HEMISPHERIC WATER VAPOR EALANCE WRING 1958 by B.S., ALFRED RENATO CRISI Aeronautical Engineering 0 New tork Univer (1941) MS., Meteorology, New York University (1942) SUEMIMTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the ASSACHUSETI'S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 1961 Signature of Author ..... t..nt of et--C,-Au - - armnt of Meteorolkf Certified b3 w -2 - t - - Thesis Supervisor Accepted by .hairm , Departmental Comaittee on Graduate Students 1 21 August 1961 --1,SP1IERIC WATER VAPM BALANCE DURING 1958 Alfred Renato Cris Sureitted to the Department of Meteorology on August 21, 1961 in Patlal Fultillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT A study of the ataospheric water vapor over the northern heaiephere during the Interntlonal Geophysical Year (107) covering the mean conditions for the calendar year 1988 Is presented. The study includes analyses of precipitable water vapor, water vapor transport and divergenoe of water vapor transport for the entire northern hemalphere. The water vapor balance equation and the relation of the divergence of water vapor transport to the field of evaporation Finally, the and precipitation at the earth's surface is reviewed. field of divergence of water vapor transport as related to the earth' s water balance is briefly discussed. Thesis Supervisort Victor P. Starr Professor of Meteorology Titles 6 2. DAMA 3e AS MUIONS, DZWINITIONS, DATA AND FRn 4. ANALYIS Of 8. DIVER4ZNM 0F VIER VA"O So WATER VAPO 3ANA) 34 7, CONCLUDI4G IMARIS 42 O. AIKOWIU-M15Wf 40 rigev, 2 48 71gm 3 49 r~ue 4 50 ftgure 5 81 DUMIGRA MSU8$NG SI=MD IWtA 12 22 ERANU1'CT 29 eca1 1. fIMDOUCITUN The ;1atew balanc at tk has bcen the Mbject during the past 50 y*a cf ~.i Inwt~:t~t,~i 1930' eaWhe 6 erfasf . Until the aid- ost of the investIgations ceeonsidered only the (lan-ocsan) esrtr-bound branch of the water cycle. Over land surfaces the brwance of precipitatione evapotnspiration, run-off above and be ?ov t ground0 gnd the change In graind-water stoae :or investigation. formed the bass ThIs type of investigatloa often produced m*lt which were not widely septed and which, at best, were representr* tive of the vater budget of only limited aeas or wateratd regIonn. Over the aocma the situation was made even moe difficult by the lack of baste qatiwttative tion and precipitation. sa atwnte or computed values of evapora- Sverdrup (1951) bility of obserations of evaporation fre caepared to the attual evaporation at the discussed (1) the un1iella pns on board ships as Pom a murface, (2) the 11a- tations .ot computations of evaporation over the oceans band upon energy considerations and (3) the widely divergent results obtaired by computing evaporation rates and the vertical flux of water vapor from the sea surftce based upn theoretical considerations involvirg hLaracter of the eddy ditffusion and transfer asmptions as to th proceeses near the sea surfa ce Jiacobs (1951) found that data on precipitation amounts over the oceans were very scarcs end unreliable. be was able to prepare a noe chart of the anuaal precipitation over available published regional precipitation data. the oceans based upo to this date, actual precipitation values omer the oceans However, rat er scarce and difficult to interpret. are still In view of the difficulties involved in stutding the water balonce by oasiderlng the earthbound branm face eaarth at the cycle, hydrologl a nmber of studies in recent years have approached the probles by evalating the atmospherle branch of the e This approach rls cycle. of the o hydrologle the piaoliples of continu ty and mass coservation in the atmosphere rather than at the earth ea srace. Such aan pproach was not feasible until reent and quality of tity erological observation years, when the quanbecame smo nearly ade- quate to the task of making reliable comptations of the atmospheric branch of the hydrologic cycle and its the earth' part in the water balane at surfae Beton, Blackbumrn and Snead (1950) dlswe.ed the role of the atmosphere In the hydrologic cycle and clarified the relation of this cycle to air assees over the UMisiSeippi River watered. serological data they deterained the total fluz of msoltture From n maritime al and conti. air ov the watershed and then prepared a complete balance of the hydrologic cycle for the watershed. showed that, aithough only a small percentage of the sources. from Laritime aoieture dp-tasdq most of the precipitation advected over the continent i.e6 occurring is Their study aritime air and Is derived directly from ocemnlc This result contradicted earlier views vhich minimized the of water vapor in the atmoaphere to and free the oceans and held flu almost exclusively to a concept of land-deried sources of precipitetion. Benton and Estoque (1954) computed the transfer of water vapor by the atuosphere over the North American continent for the year 1949. They ueed all available aerological data and geostrophic winds scaled from copies of constant prerssum charts for 850, 700, and 500 ab and corresponding mixing ratio humidity data to compute the water vapor transfer and divergence field of atmospberlc water vapor transfer in the layer ftrm the earth's surfadt to 400 ab. One conclusion of this study was that there need not be a high correlation between monthly water-vapor trw~sfer and precipitation; precipitation is more directly associted with the not convergene -rather than with the transfer of atmospherict oleture. Another conclusion was that tasmpherie vinds and sixing ratios have a definite place in hydrologio research and that the diverence field of atmospheric water vapor transfer can be used to evaluate accurately the monthly or seasonal water balance of large cont inental areas The modern approach of Starr (1951) to studies of the general of circulation of the atmosphere resulted in several investigations northern hbassphere water vapor and its culation: relation to the general cir- Starr, Pexzoto, and Livadas (1957); Starr and White (1955) Starr and Peixoto (1958); and PoIxoto (1958). the most complete. comprehensiee Peixoto (198M) provided and extensive observational study of atmospheric water vapor ever attempted up to this date. Lufkin (1989) carried on in great detail the discussion of the field of divergence of atmospherie water vapor flux which was first Peixoto (198). preseated by Starr and All of the above-sentioned studies were based upon aerological data for the year 1950 and tncluded various evaluations of daily data for some 90 upper-air sounding stations at up to 800 ab over the entire northern hemisphere. the erit several levels These studies proved of treating problems assocLated with the terrestrial hydro- logic cycle on a hemispheric basisl they made posslble the averaging of various properties of atmospherlo molistme over particular areas of interest or over the entire hemisphere for comparison with hydrologle and oceanographic seasreents, such as run-off, evaporation, precipitation, ground storage, and salinlty. Encouraged by the results of the atmospheric water vapor studies for the year 1950s and by the tontinuing growth of the healaphezic network of upper-str sounding stations, the author of this paper has extended the water vapor studies to InClude the year 198 (a part of the 10Y) This paper will review briefly the procedures and some of the sore Isportant results of the new study for 1985; an extensive and complete report will be published at a later date the meantime, In the quantity (over Soo stations) and excellent quality of the IGY data over the northern buMeaphere suggests an imediate disaassion of the results, especially as they apply to the water balance of the oceans and nae of the desert areas of the northern hemisphere and aplity the comsent made by Starr and Pexoto (1906). I --h 2. DATA The basic data used in this study were serological obervations taken during the calendar year 198. the last 1 IGY. An extensive coverage of months of the recent 07 selected weather stations provided a representative date over the entire northern hD~aephere; where choice was possible, the most rellable and meteorologleally signifisparse, cant stations were selected; in aras where observations were all available data were used. The quantity and quality of the IOY data used In this study were aperlor to those used in any other northern hemisphere study for a similar time period. Figre 1 shows the index numbers and locations of all the stations. obserThe primary stations used in this study were 288 rawlasonde viUn stationes these stations are identified by ~IO index numbers and (CPR) and by national index numbers for the Chinese Peoples' Republic Figure 1I are indicated by aall station circles on the locator map in Full, five-dgit, block and .station numbers are used -except for Blocks TO. 726 and 74. Alaska, United States and Canadas respectively, where on only the three-digit station numbers are used to avoid overcrowding is the locator nap; the bleck number (99) for ocean vessel stations omitted, but letter designators are used in addition to the three-digit station neabere. The upper*-alr data for thesm primary stations were on IB1 pwuncd cards or magnetic tape; all these data were checked and processed by electronic computer. for All rawlnsonde data available each primary station were used: rarinsonde data for most stations were available at least once each day; a majority of stations provided two soundings each day, some thIee and evxn tour. Statistical coa- putations were based upon all the data avalleble at each station. This data was made available to the M.I.T. (eral Circulation Pro- ject under Contract Number AF 19(804)8-6108 sih the Air Porwe Cams bridge Research Laboratories, Offie States Air Force at Laurence G. of Aerospe Research, United anseom Fielde ltdford, Massachusetts. The data handlins and Machine pCroeesing were aeeOaplibd in a superior manner by the Department of the Air Forces Air Weather Service Climatic Center, Data Control Division, at Adseville, North Carolina. The 22 secondary stations used in this study were ritepally those in critleal arema not covered by the primary station nfa~ ork and also a few stations chosen to fil1 n gaps at the equatorie . data ftro *.rder. The these stations were obtained with either rac ioso. radlowind, pilot balloon, rawinsonde or a combiation of these methode: o*L one station, Bellinakon (WMO Number 18718), used the pilot balloon (thalp. lite) method for observing upper winds. The secondary stations are identified by WSO index numbers and are indicated by mall dots on the -8 locator map in Figure 1. l In gerar the data from these stations were not so reliable or numerous as those from the primary stations. Statistical compttations were basd upon the 000~T data available at each sueondary station except at Douala (84910) and Legos (85201), where the 0600 OUT data wewe used. These data were tabulated from of the IGY alcrocards and were proesed by the very capable staff the M.,.T. General Circulation Project. Although this study was made for the northern healsphere, a number of stations in the southern bemasphere were included to ISprove the equatorial boundary conditions, Most of these stations ee within 10 degrees of latitude of the equator all ae within 20 degrees The in this southern hemisphere stations (both primary and secondary) used in study awre shown in their approxusiate locations beyond the equator the border of the locator map (Figurs 1). In spite of generally excellent coverage of data over the northern hemisphere and near the equatorial border in the southern h ealphere, the there were some rather disappointing areas of little or no data: Amazon River Basin in South Amerlea; the east-central Pacific Ocean Hwalan from Panmsa to Christmas Island and from Central America to the Islands; the Indian Ocean; and Equatorial Fast Africa. some rather prominent stations ~uch as aHbbealy Unfortunately ((Baghdad) and NMirobi at M.I.T. were completely missing from the IGY sicrocard file available -9- Figure 1. Index numbers and locations of stations -10That such interesting and critical areas were deficient in mateorological data coverage represeats a serious dborteeing in the value of the IYf data for basic research of the general c1rculation of the earth' s aatmosphere. Nevertheless the over-all coverage of reliable data over the arctic and siddle latitudes in the northern hemisphere was excellent. The data from aretle stations were fairly complete north to 80 degrees latitude. The coverage over North America was complete and espeilally dense over the United Statees all stations in this area were used except a few superfluous ones. The coverage over Chinas Mongolia, and especially the Tibetian plateau was most helpful, and, perhaps the first daPA~of its kind to be ued in a hemispheric r It search study. mnght be interesting to note some fasts on the anuber of observations used in the computation of data from the primary set of stations. Michigan (Wl) Bnlna The esisem was 142? observations frem bault Ste. Marie, Number 72734), the minimum was 48 observations from Libya (MD Number 20853). Most stations had somewhere between 200 and 700 observations for the year 1988 a large number of stations had between 800 and 700 observations, representing Just about two rawinsonde observations per day during the year, had less than 100 observations: Nunchiang (CPR Number Tura,. USSR (UW Only four stations Number 24507) had 94; 0557) had 96; Tinchwean (CPR Number 53614) had 97; and Benina, Libya (W)M Number 62053) had 48. over 1000 observations: Twelve stations had Thule, Greenland (WAD Number 04202) had 1346; Lages Field, Azores (WD Number 08509) had 1400; Oenn Air Base, Korea (WOD Number 47122) had 181; Eglin Air Force Base Florida (WMCD Number 72221) had 1422; Laughlin Air Force Base. Texas (W0 Number 72261) had 1356; Oklahom City, Oklahoma (WW1 Number 72383 had 1254; Sault Ste Marie, Michigan (WD Number 72734) had 1427; Stephenville Air Force Bass, Newfoundland (WM Number 72818) had 1374; Goose 8ay Air Base, Labrador (1CW Number 72816) had 1285l Resolute Baey, NW Base, (WD Number 75O64) had 1148; Kindley Air Force Besnds (UD Number 78016) and 1347; and Wake Island (3U0 Num- bar 91248) bad 1008. Complete details on station anaesindex numberS, exact geographioal locatones, heights above sea level, periods of record, number of observations, and all the processed data pa.ameters used in this study will be published later in a eoaprehenm sive report. -lo- 3. DATA PUOCE8SING AND 1POIILE IOHNS4 WFINITIONS, ASET40 parameters treated i The particular steorologil tthis study were the specific humidity, q, and the eoaponets of the aetual wind, u and vi thse pearasters were derived from the basic apperra meteorological measermeonts of presaue, tempoertueo humidity, and wind made at the stations showa on the chart in Pigure 1 with rlin- sondo, radiosonde, radlowinds or pilot bslloo, or combinations of themr types of equipments. The parameters u and v are the horlsontal, omponents of the wind veotor, , ~h that l + j v, where I Is the unit vector in the west-to-east direction and J is the unit vector in the southb to-north diroetion. takeln in Thus, u is the sonal (eaS-woest) wind cmpontt ) with **est wind positivel and v eters per second (a ase is the merldional (north-south) wind oeponent taken in maters per second (a sec ) with south wind positive. The parameter q Is the speoifle humidity in grams per kilogrem; the simplified eXpression q .02 (e/p) given in Baurwits (1941) Brunt (1944) was used to compute q free the values of toepersatur relative hutidlty at each of four standard p assure levelse 850 ab, 700 ab, and 500 ab. iven the temperature. and and 1000 rab Tr, at any the relation actual water vapov presea U a WUU or e/e each station and for each papate specific huadit q, , e e can be obtained from the satura where e Thus at the given air temperaturea TT. tion water vapor presr at Then knowleg the relative TI uniquely defied at that temperaturet humidityo Ueth BM, 1 p. the saturation 'eater vapor pes atospheric pLressur, uppmr can be-. obsataed ealy and the acemopanytg wind opi enat, r obsOeMa-on. the for ea re level, ..psw ned for a~and ve ~en hbe ob, each corresponding pressure level. Since this is a research study on th general cieaRIgQion of the northern heisphee, time aver covered ~smmr o year and the periods of Speeifically, the periods through Decmber 198, es of the meteorological perarmters ikar zed were (1) u r later and easw the hole ye, easons. January (2) the six winter mcaths, January. thrugh March and October through Deoember 198~ and (3) the six sa April through September 1958. the annual period for 19598 er months, This particular paper deals only with the other perlods wll be treated in a ecplete report to be published later. The followiNg quantities wee computed f tarely the 1000, tw when 850, 700. and 800 ab standard pressure levels at each station available 1. Ustad a. Ima b. Mean ve - 2. q and v as besie pauamter e* q q V q ean q x 9, do, Standad Deviation of q 0q) e. Standar Deviation of v, O(v) d(q x v) 4 x v, t. Standard Deviation o '. Cos elaton of q ad v. he Covaasneo r(qv) qv' of q and v, Uslg q and a as basei a*. an q q b. Mean a. a eo as Mesa as Meat wo q z u. $qu peaetere. d. Standard Deviation of q, 0(q) Deviation of as (u) e. Standar 2. Standard Deviation of g. Comelation of q and a, h. Covrlane of q and a, The usual aq a. a(q a a) r(qeu) Wtatiteal definitioo are Implied In the above quantitte with the "bar ( )" denoting a time avraeo over the period s- Iarised, in this case, one year. In computiag the tima aver es ove the year for each of the 2$8 18-obsered values of ary stations, a running aveLge of all t1h prg~ each paramter was taean. secondary stations the For eah of the 2 of tbO yearly time averages were computed siaply by taking the as mnuer sesoa inter and eason aveorages balanced distribution an only a very mall error even whern t in the anmber of observationt inaturoaes this proed1 to the other. sa a o Oe Although siverl statistioal qMantities were computed for each of four standard pressure levels, the only oaes to be treated In this estdy will be the sesanspeitle bhuaidity, q, and the ee poents of (or water Vper) transport, the aan lasttre o aWnd qw. At each stan tion the mean specifle huldity, q, for the year at any given preesure level is simply a seasare of the mean mount of water vapor at that level and station for the yearly period. At each station the values, qu and qv, represent the components of the uesa horisontal trasport of water vapor, level. where U helorsontal wid for the year at any iven pressure is defned as given in vector / aI the second paragraph of this sentions + 3 v. Using the gegrsphctal (sphersial) coordinate system (X0 O, p. t) where X is longitude eassured positive to the east C tude massuned positive to the orth C unit vector). iS lat unit vector), p is the pres- sre tin ab (posetive and inceasing dowward through the atmosphere) and t I s thetime the respective t~al (A) and erldional () -10-' transport of water vapor at any copoents of the mean horiatal station are the represented by the quantitles, qu and qvo for any given pressure level and for the yearly period. The fields of msan pecific hmteidty and water vapor transport for all the stations at each of the four standard presu levels sake for Interesting studies n themselves and exhibit vertical covalstency from level to level. This study will treat only the ver*- ticallya-1ntegrated values of the quatities q. qu, and qv for the year 198 at each station bowh in Figure 1. omputed The develop- sent of the vertleal Integration technique follows that ease The tol tal PeiNoto (19). a by* horiontal trnsport of water vapor above a point am the earth's sarfaee for a time Interval defined by the bar " " (in this case, one year) may be sepresented by a two- diensional vsector field, B(As) 1 fPO / d 0 where g il the aeeleration of gravity, asomed constant and equal to .2 2 9.8 x 10e in abi q and and see * and p0 is the n value of the have been defted in preceding erace pressu sparara The Liaai eridional components of the vector field, Q, are given by ab156m 4r dp S_ aqV* Units ofS go a S or = 10 go m a see dp 0 defied as the san preespitable water .apor Blallarly, if Wa content In a coolUM of air of unit (on eabove a given point emo') his study, then on the earth's surtfs oer the yearly period taken In tn o Unit of dp (1) em auts a or e~ of water o All tmese fosmulae iacorporat the hydrostatic equation Op a a~g 6e (whsre Is the density and a the geometrie height) bease a state ot hydrostatie aomphere is i most of the tIsm qmiilibri e. B variable, as, M coordinate , or very nearly so, this is a valid 8assmption and certatly can be used with extremely anal error in a study of te as this the at - general elolation s ch smos of the hydrostatic equation, the gemttlc helght been replaced by the pr. an the vertlcal Actually, in p tgg * p, as the vertical is used in this study. orming the vertical IntegSStions of th yearly mean -1-- Pa a quantities 4, qu, and qv, it is not feasible to integrate e pe to the truly representative mean value ot the surtae p"r sur. top of the atophere (p = 0) at each stations it Is rtesible and sum s to & 1e*ptablo genermally which saesaOtable. reasonable boundary conditions Following PIesoto (1988) econtributions to the b vertical i~ntegla above the 0ewb level and between the 1000level and the eurfae a diegarded have The values of speeific humidity mme very anall above 800 ab,iand genrally high, the total water vapor although the wind spsods s' tranmsport reealn sel&tively real. Therefore, it is reasonable to asme that the errors lntrodamd by setta th upper boamduy of the vertical integrals at 800 ab ae saill these. errors are likely to be greater in the equatorial regions and over extemsive areas of high tormin moch as the Rocky Mountains (western United States) and the 3 malapan Mountains and plateaus (Tibet and central Asia); an a estimate of the error in thes cases will probably be attampted in later study. In the meantbom the Wpper bounda y of the vertical lntegrals has been set at 500 ab In this stdy. The lover boundlw of the vertical Integrals has been set at the standard 1000 ab pressu level. In cases where the sean surface pressure, p0g for the yearly period is greater ttao 1000 ab, this pros Caedure underestimates the total vetically integrated vales, Poiioto -B19* found thate with the exeption of tropical arHas, the contri- (198) bution of the thin layer between 1000 ab and the surface was of relative eigificance for the total Inteagted values. little over the trade wind reglons, where loi- largest errors pobably ocCa level hsidities are high winds a presne is exceed 1000 ab. strong, and the mean 8rface ie In eases where the ean surface proes less than 1000 mb or whbre the surface topography nor &bne The lly e mnds values of hwtidity and the 1000 ab level, the actual arfaces wind have been used and eubstitted for the 2000 ab level; hence, no fictiious values have been Intdauced into the vertical Integrals for thems cams. As a res lt of the foregolxg ~ coaditions for the vertical mptlons in setting the boundary ntegls, the magnitudes of the mean horinoatal transport of water vapor and the mean precipitable water vapor content above. the earths surface for the year 1986 bave probably been slightly undeestinatedl however probably been ooaftisd chiefly to extnlve th3 dersiton as very aemas of high terrain and to the trade winad reglons. aemputed The vertical Integrations of q, qu, and qv have been ntmrecally, applying the trapewidal rule to the yearly man values of these quantities at the 700, and 800 mb our standard prNeOMr levels of 1000, 850. nd using the boudazy conditions at 1000 ab and 500 mb. -20A general e2ample of this techniqte to compute W for a station wh ro re level is reported may be illustrated a the 1000 ab p~ lO00ab "isoo. follows: qdp Units. csek: 1-2 1000 goC LOdynes a ab . p -2 -2 Thus, the units ofW ocheck to be ga e -2a csm or simply cm of water. urOmiMal 8t2n IntStration Integration Step and Layers dp 1 1000-850 dpal=50 -* -"so' dpaISO0 1 Lm (Noe so -n/u z -for lae 1 ia 1860 V at 100 o,eXa 200 19.for dp=200 following$ q1 .4 above nausriCal step Integationse gives the Adding each of t (05 ~leow dos 0+ 2. 6o 3,0 1s50*5 2.0 loo 1.8 )amd Sinilar anweical step integrations using qu and qv instad of q poand Merdlional (Q ) components of the total een vide the onal () a given point on the earhrhs horiwontal transport of water vapor In surface. aayama the vertieal integrals to obtain W. X and pasputed, dependent on station elevation as follows: have been Station e vation between sea level and 2500 feet. 1. S se. 2. Station elevation between oo(,S~C) L 1.6 = 3. 1000(SIC) Station elevation above w- 19.6 Val a of and so 700 801 and f eet. . ,0M .o s0 2.0 3.5 000 feet. .o qo aosc .O S 00(S2C) 500 have been computed exactly as W us ag qu and qv respectively instead of q in the above expMessios. In all when 1000 mb, 850 abe or 700 ab data were autions, aiesing de to station elevation, curface data were substituted for the missing level. The following elevation limits were used in selecting levels for the verteal integrals, Sea level to 2500 tfst 2501 to 6900 test Above 8900 eet 1000, 850, 700. and 500 mb with surface uabstituted i 1000 ab alasing 860, 700, and 500 ab with smfacme substituted If 880 ab a issing 700 and 500 abswthcsurace vibstituted it 700 ab essiag 4* ANALYBIS Or IOMBSD DATA Before actual analysis of processd data, a survey was made to determine the time and spatial distribution of this data respectively for the yearly period and over the northern hmisphere. Where the desired priary stations originally available did not afford the e of data, SeCoSday stations were chosen to fill in spatial covergm the data gapsl this procudure did not present a serious problem and was discassed earlier in the secnd seotion of this paper. The time distribution of the processed data from 34 of the primary stations indicated that ome of the computed yearly mesa values slght not be representative due to signiftlant imbalane between the nuber of ob~ion the ummer ummer and winter seasons. A siple method of averaging an and winter mean values was used to obtain a more representative yearly mean value frei frm seasomal blas. The co- rections to the orginally eomputed yearly mean values of We Q were mall at aost of the 34 stations involved but a few cor- rections, notably in India, wese sigtificantly large, this fact was due t o and Undoubtedly he strong seasonal monsoon associated with a marked ohane in the climate of India from winter to somer; under such clr stances, an imbalance between the amuber of observations in summer and winter seasons produces a rather strong bias in the Moreover yearly running sawn values. the ICY rawinsonde upper-&ir observing program apparently did not get under way until after the early winter months of 1958 at Allahabad, Calcutta, and Bombay; no observations were available for the first three months of 1988. and thus the yearly mean values of processed data were rather biased toward the nmer values. seasonal blas, sall In all 84 primary stations affected, the was removed and a more representative or laMge yearly mean value was then used for analysis. not occur with the data fro This blas problem did the S secondary stations, because the yearly asa values were talen originally as averages of the sumer mean and winter mean values. A complete listing of the originally be computed values and corrected values of all processed data will published later. The representative yearly mean values of W, station were plotted on three separate charts. used was a polar stereographi and Q for each The plotting chart .projection, scale approxmastely l:40 million, of the northern bemisphere as shorn in Figure 1. were analysed for the best posasible The data t; all values werse carefully studied in relation to terrain and geographical features before the final analysis was completed. At one station, Miamit namber of observations for the year was sall Florida, the compared with those at A-S4 sUrrounding stations; and, sines the values at several closely MilSa did not agree well with those from the nearby stations, the values of processed data at Miaia were not used in the analysis, The analysis of the mean precipitable water vapor content, W, for the year 1958 was carried out first (Figure 2). No major diff- cultles were encountered; the data were quite eufficient for the task, and the patterns relatively amooths Isolines were diwn for every 0.85 a an (or ca) of water vapor content. The analysed field shovs, perhaps better than any other, the essence of signifcant water vapor distribution in the atmosphere. the analysis bshows a continuous doesease of precipitable water vapor cotent from the equator to the north pole. influences and continentality are evident. areas of the Middle The effects of maritime The Saharao the desert ast south of the Casplan Sea. and the desert region north of Tibet are dry. rai With few exceptionse In additiono the effects of high ter- on loistume distribution are illustrated by the vevy dry areas (less than 1.0 ga ems) and over the over the Rockies In the western United States ltmalayan Mountains and plateaus of Tibet and central Asia; the possibility that the values of W over the high terrain areas have been underesti ated was dismaed in Section 3 of this study. Until this possibility can be fully explored and checkeds it reasonable to bsse that the underestimation, aould seen if any, is mallo and that thee areas axe, in faot, relatively dry. portions of the sub-tropical oceman Over the western asnticyclones the water vapor content is generally higher than over the eastern portiona this fWct Is eqsecially evident in the Pacific and agrees with the concept of general convergence and divergence, respectively- in the western and eastern portions of these semma-permanent, general circlation. large-scale featuves of the eas of highest water vapor content o The mist are the equatorial region of South America, the equatorial westera Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean (especially south and east of India), and equatorial west Africa. The driest aea is in the Artto where the yearly sean pmaelpitable water vapor content is less than 0.5 gm cm north of 80Qm. The 1.0 go am isoline enclosing the Arctic regions Is found generally at or near the latitude of bs south of GOaN over the regions of ONi it dlps outbreaks of cold, ft dry polar continental air in eastern Siberia and the Bering Sea and eastern Canada and Budson Bay it extends north of GO and even slightly north of TON over Jan MaynQ and northeast of Iceland, very probably showing the effects of the wa and wam r olst airmasmes North Atlantic Drift current frequently carried northeastward across the North Atlantic Ocean toward the Acttoi Ocean. The 0.8 go c -a isoline encloses the area between 80ON and the North Pole and also dips slightly southward toward eastern Siberla, over Ellemanee Island, and over Greenland. -26is obvious from the analysis and Importait As a concluding reark it to note that the mean water vapor storage in the ataosphere is very mall. and seridlonal (Q ) components of The analyses of the ~soaal) the mean horisontal transport of water vapor for the year 1958 were completed as shown in FIgures 3 and 4. plex data covrage. lacking, d o the of h th the alys These vers more can - alyse expeclally over areas of spard In areas where data coverage was sparse or copletely such as the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, arful atten- tion was given to the analysed V field together with the mean wind field (Minte, 1984; Mints and Dean 1952; Wiederanders, 1961) In preo paring the final analyses. The analysis of the field of sonal (k) transport of water vapor (Figue 3) shows consistency with the mean sonal wind field. Isoldies ae drawn for every 5x transport with om 10 -1 -1 2 gia Sm values of the sonal ae 2 ga ca-1 se -1 areas tilled In with every 2.5 x 102 to show significant details. Large positive (west-to east) centers of sonal transport are found in the aid-latitudes where westerly winds are predominant, Oceans between especially oter the North Pacific and North Atlantic ON and 50ON. Large negative (east-to-wmemt) centers of zonal transport are found In low latitudes where strong, persistent easterly winds prevail the two centers of largest onal transport are found in these low latitudes, one between lO and 5IN over the central North Pacific Ocean near the Marshall Islands and one over the Carlbbean Sea between the northern coast of South Arisa Puerto Rico. A sries and of four amall centers of negative zonal traa&- port are found along the southern fringes of the Arctic regions; two very small negative centers one over the Sae of Okhotsk and one near tao the Golf of Ob in north central Siberia may be questionablee but fairly laBg and deginite negative area are evIdent over western Alaska and over the Arctic Archipelago of Canada and over portions of Greenland, values of North of th3se negative areas are fatnd =all positive onal transport girdling the Arctic Ocean around 70ON to 80aNO The analysis of the field of eridional (W ) transport of water vapor (Figure 4) is somewhat more complex than the field of zonal transport of water vapor. cm use I solines ar drawn for every 2 10 g values of the seridional transport with some areas filled in with every 1 x 10 ga ca see to shows gnificant details. Large the centers of positive (northward) tvnsport are found generally over regions of aid-lattude storms especially in the vicInity of the mean positions of the Pacific and Atlantic Polar Fronts, Large centers of negative (southwrd) transport are found generally over low latittudes Atlantic especially near 200N over the eastern North Pacific and North Oceans where trade winds prevail. Other centers of nortward and southward transports are scattered throughout the northern healsphere. Around the Aretle regions there ar both northward and southward tra sport a but a rall southward (negative) transport is suggested over the North Pole Itself. An interesting strong poeltive (north ward) transport amea, found over the lower Rio Orande Valley, extends northward in a narrow band over the "tornado alley" of Texa o Oklahamak and Kansse this rather striting feature and other generally north- south oriented bands in the feld of seridlosal water-vapor transport over the United States (where the are detailed data) a resinioent of the moist and dry tongues found on meen ilantropie sherts by Nasias (1940). Along the equator there seems to be roe poitive areas than negative, but, since the analysis of lrge oquatorial regions of sparse data relied heavily on tho mean wind feld, these results may not .b repreentativeS Peixoto (1906) tound positive and negative areas balaneain each other over the equator and onelded that the net moistare flow across the equator was practieally asro. This conclusion may certainly be ustified ito the loag*eriod &verage s bot it may not be valid for any particular oneuyere period. -29-* S, PAN8iORT DIVRGNCE C0 WrAIR VAPCOR ' A-s-0Ig that the analymed t-elds of sonal and meridional conpoents of transport of water vapor abown on Figures 3 and 4 are repxresetative of the total mean horisontal transport of water vapor above the earth'a surface for the year 196, the ditvogence of the oixto (1988) water vapor transport can be oaleolated. fosnla for the horisontal divergence gives the of the total (vertically- integrated) yearly meen transprt of water vapor in the O,.p) coordinate qmystem as where R is the radius of the earth, taken as a constant, 0.6871 x 108 cm, and the othew quantities are the ame as given in preeding meotlons. Looking at the water vapoorbalance equation for the ataospheve used by Peixoto (f198) and later by Luaftn (19860) horiontal divergence vapor above the earth's the signiticance of the V aQ.,s) ] of the total tmreasport of water urface beomes am apparent vapor balance equation will be outlined l This water the following paragraphs. s Considering a column of air of one ma arosesection extending from the earths mrface (premsae, po) at Sach point to the top of the atmoephere (presm re. p a 0) the balac equation anm be written suah that OW -am * at I t.o where w ' and q d.' Q 1 1, fo qVdp o o W is the qMantity of Preiptable watesr vapor in the atmospberic is6 the i-omponent of the vector represnting the total colu= and flw, or taaupout, of water vapor vertically Integrated above each point on the earth e bas at te T uface. of the ataoseaowi is the i-cwe Is the mom coltan, of water s.Ibstan q is the specffite hmidity, eo p is pressure, up#nt of the Vind vector, t is ti etd S is the acceleration of gravity am peviously defined. In gosgvapMhial (spherical) ecordinates (A,p,t), the equation for temoaheIe water vapor balance takes the follow Ig tem W 1 8t R co wae iRs te 8Q se Q tn R 8O R 1 ap earth's radius as previously defined and 4Qtoa Qp ae the mnaal, sswldional, and vertical cqopilata of the total water vapor transport vector reospectively. tlal coordnsate uw ay be defined as u, Sw C'p p dp/dt. as the voar Then dp 0 (,po) O and (O0)= 0 and a since at the limits of integration q(500 ab) With pressure, p 0. In additione sW/t, the rate of Ob of water in 'in stora the atmospheree is very saall #uech maller, for example, than the rate of hage of storage of gr water, and my thus be also set waterd equal to aero. rather This reasomting becomes even mose apparent ft. the all amounts of preolpitaeble water vapor contained in a repre- sentative column of air (Fiurae 2). Therefore. asmlng negligible storage effects, the water vapor lost in regions of positive diver gene* sast be rsupplied; and the water vapor concentrated in regions of negative divergence (convergence) must he rmoved. It is also snainabls to assume that the main souroes and sinks of satspheric water vapor are due respectively to evaporation, o P. and precipitateion Furthermore, since the horiental tr asport of water In the solid or liqUid phase tsvery small compared with that of water vapor in the atmosphare, for all practifal purposa E and P nay be equated respectively with the evaporation and precipitation at the earth's surfac below the atmosphewic colwm under conslderatio~. The exace- of evaporation over precipitation (E - P) sust then be eqmal to the ivciergence. r ateri atmospherice amnts into account and xrgrouping teuas Taking these a1 water vor obalanoe beoomae asmophier equation tfo Q 1 - R Gas 0 A the + (Q cos (E- P) 50 The loft-band aide of this eqltion, when the values of amr taken as yearly mean valuel and Q . to equivalent to the horizontal diver- genes of the total (verticaly-integated) yearly mean twi ansport of r vapO water in the atmosphere, V * Q ( cralculated te ). Starr and Pe ioto (1968) latitademlongitude sean (E - P). field for a tenaegreeo for the year 1950 uasig finite dif- grid over the nothern helsphea feoence methods to compute the hobrlsotal divergence of thb mean wter vpr transport. total yearly A emlar finite difference procedure was used in this study to compute the borlaetal divergence of the total yearly sean water vapor transport for 19 8; bhoveor, n view of the greater amout of data available for this 1908 study a beaste fIvedetree, l tittude-logitude grid was used tude, where. a ten-'d ree grid uas semd. eazept north of. igmure lsti1O shows the distri- buaton of the hori ental dirvestnce of the total (vertically-integrated) -33war s 1988. vpor transport for the yea1 water vapor di~vrgen Positive vals of show areas whre the earth's aw~face acts as a aouwce of water vapor or where the total evapotranspiwation Negative vale of water vapor dove-at exeeds the peIpitation. gence (convergence) aow areas where the earth's wntace acts as is a sInk of water vapor or where the total evapotranspiratiao exceeded by the precipItation. A discusesIo of the major ftates vapor balance of of Figue 5 and of their relation to the water the staomp e and the water balaes. at the eaths follou ln the neat section. ea~urfsoe wll W TIE VAf'C 0, As shown in SACWZE 8 the analysis of tWim Iwriontal divergence igoas vpor transport for of the total (vertically-i ntegwated) mean waterl the year 198 W computed was prperd usinf the valuea of divergee, V * Q C,0), grid area of latitude and d plotted for evesy ftiv-~er logitude in tim northern hemtisphere north latitudeO rm thm eqwator to 80 dogr es the area tfr SO degrees narth latitude to the north area of latipole was oomputed Sad plotted toer every tead gree grid tde and logitude. The analysis ahows the existence of divergence centers alternatng with detail and e arater. oerrgne centers and exhibits considerable In the areas of dense and Wpreentative data 11verage the detal obta d in the iveMdepree grid computations is some undobtedly JustfitledI hoever, It areas of sperse data coverage of the detall from ay not be Justified because the weight of the data reporting station can produme a demiant value of tih ole gence in a mall area. of a tfe n efSeot could be notieed in the vicinity reporting statlones station ~anber 46747 Tugh ng, TaIwan; station number 7886. Hlo, Baai. were a Such di-ver Quantamo Bay, Cubal and station number 9128, In these areas and in a te otrbo where ch ettffects opp the analysis ws maoothed slightly; otherwse th computed -3Svalues of diverenoe were naly ed exactly and to Uhe best possible fit. legions .b the Atlantc and Pacifie oces s show Tm equatorial a general convaprne of water vapor trancpott indicating an excess of precipitationover vaporamtIin in the areas where there is a both hemispheres, mean convergene of the trede winds tr nce ae centers of strog cone m~ found just Merked of Paama and off thse areas the east coast of South America near the equatorl both of are known to have exMcessve prOelpitation. the rather stroea America is arHes, Although the data supporting divegence south of the Gulf of Marmalbo In South this area does have rather oEanty precipitation to the erpared with the Amaon River basin and watershed farther south and east. Another interesting are is found over the Arabian Sea. of very strong divergence Even though te data supporting the the water vapor transport analys s in this area were spars. and analysis raeled heavily on mean windae this divergence can be ca Seal this associated with the well known high alinity of the Arabian high sali Sty, .of course, evaporatc tscaused to a great extent by the excesve or strong diveaorgdeie of atmosphearl Arabian 1ea (E-P lV and positive). ~ater vapc over the Lufkin (1959) and Jacobs (1948) empirical both have derived sepwaately, in slightly different ways, relations between the sa-surface salinity and the field o: (E-P) for Zeus of the oceans where the effects of horisontal t rnaort of urface water salinity ero negligible. Two areas of strong convewgence borderiag the equatorl and mb-tuopical regins awe worthy of special note. On. Is in the and Ethiopia in Afrioa end the other is over victIaty of EritreI north cntral India etending eastw luding Asae and Bhutan. The first to northeasrn India inr emquatorial east Africa ea contains the beadwaters of the Blue Nile and several tribataries of the White Nile; there ame alsoseverwa riv~ flowing this ar ro Soaliland and enya. The heavy rain areas roaerred to In India ae well known. coverage fr t' ta over the With more detailed datas lose to and within the flmalayan mountains the amalysis wcald undoubtedly contain more detail and more aeoumetely locate the center, or possibly two centers, of comvewgenoe, along the mountan otne further north and elo ngated oass and one further east over Ass. very likely that even greater detail could At obtained I It seenm the dIverence analysis over India if there were a high density of reporting stations located so as to delineate clesaly the treeandous convergnee of water vapor transport assooiated with the well-known aLmer monsoon. theles, the analysis shown on FPi ppars to be comn 8 a5 the known faets of the earth's water balace over India. Never- stent with It is ilter- eating to note the eatension of thse prominet convergence northward through e ao. to.the Pairs and Ala Mountains west of SinklAg where rain md sanow provide the ead waters of the. Indus River and several other aller rivers flowing into the Tari where they disppea. Its Basin of Sinklang hould also be noted that this entire large area of convergence over India eaovers the vicinity of the headwaters of severl extensive river aisteaI s Indus, Ganges, Bra heaptra, Sawen, Mekong, and Yangtwa. The sub-tropleal regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from 15I to 3ss rather strong and extensive eeas of diw b sho gence. In the Atlantio the divergence pattern is elongated in an east-west direction and geneally uninterrupted. extends of In the Pacific am the divergence o Marcs Island estward from Mexico to it shows several centers amrked divergence interrupted by areas of weak converence or lesa- aerlad divergenoe. This feate" of the analysis may be due to a cellular structure in the Pacific antieOlcone Over the western portion of the Pacifie anticyolonie belt the divergence pattern is soewhat confued, bul in generale cnavesrgene predominatesg the ave south and west of Japan shows rather strong convergenee as might be epected fras front whose mean position is in this region. the polar Closely associated with the strong divergence of the mb-tropical oceanic anticyclones are three other interesting areas of divergences one over the central Medit rranean Sea, another over ran, and the. third off the coast of Mauritania in west Africa. The central bediterranean divergence extends southeard -so- joino to over the doG rt areas of Libya and Aleria and acvtaPl the e..ast tho Imrn; this the Syrian Desert with the diverwgane awne whole area is known for its drytes and is emn to em as an Imamian is knmen for its high salinity, wh$bh can be seadily associated i th portant source of atsmospherlo oitaweg also the Medite ?hae diver- high positive mean values of (E-P) or strong diverence. of west Africa can be asotated with scanty pre- gence near the coati CIpltatlon over the region and with the cold Canary or North African Current. YJrde The very mall amounts of precipitation over t slands are well known and have plg~ thesm islnds for aony years. subtropieal cean d the inhabItants of Is not difficult to prove that the reas, which biow strong divergence of water vapor transport, asewn -fact te a but it It Cape Jr sources of atmospheric moisture; it more difficult to c-eonive of ertain dry, desert areas in Africa$ Arabia, the Middle Easto and Iran as contributing sources of ie atmosphe amoisture, Nevertheless, tbh divergen~c water vapor trsport shows this to be the eaw (1950) of &tmospheric 8taw and Pelioto have already emsented on this point, since the study of 1950 data by Poxoto (1980) deserts. hmowed simla r an1ars of diveigence over No further coment will be made at this tie, these eame but this present study indicates that these particular desert aras ae worthy of ses further study from a hydrologie viewpoint. The id-latituadese smaly so rcwand the nortlern hiatphewr sions mall aea elf divegence and congence., The most prgoainet m nesC a~as of conva apparently asciated with the esta~-t~opical stnu tracks acose tWihe North Atlantic and North Pacific emeans. soE ~ coenve~rnce between loland and Greenland, The stron particular stas trck hbe due to strong and in 1988, but the other rther marked aras of cvergenee In the North Atlantic region a e clearly related to polar fvmrt stormaa eastern United Stat8 this s e@@p4ally evident over the and over the Gulf Stream and also in the vecinity of the western and coastal regions of Norway and Sweden, of tonvergence extends from the East China Sea nortb- extensive aes eard A long and over the Japk eo island and Sakalin then eastwar the entire northvn Pacific Ocan to the west aeros ast of North Ameriesa. Here, in the vicinity of the QEAn Charlotte Ilands off the coast of British Columbia, is found a gstrg area of convergence extending nortba ward and southeard along the co is known to have area of weak divergene al moutan ranges. This very area s and regular precipitation year after year, Wopioe An eonvewgence Is found inland of the coastal amontains, and is actually shown over the deset area of Nevada and vouthern California ineluding Death Valley and the Salton Sea; furter inland over the Rocy convergence. eouantains Ito m another ama of soderately atrong Within this geneal ame of convergence are the eadwaters Rio Gi ndes and dlve Columbia, Missoa, e rivelr systema~ of se~veral details of other Tek npe Colorado, and l1 areas of weak convergence 4sppoed over the United States and Canada can be and more by excellent data coverage and. eally merit a separate There are two rather cceplete study than is possible at this time strong and m rked regions of dive ence in the ild-latitudet should be wnticued, although the- oer-all picture is ofe convergence. On ~Ues area is found just mouth of New ard into the Atlantic; the other areas that of general uondlamd and extending $tfound over the northern portion of the Yellow Boa# northern Korea, and the western port on of the lea of Japan. The divergene over northewn Zorea was by Lufkin (1989); it can also found by Pelxoto (1956) and eaomnted oe be associated with the Iong winter sonsoon carrying cold, dry air across this region and ertainly ireasI its smolstur at the pense of It abould be the underlying asrfaces, especially the Sea of Japan, the western shores of the Japanese islands. The rather strer near Newfoundland Is more difficult to justify as a amefeature of the general circulattion ce along to one of convyg acge noted that the pattern abruptly it divergence pemanent is possible that the outbreaks of cold, dry Canadian air masss o.ver this region and into the central North Atlantic were espectally a rked in the year 1958. The Arctic regions north of SOON show a patchwork of small areas and d1ivq'oene. M -of wvak convogno ge ge~aa e It is ditt aml conclusians that might be 8nSifica1 oireaImn. lt to dr any t with espect to the Nevertwhelss, the data coveage north to 80ON was very good, ad at least the divrgenoe pattern. complex as it may be, shabld repream t ceondtions in 1988. The implied divergence at the North Pole Itaeif is close to aerol at least it is very Hsall and camnnot be deteialned by the mthods used In this study. -42- 7. Whethe CCUSI DING PEMAMS patterns aown in Pigw* r not the dlve9genc are repesentative of the mean conditions tom year to year is subject to som question. Certainly the analyses 8hon hent and S are bad upon ufi data of high quality to represent the It is also quite likely that the analyses year 198O quite ftaithlly. in the equatorial and uab-twopical of a true men tfor ore regions are ganerally vepresentative n Jst th. one year studled, bea ue in of the alampeun~ antiqoleones these rWsegis a"e found the large, e s sub-twepies and thegenerally steady trad winds converging eass, 3, 4, n Pigaes 2 n the trom both bohispheres into the man equatorial trogkh. AlthoWh there ay be canges in these mas-pemanent erculation systems fros year to year, th major ftestres of thesersptes do not vary enotgh to upset the grMal pictwe+ It ould also be noted that in these mum reeims the ajor teatuves of the divrgenwc 1958 pattern for the year agreed with those tound by Pexoto (1988) for the yeaw 1950, The situation in the aid-latitudec and Arctio regions, hcwere leaves 'sow doubt that ay e yea is spresentative of a ture mean. It is known that atram tracks vary fti year to year as does the regularity and strength of oabeeaks of po2,w and arctic airasses into the fwcts in thenlv es would certainly intr aidlatitude regions. Thes fluence the divegnce of water vapor trunport in aid-%latitude and legions, so that the eartio gnitude and the location of divergenco and convergence centers could be different frem one year to the next, Nevertheless. certain regular featwes of the aid-latitude circulation can stand out in any one ySua veqpence associated with the a ea in point is the strong con- sptous and regular precipitation in t~e northwestern United States and seufthestern Canada; this particular teature showed up in both the 1980 study ad by Peizoto (198) and in this present study for the year 1988. It has been should also be noted, that, unlss spselfto mentieo sade to the coarr, the mejoS features of the diverene analysis in this study agree quite 1all with siMilar study made of the hBmispheric Seatures in the only other water vapor balesee, iee., the one by P xoto (191). The blesg ntroduced *by using the pilot-balloon technique to measurz winds is almost ompletely absent in this study - as entioned earlier, only one secondary station used this technique to obsrve the wVinds. The limitations snd difftrences of various types of sesing in pperl-air uns used during the lOT have probably been milnimsed by the cont kfing efforts of the WM Instramts on a global baiwi to standardise techni qse and Hoever, dtfferances in th aents of various Countries still Instru- main, and, to some extent, these differences could affect the analysis especially in regions along the borders of two adjacent countries uniug different types of insttumento. Finally, a tance mst be sentioned: of osat unfortunate eirwo.mn ons seleted the 22 secondary stations .to fill in the gaps in primay station coverage, the computing £ of the M.I.T. General Cirou- lation Project was not able to complete the fl8al data procesing for 20 of these stations before the deadline for completion of this thea s. However, the data coverage of priary end secondary stations was conplete from the north pole south to 40N; In fact, it was very coam plete south to the equatorial regions except for the lak of a few secondary stations in the vicinity of India. The reoaaning data pra- cessnag for secondary stations Is now being completed; therm additional data will be used to revise the preent atudy and will be Included in a complete report to be published later, as already mentioned. A more complete study of the water vapor balance for the IGY, at least for 1986, should now be carried on. the work of Polxoto (1988) and include Such a study s~ould parallel careful analyses of the s er -4- and winter seeas ir keept g with the yearly pleted in this pewasut study. At nalyees already om- ther Inavstigation of the effect oft hgh terrain on water vapor distribution and transport and an ezx tensaon of the entir be andertaken. stdy throughout the southern hebiephere hould -a-4 8, ACIDLoWEDOEMENTS Much help bs- been received from many people and sourcs durnt this long and ewtenelv undertaking. The a"thor first wishes to express his Dsincere appreciation for the encouregement, -advice, and assistance of Professor Victor P. Starrw whom keen and enthusiastic interest in this study was a constant source of inapiration to carry Th on in spite of unexpected difficultie. expert counsel and direct assistance of Dr. Jose P. Peixoto was most helpful and Is greatly appreciated. bhe cooperation and assistance of many individuals assooiated with the United States Air Force in procuring and machine processing the biasl IGY data used In this study was peri in making awch an extensives bemslp those chiefly responsible for A vital factor research undertaking possible; useres in this lportant aspect of this study lncalue Major David J. Eddlaa, Staff Meteorologist, Electronic Systeas Divisione Air Force Systeas Commind s Mr. R. H. IPerrll and s Lt. Col. G. W.e M on Deputy irector and Diirector respectively of the Air Weather Service Climattic Center; Dr. Adam Xochansk and Mr. Wi111am OSpen, of the Air Weather Servi e Climatic Center; Dr. Ralph Shapiro of the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratorsy and mJbers of the staff of the Air Weathlr Bervice Data Control Division at Asheville. N. C. and of the M.I.T. General Citoulation Project. The author must also sention otber individuals adhelated with M.I.T. who helped in various ways with typliag hand coputatio Mrs. Jane ?Nabb Mri. and plotting of data and draftinge: Henry Cocaran; Mises Ellen C. Fetter, Ruth Birtwell, Isabolle Kole, and Bawbara Stieglits; and Mrs. Barbara Goodwin. -48- ,~,~ILII~.~LU-iY~ DrY'UP491YLa~a$YI-r~-n~ I-y--liCYLY-L~UYW- Figure 2. Mean precipitable water vapor content, W, for 1958. Isoline spacing every 0.5 gm cm- 2 l?..I ~_~. j3m ,~-- u~ai-1~e~8dEmC~i~~;;A: Figure 3. Zonal component of the mean horizontal transport of water vapor, QX, for 1958. Isoline l spacing, full curves, every 5 x 102 gm c4-lsec - Figure 4. Meridional component of the mean horizontal traneport of water vapor, Q , for 1958. Isoline spacing, 1 sec1. full curves, every 2 x 102 gm am Figure 5. Divergence of the mean horizontal (verticalyintegrated) transport of water vapor, V * Q (Xk,), Isoline spacing every 40 x 10"7 gm cm2sec- 1 for 1958. 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