Document 10888798

Site Council Agenda
September 8, 2014
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
RHS Student Center Addition
*Site Council Directory – Extended Introductions (John)
*Approval of the May minutes (Bret)
*Rosemount Benefit Fund Account Review (Mary)
*Parent Leaders Meeting Report (Tracy)
Student Council Report (Students)
Year End Evaluation Summary (hard copy)
Goals and expectations
November 8 Ideas
Summer Mailing, 9th Grade Orientation, Open House, First Day of School Feedback
Summer School report – Tim Conboy
School Goal Report 2013-2014 – Kim Budde
Changes to State Testing 2014-2015 – Kim Budde
What is new (teachers and programs)
*Strategic Planning Facilities and Equipment Task Force
Potential Fundraising Initiatives
-Imax Discounted Tickets
-Saint Patrick Day Restaurants
-Drive One 4UR School
-Give MN – Report on money raised
-Focus Research – In progress
- Faculty Talent Show
-Other/New Ideas
Site Council Scholarships - Share Thank Yous
Sarah Bruber and Jessica Weis.
FTTH Fund Expenditure – Modulator Purchase Update – Jim Norris
Projects Assigned
Officers and member recruits for this year
Open Dialogue
Next Meeting – Monday, October 6