NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY & MINERAL RESOURCES, BULLETIN 160, 2004 239 Age of mineralization in the Luis Lopez manganese district, Socorro County, New Mexico, as determined by 40Ar/39Ar dating of cryptomelane Virgil W. Lueth, Richard M. Chamberlin, and Lisa Peters New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM 87801 Abstract Cryptomelane, K(Mn4+,Mn2+)8O16, samples from the Nancy and MCA mines in the Luis Lopez man­ ganese district were collected in order to determine the age of mineralization using the 40Ar/39Ar dat­ ing method. Cryptomelane precipitation occurred at the onset of calcite mineralization following banded manganese ore deposition. X­ray diffraction analysis confirmed sample composition and purity. 40Ar/39Ar dating of two cryptomelane samples from the MCA mine and one from the Nancy mine yielded age spectra with generally increasing radiogenic yields and apparent ages that suggest Ar loss. The apparent ages of the oldest furnace analysis heating steps from the MCA­2 sample (6.69 ± 0.04 Ma) and 9189 from the Nancy mine (6.33 ± 0.04 Ma) are assigned as minimum ages of mineral­ ization. These ages are consistent with age estimates for mineralization (ca 3–7 Ma) based on geolog­ ic relationships in the area as established by previous workers. These age determinations indicate manganese mineralization closely followed regional potassic metasomatism. Published 40Ar/39Ar ages of metasomatic adularia from jasperized fanglomerates north of the Nancy mine indicate metasomatism persisted until at least 7.4 Ma. Minor manganese veins near the Nancy mine cut jasperized fanglomerates and cut numerous jasper veinlets in the Oligocene tuffs affected by this earlier alteration. A published model for the Luis Lopez district previ­ ously interpreted the mineralization to be derived from a manganese­depleted red alteration zone superimposed on thick intracaldera tuff (31.9 Ma) near the center of the district. A dike dated at 11.05 ± 0.05 Ma is unaltered where it cuts across the southern arm of the red zone. This indicates that the red zone is at least 4.4 m.y. older than manganese mineralization at the MCA and Nancy mines and genetically unrelated. A composite upper­crustal silicic pluton is inferred to have fed episodic erup­ tions of dacitic and rhyolitic lava domes (at 9.5, 8.7, 7.8, 7.5, and 7.0 Ma) in the Socorro Peak area, 8–9 km northeast of the Nancy mine. This plutonic complex represents the most likely heat source for the hydrothermal system of the Luis Lopez manganese district. Miocene playa claystones formed an impermeable cap to the hydrothermal system, thereby forcing significant lateral flow (i.e., 9 km) of the mineralizing waters. Introduction Direct dating of hydrothermal ore mineralization has been the focus of extensive research since the discovery of radio­ metric age dating techniques. However, most deposits con­ tain ore minerals that are not amenable to these methods. Manganese mineralization in the study area contains cryp­ tomelane, K(Mn4+,Mn2+)8O16, a potassium­bearing phase that was successfully dated by K­Ar methods as early as 1966 (Chuchrov et al. 1966). Subsequently, the 40Ar/39Ar technique has been applied to a number of potassium­bear­ ing manganese minerals with varying success (Vasconcelos 1999, 2000). Most geochronological studies have focused on residual (lateritic) manganese ore deposits rather than hydrothermal types. To our knowledge this study repre­ sents one of the first attempts at the dating of hydrothermal manganese minerals. Mining of vein type hydrothermal manganese mineraliza­ tion in the Luis Lopez manganese district (Fig. 1) began dur­ ing the First World War and continued sporadically until the early 1970s. Ore was mined from the steeply dipping vein systems via underground workings and open cuts. Earlier geological studies in the district were made by Miesch (1956), Farnham (1961), Hewett (1964), Willard (1973), Chamberlin (1980), and Eggleston (1982). Fluid inclusion studies by Norman et al. (1983) detailed hydrothermal char­ acteristics of the district. A study by Eggleston et al. (1983b) combined alteration patterns with geologic, geochemical, and oxygen isotope data in the development of a genetic model for the manganese deposits. Geologic maps of the Luis Lopez quadrangle (Chamberlin and Eggleston 1996; Chamberlin et al. 2002) and the Socorro quadrangle (Chamberlin 1999) provide basic field relationships in the study area. This information is now augmented by numer­ ous new 40Ar/39Ar age dates on volcanic strata, intrusions, and potassium metasomatized rocks (cf. Newell et al. 1996; Dunbar et al. 1996; Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume). This paper presents the results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of three cryp­ tomelane samples from Luis Lopez district and compares these results with data from previous studies. Geology Steeply dipping calcite­manganese oxide veins exposed in the northern and central Chupadera Mountains comprise the Luis Lopez manganese district located approximately 15 km southwest of the town of Socorro in central New Mexico (Fig. 1). The Chupadera range represents an east­tilted extensional fault block uplift of the central Rio Grande rift. In the Socorro–Magdalena area of the Rio Grande rift, 29 m.y. of progressive crustal extension has broken an Oligocene caldera cluster and surrounding volcanic plateau into a north­trending series of tilted­fault­block uplifts and intervening alluvial basins (Chapin and Cather 1994). Primary host rocks for north­striking veins of the Luis Lopez manganese district are densely welded intracaldera tuffs of late Oligocene age (31.9–27.9 Ma) within the eastern sector of the Socorro caldera and along the eastern topo­ graphic wall of the younger Sawmill Canyon caldera, which is partially exposed near the Nancy mine (Chamberlin and 240 FIGURE 1—Series of location maps illustrating pertinent geologic features within the study area. A–Location of the study area with respect to the Rio Grande rift (modified from Dunbar et al. 1994). B–Extent of regional potassium metasomatism (> 6% K2O) derived from flight lines of the NURE aerial radiometric and magnetic sur­ Eggleston 1996; Chamberlin et al. 2002; Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume). The northeastern topographic wall of the Socorro caldera is partially exposed in the west­tilted Socorro Peak uplift, about 10 km northeast of the Luis Lopez district. In middle to late Miocene time, locally derived volcanic­ rich conglomerates and intertonguing playa mudstones unconformably buried Oligocene volcanic rocks and associ­ ated caldera structures in the Chupadera–Socorro Mountains area (Cather et al. 1994; Chamberlin 1999). Six distinct episodes of small volume trachyandesite to rhyolite lava flows and domes were erupted onto an aggrading playa floor near Socorro Peak between 9.5 and 6.9 Ma. Four well­dated episodes of rhyolite extrusion occurred at 8.7, 7.8, 7.5, and 7.0 Ma (Newell et al. 1996). In the Pound Ranch area approximately 5 km west of the Tower mine, dacite and rhyolite lava domes were erupted directly onto faulted and uplifted Oligocene volcanic rocks at about 11.3 Ma (Osburn et al. 1986; Newell et al. 1996). Similar dacitic lavas (ca 11–12 Ma) locally overlap Miocene conglomerates and Oligocene tuffs just north of the Tower mine (Chamberlin et al. 2002). vey (U.S. Dept. of Energy 1979a,b). C–Distribution of playa lake deposits and Oligocene–Miocene silicic volcanic vents in the study area (from Chamberlin 1999; Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume). D–Map of red zone alteration and some manganese deposits in the study area. (modified from Eggleston et al.1983a). Faulting is complex and pervasive in the district. Caldera related faults and north­trending early rift faults have been rotated about 40–50° to the east in the southern and central part of the manganese district near the MCA mine (Chamberlin et al. 2002). Strong rotation of fault blocks in the rift is attributed to progressive domino­style crustal extension, which began about 29 m.y. ago (Chamberlin 1983; Cather et al. 1994). An area of red alteration within the uplifted and east­tilted caldera­facies Hells Mesa Tuff (Fig. 1) is truncated along its western margin by a large low­angle rift fault that dips about 30° to the west (Chamberlin et al. 2002 ). Steeply dipping manganese­calcite veins at the MCA and Nancy/Tower mines appear to post date most of the fault block rotation that occurred in late Oligocene and Miocene time. These geologic and structural constraints originally placed the age of mineralization between 7 and 3 Ma (Chamberlin 1980; Eggleston et al. 1983a). Additional discussion of the regional structural setting can be found in Chamberlin et al. (2004 this volume). No specific intrusive body has been identified in direct relationship with the formation of the manganese deposits in the Luis Lopez district. East­trending crystal­poor rhyo­ lite dikes that cut caldera­facies tuff south of the Nancy mine and a coarsely porphyritic rhyolite plug/dike about 4 km west of the MCA mine were considered to represent pos­ sible heat sources, as well as late Miocene rhyolite domes near Socorro Peak (Eggleston et al. 1983). Recent 40Ar/39Ar dating indicates the crystal­poor dikes are of late Oligocene age (~ 28.7 Ma) and a coarsely porphyritic plug (Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume) and an associated dike are of late Miocene age (11.0 Ma), respectively. Alteration Eggleston et al. (1983) recognized two types of alteration in the Luis Lopez district. They include the southeastern mar­ gin of a regional zone of potassium metasomatism that is widely exposed in several mountain ranges of the Socorro–Magdalena area (Fig. 1). A much smaller zone of “red alteration” confined to lower caldera­facies Hells Mesa Tuff in the central part of the district (Fig. 1) represents the second type. A third type of alteration, carbonatization, is locally associated with manganese oxide mineralization. Regional potassium metasomatism Regional potassium metasomatism is of middle to late Miocene age (Dunbar et al. 1994; Dunbar and Miggins 1996). Early rift fanglomerates within the broad zone of potassium metasomatism are an anomalous red color and very well indurated (Chapin and Lindley 1986). Metasomatism com­ monly extends a kilometer or more into the underlying Oligocene volcanic pile. Metasomatized rocks are character­ ized by potassium feldspar (mainly adularia) that has pref­ erentially replaced plagioclase; they contain as much as 12 wt% K2O (Chapin and Lindley 1986; Ennis et al. 2000). Initially, regional potassium metasomatism was interpreted as the expression of a large geothermal system (D’Andrea­ Dinkelman et al. 1983). More recently, the giant K2O anom­ aly has been attributed to downward percolation of alkaline basin brines from a large playa system of Miocene age (Chapin and Lindley 1986; Dunbar et al. 1994). In the northern Chupadera Mountains fanglomerates of Miocene age that are potassium metasomatized are also anomalously well indurated by jasperoidal silica (Cham­ berlin and Eggleston 1996; Ennis 1996). Jasperized fanglom­ erates occur approximately 2 km southwest and 3 km east of the Nancy mine but do not extend as far south as the MCA mine. Metasomatic adularia hand picked from clasts in jasperized conglomerates approximately 3 km north of the Nancy mine yield 40Ar/39Ar ages of 8.7 ± 0.1 and 7.4 ± 0.1 Ma (Dunbar and Miggins 1996). Minor manganese veins near the Nancy mine cut jasperized conglomerates and also cut numerous jasper veinlets in the underlying Oligocene tuffs. Red zone alteration Another alteration event, “red zone alteration,” (Fig. 1) was interpreted to be superimposed on the potassium metaso­ matism zone and directly related to manganese mineraliza­ tion (Eggleston et al. 1983a). Alteration in the red zone is characterized by the destruction of ferromagnesian minerals (biotite and hornblende) and subsequent formation of opaque oxides and sericite. Feldspars are partially altered to clays and sericite, and the groundmass is reddened by hematite. Manganese is depleted in the red zone, and by inference, reconcentrated in the veins around the zone (Eggleston et al. 1983a). However, manganese mineraliza­ tion is locally present within the red zone along fractures and faults (e.g., Pretty Girl mine; Willard 1973). Carbonatization Alteration directly associated with vein and breccia man­ 241 ganese mineralization is dominated by calcite. Manganese oxide and calcite veins consistently crosscut jasperoidal con­ glomerates and veinlets in addition to K­metasomatized rocks in the district (Chamberlin and Eggleston 1996). Manganese veins at the north end of the MCA mine cut Hells Mesa Tuff that contains metasomatic adularia, as doc­ umented by X­ray diffraction analysis (Hewett 1964). Interestingly, alteration selvages are notably absent adjacent to mineralized veins in the metasomatized rocks. Calcite, however, locally replaces plagioclase outside the margins of veins just south of the MCA mine (Chamberlin and Eggleston 1996). Mineralization Mineralization is hosted by the 31.9 Ma Hells Mesa Tuff at the MCA mine. The 27.9 Ma Lemitar Tuff and underlying volcaniclastic rocks of the Sawmill Canyon Formation serve as host rocks at the Nancy/Tower mines (age data from Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume). The form of the deposits is both as vein breccias and near vertical lenticular veins in the brittle, densely welded rhyolite tuffs. Ores con­ sist of banded manganese oxides with calcite and variable, but minor amounts, of quartz (crystal and chalcedony). Minor manganese­calcite veins at the Nogal Canyon prospect occur in an 8.4 Ma basalt flow near Walnut Creek, approximately 4 km south of the MCA mine (Chamberlin et al. 2002). Gently tilted early Pliocene (?) piedmont­slope gravels of the lower Sierra Ladrones Formation uncon­ formably overlie late Miocene playa deposits of the Popotosa Formation (ca 9.5–6.9 Ma) near the west margin of the Socorro Basin, approximately 4 km east of the Nancy mine. A 30­cm­thick gravel bed in the lower Sierra Ladrones near this locality is unusually well cemented by black man­ ganiferous silica and calcite. This minor occurrence may represent the last gasp of mineralization related to the Luis Lopez district (Chamberlin and Eggleston 1996). All ore mineralization in the district occurs as open space filling. The sequence of manganese oxide precipitation from the walls to the centers of the veins and breccias varies from deposit to deposit, even within a single hand specimen (Willard 1973). Norman et al. (1983) developed a general paragenesis for the district (Fig. 2). Apparently, deposition of all manganese ore minerals was essentially simultaneous. Depositional patterns, reflected by alternating layers of manganese oxides and calcite, often repeat during the course of mineralization. Calcite veining tends to post­date manganese mineralization. Ore mineralization, determined by X­ray diffraction, consists mainly of cryptomelane­ group minerals: coronadite (PbMn8O16), cryptomelane [K(Mn4+,Mn2+)8O16], and hollandite (BaMn8O16). Other man­ ganese oxide phases include: pyrolusite (MnO2), and chalco­ phanite ((Zn,Fe,Mn) Mn3O7•3 H2O). During the course of this study, a particular paragenetic relation was established for cryptomelane. The most abun­ FIGURE 2—Generalized mineral paragenesis for the Luis Lopez manganese district as adapted from Norman et al. (1983). 242 70 B. * * * FIGURE 3—Photographs of mineralization features at the Nancy mine. A–Sample from the Nancy mine, long dimension is 25 cm. B–Close­up of the arborescent growths of cryptomelane needles projecting into calcite. dant occurrence of cryptomelane is at the manganese oxide­ calcite interface within any manganese oxide­calcite miner­ alization band (Fig. 3). Cryptomelane occurs as dendritic masses composed of needles projecting into pure, white cal­ cite bands. Apparently, cryptomelane deposition is favored at the conditions of initial calcite precipitation in these ores. Needles of cryptomelane were also present in black calcite, similar to those described by Willard (1973). Norman et al. (1983) documented the hydrothermal nature of these deposits by fluid inclusion studies. The tem­ peratures of deposition for the ores are estimated to range predominantly between 225 and 325°C, based on fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures. Average homoge­ nization temperatures are generally higher, 275–325°C, in the northern part of the district compared to those farther south at the MCA mine, 225–275°C. Most of the fluid inclu­ sions were found to be vapor­rich, indicative of boiling con­ ditions. Freezing determinations on the inclusions indicated low salinities around 0 wt.% equivalent NaCl. Gas analysis by Norman et al. (1983) indicated the vapors were dominat­ ed by CO2, and that H2S was absent. Analytical methods and results Manganese ore samples were collected at the Tower/Nancy and MCA mines. Mineralogy was determined by a combi­ nation of petrographic analysis and X­ray diffraction. Standard powder mounts were employed, and X­ray dif­ fraction scans were taken over a range of 2–70º 2θ. Pattern comparison was accomplished using Jade software and FIGURE 4—X­ray diffraction spectra for samples analyzed from: A–the MCA mine and B–the Nancy mine. Standard powder diffrac­ tion file X­ray spectra superimposed on sample pattern. standard PDF patterns. The resulting X­ray patterns were determined to be almost pure, crystalline cryptomelane with little or no contamination by other manganese oxides (Fig. 4). These patterns are consistent with high K cryptome­ lane described by Vasconcelos (2000), which is highly amenable to 40Ar/39Ar age dating. Three cryptomelane samples (MCA­1, MCA­2, and 9189) were analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar method using an incremen­ tal­heating, age­spectrum technique. Incremental heating was achieved with a Mo double­vacuum resistance furnace, or a 50 watt Synrad CO2 laser using a beam integrator lens. Samples MCA­2 and 9189 (Nancy mine) were analyzed using both methods to test sample reproducibility and the suitability of each method of gas extraction for cryptome­ lane. In addition, sample MCA­2, which initial work had shown to be fairly well behaved, was vacuum encapsulated before irradiation to evaluate the potential of 39Ar recoil loss during irradiation. Following irradiation, the encapsulation tube was loaded into the CO2 laser chamber, the tube punc­ tured with the laser, and the trapped gas analyzed. The sam­ ple was then removed from the encapsulation tube and ana­ lyzed with the CO2 laser. Abbreviated analytical methods for the dated samples are given in Table 1, and detailed ana­ lytical data are provided in Table 2. The six age spectra generated from the Luis Lopez cryp­ tomelane (Figs. 5A–F and Table 2) reveal increasing radi­ TABLE 1—Summary of 40Ar/39Ar data and analytical methods. Sample Unit/location Irradiation Mineral MCA­2 MCA­1 9189 Nancy mine RC­KM­28 MCA mine MCA mine Nancy mine Red Canyon dike NM­123 NM­123 NM­123 NM­152 ** MSWD outside 95% confidence interval cryptomelane cryptomelane cryptomelane sanidine 243 Analysis furnace step­heat furnace step­heat furnace step­heat laser total fusion No. of steps/ MSWD crystals 14 2.9** Age σ ±2σ Comments 6.69 6.71 6.33 0.04 0.04 0.04 minimum age minimum age minimum age 11.05 0.05 Notes: Sample preparation and irradiation: Mineral separates were prepared using standard crushing, dilute acid treatment, and hand­picking techniques. Cryptomelane separates were loaded into a machined Al disc and irradiated for 24 hrs in L­67 position, Ford Memorial Reactor, University of Michigan. Sanidine was loaded into a machined Al disc and irradiated for 14 hrs in D­3 position, Nuclear Science Center, College Station, TX. Neutron flux monitor Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine (FC­1). Assigned age = 27.84 Ma (Deino and Potts, 1990) relative to Mmhb­1 at 520.4 Ma (Samson and Alexander 1987). Instrumentation: Mass Analyzer Products 215­50 mass spectrometer on line with automated all­metal extraction system. Cryptomelane separates were step­heated using both a Mo double­vacuum resistance furnace and a 50 watt Synrad CO2 laser using a beam integrator lens. Heating duration in the furnace 9 min. Reactive gases removed during furnace analysis by reaction with 3 SAES GP­50 getters, two operated at ~ 450°C and one at 20°C. Gas also exposed to a W filiment operated at ~ 2000°C. Heating duration for samples step­heated with a 50 watt CO2 laser using a beam integrator lens was 3 min. Reactive gases removed by reaction with two SAES GP­50 getters, one operated at ~ 450°C and one at 20°C for 30 or 40 min. Gas also exposed to a W filament operated at ~ 2000°C and a cold finger operated at – 140°C. Single crystal sanidine were fused by a 50 watt Synrad CO2 laser. Reactive gases removed during a 2 min reaction with two SAES GP­50 getters, one operated at ~ 450°C and one at 20°C. Gas also exposed to a W filament operated at ~ 2000°C and a cold finger operated at –140°C. Analytical parameters: Electron multiplier sensitivities: 3.40 x 10­16 moles /pA for furnace step­heat, 1.88 x 10­16 moles/pA for laser step­heat for L#s 50219­02 and 50226­02, 6.99 x 10­17 and 7.10 x 10­17 for L#52167­10, 1.23 x 10­16 for laser total fusion. Total system blank and background for the furnace averaged 1790, 7.9, 1.5, 1.3, 7.0 x 10­18 moles; 296, 21, 5.1, 0.8, 1.2 x 10­18 moles for the laser step­heat and 902, 0.64, 0.40, 1.7, and 1.2 x 10­18 moles for laser fusion at masses 40, 39, 38, 37, and 36, respectively. J­factors determined to a precision of ± 0.1% by CO2 laser­fusion of 4 single crystals from each of 3 or 4 radial positions around the irradi­ ation tray. Correction factors for interfering nuclear reactions were determined using K­glass and CaF2 and are as follows: (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0225 ± 0.00015; (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000278 ± 0.000006; and (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000727 ± 0.000002 for NM­104 (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0257 ± 0.0013; (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00027 ± 0.00002; and (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007 ± 0.00005 for NM­136 (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0002 ± 0.0003; (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00028 ± 0.000005; and (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007 ± 0 .00002 for NM­152. Age calculations: Integrated age and error calculated by weighting individual steps by the fraction of 39Ar released. Plateau age is inverse­variance­weighted mean of selected steps. Plateau age is inverse­variance­weighted mean error (Taylor, 1982) times root MSWD where MSWD>1. Plateau and integrated ages incorporate uncertainties in interfering reaction corrections and J factors. MSWD values are calculated for n­1 degrees of freedom for weighted mean age. 40Ar/36Ar, and MSWD values calculated from regression results obtained by the methods of York (1969). If the MSWD is outside the 95% confidence window (cf. Mahon, 1996; Table 1), the error is multiplied by the square root of the MSWD. Decay constants and isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jäger (1977). All final errors reported at ±2σ, unless otherwise noted. ogenic yields and in general increasing apparent ages throughout most of the 39Ar released. This effect is less pro­ nounced for MCA­2 than it is for either MCA­1 or 9189. It is also noted that the laser analyses of MCA­2 and 9189 show the effect to a lesser degree and do not reach as old an appar­ ent age as the furnace analyses. The maximum ages revealed (except for the highest temperature steps that con­ tain only a few percent of the 39Ar released) by the furnace analyses of the MCA samples are 6.69 ± 0.04 Ma (MCA­2) and 6.71 ± 0.04 Ma (MCA­1), whereas that of sample 9189 is slightly younger, 6.33 ± 0.04 Ma. The 39Ar recoiled into the encapsulation tube of MCA­2 accounted for 2.7% of the 39Ar released from this sample. When this gas is added into the integrated age of the stan­ dard step­heat analysis (6.23 ± 0.18 Ma), the resultant age (5.96 ± 0.30 Ma) is within error. Fourteen single sanidine crystals (RC­KM­28) from a rhy­ olite dike were analyzed by the single­crystal laser fusion method. A weighted mean age of 11.05 ± 0.05 Ma was calcu­ lated from the 14 crystals (Fig. 6). The age data are displayed on a probability distribution diagram (Deino and Potts 1990). Abbreviated analytical methods for the dated sam­ ples are given in Table 1. The argon isotopic results are sum­ marized in Table 1, and details of the analysis are listed in Table 3. Discussion 40Ar/39Ar cryptomelane dating results The dated cryptomelane samples exhibit characteristics desirable for argon age dating; a high degree of crystallinity, large grain sizes, and a high degree of purity (Vasconcelos 2000). In addition, the small amount of 39Ar released into the encapsulation tube of sample MCA­2 (< 3% of the total 39Ar released by this sample) suggests that 39Ar recoil is not a problem for this type of cryptomelane. However, as men­ tioned above, all of the Luis Lopez cryptomelane age spec­ tra reveal increasing radiogenic yields correlated with increasing apparent ages that are suggestive of Ar loss. The apparent ages of the oldest and most radiogenic heating steps from the furnace analyses have therefore been 244 FIGURE 5—Age spectra from the MCA and Nancy ore. 5A–MCA­2 furnace step­heating analysis; 5B–MCA­2 laser step­heating analy­ sis; 5C–MCA­2 sample vacuum encapsulated before irradiation and step­heated with laser. 39Ar recoiled into encapsulation tube shown by unfilled box. 5D–MCA­1 furnace step­heating analysis. 5E–Nancy mine 9189 furnace step­heating analysis. 5F–Nancy mine 9189 laser step­heating analysis. Minimum ages for mineralization assigned to maximum apparent ages of furnace analyses. * 2σ assigned as the minimum ages of mineralization for sam­ ples MCA­2, MCA­1, and 9189 (6.69 ± 0.04 Ma, 6.71 ± 0.04 Ma, and 6.33 ± 0.04 Ma, respectively). It is thought that the laser analyses are more concordant than the furnace analy­ ses due to uneven heating and thus homogenization of the Ar extracted from the cryptomelane. It is noted that the ages assigned to the MCA samples agree within error, whereas the Nancy mine cryptomelane (9189) yielded a slightly younger age. It is unlikely that these samples have been reheated to temperatures greater than their temperatures of formation, 225–325°C. This type of loss spectra has also been seen in lateritic cryptomelane from West Africa that is also very unlikely to have undergone reheating (Hénocque et al. 1998). Vasconcelos (2000) has found in thermogravimetric TABLE 2—Argon isotopic data for furnace and laser step­heating analysis. Isotopic ratios corrected for blank, radioactive decay, and mass discrimination, not corrected for interfering reactions. Individual analyses show ana­ lytical error only; total gas age errors include error in J and irradiation parameters. n = number of heating steps; K/Ca = molar ratio calculated from reactor produced 39ArK and 37ArCa; * = 2σ error; D = mass spectrometer discrim­ ination value. Ages in bold text assigned as mininum ages. 40Ar/39Ar 37Ar/39Ar 36Ar/39Ar 39Ar 40Ar* 39Ar ID Temp K/Ca Age ±1σ σ K (°C)/watts (x 10­3) (x 10­16 mol) (%) (%) (Ma) (Ma) MCA­2, 7.16 mg cryptomelane, J = 0.0032679, D = 1.00661, NM­104, Lab# = 50219­01 A 600 373.2 0.0321 1238.3 26.7 15.9 2.0 0.7 B 700 212.3 0.0325 711.5 32.2 15.7 1.0 1.6 C 750 164.1 ­0.0046 534.2 9.50 ­ 3.8 1.9 D 800 44.22 0.0362 138.5 80.5 14.1 7.4 4.1 E 850 4.643 0.0326 11.08 69.9 15.7 29.2 6.0 F 875 1.666 0.0279 1.851 259.5 18.3 66.9 12.9 G 900 1.232 0.0281 0.5278 570.6 18.2 87.3 28.5 H 925 1.193 0.0284 0.2436 292.3 18.0 94.1 36.4 I 975 1.193 0.0256 0.1230 2252.3 19.9 97.1 97.7 J 1100 2.401 0.0449 0.7208 76.0 11.4 91.3 100.0 total gas age n=10 3669.5 18.9 42.55 12.29 36.15 19.15 7.94 6.47 6.22 6.48 6.69 12.75 7.41 17.81 10.11 10.09 2.22 0.43 0.11 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.31 0.70* 0.24 2.36 6.11 6.10 6.13 6.29 6.11 6.22 6.55 6.30 6.29 5.97 2.06 1.33 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.30* MCA­2, 4.86 mg cryptomelane, J = 0.0032679, D = 1.00676, NM­104, Lab# =5 0219­02 A 1 103.7 ­0.0148 360.7 4.95 ­ ­2.8 0.3 B 3 36.13 0.0240 118.9 14.0 21.3 2.8 1.1 C 5 10.66 0.0200 34.01 23.3 25.5 5.6 2.4 D 7 7.274 0.0294 22.78 29.7 17.3 7.3 4.1 E 9 3.981 0.0338 10.40 44.3 15.1 22.5 6.6 F 10 3.106 0.0456 8.779 53.4 11.2 16.1 9.7 G 12 2.230 0.0409 4.276 118.4 12.5 43.1 16.5 H 14 1.605 0.0465 1.790 238.2 11.0 66.9 30.1 I 16 1.460 0.0454 1.298 364.8 11.2 73.7 50.9 J 18 1.429 0.0462 1.172 382.9 11.0 75.8 72.8 K 20 1.406 0.0445 0.9887 313.0 11.5 79.3 90.7 L 22 1.609 0.0485 1.984 149.0 10.5 63.5 99.2 M 24 12.84 0.0970 45.02 13.9 5.3 ­3.5 100.0 total gas age n=13 1749.7 11.6 ­16.91 5.91 3.52 3.13 5.25 2.93 5.59 6.23 6.23 6.27 6.45 5.93 ­2.66 5.86 MCA­1, 11.25 mg cryptomelane, J = 0.0032665, D = 1.00661, NM­104, Lab# = 50218­01 A 600 2.115 0.0420 5.509 132.0 12.2 22.7 1.4 B 700 1.339 0.0406 2.181 169.7 12.6 51.7 3.2 C 750 0.8097 0.0424 ­1.4725 30.6 12.0 156.3 3.4 D 800 1.021 0.0398 0.3578 337.0 12.8 90.1 7.1 E 850 1.128 0.0377 0.2023 1002.7 13.5 95.1 18.6 F 875 1.098 0.0376 0.1174 1073.2 13.6 97.2 30.8 G 925 1.145 0.0365 0.0741 3495.3 14.0 98.4 71.1 H 975 1.186 0.0396 0.0930 2346.8 12.9 98.0 98.1 I 1100 2.775 0.0510 0.4621 151.2 10.0 95.2 100.0 total gas age n=9 8738.5 13.4 2.80 4.01 7.23 5.29 6.18 6.15 6.49 6.71 15.38 6.50 MCA­2, 14.99 mg cryptomelane, J = 0.0038622, D = 1.0042, NM­136, Lab# = 52167­10 AA 0 57.56 0.1361 195.6 91.7 3.7 0.1 2.7 A 3 35.17 0.0667 118.1 69.2 7.7 1.0 4.7 B 7 2.494 0.0373 5.405 588.3 13.7 35.6 21.8 C 10 1.677 0.0456 2.638 595.6 11.2 53.1 39.1 D 12 1.680 0.0477 2.635 372.7 10.7 53.3 49.9 E 14 1.493 0.0378 1.918 347.8 13.5 61.7 60.0 F 16 1.266 0.0378 1.239 355.3 13.5 70.8 70.3 G 18 1.196 0.0372 0.9466 327.3 13.7 76.4 79.8 H 20 1.292 0.0320 1.110 273.4 16.0 74.4 87.8 I 22 1.258 0.0260 1.113 246.7 19.6 73.5 95.0 J 24 1.359 0.0306 1.460 173.6 16.7 67.9 100.0 total gas age n=11 3441.5 13.3 9189 Nancy, 15.10 mg cryptomelane, J = 0.0032204, D = 1.00661, NM­104, Lab# = 50227­01 A 600 30.44 0.0418 102.6 567.2 12.2 0.4 5.5 B 700 1.180 0.0362 0.8383 589.5 14.1 80.4 11.2 C 750 1.076 0.0356 ­0.3296 54.1 14.3 110.3 11.8 D 800 1.022 0.0369 0.1987 1294.0 13.8 95.3 24.6 E 850 1.089 0.0341 0.1104 1573.0 15.0 97.6 39.9 F 875 1.113 0.0328 0.0937 1092.4 15.6 97.9 50.6 G 925 1.133 0.0327 0.0795 4994.4 15.6 98.2 98.7 H 975 1.056 0.0294 ­3.2346 18.3 17.4 193.1 98.9 I 1025 1.384 0.0290 0.7116 89.2 17.6 85.0 99.9 J 1075 2.563 0.0367 ­1.0969 8.09 13.9 113.3 100.0 total gas age n=10 10280.1 15.0 0.69 5.40 6.74 5.52 6.04 6.19 6.33 11.55 6.71 16.64 5.83 8.88 2.68 1.63 1.01 0.49 0.48 0.21 0.11 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.13 1.58 0.42* 0.20 0.14 0.74 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.17 0.06* 1.47 0.05 0.32 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.89 0.19 2.36 0.22* 245 246 TABLE 2—continued. 40Ar/39Ar ID Temp (°C)/watts 40Ar* 39Ar (%) (%) Age (Ma) σ ±1σ (Ma) 9189 Nancy, 3.6 mg cryptomelane, J = 0.0032462, D = 1.00676, NM­104, Lab# = 50226­02 A 3 16.51 0.0372 55.10 166.5 13.7 1.8 6.1 B 7 1.227 0.0288 0.9530 581.4 17.7 78.2 27.5 C 10 1.151 0.0284 0.3715 982.4 18.0 91.0 63.5 D 13 1.170 0.0272 0.3810 761.1 18.8 90.7 91.5 E 16 1.265 0.0269 0.8487 184.4 18.9 80.3 98.2 F 20 1.898 0.0209 3.463 34.0 24.4 45.8 99.5 G 22 4.660 ­0.0184 14.12 9.23 ­ 10.1 99.8 H 24 11.90 ­0.1336 38.91 5.03 ­ 3.1 100.0 total gas age n=8 2724.2 17.9 1.71 5.51 6.00 6.08 5.83 5.02 2.74 2.15 5.62 0.66 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.54 1.84 3.46 0.18* 37Ar/39Ar 36Ar/39Ar 39Ar K/Ca K (x 10­3) (x 10­16 mol) and black biotite) where it cuts across the zone of red alteration in the Hell Mesa Tuff. Sanidine from this dike is dated at 11.05 ± 0.05 Ma (Table 3; Fig. 6). A compositionally and texturally equivalent coarsely porphyritic rhyo­ lite plug that intrudes caldera­facies of Hells Mesa Tuff near Red Canyon (Fig. RC­KM­28, single crystal sanidine, J = 0.0014699, D = 1.00712, NM­152, Lab# = 53216 1) yields a precise 40Ar/39Ar age 10.99 ± 02 4.218 0.0057 0.2510 4.46 89.1 98.3 10.96 0.06 0.06 Ma from sanidine phenocrysts 2.847 9.17 73.4 83.2 10.97 0.05 11 4.992 0.0070 (Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume). 0.1849 9.28 66.3 98.7 10.98 0.04 01 4.207 0.0077 The contact of this nearly contiguous 0.2295 6.26 75.6 98.4 10.98 0.05 09 4.221 0.0067 dike with the plug is obscured by col­ 0.1862 9.67 79.6 98.7 11.00 0.03 13 4.214 0.0064 luvium although the age and petrolog­ 0.1397 5.27 85.8 99.0 11.00 0.04 07 4.202 0.0059 0.2344 2.76 85.3 98.4 11.02 0.09 14 4.236 0.0060 ic relationships indicate the plug and 0.0655 6.17 72.3 99.6 11.03 0.05 08 4.190 0.0071 dike are part of the same intrusion. The 0.9349 7.54 35.6 93.8 11.04 0.05 03 4.450 0.0143 rhyolite plug occurs in the footwall of 1.492 9.86 58.8 90.5 11.06 0.05 12 4.625 0.0087 the range­bounding fault zone and is 0.1660 5.99 83.6 98.9 11.08 0.04 04 4.239 0.0061 locally cut by manganese veins and 0.6619 12.8 71.4 95.6 11.09 0.03 06 4.391 0.0071 shows evidence of potassium metaso­ 0.0260 14.6 85.5 99.8 11.14 0.03 05 4.221 0.0060 matism (Eggleston 1982; Chamberlin 0.1534 7.41 87.5 99.0 11.17 0.04 10 4.272 0.0058 and Eggleston 1996). Fine­grained phe­ 75.0 ± 14.4 11.05 0.05* weighted mean MSWD = 2.9** n=14 nocryst­poor rhyolite dikes of late Oligocene age (ca. 28.5–28.7 Ma) are potassically altered studies that poorly crystalline, low K cryptomelane under­ (contain secondary biotite) where they cut red hematized goes phase transformations and thus possibly Ar loss at Hells Mesa Tuff south of the Nancy mine (Chamberlin and much lower temperatures than high K, crystalline cryp­ Eggleston 1996; Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume). These tomelane. We suggest that the analyzed samples contain a observations indicate that the red alteration zone is younger small percentage of low crystallinity cryptomelane that is at than 28.5 Ma and older than 11.0 Ma and cannot be the least partially responsible for the Ar loss that we see. It is source of manganese mineralization dated at 6.7–6.3 Ma. also possible that the high crystallinity cryptomelane was precipitated over a period of time, and the gentle increase in Manganese mineralization and potassium metasomatism ages seen over the majority of the age spectra actually The relationship between manganese mineralization and records the precipitation history of the cryptomelane. The regional potassium metasomatism remains speculative. ages determined for these samples are in complete agree­ Although not economically significant, manganese mineral­ ment with field data and isotopic ages that constrain the age ization in the Magdalena Mountains, west of the Luis Lopez of mineralization between 7.4 Ma and 3.7 Ma (Chamberlin district, is nearly as widespread as potassium metasoma­ and Eggleston 1996; Dunbar and Miggins 1996; and tism and appears to occur in proximity to metasomatized Chamberlin 1999). rocks (cf. Farnham 1961; Dunbar et al. 1994). Several large Manganese mineralization and the red zone alteration areas of potassium metasomatism in the Basin and Range province are spatially related to Tertiary volcanic centers in Eggleston et al. (1983b) interpreted the red zone (Fig. 1D) as strongly extended terranes and Miocene basins (Chapin and a relatively small epithermal zone locally overprinted on the Lindley 1986). Manganese districts are also commonly asso­ southeast margin of a broad regional zone of potassium ciated with these large K2O anomalies in the Basin and metasomatism. Because the red zone was found to be Range (Chapin and Glazner 1983; Chapin and Lindley strongly depleted in manganese and centrally located, it 1986). was hypothesized as the likely source area for surrounding Ages of potassium metasomatism in the Socorro region, epithermal manganese oxide veins that compose the Luis Lopez district (see Eggleston et al. 1983a; Fig. 5). Recent as determined by 40Ar/39Ar methods, range from 14.1 Ma at Water Canyon, 15 km west of the study area, to 7.4 Ma at mapping and 40Ar/39Ar dating of rhyolite dikes in the dis­ Box Canyon, about 3 km north of the Nancy/Tower mine trict (Chamberlin and Eggleston 1996; Chamberlin et al. (Dunbar and Miggins 1996). The minimum age for man­ 2002; Chamberlin et al. 2004 this volume) do not support ganese mineralization in the Luis Lopez district (6.7 Ma) is this earlier interpretation. slightly younger than local potassium metasomatism (7.4 An east­trending rhyolite dike (RC­KM­28) is distinctly Ma). These isotopic age relationships are strongly support­ unaltered (contains fresh glassy plagioclase, clear sanidine, TABLE 3—Argon isotopic results for single crystal sanidine total fusion analysis. Isotopic ratios corrected for blank, radioactive decay, and mass discrimination, not corrected for interfering reactions. Individual analyses show analytical error only; weighted mean age errors include error in J and irradiation parameters. n= number of heating steps; K/Ca = molar ratio calculated from reactor produced 39ArK and 37ArCa; *= 2σ error; ** MSWD out­ side 95% confidence interval; D = mass spectrometer discrimination value. 40Ar/39Ar 37Ar/39Ar 36Ar/39Ar 39Ar σ ID K/Ca %40Ar* Age ± 1 σ K (x 10­3) (x 10­15 mol) (Ma) (Ma) 247 ed by field observations of manganese veins that consistently cut metasoma­ tized and jasperized rocks. Geo­ chemical studies have shown that tuffs and lavas in the Socorro–Magdalena K2O anomaly are typically depleted in Na, Ca, Mg, Sr, and Mn (Chapin and Lindley 1986; Dunbar et al. 1994; Ennis et al. 2000). Although speculative, the available data would permit the east­ ern part of the Socorro–Magdalena K2O anomaly to be a source area for slightly younger manganese mineral­ ization in the Luis Lopez district. A conceptual model for manganese mineralization Timing constraints for manganese mineralization in the Luis Lopez dis­ trict suggest that upper crustal mag­ matism (as expressed by silicic volcan­ ism), potassium metasomatism and ore mineralization are interrelated. Based on these constraints, we propose the following mineralization model for FIGURE 6—Age probability distribution diagram for sample RC­KM­28 single crystal sani­ dine total fusion analysis. * 2σ ** MSWD outside 95% confidence interval. the district. Our preliminary model incorporates many of the features pro­ posed by Eggleston et al. (1983a) and only abandons the partially assimilated sanidine xenocrysts, represents the last need for the red zone to be the area for the source of man­ thermal replenishment of this upper crustal magmatic sys­ ganese. Instead, our system is laterally associated with sili­ tem at 6.9 Ma. Without magmatic replenishment, upper­ cic magmatism similar in age to the cryptomelane analyzed crustal silicic plutons must become completely crystalline and cooled by hydrothermal circulation within a few hun­ during this study (Fig. 7). dred thousand years after their emplacement (Lachenbruch The youngest silicic volcanism in proximity to the study et al. 1976) Approximately 0.5 m.y. can be subtracted from area is located west of Socorro Peak and approximately 9 the eruption age of local episodes of silicic volcanism in km north­northeast of the Nancy mine. The age of this mag­ order to estimate the probable minimum age of each associ­ matism is slightly older than mineralization. Silicic volcan­ ated hydrothermal event (Lipman et al. 1976). Long­lived ism at Socorro Peak began with eruption of several small hydrothermal systems at young ignimbrite calderas (> 1 flat­topped dacitic domes (tortas) at 9.5 Ma (Newell 1997; Ma) suggest that periodic replenishment of crustal magmat­ Chamberlin 1999). Rhyolite lava dome eruptions were then ic systems is a common phenomenon (Lipman 2000). We sequentially emplaced in this area at 8.7, 7.8, 7.5, and 7.0 Ma suggest that an upper crustal composite pluton of granitic (Newell 1997). Rhyolite volcanism was immediately fol­ composition associated with the Socorro Peak rhyolite lava lowed by eruption of a xenocrystic trachyandesite lava on domes is the most likely source of heat energy to drive the the west flank of the Socorro Mountains (Sedillo Hill) at 6.9 hydrothermal system at Luis Lopez. Ma (McIntosh and Chamberlin unpublished data). This In our model the Luis Lopez district lies on the outer mar­ extended period of silicic volcanism is interpreted here as gin of a hydrothermal system centered near Socorro Peak. the surface expression of the emplacement of a composite The presence of precious metal sulfide mineralization at the upper­crustal pluton under the Socorro Peak area in Late Torrance mine (Socorro Peak district; Lasky 1932) is more Miocene time. A hybrid trachyandesite magma, containing FIGURE 7—A schematic model for mineralization and alteration in the Luis Lopez manganese district. Figure based on diagrammatic cross section of Eggleston et al. (1983b) with modifications from Chamberlin (1999) and Chamberlin et al. (2002). 248 typical of mineralization proximal to a heat source. Higher overall fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures at the Nancy/Tower mines when compared to the MCA mine (Norman et al. 1983) support a temperature gradient from north to south. A thick sequence of playa claystones in the upper Popotosa Formation (Figs. 1,7) essentially serves as an impermeable cap on the hydrothermal system. As the hydrothermal fluids emerged from under this cap, boiling and mineralization occurred. In this scenario the Luis Lopez manganese deposits represent distal mineralization and are analogous to argentiferous manganese oxide mineralization associated with base metal sulfide mineralization in some manto deposits of northern Mexico (Megaw 1990). The patterns of mineralization and alteration expected in our model suggest that potassium metasomatism is a prod­ uct of a hydrothermal system similar to the original inter­ pretation of D’Andrea­Dinkelman et al. (1983). Both man­ ganese mineralization and alteration appear linked to north­ south faults that apparently served as fluid conduits in the study area, as indicated by the observation that virtually all bedrock faults northeast of the Nancy mine are filled with jasperoidal silica (Chamberlin 1999; Chamberlin et al. 2002). Although older ages for potassium metasomatism have been determined west of the district (14.1 Ma at Water Canyon, Dunbar and Miggins 1996), we suggest that the Water Canyon episode of alteration is associated with an entirely separate hydrothermal system of middle Miocene age (cf. Newell 1997). Initial age dating of manganese min­ eralization, similar in character to Luis Lopez, in the south­ ern Magdalena Mountains supports this hypothesis. Studies are continuing to document these relationships. Conclusions The results of 40Ar/39Ar analysis of cryptomelane from two deposits in the Luis Lopez manganese district agree with age estimates based on geologic relationships established by previous workers. Mineralization in the entire district is nearly contemporaneous based on the similarity of ages, coupled with the wide separation (geographic and strati­ graphic) of the MCA (6.69 ± 0.04 Ma, minimum age) and the Nancy (6.33 ± 0.04 Ma, minimum age) mines. The timing of mineralization is coincident with the waning of upper crustal silicic magmatism in the Socorro Peak area (8.7–7.0 Ma), which represents the most likely heat source for the hydrothermal system. Timing relationships with respect to the regional potassic metasomatism indicate the manganese mineralization (~ 6.7 Ma) is slightly younger than metaso­ matism (7.4 Ma; Dunbar and Miggins 1996) although they may be interrelated. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Drs. Andrew Campbell, William McIntosh, and Matthew Heizler for their constructive reviews of the manuscript. Richard Esser provided assis­ tance with the Ar analysis. Chris McKee assisted with the X­ ray diffraction analysis. The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Dr. Peter Scholle, Director and State Geologist, supported this work. References Cather, S. M., Chamberlin, R. M., Chapin, C. E., and McIntosh, W. C., 1994, Stratigraphic consequences of episodic extension in the Lemitar Mountains, central Rio Grande rift; in Keller, G. R., and Cather, S. M. (eds.), Basins of the Rio Grande rift—structure, stratigraphy, and tectonic setting: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 291, pp. 157–170. Chamberlin, R. M., 1980, Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Socorro Peak volcanic center, central New Mexico: Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 495 pp. Chamberlin, R. 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