5.1 Estimating with Finite Sums Greenfield Village, Michigan

5.1 Estimating with Finite Sums
Greenfield Village, Michigan
Photo by Vickie Kelly, 2002
Greg Kelly, Hanford High School, Richland, Washington
Consider an object moving at a constant rate of 3 ft/sec.
Since rate . time = distance:
If we draw a graph of the velocity, the distance that the
object travels is equal to the area under the line.
After 4 seconds,
the object has
gone 12 feet.
If the velocity is not constant,
we might guess that the
distance traveled is still equal
to the area under the curve.
(The units work out.)
We could estimate the area under the curve by
drawing rectangles touching at their left corners.
This is called the Left-hand Rectangular
Approximation Method (LRAM).
Approximate area:
We could also use a Right-hand Rectangular Approximation
Method (RRAM).
Approximate area:
Another approach would be to use rectangles that touch at
the midpoint. This is the Midpoint Rectangular
Approximation Method (MRAM).
In this example there are four
Approximate area:
As the number of subintervals
increases, so does the accuracy.
With 8 subintervals:
Approximate area:
The exact answer for this
problem is
width of subinterval
Inscribed rectangles are
all below the curve:
Circumscribed rectangles
are all above the curve:
We will be learning how to find the exact area under a
curve if we have the equation for the curve. Rectangular
approximation methods are still useful for finding the
area under a curve if we do not have the equation.
The TI-89 calculator can do these rectangular
approximation problems. This is of limited usefulness,
since we will learn better methods of finding the area
under a curve, but you could use the calculator to check
your work.
If you have the calculus tools program
Set up the
screen as follows:
Select Calculus Tools and press Enter
Press F3
and then 1
Press alpha and then enter:
Note: We press alpha because the screen starts in alpha lock.
Make the Lower bound: 0
Make the Upper bound: 4
Make the Number of intervals: 4
Press Enter