Reading Specialist Post Baccalaureate Add-on Certification Training Plan The purpose of the field experience is to help the reading specialist candidate meet the field experience objectives within the scope of experiences available at the training site. This also helps the onsite supervisor plan for mentorship of the field experience student. The field experience training plan should be drafted by the site supervisor and field experience student prior to an initial conference call with the university supervisor. After the joint meeting or conference call with the field experience student, site supervisor, and university supervisor, the training plan may need some revision to reflect the consensus agreed upon during the meeting. The field experience training plan includes the following: 1. List of experiences available at the site that will allow the field experience student to meet the field experience objectives. 2. Projection of how and when the field experience student and site supervisor anticipate the field experience student will participate in these experiences during the time at the site. 3. Projection of potential artifacts the field experience student can produce to show evidence of meeting the objectives through the experience to complete the ePortfolio. 4. Timeline for the field experience (A minimum of 75 hours are required for the field experience and 65 hours for the action research project, but the hour limit serves only as a minimum guideline.) NOTE: Select one activity on your training plan that you can do with a reading specialist in a neighboring school district. If you are working in a large school district, do this with a small rural district near your district. If you are working in a small school district, do this activity with a large school district. It does not require that you drive to that district, unless you choose to do so. Instead you could complete a phone interview project with a reading specialist or the school superintendent of the smaller district as part of one component in your training plan. The goal of this activity is to expand viewpoints and school culture experiences by comparing what is required in a large district with a much smaller district. Reading Specialist Post Baccalaureate Add-on Certification Training Plan Template Required evidences include: 1. An action research project 2. Consultation with classroom teachers to analyze and plan reading instruction 3. Supervision of reading instruction 4. A reading instruction or literacy professional development presentation 5. Implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of reading instruction including differentiation for diverse learner needs 6. An analysis with recommendations based on school-wide literacy assessment data 7. Effective communications with teachers, administrators, family and community members 8. Home-School advocacy to promote literacy 9. Involvement in planning, obtaining, and managing resources and a budget to support literacy programs. Field Experience Student Name Field Experience School District Projected Overall Timeline Starting Date: Ending Date: Days/Hours at the Site: Monday Tuesday Field Experience Objectives 1. Explain and reflect on the multifaceted role of the reading specialist in a school or district. (International Reading Association Standard 6, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 2) 2. Communicate the major theories of reading and the research on effective reading programs to teachers and other school personnel. (International Reading Association Standard 1, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 1) 3. Explain district and state assessment frameworks, proficiency standards, and student benchmarks to teachers and other school personnel. (International Reading Association Experience Available Wednesday Thursday Field Experience Student’s Role Friday Timeline Potential Artifact Standard 3, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 3) 4. Collaborate with teachers and other school personnel in developing a literacy curriculum with vertical and horizontal alignment across PK-12. (International Reading Association Standard 2, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 2) 5. Evaluate a reading curriculum or instructional program to determine its effect on all learners, including learners who struggle and/or are learning the English language. International Reading Association Standard 4, 5, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 1) 6. Coach teachers and other school personnel in selecting, utilizing and interpreting assessments that provide a systematic framework for evaluating the effects of literacy instruction. (International Reading Association Standard 3) 7. Coach teachers in selecting materials, adapting curriculum and differentiating instruction to meet the learning needs of all students. (International Reading Association Standard 2, 4, 5, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 4) 8. Coach teachers and other school personnel in using assessment results, differentiation, interventions, and flexible grouping techniques to facilitate literacy development. (International Reading Association Standard 2, 3, 4, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 1) 9. Conduct needs assessment, plan, and develop professional development which addresses the literacy education needs of a district, school, or community. (International Reading Association Standard 6; Wisconsin Administrator Standard 2) 10. Coach colleagues to ensure effective on-going literacy instruction for all students. (International Reading Association Standard 2, Wisconsin Administrator Standard 3) 11. Collaborate with others to build relationships and strong home-to-school and school-to-home connections to facilitate literacy development. (International Reading Association Standard 4; Wisconsin Administrator Standard 5) 12. Model effective and ethical interpersonal, communication, social influence, and leadership skills to facilitate a positive culture and effective practices for literacy development. (International Reading Association Standard 1, 5, 6; Wisconsin Administrator Standard 2, 3, 6) 13. Collaborate with others to determine budgetary needs and identify grants and other sources to support literacy efforts. (International Reading Association Standard 6; Wisconsin Administrator Standard 4) Student’s Signature Date Site Supervisor’s Signature Date University Supervisor Signature Date Reading Specialist Post Baccalaureate Add-on Certification Field Experience Journal Template Name: Date Hours Activity Reflections (May include key learning, challenges, highlights, opportunities, etc.) Reading Specialist Post Baccalaureate Add-on Certification Field Experience Journal Example Name: Date Hours Activity Reflections 6/26/13 6 Work with District kindergarten teachers to modify/improve grade level assessment guides and rubrics It is so important to take multiple perspectives in play when creating universal documents for an entire district. Especially the teachers using them. A literacy coach working together with a classroom teacher provides so much learning for both. 7/2/13 4 Creating Universal Coaching Lesson Plans It is always difficult to create something for the first time and trying to predict how it will work. I am excited about the universal coaching model our district is putting in place this year; however, I know the following year it will only get better. After doing something once and revising makes it so much better. 7/9/13 4 Work with District fourth grade teachers to modify/improve grade level assessment guides and rubrics Being able to work with different grade level teachers separately on their documents and curriculum gives me such a better understanding of each grade level’s expectations rather than just having the documents given to me to look at. I have enjoyed getting to know each of the grade levels in more depth. 7/10/13 4 Work with District first grade teachers to modify/improve grade level assessment guides and rubrics After having worked on the kindergarten documents a few weeks ago, it was great to work on first grade and see the vertical alignment of standards. I was able to talk with the first grade teachers about the differences and their expectations for their students and how they relate to what is expected of the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS). 7/23/13 2 First Grade PALS and I worked today with the district Assessment Coordinator and the Director of prek-12 Assessment Frameworks Curriculum regarding the implementation of PALS assessments in First Grade this fall in WI. We discussed timelines and training and then I was in charge of updating the district Assessment Frameworks to reflect the changes. 7/25/13 4 Work with District fifth grade teachers to modify/improve grade level assessment guides and rubrics It was very interesting working with the fifth grade teachers today compared to the other grade levels that I have worked with on similar documents. The fifth grade teachers wanted to be much more detailed and I had to really keep them focused on our specific goal for the day before we started “biting of more than we could chew.” It was a challenge, but a great experience to realize the differences in grade levels, teachers, etc. and how I need to make sure I keep our goal at the forefront of our work. 8/1/13 4 Work on Daily 5 Professional Development Two other district literacy coaches and myself got together to plan professional development for new teachers coming to our district regarding Daily 5. 8/8/13 7 WI Literacy Cadre with DPI in Madison, WI 8/9/13 7 WI Literacy Cadre with DPI in Madison, WI I was asked by our district Director of Curriculum to represent our district on this WI DPI project. I spent two days in Madison with a group of nine literacy coaches, coordinators, and DPI literacy consultants from across the state. We spent Thursday reflecting on our roles as literacy leaders and dove hard into recognizing our strengths and weaknesses. We spent Friday planning and preparing for a statewide blog that will be created by DPI and updated by the nine of us. It is meant to be a resource for WI literacy leaders to share and collaborate about what we are doing in our districts in regards to coaching. 8/12/13 2.5 Help Create Problem Solving Model Diagram I helped the district SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) team re-work their diagram that illustrates our district framework/process of how we will follow and comply with this new SLD law. 8/13/13 7 Planning for New Teacher Training/Orientation Four other district literacy coaches and myself got together to plan professional development for new teachers coming to our district regarding English Language Arts Curriculum. We had several areas to cover: shared reading, assessment, DRA2, Words Their Way, Writing, Guided Reading, and resources. It was another great experience for me. I learned a lot about pin-pointing pertinent details so that I could stick with our tight times constraints. 8/14/13 4 Planning for Literacy Coach Meeting One other district literacy coach and myself got together to plan for our beginning of the year District Literacy Coach collaboration meeting. We needed to include welcoming activities for new lit. coaches and several updates on new initiatives. 8/14/13 4 Building level planning – school goal, meeting/collaboration schedule, intervention schedule I met with my building principal to go over our School Improvement Plan (SIP) and discussed budgetary needs. I helped develop the school meeting/collaboration and intervention schedules. 8/19/13 2 Universal Coaching Documents and Shared Reading Curriculum Maps I worked with one other district literacy coach to update the Universal Coaching Lesson Plans that I had started earlier in the summer. There were some missing pieces that we wanted to make sure were included. I also updated the district shared reading curriculum documents based on some errors that had been found. 8/19/13 4 Created Introduction/Reflection for first Blog post for the WI Literacy Cadre I spent hours coming up with my first blog post for this cadre. I am very nervous about being a part of this group. I am afraid my posts won’t be “good enough,” however; I have come to the realization that this constant reflecting is only going to help me become better at my profession and if I can help others along the way, great! 8/20/13 3 Work with District fifth grade teachers to modify/improve grade level assessment guides and rubrics (con.) I worked with the district fifth grade teachers that I had worked with earlier this summer to complete work on their grade level’s assessment map and rubric. 8/20/13 1.5 New Teacher Orientation SetUp This was definitely new for me. I had to make sure that a room was reserved for the New Teacher Training, set it up to fit the needs of the group and make sure all materials for the presentation were ready to go. 8/21/13 7 New Teacher Orientation Presentation Three other district literacy coaches and I presented professional development, in regards to English Language Arts, to the new teachers coming to our district this fall. 8/26/13 7 Daily 5 Presentations One other district literacy coaches and I presented professional development, in regards to Daily 5, to the new teachers coming to our district this fall. 8/27/13 7 Facilitate Literacy Coach Meeting One other district literacy coach and I facilitated the beginning of the year Literacy Coach collaboration meeting. 8/28/13 2.5 Beginning of Year Grade Level Meetings I facilitated three grade level collaboration meetings today (3-5). We discussed new district documents, i-pad implementation, and new initiatives. 8/29/13 2.5 Beginning of Year Grade Level Meetings I facilitated three grade level collaboration meetings today (K-2). We discussed new district documents, universal coaching that will begin in October, and new initiatives. Total Hours = 98