Profile Quiz - County Your county 1 How many counties are there? H or L? GA Avg US State H or L? Avg GA Co. 159 US 63 3,141 2 How many counties are metropolitan? Is Yours? º 70 22 1,092 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 What is the total county population? (2007 est.) HIGHER or LOWER Avg GA county? 9,544,750 6,020,657 60,030 301,621,157 Percentage change in county population? (2000-2007) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 16.6% 6.9% 9.9% 7.2% What % of the county population is under age 18? (2007 est.) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 26.5% What % of county families are headed by single parents? HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 17.5% 17.6% 15.4% What is the public school dropout rate? (2006-07 sch yr) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 4.1% N/A 4.9% N/A What % of adult pop. did NOT complete high school? HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 21.4% 18.0% 29.3% 19.6% What % of adult population had a bachelor’s degree or higher? HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 24.3% 23.8% 14.0% 24.4% 7.8% 9.6% 4.8% 15.1% $32,095 $35,329 $25,483 $36,714 14.3% 12.9% 18.6% 13.3% 1,271,409 762,754 7,996 38,231,474 4.4 4.3 4.9 4.6 10 What % of the population is Hispanic? (2007 est.) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 11 What is the per capita income? (2006) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 12 What % of pop. lives below the poverty level? (2005 est.) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? How many people does that represent? HIGHER or LOWER than Avg GA county? 13 What is the average annual unemployment rate? (2007) HIGHER or LOWER than GA? Avg GA county? 14 Farm Gate Value of all AG commodities produced in 2007? 25.5% 24.5% $11.6 billion HIGHER or LOWER than avg GA county? $72.7 million 15 What are the USDA total farm cash receipts (2007) $6.8 billion $5.7 billion $284.8 billion 16 What is the total number of farms? (2002) HIGHER or LOWER than avg GA county? 49,311 42,580 310 2,128,982 10/08 Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA.