Copressibility as a function of porosity for a glass containing spherically shaped pores. by Anthony Wayne England Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Geology and Geophysics pS INST TFEC ITHDP,% and the Degree of Master of Science MIti rRIES in Geology and Geophysics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology January, 1965 Signature of Author *. seol.- -r*.Jer..-s-,D-----r . .. .. *. Department ef Geology and Geophyvics, December 31, 1964 Certified by ............ A4/ Aoc cpted by . .......- , K. ,-w-riurr#r CG Thesis Supervisor ti.......,......i..i.... Departmental Coittuee on Graduate Students -2-. Contents Page Abstract Introdtction Procedure Experimental ResAlts Conclusion Appendices Appendix A. Derivation of a limiting compressiblity for a very porous material Appendix B. Proof that a slight elliptioity of a nearly round hole has negligible effect on compressibility. Appendix C. Proof that measured compreseibilities ltU always be greater than Mackenrlse' s prediction. Bibliography Figures Figure I. Figure I, Characteristic compressiblity trials eciproecal compressibility 1 porosity 25 4,s,4TvmvsoadmOD peans"m pug sowea"'titowtoy 91 O-EqvX Spoort OSVEB jo uoTZTvodwo-, 9z *jj*Tqvl loseldmo ja Aj*-Islq TowetU 8Z O*tqlex *60Tft" ;Q AlTsojoa 6Z A,4,;so.zod ;* uoTq vjnqvj 6z ,,Al elqvl *m ooTqvl 0 90 c 2-; A, V"od IKZ otft" jo A*;.Too-zod 4oz4 et&" jo qdvj2oj,*lxoq *qa -C40 Abstract The linear compressbilities of a suite of porous samples of a glass were measured to 1 kilobar pressure. Porosity in the form of spherical voids, varied from sample to sample over the range of sero to 70 per cent. The relation between compressibility and porosity ase compared with the theoretical predictions of Mackenzie (1950), Walsh (1965), and an expression developed here for the compressibility of a material as its porosity approaches 100 per cent. Measured compressibility as in good agreement at low porosities with the Mackenie relation, ofef where 0 eff Oo 2 T- 1 0 is the effective compressibility of a material with a centrally located, spherically shaped pore space, 00 and v are, respectively, the compressibility and Poisson's ratio of the material surrounding the pore, and T is the porosity. Within !5so the (1) n5- experimental compressibility uniformly ncreased with porosity over that of ?ackensit's model to a difference of 20 per cent at 70 per cent porosity. To at least this 70 per cent porosity, however, the compressibilities do rt sff exceed the value given by 06 ( l+i * (2) v which was derived for exceedingly porous material, i.e.e walls separating pores may be considered thin and planar. where the Since equations (1) and (2) behave identically as the porosity approaches unity, equation (2) provides a useful upper limit to compressibilities at high porosity. Ineluded also are a proof that a slight ellipticity of a spherical hole has a negligible effect on the functional dependence between compressibility and porosity, and a proof that measured compressibility will always be greater than ?ackensie's prediction. -6Introduction Often, in both geologic and engineering materials, knowledge of intrinsic (characteristic of the largest truly homogeneous unit) elastic properties alone is not enough to explain overall elastic behavior. One such situation is that of a material containing cracks or scattered, variously shaped pores. Adams and Williamson (1923), Sisman (1933), Birch (1960), Brace (1965), and others have emphasised the importance of these voids to an understanding of elastic behavior. the effect on compressibility This study is limited to that case of th of spherically shaped pores. Mackensie (1950), utilizing a method proposed by Frhlish and Sach (1946), derived an expression for effective compressibility of such a material but, because of its complexity, ignored the elastic interaction between pores. One would then expect the *~ckensieprediction to be good at low porosities, but increasingly poorer at higher porosities. The Mackenzie relation is neff aD 0( + 2 j 40v b~ (1) (1 -7- where effPand B are the effective and intrinsic compressibilities. respectively, v is Poisson's ratio, and T is perosity. the compressibility of the glass surrounding the pores. Here, po is Walsh (1965), using a different method, rederived the KMakerme equation and, as wells treated the eases of elliptic and peMnyWshaped cracks. At porosities near unity# the assuption of unXferA strain throughout the material tnder hydrostatic pressure weuld see to be valid. It is then possible, in this extreme case of elastic Inter- action between pores, to derive, as in Appendix A, an expression for the effective compressbility, i.e., (2) (in the previous notation). Nearly spherical pores can be readily produced in glass. Hasselman and FiMrath (1964) produced glasses containing homogeeously dispersed, spherically shaped pores. The elastic properties of their material -8. were found to be in good agreement with the Mackensie relation. porosity in their saples ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 per cent. However, At this low porosity the interesting effect of elastie interation between pores could not yet be observed, Data by Coble and Kingery (1956) on slntered alumina indicate a greater increase in copressibility with inoreasing perosity than the Maekenzie relation predicte. the alanam Unfortunately, the pore spates in were irregularly shaped, many not even approxizately spherical, making difficult a comparison with theory. It i interesting to note that the difference between the theoretical compressibility for spherically shaped pores and the compressibility of their samples is in the direction predicted by Walsh for the effect of pores of increasing lipt city. Similarly, Duckrth, ta (1950), investigated the effect of porosity on mechanical properties of cerwecls. Flin feldspar, and clay were sintered together iith polystyrene pellet inclusions to form a porous porcelain, During the sinter process, the polystyrene -9- buaned out leaving spherically shapes pores. obtained between zero and 28 per cent. Five porosities were At 25 per cent porosity, the compressibility deduced from their measured valuee of Yoeng's modulus and Poisson's ratio vas greater by about 10 per cent than the theoreticl value. It aokezie ill be seen that this 10 per cent deviation is consistent with the results of this work. The preset study extends the range of porosity to about 70 per cent. Glass was used because of its homogeneity, and to avoid any local anisotropy introduced by orystallinity, as in the porca'Iin employed in the Duekworth study. cally shaped pore, 0 The spread of porosities for spherti 2.5 per cent by Haselsan and Pulrath (1964), and this extension to 70 per cent, should cover the spectrum of such perosities of geologi and engineering interest. -10- Procedure The experimental procedure eansisted, first of fabriating eample~ of varying porosity,~ and then of determining compressibility. Sintering of a fine glass pewder seemed to hold greatest proise for ease in developing the porous material. The glass powder, or friti was mau~saotured by the Pieao division of Gliden and had the trade designatlon of P. 3l, can be found in Table 1. The chemical coaposition of the fit To obtain the frit, Pemo ate~r uenOhed a glass melt produoing i /8 inch glass shards. pass a 200 mesh seive. Although the shards are not generally marketeds, temo The glass These were groad to was kind enough to supply them for study. rt casombined it h 3 per cent by vieght of the binder, polyethylene glyo!, in hot water. The mixture was then dried, passed through & 14 mesh selve, and dywpressed into 518 inch and I inch dia etr right circular oylinders about 1 inch long. These pressed pellets were then ready to be Asntereds found unnecessary to contain the sauple in avy way for snter It was taeperatures 50' or more belov the W860C malting point of the glass. These samples, thch were placed on a fire brick, maintained their overall form throughout the ensmuing contraction and expanson of sintering. i each ale For inter temperatures approaching the melting points as contained in a crucible with inside disensiaos near those desired for the finished pellet. their low theral expanrsion Clay crucibles, because of were found unsatisfactory. The pellets, after welding to the cracible walls dring sintering, would crack in tenslt n upon cooling. Aluina orucibles worked quite well, Since the theral expansion of the almina was greater than that of the glass, the glass was actually under ompression after cling. During the heating of a pressed frit, the binder burns out at about 20 0 4, and at approximately 580oC the sample begins t shrink; this i the evidene of sitering. st evidence great as 10 per cent, gether Tobtal shrinkage may be as As the individual grains become welded to- the grain interstices become rounded and solated peores form. It was thought that soe sort of equilibrium exists between -12- pore pressures glas su rfae tension at the sinter teperature, and the gas pressue external to the tesple. (For a diseUasson of the meehanies of sintering see ackesmie and Shuttlelartih 1949). Onee the pores were elosed, a change in external pressure should alter that equilibrium and force an adjustment in pore size. Thus, it ould seem that differing porosities could be obtained ftam initially identical pellets by varying this pressure. 900C ws built into a pressure vessel. A furnace capable of Pressure combinations from a vacum to 1500ps were tried without success. With the limited internal dimensions of the furnace, it was necessary to use a metal tube auffle to contain the saxple. su*acessively tried. Tantalum and stainless were Even in a nitrogen atmosphere there remained snough contaminant to immediately corrode either muffle at the firing temerature. Staultan0ously, some material in the glass would be reduced, turning the sample black and freeing a gas which rendered the sample a pumice if left at temperature for a sufficient time These attempts always produced extreely inhomogeneous pore distributions as well as changing the chemistry of the glass. -10. During these early trials, it was found that the volatiles (probably bonded 0, C02, and Wa2 0) naturally exhausted from the heated frit could be trapped in pores to varying amunts simply by altering the thermal histories of the samples. It was this effect which finally was employed to obtain suitable material, that is, firing time and temperature were varied to produce materials of different porosity. Sample size affected slightly the final porosity. This suggested that the pore distribution might not be entirely homogeneous. However, only a central core of each pellet vas used and thin sections of these portions reveal little, if any, inhomogeneity, Plates I and II show the actual shape and distribution of pores for two of the samples. In the preparation of the samples, a clam-type Nevi Duty Electronic Co. (K.2012) furnace in conjunction with a Tagliabue controller was used. furnace. A 1200 watt rheostat controlled power in the Temperature was measured at the sample loceation in the center of the muffle tube to an accuracy of better than 50C by a Leeds and Northrop portable potentiometer. Three solid glass samples were to be produced for determination of intrinnsic compressibility. To check the effect of different thermal histories on the intrinsic elastic properties of the glass, one sample, denoted (G), was obtained by melting together the 1/8 inch shards supplied by Peace, the second, (F), was derived from the made use of discarded sinter products. frltt and the third, (S), These three samples were melted at 12000C for one hour in alumina crucibles and allowed to weld to the orucibles during cooling. Actually, sample (F) was found to have a few inhomogeneously distributed bubble inclusions. Although this sample behaved anomalously, data for it are included to illustrate the effects of a alight inhomogeneity. These bubbles were not discovered until a close examination was prompted by its high comressibility. Such bubbles cannot be seen in samples (G) and (S). It was next necessary to determine the densities and, thus, porosities of the samples. Tofreeth free the from the rucibles and to 0015- eliminate surface inh ogeneities of those samples not contained in crucibles, all of the samples were cored with diamond-core drills producing final diameters of either 10mns 25rm. or 16m and lengths of about Since the pores were non.oontiguous, an immersion method of density determination was used with carbon tetrachloride (chosen for its low gas solubility) as the buoying medium. Weight was measured with an accuracy of better than -ti mg and a reproducibility of ±0,3 ag. The density of the carbon tetrachdoride was obtained from the Inter- national Critical Tables. The densities are accurate to and the perosities to ±+.009. M.003 gfcc These measurements are included in Table III. The final step in compressibilities, the study was to determine te the linear Eectric resistance strain gages were attached directly to the samples with CHI1 araldite resin, type 502. The gages were HLH Co. constantan foil with epoxy backing (type Fa-Z3-2Z 33) with a resistance of 12030 ± 2 ohms and a gage factor of 2.05 1 %. Brace (1964a) determined the pressressure effect on a representative of -16- this type gage to be + 0.5440" bar "1 . and this correction was added to all indicated strains to give true strain. For details of such compressibility measurweents see arce (1965). A standard piston and cylinder type pressure vessel was used for the comprssibility determination. The pressure was measured by changes in resistance of a 200 ohm manganin coil, and both pressure and strain were recorded on a Model 136 Moseley X recorder. The procedure involved pressure seasoning the sample to properly seat the attached strain gage. trials AI and $. This step is represented in Figure 1 by The actual measurement was taken as the average of two runs to I kilobar, except in the case of the 70 per cent porosity easople which began to ooellapse at about 500 bars. compressibility, Linear L P * vas determined graphically from the record on the X-Y recorder. conditions prevailed. Pressure changes were slow so that isothermal Copressibility, times linear copressibility. be three was assed to to Overall accuracy of the T recorder is 0.2 per cent and the 200 oshe mganin coil was calibrated by E-17- Brace (1964b) to an absolute aouracy of 0,3 per cent, the compressibilty detert ination Accuracy of as limited by the graphical measurement of the XTY recorded slope. These recorded slopes, representatives of which may be seen in Figure 1, were remarkably regular and linear. As in Figure 1, the first complete ru on each sample to 1 kilobar and back to room pressure was aecompanied by noticeable hysteresis. This hysteresis decreased with repeated runs, thus, probably representing some aooomdation between the strain gage and the sample surface not aecomplished in the initial pressure seasoning. Since such aeoomodation is, the pressure-increasing traces of A, for the most part, irreversible, and are considerably more boved than pressare.decreasing halves of the same trials. Therefore, the graphical determination of the linear compressibility was always taken from the pressureedecreasing half of each pressure cycle. Since even this pressure-decreasing curve exhibited about a 15 minute decrease in slope ostly at the low pressure extreme of the pressure run, the actual measurement was made upon the high .18. pressure half of each decreasing-pressure trace. Thues for pressures between 1/3 and I kbt the +5 minute inaccuracy in graphically determining the slope allowed an inaccuracy in the compressibility determination for the curves measured of less than ± 1 per cent. Experimental Results The corrected elastic compressabilities of the porous samples are listed in Tale IV. To properly relate this to the values predicted by the Mackenzie relation (equation (1)) the Poisson's ratio, v, must be knom. W. F. Brace (1964b), using a solid glass sample, similar to sample (G), perfoed a uniaxial compression test recording the axial and circumferential strains with separate strain gages. Thus, Young*s modulus and Poisson's ratio could be determined. HiS value for Poisson' a ratio was 0.23 with an uncertainty of 5 per cent. Also, the compressibility determined using the Brace values for E (0 75x*1 6 bars) and v in the relation $ E -19- was 2.20 x 10 6 bars "l which is# within the experiment error, equivalent to the values obtained here (2.16, 2.17) for the solid samples (G) and (s). Using this value of Poisson's ratio, Mackenzie's theoretical prediction, plotted as BI0 is shown in Figure 11 wth the experimentally determined omipressibilities. Agreement is good at low porosities with the percentage difference of measured over theoretical compressibility increasing with parosity to a %axis= of 20 per cent at ?0 per cent porosity. The scatter is certainly related in part to a partial crystallization of samples 25, 26, and 27 that were maintained at high temperature for considerable longer periods than were the other samples (Table 11). This crystallization is evident in the photomicrograph of sample 21 J.1 Plate I . to approximate the tre If a seooth ourve were bulk modulus-porosity behavior in Figure II, these samples, which were fired for extended periods, alone, t0wld aliwys lie about 5 per cent beloiw the taekensie eurve. This indicates -20. an increase of compressibility with either crystallization, or with soeme unknown change of chemistry occuring during the extended period at temperature. The effect of exsolution of volatiles upon intrinsic elastic properties cannot be adequately treated here. A general impression from Morey (1938) is that the small amount of Na20 in this glass available for exaolution could lower the compressibility by two or three per cent, which is counter to that apparent in Figure UI. Coble and Cooper (1964) have estimated this particular eff0t to be negligible. Another possible source of deviation could be nonsphericity of the pores. Plates I and II, which are photomaicrographs of thin sections of samples 720 and 25 which have porosities of 50 1 and 35.6 per cent respectively, show the voids to be very nearly spherical. (Care must be taken in examining these plates. The large holes which pass completely through the thin section have undoubtedly undergone some shipping during manufacture of the thin section. -21#111 wz" Qpr The shape of the dark shadows east by those pores eontained entirely within the thin section are more to be trusted). Since slight deviation from sphericity does not alter the compressibility for samples of equivalent porosity as show be discounted as a source of error. in Appendix , this must The increasing elastia interaction between pores as the porosity increases is, thus, the dominant factor is explaining the difference between the measured and the Mackensie theoretical compressibility. It is shown in Appendix C that the effective compreseibility of a material with spherical pores will always lie on or above Mackenste's value because of this ignorance of elastic intermtion, As previously memtoned, visual examination of the solid sample (F) revealed inhmogeneously distributed, small bubble inclusions which undoubtedly accounts for its anorolously high compressibility. (A few bubbles near the strain gage wruld greatly affect measurements of compressibility ithout noticeably altering the sample density). -220 Conclusions A series of fourteen glass samples with porosities varying from 0 to 70 per cent were fabricated. The pores were homogeneous in distribution and approximately spherically shaped. The porosities having been determined by the Archiedes imersion method electrical resistance strain gages were attached and the linear compressibilities found for confining pressures to 1 kb. %'iese results were then compared with ththeoretical prediction originally due to Mackensie (1950), (equation (1)). within a few per cents For the intrinsie Poisson-s ratio of 0.23, the experimental results followed Mackentie' s relation, eff (i + to porosities up to 13 per cent. f V At 24 per cent porosity, the compressibility was greater than the theoretical value by 10 per cent (about 5 per cent of which is felt to be due to crystallisation (1) 4-23- incurred in this particular sample). At the mud porosity of 70 per cents there was a 20 per cent increase of compressibility over Mackenziets value. These results can be seen in Figure II, The expression off ,* (12+ il4j - rS (2) for compressibility derived in Appendix A for materials vith very high porosities, unlike Mackenzie's relation, includes effects of pore interaction. This relation is plotted as I in Figure II. It is important to note that the limit of this relation as the porosity approaches unity is identical with this same limit in Mackenzie's theory. Therefore, since all compressibilities at the hig r porosities fall between b Vl ad -1 (Figure I), Mackenzies equation and equation (2) can be considered as useful lower and upper bounds, respectively, for the compressibilities at higher porosities. -.24. Acknowledgments The author is indebted to Professors W. F. Brace and Ro. L and to Dr. J. B. Walsh for their invaluable counsel. Coble, The skills provided by teohancians F. Gripper and D. Stanton are also sincerely appreciated. Credit is also due Dr. Walsh (1964), for the theory and method in Appendix Bo -25- ' if SI i "- I -- -- _.j at,,,-. 'rr -4J. I r I b28- Table I: Coaposition of Paeo P-311 frit Empirical formula K20 .02 Percentage weight .7 Table II Thersal Ca0 Ma0 .69 .29 6.5 Eistory of Samples. A1203 .27 14.1 "203 .57 10.0 3102 2.049 7olwt.3 245.34 54.4 Before firing, all samples (except G, F, and 3) in form of right circular cylinders about 1 inch in length. Sample Sample Diameter Chronological temp-tine history Contained in 1 1/2" 1200C - 2 bro. alumina crucible 680C 680 750 20 min* 15 min. 730 26 30 750 c - 7 hrsa 1 1/2" (unpacked frit in 23 27 720 1 - 2 hra. - 7300ooled 780 C - 4 bre. crucible) 25 29 2 hre. 810 1 1/2' (unpaoked frit in crucible) 1* 1" '1" .- 7 hrs. 850 C - 45 min. 5 min. cooled - 800c - 4 hrs. 8100C - 7 trs. 67210 - 2 hrs. 61aOc - 1 1/2 Bhr. 1/2 hr. - 750oQC 820 C - 25 min. -29-. Porosity is determined by timersion Table III: Porosity of samples. in CC14. Density of CC14 at 20ec is 1.5941 gm/cc. Measurements are acurate to 1 Wt. CC0014 g Sample Wt, Dry, g ago reproducible to Density, g/o 0.3 ag. Porosity (based upon = 2.511) 4.3390 11.8848 G 7.1093 F 12.1510 S 680 750 730 26 30 25 29 11.6766 9.9792 10.8791 4. 3026 5.3784 5.5559 23 27? 720 1 Table IVs 6.0488 7.1177 -1*4mi~ 26 30 25 29 23 27 720 .048 .111 *247 .33', .389 .460 -1.0661 -1.9917 3.1861 .008 .130 .2221 .0320 .2174 - .2807 .04 .698 Tabulation of porosity and compressibility i Balk Modulus K in bars). Sample Diameter Strain Gage Mounting 16 am Axial Cirouferential Axial Axial Axial Axial 16 ma a 2*511 2.509 2,512 .7005 2.0612 (0 in bars Sample 2.5930 4.4410 3.8920 2.8637 7.9562 16 16 16 10 mm anm am m 16 ma 10 am 16 mm 10 am 16ma 16 am 16 mm Circumferential Cirouaerential Circusferoential ariouneerental Cirwd erental Axial Axial Axial Porosity &* 009 .008 .048 .111 .130 .334 .356 .389 442 .460 .504 .698 9.10 1% 2.157 2,394 2o714 2*718 4.116 4.635 5. 331 5.505 6.465 7.278 8.171 14.849 -6 K1 0 S1% .426 .461 .0418 36$ .243 .216 *188 .182 .155 .137 .122 .067 Appendix A Derivation of a limiting compressibility for a very porouas material We here consider a very porous or frothy material. that the nll It is assumed thickness, Zt, between pores is relatively uniferm and that if b is a dimension of the sallest pore, then 2t << b. A necessary oritical assumption is that under hydrostatic compres.ion, p. the strain, e be unifore throughout the material and that the shape of each porereraina fixed, This s not an unreasonable stipulation. If the walls between pores are uniformly thick and are planar, the boundary displacemets of each wall section would generally be uniforta and, thus, the strains and stresses would be constant except at wall interstions whi h are here volametrically negligible. With these assumptions, and writing the olume a pore as v"/~td where x# y, and z are an arbitmary set of cartesian coordinates, the volume of that pore under hydrostatic compression is v J (1+.)dx(1+e)dy(1+e)dz V where V implies the same limits of integration. If e << l V' is approximately V1 = (1+3e)v since e is a constant. (A-1) The magnitude of the biazial stress, pt in the valls can be written (A2) where p is defined positive in compression, and E and v are, respectively, Toung's audulus and Poisson's ratio. The compressibility, 0, of the wall material can always be substituted for Thus, the change in the pore volume per total volume the pore is, from equations A-l and A-Z, -32- A. (A-3) C1.V) .... ON If per f denotes the effective co ressibility of the porous material as a whole, a necessary energy balance is written 2p (3.) (A-4) p (2e)() where p is the external pressure and 11 is the porosity, or (1- ) is the fraction of solid material undergoing biaxial strain eo the volume of the associated wall material is total volume of pore V, A. Thusl Since small compared to the Vis effectively the change in porosity, from equations (A-3) and (A-4) (A-5) Walsh (1965) shows that for a porous material ef f B - p Th refore. in this situations off a + t ).) Appendix B Proof that a slight ellipticity of a nearly round hole has negligible effect on compressibility Rather than attempting to solve the more oomplicated problem of the displacement field around an ellipsoidal hole in a material subjected to hydrostatic tension, we treat here the oonceptually stilar, tv-diensional, plane-strain problem of an elliptical hole in a plate under biaxial tension, R. The solution for the displacement# due to Inglis (1913), is -((p-l) cosh 2 a - (p+l) cos 20 + 2 cos o *=0 (3B.l) where: a and 0 are elliptical coordinates of a system centered on the hole, and are the correspondong displacements, h is the modulus of transfomantion, _ c (cosh 2acoos2 ) a is the half length of the focal line Sis the modulus of rigidity of the material, equal to where E and v ares respectively, Y~ang's modulus and Poisson's ratio, p is (3-v) for the oase of plane strain, and %o is the coordinate of the urface of the elliptical hole. The change in the veolne per unit volme of the hole and per nwit thickness of the plate is A 1us tip *c~S "ab (B4) 0 where a and b are the minor and major axes, respectively, of the elliptical hole. This is a fuction whtoh, if maltiplied by porosity, gives the change in porosity with a given pore shape and hydr a vb stress, RI Integral (92) m4 be written in ten a =%. p = 3-4, adwth sa =9 of equatian (.14) with e36. 2r J osha2ao - cd f of 2 Since aosh Zoo ao W% 4 , or, ash2 no + (3"3) 2a,# ) + ( )21 squton (0-3) ±0 a+1Sf If a g is defined suh that gA= A E b (b/a)3_s~ then (S.w4) g g is the oea-alled aspect rato, or degree of elipticity. The desired result is achloeed if the change in porosity) with a ohange in elliptAety at unit inial i seroi or, equivslently, if ---bg (11 is efliptiotty = 0. This is satisfied since ..37a 2 g4l As is showh by alsh (1965). where Oeff is the effective oomprossibtilty of a porous aterial, P0 is the cwpressibility of the solid material, and is the ohange in porosity with pressure. ~Then( ag' Thuas at least in the tw* onal case# a slight deviation from oircularity should not effoot dimena perf l = 0 by equation (5-5). ( ).* A similar behavior is opeoted for three dimensional situatIons. (0-5) -e3B Appendix C Proof that measured copressibilities will always be greater than Mackensie's prediotion. The as=p tion *ade by Macklene (1950) in his derivation of the effective compressibility for a material containing spherical pores is that there is a domain associated with each pore whose boundary undergoes a unifrm displaoment when the material is This is tantamount to subjected to a hydrostatic tensions, t assuing a displacemnt field for the sample as a whole; such an approximate field, as will be shown, results in a low calculated compressibility. By the minimam potential energy principlo TiuidS ~arere + fV * 3tud zed +1 2 a aij S is the surface of the material, V indicates the vola2e enclosed by the surface S# state in V# Ui are the displacements of the natural are arny assumed set of displacements in V, in this (ro1) n51'94 instance, Mackenie' S a = u1 5 + *2 ljej) + ij= 2 'etg + Uji) set, are true strains, are Mackenie's strais, ajj = *ijj'o ter cijke are the elastic constants of the material, t subject to the boundary condition which is l cf j - n surfac, her nS is the vector normal to the on and 3 is hydrostatic tension on surface. Relation (C-1), in conjunction tith the divergence theorem# yields fS 2 , fT, ds or, since T is a constant on S, 401is , If this Is mtiplied by 'a V (AP) is he re rt. V ips the total volae and (C-2) Ap is the change in pressure (since Ap is defined in a sense opposite to that of Ti the inequality mut be reversed), then (0o3) can be written as V Ap (04) V Ap Since the definiton of copressibility is " Vedp frterial is assumed H*akeen), etrtion (C04) , (and sinoe the implies that * approxisate r the uniqueness theorem4 the equality in equation (C.-5) holds if only if the displaoUments such as those in Maekene's derivation are identical to the natural displaceents; a requirement which Maokenzie's theory does not onerally meet. For a disaussion of those methods, the reader is referred to Sokelaikoff (1956) * (C-05) true t1d Bibliography Adams, LdH., and E.D.WillaAsons (1923), The ompressibility of a~nerals and rooks at high pressures, J. FIa~.. 2fe 475.529# Birch aves in rooks to 1., (1961), The volocity of compressional 10 kilobars anhgisk 2, Js* 2,199.2224. Brae, W.F., (1964a), Effect of pressure on electriooretstance strain gages, S. .oggg , 4, 21a21l6. Brace, W.F., (1964b), Personal c'rnmlation. Brace, W.F., (1965), Some new easurements of linear oompressibility of rockst J#g.Q~shrai Coble, '.L, Research, 7 (2)0 and W.D.Kngery, (19%9), Effect of porosity on physical properties of sintered alumina, i f. Coles, o~sa., .b .L. and Ai..Cooper, Jr., (1964), Personal comtoatton. Ducokwrth, W.b, et tal boie (1950), lkalS&a.n p gEg o fsgL c£ESE& Rept* R.*209, Rand Corp. Fr6hlich, Hb, and R Sack, (1946), Theory of the rheological properties of dispersions, agg. PAz* &. 415-430. lA . Hasselman, D.P.H., and R.M.lrath, (1964), Effoet of mall fraction of sapherial porosity on elastic modulus of glass, _ M. gAtSs .* Z. 52-53* Ingls, C.E., (1913), Stresses in a plate due to the presence of cracks and sharp corners, L* * 8o . EMfl 5$ 219-230* lackesie JK,, (1950), The elastic constants of a solid containing spherical holes, Fatgo yt fnang @n. 1 §, 2-l11. Mackenzie, J*e,, and iK Shttlevrth, (1949), A phenomenolgical theory of sintering, Moreys G., (1938), D.4 U frgg. Pgt gertie of Walsh, 4J.*8*., lition, MbGraw-nl.f I , 833852# Reinhold Publishing Corp. ffga. Sokolnikoff, 1.8., (1956)t, MahqM Second g. f Fah r N.Y. (1964), Personal communicaton. alsh, J.*., (1965), The effect of cracks on the uniaxial elastic compression of ocks, J.GAeohp l Se p M(2)0 1sman, W.A., (1933), Comparison of the stattoally and setisma ally determined elastic constants ot rooks, t* Q, * 1 680-686. rggP* AA. .