SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 APPENDIX A REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRIX SMOV3b Level III Requirements SMR 3029 App. A ITEM ============ WFPC2 COSTAR ACS NICMOS REQUIREMENTS SEC. ================ J.10.4.1 J.10.4.2 J.10.4.3, J.10.4.4 (except J. NCS J. STIS J.10.4.5 ERO J.10.4.6 OTA/FGS J.10.4.7 PCS J.10.4.8 DMS J.10.4.9 I&C J.10.4.10 SIC&DH J.10.4.11 S&M J.10.4.12 TCS J.10.4.13 A-1 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 EPS J.10.4.14 APPENDIX A Appendix A contain tables that trace the Level III verification requirements to activities identified in this plan. These requirements are found in Appendix J, Section 10.4 of the Mission Operations Functional Requirements Document (SMO-1000C) and are controlled by the HST Operations and Ground Systems Project, Code 441. The following tables provide a list of the verification requirements (following HST release from the Orbiter), that correlates requirements to activity summaries. table are: A-2 Shown in each SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 • Requirement Identification Number • Requirement Description • Activity Name and Identification Number • Execution Time (by execution phase and week) Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J.10.4.1 WFPC II Verification Requirements J. Engineering Activation and Check-Out Requirements J. After release, the instrument shall undergo an active decontamination procedure (Protect Decon) of at least 12 hours. In the interval between release and the start of the decontamination procedure, the shutter shall remain closed and the Thermal Electric Coolers (TECs) shall remain off. WFPC2-01 SMS J. Upon completion of the decontamination procedure, the instrument shall undergo a contamination verification phase of at least 48 hours which shall be monitored by the STScI. Upon the approval of STScI, the instrument shall be cooled to its WFPC2-03 SMS A-3 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 nominal operating temperature and the AFMs shall be reset. A-4 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number WFPC2-03 Executio n Time J. Following TEC turn on, a standard UV stellar monitor shall be scheduled at least trice during the first week &, starting with the second week, at a declining frequency for the duration of SMOV. A decontamination procedure shall be executed no later than 1 week after TEC turn-on, and at declining frequency thereafter. (The STScI will use the UV monitor to determine whether the planned decontamination cycle is executed or additional decontaminations are necessary.) J. Science Verification Requirements J. An initial set of PSF measurements shall be performed. WFPC2-07 SMS J. A photometric calibration shall be performed. WFPC2-04/ 06 SMS J. Internal calibrations, including dark frames, bias frames, K-spot images, and internal flat fields, shall be performed. WFPC2-05/ 08 SMS A-5 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. If the operational state of the NCS changes with respect to the first PSF measurement (J., a second PSF measurement shall be performed to reflect normal HST operations. J. During the first 30 days after TEC turn-on, no external WFPC2 pure parallels shall be scheduled, except as required to test its parallel capabilities as provided in J. J.10.4.2 COSTAR Verification Requirements Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number WFPC2-07 Executio n Time N/A NORMALOPS N/A NORMALOPS SMS No applicable requirements J.10.4.3 ACS Verification Requirements j. Engineering Requirements J. ACS entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. A-6 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. ACS entry into each of the defined detector states shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. J. ACS command and engineering data interface via the RIU and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF) shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. N/A NORMALOPS J. The ability to load and dump on-board memory shall be demonstrated. ACS-02 R/T J. The ability to read and write data from and to the science data buffer shall be demonstrated. ACS-03 R/T A-7 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number N/A NORMALOPS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The performance of the cal/ Coronagraph Door, M3 Fold Mechanism, Im1 and M1 Alignment and Focus Corrector Mechanisms, WFC/HFC Filter Wheels 1 and 2, SBC Filter Wheel, and WFC and HRC CCD shutters shall be verified. The functionality of the ACS Tungsten calibration Lamps and Pre-Flash LEDs shall be verified. Operation of the deuterium lamp shall be deferred for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD. J. J. Functionality of all three ACS detectors shall be demonstrated through normal SMOV operations. This shall include the proper accumulation of signal over a specified time internal and data readout (including compressed data), as well as, for the CCDs, readout of a single subarray and commandability of gain settings. A-8 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS 16/21 Executio n Time ACS-05/32 SMS ACS-05 ACS-08 SMS R/T SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The ability of the TECs to cool and stably control the CCDs shall be tested at a small number of temperature set points, in order to determine the coldest stable operating point, which is the final setting desired. The requirement is that this point be at least as cold as –80C. J. ACS operations shall be managed to minimize risk of contamination of its optical surfaces by materials outgassed either internally or from other units installed during the SM as well as from the payload bay environment during servicing. The ACS Cal Door shall be used to provide ACS contamination protection while the OTA is viewing the bright earth for the duration of the SMOV program. A contamination monitoring program shall be initiated as early as possible after the SM. A-9 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number ACS-06 SMS ACS-10 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 J. High voltage operation of the ACS SBC MAMA detector shall be delayed for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD. ACS-10 SMS Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Target Acquisition Requirements J. The location of a reference ACS HRC camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of +/- 1 arcsecond in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. ACS-11 SMS J. The relative positions of the ACS coronagraphic field masks and Fastie finger, determined during ground test, shall be confirmed. ACS-12 SMS J. The ability of the FSW to perform isolated point source acquisition onto the coronagraphic spots shall be demonstrated with the ACS HRC detector. Successful execution of these acquisitions will also ACS-12 SMS A-10 Activity Executio Name and n Identifica Time -tion Number SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 demonstrate the ability of the FSW to calculate the centroid of target positions and to perform automated telescope pointing. J. Optical Alignment Requirements A-11 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The encircled energy and image diameter shall be measured over a grid of focus and tilt positions for both IM1 and M1 correctors. These measurements shall be used to se the nominal corrector positions. The camera mode image quality at the detectors over the full field shall be measured via broad and narrow band imaging of stars. The requirement for encircled energy in the WFC and HRC is 75% within a diameter of .25 arcseconds, through the F502N filter. The requirement for encircled energy in the SBC is 30% within a diameter of 0.10 arcseconds, for a star observed through the Lyman alpha filter. J. J. The internal stability of ACS from coronagraphic field stop to HRC detector shall be monitored. The image shifts seen shall be compared to the specified stability of 0.12 HRC pixels RMS over 1300 s and +/- 0.20 HRC pixels over a three hour period. A-12 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS-13/14 Executio n Time ACS-15/23 SMS ACS-16 SMS SMS-R/T SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J.10.4 3.3.4 The pointing and throughput stability of the OTA-ACS combination shall be measured over several orbits. The purpose of these measurements is twofold: 1. Confirm that the typical Thermal environment after SM3B does not cause unacceptable image drifts. 2. Determine ACS image quality and pointing stability before and after the start of NCS operation. J. The ACS Point Spread Function (PSF) in normal imaging and coronagraphic modes shall be measured. J. Calibration Requirements J. The plate scale, orientation and geometric distortion shall be measured for each of the ACS channels by imaging an astrometric field. Relative location of each aperture in the FGS frame shall also be determined with these measurements. A-13 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number ACS-17 SMS ACS-23/25 SMS ACS-27 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Dark rate and read noise and CTE for each CCD detector shall be measured, as well as dark rate for the SBC MAMA detector. The hot pixel creation rate shall be assessed and the efficacy of the hot annealing cycle shall be demonstrated. J. Instrument sensitivity vs. wavelength shall be measured for a subset of ACS modes. Sensitivity measurements shall be performed using astronomical standard stars. As part of this process, UV sensitivity measurements shall be obtained as early as possible, to enable early trending of UV sensitivity. J. The instrumental polarization as function of wavelength shall be measured for both WFC and HRC channels. A-14 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number ACS-05/22 SMS ACS-31 ACS-20/26 ACS-29 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The flat field uniformity per pixel & cosmetic defect fraction shall be measured for each of the 3 ACS detectors. The ability to determine the residual response variation using the ACS internal calibration sources shall be demonstrated. The difference between sky flats and internal flats and temporal stability of the flat field correction shall be assessed. NICMOS Verification Requirements J.10.4.4 J. Engineering Activation Requirements J. The ability to command NICMOS via the RIU, science data transmission via the SDF, and the ability of NICMOS to A-15 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number ACS-18 SMS NICMOS-03 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 transition between its primary operational states (Hold, Boot, SAA-Oper, Operate, and Observe) shall be verified. Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Operation of the NICMOS mechanisms (PAM, FOM, and filter wheels) shall be tested. PAM motion over the range needed to assure focus in all three NICMOS cameras (best achievable focus for NIC3) and +/- 10 steps in X tilt and +/- 12 steps in Y tilt shall be demonstrated. The ability to reposition the field off-set mirror (FOM) over the range needed to remove vignetting in NIC3 shall be demonstrated. Internal lamp exposures shall be obtained at each filter wheel position. J. Target Acquisition Requirements A-16 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-01/ 02/14 Executio n Time SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 J. J. The location of each NICMOS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of +/- 2 arcseconds in V2-V3 coordinates and 7 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle for Camera 2 and 1 degree for cameras 1 and 3. The performance of the coronograph shall be demonstrated by an observation of an isolated point source following an onboard acquisition (Mode 2 acq) with an autonomous location of the coronographic hole. NICMOS-10 SMS NICMOS-12/ SMS 13 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Optical Requirements J. The optical plate scales at each of the detector focal planes shall be measured, to a with a precision of 1/5 pixel in each camera. NICMOS-11 J. Optical alignment shall be restored to the level of performance achieved during Cycle7. PAM focus setting should be measured and trended to establish and maintain focus within +/- 1 mm of nominal (best) focus for each camera. The NICMOS-06/ SMS 07/09 A-17 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 encircled energy within a 100 mas (200 mas for Camera 3) radius of an unresolved pointsource shall be measured. The goal is to reestablish the performance achieved in Cycle 7 when the total wavefront error was λ/14 or better in all cameras except for NIC3 in the J band where it was λ/10. J. Root mean square image motion shall be characterized. J. Calibration Requirements A-18 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The ability to determine residual pixel-to pixel variation using the internal flat-field calibration source shall be demonstrated. The stability of the instrumental flat-fields will be characterized over timescales of orbits, days, and one month. J. The ability to calibrate spectral throughput shall be demonstrated. The goal is the calibration of the absolute flux level to an accuracy of approximately 10%. Total instrument throughput shall be determined and compared to that measured previously during Cycle 7. NICMOS-05/ SMS 15 J. The ability to do differential photometry with a residual measurement error no greater than 3%, and a temporal stability of 3% over a month shall be demonstrated. The consequences of detector temperature stability will be assessed. NICMOS-15 A-19 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-14 SMS SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 A-20 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. NICMOS geometric stability will be characterized as a function of orbital elements, vehicle orientation, and dewar temperatures by measuring the lateral motion of the image in the Camera 2 focal plane. J. Detector read noise and dark current shall be measured. The minimum acceptable levels of performance are a read noise of </=40 electrons and a dark current of </=2.5 electrons/second. J. The cosmic ray background will be measured and confirmed to be comparable to the Cycle 7 levels. J. HST + NICMOS thermal emission will be characterized in a subset of spectral elements over the duration of SMOV. A-21 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-04 SMS NICMOS-18 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The decay timescale for image persistence will be determined for both images from external sources of light and from cosmic rays. J. The photometric and wavelength solutions for the G096 and G141 grisms will be remeasured. J. During the initial cooldown phase, NICMOS detector dark current and flat-field performance in all three cameras shall be measured in 3-degree steps starting at 100 degrees K. J. NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) Engineering Verification Requirements J. Configure the NCS to re-cool NICMOS detectors. The goal during SMOV is to verify the capability to maintain the NICMOS Cooling Coil temperature less than or equal to 69 +/- 0.1K. NCS-01 R/T J. Verify the capability of the NCS to achieve a NICMOS Cold Well temperature of 75 +/- 3 degrees Kelvin and maintain it within 0.1K. NCS-01 R/T A-22 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-16/ 17 Executio n Time SMS NICMOS-19/ SMS 20 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 A-23 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NCS-01 Executio n Time J. Verify the NCS capability to provide adequate level of thermal stability and repeatability for NICMOS science operations. Minimum acceptable levels of performance are thermal stability at the detector baseplate of +/- 0.1K over one hour and +/- 0.5K over one month. J. NICMOS/NCS Calibration and Performance Requirements J. The temperatures of each NICMOS detector, along with its range of variation and the timescales for variation, shall be determined. Detector temperature stability shall be characterized over periods of 60 sec, 2000 sec, 24 hours, and 30 days. NCS-01 SMS J. The temperature of the VCS (and hence the filter elements), along with its range of variation and the timescales for variation, shall be determined. The thermal stability of the VCS shall be determined to be within +/- 5K of the nominal operating temperature as determined by models of NCS NCS-01 SMS A-24 R/T SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 performance. Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J.10.4.5 STIS Verification Requirements J. Engineering Requirements J. Minifunctional tests shall be executed for all three STIS detectors. The high voltage for the STIS MAMA detectors will not be activated until at least four days after release, as in SM3A. STIS-01 SMS J. The ability of the TEC to cool and stably control the CCD at the nominal CCD operating temperature of –83 degrees C shall be tested during the course of normal operations, including simultaneous operation of other instruments. STIS-01 SMS J. Contamination Plan: 1. The STIS Deuterium and Krypton lamps will not be operated until 3 weeks after release as in SM3A. 2. STIS sensitivity will be monitored periodically. STIS-00/05 SMS STIS-06 J. Target Acquisition Requirements A-25 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The location of a reference STIS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of 1 arcsecond in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. J. Optical Alignment Requirements The slit plane encircled energy vs. wavelength and image diameter shall be measured for the nominal corrector focus and tilt positions. A standard aperture throughput test shall be used to assess STIS focus. If throughput is down by more than 3 sigma (7%), relative to the pre-SM3B mean, further tests and perhaps a STIS corrector alignment shall be done. J. A-26 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number STIS-02/04 SMS STIS-05 STIS-02/20 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. For each supported combination of optical element and detector, the location on the spectrum or slit image on the detector shall be compared to pre-SM3B values. Operationally significant shifts shall be corrected by updating onboard mechanism calibration tables. Updates shall be verified by retesting the affected optical element and detector combination(s). Only one orientation of each optical element need be tested. J. The slit-to- detector internal stability of STIS shall be monitored. The spectral shifts seen shall be compared to the specified stability of 0.2 low resolution MAMA pixels over a one hour period. The purpose of this measurement is twofold: 1. Measure spectral shifts in the typical post-SM3B thermal environment to check if the maximum time between wavelength calibration exposures need to be reduced. A-27 Activity Executio Name and n Identifica Time -tion Number N/A STIS-04 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2. Measure STIS spectral image quality with and without NCS operating. Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The pointing and throughput stability of the OTA-STIS combination shall be measured over several orbits. The purpose of this measurement is twofold: 1. Measure image drifts in the typical post-SM3B thermal environment. 2. Measure STIS image quality with and without NCS operating. J. Calibration Requirements J. Dark rate and read noise for each detector shall be measured at the nominal operating temperatures, and will be periodically monitored to track variations with time and temperature. The goals are: 1. Measure the noise properties of STIS detectors with and without NCS operating. 2. To calibrate NUVMAMA dark rate vs. temperature and time since SAA passage in A-28 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number STIS-02/04 SMS STIS-01/07 SMS STIS-08/09 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 the post-SM3B operating environment. A-29 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Instrument sensitivity shall be measured for the lowresolution spectroscopic modes for contamination monitoring. Sensitivity measurements shall be performed using astronomical standard stars. Sensitivity shall be measured at different values of the MAMA temperatures. J.10.4.6 Early Release Observation J. SMOV activities shall include early release observations with at least ACS and NICMOS science instruments. The resulting science data products shall be released into the public domain to demonstrate the improved HST capabilities. J.10.4.7 Optical Telescope Assembly/Fine Guidance Sensor Verification Requirements J. Optical Interfaces J. HST‘s secondary mirror shall only be moved to compensate for desorption in the graphite epoxy structure. A-30 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number STIS-06 SMS ERO-01 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 J. A check of the OTA focus shall be made. J. FGS Calibration FGS/OTA-06 SMS Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The distortions, plate scale, alignment, and Scurve morphology and amplitude in all three FGSs shall be measured after the completion of SM3B. These data are to be compared to pre-SM3B observations to verify the validity of the operational calibration database for each FGS. If necessary, as indicated by the results of J., the optical field angle distortion (OFAD) will be re-calibrated for a given FGS. The appropriate onboard flight software tables and PDB shall be updated as necessary. J. J. If necessary, as indicated by the results of J., the FGS-to-FGS alignment calibration shall be performed and the appropriate alignment matrices will be computed. Onboard tables and the PDB shall be updates with the new calibration parameters. A-31 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number FGS/OTA-02 SMS FGS/OTA-03 SMS FGS/OTA-04 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 A-32 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. If necessary, as indicated by the results of J., S-curves in a given FGS will be obtained at 5 locations in the FOV. These data will be used to update the FGS commanding database so that appropriate K-factor values used for the acquisition and tracking of guide stars can be computed. J. The FGSs will be used to measure the jitter experienced by HST during the operation of NCS. J. FGS Astrometry Science ReCommissioning J. The photometric response, distortions, plate scale, and S-curve morphology and amplitude will be measured in the Astrometer FGS. These data will be used to recertify the Astrometer for scientific observations. J.10.4.8 Pointing Control Subsystem Verification Requirements A-33 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number FGS/OTA-05 SMS FGS/OTA-06 SMS FGS/OTA-07 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The initial attitude shall be determined to an accuracy within .2 degrees using Fixed Head Star Tracker (FHST) data. J. The gyro drift rate bias shall be calibrated to within 0.05 arcseconds per second prior to the first guide star acquisition. PCS-01/02 R/T J. The FHST/FHST alignment matrices shall be computed, using FHST observations at the initial attitude, to an accuracy of 5 arcseconds (1σ). The FHST/FHST alignment matrices shall be updated if the change in the pitch or yaw alignment exceeds 20 arcseconds. The alignment computations will be further refined during normal operations to achieve accuracy comparable to the pre-Servicing Mission level. PCS-04 R/T J. The gyro-to-FHST alignment matrices shall be maintained to an accuracy that reduces the attitude error following a vehicle maneuver to less than one arcsecond per degree of slew. If any gyros are changed out, a full RGA calibration will be PCS-05/06 R/T-SMS A-34 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number PCS-01/03 R/T SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 performed. Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The PCS shall acquire guide stars in fine lock. J. The vehicle jitter during periods of fine lock shall be measured. A-35 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number PCS-07 SMS PCS-07 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description A-36 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 J. Perform a Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) to characterize the disturbance environment of the HST using a lowbandwidth attitude control law during gyro-hold with the gyros in low-mode. The VDT is a passive test (not a forcedresponse test). Obtain signatures for both externally induced (e.g. SA3) and internally induced (e.g. NCC) disturbances for comparison with past VDT results and characterize jitter induced by the SA-3, NCS, and the ACS Filter Wheel. The VDT shall consist of five separate tests that need not occur consecutively. The overall duration of the VDT tests are at least 17 orbits of spacecraft time including (1) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation while performing ACS Filter Wheel moves simulating routine flight operations, (2) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation, (3) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint during NCC startup, (4) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steady-state, and (5) at least 5 full orbits at –V1 sunpoint with the NCC operating at steadystate. PCS-08 SMS Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) A-37 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Contingent upon analysis of PCS performance post-SM3B, perform a Transfer Function Test (TFT). The TFT is a forced response test that measures HST system modal parameters (modal gains, modal damping ratios and frequencies) by applying a RWA forcing function and measuring RGA gyro response. This test will be performed if PCS analysis of post-SM3B HST flight data (such as the VDT) suggests that HST system modal parameters significantly differ from pre-SM3B analytical models. On-orbit modal parameters that differ from pre-SM3B models can cause degraded performance of the HST attitude control system because of reductions in stability margins and/or increased vehicle jitter. J.10.4.9 Data Management Subsystem Verification Requirements No applicable requirements. J.10.4.10 Instrumentation & Communications Subsystem Verification Requirements No applicable requirements J.10.4.11 SI C&DH Verification Requirements A-38 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number PCS-09 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number No applicable requirements J.10.4.12 Structures and Mechanisms Subsystem Verification Requirements No applicable requirements J.10.4.13 Thermal Control Subsystem Verification Requirements J. Verify the predicted temperature changes due to the NOBL installation on SSM bays 5, 6, 7 and 8. J.10.4.14 Electrical Power Subsystem Verification Requirements Solar Array III (SAIII) Verification Requirements J. A-39 TCS-01 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 J. SAIII drive system performance shall be characterized during the SMOV period and the following requirements verified. 1. The sensed position is within +/3.5 degrees of the commanded position when operating within the range 0 to 130 degrees, and +/- 5.0 degrees outside this range, 2. The maximum command profile error shall be less than the safemode test threshold (10 degrees for 3 seconds). A-40 EPS-01 Analysis Task SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. SAIII power generation performance shall be assessed and compared to Beginning of Life(BOL) predictions that account for expected degradation. To the extent possible, measurements shall be recorded when HST is at orbit noon, when the Sun vector is within +/- 10 degrees of the –V1 axis, when the SA/Sun incidence angle is less than 5 degrees, and when all the available CCC Krelays and SPA Trim Relays are closed. J. Power Control Unit J. A software charge control mode, Trim Relay SoftWare Charge Control with the V/T Front End (TRSWCC/VTFE), shall perform charge control and maintain battery thermal stability. This shall be verified for periods of high suntime, low solar array incidence angles, and at a minimum HST load power for the expected load range following SM3B. A-41 Activity Executio Name and n Time Identifica -tion Number EPS-02 Analysis Task EPS-03 Analysis Task