Last Name First Name M.I. Home Phone # EASTVIEW HIGH SCHOOL Registration Form 2016-2017 Student ID Number Male Female Grade For complete course descriptions and on-line registration go to: 10 (see page 2 or the back cover of the Student Registration Guide for instructions) I understand that this registration is final as this data will be used to form classes, plan the master schedule, and hire/assign teachers for next year. I studied the Registration Guide at with my parents, and received their approval of my course selections. Student Signature Parent Signature Date Students: All of the courses offered next year for your grade level are listed below. Place an X in front of the courses you have selected for next year. * = Teacher recommendation required VISUAL ART COURSES 0101 Intro to 2D Art P 0142 Drawing 1 P 0143 Drawing 2 P 0144 Painting 1 P 0145 Painting 2 P 0148 Graphic Design/Digital Art P 0149 Photography 1 P 0150 Photography 2 P 0151 Photography 3 0102 Intro to 3D Art P 0140 Ceramics 1 P 0141 Ceramics 2 P 0165 Ceramics 3 P 0146 Sculpture 1 BUSINESS COURSES 0201 Intro to Business 0202 Intro to Computer Programming 1507 Kybrd A/Microsoft Word P 1508 Kybrd B/Adv Wrd/Adobe Photo P 1509 Kybrd C/Powerpoint/Excel P 1510 Kybrd D/Off/Access/Cloud/Web 2.0 1561 AP: Computer Science Princ. A 1562 AP: Computer Science Princ. B 1563 AP: Computer Science Princ. C 1564 AP: Computer Science Princ. D 0239 International Business 0240 IT Exploration A P 0241 IT Exploration B 0242 Accounting 1A P 0243 Accounting 1B P 0244 Accounting 1C P 0245 Accounting 1D 0246 Personal & Business Law 0248 Fashion Marketing 0252 Marketing A/Introduction 0253 Marketing B/Sales & Promo 0254 Marketing C/Advertising 0255 Marketing D/Social Media Mrktg 0256 Money Mgmt: The Essentials 0257 Money Mgmt: Financial Future 0258 Business Mgmt A 0259 Business Mgmt B 0260 Sports/Entertain Market A 0261 Sports/Entertain Market B 0262 Sports/Entertain Market C ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COURSES 0202 Intro to Computer Programming 1507 Kybrd A/Microsoft Word P 1508 Kybrd B/Adv Wrd/Adobe Photo P 1509 Kybrd C/Powerpoint/Excel P 1510 Kybrd D/Off/Access/Cloud/Web 2.0 1561 AP: Computer Science Princ. A 1562 AP: Computer Science Princ. B 1563 AP: Computer Science Princ. C 1564 AP: Computer Science Princ. D 1544 Multimedia A: Graphic Design 1545 Multimedia B: Video Production 1546 Multimedia C: 3D Mod/Video Game 1547 Multimedia D: Web Design P = Prerequisite needed for a quarter elective course ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (cont.) 0354 Intro Broadcast Journal A P 0355 Intro Broadcast Journal B Applied Science Program 1502 Manufacturing: Sports Equipment 1504 Manufacturing: Woods & Plastics Applied Mathematics Program 1530 Robotics & Hydraulics (Robotic Arm) 1531 Structures & Forces (Rollercoaster) 1532 Alternative Energy (MagLev/Solar) 1533 Lifting Principles (Aviation) P 1528 Eng Design: Simple Machines P 1529 Eng Design: Vehicle Design ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS COURSES 0340 English 10/Speech A 0341 English 10/Speech B 0342 English 10/Speech C 0343 English 10/Speech D + 0344 Honors Am Lit A + 0345 Honors Am Lit B + 0346 Honors Am Lit C + 0347 Honors Am Lit D 0348 Acting (elect) 0354 Intro Broadcast Journal A (elect) P 0355 Intro Broadcast Journal B (elect) 1544 Multimedia A: Graphic Design 1545 Multimedia B: Video Production 1546 Multimedia C: 3D Mod/Video Game 1547 Multimedia D: Web Design FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE COURSES 0401 Everyday Cooking 0403 Gourmet Cooking 0404 International Cooking 0411 FIT Cooking (Fitness & Ind. Training) 0405 Child Psych & Develop A P 0406 Child Psych & Develop B P 0426 Child Psych & Develop C 0410 Infant & Toddler Dev 0407 Interior Design A P 0408 Interior Design B 0409 Trends in Fashion Design 0446 Psychology of Parenting 0452 Life Relationships 0451 Intro to Teacher Education 0466 Landscape Design MATHEMATICS COURSES 0705 Intermediate Algebra A 0706 Intermediate Algebra B 0707 Intermediate Algebra C 0708 Intermediate Algebra D 0709 Geometry A 0710 Geometry B 0711 Geometry C 0712 Geometry D 0713 Hon Geometry A 0714 Hon Geometry B 0715 Hon Geometry C 0716 Hon Geometry D + = Review Course Rigor Expectations MATHEMATICS COURSES (cont.) 0740 Algebra 2A 0741 Algebra 2B 0742 Algebra 2C 0743 Algebra 2D + 0744 Honors Algebra 2A + 0745 Honors Algebra 2B + 0746 Honors Algebra 2C + 0747 Honors Algebra 2D 1276 Math Peer Tutoring A (elect) 1277 Math Peer Tutoring B (elect) 1278 Math Peer Tutoring C (elect) 1279 Math Peer Tutoring D (elect) Applied Math Program 1530 Robotics & Hydraulics (Robotic Arm) 1531 Structures & Forces (Rollercoaster) 1532 Alternative Energy (MagLev/Solar) 1533 Lifting Principles (Aviation) P 1528 Eng Design: Simple Machines P 1529 Eng Design: Vehicle Design MUSIC & DANCE COURSES * 0805 Marching Band A * 0806 Concert Band A * 0807 Concert Band B * 0808 Concert Band C * 0809 Concert Band D * 0824 Symphonic Band A * 0825 Symphonic Band B * 0826 Symphonic Band C * 0827 Symphonic Band D * 0813 Wind Ensemble B * 0814 Wind Ensemble C * 0815 Wind Ensemble D 0816 Lightning Men’s Choir A 0817 Lightning Men’s Choir B 0818 Lightning Men’s Choir C 0819 Lightning Men’s Choir D 0840 Cantabile A 0841 Cantabile B 0842 Cantabile C 0843 Cantabile D * 0871 Women’s Chorale A * 0872 Women’s Chorale B * 0873 Women’s Chorale C * 0874 Women’s Chorale D * 0875 Men’s Chorale A * 0876 Men’s Chorale B * 0877 Men’s Chorale C * 0878 Men’s Chorale D P 0848 Jazz Improvisation 0828 Dance Technique 1A P 0829 Dance Technique 1B P 0830 Dance Technique 1C P 0831 Dance Technique 1D PHYSICAL ED/WELLNESS/SAFETY ED X 0902 Wellness 2/Prevention P P P P 0906 0907 0908 0909 0950 0960 0946 0947 0948 0931 0967 0941 0949 0967 0951 0926 0927 0929 0930 0943 0942 0952 0953 0954 0955 P 0932 Stress Assessment/Mngt P P P P Safety Ed A (based on DOB) Safety Ed B (based on DOB) Safety Ed C (based on DOB) Safety Ed D (based on DOB) Individual Fitness 10-12 Adv Individual Fitness Aerobics Advanced Aerobics Basketball Badminton Advanced Badminton First Aid: Prev/Care Gymnastics Adv Gymnastics Individual Sports Volleyball Fall Team Sports Spring Team Sports Self Defense Girls Strength & Cond. 10-12 Strength Train 10-12 Adv Strength Trn/Cond A Adv Strength Trn/Cond B Adv Strength Trn/Cond C Adv Strength Trn/Cond D SCIENCE COURSES 1026 Biology A 1027 Biology B 1028 Biology C 1029 Biology D + 1030 Hon Biology A + 1031 Hon Biology B + 1032 Hon Biology C + 1033 Hon Biology D *+ 1059 Hon Chemistry A *+ 1060 Hon Chemistry B *+ 1061 Hon Chemistry C *+ 1062 Hon Chemistry D Applied Science Program 1502 Manufacturing: Sports Equipment 1504 Manufacturing: Woods & Plastics SOCIAL STUDIES COURSES 1140 United States History A 1141 United States History B 1142 United States History C 1143 United States History D + 1144 AP: US History A + 1145 AP: US History B + 1146 AP: US History C + 1147 AP: US History D SPECIAL EDUCATION COURSES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1649 1650 1651 1652 1661 1662 1663 1664 1645 1646 1647 1648 1625 1626 1627 1628 1669 1670 1671 1672 1613 1614 1615 1616 Academic Prep A Academic Prep B Academic Prep C Academic Prep D Essential English 10-11 A Essential English 10-11 B Essential English 10-11 C Essential English 10-11 D Essential Literacy 10-11 A Essential Literacy 10-11 B Essential Literacy 10-11 C Essential Literacy 10-11 D Essential Math A Essential Math B Essential Math C Essential Math D Essential Science A Essential Science B Essential Science C Essential Science D Physical Education A Physical Education B Physical Education C Physical Education D ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNER (Complete additional form) EL Program ALTERNATIVE ELECTIVES (choose 6 courses) NOTE: Please enter these courses online! Course # Course Name STUDENT LEADERSHIP AND SERVICES Courses meet outside of the 7 period dayDesignate with “A” (alternate course option). * 1201 LINC 101-Intro to Leadershp * 1203 LINC 301-Leadership Dev. GENERAL ELECTIVE COURSE 1205 ACT Test Prep WORLD LANGUAGES COURSES 0601 French 1A P 0602 French 1B P 0603 French 1C P 0604 French 1D P 0605 French 2A P 0606 French 2B P 0607 French 2C P 0608 French 2D P 0640 French 3A P 0641 French 3B P 0642 French 3C P 0643 French 3D P 0644 French Abroad 0609 German 1A P 0610 German 1B P 0611 German 1C P 0612 German 1D P 0613 German 2A P 0614 German 2B P 0615 German 2C P 0616 German 2D P 0649 German Imm/Exchange 0617 Japanese 1A P 0618 Japanese 1B P 0619 Japanese 1C P 0620 Japanese 1D P 0650 Japanese 2A P 0651 Japanese 2B P 0652 Japanese 2C P 0653 Japanese 2D P 0686 Japanese Abroad P 6634 Mandarin Chinese 3A P 6635 Mandarin Chinese 3B P 6636 Mandarin Chinese 3C P 6637 Mandarin Chinese 3D 0621 Spanish 1A P 0622 Spanish 1B P 0623 Spanish 1C P 0624 Spanish 1D P 0625 Spanish 2A P 0626 Spanish 2B P 0627 Spanish 2C P 0628 Spanish 2D P 0654 Spanish 3A P 0655 Spanish 3B P 0656 Spanish 3C P 0657 Spanish 3D P 0629 Spanish Abroad P* 0687 EL Peer Tutor COCURRICULAR STUDY HALLS * 2213 Cocurricular Study B (Q2) (Boys and Girls Hockey Only) * 2214 Cocurricular Study C (Q3) * 2215 Cocurricular Study D (Q4) (Boys Hockey Only) (Boys/Girls Golf Only) TOTAL QTR COURSES SELECTED (A minimum of 24 courses are required, not including study halls) 28 TOT. QTR. COURSES & QTR STUDY HALLS MUST = 28 On-line Registration Instructions are available on the back cover of the registration packet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Review the Registration Packet. Review and complete this form. Go to Click on the "On-Line Registration Link". Select the option to "LOG-ON". Type in your user name (student number). Type in your school password. Click on "COURSE SEARCH." Request course by number, click on course to view, then "Request this Course" to secure request. 9. Request your alternate courses by clicking "Request as an Alternate" to secure request. 10. You may indicate your interest in cocurricular activities by selecting the "Alternate Course" option. 11. You may print your Selection Summary by choosing "Print Request Summary." 12. Process complete; "Exit". EASTVIEW HIGH SCHOOL Student Activities 2016-2017 Please register for the co-curricular student activity or activities you are interested in by using the ALTERNATE COURSES option during your online registration. By registering for these activities, you are simply indicating your interest in the activity, and are under no obligation to participate in the program. Program leaders will use this information to connect with you further regarding the activity (relevant to camps, clinics, and for general communication). If you are unsure of certain choices (example: softball or track and field) register for both. FINE ARTS/PERFORMING ARTS/STUDENT ACTIVITIES 5011 4003 4004 4005 3000 3009 3012 3001 3010 4006 3013 3014 3015 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 3016 4050 4051 4052 3021 3024 3017 3032 3018 4002 3019 3020 3027 3022 3023 3008 4058 4011 Athletic Training Best Buddies Book Club Bowling Team BRAVO! Business Professionals of America (BPA) Chess Team Color Guard DECA Diversity Club Dance Debate: Policy & Values Drumline (req.Marching Band) Environmental Club (LEAP) Equestrian Club FCCLA German Club Grupa Latino Instrumental Music International Club Investment Club Japan Bowl Japanese National Honor Society J-Club Knowledge Bowl LINC Student Leadership Literary Arts Magazine (Voices) Lightning Cinema Math Team Mock Trial Mountain Bike Team National Forensic League National Honor Society Trap Shooting Team Ski & Snowboard Club X-CXN 3003 3025 3037 3038 3039 4053 3011 4054 3002 3026 3028 3029 3030 4055 3031 3033 ______ 4056 3034 3035 4001 3036 One Act Play Peer Programs (Helper/Mediation/Tutor) Pep Band Percussion Ensemble Pit Orchestra Prom Committee Quiz Bowl Robotics Team School Musical School Newspaper Science Challenge Service Club Speech Team Step Team Student Council Students Against Destructive Decisions Table Tennis Technology Support Service Theatre Productions Theatre Tech Crew Vocal Music ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 4044-4049 Adapted Athletics 4029 Alpine Skiing (Boys/Girls) 4033 Baseball 4023 Basketball - Boys 4022 Basketball - Girls 5012 Cheerleading 4013 Cross Country - Boys 4012 Cross Country - Girls 5013 Dance Team 4024 Figure Skating 4014 Football 4036 Golf - Boys 4035 Golf - Girls 4025 Gymnastics - Girls 4027 Hockey - Boys 4026 Hockey - Girls 4039 Intramurals-Badminton (Fall)* 4040 Intramurals-Basketball (Winter)* 4041 Intramurals-Golf (Spring)* 4043 Lacrosse - Boys 4042 Lacrosse - Girls 4031 Nordic Skiing (Boys/Girls) 4020 Soccer - Boys 4019 Soccer - Girls 4034 Softball 5014 Strength & Condition Summer 5015 Strength & Condition Fall 5016 Strength & Condition Winter 5017 Strength & Condition Spring 5011 Student Med Assist/Athletics 4016 Swimming/Diving - Boys 4015 Swimming/Diving - Girls 4018 Tennis - Boys 4017 Tennis - Girls 4038 Track & Field - Boys 4037 Track & Field - Girls 4021 Volleyball 4028 Wrestling * Intramural activities such as golf, badminton, basketball, and others to be determined by student interest. Registration Checklist This checklist contains important information that will help you to fill out your registration form correctly. Students should consult the Registration Guide for complete details on course requirements. Check each item when completed: 1. ____Yes No The following student information is included on my registration form: student name, six-digit student number, student and parent signature with date, M or F checked. 2. Yes No On my registration form I put an "X" in front of the following English/Language Arts sequence of quarter courses: 0340, 0341, 0342, 0343 English 10/Speech A, B, C, D _______ 0344, 0345, 0346, 0347 Honors Am. Literature A, B, C, D (review the rigor expectations for this course) Students must also register for AP: U.S. History A, B, C, D, 1144-1147. 3. Yes __No On my registration form I put an "X" in front of the following Social Studies sequence of quarter courses: 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143 U.S. History A, B, C, D 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147 AP: U.S. History A, B, C, D (review the rigor expectations for this course) Students must also register for Honors Am. Literature A, B, C, D, 0344-0347. 4. ____Yes _No 5. Yes No 6. Yes No On my registration form I put an "X" in front of 4 core Mathematics quarter courses (see your math teacher for a recommendation). These 4 core courses do not include Applied Mathematics courses which are considered elective courses (and may be taken in addition to your 4 core courses as electives). NOTE: Some students will be directed to take Intermediate Algebra Concepts. This is a permission only mathematics course. I have checked a sequence of 4 Science quarter courses based on teacher recommendation. th On my registration form an "X" has been placed in front of the required Wellness 2 course for 10 grade students. X 0902 Wellness 2 0950 Individual Fitness 10-12 (May be taken any time in grades 10-12.) Additional Physical Education Course (Choose from options listed on registration form.) NOTE: It is recommended for students to complete 3 quarter physical education courses before the end of their th 10 grade year. Students must complete 5 quarter courses of physical education for graduation. (Includes required Ind Fit 9 and Ind Fit 10-12.) NOTE: Students, depending on their birthdate, may select Safety Education. Q1 - Students born on or before October 31, 2001; enroll in course number 0906 Q2 - Students born between November 1, 2001 and January 16, 2002 enroll in course number 0907 Q3 - Students born between January 17, 2002 and March 27, 2002; enroll in course number 0908 Q4 - Students born between March 28, 2002 and May 29, 2002 enroll in course number 0909 7. ____Yes No Students are required to complete a one quarter arts course anytime during grades 9-12 to meet the “Minnesota Arts” requirement. This course may be any course in the art or music departments for students in grades 9-12. Students in grades 10-12 may fulfill the requirement in any of the following: Dance Tech, Interior Design A, Acting, Marketing C-Advertising, or any Multimedia course. 8. Yes No I have selected a TOTAL of at least 24 quarter courses for next year. I understand that the minimum number is 24 and the maximum is 28 quarter courses. For students with less than 28 quarter courses, study halls will be assigned. 9. Yes No You may indicate your interesest in a cocurricular activity by selecting one or more options with the alternate course button. 10. Yes No I have selected alternative courses with the alternate course button. These selections will be used in the event a course conflict arises in creating your class schedule. 11. Yes No Teachers have initialed my registration form for “permission only” courses. NOTE: Students who have failed a course(s) are encouraged to see your counselor to determine which failed classes are to be repeated and where substitute credits are acceptable. Student Signature p:\registra\10th reg form.doc Date __________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher Signature (The registration form is correct and matches the student’s checklist)