high aggregate potential in Three Rivers area because of coarser texture there. Low agricultural potential because of gypsic top soil. Qao1 • •• • • • • •• •• 22 Qay2u • •• ••• ••• •••• •••• •••• ••• ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• ••• • • • • 9 GODFREY PEAK THREE RIVERS SW THREE RIVERS GOLONDRINA DRAW SIERRA BLANCA PEAK RUIDOSO BITTER CREEK TULAROSA NE CAT MOUNTAIN MESCALERO APACHE SUMMIT Qay2u Qay2u Qao Qac 17 Qao *h Qao Qay2u Qac Qay2 Qao 106°00'00"W Qao2 Py Pa Qao3 Qao Qac QTg Ti 55'00" Qc Qc Qay Qay *h Qao3 52'30" 1.5 MILE Qary3 1000 Pa Pa Qc 1 0.5 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 0 1 KILOMETER Qary2 Py CONTOUR INTERVAL VARIES Py 33°00'00"N Pa Qay NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 New Mexico June 2014 Qay3 by MALONE DRAW DOMINGO PEAK HIGH ROLLS ALAMOGORDO NORTH Shari Kelley, Daniel J. Koning, and Bruce Allen FIRMAN CANYON New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM CLOUDCROFT S c ie nce for the TECH en 2 1st C tur New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources NEW M EXICO I NSTITUTE OF M INING AND TECHNOLOGY 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 (575) 835-5490 y MEXI Qay3r TA S r th M EXICO EW O C NEW Mapping of this quadrangle was funded by a matching-funds grant from the STATEMAP program of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Act, administered by the U.S. Geological Survey, and by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (Dr. Peter A. Scholle, Director and State Geologist, Dr. J. Michael Timmons, Geologic Mapping Program Director). s urce eso lR ra Ea New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open File Report 564 f Geology and uo a Mi e r ne Bu http://geoinfo.nmt.edu P LOST RIVER SABINATA FLAT N TULAROSA New Me xic o TULAROSA PEAK TEMA Qay2 This and other STATEMAP quadrangles are (or soon will be) available for free download in both PDF and ArcGIS formats at: http://geoinfo.nmt.edu/publications/maps/geologic/ofgm/home.html A' Godfrey Hills fault zone A Kmd Kth West E–E' Lewelling No. 1 Lewelling No. 2 5,000 feet ASL 4,000 State L.G. “1453” QTbf 3,000 Tla Tlw2a sharp contact (disconformity?) Ps Probable buried normal faults paralleling Alamogorod fault 2,000 Kt Kmd Km Kd l TRm Pag Pag 1,000 Kg d Kg Kmd Kth Kml Kd TRm Pag Kth Kg Psf Kmd Psr –1,000 –2,000 TRm Pag –3,000 Kmd –4,000 Kg Kd Pag ? Py ? ? Kd ? Py TRm Ps IPh Py Py MS D O XYu XYu Psf Psf Psf Psr 2,000 meters ASL 1,500 Py Py 1,500 Py Py Py Psf Psr Psr Psr Psr Py Kml Kd TRm Pag Psf Psf Psr Kth Kml Kd TRm Pag Kml Kd TRm Pag Kml Kd TRm Pag 500 Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pb Pa Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb 0 –1,000 –1,500 IPg IPg MSD MSD O O –2,000 No vertical exaggeration 60,000 XYu TD: 9852 ft depth 30,000 40,000 50,000 West Desal. Test Well #4 5,000 (projected from north, perpendicular to profile line) Pliocene–Pleistocene, gravelly sediment (includes units Qf1 and Qfo in its upper part) 4,000 Upper basin-fill unit (more coarse-grained to east, more fine-grained to west) 3,000 1,000 Desal. Test Well #5 Pliocene–Pleistocene, gravelly sediment Psf Py Lower coarse interval Abo Fm. Lower basin-fill unit Lower coarse interval Lower basin-fill unit 10,000 20,000 Py 1,500 Pa 1,000 Pb Pb 500 ˛g M ˛h ˛b SD 60,000 ˛g Allen, M.S., and Foord, E.E., 1991, Geological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Lincoln County porphyry belt, New Mexico: implications for regional tectonics and mineral deposits: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, pp. 97–102. Bachman, G.O, 1954, Reconnaissance map of an area southeast of Sierra Blanca in Lincoln, Otero, and Chaves Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 5, p. 94. 0 No vertical exaggeration 70,000 Qay2u Arkell, B.W., 1983, Geology and coal resources of the Cub Mountain area, Sierra Blanca coal field, New Mexico [Masters Thesis]: Socorro, NM, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 104 p. ˛h ˛b ˛g 50,000 Py Psr Pa ˛b 40,000 Psf Tim Py ˛h ˛h ˛b 30,000 Py 2,000 meters ASL REFERENCES Py Tid Pag Psf Pb Holder Fm. Beeman Fm. 0 Psr Pb Undifferentiated pre-rift bedrock Psf Ti Pa Pa Bursum Fm. Undifferentiated pre-rift bedrock Psr Psr Psf Py Ti East Karst feature Maxwell Spring Psr Psr Psf Yeso Fm. Lower transition interval Undifferentiated pre-rift bedrock 0 (projected from south, perpendicular to profile line) Upper basin-fill unit Lower basin-fill unit (more coarse-grained to east, more fine-grained to west) 2,000 Desal. Test Well #8 Latest Miocene(?) to Pliocene, coarse sediment Bachman, G.O., 1960, Southwestern edge of late Paleozoic landmass in New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 400 B p. 239–241. B Cat Mountain Monocline East Birkeland, P.W., Machette, M.N., and Haller, K.M., 1991, Soils asBB' a tool for applied Quaternary geology: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources,Bent Miscellaneous Publication 91–3, 63 p.B Cat Mountain dome Psf Upper basin-fill unit Upper basin-fill unit (more coarse-grained to east, and more fine-grained to west) Temporal Creek Desal. test well #8 (projected Latest Miocene(?) to Pliocene, coarse sediment from south, perpendicular Desal. test to profile line) well #5 Desal. test well #4 (projected from north, perpendicular to profile line) Pliocene-Pleistocene, gravelly sediment (includes units Qf1 and Qfo in its upper part) lower transition interval Undifferentiate Yeso Formation 10000 Abo Formation Py (Py) Py (Pa) Pa Pb tion (Pb) Pennsylvanian and older units 20000 25000 30000 35000 Pb 40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 Pa COb 6500 4500 4000 Pb Pb Blair, J.G., 1994a, Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimenta3500 PbT.C., and McPherson, Pb 3000 pC ry processes, and facies assemblages: Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. A64, p. 450–489. 2500 2000 1500 in Abrahams, D., and Parsons, A.J., eds., Geomorphology of Desert Blair, T.C., and McPherson, J.G., 1994b, Alluvial fan processes and forms, 1000 Environments: London, Chapman and Hall, p. 354–402. 500 0 80000P.W. and Lozinsky, 85000 90000 95000Paleozoic uplift in southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Bauer, R.P., 1991, The Bent dome - part of a major Pb Pa Tita Pa Pa Pa Pa Bursum Forma 15000 Py Psr Pb ck 5000 Psf Psr Tid Tid Py 6000 Springs Canyon alluvial fan, Death Valley, California: Sedimentology, Blair, facies of the waterlaid Anvil Py processes andPy 5500 PyT.C., 1999, Sedimentary Pa vol. 46, p. 913–940. 5000 Pa Tig Py Tita k Undifferentiated pre-rift bedro 0 Tid d pre-rift bedroc Lower basin-fill unit Undifferentiated pre-rift bedrock Psr Psf Tim Tim Psf Psr Lower basin-fill unit Lower coarse interval Psf Psr Birkeland, P.W., 1999, Soils and geomorphology: New York, Oxford University Press, 430 p. 7000 Psr Psr Tid Pliocene-Pleistocene, gravelly sediment Lower coarse interval Lower basin-fill unit (more coarse-grained to east, and more fine-grained to west) 70000 75000 Guidebook 42, p. 175–182. ba se of ba sin fil l fro m Heal y et al . (1978) Ysletano Canyon Houston Fed. 1A Trustee No. 1 T–378 T–5424 ? undivided Permian to Cambrian sedimentary rocks Gile, L.H., Hawley, J.W., and Grossman, R.B., 1981, Soils and geomorphology in the Basin and Range area of Southern New Mexico—Guidebook 1,000 to the Desert Project: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir 39, 222 p. Holder Formation Pennsylvanian carbonates, sandstone, shale Beeman Formation Mississippian carbonates Gobbler Formation 50,000 REFERENCES 60,000 70,000 Hook , S.C., and Cobban, W.A., 2012, Evolution of the Late Cretaceous oyster genus Cameleolopha Vyalov 1936 in central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 34, no. 3, p. 76-95. Bachman, G.O., 1960, Southwestern edge of late Paleozoic landmass in New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 400 B p. 239–241. Tularosa NE Ingram, R.L., 1954, Terminology for the thickness of stratification and parting units in sedimentary rocks: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, p. 937–938, Table 2. E' Alamogordo fault Bachman, G.O, 1954, Reconnaissance map of an area southeast of Sierra Blanca in Lincoln, Otero, and Chaves Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 5, p. 94. DesalTest Test Well No.No. 1 1 Desal Well Hook, S.C., 2010, Flemingostrea elegans, n. sp: guide fossil to marine, lower Coniacian (upper Cretaceous) strata of central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 32, no. 2, p. 35–57. 40,000 F Golondrina Draw E-W section Three Rivers cross-section Tim Tita Titd 5,000 Kc Kc Kc Kclt Kclt Kg 4,000 Kmd Kth Kml 3,000 Kc Kg Kmd Kd TRm Kml Kd TRm Pag 2,000 Kg Kc Kclt Psf Pag Psr Psf Py Psr Py 1,000 Kmd Kclt Kth Kg Kth Pag Kml Kd TRm Kth Kg Kclt Kth Kmd Kmd Kml Kd TRm Pag Tim Kg Kg Kmd Kmd Kml Kd TRm Pag Kth Kml Kd TRm Pag Psf Psf Psr Psf Kml Kd TRm Pag Tid Kg Tc Titd Tim Tid Kth Kth Kmd Kml Kd TRm Pag Kmd Kml Kd TRm Pag Psf Psr Psf Kth Kth Kmd Kmd Kth Kml Kd TRm Pag Kml Kd TRm Pag Kml Kd TRm Pag Psf Psf Psf Psr Psr Psr Tita Psf Py Py Pa Pa Py Pa Psf Psf Psf Psr Psr Psr Py Py Pa 20,000 Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb 30,000 The illustrated dikes and sills conceptually capture the range of dike, sill, and fault interactions observed in the field. Faults cut sills. Sills tend to form in the Yeso and Crevasse Canyon formations. The east-west striking faults likely formed in a right-lateral releasing bend that formed during Laramide deformation. Some faults are filled with dikes anddisplay no subsequent motion. Some dikes are offset or truncated by the E-W striking faults, but the dike offset is much less than the stratigraphic offset. Some dikes are younger than the faults and are unaffected by faulting. REFERENCES Allen, M.S., and Foord, E.E., 1991, Geological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Lincoln County porphyry belt, New Mexico: implications for regional tectonics and mineral deposits: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, pp. 97–102. Arkell, B.W., 1983, Geology and coal resources of the Cub Mountain area, Sierra Blanca coal field, New Mexico [Masters Thesis]: Socorro, NM, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 104 p. Bachman, G.O, 1954, Reconnaissance map of an area southeast of Sierra Blanca in Lincoln, Otero, and Chaves Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 5, p. 94. Bachman, G.O., 1960, Southwestern edge of late Paleozoic landmass in New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 400 B p. 239–241. Bauer, P.W. and Lozinsky, R.P., 1991, The Bent dome - part of a major Paleozoic uplift in southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 175–182. Birkeland, P.W., Machette, M.N., and Haller, K.M., 1991, Soils as a tool for applied Quaternary geology: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Miscellaneous Publication 91–3, 63 p.B Pb IPh Psf Psr Py g Kd Qa Tim sill Tita sill Kml Qa I-I’ cross section QTbf Pag Psf TRm Kd Petroglyph horst QTbf Kml Py Py Pa Sedimentology, 60,000 Pa Pa Psr Psr Kg Kmd TRm Pag Kml Psf Kd Kml Kmd TRm Kt Pag Kd Psf Py Trm Pag Py Pa Pa Psr Kc Kg Kmd Kt Kml Kd TRm Pag Kclt Kg TRm Pag Py Py Py Pa Kmd Kt Kml Ps Psf Psr 1,000 Psf Psr 500 Koning, D.J., 1999, Fault segmentation and paleoseismicity of the southern Alamogordo fault, southern Rio Grande rift [M.S. thesis]: Albuquerque, 0 University of New Mexico, 286 p. No vertical exaggeration Pa Pa 1,500 Kg Kt Kc Kclt King, W.E., and Harder, V.M., 1985, Oil and gas potential of the Tularosa Basin–Otero Platform–Salt Basin graben area, New Mexico and Texas: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 198, 36 p. (with plates). Py Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Blair, T.C., and McPherson, J.G., 1994a, Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimentary processes, and facies assemblages: Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. A64, p. 450–489. Blair, T.C., and McPherson, J.G., 1994b, Alluvial fan processes and forms, in Abrahams, D., and Parsons, A.J., eds., Geomorphology of Desert Environments: London, Chapman and Hall, p. 354–402. Bauer, P.W. and Lozinsky, R.P., 1991, The Bent dome - part of a major Paleozoic uplift in southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 175–182. Bull, W.B., 1972, Recognition of alluvial-fan deposits in the stratigraphic record, in Rigby, J.K., and Hamblin, W.K., eds., Recognition of ancient sedimentary environments: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 16, p. 63–83. Bull, W.B., 1977, The alluvial fan environment: Progress in Physical Geography, vol. 1, p. 222–270. Compton, R.R., 1985, Geology in the field: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 398 p. Bauer, P.W. and Lozinsky, R.P.,F'1991, The Bent dome - part of a major Paleozoic uplift in southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 175–182.North Koning, D.J., Pazzaglia, F., and Smartt, R., 2002, Alluvial fan stratigraphy along the southern Sacramento Mountains, N.M., and inferences regarding late Quaternary paleoclimate, soils, and sedimentation: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 53, p. 289–302. Bull, W.B., 1972, Recognition of alluvial-fan deposits in the stratigraphic record, in Rigby, J.K., and Hamblin, W.K., eds., Recognition of ancient 2,000of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 16, p. 63–83. sedimentary environments: Society Koning, D. J., Hallett, B., and Shaw, C., 2007, Preliminary geologic map of the Alamogordo North 7.5-minute quadrangle, Otero County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources OF–GM–153, scale 1:24,000. Qaof Tita Bull, W.B., 1977, The alluvial fan1,500 environment: Progress in Physical Geography, vol. 1, p. 222–270. Psf Psr Koning, D.J., Kempter, K.A., Zeigler, K.E., and Cicoski, C.T., 2011, Preliminary geologic map of the Cub Mountain 7.5-minute quadrangle: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources OF–GM–138, scale 1:24,000. Foord, E.E., and Moore, S.L., 1991, Geology of the Bent Dome, Otero County, New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 171–174. Kuhle, A.J., and Smith, G.A., 2001, Alluvial-slope deposition of the Skull Ridge Member of the Tesuque Formation, Española Basin, New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 30–37. Gile, L.H., Peterson, F.F., and Grossman, R.B., 1966, Morphological and genetic sequences of carbonate accumulation in desert soils: Soil Science, v. p. exaggeration 347–360. 0 No101, vertical Lucas, S.G., and Krainer ,K., 2004, The Red Tanks Member of the Bursum Formation in the Lucero Uplift and regional correlation of the Bursum Formation in New Mexico: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 25, p. 43–52. Gile, L.H., Hawley, J.W., and Grossman, R.B., 1981, Soils and geomorphology in the Basin and Range area of Southern New Mexico—Guidebook to the Desert Project: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir 39, 222 p. Mack, G.H., Dinterman, P.A., 2002, Depositional environments and paleogeography of the Lower Permian (Leonardian) Yeso and correlative formations in New Mexico: The Mountain Geologist, v. 39, p.75–88. Harbour, R. L, 1970, The Hondo Sandstone Member of the San Andres Limestone of south–central New Mexico : U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700–C, p. 175–182. McManus, C.E.D., and McMillan, N.J., 2002, Subduction or rifting: the Eocene magmas of the Sacramento Mountains, NM: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 6, p. 364. Hawley, J.W., and Wilson, W.E., 1965, Quaternary geology of the Winnemucca area, Nevada: University of Nevada, Desert Research Institute, Technical Report no. 5, 66 p. McMillan, N.J., 2004, Magmatic record of Laramide subduction and the transition to Tertiary extension: Upper Cretaceous through Eocene igneous rocks of New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication 11, p. 249–270. 500 40,000 Qao3 Hooke, R.L., 1967, Processes on arid-region alluvial fans, Journal of Geology, vol. 75, p. 438–460. Miller A.K., and Youngquist, W., 1949, American Permian Nautiloids: Geological Society of America Memoir 41, 218 p. Hook, S.C., 2010, Flemingostrea elegans, n. sp: guide fossil to marine, lower Coniacian (upper Cretaceous) strata of central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 32, no. 2, p. 35–57. Moore, S. L., Foord, E. E., and Meyer, G. A., 1988a, Geologic and aeromagnetic map of a part of the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, Otero County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I–1775, scale 1:50,000. Hook , S.C., and Cobban, W.A., 2012, Evolution of the Late Cretaceous oyster genus Cameleolopha Vyalov 1936 in central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 34, no. 3, p. 76-95. Moore, S.L., Foord, E.E., Meyer, G.A., and Smith, G.W., 1988b, Geologic map of the northwestern part of the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, Otero County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Map I–1895, scale 1:24,000. Ingram, R.L., 1954, Terminology for the thickness of stratification and parting units in sedimentary rocks: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, p. 937–938, Table 2. Kelley, V.C., 1971, Geology of the Pecos country, southeastern New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 24, 78 pp. Qaovf Qao2 Munsell Color, 1994 edition, Munsell soil color charts: New Windsor, N.Y., Kollmorgen Corp., Macbeth Division. Otte, C., 1959, Late Pennsylvanian and early Permian stratigraphy of the northern Sacramento Mountains, Otero County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 50, 111 p. (with plates). Kelley, V.C., 1972, Geology of the Fort Sumner sheet, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 98, 55 pp. Pray, L.C., 1961, Geology of the Sacramento Mountains escarpment, Otero County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 35, 144 p. (with plates). King, W.E., and Harder, V.M., 1985, Oil and gas potential of the Tularosa Basin–Otero Platform–Salt Basin graben area, New Mexico and Texas: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 198, 36 p. (with plates). Raatz, W.D., 2002, A stratigraphic history of the Tularosa basin area, south–central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 53, p. 141–157. Koning, D.J., 1999, Fault segmentation and paleoseismicity of the southern Alamogordo fault, southern Rio Grande rift [M.S. thesis]: Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, 286 p. Ritter, J.B., Miller, J.R., Enzel, Y., Howes, S.D., Nadon, G., Grubb, M.D., Hoover, K.A., Olsen, T., Reneau, S.L., Sack, D., Summa, C.L., Taylor, I., Touysinhthiphonexay, K.C.N., Yodis, E.G., Schneider, N.P., Ritter, D.F., and Wells, S.G., 1993, Quaternary evolution of Cedar Creek alluvial fan, Montana: Geomorphology, vol. 8, p. 287–304. Koning, D.J., 2009, Radiocarbon age control for Sacramento Mountain-derived alluvial fan deposits near Alamogordo, New Mexico, and related geomorphic and sedimentologic interpretations [abstract for 2009 NMGS Spring Meeting]: New Mexico Geology, v. 31, no. 2, p. 46. Koning, D.J., Connell, S.D., Pazzaglia, F.J., and McIntosh, W.C., 2002a, Redefinition of the Ancha Formation and Pliocene–Pleistocene deposition in the Santa Fe embayment, north–central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 24, no. 3, p. 75–87. Koning, D.J., Pazzaglia, F., and Smartt, R., 2002, Alluvial fan stratigraphy along the southern Sacramento Mountains, N.M., and inferences regarding late Quaternary paleoclimate, soils, and sedimentation: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 53, p. 289–302. Koning, D. J., Hallett, B., and Shaw, C., 2007, Preliminary geologic map of the Alamogordo North 7.5-minute quadrangle, Otero County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources OF–GM–153, scale 1:24,000. Scholle, P.A., Goldstein, R.H., and Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., 2007, Classic Upper Paleozoic reefs and bioherms of west Texas and New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Report 504, 174 p. Smith, G.A., 2000, Recognition and significance of streamflow-dominated piedmont facies in extensional basins: Basin Research, vol. 12, p. 399–411. Soil Survey Staff, 1992, Keys to Soil Taxonomy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, SMSS Technical Monograph no. 19, 5th edition, 541 p. Speer, S.W., 1983, Abo Formation, north–central Sacramento Mountains: An onlapping fluvial clastic wedge: in Guidebook for file trip to the Abo red beds (Permian), central and south–central New Mexico: Roswell Geological Society and the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, p. 54–72. Koning, D.J., Kempter, K.A., Zeigler, K.E., and Cicoski, C.T., 2011, Preliminary geologic map of the Cub Mountain 7.5-minute quadrangle: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources OF–GM–138, scale 1:24,000. Stearns, C.E., 1953, Tertiary geology of the Galisteo–Tonque area, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 64, p. 459–508. Kuhle, A.J., and Smith, G.A., 2001, Alluvial-slope deposition of the Skull Ridge Member of the Tesuque Formation, Española Basin, New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 30–37. Tait, D.B., Ahlen, J.L., Gordon, A., Scott, G.L., Motts, W.S., Spitler, M.E., 1962, Artesia Group of New Mexico and west Texas: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists: vol. 46, no. 4, p. 504–517. Lucas, S.G., and Krainer ,K., 2004, The Red Tanks Member of the Bursum Formation in the Lucero Uplift and regional correlation of the Bursum Formation in New Mexico: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 25, p. 43–52. Udden, J.A., 1914, The mechanical composition of clastic sediments: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 25, p. 655–744. Qao1 Foord, E.E., and Moore, S.L., 1991, Geology of the Bent Dome, Otero County, New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 171–174. Gile, L.H., Peterson, F.F., and Grossman, R.B., 1966, Morphological and genetic sequences of carbonate accumulation in desert soils: Soil Science, v. 101, p. 347–360. Gile, L.H., Hawley, J.W., and Grossman, R.B., 1981, Soils and geomorphology in the Basin and Range area of Southern New Mexico—Guidebook to the Desert Project: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir 39, 222 p. Harbour, R. L, 1970, The Hondo Sandstone Member of the San Andres Limestone of south–central New Mexico : U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700–C, p. 175–182. Hawley, J.W., and Wilson, W.E., 1965, Quaternary geology of the Winnemucca area, Nevada: University of Nevada, Desert Research Institute, Technical Report no. 5, 66 p. Mack, G.H., Dinterman, P.A., 2002, Depositional environments and paleogeography of the Lower Permian (Leonardian) Yeso and correlative formations in New Mexico: The Mountain Geologist, v. 39, p.75–88. McManus, C.E.D., and McMillan, N.J., 2002, Subduction or rifting: the Eocene magmas of the Sacramento Mountains, NM: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 6, p. 364. Waresback, D.B., 1986, The Puye Formation, New Mexico: analysis of a continental rift-filling volcaniclastic alluvial fan sequence [unpublished M.S. thesis]: Arlington, University of Texas, 225 p. Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian sand, overlying fine-grained older alluvial fan deposits—See descriptions for units Qse (above) and Qaof (below). Qse is less than 2 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: low potential for aggregate because of thin nature of Qse. Possible residential development. Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian fine-grained sediment, overlying gypsum (Holocene)—See descriptions of Qse (above) and Qgy (below). Sheetflood deposits are probably more than 20 cm thick. Mapped using air photos where surface has a lighter tone and relatively tanner to redder colors (as opposed to darker, grayer colors corresponding to Qgy) and a higher shrub density. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: very limited. Tist Sheetflood and slopewash deposits, reworking eolian sand, with coppice dunes on the surface (middle Holocene to present)—Similar to unit Qse (described above), but with 7–10% or greater surface coverage by coppice dunes (unit Qec, as described above). Clastic sediment, alluvial and eolian sediment. Societal uses: low to moderate potential for aggregate. Possible residential development or agricultural potential. Miller A.K., and Youngquist, W., 1949, American Permian Nautiloids: Geological Society of America Memoir 41, 218 p. Moore, S. L., Foord, E. E., and Meyer, G. A., 1988a, Geologic and aeromagnetic map of a part of the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, Otero County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I–1775, scale 1:50,000. Moore, S.L., Foord, E.E., Meyer, G.A., and Smith, G.W., 1988b, Geologic map of the northwestern part of the Mescalero Apache Indian Reserva- Samp e a 410715N Porphyr c rachydac e uppe Eocene o owe O gocene —D kes and s s o a gh g ay po phy y Rock con a ns 5—15% phenoc ys s o p ag oc ase e dspa b o e ± ho nb ende and da k g een py oxene 1–10 mm ong se n a ne g a ned ma x Un nc udes amph bo e ch s s on he sou h s de o Coyo e R dge ha a e 1–5 m h ck These s s a e b ack o da k g een med um g a ned and con a n ~ 30% da k g een e onga ed amph bo e need es 5% p ag oc ase and 5% po ass um e dspa Un a so nc udes a p om nen 5 km ong and 4 m w de NE end ng d ke be ween Boone D aw and he Th ee R ve s d a nage Porphyr c rachyandes e m dd e o uppe Eocene —D kes s s and sma acco hs o a gh g ay o g ay po phy y 5—15% phenoc ys s o p ag oc ase e dspa da k g een py oxene and po ass um e dspa 1–10 mm ong se n a ne g a ned ma x These n us ve bod es may g ade n o mo e equ g anu a ex u es T d Syen c and sed men a y xeno hs a e oca y p esen Two c oss cu ng d kes n he C aw o d W ndm a ea gave ow qua y da es o 36 41 ± 0 41 and 36 90 ± 0 51 Ma UTM 411503E 3684169N NAD 27 D kes a e 0 5–8 m w de Trachybasa m dd e o uppe Eocene —B ack o da k g een ne g a ned n us ons gene a y d kes w h ba e y d sce n b e need es o p ag oc ase and py oxene No o v ne obse ved n hand ens Th s ock ype y e ded a ow qua y da e o 34 38 ± 0 76 Ma n he Hamm we a ea UTM 412704E 3687347N NAD27 D kes a e 1–2 m w de Porphyr c rachy e Eocene —D kes o gh g ay o da k g ay po phy y w h 15–25% p ag oc ase a hs 10–20 mm ong se n an equ g anu a o ne g a ned ma x o da k g een py oxene and e dspa The p ag oc ase a hs a e o en d s nc y a gned pa a e o he ma g ns o he d ke D kes 1–4 m w de Equ granu ar a ka gabbro d or e or syenogabbro syenod or e m dd e o uppe Eocene —L gh g ay o g ay equ g anu a o s gh y po phy c ne o med um g a ned sa and peppe co o ed d kes s s and acco hs D kes a e 1–7 m w de Phenoc ys s nc ude p ag oc ase e dspa and py oxene ± kspa ± b o e ± amph bo e These n us ve bod es may g ade n o mo e po phy c ocks T a and o en con a n xeno hs o syen e D kes o h s compos on cu s s o megac ys c achybasa T m sou h o Coyo e Peak Th ck s s o h s compos on n he no h eas e n pa s o he map a ea have cumu a e py oxene a he base Th s un nc udes he a ka d o e o G an e We wh ch s a g een sh g ay equ g anu a ne o med um g a ned sa and peppe co o ed s w h p ag oc ase e dspa py oxene and b o e phenoc ys s exposed sou h o G an e We a ong Tempo a C eek nea he moun a n on A 40A /39A age o 38 07 ± 0 64 Ma was de e m ned o b o e om h s n us on Th s s has py oxene ch cumu a e phase nea he base and s abou 30–35 m h ck A h ck s on he no h s de o Ca Moun a n e u ned a 40 A /39A age o 36 21 ± 0 30 Ma on b o e Th s un a so nc udes b ack o da k g een med um o coa se g a ned 1–3 m h ck s s oca ed on he sou hwes s de o Ca Moun a n Rock con a ns subequa amoun s o b ack py oxene and p ag oc ase as we as spa se app e g een py oxene The coa se gabb o g ades upwa d n o a ne o med um g a ned equ g anu a gabb o Exposed ock may deve op a s ong va n sh T d d kes a e 0 5–7 m w de n rus ons w h megracrys c a gned p ag oc ase m dd e o uppe Eocene —A d s nc ve n us on gene a y ng d kes ha con a ns 5–25% euhed a p ag oc ase a hs 5–20 mm ong The g oundmass s gh g ay o da k g ay equ g anu a and composed o dark green pyroxene and e dspar ha are 0 2–0 4 mm ong The p ag oc ase a hs a e o en d s nc y a gned pa a e o he ma g ns o he d ke No h o Th ee R ve s a d ke o h s compos on s c osscu by a T d d ke T mp d kes a e 1–4 m w de Megacrys c a ka gabbro d or e or syenogabbro–syenod or e m dd e o uppe Eocene —G ay o gh g ay o g een sh g ay po phy c s s d kes and acco hs Th s ock con a ns 5–25% megac ys s o embayed sche mak c subhed a o euhed a ho nb ende o g een py oxene ha a e up o 2–4 cm ong Loca y b o e phenoc ys s a e p esen The g oundmass cons s s o p ag oc ase w h 15–25% amph bo e and/o py ox ene g a n s ze s 0 2–0 5 mm ess common y o 1 0 mm These n us ves oca y have xeno hs o p nk coa se g a ned syen e po phy y w h a ge phenoc ys s o o hoc ase e dspa and ho nb ende Exposed ock common y deve ops a ve y s ong va n sh Many acco hs and s s cons s o h s ock ype nc ud ng he p om nen N–S dge a he Th ee R ve s Pe og yph s e Th s dge was da ed a 36 32 ± 0 35 Ma Dowe e a 2002 and was ca ed a achybasa s by McLemo e 2002 A s no h o Boone D aw gave a da e o 3795 ± 0 91 Ma UTM 410998E 3687059N NAD27 The n us on a K y Sp ng s 3717 ± 0 33 Ma UTM 405032E 3680799N NAD27 D kes a e 1–5 m w de Syen e– rachy e m dd e Eocene —P nk med um g a ned equ g anu a s s and d kes composed o po ass um e dspa p ag oc ase e dspa py oxene and b o e S s a e <3m h ck and d kes a e ess han 4 m w de Th s un nc udes he syen e o Tempo a C eek wh ch s a an o p nk equ g anu a o po phy c s ock exposed n he no heas co ne o he map a ea Moo e e a 1988 no h o Tempo a C eek and s add ng he wes e n bounda y o he Mesca e o Apache nd an Rese va on The mos common phenoc ys s n he s ock a e po ass um e dspa p ag oc ase e dspa and c nopy oxene Some phases o h s s ock have amph bo e Moo e e a 1988 wh e o he s have spa se phenoc ys s o qua z D kes w h a ge a gned p ag oc ase phenoc ys s T mp c osscu h s s ock Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian sand, with coppice dunes on the surface, overlying younger alluvium—See descriptions of Qsec (above) and Qay (below). Clastic sediment, alluvial and eolian sediment. Societal uses: low to moderate potential for aggregate. Possible residential development or agricultural potential. NEOGENE EXTRUS VE ROCKS OF THE S ERRA BLANCA VOLCAN C F ELD Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian sand, with coppice dunes on the surface, overlying older alluvium—See descriptions of Qsec (above) and Qao (below). Clastic sediment, alluvial and eolian sediment. Societal uses: low to moderate potential for aggregate. Possible residential development or agricultural potential. Th s un appears o over e an uncon o m y deve oped a abou he s a g aph c eve o he Buck Pas u e Tu wh ch s no exposed n h s pa c u a a ea nc udes he 28 2 o 28 8 Ma ackass Moun a n Fo ma on and he 28 8 o 34 3 Lopez Sp ng Fo ma on Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian sand, with coppice dunes on the surface, overlying the middle subunit of older alluvium—See descriptions of Qsec (above) and Qao2 (below). Thick gypsum accumulation (middle to upper Holocene)—Yellowish-white to pink (7.5YR 7/4) to very pale brown (10YR 7/4) gypsum that has been subjected to multiple dissolution and precipitation events. These processes have formed a hard crust >10 cm thick on the surface of this deposit. Underneath, gypsum is generally moderately consolidated, massive or in tabular beds (up to 40 cm thick), and consists of silt and very fine- to coarse-grained sand size, platy crystals (mostly very fine to fine-grained) that are subangular to angular and well-sorted. Locally, this gypsum sand is planar-laminated to low-angle cross-laminated. Very thin cross-beds, with 30 cm thick foresets, locally seen near base of the deposit. Gypsum sand may include subordinate plagioclase and quartz, and when dry has a “fluffy” feel. Surface of unit may have microkarst topography where exposed on slope shoulders. Interpreted to be a relic of an eastward, eolian-driven expansion of the White Sands dune field in the middle to upper Holocene. Deposit thickens westward and is inferred to interfinger eastward with unit Qay2 (this transitional zone was mapped as Qgyay2). Deposit overlies Qaof, probably over an unconformity. Lower meter of deposit commonly grades into more siliclastic sand that is clean, fine- to coarse-grained, and planar-laminated to very thinly bedded (included in unit Qgy). In the southwestern part of the compilation map, the surface of this unit is marked by minor to abundant sinkholes and similar collapse features, whose locations and extents are shown on the map. These are probably due to dissolution of gypsum beds several meters below the surface (in underlying Qaof). Flat surfaces are commonly overlain by a younger veneer of pale brown (10YR 6/3) silt and very fine- to fine-grained sand a few 10s of centimeters thick (unit Qse). Where this surficial veneer manifests itself on air photos, then this unit is mapped as Qse/Qgy (see above). Unit is also mapped where gypsum forms a hardpan in low areas. 0.5–4 m thick. Precipitate and eolian sediment, gypsum. Societal uses: potential for gypsum mining. Gradation-interfingering between gypsum and younger basin-floor deposits (middle to upper Holocene)—Mapped where unit Qgy transitions eastward into unit Qay2. This gradational unit contains about 1/3–2/3 gypsum compared to 2/3–1/3 sediment of Qay2. Surface sediment commonly consists of pinkish, gypsiferous silt and very fine- to medium-grained sand. Probably 1–3 m-thick. Eolian and clastic sediment. Societal uses: possible residential development. GODFREY H LLS GROUP Tgjvs Tgjta Tgjb Tgjpt Tgl Tglta Travertine (lower Pleistocene? to upper Pliocene?)—Laminated to massive calcium carbonate. On Round Mountain, 10–15 m thick travertine sits on 3 m of carbonate cemented gravel. Travertine deposits southwest of Mescalero are associated with faults and consist of 1–2 m thick beds of carbonate overlying the Yeso Formation. Carbonate cemented gravels (with 1 to 2 cm thick CaCO3 rinds) are exposed north of Mescalero. In this area, the carbonate cemented gravels are covered by younger fans and are being exhumed by down-cutting along the Rio Tularosa. Golden brown travertine at UTM 419746E 3671012N (NAD27) coats bedding planes in the San Andres Limestone on the escarpment north of Tularosa Creek. Calcium carbonate. Societal uses: limited. Spring deposit (Pleistocene)—Banded barite and goethite deposited along a fault (two deposits, UTM 407146E 3681126N and 406950E 3681195N [NAD 27]) 1–2 m thick. Recent alluvium (0–200 yrs old)—Well-stratified sand, gravel, and silt deposited by arroyo fluvial activity and sheetflooding in modern or historical times. Sand and gravel characterize this unit in mountain drainages and the proximal portions of alluvial fans, whereas sand, silt, and clay dominate in distal portions of the alluvial fans. In addition to occupying active arroyo bottoms, this unit commonly comprises relatively small (generally less than 500 m across) depositional lobes at the mouths of incised channels and extends downslope from these lobes as thin, tabular bodies. Historical deposits of this unit may be present outside the rim of recently incised arroyos. Color of non-gravel fraction varies according to source area, but generally ranges from reddish-brown in the south to grayish-brown, light grayish-brown, gray, and pale brown in the middle and north. In gravelly sediment, bar and swale topography is present (up to 150 cm relief) and gravel consists of pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. Gravel is subrounded (minor subangular) and very poorly to poorly sorted. Clast composition reflects the source area, and may include sandstone, siltstone, intrusive, or volcanic rock types. Bedding in gravelly sediment is very thin to thick, horizontal-planar to lenticular to ribbon-like, concave-up channel-fills (locally cross-stratified). Sand is very fine- to very coarse-grained; mostly medium- to very coarse-grained and moderately to very poorly sorted on proximate-medial alluvial fans and within the mountains. Sand is mostly very fine- to medium-grained and moderately- to well-sorted on the distal fan. It is on the distal fan that silt (plus clay) can be abundant. Bed forms in sandy sediment are horizontal-planar to cross-stratified and laminated to medium-thick; locally internally massive. Historical alluvium away from rocky topographic highs is generally well-stratified sand and subordinate gravel with a sharp, relatively flat basalt contact. Stratification in sandy or silty sediment is mostly laminated to very thin, horizontal-planar to wavy to cross-stratified (commonly low-angle foresets or ripple-marked). Surface is sparsely to moderately vegetated. No observable soil development, desert pavement, nor clast varnish—but an erosional gravel lag may locally be present. The modern to historic age assignment is based on the presence of post-Native American artifacts in the sediment—including tires, railroad-related coal, and various types of anthrogenic rubbish. This age interpretation is consistent with the youthful surface of the unit and its geomorphic position (i.e., lying in low topographic areas, or adjacent to or in active arroyos or intra-fan lobes). Deposit is loose and less than 3 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: aggregate at large gully-mouth fan sites. Recent alluvium with subordinate youngest subunit of younger alluvium—See descriptions for units Qar (above) and Qay3 (below). Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: aggregate. Younger alluvial fan lithostratigraphic unit (Holocene)—A pale brown (10YR 6/3), light yellowish-brown (10YR 6/4), very pale brown (10YR 7/3–4), pink (7.5YR 7–3/4), grayish (10YR 7/1–2 and 6/1–2), or light brown reddish-yellow (7.5YR 6/4–6) deposit that lacks a well-developed top soil and whose surface is commonly eroded. Although this unit is gravelly near rocky topographic highs, gravel is subequal to subordinate in most areas, including alluvial fans downstream of the fan apex. East of the Alamogordo fault, this unit occupies the floors of valleys. Commonly differentiated into three allostratigraphic subunits that are described below: Qay3, Qay2 (including Qay2u), and Qay1 (from youngest to oldest). Where extensively present south of the Rio Tularosa in the Sacramento Mountains (southeastern map area), this unit generally consists of structureless, pale reddish-brown, fine-grained sediment (silt, sand, and clay) interbedded with thin, discontinuous beds of clast-supported, angular to subrounded gravel composed largely of Permian limestone. On alluvial slopes and footwall valleys near Three Rivers, as well as alluvial fans between Three Rivers and the Rio Tularosa, this unit mostly consists of very fine- to medium-grained sand and clayey-silty fine sand interbedded with coarse channel-fills of medium- to very coarse-grained sand, pebbly sand, and sandy pebbles. Much of the non-gravelly sediment (especially the clayey-silty fine sand) is internally massive and weakly modified by pedogenesis (characterized by moderate pedogenic development and Stage I gypsum ± calcium carbonate accumulation). Within the fine sand, there is typically scattered pebbles and minor, scattered medium to very coarser-grained sand. In the northern map area, surface clasts are subangular to subrounded and composed of igneous rocks and subordinate sedimentary rocks. Greater than 80% of this unit is middle to upper Holocene in age. Moderately to well consolidated and 1–6(?) m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment. Societal uses: agriculture and residential development. Youngest allostratigraphic subunit of younger alluvium (upper Holocene)—Well-stratified sand, silty fine sand, and variable gravel. Near Temporal Creek and south of the Rio Tularosa, this unit is subsumed into Qay2. Generally occupies arroyo back-fills (generally too small to be mapped) or sheet-like deposits near recent arroyos or channels (most commonly what is mapped). Unconformably overlies, or is inset into, the middle subunit of younger alluvium (Qay2). Gravelly beds are more common on the footwall of the Alamogordo fault and in the proximal alluvial fans. On the distal alluvial fans, gravel interbeds are very minor and the unit is primarily a sand, silty very fine- to fine-grained sand, and silt. In sandy or silty sediment, stratification is generally horizontal-planar laminated to thinly bedded, with minor wavy laminations or thin cross-bed sets. Sand is pale brown to very pale brown (10YR 6–7/3) or light yellowish-brown (10YR 6/4), very fine- to very coarse-grained, subrounded to subangular (medium to very coarse sand tends to be more subrounded, very fine to fine sand is generally subangular), well to poorly sorted, and composed of quartz, subordinate feldspar, and minor volcanic + lithic grains. Surface has very poor soil development, bar and swale topography less than 50 cm tall, and exhibits no desert pavement development or clast varnishing. This unit may be difficult to differentiated from historic alluvium (Qar), as both appear to have aggraded relatively quickly (at a given location) and lack buried soils (hence the well-developed stratification). However, in aerial imagery the bar and swale topography on this unit's surface is more vague and subdued, compared with that on Qar. This unit was deposited in the late Holocene following the widespread middle Holocene aggradation event associated with Qay2. The landscape in the upper Holocene was characterized by landscape instability, with widespread erosion punctuated by brief, localized back-filling events (Koning, 2009). This unit correlates to the younger Organ alluvium in the Desert Project (Gile et al., 1981). Loose to weakly consolidated. Up to 2 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment. Societal uses: agriculture and residential development. Twt Twtr Twh Middle subunit of younger alluvium, consisting of pebbly sand capping subdued topographic highs (middle to upper Holocene)—Sandy upper Qay2 deposits, with minor pebble lenses, underlying subdued topographic highs mantled by an erosional gravel lag. The slightly coarser texture of the sediment has inhibited erosion, creating topographic highs whose surfaces are 20–150 cm higher than surrounding, eroded Qay2 surfaces. To the north, the sand is yellowish-brown to light yellowish-brown (10YR 5–6/4). To the south, the sand is reddish-brown (5YR 5/3–4), pale brown (10YR 6/3), or very pale brown (10YR 7/3–4). Sand is very fine- to very coarse-grained (mostly fine- to medium-grained) and similar to Qay2 sand. Surface gravel consists of very fine to very coarse pebbles and 0–10% cobbles that are subrounded to subangular, generally non- to weakly varnished, and generally lacking coats of calcium carbonate (trace to 10% of clasts exhibit distinctive, thick calcium carbonate coats on their undersides), that form a weak to moderate pavement (generally greater than 10% clast surface cover). Surface lacks original bar and swale relief and generally exhibits no to very sparse (<15%) patches of strong gypsum accumulation. The clast armor of the desert pavement allowed preservation of elongated, slightly higher surfaces that probable coincide with paleo-channels. These highs are generally not as dissected as those underlain by Qfo. Age control for this unit is similar to that discussed for Qay2. Less than 2 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: agriculture and residential development. Older allostratigraphic unit of younger alluvium (lower Holocene)—This unit is only mapped on the proximal alluvial fans, where it is distinguished by a gravelly surface that is generally topographically higher than the surface of Qay2. Clasts on the Qay1 surface are less varnished than the Qao surface. Sediment exposure is limited, but overall seems to be somewhat coarser-grained than Qay2. Only one exposure found of this unit, which shows Qay2 inset into Qay1 and Qay1 composed of fine-grained sand with minor (10–15%), narrow, very thin- to thick-bedded, coarse channel-fills. Sediment is slightly redder than adjoining Qay2 sediment, with colors ranging from reddish-brown to pinkish-white (5YR 5/4 and 7.5YR 8/2). Sediment is internally massive and has experienced cumulic soil development marked by gypsum accumulation (7–10% gypsum filaments). Sand has 1–30% clay–silt and is very fine- to fine-grained, subangular, well-sorted, and gypsiferous. Sand in channel-fills is reddish-gray to reddish-brown (5YR 5/2–3), subrounded to subangular, and poorly sorted. Surface is mantled (>50% clast density) by very fine to very coarse pebbles and minor fine to coarse cobbles. These clasts are non- to moderately varnished. Surface clasts generally lack thick calcium carbonate coats, are poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded, and composed mostly of limestone. Surface is marked by gypsum accumulation comparable to a Stage II to II+ carbonate morphology. Desert pavement is moderately to well-developed. Less than 10% strong gypsum accumulation is apparent on the surface. Surface lacks bar and swale topography and is undissectecd. The surface of Qay2 is lower (by ~1 m) or level with this surface. The aforementioned exposure of Qay1 shows this unit overlying a calcic horizon similar to that seen developed on the Qai deposit. Moderately to well consolidated and 1.5–2.5 m thick. Waresback, D.B., and Turbeville, B.N., 1990, Evolution of a Pliocene–Pleistocene volcanogenic alluvial fan: the Puye Formation, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 298–314. Qp Qtg Trachy e o rachyandes e ows o he Jackass Moun a n Forma on owe O gocene —L gh o da k g ay ne g a ned ava w h a achy c ex u e and con o ed p a y ow o a on The un s composed o a se es o h n ows 1–10 m h ck w h basa sco aceous b ecc a and ves cu a ow ops w h e onga ed ves c es Red o ye ow a e a on o he ow b eaks s common 40A /39A ages o 28 59 ± 0 05 Ma and 28 53 ± 0 03 Ma we e ob a ned om san d ne n a u bed n he un Base s pa eocanyons op e oded 50 m h ck Brecc a ed porphyr c rachy e o he Jackass Moun a n Forma on owe O gocene —A erna ng gh gray rachyandes e w h ew phenos <5% p ag oc ase and pyroxene n erbedded w h mono ho og c brecc a w h subround o angu ar c as s n a gh gray ma r x Base s a and op s e oded n C aw o d Canyon achy c ows b acke he b ecc a un 60–140 m h ck Pa sades Tu Member o he Jackass Moun a n Forma on owe O gocene —C o m ng we ded u w h p onounced eu ax c o a on and aphony wea he ng Con a ns < 2% h c agmen s composed o achyandes e and achy e avas Phenoc ys s nc ude p ag oc ase san d ne py oxene magne e and spa se b o e and ho nb ende The u s gene a y c ys a poo bu he mo e we ded n e va s a e 15–20% phenoc ys s 40 A /39A ages o 28 67 ± 0 07 Ma and 28 66 ± 0 08 Ma we e ob a ned om san d ne n he u Geochem ca y h s u s a achy e Bo h he op and bo om o h s un s a r y a 25–90 m h ck Lopez Spr ng Forma on und v ded owe O gocene — n e va o h n o h ck 1–10 m d scon nuous achy e po phy c achyandes e b o e achydac e and achybasa ows comp ex y n e ca a ed w h vo can c as c sed men s Some exposu es o vo can c as c sed men a e dom na ed by b o e bea ng achydac e c as s A achydac e cobb e om h s vo can c as c n e va on he Oscu a quad ang e o he no heas y e ded a b o e 40A / 39A da e o 30 04 ± 0 2 Ma p ov d ng a max mum age o he sed men Th ck nd v dua ows o achyandes e a e shown a Tg a Mos o he achyandes e ows a e da k g ay o edd sh b own po phy y w h phenoc ys s o p ag oc ase and py oxene n p aces he ows a e sepa a ed by ne g a ned ed s s one The avas a e pe vas ve y a e ed w h zeo o e n he ves c es One h ck ow n h s o ma on s exposed n C aw o d Canyon The C aw o d Canyon ow s a ne g a ned suga y ex u ed ava w h con o ed p a y ow o a on Phenoc ys s nc ude py oxene The base o he C aw o d Canyon ow s cove ed o s pa eova eys cu on Tg sed men s and ava ows The op o he C aw o d Canyon ow s egu a and n p aces pa eocanyons ed w h sed men cu deep y n o he un The C aw o d Canyon ow un p nches ou o he eas The Lopez Sp ng Fo ma on s 90–100 m and he C aw o d Canyon ow s 30–40 m h ck Three R vers Forma on und v ded uppe Eocene poss b y owe O gocene —From younges o o des nc udes he Buck Pas ure Doub e D amond Argen na Spr ng Tu Tay or We and Ra esnake Canyon members On y he Ra esnake Canyon Membe s p ese ved n h s a ea Ra esnake Member o he Three R vers Forma on uppe Eocene —Da k g ay po phy c achyandes e w h phenoc ys s o p ag oc ase and py oxene p ag oc ase s he dom nan phenoc ys The avas a e va ab y c ys a poo 5% o c ys a ch 30% Modes amoun s o vo can c as c ma e a p ese ved be ween he ows Hyd omagma c depos s w h sco aceous andes c ap and bombs a e oca ed a UTM 410424E 3692929N and 410256E 3692999N NAD 27 30 m o Ra esnake Membe exposed n he quad ang e Hog Pen Forma on m dd e? o uppe Eocene —G een o ed vo can c as c o vo can c un con a n ng ow b ecc a and ava ows The ow b ecc a c as s and ava ows a e composed p ma y o po phy c basa c achyandes e o achybasa w h phenoc ys s o py oxene and p ag oc ase he py oxene phenoc ys s a e usua y >5 mm and a e no ceab e on wea he ed su aces 40A / 39A ho nb ende da es o 36 57 ± 0 21 o 3701 ± 0 10 Ma we e de e m ned o h s un n a eas no h and eas o he quad ang e Th s un nc udes d s nc ve ho nb ende achydac e ows ha appea o be w h n he Hog Pen Fo ma on These da k g ay achydac e porphyr es con a n phenoc ys s o p nk a b zed e dspa py oxene and ho nb ende Two ows sepa a ed by a ow b eak a e p esen on he knob sou h o he Th ee R ve s Road The younge ow d ec y ove es he o de ow no vo can c as c sed men s a e p ese ved be ween he ows The op o he un s no exposed n h s a ea The base s s on Sande s Canyon and he ava appea s o have n e ac ed w h we sed men s a one oca y Abou 20 m o he un s exposed PALEOGENE SED MENTARY ROCKS Ts Tc Sanders Canyon Forma eas o C aw o d W ndm Hog Pen Fo ma on ows s gn can n e nge ng o Kc Kclt Kg Km Kmd Kth Kml Kd ^m Cub Moun a n Forma on owe o m dd e Eocene —Ye ow an sands one n e ca a ed w h ma oon b ck ed and da k g ay muds one and ye ow g een g een g ay and ed sands one Mud c as cong omera es occu h ghe n he sec on Sands one s med um o coa se g a ned and s poo y o we so ed w h angu a sand g a ns o qua z e dspa o en a e ed o c ay and b ack h c agmen s Bedd ng s abu a o c oss bedded o pp e am na ed Nodu a mes one was obse ved a UTM 408650 3688032 NAD 27 and des cca on c acks we e no ed a UTM 409507 3688048 NAD 27 The d scon o mab e base s oca ed us above a mo ed pa eoso deve oped on cong ome a c sands one n he op o he C evasse Canyon he op s no exposed The h ckness o he un s poo y cons a ned due o poo exposu e and comp ex s uc u e The Cub Moun a n Fo ma on s 370–570 m h ck no h o h s a ea Crevasse Canyon Forma on Uppe C e aceous Con ac an No h Ame can S age —F uv a s a a cons s ng o n e bedded sands one chan ne s and ne g a ned muds one ch oodp a n depos s ve y m no coa beds Sands one channe comp exes may be up o 6 m h ck a e we cemen ed and o m edges Co o s o he sands one ange om pa e ye ow go den gh o ve g ay pa e o ve ve y pa e b own and gh b own sh g ay Beds a e gene a y angen a o ough c oss s a ed am na ed o ve y h n o h n beds w h subo d na e o subequa ho zon a p ana bedd ng am na ed o h n Sands one s mos y ne o med um g a ned sub ounded o subangu a we so ed and composed o qua z e dspa and 5–10% h c g a ns sands one was c ass ed as sub h c o suba kos c by A ke 1983 F oodp a n depos s cons s o muds one and ve y ne o ne g a ned sands one and s y sands one w h oca ve y m no coa beds Muds one s pa e ye ow o gh g ay o g ay o gh o ve g ay n co o and oca y ss e Ca bonaceous sha e s da k g ay o b ack n co o Base o un no we exposed on h s quad an g e bu no ed o be g ada ona n A ke 1983 Nea he op o h s un exposed no h o he Th ee R ve s Pe og yph s e s a ~110 m h ck n e va cons s ng o edge o m ng sands one ha s angen a c oss s a ed o ho zon a p ana bedded bedd ng s am na ed o h n The sand n hese edges s wh e o gh g ay med um o coa se g a ned sub ounded o subangu a we so ed and composed o qua z w h 1–5% ma cs and che y h c g a ns A d s nc ve ~5 6 m h ck pa eoso has deve oped on he op o he C evasse Canyon Fo ma on cons s s o ne o coa se g a ned sands one ha s n e na y mass ve ke y b o u ba ed and con a ns ~10% pu p sh manganese o on ox de conc e ons The con ac be ween Kc and Kc s con o mab e Th ckness no we cons a ned due o va ab y n d ps bu on he sca e o 550–700 m Lower rans ona par o Crevasse Canyon Forma on Uppe C e aceous owe Con ac an No h Ame can S age — n e bedded sands one and sha e n e p e ed o e ec ma g na ma ne sho e ace o esho e agoona pond and de a c and uv a depos ona env onmen s A ke 1983 Un con o mab y ove es he uppe mos sho e ace sands one assoc a ed w h un Kgs One o mo e coa beds a e p esen nea he base o he depos n e bedded w h muds one and ve y ne o ne g a ned sands ones h s s ass gned o he D co Membe o he C evasse Canyon Fo ma on Above h s coa s ano he coa sen ng upwa d eg ess ve sequence ke hose desc bed o Kgs see be ow he nea sho e sands one n h s n e va s co e a ed w h he Da on Sands one o he C evasse Canyon Fo ma on The uppe con ac o h s un s p aced a h ghes go den b own h gh y ca ca eous ve y ne o ne g a ned s y sands one bed con a n ng ma ne o b ack sh wa e oss s h s bed s gene a y 30–100 cm h ck Th s go den b own oss e ous sands one s s e a ve y con nuous h oughou he s udy a ea and common y o ms edges Age om Hook 2010 and Hook and Cobban 2012 50–150 m h ck Ga up Sands one Uppe C e aceous owe Con ac an No h Ame can S age — n e bedded nea sho e sands ones and deepe wa e sha es ha d sp ay coa sen ng upwa d eg ess ve sequences n good exposu es o he no h G eg Mack 2010 persona commun ca on Kon ng e a 2011 These eg ess ve sequences a e ve y ke y p esen n h s quad ang e as we a hough no we exposed G ay o ye ow ma ne sha es a e ound a he base o he eg ess ve sequence These g ade upwa d n o owe sho e ace sands ones ha a e common y ve y h n y o h ck y abu a bedded mos y ve y h n o h n beds beds a e n e na y mass ve oca y b o u ba ed and bu owed o ho zon a p ana am na ed o hummocky am na ed Sand s ve y ne o ne g a ned oca y s y ca ca eous sub ounded o subangu a we so ed and composed o qua z w h 1–10% h c g a ns Co o s ange om gh g ay o o ve ye ow o pa e o ve o gh ye ow sh b own o pa e b own o pa e ye ow Uppe sho e ace sands ones a e s gh y coa se mos y ne o med um g a ned and n ve y h n o h ck abu a beds ha a e n e na y ho zon a p a na am na ed o c oss s a ed angen a ow ang e o ough c oss am na ed o ve y h n y bedded o ese s a e up o 20 cm h ck Sand s pa e ye ow o gh g ay o pa e b own o wh e sub ounded o subangu a we so ed and composed o qua z w h m no e dspa ? and 1–10% h c g a ns The sands one common y wea he s o a ye ow go den co o The Ga up Sands one g ada ona y ove es he Mancos Sha e Km o Kmd and s con o mab y ove a n by he C evasse Canyon Fo ma on Kc Oys e beds a e e a ve y common and nc ude a d agnos c spec es es c ed o he owe Con ac an F em ngos ea e egans Hook 2010 170–180 m h ck Mancos Sha e und v ded Uppe C e aceous m dd e Cenoman an o owes Con c an No h Ame can S age —F ss e sha e ha s p ana o wavy am na ed Me amo phosed o b ack o g ay a g e ad acen o acco hs S a a hos s nume ous s s and acco hs emp acemen o a ge n us ons has o ded and de o med he ad o n ng Mancos Sha e Th s und v ded un nc udes he owe ongue o he Mancos Sha e Km see be ow he D C oss Tongue Membe o he Mancos Sha e Kmd and he n e ven ng pa e ye ow o wh e ne g a ned sho e ace sands o he T es He manos Fo ma on Th n mes one and ben on e beds a e oca y p esen n he owe ongue o he Mancos Sha e Km Un grada ona y over es he Dako a Sands one and g ada ona y unde es he Ga up Sands one Age ass gnmen s om Hook and Cobban 2012 C oss sec on A–A and we da a nd ca e a h ckness o 165–270 m Mancos Sha e D Cross Tongue Member Uppe C e aceous m dd e Tu on an o owes Con ac an S age —Da k g ay o g een sh g ay o pa e ye ow ss e sha e s y sha e s s one and c ays one S gh o no e e vescence n hyd och o c ac d T ace o common s de e and/o ca c um ca bona e cemen ed conc e ons ha a e up o 0 5 m n d ame e occu abou 20 m be ow he con ac w h ove y ng Ga up Sands one Un e odes ead y Toward op o un g een o b own beds o s s one and ve y ne o ne g a ned sands one become p og ess ve y mo e common Sha e s me amo phosed o a b ack o g ay a g e mmed a e y ad acen o acco hs o d kes a d ng n he p ese va on o noceram d oss s Un s g ada ona y ove a n by he Ga up Sands one and unde a n by he T es He manos Fo ma on 70–100 m h ck Tres Hermanos Forma on uppe C e aceous m dd e Tu on an S age —A ongue o ve y ne o med um g a ned mos y ne g a ned sands one w h n he Mancos Sha e oca y con a n ng she deb s and che agmen s Co o s ange om pa e ye ow o gh g ay wea he ng o b own sh ye ow ve y pa e b own o pa e ye ow Sands one s oca y n e bedded w h subo d na e ye ow sha e beds n p aces enses o b o u ba ed ye ow sh b own sands one occu ha nc ude oys e b va ve and ammon e emnan s Loca y bu ows a e obse ved A p ano convex med um s zed bbed oys e ca ed Came eo opha be ap ca a con ms hos a g aph c co e a ons w h he T es He manos Fo ma on Hook and Cobban 2011 10–60 m h ck h nn ng o he no heas Th ckness 15–21 m owa d he no h Mancos Sha e ower ongue Uppe C e aceous m dd e Cenoman an o owe Tu on an No h Ame can S age —F ss e ca ca eous sha e ha s p ana o wavy am na ed co o s ange om g ay o gh g ay o gh o ve g ay o gh g een sh g ay Th n beds o mes one B dge C eek L mes one Membe and ben on e a e oca y exposed L mes one occu s abou 5 m above he base and n he B dge C eek n e va a ew 10s o me e s h ghe up sec on These ma ne depos s we e mapped as he owe pa o he R o Sa ado Tongue o he Mancos Sha e by Moo e e a 1988 us eas o he map a ea Un g ada ona y ove es he Dako a Sands one 85–110 m h ck Dako a Sands one Uppe C e aceous —Wh e c oss s a ed sands one ha s n e ca a ed w h gh g ay o da k g ay sha e and gh gray s s one o very ne sands one n s uppe ha Sands one s angen a o ough c oss s a ed am na ed o ve y h n beds o n med um o h ck abu a beds ha a e n e na y c oss s a ed o ho zon a p ana am na ed T ough c oss s a ca on nd ca es a no heas pa eo ow d ec on Wood agmen s a e oca y obse ved Sand g a ns a e mos y ne o med um g a ned sub ounded o subangu a we so ed and a qua z a en e Loca y coa se o ve y coa se sand g a ns a e p esen composed o che qua o qua z e M no beds o pebb y sands one occu nea he base o he un c as s nc ude sub ounded o ounded qua z che and qua z e D s nc ve cy nd ca Oph omo pha nodosa bu ows a e abundan a he op o he Dako a Sands one Sands one s g ada ona y ove a n by he Mancos Sha e Km The base o he un s scou ed Loca y he Dako a Sands one s pa eo va eys ha a e up o 6 m deep hese pa eo va ey s cons s o subequa sands one and edd sh b own muds one Sands one wea he s o o m a pu p sh b own va n sh App ox ma e y 90 m h ck Moenkop Forma on Uppe T ass c —Redd sh b own o weak ed o p nk sh g ay c oss s a ed ne o coa se g a ned sands one mos y ne o med um g a ned Va y ng p opo ons o weak ed o edd sh b own sha e c ays one and s s one dec eas ng n abundance o he sou heas Sands one s common y ough o angen a c oss s a ed am na ed o ve y h n y bedded 10–15 cm h ck o ese s and oca y pp e am na ed The sand gra ns are subangu ar o rounded modera e y o we sor ed and a h c aren e nc ud ng muscov e and h c ragmen s Cong ome a c sands ones w h pebb es o che qua z e and qua z a e p esen n a ew oca es The uppe and owe con ac s a e d scon o mab e The uv a Moenkop Fo ma on scou ed channe s n o he unde y ng G aybu g Fo ma on o he A es a G oup 10–50 m h ck s poss b y 70 m h ck nea Th ee R ve s bu h ns o 10 m o he sou heas PALEOZO C SED MENTARY ROCKS Pag Ps Younger alluvium with subordinate recent alluvium (upper Holocene to present)—See descriptions for Qay and Qar above. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment. Societal uses: limited because of higher flooding potential; possible aggregate or agriculture. Grayburg Forma on Ar es a Group Pe m an —O ange o edd sh b own o gh edd sh b own ve y ne o ne g a ned sands one and s y c ayey ve y ne o ne g a ned sands one on y m no s s one and sha e Bedd ng s mos y ve y h n o h ck and abu a bu ve y h n o med um en cu a beds a e oca y p esen M no gh g ay o gh g een sh g ay educ on spo s 0 5–2 0 mm Sands one s subangu a o ound ed mos y sub ounded we so ed and composed p edom na e y o qua z no h c g a ns and e dspa seems o be ve y m no n e ca a ed gypsum beds a e mo e common up sec on The gypsum s absen ~10 m be ow he op The gypsum o ms med um o h ck abu a beds ha a e common y o ded o de o med Base w h unde y ng Fou m e D aw Membe o he San And es L mes one s sha p and has ag g ave The op s e oded and scou ed by he Moenkop Fo ma on No oss s p ese ved Th s un s ass gned o he G aybu g Fo ma on because o ho og c cha ac e s cs h ckness and he ac ha h ghe o ma ons o he A es a G oup ex end p og ess ve y sho e d s ances om he deepes pa s o he De awa e Bas n o he sou h sou heas Ke ey 1971 and 1972 We d d no ecogn ze he Queen Fo ma on o he A es a G oup because we d d no no e sca e ed a ge ounded os ed qua z g a ns nd ca ve o he uppe pa o h s o ma on Ta e a 1962 O ang sh co o ne ex u e and qua z a en e compos on and educ on spo s se ve o d e en a e h s un om he ove y ng Moenkop Fo ma on 90–110 m based on pe o eum we da a nea Th ee R ve s San Andres Forma on Pe m an —Ke ey 1971 ecogn zed h ee membe s o he San And es Fo ma on n sou h cen a New Mex co The n e ca a ed mes one and gypsum un n he uppe pa o he San And es Fo ma on be ongs o he Fou m e D aw Membe o Ke ey 1971 The m dd e pa o he un he Bonney Canyon Membe s oss e ous h n h ck bedded da k g ay mes one The owe pa o he depos he R o Bon o Membe s composed o med um o h ck bedded da k g ay oss e ous mes one go den an do om e and h n beds o ye ow s s one and gypsum Ha bou 1971 desc bed a sands one bed w h n he R o Bon o Membe app ox ma e y 30 m above he base o he mes one ha he named he Hondo Sands one Membe o he San And es Fo ma on n h s a ea on y he Fou m e D aw he Hondo Sands one and he R o Bon o membe s a e p esen The San And es Fo ma on s 240–250 m h ck based on pe o eum we da a no h o he map bounda y Psf Younger subunit of younger alluvium, with subordinate recent alluvium—See descriptions for units Qay2 and Qar above. This unit is common in the bottom of mountain canyons where Qar is too narrow to differentiate at this map scale. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: limited because of higher flooding potential. Younger alluvium and subordinate older alluvium, undivided (middle to upper Pleistocene and Holocene)—See descriptions of Qay (above) and Qao (below). Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment. Societal uses: possible agricultural potential. Intermediate alluvium (uppermost Pleistocene)—Light brown to light reddish-brown (5–7.5YR 6/4), clayey-silty very fine- to fine-grained sand interbedded with lenses of gravel and coarse sand, commonly grading downward into sandy gravel. Variable (but generally minor), scattered coarser sand and pebbles may be present. Lower sandy gravel is in very thin to medium, lenticular to tabular beds; gravel are clast-supported, subrounded, and poorly sorted; matrix is pale brown (10YR 6/3), very fine- to very coarse-grained sand that is subrounded, poorly sorted, and contains abundant lithic grains. A nodular, Stage II to II+ calcic horizon has developed on top of the unit. The calcium carbonate nodules in this horizon are commonly 0.5–2.0 cm. This calcic horizon is about 10–70 cm thick. Unit is inset into Qao2 and Qao1 and generally overlain by unit Qay. It commonly fills topographic lows. Only subaerially exposed in a few places because it is generally overlain by unit Qay. Unit is interpreted to be associated with an interval of limited aggradation and back-filling of arroyos in the latest Pleistocene, which is supported by a radiocarbon age of 22,580 ± 140 ka from an exposure along Salinas Draw. 1–3 m(?) thick. Psh Older alluvium (lower to upper Pleistocene)—Undifferentiated older alluvium recognized by its relatively red hues and abundant gypsum. Gypsum-cemented rhizoliths are commonly observed. Finer sediment is generally massive or in thick, vague beds, and interbedded with various proportions of gravelly channel-fills. Unit is commonly subdivided into three allostratigraphic units that are described in detail below: Qao3, Qao2, and Qao1. Another allostratigraphic unit (Qaovf) is mapped on modern valley floors west of Tularosa, and a fine-grained lithostratigraphic unit (Qaof) is differentiated on the distal areas of alluvial fans. Moderately to well consolidated and greater than 8 m thick. Psr Py Pa Pb Fine-grained, older alluvial fan deposits of intercalated gypsiferous clay, sand, silt, and gypsum on the distal alluvial fans (lower? to upper Pleistocene)—Intercalated clayey fine sand, clay, silt, very fine- to fine-grained sand, and gypsum. Colors range from reddish-brown to light reddish-brown (5YR 4–6/4) to pink (5YR 7/3 to 7.5YR 7/4) to reddish-yellow (7.5YR 6/6) and yellowish-red (5YR 4/6). Very thin to thick, tabular beds that are internally massive and commonly hard; locally planar-laminated. Local calcium carbonate in nodules or thin to thick beds. Sand is very fine- to coarse-grained (mostly very fine- to medium-grained), moderately to well-sorted, and consists of various proportions of quartz, calcite, gypsum, feldspar, and minor lithic grains (including granite). Locally, there are minor, meter-scale-thick, sandy pebble to cobble beds interbedded in the typically fine sediment of this unit. Radiocarbon age of 27,010 ± 160 obtained from gastropod shells from the upper part of this deposit (silt and clay beds), 1.1–1.3 below Qgy. Base of unit not defined. West of Tularosa, unit is exposed or underlies units Qgy or Qay2. Surface of unit is comparable to that of Qao. Total basin-floor sediment is several hundred meters thick before Paleozoic bedrock is encountered. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: residential development; high gypsic content of top soil impedes agriculture; buried soils and variable gravel and clay content reduces aggregate quality. Older alluvial fan deposits occupying the floors of modern valleys on the distal parts of the alluvial fans, locally capped by a veneer of recent alluvium (middle to upper Pleistocene to uppermost Holocene)—This unit was applied to valley floors incised below unit Qgy in the southwestern map area. There, lack of exposure commonly presented difficulty in recognizing thin, discontinuous, recent deposits (Qar) versus fine-grained, older alluvial fan deposits (Qaof). Thus, these units were generally combined on these valley floors. Latest Holocene sediment is light yellowish-brown (2.5Y 6/3), internally massive, well-sorted, and consists of silty sand composed of gypsum, calcite, quartz(?), and plagioclase). Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: very limited because of high flooding potential. Younger allostratigraphic subunit of older alluvium inset into older deposits (probably upper Pleistocene)—Generally a sandy gravel and pebbly sand with variable (but commonly subordinate) interbeds of strong brown to reddish-yellow to light brown (7.5YR 5–6/6; 7.5YR 6/4), gypsiferous sand. The sand is mostly very fine- to fine-grained and contains variable amounts of scattered pebbles (pebbles may also be in thin lenses) and coarser sand. Differentiated east of the Alamogordo fault, this unit generally occupies paleo-valleys that are inset into older alluvium (Qao2). Unit locally fines upward from a sandy gravel at its base to clayey very fine- to fine-grained sand at its top. The gravelly sediment exhibits very thin to medium, horizontal-planar to lenticular beds. Gravel is clast-supported, rounded to subangular (mostly subrounded), poorly sorted, and includes pebbles with lesser cobbles and boulders. Matrix in gravelly sediment is pale brown to light brownish-gray (10YR 6/2-3), highly gypsiferous, and composed of very fine- to very coarse-grained sand (mostly coarse- to very coarse-grained) that is subrounded, poorly sorted, and contains abundant lithic grains; beds are very thin to thick and lenticular to tabular. Fine-grained sediment is internally massive and has gypsum filaments. Locally, sediment extends hundreds of meters away from paleovalleys as a tabular deposit up to a few meters thick. Where unit is not covered by younger, surficial deposits (e.g. Qse), a strong gypsic-calcic horizon is developed on the surface of the unit (comparable to a Stage II+ or III morphology in a strictly calcic soil), surface clast varnish is relatively well-developed, and there is a well-developed desert pavement. Where this unit has been buried or recently exhumed, a nodular, Stage II to II+ calcic horizon may be developed on top of the unit (10–70 cm thick). Unit partially correlates with Qao on the alluvial fans. No direct age control but inferred to be late Pleistocene. Weakly to moderately consolidated. South of the Three Rivers drainage, this unit is notably gravelly and 4–14 m-thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: aggregate. Middle allostratigraphic subunit of older alluvium (middle to upper Pleistocene)—Reddish, gypsiferous, relatively fine-grained sediment interbedded with coarse channel-fills of sand and gravel. Only differentiated east of the Alamogordo fault. Scoured base of deposit appears to lie several meters below the base of unit Qao1. Unit locally occupies discrete paleovalleys whose tops are at the same height as adjoining Qao2; sediment in these paleovalleys generally consists of clast-supported, sandy gravel in very thin to thin, horizontal-planar beds. Unit includes relatively coarse sediment on the immediate footwall of the Alamogordo fault north of Three Rivers. Color of fine sediment is pink to light brown (7.5YR 6-7/3–4), brown to reddish-yellow (7.5YR 5/4–6/6), light reddish-brown (5YR 6/4), yellowish-red to reddish-yellow (5YR 5–6/6), or brown to dark grayish-brown (10YR 5/3–4/2). The fine sediment is composed of very fine- to medium-grained sand and clayey-silty fine sand, with minor medium- to very coarse-grained sand and pebbles (as scattered grains/clasts or in very thin to medium lenses). Very fine- to medium-grained sand is subangular to subrounded and consists of quartz, 5–15%? feldspar, and 15% volcanic grains. Coarse to very coarse sand is subrounded to angular (mostly subrounded to subangular) and consist of lithic fragments (mostly igneous fragments to the north and mostly Paleozoic sedimentary detritus to the south). The fine-grained sediment is internally massive, well consolidated, commonly bioturbated, and variably affected by pedogenesis (i.e., illuviated clay and ped development), with common rhizoliths cemented by gypsum and local calcium carbonate nodules. Less commonly, the fine sediment is in medium to thick, tabular beds. Between Rio Tularosa and Temporal Creek, fine-grained sediment dominates the unit near the mountain-front, where it is interpreted to have been brought in by eolian processes before being fluvially reworked. Intercalated gravelly channel-fills are up to 1 m thick and contain pebbles with minor cobbles and local boulders. These channel-fills are clast- to matrix-supported (mostly clast-supported) and in thin to thick, tabular to lenticular beds. Gravel is commonly imbricated, subrounded to subangular, poorly to moderately sorted, and composed of limestone, sandstone, and igneous clasts (the latter dominating to the north). Sand in the coarse channel fills is generally horizontal-planar laminated to very thinly bedded, light brown to reddish-yellow (7.5YR 6/4–6) to light yellowish-brown (2.5Y 6/3) to light gray-grayish-brown (10YR 6/3–5/2 and 10YR 6–7/2), very fine to very coarse-grained (mostly medium- to very coarse-grained), subrounded to subangular, and moderately to poorly sorted. This channel-fill sand contains up to 3% clay (as sand-size rains or as clay films) and gypsum crystals may occupy up to 2% of the volume. Near rocky topographic highs, matrix-supported debris flows are interbedded in clast-supported, stream-flow sediment. The matrix of these gravelly debris flows consist of pink (7.5YR 7/3–4), very fine- to medium-grained sand with subordinate coarser sand. Where not covered by Qse or Qsec, the surface of Qao2 is characterized by a moderately to well developed desert pavement (containing well-varnished clasts) and strong gypsum accumulations (comparable to a Stage III morphology in a calcic soil or else a petrogypsic horizon). Several different erosion surfaces have developed on this unit, which are most obvious immediately adjacent to the Alamogordo fault. Unit probably correlates with much of the older alluvial fan deposits west of the Alamogordo fault (Qao). No direct age control but inferred to be middle to late Pleistocene. Well consolidated and locally cemented. 3 m to greater than 15 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment. Societal uses: residential development. Low to moderate aggregate potential because of high content of gypsum and fine-grained sediment—moderate to high aggregate potential in Three Rivers area because of coarser texture there. Low agricultural potential because of gypsic top soil. Older allostratigraphic subunit of older alluvium (lower to middle Pleistocene)—Generally a sandy gravel with subordinate to subequal interbeds of clayey-silty, gypsiferous, very fine- to fine-grained sand containing minor medium to very coarse sand. Finer-grained sediment increases progressively south of the Three Rivers drainage. Gravel contains pebbles with variable cobbles, locally with minor boulders. Gravel are subrounded to subangular, poorly to moderately sorted, and composed of limestone, intermediate to mafic intrusive rocks, and subordinate sandstone (limestone clasts dominate to the south and igneous clasts dominate to the north). Color of sand ranges from pale brown to very pale brown (10YR 6–8/3), pink (5–7.5YR 7/3), or light yellowish-brown to light brown (10–7.5YR 6/4). Sand is very fine to very coarse-grained, subrounded to subangular, and moderately to poorly sorted. Very fine- to medium-grained sand is composed mostly of subangular to angular gypsum grains, whereas coarser sand is composed of lithic grains. Base of deposit generally lies several meters above the base of unit Qao2. Surface of unit typically lies >3 m above the Qao2 surface. Prevalent petrogypsic horizon developed on its surface and very strongly varnished surface clasts. Moderately consolidated, highly gypsiferous, and variably cemented. Unit is locally strongly cemented near Salinas Draw. 5–25 m-thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: residential development, aggregate potential, low agricultural potential because of gypsic top soil and gravelly texture. Pediment gravel, undivided (upper Pleistocene)—Thin sandy gravel, generally gypsiferous, that overlies pediment surfaces in the lower part of the Sacramento Mountains. Surfaces are relatively smooth and exhibit well-varnished desert pavements. Underlying soil generally marked by gypsum accumulation comparable to a Stage II to III calcium carbonate morphology. Less than 1 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: aggregate. Terrace gravel (Pleistocene)—Gravelly terrace deposits found alongside, and paralleling, modern drainages, including the Three Rivers drainage. The bases of the terrace deposits (straths) are greater than 2 m above these drainages. The terrace deposit is generally poorly exposed. Gravel are subrounded to subangular, poorly sorted, and consists of pebbles with subordinate cobbles and 1–10% boulders. Spallation of exposed clasts results in abundant subangular-angular gravel on the surface. The gravel is clast- to matrix-supported and composed predominately of intermediate-mafic igneous rocks, with subordinate Paleozoic–Mesozoic sedimentary clasts (mostly sandstone and limestone). The gravel is interbedded with varying proportions of sand. Sand is very fine- to very coarse-grained, pale brown to very pale brown (10YR 6–8/3; 10YR 7/4), subangular to subrounded, and moderately to poorly sorted. In at least some deposits, a significant proportion of the sand is composed of gypsum grains. Deposit also includes fine-grained sediment that is internally massive, brownish–yellow (10YR 6/6), locally clayey-silty, and dominated by very fine- to fine-grained sand (much of which is gypsum grains); the fine sediment locally contains gypsum-cemented rhizoliths. Surfaces are flat, on m dd e Eocene — nc udes pu p sh ma oon vo can c as c b ecc a n uded by a NE s k ng d ke abou 2 km sou h Ma oon s and g ay sands one w h b ack ma c g a ns a e exposed us be ow he d s nc ve ho nb ende achydac e The owe pa o he Sande s Canyon s umped w h he Cub Moun a n n h s a ea because o poo exposu es and he un s Vo can c as c b ecc a <10 m h ck MESOZO C SED MENTARY ROCKS Youngest subunit of younger alluvium with subordinate recent alluvium (upper Holocene to present)—See descriptions for Qay3 and Qar above. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: limited because of higher flooding potential; possible aggregate. Middle allostratigraphic subunit of younger alluvium (middle to upper Holocene)—This subunit underlies the majority of alluvial fan surfaces in the study area, where it commonly consists of very fine- to medium-grained sand and clayey-silty fine sand—both are interbedded with very thin to thick, lenticular beds of medium- to very coarse-grained sand, pebbly sand, and sandy pebbles. The proportion of coarse channel-fills progressively decreases westward away from the mountain front. Qay2 also extends into footwall valleys and mountain drainages. Sediment color is generally pale brown to brown (10YR 5–6/3; 7.5YR 5/4), light yellowish-brown (10YR 6/4), light brown (7.5YR 6/3-4), or pink (7.5YR 7/3–4), with lower strata commonly being redder. Subunit is generally reddish-brown (5YR 4–5/3–4) where it includes notable amounts of Abo Formation detritus. Sediment mostly consists of clay, silt, and very fine- to fine-grained sand in the distal part of alluvial fans. However, sediment contains <10% silt-clay and is dominated by sand and gravel (mostly pebbles and cobbles, with minor boulders) in mountain drainages and the proximal parts of alluvial fans deposited by small to medium, relatively steep mountain-front drainages. Coarse channel-fills are up to 1 m thick (generally in very thin to medium, lenticular to tabular beds) and consist of pebbly sand to sandy pebbles-cobbles. In the medial parts of the alluvial fans, sediment typically consists of a very fine- to medium-grained sand and silty-clayey sand interbedded with pebbly channel-fills. The fine sediment is generally massive or in thick, vague beds that may be bioturbated or horizontal-planar laminated. Fine sand is mostly moderately to well-sorted, subangular to subrounded, and composed of quartz, subordinate feldspar, and minor lithic + mafic grains. The finer-grained sediment commonly includes 1–20%, scattered medium- to very coarse-grained sand and 1–15%, scattered pebbles scattered in a finer-sand matrix (probably via bioturbation). Most fine-grained sediment intervals are overprinted by a weak, cumulic, buried soil(s); these buried soil horizons commonly exhibit moderate ped development, weak (Stage I or less) calcic + gypsic soil horizons (characterized by scattered filaments), and no to very weak clay illuviation (mostly as clay bridges). Minor calcium carbonate nodules may be found in lower strata. Much of the fine sediment was likely blown in and then reworked by sheetflooding during monsoonal thunderstorms. Overall, the finer texture helps in differentiating this subunit from gravelly Qay1 deposits. Subunit may grade laterally up-slope into Qse deposits, but is differentiated from Qse by the presence of local medium to thick, coarse channel-fills. Vo can c as c sed men o he Jackass Moun a n Forma on owe o uppe O gocene — nc udes an uppe un ha s a he ero h c ands de depos w h a wh e ashy ma x ha con a ns a ge 1–5 m angu a bou de s o po phy c achyandes e Pa sades Tu and achyandes e b ecc a 5–15 m h ck The owe un s a sandy ma x suppo ed ca bona e cemen ed cong ome a e ha con a ns uppe achy e ava as he dom na e c as O he c as s nc ude o de avas and ow banded hyo e The c as s a e angu a and <0 5 m n d ame e Basa cong ome a e has a ge bou de s o po phy c achyandes e w h abundan p ag oc ase phenoc ys s A h n oca zed u depos w h a basa ye ow b own ash ow u con a n ng a e ed pum ce and ~15% phenoc ys s o san d ne and qua z unde a n by a b ack v c u w h 35% phenoc ys s o san d ne qua z and spa se b o e w h ne g a ned edd sh an h c agmen s s p esen a he basa con ac a UTM 409692E 3692960N NAD27 The u y e ded an 40Ar/39Ar age o 28 23 ± 0 06 Ma The basa v c u s 30 cm h ck uppe u s 60 cm h ck 30 m h ck WALKER GROUP Recent alluvium with subordinate middle subunit of younger alluvium—See descriptions for units Qar (above) and Qay2 (below). Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: aggregate. TERRACE AND PEDIMENT DEPOSITS Wentworth, C.K., 1922, A scale of grade and class terms for clastic sediments: Journal of Geology, v. 30, p. 377–392. McMillan, N.J., 2004, Magmatic record of Laramide subduction and the transition to Tertiary extension: Upper Cretaceous through Eocene igneous rocks of New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication 11, p. 249–270. Hooke, R.L., 1967, Processes on arid-region alluvial fans, Journal of Geology, vol. 75, p. 438–460. Hook, S.C., 2010, Flemingostrea elegans, n. sp: guide fossil to marine, lower Coniacian (upper Cretaceous) strata of central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 32, no. 2, p. 35–57. Tid This unit correlates to the Jornada II alluvium in the Desert Project, which is inferred to be upper middle to upper Pleistocene in age (Gile et al., 1981, Table 9). Radiocarbon dates presented in Koning et al. (2002b) support a Pleistocene age for Qao. Unit almost certainly represents more than one episode of alluvial aggradation. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment. Societal uses: residential development; high gypsic content of top soil impedes agriculture; buried soils and variable gravel and clay content reduces aggregate quality. Birkeland, P.W., 1999, Soils and geomorphology: New York, Oxford University Press, 430 p. Blair, T.C., 1999, Sedimentary processes and facies of the waterlaid Anvil Springs Canyon alluvial fan, Death Valley, California: Sedimentology, vol. 46, p. 913–940. Titp Py Pa Koning, D.J., Connell, S.D., Pazzaglia, F.J., and McIntosh, W.C., 2002a, Redefinition of the Ancha Formation and Pliocene–Pleistocene deposition in the Santa Fe embayment, north–central New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 24, no. 3, p. 75–87. Pb Pb Psr Py Py Kml Kelley, V.C., 1972, Geology of the Fort Sumner sheet, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 98, 55 pp. TRm Pag Psf Psr QTbf Blair, T.C., and McPherson, J.G., 1994b, Alluvial fan processes and forms, in Abrahams, D., and Parsons, A.J., eds., Geomorphology of Desert Environments: London, Chapman and Hall, p. 354–402. Pa Pa Kd Koning, D.J., 2009, Radiocarbon age control for Sacramento Mountain-derived alluvial fan deposits near Alamogordo, New Mexico, and related geomorphic and sedimentologic interpretations [abstract for 2009 NMGS Spring Meeting]: New Mexico Geology, v. 31, no. 2, p. 46. Pa Pa Psf Psr Kd Py Py Pa Psf Psf Psr Kd Kd TRm TRm Pag Pag Py Compton, R.R., 1985, Geology 1,000 in the field: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 398 p. Py Psf Psr Py Kd Kd Kd TRm TRm Pag Pag Pag Pag Psf Kd Py Py Pa Pa Psf Psr Pag Blair, T.C., and McPherson, J.G., 1994a, Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimentary processes, and facies assemblages: Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. A64, p. 450–489. Pag Titd Pag Py Py Psr Pa 10,000 Kd TRm Pag Psr Psr Py Psf Horse Camp fault zone Tita Kth Tita Pa Py 0 Tid Kml Kd TRm Pag Py Psr Mineral Survey, Tita J-J’ cross section TRm TRm 2,500 meters ASL 7,000 6,000 50,000 Pag Tita vol. 46, p. 913–940. 30,000 South 9,000 feet ASL 8,000 Titb Tim Unit underlies topographically high surfaces dissected by gullies (0.5–1.0 m-deep) that have been partly back-filled by Qay deposits. The surface is smooth and lacks original bar and swale topography. Much of the surface is covered by thin (generally less than 30 cm thick), younger sheetflood deposits (Qse). A thin mantle of younger eolian deposits (Qec and Qsec) is common in the Three Rivers area. Where not mantled by these younger deposits, the surface manifests a weak to well-developed desert pavement—with moderately to strongly varnished surface clasts exhibiting calcium carbonate rinds (up to 65% clast coverage). Surface gravel include very fine to very coarse pebbles and 8–10% fine cobbles. A Stage II+ to III calcic horizon has locally developed on this unit on the Temporal Creek alluvial fan, but generally the unit exhibits a top soil with strong gypsic + calcic horizon(s) (comparable to a Stage II+ to III morphology in a calcic soil). In areas where the deposit has been stripped, pedogenic gypsum horizons have been exposed and weathered to form a hard gypsum crust at the surface. In areas of poor exposure on the alluvial fans, Qao assignment was based on the observation of 10% or greater strong gypsum indications (such as gypsum crusts) on the surface. Base of unit not defined, but alluvial fan sediment filling the basin here is generally several hundred meters thick. 2,000 Kelley, V.C., 1971, Geology of the Pecos country, southeastern New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 24, meters ASL 78 pp. Pa Pag Tita 20,000 Tita Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian sand, overlying middle subunit of older alluvium—Only differentiated where Qse is inferred to be 30–200 cm thick (it is not more than 200 cm thick). See descriptions for units Qse (above) and Qao (below). Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: low potential for aggregate because of thin nature of Qse. Possible residential development. This unit is left undivided on alluvial fans, where it commonly underlies slight topographic highs. There, it consists of interbedded sandy gravel, gravelly sand, sand, and clayey very fine- to fine-grained sand. Gravel layers are of variable thickness and consist of clast-supported pebbles with minor cobbles and boulders; clasts are subrounded to subangular and poorly to moderately sorted. Gravel composition varies according to source area, but typically includes variable limestone, sandstone, and igneous rocks. Clast imbrication indicates a westward flow direction. Bedding within a gravel layer is tabular to lenticular and up to ~50 cm thick (mostly very thin to thinly bedded). Some beds have abundant cobbles and boulders (i.e., well-graded pebbles through boulders) in a light brown (7.5YR 6/3–4) to reddish-yellow (7.5YR 6/6), clayey fine sand matrix—these are debris flows. Clayey-silty, very fine- to fine-grained sand on the alluvial fans is light brown to reddish-yellow to reddish-brown (7.5YR 6/3–6), highly gypsiferous, and consists of thick, tabular beds; sediment has 10–20% medium- to very coarse-grained sand and 1–10% scattered pebbles; 1–2% very thin to thin, pebble to cobble lenses are found locally at the base of individual beds. Fine sediment is redder where it contains Abo Formation detritus (2.5YR 5/4). Fine sediment is very well consolidated and has 10–30% gypsum. Sandy beds are reddish-brown to light brown to brown; sand is very fine- to very coarse-grained, subangular to subrounded, and moderately to poorly sorted; up to 50% of sand grains may be composed of gypsum. Fine and sandy beds commonly contain gypsum-cemented rhizoliths or nodules. Sand grains and gravel clasts are commonly covered by clay coats. North Titb undivided Mesozoic rocks 10,000 Hawley, J.W., and Wilson, W.E., 1965, Quaternary geology of the Winnemucca area, Nevada: University of Nevada, Desert Research Institute, Technical Report no. 5, 66 p. Titd 2,000 No vertical exaggeration 90,000 Arkell, B.W., 1983, Geology and coal resources of the Cub Mountain area, Sierra Blanca coal field, New Mexico [Masters Thesis]: Socorro, NM, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 104 p. 5000 Pag upper basin-fill unit, coarse-grained Plio-Pleist?) Pag Psf Psr Psr 4500 Psf Psr lower Soils basin-fill as unit, a fine-grained Birkeland, P.W., Machette,? M.N., and Haller, K.M., 1991, tool for applied Quaternary geology: and Psf Psr Utah Geological Psf 4000 lower basin-fill unit, coarse-grained Psr ? Py PsrPsf Py PsrPsf lower basin-fill unit 3500 a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Miscellaneous Publication 91–3, 63 p.B Py basin fill (Santa Fe Group) Py Psr 3000 Pa Psr Pa Py 2500 Py undivided Paleozoic rocks Py Py Py Pb 2000 Birkeland, P.W., 1999, Soils and geomorphology: New York, Oxford University Press, 430 p. PaPb Pa 1500 Pa IPh PaPa Pa 1000 IPb Pb 500 Blair, T.C., 1999, Sedimentary processes and facies of the waterlaid AnvilPbSprings Canyon alluvial fan, Death Valley, California: Pb IPg Pb M Pb 0 Pb 3,000 0 80,000 Hooke, R.L., 1967, Processes on arid-region alluvial fans, Journal of Geology, vol. 75, p. 438–460. Psf Psf lower basin-fill unit, fine-grained 1,000 Harbour, R. L, 1970, The Hondo Sandstone Member of the San Andres Limestone of south–central New Mexico : U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700–C, p. 175–182. 0 Bauer, P.W. and Lozinsky, R.P., 1991, The Bent dome - part of a major Paleozoic uplift in southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 175–182. upper basin-fill unit, coarse-grained Qao 500 Allen, M.S., and Foord, E.E., 1991, Geological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Lincoln County porphyry belt, New Mexico: implications for regional tectonics and mineral deposits: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, pp. 97–102. Desal Test Well No. 8 SEO T-71 SEO T-1900 40,000 Abo Fm. Gile, L.H., Peterson, F.F., and Grossman, R.B., 1966, Morphological and genetic sequences of carbonate accumulation in desert soils: Soil 1,500 Science, v. 101, p. 347–360. Cambrian–Silurian carbonates and sandstone Cross section line 30,000 base of cs interval in well is interpreted at 385 ft depth) T-1797 S-7 (south; projected across probable fault; 20,000 2,000 meters ASL Bliss Alkalic mafic sills undivided Proterozoic TB-006 (T-25AA) TB-007 (T-4656) Cross section line Cross section line & TB-046 (T-25A) T-1002 T-3418 T-3390 C' T-4394 South T-18 E 5,000 feet ASL 4,000 ? 10,000 Yeso Formation Foord, E.E., and Moore,Permian S.L., 1991, Geology of the Bent Dome, Cambrian Otero County,Yeso New Fm. Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 171–174. Proterozoic diorite probable normal faults basin fill (Santa Fe Group) undivided Mesozoic rocks ? NE Permian Bursum Formation ? ? inferred inversion of a Laramide reverse fault 0 ? ? 1,000 Qayo Qai Compton, R.R., 1985, Geology in the field: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 398D'p. Permian Abo Formation T-1797 S-7 (north; projected across probable fault) undivided Permian to Cambrian sedimentary rocks 2,000 0 T–1382 T–796 T–2845 T–4656 T–25A T–2000 T–3418 T–25AA T–4792 Meeks upper basin-fill unit, cser gravelly sediment upper basin-fill unit, finer 3,000 0 T–4971 T–67 T–4394 4,000 Qayr Bull, W.B., 1977, The alluvial fan environment: Progress in Physical Geography, vol. 1, p. 222–270. T–1002 T–18 Cross section X–X' Cross section Y–Y' T–15 T–1606 T–4514 T–1973 T–3334 T–4689 T–3390 T–2940 T–2827 T–1651 & 1653 T–2903 T–2987 T–1663 & 4992 T–2951, 2926 & 5073 T–30 T–2928 & 4252 T–2088 nine wells T–5672 T–2643 T–1963 T–5015 T–1158 & 4690 T–2049 gravel beds T–3717 T–4876 T–5687 T–5104 5,000 T–4932 T–5065 T–5048 7,000 feet ASL 6,000 T–2420 & 1426 T–1814 T–4027, 3180 & 2923 T–3151 & 3714 D SW Titd This unit is inferred to represent limited aggradation close to the mountain-front in the early Holocene. It disconformably or conformably overlies Qai. The best age control for this limited aggradation comes from a radiocarbon date at the mouth of Mule Canyon fan, which returned an age of 8.75 ± 0.07 ka (Koning, 1999; Koning et al., 2002b). Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: agriculture and residential development; limited potential for aggregate. Qay2r Bull, W.B., 1972, Recognition of alluvial-fan deposits in the stratigraphic record, in Rigby, J.K., and Hamblin, W.K., eds., Recognition of ancient sedimentary environments: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 16, p. 63–83. 0 Qay1 Bauer, P.W. and Lozinsky, R.P., 1991, The Bent dome - part of a major Paleozoic uplift in southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 42, p. 175–182. W E 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Rhyodac e O gocene —L gh g ay NE s k ng d ke w h phenoc ys s o qua z and b o e ha cu s a megac ys c s 3687045E y e ded a da e o 2727 ± 0 17 Ma 2–3 m w de Timp Most of this unit aggraded between 6–3 ka (Koning, 2009). This aggradation was followed by widespread erosion punctuated by brief, localized back-filling events (Koning, 2009). Post-3 ka, localized deposits are difficult to distinguish from the sediment associated with the 6–3 ka aggradation; thus, these deposits are generally grouped together in the middle and southern parts of the compilation map. This unit correlates to the Organ alluvium in the Desert Project, which has been assigned an age of 7–1 ka (Gile et al., 1981). Sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: agriculture and residential development. B' B 7,000 feet ASL 6,000 Tir Sheetflood deposits, reworking eolian sand, overlying older alluvium—Only differentiated where Qse is inferred to be >30 cm thick. See descriptions for units Qse (above) and Qao (below). Near Three Rivers, the Qse unit consists of light brown (7.5YR 6/4), clean, very fine- to medium-grained sand, with very minor to minor coarse-very coarse and pebbles. Surface may also have minor coppice dunes in the Three Rivers area. Qse is less than 2 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: low potential for aggregate because of thin nature of Qse. Possible residential development. The surface of this unit is commonly eroded, resulting in weakly developed topsoils and an erosional lag of unvarnished to weakly varnished pebbles overlying finer-grained deposits. Bar and swale relief is non-existent to very subdued (less than 30 cm relief and likely occurring on late Holocene deposits). Desert pavements do not tend to have well-developed Av peds, and surface clasts exhibit no to slight varnish. Topsoil development is characterized by ped development together with minor gypsum ± calcium carbonate precipitation. Gypsum and calcium carbonate are present as filaments (1–15% of surface area) or disseminated; clasts are commonly totally covered by a "dusting" of calcium carbonate or have thicker (0.1–0.2 mm-thick), partial calcium carbonate coats—comparable to a Stage I calcium carbonate morphology (Gile et al., 1966). Generally, no reddening is observed. In the Three Rivers area, a thin, quartz-rich, very fine- to fine-grained sand, surficial layer is found on non- or weakly eroded surfaces—probably brought in by eolian processes and then fluvially reworked by sheetflooding. Qay2 unconformably overlies Qao and Qai, and seems to be inset into Qay1. Moderately to well consolidated and 1–6(?) m thick. IPb TD: 9360 ft depth Sheetflood and slopewash deposits, reworking eolian sand (middle Holocene to present)—Very fine- to medium-grained sand and clayey-silty fine sand (generally less than 25% fines, but locally as much as 50%). Scattered within this sand may be trace–20% coarse- to very coarse-grained sand and trace–15% pebbles (probably via bioturbation). Unit commonly covers high-level surfaces and mantles slopes at the headwaters of small drainages, where the deposit commonly grades laterally into younger alluvium (Qay). Unit exhibits a wide range of colors: mostly pale brown (10YR 6/3), light brown to brown (7.5YR 5–6/3-4), or pink to very pale brown (7.5–10YR 7/3–4). The sediment is commonly internally massive and bioturbated, with local weak, cumulic soil development characterized by ped development and minor gyspusm + calcium carbonate accumulation, generally as filaments (comparable to a Stage I carbonate morphology). In places, the sediment is highly gypsiferous and may even form a petrogypsic crust on the surface. Locally there are minor coarse channel-fills (generally in very thin to thin lenticular beds) consisting of pebbly sand to sandy pebbles. Sand is subrounded to subangular, moderately- to well-sorted, and composed of quartz, minor feldspar, and 5–15% lithic and mafic grains. Composition varies with local source area. Coppice dunes cover <10% of the surface and are 20–100 cm tall. Surface is sandy, commonly has a sparse erosional lag gravel, and exhibits weak to no desert pavement development. Development of the top soil is relatively weak, with no reddening, no to very minor clay illuviation, and only minor gypsum accumulation (equivalent to a Stage I morphology in a calcic soil). Loose to moderately consolidated. Interpreted to have formed by sheetfloods reworking previously deposited surficial eolian sediment. 0.2–5 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly fine-grained. Societal uses: agriculture, residential development, and moderate potential for aggregate. In the proximal alluvial fans and mountain drainages, gravelly beds are up to 50 cm thick and lenticular to tabular. Gravel is commonly clast-supported and imbricated, and composed of pebbles, cobbles, and minor (1–15%) boulders. Sandy beds are laminated to very thin to medium and horizontal-planar to lenticular. Sand is grayish-brown to light brownish-gray (10YR 5-6/2), very fine- to very coarse-grained, subrounded to subangular, and generally poorly sorted. Pa Pa Pb XYu 20,000 Kmd Kth Kml Kd TRm Pag Kmd Kmd IPh IPb IPg TD: 9487 ft depth 10,000 Well picks below Abo Fm are from King and Harder (1985, fig. 21) IPh IPb Py Psf Psr Kg Kmd Kth Kg Py Pa Pa Pb Pb ? ? 0 Pa Pa Kc Py + intrusions (probably sills) Kml Py Psf Psr Pa ? ? ? ? ? ? Ps Kclt Kth ? Kg Kmd Kml Psf Py Pa ? Kt Kml Kd TRm Pag Psr Py sill Kclt Ts Kc Kml Kg Kth Kg Tita Tita Tita Tim Tim Tita Tim Psf Py Kc Tlw1a Kth Kd TRm Pag Psr Kth Tita Ti Kth Tita Qao1 Kg Qao2 Kmd Kmd Kmd Kml Kml Kd Kd TRm TRm Pag Pag Coppice dunes (upper Holocene to present)—Mounds of sand accumulated under and in the immediate vicinity of mesquite bushes (and cresosote bushes, to a lesser extent). Mounds range from 20 to 200 cm in height. These dunes also are present on eolian sand ramps adjacent to topographic highs, where the sediment may be several meters thick. Inter-dune surfaces commonly show signs of erosion and may exhibit a lag of pebbles. Color of dune sand ranges from light brown to pale brown to brown (7.5–10YR 5–6/3–4; 7.5YR 5–6/4) or yellowish-brown to light yellowish-brown (10YR 5–6/4). Sand is very fine- to medium-grained, rounded to subangular (mostly subrounded), well- to moderately-sorted, and composed of quartz, with 10–25% estimated lithic + mafic grains and 10–20% estimated potassium feldspar. Within this sand are 1–5%, scattered, coarse to very coarse sand grains. Coppice dunes overlie a bioturbated eolian sand sheet or sheetflood deposits; this underlying deposit is grouped with Qec. The coppice dunes are likely upper Holocene in age, but underlying deposit may possibly be as old as middle Holocene. Dunes cover 10–35% of the surface. Loose. Deposit under the dunes is up to ~ 2 m thick. Clastic sediment, eolian sediment. Societal uses: low to moderate potential for aggregate. D kes and s s und v ded mapped rom a r pho os Psr Ts 0 Tita Tid Psf Py Kml Kd TRm Pag Psf Py TRm Pag Kclt Psr Tlw1a Tlw1b Km Psf Ps Tlw1b Tlw2a Kt Kml Kd TRm Pag QTbf QTbf Tlw2b Pag Kcc Alamogordo fault –5,000 East intersection with N-S section O der bas n o he Tu arosa Bas n und v ded M ocene o owe P ocene? —Exposed eas o Th ee R ve s h s un cons s s o c ayey s y ve y ne o med um g a ned sand oca y w h m no sca e ed med um o ve y coa se g a ned sand and 1–10% pebb es Co o s ange om ve y pa e b own o gh ye ow sh b own 10YR 7/3–6/4 o gh b own 75YR 6/4 o p nk 75YR 7/3 Th n o h ck mos y h n o med um abu a beds ha a e n e na y mass ve Sand s sub ounded o subangu a mode a e y so ed and composed o qua z and p ag oc ase w h ~10% es ma ed po ass um e dspa and 10% es ma ed h c g a ns Pa eoso s a e oca y common hese a e cha ac e zed by ca c c ho zons S age mo pho ogy n m ed exposu es unde a n by gyps c ho zons oca y he ca c c ho zons a e ove a n by h n ye ow sh ed 5YR 5/6 uv a ed c ay a g c? ho zons O he ho og c ypes nc ude m no g ave y beds e he as 1 oca ve y h n o med um enses o sandy pebb es and sands one oca y mode a e y cemen ed by ca c um ca bona e w h n he a o emen oned e a ve y ne g a ned sed men o 2 h n o h ck beds o c as suppo ed sandy pebb es and cobb es m no bou de s g ave a e sub ounded o ounded mb ca ed nd ca ng a wes wa d pa eo ow d ec on and composed o Te a y n us ve c as s andes e and subo d na e Mesozo c sands one ma x s ne o ve y coa se g a ned sand ha s sub ounded and poo y so ed G ave s common y s ong y mp egna ed by ca c um ca bona e Uncon o mab y unde es g ave y Qao1 depos s Tb d e s om Qao1 by s sma e g ave s ze and be e cemen a on and conso da on Un s n e ed o ex end we n o he subsu ace and ke y s pa eo va eys o pa eo embaymen s on he oo wa o he A amogo do au nea Th ee R ve s G ea es exposed h ckness s 2 m bu un s 120 m h ck a he Lewe ng #1 we see c oss sec on On he mmed a e au hang ng wa bas n s up o ~700 m h ck see c oss sec on Ti Qc Py 105°50'00"W Preliminary Geologic Map of the Tularosa and Bent Region, northeastern Tularosa Basin, Otero County, New Mexico ANGUS 0 Qc QTg 7 105°57'30"W 0.75 Qc Qao2 13 21 16 Qao3 QTg Pb 17 1.5 Pa Qao 3 Titd QTg 12 11 Pb Qar QTg 1:50,000 Qao3 Qc Qao 18 afe Ps Qc Pa 4 10 8 Qao3 Qay QTg Qao 3 10 5 Py Py Qao 13 Qar Qao2 Qao 12 • • ••• • • •• •• OSCURA 12 16 Qar Qao 02'30" QUADRANGLE LOCATION THREE RIVERS NW Qac Qc QTg QTg 4 Pb •• •• 05'00" NOGAL PEAK • •• 33°00'00"N 106°07'30"W Qgy Qay2 Qgy •• Qay2 12 22 Qar Qay2u 18 Titd Pb afe Qgy Qgy Qay Qao Qgy Qse/Qgy Qc Qao2 25 Qse/Qgy Qse/Qgy Qac Pa Qar Tu–266 Magnetic Declination May 2004 8º 35' East At Map Center QTg QTg 16 Qar Qaof afe Qao2 Qac 23 Qay2u Qarof Qaof 02'30" Qay Qao QTg Ps Ps 6 Titd afe Ps Qao Qac Titd afe Qgy Qaof Qay Qac •• Qay2u Qse/Qgy Qgy Qar Qac Qar Tu–181 Qay Qao Pa Qac Titd Qao Qaof Ps Qsp QTg 6 *h Eolian deposits, undivided (middle to upper Holocene)—Unit encompasses undifferentiated dunes (other than coppice dunes [Qec], which are mapped separately), and other eolian deposits. It includes eolian sand ramps adjacent to topographic highs (up to several meters thick), NE–SW orientated longitudinal dunes (found near the northern quadrangle boundary east of Highway 54), and eolian sand in mound-like deposits that extend horizontally over several meters. 1–6(?) m thick. Clastic sediment, eolian sediment. Societal uses: low to moderate potential for aggregate. PRECIPITATE DEPOSITS Ps Py QTg • Qac Pa Qtr Qac QTg 9 9 Pa 05'00" Qgyfy2 Py QTg Grave on Coyo e R dge P ocene? —Lag g ave composed o ounded sands one and mes one c as s s ng n a sadd e on Coyo e R dge < 1 m h ck The ages o he d kes and h n s s n he a ea a e ke y 37 o 42 Ma based on 40A /39A age de e m na ons o d kes and s s n he Th ee R ve s a ea o he no h and n he Sac amen o Moun a ns o he sou heas McManus and McM an 2002 The age o emp acemen o he B ack Moun a n s ock us no heas o he quad ang e s m dd e Eocene based on a b o e 40A /39A age o 378 Ma an 40A /39A p ag oc ase age o 34 6 Ma and a ho nb ende 40A /39A age o 373 Ma A en and Foo d 1991 M ne a za on s gene a y absen a ong he d kes and s s Occas ona y hema e mon e ba e ca c e coppe and manganese m ne a s occu n he v c n y o n us ons D kes gene a y ac u es and a e 1 o 2 m w de Mo e a e y d kes au s bu he d kes a e no de o med by subsequen eac va on o he au s S s a e o en cu by d kes and s s can be cu by au s Seve a new 40A /39A da es a e p esen ed be ow Landslide deposits (middle to upper Pleistocene?)—Translated, cohesive (but locally internally sheared and brecciated) blocks of rock composed of the Yeso or San Andres formations. Locally, the deposit is rotated. Rock blocks slid down-slope (probably relatively quickly) under the influence of gravity. East of Crosby Spring in the northern map area, deposit consists of bouldery, unstratified debris of Dakota Sandstone. 2–50 m thick. Hillslope sediment, generally coarse grained. Societal uses: very limited. ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS 9 3 Qar Qay2u Qse/Qgy Pa O der a uv um w h subord na e younger a uv um m dd e o uppe P e s ocene and Ho ocene —See desc p ons o Qao and Qay above NEOGENE NTRUS VE ROCKS Psh Pb Ti Qay2u Qse Qarof Qar Pag Psf Qao QTg 8 Qgy Ps Qac Qac 9 • •• •• •• •• •• • afe Qay2u QTg 9 •• Qse/Qgy QTg QTg Qac Qay2u Qgy Pa Qao Qao Pa Qay 17 Psr Py QTg QTg 11 Qar Qarof Qaof Qay Tist 7 Kd 7 19 Qsec/Qao2 Qao Qtr •• •••• ••• afe Km Qao Qao Pb 22 28 Qaof Qarof ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••• • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• 14 Qse/Qgy Qgy 12 Qac 10 Qaof afe • 15 Qac Qao afe Qar •• • • • •• • •• • • • 16 Qay2u Qaof Qar ••• • • ••• • • •• •• • • • •• •• Qao 07'30" 20 Ps •• • • • •• •• • Titd 3 ˛h Pa Qac 11 5 Py Pa 15 17 10 3 Pa 25 Qsec/Qao 4 5 Pa QTg QTg 14 12 5 8 24 Qac QTg Pb 5 Qay1 Qay Pa Qac Qao Qay2 QTg Qao 3 5 7 7 QTg Qao Qac 4 Qar Qse/Qgy 8 •• Qgy QTg 14 • •• •• • • Qac Qay2u • • • • • • • •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••• •• •• • • • • • •• •• ••• •• • •• • • •• • • • • •• •• •• • ••• •• Qar 4 6 16 Qse/Qgy • • •• • •• •• • • • • • •• Qac Qay1 Qgy • •• • •• • ••• • •• ••• ••• • •• •• • • • • • • •••••• • •••••• ••• • Qao Qar Qaof Qaof •• • • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • •• •• • • • •••••••••••••• • • • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• ••• ••• •• • • • • •• •• • ••••• •• • Qar 3 Qsec/Qay 8 Qac Py Qac QTg QTg Qsec Qao Qay Pa Qao • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • • ••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••• • • • • • •••••• ••••••• •••••• •••••• • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• • • •• •• •••• • • •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • •• •• • • 8 Pa Qac Qac Qac Qao • • Qay1 Pa QTg Qac Ti 5 10 Qao QTg Qac •• 02'30" • 11 Titp Tim 7 Qac Qao QTg Qao QTg 45 18 3 Titd Qay Pa Pb QTg • Pa QTg • Qar • 36 4 Tid ˇm Qac Qao 12 15 Tiag 7 Pa 7 Qse Qaof • 4 • • QTg Qay2u afe Qarof Qse/Qgy 7 Tita 4 Qac QTg QTg Qay2 Qse/Qgy Qar afe Qar Qay2u •• • •• • • Qar • •• •• •• • • •• •• •• • • •• • •• • • •• ••• •• •• Qay2u Qac Pa Qse/Qgy Tis 9 4 QTg Qac Pa Pa Py QTg Qac Titb Qao2 2 QTg Qac Tbf ^d Qac Pa Pb Pa ^d _Ob 14 16 Qac Qao Qar •• •• •• •• Qgy afe afe Qaof Qaof Qaof Qay2u Pa High-level gravelly deposits capping ridges (Pliocene to lower Pleistocene)—Gravel, sand, and silty sand deposited on high-level erosional surfaces that are 15–70 m above modern stream grade north of the Rio Tularosa and east of the Alamogordo fault. Extensively mapped on the piedmont south of the Rio Tularosa, but underlying erosional surfaces there are much closer to modern stream grade. Gravel is typically clast-supported, imbricated, subrounded to subangular, poorly to very poorly sorted, and consists of pebbles and cobbles (1–5% boulders) composed of sedimentary (mostly limestone) and igneous clasts. Deposit is well consolidated, and the basal few meters of the unit, where exposed, are commonly cemented by calcite. This calcite cementation is inferred to be related to precipitation of calcium carbonate from ground wa e Road cu s evea S age o g ea e pedogen c ca bona e deve opmen n e ed owe P ocene o owe P e s ocene age s based on compa son o he coa se na u e o h s depos o he coa se na u e o depos s o ha age n he A buque que and Españo a Bas ns o he no h— nc ud ng he Tue o Fo ma on S ea ns 1953 Ancha Fo ma on Kon ng e a 2002a and Puye Fo ma on Wa esback 1986 Wa esback and Tu bev e 1990 Up o 25 m h ck C as c sed men a uv a sed men mos y coarse gra ned Soc e a uses aggrega e 85 9 14 Qse/Qaof Qao3 8 12 8 15 Qse/Qao2 10'00" 17 QTg Qay afe Qac Qay2u Qse/Qgy •• •• •• Qarof ••• • • •• ••• •• •• Qay2u • •• •• Qaof afe Qac 7 QTg Qay2 Pa 18 23 QTg • Qgy Qar afe Qay2u Qse/Qgy Qaof Qao Tim 7 Qac afe 17 Tid 17 7 Qao QTg Pb Qaoy • • • • • • • • •• •• Qgyay2 Pa •• Qse/Qgy Tu–117 •• •• Tu–255–257 • •• afe Qse/Qgy Qarof Qay2u • • •• ••• Qay2u QTg 80 Pa QTg QTg Qac 7 Qay Qac Pa Qay Pa afe Qac 8 40 QTg Qao Qac Qac • • • •• •• • • • •• •• •• •• • • • • •• ••• Qaof Qao 2 Tls Py 20 Qtr Tim 8 QTg Qay QTg Qac Qao Pa QTg Qao •• •• •• •• •• • •• •••• ••• •• • •• • ••• afe Qaof Qaof QTg Qaoy Qar Qaoy QTg 14 19 23 16 Qao1 Qao3 Tid 9 QTg QTg Tg afe Pa 10 27 Qse/Qao Py 20 7 5 14 6 Qay2 13 Pa afe Ti Qao QTg afe • ••• •• •• • • • • 05'00" afe Qar Qarof Qar Qar Qaoy QTg QTg QTg Pa 5 21 14 Py 9 4 18 25 8 Tid 9 Pa Pa Qac Qaoy QTg •• ••• •• ••••• ••• •••• Qarof Qar Qac Pb QTg Qao2 Qac Qay •• •• •• •• •••• Qaof Qac QTg Qar Qao2 • • ••••• Qse Qar Qgyay2 •• ••• Qse/Qgy • • • • • • • • Qgy afe • Qarof Qar Qay2u Qgy • •• •••• •••• Tu–116 •• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • •••••• Tu–130 Qse • Qgy Qaof 2 4 Qao Qar Qay2u • • Qgy Pa Pa 21 10 25 13 28 7 15 32 14 18 Tid 10 Qao1 ^d Tid Qao3 33 2 afe QTg Qay1 Qar Qse QTg 5 4 8 62 47 12 50 60 17 31 29 Qay Ti 5 32 12 Tid 27 • 18 Qao3 Qao3 QTg Qao2 5 7 17 Qao3 Qay Qac Qaoy Qc Qao3 Qao3 14 Tid Qao2 23 Pa Pa QTg 5 • Qar 12 35 22 Qai Qay Ti Qac 12 afe Py Qao2 14 17 Qai Tid Tis 6 Tid Qao2 Pa QTg Qar 5 QTg Tid Titb Tid Tid Titd 5 Qay 4 Qar afe • •••••• Qay2u • •• • • • • • • ••• Qay2 • •• •• •• Qay2 Qse/Qgy •• • Qaof afe • ••• Qgy Qgyay2 • Qse Qe Qse •• • • • Qse/Qgy •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• •• • • • •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• • • Qgy Qse Ti 5 Ti Qao2 Qao2 Pa 9 Qai Pa Qao2 Tid Qar 9 8 2 5 Pa 6 Qay2r 13 Qtr 11 7 3 Qao2 6 Qay2 Qao3 Qao3 Py • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • ••• •• ••• • •• •• •• Qgyay2 Qe Qao 6 5 8 Qc 3 Qao Ti Tid •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• Qaof Qse Qgyay2 Qaof Qao Pa Qao3 Py QTg Py 7 15 6 17 Qao 3 3 6 9 Qao afe Qay2r 3 •• •• ••• Qaof Ti 3 Qac Tu–154 Qar Qaof afe 2 Pa Tita 33 Qao Qaof 3 37 Py 12 Qay1 Qao2 Tid Qao3 afe Qao2 10 Tim 15 Tid 30 6 5 14 10 • • afe Qse Qgy Qar 10 5 4 6 Qay1 Ti 3 Ti 2 7 10 Tid 4 QTg 5 • Qgy Qse/Qgy Qay2 Qay2r Qao QTg 7 Ti 19 Qao2 55 38 41 6 ••• Qay2 Qay2r Qse/Qgy Qse Qgy Qay2 Tu–209 10 Qao afe Qay2u afe Qaof Qary3 Qay1 Qaof Qgy Qaof Qao 17 6 5 2 8 6 Tid Qar 7 4 7 45 Pa 10 Qao3 5 QTg Tita Tim? 18 18 16 7 Qao3 •• Qse Qse/Qgy afe Qgy Qay2 Qar 4 4 Tid 3 Qao1 Py Qay2 4 Qls 10 2 25 •• • • • •• •••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Qse Qao Qao Qse/Qgy Qgy Qar 10 10 Ti Ti Qao3 Tita QTg Qao1 • Qay2r Qao Qay2r ••• • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 07'30" afe Qay2u Qao Qaof Qaof Qao afe Tid 9 Ti Qay2r Tid 7 Tita 12 5 5 •• •••• Qay2u Qay2u 6 • Qao afe Qse 5 Tid Qp Qay2 Tid 12 12 30 Qay1 afe Tita 8 5 Ti 6 3 10 8 26 Qao1 Qao2 Qar Tid 13 Tita Tim • Qay2u Qao Tid 4 Tim 35 • T–1900 Ti Pa 5 Ti Ti 5 Tid 8 Py ••• • • • 23 Qao Qao Tita 7 QTg 11 Qar Qay2u Qao 10 10 9 QTg 12 Tita 19 7 4 5 3 Tita Tita Tita Py Pa Py 12 Qao1 Pa 12 32 Tim 9 17 Qao2 QTg Qao2 9 9 14 12 17 11 9 Qls 9 10 Py 7 9 10 7 Qp 7 12 17 18 Py 7 16 7 10 7 Qc ••• • • • • • • 28 3 8 Ti Tid Tid Ti Py Qao2 Ti • • Qao Pa 7 Pb 9 9 22 QTg 8 7 4 QTg Ti Pa Tid 37 Py Qao1 12 10 5 4 10 2 37 10 7 19 •• 22 afe Qao Qao 7 12 4 7 7 10 Tita Qay2r Tim 15 13 35 11 2 5 7 3 5 14 19 4 17 4 •• T–71 Qao Qay2u 12 Qar 8 6 Ti Qao2 Ti Ti Qay2r Ti 30 Tim Tita Tid Tita 9 Tim 7 Tid 20 3 Tita Tid 4 Tid Tim 5 22 Qar 17 4 2 5 12 5 17 6 Tid 15 Tita 10 12 13 Py Ti Titb Pa Qay2 9 Tid 7 11 Tim 8 Qay2r 12 7 Pa 8 Tid Tim • afe Qao Qay2 10 Qao2 Pa 10 Tim 4 23 18 18 19 Tim 2 20 12 • • •• • • • • afe afe 15 7 11 70 Tid 11 Ti 18 30 Tid Tid Tita 8 9 Tim Qay2r Py • Qay1 Qay2 14 QTg 7 Ti 15 Tita Py •• •• • Qay2u Tid Tid 4 16 14 7 Tita 7 7 19 10 Qls Tim 6 10 • • • Qar Ti 10 36 Tid •• 7 12 Tid 25 15 Tid 7 4 4 Tita Qse 12'30" 4 7 10 4 Qc 10 Ps 10 25 4 3 8 10 Qc 25 16 3 Qaovf Qaoy Qayo Qai 3 6 5 7 6 15 9 7 5 12 14 3 3 10 6 Tim Psf 7 13 8 10 6 Py Tid 10 3 5 7 6 Tid •• T–1797 7 Ti Py Tid 6 5 Qao2 7 •••• 7 4 10 Tita Psr 24 4 9 8 14 19 10 Qc 10 Tita Tid 10 12 Qay2r 12 7 3 53 Tid 22 Ti 8 65 Qc 60 Ti 11 12 10 Qao3 22 14 2 Tim Ti 36 Tita 32 •• • 4 afe Qao Ti Ti Ti 7 64 62 8 Ti 17 Py • 45 7 11 18 Tid 26 Tid 54 5 55 •• • • • Py Qar 21 5 15 85 • Qao Ti 34 27 13 Psr Tid 37 • •• Py Py Tim 36 15 10 Py 57 50 30 Qay2 Qao3 7 • •••• 17 ••• 5 • • • Py • • • •••• ••• •• 20 Qay2 80 50 7 27 35 10 15 55 50 6 Ti 45 13 Qao2 12 Ps 9 30 49 45 Ti Ti 4 3 105°50'00"W Py 9 35 Psf 38 33 33 Qec Qay1 8 15 10 4 Qao2 11 10 Qay2 17 Qay Qse/Qao Qse/Qaof Qse/Qgy 10 Ps Qay2 13 Tid Ti Tid Tim Titb Pa 3 25 12 Qse Pag •• 14 14 Qao2 Tita 28 13 Tim Psr •• • • • • 20 16 Ti 2 • Qao Pa Qayo Tid Qls Titd 28 11 Ti 24 • Qay2u Qay2r Qay1 7 20 Qao2 Qao afe Qay2u 10 7 • T–1797–S7 18 17 20 3 • Qao Tid •• Qay2u Qar afe 11 14 Kd Qao3 Qse Psf Tid Psr 10 Tid Qls Psh 7 • Qar Py 12 •• Qec 27 ^m Qse Tim 8 23 Py Qtr 17 Ti Psr 16 44 53 28 19 Tim 14 Py 16 Ti 14 Qao2 25 ^m 12 Qay2u Qay2r Qary2 Qay2 Qgy Qgyfy2 8 Ti Py 47 Tid 3 45 18 22 Ti Py 12 11 Pag 15 14 Qe afe Qe Qse Pag 13 Qao2 Ti 29 6 28 18 Qar Kd 25 20 24 Ti 30 6 10 7 9 24 21 Tid 20 Ti Ti 8 7 14 Ti 8 Qao1 Qls 20 Km 23 Qao2 Ti 3 18 10 Ti 6 9 Pag 26 Ti Psr Psr Qao3 9 17 Qao2 Tid Qao2 18 12 14 14 31 25 20 36 Ti 5 Ti Qay Qar 12 •• T–1797 S–7 10 Tid • Qay2 Qay2u Qaof 10 Qay2r 2 Qc Py Qay1 Qao Qao 10 Qao2 4 Ti 8 20 Tim Qao2 37 Py • • •• • • • • Tid •• 4 • • 9 16 18 Qay2r Tid 6 9 4 4 Tid Qao Qay2r •• •••••• •• •••••• •• •••••• •• •••••• •• •••••• •• •••••• •• • • •• • • •• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ••••• •••• •••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •• •• •• • •••• •• • • • ••• • •••••• • ••• •• 10'00" Py 15 8 10 1 • Qay2 •• ••••• afe Qay2u Qaof Qao2 Qay2u Qay1 •• Qay2 Qaof 6 Qar Qay2 4 5 Py •• Qayo 7 17 •• Qao •• Tid Tid Tist 35 Tita 25 Ti Titd Qar 14 27 18 16 15 17 Ti 7 17 8 15 27 35 Ti Qay2r 9 Asterisk (*) denotes units shown in cross section only Qao2 Kd ^m 10 20 16 Ti 7 Qao2 36 12 7 21 Terrace gravel (Pleistocene)—Gravelly terrace deposits found alongside, and paralleling, modern drainages, including the Three Rivers drainage. The bases of the terrace deposits (straths) are greater than 2 m above these drainages. The terrace deposit is generally poorly exposed. Gravel are subrounded to subangular, poorly sorted, and consists of pebbles with subordinate cobbles and 1–10% boulders. Spallation of exposed clasts results in abundant subangular-angular gravel on the surface. The gravel is clast- to matrix-supported and composed predominately of intermediate-mafic igneous rocks, with subordinate Paleozoic–Mesozoic sedimentary clasts (mostly sandstone and limestone). The gravel is interbedded with varying proportions of sand. Sand is very fine- to very coarse-grained, pale brown to very pale brown (10YR 6–8/3; 10YR 7/4), subangular to subrounded, and moderately to poorly sorted. In at least some deposits, a significant proportion of the sand is composed of gypsum grains. Deposit also includes fine-grained sediment that is internally massive, brownish–yellow (10YR 6/6), locally clayey-silty, and dominated by very fine- to fine-grained sand (much of which is gypsum grains); the fine sediment locally contains gypsum-cemented rhizoliths. Surfaces are flat, variably eroded, and commonly exhibit strong gypsum accumulations that obscure the underlying terrace deposit. The gypsum mantle and poor exposure creates local uncertainty about whether a given terrace has a significant deposit or is simply an erosion surface. Some higher surfaces exhibit well-developed desert pavements and well-varnished surface gravel. Weakly to moderately consolidated. Mostly 1–5 m thick, with local paleovalley fills up to 15 m thick. PL O–M OCENE SED MENTARY UN TS Colluvium (middle to upper Pleistocene and Holocene)—Angular to subangular pebbles, cobbles, and boulders in a matrix of clayey-silty sand. Massive or in steeply inclined, tabular beds. Gravel composed of a variety of lithologic types, but limestone dominates. Common on north-facing slopes. Generally mapped in mountainous areas where it is >2 m thick and obscures underlying geologic formations and geologic structures (such as faults or folds). Also locally mapped adjacent to the Alamogordo fault scarp south-southeast of Three Rivers, where it consists of gypsiferous sand (mostly very fine- to medium-grained) and variable amounts of gravel. Hillslope sediment, generally coarse grained. Societal uses: possibility for aggregate in limited areas. EOLIAN AND SHEETFLOOD–SLOPEWASH DEPOSITS Correlation of Map Units • • Ps 25 15 Ti 30 Qao3 29 3 22 9 14 15 6 Qc Py 16 20 A' Geologic cross section 16 30 30 Qaoy Pediment gravel, undivided (upper Pleistocene)—Thin sandy gravel, generally gypsiferous, that overlies pediment surfaces in the lower part of the Sacramento Mountains. Surfaces are relatively smooth and exhibit well-varnished desert pavements. Underlying soil generally marked by gypsum accumulation comparable to a Stage II to III calcium carbonate morphology. Less than 1 m thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: aggregate. Pag 21 22 35 13 5 7 5 Tid 13 26 7 15 Ti Tist 5 Ti 19 Tist ^m 8 Pag 5 5 Py Ti 30 11 ••• • • •• • •••• • 10 8 Py 11 Qao2 •• • • Tid afe afe •• 20 Qao Ti Ti Py Qar 8 Qao3 43 8 10 Timp 16 15 8 Ti Qc 15'00" 10 Psf Ti 12 Qc Py Ti 12 Psf • • •• Qao2 Qay2u Py Tita 43 30 7 9 10 Ti 13 13 Py Qar 10 42 Ti Kd 12 10 5 6 25 Ti 7 Tist 11 40 16 Titd Ti 7 Kd 45 Ti Tid Tist 18 Ti Ti Py Psr Tita 13 Ps 10 Tim Qay2r 10 Py 9 Tist 30 18 Ti 13 Qao3 Psr Qao2 15 31 55 14 Ti 24 6 Qar • Psh 3 11 33 Tita 30 22 17 • • Qar Qay Qp 12 Tita Ti Tim Tid Ti Tim Km Tita 18 8 Tid •• Psh 7 8 8 Qay Qaof Tim A 18 10 12 8 Psr Qay 5 Desal Test Well #8 9 13 HILLSLOPE AND MASS-WASTING DEPOSITS Spring Tim Ti 6 43 22 22 Tita Tita 8 Py Foliation lineation 10Qary 4 4 11 Ti 8 Tita 7 Tita Tita 4 Tim 8 30 20 15 Tita 15 20 • 66 10 6 Ti 4 Psr 36 25 S4 inclined foliation Artificial fill or excavations (modern)—Compacted silt, clay, and very fine to very coarse sand (with minor pebbles) under highways and railroads. Very coarse pebbles and cobbles drape compacted fill under railroad tracks. Also found in berms surrounding excavations, which include pits, quarries, or reservoirs. The base of these excavations has generally been filled by >10 cm thick deposits of clay, silt, sand, and gravel transported by arroyo runoff, mass-wasting, or slopewash processes. Human-engineered land. afe S3 inclined foliation Psr 9 Py 12 3 8 • • 8 Py 2 afe 3 Psr 21 20 Py Qay2 8 •• • 8 •• • • 4 17 10 13 Qay1 Qao Qar • • afe 7 22 23 23 36 •• • 7 Psr 13 18 29 20 8 Kml 16 13 Psr QTg ARTIFICIAL FILL AND EXCAVATIONS S2 vertical foliation 7 10 25 10 Psf 15 Qtg QUATERNARY–PLIOCENE SEDIMENTARY UNITS Qls 20 7 16 5 20 23 2 Qao2 Qar 4 14 3 4 4 13 Tita 26 Tim 3 7 Ti Psr 10 Qay2 Tita Tid Qay1 afe 8 Qao2 Psr Ti 4 24 S2 inclined foliation 34 24 19 11 50 Tita 10 18 15 22 Tist Psf 28 9 Ti Tid 6 Ti 28 15 Psr • • Qaof Py 39 12 4 10 Psf Qao • Qao • Qao2 17 Ti Psr 3 6 6 15 S1 inclined foliation Kmd 20 18 27 23 25 Qary 10 Tim 6 6 Ti 7 11 Ti 28 25 19 12 21 9 31 Psf Qar Desal Test Well #5 7 11 Psr 34 Ti Qao Tita 11 27 13 21 64 85 23 Igneous rocks can have phaneritic, aphanitic, and/or porphyritic textures. In phanertic rocks the individual interlocking crystals are large enough to see with the naked eye or at 10x magnification. In apahanitic rocks, the crystals are too small to see with the naked eye or with 10x magnification. Aphyric is another term used to describe volcanic rocks that have few and/or small crystals. Porphyritic rocks have larger crystals set in an aphanitic matrix. Rocks with crystals smaller than 1 mm are considered fine-grained, 1–5 mm are medium-grained, 0.5–3 cm are coarse-grained, and greater than 3 cm are very coarse-grained. 10 22 15 23 Qao1 30 19 6 Tita 6 4 Qao • • • • • • • Qao •••••• Qao • 15 7 5 5 8 12 3 10 14 Ti Qay2r 6 Tid Ti Tid Psr • • • ••• • Qao • • Ti Pag 25 17 Ti Tita 7 • Qse • •• Ti Tist 4 • •• Qao Qayo Qao • • Qao • •• • ••• ••• ••• Qar Qao • • • •• Kd • •• •••• 31 25 9 12 •30 Qc 17'30" 10 Kt Qao1 15 14 Qary 17 Strike and dip of overturned bedding 13 20 10 38 Qay 10 17 20 13 30 20 59 Strike and dip of vertical joint Kg 17 23 Qao3 Qay 5 10 35 Qse • Desal Test Well #4 Qse • •• •• •• ••• •• 24 • •• • • 22 6 10 4 Psf 11 Psf Qao2 • •• 5 • Pag 5 Psf 10 29 Strike and dip of inclined bedding Kc 10 17 18 16 40 Tist 9 19 Qay 50 Py Qse/ Qao • • • •• • • • • ••••••••••••••• • • • •• • •• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • ••• •• • •• • •• •• • •••••• Qao2 Qay2 Tid Qary 25 Qp Textures in Igneous Rocks 22 18 10 11 9 27 8 9 42 • • • • • • • • • Cross bedding — Truncated foresets represent top 14 14 9 17 10 ^m 17 6 19 27 Kd 10 19 Qao2 14 18 7 13 13 5 24 16 25 • Qar 17 12 9 7 Kmd 2 16 16 12 Shear zone Ti Kc 7 5 7 12 6 4 7 14 10 15 8 Qary 25 7 6 8 Titd 10 9 Qao1 Qary Qp Qay2u afe Qse Qay2 Qao3 QTg 27 Qao1 •• Qse/Qaof Qao Qse/Qao Desal Test Well #1 • • Qao Psf Pag Qay Psf Qao2 4 12 •• • 85 24 14 Minor S-fold 30 10 QTg 23 Kclt QTg Kc 5 20 4 11 10 15 Kml 7 ••••• Tid • • • Pag Qse Qar • •• 12'30" 45 10 Qp •• Qay2 • • Qaof • afe Qay2u •• Qaof ••••• QTg 18 Qao1 Qay Kt 2 QTg 2 Grain sizes follow the Udden–Wentworth scale for clastic sediments (Udden, 1914; Wentworth, 1922) and are based on field estimates. Pebbles are subdivided as shown in Compton (1985). The term “clast(s)” refers to the grain size fraction greater than 2 mm in diameter. Descriptions of bedding thickness follow Ingram (1954). Colors of sediment are based on visual comparison of dry samples to the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Munsell Color, 1994). Soil horizon designations and descriptive terms follow those of the Soil Survey Staff (1992), Birkeland et al. (1991), and Birkeland (1999). Stages of pedogenic calcium carbonate morphology follow those of Gile et al. (1966) and Birkeland (1999). Unless otherwise noted below, sand in Quaternary deposits is subrounded to subangular. Medium to very coarse sand has a composition consistent with a litharenite, whereas very fine- to fine-grained sand is more arkosic (as inferred using a hand lens). Qay Tid Tid Tim • 4 10 6 Overturned syncline — Showing direction of plunge; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Qay 33 34 7 37 12 18 Qao2 Kc 12 12 Tita Tita 6 18 9 Kc QTg Qao2 7 Surface characteristics aid in mapping both lithostratigraphic and allostratigraphic units. Older deposits generally have older surfaces, so surface processes dependent on age—such as desert pavement development, clast varnishing, gypsum and calcium carbonate accumulation, and eradication of original bar-and-swale topography—can be used to differentiate the alluvial fan deposits. Locally, erosion may create a young surface on top of an older deposit, so care must be exercised in using surface characteristics to map Quaternary deposits. 10 Qao1 Qay 9 Overturned anticline — Showing direction of plunge; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Minor M-fold Tim 37 Syncline — Showing direction of plunge; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Kc Qao2 Qay 9 TERRACE AND PEDIMENT DEPOSITS For sedimentary units, a brief discussion is warranted on the difference between lithostratigraphic and allostratigraphic units. Most map units presented below are lithostratigraphic: recognized by their geomorphic position or the inferred geomorphic process responsible for deposition. Lithostratigraphic units can be differentiated by lithologic properties (such as texture, color, and composition). Some lithostratigraphic units are subdivided into allostratigraphic units, which are separated by interpreted unconformable contacts or by inset relations (both representing inferred time gaps). Allostratigraphic units have numbers at the end of their map labels. For example, lithostratigraphic unit Qao is subdivided into allostratigraphic units Qao3, Qao2, Qao1; lithostratigraphic unit Qay is subdivided into allostratigraphic units Qay3, Qay2, and Qay1 (listed youngest to oldest). These allostratigraphic units possess different ages, although the sediment looks relatively similar within the overall lithostratigraphic unit (Qao or Qay). Anticline — Showing direction of plunge; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Kc Tim 15 11 7 10 Kc Tim Kml QTg Tim Titb 10 10 7 14 QTg Tim Tim Qar 8 10 23 Qao3 23 16 • • •• 10 10 •• • 13 • • • • 7 •• 13 7 Py Qls Psr 2 Psf 18 Qc Laramide reverse fault —Showing dip; barb on upthrown side; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed 8 Kc Qao1 • • • 5 10 23 30 Qc • •• 8 •• • Qao2 4 Pag Qao3 16 16 20 5 •••••• 59 15 Tim 19 14 Tid 3 Kc Kmd Tita 12 Kd 7 Qao Qao Kml 5 10 7 Tita 21 ^m 13 Tid Ti • 21 12 Qao1 28 23 5 47 30 Qay2u Qp Pag Qar Ti • Qaof •• Qp Psf Qao2 Tita 26 24 3 Kt 11 23 ^m • • • 4Qao1 85 20 Titb 5 • • • • • • • • • • • Qay Qls Qay1 18 • • • • Qay2u Qay2 26 7 Kc Kg Titb Km 16 D • Tita Pag 12 17 12 Qc Titd 10 8 Tita Titb 3 10 13 3 12 Qay 5 11 Qar • Kc 11 Kml 13 ▲ 20'00" Tim Qao1 Qao Qar Tim Kd Kd 50 10 Tim 28 Kt Qao2 ••• Qay 4 Tim 42 Kml Qao2 25 Titd Ti ^m Qse Kd 6 Psf •••• Qay2 Qar U QTg 5 Km Titb • 16 • • •4 • • 3 1 Qse D 17 afe Qao Qse/Qaof Qaof Qao2 Qay2u Qao •• ••• ••• • ••• •• Qaof 7 U Qse/Qao Qaof • ••••••• • • Qay Qay Qao1 Qayo Qao3 Tim 53 15 • Qay2 • Qar Qao3 Qao afe Qao Qao2 Pag Qay2 Qao •11• • • • • • • • • • • • 15 Qay2 Qay 25 4 Tid ^m 30 Titd •• Qar Qaof 11 QTg Qayo 25 14 • •• •• • Qaof Qay Psf 7 Qao • Qay2 23 Qay • 5 •• Qary3 Tita Qay Qay2u 13 11 19 Km 23 Qary Kc Tc Tc Kd 28 18 ^m Qc 10 12 Tita ••••• ••••• 7 Qao1 Qay2u Qsec/Qay Tid ••• ••••• •• ••••• 4 ••••• Qar afe Qay • • • •• •• • • •• • • • • ••• • Qay3r Qaof 18 Qay2u Qec •• Qaof ^m Qao •• Qay 14 Psf Qaof Qec Kd Qao2 Qay Qse 5 Qary Tid Kd Km Qao3 Kml 10 20 24 Qse 8 Qao3 Qar Tim •• 15'00" Qao3 15 •••• Qay3 6 8 Qc Qay2u Qc 23 Kg 17 7 • Qar 15 ••• ••• Qay Qse 11 •• Qay Qsec/Qay Qay Qar Qsec/Qao2 Qar Qay2u 13 Qay2u Qay2r Qay2 afe Qay2u Tid Qao1 Kc 5 Qao2 27 Titd 32 Tita 4 Qao2 QTg Kc Qao2 afe Qay2 • Qary3 • ••••••• • • •••• • • • Qec Qao • Qsec/Qay Qar 25 • Qay2 Qary3 Qar Qay2u 22 32 5 Qay Tc 22 Qao2 Qc • ••• • • Qay2u Qay Qao1 Qse/Qao2 Kc • 30 Kc Qao1 Qse/Qao2 • • Qao Qay2u Qay3 70 Tc •• Ti 30 Qar Qao Qay3 Tim afe Qao2 •• Qay3r Qay3r 25 50 21 27 9 Qao1 •• • • • • • • •• • • • • •• Qay2u Tita • • •• •• •• •• ••• Qay3 Qay2 Qec 41 24 32 27 afe Qay3 10 39 32 Kg 28 24 40 30 ▲ 55 Qao2 Qary Qao2 Qao •• • •• • •• Qay2u Qar Qay Qay2u •• • • •• Qse/Qao2 Qar 31 10 25 Kc 46 29 Qtg Km Qao2 Qay3 17'30" 23 5 Qay Qayr Qao1 Qay2 Qay2u Qar 27 Qao2 • Qse 21 16 •• Qary Miocene normal fault — Bar and ball on downthrown side; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Qay Qay Qay Tc 35 Kg Kd Pag Qary3 Qay Tbf ^m 32Tc Qao2 Tbf Qsec/Qao2 12 22 30 Qao1 Qay Qao2 Qao Qar 21 13 Qse Qao1 Qtg 15 •• • •• •• •• • • • •• •• • • Pag Qec Pag Qay2 Qay2u Qtg Qar Qao2 •• • Qec Tc •• • •• Qao2 27 Qay3r Qar 13 Tc • • • Qse Qao2 •• •• 8 Qay 37 Qay Qai Qse Qary 24 22 Kc 20 •• •• 27 Tc Qse Kc 40 18 Qse •• •• ••••• Qar 16 Qe Qay2 afe Qary3 Qay3 Qtg Qao Qse Qse Qay 27 Qe Qay2u Qay2u Titd •• •• Contact — Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed • • • • Qao2 • • • •• • • •• Qay Qao1 Qec Kd 25 • •• Qay2u Qtg Tc Qse 38 Qec Qao3 Qse 9 10 Qtg Qay Twh Qay •• • •• •• Qay2u 16 Kc Qec •• •• Qec Qay2u Qao Qsec Kc Qse/Qao2 28 •• • •• Qse/Qao afe • • • • • • • •• •• • • • •• • •• Qay2u 25 afe •• •• • • Map Symbols Qay Qao2 Qao2 34 Qse •• • Qsec/Qay Qe Qao2 afe Qec The Quaternary units in this map area are grouped into the following categories: artificial fill or excavations, hillslope and mass-wasting deposits, eolian and sheetflood–slopewash deposits, precipitate deposits, alluvial deposits (found on piedmont slopes and alluvial fans), and pediment and terrace deposits. Alluvial fan deposits are generally found west of the mountain-front fault zone, and piedmont slope deposits east of the mountain-front fault zone (the Alamogordo fault). The latter two categories warrant further discussion. Alluvial fans are geomorphic features characterized by depositional lobes that are fan-shaped in plan-view. On topographic maps, alluvial fans are readily noted by the outward curving or bulging of contour lines around the mouths of incised, mountain-front drainages. A good example of this bulging of contour lines is seen west of the mouth of Temporal Creek. Some useful studies that emphasize alluvial fan processes and depositional environments include Hooke (1967), Bull (1972 and 1977), Blair and McPherson (1994a and 1994b), Blair (1999), and Ritter et al. (1993). East of the Alamogordo fault, distinct alluvial fan morphology is lacking for extensive Quaternary deposits under westward-sloping, high-level surfaces. We assign the Quaternary deposits east of the Alamogordo fault as piedmont deposits, which have also been called alluvial slope deposits. Alluvial slope deposits are further discussed in Hawley and Wilson (1965), Smith (2000), and Kuhle and Smith (2001). 6 Qary Qay Qao1 •• •••• •••• •••• • • • Qao •• • • Qtg •• • • •• Qay •• • • • Qar • • •• • • Qay3 Qao1 Qao1 •• • Qar Tc Qar Qao1 Qao2 Twh •• • • Tim Qay Qao2 Qec Qse Qay Qe Qay2u Qay2u Qao2 Qc Twh Qay3 afe • Qsec/Qao2 Qao Qec • Kc 27 Qay Qao3 Quaternary–Pliocene Units Qar • Qay Qay2u Qe 20'00" •• Qao2 Qay2 45 Kc Qay • • • • • Qay2 Qay3 • Ts Description of Map Units 33°23'30"N • • • • • • Qai Qar Qay2 40 55'00" • • • • • Qec Qar Qsec Qao2 Qec Qao2 Qse/ Qao2 Qay3r afe •• •• Qay2r Qay Qec •• Qec Qec Qe Qse Qse Qay Qsec/Kc Qao3 Qar Twh Qayr Tim Kg Qay Qay3 Timp Qai Qao2 Qay2 •• •• •• • • •• •• •• • • •• •• •• Qec Qsec 18 17 Tim Qay Qao2 Qar Qai • • • • • Qe Qc Tglta •••••• • • • ••• ••• •• Qao2 Qec • Qec Qec 28 Qary Qao2 21 Tgjb Qay Qar Qao1 Kclt Qsec/ Qao2 Qe afe Qay Qar Qsec •• • Qec Qar Qec Qar 13 •• Qay • Qay2 Km Tgl Qay2 Qao2 •• 9 Tgjpt Qao2 Qao2 Qar Twtr Tgjpt Qay Qao1 Kc Tita Qao2 Qsec Qao2 Qay Kml Qe Qao1 Tgjvs Tgjta •• • Qec Tim afe Qao Qe •• Qar • Qec Tgjb Qsec/Qao2 Qec 6 Tim •• Qse Qe Qao Qay Qay3 Qe Qec 28 Tglta •• • 24 Qao2 Qay2r 25 Qar Qay1 Qar 105°57'30"W Tgjpt •• Qao2 • Qsec/Qao2 Qe Qay Kc Qao1 •• Kml Tim afe •• • • Qsec/Qay Km Qao2 •• • Qec Psf Qe Qe Kd Qec Qao Qao1 •• Qay2 ^m Qay 106°00'00"W Qar •• •• • •• •• • • •• •• •• • •• •• • • •• •• • •• •• • • •• •• • • •• •• • • •• •• •• • • • • • • •• •• •• •• • •• • •• • • • •• • •• • •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• •• • • •• •• • Qe Qay •• • Qec Psr Qec Qse •• Qsec/Qao2 Qec 02'30" afe ••• • • •••• ••• ••• ••• • • •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • •••• • • • •••• ••• •••• •• •• •• •• •• ••• •• •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • ••• •• • •• • •• • • • •• • • •• •• •• • • •• •••• •• • • •• • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • •••• •• • •• •• • • • •• •• •• ••• • • •• ••• •• • •• • •• •• • • Qao2 Qay •• 05'00" Qsec Qay2 •• 106°07'30"W 33°23'30"N NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY A DIVISION OF •• • NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY & MINERAL RESOURCES Older allostratigraphic subunit of older alluvium (lower to middle Pleistocene)—Generally a sandy gravel with subordinate to subequal interbeds of clayey-silty, gypsiferous, very fine- to fine-grained sand containing minor medium to very coarse sand. Finer-grained sediment increases progressively south of the Three Rivers drainage. Gravel contains pebbles with variable cobbles, locally with minor boulders. Gravel are subrounded to subangular, poorly to moderately sorted, and composed of limestone, intermediate to mafic intrusive rocks, and subordinate sandstone (limestone clasts dominate to the south and igneous clasts dominate to the north). Color of sand ranges from pale brown to very pale brown (10YR Opensubrounded File Report 564 6–8/3), pink (5–7.5YR 7/3), or light yellowish-brown to light brown (10–7.5YR 6/4). Sand is very fine NMBGMR to very coarse-grained, to subangular, and moderately to poorly sorted. Very fine- to medium-grained sand is composed mostly of subangular to angular gypsum grains, Last Modified 30 June 2014 whereas coarser sand is composed of lithic grains. Base of deposit generally lies several meters above the base of unit Qao2. Surface of unit typically lies >3 m above the Qao2 surface. Prevalent petrogypsic horizon developed on its surface and very strongly varnished surface clasts. Moderately consolidated, highly gypsiferous, and variably cemented. Unit is locally strongly cemented near Salinas Draw. 5–25 m-thick. Clastic sediment, alluvial sediment, mostly coarse-grained. Societal uses: residential development, aggregate potential, low agricultural potential because of gypsic top soil and gravelly texture. *h *b *g M D S–O _Ob Fourm e Draw Member—The Fou m e D aw Membe s composed o n e bedded gh g ay do om e da k g ay mes one and am na ed gypsum The ca bona es con a n oss s bu oss s a e no as common as hey a e n he R o Bon o Membe The e a ve a o o gypsum o ca bona e nc eases upsec on h ough he membe The h ckness o h s un s unce a n because he op s no exposed h s un s qu e de ormed The con ac be ween he Fourm e Draw and R o Bon o membe s s ve y g ada ona and s he e de ned o be a he base o a d s nc ve mes one bed p esen ac oss he map a ea The ma ke mes one s da k g ay oss e ous and has a gypsum bed ha s abou 6 m h ck be ow The ca bona es above he ma ke mes one become p og ess ve y mo e do om c up sec on The ma ke mes one s gene a y he h ckes success on o mes one above c s o he R o Bon o Membe bu he ma ke does va y n h ckness 6–24 m average s 12 m The ma ke mes one o ms an eas y aceab e un on poo y exposed gypsum man ed h s The 6 m h ck gypsum bed s con nuous ac oss he a ea bu h n d scon nuous gypsum and n e ca a ed mes one beds o en occu n he uppe mos R o Bon o Membe as much as 25 m be ow he mappab e ma ke mes one S m a y h n sequences o da k g ay oss e ous mes one ha g ade up n o do om e and h ck beds o gypsum a e p esen above he ma ke mes one Es ma ed h ckness s approx ma e y 300 m Hondo Sands one—The Hondo Sands one s a go d b own o an we so ed med um o ne g a ned qua z a en e w h we ounded sand g a ns Bedd ng s common y abu a c oss bedd ng s a e The sands one s d scon nuous and anges om 0–10 m h ck The sand s one whe e p esen s on y 0 7 m h ck on Ca Moun a n UTM 415916E 3670526N NAD27 and s 5–10 m h ck on he wes end o Coyo e R dge The un cons s s o a s ng e sands one bed ha s 0 5–4 m h ck n he h s us no h o Tempo a C eek An ou c op o Hondo Sands one a UTM 406593E 3675665N NAD27 ha s n p ox m y o a au con a ns nodu es o ba e nea he op o he exposu e The sands one un h ckens o 10 m h ck owa d he no hwes us sou h o Sa nas D aw whe e wo sands one beds a e sepa a ed by a med a do om e ha s 1 m h ck He e he owe sands one s mass ve and he uppe sands one has abu a bedd ng The Hondo Sand sone s abou 2 m h ck no h o he Sa nas D aw au R o Bon o Member—Da k g ay h n o h ck bedded oss e ous mes one w h h n o med um bedded gypsum nea he op o he un Foss s nc ude p oduc d b ach opods c no ds ech node m sp nes and b yozoa agmen s The con ac w h he unde y ng Yeso G oup s gene a y qu e sha p howeve h n <0 5 m gypsum beds can pe s s a ew me e s above he con ac The R o Bon o Membe s 60–75 m h ck Yeso Forma on Pe m an —Red and ye ow s s one h n beds o gray mes one and am na ed o h n bedded gypsum dom na e he basa par o he sec on A 30 m h ck med um bedded mes one o ms a p om nen bed n he m dd e po on o he un The uppe pa o he Yeso Fo ma on on Ca Moun a n s gypsum w h ye ow and ed s s one and h n bedded mes one Red s s one o en occu s nea he op o he un n con as he uppe Yeso Fo ma on o he no h o Ca Moun a n s p ma y gypsum and mes one The mes ones a e spa se y oss e ous con a n ng b ach opods A so a y nau o d 15 cm ac oss was ound n mes one nea he base o he un Sea s a oss s a e a he Yeso/San And es con ac n he no heas e n pa o he map a ea Onco es a e p ese ved n he mes one a UTM 416913E 3670824N NAD 27 The Yeso Fo ma on has a g ada ona con ac w h he unde y ng Abo Fo ma on ha s pa cu a y we exposed sou h and sou hwes o Ca Moun a n The ed a kos c sands one and ed and g een muds one o he Abo Fo ma on g ade upwa d n o h n beds o b ack and g een sha e ne g a ned g een and ye ow sands one and h n beds o gypsum and mes one The uppe con ac s g ada ona w h he San And es Fo ma on Ke ey 1971 measu ed a comp e e sec on o Yeso Fo ma on on he Ca Moun a n quad ang e n he v c n y o Coyo e Peak n T13S R10E Sec 21 and 22 Max mum h ckness s 372 m Abo Forma on Pe m an —B ck ed sands one muds one s s one and cong ome a e The Abo Foma on s dom na ed by muds one 50% and a kos c sands one and cong ome a e 40% Foss e ous mes one and pedogen c ca bona e wh ch a e p ma y ound n he basa 150 m make up he es o he un O e 1959 Sands ones a e c oss bedded o abu a coa se o med um g a ned and poo y o mode a e y so ed Angu a o sub ound qua z o hoc ase e dspa and muscov e a e common sand g a ns Cong ome a es con a n we ounded c as s o P o e ozo c qua z e P o e ozo c hyo e po phy y che o unce a n age and sands one Th n oss e ous mes one beds ha a e 0 2–0 7 m h ck occur oca y nea he ans ona base o he un Th n 4–20 cm che beds are ound us above he con ac w h he Bu sum Fo ma on and above a h n 0 2 m mes one bed a UTM 408507E 3666281N NAD 27 Pe ed wood s p ese ved n he Abo Fo ma on a UTM 408658E 3664679N NAD27 Ma ach e and hema e m ne a za on s assoc a ed w h he Abo Fo ma on 427–550 m h ck O e 1959 Spee 1983 Th ckness o Abo s 530–630 m a he no h Bursum Forma on La e Pennsy van an o Ea y Pe m an —F uv a sands one and muds one n e bedded w h oss e ous ma ne mes one and b ack sha e F ne g a ned uv a depos s n he Bu sum Fo ma on cons s o edd sh g ay and da k edd sh g ay muds one and sandy c ays one whe e he m no sand s ve y ne o coa se g a ned and a kos c Sands one and pebb y sands one occupy med um o h ck en cu a o abu a channe s n e na bedd ng s mass ve o p ana am na ed o n ve y h n o med um p ana o en cu a beds Channe sed men s p nk sh gray o redd sh gray o p nk sh gray Sand s ne o ve y coa se g a ned mos y med um o ve y coa se g a ned angu ar o mos y subangu ar o subrounded mode a e y so ed and s a kos c o h c a kos c L mes one s composed o med um o h ck mos y h ck abu a m c c o b oc as c beds ha a e g ay o gh g ay Ma ne sha es a e g ay and p ana o s gh y wavy am na ed S a a a e yp ca y s ong y cemen ed a hough he sha es a e ab e n add on he Bu sum Fo ma on con a ns beds o poo y so ed cong ome a e up o seve a me e s h ck w h pebb e o cobb e s zed ounded o sub ounded qua z e and angu a o sub ounded hyo c po phy y c as s as we as cong ome a c beds dom na ed by mes one c as s The un ep esen s he ans on om p edom nan y ma ne cond ons ha ex s ed du ng depos on o he unde y ng Pennsy van an Ho de Fo ma on o a e es a env onmen du ng depos on o he ove y ng Pe m an Abo Fo ma on A ga b ohe ms w h abundan c no d s ems p ese ved a he op ha a e oca ed us no heas o Tu a osa have been s ud ed n some de a e g Scho e e a 2007 B yozoans and b ach pods a e o he common oss s on he mounds Th s un s equ va en o he Lab oc a Fo ma on o O e 1959 Lucas and K a ne 2004 based on eg ona s udy o hese ans on beds have conc uded ha he depos s be ong n he Bu sum Fo ma on he name "Labo c a" may be e a ned as a membe o he Bu sum Fo ma on n he no he n Sac amen o Moun a ns The age ass gnmen o he Bu sum Fo ma on s a so unde go ng con nued d scuss on S G Lucas pe sona commun ca on 2009 Based on No h Ame can usu n d b os a g a phy he bu k o he Bursum Forma on n he Sacramen o Moun a ns s Wo camp an ad ona y cons de ed o be Lowe Pe m an Recen b os a g aph c s ud es based on conodon s howeve sugges ha owe mos Wo camp an s a a n No h Ame ca may u ma e y be cons de ed Uppe Ca bon e ous n he g oba scheme A any a e he hos a g aph c base o he o ma on n he map a ea s g ada ona w h he unde y ng Ho de Fo ma on and s chosen a he op o a a e a y con nuous compa a ve y h ck bed o ma ne mes one ass gned o he op o he Pennsy van an Ho de Fo ma on he basa Bu sum depos s cons s ng o a success on o edd sh and g een sh s s one and sands one w h n e beds o mes one and oca y a bed o mes one cong ome a e nea he base o he o ma on We o owed O e 1959 by us ng a con nu ous mes one bed O e s bed 55 o ma k he g ada ona op con ac be ween he Bu sum and he Abo o ma ons Es ma ed h ckness eas o Tu a osa s 170–300 m h cken ng om sou h o no h ac oss he map a ea O e 1959 K ng and Ha de 1985 n e p e he Bu sum Fo ma on o be 280–328 m h ck n Hous on Fed A 1 and Hodges Hous on 1 espec ve y Ho der Forma on Uppe Pennsy van an — n e bedded da k co o ed ma ne sha e and oss e ous mes one con a n ng beds o sands one edd sh o ma oon muds one and occas ona beds o mes one cong ome a e nea he op and ma ne ca bona e da k co o ed sha e and a ga b ohe ms n he owe po on o he o ma on The base o he o ma on s no exposed n he map a ea As d scussed above he op o he Ho der Forma on s grada ona w h he ove y ng Bu sum Fo ma on n he map a ea Es ma ed o be abou 275 m h ck us sou h o he map a ea O e 1959 and n erpre ed o be 121 m n Hous on O and M ne a s 1 S a e Beeman Forma on Pennsy van an subsu ace on y —Th n beds o a g aceous mes one n e bedded w h ca ca eous sha e w h do om e and d scon nuous a kos c sands one nea he base Kon ng e a 2007 Es ma ed o be 110–150 m h ck and n erpre ed o be 265 m h ck n Hous on O and M ne a s 1 S a e Gobb er Forma on Pennsy van an subsu ace on y —Sha e and qua z sands one o m he op o he un he unde y ng med a Bug Scu e L mes one g ades upwa d n o he uppe un The owe Gobb e Fo ma on s composed o sha e and che y mes one w h m no coa se g a ned sands one ne pebb y sands one and sandy che cobb e cong ome a e Kon ng e a 2007 ~400 500 m h ck Lake Va ey Forma on M ss ss pp an subsu ace on y —The Lake Va ey Fo ma on nc udes ca ca eous sha e muds ones h n bedded mes one and m no qua zose s s one C no d bea ng b ohe m mounds a e common n he m dd e o he o ma on Th ckness va es om a max mum o nea y 80 m o a mo e usua 50 m n a eas nea mounds The o ma on s cons de ab y h nne 15–20 m away om he b ohe m mounds Kon ng e a 2007 n e p e ed o be 146 m h ck n Hous on O and M ne a s 1 S a e Oña e S y Gap and Percha Sha e Forma ons Devon an subsu ace on y —Da k g ay o b own sh g ay s y do om e do om c s s ones and ve y ne g a ned qua z sands ones L gh g ay ca ca eous sha es a e common oward he base and b ack non ca ca eous sha es a e common a he op o he sec on Pebb y sands ones occurr ng oca y a ong he base are n ayers no very res s an o eros on Un s poor y exposed and common y covered by co uv um The uppe con ac s a d scon o m y Kon ng e a 2007 15–30 me e s h ck mos y ~30 m h ck Fusse man Forma on S u an Va mon Do om e Mon oya Forma on E Paso Forma on O dov c an subsu ace on y —Lowe Pa eozo c do om e and che w h m no sha e Sandy do om e and h n o med um beds o qua z sands one a e p esen nea he base o h s comb ned un Kon ng e a 2007 225–288 m h ck B ss Sands one Camb o–O dov c an —Exposed on he Ben dome F ne o coa se g a ned we so ed qua z sands one Sand g a ns a e we ounded o sub ounded qua z che and ace e dspa ha a e n p aces cemen ed by ca bona e and n o he s by qua z ove g ow hs Baue and Loz nsky 1991 Bedd ng s abu a o c oss bedded and pp e ma ks a e p esen The sands one s gene a y an n co o bu con a ns g aucon e ha oca y causes he sands one o be g een nea he base Baue and Loz nsky 1991 27–34 me e s h ck p_d D or e P o e ozo c? —Exposed on he Ben dome G ay po phy c p u on c ock w h a med um g a ned ma x o a ka e dspa p ag oc ase and a e ed ho nb ende py oxene and b o e Baue and Loz nsky 1991 p_g Gran e P o e ozo c? —Exposed on he Ben dome Red coa se g a ned p u on c ock w h a ka opaque m ne a s Baue and Loz nsky 1991 e dspa p ag oc ase qua z b o e and Comments to Map Users A geologic map displays information on the distribution, nature, orientation, and age relationships of rock and deposits and the occurrence of structural features. Geologic and fault contacts are irregular surfaces that form boundaries between different types or ages of units. Data depicted on this geologic quadrangle map may be based on any of the following: reconnaissance field geologic mapping, compilation of published and unpublished work, and photogeologic interpretation. Locations of contacts are not surveyed, but are plotted by interpretation of the position of a given contact onto a topographic base map; therefore, the accuracy of contact locations depends on the scale of mapping and the interpretation of the geologist(s). Any enlargement of this map could cause misunderstanding in the detail of mapping and may result in erroneous interpretations. Site-specific conditions should be verified by detailed surface mapping or subsurface exploration. Topographic and cultural changes associated with recent development may not be shown. Cross sections are constructed based upon the interpretations of the author made from geologic mapping, and available geophysical and subsurface (drillhole) data. Cross sections should be used as an aid to understanding the general geologic framework of the map area, and should not be the sole source of information for use in locating or designing wells, buildings, roads, or other man-made structures. This map has not been reviewed by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources editorial staff and does not necessarily comply with NMBGMR GM series map standards. The contents of the report and map should not be considered final and complete until reviewed and published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the State of New Mexico, or the U.S. Government.