C P S Y T I M E...

FALL 2011
De pa rt me nt
Ba ll
o f Co un sel in g Ps yc h olo gy
Gu id an ce Ser vi ce s
St ate Uni ve rsit y, Fa ll 2 01 1
a n d
Notes from the Chair
Happy fall to you! As I write this, it is an 80 degree October day (yes, 80 degrees!). This is
the capper to an unpredictable season of odd weather. The summer got hot, hot, hot early. The
storms across the country were crazy, and the natural disasters just piled up on each other. From
droughts out west to flooding in the midwest to hurricanes out east, what could happen did happen.
As you probably know, the mid-Atlantic area experienced an earthquake last month. What you may
not know is that we felt the tremors here in Muncie! It was typically only felt in high rise buildings,
so TC started to vibrate. I have absolutely no need to experience anything stronger than that, nor do I
need to be on the sixth floor if it happens again.
Each fall, BSU announces a series of University faculty awards at the opening faculty meeting. Over the years, several members of the CPSY faculty have received one or more of these
awards. The past three years, Larry Gerstein, Charlene Alexander and I, in turn, have been honored.
This year, I am pleased to announce a fourth winner. Donald Nicholas received the University
Outstanding Faculty Service Award. He has been instrumental in service to the department, the
university, and community and the profession as a whole. Don helped develop the holistic wellness
model used at the Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology on campus. He served as their
research director for several years. He developed our health psychology curriculum, using the practicum opportunity at what is now the IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital campus. A number of
doctoral program applicants apply here each year because they really want to work on his research
team. Believe it or not, he has chaired around 40 dissertations over the years! In addition, he has
been involved with the National Cancer Institute’s Palliative Care Board since 1998. He travels
regularly to Washington, D.C., to attend Board meetings, and has been instrumental in editing a significant amount of content on the website associated with the Board. I could go on, but you get the
point – this award was long overdue and well deserved. Congratulations, Don!
In other news, the clinical mental health and school counseling programs received two
years’ reaccreditation from CACREP. With the recent change in CACREP standards, we have some
relatively minor changes to incorporate, but once that is done we expect to be accredited for seven
years. Thanks to Drs. McGovern and Alexander for all the work they put in over the last couple of
years to get us ready to go. At the same time, Teachers College experienced its own accreditation
visit from NCATE, passing with flying colors. But, you know the fun never ends with accreditation;
the rehabilitation counseling and counseling psychology programs are due for visits in 2012-2013.
Two CPSY alumni serve on the TC Alumni Board right now: Chris Carr and Denny
Morrison. We really appreciate their willingness to take time out of their very busy professional and
personal lives to serve on this committee. And, as you will also see elsewhere in this issue, one of
our own has been named one of the TC Alumni of the Year – Lt. Col. Jill Scheckel (whose undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees are from BSU!). We are truly proud of her accomplishments.
And finally, Dr. Jeong Han Kim, director of the rehabilitation counseling program, will
be leaving us at the end of fall semester to join the faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University. We are saddened by this news, but understand his need to move on to the next chapter in
his professional and personal life. We wish him and his family all the best in their new home.
—Dr. Sharon Bowman
Edited by:
Sarah Shield
Special points of
Faculty and Student
Student and Faculty
Inside this issue:
Faculty Awards
Iceland Trip
Student and Faculty
Alumni and Student
Recent Publications
and Presentations
Page 2
FALL 2011
D r. N i c h o l a s R e c e i v e s Aw a r d
Dr. Nicholas is the recipient of this year’s University Outstanding Faculty Service
Award. This award is given ―in recognition of exceptional professional service.‖
Dr. Nicholas was recognized for his service to the Department, University , the community, and the profession. His commitment to service is a model for us all. Well
done, Dr. Nicholas!
Congratulations Dr. Nicholas!
D r. M c G o v e r n R e c e i v e s Aw a r d
This year, Dr. McGovern was awarded the Outstanding Counseling Supervisory
Practitioner Award from the Section for Supervision and Training of Division 17.
This award is given to a member of the Society of Counseling Psychology who demonstrate superior commitment to supervision within counseling practice (vs. administrative or managerial supervision). Award nominees must currently identify as both
a practitioner and as a counseling supervisor of trainees within their chosen clinical
setting in one or more modalities (services of individual counseling, group
counseling, outreach, consultation, social justice work, supervision of supervision,
Congratulations Dr. McGovern!
New Student Representative!
April Krowel (2nd year CMH master’s student) was appointed to serve as
the Student Representative of the ACA Professional Standards Committee. Her term
is 7/1/11- 6/30/12. She was also re-elected to serve as the Treasurer of the Ball State
Graduate Student Association. Her term again is 7/1/11- 6/30/12. Congratulations
April! We’re glad to have you representing us.
FALL 2011
Page 3
M o r e Aw a r d s !
D r. G e r s t e i n R e c e i v e s Aw a r d s
This year, Dr. Gerstein received the APA Division 52
(International Psychology) Henry Davis International Mentoring
Award (from left to right: Uwe Gielen [seated], Dr. Gerstein, and
Dr. Ægisdóttir).
Dr. Gerstein also was recently named the George and Frances Ball
Distinguished Professor of Psychology-Counseling.
D r. G e r s t e i n a n d D r. Æ g i s d ó t t i r
Aw a r d e d
At the recent APA conference, Dr. Gerstein, Dr. Ægisdóttir and
three of their co-editors from other universities received the
APA Division 52 (International Psychology) Ursula Gielen
Global Psychology Book Award for their edited book:
International Handbook of Cross-Cultural Counseling: Cultural
Assumptions and Practices Worldwide.
P o s t e r P r e s e n t a t i o n Aw a r d t o D a v i d A d a m s
David's poster was one of the 2010 Student Poster Award winners from the
Section on College and University Counseling Centers of Division 17, Society
of Counseling Psychology. Congratulations for the award!
Adams, D., Nicholas, D. N., & Aegisdottir, S. (2010, August). The
relationship between gender role conflict and help-seeking attitudes: What
is the role of coping? Poster presented at the annual convention of the
American Psychological Association. San Diego, CA.
FALL 2011
S u m m e r Tr i p t o I c e l a n d !
Last summer several students had the opportunity to travel to Iceland
with Dr. Stef. The purpose of the trip was to learn about Icelandic
culture, learn about the Icelandic youth work program, work with
youth in that program, and deliver some psychoeducational
presentations to youth and group leaders in the program. They were in
the town of Hafnarfjordur in Iceland June 25—July 11, 2011.
Above picture:
Students giving a psychoeducational
Part of this cultural immersive course
(CPSY 645) was to explore Icelandic
nature. The picture at the right was taken
during a one-day snowmobiling trip on the
Langjökull glacier.
Left to right: Dr. Stef, Josh Terhune, Abby
Nethaway, Kathleen Niegocki, Desiree
Howell, Alicia Harlow, Phillip Keck, Erica
Hurley, and Brian Hart.
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Page 5
FALL 2011
News from the Clinical Mental Health
Counseling Program
A Message from the interim director of the CMHC program:
Welcome to all new MA students in our Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
and to our second year students and beyond. I hope you are having a good semester
so far. When you have completed 30 hours in our program, it is time to take the content exam; this semester it was offered on October 21st. In addition to the content
exam, be aware of the deadlines to apply for graduation throughout the year (along
with the requisite $25 processing fee).
For the first year students, remember the Internship orientation meeting which will
be held in beginning of Spring semester; the master’s assistants will be sending out a
notification in the spring with the exact date. I wish you a successful year in our program and feel free to contact me as the interim director of the CMHC program this
academic year.
-Dr. Stef.
Te a c h e r s C o l l e g e O u t s t a n d i n g A l u m n i Aw a r d
Lieutenant Colonel Jill R. Scheckel was awarded this year’s Teachers College Outstanding Alumni Award; congratulations Dr. Sheckel! Also, on October 24 she did a
presentation on campus entitled, ―Air Force Medical Service: A Professional and
Personal Perspective‖. She earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Ball
State. Her master’s and PhD degrees are from our department. Lt. Col. Scheckel has
risen quickly in the ranks of the Air Force and has become a key figure in the entire
delivery of medical and mental health services in this branch of the military, both in
the USA and elsewhere.
D i s s e r t a t i o n D e f e n s e , S e p t . 1 , 2 0 11
Picture at left: Captain Joel Hartong (U.S. Air Force) after successfully
defending his dissertation. Pictured with Captain Hartong are his doctoral
committee chair (D. Ægistóttir) and oneo f his doctoral committee members (Dr. Gerstein).
FALL 2011
Page 6
Student Interview: Audrey Miller
(M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling)
Where is your hometown?
Elkhart, IN, which is about 3 hours northwest of here.
Where did you get your bachelor’s degree and what was your major?
Indiana University at South Bend, with my major in Psychology and a minor in
Interpersonal Communication.
Why did you select this field of study?
Growing up, I had my own experiences in counseling. Friends also put me in the
role of ―counselor‖ for them but that can become dangerous when it is so informal
and you don’t know what you are doing. So I decided to pursue it professionally.
What do you think of your experiences at Ball State so far? And what do you like
about your program?
I really like it here and was pleasantly surprised in the differences between undergrad
and graduate school; you aren’t told what to do but rather it is ―time to do it
yourself‖. I like this program because I have the opportunity to do volunteer work
such as Caring Arts and how there is good preparation to just jump right in with
practicum spring semester.
What are your research and populations of interest?
Right now I can’t pinpoint one exactly, because I see the value in all of them and I'd
like to experience a little bit of everything. I may start with older kids though.
What are your future plans and career goals?
As of now, I’d like to stop at the master’s level, work for 10-15 years then go back
for my Ph.D. I want to be a lifelong learner. I’ll start here and see how it turns out.
What are some of your favorite interests and activities?
I like the sci-fi genre (Battlestar Gallactica and Star Trek) and I also like to read a lot.
Right now I’m writing a children’s book and may publish it later, or at least selfpublish a few copies.
Where would your dream vacation be?
I’d like to go to New Orleans, especially the French Quarter, and try to learn Creole.
What is your favorite book?
The Great Gatsby.
1973’s Charlotte’s Web.
“I like this program because
I have the opportunity to do
volunteer work…”
Page 7
FALL 2011
Student Interview:
Scott Fernelius (Ph.D. Counseling Psychology)
Where is your hometown?
Clio, MI (Just outside Flint on the east side of the state).
Where did you go for your bachelor's and master's degrees, and what were your majors?
Bachelor’s and master’s were both earned at Western Michigan University in business
administration and clinical mental health counseling, respectively.
What made you first interested in counseling?
I earned my BBA in April of 2001 and started a career in banking. After working in the
business world for 7 years, I decided that climbing the corporate ladder wasn't for me. I knew
that I wanted to work with people, but just wasn't sure in what capacity. In early 2008 I
moved to Grand Rapids, MI and decided to attend an open house for the clinical mental
health counseling program at WMU. I was impressed with the presentation and saw
counseling as the perfect way to help people in need. The rest is history!
What do you think of your experience at Ball State as a doc student so far? What do you
like about the program?
“I am also very interested in
multiculturalism and
appreciate the focus on this
issue at Ball State. “
It has been hectic, but amazing! I am blown away by the level of shared knowledge within
our department and by the sheer number of opportunities available to students. It's an exciting
place to be.
What are your research interests?
I completed a cognate in substance abuse treatment during my graduate studies and this is a
primary area of interest. I am also very interested in multiculturalism and appreciate the focus
on this issue at Ball State.
What are your future plans and career goals?
My future plans and career goals are under major development as we speak. I am interested
in teaching and also in practicing as a psychologist. I've been talking with many students and
faculty members regarding their experiences in a variety of settings, from VA hospitals and
community mental health agencies, to college counseling centers and academia. At this point,
I'm working to narrow my focus from a wide range of career options and interests.
What are some of your favorite interests and activities?
I'm an avid supporter of the greater Detroit sports contingent (Tigers, Lions, Pistons, Red
Wings, Wolverines, Spartans). I've played guitar for half my life and performed in a few rock
outfits over the years as a resident of Kalamazoo, MI. I also really enjoy listening to music
and recently started a vinyl collection. I am happily married and love spending time with my
wife and pets.
Where would you go for your dream vacation?
What is your favorite book?
Our Band Could Be Your Life.
Any featuring Bill Murray. Groundhog Day and Rushmore are tied for top honors.
FALL 2011
Page 8
Faculty Interview:
D r. D o n a l d N i c h o l a s
Where is your hometown?
Fort Wayne, IN
Where did you obtain your bachelors, master’s, and Ph.D degrees and what were
your majors?
I got my B.A. in Psychology at Indiana University-Bloomington, Master’s in
Clinical Psychology at Eastern Kentucky University, and my Ph.D. in Counseling
Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi.
What brought you to Ball State?
My wife and I are both from Fort Wayne and have family in Indiana, so by the time
we had kids and after my education and Internship at West Virginia University School of
Medicine, we wanted to move back closer to family. And Ball State is a good location and close to
the family.
What led you to counseling and counselor education?
I’ve always had a curiosity about people and so I started in psychology. My brother-in-law, who
is 10 years older than I am, was a Clinical Psychologist in private practice so I learned about the
process and job opportunities from him. I had a focus on relationships and psychotherapy. Also I
had a few years of clinical experience between my Master’s and Ph.D. programs, but I didn’t
decide to go into academia until later in my doctoral experience.
Please describe your work within the department:
My first year here was 1983 and I have been the director of the practicum clinic for 15 years,
Director of Research in the Fisher Institute of Wellness for 4 years, Ball Hospital coordinator of
counseling and psychological services at the cancer center since 1994, and I have been the chair
for the Health Psychology cognate in our doctoral program. Also, I teach the Psychopathology,
Psychopharmacology, and Practicum courses, as well as a doc practicum course.
What are your research/teaching interests?
I am interested in research about counseling cancer patients, and that field in general. I, along with
two doctoral students, published a book about Cancer and the Family Life Cycle, and I am currently working on another book. One teaching interest is the Psychopathology course that I have
taught for the past 30 or so years.
Are you involved in any professional organizations?
Yes, I am a member of the APA, Division 17 and I’m on the editorial board for it’s journal (The
Counseling Psychologist). I am also currently the Past Chair, and have been the Chair and Chairelect for the Health Psychology Section under Division 17. I am part of the American
Psychosocial Oncology Society as well.
What are your favorite interests and activities outside of academia?
I like to go kayaking, biking, swimming, and spending time with my family.
What country would you most like to visit?
Brazil—When my kids were in high school, we hosted 3 to 4 high school students from Brazil for
a few months, and my son in turn went down there to study as well.
What is your favorite book?
The Emperor of all Maladies: A Biography of Cancer.
A good movie is Fair Game, the story of Valerie Plame, CIA operative whose name was leaked.
“I have always had a
curiosity about people and
so I started in psychology.”
Page 9
FALL 2011
We l c o m e t o a l l t h e N e w S t u d e n t s !
The Department of Counseling Psychology and
Guidance Services would like to welcome all
of the new doctoral and master’s students. The
new (1st year) doctoral students are:
Yuri Choi
Phillip Keck
Erin Davis
Matthew Jackson
Scott Fernelius
Nicholas Lee
Jena Frey
Erin Sadler
Ryan Hess
Nehad Sandozi
There are 36 new master’s
students who started the program
this fall. The school track
welcomes 5 students, the
Clinical Mental Health track has
23 students, the Social track has
1 student (Applied), and the
Rehabilitation track has 3
students. Also, 4 have started
with a double major.
Welcome everyone!
1st year doc class, from left to right: Ryan Hess, Nick Lee, Phillip Keck, Erin
Davis, Scott Fernelius, Jena Frey, Yuri Choi, Matthew Jackson, Nehad Sandozi,
and Erin Sadler
FALL 2011
Alumni and Student News
Alumnus Jill Salsman (M.A.
2002, PhD., 2007) and fiancé
Ken Leer announced their engagement on June 10. Their
wedding is planned for October
2012 in Minneapolis.
Kevin Young (M.A. student,
school track) and Sarah Shield
(M.A. student, dual degree) announced their engagement in
Chattanooga , TN, on July 30,
2011. Their wedding is set for
July 29, 2012 on Lookout
Mountain in Chattanooga, TN.
Page 10
Adriana Sophia
Michael O’Heron (PhD.
student) accepted a post-doc at the
University of Michigan
Damita Miller (M.A. dual degree
graduate of 2011) got a job in
Indianapolis at the Midwest
Psychological Center as a homebased therapist/case worker.
Congratulations on the new job!
On June 14th, Jackie Engebretson
(2nd year Ph. D student)
welcomed a new baby girl, Adriana
Sophia, to the family! (see picture at
CPSY students celebrating Tamding
Wangdak’s birthday.
CPSY students shopping
in Nobelsville, taking a
break from all the school
Page 11
FALL 2011
Recent Publications
Catalano, D., Kim, J. H., Ditchman, N., Shin, H. U., & Chan, F. (2010). The Sense of WellBeing Inventory as a quality of life measure for people with spinal cord injury.
Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counseling, 16(2), 57-72.
Gerstein, L. H., Heppner, P. P., Ægisdóttir, S., Leung, S. A., & Norsworthy, K. L.
(Eds.). (2012). Essentials of cross-cultural counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Gerstein, L.H. (2011). Research, practice and training across and within cultures: Simply
complicated! Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling, 1(1), 1-12.
Gonzalez, R., Rosenthal, D., & Kim, J. H. (2011). Predicting vocational rehabilitation
outcomes of young adults with specific learning disabilities: Transitioning from
school to work. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 34(3), p. 163-172.
Kim, J. H., Berven, N., Ambroise, Y., Ibarra, S., & Kim, T. S. (2010). Patterns of
psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability. Korean Journal of
Educational Therapy, 2(2), 1-22.
Kim, J. H., Berven, N. L., Chan, F., Gonzalez, R., Miller, D., & Keck, P. (2011).
Virtues in relation to subjective well-being for people with chronic illness and
disability. Journal of Asian Pacific Counseling, 1(1), 67-76.
Kim, J. H., Lee. D. H., Gonzalez, R., & Walsh, J. (2011). Introduction to rehabilitation
counseling: The development of a new counseling profession in Korea. Journal of
Korean Rehabilitation Psychology, 18(2), 157-176.
Nicholas, D. R., & Stern, M. (2011, July 18). Counseling psychology in clinical health
psychology: The impact of specialty perspective. Professional Psychology:
Research and practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/a0024197
Recent Presentations
Adams, D., Nicholas, D. N., & Aegisdottir, S. (2010, August). The relationship
between gender role conflict and help-seeking attitudes: What is the role of
coping? Poster session presented at the annual convention of the American
Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Clougher, K. & Hutchison, A. H. (2011, August). Immersive learning and multicultural
competency development: A qualitative research approach.
Presentation, In Alexander, C. A., Bowman, S.L., Mucherah, W.M., Walls, K.,
Clougher, K.M., Hutchison, A.N., Tenbrink, H.A., & Shepler, D. The impact of
cross-cultural immersion experiences on the development of multicultural counseling competencies, Symposium conducted at the 119th annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Engebretson, J., Fung, A. L., Gerstein, L. H., & Chan, Y. (2011, August).
Relationship of aggression to anxiety, depression, anger, and empathy.
Symposium presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Division 48 (Peace Psychology). Washington, DC.
Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Counseling psychologists' roles, training, and research contributions in large-scale disasters. Symposium discussant at the Annual Meeting of
the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
FALL 2011
Page 12
Recent Presentations (continued)
Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Examine cross-cultural applicability of adult attachment theory to Asian populations. Symposium
discussant at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Hermannsdóttir, B. S., Ægisdóttir, S., & Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Multicultural competence and motivation: Where do
Icelandic psychologists stand? Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.
Washington, DC.
Hutchison, A., Clougher, K. C., Ægisdóttir, S., Gerstein, L. H. (Symposium Co-Chair). (2011, April). Culture and psychopathology: Issues in research methodology. Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Bloomington, IN.
Hurley, E., Fung, A. L. Gerstein, L. H., & Chan, Y. (2011, August). Predicting parents’ distress from children’s aggression and
parental behaviors. Symposium presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division
48 (Peace Psychology). Washington, DC.
Hutchison, A., Fung, A. L., Gerstein, L. H., & Chan, Y. (2011, August). Proactive aggressive Hong Kong students: One-year
study of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Symposium presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division 48 (Peace Psychology). Washington, DC.
Hutchison, A., & Gerstein, L. H.. (2011, September). Career counseling for the 21st century: Integrating emotions and crosscultural knowledge. Poster presented at the Vocational Designing and Career Counseling: Challenges and New Horizons
Conference, Padova, Italy.
Hutchison, A., Gerstein, L. H., Park, J., & Wong, J. (Symposium Co-Chair). (2011, April). Emotional recognition and regulation
research: Innovative applications for counseling psychology. Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference,
Bloomington, IN.
Hsu, Y., & Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Cultural factors linked with Chinese/Taiwanese relationships: A scale development
study. Symposium presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Jackson, M. (2011, April). Beliefs about psychological services held by the Reserve Officers' Training Corps population.. Paper
session presented at the annual Great Lakes Regional Conference, Bloomington, IN.
Kim, T. S., & Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Cross-cultural validity of career calling in Korea: Preliminary research.. Poster
session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Mastroianni, E. M., & Gerstein L. H. (2011, August). University peace centers: Opportunities, challenges, and recommendations
for grant searching. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.
Washing ton, DC.
Niegocki, K. L., Adams, D. F., & Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Consultation training in counseling psychology: Rhetoric
or reality? Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Park, J., & Gerstein, L. H. (2011, August). Men's emotion regulation and gender constructs. Poster session presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
TenBrink, H., Hutchison, A., & Clougher, K. A. (2011, August). Collaborating and conducting international research: Lessons
learned from the field.. Poster session presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, DC.
Page 13
FALL 2011
A c a d e m i c Ye a r C a l e n d a r I n f o r m a t i o n
August 22, 2011 –Fall Term begins
August 26, 2011 –Last day for students to make changes to their schedule
August 29, 2011 –Begin Withdrawal Period
September 5, 2011 –Labor Day, no classes
October 10, 2011 –Spring Main Campus Course Request Begins
October 17-18, 2011 –Fall break, no classes
October 26, 2011 –Last day for students to withdrawal from Main Campus courses
October 27, 2011 –Begin Exception Withdrawal Period
November 1, 2011 –Spring Main Campus Course Request Ends by Web
November 14, 2011 –Spring Main Campus Student’s Schedules Available by Web
November 23-27, 2011 –Thanksgiving Recess
December 12, 2011 –Last meeting day for regular classes
December 13-16 –Final Examination Period
December 18, 2011 –Fall Term ends
January 9, 2012 –University classes for Spring Semester begin
January 13, 2012 –Late Registration and Change-of-course end
January 16, 2012 –Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration
March 4-11, 2012 Spring break
March 19, 2012 –Course Withdrawal Period Ends
April 27, 2012 –Last meeting day for regular classes
April 30-May 4, 2012 –Final Examination Period
May 5, 2012 –May Commencement
May 14, 2012 –University classes for Summer Semester begin
May 28, 2012 –Memorial Day, no classes
June 15, 2012 –First Summer Session Ends
June 18, 2012 –University classes for second summer session begin
July 4, 2012 – Independence Day, no classes
July 20, 2012 –Second Summer Semester ends
July 21, 2012 –July Commencement
A t t e n t i o n : G r a d u a t i n g M a s t e r ’s S t u d e n t s !
You must apply for graduation at the Graduate School by the deadline in the semester you intend to graduate. Please see the Graduate School’s Web site at
www.bsu.edu/gradschool for forms and more information.
For Fall:
November 21, 2011 –Deadline to submit research papers, creative projects, theses,
and dissertations
For Spring:
February 6 –Graduation application deadline
April 9, 2012 –Deadline to submit research papers, creative projects, theses, and
FALL 2011
Page 14
Upcoming or Recent Conferences
Indiana Psychological
Assistive Technology
The National Rehabilitation
Annual Fall Conference
November 11-12, 2011
Indianapolis, IN
October 7, 2011
L.A. Pittenger Building
Ball State University
Annual Training Conference
October 14-16, 2011
Salt Lake City, UT
American Counseling
Indiana Counseling
Indiana School Counselors
Annual Conference and
Expo March 21-25, 2012
San Francisco, CA
Annual Conference
March 1-2, 2012
Ball State University
Fall Conference
November 10-11, 2011
Indianapolis, IN
Ball State is hosting the
annual conference for the
Indiana Counseling
Association this March!
Ball State University faculty and students along with Purdue
students pictured with Dr. Tania Israel (Past President of APA
Division 17) at the Annual Great Lakes Counseling Psychology
Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, April 2011.
B all
St at e
Un i ver sit y
Department of Counseling Psychology
and Guidance Services
Teachers College
Room 622
Muncie, IN 47306
Phone: 765-285-8040
Fax: 765-285-2067
E-mail: cpsy@bsu.edu
We are always very curious about what our current students
and alumni are up to, so keep those announcements coming!
The Keep In Touch Form is now online at www.bsu.edu/