yes no unsure at this time
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Q2. Reflect on what you would like a mobile device to be able to do.
40 have word, powerpoint, xcel. Allow students to be online, however, not on typical sites (facebook/games).
CLASSROOM activities ONLY. NOT fun and games DURING class.
Allow online use, storage, camera formative assessment, aid in the flip classroom to do activities and tests on the internet to do research on the internet to do composition writing
Almost any mobile device is going to be able to function the way we need it to
(internet access, ability to add apps, function as an e-reader), the question is how smoothly it serves those functions with minimal glitches.
Easily interface with Moodle so kids will actually check Moodle to keep up with their work.
Enhance learning for all students not just a group of students download the etext
It depends on the purpose of the proposal. If we want the students to be interactive during class, I would like to have tablets. If we want the students to make in-depth analysis of labs, I would like to have lab tops.
Allow students to access the texts for the classes, use software to write, revise, and store writing; allow students to create presentations using different media like power point, movie software, and music software, and share learning with others.
Online text and naiku quiz questions
Moblie devices should be able to: - play videos - use and edit powerpoint, word, excel, pdf documents - have an easy to use keyboard for typing - use internet have a long battery life - ability to use apps
Level the playing field: some kids currently have access to technology outside of schools. Others do not. Mobile devices would make it possible for all students to use technology and for teachers to be able to use activities that require it.
equalize student opportunities
Online textbooks.
Prepare students to use mobile devices effectively as they continue education after high school.
Gather information quickly; put music into the hands of the students (less paper)
Make sound and video recordings, type in Chinese.
My only need would be internet access for my students with a screen large
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Q2. Reflect on what you would like a mobile device to be able to do.
52 enough to work on longer problems.
1) Better utilize Naiku; current, more public spaces (computer labs or mobile computers) are no longer sufficient due to scheduling and larger class sizes.
Students could look up the driving manual online instead of me having to order more each year.
Allow students to watch video lectures for the flipped classroom method of instruction. Use Naiku both during class and for homework purposes. Use various apps to complete homework Create word processing, presentation, excel type documents Create video presentations Use various online resources on a device
Assist students in keeping up with notes, grades and assignments and put everyone on equal footing in this area. It should be a device where students can access certain sites on the internet and others would be blocked. Teachers could provide so much to their students this way.
I'd like mobile devices to allow students to turn in homework, and have that linked directly to the grade book.
Use Naiku and watch math videos in my math course.
A mobile device should be able to connect to an online platform so students can use Collab and other online tools to assist their learning.
Students could perform quizzes, forums, answer questions outside of class
Offer students individual feedback about their musical performance through the use of software (Smart Music, Sight Reading Factory), as well as musical apps
(metronomes, tuners).
allow for on-demand interactive lessons
It would be great for students to be able to keep all work online and document their work. The new textbook softwares seem fantastic with helping this be achievable.
Allow for enhanced student productivity and efficacy.
Mar 3, 2014 6:10 AM
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Q3. What do you want the selected device(s) to enable students to do?
21 look up information and submit information via the Internet internet research word processing on-line textbooks complete and submit assignments without paper
A. Wireless internet access B. Check grades, assignments, missing assignments, etc. C. Take notes. D. Create digital presentations such as
PowerPoint, Prezi, Wideo, etc. E. Create word processed or spreadsheet documents such as Word or Excel. F. Access a a LMS such as Moodle. G. Be used for state testing.
Use and write all over distributed notes, formatively assess (like Naiku), submit work, research.
same everything
Work in and out of the classroom on instructional activities.
see above
See above
Instant Feedback for assessment purposes. A location to keep all their documents and homework.
Do their school work from anywhere.
Access online notes, research, grades.
anything and everything...and things we have yet to imagine type (with a real keyboard!), have internet access, calendar
Create video Cut music Research Video Record and Storage take quizzes, be online, access textbooks
In addition to the basics, these devices should enable students to connect and work with others--near and far, acquire mentoring from experts in applied and research settings, and in general--expand their world and opportunities.
Enhance their understanding of classroom material. Provide support materials for upcoming topics. Practice tests based on the coursework they are currently enrolled. practice tests for standardized test. Vocabulary enhancement.
enable all students to have access to internet for supplemental purposes
(moodle, google drive, safari montage, specific apps). Enable students to explore and acclimate to various softwares they may be exposed to later in life.
CLASSROOM activities ONLY. NOT fun and games DURING class. Write papers, check sources, make powerpoints...
Mar 6, 2014 2:43 PM
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Q3. What do you want the selected device(s) to enable students to do?
24/7 access to information respond to questioning, aid in the flip classroom all of the above
Organize and prioritize their workload, interact with text, engage in online collaborations and discussions, and generally take charge of their learning.
There is so much that technology can offer. I would imagine teachers would like some training on the opportunities- these kids are growing up in a technology world, it should play a role in their education read the text
My first proposal would have the students to have tablets so that I can have an interactive lesson. But if the money is available, I would want lab tops that would be able to be interactive during class and give the students the ability to develop lab reports and detailed analysis of those labs.
Practice reading, writing, revising, and creating; then share their work with others.
Take online quizzes
Moblie devices should enable students to: - play videos - use and edit powerpoint, word, excel, pdf documents - use internet and online resources ability to use apps
At this point I'm not sure what CAN be done. I would like to explore this tool's use.
-access internet -read e-books -chat with others across the globe -type notes create presentations and videos
Use online textbooks, online calculators.
Become more facile with technolgy
Research; word processing; communication with teachers; preparing and sharing assignments with teachers; help students work together on group projects; introduce students to technology that is used in college.
Formative Assessment; instant answering; polling; quick quizes
I would like students to be able to keep an eportfolio to document their progress in language learning. A mobile device can collect sound recordings and videos as evidence of language use which I can't do with paper portfolios.
Connect to the internet and record video.
Take tests in my class to avoid paperwork of scantron
Create documents, presentations, videos Watch online videos Access notes,
Mar 4, 2014 12:26 PM
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Q3. What do you want the selected device(s) to enable students to do?
51 resources on moodle Use apps for homework Take online formative assessments Fill in blogs
Keep up with class assignments - get notes for lectures - complete assignments and submit them to teachers. It also should enable them to research what they need to research.
provide students with reading materials, resource access, and word processing abilities
Not play games. This is what is happening at Farmington High School. Ask any kid at FHS and they will tell you that their I pads are fun and most of the kids play games during class.
Take quizzes online and set up Quizlet tests that all students can use. They can also use it for notes, record the lesson, and get to their online books. This would mean they would have to carry around less books and save a lot of money.
Student should be able to research, and then communicate ideas and knowledge via their online device.
Check in with me 2-3 times per week outside of class time. To give students ownership in their thinking and learning. It is important they are good thinkers.
Students could also explore musical composition through the use of Finale and
Garage Band. Students could learn music at their own pace, and could select musical excerpts based on their ability and interest level (Smart Music).
take advantage of online resources during class
Have access to all online resources and turn all homework in online.
Access school learning platform, internet, transfer of assignments, notes, taking assessments, collaboration between students, etc.
Mar 2, 2014 7:33 PM
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Q4. What do you want the selected device(s) to enable teachers to do?
21 engage all student electronically have teacher access to be sure kids are not just using it to game during the class have teacher ability to shut down sites kids should not be on access student work, communicate with students
A. Access internet. B. Access Student Management System and electronic gradebook. C. Interact with students such as Moodle. D. Accept, read, and score electronically submitted assignments. E. Act as a student response system that would allow immediate feedback for students such as Naiku. F.
Give electronic assessments. G. Monitor student's electronic activity.
Distribute notes, information, assess, easier access to contact students.
online projects and assignments
Use the vast mobile resources
Assign work in Moodle and know that all students had access to the material.
Use online resources when computer labs or mobile labs are not available.
present other formats for learning to enhance learning
See above
Formative Assessments, Online Activities, Instant Feedback for remediation and guided lesson planning, Assignment of remediation lessons .
Be at work 24/7 no matter where we are. Students will be able to turn in or do work whenever they feel like it and we will be able to communicate with them at their convenience.
take attendance with ease, access electronic copies of textbooks, connect easily to smartboards/projectors manage, build and create
Similar to now...laptop access for teachers
Cut music Use dance making programs Video Recording and Storage
Work smarter, be more portable, collaborate with peers and colleagues.
collect information from students quickly and effiently same as laptops - allow for more video creation
To be able to see what he students are doing at the time they are doing it.
(Inappropriate use) to have students working together and individually on line on a variety of enrichment/testing activities
Mar 6, 2014 2:43 PM
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Q4. What do you want the selected device(s) to enable teachers to do?
More effectively monitor student progress, including using technology-based formative assessments, as well as engaging students to a greater degree than with a non-technological approach.
Provide multiple opportunities for learning-
I want to be able to control my projector in class with my tablet. I also want to be able to monitor and control my students devices while they are in class. I would also like to have the "dropbox" option in which students can drop their assignments in a folder so I can grade the projects.
Reference texts easily; have and provide access to all texts for given students; observe and evaluate student work; prepare presentations using various media.
monitor individual work vs. group see feedback immediately
Moblie devices should enable teachers to: - play videos - use and edit powerpoint, word, excel, pdf documents - use internet - ability to use apps - Test taking (formative assessments) - Collab, moodle
At this point I'm not sure what CAN be done. I would like to explore this tool's use.
-equalize opportunities -reduce number of platforms the teacher needs to be familiar with
Smart Board presentations.
Send and receive information regarding class assignments and preparation; review students' work and give feedback; monitor students' work progress and how they're grasping the concepts being taught.
Formative Assessment; instant answering; polling; quick quizes
I would like to be able to access and assess the students work. Uplaoding to moodle would be a good way to do this.
Function as our laptops.
Same as above
Use Naiku for formative assessments Use moodle for uploading documents for students to access later Allow students to watch YouTube videos Allow students to use online resources to access information Allow students to create representations of their understanding (videos, pictures, papers)
Post lecture notes, assignments and even question and answer opp. Students could turn in their assignments that way and teachers could provide more immediate feedback.
grade their papers :)
Mar 3, 2014 4:31 PM
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Q4. What do you want the selected device(s) to enable teachers to do?
I'd like to be able to monitor all devices when they are connected to the schools network.
I would like to be able to use my device to run my computer and be able to use it with software that mirrors my computer. This will allow me to walk around the room and still teach. I can also "hand" it off to students to input their answers.
The device should allow teachers to share information and gather data regarding what students know via the device.
Create quizzes, forums, submit material online. This would take care of the "I don't have a printer at home that works." It is a common problem.
To create assignments and grade students through online assessments.
make the latest material available for students
Organize all online activities and administer tests online.
Interact with students in ways previously not thought of.
Mar 2, 2014 6:09 PM
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Mar 2, 2014 5:36 PM
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Q5. What are some “must-have” features in your opinion?
Internet access
A. Wireless internet access. B. Enough memory - to hold all resources and student created projects and data. C. Tech Service support - a system to quickly repair hardware and software to get the student back up and running.
The ability to write mathematically. Either have a tablet that has a writing functionality where students write on the tablet or have a electronic program that allows for easy access to mathematical language.
Must run powerpoints, all collab options, Virtual labs (not sure of all the plug in needed), videos, all textbook resources.
internet collab and moodle use with speed and memory to access and create multimedia presentations
See above
Integration between grade book and assessment software. On-sight expertise and training.
word processing, research possibilities access and edit microsoft word documents, read pdf files, ability to connect to projector, touchscreen word processing, web research
Full and real touch keyboard internet music editing program video editing program video recording capability
& storage
Research tools--internet access/connections, writing program that allows collaboration--USB port; tools for making presentations flawless internet access, microsoft suite, google drive,
To be able to see what he students are doing at the time they are doing it.
(Inappropriate use) online use, storage, camera - microsoft word, xcel, powerpoint access to the internet
A long battery life is a top priority considering how few outlets most classrooms at RHS have. It's also important to make sure that it is either O/S or Android based to allow access to the full range of apps available.
not sure
Mar 6, 2014 2:43 PM
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Mar 4, 2014 12:26 PM
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Mar 3, 2014 4:31 PM
Mar 3, 2014 2:54 PM
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Q5. What are some “must-have” features in your opinion?
Drop box Venier Physics application High Speed camera Video editing software
Software programs for writing, ability to access texts for students and teachers, storage capacity that is vast, revising programing, sharing capacity.
printing Turn it In (would like to see funding for this) as technology increases online text
Same as above
-Video editing and uploading -presentation creation software -word processing software -internet access
Features that control use of social media and inappropriate content in the classroom, assuming these features exist. Controls to protect student identity from outside hackers.
Connect to wireless projectors in the classroom
Audio and visual recording. Typing in Chinese. Personal storage space for students (could be cloud). Internet access.
Internet, video recording software, Microsoft Office.
Teacher control and access to student devices in the classroom.
Access to word processing, presentations, spreadsheets (google docs, Microsoft
Office) Access to Naiku Access to apps Access to moodle Access to YouTube videos Cameras
Apps that can do all of the above, plus research ability. Moodle - school website should also be able to be accessed.
Honestly, I wish teachers could have the "Turn it in" technology to help us with plagiarism issues, which would help students publish and endorse academic integrity
Assignments must be able to be turned in to a "drop box" and then that drop box is linked to my grade book.
Mirroring software. Ways to control what the kids are doing while I am teaching.
Staff support. There is no one Carol would be able to do this by herself without burning her out. We would have to have another "Carol" in the building.
Devices must easily connect to the internet. They should be able to support the online textbook and Collab.
As above
The ability to download applications (tablets). The ability to purchase and download bulk software (laptops).
enough bandwidth to accommodate the school
Mar 3, 2014 2:15 PM
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Q5. What are some “must-have” features in your opinion?
Ability to prevent access to sites. Ability to monitor online.
internet, microsoft office type of productivity, grades access, assessment taking capability, exchange of assignments, notes, etc.
Mar 2, 2014 5:46 PM
Mar 2, 2014 5:36 PM
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Q6. What are some “nice to have” features?
19 possibly note taking with a print option
A. Ability to Skype or similar technology to connect with experts in the field or classrooms around the state, country, or world. B. Web cams to conference call or take pictures or video. C. Access to subscription software (Scantron, NWEA,
Explorelearning, etc.) - can also be used for intervention or differentiation.
None iPads wireless printing,
Mar 6, 2014 2:43 PM
Mar 5, 2014 10:25 AM
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Mar 4, 2014 9:09 PM
Mar 4, 2014 8:52 PM
Adobe suite of tools
Ability to have a touch screen on a laptop skype
Mar 4, 2014 8:40 PM
Mar 4, 2014 8:03 PM
Mar 4, 2014 7:13 PM
Mar 4, 2014 5:49 PM speed and connections to access information and run testing programs for which our current laptops (HP ProBook 6555b) is soon to be obsolete and not capable of running programs we now use for assessing students, scoring protocols, writing reports.
Camera functions and video editing/sharing features could be very useful, but I don't envision them being the primary use of the devices.
not sure
Mar 3, 2014 4:31 PM
Mar 3, 2014 2:54 PM
Mar 3, 2014 2:15 PM Tripods
-ability for teachers to freeze screens and view screens
Everything currently on the laptops.
Mar 3, 2014 10:50 AM
Mar 3, 2014 9:09 AM
Mar 3, 2014 6:10 AM
Mar 2, 2014 7:33 PM Apps to help with writing mechanics, or ability to research topics further - ability to connect on social media if monitored.
Microsoft office Mar 2, 2014 6:09 PM
Mar 2, 2014 6:02 PM You can get rid of the portable computers and the students will have access all the time. Apps are only getting better as the years go on.
Mar 2, 2014 6:01 PM
I do not have enough information to ask for features.
Mar 2, 2014 5:59 PM
Good complimentary headphones for every students (noise-canceling preferred).
Mar 2, 2014 5:59 PM apps, storage, keyboard....
Mar 2, 2014 5:36 PM
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Q8. If you answered "yes" in wanting to be a Beta teacher, provide a brief concept summary of how you would implement the use of mobile devices in your classroom.
A. Run historical simulations. B. Submit assignments electronically. C.
Classroom access to Moodle for notes, pictures, videos, etc. D. Stay in contact with students through various methods. E. All students better access to me through various methods. F. Allow students to collaborate on projects.
I would use them in every aspect of my teaching
All class work and homework is currently posted in Moodle so students would start the class by looking at the LT's and expectations for the class. Online resources would be used to provide instructional videos, Virtual labs,research and enrichment and remediation resources.
Formative Assessments, Online Activities, Instant Performance Feedback to students, Remediation Lessons.
(Reinartz) Currently, I have a grant for Nexus 7 computers for my Computer
Science we are making apps for the school and
momentum gathers, we hope to get more and do more... but I would also use them for student projects, presentations, and just about everything.
Not in the classroom. Would pilot using a device in place of a test kit.
I would consider a possible beta test in extended day or a co-taught concepts class where student numbers were small and manageable.
One vision I've had for some time that would be possible with a one-to-one mobile device program is to be able to have virtual writing conferences with students. Whether they are live, asynchronous, audio only, or full video, I cannot take as much time as I'd like to talk to a student when we're in class. In addition,
I see the devices as fostering full-class collaboration and discussion - particularly with reluctant speakers and in large classes where it's hard for everyone to be heard.
I already use naiku in my classroom and I would not use this every day. It would be nice that I could monitor naiku and project a lesson plan at the same time. I would need two devices at my disposal in order to achieve this. Currently I can naiku and give notes at the exact same time seamlessly. I would also use it to video tape, analyze, and share physics demonstrations that the students complete.
-note taking -video creation/viewing -online review -live chatting with students from other countries in the target language
I am already using my own personal Ipad in the classroom daily. It has been awesome, and I think I would be able to show other music teachers in our district how to use the devices in a music classroom.
I would implement a year-long language learning portfolio project. Students would save evidence of meeting certain language benchmarks. Part of their course grade would be based upon meeting those benchmarks at their own pace.
Mar 5, 2014 10:25 AM
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Mar 3, 2014 7:55 AM
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Q8. If you answered "yes" in wanting to be a Beta teacher, provide a brief concept summary of how you would implement the use of mobile devices in your classroom.
13 Mar 3, 2014 6:10 AM
-Frequent use of Quick Questions through Naiku. -More frequent use of Naiku quizzes and tests (both formative and summative). -Video recording of labs to provide tutorials for younger students. -Instant information for debates and discussion; "fact checking". -YouTube tutorials (both mine and public videos). -
Further experimentation with flipped classroom.
Students would use devices to watch video lectures for flipped lessons. With the flipped lessons students would use Naiku to take formative assessments both as homework and during class. Students would use their devices to access links in moodle to complete online activities in class. Students could use their device to take notes both from reading text or from traditional methods of lecture. The teacher could create an online etext which students could then access with their device at any time. Students can use the device to create non-traditional ways to represent their understanding (using videos, blogs, photo-logs).
It would be perfect for summative assessment
I am now testing out a classroom set of 10 Android version tablets. I am creating games for review and quizzes and tests in Naiku. I also have created many videos so my students can do a flipped classroom. I would LOVE the opportunity to have all of my students have the device, not just a few.
I would appreciate the opportunity to be a Beta teacher. Our team is already using a number of tools including online science simulations, video clips, science databases and the online book the help student gain understanding on of the material. We use Collab to help student collaborate and share their work. We are early adopters of Naiku for both formative and summative assessment. If we had mobile devices, formative assessments could be given even more frequently. The data could be used quickly to provide feedback. Students could work on individualized plans of re-learning based on the formative assessment.
For example, at the end of a lesson, students could take a formative assessment. Based on the score, each student could work on a different homework set. Re-learning and remediation for some and enrichment for others.
I would like my students to have the best available technology. They deserve a chance to use this technology/equipment at the forefront instead of as an after thought.
I would use Smart Music and Sight Reading Factory, which would allow students to learn at their own pace, and it would allow me to provide students with more individualized instruction.
I would use the devices to create a learning environment where formative assessment is used on a more regular basis. The device, and certain available programs, make this quite efficient for both teachers and students
Class sets for students to use within blocks.
Mar 2, 2014 7:43 PM
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Q9. What are concerns you have?
Who and how is this technology going to be kept up to date? I have fairly new technology in my room that is already out-dated and once one part goes out I may lose all of it's capability. Technology moves so fast, can we really keep up with it as our budget depends on taxpayer funds? I'm also concerned with student abuse. Good students, as always, will use it to an advantage, but struggling students will now have a tool to increase their distractions to further jeopardize and hinder their success - ie cell phones!!! Lastly, as always with technology, it's great if it works - I would use it mostly for work on the Internet, if the service goes down I've lost an entire lesson - paper and pencil are always there.
kids will use the device to simply play games, be on facebook/twitter/vine during class kids losing/stealing/selling them -then what?
More screen time than they already have.
band width and infra structure to handle all of these devices. DO funding to maintain these devices including full time tech people
A. Training/Staff Development i. Will there be ongoing staff development to train staff the operation and use of 1:1 device ii. Will there be a technology integrationist that will train staff on a regular basis on how to incorporate 1:1 technology into the classroom. B. Infrastructure - will there be enough bandwidth to handle the number of 1:1 devices. C. Security i. Anti-virus and internet protection software. ii. Prevent students from accessing inappropriate material on the internet. D. Sustainability i. Will we be able to continue to provide this to students at the same level as to students in the future.
Cost, durability, not having the features that are unique to a math classroom.
Would students take proper care of the mobile device? Would students use it for its intended purpose? Would more traditional instructional methods become obsolete? Will it run the programs needed for science? Will our textbook and all resources associated with it work?
Monitoring student's inappropriate use during class.
* It must be viewed as a tool and not a replacement for meaningful and engaged instruction with an expert in the area of learning and teaching; notetaking etc. on your i pad is really no different than a notebook). It is so much money and so many students have so many more pressing needs (individual contact with a teacher who can tailor learning to a student's needs) - I would rather reduce the size of my regular (not AP or CIS) classes 35+. Having a device is not going to address the needs of students in the middle who are often overlooked and don't connect with teachers or other adults in the school; I think there needs to be equity in access to the internet etc., but it is not the solution to the educational crisis in critical thinking and the need for increasing rigor demanded in the common core.
Students already have access to much technology. It is making them less able to focus. They already do not for the most part use the devices they have (smart phones, for example) to do something as simple as check moodle. Are we looking for a magic "pill" that will solve issues that educators have always
Mar 6, 2014 2:43 PM
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Q9. What are concerns you have?
21 struggled with - lack of motivation, lack of interest, socio-economic standing its the resultant benefits or hindrances. If we want to help students the most, WE
Fluidity/compatibility between technologies that we're being asked to use. Lack of training or expertise in the school.
When I use computer labs in my room or go to the computer labs, most students seem to be playing games, are on Facebood, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.
Students are using their phones all day during their classes to Tweet, etc as it is.
With devices I can only imagine this will get worse. Will the devices improve standardized test scores? Since that is the focus of education, why would we use devices unless we'd be confident the scores would improve? Would each classroom be equipped with several backup devices for the students who forget or lose their devices? Are we moving in this direction to improve standardized test scores or because it's fashionable? What kind of policies will we need to implement when students use their devices to slander teachers (as some are already doing with their own devices or school computers) or make obnoxious comments and threats to other students?
Students using devices to surf internet rather than focusing on task, students might not use them enough to warrant the cost, will I feel pressure to have to use them in class?
that we are woefully behind with this!
Keeping students on the task at hand and not using it for personal reasons.
I have heard some comments from teachers in one to one device schools and they say that they did not envision the money that would be spent on the upkeep of devices. We could just get more classroom sets or maybe do a rental program for students that don't already have access.
That the investment would be made and not used to its full potential. . . .collect
Education of teachers, students, parents about effective ways to use the device to enhance their childs education.
Distractions in class - with our class sizes only getting larger, it is already difficult to keep all kids on task.
1. students not prepared now will still be unprepared with bringing their devices or not having them charged. 2. keeping student focus with all of them having access on devices. 3. class sizes will increases with the devices in place (how can we possibly have budget for both?) which is the opposite of what is supposed to happen with the one to one concept. 4. students in the upper grades getting piloted first, if lower grades start the pilot they will know what expectations are for use as they approach the high school. My concern is starting the technology with the high schooler they will treat it like a computer in class, and not be focused.
My big concern is that the mobile devices can be as distracting as cell phones
Mar 5, 2014 5:36 AM
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Q9. What are concerns you have?
31 are at present. They have become personal computers--way beyond the scope of just making a phone call. Just today I witnessed a TWEETING incident that occurred IN CLASS amongst several students. IT HAPPENS ALL DAY LONG. I am tired of asking kids to put away their devices. They are unable to part with their phones and it its getting out of hand. I believe we need to get a
CONSISTENT message about inappropriate phone use to the ENTIRE faculty before we take on mobile devices. PLEASE, this needs to be addressed at a faculty meeting soon. It is very frustrating for teachers to compete with these technologies.
Ease of cheating, devices being used for non-school related use devices not working, lost, forgotten, stolen.
The most obvious concerns are ones that I'm sure others have also mentioned: off-task distractions, theft, expense, etc.
Long-term health effects of increased screen time on students; even greater fragmentation of students' minds as they constantly toggle between work and games; decrease of interpersonal communication skills; decrease in support of desktop computers with full keyboards; increased teacher workload as we are now revising for new state standards AND then having to revise to new texts and methods that are available on iPads. Will all our books be available in both formats? How will students read and annotate texts electronically? We will need a lot of professional development to do this right.
Does the district have the funds to make this happen?
the cost to the district/school
I am concerned that I have 35 students and I will only have 20 tablets or lab tops.
Through the years, technology continues to be presented as the answer to our educational problems, as if it is a panacea. In my experience, technology is a method that resolves some issues and creates many more. Tech support is never as easily accessed as I hope, and support can be overwhelmed easily.
Technology breaks down; repairs are costly and deplete resources for other areas. Students are already tied to their personal technologies, and often students use technology for personal rather than educational purposes.
Technology is changing so rapidly that teaching students one program is obsolete almost before the instruction is finished. Technology seems to feed the increasingly small attention span students have. Individual technology also seems to stop students from interactions with people they don't already know.
I think any technology is only as good as the teacher makes it. It can be fun and flashy, but is more/better learning happening because of it--or is it being used because it is different than the daily routine? Will teachers have to use it because students have it? Just like with MOODLE, Collab, etc. Will it really add to what we want students to accomplish?
students not paying attention in class and playing games
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Q9. What are concerns you have?
Reliability of devices: Broken, Technical difficulties How long will they last? How often is the turnover rate of technology? Issues surrounding appropriate student use?
-cost (could be used to lower teacher-student ratio which would be a better use of tax monies??) -tech support? -teachers being forced to use technology simply for the sake of it (not actually enhancing the learning)
Tech support. Theft. Use of devices for purposes other than school-authorized use.
-security (student information and the actual devices) -inappropriate use in class
-training for staff -amount of tech help required of our small tech staff -lack of internet access at home for students -money that could be put towards retaining teachers -money wrapped up in maintaining the devices and purchasing apps
Students not bringing devices to class. Students using twitter and other social media in class. Possible cheating on tests/assignments.
Initial cost, licensing fees which need to be paid every year, costs to maintain and repair and replace devices that are lost or ruined. Devices get old quickly and need to be upgraded often. Additionally studies have proven that such devices do not enhance the learning; in fact, often focus too much on technology so subject matter learning is lessened. Additionally, the technology we would have access to would not be what students will use in their future jobs and life.
Cost of devices and their maintenance. Distractions on devices that keep students from staying on task in the classroom. Cell phones are already an issue in classrooms - I am concerned that putting more technology in every classroom in the hands of every student would make it even more difficult for teachers to stay on top of the many distractions that come along with technology devices. Also, what is the back-up plan for a student who has lost, forgotten, or has a maintenance issue with their device? How will they participate in class without the use of their device? What technology support will teachers have, and what are the costs associated with additional staff hired for this support?
My biggest concern is for maintenance of the machines and software. I have taught at a one to one school before. In that school we had one dedicated staff for maintaining the machines, software, and providing support for teachers. If we invest money in the equipment, there should be money set aside for maintaining it.
Could the funding for providing this technology be used more effectively on other areas? Many students already have their own personal devices - should we be examining how to effectively teach students to use what they already own?
Perhaps the school then funds getting devices for the "have not's" none
-Student misuse. -Gravity accidents. -Network reliability. -Battery life.
The devices becoming more of a classroom distraction than an aid to instruction.
I have yet to see applications for math that are changing the face of instruction. I
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Q9. What are concerns you have?
52 am sure that day will come though. Instead of "mandating" that every student have one, I would prefer to start with classes that have a true need and there is technology that significantly improves instruction. I would prefer this movement to mobile devices be more of an organic outgrowth of those teachers that see an opening to improve their instruction, rather than a top down mandate that everybody start using them, somehow, ... now.
Students may not use them in the way intended. Ability to monitor closely.
The students seem to be reading less with their smart phones, becoming less communicative with one another; their technology doesn't seem to wire or engage them more, at least that's what they tell me.
Staff support would be my biggest concern. Otherwise, I don't think there is a way to avoid these types of devices eventually being introduced into our classrooms. We will have to figure out a way to control them, just like we have to now for their phones. In fact, iPads might be easier to control because we can see if they are out. Students are able to take out their phones now and hide them under the desks and use them. Tablets would be harder for them to do this.
I am excited to have access for all students in the near future!
That my students and I will not get an opportunity to test this. I need to learn to use technology. I do not even have a document camera in my classroom. I have wanted one for five years. I feel my students do not get opportunities they should.
- cheating - more opportunities for students to be distracted - cost to the district perception of providing devices to students while we still serve cheese sandwiches to students with no money in their lunch accounts
Students browsing other sites during class.
funding, access, equity, professional development and tech support.
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