therefore, this author feels that the error is lodged in the physical assumptions of the barotropic model rather than in the techniques peculiar to this experiment. for each wind field at 24 hours were compared The average I, for significant differences using the Student's t Test. Assuming that all 12 cases were independent with 11 degrees of freedom, ments are significant at the 95 per cent confidence level. all improveAssuming 6 independent cases with 5 degrees of freedom in the 12 cases, the following improvements were significant at the levels indicated: 10 levels vs. 4 levels at 80 per cent, 10 levels vs. 500 mb at 90 per cent, and 4 levels vs. 500 mb at 85 per cent. the 10 level wind field is We may conclude that a better estimate of the hurricane steering field than either the 4 level average or 500-mb wind field with the barotropic prediction model. In view of the improvement in performance of the 10 level wind field over the 4 level field, an averaging scheme with even greater vertical resolution should be investigated. processing equipment, it With high speed data should be possible to devise a vertical aver- aging scheme that would include all winds reported in of the upper air observation. the rawin section Acknowledgements This experiment was performed under the supervision of Prof. Frederick Sanders. Numerical computations were performed at the Computation Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The author received financial support from the Alr Force Institute of Technology and the Environmental Sciences Service Administration. The author wishes to thank personnel of the National Hurricane Rsearch Laboratory for their encouragement and assistance in providing part of the data required for the project. wishes to thank Prof. Finally, the author Sanders for his encouragement, guidance throughout the project. 45. support and Appendix. On the partition of the observed winds between the stream function and velocity potential fields. The Relmholtz theorem: (where is the horizontal wind vector, is the stream function and 2 , is the unit vertical vector, is the velocity potential) allows the decomposition of the wind field into its nondivergent and irrotational components. Taking the vertical component of the curl of (1) yields: (2) is the relative vorticity of the wind field). (where Equation 2 is a Poisson equation which may be solved for iif (a) the right side of the equation is specified within the region of concern and (b) ' or its normal derivative is specified on the boundary. A two dimensional vector field that is both nondivergent and ir- rotational can be represented by either the stream function or velocity potential. In the numerical solution of (2), the choice of boundary conditions determines the way that the nondivergent irrotational vector is partitioned between the stream function and velocity potential. In most meteorological problems, the vector field is highly nondivergent and it is desirable to partition the nondivergent irrotational component with the stream function. 46. Taking the component of (1) tangent to the boundary: 5 (where is tangent to the boundary and positive in the counterclockwise direction and Y\ is normal to the boundary and positive in the outward direction) which specifies ?Ila //c1 an unknown quantity. S boundary, then L. in terms of It 'V a known and is specified as constant on the is specified in terms / . To show that the above boundary conditions associate the nondivergent irrotational flow with the stream function, we will require that they minimisz the kinetic energy of the velocity potential field expressed as: From (1) we may write: To minimise (4) we will set the variation of the right side of (4) to zero. Note that : is prescribed at every point and its variation is zero. a. V b. If the boundary is fixed then we may write: c and : 47. (where is ). F (X the variation of the function We may then write: A (5) X xvY)( Equation 5 may be rewritten and transformed in a form to identify the terms of (3) as follows: (a) Rewriting (5) in component form: A A( Aedd. (b) CL Integrating by parts: Syl09LV 7_ ..,gq' $-ZL~r c Grouping terms 2, 4, 6, Slsu: (oF- VISlr)-1 #1 ~P~ta d (ITh (e) - 'V, ag~ ?q~ d q, aJ ds~ )di~;o d~t a;l Ld( ,) (4) 1; and: SI Qva (c) gq) A)*d t4i. and 8 from the above ,VVv and transforming terms 1, ~cV-(vd 48. , 3, 5, and 7 into a surface integral: yieldst 4 jj~ul~m i~ir~~~tA.0y 9 b1k (6) To miniamze the kinetic energy of the velocity potential field, equation 6 requires that: a. .- (X -v7' on the interior of the region of inte- gration and b. VS z '/) Oo (ith region of integration. ) on the boundary of the The first condition is simply our definition of stream function at interior points and the second condition is our specified boundary condition. There- fore our boundary conditions minimize the kinetic energy of the velocity potential field. The author is indebted to Marvin Geller for his assistance in the derivation of this proof. 49. 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