STRUCTURAL TRANSITION ACROSS THE APPALACHIAN FOLD FRONT IN NORTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA by ROBERT WAYNE DECKER S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1949) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (1951) Signature of Author...-.......... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Depart en of Geology, January 1, 1951 Certified b .... s .. r.... Thesis Sunervisor Chairman, Departmental Commit ee on Graduate Students I Is / 4, &A~ 4 x&~ Ny -r AUG 64 1951 IRP AIR' Table of Contents Abstract........... page . ............ .......... . ........ .. 1 I Introduction ............................................ 5 Location ............................................. 5 Problems ............................................. 9 Fieldwork.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .10 Bibliography and Library Research...................10 FAcknowledgments...................................1 II Geomorphology.........................................13 Appalachian Plateau.................................13 The Ridge and Valley Province.......................20 Transition Zone.....................................25 III Stratigraphy.........................................32 Ordovician..........................................35 Silurian........................................---.40 Devonian......... .................................. 44 Mississippian..............................................6? Pennsylvanian...............................- ---..63 Quarternary........................................ 64 IV Sedimentation and Geologic History in Pennsylvania during Paleozoic Time........................-.... V Structure.......................................................... ...... ....... 65 68 Appalachian Plateau............................ ....68 Transition Zone..................................-. 74 The Ridge and Valley Province.......................93 Interpretation....................................98 VI Economic Geology......................................101 Bibliography............. ............-.------------- 106 Map and Sections...........................enclosed in back Abstract The Appalachian Fold Front is the boundary between the plateau structures and the major fold structures of the Appalachians. Alabama. This boundary extends from New York state to The area concerned in this paper is a section in north central Pennsylvania which includes a small rortion of this Fold Front. The northeast end of the Nittany Anti- cline, a major fold of the Ridge and Valley Province, is separated from the ADalachian Plateau by a four (4) to eight (8) mile wide strip of highly deformed sediments -the Transition Zone. Across this zone the raid transition from the major Appalachian folds to the relatively flatlying rocks of the plateau takes place. The structural transition is reflected in the Geomorphology of the area. The plateau is an unlifted peneplain with a surface level of about two thousand (2000) feet, highly dissected by youthful, consequent streams draining southward. The Ridge and Valley Province, to the southeast, is made up of long, parallel, evenly-crested ridges separated by synclinal and anticlinal valleys. The drainage follows subsequent courses, and the topography is mature. Bald Eagle Mountain, the last of the ridges toward the northwest in this area, is formed on the upturned, resistant Tuscarora cuartzite (Silurian) on the north limb of the Nittany Anticline. ed units, is The Transition Zone, between the above mentioncharacterized by an irregular, mature topog- raphy of hills and hollows drained by consecuent streams. Erosion has proceeded far below the old peneplain surface, and along the south margin of the zone, the relief has been truncated by the flood plain of the Susquehanna River. The river follows a subsequent course along the aerial outcrop of Upper Silurian limestones. Except for Pleistocene and recent alluvium along the major drainage courses, the entire thesis area is made up of PaLower Ordovician limestones and dolo- leozoic sediments. mites are exposed in the core of the Nittany Anticline. Clastic sediments of the Upper Ordovician and the Silurian form the north flank of the fold. The Upper Silurian lime- stones and the Devonian shales and siltstones outcrop in the Transition Zone. The plateau is largely formed on the relatively flat-lying Pocono sandstone of the Mississipoian. Some remnants of the Pennsylvanian coal measures occur in the shallow synclinal basins of the plateau. This suite of Paleozoic sediments forms a stratigraphic column over eighteen thousand (18,000) feet thick. The structure of the plateau is deceptively complex. The rocks are relatively flat-lying with a regional dip to the south, southwest. Gentle folds, parallel to the main Appalachian Folds, form long anticlinal and synclinal trends across the plateau. A succession of elongate domes occurs on these anticlines. They are associated with par- allel reverse faults. The fault planes dip steeply north- west, and the folds are slightly asymmetric to the south- eset. The doming forms an en echelon trend which may be controlled by both older north-south folds and by a system of radial stresses developed out from the are of the Fold Front. The intensity of the structures increases slightly with proximity to the Transition Zone. The TrPnsition Zone has been subjected to great compressional stresses. Tight folds, parallel to the Fold Front, and associated reverse faults, dipping south or southeast, have resulted from the yielding to these forces. The deformation- increases toward the southwest along the Fold Front and decreases toward the northwest across the Fold Front. The joint system indicates that compression came from the south ten degrees east (SlOE) at an angle of twenty (20) degrees below the horizontal. The Nittany Anticline is the most northwestward fold of the arcuate Ridge and Valley salient in north central Pennsylvania. It plunges rapidly at its eastern extremity. The fold is very asymmetric toward the northwest. The cause for the rapid dying-out of the major Ap-,alachian structures across the narrow Fold Front may be multiDle: First, the relatively incompetent Devonian section of the p Transition Zone may have absorbed much of the stress in semi-plastic deformation. Second, there may be a basement high under the southeast margin of the plateau rather than under the Nittany Anticline as generally believed. And third, a possible set of older north-south folds across northern Pennsylvania and southern New York state may have given this area a corrugated strengthening action which helped to halt the advance of the major Appalachian fold structures. The observed structures suggest that the forces involved in Appalachian Mountain building in this area were largely tangential compressive forces from the southeast. They seem to have effected the veneer of sediments more than the basement. Nittany Anticline appears to have been thrust north, northwestward with great crumpling of the sediments on its north flank. The eastern end of the fold acted as a hinge point for the thrust displacement. The Nittany Anti- cline may be overturned or overthrusted at depth in the thesis area. The surface trace of such a fault is express- ed in the intense deformation in the Transition Zone. Recent doubts concerning the validity of the carbon ratio theory have opened the area to considerable Detroleum and natural gas prospecting activity. Many of the structures on the southeast margin of the plateau and. even the major Nittany Anticline, itself, are being tested. 5 I Introduction Location: The Appalachian Fold Front is marked by the last major fold in the Ridge and Valley Province of the Appalachian Mountains toward the north or northwest. It forms a line which runs generally northeast-southwest, beginninp in northeastern Pennsylvania and terminating in central Alabama. The fold front does not die out at these extremities. At the northeast limit it becomes obscured by the earlier Taconic mountains, and in Alabama it is covered by the Tertiary overlap of the Mississippian Embayment. The Analachian Plateaus begin on the northwest side of this boundary and form a continuous unit. The plateaus have different names in the various geographic areas, Appalachian Plateau in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and Cumberland Plateau in the South, but there is little struc- tural or morphological distinction between these divisions. The Ridge and Valley Province, on the southeast side of the fold front, forms a continuous morphological unit from Pennsylvania to Alabama, but structurally there are more low angle northwest thrust faults in and south from Virginia. The line of the fold front can easily be traced on either a 4% physiographic or aerial geology map of the eastern United States. On the physiographic map (figure 1) it is the boundary between the Appalachian Plateaus and the Ridge and Valley Province. On the aerial geology map it can be trac- ed as the boundary between the large irregular aerial exposures of the same formations (the relatively flat-lying rocks of the plateau) and the narrow, linear exposures of many formations (the steeply dipping flanks of the major folds forming the ridges and valleys). P. H. Price (bibliography 1) studied this boundary in 1931 and named it the Appalachian Structural Front. However, since this is not the only major structural boundary in the Appalachians, Price's name is amended to the Appalachian Fold Front in this paper. Price considered the front from an overall standpoint, and his cornlusions were based on regional data and observations. This paper concerns the detailed structure across the fold front at only one small section of its more or less one thousand (1000) mile length. The area is in Lycoming County in north central Pennsylvania, and surrounds the city of Williamsport. The Fold Front forms an are trending about N75E through here, and a valley four (4) to eight (8) miles wide separates the plateau from the flank of the first major fold. The area studied (figure 2) was approximately ten (10) miles -.-----u U FIGURE I SCAL E 30 PHYSICAL DIVISIONS OF EA S TERN U.S d@J 206 FIGURE SC A LE 2 t *o RELIEF - THESIS MAP LOCATION OF - 20 ,30 PENNSY L VANIA APPALACHIA N FOLD FRONT 6 0< wide across the fold front and twenty-five (25) miles long. It covers parts of the Williamsport, Trout Run, Warrensville, Milton, Lock Haven, and Waterville fifteen (15) minute cuadrangle topographic maps of Pennsylvania. Recon- naissance was made of the general features of the plateau to the northwest and the major folds to the southeast. Problems: The author's first interest in the area was to determine the continuity or discontinuity of the Oriskany sandstone where it has been upturned and exposed on the flank of the first major fold. The Oriskany is the major natural gas producing formation in the plateau region, and knowledge of the variations in its aerial extent is extremely important to wildcat prospecting. On tracing the outcrops of the Oriskany sandstone, the complex and highly-deformed structures of the belt between Bald Eagle Mountain (the flank of the first major fold) and Allegheny Ridge (the edge of the plateau) were immediately evident. This highly deformed zone was not in accord with the generalized idea of the ridge and valley folds terminating simply into relatively flat-lying beds of the plateau. Cross sections of the Appalachians have always shown the underlying beds of the plateau to come up in a simple monocline on the flank of the first major fold. Instead of this monocline in the area concerned, there are overturned . isoclinal folds and reverse faults of considerable magnitude. These structures were mapped in considerable detail, and it is hoped that this data about the structural transition across the Appalachian Fold Front will be of some value in the overall controversy concerning Appalachian Tectonics. Fieldwork: Ten (10) weeks of mapping and field study were accomplished during the summer of 1950. was traversed by auto. Every road within the map area Railroads, all major streams, and most minor streams were traversed on foot. Traverses were plotted directly on topographic maps or aerial photographs, depending on the necessary detail. Exposures of complete sections are non-existent in this area, but partial sections were measured by Brunton compass and pacing. Bibliography and Laboratory Research: Library research was done previous to and during the field work at the facilities of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts and in the Pennsylvania Geological Survey Library in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A great deal of information was available on general Appalachian Tectonics, but specific data on the area concerned was largely limited to the notes on Lycoming County from the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania made in 1880 (bibliography 2). A wildcat well was drilled to the Oriskany at Hyner, Pennsylvania during the summer of 1950. This well is on the plateau but only fifteen (15) miles from the fold front. Until the drilling of this well, the nearest subsurface stratigraphic data in the area was more than thirty-five (35) miles from the fold front. Samples from the Hyner well were made available to the author. These cuttings were examined with a binocular microscope, and a well log was assembled. Acknowledgements: Thanks are due to all the members of the Geology Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the background training which made this study possible. Special thanks are due to Dr. W. L. Whitehead, who originally approved the thesis area and followed the progress of the work. Edward G. Dobrick, Geologist, and W. L. Effinger, Explor- ation Superintendent, both with the Williamsport Office of the California Company, deserve great thanks for their help in suggesting and focusing thought on some of the main topics in this thesis. Also, it was through their effort that samples from the Hyner well were available to the author. Thanks to D. I. Hecker, T. D. Hinkleman, F. C. Hayes, and my wife, whose interest and assistance were most helpful. II Geomorphology Represented within a radius of ten (10) miles of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, are three (3) distinct physiographic units (figures 3 and 4): A. The Appalachian Plpteau in the north bounded by the flank of the Allegheny Ridge; B. The Ridge and Valley Province in the south bounded by Bald Eagle Mountain; and C. The belt of irregular topography six (6) to eight (8) miles wide between the above units. This belt, hereafter described as the Transition Zone, contains the valley of the Susquehanna River. The features of these three (3) zones are quite distinct and, therefore, are treated separately. Appalachian Plateau: Seven (7) miles north of Williamsport the plateau begins abruptly on the top of Allegheny Ridge (figure 5). This ridge or escarpment forms the southeast flank of the entire plateau and. runs more or less continuously along the entire fold front in Pennsylvania. north of Williamsport is The face of Allegheny Ridge in some places steeper than thirty (30) degrees and has a relief of about nine hundred (900) feet. It is formed on the relatively flat-lying and re- sistant Pocono sandstone (Mississippian), which also caps the top of the plateau in much of this area. The surface elevation of the plateau averages from seven- FIGURES 3 AND 4 -. 2- - - - - - - - - i I-a ms - C. - - * W - -ay- ri - - Pi N-- * Gmd ) - .6.- E E N FL 11- - ( - - - ---- Figure 5. Looking north across the transition zone toward Allegheny Ridge. The gap in the ridge marks the gorge out into the Appalachian Plateau by Lycoming Creek. miles northwest of Williamsport-. Photo taken six (6) teen hundred (1700) feet to two thousand (2000) feet and reEvidence of presents an old peneplain surface (figure 6). this is well established by the truncation of the formations involved in the minor synclines and anticlines farther north on the plateau. Continental glaciation covered the surface, but left little evidence except some scattered boulders from the nearby formations and drainage disruptions expressed by swamps and ponds. Glaciation extended over the Transition Zone but left no evidences on Bald Eagle Mountain. It is probable that this area was very near the southern margin of the ice sheet and, therefore, shows poor evidence of the features generally associated with continental glaciation. Drainage of the plateau is entirely north to south in this area. Three (3) major streams, Pine Creek, Lycoming Creek, and Loyalsock Creek flow out of the plateau in Lycoming County. These streams and their tributaries have cut gor- ges up to one thousand (1000) feet deep. The gorges are steep and V-shaped, and the divides between the streams are wide and flat. The dendritic nature of the drainage pat- tern and the relatively homogeneous rocks, through which they have cut, indicate consequent streams. In some places the stream courses are so serpentine in nature as to suggest incisement from an earlier meandering stage. ent erosional stage of the plateau is youthful. The presThis is due in part to both relatively recent uplift of the entire Figure 6. Looking southwest from Hyner View across the summit peneplain of the Appalachian Plateau. The river gorge is cut over eleven hundred (1100) feet into the plateau. '9 area and disruption of drainage by glaciation. The major streams named above have nearly reached the temporary base level formed by the elevation of the Susouehanna River into which they drain. For this reason they have developed nar- row flood plains on the valley floors. Some gravel strewn terraces are evident on or just above these flood plains. They may be interpreted as either evidence of intermittent uplift, or more likely, as terraces formed by the stream elevations during the receding stage of the last glaciation. Two (2) anticlinal valleys occur on the plateau in northern Lycoming County where the minor folding has exposed the softer Catskill formation (Devonian), underlying the Pocono sandstone. These might better be described as shallow, elliptically-shaped bowls or basins rather than valleys. The higher surface of the plateau proper forms a rim of ridges around the basins. The major axis of the ellipse inside this rim is about ten (10) miles long in an eastwest direction. bowls. Several small streams head into these The Catskill formation forms a good soil, and the many farm fields in these shallow basins make excellent contrast to the dense second growth forest, which everywhere characterizes the plateau surface formed on the Pocono sandstone. The plateau area of Lycoming County may be summed up as an - - uplifted peneplain with a surface level of about two thousend (2000) feet, highly dissected by youthful, conseauent streams draining southward. The Ridge and Valley Province: Bald Eagle Mountain (figure 7) is formed from a resistant Silurian sandstone, which rises at a steep angle on the north flank of the first major fold in the Ridge and Valley Province of the Appalachians. This major fold, known as the Nittany Anticline, is continuous for over one hundred (100) miles to the southwest. Near Williamsport the axis swings in an east-west direction, and about twelve (12) miles to the east it plunges rapidly. Bald Eagle Mountain and North White Deer Ridge, formed by the outcrop of the same resistant formations on the south flank of the anticline, join due to this eastward plunging and disappear under the overlying formations near Muncy, Pennsylvania (figure 8). The Susquehanna River, following a subsequent course along the aerial outcrop of the Keyser and Tonoloway limestones (Silurian), swings around this nose of the mountain. The ridge mountains formed on the flanks of these major Appalachian Folds are long, even-created, and straight (figure 9). row. Their sides are steep and the summits flat but narIn many places they are cut by watergaps and windgaps. All the summit elevations are nearly the same, averaging Figure 7. South from the Susquehanna River at Jersey Shore, Bald Eagle Mountain marks the boundary of the Ridge and Valley Province. Note the watergap cutting the ridge near the center of the photo. Figure 8. Bald Eagle Mountain represents the north limb of a major anticlinal fold. This fold plunges to the east, and the mountain, therefore, dies out in this direction. Photo taken from a hill just west of Montoursville, looking southeast. ?.3 Figure 9. To the southwest, Bald Eagle Mountain continues for over one hundred (100) miles as an even-created ridge. The ir- regular breaks are caused by wind and water gaps. Photo taken three (3) miles west of Williamsport. about two thousand (2000) feet. This surface corresponds to the peneplained surface of the plateau toward the northwest. Bald Eagle Mountain is a tyoical examDle of these ridge mountains. South of Williamsport the mountain rises sharp- ly, and the summit at two thousand (2000) feet has a total relief of fifteen hundred (1500) feet above the river valley. Here the summit flat is auite broad due to the junc- tion of the north and south limb ridges of the Nittany Anticline. A few miles west at Nippenose Valley the limbs are six (6) miles apart, and the valley lies in the breach of the anticline. The floor of this valley is formed on an exposed window of Beekmantown limestones and dolomites (Ordovician). Sink holes and disappearing drainage exemplify the Karst Topography in this valley. Antes Creek drains this valley to the north through a watergap in Bald Eagle Mountain. The mountain at this point is actually two (2) parallel ridges one (1) mile apart, separated by a shallow depress- ion called Morgan Valley. The north ridge is formed on the Tuscarora cuartzite (Silurian) and the other on the Oswego sandstone (Ordovician). The depression corresponds to the exposure of the Juniata shale (Ordovician). east of the Antes Creek watergap, Two (2) miles a windgap two hundred and fifty (250) feet deep cuts across the ridges of Bald Eagle Mountain. Stream piracy by a tributary of Antes Creek, which worked headward up Morgan Valley, captured the stream which originally cut the gap. Minor streams are consequent to the topography in this area, but major drainage courses are generally subseauent to the It is this erosion by subsequent drain- underlying strata. age which has produced the ridge and valley topography, which characterizes the area. The ridges not only stand out in bold relief in contrast to the synclinal and breached anticlinal valleys but also present a strong vegetational contrast. Bald Eagle Mountain, like most of the ridges, is covered with a dense second growth forest, while the valleys to either side are largely cultivated. Summing up, the Ridge and Valley Province is made up of long, parallel, evenly-crested ridges separated by synclinal and anticlinal valleys. subseauent courses, The major drainage follows and the topography is mature. The area just south of Williamsport is a typically developed section of this province with ths ridges predominating over the valleys. Transition Zone: The belt between the Appalachian Plateau and the Ridge and Valley Province cannot be related to either of these physiographic units. Considering the entire Appalachians, this transition zone is not of great enough aerial extent to warrent a description as a regional physiographic province. However, this belt has a six (6) to eight (8) mile width in the very center of the area described in this paper, and therefore, deserves equal description. The southern portion of this transition zone just to the north of Bald Eagle Mountain is occupied by the flood plain of the Susquehanna River (figure 10). The river flows east and closely follows the aerial outcrop of the Silurian limestones. The flood plain is two (2) to three (3) miles wide and the river, generally about one quarter (1/4) of a mile wide, meanders from one side of it to the other. The city of Williamsport and most of the other population centers in the area are built on this flood plain. The remainder q' the Transition Zone, approximately six (6) miles wide, except north of Jersey Shore where it is only four (4) miles wide, is characterized by a very irregular topography consisting of rolling hills and narrow twisting hollows (figure 11). Relief averages between three hundred (300) and five hundred (500) feet, the hill tops seldom over twelve hundred (1200) feet in elevation, with the separating hollows at seven hundred (700) to eight hundred (800) feet. The streams follow consequent dendritic pat- terns and flow generally to the south. Some eastward and Figure 10. This composite picture views a one hundred and eighty (180) degree arc from west through north to easti. Taken from Bald Eagle Mountain three (3) miles southeast of Williams- port, it shows the Susquehanna River and its flood plain in the foreground. The irregular topography of the Trans- ition Zone, and Allegheny Ridge on the horizon appear in the background. Figure 11. Looking west along the irregular, rolling topography of the Transition Zone. The horizon is formed by Bald Eagle Moun- tain on the left and by Allegheny Ridge on the right. Photo taken four (4) miles northeast of Jersey Shore. westward flowing streams form tributaries to the main streams (Pine Creek, Lycoming Creek, and Loyalsock Creek), These main streams which flow south out of the plateau. have developed flood plains up to a mile wide where they cross the Transition Zone. The belt of irregular topography is (4) miles in width reduced to only four just to the north of Jersey Shore, fif- teen (15) miles west of Williamsport. Short Mountain (fig- ure 12), an outlier of Pocono sandstone (Mississippian) south of Allegheny Ridge, causes this shortening. A sharp synclinal fold accounts for the presence of the Pocono to the south of its exposure on Allegheny Ridge. The boundary between plateau and transition zone in the remainder of the area is formed by this ridge. The two thousand (2000) foot peneplain surface, which is evident both to the north and south, has been completely destroyed in the Transition Zone. Greater erosion of the relatively softer Devonian rocks in this belt is apparently responsible. zone. Glacial activity was also present in this Sorted and unsorted till makes up the west bank of Loyalsock Creek just north of the U. S. Highway 220 bridge near Montoursville. In general, the Transition Zone is characterized by an irregular, mature topography of hills and hollows drained by 3a Figure 12. Taken from the same location as Figure 11, but looking north. The east end of Short Mountain shows at the left, and Allegheny Ridge appears in the distance. conseouent streams. Erosion has proceeded far below the old peneplain surface, and along the south margin of the zone, the relief has been truncated by the flood plain of the Susquehanna River. The river follows a subsequent course along the aerial outcrop of limestone formations. . I-I - L - - nl _ ow III Stratigraphy The entire thesis area, in fact, the entire region of the Appalachian Plateau and Ridge and Valley Province in northern Pennsylvania, is composed of Paleozoic sediments (figures 13, 14, and 15). On the plateau just north of Williamsport, sandstone of the Mississippian System forms the bed rock. Farther to the north in some of the shallow synclinals on the plateau remnants of the Pennsylvanian System occur on the higher elevations. Low relief monadnocks on the surface of the old plateau peneplain are generally made up of Pottsville conglomerate, the basal member of the Pennsylvanian. Outcroppings in the Transition Zone belong entirely to the Devonian System, except along the Susquehanna River flood olain which follows the limestone and shale formations of the Upper Silurian. Between Montoursville and Jersey Shore the flood plain overlaps and covers the outcrops of the Oriskany group and other formations of the Lower Devonian. On the north flank of Bald Eagle Mountain, the Clinton formation (Silurian) outcrops. talus from the summit ridge. It is largely concealed by The two (2) parallel creste of the mountain are made up of the Tuscarora quartzite ridge to the north and the lower ridge of Oswego sandstone to the south. These ridges are separated by a shallow AGE 0 FORMATION FEET I ALLEGHENY "4 POTTSVILLE 1000' C, MAUCH CHUNK POCONO -10 0-100 9100 800 2000' CATSKILL 2600 CHEMUNG 2300 4000' w C0- -- TRIMMERS 1400 ROCK 7 LU C BRA LLIER 800 HAR ELL T U LL Y HAMILTON MARCELLUS 250 hl ki 180/ 9o %t% -6" ONOND A GA RID GELEY75 10,000 SHIVER HELDERRBERG GR. KEYSER TONOLOWAY_ WILLS 9J [,Q. I8O 400 CR E EK 40 0 C L I N TO N TUSCARORA 900 i i i 500 J U N I AT A 1200 OSWEGO 700 AX. '2?. A'. - O 0 R E E DS VILLE 1000 TRENTON 550 CHAZYAN GR. 300 z BEEKMANTOWN 18,000. 0 2000+ G R OU P iz 0 -J GENERALIZED CENTRAL FIGURE 13 LYCOMING SECTION COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA I , ~%/~ ~~ ~ I 'I \ N._ -o\o /100r---I ( If ( I' ( ) ( I I- ~_ / ITs/ loo ( 710 -01 N / ( IID L Ii <1 K I, *~ * I V \ \K I. N 45-L I N 4*0 I, - . ~. I .4., *i~~- ~ \.. .. -. - ~. N FIGURE 15 depression formed on the outcrop of the Juniata shale. The Tuscarora is the basal member of the Silurian, and the Juniata and Oswego are Upper Ordovician. Underlying the Oswego sandstone is the Reedsville shale, the Trenton limestone, and the Beekmantown group. These Lower Ordovician limestone and dolomites form the floor of the breached Nittany Anticline. The Ordovician and Silur- ian formations are repeated in reverse order toward the south across the other limb of the fold. In the following portion of this paper each of these systems will be briefly described. The section exposures of wnny formations are concealed or poorly exposed in the vicinity of Williamsport. For this reason the general stratigrpahic column is built up from measured sections and well logs (especially the Devonian) in and adjoining the thesis area, and from well established sections in northern and central Pennsylvania projected and extrapolated into the area. Ordovician: Limestones and dolomites of the Lower Ordovician Beekmantown group are exposed in the breached anticlinal valleys -- Moscuito Valley and Nippenose Valley -- Eagle Mountain. south of Bald The group has never been differentiated at these exposures, but thirty (30) miles to the southwest at 3(0 Bellefonte the same section has been studied by Swartz (bibliography 3) and Butts (bibliography 4). Butts (bibliog- raphy 5) has also studied this Ordovician section in the Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg quadrangle, seventy (70) miles southwest of Nicpenose Valley. Both of these above mention- ed sections are excosed in the center of the Nittany Anticline in much the same manner as the undifferentiated sections in Mosquito and Nippenose Valleys. The Beekmantown group of the Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg auadrangle is represented by the Mines dolomite, the Larke dolomite the Nittany dolomite, the Axemann limestone, and the Bellefonte dolomite. Mines dolomite -- This formation is two hundred and fifty (250) feet in thickness and contains abundant chert of all sizes un to one (1) foot in diameter. It is generally gray in color, but in some places characteristic oolite grains make It very dark colored. Larke dolomite -- In character this formation is com- oosed of thick-bedded, crystalline, blue dolomite. The lower part is thin-bedded with some siliceous material. Thickness totals two hundred and fifty (250) feet. Nittany dolomite -- two (2) feet thick. This dolomite is in layers up to The bottom one hundred (100) feet is thin-bedded and shaley. Coarse chert occurs in the middle oart and to a lesser degree throughout. ness is Thick- one thousand (1000) feet. Axemann limestone This formation consists of a -- thin-bedded, fossiliferous, blue limestone one hundred and fifty (150) feet in thickness. Bellefonte dolomite -- gray, and crystalline. The dolomite is thick-bedded, It is cherty throughout but more so in the middle and lower parts. Thickness totals about one thousand (1000) feet. A disconformity at this point separates the Beekmantown from the Carlin limestone of the Chazyan group, a thinbedded, dark gray limestone one hundred and eighty (180) feet thick at the Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg exposure. Marshall Kay (bibliography 6) believes this is divisible into the Hatter and Benner limestones at Bellefonte on the basis of fossil content. The relationship of the Chazyan group, including its conformable or unconformable relationship to the underlying Beekmantown and the overlying Black River and Trenton groups, is not clear. However, the thickness of the group does not greatly exceed four hundred (400) feet in the Bellefonte area with the inclusion of the formations under auestion. The Black River group of the Middle Ordovician consists in the Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg area of two (2) formations. The Lowville, one hundred and eighty (180) feet thick, is a thick-bedded, dark, fine-grained limestone forming the lower unit. The Rodman limestone, only thirty (30) feet thick, of a gray, granular nature, forms the upper unit. Three hundred and fifty (350) feet of thin-bedded, dark gray to black, non-granular Trenton limestone makes up the remainder of the Middle Ordovician. The ReedSville shale, the Oswego sandstone, and the Juniata formation, from the bottom to the top, make up the Upper Ordovician. In the Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg area the Reedsville shale is black at the base, olive green in the middle and contains limestone bands in the top. thousand (1000) feet thick. It is one The gray, medium-grained, thick-bedded Oswego sandstone is eight hundred (800) feet thick. The red shales and finely cross-bedded sandstones of the Juniata formation are eight hundred and fifty (850) feet thick. At Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, thirty (30) miles southwest of the thesis area, the same Ordovician section is exposed. Some increases in thickness over the Huntingdon- Holli- daysburg section are noted, but with the exception of the addition of the Stonehenge limestone, the same formations are present. The Beekmantown group shows the greatest increase in thickness. The Stonehenge limestone, near the base, adds a six hundred and thirty (630) foot thick formation of medium-bedded, blue limestone to the section. Kay (bibliography 6) has also placed the lower part of the Reedsville shale at Bellefonte into the Trenton group under the name of the Antes Gao shale. Swartz believes that Bellefonte was the locus of greatest deposition during the Beekmantown Stage (bibliography 3, p. 1560). If this is true, then the formations of the Lower Ordovician will again thin to the northeast. Nippenose Valley in the thesis area; Bellefonte, thirty (30) miles southwest; have in common an Ordovician section exposed in the core of the Nittany Anticline. They lie in a line which paralleled the major axis of the Appalachian Geosyncline. It seems reasonable, therefore, that known sections near Bellefonte and in the Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg area can be extrapolated with reasonable accuracy into the Nippenose Valley section. an attempt to do this. The following tabulation is The accuracy of this method will be known in the near future, for the California Company is drilling a sub-Trenton test well in Nippenose Valley. When correlation of the well log is established, it should not be too difficult to measure the entire exposed and sub-surface sections of Ordovician in the valley. -44o Upper Ordovician HuntingdonHollidaysburg Bellefonte Nippenose Val. Juniata 850' 1000' 1200' Oswego 800' 800' 700' Reedsville 1000' 1000' 1000' Trenton 350' 600' 550' Black River group 210' 250' 200' 180' 400' 300' Bellefonte 1000' 1500-2200' 1200' Atemann 150' 360' 300' Nittany 1000' 1200' 1000' Stonehenge 0 630' 200' Larke 250' 0 Mines 250' 200' Middle Ordovician Lower Ordovician Chazyan group Beekmantown group 100' Silurian: The Silurian System is represented in the Lock Haven, Wil-. liamsport, and Milton quadrangles by the following group and formations (from the older to younger): The Tuscarora quartzite, the Clinton shale, and the Cayuga group which includes the McKenzie formation, the Wills Creek and Bloomsburg shales, and the Tonoloway and Keyser limestones. There has been considerable argument as to whether the Keyser is uppermost Silurian or the base of the Devonian (bibliography 7). However, the two (2) systems are con- formable in north central Pennsylvania, and any pigeonholing within pure time boundaries is probably arbitrary. The Silurian System also appears to be conformable with the underlying Ordovician System in this area. The Tuscarora quartzite forms the resistant core of the limbs of the Nittany Anticline. formed by its outcrop. Bald Eagle Mountain is The Clinton shale outcrops on the north flank of the mountain but is largely covered by talus material from the Tuscarora quartzite of the summit ridge. Recent alluvium in the flood plain of the Susauehanna River at the base of Bald Eagle Mountain conceals the outcrops of most of the Cayuga group. For full descriptions of the concealed formations it is again necessary to refer to better exposures in Huntingdon - Hollidaysburg quadrangle (bibliography 5). The Tuscarora auartzite is a white to reddish-gray sandstone. The texture is irregular and varies from conglom- eratic to a fine-grained, tightly-cemented ortho-quartzite. It weathers into irregular blocks and boulders. Many of these are rough cubes caused by fracture along a rectangular joint system. The surface of the weathered blocks is often pitted where holes are left from the weathering out of Debbles and nodules. Accumulations of these weathered blocks on the flanks of Bald Eagle Mountain are very conspicuous due to their lack of vegetation. The Oswego sand- stone also forms these weathered rocks heaps. They are known to the local residents as "The Devil's Cabbage Patches". The Tuscarora is nearly vertical in the Mosouito Val- ley gap southwest of Williamsport. Its thickness is about five hundred (500) feet. The Clinton shale is exposed at a few small outcrops in the gaps of Bald Eagle Mountain. It extends along the entire north flank of the mountain but is largely covered by thick soil and talus from the ridge. At its exposures it brown-green to brown-red, thin-bedded, soft shale. is a The Clinton formation contains thin beds of sedimentary iron ore, which were at one time mined at various places along the Fold Front southwest from Williamsport. No beds of iron ore are apparent in the Clinton shale in Lycoming County, but it is probable that they do occur in the concealed section. Total thickness is in the order of nine hundred (900) feet. The McKenzie formation at the base of Cayuga group has been noted by Butts (bibliography 5, p. 54) along Bald Eagle Mountain two (2) miles southeast of Lock Haven. This is only ten (10) miles west of the thesis area. It is made up of a thin-bedded limestone with numerous shale partings. Thickness is about two hundred and fifty (250) feet. The Bloomsburg shale is a red shale with some sandy red members. The Swartzes (bibliography 8, p. 659) have pro- posed that it represents a non-marine red bed facies which thickens to the east until it makes up the entire Cayuga group in eastern Pennsylvania. In the vicinity of Williams- port it is probably less than two hundred (200) feet thick. Overlying the Bloomsburg formation is the Wills Creek shale. This shale is not exposed. Its thickness at other outcrops along the mountain front is generally about four hundred (400) feet. The Susquehanna River follows the aerial outcrop of the Tonoloway and Keyser limestones through most of the thesis area. At Jersey Shore the limestone in the river bed, of the south river bridge, is probably the Tonoloway. is a thin-bedded, dense, dark-colored limestone. east It The sec- tion is not at all complete, but the thickness is probably about four hundred (400) feet. Swartz (bibliography 7, p. 75 - 80) describes Keyser outcrops in Mifflin, Northumberland, and Perry Counties as thin-bedded, dense limestones. These counties bracket Lycoming County, and the general thickness observed for the Keyser in those counties -- one w hundred and eighty (180) feet -- should apply in Lycoming County. Devonian: In Lycoming County the belt between the north bank of the Susquehanna River and the Allegheny Ridge is formed almost entirely on the outcrop of Devonian rocks. East of Mon- toursville the Oriskany group outcrop is considerably north of the river, and it is evident, therefore, that a wedge of Upper Silurian rocks outcrops on the north bank. The Helderberg group forms the base of the Devonian. In north central Pennsylvania it is made up of three (3) formations: the Coeymans limestone, the New Scotland limestone, and the Mandata shale (bibliography 7, p. 51). The only full exposure in the thesis area is about three-eights (3/ 8 of a mile south of the U. S. Highway ?20 bridge over Pine Creek just west of Jersey Shore. Here the Helderberg group is exposed as the core of a sharp anticlinal fold on the east bank of Pine Creek and in the road cut and cuarry one hundred (100) yards east of the creek. If the buff, thick- bedded limestone is the Keyser, then the Coeymans and New Scotland limestones together are approximately thirty-five (35) feet thick. The Silurian-Devonian contact is sharp but irregular and probably represents a disconformity. interval, which should contain the Mandata shale, was The ) Nk A 4s covered for seventy-five (75) feet, and the next exposure was the shaly Shriver chert of the Oriskany group. The Oriskany group is made up of the Shriver formation and the Ridgeley sandstone (bibliography 7, p. 97). This sand- stone formation of the group is commonly called the Oriskany sandstone and is that name. It often referred to in this paper by is well exposed at three (3) the thesis area. localities in At Jersey Shore it is exposed at the same locality as the Helderberg mentioned above. The Shriver formation here seems to be mostly a dark, thin-laminated shale. Most of it is concealed, but the interval between contacts is about seventy-five (75) feet. The Ridgeley sandstone is tan-colored and fine-grained with a Saccharoidal texture. The grains are cemented by calcite, but porosity is not destroyed. feet thick at this noint. kany group is The sandstone is ninety (90) East of Williamsport, the Oris- exposed on the north side of U. S. Highway 220 on the hill just west of Loyalsock Creek (figure 16). Here the sandstone formation is extremely hard and durable, and its outcrop is the resistant strata which forms the hill. Microscopic examination shows the grains to be tightly cemented. The grains are faceted by authigenic ouertz, and this silica cement has reduced the porosity to almost nil. The sand is practically pure silica except for forty-five-one-thousandth percent (0.045%) iron. This iron Figure 16. The auarry in the sandstone of the Oriskany group on the north side of U. S. Highway 220 just west of Loyalsock Creek. The beds in the background are nearly horizontal and are so durable that blasting is necessary before removal. Photo was taken looking west. '41 content is too high to allow use of the material for glass sand. The Lycoming Silica Sand Company does quarry the sand for foundry work and for traction sand for the railroad. The top contact and an indeterminable amount of the The remaining Ridgeley has been removed by erosion here. formation is over fifty (50) feet thick. poorly exposed on the hill side. about one hundred (100) The Shriver is The interval here is feet. The absence of outcrops of the Oriskany group in the eighteen (18) mile interval between the above mentioned exposures has previously been interpreted by Garrett (bibliography 9, p. 837) and others as an interuption in sedimentation of the Oriskany in this interval. The thickness of the Ridgeley sandstone at each end of this interval makes this seem unlikely. It is more probable that the outcrop is buried beneath the flood plain of the Susquehanna River. The outcrop just west of Montoursville probably escaped truncation by the river because of its silica cementation and resulting durability. Evidence to support the conclu- sion that the Oriskany is present beneath the river flood plain is available from water well samples. At the Stewart Artificial Ice Company in Williamsport a two hundred and forty-four (244) foot water well encountered "white sandstone" beneath "black, flinty limestone" (bibliography 10s, p. 146). This is probably the Ridgeley sandstone which underlies the Onondaga limestone and shale. East of Montoursville, two (2) miles from the outcrop on the hill just west of Loyalsock Creek, the Oriskany shows little relief. The Ridgeley is again auarried here by the Lycoming Silica Sand Company (figure 17). However, the nature of the sand is completely changed. It is very loosely cemented by calcite and can be mined directly with a power shovel (figure 18). Microscopic examination shows the grains to be sub-angular and frosted. Porosity and permeability are high, and any water in the bottom of the pit forms a quick sand. At the upper contact of the Rid- geley, the contact with the Onondaga formation, a four (4) foot zone of the sandstone is tightly cemented with limonite (figure 19). feet thick. Here, the Ridgeley sandstone is sixty (60) A cherty limestone at the base probably be- longs to the Shriver formation, which is so largely con- cealed that its thickness is uncertain. The only constant feature of the Oriskany at all the locations was the abundance of fossil brachiopods (figure 20) and the purity of the auartz sand. The lateral variation in the extent and porosity of the sandstone formation of the Oriskany is of major interest. This formation produces immense volumes of natural gas in the plateau area to the north and northwest. Many dry holes have been drilled on favorable structure, which 41 Figure 17. Looking east into the Lycoming Silica Sand Company's cuarry east of Montoursville. The light buff formation is the Ridgeley sandstone of the Oriskany group. The overlying, dark gray formation is the Onondaga limestone and shale. so Figure 18. Photo taken in the quarry shown in Figure 17. The Oriskany sandstone is so uncemented here that new exposures wash into erosion pillars within a few weeks. SA Figure 19. The contact of the Ridgeley (Oriskany) sandstone, below, and the Onondaga limestone and shale, above. A four (4) foot bed of hard sandstone cemented with limonite is formed at the top of the Ridgeley. This is the "cap rock" of the Oriskany sandstone in the plateau areas where it produces natural gas. Photo taken in the ouarry east of Montours- ville (figure 17). Figure 20. A plan view of a bedding surface in the Ridgeley (Oriskany) sandstone. dant. ision. Casts of fossil brachiopods are extremely abun- Note pencil in lower right corner for size comparPhoto taken in quarry shown in Figure 16. w encountered either no Oriskany sandstone or tightly cemented sandstone which contained no gas or connate water. The no sand area has been fairly well delineated (bibliography 11, p. 309), but the changes in porosity are more complex. Lateral variations in the primary sorting and the secondary cementation are rapid and of considerable magnitude. Screen Analyses of Oriskany Sandstone Retained on Sieve %Fine Grain 6 0.0 0.0 12 0.0 0.0 20 0.4 0.5 30 0.9 2.8 40 3.0 16.6 50 15.1 45.6 70 32.0 2702 100 3409 4.6 140 11.4 1.6 200 1.7 0.7 270 0.3 0.1 Pan 0.3 0.1 Coarse Grain The above screen analyses are of samples from the two (2) cuarries of the Lycoming Silica Sand Company. They are two (2) miles apart, the fine grade from the quarry east of 54 Montoursville and the coarse grade from the hard, highlycemented sandstone on the hill just west of Loyalsock Creek on the north side of U. S. Highway 220. It should be noted that the coarse grade sand. shows the best sorting and from this point would presumably have the greatest porosity. However, the cementation of the coarse sand has been so complete that the reverse is true, and the fine grade sand, which originally was less porous, is now many times more porous than the cemented coarse grade. It is possible that the originally poorer porosity of the fine grade material prevented the cementation from taking place. The remaining section of the Devonian, which outcrops in the Transition Zone, is poorly exposed. Intense structur- al deformation makes correlation of the occasional outcrops almoqt impossible. For this reason the aerial geology map (figure 14) shows the section undifferentiated. Continuous stratigraphic detail of the Upper and Middle Devonian is not obtainable from the highly deformed Transition Zone. Fortunately the California Company generously loaned the author samples from a drilling well at Hyner, Pennsylvania. This well is in the plateau area twenty (20) miles north of the Transition Zone. It is the closest test to the margin of the plateau that has been drilled in this area. It pen- etrated a horizontal section of most of the Upper and Middle Devonian and provides much more reliable data than attempting to integrate partial sections in the Transition Zone. Samples were collected from almost every bailer run on the well. The resulting seven hundred and thirty (730) samples were examined by the author under a 23X binocular microscope and tested with dilute hydrochloric acid. A great many of the samples show monotonous repetition, and a summary of the examination seems sufficient for this paper. For convenience sake, the Oriskany to Catskill interval of the Lower to Upper Devonian will be described in reverse order to the older through younger procedure used in this chapter. they will be described as they occur in That is, the well from top to bottom. Well Sample Record (Summary) Harmon #1 Shaw and Smith et al. Clinton County, Pennsylvania, Chapman Township Renovo East Quadrangle: One mile south of latitude fortyone degrees twenty minutes; one half mile west of longitude seventy-seven degrees thirty-three minutes thirty seconds Elevation: 640' Still drilling: November 15, 1950 Total depth: 6488' Deepest formation: Oriskany Result: Shallow gas in small volume from sands in the Chemung formation. No gas or water in the first fifteen (15) 5'6 feet of the Oriskany Catskill formation: 0 Samples 0 - 0.1 - 654' - 506 missing; 506 - 545 angular quartz sand 0.3 mm, calcareous cement, 10 - 301 buff to red argillaceous material, limonite stains; 545 - 654 gray to brown calcareous siltstone, 631 - 654 10 - 20% red argillaceous material Chemung formation: 654 - 2975' Mainly gray argillaceous siltstone; mica present but not plentiful; calcareous cement throughout; shell fragments at several intervals; sub-angular quartz sand 0.1 - 0.5 mm present from 20 - 80% at intervals 722 735, 838 - - 843, 871 - 902, 992 - 998, 1073 - 1081, 1287 - 1301, 1476 - 1507, 1566 - 1587; limonite stains common; pyrite at 2710 - 2717, 2719 - 2727, 2772 - 2782, 2865 - 2873; from 2680 very fine gray sandstone 0 - 60% Trimmers Rock formation: 2975 - 4400' 50 - 70% fine, gray sandstone; 30 - 50% gray argilla- ceous siltstone; some mica; more or less calcareous throughout; limonite stains present at occasional intervals but less common than in Chemung; calcite fragments at 3616 - 3668; pyrite at 3977 - 3987, 4058 4071, - 4149 - 4159, 4181 - 4191; dark, gray, silty, micaceous shale becomes more plentiful around 4200, this alternates with siltstone for dominent constituent until 4462 where siltstone becomes less than 50% and generally remains so Brallier formation: 4400 - 5200' Gray siltstone and dark, gray, silty, micaceous shale in varying quantity with the proportion averaqing about 301 siltstone and 70% shale; shale irregularly laminated about o.2 mm apart; pyrite at 4482 4513 - 4523, 4545 - 4562, 4802 - 4823, 4840 - - 4495, 4851, 4937 - 4950; calcareous cement present but not so strongly as in Chemung and Trimmers Rock; from 5200 5300 the silt decreases, the calcium carbonate increases and the color of the shale becomes darker gray Harell shale: 5200 - 5420' Dark gray, silty, micaceous shale; with increasing depth silt decreases, calcium carbonate increases, color becomes very dark gray to gray black; pyrite at 5374 - 5393; 5393 - 5413 dark gray to brown calcareous mudstone .5% Tully limestone: 5420 - 5590' 5413 - 5427 very calcareous, gray, silty shale; 5427 5435 fine-grain, light gray limestone 60%, 40% dark gray shale; 5435 - 5451 fine-grain impure limestone with silt, shale, and pyrite; 5451 - 5457 fine-grain limestone with silt and shale, 50% limonite and pyrite; 5457 - 5505 dense gray limestone with minor pyrite and limonite; 5505 - 5537 silty, argillaceous impure gray limestone; 5537 - 5562 light gray, argilla- ceous, limestone, brown mud residue with acid; 5562 5594 calcareous, argillaceous, gray siltstone Hamilton - Marcellus shale: 5590 - 6420' 5590 - 5733 gray, silty, micaceous shale; 5733 - 6247 dark gray, micaceous shale; 6249 - 6420 very dark gray to gray black, micaceous shale; pyrite at 5637 - 5651, 6054 - 6064, 6132 - 6140, 6210 - 6220, 6240 - 6420; pyrite very abundant at 6240 - 6247; calcite fragments at 6100 - 6112, 6140 Onondaga formation: 6420 - - 6146, 6305 - 6420 6475' 6420 - 6422 dark gray, calcareous shale, much fine pyrite and limonite, calcite fragments; 6422 - 6429 40% very calcareous, dark gray shale, 40% red-brown, fine 59 sand and clay aggregate, 20% pyrite, calcite, and limonite; 6429 - 6439 calcareous, dark gray shale 70%, 20% red-brown clay and sand aggregate, pyrite, and calcite; 6439 - 6451 sample missing; 6451 - 6464 fine, light gray limestone 40 - 60%, dark gray shale 20 - 40%, red-brown clay and sand aggregate 0 - 20%, pyrite and calcite fragments; 6464 - 6470 fine, light gray limestone 40%, dark gray shale 20%, red-brown clay and sand aggregate 20%, fine, white sandstone, pyrite, and calcite fragments; 6470 - 6473 dark gray, calcareous shale, pyrite, limonite, and some 0.5 mm rounded, frosted quartz sand grains Oriskany (Ridgeley) sandstone: 6475' - ? 6475 - 6487.5 approximately 50 drill runs to make this penetration, extremely hard drilling; frosted, sub- angular to rounded ouartz sand grains 0.1 - 1mm up to 40% of a sample; with calcareous, gray shale, 1i- monite, calcite fragments, pyrite, and a blue-green mineral (smitheonite ?) The boundaries between the Catskill, Chemung, Trimmers Rock, Brallier, and Harell are arbitrary. clearly defined. They have never been In fact, the very division of these units represents the confusion in Appalachian Stratigraphy, which has resulted from the establishment of the time rock units of the paleontologist. All these above formations are in reality transitional into each other and represent a part or a facies equivalent within a single genetic rock unit. To conform with the present division of these units, the boundaries were arbitrarily established as follows: The base of the Catskill is marked by the lowest stratigraphic red bed; the Chemung becomes Trimmers Rock when the fine sandstone content consistently exceeds fifty (50) percent; the Brallier begins when the shale exceeds the siltstone; and the Harell is marked by the next decrease in the silt content. Only a small portion of the Catskill formation or facies is represented in the Hyner well. The Catskill is the contin- ental equivalent of the Chemung and consists of red and green sandstones, siltstones and shales in irregular and rapidly changing order. cross-bedded. In many places it is complexly The Catskill thins to the northwest in the plateau area, but from the Chemung contact along Loyalsock Creek near Loyalsockville, the calculated interval is about twenty-six hundred (2600) feet to the Pocono sandstone (Mississippian). This contact is again arbitrarily placed at the beginning of the red color in the beds. The exposed section of steeply dipping beds is eight hundred and seventy-two (872) feet of stratigraphic interval. From north to south along the creek the exposures are as follows: red, silty shale and fine sandstone 78' concealed 97' red, silty shale 13' gray shale and siltstone 65' red sandstone 5' gray and red, silty shale 9' red siltstone (with hematite) 3' red and gray, silty shale 29' gray, silty shale and fine sandstone 67' brown shale and fine sandstone 19' 7' gray sand.stone gray to brown, silty shale 15' concealed 79' brown, silty shale and fine, gray sandstone 15' red and gray, silty shale 53' fine, gray sandstone red and gray, silty shale fine, gray sandstone gray, silty shale fine, gray sandstone gray, silty shale 7' 37' 18' 30' 2' 49' red, silty shale 6' fine, gray sandstone 5' red and gray, silty shale gray, 3' silty shale 10' red and brown siltstone 18' Top of Chemung gray, silty shale 133' 872' The remainder of the Catskill appears from sporadic outcrops to become more sandy and cross-bedded higher in the facies. A green, flaggy, cross-bedded sandstone marks the top of the Catskill (bibliography 7, p. 301), and this can be seen in several of the smaller ravines which work back into the plateau from the gorge of Loyalsock Creek. Mississippian: This system is exposed on the margin of the Appalachian Plateau and in the gorges cut into the plateau by the major drainage streams -- sock Creek. Pine Creek, Lycoming Creek, and Loyal- In Lycoming County the entire system is rep- resented by only two (2) formations -- the Pocono sandstone and the Mauch Chunk shale. The change from the red beds of the Catskill to the coarse gray to brown Pocono sandstone is quite rapid. There is no visible evidence that the contact is disconformable as Willard (bibliography 7, p. 256) believes it is in north- The sandstone var- western and northeastern Pennsylvania. ies irregularly from coarse and massive to fine-grained sandstone of a flaggy nature. In many places it shows cross-beds up to ten (10) feet long. occur in the sandstone. Small lenses of coal In most areas of the plateau the Pocono is sufficiently flat-lying to measure the thickness by elevation difference of the top and the bottom. This thickness is about eight hundred (800) feet along the Allegheny Ridge in Lycoming County. The Mauch Chunk shale is made up of irregularly bedded red and green shale. The shale is soft and earthy and weathers readily into a red soil. Outcrops are rare, but the red soil found near the top of the Pocono sandstone is characteristic. The top of the Mauch Chunk is truncated by a disconformity, and it varies in thickness from zero (0) about one hundred (100) feet. to The Loyahanna limestone for- mation of the Mississippian is not present. In northwest- ern Pennsylvania this formation occurs between the Pocono and the Mauch Chunk. Whether this absence represents a hiatus or a facies change is uncertain. Pennsylvanian: Monadnocks and shallow truncated structural basins on the plateau peneplain contain the only remnants of the Pennsylvanian System. Most of the Pennsylvanian formations, which at one time blanketed the entire area, have been (4 stripped off by erosion. in the thesis area. Two (2) of these remnants occur One is south of Loyalsock Creek where this stream flows west and the other west of Lycoming Creek near the south margin of the plateau. They both contain the Pottsville formation and part of the Allegheny formation. The Pottsville formation is a coarse, gray sandstone which is conglomeratic at the base. The conglomerate contains many cuartz oebbles up to one-half (1/2) inch in diameter. The entire formation is only about one hundred (100) feet thick. The Allegheny formation is made up of shales and sands with interbedded coal seams. to be commerical, The coal is sufficiently developed and one (1) seam is mined and stripped near Hoaglands Run in the Allegheny remnant west of Lycoming Creek. Quarternary: The flood plain of the Susquehanna River and the valley floors of the major streams in the area have a mantle of glacial and recent stream gravels. At one time the main channel of the river must have been much deeper. Recent tests for a new bridge across the river show the quarternary sand and gravels to be greater than eighty (80) feet thick. IV Sedimentation and Geologic History in Pennsylvania during Paleozoic Time To completely describe this complex and controversial subject would require exhausting study and a paper of much greater length than this entire thesis. However, the high points can be briefly noted, and they add greatly to the attempt to understand the history of deposition and deformation of this area. Pre-Cambrian igneous and sedimentary rocks from undetermined sources make up the basement rocks of the Atlantic Coast of the United States. This series was uplifted, and a trough was formed on their inner margin between this uplifted hinterland and the Cincinnati Arch, the foreland. Coarse clastic sediments filled the geosyncline trough on its eastern flank, and limestones formed in the central area of the basin during the later phases. Several trans- gressions and regressions of the sea complicated the deposition, but generally the result to Middle Ordovician Time was a thick accumulation of Cambro-Ordovician limestones overlying, especially in the east, a thick section of Cambrian conglomerates, sandstones, and shales. The total thickness of these early Paleozoic clastics is widely disputed because the age of much of the Piedmont metamorphics (040 is undetermined. The Upper Ordovician sediments give testimony to activity in the foreland and probably shallower seas. The Oswego sandstone seems to indicate a source from the northwest, as its thickness decreases to the southeast. Lower Silurian As clastics fall into this same cycle of sedimentation. more stable conditions and deeper seas return in Upper Silurian Time, deposition of limestone again took place. By Devonian Time the sea had regressed to a smaller area. The expansion of the sea early in this period is marked by the Oriskany sandstone. Renewed activity in the bordering land-masses supplied the clastic sediments. The Taconic disturbance in the east supplied a tremendous amount of clastic continental sediments which formed the Catskill delta. This facies occupies the entire Hamilton - Chemung interval in the Catskill Mountains. By the Carboniferous Period the sea had migrated westward into Ohio, and in Pennsylvania non-marine deposition sup- plied from the east continued. Rapidly alterating condi- tions of activity in the hinterland to the southeast, and advances and retreats of the sea from the west, marked the great coal formation stage in Pennsylvania. sandstone, Coals, shale, and limestone occur in repeated and rapid se- quence in the Allegheny formation. Permian deposition migrated still farther westward and is represented only in the southwestern corner of Pennsylvania. Major uplift and deformation during the final stage of the Appalachian Orogeny brought the end to the Appalachian Geosyncline. In summary the Appalachian Geosyncline is marked by a progressive shift of the axis of maximum deposition from the east or southeast toward the northwest during Paleozoic Time. The orogenic movements of the hinterland also mi- grated in this direction. It is a possibility that much of the later Paleozoic sediments are derived from earlier Cambrian and Ordovician sediments laid down on the eastern margin of the early position of the Geosyncline and later incorporated and uplifted in the hinterland as the Tectonic deformations progressed toward the northwest. V Structure Appalachian Plateau: North of the Fold Front in northern Pennsylvania the relatively flat-lying rocks of the plateau have been warped into gentle, Cathcart -- undulating folds (figure 21 -- bibliograrhy 12). modified from The axes of the folds are sinuous, but in general closely parallel the axes of the major folds of the Ridge and Valley Province. This north- east-southwest lineation is the most prominent structural generlaity of the entire Apnalachians. tral Pennsylvania the fold system is convex side toward the northwest. In north and cen- slightly arcuate, the The minor folds of the plateau show on the map as long continuous folds, some of them over one hundred and fifty (150) miles in length. Cathcart (bibliography 12, p. 7) has calculated the amplitude of some of these folds. They vary from one thousand (1000) to three thousand (3000) feet between the synclinal axis and the next anticlinal axis. The trend is for the amplitude to increase with closer proximity to the Fold Front, but there are definite exceptions. These exceptions are the intermediate folds, like the Slate Run Anticline, which have only relatively small -- two (2) to five (5) miles -- horizontal displacement from the adjoining syn- clines. Therefore, the actual trend is for the dips to in- crease with proximity to the Fold Front. The fold amplitude 7530' 78' 76*30' 77*30' W E Y 0 K R 420 - F0O - C, E x/lfS. L E S L k s - OSr,. ENE NA;4 0,, EE L A W R - ROOKFI.S. LARISON BINGHAM CR SLDLEO'"FARMINGT CC)Nv e-H AF xIN \ CE OW C - W~ELSEL RH N y CTOR L E1L AA e F F E C C HAS -~~ BLOCH - O N ERTP L7 Ae - A MOy A BA R Y E R ARY Sp LI VA C pl N 0 - BEE I Y 0 'N R BURY ELDR-WDL5 F0 WFLNPt "C* NT O CP AMON S - A D G GA O 1K EA0-n 500--F - N ACISO-M+ CP T -- GEOLOGC STRCTURE if 0 Lhv" .1 N s A NORH-CETRLNPNNYLVNI 1-. 116112A11.., -FN - ETa 0P602 !C) DU. AN' 21 T cS ENRY-- of lun ev(Nr-ioo N' N6, FIGURE A 0N R ERRY ER TON B y§ GinCk---MC R - 79 AIT11h L CAICCAHEAO M E ANS -~~0 N D-4z -AVe, L E R 0L Y -RNCE ""'t Y- 'N M LBCE R * - M """ tU 1" 6 c 0----- KTI~ LK EZ LD 4--Si- S % - PHNG -y T M$DDLE- ROME0 0--4NA~P~Si L EtrTHN- _j - -E-D----NE LHE L G LA 0R0 E - SHEN40IN C LUB T/IHFEL PT ,B W MIDDLEBURY,,WE AT S'C.LRAI NL L6AE - -- - -- M0E T'O A-A Er - EK L1 -F=SR-T- - -- U--ET rtl)PELK" E 4'*30' I 15/ S.L ............. .... A'I IA t. B S.L. fU W - B'l Smile S.SL. 7T Ct MISSISSIPPIAN POCONOSS CATSKILL ORDOVICIAN SILURIAN DEVONIAN KEYSER LS TO FM. CLINTON FM. H JUNIATA S H O AND 1/2 SCALES V 1 1: 62500 2 3 MILES CHEMUNG FM. TUSCARORA TRIMMERS ROCK LS TO TULLY FM. SH HAMILTON TO HELDERBERG GR. OSWEGO SS SS R EE D SV - ILL E SECTIONS L. ORD. LS ACROSS AND DOLOMITES ZONE TRANSI TION FIGURE 22 10 is the function of these dips times the horizontal displacement between the synclinal axis and the anticlinal axis, and when this horizontal displacement remains approximately the same, the fold amplitude reflects the trend. The dips of the fold flanks in the plateau vary from one (1) to five (5) degrees except the folds very close to the Transition Zone and Fold Front, where dips up to twenty (20) degrees are not uncommon. Faulting is sometimes expressed at the surface by sudden increase in dip, but these steeper dips are not widespread. The dips on the south flank are in general steeper than those of the north flank of the anticlines. This indicates asymmetry toward the southeast or plunge of the axial surface of the fold toward the northwest. Many wells drilled to the Oriskany on these plateau folds seem to bear this out. great. This asymmetry is not very Dips of one (1) to three (3) degrees on the north- west flank of an anticline are generally contrasted with dips of three (3) to five (5) degrees on the southeast flank. In theory, this would call for a two hundred (200) to three hundred (300) foot offset of the crest of the anticline toward the northwest at a depth of five thousand (5000) feet. Regional dip toward the southwest would ac- count for part of this asymmetry, but even correcting for this, Sherril (bibliography 13, p. 417) finds the southeast flank dips exceed the northwest flank dips by one point three times (1.3X). The magnitude of the asymmetry is small, but the southeast direction is noteworthy. Almost all other asymmetrical structural features in the Transition Zone and the Ridge and Valley Province are in the reverse direction. According to Cathcart's map, the anticlinal folds of the plateau show a succession of domes and intervening saddles. These domes vary from only one (1) to as many as seven (7) on an anticline. Maximum closure on these domes is about four hundred (400) feet at the Oriskany top horizon. The arrangement of these domes and saddles seems to indicate the trend of a possible series of cross folds aligned north-south to northwest-southeast. Cathcart (bibliography 12, p. 7) believes this cross folding to be part of a system of radial stresses developed out from the arcuate salient of the major folds in the Ridge and Valley Province. is good evidence to support this. There First, the arrangement of the possible cross folds seems to be more or less radial in nature, perpendicular to the tangent of the northeastsouthwest fold which it crosses. Second, Foose (bibliog- raphy 14) reports a cross synclinal structure near Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, which crosses the Nittany Anticline and continues into the plateau area to the northwest. This cross syncline forms the southwest closure to the structure in Nippenose Valley where the California Company has recently been testing the petroleum possibilities. Torrey (bibliography 15, p. 968), on the other hand, believes the cross folding to be older than the major northeast-southwest Appalachian folds. He accounts for the bends in the more recent fold axes as the intersections of the two (2) fold systems. Hamilton (bibliography 16, p. 1585) also supports this view, stating that the coarse Oriskany sand was deposited on the highs of old north-south folds formed from the Taconic disturbance. The author believes the sys- tem of cross folds is complex enough that it may be due in part to both older folding and to deformation by rotational stresses. These latter stresses would be resultant from the interaction of the northwestward comnressive force from the arcuste fold front salient and the southward resistive forces from the corrugation effect of the older north-south folds. This resultant force would be a westward shear and would tend to produce en echelon folds striking northwest. Faulting is nearly parallel to the folds, and from subsur- face data (bibliography 17) the faulting is most intense at the high points on the domes of the anticlines. These faults parallel the elongate axes of the domes and are generally high-angle, reverse faults dipping northwest. The down-thrown side is on the southeast, or Ps in the cse of the Tioga field, there is a down-thrown graben along the axis of the dome. depth. The fault displacement increases with A displacement of several hundred feet at the Oriskany top horizon may die out almost completely and be expressed at the surface as a few scattered, anomalous, steep dips. It is not clear whether faulting is resultant from doming or vice versa. The faults may be due to the swelling of the more plastic shales or perhaps salt beds in the Silurian System (the southern limit of the Salina formation under the plateau is not known) underneath the domes. Then, again, the southeast asymmetric folds may be due to drag along deep-seated, reverse faults dipping northwest. The origin and reverse nature, contrasted to major Appalechian asymmetry, of these phenomena will be further dis- cussed under the "interpretation" heading later in this chapter. The regional dip in the plateau area of northern Pennsylvania is south, southwest. with this regional dip. The anticlines plunge southwest However, the Upper Devonian thick- ens to the south and east, and northeastward plunging or closure along an anticline may be pronounced at depth and not noticeable at the surface. The plateau in this region has a deceptively complex structure for an area that at first appearance is made up of nearly horizontal strata. The regional dip to the south, southwest with superimposed, gentle folds parallel to the main Appalachian folds; the possible older north-south folds which may have controlled the formation of the en echelon anticlines and domes; the associated parallel reverse faulting; the southeast asymmetry of the folds and faults; and the general increase in structural intensity with depth are all factors which contribute to the complex and economically imnortant structure of the Appalachian Plateau in northern Pennsylvania. Transition Zone: The deformation in the Transition Zone near Williamsport, Pennsylvania has been so intense that the structure cannot be mapped in perfect detail. If the soil cover were less and the exposures more complete, this could be done. Even so, it would. take a great deal of small scale mapping. Nevertheless, the data available on the mao and sections (figures 14 and 22) is sufficient to substantiate certain conclusions to the nature and extent of the deforming forces and the resultant structures. Intense folding is the most obvious structural feature in the Transition Zone. The axes of these folds closely par- allel the Fold Front, but they are not continuous for any great length. Instead, they plunge or split, and each cross section of the zone presents an entirely new arrangement. Section AA' shows three (3) anticlines. The first and se- cond from the north are accurately located, but the fold in the Upper Silurian rocks underneath the river flood plain is inferred. fold -- There is good evidence to support this latter first, the width of the outcrop area; and second, intense multiple folds can be seen in this band farther west. Proceeding farther west, the number and intensity of the folds increase. In section BB' there are three (3) anti- clines before the river flood plain and an unknown number of tight folds under that area. In section CC' the number of anticlinal folds between the flood plain and the plateau increases to five (5). This occurs in a shorter horizontal distance than in the other sections because of the decreased width of the Transitional Zone here. The tight folds, exposing cores off Upper Silurian limestone in the quarries on the east bank of Pine Creek one and one-half (11/2) miles north of the river, are very asymmetrical toward the north, northwest. The plunge of the axial surface is about twenty-five (25) degrees south (figure 23). East of here, on the southeast bank of the Susquehanna River at the Jersey Shore bridge, the asymmetry is in the reverse direction (figure 24). This also seems to be the case on the south flank of the hill one-half (1/2) mile east of Loyalsock Creek and one (1) mile north of the river (figure 25). A- symmetry of the folds is toward the north, northwest in the northern part of the Transition Zone. But approaching the 16' Figure 23. A close asymmetric fold in the Keyser limestone (Silurian) in a quarry on the east bank of Pine Creek one and one-half (11/2) miles north of the river. Photo taken looking east. Figure 24. Upper Silurian limestone on the east bank of the Susquehanna River at the Jersey Shore bridge. The fold is over- turned to the south (right side of photo). 4 I Figure 25. Asymmetric fold (expression of minor reverse fault ?) in the Helderberg limestones on the south flank of a hill onehalf (1/2) mile west of Loyalsock Creek and one (1) mile north of the river. Photo taken looking east. 1i river flood plain and the north limb of Nittany Anticline, the folds become smaller and tighter, and the asymmetry is often reversed. This does not seem to merit any great sig- nificance for the intense folds are of such a plastic nature (figure 26 and 27) that the causal stresse were not transmitted sufficiently well to maintain any symmetry pattern. The significant conclusion demonstrated by the in- tense folding is that this zone not only underwent tremendous compressional forces, but also that it yielded to these forces to a great extent. The rapidity with which the de- formation decreases to the north, northwest in the folds of the Transition Zone shows that the transmission of the stress was poor; that the force was applied from the south, southeast; and that much of this force was absorbed in the deformetion and shortening of the Devonian and Upper Silurian rocks in this zone. Most of the dips in the Transition Zone are northward. This is to be expected for the amplitude of the Nittany Anticline is over twenty thousand (20,000) feet, and even without the intense deformation, there would be a sizable monocline on its north flank. Most of the idealized cross sections of the Appalachians show the Transition Zone as such a monocline. Faulting is also well expressed in the Transition Zone. Reverse faults are by far the most common. They are always Figure 26. Intense folding on east side of Pine Creek Valleys, two and one-half (21/ 2 ) miles north of the river. looking east. Photo taken Figure 27. Complex, semi-plastic folding in shale quarry north of the end of Market Street in Williamsport. The width of the area in the photo is about twelve (12) feet. east. Taken looking associated with folding, and it is not possible to deter- mine whether they are a cause or result of the folding. The displacements are not too great, since in most cases the intense folding has absorbed most of the slip (figures 28 and 29). These faults are easily spotted in the major stream cuts and along road and railroad cuts paralleling the stream valleys (figure 30). At least one (1) major re- verse fault, but probably not the same fault, crosses each major stream spanning the Transition Zone. Along Lycoming Creek the steep dips just at the edge of the plateau indiWhether the faults are cate a second fault in that valley. continuous or in some en echelon arrangement is not determinable because of the soil cover. There is little or no topographic expression of these faults, since the foot wall and hanging wall are equslly resistant to erosion. On the map they are shown in en echelon arrangement, for it seems probable that the strike of the faults would parallel the bedding and folding in the area rather than swing across the compressive lineation. Other minor reverse faults are present which are associated with the tight folds, especially along Pine Creek, but they indicated only very small fault displacement and were not included on the map. Most of the reverse faults are up-thrown on the south side with the fault plane dipping to the south. The angle of the plane is not determinable for any distance. Small reverse 15 Figure 28. Intense folding accompanying reverse fault near Quenshukeny Creek two (2) miles north of the river. Photo taken on the west side of the creek valley looking west. 14 Figure 29. Folding associated with reverse faulting on the road one (1) mile south of Balls Mills. Photo taken looking west. s Figure 30. Reverse fault exposed in a railroad out on east side of Pine Creek Valley three (3) miles north of the river. Photo taken looking east. faults in the opposite direction are suggested in some of the folds which are asymmetrical to the south, southeast (figures 24 and 25). The presence of reverse faults is a- gain conclusive evidence to the fact that this area was subjected and yielded to great compressive stresses. A conjugate set of minor reverse faults in a shale quarry just north of the end of Market Street in Williamsport i1lustrates a peculiar expression of these stresses. Here, two (2) reverse faults of opposite direction intersect, and a pie-shaped wedge has been pushed up between the faults (figure 31). disturbed. The strata below the intersection are not This seems to imply that here the tangential compression was greater along the top beds than in the lower ones. The south dipping reverse faults also support the possibility that the Nittany Antieline is overturned or overthrusted at depth in this area. This will be discussed further in the next section concerning the structure of the Ridge and Valley Province. Minor normal faulting is evident at two (2) places along the cut of the railroad parallel to Pine Creek (figure 32). These two (2) faults strike approximately east-west and dip sixty (60) degrees to the north. The displacement is very small, but some drag folding is developed up to six (6) feet on either side of the fault. Normal faults striking north-south would be expected to accompany the structural Figure 31. Intersecting minor reverse faults in the shale quarry north of the end of Market Street in Williamsport. Notice the upthrown pie-shaped segment and the undisturbed beds below. Photo taken looking east. Figure 32. Minor normal fault and drag folds on the east side of Pine Creek Valley, two and one-half (21/2) miles north of the river. Photo taken looking east. fabric of this zone. However, if these are present, the lack of east-west cuts into the bed rock effectively hide their presence. The jointing system in the Transition Zone is well developed. The system is three (3) directional, but at many local- ities, depending on the rock characteristics, only one (1) or two (2) of the directions are present (figure 33). The following localities are representative of the jointing at several scattered localities in the Transition Zone: Oriskany sandstone in the quarry on the hill just west of Loyalsock Creek on the north side of U. S. Highway 220 (figure 34) #1 Strike NlOE, Dip 80E #2 Strike NBOW, Dip 703 Helderberg limestone at the west end of hill mentioned above #1 Strike N2OE, #2 Strike N80W, Dip 73S Dip 77E Onondaga limestone in the quarry one (1) mile east of Monto-ursville #1 Strike N70E, Dip 60S #2 Strike N40W, Dip 70S Shale ouarry north of the end of Market Street in Williamsport, Pennsylvania Figure 33. Jointing in relatively flat-lying beds in the shale quarry north of the end of Market Street in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Notice the change of the joint pattern in the dif- ferent beds. Photo taken looking southeast. Figure 34. Jointing in the Ridgeley (Oriskany) sandstone in the quarry on the hill one-half (1/2) mile east of Loyalsook Creek on the north side of U. S. Highway 220. west. Photo taken looking #1 Strike N20W, Dip 85E #2 Strike N5E, Dip 85E #3 Strike N55W, Dip 75SW Quarry just north of highway at Linden, Pennsylvania Dip 75E #1 Strike N30W, #2 Strike N60E, Dip 75S Plotting these joints on a stereonet leads to the interesting fact that all the joints intersect in a linear zone. This line plunges about sixty-five (65) degrees to the south ten degrees east (SlOE). Assuming that a simple com- pressional stress caused the joint system, and further assuming shear to be maximum at forty-five (45) degrees to the compressive force, the joint pattern can be readily interpreted. The compressive stress must have impinged on the area from south ten degrees east (SlOE) at an angle of twenty (20) degrees above the horizontal. That is, the de- forming force in the Transition Zone was mainly a tangential compression toward the north with a smaller component of upward force. The joints striking from north twenty de- grees west (N2OW) to north sixty degrees west (N60W) and dipping steeply would be tension joints and the others shear joints. This analysis is hypothetical, but the assumptions are valid, and the interpretation so closely parallels the implications crI of the fold pattern that the results, to the author at least, are significant. The Transition Zone along the Appalachian Fold Front near Williamsport, Pennsylvania can be summarized as follows: The intense deformation in the Devonian and Upper Silurian rocks, expressed in folding and reverse faulting, which becomes less intense toward the north and toward the east along the Fold Front, indicates strong compressional forces from the south, southeast; and rapid absorption of these forces by the incompetency and shortening of the section. The joint system supports these indications and demonstrates that the compressional force was largely tangential with a small upward component. The intensity of the stress- es seems to have been greater toward the west and southwest in the direction of the center of the arcuate salient of Nittany Anticline. The Ridge and Valley Province: This area of large major folds is one of the most striking phenomena in the entire subject of Appalachian structure. Many publications and controversial theories have resulted from the study of the origin and mechanics of Appalachian folding. For the purpose of this paper, the only generali- ties of the province which are important are the northeastsouthwest lineation of the folds, and that asymmetry and overthrusting, when present, are always toward the northwest. Nittany Anticline is the last major fold in the Ridge and Valley Province toward the northwest in central Pennsylvania. It w-hich, is the outermost are of the major fold salient from the Tectonic Map of the United States (bibliog- raphy 18), appears to swing into the major structural sad- dle between the Adirondack Uplift and the Findlay Arch. From near Its eastern extremity, where the Tuscarora quartzite plunges beneath the present surface, the amplitude of Nittany Anticline increases toward the west and southwest until it is well over twenty-five thousand (25,000) feet. North and south from Nippenose Valley the ridges of Tuscarora auartzite, forming the flanks of the fold, are six (6) miles apart. This separation becomes even greater toward the southwest. Dios on the north flank are steeper than those on the south flank (figure 22). The intensity of this asymmetry varies from place to plsce along the Fold Front. East of Williansport the north limb of Tuscarora quartzite dips north at forty-five (45) degrees. Following Bald Eagle Mountain westward, the dip of the Tuscarora increases rapidly until it is nearly vertical in the gap from Mosquito Valley. The dip decreases farther west, and in gap of Antes Creek it is again forty-five (45) degrees. Much farther southwest, past the center of the arc, between Port Matilda and Altoona, Pennsylvania, the Nittany Antialine is slightly overturned to the northwest; and a northward overthrust fault has been mapped on the northwest flrnk of the fold (bibliography 18). In the vicinity of Williamsport the dips on Bald Eagle Mountain (the north flank of the Nittany Anticline) all increase with decreasing elevation on the side of the fold. That is, there is no indication above the present erosional level of the flank dips becoming less, as they eventually must 9t some depth, to join their equivalent gentle dips beneath the tateau. The joint pattern in the north limb of the Nittany Anticline near Williamsport falls into the same system as that in the Transition Zone. The Reedsville shale on the north side of Mosquito Valley shows good jointing in two (2) directions (figure 35). fl Strike N5E, #2 Strike N80E, Dip 85E Dip 65S The Tuscarora quartzite south of Mountain Beach in South Tilliamsoort has three (3) joint directions. #1 Strike N-S, Dip 70W #2 Strike N70E, Dip 70E #3 Strike N55W, Dip 60SW Since these joints seem to be part of the same system as *1i. Figure 35. Jointing in the Reedsville shale on the north side of Mosquito Valley. into the picture. The bedding dips away to the right and Photo taken looking northwest. those in the Transition Zone, their interpretation is likewise the same. The northward asymmetry of Nittany Anticline and the indication that the north flank dits will increase or even overturn with depth before they begin their reversal toward the gentle dips of the plateau, suggest that the Nittany Anticline in this area may be overturned or overthrusted at depth. The intense compressional deformation and reverse faulting in the Transition Zone support this conclusion. Many of these Transition Zone structures may be semi-plastic exDressions of the surface trace of a possible low angle thrust plane beneath the Nittany Arch. Even the re- gional structure seems to support this conclusion. The en- tire Nittany Anticline forms a bow-like are convex to the northwest. The east end of the fold plunges into relative- ly less disturbed strata, but toward the west and southwest, as the arc approaches its center point, the amplitude of the fold increases and the comnressional deformation in front of the north flank of the fold increases. Even far- ther southwest there is a known northwest overthrust (bibliography 18) in front of the north flank. The indications from this data seem to be that the plunging east end of the Nittany Anticline acted as a hinge point; and the fold was thrust north, northwestward with increasing displacement toward the southwest to at least, and perhaps beyond, the 1. center of the arc. The displacement along such a thrust plane may have been entirely taken up by the asymmetry of the fold in the vicinity of Williamsport. It seems likely, however, that if such is the case, the north limb of Nittany Anticline will be found overturned at deoth. Interpretation: The task of integrating the conclusions derived from the structures found along the Fold Front in north central Pennsylvania belongs to geologists with wide experience in regional areas of the Appalachians and with mature views of the mechanics involved. The author certainly does not pur- port to be included with the few capable of doing this. However, it is almost impossible to work in an area without attempting to fit the local findings into some picture of the regional fabric. For this reason, the following re- gional interpretations are presented. The forces involved in causing the major folds of the Appalachians seem to be primarily tangential. They seem to have mainly affected the veneer of Paleozoic sediments, causing buckling and folding associated with low angle overthrusting. school Ps This is in agreement with the "thin skinned" Rodgers (bibliography 19, p. 1653) has classified it. Some recent studies of the magnetic profiles across the Fold Front in north central Pennsylvania support this view. They indicate that there is no concordance between the basement and the surface configuration of Nittany Anticline (bibliography 20, p. 1756). The tangential forces involved seem to have been applied from the southeast, and they have caused three (3) arcuate salients (the northern, middle, and southern Appalachians) all convex toward the northwest. The areas of least ad- vancement of the structural deformation toward the northwest, that is, the ends of the middle arc, correspond to the Adirondack Uplift and the Cincinnati Arch. The impli- cation is that here the positive basement areas blocked the advance of the deformation. The reason for the rapid dying-out of the major folds and faults across the narrow Fold Front and Transition Zone is probably multiple. Price (bibliography 1) believes this is due to the absorption of much of the stress in the deformation of the relatively incompetent Devonian section on the northwest flank of the Ridge and Valley Province. This boundary corresponds closely to the axis of greatest known Devonian sedimentation in the Appalachian Geosyncline. The rapid decrease in major structures may also be due to a basement high under the southeast edge of the Appalachian Plateau. This possible high is suggested by the magnetic too survey of the Clearfield - Philipsburg area in Pennsylvania (bibliography 20, p. 1757). In north central Pennsylvania, the sudden structural transition may also be due in part to the corrugated strengthening action given to the plateau by a possible set of older north-south folds across northern Pennsylvania and southern New York state. It is probable that eventual solution of the controversial subject of the origin and mechanics of Appalachian Structure will be dependent on widespread geophysical work -magnetic, gravimetric, and seismic -- to delineate the base- ment configuration and its association to surface structures. Nevertheless, there is still much to be done in the way of surface structural mapping in the Appalachians, and it is an area of such intense and varigated structural phenomena as to offer interesting challenge to even the most experienced student of structural geology. tI VI Economic Geology The southeast margin of the Appalachian Plateau has long been avoided as a likely petroleum and natural gas prospecting area. This was due, in most part, to the carbon ratio theory of David White and others which indicated that no gas and oil would be found in areas where the coal had been metamorphosed to a fairly high ratio of fixed carbon. How- ever, a recent discovery of major natural gas production from the Oriskany sand in Leidy Township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania, has increased the growing doubt of the validity of the carbon ratio limitation. For this reason, Cogan House and Rose Valley anticlines on the south margin of the plateau in the thesis area, and even some of the folds in the Transition Zone, have recently been leased for oil and gas rights and will probably be tested in the near future. The Cabot Company of Boston has already started a test well on the Cogan House structure. In connection with plateau gas production from the Oriskany sand, a very interesting side point can be noted. The rock pressure in the gas pools when they are first discovered increases with proximity of the pool to the Fold Front. This is in part due to the deeper burial of the Oriskany on the south margin of the plateau, but calculating the hydrostatic pressures at the producing depth, the ratio of hydrostatic head to rock pressure decreases to the south. In southern New York 101. state the discovery rock pressures were slightly under the hydrostatic head. about ecual. In northern Pennsylvanian they were At the East Fork - Wharton Field, thirty-five (35) miles south of the state line, the rock pressure was about one and one-half (11/2) times the hydrostatic head. And at the Leidy Field in Clinton County, the nearest production of Oriskany gas to the Fold Front in north central Pennsylvania, the discovery rock pressure was forty-two hundred (4200) pounds per scuare inch. This is almost double the hydrostatic head which would develop at the fifty-five hundred (5500) foot depth when the sand is encountered. These very high rock pressures make drilling with cable tools hazardous, and blow outs and one (1) se- vere fire have resulted (figure 36). Coal and clay are present in considerable quantity in the besins of the Allegheny formation in the plateau synclines. Some of this coal is mined and stripped from the small Pennsylvanian remnant just west of Lycoming Creek on the south margin of the plateau. Oriskany sand is quarried in the Transition Zone for abrasive and foundry purposes. Some Helderberg limestone has also been quarried in this zone for ballast rock or burned for agricultural purposes. The Mansfield Iron Ore (a hematite rich bed near the base 103 Figure 36. Remains of the drill rig of the Dorcie Calhoun #2 well in Leidy Township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania. The well caught fire when it blew in and the thirty million (30,000,000) cubic foot per day open flow of natural gas burned for seventy-two (72) hours before it was extinguished and the well finally capped. 104 of the Catskill formation) and the sedimentary iron ores in the Clinton formation are present in the thesis area. These have been mined in the past but are not economical at the present time. Silica brick can be produced from the Tuscarora ouartzite. This industry has been developed near Port Matilda, farther southwest along the Fold Front. The California Company has recently shown great interest in the petroleum possibilities of the Cambro-Ordovician limestones exposed in the core of the Nittany Anticline. A well is now being drilled into these limestones on the structural dome in Nippenose Valley. If any commerical production results from this exploration program, it may well prove to be the most valuable product of the entire region. Regardless of the proved and potential economic value of the mineral wealth in north central Pennsylvania, the area has a wealth of stratigraphic and structural examples which can seldom, one another. if ever, be seen in such close relationship to ins Figure 37. Cable tool rig at the Harmon #1 well near Hyner, Pennsylvania. This is typical of the standard tool rigs used in the plateau area of northern Pennsylvania to prospect for gas and oil. Rotary tools cannot be economically operated because of the hard formations. E m to( Bibliography 1. Price, P. H., The Appalachian Structural Front: Jour. Geol., vol. 39, pp. 24 - 44, 1934 2. Sherwood, A., The Geology of Lycoming and Sullivan Counties: Pa. 2nd Geol. Sur., 1880 3. Swartz, Frank M., Trenton and Sub-Trenton of Outcrop Areas in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland: Bull. Amer. Assn. Petrol. Geol., vol. 32, pp. 1493 - 1595, 1948 4. Butts, C. and Moore, E. S., Geology and Mineral Resources of the Bellefonte Quadrangle, Pennsylvania; U. S. Geol. Sur. Bull, 855, 1936 5. Butts, Charles, Hollidaysburg . Huntingdon: U. S. Geol. Sur. Folio 227, 1946 6. Kay, Marshall, Middle Ordovician of Central Pennsylvania: Jour. Geol., vol. 52, pp. 1 - 23, 1944 7. Willard, Swartz and Cleaves, The Devonian of Pennsylvania: Pa. Geol. Sur., 4th Ser., Bull. G 19, 1939 8. Swartz, C. K. and F. M., Early Silurian Formations of Southeastern Pennsylvania: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., vol. 42, 1931 9. Garrett, S. G., Oriskany Gas Fields of Pennsylvania and ton New York: Bull. Amer. Assn. Petrol. 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