SIAM J. APPL. MATH. Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 2086–2107 c 1999 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS FOR UNEQUAL CONDUCTIVITIES∗ ROBERT F. ALMGREN† Abstract. We extend Karma and Rappel’s improved asymptotic analysis of the phase field model to different diffusivities in solid and liquid. We consider both second-order “classical” asymptotics, in which the interface thickness is taken much smaller than the capillary length, and the new “isothermal” asymptotics, in which the two lengths are considered comparable. In the first case, if the phase field model is required to be gradient flow for an entropy functional, then for unequal diffusivities it is impossible to construct a phase equation with finite kinetics which converges with second-order accuracy to a Gibbs–Thomson equilibrium condition with infinitely fast kinetics. In the second case, some error terms are pushed to higher orders, and it is easy to eliminate the remaining errors with finite phase kinetics. Key words. phase field asymptotics, diffusivity AMS subject classifications. 80A22, 35K57, 35R35, 41A60 PII. S0036139997330027 1. Introduction. We consider the motion of an interface Γ(t), either a curve in two dimensions, or a surface in three dimensions, which divides a fixed enclosing domain Ω into two bulk regions Ω+ (t) and Ω− (t). For solidification, Ω+ is the liquid region, Ω− the solid region, and Γ(t) the solid/liquid interface. The interface evolves according to a modified Stefan problem, briefly presented below and extensively discussed in the literature (see [11, 12]). Motion of the interface is controlled by diffusion of a dimensionless scalar field u(x, t). For solidification of a pure material, u is the temperature relative to the equilibrium freezing temperature, scaled by the latent heat of fusion and the heat capacity. With the assumption of a constant miscibility gap, isothermal solidification of a binary alloy can be mapped onto the same equations, in which u is the chemical potential [20]. Indeed, the problem of alloy solidification motivates this work, since solute diffusion coefficients typically differ by many orders of magnitude between solid and liquid phases. For simplicity, we shall use only the language appropriate for a pure material. In the bulk phases, u solves two separate diffusion equations (1) ut = D± ∆u in Ω± , in which the diffusion coefficients D± are in general different in solid and in liquid. Equation (1) is to be supplemented by suitable initial and boundary conditions. Across Γ, u is continuous. But advancing or retreating of the interface means that material is changing phase and releasing or absorbing latent heat of fusion; thus ∗ Received by the editors November 14, 1997; accepted for publication (in revised form) August 25, 1998; published electronically August 31, 1999. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation CAREER program under award DMS-9502059, by the NSF MRSEC program under award DMR-9400379, and by an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship. † Department of Mathematics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (almgren@math. 2086 SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2087 ∇u must satisfy the jump condition (2) ∂u V = − D ∂n + across Γ, − where V is the normal velocity of Γ, positive where solid is advancing into liquid. We take the heat capacities to be the same in solid and in liquid, so that the difference in diffusivities is entirely due to the different conductivities. If the heat capacities were also different, then the latent heat of fusion would depend on temperature. Finally, u must satisfy the Gibbs–Thomson condition on Γ: (3) u = −δ K − β V on Γ, where K is the mean curvature of Γ, positive where the solid is convex. The material parameter δ is the capillary length and is proportional to the surface energy per unit area. (The more usual notation d0 is confusing in the context of an asymptotic expansion.) In general, this energy depends on the orientation of the interface relative to an underlying crystal lattice in the solid, and thus K should be replaced by an anisotropic smooth or crystalline “weighted mean curvature” [17]. Despite the physical importance of anisotropy, here we carry out our asymptotics only for the isotropic case, deferring anisotropy to future work. The kinetic parameter β ≥ 0 is an inverse mobility. If β > 0, then the motion law may be written V = −M (u + δK) with M = 1/β: the speed is proportional to the amount by which the interface is locally out of equilibrium. In this regime we may loosely say that condition (3) is of “parabolic” type. This dynamics is appropriate for large undercoolings. In the small undercooling regimes of practical interest, it is more accurate to describe the interface condition as an instantaneous equilibrium between temperature and curvature, corresponding to setting β = 0. The system (1), (2), (3) remains perfectly well-posed in this limit, and we would like any approximation method also to remain well-behaved as β → 0. The search for effective ways to solve this problem has a long history. One of the most promising methods is the phase field model (4), (5) below. For accounts of the evolution of phase field models and their application to realistic materials problems, see [14, 10]. This model contains a small parameter, the interface thickness , and is constructed so that the sharp-interface model (1), (2), (3) is recovered as → 0 for suitable choices of the other parameters. This paper concerns the precise nature of the convergence of the diffuse-interface model to the sharp-interface model. Recently, Karma and Rappel [10] have shown how to obtain quantitatively accurate comparisons of phase field solution with sharp interface models, for equal diffusivities. In two dimensions, they have achieved agreement with boundary-integral computations of dendrite tip speeds [9] at undercoolings near one-half, and in three dimensions, they have obtained agreement with experiments [8]. Our primary aim in this paper is to extend Karma and Rappel’s analysis to unequal conductivities in solid and liquid. Because their formulation relied on odd/even symmetries within the interface layer, this extension reveals more fully the underlying structure of the approximation. We discover some surprising differences between the cases of equal and unequal conductivities. Karma and Rappel considered two different asymptotic expansions of the phase field model. For equal diffusivities, these give the same conclusions, but for unequal diffusivities they are different. 2088 ROBERT F. ALMGREN In the first expansion, which we refer to as “classical” asymptotics, we take the interface thickness → 0 while keeping finite values of the other parameters. In particular, the interface thickness is assumed to be much smaller than the capillary length. We present this model in section 2; in section 4 we carry out the asymptotics to two orders in using the boundary-layer notation of section 3. In section 5, we show how to construct interpolation functions that satisfy all the constraints required for second-order accuracy; these interpolants necessarily have certain undesirable properties. The same quadratic convergence has been shown rigorously for convergence of solutions of the Allen–Cahn equation to motion by mean curvature [15]. Some of the correction terms we derive were also obtained by [5]; the new feature of our work is that we show how to eliminate the extraneous terms. Somewhat similarly, higherorder boundary conditions have been determined for electromagnetic scattering from thin interfacial layers [1, 3]. The second expansion (section 6) was newly proposed by Karma and Rappel; it takes the capillary length and kinetic coefficient to scale proportionately to the interface thickness. Following them, we call this “isothermal” asymptotics, since at leading order the temperature is constant on the interface. We show how some of the error terms identified in section 4 are pushed to higher orders in this limit. By neglecting the higher-order errors, we must satisfy only a reduced set of integral constraints and very effective models can easily be constructed. 2. Phase field model. Phase field models have their origin in order-parameter models of critical dynamics [7]; their potential use in solidification modeling was pointed out somewhat later [2, 6, 13]. These models introduce a phase variable φ(x, t), which takes the value 1 in liquid, −1 in solid. The phase variable obeys a reaction-diffusion equation, in which a nonlinear source term pushes φ towards the bulk values ±1, while diffusion smears interface layers to a thickness O(), where is an artificial small parameter. The temperature u(x, t) obeys the diffusion equation, with a source term corresponding to release of heat as φ changes. In our model, the diffusion coefficient depends on the phase variable. Since the diffusion coefficients D± have units of length2 /time, it is convenient to separate D± into an overall diffusivity D and nondimensional values q+ and q− so that D± = Dq± . Within the interface layer, we interpolate the thermal conductivity by some function q(φ) with q(±1) = q± . Then our system has the specific form µ 2 1 β 0 0 (4) + u p (φ) + ∆φ, φt = − 2 g (φ) − δ D δ 3 δ 1 ut + p̃(φ)t = D div q(φ)∇u . (5) 2 The double-well potential g(φ) has wells of equal depth at φ = ±1. Both p(φ) and p̃(φ) are forms of the internal energy function, with p(±1) = p̃(±1) = ±1. In order that the position of the potential wells not change with temperature, we require p0 (±1) = 0, while p̃0 (±1) is unconstrained. Besides the approximation parameter , the only parameter in (4), (5) which does not appear in the sharp-interface system (1), (2), (3) is the dimensionless number µ. It must be carefully specified in order to obtain second-order accuracy (see (45) in section 4.5.3) or to eliminate leading-order kinetic errors (see section 6). SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2089 We identify the coefficient on the left of (4) as m/D, where the dimensionless inverse mobility coefficient is (6) m = Dβ +µ . δ δ The first term in m may be written P̄ −1 β V̄ /δ K̄, where the Péclet number P̄ = ρ̄V̄ /2D measures the typical size of the solid object relative to its surrounding diffusion layer. Here V̄ and K̄ = 2/ρ̄ are typical values of the normal velocity and mean curvature; for example, with anisotropic surface energy, these might be values at the tip of a steady dendrite. Thus, if the kinetic contribution βV in (3) is small compared to the surface energy term δK, then, for finite Péclet number, the first term in m is small relative to unity, and the O() correction becomes relatively more important for finite values of /δ. This effect becomes less significant as P decreases, typically corresponding to small undercoolings. The type of (4) depends on the value of m. If m < 0, it is ill-posed and has no meaningful solution. Since β ≥ 0, this can happen for finite if µ < 0; conversely, if µ < 0, then as β → 0 we require smaller and smaller values of /δ to maintain well-posedness of (4). If m > 0, then (4) is of parabolic type and can be solved by standard explicit or implicit methods. If µ > 0, then this will be the case for all β ≥ 0 and finite > 0. It is remarkable that it is sometimes possible for solutions of the system (4), (5) with m > 0 to converge with second-order accuracy to (1), (2), (3) with β = 0. If m = 0, then (4) is a nonlinear elliptic problem: at each moment of time, φ is determined by the instantaneous temperature field. If µ = 0, then this is the relevant case for β = 0; in other words, the type of (4) mirrors the “type” of (3). We shall see that this is the typical behavior for phase field systems with a gradient structure. If p̃ = p, then the system (4), (5) is a gradient flow for the negative entropy functional Z 1 2 2 1 2 |∇φ| + g(φ) + u dx, F[φ, e] = 2 3δ Ω taking the order parameter φ to be nonconserved and the internal energy e = u + (1/2)p(φ) to be conserved [16, 19]. As a consequence, F decreases monotonically in time. Although this gradient structure is appealing theoretically [18], it seems to have no concrete advantage in practice, and indeed has practical disadvantages [9]. A natural choice for g(φ) is the quartic (7) ḡ(φ) = 1 (1 − φ2 )2 . 2 The simplest choice for p(φ) is the odd cubic function (8) p̄(φ) = 1 φ 3 − φ2 , 2 while for a nongradient model we may take p̃(φ) = φ. Conductivity interpolants q(φ) are also easy to construct. For any reasonable choices of these functions, and for any value of µ, solutions of (4), (5) converge to solutions of (1), (2), (3) with errors in interface curvature and velocity of size O(). The purpose of this paper is to show how to choose g, p, p̃, q, and µ so as to obtain the most accurate model possible. 2090 ROBERT F. ALMGREN 3. Boundary-layer asymptotics. For small , typical solutions to (4), (5), possibly after an initial layer in time, consist of large “bulk” solid and liquid regions in which φ is nearly equal to the stable stationary states φ = ±1 of the nonlinear source term in (4). In the bulk regions, standard asymptotics [4] show that φ ∼ ±1 up to terms exponentially small in and that u satisfies the diffusion equations (1) at all orders in . For > 0, we define the interface Γ(t; ) to be the level set {φ = 0}. Let us parameterize Γ(t; ) by s. For simplicity, we shall use notation appropriate only to curves in two dimensions, but we shall point out the necessary extensions to three dimensions. In a neighborhood of Γ(t; ), we define a signed distance function r(x, t; ) with the same sign as φ(x, t; ). We extend s to this neighborhood by giving s(x, t; ) its value at the foot of x in Γ(t; ). Then (r, s) form an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system near Γ(t; ), satisfying |∇r| = 1, ∇r · ∇s = 0. If Γ is smooth, then this change of coordinates is valid near Γ; in particular it is valid within a distance O(). With a slight abuse of notation, for each the dependent functions φ and u may be viewed as functions either of (x, y, t) or of (r, s, t). Elementary computations (see [4]) give us the formulas for converting derivatives over (x, t) to derivatives over (r, s, t): (9) (10) ∆ = ∂rr + ∆r ∂r + ∆s ∂s + |∇s|2 ∂ss , ∂t = ∂t − V ∂r + st ∂s . On the left, ∆ denotes the Laplacian ∂xx + ∂yy , and ∂t denotes time derivative at fixed x. On the right, ∂t denotes time derivative at fixed r, s. The heat conduction term has the form (11) div q(φ)∇u = ∂r q(φ) ur + ∆r q(φ) ur + ∆s q(φ) us + |∇s|2 ∂s q(φ)us . Since |∇r| = 1, ∆r is the mean curvature of the level surfaces of r, normal translations of Γ. Standard results of differential geometry then give (12) (∆r)(r, s, t) = K + 2Πr ∼ K0 + K1 − ρ K02 − 2Π0 + · · · 2 1 + Kr + Πr as → 0. We construct a formal asymptotic analysis based on the assumption that as → 0, Γ(t; ) smoothly approaches its limit Γ(t; 0). Thus its normal velocity V , its mean curvature K, and its Gauss curvature Π have regular expansions in : (13) (14) V (s, t; ) = V0 (s, t) + V1 (s, t) + · · · , K(s, t; ) = K0 (s, t) + K1 (s, t) + · · · , (15) Π(s, t; ) = Π0 (s, t) + Π1 (s, t) + · · · . (Π is the product of the two principal curvatures and K is their sum.) In the inner region, |r| ∼ O(), we look for a solution in terms of the stretched variable ρ = r/: (16) (17) r , s, t + Φ1 , s, t + · · · , r r u(x, t; ) = U0 , s, t + U1 , s, t + · · · . φ(x, t; ) = Φ0 r SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2091 In the intermediate zone, where 1 |ρ| −1 and |r| 1, the inner and outer constructions must describe the same solution. This gives the matching conditions lim U0 (ρ) = u± 0 (0) (18) ρ→±∞ and the far-field conditions ± U1 (ρ) ∼ ∂r u± 0 (0) ρ + u1 (0) + o(1), (19) ρ → ±∞. For φ, we have (20) lim Φ0 (ρ) = ±1, ρ→±∞ lim Φj (ρ) = 0, ρ→±∞ j ≥ 1. By our definition that φ = 0 on Γ, we also have the condition at each order that Φ0 (0, s, t) = Φ1 (0, s, t) = · · · = 0. Within the inner layer, the derivatives ∆s, ∇s, and st are within O() of their values on Γ, so we shall simply use these symbols to refer to their values on Γ. 4. Classical asymptotics. In the inner region, where |ρ| ∼ O(1), we first use (9)–(11) to rewrite (4), (5) in curvilinear coordinates (r, s, t) and then rescale r to ρ = r/, obtaining µ 1 β + φt − V φρ + st φs (21) δ D δ 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 = − 2 g (φ) + u p0(φ) + 2 φρρ + ∆r φρ + ∆s φs + |∇s|2 φss , 3 δ (22) ut − 1 1 1 p̃(φ)t − V p̃(φ)ρ + st p̃(φ)s V uρ + st us + 2 1 1 = D 2 ∂ρ q(φ) uρ + ∆r q(φ) uρ + ∆s q(φ) us + |∇s|2 ∂s q(φ) us . We now substitute the inner expansions (16), (17) and the interface expansions (13)– (15) with the far-field matching conditions (18)–(20). We collect terms with matching powers of and solve the “φ equation” (21) and the “u equation” (22) to two orders, beginning at O(−2 ) and working down to O(1). At O(−2 ) we determine the interface structure. At O(−1 ) we determine the leading-order laws that govern the motion of the interface. At O(1) we determine the first-order corrections to the motion laws, which we shall be able to eliminate by choosing the interpolation functions appropriately. 4.1. φ at O(−2 ). (23) Φ0ρρ − g 0 (Φ0 ) = 0. For double-well g(φ), (23) has a unique solution Φ0 (ρ, s, t) = ψ(ρ) satisfying ψ(±∞) = 2 ±1, with ψ 0 = 2 g(ψ). The translational degree of freedom is removed by the condition that ψ(0) = 0. We shall assume that g(φ) is such that this solution is monotone increasing and approaches its limiting values exponentially as ρ → ±∞. For g = ḡ of (7), we have the odd solution (24) ψ̄(ρ) = tanh ρ. 2092 ROBERT F. ALMGREN 4.2. u at O(−2 ). ∂ρ q(Φ0 ) U0ρ = 0, which integrates to U0ρ = C(s, t) . q(ψ) Since U0ρ → 0 as ρ → ±∞, and q has finite limits there, the constant C must be zero, and U0ρ is zero for all ρ. Thus we have the inner/outer matching condition U0 (ρ, s, t) = U0 (s, t) = u± 0 (r = 0), (25) and the leading-order outer solution u0 is continuous across the interface. 4.3. φ at O(−1 ). (26) β 2 1 ∂ρρ − g (ψ) Φ1 = − K0 + V0 ψ 0 (ρ) − U0 p0 ψ(ρ) . δ 3 δ 00 We obtain the solvability condition by multiplying by ψ 0 (ρ) and integrating over ρ from −∞ to ∞; the left side vanishes and so must the right. Thus K0 and V0 must satisfy (27) −K0 − 1 β V0 − U0 = 0, δ Iδ where we shall assume from now on that Z Z 3 1p 3 ∞ 0 2 (28) 2 g(φ) dφ = 1 ψ (ρ) dρ = I = 4 −∞ 4 −1 (this is true for g = ḡ and may always be enforced by scaling g(φ)), and we have evaluated Z ∞ Z ∞ 0 d 0 p ψ(ρ) ψ (ρ) dρ = (29) p ψ(ρ) dρ = 2. dρ −∞ −∞ Then with (25), (27) becomes the Gibbs–Thomson condition (30) u0 Γ = − δ K0 − β V0 . This is the leading-order version of (3), connecting the leading-order part of the outer temperature field at the interface with the leading-order interface curvature and velocity. It holds for any choice of the constitutive functions p(φ), q(φ) satisfying the endpoint conditions at φ = ±1. The self-adjoint even operator L = ∂ρρ − g 00 (ψ) has a well-defined inverse into the space of bounded functions which vanish at the origin. Thus, with (30), Φ1 is uniquely determined by p(φ) as 2 0 U0 −1 0 (31) L ψ − p (ψ) . Φ1 = δ 3 Let us observe in passing that if p(φ) is the simple odd cubic function (8) and g = ḡ, then the right side of (31) vanishes. Then Φ1 ≡ 0 and there is no O() correction to φ. 2093 SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 4.4. u at O(−1 ). Substituting Φ0 and U0 , we obtain ∂ρ q(ψ) U1ρ which we integrate once to find (32) = − V0 p̃(ψ)ρ , 2D V0 (s, t) A(s, t) − p̃(ψ) D 2D q(ψ) U1ρ = and a second time to obtain A(s, t) U1 (ρ, s, t) = ū(s, t) + D (33) Z ρ 0 dσ V (s, t) − 0 2D q ψ(σ) Z ρ 0 p̃ ψ(σ) dσ. q ψ(σ) The “constants” of integration ū and A are to be determined by matching to the outer solution. We have the far-field expansions ) ( A V0 F̃± V0 AG± U1 (ρ) ∼ (34) + o(1), ρ → ±∞, + ∓ ρ + ū + D± 2D± D 2D with G+ = (35) G− = Z ∞ 0 Z 0 −∞ 1 1 − q+ q ψ(ρ) ! 1 1 − q− q ψ(ρ) dρ, ! dρ, ∞ F̃+ = Z F̃− = Z 0 0 −∞ ! p̃ ψ(ρ) 1 dρ, − q+ q ψ(ρ) ! p̃ ψ(ρ) 1 dρ. + q− q ψ(ρ) For monotone q(φ), G+ and G− both have the same sign as D+ − D− . The inner/outer matching conditions (19) then give A V0 ∓ = ∂r u± 0 (0), D± 2D± (36) ū + V0 F̃± AG± + = u± 1 (0). D 2D The first of these gives the heat conservation condition − ∂u0 V0 = D (37) , ∂r + which is the leading-order version of the jump condition (2). We may also determine A = and u1 + − 1 − D+ ∂r u+ 0 + D− ∂r u0 2 V0 A = (G+ − G− ) + (F̃+ − F̃− ) D 2D 1 − = (G+ − G− − F̃+ + F̃− )q+ ∂r u+ 0 + (G+ − G− + F̃+ − F̃− )q− ∂r u0 . 2 2094 ROBERT F. ALMGREN Thus, though the leading-order outer temperature u0 is always continuous by (25), for general functions p̃(φ) and q(φ) the O() correction u1 has a discontinuity whose magnitude varies with the local gradients of u0 . In order to obtain second-order accuracy in the Gibbs–Thomson condition, we need u1 to be continuous across the interface. This will always be true if and only if (38) G+ = G− = G and (39) F̃+ = F̃− = F̃ , which are two integral conditions on p̃(φ) and q(φ). If q(φ) is constant, then (38) is immediate and (39) is easily satisfied by taking p̃(φ) odd as in [9]. If (38), (39) are satisfied, then (36) relates the temperature of the inner solution at the center of the interface ρ = 0 to the common inner limit of the outer solution as r → 0. 4.5. φ at O(1). Using solutions obtained at previous orders, we have 1 β ∂ρρ − g 00 (ψ) Φ2 = ρ(K02 − 2Π0 ) ψ 0 − K0 + V0 Φ1ρ + g 000 (ψ) Φ12 (40) δ 2 2 1 2 1 µ β − U0 p00 (ψ) Φ1 − U1 (ρ) p0 (ψ) − K1 + V0 + V1 ψ 0 . 3 δ 3 δ Dδ δ We determine the solvability condition for Φ2 as for Φ1 : by multiplying both sides by ψ 0 and integrating over ρ. We break the resulting algebraic condition into three classes of terms. 4.5.1. Anomalous curvature terms. The first class is the single term (K02 − R∞ 2 2Π0 ) −∞ ρ ψ 0 dρ. We shall assume that g(φ) has been chosen to give a ψ(ρ) with Z ∞ 2 (41) ρ ψ 0 dρ = 0. −∞ For example, any even g(φ) gives an odd ψ(ρ) satisfying (41). If (41) is not satisfied, then terms containing K2 and Π appear in the Gibbs–Thomson condition at O(). From now on, we shall assume that ψ(ρ) is odd. 4.5.2. Anomalous temperature terms. The second class of terms is those which contain Φ1 or Φ1ρ . One way to eliminate these, as we have noted following (31), is to choose p(φ) and g(φ) by (7), (8) so that Φ1 ≡ 0. More generally, integrating the last two such terms by parts, using the defining equation (26) and the solvability condition (27), we determine Z ∞ 2 1 1 000 β 2 00 U0 p (ψ) Φ1 ψ 0 (ρ) dρ − K0 + V0 Φ1ρ + g (ψ) Φ1 − δ 2 3 δ −∞ Z 2U0 ∞ 00 ψ (ρ) Φ1 (ρ) dρ. = − δ −∞ To interpret this, we recall that Φ1 is determined from ψ and p by (31). We split p(φ) into symmetric and antisymmetric parts ps (φ) = 1 p(φ) + p(−φ) , 2 pa (φ) = 1 p(φ) − p(−φ) . 2 SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2095 With ψ(ρ) odd, pa contributes nothing, and we have Z 4 U02 ∞ 00 ψ (ρ) L−1 p0s ψ(ρ) dρ. 2 3 δ −∞ Integrating by parts, multiplying and dividing by ψ 0 (ρ), and again integrating by parts, we see that this is equivalent to Z 4 U02 ∞ d 1 −1 00 − L ψ (ρ) ps ψ(ρ) dρ = 0. 2 0 3 δ ψ (ρ) −∞ dρ Now, 0 L ρψ 0 = 2ψ 00 + ρ ψ 00 − g 0 (ψ) = 2ψ 00 using the defining relation (23), and so 1 L−1 ψ 00 /ψ 0 = ρ. 2 Thus, the net contribution from the terms containing Φ1 is −(4/3)(U02 /δ 2 )L, where the new solvability integral is Z R Z 1 1 ∞ ps ψ(ρ) dρ = (42) p ψ(ρ) dρ, lim L = 2 −∞ 2 R→∞ −R under the assumption that ψ(ρ) is odd. If p(φ) is odd, then L = 0. 4.5.3. Anomalous kinetic terms. The third class is the two remaining terms. Of these, the complicated one is Z 2 1 ∞ − U1 (ρ) p0 ψ(ρ) ψ 0 (ρ) dρ 3 δ −∞ ( ) Z Z Z dσ A ρ 2 1 ∞ V0 ρ p̃ ψ(σ) d − dσ ū + p ψ(ρ) dρ =− 3 δ −∞ D 0 q ψ(σ) 2D 0 q ψ(σ) dρ = 1 + 2 + 3 . We evaluate the three terms in sequence. As in (29), the first term is simply 4 ū . 1 = − 3 δ For 2 and 3 , interchanging the order of integration establishes that for any function f (σ), Z ∞Z ρ d f (σ) dσ p ψ(ρ) dρ dρ −∞ 0 Z 0 Z ∞ 1 + p ψ(σ) f (σ) dσ. 1 − p ψ(σ) f (σ) dσ − = −∞ 0 Thus, we find ! Z 0 1 − p ψ(ρ) 1 + p ψ(ρ) dρ − dρ q ψ(ρ) q ψ(ρ) 0 −∞ 4 1 A 1 =− G + F+ − F− , 3 δ D 2 2 1 A 2 =− 3 δ D Z ∞ 2096 ROBERT F. ALMGREN using the definitions (35) along with the analogous ! Z 0 Z ∞ p ψ(ρ) 1 dρ, F− = − F+ = q+ q ψ(ρ) −∞ 0 and the compatibility condition (38). In addition, 4 1 KV0 3 = , 3 δ 2D with K+ = (43) ! p ψ(ρ) 1 dρ, + q− q ψ(ρ) 1 K = (K+ + K− ), 2 Z K− = − ∞ 0 Z 0 −∞ 1 − p ψ(ρ) p̃ ψ(ρ) dρ, q ψ(ρ) 1 + p ψ(ρ) p̃ ψ(ρ) dρ. q ψ(ρ) If p, p̃, and ψ are odd, then q constant implies K+ = K− = K. For p(φ) monotonic and ψ(ρ) odd, K+ , K− , and K are positive. Then, using (28), the total second-order solvability condition is LU 2 β 1 AG A(F+ − F− ) KV0 µ − 20 − + − V0 + V1 = 0, ū + − K1 + δ δ D 2D 2D Dδ δ which with (36) becomes (44) u1 Γ = −δ K1 − β V1 − V0 1 A Lu20 1 − (F+ − F− ) − . µ − (F̃ + K) 2 D 2 D δ For general µ, the leading-order velocity V0 appears as a kinetic term in the boundary condition for u1 , giving an -dependent effective kinetic coefficient. The observation of Karma and Rappel is that we may eliminate this spurious term by choosing the special value (45) µ= 1 (F̃ + K). 2 In addition, to eliminate the term A/D (recall that A depends on the local gradients ∂r u± 0 ), we need to require (46) F+ = F− , and to eliminate the nonlinear temperature term u02 we need (47) L = 0. If (45)–(47) are satisfied, then with (30) we have the total condition (48) (u0 + u1 )Γ = −δ (K0 + K1 ) − β (V0 + V1 ). Provided that the constitutive functions are properly chosen, the Gibbs–Thomson condition (3) is satisfied to two orders in . SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2097 4.6. u at O(1). Finally, we show that heat can also be conserved to second order. We have ∂ρ q(ψ) U2ρ = −∂ρ q 0 (ψ) Φ1 U1ρ − K0 q(ψ) U1ρ − ∆s q(ψ) U0s − |∇s|2 ∂s q(ψ) U0s V0 V1 V0 1 U1ρ − p̃(ψ)ρ − ∂ρ p̃0 (ψ) Φ1 . U0t + st U0s − + D D 2D 2D Recall that ∆s and |∇s| represent their values on the interface; the dependence on ρ would appear at higher order in . We substitute (32) and integrate once to find B K0 A K0 V0 − ρ+ P̃ (ρ) − Q(ρ) ∆S u0 D D 2D V0 V1 V0 0 1 u0t + st u0s ρ − U1 − p̃(ψ) − p̃ (ψ) Φ1 + D D 2D 2D q(ψ) U2ρ = −q 0 (ψ) Φ1 U1ρ + with P̃ (ρ) = Z ρ 0 p̃ ψ(σ) dσ, Z Q(ρ) = ρ q ψ(σ) dσ, 0 and in which B(s, t) is another constant of integration. Here ∆S u0 = |∇s|2 u0ss + ∆s u0s is the surface Laplacian of the leading-order temperature. We determine the boundary condition for ∂r u± 1 (0) by expanding U2ρ as ρ → ±∞. First we observe that P̃ (ρ) ∼ ±ρ − H̃± + o(1), as ρ → ±∞, where Z ∞ 1 − p̃ (ψ(ρ)) dρ, H̃+ = 0 Z 0 1 + p̃ (ψ(ρ)) dρ, H̃− = Q(ρ) ∼ q± ρ − J± + o(1) J+ = J− = −∞ Z 0 Z ∞ 0 −∞ q+ − q ψ(ρ) dρ, q ψ(ρ) − q− dρ. As in (35), for monotonic q(φ), both J+ and J− have the same sign as D+ − D− and are zero if q(φ) is constant. Then, using (34), (38), and (39) and recalling that Φ1 (ρ) → 0 as ρ → ±∞, we determine the far-field expansion D± U2ρ ∼ + ( ( ) V0 A ∓ ρ D± D± ) ! AG V0 F̃ 1 + ū + ∓ V1 + o(1) D 2D 2 1 −AK0 ± K0 V0 − D± ∆S u0 + u0t + st u0s − V0 2 1 B − K0 V0 H̃± + J± D ∆S u0 − V0 2 as ρ → ±∞. Then the O(1) term in the matching condition 2098 ROBERT F. ALMGREN Table 1 The effect of violating individual integral conditions. Condition (38/57) (39/56) (41) (45/59) (46/55) (47/53) (50/54) (51/58) Error at O() if violated Uniform temperature jump [u] [u] proportional to V K2 and Π in Gibbs–Thomson Anomalous kinetic term in Gibbs–Thomson Constant term in Gibbs–Thomson u2 in Gibbs–Thomson Temperature source term KV Surface diffusion ∆S u ± U2ρ (ρ) ∼ ∂rr u± 0 (0)ρ + ∂r u1 (0) + o(1), ρ → ±∞, gives the heat conservation condition at next order: (49) D ∂u1 ∂r − = V1 + + 1 (H̃+ − H̃− ) K0 V0 − (J+ − J− ) D ∆S u0 . 2 The term K0 V0 is the “interface stretching” term of [5]. To eliminate the spurious terms, we need both H̃+ = H̃− (50) and (51) J+ = J− . We then recover (2) to two orders: (52) D ∂(u0 + u1 ) ∂r − = V0 + V1 . + Condition (50) is the analogue of (47) and says that neither p nor p̃ should give the interface a net heat content. In (51), J+ − J− is the “deficit” between the conductivity integrated across the boundary layer and the value that would hold if the bulk values were extended up to the interface as constants. If this deficit is nonzero, then heat diffuses anomalously within the interface layer of thickness O(). Table 1 summarizes all the integral conditions we have introduced and the nature of the error introduced at O() if the condition is violated. 5. The integral constraints. We now analyze the interpolation functions permitted by these integral conditions. We assume that ψ(ρ) is monotone increasing. Then, setting φ = ψ(ρ) so dρ = dφ/ψ 0 ψ −1 (φ) , the integral conditions of Table 1 are equivalent to SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) 0 dφ 1 + p(φ) ψ0 −1 Z 0 dφ 1 + p̃(φ) ψ0 −1 Z 0 p(φ) dφ 1 + q− q(φ) ψ 0 −1 Z 0 p̃(φ) dφ 1 + q− q(φ) ψ 0 −1 Z 0 1 1 dφ − q− q(φ) ψ 0 −1 Z 0 dφ q(φ) − q− ψ0 −1 Z = = = = = = 2099 Z 1 dφ 1 − p(φ) , ψ0 0 Z 1 dφ 1 − p̃(φ) , ψ0 0 Z 1 1 p(φ) dφ , − q+ q(φ) ψ 0 0 Z 1 1 p̃(φ) dφ , − q+ q(φ) ψ 0 0 Z 1 1 1 dφ − , q(φ) q+ ψ 0 0 Z 1 dφ q+ − q(φ) 0 . ψ 0 Each of these conditions expresses a symmetry between φ < 0 and φ > 0, and in the case of equal diffusivities when q(φ) is constant, they are all easily satisfied by choosing ψ(ρ), p(φ), and p̃(φ) to be odd. We expect them to be substantially more difficult to satisfy in the case of unequal diffusivities. The value of µ required by (45), with the definitions (35) and (43) and with condition (57), is given by the functional 1 µ[p, p̃, q] = 4 (59) Z 1 −1 1 − p(φ) p̃(φ) dφ . q(φ) ψ0 Now we would like to find p, p̃, and q satisfying (53)–(58) so that µ is as large as possible; in particular we would like to achieve µ > 0. For a given positive q(φ) with q(±1) = q± , let us define 1 q(φ) − (q+ + q− ) 2 p0 (φ) = , 1 (q+ − q− ) 2 (60) and note that p0 satisfies (53) and (54) if q satisfies (57), and p0 satisfies (55) and (56) if q satisfies (58). We readily calculate 1 dφ q+ q− − q(φ) q+ + q− − q(φ) ψ0 −1 (Z 0 1 1 1 dφ = q − q(φ) + q q − − + − (q+ − q− )2 q q(φ) ψ0 − −1 ) Z 1 1 dφ 1 − q+ − q(φ) + q+ q− + q+ q(φ) ψ0 0 1 µ[p0 , p0 , q] = (q+ − q− )2 Z = 0 if q satisfies (57) and (58). Let us write p(φ) = p0 (φ) + π(φ), p̃(φ) = p0 (φ) + π̃(φ). 2100 ROBERT F. ALMGREN We require π(±1) = π̃(±1) = 0, Z (61) 1 1 dφ = ψ0 Z π(φ) dφ = q(φ) ψ 0 Z π(φ) −1 π̃(φ) −1 dφ = 0 ψ0 to satisfy (53), (54), and (62) Z 1 −1 1 −1 π̃(φ) dφ = 0 q(φ) ψ 0 to satisfy (55), (56). Then (59) gives (63) µ[p0 + π, p0 + π̃, q] = − 1 4 Z 1 −1 π(φ) π̃(φ) dφ . q(φ) ψ0 The mobility correction is a negative inner product of the two internal energy perturbation functions. 5.1. The gradient case. If the system (4)–(5) is gradient flow, then we require p̃ = p. In this case, it is not possible to have µ > 0. Theorem 1. For q+ 6= q− , the largest value of µ attainable by any set p̃ = p and q that satisfy (53)–(58) is µ = 0. Proof. With p̃ = p, we require π̃ = π, so that (63) becomes 1 µ[p0 + π, p0 + π, q] = − 4 Z 1 −1 π(φ)2 dφ . q(φ) ψ 0 This takes its maximum value µ = 0 when π ≡ 0, that is, p = p̃ = p0 . Clearly, if p(φ) is monotone, then p(φ)2 ≤ 1 in (59), and hence, µ > 0. Thus it is impossible to find monotone p̃(φ) = p(φ) satisfying all the integral constraints. Nonmonotone p(φ) means that when the interface is moving, latent heat is being both released and absorbed within the interface layer. Our task now is to find reasonable interpolation functions q(φ) which satisfy (57), (58). If these functions also have q 0 (±1) = 0, then p = p0 as given by (60) is the best choice for p. We restrict our attention to g = ḡ, so ψ = ψ̄ = tanh ρ and ψ 0 = 1 − φ2 . Let us consider a matching pair of the form 1 1 (q+ + q− ) + (q+ − q− ) p0 (φ), 2 2 1 2 p0 (φ) = φ(3 − φ ) + a φ(1 − φ2 )2 , 2 q(φ) = (64) which satisfies all the desired boundary conditions including p0 (±1) = 0. We take π = π̃ = 0, so if q satisfies (57), (58), then p, p̃ automatically satisfy (53)–(56) and give µ = 0. We thus apply no correction to the kinetic coefficient; the only result of the second-order asymptotics is the correct choice of a, which will be different from the naive choice a = 0. Since p0 is odd, q automatically satisfies (58). Condition (57) must be integrated numerically, yielding one nonlinear equation for a which is readily solved. There is one positive and one negative solution for a; the positive one gives the smoother function p(φ). Figure 1 gives the numerically determined roots for q− < q+ ; the value of a is unchanged under the exchange q− ↔ q+ . As q− /q+ → 0, a tends to the limiting 2101 SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 1.5 a = 1.450 a = 1.510 a = 1.245 a = 1.066 1 a a = 0.907 0.5 a = 0.375 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 q− Fig. 1. Numerically determined values of the coefficient a as a function of q− with q+ = 1, with values for q− = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1. 1 p(φ) 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1 −0.5 0 φ 0.5 1 Fig. 2. The specific energy interpolants with q+ = 1, q− = 0.1. The solid line is the interpolant p(φ) for the gradient case; the diffusivity interpolant q(φ) has the same shape. The two dashed lines are example interpolants p(φ) and p̃(φ) for the nongradient case. value 3/8 for which p(φ) and q(φ) become monotone. The limiting value as q− → q+ is determined by an asymptotic analysis which we omit here. The resulting q(φ) for q+ = 1, q− = 0.1 is shown in Figure 2. Numerical computations in one dimension confirm the second-order convergence of this scheme. When q+ = q− , formula (63) does not apply and the above theorem is not true. In that case, as observed by Karma and Rappel, it suffices to take q(φ) ≡ 1 and any odd function p(φ). For example, with the cubic corresponding to a = 0 above, we have µ = 19/60. Since for finite the behavior of the system for q− close to q+ must be close to its behavior for q− = q+ , the limits → 0 and q− → q+ do not commute. 2102 ROBERT F. ALMGREN 5.2. The nongradient case. By relaxing the constraint that p̃ = p, we can easily achieve µ > 0 in (63) by choosing π̃ = −π. We again restrict our attention to g = ḡ, with ψ 0 = 1 − φ2 , and choose q and p0 by (64). The values of a so that q(φ) satisfies (57), (58) are as above. We consider odd perturbation functions of the form π(φ) = b2 φ(1 − φ2 )2 + b3 φ(1 − φ2 )3 , which give p0 (±1) = 0 for all choices of b2 and b3 . Condition (61) is automatically satisfied by symmetry, and (62) reduces to a linear condition between the bk . Passing over the details, Figure 2 shows one example of the resulting p and p̃. These functions have µ > 0, but are otherwise rather impractical since their oscillations give the interface a very fine internal structure. If q− = q+ , then an effective model can be constructed by taking the odd functions p(φ) = (1/2)φ(3 − φ2 ), p̃(φ) = φ, which give µ = 5/12. 6. Isothermal asymptotics. Karma and Rappel have proposed an asymptotic analysis slightly different than the second-order one considered above. In the case of equal diffusivities the result is substantially the same, but with unequal diffusivities the conclusions are different. Let us define λ = /δ and β1 = β/. We rewrite (4) as 2 1 µλ 0 0 (65) φt = − 2 g (φ) − λ u p (φ) + ∆φ β1 λ + D 3 and keep (5) as before. We carry out an asymptotic expansion as in section 4, now holding λ, β1 ∼ O(1) fixed as → 0, so that the capillary length and kinetic coefficient go to zero. In this expansion, we assume that the interface curvatures and velocity remain finite in the limit; this will be true for some solutions of the limiting system though not for all. In the u equation at O(−2 ), we find, as in section 4.2, that U0 is constant in the interface region. In the φ equation at O(−2 ), we find the solvability condition (23) plus an additional term (2/3)λU0 p0 (Φ0 ); this equation has a solution Φ0 = ψ(ρ) if and only if U0 = u0 Γ = 0. In the u equation at O(−1 ), the analysis proceeds exactly as in section 4.4. The inner temperature profile U1 (ρ) is again given by (33); heat conservation requires the same jump condition (37) on [∂u0 /∂n] and we obtain the same condition for [u1 ]. For continuity of u1 , we require again the two compatibility conditions G+ = G− and F̃+ = F̃− (38), (39). The leading-order problem for u0 is the classical Stefan problem with zero surface tension and zero kinetics, which has ill-posed solutions. The only regularization is the boundary conditions on u1 ; these come from the φ equation at O(−1 ), which retains much of the flavor of the previous expansion at O(1) in section 4.5. In place of (26), we obtain 2 µ λ V0 ψ 0 (ρ) − λ U1 (ρ) p0 ψ(ρ) . ∂ρρ − g 00 (ψ) Φ1 = − K0 + β1 + D 3 Substituting U1 (ρ), multiplying by ψ 0 , and integrating lead now to the solvability condition A V0 1 1 1 F+ − F− (66) u1 (0) = − K0 − β1 V0 − µ − (F̃ + K) − , λ 2 D 2 D SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2103 which is similar to (44) without the final term Lu02 /δ; we do not need to assume that ψ(ρ) is odd or to impose the symmetry condition (41) on ψ(ρ). To eliminate the constant, we again require F+ = F− (46); we eliminate the “spurious” kinetic term by again choosing µ by (45). We never need to impose (47) for symmetry of p(φ) to eliminate L. The Gibbs–Thomson condition now appears as u1 (0) = −(δ/)K0 −β1 V0 , or (u0 + u1 )Γ = −δ K0 − β V0 . We have now determined each of the two sharp-interface conditions to the leading + nonzero order in : ∂u0 /∂n − and u1 Γ . Although we may stop here if we choose, it is nonetheless interesting to continue the expansion and derive as much information as possible about the nature of the corrections to the boundary conditions we have obtained. The expansion of the u equation at O(1) proceeds as in section 4.6, except that the terms involving u0 are absent. The final boundary condition (52) now becomes (67) D ∂(u0 + u1 ) ∂r − + 1 = V0 + V1 + (H̃+ − H̃− ) K0 V0 . 2 The surface diffusion term ∆S is absent whether or not (51) is satisfied; the only source of error is the interface stretching term K0 V0 . If we want to eliminate O() errors in the heat conservation condition, we must again require H̃+ = H̃− (50). At this point we must stop: expansion of the φ equation at O(1) would require knowledge of U2 (ρ) and is impractical. We have no information about the nature of the errors in the Gibbs–Thomson condition. 6.1. Interpolation functions. We now construct interpolation functions satisfying the “base” conditions (38/57), (39/56), and (46/55) (see Table 1). Our asymptotic analysis gives us no reason to try to satisfy (41), (47/53), or (51/58). We choose not to try to satisfy (50/54), accepting the O() interface stretching term. Under this reduced set of constraints, it is easy to construct interpolants giving µ > 0. We take g(φ) = ḡ(φ) from (7) so ψ(ρ) is odd (thereby satisfying (41)). Gradient case. We write interpolation functions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = φ + bφ(1 − φ2 ) , + − + q(φ) 2 q+ q− 2 q+ q− 1 p̃(φ) = p(φ) = φ(3 − φ2 ) + a(1 − φ2 )2 . 2 Since 1/q is odd about its midpoint, it satisfies (57) for any b. Then (55), (56) give the algebraic condition 3 5 q+ − q− b − a = . α, α= 5 4 q+ + q− For example, b = 12 is the largest value for which q(φ) is monotone; in this case, we have a = −(19/20)α and, from (59), 1 3,173 (q+ − q− )2 19 − . µ = 30 63,000 q+ q− q+ + q− 2104 ROBERT F. ALMGREN 1 1 p(φ) 0.8 q(φ) 0.5 0.6 0 0.4 −0.5 0.2 −1 −1 −0.5 0 φ 0.5 1 0 −1 −0.5 0 φ 0.5 1 Fig. 3. Interpolants for “isothermal” asymptotics with diffusivity ratio 10 : 1. The dashed line is p̃(φ) for the nongradient case. p(φ) is monotone for q− /q+ > 0.434; µ is positive for q− /q+ > 0.069. These functions are shown in Figure 3 for q+ = 1, q− = 0.1, for which µ = 0.205. As q− → q+ , these interpolants reduce smoothly to the standard ones for equal diffusivities. We can eliminate the interface stretching term by choosing b so as to satisfy (54), giving b = 25/12. But then q(φ) is nonmonotone: it exceeds its bulk values and in fact 1/q(φ) touches zero for rather mild values of q− /q+ . Nongradient case. We keep q(φ) and p(φ) as above but choose the slightly simpler form p̃(φ) = φ + ã(1 − φ2 ). Condition (55) determines a as above. From (56) we find 1 b − 1 α. ã = 3 For b = 21 , we have ã = −(5/6)α and 1 493 (q+ − q− )2 5 − . µ = 6 12,600 q+ q− q+ + q− For q+ = 1, q− = 0.1, we have µ = 0.469; since µ is larger, this system will be easier to solve than the gradient case. The corresponding p̃(φ) is shown in Figure 3. In this case, satisfying (54) requires b = 3, even worse than above. 6.2. Relation to standard asymptotics. The conclusions of the above asymptotic analysis can also be obtained by letting δ, β → 0 in the results of section 4. Under our assumption that interface curvature and velocity remain bounded in this limit, we then also have u0 Γ → 0. The conditions that we imposed in sections 4 and 5 that we did not impose in this section are (47), (50), and (51). The errors introduced by violation of (47) and (51) are, respectively, a nonlinear term (/δ)u02 in the Gibbs–Thomson condition (48) and a surface diffusion term ∆S u0 in the heat conservation condition (52). As u0 → 0, both of these terms vanish: the SECOND-ORDER PHASE FIELD ASYMPTOTICS 2105 first is of size λ2 and is smaller than the leading term u1 of size O(); the second is of size 2 and is two orders smaller than the leading term [∂u0 /∂r] of size O(1). If (50) is violated, then an interface stretching term K0 V0 of size appears in (52). Though small as long as the interface thickness is small compared to the radius of curvature, this term is formally the largest error remaining. We may choose whether or not to attempt to eliminate it. 7. Conclusions. We have carried out the asymptotic analysis of the phase field system (4), (5) in the sharp-interface limit → 0 with finite capillary length δ and kinetic coefficient β and identified all the error terms that appear at O(). In section 4, we have shown how, if the interpolation functions satisfy a list of integral constraints, all these errors can be eliminated; the diffuse-interface model then yields a second-order accurate approximation to the sharp-interface system (1), (2), (3). In section 5, we have considered the possible interpolation functions that satisfy all these constraints. In Karma and Rappel’s case of equal diffusivities, a “miracle” occurred: in the realistic physical regime when the kinetic coefficient β = 0 in the Gibbs–Thomson condition (3), second-order accuracy could easily be obtained with a positive kinetic coefficient m = µ/δ in the phase equation (4). Thus a nonequilibrium parabolic equation could be used to accurately approximate a sharp-interface equilibrium condition. For unequal diffusivities, this miracle does not occur. If the overall dynamics is constrained to be gradient flow for an overall scalar functional F, then second-order accuracy cannot be obtained with µ > 0. If the constraint of gradient structure is relaxed, then it is possible to take µ > 0, but the necessary oscillations in the interpolation functions make them not very useful. The limit of diffusivities becoming equal differs from the behavior with exactly equal diffusivities. In section 6, we have also analyzed the phase field model under Karma and Rappel’s model that the capillary length δ and kinetic coefficient β scale with as → 0. In this limit, some of the error terms discovered at second order in section 4 appear at what becomes the leading order, while others remain at higher orders. If we choose to eliminate only the leading-order errors, then the interpolation functions must satisfy only a subset of the previous integral constraints; in section 6.1 we have shown how to construct interpolation functions satisfying this reduced set giving µ > 0. In section 6.2 we have shown how the additional error terms of section 4 are pushed to higher orders as δ, β → 0. To further illustrate the relationship between these two asymptotic analyses, let us reverse the nature of our analysis. Suppose that we plan to carry out computations using a given system of phase field type, embodying a particular choice of all interpolation functions and coefficients. We want, first, to decide what sharp-interface model best describes the motion of the zero level set of φ for this model and, second, to assess the nature of the discrepancies to be expected between the sharp and the diffuse solutions. From the structure of the given phase field model, we can identify the interpolation functions p(φ), p̃(φ), and q(φ), and we can compute the integral quantities F± , G± , etc. We shall suppose that G+ = G− , F̃+ = F̃− , and F+ = F− (from (38), (39), (46)); if not, then error terms appear of a nature we have not considered. Then F , G, K, L, etc. are determined. From the values of the constants in our phase field model, we unambiguously identify , λ, δ, m, and D (scaling g(φ) to satisfy (28)). We now determine the effective sharp-interface Gibbs–Thomson condition u = 2106 ROBERT F. ALMGREN −δ∗ K − β∗ V which best describes the resulting computation. The capillary length δ∗ = δ is unambiguously determined, regardless of which asymptotics we believe we are using. For the kinetic coefficient, we cannot unambiguously identify either β or µ individually, but only the linear combination Dβ + µ = mδ, using either (6) or (65). However, both the asymptotics of section 4 and that of section 6 yield the same effective kinetic coefficient δ λ F̃ + K m− β∗ = , D 2 regardless of the choices made for β and µ separately. Thus, the best sharp-interface model of Gibbs–Thomson form is unambiguously determined, regardless of which asymptotics we use to interpret the phase field model. As noted in [10], this kinetic coefficient may be zero or negative with m positive. For each integral condition (53)–(58) which is not satisfied by the constitutive functions used in the model, a “corrected” sharp-interface model should contribute additional boundary terms of size O(). If δ and β happen to be small along with , then some of these error terms will be much smaller than others; those are the ones which do not appear in section 6. Finally, we point out that our asymptotic analysis has not included anisotropy of surface energy. In the second-order asymptotics, inclusion of anisotropy will generate complicated new error terms, since the anisotropy must be expanded to two orders. In the small-δ, β asymptotics, no additional difficulties arise: the surface energy is simply expanded to leading order as in [10]. An additional extension would be to include different heat capacities in solid and liquid, which might be important in certain physical problems. Acknowledgment. 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