Potential Environmental Impact of the Abandoned La Bajada Uranium Mine on Cochiti Pueblo Prepared by T. M. Whitworth New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources New Mexico Instituteof Mining and Technology Socono, NM 87801 Open-File Report 409 February 15,1995 Prepared for Governor Andrew Quintana Tribal Administrative Offices Cochiti, Pueblo ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An important question concerning potential environmental impact of La Bajada Uranium Mine on Cochiti Pueblo is what would happenif all the mine spoil now presentat the site were to wash into Cochiti Lake? It is unlikely that allof the mine spoil present at LaBajada uranium mine would reach the Rio Grande Arm of Cochiti Lake during aflood event. Rather, most would be deposited near the mouth of Santa Fe River Canyon. However, because of the importance of Cochiti Lake to the region, mass balance calculations were performed toassess potential impacts if all of the mine spoil present at the surface at LaBajada Uranium Mine were to wash into Cochiti Lake. Mass balance calculations based on reasonable minimum and maximum spoil volumes at La Bajada Uranium Mine,spoil concentrations of radioactive components, and typical a yearly minimum volume of Cochiti Lake, suggest if a significant portion of the spoil present at the mine site were to wash into Cochiti Lake, thatit might be possiblefor the dissolved total radium concentration to exceed the 30 pCill regulatory standard. However, solubility controls would probably keep total dissolved radium below 30 piCfl. Heavy metals, such as copper or lead, etc., are generally moresoluble in low pH waters (pH < 5.0). Surface waters in the Cochiti Pueblo area typically have pH values in the range of 7.0 to 8.5. Because pH controls solubility, washing all of the spoil into the lakewould probably not raise most heavy metal concentrations above regulatory limits. For example, water in LaBajada mine pit, in intimate contact with mine spoil, is above regulatorylimits only for AI and Hg. However, sediment containing significant concentrationsof heavy metals and radionuclides might accumulate in bottom feeders if the mine spoil were washedinto the lake, and these heavy metals might then enter the food chain. It is possible thatsome biomagnification andeventual toxicity to man wouldresult; however, potential toxicity cannot be quantified in this report. Because it is more likely thatLa Bajada uranium minespoil could be deposited atthe mouth of Santa Fe Canyon during high magnitude flood events, and becauseCochiti Fishery is likely to receive water and sediment from such events, Cochiti Fishery is at somewhat greater risk than Cochiti Lake until remediation is completed at LaBajada mine site. The remediation plan proposed bythe U.S. Forest Service seems quite reasonable. As planned, remediation should effectively prevent negative environmental impacts onCochiti Pueblo from La Bajada Mine Site. However, the following points should be considered: 1) erosion control on the two gullies which presentlycross mine spoil is imperative, 2) soil and vegetation cover should besufficiently thick to inhibit erosion and the soil cover thickness necessaryto control erosion may be greater than that needed to control radioactivity levels, and 3) the site should be monitoredat regular intervalsfor erosion and gullying after remediation and,if found, these areas should be mitigated beforemine spoil is exposed. Cochiti Pueblo may wantto implement a waterquality monitoring programfor water entering the Pueblo via the Santa Fe River, especially at times when such waters are used in Cochiti Fishery. The sampling program shouldinclude a minimum ofthe following parameters: Fecal colliform, total uranium, total radium, gross alpha radiation,gross beta radiation,as well as It heavy metals including lead, cadmium, copper, silver, total arsenic, chromium, and mercury. would beadvisable for Cochiti Pueblo to use anU. S . Environmental Protection Agency-certified environmental testing laboratory to perform these analyses. Mr. Russell Smith, Cochiti Lake Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stated that he believes that representativesof Los Alamos NationalLaboratories take fish and possibly water samples for testing fromCochiti Lake every other year. The results of these analyses might be of interest to Cochiti Pueblo. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ..IN’RODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 1 1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 1 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 2 Location.......................................................................................................................... 2 Surface Water ................................................................................................................. 2 Groundwater ................................................................................................................... 3 La Bajada Mine............................................................................................................... 5 History ................................................................................................................ 5 Geology ............................................................................................................... 5 Mine Waste Characterization ............................................................................... 6 Applicable New Mexico Water Quality Regulations ......................................................... 8 Results of Water Analyses............................................................................................. 12 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ....................................................................... 18 Acid MineDrainage Poten......................................................................................... 18 Potential Environmental Impact onCochiti Lake ........................................................... 20 Spoil Volume..................................................................................................... 20 Concentration of radioactives in spoil................................................................. 21 Volume of Cochiti Lake ..................................................................................... 22 Mass Balance Calculations ................................................................................. 22 Potential Environmental Impact on Cochiti Fishery ........................................................ 25 REMEDIATION PLAN EVALUATION................................................................................. 25 WATER QUALlTY MONITORING PROGRAM.................................................................... 27 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 28 REFERENCES CITED ............................................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX A . Summary of June 3rd meeting......................................................................... 31 APPENDIX B: Data used to Prepare Report ........................................................................... 32 1 INTRODUCTION E!EJ&?% On Friday,June 3rd, 1994,Drs. John Hawley, David Love, Virginia McLemore, Mike Whitworth, andstudent Pat Phillips met with Governor Andrew Quintana and Governor Lt. Jose Herrera at Cochiti Pueblo. We briefly discussedthe location and history of La Bajada Uranium Mine (located in the NW 114 of Section 9, Township 15 north, Range 7 east; also known as the Lone Star Mine) and then examined the mine site in the Santa Fe River canyon. We met Robert Remillard of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) near the mine and he accompanied us to the site. A brief summaryof that meeting is included in Appendix A. This report addresses concerns expressed by Governor Andrew Quintana and Lt. Governor Jose Herrera about possible environmentalimpact on Cochiti Pueblo from La Bajada Mine site. To evaluate possible environmentalimpacts, data were requested from Dr. Jim Piatt, Chief of the Surface Water Quality Bureau, New MexicoEnvironment Department, andForest Service hydrologist Bruce Sims. A copyof data they providedfor review is given in Appendix B. Topographic maps, afile on La Bajada Uranium mine maintained bythe New MexicoBureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (NMBMm) in the Mineral Data Archives, geological reports, and historical flow data for the Santa Fe River were also examined. Four questions are addressed in this report: 1. What is the potential environmental impact on Cochiti Reservoir fromLa Bajada Mine? 2. Are there possible impacts on the Cochiti Fishery from La BajadaMine site? 3. Is the remediation plan proposed by the U.S.F.S. reasonable? 2 4. Should Cochiti Pueblo consider setting up a water quality monitoring program? This report is concerned only with the Santa Fe River drainage and LaBajada Uranium Mine. It does not consider potential pollutant sources for Cochiti Lake from the Rio Grande. This report was prepared byMike Whitworth, and reviewed by Chuck Chapin, New Mexico State Geologist, Bill Haneberg, John Hawley, David Love, and Virginia McLemore of the NMBMMR, Bruce Sims, U. S. Forest Service (USFS) Hydrologist, and JimPiatt, Chief, Surface Water Quality Bureau, N. M. Environment Depamnent (NMFiD). Dr. Virgina McLemore providedthe discussion of the history and geologyof La Bajada Uranium mine. Becauseavailable data were limited, conclusionsin this report shouldbe considered preliminary. DISCUSSION Location La Bajada Mine is located adjacent to the Santa Fe River in section in the NW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 15 north, Range 7 east inSank Fe County, New Mexico. The Santa Fe River flows a little south of west past the mine site, and after leaving Santa Fe Canyon, turns and flows approximately northwest into the lower reservoir of Cochiti Lake (Figure 1). Surface Water The three surface water bodies of concern in the area are Cochiti Lake, the Rio Grande, and the Santa Fe River. Cochiti lake consists of two arms, the Rio Grande arm and the Santa Fe arm (Figure l), each primarily fed by its namesake river. The two arms are connected by a conveyance channel. The altitude of the conveyance channel inlet is 5,355 feet above mean sea level (Blanchard, 1993). Whenthe water level in the Rio Grande arm is above 5,355feet, water 3 flows from the Rio Grande arm through the conveyance channel and into the Santa Fe Arm. When the water level in the Rio Grande arm is less than 5,355 feet, water flows into the Rio Grande Arm from the Santa Fe arm. The inundated area in Cochiti Lake increases rapidly with rising water levels in the Lake (Blanchard, 1993). According to Blanchard (1993) at a water level of 5,323 feet, the lake covers about 1.2 square miles; and at water levels of 5,400 and 5,450 feet covers 3.7 and 8.6 square miles respectively. three miles of the Santa Fe Arm of The Santa Fe River is a perennial stream within about Cochiti Lake. Prior to the fdling of Cochiti Lake, the Santa Fe River was notperennial in this reach (Geohydrology Associates, Inc.,1982). The flow in the Santa Fe River is highly variable. It ranges from periods of no flow to a recorded high flowof 11,400 cfs in1971. Groundwater Even though there have been several monitoring wells installed around Bajada La Mine pit, Bruce Sims of the USFS informed the NMBMMR that, to his knowledge, onlyone groundwater sample has been takenand he was unableto obtain a copyof the analysis. No information on groundwater quality or the nature of the aquifer in the vicinity of La Bajada Mine site was available. However, Blanchard (1993) presented maps of the groundwater surface in the Cochiti Dam-Peiia Blanca area for 1982,1988 and 1989. Blanchard's maps indicate that the direction of groundwater flow downstream of La Bajada Mine site is generally westwardand approximately parallel to the course of the Santa Fe River. No major changes in groundwater flow direction are indicated during the period 1982-1989. It is reasonable to assume the groundwater flow in the vicinity of La BajadaMine site is also generally westwardalong the 4 - 0 MILES Figure 1. Location map of study area. 5 course of the Santa Fe River canyon. According to Blanchard (1993)after entering the Rio Grande valley sediments, groundwater begins to flow southwest toward the Rio Grande. CH2M Hill and Resource Technology, Inc. (1984)estimated the volume of recharge to the groundwater system from Cochiti Lake. They calculated the seepage volume to be 84,000 acre-feet peryear when the water level in Cochiti Lake is at an elevation of 5,387 feet, and 21,000 acre-feet peryear when the water level is near 5,323 feet elevation. LA BAJADA MINE Copper was fvst discovered at La Bajada in 1915 or1916. La Bajada Mining Company was formedin 1923 and by 1928, the American Smelting and Refining Company controlled the deposit. In 1928-1929, the deposit was mined by two shafts and 17 tons of ore were produced (McLemore and North, 1984) Uranium was discovered at LaBajada Mine in 1950. From 1956 to 1966,9,649 tons were produced. In 1957, the underground workings were declared unsafe. Further development was by open pit (Chenoweth, 1979). In the late 1970s, B o b Resources and Union Carbide Corporation drilled numeroustest holes in the vicinity and built the many drill roads along the canyon escarpment No additional economic deposits were found (McLemore and North, 1984). Geology La Bajada deposit is a low-temperature, base-metalvein deposit that formed during Oligocene orMiocene time. Thin veins of uranium and base-metalsulfides occur alongthe 6 footwall of a limburgite' dike that was emplacedalong a north-trendingfault in the Oligocene Espinaso Formation. Lustig (1957) described23 minerals fromLa Bajada Mine which contain anaomalous amounts of U,Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Th, As, Sn, V, Co, Ni, Mo, Ge,An, Ag, S, And C. One select sample assayed 0.04 % &OS, 1.51 % Cu, 0.0019 % Th, 0.06 % Pb, 0.031 % Zn, and 0.54 odton Ag (McLemore and North, 1984). Mine Waste Characterization Mine waste characterization involves determining the potential of the waste to impact beneficial uses of water (Hutchison andEllison, 1992). Normally, minewaste characterization is done using either batch extraction or column leach tests. Batch tests are generally easier to conduct but column tests may be more representative of actual site conditions (Hutchison and Ellison, 1992). Ideally the fluids used inthe waste characterization testingshould closely resemble the pH of the waste itself. However, deionized water or a simulated rainwater at a pH of 5 to 5.5 is often used (Hutchison and Ellison, 1992). The only data on mine waste characterization testingwas from Los Alamos National Laboratory ((Appendix B, data source 1) and Radian Corporation (Appendix B, data source 9). Los Alamos reported the results of mine spoil batch extraction at a pH of 5.0 (Table 1). Silver, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, nitrate, phosphorous, and lead are consistently at the detection limit. Of the heavy metals, only cobalt, copper, manganese, radium-226, selenium, zinc, and possibly vanadiumshow significant concentration increases during extraction.Radian Corporation data appear to be either from rock dissolution or leaching tests. Even though the A dark basaltic rock. surface spoil at La BajadaMine site has been inadequately characterized,enough information - lusions.preliminary exists to draw Table 1. Results of mine spoil batch extraction at a pH of 5.0. (Data fromAppendix B, data source 1). The < sign to the left of the numbers means that the results are at the detection limit for the analytical method used. Concentration 8 Auulicable New MexicoWater Oualitv Redations Drinking water standards do not applyto La Bajada Mine pit water, the Santa Fe River, or Cochiti Lake (New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission, 1991). The designated usesfor each of these water bodies is as follows: Cochin’ Lake: Designated for livestock and wildlife watering, wannwater fishery, coldwater fishery, and primary contact recreation. Santa Fe River: Designated for irrigation, livestock and wildlife watering, marginal coldwater fishery, secondary contact recreation, andwannwater fishery. La Bajada Mine pit: This small water bodyis not specifically classified under New Mexico water quality regulations. However, sinceit is adjacent to the Santa Fe River, it is assumed that the same water quality standards apply to it asto the Santa Fe River. There are three general water quality concerns for the surface waters discussed in this report- The first is the State of New Mexico’santidegradation policy which states in part: “Degradation ofwaters the quality of which is better than the stream standards established by the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission is not reasonable degradation and is subject to abatement under the authority granted the Commission by the New Mexico Water Quality Act,as amended, unlessit is justifiable as a resultof necessary economic andsocial development. Existing instream water uses and water quality necessaryto sustain existing uses shall be maintained and protected in all surface watersof the State. No degradationshall be allowed in high quality waters of designatednational and state monuments, parks and wildlife refuges including waters designated by the U. S. Congress under 9 the Wild and ScenicRivers Act, if such degradation wouldimpair any ofthe qualities which caused designation of these waters, parh and wildlife refuges. To protect the existing quality of water,the Commission underthe act will rquire the highest and best degree ofeffluent treatment practicable..." Thus, it is the expectation of the State that surface waters are not to be unnecessarily degraded in quality even though such degradation might meet the minimum water qualitystandards. The second is the general standards which apply to all surface waters ofthe state. Only those general standards which concern the potential contaminants discussedin this report are quoted here: "Hazardous substances: Toxic substances, such as, but not limited to,pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and organics, shall not be presentin receiving waters in concentrations whichwill change the ecological conditions of receiving waters to an extent detrimental to manor other organisms of direct or indirect commercial, recreational, or aesthetic value. Toxicities of substances in receiving waters will be determined byappropriate bioassay techniques,or other acceptablemeans, for the particular formof aquatic life which is to be preservedwith the concentrations of toxic substances not to exceed 5% of the LC-502 provided that: toxic substances which, through uptakein the aquatic food chain andor storage in plant and animal tissues, can be magnified to levels which are toxic to man or other organisms,shall not be presentin concentrations which result in this biological magnificationor exceed 1%of the LC-50... "LC-SO" means the concentrationof a substance thatis lethal to SO% of test organisms within a defmedtime pericd. The length of the time pericd, which may vary from 24 hours to one week or more dependson the test method selected to yield the infoxmatian desired. 10 Radioactivity: The radioactivity of surface waters shall be maintainedat the lowest practical level and shall in nocase exceed the standards set forth in Part 4 of New Mexico EnvironmentalImprovement Board Radiation Protection Regulations, filed March 10,1989." Thus the only radioactivitystandard which applies to the surface waters discussed in this report is 30 pCiA for combined radium 226 and radium-228. Third, the specific water quality regulations which apply to each of the surface waters are as follows: Cochiti Lake: un-ionized ammonia (as N) shall not exceed 0.03 mgA, dissolved oxygen shall be greater than 6.0 mgA, pH shall be in the range of 6.6 to 8.8, temperature shall be less than 25"C, turbidity shall be less than 25 NTU, and total chlorine residual shall be less than 0.002 mgfl. Sank Fe River: dissolved oxygen shall be greater than4.0 mgA, pH shall be within the range of 6.6 to 8.8, temperature shall be less than 30°C, andturbidity shall be less than 50 NTU. Thus, other than specific regulations for total radium, and pH, noother constituents are clearly regulated underNew Mexico Law. However, all heavy metals andradioactive constituents are regulated underthe general degradationrule in addition to the regulatory limits for specific uses listed in Tables 2,3, and 4. 11 Table 2. New Mexico regulatory standards for waters usedfor irrigation. Table 3. New Mexico regulatory standards for waters usedfor livestock and wildlife watering. The criteria for chromium shall be applied to an analysis which measures both the trivalent and hexavalent ions. 12 For numeric standards dependent upon hardness, hardness(asmg CaCOJ1) shall be determined as needed from available verifiable data sources including, but not limitedto,the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s STORET wafer quality database. The criteriafor chromium shallbe applied toan analysis which measuresboth the trivalent and hexavalent ions. ’ 13 concentrations are listed in Tables 2,3, and 4. The total radium standard is met by the pit waters (Table 5). The pH in the pit has historically ranged between7.8 and 8.8 and meet the pH standard. Drinking water standards do not apply to La Bajada Mine pit water. However, because specific NewMexico standards for some radioactivity parametersare lacking, it is informative to compare water quality in the mine pit to drinking water standards in order to obtain an idea of relative water quality.The drinking water regulatorylimits for radioactive elements are as follows: gross alpha radiation, 15 pCin; total radium-226 and -228,5 pCin, radium-226,3.0 pCi/l, gross beta radiation, 50 pCi/l; and uranium,30 pCi/l (currently proposedby the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA]as a drinkingwater standard). Analyses of radioactive elements for LaBajada Mine Pit are summarized in Table 1. Gross alpha is consistently over the drinking water limit. However,gross beta radiation, total uranium are not always over their respective drinkingwater limits and total radium is often under its limit. Total uranium typicallyexceeds 30 pCi/l in the pit waters. In conclusion, it is apparent that, even though La Bajada Mine pit water does not meet drinking water standards, it does not pose an immediate and life-threatening danger to man. Parameters which were at the detection limit for all analyses include Ag, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, * Ni, Pb, and V. Since results atthe detection limit have a verylarge uncertainty (typically 100%) it is not scientifically valid to say, for example, thatfor a detectionlimit of 0.05 m a , that the actual concentration might not be several orders of magnitude less. Therefore, results at the detection limit are inconclusive and should be ignored or reanalyzed using a method with lowera detection limit. As, B, CN, Cu, and Se were below New Mexicowater quality regulations for La 14 Table 5. Analyses for Radioactive Parameters fromLa Bajada Mine Pit6. 01-2b79 01-11-79 12-27-78 12-13-76 *Analysis reported simply as gross alpha radiation. Note: in some cases total uranium has been convertedfrom mg/l to pCin by thefollowing equation (Milvey and Cothem, 1990) Total U (pCi/l) = XmgA . (1000 &/mg) . (0.67 pCi/pg). The symbol -- means no data given in source. Each analysis is listed only once although the same analysis was sometimes present in more than one source. Some of the laboratory reports provided were indecipherable. These were excluded. 15 Table 6 . Inorganic analyses from La Bajada Mine pit. Note: Total hardness (mg/l CaCO,) = 2.497 (Cain m a ) + 4.118 (Mg in m a ) 16 Bajada Mine pit. Based on available data, only AI and Hg can conclusively be shownto be above New Mexico regulatorystandards in the pit. Examination of the chemical analyses in Table 6 show that the water in La Bajada Mine pit should not be usedfor drinking or swimming. However, U.S.F.S. divers did an aquatic life survey in the mine pit in 1970. As far as we can ascertain, the divers suffered noill effects. Limited radioactiveanalyses were available for four sites other thanLa Bajada Mine pit. These are 1) the Santa Fe river 1/4 mile upstream of the mine,2) the U.S.G.S. gauging station on the Santa Fe River below themine, 3) a spring or Witration gallery located50 feet east of the mine pit, and4)the drinking water supply at Domingo. These data are tabulated in Table 7. According to the State of New Mexico, the water in the Santa Fe River upstream of Cochiti Lake is designated for use in irrigation, livestock and wildlife watering, marginal coldwater fishery, secondary contact recreation, and warmwater fishery. It is not designated as a drinking water supply. As designated, the only radioactive standard which appliesis that radiumTable 7. Background Surface Water Analyses for Radioactives. Location 17 226 plus radium-228 must be below 30 pCin (New MexicoWater Quality Control Commission, 1991). This standard is met. The uranium content of the Santa Fe River seems to be slightly higher upstream ofLa Bajada mine than downstream. Old mining recordsavailable at the New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources in the Mineral Data Archivesshow that another uranium prospect,La Majada, is located approximately 3 miles upstream ofLa Bajada Mine site in the northeast 1/4 of Section 2, Township 15 north, Range 7 east (Geologic map of La Bajada Area showing uranium deposits adapted and modified after Disbrow and Stoll, 1957 in NMBMMR collection). La Majada uranium prospect is also located on the banks of the Santa Fe River. La Majada site is a potential source of naturally-derived, dissolved uraniumand other possible contaminants in the Santa Fe River. However, if analytical uncertaintiesfor the analyses .(which generally were not available) were be considered, there may be no significant differencein the upstream and downstream values. Another uranium prospectis also located on the south side of the Santa Fe River about 3,000feet downstream of La Bajada Mine site. This prospect is known as the HiserMoore prospect and is depicted on the same map as La Majada prospect. No further information is available on either La Majada or the Hiser-Moore prospectsin the NMBMMR fiies. In general, the uranium content of the Santa Fe river is only Moth that of the average the uranium concentration in LaBajada Mine pit waters. The maximum uranium concentration in Santa Fe River, which occurred upstream of the mine, is only about 1/6th of the proposed USEPA 30 pCiA drinking water h i t . The radium-226 concentrations in the Santa Fe River are only 114 of the radium-226 concentrations in the mine pit. AU of the reported concentrations of radium-226 in the Santa Fe River are below the EPA suggested limit of 3.0 pCin for drinking 18 water. Both gross alpha and gross beta radiation are much lower than the drinking water regulatory limits of 15 pCjn for gross alpha radiation and 50 pcill for gross beta radiation in the Doming0 drinkingwater. Even the waters of the mine seep or infiltration gallery,although higher in uranium than the waters of the Santa Fe River, are well below suggestedEPA drinking water standards for uranium, althoughdrinking water standards do not applyto these waters. For other water parameters, astudy by Potter (1985) concluded thatall water quality standards were met upstream of Cochiti Lake between May 27th and May 29th, 1985. Water quality in the Santa Fe River, as evidenced by examination of the sources listed in Appendix Bdemonstrates that the Santa Fe River water almost always meets drinkingwater standards with three occasional exceptions. These are nitrate, fecal colliform, and lead. In 1986, Potter found that total nitrogen and fecal colliform were high in Cienega creek. She stated that action was taken the same year to correct the problem. Lead has been reportedat 42 micrograms per liter {p g/l) upstream of Cochiti Puebloand La Bajada Mine from the Santa Fe River at Tetilla Peak access road bridge on 07-08-84. This is above the 15 pgil drinking waterstandard but below New Mexico standardsfor irrigation, livestock and wildlife watering, and fisheries. However, other lead analyses were well below15 pa.The source of lead is unknown but may be natural. i POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Acid Mine Drainage Potential Since some pyrite wasobserved in the surface spoil on site, there is the possibility that acid mine water might be produced. No data were found that would allowquantifkation of acid mine drainage potential. However, several scattered, discolored patcheson the surfacewere 19 observed duringthe site visit. These rusty-colored patches are indicative of pyrite or marcasite oxidation. Acid mine drainage is the result of the exposure of pyrite to oxygen at the surface due to excavation and the resulting oxidation (rusting)of pyrite, which causes water which comes in contact with the pyrite to become acidic, with pHvalues lower than 4.5 (Drever, 1988). At these low pHs, water is still not particularly harmfulto man. Cola Cola@,for example has apH of is that heavy metals such as lead and between 2.0 to 3.0. The problem with acid mine drainage copper, etc., are more soluble at lowpH than theyare in a more typicalsurface and groundwater pH range of from 6.0 to 8.5. Acidic waters tend to mobilize these heavy metals. However, low pH waters producedby acid mine drainage should be quickly buffered by the more alkaline waters of the Santa Fe River. This should cause heavy metals to precipitate, thus they will no longer be transportedin solution. Due to the presence of the Santa Fe River, with its alkaline waters andthe distance between the fishery and the mine site, it is unlikely that acid mine drainage could significantly affect the Cochiti fish hatchery even without mine remediation. Placement of cover material over La Bajada Mine site will help preventthe production of acid mine waters and potential transferenceof heavy metals and radioactives to the Santa Fe River. However, it is advisable to examine the cover soil carefully and ensure that it does not contain large amounts of pyrite. Acid mine drainage entering the groundwater shouldalso be buffered by water-rock interaction to pH values in the neighborhood of 7.0 to 8.5. This typically results in precipitation of solids such as amorphous Fe(OH)3 and Al(OH)3in the soil (Peterson et. al, 1986). Uranium, other radioactives, and heavy metals tendto adsorb to these precipitates, as well as clays and iron compounds in the soil and thus are, at least partially, preventedfrom further migration. However, 20 given an infinite source of acid mine waters, the buffering capacity ofthe groundwater and sediments will be exhausted, causing the pH to drop. As a result, previously precipitatedsolids will dissolve, freeing contaminants into solution once more. At La Bajada Mine site however, the potentially small volume of acid mine drainage produceddue to infiltration of meteoric water in the semiarid climate is not likelyto have a significant impact on the regional groundwater system. Potential EnvironmentalImDact on Cochiti Lake Even thoughit is much morelikely that a high-stage flood event would deposit eroded mine spoil at themouth of Santa Fe River canyon rather than transporting it all of the way to Cochiti Lake, a major question proposed by Dr. Jim Piatt concerning LaBajada Uranium Mine is what would bethe expected range of possible contaminantsin Cochiti Lake if all of the mine waste at the site were to be washedinto Cochiti Lake. Simple mass balancecalculations can be used to answer this question. Calculations were donefor estimated minimumand maximum amounts of mine waste thought to be present onsite. Spoil Volume The total production of La Bajada Mine was approximately9649 tons of uranium ore active mining (McLemore and North, 1985). This ore was removed and processed off-site during operations. Mr. Bob Eveleth, Senior Mining Engineerfor the NMBMMR, estimates that atypical mine would produce 1.5 tons of spoil per ton of ore. To be on the conservative side, an estimate of two tons of spoil per ton of ore will be used. The assumption is that the minimum amountof spoil and protore present at the surface on site is approximately 19,300 tons. 21 The maximum estimateis arrived at by subtracting the produced tonnage(9649 tons shipped off site) from tonnage which wouldhave been produced from the open pit. For these calculations the pit size is assumed to betwo acres, and the pit depth is assumed to be 50 feet (a generous estimate since some other estimates are only 30 feet). Using these figures, the maximum amount ofspoil and protore possibleto be present at the surface on site is approximately 107,550 tons. Concentration of Radioactives in %oil Three types of material have beenidentified on site: 1) soil, 2) spoil, and 3) protore by J. Margo Keele, Ph.D. in her 1987 reportto Robert Salter, Bureau Chief of the Abandoned Mines Program (AppendixB, data source3). Soil is not enriched in ore metals; spoil is slightly enriched in ore metals; and protore is material of higher grade than spoil but cannot be processed economically. For the purposes of these calculations, it is assumed that onlyspoil and protore are present on site. An undated reportby R. L. Borton of the New Mexico State Engineer's Office, which is on f i e at the NMBMMR in theMineral Data Archives, states that in 1967, astockpile of 2150 cubic yards of ore was storedon site. Assuming a weight of 1.5 tons per cubic yard, this would be 1433 tons of ore. Active miningat La Bajada ceased in 1966. Therefore, the assumption is that this 1433 tons of ore is the "protore" referred to by Dr. Keele in 1987 (Appendix B, data sources 2 and 3). To be conservative, a value of 2,000 tons of "porotore" remaining on site was used. The remaining tonnage is presumed to be spoil. The average concentrations of radioactives in the spoil and protorewere obtained by averaging analyses presented by Keele (Table8). 22 Table 8. Average radioactiveconcentrations in spoil and protore. Spoil 2 3 8 ~ 2 3 4 ~ 24.4 24.3 TotalUranium 48.76 23% 29 293.5 protore 21%1 28.2 156 27.1 81 570.5 75 613.5 Note: all concentrations are in pCfl. Volume of Cochiti Lake John Kimble, hydrological technician, LakeControl, U.S. A r m y Corps of Engineers stated lake volume in 1994 was approximately 54,500 acrein a telephone interview that the minimum at feet (6.72 x 1O1O liters). While, it ispossible that the minimum volume may be smaller times (Dr. Jim Piatt informed me that the minimum volumein 1992 was 45,450 acrefeet and that the absolute minimum volume, or dead storage, is 560acre feet), the 54,500 figure is sufficient for the preliminary calculationsin this report. The high volume this spring (June, 1994) was 122,000 acre-feet. Mass Balance Calculations if a l l of the spoil at the mine site were These calculations are based on what could happen washed intoCochiti Lake and allof the radioactive components actually dissolved when the Lake is at minimum volume of 54,500 acre-feet. This is an extreme example, whichsets maximum limits on possible environmental impacton Cochiti Lake. The equation used in these calculations is 23 Where CTi is the estimated maximumconcentration of a given radioactive inCochiti Lake in pCi/l, pT is the weight of protore in tons, Cp is the average concentrationof a givenradioactive in the protore in pCi/g, ST is the weight of the spoil intons, Cs is the average concentration of a given radioactive in the spoil in pCi/g, and vC is the minimum volumeof Cochiti Lake in liters. The results of the calculations for both minimum and maximum assumptionsof spoil and protore amounts present on site are shown in Table 9. Table 9. Results of mass balance calculations. The calculations assume thatall of the mine waste at LaBajada Mine site iswashed into Cochiti Lake ata representativelow volume of 54,500 acre-feet and thatall of the radioactives present in the spoil dissolve into the water. Note that, due to solubility limitations,it may not be possible to dissolve all radioactives present in the water. 2 3 8 ~ 2 3 4 ~ Totaluranium "?h 2'6Ra 'l0Pb Maximum 0.0000032 261.7224.8 estimate 333.7166.7166.6 O.OOMX)13 108.3 Minimum 67.1 68.5 estimate 34.6 33.9 Note: All concentrations are in pCin except Pb-210 which is in pg. (1 pCi/l of Pb-210 = 1.3 x 10-8pgA of Pb-210) Chemical controls onsolubility, many of which are a functionof pH, would be the deciding factor in the actual concentrations of the various radioactive and heavy metal contaminants in Cochiti Lake if a significant portion of the minespoil were to be washed into it However, in examining Table 9, it is obvious that, excluding solubility controls,it is possible to reach unwanted concentrations of radioactives if this unlikely event occurs. During springrunoff, where Cochiti Lake may reach volumes significantlyover 100,ooO acre-feet, the maximum possibleconcentrations (discounting solubility controls)shown in Table 9 24 would be less than 112 the values shown. The largest potential for washing significant amounts of mine spoil into Cochiti Lake would occur during spring runoff.An event large enough to do this would certainly be larger than the 100 year flood of 10,300 cfs and substantiallylarger than the maximum runoff measuredat the U.S.G.S. gauging station of 11,400cfs in1971 since it was installed in 1970. However, subsequent seasonal evaporation would tendto concentrate solutes in the lake. The best guide for what possible contaminant concentrations mightbe in Cochiti Lake if all of the mine spoil washed into it, are the concentrations of these parameters measured in La Bajada Mine pit, where water is in intimate contact with mine spoil. In essence, La Bajada Mine pit serves as an on site pilot test for the maximum likely degradationof Cochiti Lake water quality as long as sufficient potential contaminantsare present in the spoil to achieve similar concentrations in Cochiti Lake. The mass balancecalculations suggest that sufficient radioactives are present in the mine spoil. No calculations were done for heavy metals due to data are typically lowin neutral pH waters. Since it is unlikely insufficency and because solubilities that the pH of the lake waters would be decidedlymore acidic dueto influx from storm events, then radioactiveand heavy metal concentrations shouldbe similar to those in LaBajada Mine pit. This would constitute degradation of the water quality in Cochiti lake for recreational purposes. Swimming would probablyhave to be banned. Also, due to the potential for particulate heavy metals and radioactivesto enter the food chain, fishing might also be significantly impacted. 25 Potential imuacts on CochitiFishery Cochiti Fishery derives at least some of its water fromthe Santa Fe River upstream of Cochiti Lake. Due to its much smaller water volume, potentialimpacts on the fishery could occur more easily than uponCochiti Lake. The fishery has been active since May of 1992 (according to Officer Don Suina of Cochiti Pueblo). Therefore, it has not been in operation long enough to demonstrate if there are any environmental impacts from La Bajada Mine site during precipitation events. However, once remediation is complete, there should be little chance of either mine spoil or dissolved contaminants reaching the fishery from La BajadaMine site. It is unlikely that, even if signifcant acid mine drainage develops, any signifcant amounts of dissolved heavy metals will reach the Cochiti Fishery. Due to the typically neutralpH of the Santa Fe River, precipitation should severely reduce the concentrations of any heavy metals which reach the Santa Fe River in solution. However, there is a possibilitythat bottom feeders might ingest elevated concentrations of heavy metalsor radioactives if significant amounts of spoil are washed into the fishery and that these heavy metals might then enter the food chain. In such a situationit ispossible that some biomagnification might occur, resultingin eventual toxicity to man. However, toxicity potential cannot be quantified in this report. REMEDIATION PLAN EVALUATION In brief, the mine remediation planis to 1) cover the mine spoil with several feet of soil to reduce radiation levels at the surface, 2) Regrade and armor the channel of the Santa Fe river to 26 prevent erosion of the mine waste at flows of less than 15,000 cfs, 3) fill the mine pit and replace it with another wetland at the fill site, and 4) reestablish vegetationat the site. Covering the mine spoil with afoot or so of soil will reduce radiation to acceptable levels. However, more than one foot of soil cover may be necessaryto minimize erosion. At present, the U.S.F.S.plans to let the mine pit overflow as it is filled andlet the soil soak up the overflow. Based on mass balance calculations, this procedure shouldnot be a problem. The design flow for the Santa Fe River suggested by Bruce Sims is in excess of 15,000 cfs. Thus the channel of the Santa Fe River would be regradedand armored to handle a maximum flow of greater than 15,000 cfs. The 100 year flood for this site is10,300 cfs and the design value of 15,000 cfs is larger than the highest recorded flow of 11,400cfs. However, it should be noted that flow records have only beenkept at theU.S.G.S. gauging station below the mine site since 1970. Based on the information available,the 15,000cfs design flow seems reasonable. This is certainly a much moreconservative design criteria than the often-used100 year flood. There are two gullies which cross mine spoil at the site. Bruce Sims of the U.S.F.S. informs me thatthese will be regraded and armored to prevent erosion of minespoil into the Santa Fe River during precipitation events. Preventingerosion of mine spoil in these two gullies is important and should not be overlooked. of mine Covering the mine spoil with a layerof soil will significantly diminish the hazard spoil being washed into the river during precipitationevents. However, care must be taken to grade contours such that the soil cover will not be easily eroded during precipitation events.After 21 remediation is completed, there should be regularinspection of the soil cover at thesite so that Anor erosion problems can be fixed before problems occur. As little as one foot of cover soil should be sufficient to mitigate radiation hazards at the site. WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM Cochiti Pueblo may wishto implement a water qualitymonitoring program for waters entering the Pueblo via the Santa Fe River for the following reasons:1) The U.S.Geological Survey has, or is going to, abandon their gauging station on the Santa Fe River below La Bajada i lbe no more chemical analysesavailable from that site unless Uranium Mine. Therefore, there w some other agency decides to mainkin the gauging station,2) In addition to La Bajada Uranium Mine, there are other potential upstream pollutionsources including several wastewater treatment plants which discharge either into the Santa Fe River or into waterswhich join the Santa Fe River. I spoke with Russell Smith, Project Manager for Cochiti Lake for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He said that the Corps of Engineers does not do anywater sampling for radioactives or heavy metals.However, he also said that he believes someonefrom Los Alamos does take water and fish samples every two years or so from Cochiti Lake. It may be possible for Cochiti Pueblo to obtain this information. We recommend sampling be done for the following parameters:Fecal colliform, total uranium, total radium, gross alpha, gross beta, as well as heavy metalsincluding lead, cadmium, i m Piatt of N.M.E.D. suggests one copper, silver, total arsenic, chromium, and mercury. Dr. J sample during base flow (October to snow melt) and onesample during ahigh intensity thunderstorm. Unless the thunderstorm i s sampled, an artifkidy “rosy” picture of water quality 28 might be generated. It would beadvisable for Cochiti Pueblo to have an EPA-ceaified environmentallaboratory perform these analyses. CONCLUSIONS 0 The mine spoil and protore at LaBajada Mine site has been inadequately characterized. There is insufficient information available to quantify acid mine drainage potential, although it appears to be small. Furthermore, the monitoring wellsat the mine site should be sampled periodically, andanalyses conducted, to determine ifthere is potential for uranium, radium,or heavy metal migrationoff site. Without remediation of La Bajada Mine site, there is a dangerthat influxof mine spoil into Cochiti Lake or Cochiti Fishery during majorflood events along the Santa Fe River might have an adverse impact on waterquality and fisheries. The U.S.F.S. remediation planis adequate and shouldbe implemented as soon as feasible. 0 Cochiti Pueblo may want to implement a waterquality monitoring programto monitor potential adverse impacts on Cochiti Fishery. 29 REFERENCES CITED Blanchard, P. J., 1993, Ground-water-level fluctuationsin the Cochiti Dam-PeiiaBlanca area, Sandoval County, Report 924193.72 p. New Mexico, 1976-89,U. S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Chenoweth, W. L., 1979, Uraniumin the SantaFe area, New Mexico, New MexicoGeological Society Guidebook, 30th Field Conference, pp. 261-264. CH2M Hill and Resource Technology, Inc., 1984, Evaluation and alleviation of high groundwater problems at 46 p. PeiiaBlanca, New Mexico, Consultant’s report to Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Disbrow, A. F. and Stoll, W. C., 1957, Geology the of Cerrillos Area, SantaFe County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bnlletin 48,73 pp. Drever, J. I., 1988, The geochemistry of natural waters, 2nd. ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 437 P. Geohydrology Associates, Inc., 1982, Investigation of water tablein vicinity of Cochiti Dam, Sandoval County, New Mexico, Consultant’s reportto US. Army Corps of Engineers, 57 p. Hutchison, I. P. G. andEllison, R. D., editors, 1992, Mine Waste Management, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, 654 P. Lustig, L. K., 1957, The mineralology and paragenesis of the Lone Star Deposit, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, MS. Thesis, Universityof New Mexico, 55 pp. McLemore, V. T. and North,R M., 1984, Occurrencesof precious metals and uranium along the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 35th Field Conference, pp. 205-212. Milvy, P. and Cothem, C.R., 1990 Scientificbackground for the developmentof regulations for radionuclides in drinking water, inCothem, C. R. and Rebers, P. A,,eds.,Radon, Radiumand Uranium in drinking water, Lewis Publishers,Chelsea, Michigan, p. 1-16. New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission, 1991, Water quality standards for interstate and intrastate streams in New Mexico, New Mexico Water QualityConuol Commission, 1190 St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 49p. Peterson, S. R., Martin, W.J., and Seme, R. J., 1986, Predictive geochemical modeling of contaminant concentrations in laboratory columns and in plumes migratingfrom uranium mill tailings waste pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, impoundments, U. S. Department of Commerce NUREG/CR4520, WA, 89 p, Potter, D. L., 1986, Intensive survey of the Santa Fe River in Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division report EID/SWQ-86/20,38 p. I I of ) the Sann Fe River in Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, potter, D. L., 1985, Intensive survey( New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division report EID/SWQ-86/4,40 p. .... .. .. . ~ . ...." ., 30 APPENDICES 31 Appendix A: Summary of June 3rd meeting. On Friday, June 3rd, 1994, Drs. John Hawley,David Love, Virginia McLemoR, Whitworth and student Pat Phillips met with Governor AndrewQuintana and L t Governor Jose Herrera at Cochiti Pueblo. We briefly discussed the location and history of La Bajada uranium .. inine and then went to examinethe mine in theSanta Fe River Canyon. We met Robert Remillard of the U. S. Forest Service near the mine and he accompanied us to the site. We were joined at the site by Officer Don Suinaof Cochiti Pueblo. At the mine we discussedthe history of mining, the past and present course of the Santa Fe River, examined the mine pond and mine waste, and discussed possible problems relatingto mine reclamation. Although much of the mine waste wascovered, we did note the presence of several minerals including ironsulfides (pyrite, marcasite),other sulfides, alteration sulfates, and carbonates of copper (azurite, malachite). We also noted local evidence of sulfide oxidization on the surface. At the time we examined the site,the Santa Fe River contained some water from spring runoff, however,we noted no sediment fromthe mine waste actually entering the river. We also discussedbroader water issues including the general flow of groundwater from the Jemez Mountains, the upperRio Grande, and the Santa Fe River through Cochiti Pueblo lands, and how water quality on the pueblo might be affected by development upstream. The effects of downstream changesin the Albuquerque basinwere also discussed. Possible water quality issues could not beaddressed at the meeting becausewe did not have the necessary chemical analyses. We were told that Jim pian of the NewMexico Environment Department andBruce Sims of the U. S. Forest Service have af i e of chemical analyses whichshould be available tous. We also discussed the possibility thatthe U. S. Army Corps of Engineers might havesome water chemistrydata for Cochiti Lake. We discussed thefeasibility of Cochiti Pueblostarting their own waterquality monitoring program. If, after examining the chemical analyses fromvarious sources, we and Cochiti Pueblo agree that awater quality monitoring programis advisable, we agreed to help them establish the criteria for such a program, andto train severalCochiti Pueblo staff in the necessary water sampling protocolif Cochiti Pueblo so desires. We advised Cochiti Pueblo of the necessity of sending any samples they may collect to an unbiased andqualified commercial laboratoryfor analysis. 32 Appendix B. Data Used to Prepare Report Table B-1. Data Provided byJim Pia& Ph.D., Chief, Surface WaterQuality Bureau and Bruce Sims, USFS'Hydrdogi~t. 1. Report dated April 28,1988 fromWilliam D. Purtymun of Los Alamos National Laboratory to Corey Wong, Espanola RangerDismct, U.S.F.S. containing analytical results ofwater and sediment samples from La BajadaMine pit 2. Report dated September 14, 1987 from J. Margo Metzger-Keele, Ph.D., Program Manager, Surveillance and MonitoringSection, New Mexico Health and Environment Department to Robert Salter, Bureau Chief,Abandoned Mine Land Program, Energy andMinerals Department, Mining and MineralsDivision. 3. Report dated May 29,1987 from J. Margo Metzger-Keele, Ph.D., Program Manager, Surveillance and Monitoring Section, New Mexico Health and EnvironmentDepartment to Robert Salter, Bureau Chief,Abandoned Mine Land Program, Energy andMinerals Department, Mining and Minerals Division. 4. Analytical report for water sample from DomingoLa Bajada dated March25,1987 from the Radiochemistry Section of the Scientific Laboratory Division of the NewMexico Health and Environment Department to the Water Supply Section, New Mexico Healthand Environment D e p m e n t , Santa Fe, New Mexico. 5. Analytical report for watersample from La BajadaMine Pit dated April 8,1987 from the Radiochemistry Section of the Scienrific Laboratory Division of the New MexicoHealth and Environment Department to the Ground Water/Hazardous Waste Bureau, Environmental Improvement Division, New Mexico Health and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 6. Analytical report for watersample from La Bajada Mine Pit dated April 24, 1987 from the Radiochemiswy Sectionof the Scientific Laboratory Division of the NewMexico Health and Environment Department to the Ground Water/Hazardous Waste Bureau, Environmental Improvement Division, New Mexico Health and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 7. Two printouts of STORET data (water analyses) from the SantaFe River through June8, 1994. 8. Eleven water analyses fromthe Energy Development Monitoring programfrom the U.S.G.S. gauging station below LaBajada Mine and La Bajada Mine pit from 1974-79 reported to the Water Pollution Control Section,Environmental Improvement Division, Health and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 33 9. Report of analyses for soil samples Pecos and La Bajada Mine site done by Radian Corporation, Radian analytical Services, 10395 Old Placerville Rd., Sacramento, CA 95827 on August 2,1990 forthe Santa Fe National Forest. 10. Printout of La Bajada Mine History apparently provided byBill Hatchell, Chief, Bureau of Economic Geology, Mining andMinerals Division, State of New Mexico dated June 12,1989. 11. Radiological Survey of The La Bajada Mine, New MexicoRadiation Protection Bureau, August, 1987 12. Memorandum from John M. Andrews, Jr., Environmental Scientist, Albuquerque District Mining Office,USFS.concerning surface reclamation of site with attached water analyses. 13. La Bajada Quarry Fishery Investigation by DonaldDuA. ff,Wildlife Management Biologist and L. Eric Silvers, Hydrologist dated March 19, 1970, USFS. Copies of these documents follow and are organized by number. 37 .. .. Data Source 1. Report dated April 28,1988 from William D. Purtymun of Los Alamos National National Laboratory to Corey Wong, Ekpanola RangerDistrict, U.S.F.S. containing analytical results of water and sedimentsamples from La Bajada Mine pit. I 3k LosAlamos NationalLaboratory LosAlamos,NewMexico 87545 Corey Wong Espanola Ranger District P.O. Box R Espanola, NM 87532 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FROM LA BAJADA MINEPIT Dear Mr. Wong: Attached are the analytical resultsof samples, waterand sediments, from the mine pit. They were collected and analyzed for Ed Collins, U.S. Forest Service, whohas since been transferred. you. I understand that this project has been transferred to The samcles were collected about May 19, 1987. If youhave any questions contact me at 667-0810 or Daryl Knab at 667-7094. Sincerely, William D. Purtymun Environmental Surveillance WDP:bjh Attachments : Cy: . a/s J. Puckett, HSE-DO, K491 CRM-4 (2), MS A150 An Equal Opoonunity EmoloyerlOperated by University of Califomla I ESPANOLA R.D. I 36 W a t e rs a m p l ea n a l y s e sf o rL aB a j a d aM i n eP i t .S a m p l e 87.01708 i s a s u r f a c e 87.01709 a deepwatersample,and 87.01716 i s t h e f i l t r a t e w a t e rs a m p l e , s o l u t i o nf r o mt h et h r e es e d i m e n ts a m p l e s 87.01713-1315. SAMPLE NUM ANALYSIS 87.01708 AG 87.01708 ~AL 87.01708 AS 87.01708 8 87.01708 EA 87.01708 CD 87.01708 CL 87.01708 CN 87.01708 CO 87.01708 CR 87.01708 CU .. 87.01708 F 87.01708 HG 87.01708 MN 87.01708 MO 87.01708 NH3-N 87.01708 NH3-N 87.01708 N I 87.01708 N03-N 87.01708 P 87.01708 .PB87.01708 PH 87.01708 RA-226 87.01708 SE 87.01708 SO4 87.01708 TDS 87.01708 TH 87.01708 U 87.01708 V 87.01708 ZN SYMBOL < ~ ~ < < < < ~~ ~~~ ~~ SAMPLE NUM ANALYSIS 87.01709 AG. ~~ ~~ ~ 87.017CO AL 87.01709 AS 87.01709 8 87.01709 BA 87.01709 CD ~. 87.01709 CL 87.01709 CN 87.01709 CO 87.01709 CR 87.01709 CU 87.01709 F ~ < " < < < < < RESULT UNCERTAINTY 0.0500 0.1900 0.0500 0.2000 0.5000 0.0100 52.0000 0.0000 0.0500 1.0000 5.6000 1.5000 0.9000 4.5000 0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 8.6300 0.2100 1.7000 201 .oooo < < SYMBOL < < < < 646.0000 0.0100 0.0120 0.0500 3 .OOOO RESULT 0.0500 0.3500 0.0500 0.2000 0.5000 0.0100 59.0000 0.0000 < < 0.0500 1.oooo 3.0000 1.5000 UNITS 0.0500 MG/L 0.1000 0.0500 0.1000 0.5000 0.0100 5.0000 0.0100 0.0500 1.0000 0.6000 0.3000 0.2000 2.0000 0.0500 0.0400 0.0400 0.0500 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 0.1000 0.0210 1.0000 20.0000 65.0000 0.0100 o.oo10 0.0500 2.0000 UNCERTAINTY 0.0500 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L -,UG/L UG/L MG/L UGiL UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UNITS PCI/L UG/L ~,MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L ~ UNITS MG/L MGL; 0.0500 MG/L 0.10oo M ~ / L 0.5000 M G / l~, 0.0100 MG/L 6.0000 MG/L 0.0100 MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 1.0000 UG/L 0.3000 UG/L 0.3000 MG/L e . l0OC ~~~~~ ' . ' 87.01709 HG 87.01709 MN 87.01709 MO 87.01709 NH3-N 87.01709 NH3-N 87.01709 NI 87.01709 N03-N 87.01709 ~. .P 87.01709 PB 87.01709 PH 87.01709RA-226 87.01709 SE 87.01709 SE 87.01709 SO4 87.01709 TDS 87.01709 TH 87.01709 U 87.01709 V 87.01709 ZN ~ < < < < ~~ ~ ~~ < " < < 4- 37 0.2000 0.1830 0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 0 .zoo0 0.3000 0.0500 8.1500 0.1900 1.5000 1.5000 226.0000 672.0000 0.0100 0.0860 0.0500 14.4000 0.2000 0.0180 0.0500 0.0400 0.0400 0.0500 0.2000 UG/ L MG/ L MG/ L MG/ L MG/ L MG/L MG/ L 0.2000 MG/ L 0.0500 MG/ L 0.1000 0.0190 1.oooo 1.oooo UNITS PCI/L UG/L UG/L 23.0000 MG/ L 67.0000 MG/ L 0.0100 MG/L 0.0090 MG/ L 0.0500 MG/L 2.0000 UG/L SAMPLE ANALYSIS NUM SYMBOL 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 ~ ~~ AG AL AS B BA CD CL CN CO F RESULT UNCERTAINTY UNITS < < < < < HG MO NH3-N NH3-N PH < < SO4 TDS 0.0500 0.3000 0.5000 0.0100 23.6000 0.0000 0.0500 2.1000 0.8000 6.0500 6.5000 0.0600 N03-N PB 0.3600 0.3000 NI P 0.0500 TH ... < U V < 0.3000 0.2000 0.0500 7.7400 g::E 0.0100 0.1330 0.0500 MG/ L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/ L MG/ L MG/L MG/L MG/L 0.3000 MG/L 0.2000 UG/L 0.0500 MG/L 0.6050 MG/L 0.6500 MG/ L 0.0500 MG/L 0.2000 MG/L 0.2000 MG/ L 0.0500 MG/L 0.0500 0.1000 0.0500 0.1000 0,5000 0.0100 2.4000 0.0500 0.0500 0.1000 38.0000 10.0000 UNITS MG/ L MG/ L 0.0100 MG/L 0.0130 MG/L 0.0500 MG/L br &" A f l a l y t i c a l r e s u l t s for se nient samples collected from t h uttom o f the La Bajada Mine P i t . The l o c a t i o n s o f the three samples were notdesignated on t h e originalsamples. The analyses were run on a w a t e re x t r a c t a t pH 5 according t o R C M procedures, SW 846 method 1310, f o r EPTOX metals. The Ra-226 values r e p o r t e d i n PCi/G were determined by GeLi gamma counting of t h e o r i g i n a l sedimentsamples. SAMPLE NUM ANALYSIS 87.01713 AG 87.01713 AS 87.01713 EA 87.01713 CD 87.01713 CL 87.01713 CN 87.01713 CO 87.01713 CR 87.01713 CU 87.01713 F 87.01713 FE -. .~ 87.01713 HG 87.01713 MN 87.01713 MO 87.01713 NH3-N 87.01713 NH3-N 87.01713 N I 87.01713 N03-N 87.01713 P 87.01713 PB 87.01713 PH -. .~ 87.01713 RA-226 87.01713 RA-226 87.01713 SE 87.01713 SO4 87.01713 TDS 87.01713 TH 87.01713 U 87.01713 V 87.01713 ZN SYMBOL RESULT UNCERTAINTY < < 0.0500 < < < ~~ ~~ < < < < " " SAMPLE NUM ANALYSIS 87.01714 AG 87.01714 AS 87.01714 BA 87.01714 CD 87.01714 CL 87.01714 CN 87.01714 CO 87.01714 CR 87.01714 CU 87.01714 F 87.01714 FE 87.01714 HG 87.01714 MN < UNITS 0.0500 0.0500 0.5000 0.0100 0.0500 0.8000 0.0100 3.2000 0.0100 0.5200 0.0500 2.0000 0.5370 135.0000 0.0020 9.7000 0.0020 4.0000 4.1200 1.2200 0.2000 0.2000 0.6000 0.0100 0.0500 0.0500 2.0000 0.0540 13.0000 0.0020 0.9700 0.0010 0.4000 0.4120 0,1200 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 4.4700 23.5000 8.5500 9.1000 21.3000 2518.0000 0.0010 0.0080 0.0100 0.1870 0.0500 0.1000 2.3000 1.3100 1.0000 2.1000 252.0000 0.0010 0.0050 SYMBOL RESULT UNCERTAINTY < 0.0500 < < < < 0.0500 0.5OOO 0.2000 2.4000 0.0100 0.4400 0.0500 2.0000 0.0100 0.0380 UNITS 0.0500 0.0500 0.5000 0.0200 0.4000 0.0100 0.0400 0.0500 2.0000 0.0020 0.0550 7.0000 0.0020 8.9800 0.9000 0.5530 70 .OOOO MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UNITS PCI/L PCI/G UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG L / MG/L M6/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 39 87.01714 MO 87.01714 NH3-N 87.01714 NH3-N 87.01714 N I 87.01714N03-N 87.01714 P 87.01714 P8 87.01714 PH 87.01714RA-226 87.01714RA-226 87.01714 SE 87.01714 SO4 87.01714 TDS 87.017I4 TH 87.01714 U 87.01714 V 87.01714 ZN SAMPLE NUM ANALYSIS 87.01715 AG 87.01715 AS 87.01715 BA 87.01715 CD 87.01715 CL 87.01715 CN 87.01715 CO 87.01715 CR 87.01715 CU 87.01715F 87.01715 FE 87.01715 HG 87.01715 MN 87.01715 MO 87.01715 .~ .NH3-N ~ . 87.01715 NH3-N 87.01715 N I 87.01715N03-N 87.01715 P 87.01715 PB ~. . 87.01715 PH 87.01715RA-226 87.01715RA-226 87.01715 SE 87.01715 SO4 87.01715 TDS 87.01715 TH 87.01715 U 87.01715 V 87.01715 ZN ~~ ~ ~~ < < < < 0.0020 1.9900 1.9800 1.1200 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 4.3900 9.2000 4.0300 1.0000 39.1000 2826.0000 0.0010 0.0200 0.0170 0.4250 RESULT UNCERTAINTY < < 0.0500 0.0500 0.6000 < < ~ < c < < 0.0100 2.6000 0.0100 0.5500 0.0500 13.5000 0.6330 200.0000 0.0020 10.7000 0.0020 4.1200 4.3700 1.2800 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 4.4600 5.7400 21.5000 1.0000 37.3000 2685.0000 0.0010 0.0090 0.0100 0.1930 MG/L 0.1100 MG/L MG/L MG/L MGiL UNITS PCI/L PCI/G UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 0.1000 0.9000 0.6200 1.0000 3.9000 283.0000 0.0010 0.0050 0.0100 0.0430 SYMBOL < 0.0010 0.1990 0.1980 MG/L UNITS 0.0500 0.0500 0.5000 0.0100 0.4000 0.0100 0.0600 0.0500 4.0000 0.0630 20.0000 o.oo20 1.1000 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 0.0010 MG/L 0.4120 MG/L 0.4370 MG/L 0.1300 MG/L 0.2000 MG/L 0.2000 MG/L ~r 0.0500 MG/L 0.1000 UNITS 0.8800 P C I / G 2.1oco PCI/L 1.0000 UG/L 3.7000 MG/L 269.0000 MG/L 0.0010 MG/L 0.0050 MG/L 0.0100 MG/L 0.0190 M6/L ~ ~ ~ A n a l y t i c a lr e s u l t sf o r animalsamples. SAMPLE NUM KANGAROORATS #42 599 #43 699 ASH WT 6.79 PEROMYSCUS 89 299 817 11.59 #22 21a ASH WT-3.49 SUNFISH 6009 WET WT 389 ASH WT BULLHEAD 4719 WET WT 149 ASH WT ANALYSIS SYMBOL RESULT UNCERTAINTY UNITS 87.08317 GSCAN 87.08317 MSCAN 87.08317 RA-226 87.08317 TH 87.08317 U 0.0000 0.0000 no elevatedmetalsobserved 2.8800 1.0300 PCI/G 1.3980 0.1400 UG/G 1.8890 0.1890 UG/G 87.08318 GSCAN 87.08318 MSCAN 87.08318 RA-226 87.08318 TH 87.08318 U 0.0000 GSCAN MSCAN RA-226 TH 0.0000 87.08319 87.08319 87.08319 87.08319 87.08319 U 87.08320 GSCAN 87.08320 MSCAN 87.08320 RA-226 87.08320 TH 87.08320 U 0.0000 no elevatedmetalsobserved 4.0000 1.9700 PCI/G 1.6090 0.1610 UG/G 3.7010 0.3700 UG/G 0.0000 ~ ~~ no elevated metals 0.4400 1.7700 0.2490 0.0250 1,0260 0.1030 0.0000 observed PCI/G UG/G UG/G 0.0000 No elevatedmetalsobserved 2.8100 0.5500 PCI/G 0.2300 0.0230 UG/G 5.8040 0.5800 UG/G The sampleswere dry ashed a t 450 deg C t o constantweight, and a l i q u o t s weretakenfortheindividualanalyses from theash. The e n t i r e animal was a s h e df o rt h er a t s on the assumptionthatanything t h a t ate a rat would consume a l l of i t . The heads and i n t e s t i n e s of thefishwere removed on the assumption t h a t peoplemight consume t h e f i s h . The GSCAN resu1,tsareattached on s e p a r a t er e p o r t s . TYPE -1 MCA 6. 1 SEGMENT # 1 REALTIME L- 10029.96 SECONDS, LIVETIME DATA COLLECTED AT 16:43:00 ON 30-NOV-87 1000.00 = 10000.00 SECONDS 1 kJ 0 0 0 .-TI X I. cn I- Z d’0 2048 , . * 1024 8708317 CHN I 3071 CHANNEL NUMBER 4095 TYPE = -1 MCA d 1 SEGMENT # 2 REALTIME = 10029.96 SECONDS, LIVETIME DATA COLLECTEO AT 16:43:00 ON 30-NOV-87 10000.00 SECONDS 10000. O O F --- t t d k 100.00 0 0 0 4 X tZ ' d0 t I O . oob : :;i"b, 0.01 U 1024 .- 8708318.CHN 2048 CHANNEL NUMBER 3071 4095 c w VI 0 z 0 u W LD 0 0 0 0 0 0 d n W b r m H I t U ww viz 0 Ad H I ->0 '* too zz .. .. woo TU0 mw ucnm v Cnm '0 0 dN(D *mioa a0 I- F a w-l -I - 0 I aw X 0 0 0 II H O C F: wAa pat rwa CUP 0 0 r( F: 0007; X 0 SINfl03 0 43 [I W TYPE = -1 MCA # 1 SEGMENT B 2 REALTIME 10030.24 SECONDS, LIVETIME = DATACOLLECTEDAT 08:58:00 ON 01-DEC-87 __. 10000.oo 10000.00 SECONDS .. .... -. 1000 .oo 0 0 0 d X cn I" Z 3 0 0 2048 8708320.CHN 3071 1024 CHANNEL NUMBER 4095 s c cn In 0 Tf r ( r. 0 rn m P 0 N -r d N 0 .. ._.:... .:. ,' .... , ??.. ... 6 '801 k 1-16 RANGE : 2914 = 1456.43 k r V t u 2932 = 1465.42 ke?) &REA : Gross = 26R7 hiet; = 2585 +/- 53 C E N T R D I D : 25'22.47 = 14613 .&& ke'J SHAPE : Fwhm = 1 .?O ke.: Fcrtm = 3.53 kteV at 1460.75 I D : K-40 Corrected Net. = 2535.0(:l!:i ROI # 1-17 ~ E V + i - 53.0 RANGE : 3521 = 1759.75 keV to 3541 = 175?.75 keV AREA : G r a s s = 2 9 4 Net. = 2(+8 r i - 17 CENTROID : 3529.69 = 1754.99 k e V SHAPE : F w h m = 2257 k eFVw t m = 4.45 k='V ID : BI-214 at 1764.49 keV + i - 19.ci Corrected Net = 2+8.1:i(3; MCH # 1 ROI # ' 2-1 . . EO1 # 2-0 ROI 2-1,:) # REI # 2-11 R O I +A 2-1".. RAPICE : 1813 = 9C16.35 keV to 1829 = 914.35 L::eV G R E H : G r o s s = BE5 N e t = 357 + / - 36 C E N T R O I D : 1921.28 = 91Ci.49 Ice0 SHAPE : F b h m = 1.74 ):eV Fwtm = 2.94 ke?, ID F:OI ++ 2-13 : P!o c l o s e library m a t c h 964.34 k e V to 1?45 = 472.34 k e V R G N G E : 1929 = N e t = 175 t/- 34 A R E A : G r o s s = 692 C E N T R O I D : 1936.79 = 968.23 I:eV SHUFE : F w h m = 1.47 k eFVw t m = 2.6ij k e V .. . I D : TB-ibb."'; de:. 966. 16 k e V C o r r e c t e d Net"?. 175.C10Ci . .. -z., ... .- . Ci- 36.0 i 3C"I '# 2-14 RANGE : 2230 = 1114.81 k e V t o 2248 = 1123.81 Ice() A R E A : Gross = 738 N e t = 297 + / - 35 CEi"4TRMD : 2239.21 = 11 19.42 k e V SHAPE : F w h m = 1.76 keV FWt m = 3.55 h:eV 1120.29 l:eV ID : EI-214 at C o r r e c t e d . N e t = 297.0CiO . HOI # 2-15 ., 2-15 2-17 +/- +/- 23.0 R A N G E : 2910 = 1454.74 k e V to 2930 = 1464.74 keV R R E A : G r o s s = 3436 Net = 3225 +/- 61 CENTROID : 2919.L13 = 1459.46 k e V SHAPE : F w h m = 2.22 k eFVw t m = 3.93 k e V I D : 11-40 at 1460.75 k e V Cnrrectzd N e t = 3225.000 +/301 * 2-18 501 * 2-19 25.i9 R A N G E : 2743 = 1371.26 l:eV to 2763 = 1181.26 hell AREA : G r o s s = 274 Net = 89 + / - 23 CEtJTROID : 2753.13 = 1376.35 ICeV SHGPE : F w h m = 1.37 I:eV Fwtm = 4.55 l:eV I D : BI-214 at 1377.82 k e V C o r r e c t E d N e t = 89.0ClCl ROI # 35.0 RANGE : 2653 = 1326.27 k e V to 2L71 = 1335.27 kei) A R E A : GI-GSS = 353 N e t = 59 +/- 26 CENTROID : 2662.42 .= 1330.98 h e V SHAPE : F w h m = 2.22 k eFVw t m = ?.OCI keV I D : CO-60 at 1332.50 keV Corrected Net = 59.00U. ROI # +/- 61 O . RAr4GE : 3154 = 1581 -72 k e V t o 3134 = 1571.72 ke?, A R E A : Gross = 206 N e t = -15 +/- 23 C o u l d nat p r o p e r l y fit t h e p e s k . 53 . ;dcB '# 1 ACQ 12-01-87 A T 08:58:20 R T : 1C1030.2 L T : 10000.C1 EGfG ORTEC GEM 2 0 1 8 5 ~D E T # '7 V V b S F E C I A L SAMFLE FClF: LIUF', 12/01/87 RUI # 17 = 38 .?4 1::eV RANGE : 65 = 32.74 keV to AREA : G r o s s = 3028 ?let = 428 +/- 59 CENTROID : 69.48 = 34.Y8 }.;.e?, SHAPE : Fwhm = 1.21 l:eV Fwtm = 2.59 keV 1-1 . I D : SH-125 at 35.50 keV Carrected Net = 428. O O C 1 EO1 # 1-2 +;- 59.0 RANGE : ,471 = 235.63 keV tn L t 8 3 = 341 -62 k e V Net = 6 4 4 AREA : G~-CGS = 4334 +;' m = 238.40 C:EV CEi4TEUID : 476.56 1.14 keV Fb*Jtm = 2.18 i e V SHAPE : Fwhm = I D : No close l i b r a r y match HOI # 1-3 RANGE : 584 = 292.09 k e V t a 596 = 298 - 0 9 i:eV AREA : G r o s s = 2449 N e t = 452 c / - 53 CENTROID : 590.07 = 295.12 keV SiiAPE : Fwhm = 1.42 ~::EV Fwtm = 3 - 1 9 k:e',' ID : FR-214 a t 295.21 k e V Corrected N e t = 452.u09 SO1 # 1-4 +;- RRNGE : 670 = 335.07 keV t u 682 = 341 .CIA keV ht?EA : Grass = 1899 Net = 123 + / - 47 CENTROID : 676.23 = 338.20 keV SHAPE : Fwhm = 1.14 ke?, Fwtm = 2.25 keV I D : Y-S1M at 337.00 k e V Corrected Net = 123.000 +/- ROI # 1-5 53.0 . 47.1) RANGE : 698 = 349.06 k e V to 710 = 355.C16 k e V AREA a. G r o s s = 2191 Net = 667 + I - 49 C E N T R U I D : 703.57 = 351.84 l:eV SHAPE.:,'$: Fwhm".= . 1.05 keV FbJtm = 2 . 3 4 keV k.C. -7 , '. ID :.:PB-214. ..at 351.92 k e V Corrected N e t . = 667. 00C1 + i - 49.0 . I I.. i RUI '# 1-0 RANGE : 1015 = 507.47 k e V to 1029 = 514.47 kelJ AREA : G r o s s = 1415 Net = 414 +/- 44 CENTROID.: 1022.02 = 510.78 keV SHAPE.: Fwhm = 1.63 k e d Fwtm = 2.92 IteV , 511.ClCI I D :.C0-56 at 414.000 Corrected N e t = .. HOI # 1-7 keV +/- 44.1) RANGE : 1159 = 579.43 k e V to'1173 = 586.42 ke'J ARE9 : Gross = 1155 Net = 460 + / - 37 CENTROID : 1166 35 = 583.1C1 I::eV i:3i keV Fwtm = 2.83 !(EL) S H W E : Fwhm = I D : No c l o s e l i b r a r y m a t c h ROI # 1-8 RANGE : 1212 = 605.91 IteV t o 1225 = 412.91 ke'V +/- 41 N e t = 646 CIREA : GI-GSS = 1149 CENTROID : 1218.59 = 609.21 !:e?, SHAPE : Fwhm = 1 - 2 8 I::eV Fwtm = 2.45 k:eV I D : BI-214 CorrectedNet ROI # 1-9 at 609.31 ~ E V = 645.00C1 ti- 41 .0 F:ANGE : i 4 4 7 = 723.35 keV ,tc, 1461 = ?30.34 keL' AREA : GI-GSS = Net 639 = 98 +/- 3111 CENTROID : 1454.62 = 727.15 keV SHAFE : Fxhm = 1.39 I:eV Fwtm = 2.42 I:eV ID : No c l o s e l i b r a r y mztch ROI * 1 -1 0 RANGE : 1582 = 790.81 keV t o 1598 = 798.30 keV AREA : GI-GSS = Net 586 = 29 c / - 32 CENTROID : 1589.97 = 794.79 keV SHAPE : Fwhm = 1.19 keV Fwtm = 1.90 keV FGi # 1-11 EO1 # 1-12 RANGE : 1931 = 965.21 k e V t u 1?47 = 973.29 keV A R E A : GI-GSS = 573 N e t = 177 +/ 30 C E N T R O I D : 1?38.36 = ?68.68 {::e'/ SHAFE : Fwhm = 1.62 k e V Fwtm = 2,AE keV at 966.16 I D : Tl3-lkl:j C o r r e c t e d Net = 177.00C~ ROI # 1-13 . . - Ice0 +/- 3 0 . 0 F:ANGE : 2233 = 1116.12 l:eV t a 2243 = 1 1 2 4 . 1 2 k e V AREA : GI-GSS = 578 N e t = 243 +/- 29 C E N T R O I D : 2241.45 = 1120.35 k e V SHAFE : Fwhm = 2.43 k e V Fwtm = 4.43 k e V ID : BI-214 C o r r e c t e dN e t at 1120.29 .. .... -- keV = 243.000 + / - 29.13 .' . . -. .x I .>A -6 i- ROI % 1-14 RANGE : 2914 = 1456.43 k e V to 2932 = 1465.42 k e V A R E A : G r o s s = 2919 N e t = 2786 + / - 55 C E N T R O I D : 2922.44 = 1460.64 k e V SHAPE : Fwhm = 1.98 iceV Fwtm = 3.64 k e V ID : K-40 at 1460.75 k:eV Corrected N e t = 2786.000 ROI # 1-15 +/- 55.0 RANGE : 317'7 = 1597.85 keV t o 3195 = 1596.24 k s $ J AREA : GI-uss = 182 N e t = 36 +/- 19 C E N T R O I D : 3185.76 = 1592.23 k e V 1-03 k e V Fwtm = 2.18 k e V SHAPE : Fwhm = . A .* .. . ID.,: NO: cIos&:i.librarv m a t c h HOi # 1-16 MCR # 1 ROI # 2- 1 RANGE : 3520 = 1757.25 keV t u 3540 = 1759.25 k e V A R E A : Gross = 293 N e t = 249 +/- 19 C E N T H U I D : 3529.95 = 1764.22 k e V S H A P E : F w h m = . 1.99 k eFVw t m = 3.?f> k:eV . . I D : BI-214. a t 1764.49 I::eV +i 19 (:I C o r r e c t e d N e t = 249.000 - EGSG ORTEC GEM 23210, DET # a S P E C I A L SAilPLE F O H WDFl 2-2 12/01/87 RANGE : 66 = 33 - 0 3 k e V to 75 = 38.02 l:eV A R E A : Gross = 2914 + / - 51 N e t = 751 C E N T R O I D : b4.50 = .32.27 I:EV SHAPE : Fwhm = 0.17 keV Fwtm = 2 . 17 k e V I D : CS-137 at 32.10 k e V C o r r e c t e d N e t = 751 .C100 +/- ROI # . - 51.0 RANGE : 144 = 72.02 k e V to 156 = 78.02 k e V AREA : GI-CGSS 11393 Net = 131 + I - 115 -c C E N T R O I D : 150.24 = lj.14 keV CHAFE : Fwhm = 0.82 keV Fwtm = 1.36 keV ' . . .._,.. .....-_.. :: 7.",. I,... . .. -. I D : No c l o s e l i b r a r y m a t c h KO1 # 2-3 R A N G E : 366 = 183.00 k e V t o 378 = 188.99 k e V AREA : G]-C~SS = 5586 N e t = 265 +/- 87 = 185.77 k e V C E P l T H O I D : 371.56 SHAPE : Fwhm = 1.17 k e V Fwtm = 1 .7? k e V I D : U-235 at lS5.71 k e V C o r r e c t e d N e t = 265.000 ROI # 2-4 +/- 87.0 . . . RO? # 5-7 2-5 RANGE : 584 = 291.97 k e V to 596 = 297.97 ke\J AREA : Gross = 3164 N e t = 483 +/- 6 0 CENTRDID .L 590.12 = 2?5.03 k e V Fwhm = 0.71 k e V Fwtm = 1.99 k e V SHAPE.,, ' : 1' 295.21 keV I D : PB-214 a t C o r r e c t e d N e t = 483.0ClO +/. . . .. ROI # 2-5 RANGE : 671 = 335.47 k e V ta 683 = 341.46 l:eV AREA : G r o s s = 2096 Plet = 186 +/- 49 CENTROID : 676.82 = 338.38 keV SHAPE : F w h m = 0.78 k e V Fwtm = 1.65 k e V at I D : CO-57 339.68 k e V C o r r e c t e d N e t = i86.0C11J +/- ROI # 2-7 2-8' 2-? 54.0 RANGE : 1014 = 505.93 k e V to 1028 = 513.93 k e V AREA : G r o s s = 1590 N e t = 553 +/- 46 CENTROID : 1021.00 = 310.43 k e V SHAPE : F w h m = 2.23 k e V Fwtm = 4.51 k e V ID : 1-133 at 510.57 k e V C o r r e c t e d N e t = 553.000 +/ROI # 49.0 RANGE : 698 = 348.96 k e V t u 710 = 354.95 k e V N e t = 940 +/- 54 AREA : G r o s s = 2595 CENTROID : 903.46 = 351.69 keV SHAPE : F w h m = 1.08 k eFVw t m = 2.22 i r e V I D : PB-214 a t 351.92 k e V C o r r e c t e d N e t = 940.000 +/- ROI # 60.C1 46.0 RANGE : 1159 = 579.42 k e V t o 1173 = 596.42 k e V : G r o s s = 1296 N e t = 520 +/- 41 CENTROID : 1165.80 = 582.82 k e V SHAPE : Fwhm = 1-37 k eFVw t m = 2.62 k e V AREA + . gc'i # 2-10 ROZ # 2-11 ROI # 2-12 i RANGE : 1528 = 763.33 btev t o 1544 = 771.88 k e v Plet = 90 +/- 36 AREA : G r c . s s = 736 CENTROID : 1535.91 = 767.83 k e V SHAPE : Fwhm = 0.89 k eF Vw t m = 2.11 k e V IG : BI-214 at 768.26 C o r r e c t e d N e t = 9iI.00il keV + / - 36.0 . . , '.. .. . .* .-. . + . '. :i :+. ...$. r : , . .. ..:I .L .?I.. EO1 # 2-13 R A N G E : 1813 = 906.35 k e V t o 1829 = 914.35 k e V AREA : G r o s s = 898 P l e t = 388 + / - 36 C E N T R O I D : 1821.36 = 910.53 k e V SHAPE : F w h m = 1.59 k eFVw t m = 2.67 k e V I D : No c l o s e l i b r a r y m a t c h ROI # 2-14 R A N G E : 1923 = 963.94 k e V to 1944 = 971.94 k e V AREA : G r o s s = a19 N e t = 189 + / - 37 CENTROID :.1936.82 = 968.25 k e V S H A P E : Fwhm = 1.60 k eFVw t m = 2.87 k e V HArlGE : 2230 = 1114.81 k e V t o 2248 = 1123.31 ke0 AREA : Gross = 747 N e t = 261 + I - 36 CEFJTHUID : 2239.03 = 1119.32 k e V SHAPE : Fwhm:=., . 1.83 k e V Fwtm = 3.94 keV , ,%?<: . ..VI ID : BI-214 a% 1120.29 k e V +/- 36 .O Corrected Net:.= ..........p 261 .000 ' ... ROI % 2-16 S'RPIGE : 2653 = 1326.27 k e V t o 2671 = 1335.27 k+J A R E A : G r o s s = 323 N e t = 96 +/- 24 CENTROID : 2662.42 = 1330.98 h:eV SHiiPE : Fwhrn = 1.46 k e V Fwtm = 4.01 keV ID : CO-00 Cctrrec ted ROI # 2-17 at 1332.50 N e t = 96.000 . keV RANGE : 2909 = 1454.24 k e V t o 2929 = 1464.24 keV WE.; : G 1 - 5 5 5 = 3782 N e t = 3651 +/- 6 3 CEFITROID : 2919.39 = 1459.44 k e V SHWE : Fwhrn = 2.t4 k e V Fwtrn = 4.03 k e V ID : K-40 at 1460.75 k e V C o r r x t e O N e t = 3651.000 ROI ++ Z-lE + I - 24.0 +/- 63.0 WNGE : 3Z15 = 1757.18 k e V t o 3537 = 1763.13 keV G R E A : Gross = 327. . _ _._ N e t = 275 +/- 21 CENTROID : 3525.39-.- 1.7A2.38 keV SHAPE : f w h m = ....2.34 k e V Fwtrn = 4.63 ke?, . .... i_i ._ + ,:: I D : HI-214 at 1764.49 k e V Corrected Net = 2715.000:': . . .. +/- 21 .0 Data Source 2. Report dated September 14,1987from J. Margo Metzger-Keele, Ph.D., Program Manager, Surveillanceand MonitoringSection, New Mexico Health and Environment Department to Robert Salter, Bureau Chief, Abandoned Mine Land Program, Energy and Minerals Department, Mining and Minerals Division. .. Pose Office 6ax 966 Santa Carmo* ENVIRONMENTALIMPROVEMENTOlVlSION Micnael J. aurxnarr Oirecror unn-cns GAB-- Fa.New MEXICO87Zcpo96a uucw GCUCCN L*3 " 5 c s c p L Mum C.0UN Srcr.- rcVUarC HEALTH w EWIRONMENT x m m r September 14, 1987 M r . R o b e r ,S a l t e r ,B u r e a u Chief AbandonedMine Land Program Energy & MineralsDepartment Mining & Minerals D i v i s i o n 5 2 5 Camino d e 1'0s Marquez Sarita Fe, N M 8 7 5 0 1 ... .. _ .- _ - "- . . .' Dear M r . S a l t e r : Enclosed is c u r e p o r o, tf h e more d e t a i l e d s u r r e y of t i e La Bajada Mine ,*ihich w e p e r f e z x e d t h i s summer. T f i i s suppleraents t h e firs= r e p o r - which w e s e n t t o you i n nay 1 9 8 7 . In t h i sd e t a i l e ds x r r e yt h e measurements of s u r f a c e radiation were made a= 3 0 f t . intervals Over t h ee n t i r ea r e a . rn -he a r e a s which r e q u i rree r a e d i a c i c n by t h ae d d i t i o n csf o i l ccver a r e d e s i q n a z ib esy do r e s p c nlsienoeus t l i n ien6 rea. W e have c a l c x l a t e d t h e amount of s o i l c a v enr e c a s s a rtfroe d u c e the h i q h e s tr a d i a t i c nr e a d i n q t o a c c a p t a b l el e v e l s , which is 4 0 cx. ?rem t h e mas you c a n see t h a t noc a l l areas rewire t h a t much s o i l ccrver. However, s i n c e s o i l nus= b e moved a r c u r d w i t h a b u l l d c z e r , a metkod which iinits t h e a b i l i t yt og r a d u a t es o i l d e q h , w e reccnmend from a p r a c t i csatla n d p o i anntads a b e ccvered with campromise t h a t t i e e n t i r e a r e a o u t l i n e d i n r e a 20-40 cx. soil c a v e r . 1 : you h a v e f u e l h e r q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e c s n t a c - , .7. Margo Metzger-Reele, me a t 8 2 7 - 2 9 5 7 . Ph.D. ? r e g r a m Manaqer Surveillance and Mcnitoring Section -~ ~ c l c s c = "~4 +: d i o l c g i c S c F r e y cc: cf La Bajaea Xine: ?x+- 11" Michael F. Brown, Chief,RadiationPrcrtectionBureau Peter W. Karp, District Ranger, E s p a n o l aR a n g e rS t a t i o n T i t o Madrzd, District I Manager, E I D ,061CALSURVEY OF THE R S t a r Mine) i s l o c a t e di nt h eS a n t a The L a BajadaMine(a.k.a.TheLone C a n y o na, p p r o x i m a t e l y 2% m i l e su p s t r e a mo ft h es m a l lv i l l a g eo f o f a small w o r k i n gcso n s i s t e d a r e a i s e s t i m a t e dt o manager.;heirwort and and west The i s now i s about one a c r e . d i s t u r b e da r e 3 s t r e t c ha l o n gt h er i v ebr o t he a s t L i m i t e dr e c l a m a t i o nw o r kh a s La Bajada. p i jt u s nt o r t ho tf h er i v e r T. h i sp i t f l o o d e dt ;h ae r e oat fh ree s u l t f n pg o n d t o t a ld i s t u r b e d Fe R i v e r Dumps and o t h e r of t h ep i t . The be 1 5 a c r e s . beendone b yt h eF o r e s tS e r v i c e ,w h i c hi st h el a n d has c z n s i s t e dl a r g e l y o f g r a d i n g se1ec:ed o rpei l eiosnr d etbrou rrya d i o a c t ' vm e a t e r i ae:m i t t i n g p o r t i o n so f spoil more than 70 m i c r o r o e n t g e n sp e rh o u r( u R , / h ) . In December 15186, t h eR a d i a t i o nP r o t e c t i o nB u r e a up e r f a m e d a p r e i i m i n a r y gamma r a d i a t i o ns u r * l e y o f t h es i t e I. na d d i t i o n s, o i l and water samples were taken a n da n a l y z e df o trh eu r a n i u md e c a ys e r i e s . The f i n d i n g showed t h atth e r ew e r e 300 uR/h (120 uR/h a ts p o t s a r e 3 sw i t hr a d i a t i o nl e v e i su pt o w h e r et h eF o r e s t S e r v i c er e g r a d e dt h ea r e a ) . Based on t h e s er e s u l t s ,t h e3 u r e a u made f o u r recommendat'ons,the r e a d "?rior t o any more r e c ! a m a t i o na t t e m p t s , f i r s t o f which a more d e t a i l e dr a d i a t i o ns u r r e y s h o u l d be p e r f o r m e i "T.h e r e f o r et h, Re a d i a t i oPn r o t e c t i oQ n u r e apue r f o r m e d more d e t a i l e d gamma r a d i a t ' o n s u r v e y d u r i n g J u l y a 1987. METHODS A 20 f o o t b y ?C f o o t g r i d 300 f o o tt a p em e a s u r e . was l a i d o u t o v e r t h e e n t i r e s i t e , u s i n g A 30 s e c o n di n t e g r a t e d I a t r a n s i t and gamma r a d i a t i o n measurement was . . . . , 63 L 1 ine i n t e r s:ection, using an t h e'n taken a t a h eight of on!e meter, a t eachgrid E b e r l i n e EST-2 w i t h an a t t a c h e d HP-270 G-Iy probe. An Eberline PRM-7 micr0-R meter was used t o double check some of the ES?-2 measurements. Background measurementswere made approximately a q u a r t e rm i l e away from t h es i t e , i n an areaofundisturbed soil. RESULTS The r e s u l t s o f the survey have been p l o t t e d on a map ( i i c u r e 1:. Background v a l u e s have been s u b t r a c t e d , so t h a t t h e f i g u r e s shown a r e due s o l e l y t o the c a n t a m i n a t es opdi Iilslat .i n t o stehetarhetes d i n g s were e l e v a t e d , although n o t g r e a t l y . Only a few o f the readings were over 100 u R / h . The h i c h e srte a d i n c was 330 u R / h , a t a local ?zed h o t s J o t between g r j d 1 ines. There were some readings i n t h ree g r a d e da r e stsh a t were above t h oe r i g i n a l t a r g e tv a l u eo f 70 uR/h. t o the ues: o f t h e s i t e o f New Mexjc3. Eightbackground gamma measurementstaken r e s d i n g o f 1 3 u R / h . T h i s i s very.typical had an average RECOmEXDATIOHS As f a r as we know, t h e r ea r e no l e g a lr a d i o l o g i c a ls t a n d a r i st h a ta o u l da p p l yt o the gamma r a d i a t i o ne m i t t e da t t h e La Sajada Mine. However, Section 4-150 o f t h e New H e x i cRoa d i a t i oPnr o t e c t i oRne y l a t i o sntsatthelai tc e n s e e s and r e g i s t r a n t s s h o u l d n o t possess, u s eo, trr a n s f e sr o u r c e os rf a d i o a c r i v i t y in u n r e s t r i c t e da r e a s i n such a way t h a ta n yi n d i v i d u a l would receive a whole-body dose exceeding 0.5 renperyear. I: we assume a personstandingupright for 24 hours a d a y , 365 days per y e a r , and i f we assume t h a tt h e ground on which he i s s t a n d i n g i s t shoeu r c e o f exposure, the exposure rate from t h e ground cgrrespond'ng ta t h e 0.5 reg/y dose would be approximately 57 uR/h. !This valuecorresponds t o 4 4 u R / h on t h e map, because a backgroundvalue O f 13 u R / h h a sb e e ns u b t r a c t e d .I s o r e s p o n s el i n e sa tt h i sl e v e l have been drawn on Figure 1.) L These values, while admittedly conservative and somewhat a r b i t r a r cyo, u l d as agoal below which t o reduce gamma r a d i a t i o n on the mine n e v e r t h e l e s ss e r v e site. .. We t h e r e f o r e recommend t h ar te c l a m a t i oanc t i v i trye f e r t o the gamma l e v e l s mapped o u t by this survey and proceed i n a manner t h a t will a s s u r et h a t a11 a r e a sa r ec o v e r e d t o a d e p t hs u f f i c i e n t t o reduce gamma r a d i a t i o nl e v e l s t o or below 57 uR/h a t a heightof one meter. The highestrecwded measurement o f 330 uR/h w i lrle q u i r e a soil cover depth o f a t leas: 40 cn. Other areas with a l e s s e r a d i a t i o nv a l u e will requirelesssoilcover.Heasuresshould be taken t op r e v e n te r o s i c n ,s p e c i f i c a l l y , on t h e 3:! s!opegraded by theForestService l o c a t e dw e s t o f t h e p i t anda largegully e3st 3 o f the p i t . I I Data Source 3. Report dated May 29,1987 from J. Margo Metzger-Keele, Ph.D., Program Manager, Surveillance and Monitoring Section, New Mexico Health andEnvironment Department to Robert Salter, Bureau Chief, Abandoned Mine Land Program,Energy and Minerals Department, Mining and Minerals Division. Govsmor Posz Office Sox S 6 S Sanca Fe. N e w M ~ X ~ C S O ~ ~ C U - C ~ E ~ WhSKO HEALTH uo ENVlRCNMEHT ENVIROflMEHTAL IKPROVEMEHT DIVISION BUREAU RADIATION PROTECTION (505) 827-2957 LARRY GCncc:~ S.CP.Cary CARLA L M U M 0.0"W s.crs- 0vmw.r May 29, 1987 Mr. Robert S a l t e r , BureauChief Abanoonei MineLand Program Energy & MineralsDeaartment Miningand Minerals Division 525 Camino de10s Marquez Santa Fe, N M 87501 Dear Mr. S a l t e r : "Radiologic Survey of t h e La Bajada Mine". Ue Enclosed i s o u r r e g o r t i t l e d f o r radioactive have made an e f f o r t t o include i nt h i sr e g o r ta l lo t h e ra n a l y s e s r a t e sr u r r o u n d i n g t h i s abandoned nine.included c o n s t f t u e n t s i ne i t h e rs o i lo r a r er e g o r t s o f 1 ) a gamma radiationsuweyperformed by theRadiazionProtect'on Burezu in Decernber 1986; 2 ) w a t ear n a l y s i s o f t h e mine p i t , Santa Fe r i v e r , and " s a r i n g("i n f i l t r a t i ogna l l e r y ) sampied i n 1978-79; 3 ) mine pwi ta , t s r (";lona") a n a l y s i s i n March 1987, performed by Groundwater Section, EID; ana d ) a n a l y s i s o f d r i n k i n g water samples collected by D i s t r i c t 1, EID. On t h e b a s i s o f t h e s er e ? o r t s , we have made recommendationsprimarilyforthebenefit of theEsaanolaRangerStationstaff who planfurrherreclamation of t h ea r e a beginning t h i s s p r i n g o r summer. if you have f u r t h eqr u e s t i o n sp, l e a s ce o n t a c t a t 827-296. me a t 827-2557, or Alan Hall Sincerely, J . Margo Keele, Ph.D. ProgramManager S u r v e i l l a n c e andMonitorfngSectfon MK/nL Enclosure 1) 2) 2) cc: 1 "RadiologicSurvey o f La Bajada Mine", RPS/E!O SLD Analytical Regort: Uater Samples, La Bajada Mine (GroundWater/Hazardous WasZe Bursau/E!D) SC9 Analytical ReFort: La Eajada/Domingo D r i n k i n g Water Samples ( E I D F i e l dO f f i c e - S e r n a l i l 1 0 ) Michael F. Brown, BureauChief,RadiationProtection P e t e r W . Kar?, D i s t r i c t Ranger,EsganolaRangerStation T i t o M a d r i d ,D i s t r i c t I Manager, E I D Bureau New Mexico Radiation Protection Bureau Way 26, lo87 I,-, c:'! ..,.. -.. . ,-i i .:- ... I.. , - ; I , I :' , - -. :" ,-. -. - . ..- . _.... - .., I .w!sn I -1 ! .. ! " ; I "! . .! I : The La 8ajada Mine !a.k.a. The Lone S t a r Mine! i s locate3:Gn t h e cant;. Fe River Canyon, approximately 2% miles upstream o f the sirgL~E?dU+e-&-" - i La Bajada. The workingsconsisted o f a m a l l open p i t..-%suj - - . r i v e r . This p i t i s now flooded;thearea o f the r e s u l t i w I > dOUUC. - .- L. oneacre. Dumps and o t h e r d i s t u r b e da r e a ss t r e t c h a1 on$&e a s t and west o f t h e p i t . The t o t adli s t z r b eadr e a i s very roughly e s t i m a t e dt o be 1 5a c r e s . Limitedreclamation work has been done by t h eF o r e s tS e r v i c e , which i s the landmanager.Their work has consisted1ar;ely of grading selected p o r t i o n s o f s p o i al n do r ep i l e s i n ordertoburyradioactivematerial e m i t t i n g more than 70 microroentgens (uR) per hour. These graded areas a r e shown on the a t t a c h e ds k e t c h o f t h e mine a r e a( F i g u r e I). ;he Radiation Protection Bureau perforsed a survey o f tghaem a o f t h e La Bajada Mine a r e 3 i n Oecember r a i i a t i o n o f the s u r f a c es o i l 1986 a t the requesl; of R o b e Sr ta l t e r , Abandoned Mine Land Sureau. Suasequent t 3 t h a tt i n e , Mr. Toby Mora, a La Ba'ada r e s i d e n t ,r e q u e s t e d t s t i n d o f the drink'ngwater s u o p l y a t La 3a:ada V i l l a g e as well a st h e wa:er i n theSanta Fe River, s i n c et h el a t t e r i s used for irritation o f cr3ps. He claims ts have 10s: a r e a el s t a t es a l e d u e t o theprgximity o i his7raperr.yto t h e mine. We a l s ol e a r n e do f tire Fates: S e r v i c e ' s i n t e r e s t i n p e r f o r m i n agd d i t i o n arle c l a m a t i o anc t i v i t i e s on t h e area. S i n c et h e i o r e s t S e r v i c e was aware thatpeoolewere swimming a n d f i s h i n g i n t h e "aond" a t the La Sajadamine, we dec'ded t o alsoanalyzewater samples from t h ew a t e r i n t h e p i t . Gamma r3diat;on was measured a t onemeterabove t h e groundsurface g s i n g Ejer!ine P?M-7 microroentgenmeters. Two meters were used; they were l acsa:l i b r a t e d on 11-17-86 a n d 6-10-86. Readings were taken at numerous l o c a t i o n s , some o f w h i c h a r e shown on Figure 1. These locationswerenotse!ecteci i n a predeteninedmanner, b u t r a t h e r were ss1ec:ed becausetheyaopearedrevresentative o f p o r t i o n s of t h e mine s i t e or becausetheyappeared 1 i kely due t o c o l o r ,t e x t u r e ,a n a so f o r t h - t o be m r er a d i o a c t ' v et h a n s u r r o u n d i n g l o c 3 t i o n s . For example, some p a r t s o f t h e s i t e a r e dotted w i t h small p i 1 es o f dark-colored m a t e r i a l , each c l e a r l y b e i n g a s e p a r a t e load o f a small dumo truck. Judging from t h e iprl a c z m e n t and t hfea ct ht ewy e rneogtr a d eodr cgvered, we assume t h e ya r ep r o t o r e l, o w - g n d eo r et h a t was s e r a s i d e w i t h t h e hope t h a t i t might be ec3nomical t o mil 1 i t a t a l a t e r d a t e . - As s u c ht ,h e r e is ason t o e x p e ctth e s e piles t L Je more t h aonr d i n a sr yp o ai l n, d we a c c o r d i n gcl yo n c e n t r a t e d r e a d i n g s a t t h e s ep i l e s .S e v e r a dl o z e nl o c a t i o n sw e r ec h e c k e d . radioactive many of t h e and p r o t o r e were t a k e na t n i n el o c a t i o n s . Samples o f S o i l ,s p o i l , They w e r ec o l l e c t e dw i t h a spade t o a d e p t h o ft h r e e o r f o u irn c h e s . Each s a m p l ec o m p r i s e da b o ufti v ep o u n d s . The sample l o c a t i o n sa r e shown on F i g u r e I. The one s a m p l e( L E - 0 c) l a s s i f i e d as " s o i l " was t a k e n f r o m an o f tm h ei n e . As such, it r e p r e s e n t s a u n d i s t u r b es diot eu t s i d e " b a c k g r o u n ds a m p l e "S. a m p l e cs l a s s i f i e da "ss p o i lw" e r ec o l l e c t e df r o m h eitnhhea oatbdv i o u s l y been dis:urSed. These m a t e r i a l s on tm r e p r e s e n t a h e r e r o g e n o u sm i x t u r eo fw e a t h e r e d and u n w e a t h e r e d m a t e r i a l s . f o r U-238,U-234, ThThe s o i l , s p o i l , and p r o t o r es a m p l e sw e r ea n a l y z e d 220, Ra-226,and 'Sb-210 b yt h e New M e x i c oS c f e n t i f i cL a b o r a t o r yD i v i s i o n (SL3) i n Albuquerque. The samples were ground and a f i v e gram subsample was d i g e s t e di n a m i x t u r eo fn i t r i c ,s u l f u r i c , and h y d r o f l u o r i c a c i dFso.l l o w ipnygr o s u l f af ut es i otdhni ef, f e r ennutc l i dwees r e E3TA, s e p a r a t s db yc o p r e c i p i t a t i o nw i t hb a r i u ms u l f a t ec, h e l a t i o nw i t h and s o l v e n te x t r a c t i o n . U-228,U-224,andTh-230weremeasured b ya l p h a spectroscopy, Ra-225 radon byemanation, and Pb-210 the beta by e m i s s i o n s o f i n g r o w nS i - 2 1 0d a u g h t e r s . i nt h ef l o o d e dp i t was sampled by the E:D On Y a r c h 4 , 1 0 8 7t,h ew a t e r Groundwater Sureau. These u n f i lt a r e d samples were a n a l y z e db yt h e SLD -:or g r o s s a1 pha, Gross beta, U-234, U-225, U-238, Th-220, Ra-225, Ra2 2 5 , and P5-210. Gross alpha and gross beta were measured by e v a o o r a t i n g an a o p r o p r i a vt eo l u m e o f sample i n a c o u n t i n g pan and c o u n t i n gi n an i n t e r n a pl r o p o r t i o n a cl 3 u n t e r . The c o n c e n t r a t l o n so tf h e one liter o f sample i n d i v i d u anl u c l i d e sw e r ed e t e r n i n e db ye v a p o r a t i n g f o r t h se o i l , and a n a l y z i ntghree s i d ubetyh e same procedure used s o o i i , and p r o t osr ae m p l eesx, c etphta t Ra-223 was d e t e r m i nbeyd measuring the beta c o o r e c ; p i t a t i n g Ra-226 and Ra-223 w i t h BaSOa and e m i s s i o n s o f i n g r o w nA c - 2 2 9d a u g h t e r s . The w a t e r si nt h ep i t , f r o m t h ei n f i l t r a t t o ng a l l e r yi n t ot h eS a n t J Fe ?!ver ( c a l l e tdh "eS p r i n g " ) , and i nt h e Santa Fe R i v eurp s t r e a m and e ater downstream o tf h em i n ew e r ea l s oc g l l e c t e d and a n a l y z e d by t h W o f E!D i n 1978 and 1979. Althouah we do n o t P o l l u t i o nC o n t r o Sl e c t i o n on the methods ernployed, and i nf a c ct a n n o t have d e t a i l e di n f o r m a t i o n l o c a t ehsea m p l i nl og c a t i o nwsi t h a ng yr e a t pe r e c i s i ot hnat hne d e s c r i p t i o n s shown i n T a b l e 3 , t h ea n a l y s e sh a v eh i s t o r i c a li n t e r e s t and a r ei n c l u d e di nt h er e p o r tf o rt h a tr e a s a n I n e a r l yM a r t 3 1987, O i s t r i c : I , EIO, t;ok a d r i n k i n gw a t e rs a m p l ef r o m a t O o m i n g oA.l z h o u gthhsea m p l i nsgi t e was t h e Domingo T r a d i nPg o s t i t i s on t h e same w a t e r l o c a t e d 5 t o 10 m i l e s f r o m La S a j a d aV i l l a g e , s a p p l ya sL aS a j a d aV i l l a g e ,w h i c hi st h ec l o s e s tc o m m u n i t yw a t e rs u p p l y t ot h e La BaCada M i n eF. ot rh i s reasan, t h e sder i n k i nagn a l y s easr e a l s oi n c l u d e di nt h i s re?ort. 2 71 FINDINGS Gamaradiationmeasurements On the mine dumps, p i t , and graded areas ranged from 20 t o 300 u R / h r . The low f i g u r e (20 u R / h r ) i s q u i t ec l o s e a t the o l dg a t et o the mine. t o a 15uR/hrbackgroundmeasurementtaken (Background r a d i a t i o n i n t h e Santa Fe a r e at y p i c a l l yr a n g e s from 12 t o 15 uR/hr.) The highestreadingtaken i n a n area regraded by the Forest S e r v i c e was I20 u R / h r . S o i l ,s p o i l , and p r o t o r ea n a l y s e sa r e o f a l lt h er a d o n u c l i d e s i n t h es p o i l the c o n c e n t r a t i o n s i n t h es o i ls a m p l e . shown on Table 1. Concentrations and protoresamplesare well above Analyses o f t h ew a t e r sampl e sc o l l e c t e d on March 4 , 1987 a r e shown on Table 2 . Two samples (0050 and 0052) e x c e e tdh set a t de r i n k i n w g ater standard for g r o s as l p h a c c i v i t y . Sample 0052 a l s o excseds t h e s c a t e d r i n k i n g waterstandard f o r radium. Analyses o f thewatersamplesc3llected Table 3 . i n 1978 and !a79 a r e shown on. Analysas o f t h e drinkingwatersampletaken from t h e La BajadaVillage w a t e rs u p p l ya r z shown on Table 4 . None o f theseconcentrationsexceed New Yexicg Drtnking'daterStandards. DISC!JSSIOI( AnD REiJOMnE?iDATIOI(S As f a ra s we know, t h e r ea r e no l e g a lr a d i o l o g i c a ls t a n d a r d st h a t would aopiy t o t h e gamma r a d i a t i o ne m i t t s da t t h e La aajada Nine. However, Section 4-!53 o f the NM R a d i a t i oPn r o t e c t i oR n e g u l a t i o nsst a t etsh a t llcsnsees and r e g i s t r a n t s s h o u l d n o t possess, use, or t r a n s f e sr o u r c e s o f r a d i o a c t i v i t y i n u n r e s t r i c t s d a r e a s i n such a way t h a t anyindividual e x c e d i n g 0.5 rem per year. would r e c e i v e a whole-body dose I f we assume a person standing u p r i g h t f o r 24 hours a day, 265 days p e ry e a r , and i f we assumethattheground on which he is standing i s thesource o f r a d i o a c t i v i t y t o which he i s exposed, the exposure rate from t h e ground c3rres;ondingto the 0.5 rem/yrdose would be approximately 57 This f i gure, whi 1e admi tzedl y somewhat microroentgens per hour. a r b i t r a r yc,3 u lnde v e r t h e l e s s serve a s a goal below which t o reduce gamma r a d i a t i o n on the mine s i t e . Our s p e c i f i c recommendationsare: 1) P r i o r t o any more reclamation attempts, r a d i a t i o ns u r v e ys h o u l d be p e r f o m e d . 2) R e c l a m a t iaocnt i v i t y s u r v e y andproceed a more d e t a i l e d s h o u l d r e f e r t o the f i nra ld i a t i o n i n a f a s h i o n t h a t would r e s u l t i n a l l 3 ! I 72 problem a t - a s being covered so t h a t the g a m ar a d i a t i o nl e v e l s measured a t 1 m e t e r a r e l e s s t h a n 57 u R / h r . Future recl amation activities shoul d include measures to c o n t r oe lr o s i o n on the s i t es,p e c i f i c a l l y on a 3:L s l o p e graded by the F o r e sSt e r v i c el o c a t e d west of the p i t and a l a r g e g u l l y e a s t o f the p i t . The water i n t h e pond should not be u t i l i z e da s water supply. 4 a drinking TABIE 1 SOH., SI’OII.. AND I’ROTORE ANALYSES Pb-210 Sample No. LB-I ( s p o i l 1 LB-2 (protore) LO-3 ( s p o i l ) LR-4 ( s p o i l 1 LB-5 (protore) LO-6 ( s p o i l ) LB-7 ( s p o i l 1 LB-8 ( S p o i l ) Lo-9 ( s o i l 1 (background sample) * (PCil9) 24.0 87 32.0 10.2 0.4 - 1.2 T t 3 T T T 10.9 T 0.67 T The secondfigurerepresents 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.12 5.7 120 24.2 85 42 10.4 9.7 10.5 0.40 onestandard 6.2 257 t 0.4 t 6 -t 1.2 3 t 2 T 0.6 T 0.5 T 0.6 T 0.12 - 8.1 127 970 1o.n 7.9 7 0.5 15.0 T 0.7 0.45 T - 0.12 deviation 5 t 0.4 t 14 T - 0.5 .t 7 4 50 T 0.6 13.3 T 0.8 3.80 T 0.22 0.20 T - 0.20 74 TABLE 2 AnALYSES OF YATER SdHPLES COLLECTED MARCH 1987 FROn THE LA BAJADA MINE PIT Sample No. 0049 (Cmposite taken near surface around perimeter) Sample No. 0050 (South side a t 10' depth) S a p 1 e No. 0051 (m corner at 15' depth) G r o s s a1 pha ( R e l . t o U-238) (pCi/l! 45 - 6f 111 -+ 14 42 -+ 6 32 -+ 3 82 -+ 8 32 -+ 4 2 I4 0 + 16 42 -+ 23.4 Gross a1 pha ( R e l . t o Am-241) ( pci / l ) Gross a l p h a( l e s s U contribution) (pCi/l! Gross beta ! p C i / l 1 5J.i 0 u-235 ! p C i / l ) -+ 3 23.2 + 1.1 1-96 - 0.95 U-238 (pC'/l) 22.6 u-234 ! p C i / l ) 10 ?ad 25.5 1.24 -+ Th-230 ! p C i / l ) 0.17 Ra-225 ( p C i / l ) 0.17 - 1.0 - 0.08 - 0.02 Ra-228 ( p C i / l ) 0.4 -+ 0.2 0.9 -i. Pb-210 ( p C i / l ) 0.4 -+ 0.3 7.3 -+ 25.8 4 3.0 3.03 *The s e c m d f i g u r ? r e p r e s a n t s one s t a n d a r dd e v i a t i o n 6 1.4 0.26 1.07 1.4 23.2 -+ -f 0.3 2.1 0.23 0.08 0.3 1.1 1.3 2.0 -+ 6 -+ 1.2 -$. 0.06 -i. 1.2 -+ 0.2 -+ 0.06 -+ 0.4 -+ 1.0 TABLE 2 CONTINUED ANALYSES OF UATER SAIBLES COLLECTED MARCH 1987 FROM THE LA BAJAOA HINE PIT M e r Mexico Sample No. 0052 (m corner a t 30' to 50' depth) Gross a1 pha (Re1 t o U-238) !pci/l) 131 Gross a1 pha (Rei. t o Am-241) (pCi/l) 95 62.0 . Drinking Yater Standard New Mexico Groundwater Standard "- "- -+ o "- -" 15 p C i / l "- -+ 16" Grossai pha (less U contribution) u-238 !pCi/l) 33.6 -+ 1 6 -* 11 -+ 1.5 -+ 0.97 -+ 1.4 Th-230 ! p C i / l ) 11.3 -+ 0.8 -+ - 0.3 (pci/l) Gross beta ( p C i / l ) u-226 ( p C i / l ) u-235 ( p C i / l ) ?.a-225 !pCi/l) 111 34.1 1.54 E + E ._ Ra-225 ! p C i / l ) 1.2 Pb-210 ! p C i / l ) 14.3 """"- -" - 5 pCi/l f 0.3 f 1.5 "- *The second figure r e p r e s e n t s on e s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n M a n a t u r a l( p C i / l ) = Unatural(mg/l) --"- x 724 pC:'/mgm M S p e c ' f i c a c t i v i t y o f naturaluranium 7 30 pCi/l "- 76 Ra-226 ( p C i / l ) S a n t aF eR i v e r o f mine site k m . iu p s t r e a m 12-27-78 1-11-79 3.8 7.8 8.0 5.1 7 .s 8.3 2.9 3.5 0.21 8.2 7 .8 60.1 48.7 0.1 2.8 7 .a 7.1 14.5 0.3 0.31 0.98 0.51 S a n t aF eR i v e rd o w n s t r e a m o f minesite(at ~SGS gaging s t a t i o n ) 12-27-78 1-11-79 L aS a j a d aM i n e Pit 12-27-78 1-11-79 S p r i n g 50 f e e t e a s t thepit 12-27-78 1-11-79 2.9 of 8 13.5 , ., - . ~~. , .. , _ L Y " 1. 77 TABLE 4 ANALYSES OF A DRINKING UATER S m L E COLLECTED IN HARCH 1987 FROM DOMINM) - Gross alpha w/AM Gross a l p h a w/U Gross beta - w/Cs Gross beta w/Sr/Y 241 r e f . nat - ref. 137 ref. - 00 r e f . *The second figure represents = 2.9 + 0.5' pCi/l = 4.5 + l.? pCi/l 1.0 pCi/l = 7.6 + 1.0 pCi/1 = 7.6 2 one standarddeviation. 9 .. .. .. " 11.218 (~EilGl ............. 5.8 118. Y 0.4 Y 6. 11.214 Hs.226 (ILiIc) (IciIC) ............._ 5.7 120. Y 0.4 Y 6. ......._.._... vo iduJ (117. 24.0 Y 1.2 24.2 Y 1.2 ( 87. Y 3. 85. Y Y 1.4 42. Y vo ided 77. 2. X 0.6 10.4 9 0.6 8.4 90.5 9.7 Y 10.9 Y 0.6 0.67 X0.12 235. Y13. 10.5 231. 0.5 I 9. 232. 110. 233. Y 10. .0.02 Y 0.06 6. Y 6. Y Y 970. Y 50. 930. Y 50. ) 10.8 Y 0.6 11.4 Y 1.4 13.3 I 15.5 Y 1.7 0.8 voided 3.43 Y 0.20 ( 0.74 Y 0.12) 0.L voided Y 5. Y 6. 10.0 Y 1.4 4.1 Y 0.7 241. Y 14. 241. Y IO. 264. Y 15. 254. Y 18. 271. Y 16. 265. Y 20. ) vo ide.d .0.12 Y 0.07 1.3 101. 3.80 Y 0.22 ( Y Y 7. vo idcd 6.4 Y 0.3 .0.09 Y 0.08 19.6 127. ( (178. 0.06 Y 0.06 Y 11. 211. 1 voided (150. 228. 0.5 8.3 Y 12. Y 9. Y 8.1 ( 0.12 226. 1. Y voided Y 0.6 0.40 Y Y 14. ) vo idLd Y 0.5 ) (215. 10.2 257. 4. Y Y 0.6 5.0 9.7 3. ( 32.0 X 0.4 6.2 1 vo i&d .0.05 Y 0.06) -0.01 voided Y 0.05) 0.02 n 0.02 .6.1 Y 0.1 n 0.02 0.0 n 0.3 u 0.4 Y 0.6 ( -0.10 0.00 Y 0.06 .0.04 Y 0.08 voided ( ......................... u or . 1 ntvlrlerddcviintion value. -0.05 Y 0.05) .0.02 0.02 , Data Source 4. Analytical report for water sample from DomingoLa Bajada dated March 25, 1987 from the Radiochemistry Section of the Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Health and Environment Department to the Water Supply Section, New MexicoHealth and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. J - . SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY DIVISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE [505]-841-2500 Albuquerque, NM 87106 APR L, 1987 -. ' ' ~ ' 0wASrc/Ci(uU;,D wA SURVU4riCE To : Radiochemistry P U Section ........................................ * ANALYTICAL REPORT * * m *. . . . . . .SLD Accession I : RC-87-0049 ................................. A Water sample. Submitted: March 5, 1987 W n : m e QuiILh " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " EID-Ground "DEMCGRAPHIC _"_""" Water/ Hazardous Analysis " " " " " " " " " " " LABORATORY Date: RADIATION PROTECTION Location Township: Range: Section: Tracts: (not supplied) (not supplied) (not supplied) (not supplied) RESULTS: " " ~ " " " " " " " U -238, U -234, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, G-Alpha G-Beta EID - DATA: Collected On: 4-Mar-87 At: 1230 hrs. By: McQ In/Near: none given "ANALYTICAL _"" "_"""" User: Submitter: non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd W/ Am-241 refa w/ Cs-137 ref. ""_Value Sigma D. """- 22.40 23.20 0.17 0.17 0.44 1.00 1.10 0.08 0.02 0.43 0.23 3.00 32.00 19.00 L m t " " " 0.31 3.00 2.00 3 .OO Analyst "pci/L _Units """pCi/L pCi/L pci/L pCi/L pci/L pci/L pci/L REMARKS: By: Reviewed Distribution: .30-&&c 8 2 Loren A . Berg&, PhD Supervisor, Radiochemistry section [ 3 User, [ * I Submitter, [ ] Report TO, [ ] SLD-Section Environmental Imorovement Oivision P.O. Box 968-Crown Building Santa Fe. N e w Mexico -875044968 Samole Preparation ( Filtered (x) Non Filtered PH Conductivity '750 umho ANALYSES REQUESTED %) Gross Alpha (Re1 to U 238) Gross Alpha (Re1 to Am 241) Gross Beta (xj Uranium 238\ ;&q' ( k ) Uranium 235 (x Uranium 234, ( ) Thorium 232 Thorium 230 ( ) Thorium 228 'Radium 226 (% Radium 228 (x) Lead 210 ( 1 Polonium 210 ( ) IU ( ) Radon 222 G a m a Spectroscopy ( 1 Other ( g3 Conductivity at 25OC -umho - , vt SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY DIVISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 [505]-841-2500 APR L" Radiochemistry 1987 *'ID swcQlrcE wAsrr/CR@,,o W4T& To : Section ........................................ * * ANALYTICAL REPORT * * SLD Accession #: RC-87-0050 ........................................ A Water sample. Submitted: March 5 , 1987 """""""_"""""""- submitter: EID-Ground DEMOGRAPHIC User: """"""""""""- Water/ Hazardous EID RADIATION PROTECTION DATA: ================ collected On: 4-Mar-87 At: 1215 hrs. By:McQ InjNear: none given Location Township: Range: Section: Tracts: Value """- Sigma "-"" D. Lmt Units Analy: U -238, non-SDWA Mth'd 5 -234, non-SDWA Mth'd Th-230, non-SDWA Mth'd Ra-226, non-SDWA Mth'd Pb-210, non-SDWA Mth'd Ra-228, non-SDWA Mth'd G-Alpha W/ Am-241 ref. 194.00 G-Beta w/ Cs-137 ref. 1.40 ANALYTICAL (not (not (not (not supplied) supplied) supplied) suppliec2) RESULTS: 1 " " " " " " " " Analysis " " " " " " " " " " " 26.80 28.60 3.00 3.93 7.30 0.90 82.00 LABORATORY REMARKS: "_ ""_. 1.40 0.30 0.23 1.30 0.30 8.00 14.00 5.00 7.00 - A. Date: 36 M?ot.-67 Loren A. Berqe,'PhD Supervisor, Rahiochemistry section [ ] User, [ * I Submitter, [ ] Report To, [ ] SLD-Section Reviewed By: Distribution: - " " " Samole Preoaration ( ) Filtered pH . .. . Conductivity (x Non Filtered ,750 m h o AHALYSES REQUESTED (%) Gross Alpha (Re1 t o U 238) ( ) Gross Alpha (Re1 to Am 241) r>o ('k) (X) ( ) o() ( ) Ix) Gross Beta Uranium 238\ Uranium 2% ' Uranium m,i Thorium 232 Thorium 230 Thorium 228 'Radium 226 Radium 228 0 "f" U .- (x) Lead 210 ( ) Polonium 210 ( ) Rzdon 222 ( ) ( ) G a m a Spectroscopy Other SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY DIVISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, N M 87106 [505]-841-2500 4PR o Radiochemistry 1987 *********************************X** * ANALYTICAL REPORT * * SLD Accession X : RC-87-0051 ........................................ * fJWJ v~AS.,c,G,r", To : SU@UAriCE WER .IU Section Water A sample. Submitted: March 5, 1987 User: Submitter: " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " EID-Ground "DEMOGRAPHIC "_"" . Water/ Hazardous PROTECTION DATA: Collected On: 4-Mar-87 At: 1245 hrs. By:McQ In/Near: none given ""_ ANALYTICAL Location Township: Range: Section: Tracts: (not (not (not (not supplied) supplied) supplied) supplied) RESULTS: """"""""-=x "_ Value Analysis " " " " " " " " " " " U -238, non-SDWA U -234, non-SDWA Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, G-Alpha G-Beta "--""""""""""- EID RADIATION Mthld Mthld non-SDWA Mthld non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd w/ Am-241 ref, w/ Cs-137 ref. 23.20 23.40 1.10 0.98 2.90 1.10 32.00 42.00 "_ S iqaa D. Lmt Units Analyst " " " 1.20 1.20 0.20 0.06 1.00 0.40 4.00 6.00 ""-" "_ 4.00 7.00 LABORATORY REMARKS: Date By: Reviewed Distribution: [ : 36 -&a-67 Loren A. BergeYPhD Supervisor, Radiochemistry Section 3 User, [ * ] Submitter, [ 3 Report To, [ ] SLD-Section Attention: NJ\cQu; \ l a w & Uater ( ) Soil ( ) Sediment ( ) Vegetation ( ) Air Filter I S M ?E. 4.1253 Samole Preoaration ( ) Filtered (M Non Filtered pH Conductivity '753 umho ANAiYSES XEQLIESTED u) ( ) c>6 (k) (x ( ) bc) ( ) (X) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - . . Gross Alpha (Re1 to U 238) Gross Alpha (Re1 to Am 241 Gross Beta Uranium 238y * 5,,"Fic Uranium 2 3 5 r l Uranium 2 3 4I ~ Thorium 232 Thorium 230 Thorium 228 'Radium 226 Radium 228 Lead 210 Polonium 210 Radon 222 G a m a Spectroscopy Other ( ) Data Source 5. Analytical report for water sample from La Bajada Mine Pit dated April 8,1987 from the Radiochemistry Section of the Scientific Laboratory Divisionof the New Mexico Health and Environment Department to the Ground WaterLHazardous Waste Bureau, Environmental Improvement Division, New Mexico Health and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. SCIENTIFIC WBOFLXTOR JIVISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, NM87106[505]-641-2500 Apt? __ 0 7987 '. Radiochemistry Section ........................................ * ANALYTICAL REPORT * * SLD Accession t : RC-87-0050 ........................................ To : A Water sample. Submitted: March 5 , 1987 - User: submitter: """""~"""""""""~ """""""~""""" Water/ Hazardous EID-Ground EID RADIATION - PROTECTION DEMOGrWPIlIC DATA: ""_"""""== Collected On: 4-Mar-87 At: 1215 hrs. By: McQ In/Near: none given Location Township: Range: section: Tracts: Sigma "-"" D. Lat (not (not (not (not supplied) supplied) supplied; supplieC: ANALYTICAL RESULTS: Analysis "_Value 26.80 """"""~"~""" u -238, non-SDWA Mth'd U -234, non-SDWA Mth'd Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, G-Alpha G-Beta LABORATORY non-SDWA non-SDWA non-SDWA non-SDWA w/ Am-241 w/ Cs-137 28.60 3.00 Mth'd 3.93 Mth'd 7.30 Mth'd 0.90 Mth'd 82.00 ref. 194.00 ref. " " " 1.40 1.40 0.30 0.23 1.30 0.30 8.00 5.00 14.00 7.00 "pci/L "_Units Xr,alysz ""_ pci/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pci/L pCi/L : REMARKS Distribution: * - A. Date: 36 Rlarr-67 Loren A. Berge, PhD Supervisor, Radiochemistry Section [ ] User, [*I Submitter, [ ] Report To, [ ] SLD-Section Reviewed By: SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY ISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, 87106 [505]-841-2500 RE^^^^^^ Radiochemistry LlQWa ~ 4 9 ~ C'L'.W,D SuRWlGd)c5 WAYAr@ Section ........................................ * ANALYTICAL REPORT * * SLD Accession 4 : RC-87-0049 **********x***************************** To : Graund W.&v /Hat. A Oas-#& n t *om Water sample. b:w 07.5-ar/-o ILF Submitted: March 5, 1987 M u : m e QdJLh - User: Submitter: " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Water/ Hazardous EID-Ground - """"""""~"""" EID RADIATION PROTECTION DEMOGWPHIC DATA: """"""""""""""""- Collected On: 4-Mar-87 az: 1230 hrs. By:MCQ In/Near: ncne given ANALYTICAL RESULTS: " """""""""""""""-"" Analysis " " " " " " " " " " " U -238, non-SCWA U -234, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, G-Alpha G-Beta Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDKA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd non-SDWA Mth'd w/ Am-241 ref. w/ Cs-137 ref. Location ""_Value 22.40 23.20 0.17 0.17 pci/L 0.44 0.43 32.00 19.00 "_ Township: Range: Section: Tracts: (not (not (not (not 1.00 "pCi/L "_ 1.10 0.08 pCi/L pCi/L Sigma Lnt D. Units " " " 0.02 pci/L 0.31 * ""_ AnZlySZ LMfk k PC1/L PCi/L pci/L 0.23 3.00 3.00 supplied: supplied) supplied) supplie;,) 2.00 3 .OO % LABORATORY REMARKS: Reviewed By: Distribution: [ Date: 3mu Loren A. Berq& PhD Supervisor, Radiochemistry Section ] User, [*I Submitter, [ 3 Report To, [ c ] ST SLD-Section Samole Prcoaration 5*L/L ( ) Filtered ( x ) Non Filtered ( ) o HE103 pH Conductivity 'is0 umho ( HZS04 ( Temp. 9 . 5 Conductivity a t 2 5 O C -umho Samole Preoaration ( ) Filtered (;d NonFiltered . .. . pH Conductivity '755' umho ANALYSES REQUESTED o() Gross Alpha (Re7 to U 238) ( ) Gross Alpha. (Re1 to Am 241) Gross a e t a Uranium 238? ,W f i ' c>c) Uranium 2?5r1s' ' U (x) Uranium 234,) ( ) Thorium 232 &) Thorium 230 ( ) Thorium 228 Ix) Radium 226 Radium 228 (x) ( ) ( ) Lead 210 Polonium 210 Radon 222 ( ) G a m a Spectroscopy ( ) Other SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY DIVISION 700 camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, NM 87106[505]-841-2500 4PR L I V m y,As,c n '' Radiochemistry 1987 c13 Section ........................................ ** ANALYTICAL REPORT * SLD Accession X : RC-87-0051 * ........................................ , i L ' l u J , ~ uw~~~~ SUW1!&CE To : A Water sample. Submitted: March 5, 1987 - " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " EID-Ground """_" User: Submitter: Water/ Hazardous DEMOGiUPHIC DATA: """"""""Collected On: 4-Mar-87 At: 1245 hrs. By:McQ In/Near: none given EID RADIATION Location : ANALYTICAL RESULTS """""""""AEalysis PROTECTION Township: Range: Section: Tracts: (not suppliee; (not suppliek; (not suppliee: (not suppiiek) " " " " ~ " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " U -238, non-SDWA """^ 23.20 Mth'd U -234, non-SDWA Mth'd 23.40 1.10 Th-230, non-SDWA Mth'd 0.98 Ra-226, non-SDWA Mth'd Pb-210, non-SDWA Mth'd 2.90 1.10 Ra-228, non-SDWA Mth'd 32 .OO G-Alpha w/ Am-241 ref. 42.00 G-Beta w/ Cs-137 ref. Lmt Units D. "_sigma 1.20 Value " " " k?Zl:;S " " " FCi/L pci/L PCF/L pCi/L pCi/L pci/L pCi/L pci/L 1.20 0.20 0.06 1.00 0.40 4.00 6.00 ""_ 4.00 7.00 LABORATORY REMARKS : By: 36-Lfa-87 Reviewed Distribution: [ Loren A . BergeYPhD Supervisor, Radiochemistry Section ] User, [ * I Submitter, [ ] Report To, [ 1 SLD-Section Samole PreParation ( Filtered Non Filtered pH Conductivity ? ' . TConductivity umho (x 6 ANALYSES REQUESTED s- l / & (x HNO3 ( HZ504 ( Temp. 9.5 at 25oC -umho SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY DIVISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE m?" Radiochemistry Section Q 'lQUI0 To : '987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yIAs'E~~Ro~h.p 'yArur* ANALYTICAL REPORT SLDAccession suRvE1tL4Q #: * RC-87-0052 *********x****************************** A Water sample. Submitted: March 5, 1987 - User: """"""""""""- Submitter: "_"""""""""""""EID-Ground ""DEMOGXAATHIC """""""""""-""-" Water/ Hazardous RADIATION PROTECTION DATA: Location Collected On: 4-Mar-87 At: 1300 hrs. By:McQ In/Near: none given ANALYTICAL EID Township: Range: Section: Tracts: (not supglie?) (not suppliee) (not supplie?) (not sugplie?; RESULTS: =================== Analysis " " " " " " " " " " " Sigma ""_Value " _ 33.40 1.40 U -238, non-SDWA Mth'd 34.10 U -234, non-SDWA Mth'd 11.30 non-SDWA Mth'd Th-230, 5.50 non-SDWA Mth'd Ra-226, 14.30 Pb-210, non-SDWA Mthld 1.20 Ra-228, non-SDWA Mth'd G-Alpha W/ Am-241 .ref. 95.00 111.00 G-Beta w/ Cs-137 ref. ""_ pci/L ; i ?.a ;,.:: " " " " " " pCi/L pCi/L pci/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pci/L 3 1.50 0.80 0.30 1.50 0.30 9.00 11.00 - D. Lmt Units 5.00 7.00 LISA % " 4 LASORATORY REMARKS: Distribution: - Date: 3d"kA Loren A. Berqe.&PhD Supervisor, Radiochemistry Section [ ] User, [ * ] Submitter, [ 3 Report To, [ 3 SLD-Sectioa Reviewed By: REPORT TO: Samole Preoaration ( ) Filtered (XI NonFiltered PH Conductivity 75-9 ANAiYSES T(E&IESTiD umho - . . o() Gross Alphz (Re1 to U 238) Grcss Alpha (Re1 to Am 241) Gross Eeta b d Uranium 238\ 0%fiC r>o Uranium 2257'1 , L 4 1 (x) Uranium 234,; ( ) Thorium 232 o ( ) Thorium 230 ( ) Thorium 228 Cxl Rzdium 225 09 Radium 228 (x) Lead 210 ( ) Polonium 210 ( 1 Radon 222 ( 1 G a m a Spectroscopy ( ) Other REMARKS BY ANALYST && i d l ruy. -f f s k , Dcu, ( , 25cc -m h o _. i s SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY DIVISION 700 Camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 [505]-641-2500 Radiochemistry CiY Section ........................................ ANALYTICAL REPORT * * * 6 L D Accession # : RC-87-0048 A &,Go/ ........................................ To : ' & $ A 7 7 A Water sample. Submitted: March 3, 1987 User: EID Field "DEMOGRAPHIC """""""- Office, Bernalillo - EID WATER SUPPLY DATA: Collected On: 24-Feb-87 At: 1225 hrs. By: Mor In/Near: Santa Fe County Location Township: Range: Section: Tracts: "_Sigma " D. Value L m t Units (not supplied) (not supplied) (not supplied) (not supplied) PNALYTICAL ESULTS: =================== Analysis "_ 2 .'90 """"~""""""~ G-Alpha G-Alpha G-Beta G-Beta w/ w/ w/ w/ Am-241 U -nat Cs-137 Sr/Y90 ref. ref. ref. ref. 4.50 7.60 7.60 0.60 1.10 1.00 1.00 " " " 1.00 1.60 1.60 1.60 "_ pci/L Analysz pCi/L pCi/L pci/L Cnrr Lbx.sL@de ss ""-" L h Z z L LABORATORY REMARKS : Date:Reviewed By: Distribution: [ -&-?? Loren A. Berge,&hD Supervisor, Radiochemistry Section 3 User, [*] Submitter, [ ] Report TO, [ ] SLD-Section Data Source 6. Analytical report for water sample from La Bajada Mine Pit dated April 24, 1987 from the Radiochemistry Section of the Scientific Laboratory Divisionof the New Mexico Health and Environment Department to the Ground WaterEIazardous Waste Bureau, Environmental Improvement Division, NewMexico Health and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Yell Depth Water Level Conductivi ty umhc (Uncorrected) Taste? Odor? Color? Collectors Remarks Temperature Conductivity a t 2P C From -' From A-HzS04 Sample: ENitrate-p mg/l mg/l Chemical mg/l oxygen d e m a n y mg/l 0 From F , A-HN03 Sample: - a ICAP Scan n U B 3 K e t a l s by AA (Specify) nn Tis?& F: accompanies o r e sample(s 1 marked as fol1 ows Whole sample (no f i l t r a t f o n ) F i l t e r e d i n f i e l d w i t h 0 . 4 5 ~membEne f i l t e r Acidified w i t h 2 ml conc H2SD4/1 Acidified w i t h 5ml conc HN03/1 )lo acid added .. . -. . Date Analyzed HA Sample: Calcium Potassium bgnesium Sodium Bicarbonate Chloride Sulfate Total So7 ids h i ' t r i te-N 0: Ammonia-N -9 Kilo/ mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l ICAP SLD Date IcP81 Lab No. Analyst SCAN Reviewed by: Date Reported: < ,- 23 Analyzed .q- -a 7 ELEWENT ICAP VALUE (mg/l) Aluminum Barium Beryllium' Boron Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Molybdenun M VATaE(mq/l) <O,Ol Nickel Silicon Silver Strontium Tin Vanadium Zinc Arsenic Selenium Mercury 461 0.5 <a0 I Well Depth pH Uater Level maho/m (Uncorrected) Taste? Odor? Collectors Color? Remarks Temperature ' Conductivity a t .. 25% . PROJECT: From Ba ;ada " A-HzS04 C; NT trate-H+ Ni tri te-N oc -/a M;cp Sample: mg/l - 0 h o n i a-N 0 Chemical mg/l mgll oxygen d e m a n d 0 From -* A-HNO3 Sample: ICAP Scan N e t a l s by AA (Specify) ample(s) marked as follows to i n d i c a t e fi;laEtrpatmen, A - H i O 3 I . Acidified w i t h 5ml conc H N ~ J / ~ i added .. .. . -..,.. ...., . .. .. ' 8 *.".:' . . ./UP .I '. . . - ..-. 3 - 5 .y7 Uell Depth PH Water umho/c: (Uncorrected) Taste? Odor? Color? Col1 ectors Remarks Temperature .oc Conductivity a t 2 SJC .. . Nitrate-@ Ni tri te-N - d c . 0 4 mg/1 aAmnoni a-N Lo, Chemical oxygen demand Z ~ Cal ci tnn L mg/l 0 Potassium mg/l mg/l 3-27 mg/l hgnesium ms/l mg/l 0 Sodium Bicarbonate Chloride Sulfate Total Sol ids mg/l mg/l n 0 From -* fl A-HNO3 Sample: umho/a mg/l mg/l ICAP Scan U K e t a l s by Mi (Specify) or?^ sample(s1 marked 'as follows t o i n d i c a t e ield t r e a t n e n t : Uhole sample (no f i l t r a t i o n ) F/?* . I" F i l tered i n f i e l d w i t h 0.451 membr-ne f i l t e r ( ' - H 2 m Acidified w i t h 2 m l conc H2SO4/l 4,0r LAAcidified w i t h Sml conc tIN03/1 .3 NA: . Ilo acid added . . +. Tis&f . ... . .d h R U $ . . - ' .', ... ... . rm accompanies _. . . . . .. . . .._ -: $64' .: v.., .O(, 1. @& .C ?.L 5,. . .. . . . 103 Data Source 7. Two printouts of STORET data and a computer disk of (water analyses) from the Santa Fe River Through June 8,1994. STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ' INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM r 00010 WATER TEMP CENT 00011 UATER TEMP FAHN 00042 ALTITUDE FEET AB MSL 00061 STREAM FLW. INST-CFS 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 2 5 i MlCRMlHO 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IDENT 00300 DO MC/L 00301 DO SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00430 ALK CAC03 C03 MG/L 00440 HC03 I O N HC03 MC/L 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N MG/L 00605 ORC N N MG/L 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL MG/L 00612 UN-IONZD NH3-N HG/L 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 MWL N 00625 TOT KJEL MG/L 00630 NO2&N03 N-TOTAL MG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MGlL N 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/L P 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT MG/L 00927 MGNSIUM MG,TOT MG/L 00929 SCCIIUM NA.TOT MGlL 00937 PTSSIUM K,TOT MG/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MGlL 00945 SULFATE SD4-TOT MC/L 01002 ARSENIC AS, TOT UGIL 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT UGlL 01027 CAOMIUM C0,TOT UG/L 01034 CHROHIUH CR,TOT UC/L 01051 LEA0 PB.101 UG/L 01077 SILVER AG,TOT UG/L 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT UG/L 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR llOOML (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) R m r k codes: K . less than, J - PAGE: URC110.002025 URG110002025 35 33 24.0 106 1447.0 4 SANTA FE R I V E R AT TETILLA PEAK ACCESS ROAD B R l O C 35049 NEU MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0006.280 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH 01/01/01 84/08/07 1115 WATER WATER 23.5 74.38 5450 6 397 843505 3.8 53.48 84/08/07 1600 UATER 26.0 78.8$ 84/08/08 0945 WAlER 19.0 66.28 426 843505 4.4 65.58 403 843505 5.6 72.88 11350 50.85C 42.820C 4.780 7087 27.27C 19.180C 5.020 2934 16.13C 10.750C 3.850 47.600 3.25 8.03C 2.410 24.200 3.07 8.09C 3.080 14.600 1.53 5.38C 3.010 estimated, C - calculated by investigator, $ 84/08/08 84/09/05 1520 154512350855 UAlER UATER 26.0 22.2 78.8B 72.08 3 470 843505 4.3 63.38 7.80 0 183 772 12.332 5.290C 4.110 .1528 .1858 9.400 2.95 7.06C 2.560 4 560 843505 5.7 79.18 7.80 69 19.72C 2.980C 8.520 .2438 .2958 11.500 8.22 16.74C 4.150 40 6 230 1K 71 42 2.0 5K 24000J - calculated by STORET. 1 84/09/05 1710 WATER 25 .O 77.08 WATER 14.0 57.28 570 843505 2.9 42.28 7.40 475 843505 6.2 72.8$ 7.60 61 19.63C 4.280C 5.050 .071% .OB68 9.330 10.30 15.35C 3.510 84/09/06 84/10/30 393 16.28C 2.130C 5.550 .0558 .0678 7.680 8.60 14.15C 3.850 42.4 3.4 59.80 8.97 39 44 5K 100 3 6 5K 1 .OK 5K 19005 UATER 52 17.10C 6.900C 7.900 14.800 2.30 10.20c 2.690 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM PAGE: URG110.002025 URGll0002025 35 33 24.0 106 1447.0 4 SANTA FE RIVER AT TETILLA PEAK ACCESS ROAD BRIOG 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R10 GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0006.280 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 2 FROM PREVIWS PAGE) "---~""""--"""""~""""~~"""""..". . - - .- - ... .. - .......... ...- .- - - - . (SAMPLE CONTINUE0 INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME 01/01/01 84/08/07 1115 WATER WATER p MEDIUM 46570 CAL HARD CA MG 70300 RESIDUE DISS-180 71900 MERCURY HG,TOTAL C 84/08/07 1600 WATER HG/L MG/L UG/L 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/09/05 84/09/05 84/09/06 0945 085515201710 1235 WATER WATER WATER WATER ~~ omoo ... .. 00301 nnun - - .-- nn .. DO SATUR 00666 PHOS-DIS PHOS-OIS CALCIUM HGNSlUH SWlUH PTSSIUM CHLORIDE SULFATE WATER 13.5 6.6 43.98 27 9 766 9.4 94.18 8.10 ~~ vu , ,, 00440 HC03 ION HC03 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT 00600 TOTAL N N 00605 ORG N N 00608 NH3tNH4- N DlSS 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL 00612 UN-ION20 NH3-N 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 00625 TOT KJEL N 00630 NO2gN03 N-TOTAL 00631 NO2gN03 N-OISS 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN 00665 PHOS-TOT 00671 00916 00927 00929 00937 00940 00945 01002 01007 01027 (SAMPLE 85/02/25 1130 ORTHO CA-TOT MG.101 NA,TOT K.TOT TOTAL S04-TOT su MG/L 52 7.56C MG/L MG/L .oooc HG/L1.060C 80 449 7.0% 1.050C 5.800 HClL ~. ~~ MG/L HG/L HG/L 85/03/14 1540 WATER MC/L N MG/L P HC/L P MG/L P MG/L 5.660 8.26C 2.800 6.03C 2.380 85/05/21 1150 85/05/27 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 1420 1200 1600 1110 85/05/29 1710 WATER WATER WATER WATER 56.38 52 283 8.1 93.38 8.00 149 223 3.73c 2.400 2.200 .0478 .OS78 3.260 .47 .6 2.67C 1.190 .950 .910 4.610 .OB18 .098$ 5.100 2.46 1.42 MG/L MC/L MC/L AS,TOT UC/L BARIUM BA,TOT UC/L CADMIUM CD,TOT UC/L CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) K - Less than, J - WATER .WATER 21.2 70.28 37 207 6.8 92.08 7.80 226 5.7 71.88 7.90 279 1.58C .26OC .600 17.0 62.68 23.0 73148 17.2 218 82.8% 7.90 206 7.0 88.28 7.90 22.9 73.28 50 228 6.1 85.68 7.80 343 2.49C .04OC 511 2.67C .550C 344 2.71C .53OC 509 2.73c .2ooc .0168 .0198 .a60 .72 1 .840 .0458 .0558 1.880 .61 1.300 ,0498 .OS98 1 .a50 .82 1.600 .0408 .0498 2.130 1.700 .0518 .0628 1.900 .83 1.32C .640 2.45C 1.100 2.12c 1.130 2.18C 1.070 36.4 5.2 18.40 3.12 12 23 HC/L MC/L ARSENIC Rcmrk codes: .5K "..______""______"""".""""". MG/L MG/ L MG/L 5K 160 2K estimated, C - WATER WATER 1208 353 .5K """_______"""-."""""""""""""""~ INITIAL DATE INlllAL TIME MEDIUM 00010 WATER TEMP 00011 WATER TEMP 00061 STREAM FLOW, 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 2 6 C 84/10/30 1545 c a l c u l a t c d by investigator, 8 - cvlculotcd by STORET. 5.9 .58 2.53C 1.100 . STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARH /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM PAGE: URG110.002025 URG110002025 353324.0 106 14 47.0 4 SANTA FE RIVER AT TETILLA PEAK ACCESS ROAD 8RlOG 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER RO I GRANDE-ABOVE PEC& R I V E R 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0006.280 ON 0000 FEET OEPTH 3 (SAMPLE CONTINUED FROH PREVlWS PAGE) ............................................................................................ INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME 84/12/05 1545 UATER HEOlUH CHROHIUM CR,TOT 01034 01045 01051 01077 01147 31616 46570 50060 71900 IRON LEA0 SILVER SELENIUM FEC COLI CAL HARO CHLORINE MERCURY FE,TOT P8,TOT AG,TOT SE,TOT HFM-FCBR CA MG TOT RES0 HG,TOTAL UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L IlOOML MGlL MG/L UGIL INITIAL DATE I INITIAL TIME HEOlUM DO010 WATER TEMP CENT 00011 UATER T EHP FAHN 00070 JKSN TURB JTU 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C MlCROMHO 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IOENT 00300 DO MG/L 00301 DO SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH SU 00410 T CAC03 ALK HG/L 00440 HC03 ION HG/L HC03 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N MGIL HG/L 00605 ORG N N 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL HG/L 00612 UN-ION20 HG/L NH3-N 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 HGIL MG/L N 00625 TOT KJEL MG/L N-TOTAL OD630NO2BN03 00640 T INORC. NITROGEN HG/L N MC/L P 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/L 00900 TOT HARO CACO3 00915 CALCIUM CA,OISS MG/L 00925 HGNSIUM HG/L MG,OISS 00930 SWlUH MG/L NA,OISS 00935 PTSSlUH MG/L K,OISS (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Remark codes: K - less than, J - 85/02/25 1130 WATER 85/03/14 1540 85/05/21 2150 WATER WATER 85/05/27 1420 UATER 30 85/05/28 1200 WATER 5K 6200 1OK 2.OK 5K 85/05/28 1600 WATER 85/05/29 1110 WATER ~~~~~~ 85/05/29 1710 WATER 290 1128 .09 .5K "---"""".._"""..".""""""...."~~"."""".""""""."".""""""~ 86/08/05 1040 WATER 22.5 72.59 86/08/05 1545 WATER 30.5 86.9$ 462 863508 7.4 102.7% 8.40 534 863508 6.2 99.7% 8.80 25 8.50C 1.420C .780 .OB38 .lo19 2.200 6.30 7.0% 2.640 9 8.14C 1.560C .180 .062$ .0755 1.740 6.40 6.581: 2.390 estimated, C 86/08/06 1240 WATER ~~ 26.0 510 863508 7.3 108.88 8.40 170 208 21 8.87C .8OOC 1.530 .2038 ,2475 2.330 6.54 8.07C 3.100 44.0 6.3 64.40 6.63 - 86/08/07 86/08/07 0905 1400 88/02/25 1350 WATFR WATER WATER 5n.o 20.0 ...~ 14.8 68. 09 86.08 58.68 24.0 385 518 759 863508 863508 8.4 6.7 7.3 89.05 117.38 100.68 8.20 8.50 8.52 139 170 22 332 59 8.74C 7.89C 7.99c 1.850C 2.380C 1.353c 6.010 .440 .357 .4919 .0269 .0728 .088% .5985 .a328 7.860 1.710 2.820 5.07 6.28 .88 6.891: 5.51C 6.64C 2.910 .170 2.700 60 170.0 4.9 69.00 10.00 ' ~~~~ c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 9 - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. STORE1RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM 4 PAGE: URG110.002025 URG110002025 35 33 24.0 10614 47.0 4 SANTA FERIVERATTETlLLA /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 35049 MEXICO NEU PEAK ACCESS ROAD SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER RID GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0006.280 RIVER ON 0000 FEETDEPTH (SAMPLECONTINUEDFRCUPREVIOUSPAGE) I N I T I A L DATE I N IT I M A LE MEDIUM 00940 CHLORIDE 00945 SULFATE 00946 SULFATE 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARIUM UC/L BA.101 01027 CADMIUM 01034 CHROMIUM 01051P8,TOT LEAD 01077 SILVER 01105 ALUMINUM 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FECCOLI 46570 CAL HARD 50060 CHLORINE 70300 RESIDUE 71900 MERCURY 74041 VPF Remark codes: K 86/08/0586/08/0586/08/06 1040 1240 1545 p WATER WATER TOTAL MC/L S04-TOT SO4-OISS HC/L HG/L AS,TOT UG/L CD,TOT CR,TOT 41 39 40.2 UC/L UG/L UG/L AG,TOT UG/L AL,'TOT UC/L SE,TOT UG/L MFM-FCBR /lOOHL CA HG HG/L TOT RES0 HG/L OISS-180 MC/LC 373 UG/L HG,TOTAL SAMPLE UPDAlEO - UATER 5 140 1K 5K 1 OK 1 .OK less t h a n , J - 398 estimated, 5K 100 1K 5K 1OK 2.0 1300 5K ... 5K 200K 1368 .10 21K 4458 394 333 380 861003 861003 .5K 861003 861003 861003 C - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 0 - BRlDG 392 .5K 880509 c a l c u l a t e d by STORE1 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM PAGE: 5 URG110.002035 URG110002035 35 33 27.0 106 0907.0 4 ALAMO CR NEAR MOUTH ON SANTA FE RIVER (OIVERTEO) 35049 NEU MEXICO SANTA FE 120900 WESTERN GULF UPPER RIO GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.890 OFF 0000 FEET DEPTH /IYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ""________".""_"""""."""""..""""""""""""... INITIAL D A l E INITIAL TIME 01/01/01 . .. MFnlllH .. . . UATER WATER ALTITUDE STREAM CNDUCTVY 00430 00440 00530 00610 00612 00619 00625 00630 00665 00945 01002 01007 01027 01034 01051 01077 01147 31616 70300 71900 C03ALK CAC03 HC03 ION HC03 RESIOUE TOT UFLT NH3tNH4MG/L N TOTAL UN-ION20 NH3-N UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 MC/L TOT KJEL N NO2BN03 N-TOTAL MC/L nndnn - - .-- WATER r 00010 00011 00042 00061 00095 00116 00300 00301 INTNSVE 00 00 .PH.. TEMP TEMP FEET FLOU, AT 25C SURVEY INST-CFS MICROMHO IOENT SATUR MG/L PERCENT CENT FAHN AB MSL SULFATE ARSENIC BARIUM K - 819 843505 7.5 109.38 8.20 155 843505 6.1 79.58 8.20 P 93 .400 .031$ .a378 .980 .ll .180 12 .130 .a068 .0088 .630 .09 .180 MG/L UG/L UC/L UC/L UG/L UG/L UC/L UG/L /lOOML - 84/08/08 84/09/05 1200 84/09/05 1540 WATER WATER WATER 951 843505 8.7 111.18 8.20 .01 832 843505 8.6 126.88 8.20 843505 11 1 .0 : .0088 .0108 .a00 .05 ,180 378 3 .050 .a048 ,0058 .650 .04 .140 115 5K lOOK 1K 16 5K WATER 18.8 65.88 20.0 68.0% .004 809 843505 8.4 110.78 8.30 825 843505 7.6 102.38 7.90 4 .Dl0 .00078 .OD088 .210 .10 .230 5K 440 513 .5K UC/L lees than, J 84/08/08 11551125 1.OK MC/l INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEOIUM TEMP CENT 00010 UATER TEMP FAHN 00011 UATER (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PACE1 Remark codes: 1 .030 .OD28 .0038 .830 .12 .170 MG/L C 84/08/08 0920 UATER 0 MG/L SO4-TOT AS,TOT BA,TOT CAOMIUM CD,TOT CHROMIUM CR,TOT LEAD PB,TOT SILVER AC,TOT SELENIUM SE,TOT FEC COLI MFM-FCBR RESIDUE DISS-180 MERCURY HG,TDTAL O . l 819 843505 8.0 116.68 8.20 MC/L MG/L 84/08/07 84/08/07 1520 2040 WATER UATER UATER 23.8 25.5 23.817.0 17.6 74.88 77.98 62.6863.7874.88 5820 su MGlL MG/L PHOS-TOT 84/08/07 1010 84/09/06 0740 UATER 11.5 52.7% estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d hy inVeStig8tor. B - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET 3 .050 .0028 .0028 .300 .OB .270 STORET RETRIEVAL94/06/08 DATE PGM-ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME e MEDIUM 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 25C 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY DO 00300 00301 DO SATUR PH 00400 00440HC03 ION HC03 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL 00612UN-IONZDNH3-N 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 00625 TOT KJEL N1 00630NO2&N03N-TOTAL 00665 PHOS-TOT 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT 00927 MGNSIUM MG,TOT 00929 SWIUM NA,TOT 00937PTSSIUM K,TOT 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL 00945 SULFATE S M - T O T 01002 ARSENIC AS,TOT 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT 01027 CADMIUM CD,TOT 01034 CHROMIUM CR,TOT 01051 LEAD PB,TOT 01077SILVERAC,TOT 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR 46570 CAL HARD CA MG 71900 MERCURY HC,TOTAL PAGE: 6 URG110.002035 URC110002035 35 33 27.0 106 09 07.0 4 ALAMO CR NEAR MOUTH ON SANTA FE RIVER (DIVERTED) 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE UESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.890 OFF 0000 FEET OEPlH 0740 UATER MlCROHHO IDENT MGIL PERCENT su MG/L MC/L MG/L MC/L MG/L MC/L MC/L MC/L P MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MGIL MC/L UG/L UG/L 789 843505 8.6 96.08 8.00 436 600 .020 .0004$ .0005% .330 .02 .250 85.6 25.2 66.70 6.63 27 93 5K 160 UC/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L /lOOML MC/L UG/L 4 5K 5K 1 .OK 5K 570 3188 .5K Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimated. C - calculated by investigator, % - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. s STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM URG110.002040 URG110002040 35 33 28.0 106 09 01.04 ClENEGA CREEKNE 90 FTABV MOUTH ON 35049 NEU MEXICO SANTAFE UESIERNGULF 120900 UPPER RIO GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0028.800 0000 FEETDEPTH /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 7 PAGE: SF R I V OFF _____""_""""______________________""~"""""""""""""""""""..""".""""""""""""." I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM r 00010 TEMP UATER CENT 00011 UATER TEMP FAllN 00042 ALTITUDE FEET ABHSL 00061 STREAM FLMI, INST-CFS 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 25C MICROMHO 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IOENT 00300 DO MG/L 00301 DO SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00430 C03 ALK CAC03 MG/L 00440 HC03 I O N HC03 MG/L. 00530 RESIDUE TOT H r L T MC/L 00610 NH3+NH4- TOTAL N MG/L 00612 UN-ION20 NH3-N MG/L 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 MG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N HG/L 00630 NO2&N03 N-TOTAL MC/L 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/LP 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT MG/L 00927 MGNSlUH MG,TOT MG/L 00929 SOOIUH HG/L NA,TOT MG/L 00937 PTSSlUH K,TOT 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MC/L 00945 SULFATE S04-TOT HG/L 01002 ARSENIC AS,TOT UG/L 01007 BARIUM UG/L BA,TOT 01027 CAOHlUM C0,TOT UG/L 01034 CHROHIUH CR,TOT UG/L UC/L 01051 LEA0 PB,TOT 01077 SILVER UG/L AG,TOT 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT UC/L 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR /lOOML 46570 CAL HARO CA HG HWL 70300 RESIDUE OISS-180 MG/LC 71900 MERCURY HG,TOTAL UG/L Remark codes: K - l e s s than, J - 01/01/0184/08/07 0950 UATER WATER 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/09/05 84/09/06 1530 2115 0940 1155 1220 1155 . ." 0800 UATER WATER WATER 20.0 68.08 24.8 76.68 18.5 65.38 18.0 64.48 .5 737 843505 7.0 94.38 8.10 723 843505 7.4 109.18 8.20 292 843505 6.9 90.08 8.20 798 843505 7.6 99.18 8.20 35 .I80 .0158 49 .170 .009$ .0118 1.280 .43 .I90 19 .050 .0038 .0038 .440 .24 .150 WATER 5825 estimated, C 30 .070 .0038 .004$ .ole$ .39 .I70 .840 .32 .170 .no WATER UATER 23.8 74.88 11.0 51.88 .04 765 843505 10.5 153.08 8.40 768 843505 9.0 100.58 8.20 21 .120 .0148 .0178 .830 .02 .310 80 6 130 1 UATER 24.0 75.28 435 550 .060 .0028 .002$ .750 .13 .370 82.4 22.9 78.20 5.46 25 79 5K 120 1K 6 5K 1.OK 5K 14815 3001 443 .5K - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , $ - c a l c u l a t e d by SIORET. .5K STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM PAGE: 8 URG110.002040 URG110002040 35 33 28.0 106 09 01.0 4 CIENEGA CREEK NE 90 F I ABV MOUTll ON SF R I V 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF l~n~nn UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 130202010110028.800 OFF 0000 FEET DEPTH INITIAL DATE 85/05/29 85/05/29 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/27 INITIAL TIME 1120 1220 1520 10300955 MEDIUM UATER WATER WATER UATER r 00010 WATER TEMP CENT 17.5 12.0 00011 WATER TEMP FAUN 63.58 53.68 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 2% MICROHHO 863 932 995 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IDENT 00300 DO HG/L 6.0 00301 OD SATUR PERCENT 76.69 00400 PH su 8.20 8.10 00410 T ALK CAC03 HG/L 00440 HC03 ION HC03 MC/L 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MC/L 23 38 45 37 00600 TOTAL N N MG/L .39c 1.97c .5OC .46C 00605 ORG N N I MG/L .060C .040C.030C1.590C 00610 NH3+N114- N TOTAL MG/L .230 ,160 .280 .170 00612 UN- IONZD NH3-N MG/L .on88 ,024'6.0059 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 HG/L .0108 .oos% ."" 00625 TOT KJEL N MG/L .290 1.750.210 .310 00630 NO2tND3 N-TOTAL Mitt .10 .22 .25 .19 00640 T INORG. .33c .38C .47c .42c 00665 PHOS-TOT .110 ,100 .140.120 .090 00915 CALCIUM 00925 HGNSIUM 00930 SWIUM 00935 PTSSIUM 00940 CHLORIDE 00945 SULFATE 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARIUM 01027 CADMIUM 01034 CHROHIUM 01051 LEAD 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FEC COLI 46570 CAL HARD CA MG MG/L MGtL 50060 CHLORINE TOT RESD (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimted, C - calculated by investigator. $ - 86/08/05 1520 WATER 24.9 76.88 ~ ~~ 6.0 88.59 8.20 59 .48C .050c .290 .nm ."._ .340 .14 .43c UATER 17.5 63.58 690 863508 5.8 74.19 8.40 32 1.32C 1.920C 86/08/05 1440 UATER 29.0 84.28 635 863508 6.8 108.0$ 8.40 .lOOK 63 3.77c 2.680C .670 .on88 .lo68 .009$ 1.020 .1298 3.350 .30 .40K 1.09C .120 calculated by STORET 54 1.97c 1.670C .140 .0n58 .0069 1.810 .16 .30c .190 .42 .400 3.90 18 95 6 200 1K 5K 1OK 1.OK 5K 60001 2808 .04 STORE1 RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAH Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimated, C - PAGE: 9 URG110.002040 URG110002040 35 33 28.0 10f i 09 01.0 4 CIENEGA CREEK NE 90 FT ABV MOUTH ON SF R I V 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE LIE;STERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0028.800 OFF 0000 FEET DEPTH calculated by investigator, 0 - calculated by STORET. r STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGMEALLPARM URG110.002030 URG110002030 35 3328.010609 12.0 4 530 FT BELOW CIENECA CREEK SANTA FERIVER 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTAFE WESTERN GULF 120900 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 10 PAGE: UPPER R10 CRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVFR 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.790 ON 0000 FEETDEPTH 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/08/08 1015 1510 2100 091 0 r TEMP TEMP FEET FLW, AT 25C SURVEY 00300 00301 00400 00430 00440 00530 00610 00612 00619 00625 00630 00665 00945 01002 01007 01027 01034 01051 01077 01147 31616 70300 71900 00 DO PH SATUR C03 ALK CAC03 HC03 ION RESIDUE NH3tNH4UN-ION20 UN-IONZD TOT K J E L NO2BN03 PHOS-TOT SULFATE ARSENIC BARIUM CAOMIUH CHRCMIUM LEAD SILVER SELENIUM FEC COLI RESIDUE MERCURY I N I T I A LD A T E I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM 00010 WATER 00011 WATER (SAMPLECONTlNUEO R e m a r k codes: K HC03 TOT NFLT N TOTAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL S(U-TOT AS,TOT BA,TOT CO. TOT CR,TOT PB,TOT AG,TOT SE,TOT MFH-FCBR DISS-180 I1G.TOTAL WATER WATER WATER CENT FAHN AB MSL INST-CFS MICRCUHO IDENT MG/L PERCENT WATER WATER 21 .o 69.88 25.5 77.98 21.1 70.08 5 459 843505 5.1 70.28 544 843505 3.9 57.5% 1326 843505 3.7 50.9% 5819 ~ su HG/L MG/L HC/L MC/L HG/L MGlL MG/L MG/L MGlL P MC/L UC/L UC/L UGlL UGlL UGlL UGlL UG/L /lOOML c MC/L UG/L ~~ ~~ .~ 4486 6.690 2015 11.700 15099 5.290 21.700 .99 3.220 23.100 .86 3.470 47.600 -34 2.670 16.0 60.88 , 708 843505 5.7 70.68 8.20 671 7.520 .3358 .408% 13.500 .56 2.830 1145 84/08/08 84/09/05 1150 1115 84/09/05 1745 WATER WATER WATER 23.0 73.48 3 530 843505 5.3 75.58 18.8 65.8% 843505 0.00 0 191 339 6.770 .3188 .386% 10.400 .81 2.560 41 23 1 00 1K 28 17 1.0 5K - 4 596 843505 6.4 84.38 7.80 571 843505 5.0 75.5% 7.80 39 13.490 .302% .367% 15.100 3.38 4.580 62 ~. 12.330 .450% .5478 15.200 4.52 4.250 150005 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER TEMP CENT 12.5 19.8 TEMP FAHN 54.5% 67.68 ON NEXT PACE) l e s s than, J 25.8 78.48 360 .5K 84/09/06 85/05/27 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 85/05/29 85/07/10 86/08/05 86/08/05 0745 1150 1045 1455 1000 1540 1340 - UAlER estimated, C - 15.0 59.08 23.5 74.3% 15.2 59.4% 23.6 74.5% calculated by i n v c s t i s a t o r . % - calculated by STORET. 28.3 82.9% 1000 18.0 64.4% 1450 29.5 85.1s L3 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PCM=ALLPARM PAGE: 11 URG110.002030 URC110002030 35 33 28.0 106 OD .. l ? ~ nL. SANTA FE RIVER 530 FT DELOW CIENEGA CREEK 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.790 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH ~~~ /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM F R O H PREVIWS (SAMPLE CONTINUED PACE) ---~""---~"-"---"--""""""~-~""...."""..."""""""."""".. -"---.."--""--"""".""...""""""". ~ ~~~~~ INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEOIUM 00061 STREAM INST-CFS FLGU, 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C MlCRCUHO 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IDENT 00300 DO MC/L 00301 00 SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00430 C03 ALK CAC03 MG/L 00440 HC03 ION HC03 MG/L 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N' HG/L 00605 ORG N N I MG/L 00610 N113tNH4- N TOTAL MG/L 00612 UN-ION20 NH3-N MG/L 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 HC/L 00625 TOT KJEL N MG/L 00630 NO2SN03 N-TOTAL MG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT MC/L P 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT MG/L 00927 MGNSIUM MG,TOl MG/L 00929 SCQIUM NA,TOT MG/L 00937 PTSSIUM K,TOT MG/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL HG/L 00945 SULFATE So4-TOT MG/L 01002 ARSENIC AS,TOT UG/L 01007 BARIUM EA.101 UG/L 01027 CADMIUM C0,TOT UG/L 01034 CHRWIUM CR ,TOT UG/L 01045 IRON FE,TOT UG/L 01051 LEAD PB,TOT UG/L 01077 SILVER AG,TOT UG/L 01147 SELENIUH SE,TOT UG/L 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCER IlOOML 46570 CAL HARD CA HG MGlL 50060 CHLORINE TOT RESD MGlL 70300 RESIDUE DISS-180 C MClL 71900 MERCURY HG,TOTAL UC/L 74041 VQF UPDATED SAMPLE ,. Remark codes: K - less than. J - 84/09/06 0745 UATER 550 843505 6.5 74.6% 7.70 110 363 14.200 .1598 .1938 17.000 3.00 4.400 36.0 85/05/27 1150 WATER 41 194 85/05/28 1045 WATER 85/05/28 1455 WATER 85/05/29 10001340 WATER 204 242 194 232 513 7.0 94.68 7.90 8.3 100.88 5.7 8.00 81.19 7.90 7.8 5.5 94.78 8.00 6.4 93.38 7.90 170 .6OC .27OC .I40 .0048 .0058 .410 274 1.73c 463 2.82C 299 2.46C .72OC 1.500 .040$ .0498 2.220 .24 1.74C .900 481 3.18C .I9 .33c .220 .oooc .I O O C 1.450 2.400 .0398 .2748.0938 .0478 .I148 1.400 4.4602.500 .283.75 .32 1.73c 2.72C .920 1.150 85/05/29 85/07/10 1540 WATER UATER A _1. 35 5K 160 2K 7 6900 1K 9 6 1.0 5K 75.68 8.30 8.04C 3.260 16 1O.ObC 2.llOC 2.460 .3308 .401$ 4.570 5.49 7.95c 2.540 5 loo 1K 10K 1OK 10K 1.OK 5K 8305 1848 2.OK 5K 110 1128 .05 394 .5K 363 .5 861218 861003 - 537 863508 5.8 92.18 8.30 60.0 8.3 57.50 7.41 37 43 40 5K 120 estimated, C 513 863508 37 8.21C ,170C 4.290 .2748 .333% .oooc 57.50 8.19 .5K 86/08/05 1450 WATER 5.8 86.38 8.10 145 177 2.870 .1138 .1378 2.600 .31 3.18C 1.060 5.4 30000J 458 86/08/05 1000 WATER calculated by investigator, 8 - calculated by STORET. 390 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGHEALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAH PAGE: 12 URG110.002030 URG110002030 35 33 28.0 106 09 12.0 4 SANTA FE RIVER 530 FT BELOW CIENEGA CREEK 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER RIO GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NHEX 840907 13020201011 0012.790 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH ~~ CENT FAHN JTU HICROMHO IOENT MG/L PERCENT 00300 00 00301 00 SATUR 00400 PH su 00410 T ALK CAC03 MG/L 00440 HC03 ION HC03 MG/L 00530 RESIDUE TOT'NFLT HG/L 00600 TOTAL N NI HG/C 00605 ORG N N HG/L 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL MG/L 00612 UN-IONZD NH3-N HG/L 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 MG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N HG/L 00630 N028N03 N-TOTAL HG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN HG/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/L P 00900 TOT HARD CAC03 HG/L 00915 CALCIUM CA,OISS MG/L 00925 HGNSIUM MG,DlSS MG/L 00930 S M l U M MG/L NA,OISS 00935 PTSSlUM MGlL K,OISS 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MG/L 00945 SULFATE S04-TOT MG/L 00946 SULFATE SO4-OISS MWL 01002 ARSENIC UWL AS.101 UG/L 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT 01027 CADMIUM C0.TOT UG/L 01034 CHROHIUH CR:TOT UCiL ~~~.~~~ ~~. 01051 LEAD PB,TOT UG/L 01077 SILVER AG,TOT UG/L 01105 ALUMINUM AL,TOT UG/L (SAMPLECONTINUE0 ON NEXT PAGE) ~~~~~ ~~ Remark codes: ~~ K - . UATER 19.1 66.48 WATER 16.0 60.88 531 863508 6.8 89.68 8.20 178 217 20 9.27C .68OC 4.720 .2628 .3198 5.400 3.87 8.59C 3.690 525 863508 6.4 79.38 8.00 528 863508 6.1 93.38 8.40 58 49 9.99c 1.970C 3.660 .5168 ,6278 5.630 4.36 8.02C 3.480 52.0 2.4 73.60 7.02 39 40 ~ ~~ Less than, J - estimated, C 8.67C .5OOC 4.710 .1358 .1648 5.210 3.46 8.17C 3.620 WATER 27.0 80.68 ~ ~ WAATER 13.4 56.18 9.3 653 8.5 99.38 8.48 184 224 6 5.52C .69OC 4.110 .2808 .3408 4.800 .72 4.83C 3.870 200 76.0 2.4 60.00 8.00 26 39.8 5K 100 1K 10 10K 1.OK - 5K 100 2 5K 10K 1.OK 480 c a l c u l a t e d by investigator. 8 - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. - i STORE1 RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM (SAMPLECONTINUED PAGE: 13 URG110.002030 URG110002030 35 33 28.0 106 09 12.0 4 SANTA FE R I V E R 530 FT BELOW CIENEGA CREEK NEW MEXICO 35049 SANTA FE r?nqnn WESlERN GULF UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.790 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH i R O H PREVIWS PAGE) -~~------~~~~-"--~~~------"-~------~~~-------""""""""."""""".""".""".""""""" 5K INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR 46570 CAL HARD CA HG 50060 CHLORINE TOT RESD 70300 RESIDUE DES-180 71900 MERCURY HG,TOTAL UG/L 74041 VPF UPDATED SAMPLE Remark codes: K - UG/L llOOML MCIL MG/L C Less than, J MG/L ~ 86/08/06 86/08/07 1015 0815 UATER UATER 5K 600L 140% .10 383 383 380 .5K 861003 861003 estimated, C - 86/08/07 1320 WATER 88/02/25 1310 WATER ZOOK 2008 .04 37 861003 .5K 880705 calculated b y investigator, '6 - calculated by STORET. STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PCMrALLPARM 14 PAGE: URGllO.002045 URG110002045 x ~ nL. 35 33 ~~.~ 31.0 ."In6~. 09o"_. S A t l l A FERIVER 90 FT ABOVE CIENECA CREEK 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTAFE 120900 WESTERN GULF ~~ /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ~ UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.890 0000 FEETDEPTH ON ................................................................................. I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDlUH 00010 WATER 00011 WATER 00042 ALTlTUDE 00061 STREAM 00095 CNDUCTVY 00116 INTNSVE 00300 DO 00301 DO 00400 PH 00430 C03 ALK 00440 HC03 I O N DO530 RESIDUE 00610 NH3+NH400612 UN-IONZD 00619 UN-IONZD DO625 TOT KJEL 00630 NO2SN03 00665 PHOS-TOT 00945 SULFATE 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARlUH 01027 CADMIUM 01034 CHROHlUH 01051 LEAD 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENlUM 31616 FEC COLI 70300 RESIDUE 71900 MERCURY 0930 r TEMP TEMP FEET FLOU, AT 25C SURVEY SATUR CAC03 HC03 TOT NFLT NTOTAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL S04-TOT 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/07 86/08/08 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/09/05 1GO. m .n 1145 1220 2120 1000 ~ ~ . ~~~~~ WATER CENT FAHN ABMSL INST-CFS MlCROHHO lDENT MG/L PERCENT UATER UATER WATER 20.2 68.49 24.9 76.8% 4 408 843505 4.8 64.6% 451 843505 3.5 51.6% 20.0 68.08 , UATER 17.0 74.5% 62.6% WATER WATER WATER 23.6 84/09/05 1755 UATER 19.0 66.2% 24.0 75.2% 5028 su MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 1232 843505 4.4 59.3% 4823 8.250 2247 14.140 9326 4.540 40.000 1.07 3.810 25.500 .79 3.400 39.200 MG/L MG/L MC/L MG/L MG/L P HG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UC/L UGlL UG/L .45 2.710 493 843505 5.6 71.5% 8.00 637 8.740 .269$ .327$ 16.200 .68 3.060 AS.101 BA,TOT CD,TOT CR,TOT PB,TOT AG,TOT SE,TOT HFM-FCBR /100ML D1SS-180 MG/LC HC,TOTAL UG/L 3 401 843505 3 470 5.6 73.8% 8.00 592 843505 4.9 71.4% 7.70 38 13.280 .471% .573% 14.500 3.63 4.280 58 12.550 .324$ .394% 14.500 4.32 4.850 ' 843505 843505 7.80 0 148 378 7.990 .251% .305% 12.800 1.03 2.760 36 28 130 1K 34 21 2.0 5K 12000J 398 .5K I N I T I A L DATE 84/09/06 85/05/27 85/05/28 INITIAL 1510 1100 1230 0805 WATER WATER MEDIUM 23.0 CENT 13.0 15.0 18.2 00010 WATER TEMP 64.4% 73.6%84.2%74.38 FAHN 59.0%73.4%59.0%64.8%55.4% 00011 WATER TEMP (SAMPLECONTINUED ON NEXTPAGE) 85/05/28 85/05/29 85/05/29 85/07/10 05/08/28 86/08/05 0940 1210 1015 1400 1510 TIME UATER UATER WATER 15.0 UATER 23.5 WATER 29.0 UATER 23.1 UATER 18.0 Remark codes: K ~ less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by investigator, % - calculated by STORET. -J STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PCM=ALLPARM PAGE: ~~~~ /lYPA/AHBNT/STREAM (SAMPLE CONTINUED 15 URG110.002045 URG110002045 35 33 31.0 i n 6 09 03.0 L. ~... SANTA FE RIVER 90 FT ABOVE CIENECA CREEK 35049 NEW MEXICO SANlA FE WESlERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.890 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH ~ FRDM PREVIWS PAGE) -~""~___"."""""~""~~""""~~~""."""...""."""----"-...""".....".""~"."..""""""".""."".""~ INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME .." .-. . MFnlllM 00061 STREAM FLW, 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY 00300 DO 00301 DO SATUR 00400 PH 00430 C03ALK CAC03 00440 HC03 ION HC03 TOT NFLT 00530 RESIDUE 00600 TOTAL N N' 00605 ORG N NI 00610NH3tNH4N TOTAL 00612 UN-IONZD NH3-N 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 N 00625 TOT KJEL 00630 NO2gN03 N-TOTAL 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN 00665 PHOS-TOT 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT 00927 HGNSIUM HC,TOT 00929 SWlUH NA,TOT 00937 PTSSIUM K,TOT 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL 00945 SULFATE S[U-TOT 01002 ARSENIC AS.101 01007 BARIUM BA.101 01027 CAOHIUM C0,TOT 01034 CHROMIUM C R . 1 0 1 01045 IRON FE;TOT 01051 LEA0 PB,TOT 01077 SILVER AC, TOT 01147 SELENIUM SE.101 31616 FEC COLI HFH-FCBR 46570 CAL HARD CA HG 50060 CHLORINE TOT RESD 70300 RESIDUE OISS-180 71900 MERCURY HG,TOTAL 74041 WOF SAMPLE R m r k codes: K - INST-CFS HICROHHO IOENT MC/L PERCENT su MG/L HG/L HG/L HC/L HG/L MGlL 84/09/06 05/05/27 85/05/28 05/05/28 85/05/29 85/05/29 0940 0805 1210 1230 1400 1510 11001015 1510 WATER WATER MATER WATER 39 508 145 156. 218 843505 6.4 7.1 7.4 5.6 74.08 09.9s 92.38 79.78 7.90 7.90 7.80 0.00 101 360 14.740 .269% .328B 15.700 2.99 MClL HG/L MG/L MC/L HG/L N P HC/L HG/L MC/L HG/L HG/L MC/L MC/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UGlL .0208 .024$ 1.220 .23 .96C .640 UC/L /100ML HG/L HC/L c HG/L UC/L UPDATED estimated, C .oooc 1,760 .0308 .0368 1.600 .24 2.00c .910 523 3.26C .36OC 2.600 .122$ .1488 2.960 .30 2.90C 1.030 154 56 210 519 7.5 91.18 7.80 6.2 88.38 0.00 265 2.31C .76OC 1.300 .022$ .027$ 2.060 .25 1.55c 528 3.43c .51OC 2.600 .I268 .I538 3.110 .32 2.92C .920 1.so0 06/08/05 WATER WATER WATER ~~ 570 484 863508 7.0 91.38 8.20 28 11.43C 2.290C 5.110 .2638 .3198 7.400 4.03 9.14C 3.360 .5 59.80 7.80 38 37 5K 100 1 10K 5K 170 2K 5K 6900 10K 2.OK 5K 5K 2.0 5K 250005 1068 269 2.00c WAlER 85/08/28 58.4 1 UG/L - .no 6 uC/i less than, 5 4.250 36.0 3.9 55.20 8.97 39 37 5K 100 345 1.45C .49OC WATER 05/07/10 92 .09 .5K - 350 .5K 861218 .5K calculated by invcstisator, 8 - calculated by STORET. 388 061003 STORE7 RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 06/08/05 1435 UATER 29.0 84.2$ 00070 00095 00116 00300 00301 00400 00410 00440 00530 00600 00605 00610 00612 00619 00625 00630 00640 00665 TURB CNOUCTVY INTNSVE DO 00 SATUR PERCENT PH T ALK CAC03 HC03 ION MG/L HC03 RESIDUE TOT NFLT TOTAL N HI ORG N N I NH3tNH4- N TOTAL HG/L HG/L UN-ION20 NH3-N UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 HC/L HC/L TOT KJEL N NO2BN03 N-TOTAL N-TOTAL T INORC. NITROGEN PHOS-TOT 00900 TOT HARD 00915 CALCIUM 00925 00930 00935 00940 00945 00946 01002 01007 01027 01034 01051 01077 01105 (SAMPLE JKSN AT 25C SURVEY HGNSIUM SCOIUM CAC03 CA,OISS MG,DISS NA,DISS K - WATER 17.9 64.28 JTU HICRWHO IDENT MG/L PERCENT 86/OO/D7 0755 WATER 16.0 60.88 I 06/08/07 1300 .. ~. WATER 25.0 77.08 ~~ 513 863508 5.9 73.18 su CI I " 8.00 480 863500 5.9 87.OB 8.30 MGIL HG/L 69 10.43C 1.150C 5.550 .159$ .193$ 6.700 3.73 9.20C 4.150 Mtlt MG/L MGIL MG/L MC/L MG/L N HGIL P MG/L HG/L HGlL MClL HGlL MGlL HC/L HClL UC/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UC/L UG/L less than, J - estimated, C 11 9.64C .64OC 4.360 .443$ ,53916 5.000 4.64 9.00C 4.850 32.8 4.4 70.20 7.02 42 33 PTSSIUH K.DISS CHLORIDE iornt SULFATE Sa-TOT SULFATE so4-OISS ARSENIC AS,TOT BARIUM BA,TOT CAOMIUH CD,TOT CHROHIUM CR.101 P0,TOT LEAD SILVER AG,TOT ALUMINUMUC/LAL.TOT CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Remark codes: 06/08/06 0950 PAGE: 16 URG110.002045 URG110002045 35 33 31.0 106 09 03.0 4 SANlA FE R I V E R 90 FT ABOVE CIENEGA CREEK 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120QOO UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0012.890 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH 9.2 109.6B 8.53 113 138 16 19.12C 10.030C 7.970 .6528 .793% 18.000 1.12 9.09C 7.170 100 36.0 2.4 74.00 12.00 39 1K 5K 10K 2.0 510 1OK 1.OK calculated by investigator, 16 1xn UATER 14.5 50.1B 7.5 666 34.0 5K 100 5K 120 1K 5K - 08/02/25 - calculated by STORET. - 2 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM PAGE: 17 URG110.002045 URG110002045 35 3 3 31.010609 03.04 SANTAFE RIVER 9 0 FT ABOVECIENEGACREEK 35049 NEU MEXICO SANTA i E UESIERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O CRANDE-ABOVEPECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 130202010110012.890 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM (SAMPLECONTINUED FROH PREVIOUS PAGE) I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A L TIME r SE ,TOT MFH-FCBR CA 74041 M F UG/L /lOOML nw. nc TOT RESO OISS-180 HG,TOIAL UPDATED SAMPLE ."""____ ....- .. . 86/08/05 1435 UATER c 86/08/06 0950 UATER 5K 260 86/08/07 0755 UAlER .. 86/08/07 1300 UATER 1OD$ MG/L MG/L UG/L 386 861003 .07 392 .5K 861003 .". "" ". ." 88/02/25 1250 UATER 5K 57 lOO$ 368 370 861003 861003 .04 370 .5K 880509 c R e w r k codes: K - l e s s than, J - estimated, C . calculated by i n v e s t i g a t o r , $ - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. l-J b STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM SANTAFE RIVERATLA NEW MEXICO 35049 BAJAOA SANTA FE 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAH 2lNMEX 0003 FEETDEPTH -~""""_______ -.-_--___.___. I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E NEOlUH 00010 WATER 00011 WATER 00060 STREAM 00070 TURB 00095 CNOUCTVY 00610 NH34NH400620 N03-N 00665 PHOS-TOT R e m a r k codes: K 18 PAGE: HRG87 35 33 37.0 106 14 09.0 4 r TEMP TEMP iLMI JKSN AT 25C NTOTAL TOTAL - CENT FAHN CFS JTU MICROMHO MG/L HG/L MG/L P less thsn, J - """____ """"" estimated, 13020201011 0006.770 ON - - .- .- - - - ....- - - - .- - ." "_ "-~""" """"" .- - .- - . . . ". ... 75/05/12 1515 75/07/15 1515 75/08/04 1230 75/09/08 0945 75/10/20 1530 UATER 76/01/05 1030 WATER 76/05/02 1130 UAATER UATER 76/08/13 1230 UATER WATER UATER UATER 25.0 77.08 3 24.0 560 2.073 2.460 1.114 C - 31.1 88.08 3 25.0 540 2.330 3.520 .lo8 28.9 84.08 2 100.0 630 3.480 2.590 .864 17.2 63. 08 16 47.0 660 5.652 1.030 2.500 c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , $ - 17.8 64.08 6 13.0 630 1.770 4.382 3.500 .6 33.18 8 13.0 730 8.790 .419 4.780 calculated by STORET. 14.4 58.0% 10 21 .o 590 8.567 .770 5.250 25.6 78.08 4 25.0 680 6.387 .933 3.930 STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM ~ 19 PAGE: URG110.002020 URG110002020 35 34 47.0106 16 34.0 L. SANTAFE RIVER 3/16 M I ABOVE MARSH 35043 NEW MEXICO SANDOVAL ~~ WESTERN GULF rmonn UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 840907 21NMEX 13020201011 0003.880 ON 0000 FEETDEPTH /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM -~-"----~------~---~-------------------------~""""""""."""""""""""""""""""" TIME 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/08/07 84/08/07 01/01/01 0920 D AITNEI T I A L INITIAL MEOllJM 00010 WATER 00011 WATER 00042 ALTITUOE 00061 STREAM 00095 CNDUCTVY 00116 INTNSVE 00300 00 00301 DO 00400 PH 00430 C03 ALK 00440 HC03ION 00530 RESIDUE 00610 NH3+NH400612 UN-ION20 00619 UN-ION20 00625 TOT K J E L 00630 NO2BN03 00665 PHOT-TOT 00916 CALCIUM 00927 HGNSIUM 00929 S M I U M 00937 PTSSIUM 00940 CHLORIDE 00945 SULFATE 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARIUM 01027 CADMIUM 01034 CHRCMIUH 01051 LEAD 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FEC COLI 46570 CAL HARD 70300 RESIDUE 71900 MERCURY Remark cades: K r TEMP TEMP FEET FLOW, AT 25C SURVEY SAlUR CAC03 HC03 TOT W L T N TOTAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL CA-TOT MG,TOT NA,TOT K,TOT TOTAL SM-TOT AS,TOT BA.101 C0,TOT CR,TOT PB,TOT WATER CENT FAHN ABMSL INST-CFS MICRDMHO IDENT MG/L PERCENT vnn 1530 WAlER WATER 25.0 77.08 26.0 78.88 6 423 843505 3.1 44.98 382 843505 3.4 50.58 5370 su 1305 WATER WATER WATER 19.3 66.7% 25.0 77. 08 357 843505 5.0 64.88 55.1% 7.70 MC/L MG/L MG/L 15553 11.700 MG/L MG/L MG/L MC/L MG/L HC/L P MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MGlL UC/L UG/L UG/L UC/L UG/L UG/L UG/L less than, J - 84/09/05 1310 84/09/05 1645 84/09/06 0920 WATER WATER UAlER 17.5 63.5% 25.0 77.08 3 546 843505 4.9 61.58 7.60 560 843505 4.0 58.08 7.50 157 7.380 .0968 .1168 10.800 8.10 4.730 163 5.910 .lo48 .1278 8.490 11.20 .470 15.0 59.08 506 843505 6.2 74.1% 7.50 0 81.700 2.73 3.870 9241 5.620 3754 2.250 33.700 3.37 3.350 14.200 1.96 2.980 185 1461 2.930 .OB18 .099$ 9.000 3.03 2.760 36 43 640 3 100 77 3.0 5K AG,TOT SE,TOT MFM-FCBR /lOOML CA MG MC/L OISS-180 MG/LC HC,TOTAL UG/L - 1500 40000J 353 .5K estimated, C - calculated by investigator, I - calculated by STORET. 130 393 3.130 .027% .033$ 3.650 10.60 4.560 40.8 4.4 59.80 8.97 40 44 5K 140 1 11 5K 1 .o 5K 627J 120s .5K SIORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM /TYPA/AMSNT/STREAM INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM 00010 WATER TE& CENT 00011 WATER TEMP FAHN 00042 ALTITUDE iEET AB MSL 00061 STREAM FLMI, INST-CFS 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C MICROMHO 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IOENT 00300 DO MG/L 00301 DO SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00410 TCAC03 ALK MG/L CAC03 00430 C03 ALK MC/L 00440 HC03 ION HC03 MC/L 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N MG/L 00605 ORG N N MG/L 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL MG/L 00612 UN-ION20 NH3-N MC/L 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 MG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N MG/L 00630 N028N03 N-TOTAL MG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MC/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/L P 00915 CALCIUM CA,DISS MG/L 00925 MCNSIUM MG,DISS MC/L 00930 SWlUH NA,DISS HG/L 00935 PTSSIUM K,OISS MG/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MG/L 00945 SULFATE So4-10T MC/t 01002 ARSENIC AS,TOT . UC/L 01007 BARIUM UG/L 8A.TOT 01027 CADMIUM UC/L CD,TOT 01034 CHROMIUM CR ,TOT UG/L 01051 LEA0 PB,TOT UG/L 01077 SILVER AG,TOT UG/L 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT UG/L (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT I'AGE ) Remark codes: K 20 PAGE: URG110.002005 URGllOOOZOOS 353508.0 106 17 55.0 4 SANTA FE RIVER A I C O C H I T I SPRINGS (BELOW DAM) 35043 NEW MEXICO SANOOVAL WESlERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0002.500 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH - less than, J - - - .- - .. .. 01/01/01 84/08/07 1330 WATER WATER 17.2 .~ 63.08 5320 estimated, C " - .I 694 843505 2.3 28.8% 7.40 84/08/08 1405 WATER 16.0 60.88 84/08/08 85/05/28 85/05/29 86/08/05 86/08/06 14101200 1640 1130 WATER WATER WATER WATER 17.0 17.2 20.0 62.68 63.08 68.08 WATER 18.0 64.48 .7 738 843505 2.3 28.08 7.30 1K 0 277 1K ,010 .00008$ .00010$ .380 2.18 .030 .00028 .00028 .660 1.38 .070 .070 902 3.5 43.9% 7.40 30 2.20c .oooc .zoo .DO28 .OD28 .150 2.00 2.20c .I10 19 2.29C .06OC .230 .0028 .002$ .290 2.00 2.23C .loo 75 5K 1OOK 1K 16 5K 1 .OK 5K ~ 1215 WATER 16.8 62.28 86/08/07 0950 calculated by investigator, 8 935 863508 5.5 72.7% 8.00 11 .85C .250K .IOOK .0048 .OD58 .350 .50 .6OC .OlOK 477 863508 6.1 76.58 8.10 149 181 3K 1.47c .87OC lOOK .0048 . .005$ .970 .50 .6OC .01OK 53.6 7.8 64.90 3.90 26 114 5K 100 1K 5K 10K 1.OK 5K - calculated by STORET. 479 863508 5.8 74.28 8.00 3K .84C .2ooc ,120 .OD48 .005$ .320 .52 .64C .010K STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM GULF /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM (SAMPLECONTINUEDFROH PAGE: 21 URG110.002005 URG110002005 3535 08.0 106 17 55.0 4 SANTAFE RIVER AT COCHlTl SPRINGS (BELOW DAM) 35043 NEW MEXICO SANDOVAL WESTERN 120900 UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVEPECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 130202010110002.500 ON 0000 FEETDEPTH PREVIOUSPAGE) Remark codes: K - """""""""" 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/08 1405 1330 WATERWATERWATER /lOOML MG/L MG/L C MG/L UC/L UPDATED less than, J - estimated, C .".""". ......."~ " I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A L TIME p MEDIUM 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR 46570 CAL HARD CA MC 50060 CHLORINE TOT RESD 70300 RESIDUE DISS-180 71900 MERCURY HC,TOTAL 74041 MF SAMPLE 84/08/08 1410 WATER 85/05/28 1640 WATER 85/05/29 1200 WATER 86/08/07 0950 WATER 1OK 166% .09 490 388 405 .5K 390 .5K 861003 861003 861003 - calculated by invcstigatar, 0 - su calculated by STORET. s STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM ~ /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ~~~~ UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 0000 FEETOEPTH I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM 00010 WATER 00011 WATER 00042 ALTITUDE FEET AB 00095 CNOUCTVY 00116 INTNSVE 00300 DO 00301 r TEMP TEMP AT 25C SURVEY 3.8 00 SATUR WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER CENT FAUN HSL 6205 MICROMHO IDEN1 MG/L4.8 1.4 PERCENT , I N I T I A L DATE l N l T l A LT I M E 22.3 65.35 60.88 75.48 72.18 """.... """"" WATER WATER ~ ~~ MTFP ...... .. 24.1 16.0 5.L 3 ".. 9 A R 49-08 89.98 18.5 181 843505 843505 843505 843505 843505 843505 843505 6.9 - - .- - - .... WATER WATER WATER CNUUCTVY INTNSVE DO TEMP TEMP AT 25C SURVEY SATUR 00 PH TEC COLI HFM-FC8R CHLORINE TOT RES0 MF UPDATED SAMPLE K UATER 79188 -._ """"""""""""""" 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 a5105129 85/07/10 85/08/28 a6/08/05 86/08/05 86/08/06 1000 1420 0920 1500 1255 1055 0910 1355 0915 .MFnlllH .- - .-. . Remark codes: 13020201011 0018.740 ON 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/09/05 84/09/05 84/09/06 85/05/27 1110 0635 1820 10350917 0845 2000 1615 " 00010 00011 00095 00116 00300 00301 00400 31616 50060 74041 22 PAGE: URG110.002050 URG110002050 35 37 16.0 106 06 22.0 4. SANTAFE R 1.0 M I BELOW 1ST BRIDGE BELOW WWTF 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 - CENT' FAUN MICROMHO IOENT MG/L PERCENT su WATER WATER WATER WATER 15.0 59.08 174 22.5 72.58 202 14.5 58.18 157 22.5 72.58 194 29.0 84.28 644 5.1 62.88 6.3 90.08 7.0 84.68 6.3 90.08 88.68 /lOOML 5.5 60L WATER 26.2 79.28 576 7.4 113.48 WATER 22.0 71.68 625 863508 5.8 82.88 8.00 WATER 29.5 85.18 592 a63508 6.8 109.68 8.10 18005 MG/L less than, J WATER 23.2 73.88 570 863508 6.0 86.78 8.10 20OK .ll 861003 861003 861003 - estimated, C - calculated by i n v e s t i g a t o r . $ - calculated by STORET. P ? 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE PGM=ALLPARM - "_ -.I PAGE: . .... ... 23 URG110002050 35 37 16.0 106 06 22.0 4 SANTA FE R 1.0 MI BELOU 1ST BRIDGE BELOU WWTF 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE UESlERN GULF 120900 UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVEPECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 13020201011 0018.740 on /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 0000 FEET OEPTll FRCU (SAMPLE COHTINUED P R E V I W S PAGE) ---~---~--------.~~~~--------~~~"--~----------~-~"""~""""""~"""""""".""""" I N I T I A L DATE INITIM A LE 86/08/07 86/08/07 88/02/25 0720 1235 1200 r MFnlllM WATER WATER WATER 00665 PHOS-TOT 00900 TOT HARD CACm HG/L HG/L MG/L HC/L MG/L MG/L MG/L HG/L MG/L N MGfL P HG/L HG/L MG/L MG/L HCJL HG/L HG/L UG/L UC/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/ L UG/L UG/L 14 16.15C 6.400C 9.400 .281$ .3428 15.800 .35 9.75c 3.000 140 44.0 7.3 87.00 11.00 46 37.0 5K 100 1K 5K 10K 2.0 180 5K 29 1408 .08 402 .5K /IOOML MG/L HG/L C HG/L UG/L UPDATED R m r k codes: K - less than, J - 861003 861003 880518 estimated, C - calculated by investigator. $ - calculcted by STORET. c STORETRETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGHZALLPARM PAGE: URG110.002055 URG110002055 35 37 33.0 106 05 54.0 4 .5 MI BELOW F I R S T BRIDGE BELOW UUTF SANTA FER. 35069 NEU MEXICO SANTAFE 120900 WESTERN GULF /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAH UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 0000 FEETDEPTH Remark codes: K 24 - less than, J - estimated, 13020201011 0019.280 ON C - calculated by investigator, I - P calculated by STORET. 4 94/06/08 RETRIEVAL DATE STORE1 PGH=ALLPARM PAGE: URG110.002060 URC110002060 35 37 46.0 106 05 27.0 4 25 SANTA FE R. AT 1S1 AIRPORT RD BRIDGE BELOW UUTF NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER RIO GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 35049 /TYPA/AHBNT/STREAH 2lNHEX 840907 0000 FEET DEPTH 13020201011 0019.670 ON ""....""."""~-."".""".""""..".""""""""""" 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/09/05 84/09/05 1655 1950 0830 1100 1130 1010 1835 " I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E HEDIUH r WATER 00010 WATERCENT TEMP 00011 WATERFAHN TEMP 00042 ALTITUDE AB FEET HSL FLOU, INST-CFS 00061 STREAM 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C HICRDMHO 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IDENT 00300 00 MC/L 00301 00 SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH 00430 C03CAC03 ALK 00440 HC03 ION 00530 RESIDUE 00610 NH3tNH400612 UN-ION20 00619 UN-IONZD 00625 TOT KJEL 00630 NO2gN03 00665 PHOS-TOT 00945 SULFATE 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARIUM 01027 CADMIUM 01034 CHROHIUH 01051 LEAD 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FEC COLI 70300 RESIDUE 71900 HERCURY 01/01/0184/08/07 0900 WATER WATER 23.0 73.48 22.0 71.68 6257 5 624 843505 3.0 43.48 7.20 su HGlL ~. WATER 21 .o 75.68 72.58 69.88 WATER 23.0 22.5 MC/L TOT NFLT N TOTAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL HG/L 453 21.480 .1668 .2028 34.900 .10 4.340 HGIL MG/L HC/L MC/L HGJL MC/L P WATER 24.2 2513999 2.060 3.0 .1598 .1948 .06 63 22.510 .187B .227$ 24.100 .OlK 4.760 .la08 .219$ 31.500 .06 MClL UG/L UC/L UGIL 100 UG/L PB,TOT UG/L AG,TOT SE,TOT HFH-FCBR UC/L UC/L 9 14 6.5 I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT l H E0930 MEOlUM 00010 WATER 00011 VI 73.48 624 843505 3.8 55.08 7.20 ~~ 0 137 112 7852 8.550 21.340 21.340 40.400 31.100 30.900 .46 .17 .510 8.780 8.780 3.340 ~~ S04-TOT HC,TOTAL WATER 24.0 n I 243 1281 383 630 843505 843505 843505 843505 3.8 3.9 2.5 54.48 44.48 35.88 54.68 7.20 7.20 AS,TOT BA,TOT CD,TOT CR,TOT 52 24.270 .1888 .2288 30.000 .01K 4.530 44 5K 1K 5K IlOOHL OISS-180 C WATER 75.28 , ~ HC03 WATER 7600 MClL UG/L 318 .5K 84/09/06 84/09/06 84/09/07 84/09/07 85/05/21 85/05/27 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 1015 1025 1400 0620 0700 0620 c Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by investigator. 8 - calculated by STOREl. STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGMrALLPAUM GULF lTYPAlAM8NTlSTREAM (SAMPLE CONTINUED PAGE: 26 URG110.002060 URG110002060 35 37 46.0 106 0527.0 4 SANTA i E R. AT 1ST AIRPORT RD BRIDGE BELOW UUTF 35049 NEU MEXICO SANlA FE UESTERN 120900 UPPER RIO GRANOE-ABOVEPECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0019.670 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH FROH PREVIWS PAGE) -.."""--""-------~"""---~~~"""""""""..""""..""""""""""."""""""""""."""""."""""" INITIAL DATE INITlAL TIME 84/09/06 84/09/06 84/09/07 84/09/07 85/05/21 0620 0700 0620 1400 UATER UATER UATER UATER UATER .HFDlllM . ... .. 00061 STREAM 00095 00116 00300 00301 00400 00440 00530 00600 00605 00608 00610 00612 00619 00625 00630 00631 00640 00665 CNDUCIVY INTNSVE FLOU, AT 25C SURVEY INST-CFS MlCROHHO DO DO SATUR PERCENT PH HC03 I O N RESIDUE TOTAL N su HC03 TOT NFLT N ORG N N NH3tNH4- N 019s NH3+NH4- N TOTAL UN-IONZD NH3-N UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 TOT KJEL N ND2BN03 N-TOTAL NO2gN03 N-DISS T INORC. NITROGEN PHOS-TOT 00666 PHDS-DIS 00671 00916 00927 00929 00937 00940 00945 01002 01007 01027 01034 01045 01051 01077 01147 31616 46570 50060 (SAMPLE (DENT MC/L 653 843505 2.0 26.8$ 7.30 MClL MG/L MClL MC/L MC/L K - MC/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L HG/L MG/L N MG/L P MC/L P MC/L P MG/L MC/L less than, J - 7.0 92.88 7..30 224 8.741: .7OOC 8.300 8.000 .046$ .056$ 8.700 .04K .03 8.04C 2.660 1.240 1.600 27.210 .194$ .236$ 27.300 .01K 4.950 . 6.5 90.98 7.50 7.9 97.5$ 7.70 191 4.43c 1.790C 326 2.60C .oooc 322 3.57c .13OC 229 2.16C .32OC 2.600 .022$ .027$ 4.390 .04K 2.560 .016$ .020$ 2.300 .04K 3.400 .045$ .055$ 3.530 .04K 1.a00 .024$ .029$ 2.120 .04K 2.64C .650 2.60C 1.040 3.44c .970 1.84C .a50 7.50 5K 140 2K 5K 6300 10K 2.0K 5K 7 1 .OK 1705 .14 - 0900 UAIER 8.0 96.9$ 7.40 7.2 89.18 1K 5K c a l c u l a t e d by investigator, $ 85/05/29 111 30.4 5.4 64.40 80.70 40 43 - 85/05/28 1400 UATER 200 5K 140 estimated, C 85/05/28 171 843505 92 358 PHOS-DIS ORTHO CALCIUM CA-TOT HCNSIUH HG,TOT SMlUM NA.101 MC/L PTSSIUM K,TOT MG/L CHLORIDE TOTAL HC/L SULFATE S04-TOT MG/L ARSENIC AS,TOT UG/L BARIUM BA,TOT UC/L CADMIUM CD,TOT UGlL CHROHIUM CR.101 UCiL IRON FE;TOT UG/L LEAD PB,TOT UG/L SILVER AG,TOT UG/L SELENIUM SE.101 UG/L FEC COLI MFM-FCBR /100ML CAL HARD CA HG MG/L CHLORINE TOT RES0 MG/L CONTINUED ON NEXT PACE) R m r k codes: 85/05/27 10250930 1015 UATER UAIER 38 39 399 175 c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. ,' STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM PAGE: 27 URGllO.002060 URG110002060 35 37 46.0 106 0527.0 4 SANTA FE R. AT 1ST AIRPORT RO BRIDGE BELOW VUTF 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 13020201011 0019.670 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH (SAMPLE CONTINUED FRW PREVIWS PAGE) ~-~------~"-------"--~------"----------~-------""""..""""""""".""""""""."""""""""""" INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME HEOlUM 71900 MERCURY .5K HG,TOTAL 84/09/06 84/09/06 86/09/07 84/09/07 85/05/21 85/05/27 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 0620 0700 WATER WATER UG/L 0620 WATER 14001015 WATER 1025 WATER 09300900 WATER .5K WATER 1400 WATER WATER -"~--"-"--------------------""----~"""....""""..""".....""..."".""..."""".""""""""""""""""~ INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME 00010 WATER TEMP CENT 25.5 00011 WATER TEMP FAHN 00061 STREAM FLOW, INST-CFS 00070 TURB JKSN JTU 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C MlCROnHO 00116 INTNSVE SURMY IOENI 00300 00 MG/L 00301 DO SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00410 1 ALK CAC03 MG/L 00430 ALK C03 CAC03 MG/L 00440 HC03 ION llC03 MG/L TOT NFLT 00530 RESIOUE MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N MC/L 00605 ORG N N MG/L 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL MG/L 00612 UN-ION20 NH3-N MG/L 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 HG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N HG/L 00630 NO2BN03 N-TOTAL MC/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT HG/L P 00915 CALCIUM CA,DISS HG/L 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT MG/L 00925 MGNSIUM HG,DLSS MC/L 00927 MGNSIUM HG,TOT MG/L 00929 SWlUM NA,TOT MG/L 00930 SWlUM MG/L NA,DISS 00935 PTSSIUH K.DISS MG/L 00937 PTSSIUM K,TOT MC/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MG/L 00945 SULFATE SO4-TOT MG/L 01002 ARSENIC UG/L AS,TOT (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PACE) Remark codes: K - I c s s than, J - 85/05/29 85/07/10 a5/oa/2a 86/08/05 86/08/05 86/08/06 1420 1215 1010 0850 1330 0845 WATER WATER WATER WATER IUATER WATER 22.2 25.0 23.0 21.0 26.5 72.08 77.98 77.08 73.48 71.6s69.8879.78 53 120 673 6.8 97.38 7.60 5.2 78.08 7.20 600 624 582 863508 863508 5.7 5.5 6.3 85.48 79.6% 67.2% 77.0% 96.78 7.30 7.30 7.307.50 7.60 86/08/07 a6/08/07 0645 UATFR 22.0 637 a63508 1205 WATER 19.0 66.28 636 863508 4.7 672 863508 5.9 79.08 7.40 13 9 23.02C 12.000c 10.800 .099$ .1208 22.800 .22 ll.02C 2.740 88/02/05 1030 WATER 13.6 56.58 125.0 502 7.0 84.78 7.20 210 82 100 267 2.95C .OlOC 2.900 .0538 .064S 2.910 .04K 2.941: .920 estinmtcd, C 257 13 10 19.94C 12.76C 18.41C 13.02C 7.200C 5.700C .3OOC 12.500 12.600 12.500 12.500 .1228 .306% .ua$ .372$ 19.700 12.200 18.200 12.800 .24 .22 12.74C 12.76C 12.71C 12.72C 2.340 2.340 5 .OOOC .1668 .2028 ,1148 .1398 .21 .16 .lo0 32.0 3.530 40.0 1.o 3.4 73.60 70.20 7.02 8.97 46 40 5K - calculotcd by investigator, S 45 37 5K - calculated by STORET. 9.23C 5.220C 2.800 .Dl18 .013$ 8.020 1.21 4.01C STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM (SAMPLE CONTINUED FRCU PAGE: 28 URG110.002060 URG110002060 35 37 46.0 106 0527.0 4 SANTA FE R. AT I S 1 AIRPORT RO BRIDGE BELOW WWTF 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE GULF UESTERN 120900 UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0019.670 ON DO00 FEET DEPTH PREVlWS PAGE) -----------~"-----~"----~""--------~~""--~-------"""""""...""..."""""""""~""..""" INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME 1010 1215 MEDIUM 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT UG/L 01027 CADMIUM C0,TOT UGIL 01034 CHROHIUM CR,TOT UG/L 01051 LEAD PB,TOT UG/L 01077 SILVER AG,TOT UG/L 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT UG/L 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR /lDOML CA HG 46570 CAL HARD MG/L MC/L 50060 CHLORINE TOT RESD 70300 RESIDUE DISS'180 C MClL 71900 MERCURY HG,TOJAL UG/L 74041 UPDATED SAMPLE UPF 85/05/29 85/07/10 85/08/28 86/08/05 86/08/05 86/08/06 86/08/07 86/08/07 1420 1030 1205 1330 0645 0850 WATER UATER WATER WATER UATER 100 1K 1OK 10K 3.0 5K 300 38 1148 INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM 00010 UATER 00011 WATER BSld2l25 1130 WATER 16.6 61.9% 6.2 806 7.1 92.2s 7.23 140 170 7 17.55C 7.600C ,, 368 .5K 861218 406 400 861008 861003 88102105 0845 WATER UATER UATER UATER lOOK 1K 5K 10K 1.0 5K 200k 848 .17 402 .5K 861003 74 .50 375 378 861003 861003 880418 ________________________________________""""""""""""~. 00070 TEMP TEMP JKSN TURB CENT FAHN 77.98 JTU ~~ HICRCUHO HG/L PERCENT SU MGlL MGlL MG/L MGlL MG/L MGJL MGlL MGIL MGlL .04K .15 MGlL 00630 N-TOTAL NO2&N03 00640 T INORC. 00665MG/L PHOS-TOT 00680 T ORG C 00900 TOT HARD 00915 CALCIUM (SAMPLE CONTINUED R-rk ccdes: K NITROGEN .OS18 .062% 17.400 .05C P C 11.9 CAC03 - less than, J - ~ 9.800 MC/L N MGlL MG/L CA,DISS MG/L ON NEXT PACE) 89/09/25 1309 WATER 25.5 56.0 762 3.4 51.08 7.30 283 346 37 .25C .2ooc .670 .008$ .009$ .870 9.951: 2.450 .010K 150 60.0 estimated, C - 140 calculated by investigator, $ - calculated by STORET. 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVALDATE PGM=ALLPARM URG110.002060 URG110002060 35 37 46.0 106 05 27.0 .. L. ~ SANTAFE ~~ FROH (SAMPLECONTINUED 29 " A. A I 1ST AIRPORT RD BRIDGE BELOW WUTF 35049 NEW MEXICO SANlAFE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 040907 2lNMEX 13020201011 0000 FEETDEPTH /TYPA/AMBNI/STREAM PAGE: 0019.670 ON PREVIOUSPAGE) ---------~-"---~--------~~-----~~~--------~-------"""----~"."""""".""""""""..."" I N I T I A L DATE I N TI TI M I AEL MEDIUM 00925 MGNSIUM 00930 SMIUM 00935 PTSSIUM 00940 CHLORIDE 00946 SULFATE 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARIUM 01027 CADMIUM 01034 CHROHIUM 01042 COPPER 01045 IRON 01051 LEA0 01055 MANGNESE 01077 SILVER 01105 ALUHINUH 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FEC COLI 46570 CAL HARD 50060 CHLORINE 70300 RESIDUE 71900 MERCURY 74041 WF 82079 TURBIDTY Remark codes: I: ,, 08/02/2589/09/25 .o MC,DISS 121.00 12.00 NA,DISS K,DISS TOTAL 45 SO4-DISS 48.1 5K 210 AS,TOT BA,TOT CD,TOT CR,lOT CU,TOT FE,TOT PB,lOT UG/L HN UGlL 1K UC/L UG/L 10K UG/L UG/L 2.0 60 5K /lOOML ZOK UCiL AG,TOT AL,TOT SE.TOT MFi-FCBR CA MC TOT RESD MG/L MG/L DISS-180 C HG,TOlAL UG/L UPDATED SAMPLE LAB . less 17 50K 720 MGlL 151$ .48 402 .5K 880509 NTU than, J - estimated, C - 5K 50.OK 1 .OK 5K 1400 1408 .20 530 .5K 900124 45.0 calculated by investigator, $ - calculated by STORET. w Y STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM /TYPA/HUN/TREATD/WTFL/NONAMB/PIPE PAGE: 30 URG110.002065 URG110002065 35 37 49.0 106 0520.0 4 EFFLUENT CHANNEL OF AIRPORT ROAD WUTF 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 13020201011 0019.810 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH ------"""---~-~~~-~~----------"~~""""---""""..""""".""""""""""""""""~""""."" INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM 00010 UATER T El& CENT 00011 UATER TEMP FAHN 00042 ALTITUOE FEET MSL A8 00061 STREAM FLW, INST-CFS 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 25C nlcRcuHo 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY IDENT 00300 DO MG/L 00301 00 SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N' nwL 00605 ORG N H I HWL 00610 NH31NH4- N TOTAL MG/L 00612 UN-IONZD NH3-N HG/L 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 MG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N MC/L 00630 NO28N03 N-TOTAL MG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/L P 01002 ARSENIC UC/L AS,TOT UC/L 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT 01027 CADMIUM CD,TOT UG/L 01034 CHRMIUM CR,TOT UG/L 01045 IRON FE,TOT UG/L 01051 LEAD PB.101 UC/L AG,TOT UG/L 01077 SILVER UG/L 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR /lOOML 50060 CHLORINE TOT RES0 MG/L 71900 MERCURY UG/L HG,TOTAL R m r k codes: K - lessthan, J - 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/09/06 85/05/27 85/05/28 1945 1645 0818 07100905 UATER WATER UATER WATER UATER 6265 estimated, C 843505 843505 843505 .16 40.900 .04 28.500 .05 10.630 10.880 9.110 3c 759 UATER 19.0 66.28 85/05/28 1345 UATER 21.0 69.88 85/05/29 0845 UAlER 19.5 67.18 672 648 688 843505 5.4 72.48 7.20 31 20.80C 1.900C 18.900 .111$ .1358 20.800 .04K 18.94C 2.610 21.610 18.850 25.510 37.700 0930 WATER 19.2 66.68 30000J 5.5 73.78 7.20 36 19.04C 1.8OOC 17.200 .loo$ .121$ 19.000 .04K 17.24C 2.620 5K lOOK 2K 5K 50K 10 2.OK 5K 150J .48 .5K - calculated by investigator. B - calculated by STORET. 5.2 72.88 7.10 23 23.14C 4.800C 18.300 .0988 .1198 23.100 .04K 18.34C 2.110 5.6 75.08 7.20 19 18.34C .900C 17.400 .lo58 .1278 18.300 .04K 17.44C 3.640 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGMZALLPARM GULF /TYPA/HUN/TREATO/WTFL/NONAMB/PIPE INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM r TEHP TEHP FLOW, AT 25C SURVEY 00010 UATER CENT 00011 UATER FAHN 00061 STREAM INST-CFS 00095 CNOUCTVY HICROMHO 00116 INTNSVE IDENT DO 00300 HG/L 00301 00 SATUR PERCENT 00400 PH su 00410 TCAC03 ALK HG/L 00430 C03 ALK CAC03 MG/L 00440 HC03 I O N HCD3 MG/L 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L N 00600 TOTAL N MG/L 00605 ORG N N HG/L 00610 NH3+NH4- N TOTAL HG/L 00612 UN-IONZO NH3-N HG/L 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 MG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N HG/L 00630 N02&N03 N-TOTAL HG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT HG/L P 00915 CALCIUM CA.OISS HG/L 00916 CALCIUM &-TOT HG/L 00925 HGNSIUH MG,DISS HG/L 00927 HCNSIUH HG,TOT HG/L 00929 SWIUH HG/L NA,TOT 00930 SWIUM RC/L NA,OISS 00935 PTSSIUH HC/L K,DISS 00937 PTSSIUH K,TOT HG/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL HG/L 00945 SULFATE SC4-TOT HG/L 01002 ARSENIC UG/L AS,TOT 01007 BARIUM UG/L BA,TOT 01027 CAOHIUM UG/L CD,TOT 01034 CHRLUIUH CR.101 UGlL (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON.NEXT PAGE) Remark codes: K - less than, J PAGE: - URGllO.002065 URG110002065 35 3 7 49.0 106 0520.0 4 EFFLUENT CHANNEL OF AIRPORT ROAD UUTl 35049 NEU MEXICO SANTA FE UESTERN 1m~nn UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0019.810 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH 85/05/29 85/07/10 85/08/28 86/08/05 14000945 1135 UATER UATER UATERUATER 22.024.9 24.8 71.6% 76.8% 76.6% 11c 721 653 591 estimated, 5.3 75.9% 7.20 4.7 69.8% 7.10 5.1 76.5% 7.00 0840 24.8 76.6% 602 582 863508 863508 5.3 4.6 79.5% 81.5% 70.7% 7.307.30 7.30 606 863508 5.5 I3 15.0iC 2.200c 12.800 .141$ .172$ 15.000 .07 12.87C 2.290 .oooc 19.600 .I418 A728 18.600 .04 19.64C 1.560 86/08/07 115n . .. . WATER 23.5 74.3% 22.5 72.5% 618 863508 5.5 79.6% 7.20 630 863508 5.0 71.6% 7.20 7 17.26C 3.100C 14.100 .113% .137% 17.200 .06 14.16C 3.720 29.6 44.4 1.5 3.2 71.30 87.40 7.80 8.58 46 40 5K lOOK 1K 10K C 86/08/07 0630 219 83 101 12 19.64C 86/08/05 86/08/06 1320 0830 UAT€R UATER UATER 26.5 24.5 79.7% 76.1% 31 - calculated by investigator, % 43 40 5K lOOK 1K 5K - calculated by STORET. 5 17.71C 5.600C 12.000 .090% .109% 17.600 .ll 12.11c 2.130 STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PCM=ALLPARM 32 PAGE: URG110.002065 URGllOOO2065 35 37 49.0 106 05 20.04 EFFLUENT CHANNEL OF AIRPORT ROAD UUTF NEU MEXICO SANlAFE UESTERNGULF 120900 UPPER R I D GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 2lNMEX 1302020101 840907 0000 FEETDEPTH 35049 /TYPA/MUN/TREATO/WTFL/NDNAMB/PIPE 1 0019.810 ON F R M P R E V I W S PAGE) (SAMPLECONTINUED ----"~""-~~"""____________________"--~~""".."""""""."~~"""""...""".""......"". I N I T I A L DATE I N I TT II HA EL MEDIUM 01051 LEAD 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FEC COLI 46570 CAL HARD 50060 CHLORINE 70300 RESIDUE 71900 MERCURY 74041 WF 85/05/29 85/07/10 85/08/28 86/08/05 86/08/05 86/08/06 86/08/07 86/08/07 1400 1135 0945 0840 1320 0830 0630 1150 p UATER PB,TOT AG,TOT SE,TOT MFM-FCBR CA MC TOT RESD UATER UATER UATER UATER 10K UG/L UG/L UG/L 58 HG/L MC/L DISS-180 C MC/L HC,TOTAL UG/L SAMPLE UPDATE0 5K 550 124s .08 368 .5K 861218 K - less than, J - estimated, C - UATER 80$ .20 406 398 861003 861003 398 .5K 861003 I Remrk codes: UATER 10K 1.0 5K 320 2.0 /100ML UATER calculated by investigator, $ - calculatcd by STORET. 385 383 861003 861003 STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM 33 PAGE: URG110.002070 URG110002070 35 37 55.0 106 05 18.04 SANTA FE R. 8 YD ABOVE AIRPORT ROAD UUTF OUTFALL NEW MEXICO SANTA FE UESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NHEX 840907 13020201011 0019.960 ON 0000 FEET DEPTH 35049 /TYPA/AMBNl/STREAH I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT l H E UEDlUH 00010 WATER 00011 WATER 00042 ALTITUDE DO061 STREAH 00095 CNDUCTVY 00116 INTNSVE 00300 DO OD301 DO 00400 PH 00530 RESIDUE 00600 TOTALN 00605 ORG N 00608 NH3iNH4- 00610 NH3+NH400612 UN-IONZD 00619 ON-IONZD 00625 TOT K J E L 00630 NO28ND3 00631 ND28N03 00640 T INORG. 00665 PHOS-TOT 00666 PHOS-DIS 00671 PHOS-DIS 01002 ARSENIC 01007 BARIUH 01027 CADHIUH 01034 CHROHIUH 01045 IRON 01051 LEAD 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENIUH 31616 FEC C O L I 50060 CHLORINE 71900 MERCURY R m r k codes: K TE& TEHP FEET HSL FLW, AT 25C SURVEY SATUR TOT NFLT N ' N I N DlSS NTOTAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL N-DISS NITROGEN ORTHO AS,TOT BA,TOT CD,TOT CR,TOT FE,TOT PB,TOT AC,TOT SE,TOT HFH-FCBR TOT RESD HG,TOTAL - CENT FAHN AB INST-CFS HICROHHD IDENT HG/L PERCENT 19.5 73.48 67.18 23.0 .2 196 843505 3.4 45.6% 224 843505 56.58 184 843505 5.6 76.78 5514 28026 12644 20.2 68.4% 6270 ~~ 3.9 su 13.0 55.4% 7.6 93.98 7.90 242 .35c 8.0 93.38 8.00 256 1.14C .780C 6.7 93.8% 8.00 344 .59c .150c .310 .0078 .04K .320 .007% .009% 1.100 .04K .400 .0168 .0208 .550 .04K .35c .240 .36C .280 .44c .420 405 .68C .35OC .320 .290 .0068 .0078 .640 .04K HG/L 1.120 10.700 .57 47.000 .40 23.000 .26 2.070 .720 2.390 HG/L n w N HGlL P HG/LP HG/L P UC/L UWL UClL UG/L UG/L UG/L UC/L .os .33c .390 .090 .120 .oooc .OO8% .300 5K 200 2K 5K 840 10K 2.0K 5K UG/L /100ML 200 .14 HG/L UG/L less than, J - 108 8.4 99.8% HC/L HC/L HG/L HG/L HG/L HC/L .600 100 36 100 MG/L 1.090 21.0 69.88 29 112 8.00 HG/L 54.58 .5K estimated, C ~ calculated by investigator, $ - calculated by STORET. STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 /TYPA/AHBNT/STREAH UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 21NMEX 840907 130202010110019.960 0000 rEET DEPTH ~""-~""""~""""". .---~--"--"--~----"--"~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~~~. INITIAL DATE INITIAL TlHE HEDIUH ooolo 00011 00061 00095 00300 00301 00400 00530 00600 00605 00610 00612 00619 00625 00630 00640 00665 TEGP UATER WATER TEUP FLOU, STREAM CNOUCTVY CENT FAHN INST-CFS AT 25C HICROHHO UG/L DO SATUR PERCENT su8.40 PH UG/L RESIDUE TOT NFLT MClL N TOTAL N ORG N N HG/L HG/L NH3+NH4- N TOTAL HG/L UN-IONZO NH3-)I UN-IONZO NH3-NH3 MG/L TOT KJEL N 2.490 HG/L N02gN03 N-TOTAL HGJL T INORG. NITROGEN HWL N PHOS-TOT HG/L P DO Remark codes: K - lessthan, J - 8SIO5J29 85/05/29 0830 1350 UATER WATER 22.2 13.8 72.0$56.89 42 215 108 7.9 6.5 93.0895.75 7.90 281 200 2.53C .95c .630C2.170C .320 .280 .029B.006$ .0081 .036$ .910 .04K .04K .36C .32C .2so .280 estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d by investigator, $ - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. ON STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM HRG86 3 5 4 1 19.0105 49 20.0 4 SANTAFE RIVER ABOVEHCCLURERES 35049 HEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120992 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAH 2lNMEX 0003 FEETDEPTH I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A L TIME MEDIUM DEPTH-FT(SMK) 00010 UATER TEMP 00011 UATER TEMP 00060 STREAM FLW 00070 TURB JKSN 00080 COLOR PT-CO 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 25C 00403 PH LAB 00410 T ALK CAC03 00440 HC03 ION HC03 00445 C03 I O U C03 00530 RESIDUE TOT NfLT 00600 TOTAL U U N 00605 ORC N 00610 NH3tUH4- N TOTAL 00615 NO2-N TOTAL N03-N 00620 TOTAL 00625 TOT KJEL N 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN 00665 PHOS-TOT 00900 TOT HARD CACO3 00915 CALCIUM CA,DISS 00925 MGNSIUM MG.DISS ' ~ 00930 ~~ ~ ~ scow CEUT FAHN CFS JTU UNITS MICROHHO ~~ UA;DISS 00935 PTSSIUM 00940 CHLORIDE 00945 SULFATE 01002 ARSEUIC 01007 BARIUM 01027 CMDHIUH 01027 c mwn 01034 CHROHIUM 01042 COPPER 01045 IRON 01051 LEAD 01055 HANGNESE (SAMPLECONTINUED K,DISS TOTAL SM-TOT AS.TOT ~,~ . ~ BA,TOT CD,TOT CR,TOT CU,TOT FE,TOT PB,TOT HN ON NEXTPACE) .6 33.19 3 1.9 10.6 51.0s 54 48 MC/L HG/L MG/L HG/L H6/L HC/L MG/L HG/L nG/L MC/L HC/L N WG/L P MC/L MG/L HG/L HG/L nc/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UC/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L 130202010110037.770 ON 0 6 1.o SU 35 PAGE: 7.5 40 42 47 52 7.5 16 19 0 9 .18K .oooc .011 .025K .025K .O25K .072 .010K .05DK .025 .om .O2OK .010 .010 . 1OOK .040K .040K 1OOK .18K .WOK 18 6.0 . 1.0 2.30 .78 5K 26 5K 1OOK 1K 5K 50K 610 1OK 50.0K c LQ R m r k codes: K - less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by investigator, '6 - cnlculated by STORET. I STORET RETRIEVALDATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM 36 PAGE: .HRGRh .... . . 35 41 19.0 105 49 20.0 4 SANTA FERIVER ABOVE MCCLURE RES NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 35049 120992 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAW 0037.770 13020201011 2lNMEX 0003 FEETDEPTH FROH (SAMPLECONTINUED ON PREVIOUS PAGE) -~--------~-~-~~"~"------"-~-~""""-.-"""""-~""""""""""""""""""""."""""""""~~""~ TIME D A lIEN I T I A L INITIAL 76/03/05 76/07/20 76/08/09 76/08/30 87/03/31 0915 0715 1000 MEDIUM 1425 0730 WATER WATER WATER WATER UATER DEPTH-FT(SHK) 01062 MOLY H0,TOT 01067 NICKEL NI.TOTAL UG/L 01077 SILVER AG,TOT 01092 Z I N C 2N.TOT 01147 SELENIUM SE,TOT 46570 CAL HARD CA MG 70300 RESIDUE OISS-180 C 71900 MERCURY HC,TOTAL UG/L 74041 UPDATED SAMPLE VPF I Rwrk codes: K - 0 UG/L 1 OK 50K 1 .OK 50K UG/L UG/L UG/L HG/L MC/L Less than, J - estimated, C 5K 19% 76 .5K 870718 . calculated by investigator, f - calculated by STORET. -/ 7 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94106108 PGMsALLPARM PAGE: 1 08317200 35 32 49.0 106 1341.0 2 SANTA FE RIVER ABOVE C O C H l T l LAKE N. MEX. 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201 ll2URD SURFACE SAMPLES INITIAL DATE l.N..1.T. l.A.._ l TlMF . ...- MEDIUM-USGS REMARK TEMP 00010 WATER 00011 WATER TEMP nnnx -- - " ..... TFMP AIR 00028 ANALYZE 00061 STREAM 00095 CNDUCTVY 00300 00 00301 00 PH 7.40 7.30 n n."m 00403 PI1 c02 00405 00410 T ALK 00440 HC03 ION 00600 TOTAL N 00605 ORG N 00610 NH3+NH400612 UN-ION20 00619 UN-ION20 00625 TOT KJEL 00630 NO2SN03 00631 NO2SN03 00650 T PO4 00660 ORTHOP04 00665 PHOS-TOT 00671 PHOS-DIS 00680 T ORG C 00685 1. INORG 00690 1-CARBON 00900 TOT HARD 00902 NC HARD 00915 CALCIUM 00925 MGNSIUM 00930 SO0 I UM 00931 SO0 I UM 00932 PERCENT (SAMPLE CONTINUED AGCNCY FLOW, AT 25C SATUR " CENT FAUN CENT CODE INST-CFS MICROMHO MG/L PERCENT su 8.00 su LAB 79/06/28 79/07/05 74/06/28 75/02/04 0915 1015 0800 1325 UATER UATER WATER WATER 17.0 15.0 6.0 1.5 2.0 12.0 26.0 62.6% 53.6% 78.8% 59.0% 34.7% 24.5 4.5 80020 3 9 20 11 655 305 376 7G3 R 7 7.9 11.4 81.5% 80.3% 81.4% 8.206.90 8.20 7.90 N N N TOTAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL N-OISS ._. pnf. PO4 ORTHO C C C CAC03 CAC03 CA,OISS MG,OISS MGIL MG/L MGlL MGIL MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL P MG/L P MG/L MGIL MGIL MG/L MG/L MG/L MGIL MG/L RAT 10 NA,OISS AOSBTION SODIUM % ON NEXT PAGE) 80020 5 560 8 7.0 3.0 244 298 MG/L CACO3 HC03 79/07/12 81/01/12 81/03/10 81/04/06 81/05/04 0730 1048 1045 1400 WATER UATER UAlER WATER 11.0 . 17.0 35.6% 51.8862.6% 42.8% 3.5 281 343 80020 8 755 748 7.40 7.0 4 0842 WATER 6 716 6.9 93 4.90 .400 3.300 .070% .085% 3.700 1.20 1.2 2.7 10.00 14.00 3.400 16.0 4.500 29.0 15.0 190 0 60.0 9.4 68.00 2.2 43 79 0 25.0 3.9 23.00 1.1 38 2.20 200 0 62.0 11.0 67.00 2.1 41 13.00 .no 4.100 21 .o 46.0 67.0 140 44.0 8.1 92.00 3.3 57 z Remark codes: K - less t h a n , J - estimated, C - calculated by i n v e s t i g a t o r , % - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. -c 0 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 08317200 3 5 3 2 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 SANTAFE RIVER ABOVE COCHITI LAKE N. MEX. 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120991 PGM=ALLPARM PAGE: 2 ITYPAIAMBNTISTREAM 13020201 112WRO SURFACESAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) ____________________"""".."".."".""".""..............---""."""""....."".""""""""""""".. I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A L TIME MEDIUM-USGSREMARK MG/L 00933 NAIK MG/L 00935 PTSSIUM K,OISS MG/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MG/L 00945 SULFATE S04-TOT MG/L 00950 FLUORIDE F,DISS MG/L 00955 SILICA DISOLVEO UG/L 01000 ARSENIC AS,DISS UG/L 01005 BARIUM BA,DISS UG/L 01020 BORON B,DISS UG/L 01025 CADMIUM CD,DISS UG/L 01032 CHROMIUM HEX-VAL UG/L 01040 COPPER CU,DISS UG/L 01046 FE,DISS IRON UG/L 01049 LEAD PB,DISS UG/L PB,SUSP 01050 LEAD UG/L 01051 LEAD PB ,TOT UG/L 01056 MANGNESE MN,DISS UG/L 01075 SILVER AG,OISS UG/L ZINC 01090 2N.OISS 01145 SELENIUM SE,OISS UG/L SEVERITY 01300 OIL-GRSE 01305DE1 SUDS SEVERITY SEVERITY 01325 FLOATING ALG MAT SEVERITY 01330 ATMOSPH ODOR FISH SEVERITY 01340 DEAD SEVERITY 01345 FLOATING DEBRIS SEVERIlY 01350 TURBID SEVERITY ICE01355 COVER PC/L 01515 ALPHA-D AS U-NAT PC/L 01516 ALPHA-S AS U-NAT 03515 BETA-D AS CS137 PC/L 03516 BETA-S AS CS137 PC/L 09510 RA-226-0 PLCHT CT PC/L PC/L 09511 R A - 2 2 6 9 RADON MT llOOML 31616 FEC COLI MFM-FCBR 1100 ML 31625 FEC COLI M-FCAGAO 31673 FECSTREP MFKFAGAR llOOML 31679 FECSTREP MF M-EN1 llOOML (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT I'AGE) , Remarkcodes:K - less than, J - 74/06/28 1015 WATER 6.80 29 45 .40 .90 24.0 7 lOOK 240 ou 0 20K 30 2OOK 150.0 .ou 20 1K 0 2 3 3 75/02/04 0915 WATER 8.20 27 39 .60 28.0 79/06/28 0800 WATER 27.00 3.60 79/07/05 1325 WATER 79/07/12 0730 WATER 81/01/12 1048 WATER 8.20 30 47 .70 11 24 16.0 4" l&K 190 ou 0 15 60 2K 99K 200K 160.0 60 260 40 20 .ou 30 1K 0 1 2 0 1.9K 6.8 4.3 7.4 .1K .16 7000OL 599999 240000 5400 6000 81/03/10 1045 WATER 122000 e s t i m a t e d , C - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , R - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. 81/04/06 1400 WATER 81/05/04 0842 WATER 26.0 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE - n ~ v..77. n.n PGM-ALLPARM 3 PAGE: " 35 32 49.0 106 1341.0 2 SANTA FE RIVER ABOVE COCHlTl LAKE N. MEX. 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201 112WRD SURFACE SAMPLES I N I T I A L DATE .l N..l.T.l.A..l TlMF . .... MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 00010 WATER TEMP CENT TEMP FAHN 00011 WATER 00020 A I R TEMP CENT 00027 COLLECT AGENCY CODE 00028 ANALYZECODEAGENCY FLOW, INST-CFS 00061 STREAM 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 2% MICROMHO 00340 COD H I LEVEL MGlL 00400 ~8.20 PH 8.20 8.30 LAB N N N TOTAL MG/L NH3-N NH3-NH3 ON NEXTPAGE) Si7.20 su MGIL MWL MG/L MG/L 81/05/21 1130 81/06/08 1123 81/07/15 1038 81/08/13 1200 81/09/08 1100 81/10/05 1515 81/11/03 81/12/10 81/12/10 1050 1100 WATER WAlER WATER WATER WATER WATFR WAlER WATER WATER 18.0 64.4% 19.0 80020 4 768 24.5 76.1% 33.5 4 740 21.5 70.7% 26.0 20 336 23.5 74.38 22.5 80020 6 590 2.0 16.5 61.7% 20.0 6 650 2.0 19.5 67.1% 26.5 1028 1028 4 668 L7 "I 8.60 8.50 7.4 17.00 3.000 12.000 1.171% 1.423% 7.2 8.0 46.4% 13.5 80020 80020 6 754 80 8.408.00 7.4 15.00 35.6% 1028 1028 712 1130 35.68 12.0 1028 1028 8 580 8.00 6.9 .070K .003% .OD35 - -zT Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by i n v e s t i g a t o r . % - calculated by STORET. r' STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 08317200 13 41.02 353249.0106 SANTA TE RIVER ABOVE C O C H I T I LAKE 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120991 PAGE: PGM=ALLPARM 4 N. MEX. /TYPA/AMENT/STREAM 13020201 ll2WRD SURFACESAMPLES .""""" 81/12/10 1130 WATER 82/09/21 1020 WATER 16.0 60.88 20.0 Remark codes: K - Lessthan, J - estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , B - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. 94/06/08 08317200 35 32 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE SANTAFE 35049 PGMrALLPARM RIVER ABOVE COCHITILAKE NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 5 PAGE: N. MEX. 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 1 l2URD 13020201 SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) .................................................................................... I N I T I A L DATE 82/01/11 82/02/16 82/03/22 82/04/19 82/05/21 82/06/14 82/07/22 82/08/23 82/09/21 1100 1500 1130 1145 I N I T I A LT I M E 0930 1500 1125 1445 1020 MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 00027 COLLECT AGENCY 00028 ANALYZE AGENCY 00061 STREAM FLOW, 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C H I LEVEL 00340 COD 00400 ~~.~~ PH . ~ . 00403 PH LA8 N 00600 TOTAL N 00605 ORC N N 00610 NH3+NH4- TOTAL N 00612 UN-IONZD NH3-N 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 00625 TOT KJEL N 00630 NO2&N03 N-TOTAL 00631 NO2&N03 N-DISS 00660 ORTHOP04 PO4 00665 PHOS-TOT 00671 PHOS-DIS ORTHO 00680 T ORG C C 00900 TOT HARD CAC03 00915 CALCIUM CA,DISS 00925 MGNSIUM MG,OISS 00930 SODIUM NA,DISS 00931 SODIUM ADSLITION SODIUM 00932 PERCENT 00935 PTSSIUM K,DISS 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL 00945 SULFATE S04-TOT 00950 FLUORIDE F,OISS 00955 S I L I C A DISOLVED 01020 BORON B,DISS 01046 IRON FE,OISS 46570 CAL HARD CAMG SUM 70301 DISS SOL 70302 OlSS SOL TONSDAY 70303 D I S S SOL TONS PER 70331 SUSP SED PARTSIZE 70337 SUSP SED PARTSIZE WATER CODE CODE INST-CFS MlCROMHO L .M G l . su su MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/LP MG/LP MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L RATIO % MG/L MG/L MG/ L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L ACRE-FT %<.062MM WATER WATER 1028 80020 1028 1028 5 580 750 80020 1028 8.50 7.6 8.10 6.9 8 WATER WATER 80020 1028 1028 80020 1028 80020 1028 8 4 640 690650 630 WATER WATER WATER 1028 1028 80020 1028 1028 5 2 2 650500 3 570 9 8.10 7.9 8.50 6.6 PL 8.10 7.0 8.40 7.0 120 36.0 6.8 90.00 3.8 62 .80 29 38 .70 24.0 220 52 118% 346 7.38 .47 85 7.96 7.3 17.00 4.000 12.000 .211% .2578 16.000 1.10 1.2 4.30 5.500 1.400 16.0 150 46.0 7.9 72.00 2.7 49 10.00 37 40 1.00 23.0 230 77 1478 386 5.32 .52 86 7.90 7.0 8.30 7.5 140 45.0 6.9 64.00 2.4 48 8.80 36 39 .80 24.0 200 13 1418 333 2.97 .45 70 %<.OO2MM ON NEXTPAGE) (SAMPLECONTINUED WAlER - Remark codes: K - less t h a n , J - e s t i m a t e d , C - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , % - c c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. c 94/06/08 08317200 35 32 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE SANTAFE 35049 PGM=ALLPARM 6 PAGE: RIVER ABOVE COCHlTlLAKE N. MEX. NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120991 /lYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201 ll2WRD SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A Ll I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 70338 SUSP SED PARTSIZE 70340 SUSP SED PARTSIZE 70342 SUSP SED PARTSIZE AS PO4 71886 TOTALP 71887 TOTAL N AS NO3 CONC 80154 SUSP SED 80155 SUSP SED DISCHARG 82/01/11 82/02/16 82/03/22 82/04/19 82/05/21 82/06/14 82/07/22 82/08/23 82/09/21 1500 0930 1130 1145 1500 1125 1445 1020 1100 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER %<.004MM %<.016MM Ph ._ 100 %<.062MM MG/L MG/L MG/L TONSDAY I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK TEMP CENT 00010 WATER TEMP FAHN 00011 WATER CENT 00020 A I R TEMP 00025 BAROMTRC PRESSURE MM OF HG CODE 00027 COLLECT AGENCY CODE 00028 ANALYZE AGENCY INST-CFS 00061 STREAM FLOW, STAGE FEE1 00065 STREAM 00095 CNDUCTVY AT 25C MICROMHO nmnn no MGlL .. SATUR PERCENT 00 HI LEVEL MG/L COD su PH LAB su PH MG/L N TOTAL N MG/L ORG N N TOTAL MG/LN NH3rNH4UN-ION20 NH3-N MG/L UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 MG/L N MGlL TOT KJEL NO2&N03 N-TOTAL MCLI N028N03 N-DISS MG/L PO4 ORTHOP04 MG/L UC/l .P .._, PHOS-TOT ORTHO MG/L P PHOS-DIS C MG/L T ORG C MG/L CAC03 TOT HARD CONTINUED, ON NEXTPAGE) WATER 81 17.00 76.0 68 .94 74 1.60 510 4.50 ................................................................... 82/11/19 83/01/04 83/03/08 83/05/09 83/07/13 83/08/08 83/09/12 83/11/16 84/01/18 1012 1325 1430 1200 1200 1300 1430 1200 1500 WATER WATER 10.5 50.98 11.0 WATER .5 32.95 .5 15.0 59.08 15.0 102810281028 1028 1028 1028 6 6 1028 8 232 550570 547 WATER WATER 17.5 63.55 23.5 22.5 72.58 23.0 1028 40 1.45 625 1028 1028 13 1.14 367 WATER 22.5 72.58 26.0 WATER 28.5 83.35 29.0 WATER WAlER 6.0 42.85 11.0 1028 1028 1028 1028 80020 10281028 4 7 6 .98 595 530 Remark codes: K - less than, J - - 1028 5 11.2 76.78 ~ . .o 32.08 -2.0 624 60 7.80 8.10 8.10 8.00 7.4 7.5 7.0 20.00 8.000 11.000 .2618 .3188 19.000 1.30 1.3 13.00 4.400 4.200 21 .o 130 estimated, C - 57 7.20 66 7.30 7.90 7.70 8.00 7.1 7.3 5.600 .204$ .247$ 10.000 4.50 4.4 4.100 3.300 19.0 150 c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 5 - c a l c u l a t e d by SlOREl. 17.0 94/06/08 08317200 35 32 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE SANTAFE 35049 PGM=ALLPARM 7 PAGE: RIVER ABOVE COCHITILAKE N. MEX. NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201 ll2WRO SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) """"""""""""".........". I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK CA,OISS44.0 00915 CALCIUM MG/L 00925 MGNSIUM MG,OISS MG/L MGlL 00930 SODIUM NA,OISS 00931 SODIUM AOSBTION RATIO % 00932 PERCENT SODIUM 00935 PTSSIUM K,OISS MG/L 00940 CHLORIDE MG/LTOTAL 00945 SULFATE S04-TOT MG/L F,OISS MG/L 00950 FLUORIDE MG/L 00955 S I L I C A OISOLVEO B,OISS UG/L 01020 BORON 01046 IRON UG/L FE,OISS MG/L 46570 CAL HARD CA MG MG/L SUM 70301 DISS SOL 70302 D I S S SOL TONS/OAY 70303 OlSS SOL TONS PER ACRE-FT 70331 SUSP SED PARTSIZE %<.062MM AS PO4 71886 TOTAL P MG/L 71887 TOTAL N AS NO3 MG/L MG/L 80154 SUSP SED CONC 80155 SUSP SED OISCHARG TONS/OAY I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 00010 WATER TEMP 00011 WATER TEMP TEMP 00020 A I R 00025 BAROMTRC PRESSURE 00027 COLLECT AGENCY 00028 ANALYZE AGENCY 00061 STREAM FLOW, 10 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C n- n -m" 00301 00340 00400 00403 LAB -nn- SATUR DO H I LEVEL COO PH PH (SAMPLECONTINUE0 Remark codes: ."""""".""""""""""".....""""""""... 82/11/19 83/01/04 83/03/08 83/05/0983/07/1383/08/0883/09/1283/11/1684/01/18 1300 1325 1012 1430 1430 1200 1200 1200 1500 WATER WATER 40.0 31.0 WATER WATER 46.0 24.0 8.3 4.0 53.00 32.00 15.00 2.0 42 6.70 5.70 2.60 9 29 23 39 .70 .20 .80 14.0 22.0 30 160 16 36 768 149% 340 7.25 .46 35 7.7 57.00 2.3 47 8.00 32 37 1 .oo 21.0 170 66 1328 337 5.37 .46 92 14.00 90.0 28 .45 112 2140 WAIER WATER WATER 4.1 7.7 57.00 7.10 29 46 1 .oo 22.0 140 59 1428 18 26 16.0 90 30 948 68 732 93 a4105/24 84/07/03 86/09/26 84/11/20 85/01/03 85/03/06 85/05/15 85/07/1885/09/24 1330 1215 1600 1500 1045 1500 1430 1130 1045 WATER CENT FAHN CENT MM OF HG CODE CODE INST-CFS 9 MICROMHO MG/L PERCENT MG/L SU WATER WATER 26.0 25.5 11.5 78.8% 48.2% 32.0% 44.6% 52.7% 77.9% 29.0 28.5 10.0 625 638 63 1 10281028 1028 1028 1028 80020 80020 80020 2 2 2 590 550 540 10.210.5 12.2 10.0 8.6 124.48 90.5$ 83.6% 82.08 77.5% su WATER WATER 7.0 .o 8.5 633 2.5 630 80020 1028 WATER 9.0 14.5 632 1028 80020 8 525 9.00 - Less t h a n , J - estimated, C - WATER 18.0 64.4% 28.5 634 1028 80020 50 252 7.6 80.0% 7.50 8.2 7.1 ON NEXTPACE) K WATER WATER . ~.~ calculated by i n v e s t i g a t o r , % - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET WATER 26.0 54.5% 78.88 33.0 635 1028 80020 4 634 8.6 79.6% 104.9% 80 WATER 12.5 27.0 636 1028 1028 7 591 8.6 8.10 8.0 PGM=ALLPARM 94/06/08 08317200 35 32 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 STORET RETRIEVALDATE SANTA FERIVER ABOVE COCHlTlLAKE NEW MEXICO SANTAFE 8 PAGE: N.MEX. 35049 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201 112WRD SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUE0 FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1130 TIME 1330 I N I T I A L DATE 84/05/2484/07/0384/09/2684/11/2085/01/0385/03/0685/05/1585/07/1885/09/24 I N I T I A L 1500 1430 1045 1600 1215 1500 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 00610 NH3tN114TOTAL MG/L N 9.400 12.000 4.500 00612 UN-ION20 NH3-N MG/L .lo88 :2588 00619 UN-ION20 NH3-NH3 MG/L .1318 .3148 00625 TOT KJEL N MGIL 7.600 MG/L 4.50 4.3 MG/L 2.6 4.4 6.000 MG/L P 4.500 5.300 MG/L P 4.000 4.100 14.0 MG/L 0.2 25.0 36.0 36.0 43.0 MG/L 49.0 48.0 36.0 26.0 5.4 MG/L 5.6 8.8 7.3 4.2 7.9 5.2 60.00 MC/L 61 .OO 66.00 80.00 19.00 64.00 77.00 7.90 MG/L 8.10 9.10 7.70 2.60 6.60 9.30 32 MG/L 32 36 32 33 34 10 40 MG/L 55 40 48 49 29 32 1.10 MG/L 1.10 1 .oo .90 .80 .80 .40 19.0 MG/L 16.0 17.0 24.0 23.0 21 .o 16.0 ~ . 160 22 1448 85 17 UC/L UG/L MG/L %<.062MM MG/L (CODES) 170 39 1138 79 22 160 30 1128 .. 07 61 30 ..". 140 33 1528 02. 32 140 18 152$ 97 73 40 190 828 55 1020 "".""""""". 150 23 lll$ """____ 107 """"" 05/11/06 86/03/12 06/03/12 86/05/30 87/01/07 87/03/31 07/05/12 87/07/15 87/11/16 1415 1415 1430 0930 1015 1000 1230 1030 1300 WATER WATER 12.012.0 11.0 11.0 53.6841.08 53.68 51.08 51.88 16.0 628 1028 1028 80020 80020 80020 1028 10 570 9.2 85.28 34 Remark codes: K - less t h a n , J - estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d by WATER WATER WATER 5.0 0.0 16.0 618 630 1028 1028 1028 12 550 6 60 8.4 72.68 66.48 89.88 77.88 investigator, 8 - 4.5 WATER 5.5 41.98 8.0 630 10281020 1028 80020 80020 12 9 0290 460 11.5 0.5 635 calculated by STORET. WATER WATER 10.0 50.08 23.5 640 18 8.2 22.0 71.68 25.0 632 1028 80020 4 550 8.1 92.18 10K WATER 10.0 50.08 11.0 632 1028 80020 ii 515 10.6 93.88 43 -c 3 94/06/08 08317200 35 32 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE PGMZALLPARM SANlA FERIVER ABOVE COCHlT!LAKE NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 35049 9 PAGE: N. MEX. 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ll2WRO 13020201 SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) ..................................................................................... 85/11/06 86/03/12 86/03/12 86/05/30 87/01/07 87/03/31 87/05/12 87/07/15 87/11/16 I N I T I A L DATE 1415 1430 1415 0930 1015 1000 1030 1230 1300 I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK PH PH TOTAL N N NORG N NH3tNH4- TOTAL N UN-ION70 NH3-N UN-ION20 N113-NH3 TOT KJEL N N028N03 N-TOTAL ND28N03 N-OISS PHOS-TOT PHOS-DIS ORTHO T ORG C C TOT HARD CAC03 CALCIUM CA,DISS MGNSIUM MG,OISS SODIUM NA,OISS 00400 00403 LAB 00600 00605 00610 00612 00619 00625 00630 00631 00665 00671 00680 00900 00915 00925 00930 nnw ADSBTION SODIUM ~~~~~~~~ 00932 PERCENT 01020 01046 46570 70301 70331 71886 71887 80154 _____"" " " " " BORON IRON CAL HARD OlSS SOL SUSP SED TOTALP TOTALN SUSP SED SODIUM B,DISS FE,OISS CAMG SUM PARTSIZE AS PO4 AS NO3 CONC WATER su su MGlL MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MGlL MG/L MG/L P MG/L P MG/L MG/L MG/L MC/L MG/L RAT IO % MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L WATFR WATER WATER 8.50 8.4 8.40 8.5 2.30 .940 .Ob0 ,0038 ,0048 1.000 1.30 1.3 3.500 1.300 7.1 140 44.0 7.1 65.00 2.5 49 6.20 37 52 .90 24.0 160 9 139% 361 %<.062MM 49 7.30 WATER .00 7.7 120 37.0 6.8 68.00 2.8 53 6.80 40 50 .90 20.0 150 26 120% 342 5 140 43.0 7.2 81 -00 3.1 55 7.00 37 48 .80 23.0. 150 19 137% 379 11.00 MG/L 10.0 MG/L 38 MC/L 49 ""._."""" "."".".......... WATER 8.30 8.1 47.0 7.5 59.00 6.20 37 51 .80 20.0 120 21 148% WATER .00 7.4 30.0 4.6 31 .OO 3.50 17 27 .50 17.0 70 97 94% WATER 9.00 8.8 .030 .0004% .0005% 1.100 .60 .6 2.200 .960 7.4 .020 .003% .004% .700 1.90 1.8 3.500 3.400 6.2 37.0 4.8 88.00 43.0 6.7 59.00 7.20 50 45 1 .oo 22.0 260 11 112% 340 .10 21.0 120 16 1358 69 25 275 24 .- - - - .- - .-.."""". . - - .- - .- - - .. - - - - - - - - -. """"" I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK CENT 00010 UATER TEMP TEMP FAHN 00011 WATER (SAMPLECONTINUED ON NEXTPAGE) VAT ER 7.50 8.8 7.40 - - - - -103 .- - - ~. . . 88/03/03 1520 88/05/09 1130 88/07/06 0930 89/01/26 1302 89/02/10 1230 89/04/05 1310 89/07/19 1400 89/11/21 1102 90/02/28 1115 WATER WATER WAlER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER UATER 11.0 51.8% 15.0 59.0% 21 .o 69.8% 6.5 43.7% 7.0 44.6% 18.0 64.4% 29.5 85.1% 7.0 44.68 6.4 43.58 L Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by investigator, % - calculated by STORET. cc "c 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 08317200 3532 49.0106 PGM-ALLPARM PAGE: 10 13 41.02 SANTAFE RIVER ABOVE COCHlTl LAKE N. MEX. 35049 MEXICO NEU SANTA FE 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 112URO 13020201 SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTlNUEO FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) ""..."..."."""""""""""" ". 00301 00340 00400 SATUR H I LEVEL 00 COD PH CENT MM OF HG CODE CODE INST-CFS MICROMHO MG/L PERCENT MG/L su su .. .. 626 7.4 9.2 82.9% 725 9.6 94.2% 8.30 8.0 9.00 8.7 8.30 7.9 48.0 6.5 71.00 6.90 32 45 1.oo 25.0 130 22 147% 49.0 7.8 91.00 6.70 39.0 5.8 45.00 6.60 18 26 .50 26.0 90 1400 121$ 50a 12.4 0 99.2% 82.2% 8.63 500 10.4 85.3% 6 610 10.4 109.5% 8.70 8.5 9.10 8.8 47.0 7.8 67.00 7.40 37 40 .80 23.0 120 8 149% 46.0 6.5 87.00 7.80 44 44 .90 22.0 180 13 142$ MG/L - "_ - . .... ... 00671 PHOS-DIS ORTHO MWL MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L P MG/L P MGIL MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 37 MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L MG/L %<.062MM 49 .90 26.0 180 11 154% MGlL Remark codes: K - less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by investigator, $ - calculated by STORET. 1028 80020 25 750 5.8 74.48 30 8.92 8.3 1.300 .510% .620% 2.800 3.70 3.5 3.400 2.700 8.2 40.0 6.5 110.00 13.00 45 39 1.oo 27.0 230 11 127$ 77 27 615 1028 80020 6 630 11.2 91.8% 37 8.60 7.7 1.900 .105% .127$ 3.500 2.40 2.4 4.700 3.800 7.9 53.0 7.6 79.00 9.90 39 43 .80 27.0 200 40 164$ 680 1028 80020 8 600 11.0 88.08 8.77 8.0 52.0 8.4 76.00 8.50 41 40 .70 26.0 170 83 164% 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE nm17mn . 35 32 49.0 11 PAGE: PGM=ALLPARM I-_. _"I SANTAFE 106 13 41.0 2 RIVER ABOVE COCHITILAKE NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 35049 N. MEX. .l?"OOl ITYPA/AMRNT/STREAM 13020201 ll2URO SURFACE SAMPLES ." ," ." ." ". ." " ," ," I N I T I A L DATE I N l l I A LT I M E MEOIUM-USGS REMARK TEMP 00010 WATER TEMP 00011 WATER 00020 A I R TEMP 00025 BAROMTRC PRESSURE 00027 COLLECT AGENCY 00028 ANALYZE AGENCY 00061 STREAM FLOW, 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 25C 00300 00301 00340 00400 00403 00608 00610 00612 00613 00615 00619 00625 00630 00631 00665 00671 00680 00915 00925 00930 00935 00940 00945 00950 00955 01020 01046 00 00 SATUR H I LEVEL COO PH PH NH3tNH4- N DlSS NTOTAL N028N03 NO2gN03 NH3-N DlSS TOTAL NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL N-OISS PHOS-TOT PHOS-OIS T ORG C CALCIUM MGNSIUM SODIUM PTSSlUM CHLORIDE SULFATE FLUORIDE SILICA BORON IRON (SAMPLE CONTINUE0 K ORTHO C CA,OISS MG,OISS NA,DISS K,OISS - - - - - - - - .- - -...- .- - - - - ....."""" . .- - .....- ....""_".. - ....- ....." ." ." ." " . CENT FAHN CENT MM OF HG CODE CODE INST-CFS MICROMHO MG/L PERCENT MG/L ~ ~ ~~~~ su 20.0 68.08 24.5 660 1028 1028 7 365. 7.2 78.38 - WA1 ER 15.5 59.98 15.0 620 1028 80020 7 56; 8.0 78.58 35 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MGlL LM G I MG/L P MG/L P MG/L MG/L MGIL MG/L MG/L MG/L MGIL MC/L MGIL UGlL less than, J WATER WATER TOTAL S04-TOT F,OISS OISOLVEO B,OISS UG~L FE,OISS ON NEXT PAGE) - ." 90/07/11 90/09/18 91/01/11 91/06/05 92/03/10 92/06/15 1430 1102 1430 1245 0930 1030 8.40 su LAB NH3tN114UN-IONZD NO2-N N02-N UN-IONZD TOT K J E L Remark codes: ____""" estimated, C 8.86 8.2 .920 1.100 .I298 .I20 .I40 .1578 1.600 1.50 1.5 3.400 3.200 7.5 42.0 5.6 76.00 9.40 43 44 .so 23.0 200 34 - 7.0 44.68 7.0 630 1028 80020 9 590 10.1 82.8% 17 8.88 8.1 .520 .450 .0438 .050 .060 .OS28 1.500 1.70 1.7 2.100 1.800 5.4 49.0 8.4 63.00 7.30 45 51 .80 20.0 140 17 WATFR UAlER 22.5 72.58 28.5 624 1028 80020 10 575 7.5 85.38 8.70 8.2 12.0 53.68 13.0 635 1028 80020 29 355 12.0 111.18 47 8.01 7.7 .230 .220 .004$ .070 .070 WATER 24.0 75.28 22.5 621 1028 1028 10M 415 6.2 72.98 8.04 .d058 I .600 .87 .9 47.0 6.5 63.00 6.10 40 49 .80 24.0 150 8 calculated by investigator, % - 1 .ooo .670 15.0 36.0 5.9 31.00 4.50 20 30 -5 . .0 . 18.0 70 310 c a l c u l a t c d by STORET. QJ 0 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 08317200 PGM=ALLPARM 35 32 49.0 106 13 41.0 2 SANTA FERIVER ABOVE COCHITI LAKE NEW MEXICO SANTA FE PAGE: N. MEX. 35049 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 11ZWRD 13020201 SURFACE SAMPLES .- - - - - - - - -.."""... ....- - ..- -.."""""_____ ."_.."""".. 90/07/11 1030 91/01/11 1430 91/06/05 1102 92/03/10 1430 WATER WATER WATER WATER 1578 67 3.600 Remark codes: K - Less than, J - estimated, C - 1. a 0 0 37 1448 114$ 92/06/15 1245 WATER 87 .660 100 calculated by investigator, 8 - calculated by STORET. 12 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM URG110.002025 URG110002025 35 33 24.0 106 14 47.0 4 SANTA iE RIVER AT TETILLA PEAK ACCESS ROAD BRlDG SANTA FE 35049 NEW MEXICO 120900 WESTERN GULF UPPER RIO GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 13020201011 0006.280 ON 2lNMEX 840907 SURFACE SAMPLES PAGE: 13 ITYPAIAMBNTISTREAM ........................................................ 01/01/0184/08/0784/08/07 84/08/08 84/08/0884/09/0584/09/05 ,84/09/0684/10/30 INITIAL DATE 1710 1235 1520 0945 1600 1115 0855 1545 INITIAL TIME WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER IUATER WATER MEDIUM 23.5 26.0 19.0 26.0 22.2 25.0 TEMP CENT 14.0 00010 WATER 74.3% 78.8% 66.2% 78.8% 72.08 77.0% FAHN 00011 WATER TEMP 57.2% 5450 AB MSL 00042 ALTITUDE FEET 6 3 4 FLOW, INST-CFS 00061STREAM 403 426 470 560 570 397 AT 25C MICROMHO 475 00095 CNOUCTVY 843505 843505 843505 843505 843505 843505 SURVEY IOENT 843505 00116INTNSVE 4.4 MG/L 3.8 6.2 4.3 5.7 2.9 00300 00 5.6 72.8$ 65.5% 63.3% 42.2% 79.1% PERCENT 53.4s 72.8% SATUR 00301 DO su 7.60 7.80 7.80 7.40 00400 PH 0 MG/L 00430C03 A L K CAC03 MG/L 1 83 00440HC03 ION HC03 7087 69 11350 2934 393 61 MG/L 772 52 00530 RESIDUE TOT NFLl 19.63C 27.27C 19.72C 12.3% 50.85C 16.13C 16.28C MG/L 17.10C 00600 TOTAL N N 19.18OC 2.980C 5.290C 42.820C 10.750C 2.130C 4.280C 6.900C MG/L 00605 ORG N N 5.550 5.050 5.020 8.520 4.110 4.780 3.850 00610 NH3tNH4- N TOTAL MG/L 7.900 .055$ .071% .243% .152% MG/L 00612UN-ION20NH3-N .Ob78 .OB68 .295% .185$ 00619UN-ION20NH3-NH3 MG/L 9.330 24.200 11.500 47.600 14.600 9.400 7.680 14.800 MGlL 00625 TOT KJEL N 3.25 1.53 8.60 10.30 3.07 8.22 2.30 MG/L 2.95 00630NO2gN03 N-TOTAL 8.03C 14.15C 15.35C 8.0% 10.20c 5.3% 16.74C 7.06C 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 3.080 3.510 3.850 2.690 2.410 3.010 4.150 MGIL P 2.560 00665 PHOS-TOT 42.4 MG/L 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT 3.4 00927MGNSIUMMG,TOT MG/L 59.80 MG/L 00929 SOOlUM NA,TOT 8.97 MG/L 00937PTSSIUMK,TOT 39 MG/L 00940 CHLORIDE TOTAL MG/L 40 44 00945 SULFATE S04-TOT UG/L 6 5K 01002ARSENICAS,TOT UG/L 100 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT 230 UG/L 01027 CADMIUM CD,TOT 1K 3 UG/L 01034 CHROMIUM CR,TOT 6 71 UG/L 42 01051 LEA0 PB,TOT 5K UG/L 1 .OK 2.0 01077SILVERAG,TOT 01147 SELENIUM SE.TOT UG/L 5K 5K 31616 FEC COLI MFl&FCBR .llOOML 240005 19OOJ (SAMPLE CONTINUE0ON NEXT PAGE) ~~ Remark codes: K - lees than, J - estimated, C - calculated by investigator, % - calculated by STORET STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM-ALLPARM URGllO.002025 URG110002025 14 47.0 4 353324.0-106 SANTA FE RIVER AT TETILLA PEAK ACCESS ROAD BRlOG SANTA FE 35049 NEW MEXICO WESTERN GULF 120900 UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER ZlNMEX 840907 13020201011 0006.280 ON SURFACE SAMPLES ~~ ~~ PAGE: 14 ~ /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM (SAMPLE CONTINUFD FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) ~~~~~~ INITIAL DATE 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/09/05 84/09/05 84/09/06 84/10/30 INITIAL l l M E 1115 1600 0945 1520 1235 17101545 0855 MEDIUM WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 46570 CAL HARO CA MG MG/L 1208 70300 RESIDUE OISS-180 C MG/L 353 71900 MERCURY IIG,TOTAL UG/L .5K .5K ___________"___________________________"""""....~.""."""""""....."""" INITIAL DATE 84/12/05 85/02/25 85/03/14 85/05/21 85/05/27 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 85/05/29 INITIAL TIME 1545 1130 1540 1150 1420 1200 1600 1110 1710 .MFnlllM .-. .-. . WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 00010 WATER TEMP CENT 22.9 17.2 23.06.6 17.0 21.2 13.5 43.98 00011 UAiER TEMP FAHN 62.6870.2856.38 73.48 73.2% 63.08 77 x.,I 7 00061 STREAM INSI-CFS 5 9 52 50 FLOW, 00095 CNOUCTVY AT 2% MICROMHO 766 2iii 207 226 218 206 228 00300 DO MG/L 9.4 6.8 8.1 5.7 5.9 7.0 6.1 00301 00 SATUR PERCENT 94.18 71.88 92.0% 82.88 93.38 88.28 85.68 su 00400 PH 8.10 8.00 7.80 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.80 00440 HC03 ION MG/L HC03 149 00530 RESIDUE TOT NrLT MG/L 52 80 223 2 79 343 51 1 449 344 509 00600 TOTAL N N MG/L 7.56C 7.08C 1.58C3.73C 2.49C 2.67C 2.71C 2.73c MG/L .oooc 00605 ORG N N 1.050C .260C1.060C .04OC .55OC .53OC .2ooc 00608 NH3+NH4- N DISS MG/L 2.400 00610 NH3+NH4- N TOTAL MG/L 5.800 4.610 1.840 1.300 1 .600 .600 2.200 1.700 00612 UN-IONZD MG/L NH3-N .OB18 .0458 .047$ .0168 .049$ .0408 .051$ 00619 UN-IONZD ~.~ NH3-NH3 MG/L .0988 .0558 .019% .0575 .059$ .0498 .Ob28 5.100 1.880 00625 TOT KJEL N MG/L 5.660 .E60 3.260 1.850 2.130 1.900 00630 NO2&N03 MG/L N-TOTAL 2.46 .72 1.42 .61 .82 .47 .83 .58 00631 NO2gN03 N-OISS MG/L .6 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 8.26C 6.03C 2.4% 2.12c 1.32C 2.67C 2.53C 2.18C MG/L P 2.800 00665 PHOS-TOT 2.380 1.100 1.I30 .640 1.190 1.070 1.100 00666 PHOS-OIS MG/L P .950 00671 PHOS-OIS ORTHO MG/L P .910 00916 CALCIUM CA-TOT MG/L 36.4 00927 MGNSIUM MG,TOT MG/L 5.2 00929 SODIUM NA,TOT MGlL 18.40 00937 PTSSIUM K,TOT MG/L 3.12 00940 CHLORIDE MG/LTOTAL 12 O W.L.. 5 SIII~FATF .. . . -. ...- MG/L S04-TOT 23 01002 ARSENIC UG/L AS,TOT 5K 01007 BARIUM BA,TOT UG/L 160 01027 CADMIUM CD,TOT UG/L 2K (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) ~~~~~ Remark codes: K . Less than, J - estimated, C - calculated by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 8 - calculated by STORET. STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM URGllO.002025 URG110002025 35 33 24.0 106 14 47.0 4 SANTA FE RIVER AT TETILLA PEAK ACCESS ROAD BRlDG 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE WESTERN GULF I20900 UPPER RIO GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 13020201011 0006.280 ON 2lNMEX 840907 SURFACE SAMPLES PAGE: 15 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM (SAMPLE CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) ________________________________________"""""....""."......""""" INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME ME0 I UM 01034 CHROMIUM 01045 IRON 01051 LEA0 01077 SILVER 01147 SELENIUM 31616 FEC COLI 46570 CAL HARD 50060 CHLORINE 71900 MERCURY 84/12/0585/02/2585/03/14 1545 1540 1130 WATER WATER WATER CR,TOT FE,TOT PB,TOT AG,TOT SE,TOT MFM-FCBR CA MG TOT RES0 HG,TOTAL UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L 1100ML MG/L MG/L UG/L INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME .MFnlllM ." .-. . TEMP CENT 00011 WATER TEMP FAHN 00070 TURB JTUJKSN 00095 CNOUCTVY A1 25CMICROMHO IOENT 00116 INTNSVE SURVEY 00300 DO MG/L 00301 DO SATUR PERCENT PH su 00400 CAC03 MG/L 00410 T ALK HC03 MG/L 00440 HC03 ION 00530RESIDUE TOT NFLT MG/L 00600 TOTAL N N MG/L 00605 ORG N N MG/L 00610NH3tNH4- N TOTAL MGlL 00612 UN-IONZD NH3-N MG~L 00619 UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 MG/L 00625 TOT KJEL N MG/L 00630 N02&N03 N-TOTAL MG/L 00640 T INORG. NITROGEN MG/L N 00665 PHOS-TOT MG/L P MG/L 00900 TOT HARD CAC03 00915 CALCIUM CA,DISS MG/L 00925 MGNSIUM MG,DISS MG/L 00930 SODIUM NA,DISS MG/L 00935 PTSSIUM MG/L K,DISS (SAMPLE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 00010 .~ WATER ~~~ ~~~~ Remark codes: ~ K - 5K 6200 1 OK 2.OK 5K 30 290 112$ .09 - - ....- .". "_______________""""""""~ . ~~ Less than, J - 85/05/21 85/05/27 85/05/28 85/05/28 85/05/29 85/05/29 1150 17101420 1110 1600 1200 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER .5K ..- ......."""""""".""""."""".."""""" " 86/08/0586/08/0586/08/06 1040 1545 1240 WATER WATE!? WATER 22.5 26.0 30.5 78.88 86.9$ 72.58 462 863508 7.4 102.75 8.40 534 863508 6.2 99.78 8.80 25 8.50C 1.420C .780 .0838 .IO18 2.200 6.30 7.0% 2.640 9 8.14C 1.560C .180 .0628 .0758 1.740 6.40 6.58C 2.390 estimated, C 510 863508 7.3 108.88 8.40 1 70 208 21 8.87~ .8OOC 1.530 .203$ ,2478 2.330 6.54 8.07C 3.100 44.0 6.3 64.40 6.63 - 86/08/07 86/08/07 88/02/25 1400 0905 1350 WATER WATER WATER 1. .L._ ~R 20.0 30.0 68.08 86.08 58.68 24.0 385 518 759 863508 863508 6.7 7.3 8.4 89.05 117.38 100.68 8.20 8.50 8.52 139 1 70 332 22 59 7.89C 8.74C 7.99c 2.380C 1.353c 1.850C .440 .357 6.010 .0268 ,0728 .4918 .0328 .088$ .5988 2.820 1.710 7.860 5.07 .88 6.28 5.51C 6.64C 6.89C 2.910 .I70 2.700 60 170.0 4.9 69.00 10.00 calculated by investigator. 5 - calculated by STORET PGM=AI.LPARM 94/06/08 URG110.002025 URG110002025 35 33 24.0 106 14 47.0 4 STORET RETRlEVAL DATE RIVERATTETILLAPEAK ACCESS ROAD BRlDG SANTA FE NEW MEXICO I20900 WESTERN GULF UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER PAGE: SANTAFE 35049 2lNMEX 840907 13020201011 0006.280 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ON SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) """"""""""""""""""""""""..."........".. 86/08/0586/08/0586/08/0686/08/0786/08/0788/02/25 1350 14001040 0905 1240 1545 lN!T!AL DATE I N I T I A L TIME WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L Remark codes: K - WATER 41 39 40.2 5 140 1K 1K 5K 10K 2.0 1300 5K 21K 4455 1 .OK UG/L UG/L /lOOML MG/L MG/L C MG/L UG/L UPDATED 20OK 1365 .10 373 - 5K 100 5K 10K UG/L less than, J 35 5K 398 394 333 380 861003 861003 .5K 861003 861003 861003 estimated, C - 392 .5K 880509 calculated by investigator. B - calculated by STORET. 16 94/06/08 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE PGMZALLPARM 17 PAGE: HRG87 35 33 37.0 106 14 09.0 4 SANTA FERIVERATLA NEW MEXICO 35049 BAJAOA SANTA FE 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201011 0006.770 ON 2lNMEX 0003 FEETDEPTH CENT FAHN 3 CFS JTU MICROMHO MG/ L MG/ L MG/L P Remarkcodes: K - L e s st h a n , J - 75/05/12 1515 75/07/15 1515 75/08/04 1230 75/09/08 0945 75/10/20 1530 76/01/05 1030 WATER 76/05/02 1130 76/08/73 1230 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 17.2 25.0 20.9 31.1 77.08 88.08 84.08 3 16 2 24.0 25.0 100.0 540 560 630 2.073 2.330 3.400 2.460 3.520 1.0302.590 1.114 .IO0 .864 estimated, C - 63.0$ 47.0 660 5.652 2.500 c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 8 - 17.0 64.08 6 13.0 630 1.770 4.382 3.500 .6 33.18 8 13.0 730 8.790 .419 4.700 c a l c u l a t e d by STORE1 14.4 58.08 10 21 .o 590 8.567 .770 5.250 25.6 70.08 4 25.0 680 6.387 .933 3.930 PGM-ALLPARM STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 NM HRG87 92500 100901 USFSO31040 352087 35 33 37.0 106 14 09.0 2 SANTA FE RIVER LA EAJAOA 35049 NEW MEXICO SANTA FE R I O GRANDE SANTA FE RIVER 130202010110006.770 ON 113FORS3 790721 SURFACE SAMPLES INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM 00010 WATER TEMP 00011 WATER TEMP TEMP 00020 A I R 00061 STREAM FLOW, 00076 TURB TREIDMTR 00300 DO 00301 DO SATUR 00400 PH 00630 N02&N03 N-TOTAL CENT FAHN CENT INST-CFS HACH Flu MG/L PERCENT su PAGE: 18 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 75/03/28 1545 75/04/10 1300 75/05/12 1515 75/07/14 1515 75/08/04 1230 75/09/08 0945 76/05/02 1130 76/08/13 1230 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 14.5 58.18 8.9 8 13.0 9.0 86.58 9.20 MG/L 5.5 25 .O 41.98 5.5 7 77.08 29.3 3 24.0 11.0 131.0$ 9.80 2.46 10.0 78.18 9.25 31.1 88.08 31.1 3 25.0 9.0 120.08 9.50 3.52 28.2 82. a$ 29.3 2 100.0 11.0 101.38 9.00 2.59 17.2 63.08 19.4 a 47.0 8.2 84.58 9.00 1.03 14.4 57.9$ 15.0 4 21 .o 9.0 86.58 9.20 .77 25.6 78.1% 3 25.0 .93 -crl 4 Remark codes: K - Less than, J - estimated, C - caLculated by investigator, % - calculated by STORET. 94/06/08 URG110.002020 URG110002020 35 34 47.0 1061634.04 SANTAFE RIVER 3/16 M I ABOVE MARSH 35043 NEW MEXICO SANOOVAL 120900 WESTERN GULF STORET RETRIEVAL DATE PGMZALLPARM UPPER R I O CRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER 13020201011 0003.880 840907 2lNMEX SURFACE SAMPLES PAGE: 19 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM ON .................................................................................. 01/01/01 84/08/07 84/08/07 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/08/08 84/09/05 84/09/05 84/09/06 I N I T I A L DATE 1200 1530 0920 1305 1310 1500 1645 0920 I N I T I A LT I M E WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER MEDIUM WATER WATER TEMP CENT 25.0 FAHN 66.78 78.88 77.08 WATER TEMP 5370 ALTITUDE FEET AB MSL STREAM FLOU, INST-CFS 6 423 CNOUCTVY AT 25C MICROMHO INTNSVE SURVEY IDENT 843505 MG/L 3.1 PERCENT 44.98 SATUR 00010 00011 00042 00061 00095 00116 su CACO3 HC03 TOT NFLT N TOlAL NH3-N NH3-NH3 N N-TOTAL CA-TOT MG,TOT NA,TOT K,TOT TOTAL SO4-TOT AS,TOT BA,TOT CD TOT CR TOT PB,TOT AG,TOT SE,TOT MFM-FCBR CA MG , , DISS-180 HG,TOTAL MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/LP MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UCIL UG/L UG/L UG/L /lOOML MG/L C MG/L UG/L 26.0 382 843505 3.4 50.58 19.3 357 843505 5.0 64.88 25 .O 59.0877.0863.5877.08 843505 9241 5.620 3754 2.750 81.700 2.73 3.870 33.700 3.37 3.350 14.200 1.96 2.980 25 .O 3 322 843505 3.8 55.18 7.70 3 546 843505 4.9 61.58 7.60 560 843505 4.0 58.08 7.50 18s 1461 2.930 .081B .0998 9.000 3.03 2.760 157 7.380 .0968 .1168 10.800 8.10 4.730 163 5.910 .lo48 .1278 8.490 11.20 .470 n 15553 11.700 17.5 353 .5K 15.0 506 843505 b.2 74.18 7.50 130 393 3.130 .0278 .0338 3.650 10.60 4.560 40.8 4.4 59.80 8.97 40 44 5K 140 1 11 5K 1.0 5K 627J 1208 .5K I i Remark codes: K - Less t h a n , J - estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 8 - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM URGllO.002005 URC110002005 353508.0 106 17 55.0 4 SANTA FE RIVER AT C O C H I T I SPRINGS (BELOW DAM) 35043 NEW MEXICO SANOOVAL 120900 WESTERN GULF UPPER R I O GRANOE-ABOVE PECOS RIVER ITYPAIAMBNTISTREAM 13020201011 0002.500 ON ZlNMEX 840907 SURFACE SAMPLES INITIAL DATE INITIAL lIME ...~ MEDIUM 00010 00011 00042 00061 00095 00116 00300 00301 00400 WATER WATER ALTITUDE STREAM CNOUCTVY INTNSVE TEMP TEMP FEET FLOW, AT 25C SURVEY DO DO PH SATUR CENT FAHN AB MSL INST-CFS MICROMHO IOENT MG/L PERCENT su T ALK CACO3 C03 ALK CACO3 HC03 ION HC03 RESIDUE TOT NFLT TOTAL N N ORG N N NH3+NH4- N TOTAL UN-IONZD NH3-N UN-IONZD NH3-NH3 TOT KJEL N NOZgN03 N-TOTAL T INORG. NITROGEN PHOS-TOT CALCIUM CA,OISS MC,DISS NA,OISS K,OISS MGNSIUM SOD I UM PTSSIUM TOTAL S04-TOT SULFATE ARSENIC AS,TOT BARIUM , BA,TOT CADMIUM CD,TOT CHROMIUM CR,TOT LEA0 PB.101 AG,TOT SILVER SELENIUM SE,TOT CONTINUED ON NEXT CHLORIDE Remark codes: I: - 01/01/01 84/08/07 1330 WATER WATER 17.2 63.08 5320 .7 694 843505 2.3 28.88 7.40 MC/L MC/L MG/L MG/L MC/L MG/L MC/L MG/L 1K MG/L MG/L MClL N MG/L P MG/L MG/L MG/L MC/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UGIL UG/L UG/L PAGE) - WATER 16.0 60.88 84/08/08 85/05/28 85/05/29 1410 1640 WATER WATER 17.0 62.68 63. estimated, C 1200 86/08/05 1130 86/08/06 1215 WATER WATER WATER 17.2 08 754 902 3.0 37.68 7.40 3.5 43.98 30 2.29C2.2OC 19 843505 7.40 0 277 1K .010 .000088 .OOO1OB .380 2.18 .030 .00028 .00028 .660 1.38 .070 .070 .200 .DO28 .OD28 .150 2.00 2.20C .110 .060C .230 .on28 .OD28 .290 2.00 2.23C .loo 75 5K 10OK 1K 16 5K 1.OK 5K - 20.0 68.08 16.8 62.28 935 863508 477 863508 86/08/07 0950 WATER 18.0 64.4% .7 738 843505 2.3 28.08 7.30 .OOOC MG/L less than, J 84/08/08 1405 20 PAGE: c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , 8 5.5 6.1 72.78 8.00 76.5% 8.10 149 11 .85C .250K 1OOK .0048 .DO58 .350 .50 .6OC .WOK . 181 3K 1.47C .870c .1OOK .d048 .005$ .970 .50 .60c .OlOK 53.6 7.8 64.90 3.90 26 114 5K 100 1K 5K 10K 1.OK 5K - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET 479 863508 5.8 74.28 8.00 3K .84C .200c .120 .0n48 .0d58 .320 .52 .64C .010K PAGE: STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/08 PGM=ALLPARM URGllO.OO2005 URG110002005 3 5 35 08.0 106 17 55.04 SANTAFE RIVER AT C O C H l T l SPRINGS(BELOW DAM) SANDOVAL 35043 NEW MEXICO 120900 UESTERNGULF ITYPAIAMBNTISTREAM UPPER R I O GRANDE-ABOVEPECOS RIVER 130202010110002.500 ON 2lNMEX 840907 SURFACESAMPLES FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) (SAMPLECONTINUED Remark codes: K - lessthan, J - estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d by i n v e s t i g a t o r , B - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. 21 94/06/08 08900300 35 35 39.0 106 21 13.02 RIO GRANDE C O C H I T I TO ISLETAX-SECTION3,NM 35043 NEW MEXICO SANDOVAL RETRIEVAL DATE STORET PGM=ALLPARM ._",,. 22 PAGE: rmoot ITYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201010 0004.900ON 1 l2WRD SURFACESAMPLES I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 00004 STREAM WIDTH 00010 WATER lEMP 70/05/12 71/05/03 71/09/13 72/03/2072/11/1073/01/14 1330 1300 1540 1515 1540 1515 73/11/26 73/12/18 74/01/14 1215 1315 1300 WATER WAlER WATER 18.0 64.4% 2500 40 74 94 100 1800 12200.00 0 4 42 65 71 75 76 76 76 Remark codes: K - Less than, J - estimated, C - 156 19.0 78.8% 66.2% 3.2 1100 2.2 33 41 56 93 100 1110 3300.00 3490.00 5 13 34 84 99 1 00 100 WATER WATER WATER WATER 153 111 ." 26.0 3.4 1.2 100 .n2.3 . . 96 99 100 21 63 131 35.00 155.00 3 4 22 77 97 100 93 98 100 99 100 151 12.5 7.5 45.5s 54.5% 4.5 1700 1150 2.5 1 .o 33.88 5.5 41.9% 660 1350 72 79 100 29 61 88 96 98 100 100 1160 2360 5319.99 7329.99 7909.9910100.00 0 9 10 17 38 58 64 77 89 76 78 81 86 90 calculated by investigator, B - 23 41.00 97 calculated by STORET 16 19 64 98 100 409 1490.00 32 32 32 34 34 86 94 98 100 WATER WATER .2.0 35.6% 1620 1290 26 31 38 68 78 100 0 0 72 79 100 1 03 451.00 23 77.00 0 0 0 0 3 25 42 63 76 87 91 1 5 18 74 96 99 100 94/06/08 08900300 35 35 39.0 106 21 13.02 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE PAGE: PGM=ALLPARM R I O GRANDE COCHITI TO ISLETAX-SECTION NEW MEXICO SANDOVAL 23 3,NM 35043 120991 /TYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 112WRD 13020201010 0004.900ON SURFACE SAMPLES (SAMPLECONTINUED FROM PREVIOUSPAGE) ____________________"""""""""""""""""""""~."."""""...".........""".""""""""""""""""" 70/05/1271/05/0371/09/1372/03/2072/11/1073/01/1473/11/2673/12/1874/01/14 I N I T I A L DATE 1515 1300 1540 1315 12151515 1300 1540 1330 I N I T I A LT I M E MATL WATER WATERMEDIUM-USGS WATER WATERREMARK WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 80173 BE0 %<32.OMM 100 12.5 100 100 ..................................................................................... 74/05/2274/09/1675/05/1275/07/0675/07/1675/11/0679/04/2479/07/0980/01/21 I N I T I A L DATE 1115 1300 13001400 1510 1530 1315 1100 I N I T I A LT I M E WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 12.0 22.0 16.0 TEMP 00010 WATER 00011 WATER TEMP 71.6% 60.8% 54.5% 53.6% 66.2% 900 162 07 00 ,, 100 100 I_ 56 28 731.00 24.00 68.00 3010 3950 89 93 98 86 100 Rn I._ 85 91 100 90 31 331.00 55 72 100 27 13 59 67 97 100 155 - less than, J - estimated, C - c a l c u l a t e d by investigator, % - 82 87 94 100 c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. 83 88 95 100 11 64.00 2 6 16 29 0 0 37 49 62 76 2 4 5 9 22 100 100 87 K 4.5 40.1% lmu," "," 0 1 6 30 62 80 88 96 100 R e m a r k codes: 1321 0 1 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE 94/06/00 00900200 35 36 16.0 106 20 10.02 RIO GRANDE COCHlTl TO ISLETA X-SECTION 2,NM SANOOVAL 35043 NEW MEXICO 120991 ~~ PAGE: PGMZALLPARM 24 ~ ITYPAIAMBNTISTREAM 13020201010 0005.970ON 1 12WRD SURFACE SAMPLES INITIAL DATE INITIAL TIME MEDIUM-USGS REMARK ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 00004 STREAM 00010 WATER 00011 WATER 00055 STREAM 70/05/12 70/11/01 70/11/01 71/05/03 71/09/13 72/03/20 72/11/10 73/06/11 73/11/26 1230 0920 1345 1415 1345 1130 1400 1030 1110 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 130 269 136 134 1~ n 7.0 7.5 16.5 11.5 10.0 6.0 24.0 61.78 50.0% 44.6% 52.7% 75.2% 64.4%’ 42.08 45.5% 3.5 4.3 5.4 4.4 1100 1320 2640 110 1230 1700 5130 2.1 2.9 2.33.5 ~~~ WIDTH FEET TEMP TEMP VELOCITY CENT FAHN FTISEC INST-CFS MEAN(FT) %<.062MM %<.125MM %<.250MM %<.062MM %c.l25MM %<.250MM %<.5OOMM %<I .OOMM MG/L TONSIDAY TONSIDAY %<.062MM %<.125MM %<.250MM %<.50OMM %<I. OOMM p.062” Lc.125” %<.250MM %<.500MM %Cl .OOMM %<Z.OOMM %<4.00MM 100 1920 12000.00 %4OOMM X46.0” %<32.OMM Remark codes: K - less than, J - 32 40 50 n5 100 32 63 95 100 estimated, C 1 14 40 64 70 79 02 03100 a4 100 - 1000 0 0 4 4 49 49 01 01 90 90 99 99 100 99 99 3210.00 5199.99 0 0 9 56 00 84 92 95 98 100 calculated by investigator, 8 - 145 43.00 2 9 30 61 06 97 100 22 10 16 57 46 34 84 09 52 100 90 04 100 100 2270 1210 1990 7539.99 16000.00 9129.99 12900.00 10200.00 26800.00 0 0 17 1 1 32 11 20 61 60 70 75 77 91 93 79 91 96 99 100 calculated by STORET. 94 90 99 100 96 90 99 100 30 40 60 93 100 104 656.00 0 0 1 37 60 86 96 99 100 94/06/00 00900200 35 36 16.0 106 20 10.0 2 RIO GRANDE COCHlTl TO ISLETAX-SECTION 35043 NEW MEXICO SANDOVAL 120991 STORET RETRIEVAL DATE PAGE: PGMrALLPARM 25 2,NM /lYPA/AMBNT/STREAM 13020201010 0005.970ON 1 12WRD SURFACE SAMPLES I N I T I A L DATE I N I T I A LT I M E MEDIUM-USGS REMARK 00010 4.5 WATER 18.5 TEMP 12.5 CENT 14.5 00011 WATER FAHN TEMP INST-CFS 00061 STREAM FLOW, 70331 SUSP SED PARTSIZE %<.062MM 70332 SUSP SED PARTSIZE %<.125MM 70333 SUSP SED PARTSIZE %<.250MM 70334 SUSP SED PARTSIZE %<.500MM 70335 SUSP SED PARTSIZE X 4 .OOMM MG/L 29 00154 SUSP SED CONC 00155 SUSP SED DISCHARG TONSDAY R e m a r kc o d e s : K - 74/01/14 74/05/22 74/09/16 75/05/12 75/07/16 75/11/06 79/04/24 79/07/09 00/01/21 1100 1345 1100 1045 1000 1221 1100 1030 1120 WATER WATER 19.5 1 .o 67.18 60.08 33.08 1300 162 3030 74 06 04 100 WATER 091 94 100 95 92 100 100 23 01.00 less t h a n , J - e s t i m a t e d , C - WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 16.0 88 92 96 100 100 19 81 40.18 65.38 54.58 50.18 1770 16 31 95 100 71 100 3970 82 80 29 663.00 311.00 0.30 91.00 70.00 c a l c u l a t e d by investigator, 8 - c a l c u l a t e d by STORET. 94 97 93 90 100 97 22 81 87 13 19 Data Source 8. Eleven water analyses from the Energy Development Monitoring program from the U.S.G.S.gauging station belowLa Bajada Mine and La Bajada Mine pit from 1974-79 reported to the Water Pollution Control Section, Environmental Improvement Division, Health and Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico. - .. - i WATER OR WASTE!.IATE2 Ai,~ALYSES-EIiERGY DEVELOPi4E?lT MONITORING PROGRCY - 0 Lat/Long I 0 1 " T s R " NPOES No Station/Well Code Collerter! 7 4 1 1 O Date I . II ~ I _~ . = lime Outfall No ,.W O ~ x . , - N CA ibis Pumping Conditions Water Level Qqrwik Unie pH (0040C) Conductivity S t a f f Gage Height (Uncorr2cted). ControlStructure Inlater (OC010 Temp j Conductivity a t 25oc (oooss: Discharge Sample Type X k \ 92-0 p MIiihO oc 1q.c ",.&mho FwOIOC?,i~4i5XY Date Analyzed From F, A-HC1 sample: ++ @ Grossalpha,dissolved(Rei u Radiur-ZZi,dissoived a Radium-228, dissolved 0 Lead-210, t o U-238: ( r a d o n ezan:' pCi/l - pCi/l pCi/l + -+ - dissolved pCi/l From NF, A - S J%3 sarcple: 0 Grossalpha,total +- (Re1 t o U-238) @ Radi um-226, total E R a d i u m - 2 2 8 ,t o t a l \ + -p Lead-210, t o t a l I I Rernarits s k fi e i d 7 T h i s f o r 3 accompanies F, A-HC1: pCi/l ,,. I a ,L ' , C i / l Adn/cdI -? I:(, c-/ d d/ c -. sample(s) mErkea as foliows to indicate field sample;acidified Nitn 5 ml conc HC1/1 Filteredsample (0.45/1membrane f i l t e r ) ;a c i d i f i e d HCl / l w i t h 5 ml COnc XATiR OR WAZTEUATER ANALYSES-ENERGY OEVE'LOPMENT f4ON!TORI+4G PR0GW.I Lat/Long 0 t I! . 0 Discharge Sample Type - - - - - pil ( 0 0 4 m ) Conductivity (Unc3rrectcd) %:er Tern? (03Cll)) Conductivity a t L l . 6 .,. O u t f a l l Ho ' 25OC (00094) - GENERAL WATER CHEi4ISTRY AGD NITROG!N From NF, NA sample: S - - Uater Level '. . R NO Pumping Conditions ControlStructure T " S t z t i IiPDES c n / U e l l Code S t a f f Gage Height I: ' 72-0 >mho I Y .c OC PlTIhO ANALYSES . . Date DZtS FromNF, NA sample: Analyze? D Condpivity .. ,mho (25 C)(OOO95) . .. , 6-- . T o t a l Calcium mo/ 1 nonfilterable residue (suspended) (00530) ng/l (00915) ma/l mg/l mg/1 E Chloride (00940) @ Potassium (00935) . mg/l Bicarbonate(00440) ' I From NF, A-H2S04 sample: e - Ana1:)zec a Sodium Sulfate - (00930) (00945) ' & ! T o t a lf i l t e r a b l er e s i d u e mgll mg/l mg/l ( d i s s o l v e d ) (90515) I Gh n i a , , t o t a l (00610) Chemical oxygen demand (00340) mo/l ma/l From F , A-H2S24 sample: * C. N i t r a t e +. n i t r i t e ,d i s s o l v e d (00631) -mg/l - T h i s form accompanies 2 sample(s) marked a s f o l l o w st oi n d i c a t e f i e l d treatment: a F : Whole samole (6-?%fkatio'iir -. NA: No a c i add d e g F: F i l t e r e d i n f i e l d w i t h 0.45pmernbrane f i l t e r .-, >; \I!*' \ .TI ,L,.:. 3" " \A-H,SO, : A c i d i f i e d w i t h 2 m l conc H,SO,?'l c _ I* 1 - , SLVLES Sample i-Identificption - ...- -. Total Volme (ml) . . Type of Analysis mp/ 1' - ___ - pCi/l "1I ,- S a n t a Fe, X.M. S i t e 36 Latitude 35' 22' 49" l o n g i t u d e 106 13' 14" 2000 Ra-226 Uraniu 5loly'udenum Vanadium Selenim - - 0.22 ?: 0.06 0.022 0.010 <o.cso 0.032 yA,J=z ,9/"'5 7-05 & & p i "R C#/OdS + #/.;o,.Js a REPORTED V I A TELEPHONE REPORTED V I A TWX PAGE 1 I. 1 OF 1 PAGE Pumpin! Conditions pH (OOCOGj C0nductivir.g (UncorrecteQj !,later Level S t a f ? Gage Height ControlStruczure Discharge Sample Type L A . 7 &,d This f o r a accompanies treatcent c i r c l e ) : *-&!dhole F , A-HP103: g *D / sample(s) marked a sf o l l o ~ s t o i n d i c i t ef i e l d sample; a c i d j f t e i w i t h 5 131 c m c HEIOj/l F i l t e r e d sample(0.45pnennrane f i l t s r ) ; a c i d i f i e d !.rith 5 m l conc HPIQ3/1 MIiliX S t a f f Esse Height Cantyo1 Str-uc'are Ojscharge Sanpi e Type f& - Regarits -.lnisforaaccompanies 1 s a a p l e ( s ) marked asiollows t o i n d i c i t ef i e l d clrcle): E-+iij!dhole sample; a c i d i f i e d w i t h 5 m1 conc HN03;i F, A-HF103: F i l t e r e ds z n o l e( 0 . ~ 5 , ~ ~ m e n t b r a n ef i l t e r ) ;a c i d i f i e dw i t h 5 ml conc HEI03/1 t.reatmnc Coi l e c t e d Pumping C o n d i t i o n s !,later Level S t a f f EaseHeight C o n t r c lS c r u c t u r e Discharge Sanpl e Type pH (00400) Conduczivity (Uncorrecteij Watzr Temp (00012) /( >d,/- Conduczivity a t 2 9 c (00094) - / r P 3 C O s g _. s Tinis form a c c m p a n i e s 1 s a m p l e ( s ) marked as follows t o i n d i c a t zf i e l d tre3t;ie~.++-I e) : O F , A-HNO;.Whole s a m p l e ; a c i d i f i e d w i t h 5 ml conc HNOj/l F , A-HF103: F i l t e r e ds a m p l e (0.45pme!?1Drane f i l t e r ) ;a c i d i c i e d w i t h 5 m l conc H?103/1 - 0, L ,LuThO From ;VF, NA sample: Bate Anal yzzd &' F From>, NA sar.zle: RE?ORT TO: Pumpin? Conditions 'n'ater Level pH (oooco) s. 0 y*:Ti!UL T h i sf o r aa c c o m p a n i e s z""' S a m p l e ( s )m a r k e da sf o l l o w s t o i n d i c a t e f i e l d t.??itmnCt: d x h o l e sample (no f i l t r a t i o n : NA: -..No a cai d d e d F: F:lter?.l i n f??is'?vi:> O.dSL,cectrarn T?!:?T S t a f f Gage Heignt Contra; Structur;? Cischarge Sanpl e Type 3 3 c C 1'1 u OJ w U m C +J u C VI V ..+J 0 W U 0 1 u 0 Q .r u c P- 0 7 J . +' 3 m " - l w o . C .W OJ > _I I. w JJ m 3 OJ 0 m W OJ "1 I --.. .. I i c < ! ! f 1 ! < I I 1 C ! 1 < ..- .7 r- I U' . Li Data Source 9. Report of analyses for soil samples Pecos and La Bajada Mine site done by Radian Corporation, Radian analytical Services, 10395 Old Placerville Rd., Sacramento, CA 95827 on August 2, 1990 for the Santa Fe National Forest. . . . .. ._ .R r d l l n Uork order SO-07-063 Analycical Repor: @d/02/90 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... :.. MarloM! F o r e ~ I. . . .' .~. .' .... ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ : . ~ .. . . . . .Fe . . . . ....Sam8 7:':' ........... ..:.:.. ......... . . . . . ... ... ... .. '.:;:" ...... . . ..: .. ..:. ..:y.;.. ...... .. ..... . . . -. .. . .. ... . .. ... .. ...... ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . ,. . :. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . ...., . . .: . .. . . ......................... .,.,;. . .. . . . . . . ............ .......... . . . . . . . . . . . .1:. ::I ..I RadianCor&atiCn 8501 noPac ELM ,' "? ::..;.: . .I .... ....... .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. -. . :j . .:;. .. 1 I Con:ents: . I .. .. . . . . . . . . " . . . . '..' ........ . ..... 1 Ana(rt!sal Dsta t m i y 2 3 4 samle kis:ory '. Comnencs S m r y Ncre: a m . O e f i n i t i o n s .. Radian Analytical SarviCet 10395 OLd P l a c e r v i l l e Road Sacramento, U 95827 , .. I I! ............. .. .. .. .. .... .!........:... ~:.,:,',,.;,.~.....:.:, . .......... . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . ,~. . . . . . . ... . ...... ....:.,.:,,,:,.: ,.:....<....,_. .. . ..:........ . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . ....ii.,::. .:..5 .. . ...... .. .. ... .. ....... ........ .. ..I...... . .,r;:-.'.,,., .. ..:. ....:.,;. .......... . ~ ,ar rplIbentifisaticns: i :.:',. ... :: . , . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . ..:.... . ..... . . . .')fethd(Anslyce ....i-.:..-".".......... ..-,::r... l . :'':,:;.:';. .......... . .:.:. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. ... .:.. ..... . ... .. .. ... . . . . . . . . ,. ...... .:: . . . .5'.. .... . . .....1.. ': ...... ....,I...:,,..:.: . ................... :.............. ' . .' :.. 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C.30 n3/L ' ' !I jli! !j .......... ."......... .... .. :,. : ...*; .>.. *I... o';@sQ;~ ........ ,... c:.,. ..~. ..... :c........ >:....... ........:::.;x'.. .. Pet. i i a i t : Rg/L 11 MJ. 539 mg :/ .... ...,.. I ...... .... ......... . . . .. .. 1! 2.::;.':' ~ ..... ......... ?%e:! . . . . . . . . . .. ...'. ... ....., . . ..... . . . . Fe N a t i o n a l Forear . 'j: ; 11 Sanra R d i a n Uork Order:.SO-O7-063 . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . n e t n o d j ~ m ~ y ; ~ ~ '., :. : ':. . & N€ CCRNER .. .. . . . OF K4lH Si0:L t .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. ... ..I.. . .,. . . . .. . . .sdOClte . . . . . rbenrifications. ..... :,..,.:.;, . . . : .................... ................:. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ......................... . . . . . ........... . . . ai z 'LEACihX I Oet. L i c l i x Resuif- NO me,L Silver by N6010 silver mAlL7iinu;i ty 5YE010 AluXinM R[ER 5:~:. .. !I :i RlSvit '! :I 'i :I Dcr. Limi: ! .:".; ....*. OM'.' . . . . . . ... .............. .....^ ..... ,...:.,I. ... .... ^ (.. ! A:/.,?~:<.d:,: I.v." ............ .......... ................. ....... C e a m u n oy SU6010 Cami,m ... .... ..... ..,;... ...... . . . . C c s e r by SUCClO czwr Suifices by N 9 0 3 0 nycrosen s u l f i d e Mercury by W7470 Mercury 9erc:nc maisrurrimrpanic Per:ent .misrure Nickel by Si6010 Nickei Lead w SU7421 Lead No . .#5 :I i: /UPPER $?OIL 09 LEACHATE . '..... , Chraalm V I by 8U7196 chruniun V I .... ;i . . . Y3 m4/. ...... . . .. ,,,... . ....,~. : ..... ..., .\;,o...:.%:.. . . . ><.:, .. .( ....... .," ...... ,.... .......... .... .............. ~ \.i .............. ............. ..... " ,-. ... .:. . ..: . .. ; ............. . : x ............ ............. i .-.>... .... . .......... .. .. . .. . . . i!( No: detected a: spfcified cerrcricn tircit (1) f a r a derailed descrfprion of i i s g s s r d technica! i e ri n m chis repari refer /I to rhe.glcsrary. .. ... .. " ..... I I I I' . . ne:hob/AmtYtc .... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . OF N41U SF0014 07 . LEkCHATE Matrix ' , : ' -i- ~sleniunby Sun40 Seleniun sutfale 4 sw03a SUI f ate ............ Zinc ny S W 1 0 Zinc 0.!2 q/L , @;cEC<." ................ ,.,. _*.~.! ............ ........ I :.?TI T?/.. 0.3229 ! Analytical , .... .. .. .. Oars S m r y .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . S k q l e 1cen:ificatians . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. ....... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ...... ... ..~. ... ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . . '6R!MR $ D E - ' , :: :.. ,. , .,,#5 2x5 &JcR . . . . ., . . iM 2HD ,&Jon ;.',I ./UPPEX SPOIL ... . ' S y L PILE :::. SF011 P I L E . ., . . . . . . ' .. - 11 .......... ........... . . :to .. . wernad/n~~yrr .. ' ' ' ~ . . I ..... Wrrix " " . . . . . .. LEACHATE I Read: ,. ..... .*. : 12 LEACHATE i Oer. L i m i t WlL . . . . . . 'LEACHATE ' ' ... o.;oza,~,~~,'~ ....."., .. .......... .I..i. 2. ; : :.:.::>:,<.:;.~: ............ ......~. ....... .,\:..... .'". ...... ....... . . . . ............ . .. .. .. .......:..-'> l: ~ . . . . I . ....... ... . hD W/L ) :1 . . .. .. .. . .. ' ........ -. . <,-, ......... . .,. .... .!............ ;. ................ I ! i .,:. ,:j:.;:,;.: : ......... . ............... . :..i ....... ..... :.......... ".,..: ..... .......... ..,:....:<. i /i (1) Far a derailed <escri>CiJn o f f l a g s ar;l :echnicsl t e r m in t h i s repor: r e f e r :o rte giossery. !i 1 ....... ... . ,. . . .. . . . . . . . .:.. . . : . . . . . ,.x ...................... .;:~, ........... ................ ..... ...... . . . . ........ . . . . .._,. . . . ............... . . . . . : .... I ./; ........ .......... . . .. .. .. . .......... . ... .. .. . .: '.S.a.t G l e [dentfficalions :... . . . . .: . :: . . ..>: . Heth&/pna!y!a':;.'..:ii ' . ~ ~ ' ~ ~ . . . : : ' , ~ . ~ . ~ , ... ~ ~ ~:.' ~. ...~...~.. ~ ,..: ~ ................. ,. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .'.,;...~..i...l . . .. . . .. .. .. ... ..... ... ... ..... .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. "(; ...:....... .:,: :..... ......... . . . . . . . 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' lj I! jj ' ' " i Vlrcmia V I by W'196 C h r d u n VI Sllver by S W 1 0 Silver atvpinua by w6010 ALcninun Cadaim by Si6010 Cacnicm CoFper ~y SJ6010 ccFper SS030 Hycrogen sulf iae nercury trf Si7L7O Sulf iaes by Mercury Percent winrureinorganic Percent m i s r u r e ~ick8Lby SW6010 I I Niciel Lead by SWIG21 Lead NO Hat detected BE specified detectim Limit ........... ... ..:......... I '. ;'~.*:y,.,;, 3.75 mg,L 0:..... *,s,:: ...!?.......... 1 ! I Anatvricac Data S m r y Page:: Sanla Fc Haricna! Fofeac /I . . . . . . . .". .... . . . ...... , ... ... ~.. ... . ... . .. . . .. ............... . . ..: .... .?+(e Idenr;fi;ari~ .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . ., . ... ..:',.;,.;:. ............. .,.I .... . . . . .... . .:.. . . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .,: . .. .. ..... . . . :, ..................... . ..., ....... .................... . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. ::: ............................. ...: . . . . . S RIVER .SICE-. . & ZNo MAJOR' . ...:~"',.~.::~:;.,. KIJ,,R . . . . .. . .. ... .:'..::;;. .. . . . . . . . . . .. "p,j . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . Herhcd/Amo& . . ..:.. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . ...... .. ......... ...... .. .. .. . .. . . , ' z,,~ . ' . . . . /UFPER S i O i L .;:, . : . . . . PI‘^..::: {:,', ............. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., . , ,, L PILE ,3 . :.,, . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . 11 ,;. . . . . . ;..:...:. . . . . :..'.'..I.. . . . . . ....... : ' . ? 2 . . .............. LUCHATE .'' .., . , j . , ' ' ;:' i, , . ' LEACHAYE '; :;::. . . ' . Resutc ' Det. Limit ' ~esuc~. Oet. Limi: .E' :I . .. '. !j .! " Resul: Der. Lici: . "r I If . . .. . ,. .. I . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. . :.'::.Sd4310 . . . . ........ . . . . . .Ident!ficati&s .... . . . . ... .. . .. . ...r. . . . .. . .. 118 BANK OF 5.#9 RZVER SIOE-. . ks RIVE: $125..... ... . . . . . ORAINACE :..' . . . . . . . ... /AC:ESS acm . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . / A C C E S S ROAD . . ............... 16 :.:. .. . .. .. . . . . . . I?..:.. ....:. .:.:,. ,:.;" . ', . . . ... .. . .. .18 . . L E A C H ~ ~ E ... . L. .. LEACHATE ,.'?',, . . . .. . .. ..'LEACHATE ..... . . . . . . .. ....... .... . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . MeChojIineiyte ',. . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . Ksrrix .: I i . ' ' , ~ I II ResuLC ' n r a i u n VI De:. Limit by ~ ~ 7 1 7 6 I;l mrcmiun V I NO m/L ,Silver by sY6010 Pesul;. Oc:. I Result L!mit Der. Limir ,&.,e'< Q2QfQ:Z.: .............:.<;. :>::$:,.<<:" .1. .:;,..i":>' .. ..........."...,,> I si l v c r 9 Almirun Dy 5';6OiO ;.,............. ............ . ......... ... . I .......... ....... .......... ............ Cacd rn II C c e r by SU6010 :c=r Sult i M s CY P'A030 Hyarosen sulfide ......... ............ ..... ,.:,+ ,.,. 0 .. ! . r 60 WIL 'Herwry F, Sy7470 Herwry Percent w i o t u r d inorganic Percenr noiswre Nlckel bf 7d6010 Niciel Lead Qy N 7 L t l I I .esd ,.'........... o':'". ..t. ! ..:I..i.. ..<.../.. ~.~ . .>.... .: ... >,:.::.,. ..,, , ..... I &,&~ ............. .......... .. ... .. ....,. : ,';,%' ........... ........... .. I. .. . ......... ~ 5.8 x HOIS:. ...*:.... .... ....... ...I .... . . ... . .. ...i' ..... . ... .. ...... ............... ................. . . . ..... ... ............... ......... . . . . .:I. .. ir5/L I ....(.....I(..:.. ... ............. .......,. I.ino I .':' I ... .. . .. .... I1 Yo not <erected ar spcified cetestion limit . . . .. . . (1) for a derailed description of fiagS xd technical tern& i n tnlt'repirt refer to the glassary. il !! !. Analytical Dara S m a r y Sonta Fa H a r i m l Forcsr . . . . . . .. .. .. ..... . . . . . .. . . ... .. . ... . .. . . . . . ........ .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . ...... . . . . . ..... .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ..I . ...... S a n p l e " l ~ e n r j f i c s t i c n s . . : .'.:.. .: . ....................... . . . . . ....................... ....... .. .. ........~...................... . ..:. :,.. ....,.:. ............ ... . . . . . . . ......... ........ ....:.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . i.: ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . .... #IO ~ I V E Rsr3. . ":. .~ . . . ...":.. . RIVER . i i D - - . .::,:,_.......... .... : $10 R~UER SIC. €/SPOILS PILE ..::. e m 3 i i S . P I L E .:::.: . ;,: . . . . : .. i/fPOlLS xls ,. . . . . . . . . . . .. 20. ................. ::':; ............ .:,..I .................. .. q : 19 .' . . . . . . ..I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ....... . . . .. .i L E A : .;, '.C ;.:,"..;.:.. H , . A ,T .. LEACXATE . . . .. . . . .' LEACVAIE .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . ~ ' . rtethd/Ana(yte . ., . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . ... ... . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . narrix ' ... . . . . . .... . ' ' :: <: i I 1 .I . . il !j !i :I ' f . . /I ' i! I Resuir Chraim V I bv . Oec. Linif Su7196 Chranim V I SfLver by Su6010 SiLver A L u n ~ n mby si(6010 Aiminu3 Cadniun by N6010 C a a i rn CoFper by SW6010 YO I . . ~.:.'I' ..... ....... .A:,>.~,y,,+; i norcury ,:;,I ! i. I I .......... . . . . ........ .............. ............ YO i m g ~ _ ......... .. I..._. . .*/ .... i:. . . ,.':;;~ ..... 2 REi3V. , :: REt^:'. 93 :: REC?V. !<REC3V. j -! Limi: (1) For a detailad descripricn c i f l a g s and Ceshnicairem& .......... " ............ ,..' .e:. 1 ..... .: .: . . . . ..:., . . ,;, ,' ........... ... ! I.:,; , ........ . . .. .. .. . \< YlCzsi % S U O 1 0 ' . .. .... .. . ..... .......... ............ ..... .... . I.. . . .,., '"I I d e t ~ c f z aar r p c i f i edde t e c t i o n X RE.23'1. 113 93 ~ Perccnrmaiscureinorganic Wicket Leaa oy Si7421 Lene 97 .l.. .. .?., 1..0: ..:;; .....>.. ..... .;':.,?;;;.;;,' Percenr mais:ure ..... . ....... .. ...L..: .. ~ ._ ...... . ..... ,!^ .' ".'.'. .... . . . . .......... ............. SuLfiCes by Sh9030 nyarogen aulf ice Mercury by St17470 Dec. L i t : : @",qR$f. lag/: Ccpr go NO: Result . <..... %.,. .. 93 :: 2Ei3\'. .a E s t . resul: less [hac 5 rive: d e r e c i z n limi: . . . . . . .. In :his repor; r e f e r :c m e slonra.-y. . . . . . . ji Pa;e:!5 . . . ...I . ., . . ,.. ..,. . I $anta.Fe National Forest Rsdien Uork Order:.SO-07.M3 . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ... ... .. . . . .. . . . . . nethcd/Ai%\yie, . . ' . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . ... . matrix. . '.'. . P1C 2!'?€.2 $ID- . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . . ,.. . . E/SPOILS MS 22 . . . . . LEdCHATE i . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . .I. . . ... . . . :, . . . . . S r ? l e !aenrifi.cxiqs:' .. . . . . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. . .. . .. . .. ..,. .. ... ' . ... . . . ....... . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + l LnsT,fL,q. . . . .. . ..#I1 LAS1,FLA.T. . . .SPCilS P I L E :,: :. . . . .?FCiLS P ~ L E . . . :2& . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 23". LEAC.~,~TE ; .. . . ' " ' ' " . . . , , '' ........... .>....X...".. . . . .x. ....... :,.... ....... 96 si, *A* '<.%.. ..:. ....e, WIL !&oJqQ;:. 0.69 R91L ......... O.?..,: "&cy.: .... UC r5/; C.0040:: ..... 0.42 WIL O"jC6ti NO ms/L . .. ............... ....... . . . . ............... . >. ....,. q$p.?:,::', &.a x HOIST, ,;.y:.;.. .......... :. . .. . .. ND nluninua rnim by Sh6010 .... :a&m c p w r by SW5010 ulfiden by 96030 Hydrcgen sulfiae ercury by SY7470 nercury w:mt .n?ir:z;c inorganic ?G7 I I.. .............. .....?*...... ......... ......... ..,*. , ., . ..... .. ........ . .. . i! I r I ! ': .............. ~ l.L Nickel WIL O:q?j..;: - N2 Hoc detected at spcified detection !imi: . ( 1 ) For . ....... a;$'3'. *. ...:. .. Percenc w i s r z r e i m a l by SY6010 eed ty SW7L11 :ea6 LEACHATE RdSilLt hrmim V! b{ N7196 Chranivn V: l i v e r by W l 5 S i Lver :: .. . . a d e t a i l e d descripticrt of flags am recnnicsl' term. In this . . . . !! , . rkmrz refer o : the 9 1 0 6 s w Y . i! ': :... . .... ..... . .. .. " .. . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . .. ... ... : .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . ,.l:l . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... . . ..... .." .:. .................. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ,. . . . . . . . S a w ~ !cenrifi=a:iond i . . . . . . ..... .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<I:.,,,.: J.;,,HCL~OWaMIMo.::.::.':::.:':: . . . . . . . . . .:... ..... . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. '..:.: . . . :.,:,,.:...,., ,,:,:, .. .:;.. ... .......... .... :. ............ ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .... ... . . . .. .. .~,., ..... ......:........................ .. . . . ........ .. . . . 7ItO RIVER SiD- " .. .... . .. . . M I irsi&v. ... ,#I1 LAS1,FLAT..................... : . . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. ....... .. ...::.':.. .. .. . . ........ . E/SiO!LS ws 1. .S?OCLS P I L E . . .. .. .. . . .S>O!LS PILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .... . . p .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .... ...... .. . .. .. . .. ... ... ... 22 . '.". :.:. 26 , .... . ,.. . , ... .. . . natrix : .:: .. . .. . leachatt .. I . I ' ~ " ' il .. !I 'i ............. .. I 44 Data Source 10. Printout of La Bajada Mine History apparently provided by Bill Hatchell, Chief, Bureau of Economic Geology, Mining and Minerals Division, State of New Mexico dated June 12, 1989. @t lo. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: e: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 10: - 1 : : 15: Data Source 11. Radiological Survey of The La Bajada Mine, New Mexico Radiation Protection Bureau, August, 1987 FCSC C)ffice f c x sea Sanca i s . N e w Ivlextco E7E.Cr.CsEe ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION RADIATION PROTECTION B U R U U (505) 827-2957 -.- ." .. __ 7 " May 2 9 , 1087 Mr. R o b e r tS a l t e r ,B u r e a uC h i e f AbandonedMine Land Program Ener;y 8 MineralsDepartnent MiningandMinerals Division 525 Camino de 1 0 s Marquez Santa F 2 , NX 81501 Dear Mr. S a l t e r : J . Mar90 K e e l e , Ph.0. ProgramManager S u r v e i l l a n c e and M o n i t o r i n gS e c t i o n MK/mc Enclosar? 1) 2) 3) J I "Radiologic Sur./ey o f La 3 a l a d a :.line", R?S/EiD SL3 Anaiytica: Resort: Water SaRples, La Bajada Mine ( G r o u n d U a t e r / H a ~ s r d o u s Waste Bureiu/EID) SL9 A n a l y t i c aRl e ? o r t : Lz Bajada/Domingo O r i n k i n a Water Samples ( E I D F i e l dO f f i c e - S e r n a l i i l o ) Michael F. Brown, Bureau C h i e f ,R a d i a t i o nP r o t e c t i o n Bureau Peter W . Karp, District Ranger,EspanolaRangerStation T i t o M a d r i d ,D i s t r i c t I Manazer, EIO E S U A C CPSCFTUNITY EMPL=YEP MEXODS Gamma r a d i a t f o n 'was ne2sur.d a t one z e t e r above t h e grcund s u r f a c eu s i n q E b e r l i n e PR!-7 m i c r o r o e n t g em n eters. Two m e t e r s w e r e used; t h e y Were l acsat l i b r a t e d o n I?-Li-e6 and 6-10-26. Readings w e r e t a kaetn These numerous locat'ons, some o f which a r e shown on Figure I . l o c a t i o n s were n o t s e l e c t e d i n a predetermined manner, b u t r a t h e r were o f p o r t i o n s o f t h e mine s e l e c t e bd e c a q s teh e ay o p e 2 r e rde g r e s e n t a t i v e s i t e c r b e c z u s et h e ya p o e a r e i 1 i k e i y - due t o c o l o r t, e x t u r e , and S O f o r z h - t o be nore r a d i o a c t i v et h a n s a r r o u n d i n g 1oca:ions. For example, some p a r t s o f t h e s i t e a r e d o t t e d w i t h s m a pl li l e s o f dark-colored o f a smal? dump t r u c k . m a t e r i a el ,z cchl e 2 r lbye i n : a s e p e r a tleo a d :ur!;inc from t h e i r ; i a c s m e na tn i t h s f a c t t h e : ] w e t s n c t g r ? d e ? or c s v e r e d , 'we assune t h e y a r e p r g t o r el,o w - g r z d e o r e :hat was s e ta s i d e w i t h t h e hoce t h a t i t m i g h t be economica? t o mill i t a t a l a t e r d a t e . 1 t h e r e i s r e a s o n t oe x p e c t h e s ep i l e s t o be m o r e r a d i o a c t i v e t h aonr d i n a rs yp o i l , a n d ne a c c o r d i n gcl yo n c e n t r a t e d many o f t h e r e a d i n g sa t t h e s e piles.Severaldozenlocations-#erechecked. AS SUCh, Samples o f s o i l , s o o i l , and p r o t o r e we?? t a k e n a t n i n el o c a t i o n s . They 'were c o l l e c t e d w i t h a soade t o a d e p t i o f t h r e e o r f o u irn c h e s . Each s a m o i e csmprised about f i v e pounds. The s a m p l leo c a t i o n as r e shown on was taken from an Figure I. The o n e sample ( L 3 - 9 ) c l a s s i f i e da s" s o i l " u n d i s t u r b e d s t t e o u t x i d e o f t h e mine. As s u c h , i t r e p r e s e n t s a "background sample". Samples c l a s s i f i e d a s " s p o i lw " e r ce o l l e c t e d from m a t e r i a l s on tmh iet nh ea t had o b v i o u s l y been d i s t x r b e d . I ness r e ? r e s ? n t a h e t e r s g e n o u s mtxture o f we2theredandunweatheredmateriais. -. f o r U - 2 2 8 , U-Z?c, ;hThe s o i l , s p o i l , and prstoresampleswereanalyzed 2 3 0 , Ra-225,and PS-2!0 by t h e New Mexic3 S c i e n t i f i c L a b o r a t o r y Div'sion ( S L 3 ) i n A: bucuer;ue. The samples w e r e grsund and a f i v e gram suband h y d r o f l u o r i c sample was d i g e s t & i n a m i x t u r e o f n i - r i c ,s u l f u r i c , f a t e f u s i o n , t h e d i f f e r ennut c l i d e s were acids. Foliowino pyrosui s e g a r a t e d by c 3 p r e c i p i t a t i o n w i t h b a r i u as u l f a t ec, h e l a t i o n w i t h ?ITA, and s s l v e n :e x t r a c t i o n . U - 2 2 8 , U-236, and 7h-230 weremeasured by alpha . . a n d PS-210 by tbheet a s j e c t r o s c o p y , ? a - 2 2 5 by r a d o n emanz::on, emnisslons o f insr3wn S i - 2 1 0d a u g h t e r s . 1C87, t h e w a t e r i n t h e f i c c d e d p i : was samoied b y t h e E13 -~ h e suen f i i t e r e -slt i i i c i ews e r e Grouncwaftr -3 a. r e i c 1 . aR*iy:ed b y -,'.e SL3 f a r g r z s s a , ;.?t, g r 3 s s b e t a , IJ-z:L, U-::?,^" il-238, -,i n - 2 3 3 , ?,a-225, Ra2 2 3 , a n d ??-?:E. Gross signa a c c gr3sx bet. were measure! b:/ evzgor3;inS 2 5 as?r3pr'a:e volume o f s a.p. -, y i e i n a csun-ing pan a n d c s u n t i n ign an i n t e r n a l propor:ional c 3 u n t e r . -. , ; l e csncen:r::ions o q the were determined b y e v a p o r a t i n g one :iter O F s m o i e i n d i v i d u ani u c l i c e s anc a n a i : c f n c t h e r e s i c u e by t h e same procedure use4 f a r :he s a i l , 2 2 - 7 2 1 was .Iesermi,?e.' by s ? c i l , and ; r > t s r e s a m p i e s , e x c e x ::?a? meisuring t h e beza c o o r e c i ? i t a t ! n c 3 2 - 7 2 5 and ?a-223 w i t h 9aS2a and e m i s s i o n s o f incrownAc-22Q d a u c h t t r s . On March A , -., n e w a t e r s i n t h e p i t , f r o m t h e i n y i i t r : "-..on g a l l e r y i n t o t h e S a n t i Fe River !cal!e? the " S p r i n g " ) , and i n :+e S a n t a F? River !!ps:rem and downstream o f t h e mine were a ? s o c s i i e c t e i and analyze? b y t hV e ater we do n o t P o i l u t i o n C 3 n t ~ iS e c t i o n o f E I D i n 1978 and 1979. A1:hough have d e z a i l e ien f o r m a t i o n on t h e mefhods e n p i o y e i , and i n fac: cannot l o c a t e t h e s a m p l i nl ogc a t i o nwsi t h a n y g r e a t pe r e c i s i ot hn at hn e d e s c r i p t ' o n s shown i n T a b l e3 , the a n a l y s e sh a v eh i s t o r i c i ii n t e r e s t and a r e inc!udei i n t h e r e g c r t f o r t h a tr e ' s c n I n e a r l yM a x i 1987, D i s t r i c t I , E I D , t a c k a d r i n k i n g 'water s a m p i ? f r o m A1:hough t h e sampling s i t ? was t h e Domingc Trading P o s t a t Dom!ngo. l o c a t e d 5 t o 10 m i l e s f r o m La 9a:ada V i i l a g e , i t i s on t h e same water s u p p l ya s La 3 a t a d a ' [ i l l a g e , which i s t h e c l o s e s : community watersugply :s t h e La a a t a i a Mfne. For TI!:S r e i s . z n , t h e sder i n k j nagn a l y s e s are a l s si n c l u d e ! i n this r e s o r t . 2 FIRDIN65 G a m ar a d i a t i o nm e a s u r e m e n t os nt h em i n e dumps, pi:, and graded areas r a n g e fdr o m 20 t o 300 u R / h r . The l o wf i g u r e ( 2 9 u R / h r )i sq u i t ec l o s e t 3 a 25uR/hr backgroundmeasurementtaken a t t h eo l dg a t 2t o the mine. ( S a c k g r o u n dr a d i a t i o n i n t h eS a n t a Fe ares t y p i c a l l yr a n g e sf r o m 12 t o 15 u!?/hr.) The h i g h e s rt e a d i n g t a k e n i n an a r e ar e g r a d & by t h e Forest S e r v i c e was !20 uR/hr. S o l l , s p o i l , a n dp r 3 t o r ea n a l y s e s a r e shown on T a b l e 1. C o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f a l lt h er a d c n u c l i d e s i n t h e s p o i l and p r o t o r e s a m p l e sa r ew e lal b o v e t h e c 3 n c e n t r a t i o n si nt h es o i ls a m p l e . Ana’yses of t ? e w a t e r srm3les cz11 ected on March 4 , 1987 a r e shcwn o n -1aS1e 2 . Two samples (OG50 and OCSZ! exceed t h e s z a t de r i n k i n wg a t a r s t a n d a r d for g r o s s a1 pha a c t i v i t y . Sample 0052 a l s oe x c e d s the state d r i n k i n gw a t e r s t a n d a r d f o rr s d i u m . - Ana!yses . a b l e 3. i n 197s and !979 o f t h e w a t e sr a n p l s sc o l l e c t e d a r e shown on Analyses o f t h e d r i n k : n g w ? t T sample taken f r o mt h e La B a t a 2 a‘ / i l l a c e wat-17 s a p o l y a r e shown o n T a b l e 6 . None o f t h e s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n se x c e e d Xe>w X e x i c 3 D r i n k i n g Maser S t a n d a r l s . DISCLISSION AND RECO~E?iDATIOHS A s f s r ss we know, t::ere a r e no l e q a rl s c i o ; o g i c a si t s n c a r t s t h a t would a o c i y t o t h e g a m a r a d ’ s t l o n e m i t t e d a: t h e La S a j a d a Mjne. However, Sec:icn d-1513 o f t h e N M 3 a d i a : i o?nr o t e c t i oRn e g u i a t i o n s states that l i c e n s e e s and r e q i s s r s n t s : ~ o u l d n o t F O S S ~ S Z , usa, or t r z n s f e r s c u r c s s o f r a d ’ c a c s i v i s yi nu n r e s t r ’ c ’ s ?a r e a s i n such a way t h a t any i n d l v i d u z l i z I we would r s z e i r e a whole-kcd:/ dose e x c e e d i n g 0.5 re9 per y e a r . assame a p e r s s n s t a n d i n g x p r i g n t f a r 26 hours a d a y , 365 days per ye2r, and ! f we assume t h a t t h e ? r o u n d on w h i c h he i s s t a n d i n gi s t h e s o u r c ? o-: r s d i o a c r i v i t y tg w h i c h he i s e x p o s e dt h,eex p o s a r e r a t e from t h e Sr3und c3rres;onding t o t h e 0.5 re!n/yr dose w o u l d be a p p r o x i m a t e l y 57 T hf i gs u rweh, ai l de m i t t e d l y s3me?vhat micror3enrgens per hour. a r b i t r 3 r :c/ ,o u inde v e r t h e l e s s serve as a g o ba el i owwh i c h t o reduce gzmma r a d i a t i o n on t h e mine s i t e . I O u rs p e c i f i cr e c m m e n d a t i o n sa r e : 1) P r i o r t o am n yor resc l a m a t iaokne r n p t s , a m o r e- .d e t a i l e d r . . .G*d’ - > - ; be performed.Cs.+pLL.-j (.:& r a d i a t i sounr vsehyo u l d 2) R e c l a m a t i ao cn t i v si thy o ur ledft eo r t h e f i nraald i a t i o n survey and p r o c e s d i n a f a s h i o n t h a t w o u l d r e s u l t i n all 3 so t h a tt h e gamma r a d i a t i o nl e v e l s t h a n 57 u R / h r . problem areasbeingcovered measured a t 1 m e t e r a r e l e s s to on a 3:1 slope p i t and a 3) Future reclamation activities should include measures control erosion on t hsei t es,p e c i f i c a l l y graded by theforestServicelocatedwestofthe largegullyeast o f the pit. 4 The water i n t h e pond should n o t be u t i l i z e d as a drinking water supply. 4 Sample No. spoil ) protore 111-3 s p o i l ) 1.n-4 s p o i l ) LD-5 p r o t o r e LU-1 Lll-? 1.n - 7 1.11 - l? 1.11 6 LU-I) 5.0 t n.4* 5.7 120 14.2 l?5 42 spoil ) spoil) spoil ) soil ) (background sample) * The secon tl f i g u r er e p r e :serIts on e st 10.4 i .I 0.4 6.2 257 n.1 127 4.7 T 1.2 .I-3 .I -1. 0.1 - 14 T n.5 t 7 970 -I 50 10.0 T 0.6 13.3 T 0.8 3.00 T 0.22 0.20 T - 0.20 6 2 70.6 T 0.5 -i 0.6 0.10 T - 0.12 9.7 10.5 lardtleviatio n 5 .t 5.0 211 19.6 101 930 11.1 15.5 10.0 1.1 t 0.6 .I. 11 7 - 1.3 -t 6 T T T T 1.1 1.7 1 0.7 50 .rl 2ok TABLE 2 ANALYSES OF WATER S M P L E S COLLECTED MARCH 1987 FROH THE LA BAJADA MINE PIT Sample No. 0049 (Coslpositetaken near surface aroundperimeter) G r o s s a1 pha (RPI. ta u - z x ) ( PCi /1! Grass a1 pha (Re1 t o A m - 2 4 1 ) (pCi/l) . Grass a1 pha ( l e s s U contribution) (pCi/l! 0 Grass b e t - !PC!/;! !Q U - 2 2 6 !pCi/l ) 23.2 u-255 ! $ i / l ) U-228 (pCi,'l) -' 3 4. - -.-I 7 1.W - 0.05 22.6 4. 1 . 0 - Til-220 ! p C i / l ) 0.17 - 0.08 Ra-226 ( p C i / l ) 0.17 + 0.02 Ra-228 ( p C i / l ) 0.4 Pb-210 ( p c i i l ) 0.4 -+ 0.2 -+ 0.3 Sample No. 0050 (South side a t 10' d e p t h ) TABLE 2 COHTIHUED ANALYSES OF WATER S M P L E S COLLECTED MARCH 1987 FROM THE LA BAJADA MINE PIT Sample No. 0052 ( w corner a t 30' t o 50' depth) G r a s s a1 pha (Re1 t o U-238) (pCi/l) . 131 -+ Hew Mexico Drinking Water Standard 16* New Mexico Groundwater Standard "_ "- "_ "- 15 !JCi/l "- "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ Gross a1 pha ( R e l .t o !PCi/l) Am-241) G r a s s a1 oha ( l e s s u contribution) (pCi/l) Gross beta ! p C i / l ) u-23" !pCi/l) u-235 !pCi/l! c-229 ! p C i / l ) 7h-230 ! p C i / l ) Fla-ZIS ! p C i / l ) 5 pCi/l Ra-229 / p C i / l J "_ Pb-210 ! p C i / l ) *The second f i y r e r e p r e s e n t s one s t a n d a r dd e v i a t i o n * u n a t X r z l( p c i / I ) * * * S p e c i f i ca c t i v i t y = Unatural(mg/l) x 7 2 4 pCi/mc*** o f n a t u r a l uranium 7 30 pCi/l "_ TABLE 3 ANALYSES OF YATERSAHPLESCOLLECTED 12-27-78 Af(D 1-11-79 mOM THE LA BAJADAHIHE PIT AND V I C I N I T Y pH Sanza Fe River o f mine s i t e x-u-7a U (pCi/l) Ra-226 ( p C i / l ) k m i . upstream 7 .a 8.0 3.8 5.1 0.08 0.51 7.9 2.9 8.0 3.5 0.31 2.9 - .s I 60.1 48.7 0.1 2.3 7 .a 7.4 ld.5 13.5 0.3 0.31 8.2 8 TABLE 4 ANALYSES OF A ORINKING WATER SAMPLECOLLECTED MARCH 1987 FROM OOHIHGO - Gross alpha w/AM Gross a l p h a w/U Gross beta - w/Cs Gross beta w / S r / Y 241 r e f . -+ I.? pCi/l 137 r e f . = 7.6 + 1.0 pCi/l 90 r e f . = 7.6 + 1.0 pCi/l nat - = 2.9 + 0.5* pCi/l ref. = 4.5 *The secgnd f i g u r e represents one s t a n d a r d deviation. 9 IN 11.2111 (fcillil _............ 5.8 Y 0.4 11.214 lt$t.2?6 (IKilli) 5.7 120. Y 6. 24.0 Y 1.2 24.2 Y 1.2 87. Y 3. 85. Y 3. 42. I 2. 32.0 Y 1.4 .............. Y 0.4 Y 6. 118. (1d:ilI;) .............. 5.0 Y 0.6 6.2 Y 0.4 Y 14. 257. 211. Y 11. 19.6 Y 8.1 Y 0.5 127. X 7. 101. X 970. Y 50. 93d. Y 50. 1.3 6. 10.2 Y 0.6 10.4 Y 0.6 10.8 Y 0.6 11.4 Y 1.4 8.4 Y 0.5 9.7 Y 0.5 13.3 Y 0 . 8 15.5 Y 1.7 10.9 Y 0.6 10.5 Y 0.6 0.22 10.0 X 1.4 x 0.20 4.1 X 0.7 0.67 Y 0.12 3.80 II 0.40 Y 0.12 3.43 235. Yl3. 231. Y 12. 241. U 14. 241. Y 10. 226. Y 9. 220. Y 264. n 2%. U 18. 232. #IO. 233. Y 10. 271. U 16. 265. Y 20. 9. voided (178. .0.09 U Y IS. 6. u 0.02 n 0.08 .n.01 .0.02 Y 0.06 .0.12 Y 0.07 (1.w n 0.02 0.0 n 0.3 0.00 Y 0.06 -0.04 Y 0.08 .0.112 n 0.02 0.4 U 0.06 Y 0.06 ...... . .. .(I.I 0.3 0.6 S?MPLE N K.1 87.01713 87.01713 87.01713 87.01713 87.01713 87.01713 87.01713 87.0!713 87.01713 87.01713 87.01713 87.01712 ~~ ANALYSIS AG AS 8A CD CL CN CO CR CU F FE HG .~ . ~~ SAMPLE NUM ANALYSIS 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 E7.0:7il 87.01716 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 AG AS 8A 0,0500 0.8000 0.0100 3.2900 0.0100 0.5200 0,0500 2.0000 0,5370 135.0000 0.0020 9,7000 0.0020 4.0000 4.1200 < < 0.0540 13.00CO 0.0029 0.9iOO 0.00i0 < MG LI MG/L MG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L I.!G/L MG/L~I 0.20GO 0.Z"O 0.2QCO 9.2000 MG/L 0.0590 M G j L 0 . 1 0 0 0 UNITS 0 . 0500 4 . $700 23.50co 8.5500 9.lCOO 21.3000 2513.0000 0.0010 2.30GO 1.3100 !.OOOO 0.0100 0.1870 c MG/L MG/L 0.4000 MG/L 0.4129 MG/L e . 1ZGO MG/L 0.0oeo SYMBOL UNITS 0.0500 MG/L 0 .OW0 MG)l 0.50GO MG/L 0.01CO 0,6000 0.0100 0.0500 0.05CC 2.0000 1.22co < C9 CL CN CO CR CU F FE HG MN UEICE;!TAIN;Y RESULT 0.0500 ~ 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 NH3-N 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 NH3-?I E i . 0 1 7 1 3 NI 8 7 . 0 1 7 i 3 N03-N 87.01713 P 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 PS 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 PH 8 i . 0 1 7 1 3R A - 2 2 5 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 RA-225 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 2 SE 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 SO4 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 TOS 8 7 . 0 1 7 1 3 TH 87.01713 U 87.01713 V 87.01713 ZN ~ SYM8OL RESULT 2.4000 0.0100 < < 0.4400 0.0500 2 .oooo < 0.5530 70.0000 7.0000 0.0020 8.9800 KI/L PCI/G UG/L 2.1000 MG/L 252.0000 MG/L 0 . 0 0 1 0 MG/L 0.0053 MG/L 0 . 0 1 0 0 MG/L 0.03eO MG/L UNCEZTAINTY 0.0500 0.0500 0.5000 0.2000 NG/L 0.0500 UNITS MG/L MG/L MG/L 0 . 0200 I.!G/L 0.400~ MG/L 0 . 0 1 0 0 MG/L 0.0400 MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 2.0000 U G / L 0.0550 MG/L MG/L 0.0020 MG/L 0,9000 MG/L 0.05LXl 0.5000 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.017C9 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 87.01709 e7.01709 HG MN 0.2000 MO 0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 0.2000 NH3-N NH3-N NI N03-PI P PB PH 0.1830 < < 0.3000 < RA-226 SE si SO4 TDS TH U < < V ZN 0.0500 e.1500 0.1900 1.5000 1.5000 2 2 6 .oooo 672.0000 0.0100 0.0860 0.0500 14.4COO 0.2000 UG/L 0.0120 MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 0.0400 MG/L 0.040C MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 0.2000 MG/L 0.2OCO MG/L 0.05GO MG/.L 0.1000 UNITS O.O!SO PCI/L UG/L 1.0000 1 .oooo UG/L 23,0000 MG/L 6 7 .OOOO MG/L 0 . 0 1 o o MG/L 0.0000 MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 2 .OOOO UG/L SAMPLE ANALYSIS NL" 87.01716 87.01i15 87.01715 8 7 . 0 1 7 l.~ 6 87.017!5 87.01716 87.017i6 87.01715 87.01il6 87.01716 87.01715 87.01.16 87.01715 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01715 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 87.01716 ~ AG AL as B SA SYN8OL < < ~ CD CL CN CO F < < < 0.05co 0.3600 0.0500 O.?OOO c , 5000 c).0100 23,6000 0.0000 0.0500 2.1000 HG 0.8000 MO NH3-N NH3-N 0.jOOO 5.0500 6.5000 0.0600 NI N03-N P PB 0.3COO < < PH 7.7400 3i0.0000 104.0000 SO4 IDS TH U V 0.2000 0.0500 < 0.0100 0.1330 < 0.0500 0.05co G . IOCO 0.05~3 0.loco 0.50CO 0.0100 2 .loco 0.0503 0.0509 0.30CO 0 . zoco 0.0500 0.5053 MG/C MGjL r w L ;.IG~L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/C UG/L MG/L ElG/L 0.65CO MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 0 . 2 0 0 0 MG/L 0.2000 MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 0.1000 UNITS 38.0000 MG/L 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 MG/L 0 . 0 1 0 0 MG/L 0.0130 MG/L 0 . 0 5 0 0 MG/L 37.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.01714 87.017I4 87.01714 SAMPLE NUM 8i.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01i15 87.01715 87.01715 8 i .0!7!5 87.0!7!5 87.01715 87.017i5 87.01715 87.017i5 87.01715 87.01715 87.017:5 87.017i5 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 87.01715 MO NH3-N NH3-N NI N03-FI P PB PH RA-226 RA-226 SE SO4 TDS < c < < 1,9900 0.1950 1 .9800 1,1200 0.2000 0.2000 0 .os00 0.0500 4.3900 9,2000 0.9000 4.0300 1.0000 39.1000 2825.0000 TH U 0.0200 ZN 0.0170 0.4250 0.0430 v ANALYSIS AG AS EA CD CL CN CO CR CU SYMBOL < < < < F FE HG < MN MO NH3-N NH3-N NI N03-N P PE PH < < < RA-226 RA-226 SE SO4 TDS TH ZN RESULT 0.01GO 0.0500 0.05CO 0.osco 0.0500 0.6000 o.oio0 2.6000 0.0100 0.5500 0 . ozoo 13.5000 0.6330 2co. 0000 0.0020 10,7000 0.0020 4 . 1200 4.3700 1,2800 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 4.4600 5.7400 21.5000 1.0000 37.3000 0 .a010 0 .a090 c MG/L UNITS PCI/L 0.62CO PCI/G 1. oooc U G / ~ 3 .go00 MG/L 2f!3.0OCO MG/L 0.10GO MG/L MG/L UNCE27AINTY UNITS 25a5.0000 U V MG/L MG/L 0.1980 MG/L 0.1100 MG/L a . 2000 MG/L 0.2OCO MG/L 0.0010 0.0020 O.O!OO 0.1930 0.50CC O.OlC3 0.d o c 0 C.01CC 0.OEC., 0.05C3 L.OGO0 a.o m MG/L MG)L MG/L MG/L MG;/L MG/L M C /i MGiL UG/L MG/L 23.OOCC MG/L 0.0023 M G l/ 1.1009 MG/L 0.0010 MG/L 0.4120 MG/L G . 4 3 i 0 MG/L 0.13CO MG/L 0.2OCO MG/L 0.2OCO MG/L 0.O5CO MG/L O.lOC0 UNITS 0.8900 PCI/G 2.1000 PCI/L 1.0000 U G / L 3.7000 MG/L 259.0000 MG/L 0.0010 MG/L 0.0050 MG/L 0.01co MG/L 0.0190 MG/L ~ ~~~~ A n a l y t i c a lr e s u l t sf o ra n i m a ls a m p l e s . SAMPLE FlUM KANGAROO RATS # 4 2 599 $43 699 ASH WT 6.79 ANALYSIS SYMGOL 87.08317 87.083!7 87.08317 87.08317 87.08317 GSCAN MSCAN RA-226 TH PE2OMYSCUS $9 299 Zi711.59 $ 2 2 219 ASH WT 3.49 87.0e318 87.0e318 87.oe318 87.08318 87.08318 GSCAIi MSCAN ~ ~ - 2 2 6 TH SUNFISH 87.083 13 GSCAN 87.03319 MSCAN 87.08315 R A - 2 2 5 6009 WET WT 389 ASH WT GULLHE9D 4719 WET WT 149 ASH WT U U RESULT 0.0000 UNITS 0 . ocoo no e l e v a t e dm e t a l so b s ~.~~ erved 2.8800 1.0300 PC I/G 1.3980 0.1400 UG/G 1.8830 0.1830 UG/G ~ 0.0000 0 .oooo no e l e v a t e dm e t a l so b s e r v e d 4.0000 1.9700 PCI/G 1.6090 0.1610 UG/G 3.7010 0.3700 UG/G 0.0000 0.0000 no e l e v a t e dm e t a l so b s e r v e d 1.7700 O.a430 PCI/G 0.2450 0 . 0 2 5 0 UG/G 1.0250 , 0.1030 UG/G 0.0000 87.08:iS 67.0E320 87.0832O 87.08320 UNCERTAINTY 0 . OCCO MSCAH N G e l e v a t e dm e t a l so b s e r v e d RA-2Z6 2.8100 0.2300 0.0230 5.8040 TH U 0.5530 0.5800 PCI/G UG/G UG/G The samplesweredryashedat 450 d a g C t o c o n s t a n tw e i g h t , and a l i q u o t sw e r et a k e nf o rt h ei n d i v i d u a la n a l y s e s from t h ea s h . The e n t i r e animal was a s h e df o rt h er a t s on t h ea s s u m p t i o nt h a ta n y t h i n :t h a ta t e a rat wouldconsume a l l o f i t . The h e a d sa n di n t e s t i n e so ft h ef i s hw e r e removed on t h ea s s u m p t i o n x h a t people m i c h t consume the f i s h . The GSCAti r e s u l t sa r ea t t a c h e d on s e p a r a t ar e p o r t s . i r ! I i i I I I ! I I I I I 1 I I I I ! ! I ! ! I i : I ! i I i I i I I L 0 0 0 0 0 0 . I d 0 0 0 0 . I 0 0 . . . I OOOT X .-I 0 SINP33 0 LL w m 2 3 Z I I i 0 0 0 0 k " A 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 4: 0 0 , , I -L 0 0 4-. e SINn733 0 0 X 2 OOOZ 0 0 d 0 0001; X E: SINP33 0 0 .i ....' . .... I- ,.! !. . .- i : ..:A. : .r " . -_= .. 233 SEltVICES. HEX I1;O ' 4. 5. 6. 7. 7! 'n 8. 9. 1 I I ! 8. 9. I* \ TO 5 Y . . h " m Watersanpleanalysesfor La Gajada Mine Pit. S x p l e 87.01708 i s a s u r f a c e and e7.01716 i s t h e f i l t r a t e watersample, 87.01709 a deepwatersample. s o l u t i c n from t h e three sedimentsamples 87.01713-1315. SYMBOL RUEtSi CU5L3TTUANi EI Tl TS' f 87.C1708 A G 87.0i708 A L 87.01708 A S 87.01708 B 87.01708 BA 8i.Oi708 CO 87.0!708 C L 87.01708 CN < 8 i . 0 1 7 0 8 CR 87.017C8 CU < 0.0500 0,1900 0.0500 0.2000 0.5000 0.0100 52.0000 0.0000 0.0500 1.0000 5.6000 1.5000 0.9000 4.5000 0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 0.2000 0.2000 0.0500 3.6200 0.2100 1.7000 20 1 .OGOG 64~.0000 0.2C)C9 0.2000 0.05:o 0 . iOC0 O.O2!G i . OCOC 2'3.0000 55.0000 0.0100 0.0120 0.0 100 0.0010 0.0500 3.0000 0.05CO 2.0000 87.01708 co 87.01703 F 83.01703 HG 8.; . 01708 MN 87.01709 MO 8i.O!7C8 N H Z - N 37.01703 N H 3 - N 8 7 . 0 1 7 0 8 EiI 8i.Oi708 N 0 3 - N 87.01703 P < c < < ~~ < 8 7 . 9 1 i C 8 ?B 87.01709 TH 87.01798 U 87.0!708 V 87.01709 Z N S>Y?FLE A NNAUSLMY M S IGSO L 87.01709 A G 27.0!7C9 P.L E 7 . 0 ! 7 2 ? A,: S7.01709 6 0.0500 MG/L O.IOOO MG/L 0.0500 0.1000 0.5ooc 0.0100 5 . OOCC 0.0100 0.0500 1.0000 0.6~00 0.3000 0.2GCC 2 .ace0 0 . G5OO 0 . OdOO 0.o.'co 0.05GC MG/L HG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG)i MG/L UG/L Ui/L MG/L MG/L f!G/L MG/L MG/L M</i X/L UNITS PCI/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L ~~ R E SUUi Li CT E ? T A IUNNT IYT S < c 87.01709 Ba < 87.017C9 CO 87.01709 C L 8;.01709 CN 87.01709 CO 87.0170: CR 87.017C; CU 87.01709 F < 0.0500 0.3500 G . 0550 0.2ooc 0.5000 0.0100 53 .oooo 0.0000 < c 0.0550 1.0000 3.OOC3 1,5000 0.0500 MG/L 0.1000 MG/L iJ.o-t:c i!c;/? 0.10m MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 0.0500 MG/L 1.0000 U G / L 0.3030 U G / L 0,3000 MG/L 0.5000 0.0100 6 . OOCO 0.0100 ! Data Source 12. Memorandum from John M. Andrews, Jr., Environmental Scientist, Albuquerque District Mining Office,USFS. concerning surface reclamation of site with attached water analyses. FILE 24 COPY Suname D i s t z i c z 2:ininq O f f i c e 500 C-olJ- Avenue, S . Y . , ioor;! ii6 AlhqierTJe, ? k w :!exico 97103 n CuS70MEil ATTENTION ADDRESS Albuquerque Discri t!ininS O f f i c e John Adrevs 500 Gold Avenue SV Room 116 a b u q u e r q u e , Kew Mexico 87102 CITY 5.0. N O 7914 (E-504) Radiochemicalanalyses of vater s m p l e s . 57530 T Y P E OF lltAL"510 Dare Collecrec Type of Analysis 610 0.022 0.4-0.2 <0.01 <O.Ol <o. 01 35cc 950 0.056 0.7tO.L <0.01 0.01 c0.01 f By Fluoro2erric nethod. -1 -7- I ICAI.- MI'TIIOI) tJS1:l) .... .. -ANA1.Y . ....... .. . . . . . . ..... .. 1 Chronlium 0.05 Lead 0.05 Mercury 0.002 Seleniunl 0.01 Silver 0.05 Nitrate (as N) 10.0 Endrin 0.0002 Lindane 0.0011 Metlloxyclllor 0.1 Toxaphene 0.005 MDOAnl., EPA Cincinnati 1973 0.1 -2, 4-D 2, 4, 5-TP (Silvex) Flkroride Anrwal Ave. of Max. Air Ternn. 53.8 IO 58.3 58.4 I o 63.8 63.9 to 70.6 70.7 l o 79.2 79.3 lo 90.5 SLO 702. 30.5W.O OlmlboMls 700.0 Calcium 7 5 . MO.0 Carbonate 350.0 Clllorlrle 750.0 Calor 15 Unltr Odor 3 Unlll Concluclonce 1.000 Mlcrornl~os 125.0 0.05 12.0 b balow 2.4 Electrode Method 12.1 10 14.6 2.2 14.7 lo 17.G EPA Mctl~c~tls 1976 17.7 l o 21.4 2.0 1.8 21.5 l o 26.2 1.G 26.3 lo 32.5 1.4. Slrla 7 llovtrcd 4i70 Alkolinlly 0.3 I "I mglLlTER 250 0.01 Cellllll 53.7 & below PARAMETER 0.0-8.5 1,000 700.0 250.0 1 . 5 T.U. 2Y 6 1- N A T I O N A L FOREST CHEMICAL,PHYSICAL,AND BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS FOR W A T E R S A M P L E S !.I " STORET II/DEPTH Remarks Collocllon Dale ( Y , M , D l Callacllon Tlmt (Mllllary) "C Alr Tmporolurc P20 Walcr Tmyoraturc P IO Callons mg/l mq/l ' 1.A l l .? Flow Anlonl mg/l C o l l e c t e d By $, Dole of Anulysls PGI mq/l Paramclar mg/l Poromatar Analyslc By J mall Poromcltr mg/l Porametsr mqll IIEAVY " . 01145 1 HEAVY " IMETALS " .. " .... . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 39740 2 . 4. 5-TP .. ~5ll"OXI . . 1 .. _. .. . .-. " LABORATORYREMARKS: 01075 ' I: ' I .. .. . . _ . . . . .. .. . . . .. ._ 01075 ._ I 1 , . " 0: 0.. -. . I I)- for WATER SAMPLE 1 ANALYS TYPE I S 01 C I I E M I C A L . . . _I___* .. ...~ ~ I Y SICAL ......... I " - 39390 E"U,l" 39740 2. 4 , 5 . r ~ (Sllvax) " I I I" .. hn-1' LAOORATORY REMARKS: I . Data Source 13. La Bajada Quarry Fishery Investigationby Donald A. Duff, Wildlife Management Biologist and L. Eric Silvers, Hydrologist dated March 19, 1970, USFS. UNITED STATES DEFARTMENT OF FOREST SERVICE AGRICULTURE ;/: Sanca Fe ?TF REPLY TO: 2620 PLX?SI?ic W A E % USES 2540 SUBJECT: >!arch 19, 1970 ' La Sajada Q u a r r yF i s h e r yI n v e s t i g a c i o n F o r e s cS u p e r v i s o r and 70: TesuqueDiscriccRanger A 5 y o u rr e q u e s ts u b j e c ci n v e s c i g a c i o n was conducted on February 2 0 , 1 9 7 0 , w i c h t h e a s s i s t a n c e o f Bob W a g e n f e h r ,T e s u q u eD i s t r i c t . The survey was made t o d e t e r m i n e t h e f e a s i b i l i r ~ of u c i l i z i n g c h eq c a r r ya s a r e c r e a c i o n a lf i s h e r y s i c e . La S a j a d a Quarr:;, an o l d uraniummine, i s l o c a t e d .a p ? r o x i a a e e l y 2 a i i e s u p s c r e a n on the S i n c a ? eR i v e rf r o nF o r e s t Road S o . 2 2 c r o s s i n g of t h e r i v e r a: L a 3a;ad.a H i l l . The q u a r r y i s s i c u a t s d on = h e n o r t h bank a 5 ~ u . 1103 feet frsm c3.e Sanca ? eJ i v e r . The r c c* e r l e v e l of eke quarr:: i s a ? ? r 3 1 i ~ a c e l : 13 ~ f e e : belowche g r x 7 . d wacer level of che r i v e r , w h i c h p r c ~ b a S ? ye u ? l z L n st h e e x i s z e n c e of 2 perzane7.c bo*:; of w B t 2 T i:: c3.e q u a r r y of abouz 1% a c r e s .T h e r e has been no acrLvemining work a i c i s size s i n c e ~" 1967. A *e?zh p r o f i l e of thequarr:irevealed. 2 :.a:tiztun d e ? t h of U f e e c , v i c h an a v e r a g e de?:% of a b o u t 1 5 f e e c . On a l i s i d e s of t h eq u a r r y :he bank w a i l s d r o p vertically q u i z e r e p i d l y eo mixirun de?ch levels. SCL'DA d i v i n g g e r r was used i o o b s e r v e und.er.iacer e c o l o s i c cor.d i t i o n s and eo g a c h e r b o c c o n s a a p l e znd wz:er q u a l i e ) - s a n p l e s . The g e n e r a la p p e z r a n c e o f t h e s u r f a c e w a c e r was a d u l l g r e e n i s h che s i d e s of chebanks. c o l o r , wich a l g a ed e p o s i c sg r o w i n ga l o n g S u r f a c ew a c e rt e m p e r a c u r e was 4 j ° F . w h i l e a c 44 f e e c d e p t h t h e 0 c e n p e r a t u r e was 40 F.UndezGater v i s i b i l i c y was lirniced to 3-5 f e e c . No f i s hw e r eo b s e r v e dd u r i n sc h eu n d e r , a c e rs u r v e y , however, "waterdogs", t h e t i g e r s a l a n a n c e r , Anbysca32 c i g r i n u m ,v e r ao b s e r v e d i n noderace abundance i n s L z e s up t o 10 i n c h e s i n lecgth.. :To u n d e r w a t e r v e g e t a t i o n was p r e s e n t on t h e q u a r r y botcomwhich of boczom c a n s i s t e do fc h i c k muck 1 - 2 feerr i n d e g t h .A n a l y s i s s a x p l e sr e v e a l e d no a5x.dzr.c a q u z t i co r g - s c i s n sn e c e s s a r y eo s u s t a i n fist.. D i p c a r al a r v a ex e r et h eo n l yO r d e rp r e s e n c ,c m s i s c i n g 05 T e n d i p e d i d i a e( m i d g e s ) and C u l k i d a e( m o s q u i t o s ) . . ' ' n L AnalysLsof t h ew a c e rq u a l i t y sanples i n d i c a c e dh i g hl e v e l s of total d i s s o l v e ds o l i d s ,n i t r a t e s ,s u l f a t e s ,p h o s p h a c e s , anddissol.Jed waters w i t h t h e s el e v e l s b u t would o q g e n .F i s hc o u l ds u r v i v ei n n o t d e v e l o p i n t o a p e r ~ ~ a n e n t f i s h e q u n l e s s s t o c k e d r e g u l a r l y on a put-and-take basis. The s u l f a t e r e a d i n g of 298 ppm ,.<auld be a l i n i c i n g f a c t o r i n t h e s u c c e s s f u le s t a b l i s h n e n ta n dg r o w t ho fa q u a t i co r g a n i s m sn e c e s s a r y f o r f i s h food. Thephosphacereading of 0 . 2 5 p p n , t h eo b s e r v e dg r e e n i s hc o l o ro f t h e w a t e r and a l g a eg r o w t h s ,a n dt h eh i g hd i s s o l v e do x y g e nl e v e l 14 ppm i n d i c a r e s a h i g h r a t e oforganicdecompositionandphotosynthesis of planktonorganisaswhich g o i n go n .T h i si n d i c a t e st h ep r e s e n c e s would be a l i m i t i n g f a c t o r d u r i n g s u m e r p e r i o d s when e x c e s s i v e plank:onblooms c o u l dc a u s e 2 t o t a l f i s h k i l l . The h i g h t s t a l d i s s o l v e d s o l i d (TDS) l e v e l of 570 ?pn i s w i t h i nt h e l i o i t s t o l e r a b l e co f i s h b u t i n d i c a t e 2 h i g hc o n c e n t r a c i o no fs a l t s . is a c l o s e db a s i n , w i t h no o u t l e t o r i n l a c , t h e S i n c et h eq u a r r y p o s s i b l l i c y e s i s i s tS2t Gjich chepassage of :ixethe wacer may become h i g h a r ir. TDS d u e t o e v a p o r a i i o n . on a T r o u t OK v a r a water f i s h s p a c i e s c o u l d b e s t o c k e d i n t h e q u a r r y p u c - a n 6 - c a k eb a s i s ,b u ts i n c et h eq u a r r y i s o f snail s i z e : s a t e o r federalstxkingrates for chis s i z e impound7.entwould n o t be s u f f i -. c i e n t to n a i n t a i n a c a t c h a b l er l s h e r : ;t o meer t h e f i s h i n g p r e s s u r e . S i n c et h eq u a r r y i s r e a d i l : ~ a c c e s s i b l e to t n ep u b l i cc c n s i d e r a b l e a d a s t o c k i n sp r o g r a m would b e needed p r e s s u r ec o u l db er e a l i z e d constantly. Sincetkeispoundment is a q u a r r y s i t e , 2 c o n s i d e r a b l e amount of improvenencswouldprobablybenecessary t o m a i n t a i np u b l i cs a f e t y , s i n c es t e e ps i d e d ,s l o u g n i n g , bank a r ep r e s e n t . The s h a r p d r o p o f f from shallow to deep water would also p r o v i d e a hazard f o r drowning f o r wading people. Before any t:rpe r e c r e a t i o n a l a c t i v i t y is d e s i g n a t e d f o r t h i s a r e a , a complete s u r v e y f a r r a d i o a c t i v i t y s h o u l d b e a c c o m p l i s h e d f r o m s u r r o u n d i n gs u r f a c e and bortom s o i l s . R a d i o - a c t i v i t yc o u l db e a at t h i s s i t e , s i n c e i t was o r l g i n a l l y 2 p o s s i b l es a f e t yh a z a r d uranium s i n e . O n J u l y 2 8 , 1968, a s u b s t a n t i a l flood o c c u r r e d on the S a n t a Fz R i v e r , limits of S a n t a Fe. w i t h che r e c o r df l o w so f 6110 c f s w i t h i n t h e c i t y An e s c i n a t e d 50% o f t h i s f l o w o r 3000 c f s ,r e a c h e dt h e L a Bajada Q u a r r ys i t e .F l o w so ft h i sm a g n i c u d e and g r e a c e rc a nb ee x p e c t e d commonly on the l o w e r reaches o f theSancaFeRiver.Suchflows would s e r i o u s l y damage t h eq u a r r y s i c e , d e b r i s andsedimencdeposit i o n and c u t t i n ga c t i o na r o u n dt h eq u a r r y w a l l s . B e f o r ea n yr e c r e a - . of f l o o d damages t i o n improvements are c o n s i 6 e r e d c h e p o s s i b i l i t y must be e v a l u a t e d . A sample o f w a t e r was a l s o t a k e n a t t h e new U.S.G.S. g a g i n g s t a t i o n s i c el o c a t e d on p r i v a c e l a n d in S e c . 9 , T l 5 X , R 7 E . T h ea n a l y s i s i s s c r o n g l y a f f e c t e d bysewage e f f l u e n t f r o m che i n d i c a t e st h ef l o w c i t y of S a n t aF e ' st r e a c m e n t p l a n e , which i s l o c a t e da p p r o x i m a c e l y 1 2m i l e su p s t r e a m .H i g hc h l o r i d e ,d e t e r g e n c s ,n i t r a t e ,o r c b o phosphates,coliformcoloniesandfecalcolifornreadings are key i n d i c a t o r so ft h i si n f l u e n c e . Phocogrzphsof t h ea r e a ,a l o n gw i t hc o p i e s of an area m a p , and water que1it:r a d b a c c e r i o l o g i c d z z z s h e e t s a r e a t t a c h e d f o r y o u r i n f o r a a ccon. I c > . . . . . . I r I .... . . . .." I I , .____ I . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , I .. ._ . . v. * 'B ' ..' ' .. . .- ( . . . .. . :j: . : :i . . i:. 1 i ! I i d i i' ! ..- -1. ,. c *6. 7. E. 9, *lo. i 1'. E. 13. I . ." . . . . R - j S'SU - .. . ..-. - .... . .. .... _ . . . , _. . . . . ,. .