RHS Site Council Minutes January 13, 2014 6:30 – 7:50 PM Members Present John Wollersheim – Principal Becky Busho – President Jeanine Ryan – Vice President Mary Swanson - Treasurer Gary Dion Diane Moeller Tracy Monro-Moran Marcia Herron Virginia Nicolay Maureen Kelly-Carroll - Teacher Drew Storley – Guest Speaker REPORTS Introductions Approval of December Minutes – Becky motioned to approve. Jeanine seconded. December minutes approved. Benefit Fund Account Review – Mary reported a current balance of $32,788.50. $500 transfer from the Academic account to the Tournament of Roses (TOR) account (donation from the Site Council). TOR account still has some additional fundraising activity/final trip payment. We expect to see some expenses continue to trickle in for awhile. The band will also continue to use scrip fundraising. A final report on the trip should be ready for the February meeting. Parent Leaders Meeting Report – No meeting held in December; no report to share. Student Council Report – No report this month. ADVISORY FTTH Donation – Hold for next month. EXCHANGE 2014-2015 Registration Presentation – Presented by Drew Storley. Good turnout of incoming 9th graders for a presentation last Tuesday, January 7th. To register online, look for the registration icon on the RHS webpage. Online Registration is done in SchoolView. Timelines for incoming 9th graders and current 9th11th graders are noted. Families again will need to complete paperwork. Students will need to return three items: folder (can register for up to 21 credits), checklist that all tasks have been completed, and printed confirmation that you registered online. Students will have three meetings: homeroom to get preliminary information, advisory day, and homeroom again after the registration window (1/27 – 2/3) closes to collect forms. Teachers check to ensure registration has been completed and done correctly. System is not set up to block registration errors. Career Pathways is a link at the registration web site that shows how elective courses line up with a student’s career interest. The EXPLORE exam is given to students in grade 8 the PLAN to students in grade 10 and feature a Career Wheel on the backside of the score card. This shows students and parents their career interests. John reported the number of students enrolling to the School of Environmental Studies (SES) from the other district high schools: AV-67, EV-67, Eagan-51, and RHS-45. T1 Statistics – John reported that Tri 1 tardies compared to a year ago are down in all grades. In order to reduce the number of “F’s” given, teachers at RHS use intervention strategies. The Student Assistance Team consists of counselors, administrators, teachers, and school nurse. Three grades reported five year lows in the number of “F’s” given in T1: 9th (43 had 1 or more), 10th (36 had 1 or more), and 12th (47 had 1 or more; also the biggest drop from a year ago). Only 11th grade reported an increase from a year ago (55 to 59 this year). Attendance stats show absences are up in three grades compared to a year ago (number of excused, unexcused and unknown absences): 9th (840 to 900.5), 11th (1159.5 to 1244.5), and 12th (1365.5 to 1445). Only 10th showed a decrease from 1110 to 1057.5. FUNDRAISING Marching Band Update – Hold for next month. Potential Fundraising – Not discussed. PROJECTS ASSIGNED Other Money Donations – Becky noted a list of supplies/items requested from several departments. John also noted that other departments have needs like Art, FACS, and Tech Ed. Many departments are requesting Kleenex, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies. There is also a need for landscaping in front of the school and in the court yards. Since we are already requesting food and supplies at Parent/Teacher conferences, we will also request Kleenex and hand sanitizer. For landscaping, since the cost will be much higher than what we have, perhaps it is best left for another outside donation (business, parents, Eagle Scout project, Freshmen Seminar/Academy students, etc.). Becky suggested a $200 donation to the Science/Chemistry department, and $100 each to the Art, FACS and Tech Ed departments for a total of $500. Jeanine motioned to approve, and Tracy seconded. All approved. John and Becky will contact the department chairs and Carol (accounting) to inform them of the donations. Parent/Teacher Conference Table – Counseling noted a need for winter clothing (coats, clothes), along with school supplies (especially graphing calculators). Teachers have also noted a need for Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies. Will set up a table again at conferences for parents to drop off items. OPEN DIALOGUE Nothing presented. NEXT MEETING Monday, February 3rd